
* ienorand : "Go craazy!" *starts knocking peoples hats off.00:00
BUGabundoienorand: calm down!00:01
crdlbthe bot probably got disconnected while the channel was +i00:01
BUGabundocan some OP bring it back?00:01
BUGabundoikonia: ??00:01
crdlbit'll disconnect again eventually :)00:02
=== Froad|Away is now known as Froad
LordKowkarmic repos up?00:27
kklimonda"every time you ask about karmic repos God kills a kitten" ;)00:27
LordKowkklimonda: maybe that was my intention ;)00:28
* BUGabundo laughts hard at #releaseparty #joke00:28
LordKowwell time to update my ubuntu vbox devel image00:28
LordKowlittle sed magic and booya00:29
BUGabundoLordKow: yeah me too00:31
* BUGabundo should stop refreshing bugmail folder: new count: 8100:33
kklimondaBUGabundo: you should just unsubscribe yourself from few bugs ;)00:34
BUGabundolike NM* bugmail? 2299 unread email woot00:35
BUGabundogwibber bugmail? lol00:35
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dustchecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2 and < 4.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!03:48
dustwhat is his03:48
melikso guys anyone know anything about the new color schemes for the karmic themes?03:48
melikim pretty glad we03:49
melikare leaving orange/brown03:49
crdlbdust: unless you're using karmic, you want #ubuntu :)03:50
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=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu
XcellI know this is off topic...but maybe someone here knows:  Is it possible to get all of 7.10 repros on disc sent to me?..if so how and who do i contact...thanks.06:34
melikdidnt 7.10 lose support06:36
XcellYes.. thats why i would like the whole thing on disc06:36
XcellIll do some checking around...thanks.06:39
=== MaWaLe1 is now known as MaWaLe
BUGabundoguud morning09:00
TeiseiGuud mawrning09:05
* Hew is ready for Karmic09:29
BUGabundoHew: eheh09:29
hifigot ready for karmic just a few hours ago :)09:30
Hewgood to be back! :-)09:30
BUGabundoHew: running a VM already?09:30
BUGabundoyeah tell me about it09:30
BUGabundothose were a few crazy days09:30
HewBUGabundo: nah not yet, first step is joining this channel!09:30
Hewalthough I guess I've been ready for Karmic since the announcement in Jaunty cycle09:30
HewI started with alpha 1 for Jaunty, but perhaps I should grab a daily for Karmic.09:33
HewAlthough with the bandwidth limits in Australia, I'll have to wait at least until 1 May.09:33
BUGabundoHew: i started jaunty 2 weeks after ibex09:34
Hewnice BUGabundo09:34
BUGabundoi was planing to start with KK this week09:35
Hewsounds good09:35
BUGabundomy only prob is that until we have all packages for KK, i'll have to run with both archives09:35
TeiseiYeah BUGabundo, nice job09:35
BUGabundoand thats a mess and source of probs09:35
BUGabundomaybe ill just use portableubntu to test it for now09:36
BUGabundothose guys did a great job with it09:36
BUGabundoit will allow so many wind users to use Linux09:36
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DanaGI think I'll switch to Karmic once I find tangible benefits in the repos.09:42
BUGabundoDanaG: thats going to take long09:43
HewI'll switch by at least alpha 109:45
Hewwell, as long as it doesn't break my system, which I think Intrepid A1 did.09:46
HewWhen do new Debian packages get synced?09:46
BUGabundonot sure09:50
BUGabundoafair they run it two or 3 times09:50
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
BUGabundoHew: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-April/000564.html10:24
BUGabundotheres your anwser10:24
joaopintogood morning10:25
joaopintoBUGabundo, :P10:25
BUGabundoohh another end of the month release. KK should come out at 2910:26
BUGabundoohh jj was so nice to be close to mid month10:26
BUGabundojoaopinto: bom dia10:27
joaopintohum, is just me or apt-listchanges is broken on jaunty ?10:28
BUGabundoworked for me all the time during devel10:29
joaopintooh wait, user error10:29
joaopintoIt requires a local package :\10:29
joaopintoI wanted to see the changelog from a installed package10:29
BUGabundohumm joaopinto are u trying to see the changelog of a certain package?10:29
BUGabundothat doesnt work10:30
joaopintoyes, but an installed package, not a .deb one10:30
BUGabundoat least acording to maco10:30
joaopintobah :\10:30
BUGabundoi can only make it work for downloading updates10:30
joaopintote changelog should be kept somewhere10:30
BUGabundoit is10:30
BUGabundoor something around that10:30
BUGabundojust no easy way to see then, other to navigate tehre, untar, read10:31
joaopintoactually I wanted to see before installing10:31
BUGabundomaybe someone should write an app to do that or patch listchanges to accept a package parameter10:31
joaopintoso I could decide wether I want to install it or not10:31
BUGabundolist changes does that10:32
BUGabundojust reconfigure it, and enable the Question choice10:32
BUGabundo_unknown: hi10:32
BUGabundojoaopinto: then u can abort, before installing10:32
joaopintowell, i'll just install it and check the changes file10:32
BUGabundoor u can use synaptic to see what changd10:32
joaopintoBUGabundo, synaptic only works for official repository packages :P10:33
BUGabundojoaopinto: i just get them sent to me by pager and local mail, so i read then at the end of the day, with mutt10:33
BUGabundojoaopinto: no. i can read changes from other repos10:33
_unknownguys, after I made yesterday updates, I can't run my ubuntu. I'm getting an error imediatelly after grub starts. error is something like unable to mount VFS (don't remember exactly) is it possible to fix it somehow without reinstall ?10:33
joaopintoyou have too much free time :P10:33
BUGabundolike dropbox, medibutnu, google10:33
joaopinto_unknown, you upgraded to karmic already ?10:34
BUGabundo_unknown: ubuntu support is on #ubuntu channel, not here10:34
BUGabundo_unknown: this channel is for Karmic Koala 9.10 developement10:34
_unknownBUGabundo: I had all the time 9.04, I ment i made sudo apt-get upgrade :)10:35
_unknowni've tried also to run ubuntu in "safe mode", but also experiencing the same error at the beginning with kernel panic10:37
BUGabundo_unknown: are you running jaunty or koala?10:38
_unknownBUGabundo: ups, sorry mate, its jaunty.. thanks10:46
BUGabundo_unknown: np!10:46
BUGabundohey silner10:53
BUGabundowhat brings you up here ?10:53
silnerI saw your post and to be honest I never new there was such a channel here so I was curious.10:54
silnerWhat is the significance of the +1?10:54
silnerOh I see10:54
BUGabundoits the devolopemnte channel10:55
silnerShould have read first :)10:55
BUGabundoso now its for karmic koala10:55
joaopintoBUGabundo, are you goind to UDS ?10:55
silnerThat's a good idea. I may try Karmic in a VM later10:55
BUGabundojoaopinto: no. no ¤¤10:55
joaopintocan't you apply for Canonical's sponsorship ?10:56
BUGabundojoaopinto: to expensive to stay in Barc for 5 days10:56
BUGabundotoo late now10:56
joaopintoah :\10:56
BUGabundoand even if i would, who would vouch for me? what have i done to deserve that?10:57
BUGabundoUDS is mostly meant for Devs, and i usually dont do code10:57
BUGabundo!info skype10:58
joaopintoBUGabundo, you have a misconception thar contributing is about code, you are a massive contributor in several areas, spcieally with bugs triaging10:58
BUGabundoduh the bot is not here10:58
silnerI really think Handbrake should be in Karmic.11:01
joaopintoI believe there is someone going to work on it11:05
BUGabundojoaopinto: sorry about that... keyb stop working! mal connected, had to reboot11:10
BUGabundoDanilo1: hi11:10
BUGabundojoaopinto: as i was trying to say, UDS is meant for ideas and code review..11:11
Danilo1hello BUGabundo!11:11
BUGabundosure i could help and discuss ideas, but that would go far, as in getting me a sponsership!11:11
BUGabundoi'm sure many other new devs deserve to be there much more then i do.11:11
BUGabundomaybe next time i'll apply and see11:12
BUGabundoola m_tadeu11:14
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mib_e6w271is karmic gonna have the new gdm?13:16
mib_e6w271the face browser?13:16
mib_e6w271which kernel karmic is using currently?13:30
kklimondathe same jaunty is13:33
mib_e6w271oh i am guessing it will change soon to the 2.6.30 version right after that debian sync?13:35
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mariuzwell i use rc3 and seems to be fine15:52
BUGabundomariuz: rc3 ?15:52
mariuz2.6.30 rc315:52
BUGabundoah kernel15:52
BUGabundoafflux: hey15:52
kklimondaBUGabundo: root@lilith:/# lsb_release -d15:52
kklimondaDescription:Ubuntu karmic (development branch)15:52
kklimonda ;)15:52
kklimondait looks soooo nice ;}15:53
* BUGabundo uname -a : wind XP.... :(15:53
mariuzyou have to take care nvidia issues of http://mapopa.blogspot.com/2009/04/linux-2.html15:53
eagles0513875ot but i love the name of the next release15:53
BUGabundoeagles0513875: a friend of mine opened a vote for karmic +115:53
affluxhi BUGabundo15:53
eagles0513875hahaha add me to that vote15:53
kklimondamariuz: there is still enough time.15:53
eagles0513875BUGabundo: ot but i think the name of the channel should reflect the release like karmic+1 back in the day jaunty+115:54
BUGabundoeagles0513875: naaa15:55
BUGabundoto hard to find15:55
eagles0513875lol not really15:55
affluxeagles0513875: you mean the channelname? I'd have to modify my auto-join list every half a year!15:56
eagles0513875lol afflux15:56
eagles0513875ya channel name15:57
BUGabundoeagles0513875: cant find the vote, sorry15:57
eagles0513875BUGabundo: hows karmic looking granted it will break ones system15:57
BUGabundohey thekorn15:57
BUGabundoeagles0513875: still havent touched it15:57
BUGabundolack of time15:57
* BUGabundo wonders if there was a massive lost of connections to #ubuntu... so many users joining now15:58
eagles0513875i would be willing to try it on a vm15:58
eagles0513875BUGabundo: there was a  nasty net split bout 4 hrs or so ago15:58
BUGabundoeagles0513875: found it! "@afigueiras: Espero que a próxima versão do Ubuntu, depois do "Karmic Koala", tenha o nome de código "Leaping Lemur"."16:00
kklimonda /join #ubuntu-devel16:01
eagles0513875lwho me16:01
eagles0513875BUGabundo: yo hablo poquito espanol16:01
* BUGabundo hands an eraser to kklimonda 16:02
* kklimonda erases a big smile from BUGabundo's face..16:02
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
BUGabundohey calc_16:19
BUGabundo170 users? we are rolling ht baby16:19
Trewasit helps that this time they did not kick everyone out from the channel :)16:22
BUGabundomaco: welcome16:23
BUGabundoTrewas: what channel?16:23
TrewasBUGabundo: from this one16:23
Trewasusually they have emptied #ubuntu+1 when the new version is released16:24
charlie-tcaTrewas: they did, for a couple of days16:24
charlie-tcaIt just opened up again today16:25
Trewaswell, it was invite-only for a while, but I have not rejoined here because I never went away16:26
BUGabundoTrewas: they did! it opened again yesterday16:27
Trewashrm, maybe irssi did some automagic stuff then because I did nothing manually and I think this channel's window was alive (if not very active) all the time :)16:30
BUGabundoTrewas: does that did not reconected stayed in here16:35
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: I can't believe you aren't in #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat to ask Mark questions?16:51
BUGabundocharlie-tca: i wish i could16:51
BUGabundobut theres work to be done16:51
BUGabundocant follow yet another HUGE traffic stream16:51
charlie-tcaSorry :(16:51
BUGabundolet me just check it16:51
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=== Froda is now known as Froad
charlie-tcaI have to kind of ignore most of the -chat stuff, myself16:55
BUGabundoand now we partieeeeeeeeeee16:58
* BUGabundo and now we are back to classroom17:04
BUGabundocharlie-tca: now i'm hooked! its all your fault!17:10
charlie-tcasorry, I meant to do that17:11
BUGabundoi know! thats what makes it wors ;917:12
=== calc_ is now known as calc
MaWaLeà une console au moins?17:40
BUGabundo!FR | MaWaLe17:40
BUGabundo!fr | MaWaLe17:40
* BUGabundo kicks himself for the lack of bot17:41
MaWaLehi BUGabundo17:41
MaWaLeBUGabundo: you want to know if i speak french :)17:41
MaWaLeso ...17:42
BUGabundoi was just trying to redirect you to ubuntu-fr for local support17:42
BUGabundoyay ubottu is back17:42
MaWaLeand who's asking for support in fr17:43
DanaGnice: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24293429/Brasero-5.png17:43
MaWaLeBUGabundo: who's asking for support in fr?17:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 347637 in brasero "multiple "Create Cover" buttons" [Low,Fix committed]17:44
charlie-tcaMaWaLe: what language was that?17:51
MaWaLecharlie-tca: which language? fr? it's Fench17:52
charlie-tca<MaWaLe> à une console au moins?17:52
charlie-tcaThat ^ ^17:52
MaWaLeah sorry : it's french : a mistake17:53
MaWaLecharlie-tca: a windows mistake17:53
MaWaLecharlie-tca: sorry :(17:54
charlie-tcano problem17:54
charlie-tcaWe just try to find support in the language used17:54
=== _Dulak is now known as Dulak
BUGabundoguud evening22:13
charlie-tcaAwful quiet in here. without parts/joins, there would be almost nothing.22:15
BUGabundoyeah noticed22:15
BUGabundoienorand: hi22:18
DanaGugh... snd-ice1724 makes pulseaudio 0.9.15 segfault.23:56
DanaGSpecific card is M-Audio Delta AP192.23:58
DanaGNot my system -- I'm eSATA booted on a different system.23:59
DanaGOh yeah, and pavucontrol offers digital surround for the onboard audio chip... which may actually imply dolby digital encoding?23:59

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