
nikoubot4: thanks00:02
ubot4You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:02
ecelishello, how can I report someone trolling on #ubuntu-es00:03
LjLyou just have00:04
ecelis:) I just wish to be sure it was the right place00:04
nikoLjL: hi, you look at it ? :)00:05
LjLniko: yea, he's banned00:07
=== {} is now known as Cream
andresmujicahi operators00:11
andresmujicai wonder how can i get the code for the bug reporting bot?00:11
andresmujicathe one at #ubuntu-bugs00:11
andresmujicathat shows the bug title and link for bug ###00:11
LjLandresmujica: is that ubot4?00:14
nikoandresmujica: take a look at ubuntu-bots on launchpad00:15
andresmujicaok. that's the one ubot4.. gonna check00:15
LjLandresmujica: https://code.launchpad.net/~tsimpson/ubuntu-bots/tweak00:17
LjLandresmujica: #ubuntu-bots may also be a useful place to be in00:18
andresmujicaabout to ask that link exactly...00:20
andresmujicaanyone knows if this irc stats gathering sw is enabled at any of those bots¿?00:21
LjLnot really00:21
LjLi mean - it's not00:21
* LjL shakes head at #ubuntu-es as usual00:36
nikoLjL: that is kind of things i can't detect, cause i don't know espagnol00:42
LjLniko: and i don't really know enough spanish, either, to detect them easily00:43
LjLniko: i can hold a conversation in spanish, but i cannot really "get" a channel at a glance.00:43
LjLall i can "get" is... that it's bad :|00:43
nikoi understand00:44
andresmujicayo hablo español :)00:46
andresmujicawhatever you need :)00:46
LjLandresmujica: they'd need operators :) but i'm not one who can appoint them...00:47
LjLandresmujica: but feel free to nudge me if you see someone is behaving quite badly in #ubuntu-es00:47
ubot4Factoid '1' not found00:48
ubot2Factoid '1' not found00:48
nikoubot* quiet please00:48
=== Cream is now known as Cream|MARIOKART
andresmujicaohh.. known problem... if you check #ubuntu-co you'll go in dismay...00:52
LjLandresmujica: but #ubuntu-es is big, and it could have the potential of being much bigger.01:06
LjLinstead, it's little more than a troll pit01:06
andresmujicayeap. that's true...01:07
e13uth3r105hi everyone05:15
e13uth3r105i'm wondering how I can get a cloak for my ip address?05:16
m4ve13uth3r105: you can ask in #freenode05:16
e13uth3r105have a great night05:17
m4vLjL: ubuntu-es needs new active ops and some should be demoted, just a while ago I was insulted by one of them because I told him to use +d with a mibbit spammer :/05:54
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=== k4v is now known as m4v
ienorandIt seems the invitation from floodbot1 #ubuntu-proxy-users --> #ubuntu dosn't work atm, I get invite but is still directed back when trying to join main chan (I'm on mibbit)14:07
jpdsienorand: Did you leave the proxy-users channel?14:09
Myrttiyou're supposed to stay on the channel as long as you wish to be on #ubuntu14:09
ienorandI think I stayed, also, I've always closed it as soon as I got into #ubuntu before and it's worked... I'll relogin and check.14:11
ienorandNope, doesn't work, I get into #pxoxy, try to join #ubu, gets redirected back, I've not closed #proxy in between.14:13
jpdsienorand: FloodBots are on strike right now.14:14
tsimpsonwe had a problem with the bots, should be ok now14:15
jpdsAnd they're OK again.14:15
ienorandjpds: Yea, works now.... Saw the rejoin and unmuting.14:15
ienorandjpds: Thankyou14:15
JohnPhoenixHey, whats a good IRC help channel on Freenode?16:59
JohnPhoenixcool.. i'll check it out.. i tried searching for help or irc and came up with zip17:00
blizzkidlo all. Has anything been decided yet on #ubuntu-cafe?18:00
ienorandFloodbot1 in #-proxy is on strike again.19:22
tsimpsonienorand: could you part and rejoin #ubuntu-proxy-users please19:25
MagicFabHi all, we need assistance for #ubuntu-hn. It's creator hasn't been around for some time now and we need to add a new admin to the access list.19:29
blizzkidMagicFab: good luck... I've been waiting for an answer for more than an hour now :(19:30
MagicFabnalioth, any suggestions ? ^19:31
naliothblizzkid: luck?  no, you just need the person who knows what you're talking about19:32
MagicFabprecisely my question :)19:33
blizzkidnalioth: I know... was just kidding ;)19:33
tsimpsonI forgot about #ubuntu-cafe apparently I'm on the access list19:33
blizzkidtsimpson: if you want I can take it over from you19:33
MagicFabmore importantly - would anyone know of good documentation on how to moderate a meeting (with voice etc.)19:33
naliothMagicFab: have you tried contacting them?19:33
tsimpsonblizzkid: it should be dropped, and ##ubuntu-cafe used if you want it19:34
blizzkidtsimpson: ##ubuntu-cafe would suit me fine19:34
tsimpson#ubuntu-cafe shouldn't have been created in the first place, amazing what you learn in a year ;)19:34
blizzkidtsimpson: maybe you (or anyone) could forward #ubuntu-cafe to #ubuntu-offtopic19:35
MagicFabnalioth, we never overlap presence time and I can't find contact information19:36
naliothMagicFab: then something seems wrong, don't you think19:36
MagicFab /whois leogg returns nothing19:37
tsimpsonblizzkid: looks like /mode changes don't survive when the channel is empty19:38
MagicFabActually - err.. It seems Launchpad has it. Will try that - tx.19:38
naliothMagicFab: /whois won't tell you anything.  try nickserv19:38
blizzkidtsimpson: channel is not empty right now?19:38
tsimpsonblizzkid: but it may be sometime, then the mode will be reset19:39
blizzkidi c19:39
tsimpsonnalioth: could #ubuntu-cafe be dropped or transfered to me so I can mlock +if #ubuntu-offtopic ?19:40
naliothtsimpson: i'll fix it19:40
tsimpsonok :)19:40
MagicFabFlasg: HideMail wasn't helping19:41
blizzkidhmmz... how can you ask for op's if you created and registered a channel again?19:41
naliothblizzkid: /msg chanserv help19:44
naliothblizzkid: /msg chanserv help op19:44
blizzkidright :)19:44
ienorandtsimpson: rejoining #proxy does not work atm.19:53
tsimpsonienorand: yeah, they seem to be playing up today19:55
ienorandWhat worked before was rejoining floodbot1 and add voice to it, but that was just what I saw was done.19:57
tsimpsonienorand: can you join #ubuntu-ops as that's the proper place for issues with #ubuntu19:58
ienorandtsimpson: should I repeat issue as well?19:59
m4vare operators of the ubuntu channels required to sign for ubuntero in launchpad?19:59
tsimpsonienorand: just say you can't access #ubuntu because the bot isn't setting an exempt19:59
tsimpsonm4v: not really, but most have. and conforming the the CoC is required in all ubuntu channels anyway, for everyone20:01
m4vtsimpson: thank you, I was just wondering20:04
SnovaJust curious, why did it restart?23:11
tsimpsonyou mean ubottu?23:12
tsimpsonping timeout apparently23:12

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