
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu
osmosisis there still a xen kernel supported ?05:28
cooloneyosmosis, for official release, the answer is no05:29
cooloneyosmosis, no such xen flavor05:29
osmosiscooloney: then why does jaunty have a xen-hypervisor package ?05:30
cooloneyosmosis, sorry, no idea about that package05:32
cooloneyosmosis, but for Jaunty kernel, there is no such -xen kernel05:32
cooloneyosmosis, it looks like this package can only run on Hardy 2.6.24-xen kernel05:34
cooloneyosmosis, intrepid is 2.6.27 and Jaunty is 2.6.2805:34
osmosisstrange that is still in the jaunty repo05:38
smbAs far as I can see the patch for the image flipping would at least be limited to the quirked cams. So, the impact is rather small. On the other hand it is a deviation from upstream. Debatable it is some sort of hardware issue... Not really convinced nor opposed on that. Which series is that asked for?08:58
smbbug 224559 for reference08:59
ubot3Malone bug 224559 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "Image on webcam is upside-down" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22455908:59
amitksmb: for Hardy and perhaps Intrepid/Jaunty09:00
smbLikely if given in for Hardy, it is expected for all of them...09:04
cooloneyapw, one question about bug 30250910:26
ubot3Malone bug 302509 in linux "Dell Digital TV Receiver DVB-T devices based on sms1xxx are not correctly identified" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30250910:26
apwcooloney, hi10:27
cooloneyit was set to fixed release10:27
cooloneywhy change it back to triage?10:27
cooloneyand you set it's importance to medium10:27
apwcooloney, it was set to fix-released by the janitor, and it still is, in Intrepid10:28
apwthe Triaged task is the development task, the what was Jaunty and now is Karmic task10:28
cooloneyso that means for jaunty is triage?10:28
apwyep.  implies it may or may not be fixed in jaunty and later, noone has checked10:28
cooloneythanks, i understand.10:29
apw  * sms1xxx: identify "Dell Digital TV Receiver" devices correctly10:29
apw    - LP: #30250910:29
apwthat was the fix which triggered it to move in the Intrepid upload.  so you could check if that is in Jaunty and Karmic10:29
apwif it is then we can just move that fix-released too10:29
apwcooloney, i can't see that in the jaunty tree so its likely not there.  have fun :)10:30
cooloneyapw, right,10:31
cooloneyno problem -:))10:31
apwi would look at that change in intrepid and see which id's it adds, and then see if they are in jaunty etc10:31
cooloneyi assure the right process is to close the intrepid bug as fixed-release, then when they find the bug on Jaunty, open a new for jaunty10:34
apwwell that one is open against development currently, and that tells us its not known if its in devel at the moment10:35
apwcooloney, we really want one bug for a problem.  and a task for each release we are fixing it in, as the problem and fix and analysis is the same so you want it all togeher10:36
cooloneybut since the fixing is in intrepid kernel, it should be in Jaunty and karmic. otherwise it is a regression10:36
apwright, but the fix is in intrepid, and somehow not in jaunty or later ...10:37
cooloneyapw, OK, i understand10:37
cooloneyi will take a look10:37
apwlooking at it i would say you need to talk to the upstream contributer and ask why its not gone upstream (which it does not appear to have done)10:38
cooloneyyes, i will. it seems the reporter is the upstream contributer10:41
cooloneyit is much easier to communicate10:41
cooloneyapw, for jaunty, it is in SRU, need I port this patch to Jaunty release?10:47
* apw looks at his bug-day list ...11:29
=== apw changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: KERNEL BUG DAY 28-apr-2009 | Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | Latest news: Released 2.6.28 kernel for Jaunty/9.04. | Kernel git trees: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git | Latest kernel upload: 2.6.28-11.38 based on final
apwif people are helping out with the kernel bug day we are hanging out here (as always) if you want any advice as to how one might respond to those bugs on the community list11:31
cooloneyapw, yes, back to the party11:51
cooloneyapw, a question for you was missed because you dropped11:51
* apw gets the streamers out11:52
cooloneyapw for jaunty, it is in SRU, need I port that Dell patch to Jaunty release?11:52
apwgenerally we don't sru things without a user to test them.  so its probabally not worth it unless someone is activly noticing this problem11:54
apwthough with jaunty being new, they are likely to be asking soo11:54
apwsoon i would think11:54
cooloneyapw, right, this patch is for some hardware which are pretty new12:03
cooloneyok, i will keep eyes on the feedback from Michael12:04
apwas he is the upstream contributer, he is likely to ahve the thing and will be able to help decide if its worth doing or not12:18
* apw pokes cking ... hows your list going ... we need some competition in here!12:19
* apw is nearing the hump in his list12:20
apwikepanhc, hows your list going?12:20
* apw feels lonely12:22
* laga hugs asac 12:22
lagaerr, apw 12:22
ikepanhcapw: ah? I still look at the list and feel its getting longer and longer12:23
apwlaga, thanks thats better12:23
apwikepanhc, know the feeling12:23
ikepanhcThis afternoon I work with DRI patch for G41 chips12:24
ikepanhcI insist to add "Test-by: David Chen", and david insist to test again :P12:25
infinitylaga: Man, that's a pretty harsh way to add insult to injury.12:25
infinitylaga: If I ever say I'm lonely, I hope you're not around to hug random people who aren't me. :P12:26
lagainfinity: you're welcome12:28
ckingapw: my list is chuggling along slowly but surely.12:38
apwcking, does the list appear to be a live list in some sense to you.  i am sure fewer of my bugs were assigned to me before i started this12:40
* cking takes a peek12:48
smbSeems to me as long as before...12:49
apwsmb, still as long, but the status updated to fixed or whatever12:51
apwi had about 5 assigned to me on my list at the start.  now most are12:51
apwand like cking's list the last three are Won't Fix you must have changed those, i assume12:53
apwelse i need to assign you some new one :)12:53
smbThat has not changed, but mostly this couls be because I have not changed much yet. But I would believe it is generated12:53
ckingit appears the status changes in real-ish time12:53
tjaaltonhrm, lspci doesn't find my new dvb-t card (nova-t 500), should I be worried? it should be supported since ages ago13:10
tjaaltonuh, so the tuners are actually usb versions, and the card registers as a usb hub13:15
tjaaltonno wonder lspci didn't show them13:15
amitktjaalton: if only computers could do what we mean, not what we do ;)13:19
tjaaltonamitk: right!13:20
tjaaltonand if only the box had a newer kernel than 2.6.27-2 (old intrepid) I wouldn't have noticed a thing ;)13:21
tjaalton(since support for this card appeared in -3.4)13:21
tjaaltonmoving is pain13:21
* amitk nods13:25
amitktjaalton: as long as it isn't premature Vappu celebrations :-p13:25
cooloneymorning, rtg 13:33
rtgcooloney: mornig13:34
cooloneyi have one question about the rtl8187se driver.13:35
cooloneyyou might have some better idea about that wireless things13:35
tjaaltonamitk: hehe, I've been too busy to actually think about it yet :)13:35
cooloneythat is bug 24614113:35
rtgI know little about that particular driver13:35
ubot3Malone bug 246141 in linux "no support for realtek rtl8187se" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24614113:35
cooloneythe story is rtl8187se driver is in Jaunty stage tree13:36
cooloneyand it works fine13:36
cooloneybut users are asking for hardy or intrepid supporting13:36
rtgcooloney: ain't gonna happen13:37
cooloneyi found that driver is big and need lots of modification of ieee80211 stack13:37
rtgcooloney: just say no13:37
cooloneyrtg, so i think we have to nak their request13:37
cooloneyrtg, ok understand13:37
cooloneyrtg, OK, i will try to close that bug and ask them to fire new bug if they find in Jaunty13:38
cooloneyrtg, thx13:38
tcpsynHello. I'm looking for a guide to package a new kernel.13:57
tcpsynFor ubuntu studio. I read the ubuntu packaging guide, but it's confusing the hell out of me.13:57
tcpsyncan someone help me out? I want to package from the latest source on kernel.org13:57
tcpsynwith ingo's realtime patch.13:58
tcpsynI have the .debs, but I want to upload this to a PPA13:58
tcpsynand I need some help13:58
apwtcpsyn, what up14:00
tcpsynI have my source all ready to go.. I just don't know how to build the .dsc and such14:01
tcpsynto upload it to a ppa14:01
tcpsynI just ran dh_make, and I need to know if its a single or a multi binary14:01
tcpsynand if thats even what I'm supposed to do14:02
apwdebuild -S makes everything:  dpkg-buildpackage -S -rfakeroot -I.git -I.gitignore -i'\.git.*'14:02
=== JayFo is now known as JFo
tcpsynthat's all? just go into the sourcedir and run debuild?14:03
apwwell that makes the source .deb and the changes and dsc files14:03
apwyou then use the changes file for the upload14:03
tcpsynbut I started from scratch14:03
tcpsynI didn't use the source from the repos14:04
apwtcpsyn, started from scratch in what sense.  you have no debian directory you mean?14:06
tcpsynI mean I started from scratch by grabbing the source from kernel.org, not the source tarball14:06
tcpsynthere is a debian directory though14:06
apwthen its not from kernel.org14:06
amitkbug 190281 is assigned to you14:07
ubot3Malone bug 190281 in linux "Segfault in initrd with 2.6.24-7 on intel x86_64" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19028114:07
amitkcking: ^14:07
tcpsynit is from kernel.org14:07
tcpsynbut I built 14:07
tcpsynwith make-kpgs14:07
tcpsynkpkg even14:07
amitkI am not sure why it is on my list14:07
apwcking, swap one with him :)14:07
amitkapw: evil man!14:07
apwtcpsyn, that is presumably the debian kernel packager14:07
ckingamitk: I'll attend to that. I'd pretty well dead14:08
tcpsynIt made .debs14:08
tcpsynAnd I installed them, and it's all good.14:08
tcpsynBut I cant upload a .deb to a ppa14:08
amitkcking:  no worries, no response for over a year. I'll mark it Won't Fix14:08
apwtcpsyn, well you should be able to make a source deb from it with debuild -S14:08
amitkcking: I didn't read all the way to the end14:08
ckingamitk: yep - I was waiting for a response and then it fell off the radar14:09
tcpsynThis package has a Debian revision number but there does not seem to be14:10
tcpsynan appropriate original tar file or .orig directory in the parent directory;14:10
tcpsynI gotta tar up the directory first?14:10
apwyou need the option to say i haven't got a .orig14:10
apwas you don't have one14:10
apwcheck the man for debuild14:11
apw-sn or something i think14:11
tcpsynit asked if I wanted to continue anyway. looks like its working14:11
amitkapw: could you send me your mutt scripts that automagically add SoB lines to a patch14:15
apwthe sob stuff was all .exrc stuff14:15
tcpsynI ran debuild -S in the source tree. 14:19
tcpsynit deleted the debian directory14:19
tcpsynand failed14:19
apwno idea why it would delete the debian directory, thats a bit mad14:20
apwamitk, http://people.ubuntu.com/~apw/misc/patch-handling/14:20
apwamitk, in there is an exrc-sob which shows you how my sob handling is done14:21
apwthere is an =<digit> for each of you sort of thing14:21
apw=A<n> adds ack, =S<n> adds sob ... =<n> does the default for that person14:21
apwmostly that is sign for me and ack for the rest14:22
amitkapw: splendid14:24
apwamitk, there is now a second file there exrc-email-acks14:24
apwwhich shows you how i do the applied stuff14:24
apwi do a global reply (gy) then i hit '=y<letter>' to get an APPLIED to Karmic email message14:25
amitkapw: the exrc-email-acks has some strange chars in there...14:25
apwyep its not pastable14:25
apwthey are mostly raw newlines and raw escape characters14:25
* amitk nods14:25
amitkis ex the default editor in mutt?14:26
apwin essence it finds the Subject and mangles it, then zaps the body and replaces it with Applied ... and then signs (in my case '-apw')14:26
apwi think it uses the default editor14:26
apwwhich is vi, which that file applies to14:27
apwie .exrc == vi/vim config14:27
* amitk didn't know that14:27
amitkohh look, man ex == man vim14:27
apwamitk, oh hrm ... possibly it has a built in editor14:27
apwwhich i may have turned off14:28
apw# Set me up so the sender goes straight into the editor with the headers14:28
apw# at the top to edit too, use vi dammit.14:28
apwset editor=vi14:28
apwset edit_headers=yes14:28
apwset autoedit=yes14:28
apwset fast_reply=yes14:28
apwi apparently have that incantation in my .muttrc to say ... well ... Use VI dammit14:28
amitkand how do you toggle between the two exrc14:29
apwthose are two fragments from my .exrc.  they are benign as those bindings are not normally made14:30
apwso i have them always in every edit14:30
apwits all pretty primative14:30
amitkapw: ok, let me try it to use it14:34
* apw find an album on manatune called Jackalope14:34
apwit _is_ terrible14:36
amitksmb: Do you pull all ack'ed SRU patches?14:52
smbamitk, yes14:52
smbamitk, If you would just update the bug reports when you see the applied message, that would be helpful14:54
amitksmb: sure, I have all those bug pages open. Waiting for your pushed messages :)14:55
manjotoday is our kernel bug triage day right / 14:56
manjo? 14:56
amitkmanjo: get on it! 14:57
apwmanjo, our bug day yes, not just triage14:57
amitkrtg: bug 224559 has a patch that is rejected by upstream with comment that it should happen in userspace. Your view?14:58
ubot3Malone bug 224559 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "Image on webcam is upside-down" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22455914:58
amitkthis would likely become a SRU against H/I/J14:59
rtgamitk: I'm not in favor of fixing desktop issues for Hardy unless required for an OEM project. Tell 'em top upgrade to Jaunty.14:59
amitkrtg: even J would require it. It is a case of the camera being mounted upside down (physically)15:00
amitkupstream things this should be handled in userspace...15:01
rtgamitk: does upstream have a good reason for doing this in user space? It seems like the kernel is where device specific issues should be handled.15:03
rtgamitk: in any case, the patch looks fine. you'll be able to tell right away if it works.15:04
apwcking, you got any e-sata things?15:06
ckingapw: 'fraid not15:06
apwhrm.  wondering how e-sata hotplug is handled15:06
amitkrtg: the patch seems good. I don't have an actual link on upstream discussion yet except for the reporter's comment that it was rejected by Linus saying that it should be handled in userspace15:06
rtgamitk: but that means propagating a bunch of device into user space. I wonder if there is an existing API that would suffice? Anyways, I think its fine for an SRU 'cause we're unlikely to change user space.15:08
mjg59The patch puts image processing into the kernel, while there's a general agreement that that shouldn't be the case in v4l215:08
mjg59The right thing to do would be to add a hal quirk and let userspace consume that15:09
rtgmjg59: agreed, but its not gonna happen for older releases.15:09
amitkmjg59: in this case, shouldn't the kernel atleast guarantee that the image is made available the right side up?15:10
mjg59Right, but that would be why it's rejected upstream15:10
mjg59amitk: No15:10
mjg59amitk: The kernel doesn't make any guarantees about what format is provided by the camera15:10
amitkmjg59: is there a single library in userspace where all video goes through?15:12
mjg59Yes, libv4l215:12
apwinterestingly cheese has an option for verticle and horizontal flip15:16
mjg59I think those are just the normal gstreamer filters15:16
amitkapw: I guess kopete, pidgin and skype are the main complaints for these users15:19
apwdoes pidgin do video now?15:22
amitkapw: there is a branch with video support that they plan to integrate soon I think15:23
apwcool.  as my camera works i will be happy15:24
bukharinhello.  i had disabled ahci in intrepid as per this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/352197 but now this module is built-in. is there any way to disable it?15:58
ubot3Malone bug 352197 in linux "ata timeout exception with ahci libata driver (was with 2.6.28-11, but i confirmed it affewcts previous kernels too)" [High,Triaged] 15:58
hyperairhi. does anyone notice jaunty's kernel not releasing disk cache?16:00
hyperairMem:          1978       1898         79          0         35       105416:01
hyperairthat's the output of free -,16:01
hyperairand my swap's filling up, and from previous experiences, it begins to thrash once my swap's full16:01
hyperaireven when the actual RAM usage is somewhere around 50%16:01
scaporInstalling both debian or ubuntu on a usb flash drive, after some/one reboot(s) the filesystem gets corrupt, both with ext2/3/reiser ...leading to loss of system files.  Is this a known issue ? Is there some fix/workaround ?16:19
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amitkhyperair: what does /proc/sys/vm/swappiness say?16:41
apwhyperair, i would not expect any cache to get freed until the memory is completly full.  thats normal16:43
hyperairapw: cache isn't freed even when it begins thrashing16:45
hyperairamitk: i just set it to 0. it was at some other value earlier (jaunty's default?)16:45
apwcache is the first thing freed when something needs space and there is none16:45
amitkdefault is 60 IIRC16:45
hyperairapw: yeah, and there wasn't memory. it began thrashing16:45
apwdefine thrashing16:46
hyperair100% swap, 50% RAM, but cache included, there was only 5MB remaining16:46
hyperairhang, hard disk light on unblinking16:46
apwthere will always be 5m free thats how the world is16:46
apwthe system works to remain at that boundary.  keeping the max useful stuff in ram rather than it sit empty16:46
hyperairright, but i doubt it's supposed to begin thrashing at that level16:47
apwthrashing would be non-normal.  you would want to prove its swap using something like vmstat16:47
hyperairi use conky16:47
apwwhatever, did it say it was swapping16:47
hyperairswapping.. eh16:47
hyperairi don't know, everything hung16:47
apwswap being means nothing.  was it actually swapping16:47
hyperairi couldn't move a thing16:47
apwdid it ever recover16:48
hyperairno it didn't16:48
hyperairi left it for half an hour16:48
apwcould you tell if the disk was activly doing anything, other than the light being on16:48
amitklike updatedb16:48
apwthe disk light being on tells you a transaction to the disk is ongoing does not tell you that anything is happening16:48
hyperairmost certainly not16:49
apwit flickering sometimes or you hearing the rattle of the heads tells you its doing something in reality16:49
hyperairi didn't really listen16:49
apwsi t16:49
apwso the machine could just have been completly stopped rather than thrashing16:50
hyperairi doubt it16:50
apwbased on what information16:50
hyperairi recognize the symptoms on my notebook. i ran a fork bomb once to prove a point16:50
apwand did that ever recover16:51
hyperairalso, i tried opening a 1G svg file16:51
hyperairno it didn't16:51
hyperairi walked to the toilet, and when i came back, RAM 100%, swap 100%, hard disk light unblinking, on16:51
apwand how much ram do you have16:51
hyperairswap 2G16:51
apwso that SVG could easily have a memory footprint in the 2-4GB range when loaded into memory16:52
apwso it could well have turned your machine into a heap16:52
apwand it should be reprooducible16:52
hyperairi run with ~25-50% swap and ~50% RAM under normal circumstances16:52
hyperairin intrepid.16:53
hyperairin jaunty, swap steadily rises to 100%, while RAM stays at around 50%16:53
hyperairby ~24h uptime, it's thrashing.16:54
amitkhyperair: have you checked your CPU usage at this time?16:54
apwsounds like an application is leaking memory from that behaviour16:54
apwmemory that it is not using as it is getting swapped out16:54
hyperairapw: i don't think it is.16:54
apwonce your swap is full you will slowly run our of system ram and life becomes hard for the kernel16:55
hyperairapw: my conky config shows top 5 apps in terms of mem usage16:55
apwand it swaps like a madman16:55
hyperairapw: the top remains Xorg, 5%16:55
apwwell the kernel can't use swap for itself16:55
apwso if something is in swap its most likely app related16:55
apwnot sure i know of any way to find out what the swap belongs too ... hrm16:55
hyperairi think it's more of something like.. disk cache refuses to be released, and so everything gets shoved into swap16:56
apweveryone would be affected if the diskcache was never released16:56
apwmy jaunty boxes are all fine16:56
apwand according to your stats the machine thrashes with 50% ram free16:57
apwso i assume something is wrong with those numbers somehow16:57
hyperairor ~1G16:57
hyperairthings thathave changed in my config since intrepid...16:57
apwis this 32 or 64 bit16:57
hyperair3 partitions from ext3 to ext416:57
hyperairand intel16:57
hyperairalso from 32bit to 64bit16:58
apwyou are now 64 bit?16:58
hyperairi understnad that it will take more memory16:58
apwso you are in the same position as me16:58
hyperairthe last time i tried filling up my memory, it hit 100% RAM and 100% swap before thrashing16:58
hyperairnow it's at 50% RAM and 100% swap16:58
apwand that would be reasonable16:58
hyperairmy disk cache likes to stay around ~1G16:58
hyperairi suppose for experimental purposes i could try creating another 1G svg16:59
apwi have about 1gb of cache, but i do a lot of kernel work16:59
apwthough thats only 1/4 of my overall ram16:59
hyperairheh this is half of mine16:59
apwonce swap is full life gets hard for the kernel as it cannot follow the normal priority rules17:00
apwso an application can take over the machine much more easily once swap is exhausted17:00
apwi have about 200mb in my swap17:01
apwwhich would seem reasonable for a machine which has this much crud running on it17:01
hyperairwell if i doin't push it too much on intrepid, my swap stays at around 100-500MB17:02
hyperairit only hits 1G after a few hibernate/resumes17:02
hyperairor if i run a VM17:02
hyperairoh maybe i should also mention that my swap's on LVM, which is on dm-crypt17:03
apwso the key to solving this is to get a trace of the memory split at the failure point17:03
hyperairuh what?17:03
apwhyperair, ok i just fired up conky and its talking rubbish to me17:03
apwit says i have 1gb of ram free17:03
hyperairit doesn't count disk cache17:04
apw1.2 in fact.  when i actually have 200m17:04
apwwhat a stupid measure17:04
hyperairi prefer the measurement without disk cache. then i know if i have to free up stuff before attempting to hibernate17:05
hyperairotherwise resuming takes a damn long time17:05
apwyeah hibernate is just plain slow compared to just rebooting these days17:05
apwif you have more than a teacup of ram17:05
hyperairwell it depends on how much you have actually used17:05
hyperairi'm going to try swapoff -a and leave it be for 15 minutes17:06
hyperairif i disconnect, it means it failed.17:06
hyperaircurrent stats: 14MB free (with cache), 1331MB free (without cache)17:06
hyperairswap usage: 904MB17:06
apwyou are asking for trouble for sure turning off swap17:06
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* hyperair is back!17:31
hyperairokay.. the swapoff didn't work, but was ^C-able, but then iwlagn decided to go bonkers on me17:31
apwheh nice17:33
hyperairwell nothing a suspend-resume couldn't fix17:33
hyperairbut the kernel's oops'd before on me 17:34
hyperairor so dmesg sayss17:34
hyperairi don't remember having so much problem swapoff'ing though17:34
hyperairin intrepid, x86, it was fairly quick and never hung17:35
kirklandrtg: it seems that the -virtual kernel is missing a couple of important bits which are present in the server kernel17:35
kirklandrtg: hoping you can get those turned on for karmic17:35
kirklandrtg: <aliguori> <smoser> from what i can see, linux-image-virtual kernels contain a subset of what is packaged by linux-image-server kernels17:35
kirkland<aliguori> <smoser> and one of the things present in -server that is not present in -virtual is acpiphp.ko17:35
kirkland<aliguori> <smoser> the result is that you can't do hotplug of block devices17:35
kirkland<aliguori> <smoser> i went ahead and replaced the -virtual with -server to get it and then had some success... at very least to get block device hotplug, you need that and then "remove virtio" commit mentioned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=49047917:35
ubot3bugzilla.redhat.com bug 490479 in kernel "error when hot-unplugging a file-backed virtio disk" [Medium,New] 17:35
Seitohi! could anyone suggest me with installing fresh kernel from kernes.org? I'm truing to build it with default settings (from make menuconfig) but it exits with errors.17:35
rtgkirkland: email on k-t list so I don't forget17:36
kirklandrtg: okay17:36
smoserfor hotplug remove of virtio devices you will also need http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commitdiff;h=29f9f12ec717:36
kirklandrtg: is that prefered over a bug?17:36
kirklandsmoser: what upstream release is this in?17:36
smoserhttps://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=490479 is fedora 10 bug on that17:36
manjolieb, that does not make sense if ppl are still reporting that the mouse is inverted17:36
ubot3bugzilla.redhat.com bug 490479 in kernel "error when hot-unplugging a file-backed virtio disk" [Medium,New] 17:36
smoserkirkland, i have to look...17:37
rtgkirkland: either is fine. I just don't usually open bug reports on development kernel quite this early in the process.17:37
kirklandsmoser: ie, we might get that automatically when we rebase karmic17:37
smosercommit is from 12/10/200817:37
kirklandsmoser: so probably in 2.6.2917:37
smoseri dont have the git tree locally, so dont know for sure17:37
manjoogasawara, I have a bug on my list that is in the fixcommited state ... 17:39
smbmanjo, happy bugger17:40
smbogasawara, give manjo 10 more :)17:40
* manjo takes more asprin17:40
liebmanjo, true except at the time that seemed to be what made sense.  I cut a patch and it's probably still in my git repo branch.  it got no ack17:42
ogasawaramanjo: bug 78684?  seems I closed that one yesterday17:42
liebso I closed it17:42
ubot3Malone bug 78684 in linux "AGP not detected on Intel 8285P and E7205 chipsets using kernels higher than 2.6.17" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7868417:42
manjoogasawara, 283126 also17:42
ogasawaramanjo: I can give you 2 more bugs if you like :)17:44
manjoogasawara, ok np 17:45
manjoogasawara, just take that away from my list then and add 2 more 17:45
cooloneymanjo, bugger hero, i think apw should give you his playboy cup as an award.17:50
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cooloneyogasawara, for bug like this bug 2978917:52
ubot3Malone bug 29789 in linux "tv card audio not working" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2978917:52
cooloneyogasawara, it is too old and a long story, it is possible to just set it won't fix?17:52
ogasawaracooloney: sure17:53
tcpsynok, I started over with my kernel package. I patched the source, and made debs with make-kpkg17:53
tcpsynnow I'm afraid if I run debbuild -S, it'll delete my debian directory17:53
ogasawaracooloney: especially since it looks like there was never feedback for testing Intrepid17:53
cooloneyogasawara, exactly, 17:54
cooloneyor need i keep it open for karmic, just set won't fix for other release17:54
cooloneyi prefer to set won't fix to all17:55
ogasawaracooloney: I'd just mark the "linux (Ubuntu)" task as won't fix and tell them they can reopen the bug if they can confirm against the latest jaunty17:55
cooloneyogasawara, got it, agree with you17:55
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tcpsynI really need help packing this kernel20:46
tcpsynI'm not getting anywhere20:46
tcpsynI downloaded the source from kernel.org. patched it. and now I want to upload it to a ppa.20:46
tcpsyndebuild -S complains because theres no orig.tar.gz20:46
calctcpsyn: er does it have a debian dir at all?20:49
calcit doesn't magically create debian packages from nothing :)20:49
tcpsyncalc, I made the debian package with make-kpkg20:51
calcbut as far as the orig.tar.gz is concerned that is usually the original tarball from upstream20:51
tcpsynthat made a debian directory20:51
calceg foo.tar.gz -> foo.orig.tar.gz20:51
tcpsynI didn't get it from upstream though20:52
tcpsynI got it from kernel.org20:52
calckernel.org is upstream for kernels20:52
calcjust openoffice.org is upstream for OOo (well it is a bit of special case for it)20:52
tcpsynso. I ran make-kpkg .. which made the debian directory20:53
tcpsynand then I ran debuild -S20:53
tcpsynwhich deleted the debian directory20:53
tcpsynand then failed20:53
tcpsynwhat am I supposed to do20:53
tcpsynwhat's the way to do this20:53
calcnot sure i haven't worked with make-kpkg20:53
tcpsynBecause I'm out of ideas and confused as shit.20:53
calci guess wait for one of the kernel guys to respond if any are around20:54
tcpsynthanks anyway20:54
tcpsynkernel guys: Please help.20:55
WimVsomeone can give me some hints about howto build a kernel for the live-cd ? with unionfs, squashfs etc.. didn't really find anything about in on the kernelteam wiki21:46
Ngif someone with an Acer Aspire laptop (not the One netbook thingy) wanted to boot with wifi/bluetooth radios off, is there a way they could do that?22:44
dtchenNg: blacklisting is a rather crude hackaround. also, if the modules expose an option to enable/disable, you could pass modulename.enable=0 to grub/lilo22:48
dtchen(replacing "enable" with the appropriate module parameter(s))22:49
* Ng nods, I figured that was probably going to be the best option22:58
NgI'm used to thinkpad luxury where this stuff is all very easily controlled ;)22:58
LLStarksis kms disabled in the new karmic kernel?23:27

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