
=== {} is now known as Cream
FlannelHi Cream, how can we help you today?00:29
Creamsorry :)00:31
LjLwätch phix02:13
LjL[03:28:12] <LjL> phix: you said that several minutes ago... tell us when you're actually going to stop trolling, ok? [03:28:37] <phix> LjL: sure, as soon as Jaunty works I will :)     <-- i don't think he gets it02:29
PiciLjL: fyi, jaunty is now the default release, so there *should* be no need to specify it for !info02:41
LjLPici: i know that *should* be the case, but since the person was asking about that specific version (which i remember is in jaunty), and that happened to *not* be the case, i'd probably have DDoSed the bot. so, better safe than sorry.02:41
PiciLjL: Just trying to be helpful :)02:42
ubottuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok02:55
PiciNice to see we're keeping up to date on these factoids.02:55
LjLPici: well, have to say specifying what the latest version of a given package is in a factoid doesn't seem very much like a good idea to begin with02:56
Piciubottu: forget amarok02:57
ubottuI'll forget that, Pici02:57
PiciLjL: agreed02:57
LjLPici: but, it was there because back then amarok would often have newer releases packaged on kubuntu.org instead of backports02:57
PiciIt was the equivalent of !foo is <reply> foo is a package for Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://www.ubuntu.com/foo02:58
bazhangxrex for real? or just annoying06:51
bazhang<llop> NEWS - HOT GIRLS - http://www.moneyorbeauty.blogspot.com/  <--am guessing this is him06:55
jdongok that is sparking my curiousity06:58
* jdong activates a private browsing session06:59
jdongok they're PG to PG-13 rated pictures of prominent models.06:59
bazhang85.138.234.46 was llop's IP06:59
bazhang(n=jesper@ purple <--xrex spamming how do you change res!! after repeated answers07:00
bazhangikonia, removed the bans on ahmed as he seems to have behaved; think there was a language barrier so he did not know to return here. will keep in eye open just in case I am mistaken07:06
bazhanghe is still smarting from being booted on release day07:37
bazhangon the 'no links' /topic channel07:37
ubottuIn ubottu, Tosted said: !update is upgrade08:11
ikoniabazhang: no problem, thank you. I thought it had already been removed so can't see that as a problem08:33
ikoniaTosted: how can we help ?08:33
Tostedi didnt wait for an answer!! :]08:34
Tostedi m just interested in join in a op team!!!08:35
Tostedbut i m not litle good!!!08:36
ikoniaTosted: well, if a member is needed and you are considered what the council are looking for, I'm sure they would contact you08:36
Tostedok...i ll be waiting for it!! 08:37
ikoniano problem, catch you later08:38
ikoniaTosted: if there is nothing else you need from us, we request you leave the channel so that people with a problem can be identified08:39
Tostedone litle more..its about my id...08:40
Tostedi would like receive a unafiliated nick reg!!08:40
ikoniaTosted: ok, go into #freenode and ask a staff member08:41
Tostedikonia: thanku08:41
ikonia!cloak > Tosted 08:41
ubottuTosted, please see my private message08:41
ikoniaTosted: also check the pm from ubottu08:41
Tostedturning off08:41
ubottuSlart called the ops in #ubuntu (zhxk)09:50
ikoniaelky: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 same sort of thing as planet10:51
ikoniacustom .30 kernels for jaunty, RC's even10:51
ikoniaI wish we had some form of moderation on this stuff 10:51
Tm_Tthat just looks sillyness to me10:52
ikoniaI agree10:53
ikoniasome poor lost use in #u has basiclly killed her machine with it10:53
bazhang@bansearch panarchy11:38
ubottuMatch: *!*@220-244-120-169.static.tpgi.com.au by ikonia in #kubuntu on Feb 12 2009 09:41:09 (ID: 9946)11:38
ubottuMatch: *!*@220-244-120-169.static.tpgi.com.au!#ubuntu-ops by ikonia in #ubuntu on Apr 26 2009 12:15:41 (ID: 12829)11:38
ikoniaughhh I'd forgot about offtopic11:53
* ikonia face palms11:53
bazhangno fortran questions...yet11:54
ikoniahe's changing his real name and ident, I wonder what ban's he's trying to get around11:55
bazhangdpm, how may we help12:15
dpmbazhang: Hi, I'm work in the community team as the Ubuntu Translations Coordinator. I would like to change the topic of the #ubuntu-translators channel, and also ask how I could request to be made operator of that channel12:17
bazhangdpm, that is a very good question :) someone smarter than  me should answer you either here or in -irc12:18
dpmok, np, it's not urgent, I can wait12:18
Myrttichanserv is being un cooperative12:19
jpdsChanServ not responding....12:19
Myrttiarch trolls12:21
bazhangwow lost chanserv12:21
bazhangiHal was arch troll?12:22
Myrttiwouldn't be surprised12:22
Myrttiif all he has to say is offtopic chat and then mention he's off to install Arch12:22
bazhangoh right, 'going off to install arch'12:23
bazhang useruseruser has quit ("전 이만 갑니다."  whoa he was still in -ot12:23
jpdsPricey, elky, nalioth: Please grant op access to dpm in -translators ^^, noone listed in access list is around anymore (IIRC)12:23
bazhangaka userus_ of 'mental issues'12:24
bazhangheh spaceninja was an arch troll as well.12:25
bazhangerr is12:25
elkywho is dpm?12:27
Myrttidon't kids have anything better to do these days12:27
dpmelky ^^12:28
Myrttidpm: launchpad page might help a bit ;-)12:28
elkyi'm in the middle of a membership meeting right now12:28
dpmsorry, here it is ->12:29
Myrttielky: anyone I know in appliers?12:29
jpdselky: http://www.jonobacon.org/2009/03/30/the-fourth-horseman-steps-forward/12:30
jpdselky: You better do as he says... or it's the end for us all!12:31
elkyfor crying out loud, IN A MEETING12:31
* Myrtti fetches cookies for elky12:31
dpm:) no worries, as I said, it's nothing urgent, I was just trying to change the topic on #ubuntu-translators12:31
dpmgràcies jpds :)12:32
jpdsdpm: De res. :)12:33
MyrttiI really shouldn't be looking at flights yet...12:56
ikoniaMyrtti: where are you currently12:57
Myrttiuk until thursday12:57
elkychristel, around?12:58
elkyoh actually, zyga was on only 2 days ago12:58
elkydpm, if the topic change isnt stupendously urgent, could you try instead to get hold of zyga? memoserv might be the best way13:00
elkywhat was the topic change you were after, anyway?13:01
dpmelky: Welcome to the Ubuntu Translators channel! |  List of Ubuntu Translation teams: https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/ubuntu-translators | How to translate Ubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TranslatingUbuntu |  We use Launchpad Translations (codenamed Rosetta) to translate, you can read more about it here: https://help.launchpad.net/Translations | FAQ on Rosetta: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta | Contact: https://wiki.ubun13:03
* Myrtti points finger at tinyurl or g0.fi or similar13:03
Myrttimy personal opinion is that if a topic is over 80 chars long, it's too long... ;-)13:04
elkydpm, yeah, that needs some streamlining. if you cant say it all in one line, it's too long.13:07
dpmok, I can change it. What maximum length would you suggest?13:08
elkythe other option is to create a landing page on the wiki13:10
elkyif there is not one already13:10
elkyso it'd be "Welcome to the Ubuntu Translators channel! | A list of Ubuntu Translation teams can be found at <link> | We use Launchpad Translations (Rosetta) <link>|  Howtos, FAQ and Contact info is at <landing page link>13:12
elkymuch shorter and easier to follow, especially for those who are slow readers of english13:14
Myrtti"nobody reads the topic anyway"13:14
elkyand there is that13:14
dpmelky: ok, changed it as suggested -> Welcome to the Ubuntu Translators channel! | A list of Ubuntu Translation teams can be found at https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/ubuntu-translators | We use Launchpad Translations (Rosetta) https://translations.launchpad.net |  Howtos, FAQ and Contact info is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TranslatingUbuntu13:16
dpmYes, but even if no one reads the topic, you can always point people to it when they are asking something already answered there, and you can click on the links on the topic instead of having to actually find them13:19
elky!staff | can we have ^^ put as topic of #ubuntu-translators please. dpm will chase up zyga himself13:19
ubottucan we have ^^ put as topic of #ubuntu-translators please. dpm will chase up zyga himself: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)13:19
elkyMyrtti, -ENOBOT13:20
Myrttithey don't have a bot?13:20
Myrttihow original13:20
elkyjpds, could you push a bot into #ubuntu-translators please :)13:21
elkyMyrtti, i think the channel has been under-utilised and somewhat neglected13:21
elkyMyrtti, their topic is "Official Ubuntu Translators channel13:21
elkyand no, i did not accidentally miss the second "13:22
* Pici shakes fist13:22
elkydpm, if zyga refuses to give you channel fu, come back to us and we can mediate or wave our Group Contact cards around.13:23
dpmabout chasing zyga for granting me op access on -translators: is he the one I should contact? -> https://edge.launchpad.net/~zkrynicki13:23
dpmelky: ok13:23
Myrttilooks like he's the one13:24
elkydpm, it appears that is him, yes13:24
elkydpm, '/msg memoserv help' too13:24
dpmok, thanks13:24
elkyjpds, where was it you were needing op fu the other week?13:25
elkyi dont recall hearing anything back about that13:26
jpdselky: -devel-summit to change topic, but not important.13:35
jpdsBot added to #u-t.13:38
elkyjpds, maybe add dpm as editor too? we can make dholbach him if he puts silly stuff in it13:39
elkys/him/annoy him/13:39
jpdselky: He'd have to be added to ubottu's stuff, since the DB is overwritten every hour.13:40
elkyah, nevermind then13:41
elkydpm, if there's anything you find yourself repeating over and over that the topic cant fit in it, "/msg bot <thing> is <description>" and it'll forward it here for review by an editor.13:42
elkywhere bot is....ubot213:42
Myrttielky: ubottu13:43
elkyMyrtti, we'll add it to ubottu, the message is passed by all, yes?13:43
elkyhe can at least tab complete 2 :P13:44
Picielky: the other bots may be muted13:44
elkyah, so they are13:45
elkys/bot/ubottu/ then13:45
tsimpsonno bots have +o14:09
jpdsNoone said they did?14:09
tsimpsonat least one floodbot needs +o14:10
Myrttithat's weird14:11
tsimpsonseem they all deoped each other after the split14:11
Myrttishould I op one of them?14:12
MyrttiLjL: ping?14:12
jpdstsimpson: Oh right, I didn't look at #u.14:12
tsimpsonwe could try restarting one of them14:12
Myrttithere we go14:14
tsimpsonstrange the way they did that14:15
topylicould we tell ubottu to forget !no \u please?14:24
Myrtti!forget no\ u14:27
ubottuI know nothing about no\ u yet, Myrtti14:27
Myrtti!forget no u14:27
ubottuI know nothing about no u yet, Myrtti14:27
Myrtti!forget "no u"14:27
ubottuI know nothing about "no u" yet, Myrtti14:27
Myrtti!forget "no\ u"14:27
ubottuI know nothing about "no\ u" yet, Myrtti14:27
Myrtti!no\ u14:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about no\ u14:27
Myrtti!no\ u-#ubuntu-offtopic14:27
ubottuand your mom too14:27
jussi01!-no\ u-#ubuntu-offtopic14:28
ubottuno\ u-#ubuntu-offtopic has no aliases - added by LjL on 2009-03-14 16:31:5714:28
Myrtti!forget no\ u-#ubuntu-offtopic14:28
ubottuI'll forget that, Myrtti14:28
Myrttithere we go14:28
MyrttiI've hated that myself a lot14:28
Myrttisorry :-<14:28
jussi01Myrtti: I hate it when people add factoids like that.14:29
* genii wrings out his clothes and goes to makes a fresh pot of coffee14:39
LjLtsimpson: no, you don't need to restart one of the floodbots when none has +o. just reop one.14:51
ubottuIn ubottu, LjL said: !no dontzap is <reply> To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination AltGr+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.14:55
PiciLjL: US Keyboards don't have an AltGr key, do we need to even include that? Don't you need to press alt(gr) to invoke all sysrq commands?14:58
LjLPici: yes, but someone who doesn't know about sysrq commands won't know that to begin with, will they...? and if on the other hand they know about magic sysrq, they'll already know about K.14:59
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key14:59
Pici!no dontzap is <reply> To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt[Gr]+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.14:59
ubottuI'll remember that Pici14:59
LjLPici: will left alt work on US keyboards?15:00
PiciLjL: yes15:00
ikoniaworks on UK ones15:00
LjLPici: then drop the gr, i never knew left alt would work at all15:00
ikonia!sysrq is SPELL CASTING 15:01
Picidontzap =~ s/\[gr\]//15:01
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, ikonia said: !sysrq is SPELL CASTING15:01
ikoniaI'm only kidding15:01
LjLis sysrq always on printscreen?15:01
PiciIf its not, then too bad.15:02
ikoniaLjL: should be yes15:02
LjLfactoid test failed15:04
popeyanyone about to help in #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat ?15:09
geniipopey: Whats the topic of the moment there?15:10
LjLisn't it still an hour to ago?15:10
popeyjust making sure someone is around15:10
LjLsomerville is opped, that hurts my eyes. it's like kryptonite.15:13
* genii hands LjL the welding goggles15:13
ikoniapopey: yup15:41
ikoniaLjL: naughty15:41
PriceyWas the translators thing sorted out?15:52
jussi01Pricey: what?15:53
dpmPricey: the topic has still not been changed15:54
dpmI mean, as far as I can tell, the -translators thing has not been sorted out15:55
dpmI will contact zyga to request operator status, but I'll have to do this later on today or tomorrow15:56
PriceyMy attempt just failed, gimme a sec and I'll change it properly.15:57
dpmAs I said, this is nothing urgent, just let me know if I can help in any way15:57
ikonianagraaj: hi, what's up ? how can we help ?16:21
nagraaji want help with wifi connection16:22
nagraaji created an ad-hoc wifi connection16:22
ikonianagraaj: if you join #ubuntu - you should be able to get support16:22
ikonia@bansearch nagraaj 16:22
ubottuNo matches found for nagraaj!n=chatzill@ in any channel16:22
ikonianagraaj: if you type "/topic" you can see what this channel is all about16:23
ikonianagraaj: is it working ?16:25
ikonianagraaj: can you join the #ubuntu channel ?16:25
LjLpricey if you are around, there is a tommy9281 who'd like to speak to a staffer privately and can't see voiced people in #fn from his client, and you seem to be one of the less idle staffers16:26
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (zhxk)16:30
Piciooh, treasure16:30
ikoniasorry script lag16:31
LjLPici: my treasure hunts have better prizes than his16:31
grawitySo... if LjL is not an op anymore, how about fixing the factoid?16:31
* grawity hides16:31
LjLi tried, but i'm not a bot editor either :)16:31
Myrtti!ops ~= /LjL//16:32
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti16:32
LjLdangling comma16:33
jpdsCould we try making changes to !oE%&*%&$£*!($&£"&$*ps in private? :)16:33
* Myrtti gives up and goes to play with her DS16:34
ikoniaha ha16:34
Myrttifine, you edit it then16:34
LjLjpds: that factoid is supposed to highlight names of ops... then you might have the factoid name itself on highlight - hey, i do too - but complaining about that is stupid imho16:34
ikoniano, just laughing at the gives up and plays DS, nice alternative16:34
LjLi remember before being an op, years ago, i once said "ops" in #ubuntu (which is typically italian for "whoops")16:35
LjLand some op reprimanded me for that16:35
LjLi thought that was so silly16:35
LjL!idle | nagraaj16:36
ubottunagraaj: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.16:36
geniinixternal: Hehe nice Q in -classroom17:24
jussi01genii: :D17:26
* nixternal thinks he took it a bit to serious17:27
jussi01genii: is it wrong for me to ask: QUESTION: I still want to go to UDS, cant you please sponsor me? :D17:28
geniijussi01: Hah, maybe. He'll want to know where that $2m went17:28
PiciHmm.. Can someone look at ewet's /lastlog in #ubuntu and tell me if you think its on-topic for #ubuntu or not?17:29
nixternalI would like to know where that $2m went myself17:30
jussi01hahaah, loving sabdfl right now...17:30
jussi01[19:24:57] <jcastro> <snap-l> QUESTION: A lot of Ubuntu developers are on identi.ca. Do you have an account, and if not, would you create one and start using it?17:30
jussi01[19:25:08] <sabdfl> i have one but i forgot the password17:30
nixternalI don't even have a Kubuntu t-shirt, you think $2m would at least get me a t-shirt17:30
geniinixternal: Or a mug17:31
nixternalstingie bastard :p17:31
* jussi01 sniffs... just want to go to UDS17:31
geniinixternal: Maybe riddell got all the t-shirts and mugs17:31
jussi01Ive got stickers ner ner ner...17:31
nixternaldude, he so did, but had to return them after the photo shoot at UDS, that is the honest to god truth, I was there17:31
PiciJust show up17:31
PiciThats pretty much what I did.17:32
nixternalcan you believe that? couldn't even keep his own freakin' swag17:32
jussi01sigh... I hate geographically restricted content :/17:33
Picijussi01: can you poke ubottu into #ubuntu+117:42
jussi01ubottu: join #ubuntu+117:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about join #ubuntu+117:42
jussi01Pici: ;)17:42
Picijussi01: thanks17:43
LjLmind giving a ten min mute or somesuch to goshawk, who spammed #ubuntu a little with "test"s? i know why he did that and he should know he shouldn't do that.17:48
PiciLjL: mind enlightening us? I only see 2 tests.17:49
PiciWell, 3 tests, but only 2 from goshawk17:50
LjLPici: there's a discussion on the italian offtopic channel about bots they have, including my floodbots. this person claimed that #ubuntu won't get you muted if you paste a couple of lines, while #ubuntu-it will (obivously not true, it's the same floodbot code)17:50
LjLPici: so when i told him that's not true, he went on to test it in #ubuntu. i told him he shouldn't spam the channel like that, and he said "he was only scientifically testing something" and "nobody complained".17:50
PiciLjL: I gave him a nudge17:51
LjLdanke. he hardly bothered the channel a lot, but it's the attitude of not caring about spamming a channel.17:51
LjLert3 spamming, probably several channels17:56
=== jdong__ is now known as jdong
=== jdong__ is now known as j-dizzle
=== jdong is now known as j-dizzle
LjLuhm, looking at recent changes on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat , i wonder if we should be listing IRC clients for every existing OS platform.18:42
LjLjdong spams :(18:44
jdongI hate trying to get my IRC config back together after the construction crew knocks out the power to all my VM's :)18:45
* LjL pats the construction crew18:45
MyrttiLjL: I should bug D to fix the exploit explanations on colloquy18:48
tsimpsonLjL: the bots seem broken again, FloodBot2 is only removing exempts, not adding them (FloodBot1 is responding in -proxy-users)19:43
geniiYou guys have so many bad bot issues. Hopefully someone will do a rewrite on them at some point19:50
tsimpsononly the IRCC has access to the FloodBot source19:50
tsimpson...and the author19:51
geniiDamn, that sucks.19:52
PiciWell the author was discussing open sourcing them at one point, only he knows when that might happen though.19:52
tsimpsoncan someone try opping FloodBot119:53
tsimpsonand deoping 219:53
tsimpson1 seems to want to do it19:54
Priceydpm: elky: topic changed19:56
ienorandI can't access #ubuntu because the floodbot(s) in #proxy isn't setting an exempt. Mibbit user.20:02
Priceyienorand: could you try again please?20:03
Picipodoops, forgot that I have this setup to autoidentify20:04
ienorandRejoined #proxy, still no worky20:04
Priceyban list is full guys20:05
PriceyI'll sort out +e's20:05
jussi01ikonia: ping20:08
blizzkidlo all. just wanted to know if any of you knew a dl'able pastebin that can post to irc20:19
jussi01blizzkid: no, you cant have ubottu, sorry.20:19
blizzkidnp jussi01 20:19
jussi01blizzkid: err, I know pastebinit, but Im not sure exactly what you are after...20:20
jussi01blizzkid: best to ask in #ubuntu20:20
blizzkidk, thx20:20
PiciFYI, I am going to remove the floodbot's old bans, most of these were probably klined shortly after they were banned.  Speak now or forever hold your peace.20:20
geniiWhoah! Mibbit 20:21
jussi01Pici: I dont have an issue with that - its not like we cannot reban if need be20:21
jussi01genii: ?20:21
geniijussi01: In #u the bot is going crazy with a bunch of mibbit hostmasks20:21
Picigenii: That was Pricey 20:22
jussi01oh, is that Pricey doing it?20:22
Flannelgenii: You mean PriceChild's a bot?20:22
PiciAnd those were exception removes20:22
jussi01[22:00:09] <Pricey> ban list is full guys20:22
jussi01[22:00:47] <Pricey> I'll sort out +e's20:22
* jussi01 wonders how many times he can ping Pricey20:22
geniiAh, jsu so may in one shot it fooled me into thinking the bot was responsible20:22
FlannelHi Saiki, how can we help you today?20:23
Saiki+++ PriceChild set the channel to mode -e saiki!i=4ccef1f9@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-d677979500452f6220:23
Saikibe nice if I coultalk lol20:23
FlannelAh, Well, the easiest way is to probably reconnect (you'll go through the other channel,etc)20:24
PriceySaiki: pleas eleave and rejoin #ubuntu-proxy-users20:24
FlannelPricey: Figured you'd just remove them all, eh?20:24
PriceyFlannel: mmhm20:24
PiciPricey:fyi, I have a bash script that will take a list of hostmaks and generate the mode commands grouped into groups of 420:25
Saikihappens to the best of us20:25
PriceyPici: that required effort to write.20:25
PiciPricey: http://pastebin.com/f31bb4f6a20:25
PriceyPici: won't strip rubbish off either end after copying and pasting it from somewhere thouggh?20:26
PiciPricey: Only sometimes does it insert newlines were they don't belong. And seeming never when I use this and copy from the terminal.20:27
Flannelone of these newlines is not like the others... one of these newlines just doesn't belong...20:28
tsimpsonPici: fwiw, "for line in (cat $1)" won't read lines, but "words"20:30
tsimpsona word being anything separated by white space20:31
Picitsimpson: er.  Well banmasks shouldn't have any spaces anyway.  But thanks for the fyi 20:31
tsimpsonsure, when the line is a "word" it doesn't matter anyway20:33
tsimpson"while read line; do ... ; done < $1" or "cat $1 | while read line; do ...; done" would read lines </lesson> :)20:33
dpmPricey: thanks a lot20:45
* jussi01 pings ikonia again21:07
* genii makes another pot of coffee21:09
* jussi01 prods ikonia21:20
jussi01nini all21:35
geniiSee you all ~45 minutes22:01
elkyum, what are they naming after me?22:50
* elky is only up to send the 'im sick' email then is back to nie warm bed22:50
Seeker`wb elky 23:04
Seeker`hope you feel better soon23:04
ubottuIn ubottu, ripps said: /^me is listening to: How I Go - Yellowcard (Lights And Sounds)23:06
ubottuIn ubottu, ripps said: /me is listening to: How I Go - Yellowcard (Lights And Sounds)23:06
ubottuIn ubottu, ripps said: /me is listening to: Paint It Black - The Rolling Stones (Forty Licks)23:14
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=== Ursinha is now known as Marvin_

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!