
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu
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jpdsbdmurray, sbeattie: Thanks for the testing of the admin user creation bug thingy! You guys rock.08:30
aramvo: update-manager already got to -updates. Could you push now the fix for dist-upgrades to -proposed (I could help verifying the sru, btw ;-) )09:05
thekornara, yes, you are right, this was a last minute change, and probably not the best one ;)09:05
mvoara: I uploaded it yesterday evening into -proposed, but I think its still pending in the moderation queue09:05
mvoara: the fixed version :)09:05
aramvo: cool, thanks :)09:05
aramvo: I'll check throughout the day to verify the sru :-)09:06
arathekorn: ;-)09:06
* ara takes a break09:08
* sbeattie is struggling to reproduce SRU bugs and so calls it an evening.09:32
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arasbeattie: :)10:13
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* ara -> lunch12:41
mvoara: update-manager should be in -proposed now (or very soon, got accepted some hours ago)14:38
aramvo: already installed, verified the fix and commented on the bug number ;-)14:38
mvowooohhhh - you rock14:39
* mvo hugs ara14:39
* ara hugs mvo back :)14:39
davmor2Hello Everybody15:58
charlie-tcaHello, davmor215:58
charlie-tcaHow's things going this week?15:58
davmor2charlie-tca: How's things ?15:59
fader_davmor2: Howdy!15:59
charlie-tcaGreat. Just taking it easy during OpenWeek15:59
davmor2charlie-tca: I don't know just got back off hols15:59
charlie-tcaMark's Q & A starts in a minute in #ubuntu-classroom16:00
davmor2it's what I switched on for :)16:00
sbeattiemvo: did you see my comment on bug 364620?16:13
ubot4`Launchpad bug 364620 in update-manager "guidance-power-manager remains installed for 8.04 -> 9.04 Kubuntu Upgrade" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36462016:13
mvosbeattie: no, missed that, sorry. I have a look now16:15
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kraftymdz sent you invite; don't feel obligated.17:07
bdmurraycgregan: for unr is there an upgrade path from 8.04 to 9.04?18:27
cgreganbdmurray: not that I am aware of....hold on18:28
cgreganbdmurray: confirmed....there is no direct upgrade path18:29
=== Erkan_Yilmaz___ is now known as Erkan_Yilmaz

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