
WikiZcharlie-tca that did the trick, thanks :)00:00
WikiZbut no vnc working :(00:00
lukinforehttp://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=367663 was that been fixed?00:00
charlie-tcafriartuck: there are many.00:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about evolution00:01
charlie-tca!info evolution00:01
ubottuevolution (source: evolution): groupware suite with mail client and organizer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.26.1-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2138 kB, installed size 6424 kB00:01
friartuckcharlie-tca yes, there's some obvious ones in suggested, but I don't think I need all suggested00:02
J_LitewskiIKm8ghasHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHTQA  4HHMMMMC7808PP[/8777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777788*u444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444445TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT,PDHFNB ,M060/6*00:02
J_LitewskiSTUPID PIGGIE00:02
J_Litewskiand caps :?00:02
lukinforelol, answer accepted00:02
J_Litewskinot a good idea00:03
charlie-tcalukinfore: according to that report, yes00:03
charlie-tcaJ_Litewski: you let a pig walk on the keyboard?00:03
J_Litewskidisregard that guinea pig post00:03
lukinforewell according to recent post it raising again00:03
lukinfore*last post00:03
J_Litewskiat least he didn't end my kernel compile :)00:04
lukinforeand according to mine current gdmap state00:04
J_Litewskinow, to wait 2 hours for it to finish00:04
charlie-tcaI wouldn't let that one type anymore ;)00:05
charlie-tcaHe ain't even as good as the cat!00:05
WikiZis there any firewall after fresh xubuntu install?00:14
charlie-tcashouldn't be, since no ports are opened00:15
WikiZhow do i open?00:16
charlie-tcaUsually automatic as you install apps that need them.00:16
charlie-tcaWhen you set up email, it opens ports 110 and 2500:16
charlie-tcafirefox will open 8000:16
WikiZjust installed ftp server to test if thats why i cant vnc to it00:17
WikiZand i cant connect to the ftpserver either00:17
WikiZis there any gui thing for it or do i need to do it manually with iptables?00:17
charlie-tcaI do it manually with an old script I wrote00:18
Digit0I have a problem with wine00:20
Digit0in the new 9.0400:20
lukinforecharlie-tca, did you mean input policy should be drop by default?00:20
lukinforeand , should i create a bug about gdmap?00:20
lukinforesomeone can test that?00:21
charlie-tcano, I mean there is no input policy since there are no iptables by default00:21
lukinforewell, then all ports shold be opened00:21
charlie-tcaYes, you probably should create a bug about gdmap, and please include the debian bug number.00:22
lukinforek, just want someone to proove this00:22
charlie-tcaAll ports are closed by default. You have to specifically open the ones you want00:22
WikiZopend it all, still dosent work00:22
lukinforeuhm, if policy is accept, then port is open, isn't it?00:23
charlie-tcaThere is no accept / drop policy in place. the ports are not open00:25
charlie-tcaaccept/drop is iptables. They don't exist by default, so there are no policies00:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw00:27
charlie-tca!info ufw00:27
ubottuufw (source: ufw): program for managing a netfilter firewall. In component main, is standard. Version 0.27-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 61 kB, installed size 436 kB00:27
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist00:27
WikiZcharlie-tca i ran iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -j ACCEPT00:29
WikiZand for outputaswel00:29
charlie-tcaI don't know enough about using vnc to help anymore.00:29
charlie-tcaSomeone else will come along, I'm sure.00:30
lukinforehere we are00:39
charlie-tcaThank you00:40
lukinforecharlie-tca, so you mean iptables had to mot be installed by default?00:40
* lukinfore in doubt00:40
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist00:40
charlie-tcaSee what this stuff says00:41
lukinforeIptables is a firewall, installed by default on all official Ubuntu distributions (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu). When you install Ubuntu, iptables is there, but it allows all traffic by default.00:52
lukinforebut, thanks for usefuk links anyway00:52
charlie-tcaOkay, I was wrong00:52
charlie-tcaSo which ports did it open by default?00:52
knome"all traffic" == "all ports"00:53
charlie-tcaStrange, when I use nmap to check them on a fresh install, nothing is open00:54
* knome wonders what to do next00:54
charlie-tcaGo to sleep?00:54
knomenah, it's only 3am00:54
charlie-tcaI am leaving now. Gotta take a break, myself.00:55
knomesee you00:55
tmurasehello, I'm wondering why banshee's icon is not showing up in the notification area.  known bug (sry if it is)01:07
J_Litewskihopefully this kernel works01:23
BCM43I have a laptop with xubuntu installed and a Intel 82830 CGC card, and I am having a huge number of artifacts. How can I fix this?01:33
forceswich xubuntu version?01:42
BCM43forces: 9.0401:42
BCM43forces: there is no xorg.conf01:45
mykevellihas anyone heard of problems with jaunty not wanting to come out of suspend mode?02:02
BCM43forces: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94527102:05
MTec007would file permissions cause my wifi card to only connect at only 1mbps02:23
MTec007i can barely access my http router config02:23
=== freego is now known as forces
mnFirefox 3.0.9 on Linux kernel 2.6.24-23 generic on Xubuntu 8.04.1 Hardy Heron will not quit loading pages.  We have a decently fast connection so the page is loaded, but the little loading circle up in the left corner of the tab just keeps going around on any webpage I visit03:22
noobsoupis there any way to disable screen savers without going to settings manager->screensavers ? every time my screensaver comes on it turns off the monitor and locks me out of my system :( when i try to turn it off through the settings manager it previews the screensaver and locks me out :(04:30
thismamacooks200fresh jaunty upgrade, cheese doesn't find my webcam, camorama doesn't find /dev/video0 (I have no /dev/vid* anything). lsbusb reports a "Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0545:800c Xirlink, Inc. Veo StingRay"04:34
forcesos[Linux 2.6.28-11-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "karmic" 9.10] cpu[2 x Genuine Intel(R) CPU           T2400  @ 1.83GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1000MHz] mem[Physical: 2.0GB, 81.2% free] disk[Total: 206.0GB, 67.1% free] video[Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA Intel]04:35
* forces is using karmic04:36
thismamacooks200:P? whats the emoticon for 'krazy'?04:37
fregoMTanyone know where xorg.conf is for xubuntu?04:41
fregoMTor the equivalent?04:41
fregoMTI've got a laptop stuck in 800x600 resolution04:41
thismamacooks200xorg.conf is in /ext/X11/, unless something reall weird was done. but xorg.conf is nearly obsolete now anyhow. have you tried xrandr ?04:42
thismamacooks200sorry /etc/x11/04:43
tykohi all, just wondering if xubuntu 9.04 uses the new ubuntu notification system ...04:44
fregoMTthismamacooks200>  no I haven't tried xrandr04:45
thismamacooks200somthing like "xrander --output  VGA --mode 1024x768" but instead of "VGA" you'll have to use the name of your output. and "1024x768" might be different also. use "xrandr -q" to find out your output names and modes04:46
thismamacooks200on a laptop, you may have "LDVS" also. Generally the "VGA" varient is merely a copy of it and you should try the VGA first.04:48
noobsoupis there any way to disable screen savers without going to settings manager->screensavers ? every time my screensaver comes on it turns off the monitor and locks me out of my system :( when i try to turn it off through the settings manager it previews the screensaver and locks me out :(04:48
thismamacooks200oh, use "xrander --output  VGA --mode 800x600" first. that way, if the second command-line leaves you blind you can press the <up arrow> and <return> to get you display back04:49
fregoMTwill give that a whirl thismamacooks200> and report back!04:50
* thismamacooks200 afk04:51
* thismamacooks200 bak05:04
=== Anon is now known as Dab202
harejI am trying to install Xubuntu to a volume which is not the main ATA hard drive. The installation fails when Grub fails to execute. I tried solving this problem, but I have no reason to believe Grub exists at all in my system. How can I install Grub, then?06:51
brandon_need some assistance getting a t40 with the cisco card talking wpa - if anyone's around TIA07:18
Mat-Cauthonum... since changing to 9.04 xfce gets quite slow when enabling display compositing. wasn't the case with 8.10. is this a known problem?07:19
brandon_i think they're all asleep ;)07:20
SiDihi hi07:20
SiDiMat-Cauthon: check your drivers07:20
SiDiesp if you have an intel/sis card07:20
SiDiThere's a new x.org version with 9.04, so if your GPU manufacturer didnt make new drivers that'd explain why it's slow07:20
* SiDi goes to shower now :O07:21
Mat-Cauthonit's an intel 4500mhd onboard thingy, actually07:22
Mat-Cauthonso how would i go about checking the driver? :p07:27
gabkdllyMat-Cauthon: Applications -> System -> Hardware Drivers07:43
gabkdllymight be what you are looking for07:43
Mat-Cauthonnothing in there07:43
Mat-Cauthonand wasn't before ;)07:43
SiDiMrNaz: fix your client please07:46
SiDiMat-Cauthon: intel cards are having trouble07:47
SiDiAfaik, it's being investigated by Intel07:47
SiDiThe best is to disable composite transparency by the meanwhile07:47
Mat-Cauthonwell yea, i've done that already, since it was quite annoying ^^07:48
Mat-Cauthonso if a fix was released by intel, how would i get it?07:48
Mat-Cauthonwait until it's implemented into the kernel, which will then eventually make it to the ubuntu repo?07:49
SiDiMat-Cauthon: via automatic updates07:49
SiDiIf the drivers are fixed there will be an update07:49
SiDiAnyways you should wait for either Intel devs / Ubuntu devs / Debian devs to have an official fix.07:50
SiDiI can't recommand you any workaround for GPU drivers.07:50
SiDiIt's too critical :P07:50
Mat-Cauthonfair enough07:51
Mat-Cauthoni suppose i can do without transparent windows for a couple of days ;)07:51
Mat-Cauthonwell, thanks for the advice07:51
cr4z3di just upgraded to 9.04 and trying to get nautilus as my default file manager. i came across an article telling me to edit menu.xml but it seems this is obsolete in the new xfce version. how can i do this?07:51
SiDiYou're welcome Mat-Cauthon07:52
SiDicr4z3d: i don't know if its possible to make it completely default07:53
SiDifor instance, we use thunar-volman for the usb keys and such stuff, and this will relay on thunar07:53
SiDibut you can add a "nautilus --no-desktop" launcher on your panel, for instance07:54
SiDias for the menu, edit it with alacarte (i don't guarantee the changes will make it to the xfce menu, you may then have to tweak your .desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications/)07:54
cr4z3dSiDi: thanks for the information07:58
div0hello!! how to set screen resolution to 1280x1024? Intel 945G Chipset. Driver "intel". Maximum - 1360x768 :(08:03
SiDihi div008:05
div0SiDi, hi :)08:06
SiDiAre you under jaunty ?08:06
SiDithen i don't know :P08:06
SiDiJaunty Intel drivers are not very good at the moment, and i don't have any intel card, so i can't help08:06
SiDifeel free to try #ubuntu though08:06
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:06
FlyOnThe1allalready did ;P08:06
SiDiCheck this also08:07
div0SiDi, thanks :)08:07
SiDibut i'm not sure wether it'll work or not08:07
div0I tested it08:09
owen1in many sites i visit (github is a good example) the text is smashed and unreadable. only hovering with the mouse 'cleans' it. any ideas?08:53
R1coch3tchange resolution08:59
owen1R1coch3t: interesting. it only happends with some sites though.09:05
_Pete_after latest updates my favourite sysmonitor gkrellm decided to double it's width and now looks bad09:53
_Pete_anyidea what might be causing that? Already tried to change fonts smaller but no effect to widht09:53
Rapachooiehi all10:09
Rapachooiewondering how I can autostart applications in xfce, as per "sessions" in gnome10:09
gharzguys, i'm using 8.10... why is it that when i minimize an application, the application doesn't show in my panel so i can click on it to restore the app?10:21
gharzguys, i've installed xubuntu-desktop on top of my ubuntu... i've noticed that when i minimize an application, the application icon doesn't show on the panel/taskbar so that i could just click on it to restore... how do i fix this?10:24
wtvhow to change the number of workspaces to 4?10:34
WikiZi have been following this guide http://grumpymole.blogspot.com/2006/12/xubuntu-remote-desktop-with-vnc4server.html to install vncserver on my xubuntu machine, but when i connect to the machine i just get the screen here the mouse is a X and so forth, anyone know what could possibly be wrong?11:15
ablomenWikiZ, it doesnt start a desktop manager session11:18
ablomenWikiZ, if you get a normal gdm, look at the session button11:19
WikiZsession button?11:19
WikiZthere is no button at all11:19
ablomenoh you dont even get a login screen11:20
WikiZjust gray bg and the cross11:20
ablomenWikiZ, tehn look at the gdm part again11:20
ablomeni think it might be on this part: RemoteGreeter=/usr/lib/gdm/gdmlogin". not sure though, cant test it myself11:21
WikiZthats already fixed11:21
WikiZnothing wrong in that config11:22
WikiZdouble checked that 100 times already11:22
WikiZseems like there is a known bug11:32
ramrodcan anyone help, i try to play audio cds with mcdp and it always says "Sorry, can't open cd-device "/dev/cdrom1" !"11:53
ramroddoesnt matter what dev i try to start11:53
gharzguys, i've installed xubuntu-desktop on my ubuntu... and now i want to completely uninstall it... how do it remove it completely?12:25
TheSheepsudo apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get autoremove12:26
wtvhow do i change the keyboard layout from UK to US?12:28
TheSheep!layout | wtv12:28
ubottuwtv: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts12:28
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts12:29
wtvTheSheep: that didn't help12:39
=== keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx
wtvi edited the xorg.conf file but the layout is still uk, which i want to change to us12:40
_Pete_btw, what's different between uk/us layouts?12:41
TheSheepwtv: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810#X.Org%20Input%20Devices12:42
TheSheep_Pete_: some keys are in differnet places, there is a £ and no `12:42
wtvif i use sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup, will it be applicable to all DEs on my system?12:46
wtvi have 412:46
basajaunhi all14:08
kromar1so since disk manager disapeared with 9.04, what app is able to mount my ntfs drives on boot?14:19
forcesnano and /etc/fstab14:23
RuadhHi all14:33
Pres-GasHey, Ruadh14:34
Pres-GasOkay, so I goofed and installed desktop forgetting that it does not seem to allow setting a static IP.  Has anyone seen improvement with Network Manager and static IPs for 9.04?14:35
Mat-Cauthondoes anyone know of a music player for linux of the likes of foobar2000?14:44
=== WikiZ is now known as Whisper
Whisperi have been following this guide http://grumpymole.blogspot.com/2006/12/xubuntu-remote-desktop-with-vnc4server.html to install vncserver on my xubuntu machine, but when i connect to the machine i just get the screen here the mouse is a X and so forth, anyone know what could possibly be wrong?14:45
tavastiWhisper, in your ~/.vnc/xstartup should be something which starts 'client' programs to your vnc session14:47
tavastiwindow manager etc14:47
tavastilike this:14:48
Whisperdont have that file at14:48
Whisperat all14:48
tavastixrdb $HOME/.Xresources14:48
tavastix-window-manager &14:48
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:48
tavasticharlie-tca, is even 3 lines too much?14:49
charlie-tcaNo, I thought it was much longer14:49
ballI just filed my first Xubuntu bug14:49
charlie-tcayou're fine14:49
Whispercharlie-tca noone else is talking right now, if there was several discussions going on youre right14:49
ball...I wonder what happens next14:49
charlie-tcaball, what is the bug number?14:49
Whispertavasti well, how come i dont even have that file?14:49
charlie-tcaI bugsquad member will look at it and see if you have enough information for the developers to work it.14:50
charlie-tcabug 36861414:50
* charlie-tca kicks the robot!14:50
tavastiWhisper, I suppose that has to be created by hand14:50
Whisperis those lines all i need?14:50
tavastichmod 755  ~/.vnc/xstartup14:51
ballcharlie-tca: can you think of any additional information that I should include?14:51
tavastithat should be enough14:51
ball(that will help them)14:51
charlie-tcaI am looking now14:51
tavastiIMHO, it would be nice if default xstartup file would be created automatically :-(14:52
Whispertavasti still the same14:52
charlie-tcaadd the /var/xorg.0.log using "add a comment/attachment" line14:53
tavastiWhisper, you have to kill your vncserver, and start new14:53
tavastilike 'vncserver -kill :1'14:53
charlie-tcaalso going to need the output of lspci -vvnn as a text file14:53
Whisperits running via xinetd14:54
Whispertavasti restarted xinetd, still no go14:54
tavastips ax | grep vnc14:55
tavastikill that process14:55
Whisperi have no such process14:55
tavastiBTW, how is that configured to run from xinetd, by what user, etc?14:55
Whisperuser whisper14:56
ballI don't have a /var/xorg.0.log14:56
tavastido you have any log files in ~/.vnc ?14:56
ballAh, it's in /var/log14:56
tavastiand pid file?14:57
tavastihmm, which vnc variant you have installed?14:57
tavastiI have tightvnc, that may behave differently14:57
Whisperused that guide14:58
ballcharlie-tca: thanks a lot for that.14:59
charlie-tcaYou are welcome14:59
Whispertavasti tightvnc server you say?14:59
Whisperi guess i could try that one, know any good howto?15:00
tavastino, don't bother15:00
tavasti-query localhost15:00
tavastiIt tries to connect local gdm/xdm/kdm, which ever you have installed15:01
tavasti1) do you have any of those running15:01
Whisperyeah, im logged in at the computer15:02
tavasti2) does it service xdmcp request15:02
Whisperin xfce15:02
Whisperbut i read something about a bug causing this in the latest version15:03
tavastido you have xnest installed?15:04
tavastitry ' Xnest -query localhost  :1 '15:04
Whispernope, have to apt it15:05
tavastiat least in my system I get normal, grey X, since I haven't turned xdmcp on15:05
tavastiapt-get install xnest15:05
Whispertavasti you want me to run that in the vnc session or what?15:07
tavastiNo, run that locally15:07
Whispergave me a black window15:07
=== mogul218_ is now known as mogul218
Whisperhad some error in terminal. gimme a sec and ill pastebin it15:08
tavastianyway, gdm is not serving you, configuring gdm needed15:08
* genii suspects "no usable screens found"15:09
tavastigdmsetup may do the trick, or configuring /etc/gdm/*15:09
tavastisorry, gotta go ->15:10
Whisperno http://pastebay.com/1230815:10
Mat-Cauthondoes anyone know of a music player for linux of the likes of foobar2000?15:12
ladanzHi there, i have a little problem: it seems that my notification-area and my notes-plugin doesn't save options like "no border" or "always on top". any suggestions?15:13
dojeroHello to all15:14
Mat-Cauthoni've tried songbird and didn't like it... too clustered15:14
charlie-tca!hi | dojero15:15
ubottudojero: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!15:15
Mat-Cauthonund too uncomfortable/slow i guess15:15
dojeroI'm currently using Xubuntu 8.10 and just tried out the live CD of 9.04.  Ran into some problems I thought someone here might be able to help me with.15:15
charlie-tca!question | dojero15:15
ubottudojero: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:15
dojeroThe CTRL-Escape key didn't work for invoking the menu.  Is there a way to implement that?15:16
Mat-Cauthonsettings->keyboard->app shortcuts->add xfce4-popup-menu on ctrl+esc15:18
dojeroGreat...what about the hotkeys on my keyboard for volume up/down/mute (FN-F10, Fn-F11, FN-f12)?15:18
Mat-Cauthonthat one i'd be interested in, too - fn-left/right here, worked in 8.10, doesn't work now15:19
Mat-Cauthonthough fn-up/down for setting the brightness does still work15:19
charlie-tcaYou have to add them in the same place15:19
dojerocharlie-tca: add them using aumix definitions?15:20
Mat-Cauthonwell, that's possible, but i wonder why they don't work by default anymore, with the lovely (not obtrusive) hud and all15:21
ollie_Hi, after having installed Jaunty, XFCE seems broken. It's acting as if the "Allow XFCE to manage this desktop" option is disabled, but I can't see the option in Settings -> Desktop to enable it.15:21
charlie-tcaToo many combinations to try and define them in advance. It depends on the keyboard.15:21
dojeroGreat...thanks to Mat-Cauthon and charlie-tca15:21
ollie_Also, on the login page it says, "Would you like to make XFCE.desktop your default session? XFCE Session is not installed on this computer"15:21
Mat-Cauthonbut fn-left just sends XF86AudioLowerVolume on my laptop, why doesn't it catch that?15:22
charlie-tcaIt is not defined, is it?15:23
dojeroThe command has to be amixer set Master 2-15:23
dojeroOr whatever your main volume is and however much lower you want it to go.15:23
Mat-Cauthonno, but neither are the shortcuts for setting the display brightness, and neither were they in 8.1015:23
charlie-tcaXfce 4.6 changed a lot of configurations things. It is not the same as 8.1015:24
charlie-tcaollie_: telling it yes allows it to set the correct options to manage the desktop now.15:25
dojeroThe last problem was weird...I went to a video site and my Syntek webcam turned on by itself...and I couldn't turn it off...it's the built in camera on my Asus laptop15:25
ollie_5:25:05 < charlie-tca> ollie_: telling it yes allows it to set the correct  options to manage the desktop now.15:26
ollie_I can't see the option though15:26
ollie_In settings manager -> Desktop, it looks like the GNOME desktop settings ;c15:26
ollie_and there is no option to allow it15:26
ollie_it was working fine up until the jaunty update15:26
Mat-Cauthonwhat command would i set a shortcut for if i wanted to get the hud feedback when changing my volume?15:27
dojeroThe Syntek webcam has never gotten along with Xubuntu (or Kubuntu before that, for that matter), but I was hoping things might improve in 9.415:27
charlie-tcaIt is automatic when you let it be the default session. If xfce-session is not running, it won't manage the desktop15:27
ollie_charlie-tca: I am using xfce at the moment15:28
ollie_the option isn't there in Desktop settings15:28
charlie-tcano, it is not in 9.0415:29
charlie-tca<ollie_> Also, on the login page it says, "Would you like to make XFCE.desktop your default session? XFCE Session is not installed on this computer"15:29
charlie-tcatell it yes15:29
ollie_I did15:30
ollie_just now15:30
ollie_still not working15:30
kromarhow do i play files with amarok?15:31
ollie_charlie-tca: any idea?15:34
dojeroI'm guessing that no one has any ideas about the Syntek camera problem?15:35
charlie-tcaollie_: try ctrl+Alt+F2 and run xfce4-session15:39
ollie_charlie-tca: Gtk warning, cannot open display15:42
gorgutcan someone tell me where the script is that tells mono to start at login?15:45
charlie-tcaI am out of ideas, ollie_15:45
ollie_very annoying15:46
ollie_I tried going into GNOME a minute ago15:46
ollie_and I can't right click the desktop15:46
ollie_but everything else appears OK15:46
ollie_although tehre are no desktop icons on gnome either15:46
ollie_gonna try booting into intripid again15:47
gorgutcharlie-tca, any idea why /usr/bin/mono runs whenever I log in?15:47
charlie-tcaSomething you added that needs it.15:48
gorgutugh. uses all the CPU for some reason. It's almost worth uninstalling Tomboy15:48
charlie-tcaIt is not default for jaunty15:48
gorgutyeah I had to install it for Tomboy15:48
gorguti can't find ANYTHING that's telling it to run15:49
charlie-tcaIt starts then because Tomboy requires it just to run. Does Tomboy show up in the panel?15:49
ollie_broken on this kernel too15:49
ollie_if I do apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop, will that remove GNOME15:49
gorgutYeah, i have tomboy running in the panel, but Tomboy runs fine without it after I kill it in htop15:49
ollie_but leave xfce?15:49
charlie-tcaollie_: sounds like maybe the user config files might have wrong permissions15:50
ollie_where are they located?15:50
charlie-tcaIf you do ls -lA in a terminal, you can see who owns the files. Root should not be owner15:51
charlie-tcagorgut: I don't know why it should work without mono. If Tomboy runs in the panel on startup, mono will start.15:52
ollie_ollie@ollie-ubuntu:~$ ls -lah | grep root|more15:52
ollie_drwxr-xr-x  5 root  root   4.0K 2008-04-01 11:00 ..15:52
ollie_-rw-------  1 root  root   1.0K 2008-07-09 10:52 .rnd15:52
ollie_-rw-------  1 root  root    653 2009-03-06 12:31 .Xauthority15:52
ollie_don't think they're important?15:52
ollie_gonna see if logging in as root makes a difference15:53
knomeMark Shuttleworth answers your questions few minutes (15-17UTC) on #ubuntu-classroom. Questions on #ubuntu-classroom-chat.15:53
charlie-tcaowner should be ollie, not root, of all files in /home/ollie15:54
charlie-tcawhat about in /home/ollie/.config ?15:54
ollie_drwxr-xr-x 19 ollie ollie  4.0K 2009-04-28 15:33 .config15:54
charlie-tcaYou can use chown -r to change owner to ollie of all your home files. That might be what is wrong.15:55
charlie-tcaIs your intrepid install using the same /home?15:56
ollie_it's not actually a seperate isntall15:58
ollie_I meant the kernel intrepid was using15:58
ollie_not that it would make much of a difference15:58
ollie_seems something in the update broke it anyway15:59
ollie_charlie-tca: if I remove xubuntu-desktop and reinstall it, I won't lose any data, rite?16:00
charlie-tcaThe config files from intrepid to jaunty changed too much. They can't use a common /home/ollie/.config at least16:00
charlie-tcaWhen jaunty changes the files, intrepid can't use them anymore.16:01
* ollie_ grumbles16:04
ollie_it works if I login as root16:04
charlie-tcaThen chown -r ollie:ollie /home/ollie16:05
ollie_oot@ollie-ubuntu:/home# chown ollie.ollie -R ollie/16:05
ollie_doing it nao16:05
ollie_chown: cannot access `ollie/.gvfs': Permission denied16:05
ollie_well brb16:05
charlie-tcaoh, gotta use sudo16:05
ollie_still broken16:06
charlie-tcadid it with sudo, to change the owner from root?16:07
charlie-tcathen log out/log in16:07
ollie_16:07:18 < charlie-tca> did it with sudo, to change the owner from root?16:09
ollie_16:07:27 < charlie-tca> then log out/log in16:09
ollie_I already su'd to root16:09
ollie_works when I create a new user though16:09
ollie_so w/e16:09
ollie_I'll just delete that user and recreate it16:10
charlie-tcaBecause if you su'd to root, it kept ownership16:10
ollie_why would su'ing to root keep my users ownership o.O16:10
charlie-tcaUsing sudo keeps you the owner16:10
charlie-tcasudo chown -r is different than becoming root16:10
charlie-tcaI don't understand it, I just have fought with it16:11
ollie_uh huh16:11
ollie_don't worry16:11
ollie_i'll just delete the user and recreate16:11
Mat-Cauthonhmpf, how do i get back the volume osd i had with 8.10?16:14
charlie-tcaNot sure what you mean, Mat-Cauthon16:15
charlie-tcaIn the panel?16:15
ollie_this works16:16
Mat-Cauthonno, i used to get an osd when using the fn-keys on my laptop for changing volume16:16
Mat-Cauthoni still get that osd when changing the brightness via fn-keys, but not for the volume anymore16:16
Mat-Cauthonwell, using my fn-keys for changing the volume now doesn't work in the first place, unless i manually add a shortcut, as i've mentioned before, so..16:17
Mat-Cauthonis it possible to get a mouse cursor in inverted colors (i.e. the colors should change according to where the mouse pointer rests)?16:34
TheSheepMat-Cauthon: I don't think so, even if you could, I would advise against16:40
Whisperwhat package is the make tools in?16:41
charlie-tcabuild-essential ?16:41
TheSheepWhisper: install build-essential package, it will give you a whole set of tools16:41
Whisperthanks :)16:43
Mat-Cauthonwhy would you do that TheSheep?16:44
BesogonI bought Wireless LAN Adapter and installed it. There haven't Wifi internet else (I hope I going tocreate it). OK. When I typed "ifconfig" I have apperaed to interfaces: wlan0 and wmaster0... What are they mean??????? I only whant to know.16:45
TheSheepMat-Cauthon: it's hard to spot and tiring for the eyes16:46
Mat-Cauthonerr, no, the point is that it is _easier_ to see16:46
Mat-Cauthonsince the colors are always opposite to those of the background16:47
charlie-tcaBesogon: wlan0 is the wireless adapter, wlan is used instead of eth16:47
Besogoncharlie-tca, And what does mean wmaster?16:48
charlie-tcaI don't know.16:48
Besogonwlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:22:15:71:21:8916:48
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:48
Besogonwmaster0  Link encap:UNSPEC  HWaddr 00-22-15-71-21-89-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-0016:48
charlie-tcaIs it a wireless router?16:49
BesogonIt is Asus WL-138g v2 (It can translate internet and receive)16:50
BesogonPCI card16:51
charlie-tcaMaybe that is what the wmaster0 is for, I don't know.16:53
BesogonLike said in my country: dick knows, but it is working16:55
charlie-tcaYeah, that's it!16:57
geniithe wmaster0 is the USB  bridge to the wlan017:49
J_Litewski1i got a wmaster0 for my PCMIA card17:49
J_Litewski1wmaster1 is for my USB dongle17:50
J_Litewski1anyways, is there a way to change where lib-notify pop-ups show up?17:51
J_Litewski1it's kind of annoying having them pop up at the bottom right-hand corner17:52
binskipy2uhey everyone.. is XFCE that much faster then Gnome/Kde , is it "that" much lighter then each?18:04
binskipy2ui mean that noticeable18:04
charlie-tcaIf you don't install all the software of gnome and kde.18:05
binskipy2uproberly only install k3b18:06
binskipy2ucause i like it better then brassero18:06
J_Litewski1charlie-tca, is there any way to change where libnotify popups appear?18:07
binskipy2uis the speed differences.. etc. worth it to go from ubuntu 9.04 to xubuntu 9.0418:07
charlie-tcaJ_Litewski1: Not to my knowledge18:07
charlie-tcabinskipy2u: depends on your hardware18:09
binskipy2uits a triplecore 64bit processor w/4gigs ram18:09
charlie-tcaMy old PII 400Mhz won't work hardly with Ubuntu18:09
binskipy2udont care about compiz, or wobbly windows18:09
zoredacheyou probably won't notice much of a difference given that your system is so fast18:10
kromaryou have a phenom II x3?18:10
binskipy2ujust a 9 month old triplecore 845018:12
binskipy2uphenom plain18:12
kromarany idea how i can increase the volume on my system? since 9.04 the volume seems very limited18:13
tmurasekromar: how are you trying to raise the volume?18:15
tmuraseI find that most of my memory still goes to firefox ;)18:16
kromartmurase: well i added a mixer to the taskbar and there is everything maxed out18:16
tmurasekromar: under properties which "sound card" is selected?18:17
kromarin the mixer or where?18:17
tmuraseer, in the mixer18:17
SiDitmurase: feel free to try opera./midori  ;)18:18
kromarRealtek ALC8B9A (OSS Mixer)18:18
tmuraseSiDi: I'm a noscript diehard :)18:18
SiDiwee, i'm not the only one with volume decreased since jaunty !18:18
SiDi(actually i think i ran into all the known bugs at a time :d)18:18
tmurasekromar: no alsa or pulseaudio "sound cards" available in the mixer?18:18
knomeSiDi, you definitely should be on our bug squad! ;)18:19
kromarin 8.10 i had a app in the settings to set the sound but now its gone, maybe thats the problem?18:19
* charlie-tca thinks SiDi is special, found every known bug at one go18:19
charlie-tcaOther people only get to find one or two at a time, SiDi18:20
knomethat is true talent18:20
charlie-tcatmurase: should not be pulseaudio in Xubuntu18:20
kromarok i installed GNOME ALSA mixer and there i can turn the volume higher18:20
SiDicharlie-tca: i wrote a bug report for keyboard shortcuts18:21
tmurasecharlie-tca: but oss only?18:21
SiDiand 3/4 guys came with same bug and a fix18:21
SiDiit worked18:21
SiDifor them18:21
knomebigger than the ugly lady on the britains talent ;>18:21
charlie-tcaI saw it, SiDi. Got two or three confirming it, but it is hard to tell if they are seeing the same thing18:21
SiDianyways the default keyboard shortcuts file is broken for me18:22
charlie-tcatmurase: no, alsa should have been there18:22
SiDisince i resetted it to default18:22
SiDiand i'm on 4.6.1 now, still same problem18:22
charlie-tcaYeah, that makes me think they don't have the same bug18:22
SiDicharlie-tca: i noticed some weird error messages from scim today18:24
SiDiso i'll just kick scim's butt later and see if my keyboard goes better18:24
SiDiwhats weird tho is that xfwm4's shortcuts and gnome-keybinding-properties' ones just work18:24
charlie-tcascim, too?18:24
SiDicharlie-tca: you'll be at the UDS, right ?18:26
charlie-tcamedical condition18:27
charlie-tcaI will be there in spirit18:27
SiDiOkey :)18:27
SiDiin video, too ?18:27
SiDiin irc, at least ? :o18:28
charlie-tcairc, gobby, icecast18:28
tmuraseI have to say, I'm not missing gnome at all now with the latest xubuntu18:30
tmuraseI'm sure that will make Jorge cry ;)18:31
Idespnnrtmurase: what differences have you noticed between xfce and gnome?18:38
tmuraseNot a whole lot, but that's probably due to the fact I moved from vanilla ubuntu18:40
tmuraseI can see in comparing with my sole remaining gnome box that the overall xfce environment is lighter in terms of resources18:40
SiDido we have any ISO image below 250 MB available via torrent ?19:07
zoredacheSiDi: you can download the mini.iso of the web site (~12mb)19:28
zoredacheyou must have working network access to install19:28
BesogonSiDi, Puppy linux ISO 100Mb about19:29
SiDiBesogon: thanks19:30
SiDizoredache: i wanna download some torrent stuff ;)19:30
J_Litewskihttp://secure.newegg.com/WishList/PublicWishDetail.aspx?WishListNumber=14819787 <-- my dream computer19:50
Moodis there a bug with the new xubuntu/xfce clock?20:02
Moodwhen i hover over it, it still shows Apr 24 Friday, but the display is correct20:03
=== evilbug_ is now known as evilbug
jeidsonanyone have advice on how to connect to a windows vpn server that is using pptp. I'm using xubuntu 8.04. and have tried suggestions from internet20:32
jeidsonSo far I tried using networkmanager-pptp but the only option I get is manual setup.20:33
jeidsonI have been unable to get a connection with kvpnc either.20:34
Besogonjeidson, I did it year ago20:36
jeidsonBesogon, Do you remember how you got it to work, or have things changed too much?20:37
BesogonOK. See routes. (May be easer way for you it install new Network manager).20:38
jeidsonBesogon, OK. I will try that.20:40
BesogonWhen you connect to VPN server, ypur host will change and Your computer cant find DNS servers. For resolve that you must write routes in script for pptp-up or somewere else20:41
J_Litewskihow do i change my wired connection settings?20:41
J_Litewskithe Edit button is grayed out when i go into Edit Connections20:41
BesogonJ_Litewski, https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/internet/C/troubleshooting.html (Did you try that?)20:44
J_Litewskiwhere is libnotify/notify.h?21:14
SiDi /usr/include/21:17
SiDilooking for something in particular with libnotify ?21:17
chewitJust out of interest, is there any speed tweaks I can use in Xfce or Xubuntu (as a whole)?21:19
J_Litewskii'm screwing around with making C programs21:19
J_Litewskiand thinking about writing a plugin for the xfce4 terminal if something happens21:19
geniichewit: For load time you can put in the kernel load line for 1 time the option "profile"21:22
J_Litewskithere is no libnotify folder in /usr/include/21:23
chewitgenii, where would i change the kernel load time?21:24
chewitoh i know what u mean21:24
chewiti have already done that21:24
geniichewit: How much RAM on the system?21:25
Haris_hi all21:26
chewiti am after speed tweaks on the desktop, not bothered about boot time21:27
Haris_does anyone know where can i find a list of laptops supported by xubuntu?21:27
geniichewit: If you had a larger amount of ram, you could make a ramdisk and run some part of your fs from it.21:27
cody-somervilleHaris_, Xubuntu should run just fine on most laptops21:31
Haris_thnx cody... i was thinking about installing ubuntu21:31
Haris_but seems like it doesnt really go well on hp 530, the lptp i have21:32
tweaksourcethe hp530 is about the same specs as my gateway mx8530 and i have no problems with ubuntu.21:34
Haris_so there is hope for me :)21:34
tweaksourceIn the past, I had to tweak drivers for IPW2200 and /or ATI divers, but not for the last few releases21:34
J_LitewskiSiDi, /usr/include/ doesn't have a libnotify folder21:35
tweaksourceXubuntu may run smoother for you. Try both live discs!21:35
SiDiJ_Litewski: it does here21:35
SiDiinstall libnotify-dev21:35
tweaksourceIs there a boot code to run 'buntu live from ram?21:36
geniichewit: If you feel brave you can also use apt-build on the apps you most often are using. With an apt-build.conf file specifying compiler options which will build those apps tailored to your specific machine. But the gains overall are marginal.21:36
artistxetweaksource, you mean like Puppy ?21:37
Haris_@tweaksource: thnx... will try both of them21:37
tweaksourceOr , mandriva, etc.21:37
chewitok genii, thanks21:37
geniichewit: np21:37
tweaksourceMCNLive runs GREAT from ram. Ubuntu would smoke!21:38
artistxenot that I am aware of. that would be a plus that would not go unmentioned21:38
artistxeMCNLive ?21:38
tweaksourceMandriva has improved a lot.21:39
artistxeKDE running from ram ?21:39
tweaksourceUbuntu still rules.21:39
tweaksourceYes, KDE from ram.21:39
tweaksourceFrom usb flashdrive, no less.21:39
J_Litewskiheh, Xubuntu would fly running from RAM21:40
artistxenot really a KDE fan here. check the name of this room ;)21:40
J_Litewskiplus a SSD = epic21:40
tweaksourceI agree, J_Litewski.21:40
artistxeJ_Litewski, pfft. check out one of the many Puppy distros21:41
tweaksourceIs puppy rpm-based?21:41
J_Litewskii mean, when i get my dream computer, Xubuntu will fly (since most of it will be run from RAM/GPU/NPU)21:42
tweaksourceQuad-core netbook = dream-PC21:42
tweaksourceWhat's NPU?21:43
artistxetweaksource, no. but there is a way to get rpm and deb packages I have heard21:43
J_LitewskiNPU = Network Processing Unit21:44
J_Litewskitweaksource: http://secure.newegg.com/WishList/PublicWishDetail.aspx?WishListNumber=1481978721:44
tweaksourceartistxe: so no package manager at all?21:46
tweaksourcethanks, J_Litewski21:47
artistxetweaksource, yes. PupGet from the Puppy repos21:48
artistxetweaksource, mind you. I only use it when I need to really need to bang my keyboard and fast switching between apps. I rolled my own version which I appropriately nickname " SlutPuppy"21:51
zerothishow often has this happened? <http://digg.com/linux_unix/Proprietary_Software_Can_Kill_You?FC=PRCK4>21:52
tweaksourceCopy that. I've rolled a couple of custom distros. I'll check out the Puppy, too.21:53
tweaksourceRemastersys works for me in ubuntu.21:53
tweaksourcePeace out!21:54
J_Litewski51 packages need to be installed to use libnotify-dev22:14
charlie-tcaheh, sounds like gnome again?22:16
J_Litewskii'm going to remove wine and most bluetooth support22:17
* SiDi cries.22:21
J_Litewskisince my lappy doesn't have bluetooth support, it's useless22:22
MarcPVhi there22:35
BSESiDi: dont cry, little one.. it will be ok, uncle Tux will help you22:49
SiDimeh ! :P22:50
tobiI have a problem with acpi events23:09
tobiI've added a file to /etc/acpi/events23:09
tobi and the event is fired23:09
tobiI can see it with acpi_listen23:09
tobibut the script isn't started23:09
JPohlmannIs the script marked executable?23:13
JPohlmannHow does it look like?23:13
tobievent=ibm/hotkey HKEY 00000080 0000500923:14
tobiand i can run thinkpad-swivel-down.shfrom the bash23:14
JPohlmannAs root or whatever user runs acpid?23:16
tobihow can I check?23:17
JPohlmannls -la /etc/acpi/thinkpad-swivel-down.sh23:18
JPohlmannIs the file in /etc/acpi/events executable as well?23:18
JPohlmannI'm not sure it has to be but you never know ...23:18
tobino, no file in /etc/acpi/events is executable23:18
JPohlmannHm, ok.23:18

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