
=== HedgeMag1 is now known as HedgeMage
blkdghello, as of 9.4, do i need to download ubuntu, then the educational apps?21:52
blkdgis there a way to get one iso with everything?21:53
Lnsblkdg: http://www.edubuntu.org/Download :)21:55
blkdgok, step one download the ubuntu iso, then burn it, reboot with it and then download the packages, right? if so, how do i make a live edubuntu cd.  I have one from a few years back, and i want to be able to run gcompris from a live cd.  what do i do?21:59
blkdgam i misreading the page? Start by downloading and installing Ubuntu 9.04, then you may install the Edubuntu educational layer one of the following ways: which is fine, but how do i make it live?22:03
SvenstaroThe way it currently is, it is rather complicated.22:04
SvenstaroAt least for a user.22:04
Lnsblkdg: edubuntu *used to be* it's own distro, with its own livecd, but now it's more of an 'add-on layer' for ubuntu. not sure if there's any current liveCD/DVD for it.22:05
blkdglooks like i should have paid attention , the last edubuntu iso i used as 6.x and it worked except for a gcompris bug, but there was a workaround for it.22:08
blkdgthanks for your help22:08
Lnsblkdg: np...and tbh the scope of what edubuntu is and does, is still sort of under community review22:10
Lnsa lot of people still believe edubuntu = ubuntu+ltsp22:10
Lnswhich the ltsp portion was taken out and put directly into ubuntu, now edubuntu is simply educational applications + themes for ubuntu22:11
Lnsbut edubuntu is actually supposed to refer to the project itself, and ubuntu edu'22:11
Lns'ubuntu-edu' is what you call the actual application collection(s)22:11
blkdgok. how far back was edubuntu an all in one iso?22:15
Lnshmm...i want to say until hardy (8.04), but i'm not sure22:17
blkdgok, thanks again22:18

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