
JontheEchidnaRiddell: think you could put on your archive admin hat and remove pykdeextensions? it's only for the kde3 version and debian has removed it00:02
Riddellcan do00:05
JontheEchidnarock on!00:06
Riddellfor a chroot you can make a jaunty one and dist-upgrade, until deboostrap gets updated00:07
RiddellJontheEchidna: what's in kdiff3-qt ?00:08
Riddellevening Sime_00:08
JontheEchidnaRiddell: apparently a qt3-only version of kdiff300:08
lex79bug 19443800:11
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/194438/+text)00:11
lex79launchpad bug 19443800:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 194438 in kmediafactory "8.04: Update to new KMediaFactory 0.6.0 for KDE4" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19443800:11
JontheEchidnalex79: looking00:12
JontheEchidnalex79: it's not exactly clear why you dropped the libmagick++dev build-dep00:16
lex79read changelog in description bug00:17
lex79btw build fine, libmagick is no need in this new upstreame release00:17
JontheEchidnaok, I see00:19
JontheEchidnatestbuilding now00:19
nixternalgrrr, xorg sucks00:21
nixternalout of nowhere, even after reboot, xorg is using 50% cpu00:22
JontheEchidnawhy must pbuilder be so slow00:26
blizzzhow can i suspend to ram via konsole (or dbus) without root priviliges?00:28
* JontheEchidna updates plasma-widget-translatoid while he waits00:29
lex79launchpad bug 36892900:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 368929 in kopete-plugin-thinklight "New upstream release" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36892900:30
Riddellthis annoys me https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19091300:42
ubottuKDE bug 190913 in general "ktorrent tar missing Messages sh" [Normal,Resolved: invalid]00:42
ScottKRiddell: Instead of repacking to add messages.sh, repack to remove all the translations.00:45
ScottKSlap a dfsg on it and point complaints upstream.00:45
JontheEchidnabonus: get debian to do the same00:46
JontheEchidnacome to think of it, ktorrent is already dfsg00:50
JontheEchidnawe could make language-pack-*-nonfree, lulz00:53
JontheEchidnathen have update-notifier-kde offer them for install when someone installs ktorrent00:53
JontheEchidnatelling the user to file all complaints with ktorrent ;P00:53
lex79JontheEchidna: in debian/control for plasmoid, the field Replaces: plasmoid-* is need in karmic?00:56
JontheEchidnalex79: yeah00:56
JontheEchidnalex79: also there are a few docbooks you need to delete for kmediafactory00:56
JontheEchidnakmediafactoryplayer and kmf_dbg_edit.sh00:56
JontheEchidnasince those executables are no longer distributed00:56
JontheEchidnaI can remove them for you and upload00:57
lex79JontheEchidna: ok ;)00:57
JontheEchidnalex79: which plasmoid are you doing?01:00
lex79JontheEchidna: plasma-widget-windowslist was renamed in plasma-widget-windowlist (without 's'). I must add plasma-widget-windowslist in Replace field?01:00
lex79this :)01:00
JontheEchidnalex79: as long as we never released a plasma-widget-windowlist then we dont' need to01:01
JontheEchidnayeah, you need to add a replace01:02
lex79Replaces: plasmoid-windowslist, plasma-widget-windowslist01:02
lex79is ok?01:02
JontheEchidnalex79: I'll do runcommand01:03
lex79JontheEchidna: ok01:03
JontheEchidnawhile you're doing windowlist01:04
JontheEchidnathe thinkpad plugin is also testbuilding01:05
lex79well, launchpad bug 36893601:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 368936 in plasma-widget-windowslist "New upstream release" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36893601:06
lex79now I will do adjustableclock01:07
JontheEchidnaI think we're on a roll :)01:08
JontheEchidnaIt takes longer to set up pbuilder than to build kopete-plugin-thinklight :(01:11
lex79oh, I forgot close bug in changelog for windowlist01:11
lex79I will close manually, ok?01:11
JontheEchidnaok, that's fine01:11
JontheEchidnaI could just add it for you though01:11
JontheEchidnasince I haven't started testbuilding it yet01:12
lex79as you want01:12
JontheEchidnalex79: thinklight looks great, I'll upload in just a bit01:13
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did you see there are patches in KDE for Kopete notification bustage?01:15
JontheEchidnaactions not working?01:16
JontheEchidnaor other bustage?01:16
ScottKJontheEchidna: I think it was actions.01:17
* ScottK looks around for the bug #01:17
JontheEchidnaI think I saw those, but I haven't done anything about it yet01:17
ScottKDebian bug 52572801:17
ubottuDebian bug 525728 in kopete "kopete: Kopete individual and group notifications doesn't work" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/52572801:18
ScottKThat was the one I saw01:18
ScottKJontheEchidna: I think we just need to remember it and see if it's not in 4.2.3 we see if we can grab it.01:18
* JontheEchidna nods01:18
lex79launchpad bug 36894301:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 368943 in plasma-widget-adjustableclock "New upstream release" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36894301:24
* JontheEchidna is just now getting windowslist01:27
lex79JontheEchidna: windowlist, not windowSlist :D01:27
* JontheEchidna wonders how bug 368916 happened...01:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 368916 in kubuntu-default-settings "kubuntu 9.04: default kickoffrc has an extra "k" at the end" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36891601:32
ScottKGot the 4.2.2 backport done just in time.  The first autosync run just started.01:32
ScottKJontheEchidna: So we can upload your patch (and we should, but it'll be a week before it gets built now.01:37
ScottKJontheEchidna: BTW, debdiff?01:37
JontheEchidnafor kopete notifications? I haven't actually done that yet01:38
ScottKNo, the one for the notifications leaking through the screensaver01:38
JontheEchidnaoh, that01:39
JontheEchidnalex79: plasma-widget-windowlist uploaded, thanks for your contribution to Kubuntu01:43
lex79thank you01:45
JontheEchidnalex79: adjustableclock uploaded01:58
lex79I will do lastmoid later01:58
JontheEchidnaScottK: I think http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdelibs/ubuntu/revision/46 is of interest01:59
* ScottK was hoping for a nice debdiff02:04
JontheEchidnaI could make a patch for backports, I suppose...02:12
ScottKRemember I'm old and forgetful and can't quite be trusted with such responsibility ....02:21
JontheEchidnajust about done02:24
JontheEchidnaScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/160351/02:32
* JontheEchidna grabs yakuake and merged02:35
lex79launchpad bug 36897902:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 368979 in plasma-widget-lastmoid "New upstream release" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36897902:38
ScottKJontheEchidna: You're quick.  Got to the bluetooth guy faster than i did.02:44
ScottKProbably nicer too.02:44
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did you test build against intrepid-backports?02:47
JontheEchidnaI didn't02:48
lex79launchpad bug 36898402:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 368984 in plasma-widget-drop2ftp "New upstream release" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36898402:53
ScottKOK.  Building then.  Off to do laundry ...03:00
JontheEchidnalex79: drop2ftp uploaded, thanks03:08
lex79JontheEchidna: lastmoid?03:09
* JontheEchidna hasn't seen a lastmoid bug yet03:09
lex79JontheEchidna: Launchpad bug 36897903:10
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/368979/+text)03:10
JontheEchidnasillly launchpad03:11
a|wenScottK: http://awen.dk/packages/kde4libs_4.2.2-0ubuntu1~intrepid2.debdiff03:22
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
ScottKa|wen: Is that the same as the one JontheEchidna gave me already?03:23
ScottKYeah, it is ....03:23
a|wenScottK: yeah; and i send it to you ~12h before ;)03:23
* a|wen thinks he got lost in a backlog, he03:23
a|weni didn't get to click all the links while reading the log yet03:24
JontheEchidnamaybe ScottK confused me for you? I though it strange that I  forgot that I was asked to fix a kde4libs bug....03:25
ScottKJontheEchidna: Probably.  a|wen: sorry about that.03:25
ScottKSo many helpful people.  Easy for old folks to get confused.03:26
a|wenhe, i think so ... well, as long as it gets fixed :)03:26
JontheEchidnalex79: lastmoid uploaded03:27
lex79I saw in ML ;)03:27
* a|wen wonders why he has both grab-merge and grab-merge.sh03:28
nixternalhrmm, how did I install kubuntu-restricted-extras, but it didn't grab firefox or sun-java6-plugin?03:34
ScottKFirefox isn't a restricted extra.03:38
a|wenand neither is sun-java6-plugin03:38
ScottKSo that would be how.03:39
* a|wen waves to vorian03:50
* a|wen updates basket03:51
ScottKa|wen and JontheEchidna: kde4libs for intrepid-backports is uploaded.  Thanks.04:46
a|wenyay :)04:46
* a|wen wonders when it is going to be built05:08
ScottKWonder when it will get accepted first.  LP is being difficult05:11
a|wenhe, that is a pre-requisite for building05:12
ScottKIt's not like there's a rush as backports get built after all development stuff.05:14
ScottKRiddell: Would you please accept the kde4libs in intrepid-backports.  LP isn't doing it for me.05:14
a|wenthen it wont get built anytime soon05:15
nhandlera|wen: To answer your question from earlier, grab-merge is now in ubuntu-dev-tools. grab-merge.sh you probably downloaded from either MoM or DaD05:16
ScottKGood night all.05:17
a|wennhandler: jup, i figured that grab-merge had actually been added to a real package now05:17
a|wennn ScottK05:17
nhandlera|wen: They were waiting to add it to u-d-t until MoM and DaD merged because prior to that, there were 2 different grab-merge.sh scripts05:18
* nhandler -> bed05:18
a|wenmakes sense05:19
a|wennn nhandler05:19
apacheloggerclearly there is a bug in the dontzap stuff06:31
a|wenapachelogger: how so?06:32
apacheloggera|wen: say you change the display size ... then the kcm will apply that setting and ask whether you want to keep the new size or revert to the previous one ... if you click apply all is good ... but if you click revert kdesudo will popup for dontzap06:34
apacheloggera|wen: I suppose you are going to fix this now? :D06:34
apacheloggerit should be using polkit anywway06:34
a|wenthat is a strange/fun bug :)06:35
apacheloggera|wen: aye, on the other hand your nm package is quite an improvement on my machine06:42
apacheloggernow connect automagically works even06:42
apacheloggermy kded4 crashed06:42
apacheloggerwas like: upgrade -> logout -> delete all configs -> login -> try to connect -> kded4 goes down06:43
apacheloggerafter that it worked, after restarted it worked as well, so we should be looking into that06:43
a|wenthere has indeed been great improvement; but it still has some rough edges ... which seems to move around a bit06:44
apacheloggerwell, we need to take a revision and squash the regression edges so it can go to updates06:44
apacheloggera|wen: we probably need a set of testcases to ensure the most critical stuff didn't regress06:45
a|wenapachelogger: very true ... i'm kind of an off person for that, as i can test exactly wired networking and that's it06:47
apacheloggerwe need loads of tests on different machcines as well06:48
apachelogger+ wired networking is critical stuff IMHO :D06:48
apacheloggerso, who knows how to use qa.ubuntu.com?06:48
* a|wen has no idea how that one works06:50
a|wenwell, currently wired network does not work at all for me using the plasmoid ... it totally ignores my network card06:51
apacheloggera|wen: and the nu snapshot doesn't improve that06:52
a|wenno change at all06:52
apacheloggermaybe it's a network-manager issue all along? did you try with nm-applet?06:52
a|weni suspect it is ... haven't looked at it much yet06:53
a|wenexactly the same for nm-applet07:03
apacheloggeryou probably should report a bug against nm then :D07:06
a|wenmight be on purpose as i have the eth0 with ppp+ipv6 tunnel overlays ... nm-applet reports it as unmanaged07:08
a|wenthat will be a test for another day07:09
freeflyingC/win 2507:09
a|wenmy network = encapsulation hell07:11
eagles0513875a|wen: hows things this am07:17
a|wenwell, they turned pm, heh07:17
eagles0513875morning dpm07:57
dpmgood morning eagles051387507:57
eagles0513875dpm: translation into maltese looks promising08:01
dpmeagles0513875: I'm glad, did you have a good response from the maltese mailing lists? Did you try to contact the KDE maltese translation team as well?08:02
eagles0513875dpm: should have one today08:03
eagles0513875but i talked to a friend who was kinda working on it he has an ubuntu group of facebook which he made me kubuntu specialist lol and i posted on there too so hopefully i get a response soon but it looks super promising08:03
dpmeagles0513875: I haven't had the chance to answer your e-mail on ubuntu-translators, but I think we already talked about the most important things on #ubuntu-translators the other day08:04
eagles0513875ya we did08:04
dpmsounds good08:05
eagles0513875also uploaded a number of knetwork bugs upstream last night08:06
eagles0513875dpm: can you take a look at something for me because i dont know how to respond to it08:14
eagles0513875not to mention i dont understand the bug08:14
dpmI can try, what is it?08:14
Mamarokdpm: he didn't asnwer the second part of your question....08:14
eagles0513875bug 14475608:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 144756 in kdenetwork "proxy settings don't affect" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14475608:14
eagles0513875i posted that upstream last night and i got a response to file a wish report do i just copy what was in the bug that i filed upstream to the wishlist?08:15
dpmeagles0513875: I think you should ask someone more knowledgeable on KDE/Kubuntu development than me, maybe a dev08:18
eagles0513875ok dpm ill ask later cuz seems like everyone is asleep08:19
dpmbut as far as I can tell, the Kubuntu bug already links to the upstream bug08:19
eagles0513875dpm: take a look at the upstream bug there was a response to put it on upstream wishlist08:20
eagles0513875do i take wahts in the upstream bug and post it to the wishlist then relink the url to the wishlist bug and change it to wish list08:20
nixternalhrmm, I don't think that bug should have gone upstream to be honest...seeing as the two apps mentioned in the report are not KDE apps, and that the proxy settings in KDE are for KIO enabled apps only, I think those apps should get the report if anything08:26
nixternalI scoured fd.o and there isn't a damn thing on proxy stuff08:26
eagles0513875nixternal: that was under the https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+upstreamreport knetwork08:26
nixternalnote that this is the same action in pretty much everything our there, whether it is windows, mac, or linux, the system's proxy settings may/may not effect 3rd party applications08:26
nixternalit shouldn't have been, but it looks like it was tagged that way08:27
eagles0513875gotcha what do i do re putting that on the upstream wishlist08:27
nixternalthat isn't an upstream issue though08:27
apacheloggernixternal: there is no environment with only kde apps08:27
nixternalright, and you get that same result on windows, os x, gnome, whatever08:27
eagles0513875apachelogger: i put it upstream and it was request to be put on wish list do i put what i put in the upstream bug on the wish list and relink it on the proper bug08:28
nixternalif the app isn't written to utilize the system's proxy settings, then it isn't going to work as one would want it to08:28
eagles0513875let me know what you guys determine08:28
nixternalkde can't fix the issue for adept or apt, it isn't their issue to begin with08:28
apacheloggereagles0513875: no, read what dario requested08:28
apacheloggernixternal: I am more thinking of a freedesktop level here08:29
nixternalyou can wishlist it, but that just means in 10 years from now, you can go point it out to your grand children that you really did contribute to free software08:29
apacheloggerwhy would my kde proxy settings not apply to firefox?08:29
apacheloggeror openoffice08:29
nixternalapachelogger: it would be great, and if it were to ever happen, linux would be the first08:29
eagles0513875what would you guys like me to do08:29
nixternalbut even on the freedesktop level, that means we need to share a common proxy system, and then have every application that utilizes proxy, to be rewritten in order to support it08:29
eagles0513875wishlist it08:29
nixternalapachelogger: because firefox and oo.o have their own proxy implementations08:30
apacheloggernixternal: there are existing frameworks for poxies, so you'd just need to modify the frameworks08:30
apacheloggernixternal: well, those were just two examples08:30
nixternaladept and apt08:30
apacheloggerfirst stage would be to get kde and gnome apps share the proxy setting08:30
nixternalsame deal, though I don't know why one would write a kde based app that utilizes a proxy without doing it the kde way08:31
eagles0513875then that would have to go upstream both ways08:31
apacheloggernixternal: that is not what I said08:31
apacheloggerthey should share the setting08:31
apacheloggernot the implementation08:31
apacheloggerkde just would need to read the fd.o config rather than the kde one08:31
apacheloggersame probably applies for gnome08:31
nixternalright, so you mean that firefox and oo.o should become even more bloatware so they can support every proxy imp out there08:31
apacheloggeryou need sleep08:32
apacheloggernixternal: it's not about the implementation08:32
nixternaluntil a single proxy imp is written, which I find it hard to believe it ever will be, there isn't much you can do08:32
* eagles0513875 holds my tongue bout Oo08:32
apacheloggeryou need a common place to store the setting08:32
apacheloggerthat is all08:32
apacheloggerKDE stores the setting somewhere, GNOME stores the setting somewhere, Firefox stores the setting somewhere....08:32
nixternalright, kde has that common place, but unless the app is utilizing the proxy kio, it doesn't get the settings08:32
eagles0513875nixternal: what hes saying have something universal for storing the settings for both gnome and kde programs08:33
nixternalright, I know what he is saying...it is a wishlist bug, it is something that needs to go to fd.o before it goes to kde or gnome, imho08:33
apacheloggernixternal: it needs to go there via KDE, if we suggest that it is going to get no attention at all08:34
eagles0513875well the launchpad bug number is  14475608:34
apacheloggerlike that inprecision in the desktop file spec that JontheEchidna filed a bug about half a year ago or something08:34
nixternalright, and you file it as a wishlist in kde and gnome, it isn't going anywhere either08:35
nixternalunless you get some solid backing behind it08:35
apacheloggerah well08:35
nixternalI know, pass it on to jcastro :)  he can wrangle up all of the upstream devs :)08:35
* apachelogger thinks nixternal should write a spec at uds and get someone to sponsor development :P08:35
* nixternal could care less as he doesn't use a proxy nor ever has used a proxy08:36
nixternalI always had non-proxy backdoors somewhere08:36
nixternalit is all about scratching my itches now :p08:36
* eagles0513875 apologizes to room for starting a fight08:36
nixternalpfft, that wasn't a fight :)08:36
eagles0513875nixternal: lol let him do that lol08:37
eagles0513875im just doing what i was given to do08:37
* eagles0513875 thinks dolphin needs to be stripped from karmic08:38
nixternalgo figure...firefox stores proxy crap in their sql files08:38
eagles0513875dolphin is a pita when it comes to accessing remote shares super slow08:38
nixternalI am actually starting to like dolphin...as I only use it to when viewing images08:39
apacheloggernixternal: so they need 5 lines of code to read it from the fd.o location on $linux :P08:39
nixternalI was just thinking that same thing apachelogger :)08:39
apacheloggerthough, I think they will go for interfacing with gnome's proxy magic and just use that08:39
eagles0513875nixternal: try access a samba mounted share thats mounted using smbfs08:39
apacheloggerlike they always do :D08:39
nixternalor, better yet, creating a proxy aggregator08:39
apacheloggerwooohooo \o/08:39
nixternalhahaha, that is how it goes08:40
nixternalso, I got my first taste of pygtk programming, and I have to say, I don't think it could be any easier08:40
apacheloggernixternal: bug 34577608:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345776 in kdesudo "package kdebase-runtime 4:4.2.1-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: conflicts with kdesudo (it tries to owerwrite file /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34577608:40
apacheloggerdo you think kdesudo pre-depending kdebase-runtime would solve that?08:41
nixternalno, because wouldn't kdesudo then fail trying to overwrite that same file?08:41
apacheloggerno, kdesudo does alter it08:42
apacheloggermove kdesu to kdesu.orig or something08:42
nixternalya, that would work08:42
apacheloggercool, now I just need a minion to fix that08:42
nixternalthough isn't that the RPM way?08:42
nixternalie. a hack :)08:42
apacheloggernixternal: aye08:43
nixternalhrmm, though how else could you get around that?08:43
eagles0513875a|wen: seems like you getting killer response in regards to your plasma network manager widget :)08:43
apacheloggernixternal: package kdesu in an own package08:43
apacheloggermake runtime depend on kdesu|kdesudo08:43
eagles0513875apachelogger: whats the difference between kdesu and kdesudo08:44
nixternalthere's a good idea08:44
nixternalone works :)08:44
apacheloggereagles0513875: kdesu's sudo support is rather broken08:44
eagles0513875so it was replaced with kdesudo08:44
apacheloggernixternal: still that would cause a diff to debian ... we should talk to master tonio I suppose08:44
nixternalapachelogger: in that case, why even install it in the first place then?08:44
apacheloggereagles0513875: aye08:44
apacheloggernixternal: kdesu?08:45
nixternalor better yet, fix kdesu :p08:45
nixternalapachelogger: ya08:45
apacheloggerit works perfectly fine for su and mostly for sudo, it just ain't got no password caching and all the loves08:45
eagles0513875i still cant get over how a beta of an irc program made it into jaunty. dunno what the beta version has that the stable version didnt08:45
nixternalpretty soon we will have so many of the same type of wheel, that our choice will be clouded08:45
apacheloggereagles0513875: beta?08:46
* apachelogger can't follow08:46
eagles0513875apachelogger: kvirc08:46
apacheloggereagles0513875: stable was horribly horribly broken due to KDE 308:46
eagles0513875apachelogger: gotcha08:46
eagles0513875well im gonna figure out at some point how to package a newer snapshot08:47
apacheloggeror use a decent irc client :P08:47
eagles0513875i like kvirc lol08:47
eagles0513875i like being able to put up a theme of a porn star in the background :P08:47
nixternalit reminds me to much of mIRC08:47
* apachelogger shudders08:47
nixternalirssi ftw!08:47
eagles0513875its different08:47
eagles0513875lol apachelogger btw thanks for packaging 2.1 of amarok08:48
apacheloggermhhhh ... irssi08:48
apacheloggerif only it was written in ruby :P08:48
nixternalactually, kvirc in jaunty isn't even beta08:48
nixternalsvn snapshot, better yet :)08:48
apacheloggereagles0513875: was only kind of a PITA :D08:48
eagles0513875well hell08:48
apacheloggernixternal: while I was amarok's release dude I had a saying ... was something like "releases are eventually just svn snapshots"08:48
eagles0513875it just sigseved on me08:49
imbrando_apachelogger: limechat == ruby ftw :)08:49
apacheloggerruby \o/08:49
=== imbrando_ is now known as imbrandon
nixternalimbrandon: go to bed already!08:49
nixternaland stop drinking bud light dude!08:49
imbrandonnixternal: i napped , i'm good :)08:49
nixternalruby, eww08:49
apacheloggerok, that name is just tooo uberawesome08:49
eagles0513875apachelogger: who should i poke re that bug regarding proxy08:49
apacheloggereagles0513875: jonny08:50
imbrandonapachelogger: 02:49 <Freenode> CTCP-reply VERSION from imbrandon : LimeChat for OSX 0.2008:50
imbrandonon rubycoca08:50
nixternalI wonder if DHH uses LimeChat08:51
imbrandondhh ?08:51
nixternalya, the guy who created ruby on fails08:51
nixternaloh, I mean rails08:51
nixternalmy new drinking buddy to be exact08:51
nixternalI was just on an open source panel with him a few weeks back08:51
nixternalpeople wanted us to either a) fight, or b) arm wrestle08:52
eagles0513875apachelogger: the echidna08:52
nixternalquite funny...nobody likes him because of his attitude, but damn we are similar, and he is cool to drink with08:52
* apachelogger notes that nixternal doesn't work half the time because he is always out drinking08:52
nixternalplus he is rich and buys the beer :p08:52
apacheloggereagles0513875: of course08:52
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: ping08:52
* nixternal notes he doesn't work anytime because he is unemployed08:52
* eagles0513875 multitasks08:52
apacheloggernixternal: hm, loads of ruby I suppose08:53
* eagles0513875 studies and helps post bugs upstream08:53
apacheloggernixternal: get a job over at canonical's08:53
* emonkey loves nixternal because he loves beer and is willing to pay for it ... :)08:53
nixternali can be the gourmet chef08:53
apacheloggerchief drinking dude08:53
imbrandonnixternal: or come work for my company :)08:53
nixternalmmm beer08:53
nixternalI can't leave Chicago, though I always say I want to...it is just way to awesome of a city08:53
* eagles0513875 wonders isnt this OT08:54
nixternalI have lived many other places, but this is sweet home chicago :)08:54
imbrandoneagles0513875: anytime imbrandon speaks its OT, you'll learn :)08:54
nixternalimbrandon: if I can work from home, then I am down08:54
nixternalimbrandon: lets go back, way back!08:55
imbrandoni did get amarok 2.1 to compile on osx today though, now *working* i dunno08:55
* eagles0513875 hugs all devs for best distro around08:55
imbrandonwhat ever happened to her ?08:55
nixternalhow many people in here can say that had a stalker on IRC?08:55
aplgmy japanese could use some improvements08:55
nixternalI have no clue dude08:55
aplgnixternal: Nightrose and I had08:56
nixternaldamn, guess I am no longer alone08:56
aplgactually the same person at the same time which was kinda creepy08:56
nixternalaplg: did they send dirty pictures?08:56
* eagles0513875 goes back to studying08:56
aplgnixternal: Nightrose?08:56
aplgsure, she usually sends some twice a week08:56
nixternalyour stalker08:56
imbrandonaplg: lol08:56
nixternalyou ass08:56
* Nightrose kicks aplg hard :D08:56
nixternalI was waiting for that08:57
Nightroseyou're not supposed to tell!08:57
emonkey*g* hi Nightrose08:57
aplgthere goes the spanking again08:57
Nightroseheya emonkey  :)08:57
imbrandonheya Nightrose08:57
Nightrosehi imbrandon08:57
Nightroseand everyone else08:57
eagles0513875hell  i always knew i could kill a channel but never knew i could wake one up08:57
emonkeyNightrose: how's life in the north? sadly rainy here ...08:57
eagles0513875first with nixternal and apachelogger re a bug lol08:57
eagles0513875then the rest cascading on its own08:57
Nightroseemonkey: good good - should get my ass up and ready for university08:58
eagles0513875hehehehe Nightrose08:58
aplg<= sick08:58
eagles0513875thank god today is my study day with no lectures08:58
emonkeyNightrose: ou yeah, should be there since 8 ... ^^08:58
eagles0513875<---has exams starting 11th may08:58
aplg~twitter swine flu08:58
kubotuincorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help twitter'08:58
aplg~twitter update swine flu08:58
kubotuyou must identify using 'twitter identify [username] [password]'08:58
aplgoh dear08:58
nixternalmake sure you msg the bot first08:58
eagles0513875~twitter swine flu08:58
kubotuincorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help twitter'08:58
nixternalunlike someone in here who just let everyone know their business08:59
eagles0513875~twitter update swine flu08:59
kubotuyou must identify using 'twitter identify [username] [password]'08:59
apacheloggerI better use identica08:59
eagles0513875nixternal: ? who you talking bout08:59
apacheloggeror I could port that darn plugin to identica08:59
nixternalI used to sit behind this guy in class, and would watch him log into IRC, and then I would hop on to IRC, use his username and password, and then kick him for ghosting08:59
apacheloggerthen again my ruby is in worse shape than my japanese08:59
nixternalit was so much fun to watch him scratch his head for 3 hours in class08:59
* eagles0513875 cheers at apachelogger for trying to bring the room back on topic08:59
emonkeyNightrose, aplg, long ago since we skyped ... would be cool,to do that again soonly08:59
apacheloggernixternal: you are an evil person09:00
apacheloggeremonkey: sure09:00
nixternal~twitter update @apachelogger has swine flue09:00
kubotustatus updated09:00
nixternalhahaha, I can't spell09:00
nixternalshit, I spelt it wrong and it worked09:00
eagles0513875apachelogger: random thought that im not sure would go to well but using teamspeak in conjunction with this channel for devs09:00
apacheloggeroh my09:00
apacheloggermumble > teamspeak09:01
nixternal~twitter update FLU FLU FLU no flue like blue cuz I am gonna sue09:01
eagles0513875mumble != teamspeak09:01
kubotucould not update status09:01
eagles0513875mumble = opensource i have tried it on windows09:01
nixternalthat bot sucks09:01
apacheloggerkubotu: you suck!09:01
nixternal~twitter update FLU FLU FLU no flue like blue cuz I am gonna sue09:01
kubotustatus updated09:01
apacheloggeremonkey: so, how are the drugs?09:02
nixternallet me guess, kubotu is built on ruby ;p09:02
Nightrosenixternal: damn... - that page is scary09:02
nixternalmmm drugs09:02
nixternalNightrose: what page?09:02
apachelogger.ch got loads of drugs09:02
eagles0513875apachelogger: mumble would be kool to have as well for this channel in conjunction with irc09:02
nixternaloh, my stalker's launchpad page :p09:02
nixternalerr, x-stalker09:02
imbrandonNightrose: hahah she was even more scary on IRC09:02
emonkeyapachelogger: no drugs before the Hockey match this afternoon ...09:02
apacheloggereagles0513875: doesn't work out09:02
Nightroseimbrandon: Oo09:02
apacheloggerit creates a closed society09:02
* nixternal still thinks imbrandon gave her my phone number09:02
eagles0513875apachelogger: would be too chaotic09:02
imbrandonhahahaha i did, shhh09:03
apacheloggerwe had that for some time in amarok09:03
apacheloggerthose that ain't have no equitment would use IRC09:03
nixternaldude, she just showed up at o'hare airport and called me to come pick her up09:03
apacheloggerthe others not, but follow IRC09:03
apacheloggerall in all leading to one big mess09:03
nixternalI was like "I am in mexico right now"09:03
emonkeyapachelogger: speak2text engine ... ^^09:03
apacheloggernixternal: swine flu?09:03
Nightrosehaha nixternal09:03
eagles0513875emonkey: :) me like sometimes too lazy to type09:03
Nightroserofl apachelogger09:03
nixternalmy old man has the swine flu09:04
apacheloggeremonkey: it is $broken09:04
apacheloggerI tried it the other day09:04
nixternalhe has been sick since he got back from his trip09:04
apacheloggera) the ktts kcm is crashing all the time09:04
imbrandonnot only that you can talk and code at the same time with skype :)09:04
apacheloggerb) default setup is horribly09:04
emonkeyoh not nice09:04
eagles0513875nixternal: you being serious bro09:04
apacheloggerc) quality is horrible09:04
apacheloggerd) getting all that stuff to work takes about an hour and loads of binary-only apps09:04
nixternalnah, it isn't swin flu, but it is some sort of flu09:04
eagles0513875:( i would have him go to hospital to make sure09:05
apacheloggerimbrandon: that is clearly impossible for men09:05
* emonkey should go on cleaning the flat, new girlfriend is visiting tomorrow ...09:05
nixternalOMG! I actually witnessed people buying the medical masks today...to bad they don't cover the eyes and ears, which are easy points of entry for viri09:05
apacheloggerimbrandon: we just ain't got the multitasking09:05
nixternallol, new gf is visiting09:05
imbrandonapachelogger: lol09:05
nixternalemonkey: leave it a mess, if she leaves it wasn't meant to be09:05
* eagles0513875 iis jealous that emonkey has a gf and im single09:05
nixternalthat is how we work packages on REVU09:05
emonkeynixternal: *g* yeah you're right, but it's a good motivation to do it09:06
* imbrandon is glad to be single again09:06
nixternalshoot, I never cleaned the house for my x-wife...probably the reason for the x09:06
* eagles0513875 hates the single life09:07
* emonkey was happy to be single till I met her09:07
bokeyhey eagles051387509:07
* imbrandon is holding out for seele to be his 3rd ex-wife ( just playin seele , dont kick me :P , lol )09:07
eagles0513875hey bokey09:07
nixternalfunny thing is, KDE 3 pre-alpha killed my marriage...you know how much time I spent on Slackware building it?09:07
nixternalit would take me well over a full day09:08
apacheloggeremonkey: so she caused an overall depression? ... not sure that is exactly good relationship material :P09:08
imbrandonand you just HAd to watch it compile :)09:08
apacheloggerimbrandon: of course it ain't had gotten those fancy progress indicators, so he wouldn't know when it's going to finish09:08
apacheloggerkde-nightly is on a roll09:09
emonkeyapachelogger: rofl, trust me she's great, big sense of humor, smart and sweet. I'm incredibly happy!09:09
* eagles0513875 thinks that me packaging new kvirc snapshot from svn is gonnna be hell09:09
nixternalimbrandon: of course...I was building 2.0 stable on Debian, and building trunk on Slackware...multitasking09:09
* eagles0513875 smacks emonkey around a bit after making me jealous09:10
apacheloggeremonkey: sounds like Nightrose09:10
apacheloggerwell, except for the humor of course09:10
* apachelogger waits for spanking09:10
imbrandonapachelogger: run09:10
* Nightrose spanks and hugs apachelogger 09:10
emonkeyapachelogger: she's taller ;)09:10
apacheloggeremonkey: it's not about the size09:11
eagles0513875how tall is she emonkey09:11
eagles0513875im 5'1109:11
eagles0513875apachelogger: depends on what size we talking bout :P09:11
emonkeyShe's a bit smaller then I and I'm 173cm09:11
apachelogger"decorate your body with a huge instrument"09:11
Nightroseemonkey: impossible!!!!1111eleven09:11
Nightroseapachelogger: welllllllll :D09:11
apacheloggeralphorn advertisement I got earlier09:11
nixternalslackware was a dual p3 1ghz machine, and the debian box was the lower end athlon, forgot the name, 900mhz09:12
eagles0513875emonkey: how much is that in feet09:12
emonkeyeagles0513875: no idea09:12
Nightroseeagles0513875: google knows09:12
eagles0513875nixternal: im kinda pissed cuz i got windows on my monster quad machine09:12
imbrandonnixternal:  thunderbird09:12
eagles0513875damn me and gaming09:12
nixternalthunderbird? I thought that was the good one09:12
eagles0513875now if you guys want a rig go for an intel i7 proc09:12
eagles0513875i got the core 2 quad before the i7s came out the q955009:13
eagles0513875i went overboard on my rig building09:13
eagles05138758gb of ddr2 800mhz ram q9550 core 2 quad with 12mb l209:13
nixternalya, the t-bird was a good cpu, I had a 1ghz axia (still remember the chip model) that I had overclocked up to 1.8ghz (which is still one of the tops in the overclockers database)09:14
emonkeyNightrose: I insist it's possible, trust me. :)09:14
* apachelogger ain't got no clue what all that means but it certainly sounds fancy :P09:14
eagles0513875nixternal: lol nice09:14
eagles0513875apachelogger: what i was saying those are the specs of my rig my rpocesser and ram09:14
* imbrandon runs a leveno t61 , a imac g4 , a macbook pro 15.4 in ( typing on now ) and a BYO rig ( core 2 quad , 8gb ram, 1TB HDD, etc etc etc )09:14
eagles0513875would love to be packaging and compiling on here but my downside is im a gamer09:14
emonkeyimbrandon: I've got an t61p ... nice notebook09:15
imbrandoneagles0513875: dual boot it09:15
apacheloggerthat reminds me09:15
imbrandonemonkey: yea i loved it untill i got my mbpro09:15
eagles0513875i also have 2 laptops one my older athlon 64 3200 2ghz is running ubuntu server gonna setup some other stuff other the shoutcast on it and this tablet has turion x2 and running kubuntu jaunty 64bit09:15
apacheloggerhm, rick got lost it seems09:15
eagles0513875imbrandon: i would but i would wanna backup my data before i do anything09:15
eagles0513875imbrandon: almost have a full 500gb hdd09:15
apacheloggermirroring > backup09:16
eagles0513875apachelogger: dont have any other hard drive atm09:16
eagles0513875if i backup i backup to external drive09:16
imbrandoneagles0513875: preachin to the chior, i have tons of pr0n^W data too, prob about 3TB of actual use09:16
emonkeyou I really should go on cleaning ... afk, nice day kubuntu heroes09:16
apacheloggerkdegraphics is building \o/09:16
apacheloggerneon script exploded \o/09:16
nixternalimbrandon: duron09:17
imbrandonbut it all sits on a home "server" :)09:17
nixternalthat's what it was09:17
imbrandonnixternal: yea duron's09:17
eagles0513875imbrandon: lol09:17
nixternalimbrandon: that machine is still my print server09:17
eagles0513875imbrandon: 1tb drive are not that expensive so its all good09:17
eagles0513875apachelogger: need anything tested?09:17
nixternalthe only time it has ever gone down was for an upgrade or power failure09:17
eagles0513875i think we drove hobbsee crazy09:17
nixternalas a matter of fact, it is running dapper and I haven't touched it in over 2 years09:18
eagles0513875anyone beat the world record for up time with linux which si 18 yrs09:18
imbrandoneagles0513875: yea my server has 8 ( striped and mirrored ) 1TB drives, for 4TB of useable space09:18
eagles0513875holy s***09:18
eagles0513875your nuts imbrandon09:18
eagles0513875imbrandon: if i do anything im gonna get 4 1tb drives09:18
nixternalok, time for bed09:18
imbrandonnah, i just rely on my data alot :)09:18
eagles0513875what si the best raid to use though09:18
eagles0513875night nixternal09:18
imbrandongnight nix09:18
eagles0513875imbrandon: i heard though with anything over 1tb there are issues with linux and raid09:19
eagles0513875at least that si what i have seen in clustering environment09:19
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports09:19
imbrandoneagles0513875: raid 5 is what i would recommend09:19
eagles0513875apachelogger: here goes nothign with packaging an updated kvirc snapshot09:19
eagles0513875imbrandon: k09:19
imbrandoneagles0513875: nah, maybe software, but anyone software raiding that much data isnt all there anyhow09:19
imbrandonat work i have much larger arrays than my home 4tb09:20
imbrandonwith no issues09:20
eagles0513875imbrandon: i have raid on my motherboard09:20
eagles0513875interesting imbrandon could be something in the clustering relam09:20
imbrandoneagles0513875: make sure its true hardware raid and not a "hybrid" most mb's have09:21
imbrandonthat require a driver09:21
eagles0513875imbrandon: the motherboard i have is an asus p5n-d09:21
eagles0513875which i think it does :(09:21
imbrandonif your os dosent see it as one drive at partitioning time ( with no drivers loaded ) then its not true hardware raid09:21
eagles0513875this is vista im on09:21
eagles0513875only god knows what that will do09:22
imbrandonany os09:22
eagles0513875welll right now  dont have time to screw around with anything09:22
eagles0513875i have exams09:22
imbrandonspeaking of, i have some real work to do too, and some packin i need to finish up on the new apt-mirror09:22
* imbrandon egst back to work09:23
eagles0513875imbrandon:  is it easy to setup apt-mirror09:23
eagles0513875was gonna set one up on my laptop server lol09:23
imbrandonsure ( i'm kinda bias though as i'm one of 2 upstream devs for it )09:23
eagles0513875well now i know now who i can turn to for help09:23
imbrandonseriously though, if you can edit a sources.list file then you can setup a mirror09:24
eagles0513875i need to download the rest of the packages i had bout 50gb of stuff to download lol09:24
eagles0513875imbrandon: nice09:24
imbrandonits pretty simple09:24
eagles0513875bout another 20gb to download09:24
imbrandonyou can guine pig 0.4.6 out of svn if ya want :)09:25
eagles0513875im avoiding pigs right now lest i get swine flu09:26
* eagles0513875 trying to figure out where to start packaging09:32
eagles0513875apachelogger: sry to interrupt what you are doing would pbuilder be the best to use for compiling from svn source09:33
eagles0513875wb dpm09:40
apacheloggereagles0513875: if you mean compiling a package, then yes, pbuilder is generally a good choice for any kind of package building09:42
eagles0513875apachelogger: ok :) thanks will follow that how to09:44
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 34577609:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345776 in kdebase-runtime "package kdebase-runtime 4:4.2.1-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: conflicts with kdesudo (it tries to owerwrite file /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34577609:52
apacheloggerthat is actually fun10:11
apacheloggernixternal: I am wondering how kdesudo from hardy can actually upgrade to jaunty, seing as there was a path change in the dpkg-diversion and jaunty's kdesudo only treats install calls but not upgrade calls in postinst10:14
apacheloggernixternal: oh another fun option to get rid of the diversion: make kdesu a link to alternatives/kdesu and install the actual binary with some other name10:16
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
Tonio_hi there10:46
apacheloggerhey Tonio_10:48
apacheloggerTonio_: earlier we were talkign a bit about kdesudo and were wondering why you use dpkg-divert... any special reason for that?10:48
Tonio_apachelogger: yeah, just to avoid to patch kde for all desktop files that go root10:49
apacheloggerthere are other more reliable options10:49
Tonio_apachelogger: maybe there is another way10:49
apacheloggerbug bug 34577610:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345776 in kdebase-runtime "package kdebase-runtime 4:4.2.1-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: conflicts with kdesudo (it tries to owerwrite file /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34577610:49
apacheloggerTonio_: actually I can think of 210:49
Tonio_apachelogger: huml that shouldn't happen...10:49
apacheloggera) move kdesu to a seperate package and make -runtime depend kdesudo|kdesu10:50
Tonio_apachelogger: how can dpkg-divert fail on that bug ?10:50
apacheloggerTonio_: I am not sure10:50
apacheloggeractually I was wondering how upgrading from 8.04 is working at all10:50
Tonio_apachelogger: hum....... weird....10:51
Tonio_apachelogger: that's probably due to some manuall dpkg-divert usage10:51
apacheloggersince the diversion path changed (due to kde4) and the preinst doesn't handle upgrade calls ... so in theory it should not divert10:51
Tonio_apachelogger: if you manually remove the divert and kdesudo is still installed, then the upgrade might cause a conflict indeed10:51
apacheloggerwell, nixternal and I think that pre-depends: kdebase-runtime should take care of this particular issue10:52
apacheloggerI am going to conduct some upgrade testing though, since this all appears rather odd10:52
Tonio_apachelogger: another way :create an alternative, then patch kde to use the alternative10:52
Tonio_apachelogger: that's a lot more work, but would avoids any problem I suspect10:52
apacheloggerwell, not a lot more work10:52
Tonio_apachelogger: kde patches to maintain is always bad :)10:53
Tonio_espacially for something as sensitive10:53
apacheloggerthat is why creating a seperate package might be the way to go10:53
Tonio_apachelogger: and a conflict between the 2 packages then .10:53
Tonio_yeah, that makes sense, indeed10:53
Tonio_so that I just have to link, that's not bad10:54
apacheloggerwe could also carry this change to debian since they also have kdesudo and kdesu and kdesudo target to provide the very same functionality10:54
Tonio_apachelogger: another thing I've been working on recently is synchronize kde and firefox mimetypes10:54
Tonio_apachelogger: I wrote a little binary that dumps kde prefs10:54
* apachelogger thinks that something should be done upstream though :D10:55
apacheloggergksu can, why shouldn't kdesu10:55
Tonio_apachelogger: I'm currently writting a firefox extension that parses the output and then resets the prefs for each mimetype10:55
Tonio_seems to work pretty well :)10:55
apacheloggerwouldn't that drain a lot of resource?10:55
Tonio_apachelogger: not that much since the kde binary runs 1/2 sec at startup10:56
Tonio_and then the extension only resets the mimetypes if the dump content changed10:56
apacheloggerthat is quite a lot IMHO10:56
Tonio_apachelogger: yes it is10:57
Tonio_apachelogger: but there is no better way, and mozilla will *never* do that kde integration10:57
Tonio_apachelogger: they don't give a sh*t at linux anyway10:57
Tonio_apachelogger: and this way to do things has one very advantage : it won't require to patch anything10:57
apacheloggerTonio_: they don't have to do it for KDE10:58
apacheloggerthey have to do it for XDG10:58
apacheloggerJeffWaugh: Red Hat have patches, which may be upstream in the 1.5 branch, to integrate with the xdg-mime standard (instead of mailcap). On top of that, we may want to do some mailcap/xdg-mime synchronisation, so that other apps (such as mutt) can take advantage of the xdg-mime information.10:58
Tonio_apachelogger: redhat patches don't work as expected10:58
apacheloggerhow so?10:58
Tonio_apachelogger: you have no idea how crap is it in firefox :)10:58
apacheloggerfirefox itself is :P10:59
Tonio_apachelogger: cause firefox deals with 3 different ways10:59
Tonio_mailcap, rdf files, mimetypes, and in some cases protocols10:59
Tonio_depending the dialog in use10:59
Tonio_the only way to make it to work without any upstream patch is to write in the rdf10:59
Tonio_apachelogger: as I said : without a patch11:00
Tonio_apachelogger: sure the sources can be patched or xdg-open or so, but that's not my goal11:00
apacheloggeryeah, that only can be short-term though11:00
Tonio_hey Riddell11:00
apacheloggerlong-term solution is that firefox actually does desktop integration in a more useful sense than using gnome icons11:00
Tonio_apachelogger: it doesn't even respect the mailcap standard :)11:00
Tonio_apachelogger: we have qtcurve for that :)11:01
apacheloggerjust saying since they advertised 3.0 as integrating with your desktop :P11:01
Tonio_apachelogger: on windows, probably :)11:02
apacheloggernah, also on linux through gtk :P11:02
Tonio_apachelogger: it worked better with 2 afaik11:02
Tonio_apachelogger: I think they integrate with gconf11:03
Tonio_apachelogger: but really, upstream stuff to deal with kde is something they will never do11:03
Tonio_apachelogger: I don't claim what I'm doing is good11:03
apacheloggernever say never :P11:03
Tonio_apachelogger: I know some guys at mozilla :) they just don't care at linux11:03
apacheloggerTonio_: it's a workaround, so by definition it can't be good :P11:03
Tonio_apachelogger: they're just interested in market share, and breaking IE monopolistic position11:04
Tonio_apachelogger: hum, I wouldn't call that a workarround11:04
Tonio_apachelogger: let's call that "integration" :)11:04
apacheloggerintegration would be making firefox use xdg's mime database11:05
Tonio_apachelogger: but it's not as crap as forcing xdg-open, really :)11:05
Tonio_apachelogger: yeah, I agree on that point11:05
apacheloggerthat again would be a workaround as well11:05
Tonio_apachelogger: but also is xdg limited at some points11:05
Tonio_apachelogger: what if you have gnome and kde and want different "prefered" application for each desktop ?11:05
apacheloggerthe idea is that you don't want11:05
apacheloggerbesides, there is no real usecase to that, because unless you actually set a preferred application it will autodetermine it, won't it?11:06
Tonio_apachelogger: well, workarround or not, lots of people are concerned by this, so if I can come up with something that "just works", without any crap source patches, I'm happy ;)11:07
apacheloggerdrop firefox from the archive :P11:07
apacheloggeror fork firefox... :P11:07
Tonio_apachelogger: yes it will, but there is no way to just say "prefer kde apps for kde desktop and gnome apps for gnome by default"11:07
Tonio_apachelogger: it should be able to use Categories for that11:07
Tonio_there is a KDE and a Gnome one....11:08
apacheloggerTonio_: I am quite sure it does do that11:08
Tonio_apachelogger: not afaik.... maybe I'm wrong :)11:08
Tonio_apachelogger: anyway, I have to go :)11:08
apacheloggerjust install ubuntu-desktop and check :P11:08
apacheloggernautlius always uses totem here, while dolphin always goes with dragon11:08
Tonio_apachelogger: we'll discuss this kdesudo during the UDS, cause you're right, we have to make this packaging nicer11:08
apacheloggeraye aye11:08
Tonio_apachelogger: my wrong then :) you got me :)11:09
Riddellthe lack of debian support on kde bug 190913 is surprising11:29
ubottuKDE bug 190913 in general "ktorrent tar missing Messages sh" [Normal,Resolved: invalid] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19091311:29
eagles0513875Riddell: wouldnt that be more of a kde upstream bug11:33
eagles0513875anyone seen jon or he still afk12:24
=== barteqx is now known as siekacz
apacheloggerRiddell: I am really not sure that complaint is valid though12:50
apacheloggerRiddell: just thinking ... .pot is source of the .po + .pot is markup code = .pot is source code ... but script generates .pot = script generates source code ... using that theory one would have to ship qt-designer etc. within the source of apps using .ui files12:51
apacheloggerthough I find the removal rather crude and unnecessary (speaking as former release dude)12:52
Riddellapachelogger: designer comes under "anything that is normally distributed with the operating system"12:57
Riddellit's a separate tool which needs to be available12:57
Riddellbuild scripts though clearly need to be included12:57
Riddelland GPL terminology is secondary to just having the complete sources12:58
eagles0513875question the bugs im sending upstream if its a wishlist i post it as a wishlist not a bug right13:05
ScottKRiddell: Thanks for taking care of kde4libs in intrepid-backports.13:11
ScottKLooks like it'll get built sometime in the next several weeks13:11
Riddellpoke NCommander to raise the build priority?13:19
Riddella|wen: nasty problem with new network plasmoid http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/nm2.png13:19
Riddellafter a suspend/resume13:20
RiddellI wonder what this says http://www.dominik-scholz.de/2009/04/21/kubuntu-904-interview-mit-jonathan-riddell/13:24
NightroseRiddell: says that kubuntu 9.04 was released and that you answered some questions13:26
Nightrosedon't remember him interviewqing you?  ;-)13:26
RiddellI don't remember my German being that good anyway13:27
apacheloggerthat is interesting13:39
apacheloggerNightrose: why does the release script fetch the po directories rather than the files themselfs?13:39
Nightroseapachelogger: *lol* you seriously ask me? :D13:39
apacheloggerah, well, you know, I prefer telling you rather than documenting my code :P13:39
apacheloggermaybe because of stuff like amarokcollectionscanner_qt.po13:41
apacheloggerthough I think it originated with the addition of kipi13:41
apacheloggersince that one got like a million po files13:42
freinhardis there a need for kipi-plugins to depend on libgpod4 and not on libgpod4-nogtk?13:43
apacheloggermaybe, maybe not13:44
apacheloggerit certainly would prevent kipi from entering the CD though13:44
apacheloggerfreinhard: feel free to test with -nogtk13:44
apacheloggerthat said13:44
ScottKfreinhard: According to people who tested in during the Jaunty development cycle there was.13:44
apacheloggerNightrose: did you people fix amarok building with nogtk yet?13:44
apacheloggerfreinhard, ScottK: IIRC for image transfer you need gtk13:45
Nightroseapachelogger: no idea sorry13:45
ScottKRight.  That was it.13:45
apacheloggerthat's also why our stock amarok can't do that13:45
apacheloggerNightrose: should be fixed before next release or neversfelde will have to commit suicide because he can't use ipod with all shiny 2.1 pre-releases :D13:45
apacheloggerNightrose: on that release part: maybe it would make sense to run svn ls on the dir and invoke svn co for every file that matches the regexp13:46
apacheloggerthough I am not sure that would be much faster since getting connected to SVN is what takes longest anyway13:47
apacheloggerso it would probably slow down fetching of kipi while giving a very minor advantage to amarok13:48
apacheloggerneed to profile that13:51
Nightroseapachelogger: is there a bug or something I can poke people with?13:51
apacheloggerNightrose: yeah, I think there is a missing include13:52
apacheloggerjust try to build beta1 with libgpod-nogtk-dev on ubuntu13:52
Nightroseso something to poke xevix about?13:52
* neversfelde is clever, because he has two computers with different Amarok versions installed :)14:08
neversfeldeso no suicide here^^14:08
apacheloggerNightrose: I think I did already, dunno if he saw that, and whether he fixed it though14:14
apacheloggerNightrose: I just profiled the whole sequence for svn co $DIR vs. svn export $FILES14:15
apacheloggerthe latter is for amarok (i.e. 2 files) at least as slow as the former14:15
apacheloggerat times even slower14:15
eagles0513875there is a nasty bug in the shutdown sequence14:15
apacheloggeron average I'd say it takes about 1ms longer14:16
eagles0513875it keeps getting cancelled by some weird jibberish letter14:16
apacheloggernow I don't want to imagine how that looks for kipi14:16
* Riddell spots txwikinger_work breaking umbrello14:16
* txwikinger_work is not breaking it, he is finding things that are broken :p14:16
* eagles0513875 cant shutdown his laptop14:17
apacheloggerNightrose: 1s not ms ;-)14:17
* Riddell gets down to 21 unread e-mails14:17
* txwikinger_work can change that Riddell ;)14:17
eagles0513875Riddell: think the acipd fixed the issue bout it just shutting down ones pc but not its broken the shutdown for some reason something keeps cancelling the logout14:17
apacheloggeroh dear14:20
eagles0513875something keeps canceling the shutdown sequence not sure if its related to the new acpid fix that was released14:21
apacheloggerNightrose: ok, I'll stick with directory checkout ... kipis testcase looks like this: average out of 5 trials with current code: 9.409 seconds per run, first trial with modified code: 53.229 seconds ;-)14:21
eagles0513875it was in jaunty before that but was intermittent apachelogger14:21
apacheloggerI am writing uber fast code without knowing it \o/14:21
apacheloggerneversfelde: is choqok in core KDE nowadays?14:24
neversfeldeapachelogger: I did not look into it since 0.5 release, but I do not think so14:26
* txwikinger_work thinks he should start fixing bugs in umbrello14:26
apacheloggerneversfelde: go find out :P14:26
* apachelogger gets another cup of tea14:26
neversfeldeon my way14:26
neversfeldeah indeed, extragear/network/choqok14:27
* txwikinger_work needs more hours in the day14:27
* neversfelde sends txwikinger_work 5 minutes14:27
Riddelltxwikinger_work: there's plenty to be fixed14:27
txwikinger_workneversfelde: *hours* not minutes ;)14:27
neversfeldenothing left ;)14:28
txwikinger_workRiddell: I know14:28
txwikinger_workThose things start in interfere in my work14:28
txwikinger_workumbrello is still the best tool I have found so far in this area14:29
Riddellshame it has no developers14:30
Riddellalthough we have a season of KDE guy starting14:31
* txwikinger_work wonders if that is a subtle poke to take over 14:31
* apachelogger thinks neversfelde would be a perfect minion14:31
* txwikinger_work things neversfelde has more important stuff to do14:31
* neversfelde thinks that too :)14:32
apacheloggerneversfelde: then at least go find some minion14:33
neversfeldeand I will get back to that things now14:33
neversfeldeapachelogger: :) I will kee pmy eyes open14:33
apacheloggereven when you are sleeping? :O14:34
neversfeldeno sleep for me :/14:34
Nightroseapachelogger: i poke Alejandro again - let's see what he has to say14:34
Nightroseand *lol* @ tests14:34
apacheloggerwooohooo my l10nstat code is flawed \o/14:34
apachelogger{"zh_TW"=>NaN, "uk"=>NaN, "nn"=>NaN, "ka"=>NaN, "it"=>NaN, "ja"=>NaN, "hi"=>NaN, "fr"=>NaN, "de"=>NaN, "sk"=>NaN, "km"=>NaN, "sv"=>NaN, "ru"=>NaN,"es"=>NaN, "be"=>NaN, "pt_BR"=>NaN, "pt"=>NaN, "ga"=>NaN, "et"=>NaN, "gl"=>NaN, "eu"=>NaN, "cs"=>NaN, "br"=>NaN, "bg"=>NaN, "pl"=>NaN, "pa"=>NaN, "ms"=>NaN, "ar"=>NaN, "ro"=>NaN, "nds"=>NaN, "el"=>NaN, "da"=>NaN, "zh_CN"=>NaN, "tr"=>NaN, "nl"=>NaN, "lt"=>NaN, "th"=>NaN, "oc"=>NaN, "nb14:34
apachelogger "hne"=>NaN, "lv"=>NaN, "en_GB"=>NaN}14:34
Nightroseneversfelde: that's the spirit!14:34
apacheloggerlooks broken, doesn't it14:34
apacheloggerI think I know why14:37
eagles0513875hey guys im back15:00
eagles0513875Riddell: did you see my message earlier bout shutdown getting cancelled15:02
eagles0513875not sure if its a bug with teh acpid or something the acpid fix messed up somewhere else down the line15:02
* Riddell hugs rdieter 15:25
Riddelleagles0513875: hmm15:26
eagles0513875Riddell: prior to install the updated acpid it was doing it15:26
eagles0513875but not constantly it does it both for shutdown and logout restart seems unaffected by the change15:26
eagles0513875could the new acpid have messed something up in the shutdown script15:26
eagles0513875Riddell: thing is i cant tell ya whats cancelling it its a bunch of symbols15:28
a|wenRiddell: that looks like a bit to many networks in the widget after a suspend/resume ... i should look at some upstreaming of the issues found15:28
eagles0513875hi a|wen can you take a look at a bug i posted upstream maybe you can make heads or tails of it15:29
a|weneagles0513875: i'm on my way out of the door again in 10 minutes ... so will not be before later15:30
eagles0513875ok just ping me when ya get back15:30
eagles0513875a|wen: question for upstream bugs anything thats wishlisted gets filed as a wishlist correct15:30
apacheloggerNightrose: I am close15:30
a|weneagles0513875: well; mostly yes ... in the cases where it makes sense of upstreaming it15:32
eagles0513875jon gave me a link to a list of bugs for upstream15:32
eagles0513875now can i also post the non kde bugs upstream to help out or would i have to take that to what channel or is it dependent on the bug15:33
apacheloggerScottK: good news, all KDE trunk stuff I built so far is actually building on all 3 main arches15:33
a|weneagles0513875: take the list as a rough "needs upstreaming" list ... and i apply some commen sense when using at it15:34
eagles0513875ok a|wen15:34
a|weneagles0513875: the list is only accurate as far as the tagging etc. is done correctly15:34
eagles0513875what happens then if there is no upstream contact should i try find the upstream contact to fill in the gaps on the particular page15:35
a|wenthat's a possibility15:40
* a|wen is out again for now15:43
freeflying why kde4 heavily depends on pulseaudio?15:49
JontheEchidnait doesnt' depend on pulseaudio at all15:49
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: i have a bug i would like you to take a look at which i posted upstream last night15:50
JontheEchidnawhich one?15:51
freeflyingJontheEchidna: when I try to purge pulseaudio, seems all kde pacakge will be purged either15:51
apacheloggerit depends on the pulseaudio library15:51
apacheloggerdue to phonon having support for pulse15:51
apacheloggerI am actually wondering if we could move that to a seperate package15:51
eagles0513875well my i have 2 audio channels analog and digital when the analog crashes i end up falling back to pulseaudio and it works since the digital doesnt work.15:51
Nightroseapachelogger: yes please - we get so many people with problems with PA15:52
Nightrosenot funny15:52
Nightrosegetting rid of it would be grand15:52
Riddellwiki.kubuntu.org down?15:52
apacheloggerthat is unrelated15:52
Riddelloh no, working now15:52
apacheloggerNightrose: we only pull in the lib15:52
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: when you get a chance can you look at bug 144756 the upstream portion of it15:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 144756 in kdenetwork "proxy settings don't affect" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14475615:52
apacheloggerand that will have no effect without the daemon15:52
apacheloggerand the daemon doesn't get pulled in unless you install ubuntu15:52
eagles0513875Riddell: was getting something of the sort with launchpad but i managed to get on it15:52
JontheEchidnabugs.kde.org is still broken for me15:53
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: nixternal thinks we should poke jcastro with it, since we need to get gnome and kde at the same time to work on that15:53
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: im on it just fine15:53
apacheloggerif we submit it to fd.o it will just get lost as everything that is not coming from @kde or @gnome15:54
JontheEchidnaI found the bug on a mailing list though15:54
* apachelogger was unclear on the upstreaming triage15:55
JontheEchidnaeagles0513875: what about his response?15:55
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: please check backlog for information on that bug15:55
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: upstream rejects because of rather unprecise description ;-)15:55
apacheloggerthinks that implementing env var setting is a good target though15:55
apacheloggerwhich indeed it is15:55
eagles0513875what is worse on that bug the person is now using a different distro :(15:58
eagles0513875no wait that is a different bug15:59
apacheloggerdoes anyone get bug 364888?15:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 364888 in kdesdk "tool to remove ligatures" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36488815:59
apacheloggerligature is font dependent isn't it?16:00
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I have no clue what that's talking about16:00
apacheloggeror are they actually chars themself?16:00
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 351038 seems upstreamable, doesn't it?16:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351038 in kdesdk "Lokalize crashes during translation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35103816:02
apacheloggerthe bt includes just what I think is the source of the crash16:02
JontheEchidnalooks like a kdelibs bug16:03
JontheEchidnaand yeah, definitely upstreamable16:03
eagles0513875ill make note of the bug number16:03
* apachelogger triages16:03
* apachelogger thinks eagles0513875 needs to become minion of the lord bug triagers16:04
eagles0513875im minion of upstreamers and testers actually16:04
eagles0513875ill upstream the bug right now16:05
eagles0513875apachelogger: thats interesting i searched for the bug but its not showing that you triaged it16:06
apacheloggeroh dear16:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I would appreciate that you don't move bugs while I am commenting16:08
apacheloggerand I would also appreciated if malone would not throw a stupid error at me but just tell me that the bug was moved while I was writing a comment16:08
apacheloggereagles0513875: now it is triaged16:10
eagles0513875apachelogger: well its almost upstremed anyway lol16:11
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: soz, I moved it before you said you were triaging16:11
apacheloggerI was not triaged :P16:11
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: wells, if you poke jcastro about the proxy issue ... also ask him to get someone take a look at bug 21765416:12
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/217654/+text)16:12
eagles0513875well that was nicely orchestarted 3 way lol16:12
eagles0513875that has been posted upstream16:13
apacheloggereagles0513875: please check if bug 342553 is somewhere in a similar version on bko16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342553 in kdesdk "No window title bar and frame when started in fullscreen mode" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34255316:15
seeleRiddell: ergh, the packagekit update in your ppa doesnt solve the forking problem afterall16:15
apacheloggerI am not sure how to trace that issue and having 2 people complain about it seems a bit worrying16:15
eagles0513875you lost me  apachelogger16:15
apacheloggereagles0513875: just try if you can find a similar bug over at bugs.kde.org16:15
eagles0513875ahhh ok16:16
Riddellseele: meh, really, you still get the problem?16:16
eagles0513875launch pad i think has died on me in konqueror16:16
seeleRiddell: yeah, just did a few updates :(16:17
Riddellseele: glatzor has a rewrite of the code which will fix it but I don't think it'll be SRU-able16:20
Riddellseele: are you going disk usage with some other app?16:20
eagles0513875apachelogger: doesnt seem like that bug has been reported would you like me to report upstream16:21
* apachelogger doesn't know what this is about but in general thinks that much more critical stuff should be considered for SRU even if very intrusive 16:22
seeleRiddell: was i using the disk with some other app while updater was running? no16:23
apacheloggereagles0513875: well, we can give it a try16:23
apacheloggereagles0513875: hold on16:24
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 34255316:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342553 in kdesdk "No window title bar and frame when started in fullscreen mode" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34255316:24
apacheloggerwhat do you think?16:24
eagles0513875apachelogger: ok standing by16:24
apacheloggerespecially note last comment16:24
JontheEchidnaIt has caused similar problems in the past16:24
apacheloggerhaving it affect that many apps seems more than coincidental16:24
apacheloggereagles0513875: no upstreaming for now16:25
* apachelogger requests testing with metacity16:25
eagles0513875if you look earlier in the reoprt could it be the app itself confusing maximizing with full screen16:25
eagles0513875you asking me to do that apachelogger16:25
* JontheEchidna testbuilds a merged Qt 4.5.116:26
apacheloggereagles0513875: well, no, the app just stores its size16:28
apacheloggercompiz possibly doesn't like this16:28
eagles0513875ahhh ok16:28
apacheloggereither the size can't be handled and compiz assumes it is in fact fullscreen fullscreen (which would be windodeco-less) or there is some rather weird bug within compiz16:28
RiddellJontheEchidna: you're merging qt4?16:29
JontheEchidnaRiddell: yeah16:29
apacheloggeroh dear16:30
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: good luck with that :P16:30
eagles0513875hey apachelogger just wondering if you ahve this issue but wiht amarok after a period of time listening to a stream it stops playing entierly like cuts off. does that happen to you16:32
JontheEchidnaRiddell: and actually if I could get somebody to testbuild it that'd be great; it'll take around 5 hours to testbuild here16:33
eagles0513875lol JontheEchidna ill do it if you can walk me through how to do it16:33
RiddellJontheEchidna: can do16:34
JontheEchidnaRiddell: cool, I'll post a bug and attach the diffs16:34
* eagles0513875 wishes his quad core desktop had linux and not winblows16:34
RiddellJontheEchidna: it's a new upstream version so I don't think the normal current-to-merged diffs are very useful16:34
JontheEchidnaI was thinking debian-to-merged16:34
RiddellJontheEchidna: that's useful yes16:35
JontheEchidnaand maybe a diff -Nru of the debian dirs of our packages16:35
JontheEchidnaotherwise the diff would be 42 MB, I tested16:35
apacheloggereagles0513875: no, but I don't listen to streams16:35
eagles0513875ok thanks anyway apachelogger16:35
apacheloggereagles0513875: also, why not install kubloato on your desktop alongside winblows?16:36
eagles0513875i have too much data i dont wanna risk loosing it all16:36
eagles0513875i wont duel boot till i can back up my data16:36
eagles0513875apachelogger: i have a secret to make it kubuntu not kubloato16:37
apacheloggereagles0513875: wubi doesn't reparition your hardrive16:37
eagles0513875wubi after installing even if i tell it to boot it takes me back to windows for some reason16:38
apacheloggerbuying a seperate harddrive for kubloato is also an option16:38
apacheloggerthose thingies are way to cheap anyway16:38
apacheloggerif only SSDs were as well :)16:38
eagles0513875apachelogger: ya might get a terabyte backup drive16:38
eagles0513875right now almost 500gb of stuff full most probably with games16:38
=== barteqx is now known as siekacz
eagles0513875apachelogger: your tempting me to install using wubi again but then how does one know or look for linux apps that wubi installed16:40
apacheloggerwubi installs Kubuntu inside your windows partition16:40
apacheloggerat least that is how I understand it16:40
eagles0513875apachelogger: where do i look for the apps in program files or what not16:40
apacheloggerso you should get a Kubuntu option at the vista bootloader16:40
apacheloggereagles0513875: there ain't any16:40
apacheloggerread what I wrote :P16:41
eagles0513875i get it but the funny thing is i get it after uninstalling wubi16:41
JontheEchidnaRiddell: bug 36932916:41
apacheloggerwubi is not installing apps on windows it is installing kubuntu inside your windows partition16:41
apacheloggerthose are 2 different things16:41
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/369329/+text)16:41
eagles0513875ill try when i get home16:41
* eagles0513875 enjoys watching bug ping pong16:41
apacheloggereagles0513875: bug 360430 needs upstreaming16:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 360430 in kdesdk "lokalize crashed with SIGSEGV in realloc()" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36043016:43
eagles0513875on it16:44
eagles0513875wtf is up with launch pad it refused my connection when trying to view the bug16:44
apacheloggerit seems kdelibsish16:44
apacheloggerRiddell: can you take a look at that backtrace?16:45
eagles0513875apachelogger: can you make note of that bug for me to do later cuz i soon have to leave to head home16:46
eagles0513875it might be of interest to all launchpad is having some issues atm with connectivity  which they might have identified and working to fix16:46
apacheloggeror might not :P16:46
eagles0513875well wehn i get on later just let me know if you have an bugs that need upstreaming i gotta head home in 10 min16:47
* eagles0513875 thinks it would be nice if launch pad had a to do list16:47
apacheloggereagles0513875: there are a billion bugs that need upstreaming16:48
apacheloggerfor most of them you will have to read through the comments and find the essential data though16:48
eagles0513875im working on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+upstreamreport16:48
eagles0513875thats what im working on16:49
apacheloggereagles0513875: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=kde&orderby=-importance&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.component-empty-marker=1&field.status_upstream=pending_bugwatch&field.status_upstream-empty-marker=1&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_cve.used=&field.tag=&field16:51
apacheloggerkde related bug reports that need upstreaming16:52
eagles0513875well i will work on them16:52
* eagles0513875 is the upstream minion16:52
* eagles0513875 upstream minion and tester16:52
apacheloggerupstream minion == important minion16:53
eagles0513875i know16:53
eagles0513875and if anyone has anything for testing let me know16:53
eagles0513875apachelogger: im heading home will continue upstreaming when i get back16:56
EagleScreeni nreported some of these bugs17:00
EagleScreenif a bug is still present in KDE3 but is fixed in KDE4, should it be marked as fixed?17:00
Riddellapachelogger: kdelibs or Qt, or some combination17:01
apacheloggerRiddell: thx17:03
apacheloggerEagleScreen: if it doesn't qualify for SRU if we don't want to SRU ... best is to let a dev look at it17:04
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates17:05
EagleScreenthe only distro with KDE3 is hardy17:05
ubottuKDE related bug reports that need upstreaming: http://tinyurl.com/cj7h6u17:14
Riddell-- mark --17:23
a|wensebas: ping17:29
a|wenoh my firefox doesn't like being updated behind it's back18:14
a|wenwhereas doing a major kde-upgrade desn't seem to bother konqueror much :)18:15
smarterit does sometimes18:19
smarterespecially if you restart it without restarting KDE first18:20
a|wenkeep it running, then it usually goes good18:21
a|wenfirefox kind of explodes ... gave me an assertion failure and disintegrated into 3 windows18:21
Sputkonqueror likes losing it's http capability :)18:22
Sputalways happens when KDE's version number changes18:22
JontheEchidnayeah, konq died on my when I upgraded to intrepid18:23
a|wenfrom kde3 to kde4 is forgiven i think ;)18:23
JontheEchidnakiconloader also was trying its best to choose kde3 icons from hicolor since the kde4 ones moved18:24
JontheEchidnathings got weird18:24
a|wenyour desktop can end up looking rather strange ... but i'm normally able to carry on working18:25
eagles0513875a|wen: ping18:34
a|weneagles0513875: pong18:34
eagles0513875a|wen: think we have a serious problem wiht the network manager im unable to connect to my wifi18:34
eagles0513875its stuck on trying to connect to it and it also reverted to asking for the password twice18:34
eagles0513875what is even more messed up is it was working just fine this am18:35
eagles0513875i was connectede18:35
a|weneagles0513875: sounds like you confirmed a bug on the mailing-list there18:35
eagles0513875i think i have it on one of my subscribed bugs on lp if im not mistaken18:35
eagles0513875a|wen: let me try something else here18:36
eagles0513875Riddell: btw it never did that cancellation of logout again when i was on here so it must not be related to the apcid18:36
* a|wen patiently waits for build-depends to download18:37
* eagles0513875 starts swearing18:40
eagles0513875thank god for my windows rig i can upstream some bugs on here18:40
eagles0513875a|wen: im wondering if this issue of wifi is related to something causing my shutdown or logout scripts to be cancelled18:42
* eagles0513875 wonders if fsck will fix the wifi issue18:42
RiddellJontheEchidna: qt build sits there waiting for a keypress after ./configure18:43
Riddellfabo: did you manage to work around that?18:43
a|weneagles0513875: i'm pretty confident they're unrelated18:44
eagles0513875i have no idea what could be causing my system to randomly cancel shutdowns or restarts18:44
ScottKeagles0513875: That would be a #kubuntu question.18:46
eagles0513875ScottK: ok18:47
eagles0513875a|wen: running fsck fixed it18:48
eagles0513875im back on wifi again18:48
ScottKeagles0513875: I recognize that you are attempting to contribute, but the level of chatter you engage in on the channel is extremely out of proportion to your contribution and so I'd caution you again to focus.18:48
eagles0513875i can now that i have wifi access back on my laptop18:48
* eagles0513875 goes back to upstreaming bugs18:49
Riddella|wen: you know there's also discussion about your n-m update on bug 339313 ?18:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339313 in ubuntu-release-notes "Kubuntu Jaunty: Cannot Connect To Wireless Network with WEP shared key" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33931318:52
Riddellalthough looking at the last comment it seems to be degrading in quality (the discussion)18:52
ScottKThat's pretty much always what happens.18:55
a|wenRiddell: okay; so we definitely have some improvements ... but also a few confirmed regressions18:55
eagles0513875a|wen: managed to fix not being able to connect with wpa by running fsck18:56
eagles0513875will mention that on the bug18:56
ScottKeagles0513875: Please don't.  It's almost certainly coincidental.18:56
Riddella|wen: yep, and this long list of repeated access points is getting worse for me18:56
Riddella|wen: have we reported anything upstream?18:56
eagles0513875ScottK: im wondering if now its related to what Riddell just mentioned18:56
ScottKeagles0513875: I've no idea.  I just know that fsck'ing a hard drive and network access are unrelated.18:57
a|wenRiddell: it's next item on my todo to start upstreaming some of the new things found18:57
eagles0513875a|wen: let me know when you do and i can help ya out18:57
Riddellnixternal: what's all this about Q&A in an hour?18:59
a|weneagles0513875: no worries, if you stick to those you already have going it's fine ... less chance of ending up duplicating things, when people are not working simultanously :)19:00
nixternallike we did for last open week, where we will open it up to people who want to ask questions about Kubuntu and/or KDE19:00
eagles0513875well apache gave me a 2nd list of stuff to go through19:00
nixternalI have an interview in like...0 minutes...waiting for the phone call now19:00
eagles0513875does this still need to head upstream https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-runtime/+bug/29990219:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299902 in kdebase-runtime ""Font installer" icon is not well visible in "System settings" using a dark color scheme" [Low,Fix committed]19:01
eagles0513875granted  a fix has been commited for it19:01
JontheEchidnaeagles0513875: nope, fixed upstream19:03
eagles0513875ok thanks jon19:03
JontheEchidnayou can close the upstream task by setting it to invalid19:03
JontheEchidnaor fix released in this case I guesss19:03
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: there is nothing linked to an upstream bug report19:04
JontheEchidnayeah, so set it to fixed19:05
eagles0513875they are already that way one has fix released and other package has fix committed19:07
JontheEchidnaoh, ok19:07
mvoRiddell: if you have a moment, I would like to talk about bug #368459 - I have a fix in u-m, but I need help writing a SRU test case for it (or let me know if you think its not sru worth)19:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 368459 in update-manager "8.04 -> 9.04 kubuntu-kde4-desktop fail if no metapackage is installed" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36845919:18
ScottKmvo: My thought on that is that people who installed KDE4 in Hardy are the ones most likely to have upgraded to Intrepid and not need the 8.04 -> 9.04 upgrade path.19:21
Riddellmvo: isn't the test case just "install hardy kde 4 remix and upgrade" ?19:21
mvoRiddell: pretty much, make sure that kubuntu-desktop is not installed too19:22
mvoRiddell: and details in how to enable a upgrade from the --proposed meta-release file19:23
apacheloggerwell, in the default setup of the kde4 remix there is no kubuntu-desktop anyway :)19:23
mvoScottK: I'm fine with that too, I have no strong opinion either way, but the fix is relatively easy I think19:24
ScottKI guess whatever Riddell says, but my thought is not to bother.  Plenty of other more important things to spend time on.19:24
Riddellhmm, dunno, we didn't really make clear if it's a supported upgrade path or not19:27
Riddellit would be better to have it fixed that not and if it's a simple fix I don't mind checking it19:27
mvoRiddell: ok, if you could add the instructions on how to get a upgrade from meta-release-proposed with the hardy kubuntu-kde4-desktop, then I will do the rest :)19:28
a|wenRiddell: your layout issue is upstreamed ... and I've added a -dbg package for the network widget to the PPA for getting some useful backtraces19:29
Riddellthanks a|wen19:30
* a|wen wishes for an "build -dbgsym" button in the PPA ... would make it so much easier19:31
a|wenRiddell: kde bug 191066 if you wish to follow along and have some comments19:33
ubottuKDE bug 191066 in plasmoid "wireless networks duplicate after suspend/resume" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19106619:33
ScottKNCommander: kde4libs 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1~intrepid2 Estimated build start:19:34
ScottKNCommander: Would you rescore please?19:34
a|wenRiddell: did you test to connect to an encrypted network?19:39
Riddella|wen: yes WEP using hex key19:41
Riddellbut that always worked19:41
a|wenokay ...19:42
Riddell**  Kubuntu Q & A session in 15 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom (questions to #ubuntu-classroom-chat)19:45
nixternalRiddell: you going to go along with the Q&A? looks like my interview isn't going to happen, as I didn't receive the phone call...pretty sloppy on the company I was supposed to interview with19:45
nixternalthat answers my question :p19:46
Riddellquick, everything think up some interesting questions!19:46
nixternalIs Kubuntu a blue headed step child?19:46
Riddellno no no19:46
nixternalya, don't ask that question, seems people get their panties in a bunch19:47
NightroseI can haz KDE 3?19:47
nixternalyes you can!19:47
nixternalour kde3 hero isn't around right now though19:47
nixternaldid we get an official PPA setup for that Riddell ?19:48
nixternalkde3 that is19:48
ScottKnixternal: There is a KDE3 remix of Jaunty, but it's a remix.19:48
Riddellbest not to call it official, people will expect us to support it19:49
ScottKI was slightly suprised we mentioned it on kubuntu.org for that reason.19:49
a|wenScottK: you need to be brave to be in kubuntu ... just look at all the svn snapshots we have in the repos19:53
ScottKa|wen: Sure, but mentioning the KDE3 remix is bound to make people think it's official and supported somehow.19:54
a|wenyou're right ... and no big warning signs as part of the news item either19:55
a|wenand the wiki-page contains the wording semi-official19:57
* ScottK notes that at Riddell and consider he might want to address it somehow.19:57
Riddellwe didn't even mention the final remix on the website yet19:57
Riddellthe guy has worked hard on something that there's obviously some demand for, I don't want to make him feel totally unthanked19:58
Riddellbut yeah, an "unofficial" and "unsupported" would probably be a good idea19:58
ScottKCertainly.  There's a balance here.19:59
ScottKAnd he did listen to advice he got here to make it better than his first attempt too.19:59
a|wenit is really an amazing pull-off20:00
a|wenwe still need to be clear about the officiality (is that a word?)20:00
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smarterofficialness? :]20:01
ScottKUnfortunately Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.04 kind of dilutes the notion that remixes are unofficial.20:01
faboRiddell: add -opensource , there's a bug in configure script20:42
faboJontheEchidna: ^^^20:42
* eagles0513875 has updated kvirc 4.0 svn snapshot that i need to build to do still20:55
apacheloggerhooray, we are not in the readahead for desktop \o/20:56
apacheloggersomeone go shoot someone else20:57
claydohomg the kde3 die hards won't , um, die :(20:57
* apachelogger can't even be sick without noticing bugs20:57
a|wenoh my; then that's why a "profile" changes the list so much20:58
ScottKapachelogger: I remember a random irc comment from keybuck that the Ubuntu readahead is just built with whatever packages he happens to have installed when he does it, so no suprise.20:59
apacheloggeraccording to $wiki20:59
a|wenwell done Riddell and nixternal!20:59
apacheloggerhe downloads $image to VM and profiles that one20:59
apacheloggerwhich is also no wonder20:59
JontheEchidnafabo: what would I add -opensource to?20:59
ScottKJontheEchidna: Whatever makes it work.21:00
ScottKI hope that helped.21:00
apacheloggerI don't even have a 9.04 image21:01
apacheloggerwhat a shame21:01
* ScottK neither. The only current release image I have on my hard drive is Lenny21:01
* a|wen has an alternate disk which probably was the one that ended as $release21:02
JontheEchidnaah, debian/rules build target21:02
apacheloggerreadahead also got libnss21:02
apacheloggerwhat is gconv?21:02
nixternalthanks a|wen ...now I can get something to eat21:03
Riddellsounds gnomey21:03
rickspencer3Riddell: someone popped into #ubuntu-desktop with a support question21:03
rickspencer3should I send them here, or is there a better place?21:03
ScottKrickspencer3: Usually #kubuntu21:03
rickspencer3Thanks ScottK21:04
eagles0513875night guys21:04
apacheloggerRiddell: it seems to be gnuy21:05
apacheloggerlib/gconv/ comes from libc621:05
JontheEchidnaRiddell: source-building a new package21:05
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ScottKWould one of you please highlite me in a few seconds?21:06
JontheEchidnathis will only take about 20 minutes :/21:06
JontheEchidnaScottK: sure21:06
faboJontheEchidna: to qt4 configure script21:06
RiddellJontheEchidna: what's new?21:07
RiddellJontheEchidna: qt 4 made me run out of disk space21:07
JontheEchidnaRiddell: oh, I did it wrong21:07
Riddellwhat did you do wrong?21:08
RiddellJontheEchidna: I was playing about with having phonon build from qt 4 too21:08
JontheEchidnaI didn't understand what fabo meant and did the wrong thing21:09
JontheEchidnaall I really need is for somebody with bigger bandwidth than me to upload Qt to a PPA or something21:09
JontheEchidnamaybe I did understand the fix21:11
JontheEchidnafabo: just add -opensource to the config target in debian/rules, correct?21:11
JontheEchidnaI don't have to patch the configure file itself or anything, right?21:12
ScottKNCommander: Thanks (I assume that was you)21:13
ScottKJontheEchidna: Without looking, I'd say yes.  That's usually the case.21:13
JontheEchidnaRiddell: ok, so the problem was that Qt's configure script had a bug, and we needed to pass the -configure flag to make it work21:15
JontheEchidnaRiddell: so I added that flag in debian/rules along with the rest of the config flags21:15
faboJontheEchidna: that's right21:18
JontheEchidnaThanks a lot, I just got a bit confused. :)21:18
fabonp :)21:19
apacheloggermcas: how is l10n progressing?21:27
apacheloggerScottK: bug 36950621:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369506 in readahead-list "readahead is not KDE aware" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36950621:28
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NCommanderScottK, yeah21:52
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I've updated the diffs in the bug21:54
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claydohwoo I locked a thread in KFN before I get all worked up23:05
claydohRiddell: notice I mentioned beautiful people :)23:06
NCommanderScottK, you around? I need an ACK for a main sync request23:10
NCommander(or Riddell :-))23:10
* claydoh must take the mantle of Kubuntu KDE4 Kult Kommander and wear it proudly and loudly, he guesses23:13
NCommanderRiddell, why'd you abnormally end?!23:15
kb9vqfclaydoh: Well, I've kinda forked it in that I am adding features and bugfixes to the codebase...23:19
rmrfslashIs the xorg-driver-fglrx known to be buggy w/ 9.04.... esp. with opengl composting and resume?23:19
rmrfslashI'm not getting a single hit on this topic on #kubuntu. I can only achieve a  working resume (from suspend or hibernate) when I have compositing type set to xrender or toggling off  desktop effects altogether.23:21
rmrfslashJust hoping someone here can confirm that fglrx is indeed a known bug in 9.0423:22
kb9vqfIt breaks resume on my older Toshiba...23:22
rmrfslashI gots a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 367023:22
kb9vqfWell, I'm on an old 300M23:22
kb9vqfNot sure if it's a known bug though23:23
kb9vqfThat laptop has always had problems with Linux23:23
claydohkb9vqf: yes, i guess but its the incessant kde3-or-die of a few23:23
rmrfslashOpenGL works awesome.... and if I only had a desktop machine, I prolly wouldn't complain. But on my laptop it is hell.23:23
rmrfslashhell = disables one of the key features of a laptop23:23
claydohkb9vqf: and i mean that with no disrespect for your effort here! I am seeding your torrents , for example23:24
rmrfslashlaptop is a fairly new Dell Studio XPS 1623:24
kb9vqfclaydoh: No offense taken!  Maybe the problem is with those who rant and rave and do nothing to actually *fix* the problem? ;-)23:24
kb9vqfBTW, thanks for the seeding--it helps a lot23:26
rmrfslashI won't play the "two wrongs don't make a right" game, but it would be working or would be a well known fact that it is indeed not working if I was the developer (and I am a sw developer)23:26
* kb9vqf wonders why his server is under DoS attak from Cuba23:26
claydohkb9vqf: my point exactly!23:27
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