
AndySpainI would like to get kmail work with gpg, but it doesn't00:00
AndySpainhow can I do that?00:01
AndySpainIt actually encrypts with gpg, but i cannot decrypt nor sign00:01
yrjokinsomeone told me installing virtualbox from their website would be different from using apt-get - which is best?00:08
AndySpainapt-get keeps it always more or less current with the automatic updates and best fits your system and downloads all dependencies automatically00:12
AndySpainhowever it might be a pretty old version00:12
rayluyrjokin: from their website, you get the non-free version which has support for usb devices or something00:12
AndySpainas the versions in aptitude are normally a bit outdated00:12
rayluAndySpain: ...what?00:13
rayluAndySpain: apt-get and aptitude use the same repositories, etc00:13
AndySpainI know00:13
AndySpainbut they are not always very up to date00:13
rayluAndySpain: then why do you say apt-get is more up to date?00:13
AndySpainwebsite is more upt to date00:13
skierpageIs "'System Settings' appears neither in Kickoff's System or Settings application menu" a KDE bug or Kubuntu bug?00:13
rayluAndySpain: oh. yeah. but then removing them isn't as simple00:14
AndySpainthat's true, too00:14
AndySpaincan anybody tell me how to make kmail work with gpg?00:14
AndySpainit simply doesn't ask for passfrases00:15
yrjokinraylu: you meant the closed source version has USB support - I almost took you to mean the opposite of that00:16
mazz147c'è qualche italiano ? :)00:17
AndySpainmazz147: c'è kubuntu-it, credo00:19
lorecastertrying to install SKYPE on ubuntu 9.04... having some problems. http://pastebin.com/m5506e39000:21
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tsimpsonlorecaster: use "sudo apt-get -f install" to get the dependencies00:25
rayluyrjokin: yes. but by closed-source, i meant non-free00:26
rayluyrjokin: i meant what i said, rather00:26
lorecastertsimpson: still crashed00:29
lorecastersame errors00:29
tsimpsonit should try to resolve the dependencies00:30
tsimpsonlorecaster: ok, install libqt4-gui first, then skype00:32
lorecasterworking on it tsimpson00:36
lorecastertsimpson: i just installed libqt4-gui through synaptic, and still got the same error... will restart and see if that helps00:38
dag_@all: Hi there!00:39
dag_did some of you upgraded from kubuntu 8.10 to 9.04? issues?00:42
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jacalopeso my knetworkmanager uses 200MB of memory in 9.04.... Isn't that a bit much?00:45
dag_jacalope: your sentence seems an answer to my previous question...00:49
jacalopedag_: well, actually, my experience personally has been one of greater stability, but I just noticed the knetworkmanager thing and it seems odd00:51
=== dad is now known as emailwedgy
dag_jacalope: today i spoke with a guy that encountered an issue with KNetworkManager in 9.0401:00
dag_jacalope: I'm a little scared to upgrade right now, although the temptation is really great01:00
dwidmanndag_: wouldn't be the first I've heard about issues with network manager in 9.04, and I'm sure it won't be the last either01:02
dag_jacalope: nor is the first time that knetworkmanager is a bit buggy! ;)01:04
earleI gave up on knetworkmanager after the 9.04 upgrade and switched to wicd.01:05
earleSorry K folks :)01:05
dag_earle: isn't wicd just a wi_fi network manager?01:06
BluesKajjacalope, there's a fix in the works , checkout launchpad , there are some suggestions there for adding a repos that will add an experimenatl version that seems to work on my laptop . Make sure you purge the existing network manager , then install the new one before rebooting01:06
mefisto__very minor issue with vlc interface: I can't get the video window to embed in the main interface - it always shows as a separate window. anyone else with this problem?01:06
earledag_: "just"? I don't get you...01:07
KiRiLoSmefisto__, the last version is like that,they will fix it in the next version.01:07
mefisto__KiRiLoS: ok, thanks. I'll give up on playing with those settings :)01:08
dag_earle: can wicd manage every kind of network?01:08
earleit's happy with wired and wireless01:09
KiRiLoSmefisto__, you do that,i was in the same position a few hours ago,and then i googled the prob and i show that it's actually a bug or something.u can google it 4 more info ;)01:09
dag_earle: that's what I meant! tnx :)01:09
earleno worries :)01:09
earleI find its interface much easier than knetworkmanager's01:10
dag_earle: I'll give it a try01:10
dag_earle: maybe there's also a plasmoid for that01:10
Captain_Haddockjust upgraded to 9.4 ... immediate issue is that my mouse pointer is invisible01:11
Captain_Haddockmouse works though01:11
earlethere is, yes, I haven't tried it yet though01:11
Captain_HaddockI've tried resetting the pointer theme in system settings etc., to no avail01:11
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dag_captain_haddock: sorry for the (maybe so) stupid question...did you tried a reboot?01:14
Captain_Haddockdag_: yep01:14
mefisto__KiRiLoS: did you find the vlc 1.0 pre-release ppa? I'm going to try it. apparently this issue is resolved in that version01:14
KiRiLoSmefisto__, nope,i didnt even search that output video aint a big prob for me,thanks for the info anyway!i'll wait till the next stable release :)01:16
morticiis there anyway to just make a specific file out of the source instead of making the whole source?01:16
dag_captain_haddock: ok, i'm here to listen some rumors about jaunty upgrade, 'cause fear a bit to upgrade my kubuntu version01:16
jacalopeoh cool... thanks for the tip BluesKaj!01:19
KiRiLoSI have a sound problem,when i use an app like vlc or amarok and play a track,then every app that uses sound doesnt seem to work.Any help ?01:29
f3n1xdo u have audio drive intalled?01:33
repbolivar04que tal es el 9.0401:33
KiRiLoSf3n1x, well i didnt install any,but it works if i only use one app at a time01:33
f3n1xmm personalmente me sorprendio01:33
f3n1xno me gusta ubuntu01:34
f3n1xpero probe esta y me la quede01:34
repbolivar04el kubuntu 9.04 pero hay harware que no detecta01:34
KiRiLoSf3n1x, if u are talkin to me,try some English :P01:34
f3n1xnot that was to another person who speak spanish01:35
f3n1xam sorry if my english is bad01:35
f3n1xor an indian english01:35
KiRiLoS:P um it's ok01:35
KiRiLoSdo u have any solutions for my problem ?01:35
faileasKiRiLoS: sounds almost like you're running OSS01:35
f3n1xwhen u try to play a track with an ap it work01:36
KiRiLoSyes f3n1x01:36
faileasopen sound system. As opposed to alsa or pulseaudio01:36
repbolivar04hay harwdware q no detecta01:36
faileas!es | repbolivar0401:36
ubotturepbolivar04: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:36
KiRiLoSbut at that exact time if i try to use another app then the 2nd one doesnt!01:36
KiRiLoSfaileas, any tips about how i change that ?01:37
KiRiLoSi am new to KDE >.<01:37
faileasKiRiLoS: hmm... i can't remember offhand. try sudo alsa force-reload01:37
faileasit might be deeper than that, and need some alsa related reinstalls i've not needed to do yet01:38
KiRiLoSoh :/01:38
mefisto__KiRiLoS: have you looked in systemsettings > multimedia? try changing the order in the devices list. If pulseaudio is at the top, rearrange it so your soundcard is at the top, or vice versa01:40
KiRiLoSmefisto__, i just noticed that settings,i got 3 options hda intel analog - hda intel digital and pulse audio,pulse audio and hda analog work when i test em01:41
KiRiLoSdo i have to restart after i optimize the settings ?01:41
KiRiLoSmefisto__, ?01:42
mefisto__KiRiLoS: I'm not sure, but in previous kubuntu versions (I'm assuming you have jaunty) you could restart sound without rebooting with sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart01:44
mefisto__KiRiLoS: another way is sudo alsa force-reload, but that will kill any programs using sound, including kmix01:45
KiRiLoSanyway i'll try restart, but what i noticed mefisto__ is that when i got an app working(ex amarok) when i test pulse or hda analog/digital i get an error that it says it's not working...01:45
KiRiLoSwow mefisto__ i used alsa force-reload01:46
KiRiLoSand i get a message saying that it's gonna permantly remove the 3 hda devices i have01:47
mefisto__that message is in konsole? from the alsa command?01:49
KiRiLoSmefisto__, no a window popped up01:49
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dag_kirilos: what if you launch in konsole "alsamixer"01:50
KiRiLoSi did dag_ i get a volume manager or something01:51
russWhy does openoffice 3 corrupt the taskbar in kde 401:52
dag_kirilos: so it doesn't deleted your interfaces, sounds good01:52
russ Why does openoffice 3 corrupt the taskbar in kde 4?01:52
JontheEchidnaopenoffice exposes a bug in the graphics drivers for your card01:53
KiRiLoSdag_, well i didnt accept that pop up :P01:53
JontheEchidnait should be fixed in later versions of the nvidia driver01:53
KiRiLoSbut the problem isnt solved!01:53
mefisto__russ: screenshot?01:53
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dag_kirilos: you can, to keep it simple, "dpkg-reconfigure alsa" without quote01:54
russwhen i have writer opened and i unhide the taskbar01:54
dag_kirilos: and reboot your pc can maybe help01:54
russit pixulates beyond reconition01:55
dag_russ: it's a plasma desktop issue01:55
dag_russ: seems to be unrelated to OO.O01:55
russim using Nvidia 173.14.1201:55
JontheEchidnait was fixed in the 180 series, I believe01:56
dag_russ: me too, but the taskbar pixelize randomly also with other applications01:56
=== CradlRcker is now known as CradLRcker
russnot others for me01:56
dag_jontheechidna: ah, thanks for the hint! :p01:57
dag_kirilos: any news?01:58
KiRiLoSdag_, wait i just saw your msg :P01:58
dag_-_-! sorry01:58
KiRiLoSdag_, lol ! Package `alsa' is not installed and no info is available.01:59
KiRiLoSmaybe you gave me a wrong command ? :P01:59
dag_kirilos: dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base02:00
fjallagyldirhej there02:00
KiRiLoSdag_, nothing happend....02:00
dag_kirilos: if it doesn't do the trick dpkg-reconfigure alsa-utils02:01
russMaybe 4.2.3 will fix openoffice02:01
KiRiLoSdag_, well again...Nothing,wtf?02:01
dag_kirilos: ahahah, it's weird!02:03
KiRiLoSdag_, :P02:03
Guest5641alguna chilenita?????02:05
KiRiLoSdag_, anything else i should try ?02:05
=== CradLRcker is now known as CradLeRcker
dag_kirilos: if something like that was happen to me, i should "sudo kill -9 alsa" or "sudo killall alsa", then i should try to "sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-utils" and "sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base"; if these don't resolve, a cute "sudo dpkg-reconfigure all"; then again a reboot; and if I was really desperate I should "sudo aptitude reinstall alsa"02:08
KiRiLoSdag_, :P nice answer,anyway maybe i'll try that out tommorrow :P02:09
nafion112hi all. is there a quick and easy way in jaunty to make my caps lock an additional ctrl?02:09
dag_kirilos: you're right! what time is it in your country?02:09
KiRiLoSdag_, 04:10 AM :P02:10
KiRiLoSinsomnia >.<02:10
dag_3:10 here in Italy02:10
KiRiLoSoh you are pretty close :P i am from greece :P02:10
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dag_I suppose it from your nickname :D02:11
KiRiLoShehe :p02:11
grimpirateDoes anyone know the system reqs for kubuntu?02:12
dag_καλή νύχτα02:12
grimpirateI'm looking at the site but can't seem to find them02:12
KiRiLoSdag_, :P the only thing i know in italian is : Non e colpa mia!02:12
KiRiLoSif i spell that right :P02:12
dag_kirilos: ahahahah why you learned that? You was accused? It means "that's not my fault"02:13
grimpirateDoes anyone know the link for the system reqs?02:14
KiRiLoSdag_, yes i know what it means :P i was like 5 years old in Kefalonia(A greek island really close to Italy,and i was messing with stuff down to the port :P and a lot of italians where there)02:14
KiRiLoSso they were keep yelling at me :P and i learned that :P02:14
dag_ok, got it!02:15
dag_grimpirate: wait a minute02:15
grimpiratecertainly dag02:17
dag_grimpirate: cpu 700MHz x86, 384 Mb RAM, 8 Gb free hard disk space, graphic and audio card, internet connection02:18
grimpiratety dag02:19
* grimpirate disappointed02:19
nafion112is there a quick and easy way in jaunty to make my caps lock an additional ctrl?02:20
=== ralf_ is now known as pipapo
jedixis there a way to change what volume is changed by the volume keys on my laptop?02:27
yamishiis there someone here?02:29
jedixI am02:29
jedixbut I am seeking help too02:30
dag_hi there02:30
dag_what's the issue?02:30
yamishiso what are you looking help for?02:30
jedix a way to change what volume is changed by the volume keys on my laptop02:31
jedixfor some reason it's the pcm volume and not the main one02:31
jedixthe mute button also only shows me the volume since 9.04 upgrade02:32
dag_jedix: right click on mixer trayicon, and click on "select default channel" or something like that02:34
jedixdag_: Thank you!02:34
jedixalso fixed the mute key02:34
yamishii need some help with the idjc02:35
yamishisince i upgraded to 9.04 i can't open it02:35
dag_internet dj console?02:36
yamishiinternet dj console02:36
yamishiit just opens the select profile02:36
yamishiand then it doesn't opens anything02:37
dag_yamishi: you can't open it, or it just doesn't load?02:37
yamishiit doesn't load02:38
yamishiafter selecting the profile02:39
yamishinothing loads or opens02:39
jedixdid you try from a terminal to see if there are error messages?02:39
dag_yamishi: idjc --version?02:39
yamishiwell no02:41
yamishithe last version on the oficial webpage02:41
dag_yamishi: ok, if it is the latest version there's a known issue02:41
dag_yamishi: but there's also a solution02:42
yamishisounds good02:42
yamishiwhat is the solutions02:42
yamishiand the issue02:42
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lorecasterCan anyone recommend a good FTP client for ubuntu 9.04 (gnome)?02:47
dag_lorecaster: filezilla02:48
dag_hi deever! :)02:48
deeveris XDMCP under kubuntu possible?02:48
lorecastersudo apt-get filezilla?02:48
deeverthe /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc "hack" i know and tried, but kdm still doesn't listen on
lorecasterthanks so much dag_02:49
dag_deever: are you attempt to do it inside a LAN?02:50
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TrebaczLooking for a KDE web development package with source control integration. Something like Quanta and Kdesvn? Suggestions. Alternatives03:25
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vegas513how's it going everybody?03:34
vegas513i recently installed kubuntu 9.04 x64 and i keep getting artifacts left onscreen when i minimize/resize windows03:37
vegas513can't figure out why03:37
=== ramon is now known as rgarcia
rgarciahey everybody...what do you think about kubuntu 9.04?03:37
jschallCan I use mouse4 and mouse5 to go forward and back in konqueror yet? Does 64 bit flash work properly in konqueror?03:37
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yamishii thinks is pretty good03:39
rgarciareally, but does it have many changes?03:40
rgarciawhat about the bugs?03:40
yrjokinwhich bugs? It is lots better than 8.10 but you want a fresh install to use ext403:41
yamishifor me it's better than 8.1003:42
yrjokin8.10 had me going back to 8.0403:42
yamishithere are some issues with somethings like the internet dj console03:43
yamishibut they can be fixed03:43
rgarcialook...I'm new here...I'm using the 8.04, and the adept updater warn me to update to 9.04, what you think is better for me do?03:43
yrjokinYou can do that but you will still be using ext303:43
rgarciaright...so the best way is downloading the new from kubuntu.org..and than install make the ext4?03:44
yrjokinand you mean udgrade - but do it or start again as you can get ext4 which is blazing fast03:44
yrjokinyou read my mind03:44
yamishibut isn't ext4 incompatible with somethings?03:46
faileasext4 has a few issues with datal oss03:46
rgarciais it?03:46
faileasthough KDE on jaunty is better than on intrepid IMO03:46
yamishiwell yeah03:46
yrjokinant issues with ext4 are cleared and the losses where when people were trying to install it with the data in place!03:49
yrjokinIt's fine with a fresh install - its fast!03:50
vegas513so far i'm having issues with video03:51
vegas513in jaunty03:51
deeverdag_: huh?03:53
deeversure inside a lan, not over internet! :)03:54
dag_deever: ?03:54
deeverdag_: ?03:54
dag_deever: !03:54
dag_deever: :D03:54
deeverdag_: haha, very funny...have you XDMCP ruuning on a hardy box?03:55
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deeverdag_: hello?03:59
dag_deever: I tried, but without any luck03:59
dag_deever: :/04:00
dag_deever: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91005804:00
=== nathan_ is now known as mastercactapus
deevereven more so, that it works w/o problems in ubuntu...:(04:03
dag_deever: maybe you'll like more this one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP04:03
dag_deever: it's the LinuxTerminalServerProject (for thinclient)04:03
LeeJunFanIs there a way to view what apps a session is starting in real time? When I log in it sometimes takes several minutes for my apps from autostart and session to run and appear in the tray.04:06
deeverdag_: no, actually, my thin client is a laptop, which i use a my main box...;)04:09
dag_deever: sorry for my stupid question but...you need to xdmcp or id just to give it a try?04:12
deeverdag_: i need it...;)04:13
dag_deever:what about kdrc?04:15
dag_deever: did you tried?04:15
deeverdag_: you mean /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc?04:17
dag_deever: keep it simple: Kmenu ----> applications ----> internet ------> kdmrc04:18
rmrfslash_I just read AMD is dropping fglrx support for chips <= R60004:28
dag_4 8 15 16 23 4204:30
dag_hi there04:31
Wolfcastleanyone else having problems with mplayer in kubuntu 9.04?04:31
Wolfcastleafter a while of playing a file it starts using up almost all my memory04:31
dag_@all: good night04:33
yamishibye bye04:34
yamishidoes anyone knows what's up with this "error"?04:36
yamishiyamishi@atarashi-fantasy:~$ idjc04:37
yamishiInternet DJ Console Version 0.7.2a04:37
yamishiCopyright 2005-2007 Stephen Fairchild04:37
yamishiReleased under the GNU General Public License V3.004:37
yamishino profile specified04:37
yamishidisplay encoding: UTF-8 filesystem encoding: UTF-804:37
yamishi/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/idjcgui.py:1521: DeprecationWarning: os.popen2 is deprecated.  Use the subprocess module.04:37
yamishi  self.mixer_ctrl, self.mixer_rply = os.popen2([ libexecdir + "idjcmixer" ], 4096)04:37
yamishino message buffer overruns04:37
yamishiTraceback (most recent call last):04:37
yamishi  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/idjcgui.py", line 2262, in <module>04:37
yamishi    run_instance = MainWindow(sys.argv[1:])04:37
yamishi  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/idjcgui.py", line 1681, in __init__04:37
yamishi    self.mic_select = nice_mic_togglebutton()04:37
yamishi  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/idjcgui.py", line 218, in __init__04:37
yamishi    gtk.ToggleButton.__init__(self, label, use_underline)04:37
yamishiRuntimeError: more argument specifiers than keyword list entries (remaining format:'):GtkToggleButton.__init__')04:37
yamishiyamishi@atarashi-fantasy:~$ Mixer module has closed04:37
harolddonguse pastebin04:37
MushroomKingdomHi, I'm having some problems being able to switch cd's while installing programs to Wine04:37
Wolfcastleguess I'll go back to debian04:37
Wolfcastlecan't have a OS without smplayer04:37
okisasomebody is a girl?04:37
Wolfcastleyamishi: use pastebin04:38
yamishican someone help me with the idjc bug or something?04:41
jschall64 bit flash work in konqueror?04:43
rmrfslash_Yeah... just figured out I needed to run aticonfig --initial after installing the fglrx driver04:45
Wolfcastlehmm seems this memory problem is with amarok too..maybe it is the sound system04:46
Wolfcastlekubuntu jaunty uses phonon right?04:46
RaynerI'm having some problems with extreme memory usage of some programs04:49
Raynerspecifically mplayer and amarok04:49
Raynercould this be a problem with phonon?04:49
deeverdag_: there is no such item...04:50
=== Dhraakellian is now known as Anathema
=== Anathema is now known as Dhraakellian
rmrfslash_eugh resume from suspend or hibernate is still broken w/ fglrx04:54
harolddongexactly what is gwenview suppposed to do when you click a tag on its homepage?  Mine just acts like it wants to load something but never does04:55
harolddongis the nepomuk implementation in gwenview just not finished yet?04:56
superwadhow would i add a repository for the nightly build of amarok through SVN?05:06
superwadthe stable amarok just isn't working for me :(05:06
harolddongspeaking of the nightly builds... is the project neon repo going to be updated for jaunty at some point?05:08
triunei want to make my amarok 2 look like my amarok 1.4 :|05:14
superwadtriune: don't think that would happen :(05:16
rmrfslash_fglrx won't resume if desktop effects are enabled. anyone else notice this?05:20
rmrfslash_is there a resolution short of disabling desktop effects?05:20
InexperiencedMicWho's willing to help a Linux newbie stop being such an idiot?05:24
InexperiencedMicWelcome, hopefully-experienced-Kubuntu-user.05:24
InexperiencedMicUh, hello?05:25
InexperiencedMicPlease tell me that, out of 318 online users, I'm not the only one who's actually "here."05:26
robin0800__InexperiencedMic: yes05:28
InexperiencedMicOh, goodie, a reply!05:28
InexperiencedMicDon't suppose you'd happen to be fairly experienced with Kubuntu, would you?05:28
robin0800__InexperiencedMic: Just ask05:29
InexperiencedMicHow do I do anything at all?05:29
InexperiencedMicFor instance, installing drivers.05:29
CPrgmSwR2wow quassel is nice05:30
robin0800__InexperiencedMic: what driver?05:30
InexperiencedMicWell, any. Let's start with a wireless driver.05:30
robin0800__InexperiencedMic: What wireless card do you have05:31
InexperiencedMicGood question. Running on a Dell Inspiron E1405. Let me look it up.05:31
rmrfslash_can i shut off desktop effects on the command line?05:32
robin0800__InexperiencedMic:  in a terminal lspci05:32
InexperiencedMicBroadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)05:34
robin0800__InexperiencedMic: Just a little help http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b4305:35
InexperiencedMicAlright... What am I looking at ?05:37
=== InexperiencedMic is now known as Idiot
MachinTrucChoseI would like to be able to run a program (my torrent client) when the machine boots up, regardless of whether a user logged in or not. ie, just powering on the machine and staring at the login screen, would have the torrent client start in the background, (like a Windows service). How can I do this?05:38
IdiotAlright, so...05:38
IdiotI don't get it... How is a new guy supposed to start off, anyway?05:40
IdiotGood thing I've got this tutorial thing that I copy jibberish commands over from.05:40
MachinTrucChoseIdiot: what's up? I'm a newbie too but maybe it's something I know.05:41
IdiotWell, I got a link here and I'm copying over chunks of code to Terminal.05:41
robin0800__InexperiencedMic: I think you need to do the instructions half way down the page for device firmware05:41
IdiotI'm just a bit annoyed that this is even necessary.05:42
socceroosIdiot, what are you trying to acomplish?05:42
IdiotTrying to install drivers for my wireless card.05:42
socceroosyou may find it isn't necessary05:42
IdiotI ran these commands, but I'm not sure if it actually accomplished anything.05:43
soccerooswhat version of Kubuntu are you using?05:43
IdiotNewest. 9.something.05:43
MachinTrucChoseSorry, can't help with driver stuff. The default drivers worked from the get-go for both my PC and laptop wireless cards.05:43
IdiotWell, I pull up the Hardware Drivers thing.05:43
socceroosIdiot (cant get used to that name =) ), Do you know what wireless card you're using?05:44
IdiotOh, wait... *sigh* Looks like one of these drivers in the Hardware Driversr thing worked.05:44
IdiotBut don't worry, I'm sure I'll have more questions very soon.05:44
IdiotNow, I can use the jibberish code I got from somewhere to actually connect to the network.05:45
socceroosIdiot, just to briefly explain, the terminal is only used when you need to exercise fine-grained control over the system - such as interacting with drivers. In almost all circumstances though, there is a GUI tool that will do the job.05:45
IdiotAh, good. How can I connect to a wireless network via GUI?05:46
IdiotBecause I despise Terminal with a fiery passion that all the horrors of Hell cannot fathom to even begin to match.05:47
robin0800__Idiot: Is this an upgrade?05:48
IdiotFrom Vista? I'm still trying to decide.05:48
socceroosThe current Kubuntu 9.04 release has a small icon in the system tray that looks like a plug, can you see it?05:48
socceroosIdiot: i would have recommended installing Ubuntu 9.04 instead of Kubuntu personally.05:49
IdiotEh, got a tip from a friend who loves Linux.05:49
IdiotLet's see... small plug... *searches*05:49
IdiotI think I see something that vaguely resembles a plug.05:50
socceroosOnly because it is a little more 'polished'. I say this because Kubuntu 9.04 currently is experiencing wireless issues in some setups ( ie, wireless encryption).05:50
raylusocceroos: that's not true05:50
socceroosraylu: yes it is.05:50
raylusocceroos: the gui is only used when there's no faster way in the terminal :D05:50
raylu12:45:55   socceroos> Idiot, just to briefly explain, the terminal is only used when you need to exercise fine-grained control over the system - such as interacting with drivers. In almost all circumstances though, there is a GUI tool that will do the job.05:51
socceroosraylu: if that's your mentality -- the Kubuntu is only suitable for developers and experienced linux users.05:51
rayluwell, it's a matter of preference, of course05:51
robin0800__raylu: Doesn't work here with mobile broardband05:51
socceroosah, raylu, I thought you were referring to wireless issues05:51
IdiotFaster, sure, but how does one actually learn this stuff without years of research and study?05:51
socceroosI personally love the terminal05:51
raylurobin0800__: er, huh?05:52
rayluIdiot: just... use it05:52
rayluthat's how i learned it05:52
rayluthat's also how i learned everything else that i'm good at05:52
rayluby doing05:52
Captain_Haddockanybody having issues with invisible mouse pointers post upgrade to Jaunty?05:52
IdiotWell, I mean, maybe I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed and all that, but give me XP and an internet connection and I can do anything I'd ever want to do.05:52
tsimpsonwe all spent years learning how to use linux, but we forgot to write it all down, sorry ;)05:53
rayluIdiot: then why are you on linux?05:53
IdiotBecause XP is going out of service.05:53
socceroosraylu: because of vista aparently05:53
rayluah. heh, that's a good reason05:53
IdiotWell, I mean, I game.05:53
robin0800__Idiot: Windows 705:53
IdiotI don't do much programming beyond some slight web development and such.05:54
IdiotMostly web design if anything.05:54
socceroosIdiot: me too.05:54
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IdiotSo, I mean, I guess I don't appreciate what's so great about Linux.05:54
IdiotIn my experience, Linux means hours and hours of figuring out how to even install a program.05:54
IdiotVersus two clicks in Windows.05:55
raylubut windows means either you can do it (in 3 seconds) or it can't be done. period.05:55
socceroosIdiot: there is a lot thats good about linux, the best way to handle it is to understand that Linux will behave differently than windows - not worse, just differently05:55
IdiotI guess... But then, I think I'd rather give up than sort through a thousand lines of code looking for a missing semicolon, heh.05:55
Captain_HaddockIdiot: it takes me about 2 seconds to install a program...05:55
rayluspeaking of that... http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm05:55
raylualso, missing semicolons can be found in seconds. also, you should never need to sort through code :P05:56
IdiotWhat command do yo uuse, Cap'n?05:56
IdiotPlease forgive my typing on this oddly oversensitive keyboard.05:56
rayluIdiot: on kubuntu, aptitude, apt-get, or kpackagekit05:56
socceroosIdiot, you can use a GUI to install programs05:56
Captain_HaddockIdiot: sudo apt-get install "program name"05:56
IdiotWhat if I don't know the program's name?05:56
rayluIdiot: all 3 options i listed have searching capabilities. as does apt-cache05:57
Captain_HaddockIdiot: sudo apt-cache search "keyword"05:57
Captain_Haddockthat's what I use... all the GUIs are frontends for apt05:57
rayluapt-cache doesn't tell me if its installed, though :(05:57
rayluCaptain_Haddock: all the clis are frontends for apt too :D05:57
Idiot*stares at the results of a search for "media player"*05:58
IdiotUh... What am I looking at?05:58
socceroosa terminal05:58
faileasand apt is a front end for dpkg ;p05:58
Captain_Haddockraylu: I believe that there are a couple of extensions to apt which help05:58
IdiotEverything's for libxinel, or something.05:58
socceroosguys, perhaps show him how to use the gui?05:59
raylufaileas: no, apt uses dpkg. but the apt toolchain is not merely a frontend for dpkg05:59
IdiotYeah, sorry. I have trouble reading jibberish.05:59
Captain_HaddockIdiot: it's a keyword search05:59
rayluIdiot: getting a list of media players isn't really possible. you'd have to ask a person about that06:00
Captain_Haddockyou can refine it further ... or just use the GUI06:00
robin0800__Idiot: Kpackagekit is a GUI06:00
IdiotI suppose I just don't understand what its' telling me comes up, Cap'n.06:00
IdiotAlright, so how do I get this GUI installer up?06:00
Captain_HaddockIdiot: all these packages on your screen have the keywords "media player" in their descriptions06:00
socceroosGo to the menu, then in the search box at the top, type: kpackage06:00
socceroosthat should bring it up.06:01
socceroosidiot, tell me when you've got that done.06:01
IdiotThe menu?06:01
socceroosThe big K down on the bottom left hand side of your screen06:02
IdiotAh. -.-'06:02
* raylu does not approve.06:02
socceroosthere should be a search box at the top of the menu06:02
IdiotYes, got it.06:02
socceroosnow search for kpackage06:02
IdiotIt's running.06:02
socceroosraylu: its a good idea not to overwhelm new users.06:03
socceroosnow, this tool will (through a gui) allow you to search for and install programs06:03
IdiotSo let's say I want to play a game.06:03
socceroosit will also provide a description of what each program/package does.06:03
IdiotI assume I'll need WINE.06:03
socceroosif you want to play a windows game - yes06:04
socceroosthe current versions of WINE will actually run quite a few windows games06:04
IdiotLet's hope.06:04
IdiotAlright, I've got a single result.06:04
MushroomKingdomHello, I'm trying to install a 4 disk game to Wine06:05
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socceroosexcellent, i'm guessing that single result is 'wine'?06:05
MushroomKingdomBut I am not able to remove the first disk when it asks for the second disk06:05
rayluMushroomKingdom: "not able to?"06:05
IdiotYeah, that's right.06:05
socceroosraylu. wine isn't releasing the disk06:05
Captain_HaddockMushroomKingdom: try using the device manager06:05
socceroosraylu: have to force unmount of disk06:06
MushroomKingdomraylu: yes, it tells me that I am not allowed since the drive is in use06:06
IdiotI'm going to take a chance and try clicking on it.06:06
MushroomKingdomDevice manager, yes I tried06:06
EvereadyWindows 7 will feature XP mode06:06
Eveready  Vista skipped06:06
socceroosidiot, thats fine, you won't break anything06:06
rayluwindows 7 premium, business, and ultimate will feature XP mode06:06
socceroospackage management in Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Debian is very robust.06:06
Evereadywhy not Linux mode? shhesh....06:07
rayluEveready: that exists too. it's called vmware06:07
faileasraylu: professional, not premium06:07
faileasEveready: cause they would muck it up ;p06:07
Evereadylol or wubi06:07
raylufaileas: oh06:07
faileasor virtualbox ;p06:07
Captain_Haddockkubuntu should just use synaptic :S06:07
socceroosMushroomKingdom, try this from the command line: sudo umount /media/cdrom -o force06:07
Captain_Haddockkpackagekit looks worse than adept :|06:07
raylui was actually more comfortable with adept than synaptic06:07
robin0800__raylu: do you have a link for that?06:08
MushroomKingdomOk, i'll try that thanks06:08
rayluand i've never even run kpackagekit06:08
Captain_HaddockI just did... *shudder*06:08
socceroosIdiot: how you going mate?06:08
IdiotI think I installed it.06:08
IdiotCan't say for sure.06:08
raylurobin0800__: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13860_3-10229125-56.html06:08
socceroosok, did it say it was downloading the package?06:08
IdiotYeah, resolved some conflicts, had a nice progress bar, I approve.06:08
raylurobin0800__: wait..06:09
socceroosIdiot: then its done. thats how to install a program in Kubuntu06:09
raylurobin0800__: there. http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001258.html06:09
IdiotNot too bad, if I know what I'm looking for.06:09
socceroosIdiot: the easy way =D06:09
IdiotSo, how does it work, now06:09
MushroomKingdomsocceroos: umount: invalid option -- 'o'06:09
IdiotI've got a game installed on a network folder.06:09
IdiotHow do I access my Microsoft network and run the game?06:09
socceroosok, for wine, if you just put the cd in your drive of the game you want to install, I'll show you the next bit.06:10
raylusocceroos, MushroomKingdom: mount -o force, umount -f06:10
IdiotWell, I don't really have the CD, I've been keeping it installed on a network folder.06:10
rayluguis... cds... such strange and ancient things.06:10
MushroomKingdomraylu: wont let me force it out06:11
socceroosMushroomKingdom: sudo umount -f /media/cdrom06:11
rayluMushroomKingdom: how'd you umount?06:11
MushroomKingdomIt's a legit CD06:11
IdiotSorry, Ray, but I prefer my "high-tech" as an elaborately fancy GUI, as opposed to a black screen and blinking cursor.06:11
rayluIdiot: high-tech doens't make it better. it doesn't even mean anything. also, blinking cursors are annoying :P06:11
socceroosIdiot: thats fine - is your network folder on another computer?06:12
IdiotWell, it's an external hard drive that I've got connected to a desktop that shares it over the network.06:12
socceroosMushroomKingdom: did that last command I gave work?06:12
MushroomKingdomsocceroos: It tells me the drive is busy, and wont do anything06:13
socceroosIdiot: ok, is that computer the one you're currently using or is it another computer on your same network?06:13
IdiotRay, I was referring to all those TV shows/movies that make hacking look like a point and click process.06:13
IdiotWell, it's within five feet of my computer, but oh so far away.06:13
rayluindeed it is, thanks to windows networking06:13
IdiotSo close and yet so digitally far.06:13
IdiotSo, how do I connect to a windows network?06:14
IdiotAnd, Ray, please don't, like, hack me and overclock my processor to burn-out to prove how superior Linux is.06:14
rayluMushroomKingdom: that's strange that it gave you that with -f. consider making ISOs of all the cds first06:15
socceroosIdiot: ok06:15
MushroomKingdomI was thinking about that, I do have the iso's already on my computer. I just sudo mount -o /media/cdrom?06:15
IdiotSo, how can I do this, socceroos?06:15
socceroosIdiot: go to start and open up 'dolphin' - its the icon that looks like a set of blue drawers06:15
socceroosdolphin is KDE's file manager06:16
linux-hdtv_I would not have believed it, but KDE 4.2 of Kubuntu is now frozen stiff because i started alarm-clock ...06:16
soccerooslike the windows one you use to browse C:\06:16
socceroostell me when you've got that open06:16
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raylulinux-hdtv_: are you typing from another machine?06:16
linux-hdtv_If the Ehernet socket on the computer is blinking orange, what are the chances my ftp-upload is still going ?06:16
linux-hdtv_yes raylu06:17
IdiotDidn't see it, so I searched for it.06:17
raylulinux-hdtv_: have you tried ctrl+alt+f1 yet?06:17
socceroosIdiot, so its open now?06:17
IdiotIs that like putting into a hacking program?06:17
rayluMushroomKingdom: to mount the isos? no06:17
linux-hdtv_raylu, i could log in there ...06:18
IdiotI've got something called "Kontact" open.06:18
rayluMushroomKingdom: mount file.iso /media/cdrom106:18
raylulinux-hdtv_: killall alarm-clock06:18
MushroomKingdomraylu: oh, ok I'll try06:18
socceroosIdiot: lol, thats like microsoft Outlook06:18
socceroosidiot: you dont need that =)06:18
rayluMushroomKingdom: the mount point must exist before mounting and06:18
rayluMushroomKingdom: that command will actually fail06:18
IdiotYeah, I wondered.06:18
rayluMushroomKingdom: but it'll tell you the additional flag you need to make it work. i can never remember what it is06:18
raylusocceroos: no, it doesn't fail all over itself06:19
MushroomKingdomrayly: thank you06:19
IdiotOkay, I don't see dolphin off-hand.06:19
socceroosIdiot: when you go to the start menu, it should be listed in your favourites06:19
IdiotOh, yes.06:19
IdiotIf only you'd told me to look for "file manager."06:20
MushroomKingdomraylu: should I sudo mkdir /media/cdrom106:20
socceroosidiot: lol06:20
socceroosidiot: sorry, next time i'll remember =D06:20
IdiotI think I just realized something.06:20
rayluMushroomKingdom: yes06:20
linux-hdtv_thanks, raylu. it looks like gftp is still running (top).06:21
socceroosraylu: true - I use Kontact in my day job 24/7 - its rock solid in KDE 4.2.206:21
IdiotI now know why people go to Linux: people just like to play elementary school teacher on IRC for fools like me.06:21
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raylulinux-hdtv_: so, can you get back to the desktop now?06:21
socceroosIdiot: hahaha, not likely06:21
linux-hdtv_how ?06:21
raylulinux-hdtv_: ctrl+alt+f706:21
IdiotSo, with Dolphin up, now what?06:21
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socceroosIdiot: now, down the side, click on network06:21
MushroomKingdomraylu: mount: can't find /media/cdrom1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab06:21
rayluMushroomKingdom: you didn't specify the iso you're mounting, then06:22
IdiotYeah, got it.06:22
rayluMushroomKingdom: if you only specify one argument, it assumes it can find the other in one of those two files06:22
socceroosIdiot: now, it should give you an icon saying ;'samba shares'06:23
MushroomKingdomraylu: I sent sudo mount file.iso /media/cdrom1 but it wants a -o loop06:23
socceroosclick on that06:23
linux-hdtv_ctrl-alt-f7 shows a completely black screen and a white skull as the mouse pointer.06:23
IdiotSee it, yup.06:23
rayluMushroomKingdom: yeah. that's the flag :D06:23
IdiotOh, alright.06:23
socceroosnow, does it show your local 'WORKGROUP'06:23
IdiotThere it is.06:23
raylulinux-hdtv_: strange... try f8.. and the other f keys too :P06:23
IdiotWell, it shows my workgroup, yeah.06:23
MushroomKingdomraylu: so I tried sudo mount file.iso /media/cdrom1 -o and got nothing, and sudo mount -o file.iso /media/cdrom1 and got that06:23
socceroosIdiot: sweet, its working =)06:23
IdiotI'm actually clever enough to change my workgroup's name, believe it or not.06:24
rayluMushroomKingdom: er, where's the loop06:24
socceroosIdiot: lol, i can believe that - you're a windows guru - linux is different =)06:24
linux-hdtv_the skull is probably because i tried some key combinations, probably an app allowing to kill the window you click on with it.06:24
linux-hdtv_how can i stop the skull ?06:24
IdiotDifferent frightens me. That's why I'm Republican.06:24
socceroosIdiot: lol06:25
IdiotI've got a nice .exe file here.06:25
MushroomKingdomraylu: I'm not entirely certain where I'm supposed to place it, and what exactly I'm doing.06:25
raylulinux-hdtv_: escape. xkill, i'm guessing?06:25
rayluMushroomKingdom: mount -o loop file.iso /media/cdrom106:25
MushroomKingdomraylu: ah! That worked. Thank you.06:26
IdiotSo, how do I kick this .exe's butt?06:26
MushroomKingdomraylu: Day 5 of Linux today, going well so far :D06:26
socceroosIdiot, try clicking once on it06:26
rayluMushroomKingdom: now, you may have to do some screwy things for wine to treat them as cd drives06:26
rayluMushroomKingdom: something in winecfg... maybe...06:26
socceroosshould then open it like any other windows program06:26
kaisthow can I look up clamav virus definitions? Like for example : Trojan.Packed-14206:26
IdiotEep! A pop-up window!06:27
soccerooswhat does the window say?06:27
socceroosIdiot: BTW, what game are you trying to install?06:27
IdiotIt demands to know what I want to open it with.06:27
IdiotNot so much install as run.06:27
IdiotNeverwinter Nights.06:27
MushroomKingdomraylu: It seems good, the install is back on track. I was able to find the drive immediately and everything is running smooth06:28
socceroosah, so - the network folder you're currently browsing is an already installed game on another computer?06:28
IdiotAnd yes, it works (at least on Windows).06:28
linux-hdtv_xkill, probably. still the black screen is unexpected. and escape does not quit the skull cursor. for now i'm just happy gftp is finishing the job (3GB upload). thank you raylu.06:28
socceroosIdiot: you may have problems running this through WINE over the network............but we'll give it a go06:28
socceroosin that popup window06:29
linux-hdtv_ctrl-alt-f1-8 no different, ctrl-alt-f9 no effect06:29
socceroostype in 'wine' (without quotes) in that top bar and click on 'Remember this choice' down the bottom06:29
raylulinux-hdtv_: no problem. in tty1 (c+a+f1), you should be able to kill xkill if it's running. try pgrep -l kill06:29
IdiotAww... It says "wine" not fouuuuund.... *whiny*06:30
socceroosok, idiot, just try this for me: hit ALT+F2 and then in the little box that pops up, type: wine06:31
MushroomKingdomUhh, for Idiot's problem.. Would it be possible to copy the game files and put them into Wine's C:\ drive and run it from there?06:32
IdiotIt doesn't really do anything.06:32
socceroosMushroomKingdom, it certainly is an option - I wanna try run it over the network first though =)06:32
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IdiotDoesn't find anything.06:32
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socceroosIdiot: that would suggest it isn't properly installed06:33
socceroosidiot: we're going to do something frightening here - open up........A TERMINAL06:33
socceroos*cue horror music*06:33
MushroomKingdomsocceroos: Hm, yeah that would be the better option. I found it hard to run things across Windows to Linux :(06:33
IdiotAUUUGHHH! *screams in horror*06:33
MushroomKingdomPffft terminal. Terminal rocks :D06:34
IdiotIt's open.06:34
MushroomKingdomit's where my IRC is06:34
socceroosMushroomKingdom: Idiot, is new to linux - just starting slowly06:34
faileassocceroos: its called going down the rabbit hole ;p06:34
socceroosIdiot, ok, so06:34
socceroostype this: winecfg06:34
socceroosand hit enter06:34
MushroomKingdomsocceroos: I'm on day 5 :D06:35
IdiotMy hobbies are drinking chlorox, bashing my head against a brick wall until it goes black, and trying to figure out Linux.06:35
raylusocceroos: ...wine isn't installed06:35
socceroosMushroomKingdom: nice one =)06:35
MushroomKingdomsocceroos: Yep, after 15 years of Windows. Fully switched.06:35
socceroosraylu: I'm going to find out06:35
IdiotCommand not found, socc.06:35
socceroosMushroomKingdom: well done mate - not many can do that =)06:35
socceroosIdiot: ok, try this: sudo apt-get install wine06:36
* faileas allegedly has a windows and a linux box at the moment. *notes one is on kubuntu, and the other on lxde ;p)06:36
socceroosyou'll need to enter in your login pasword and hit enter06:36
raylulinux-hdtv_: i suspect something else is eating up the cpu06:36
IdiotCouldn't find package wine.06:37
MushroomKingdomsocceroos: :) It was time for a change, and a good change at that. Anywho, I've got a brand new problem. Wine won't let me in the C:\ drive D:06:37
raylu!info wine06:37
ubottuwine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu6 (jaunty), package size 7329 kB, installed size 54508 kB06:37
rayluuniverse isn't on by default06:37
socceroosraylu: ah06:37
* svingzemeate <-- Grabs ticket #742 *doh!*... Yakuake vs. Jaunty ponderance.06:37
rayluwhich makes me wonder what Idiot saw when he thought he installed wine06:37
socceroosraylu: yeah06:38
IdiotWell, there was, like, a progress bar and stuff.06:38
IdiotIt went from left to right.06:38
IdiotSo I assumed that it did something.06:38
elliottma reasonable assumption06:38
MushroomKingdomHm, I'm still confused myself about the Universe and Multivserse. I have them enabled but I have no idea how06:38
rayluMushroomKingdom: /etc/apt/sources.list06:39
MushroomKingdomHm, thats into terminal?06:39
rayluMushroomKingdom: no, that's where they're enabled06:39
socceroosIdiot: basically it goes like this, we need to enable your installation of Kubuntu to access all of the packages that are available06:39
MushroomKingdomBut, how did I magically enable them? :s06:39
socceroosidiot: its fairly simple to do06:39
raylusee, it's nice knowing what's going on in your system. the gui hides that and it's ok when you never need to know. in other words, perfect guis are nice06:40
IdiotAhh, I see.06:40
Wolfcastlegreetings ppl06:40
IdiotWell, I was running off a live CD. Guess I should have mentioned that.06:40
rayluMushroomKingdom: what do you use for your package management?06:40
socceroosYou're running of a live cd?????????06:40
socceroos=D lol06:40
Idiot^.^; Sorry...06:40
socceroosthats fine dude - its just a bit funny06:40
MushroomKingdomraylu: I did apt-get for everything06:41
socceroosgames will run slow on a live CD06:41
rayluMushroomKingdom: hrm... maybe installing it enables universe, etc.06:41
rayluIdiot: and you'll have to reinstall06:41
MushroomKingdomraylu: So it's possible I enabled it by installing things?06:41
IdiotSo, what's the call on Windows 7's beta?06:41
rayluMushroomKingdom: no, installing kubuntu to disk06:41
rayluIdiot: more of the same06:42
IdiotBetter than Vista?06:42
socceroosIdiot: a live cd doesn't actually install anything on your computer - you're just running everythin in RAM.06:42
rayluIdiot: "better" in the sense that they patched ugly crap up more06:42
mefisto__is there a kde scanner program? kooka seems to have been retired06:42
rayluIdiot: it's still annoying to use. UAC is less annoying about your own actions06:42
socceroosIdiot: so basically, you've been 'test driving' Kubuntu instead of running it off your computer.06:42
IdiotAm I the only one here who likes XP?06:42
str1fe13Windows 7 is better for the average Windows user than Vista/XP.  "Better" is relative :)06:42
IdiotYeah, I guess I knew that, socc, just didn't enter the run command for brain power.06:43
socceroosidiot: I'll take XP any day over vista - but I'll take Ubuntu any day over XP.06:43
MushroomKingdomraylu: So by me making an iso of Kubuntu and installing it on my HDD I have Universe?06:43
str1fe13It all comes down to opinion i guess.06:43
rayluMushroomKingdom: what i mean is universe isn't enabled on the livecd06:43
IdiotI'm curious--what is it that you do on Linux that you wouldn't/couldn't do on XP?06:43
rayluMushroomKingdom: but when it installs, it updates the sources.list to include universe06:43
rayluIdiot: not use my mouse06:43
MushroomKingdomraylu: Oh, yeah no i formatted my HDD for this06:44
IdiotOh, well, congrats, I guess.06:44
porkythis linux crap is not even working.06:44
porkyi put the usb drive in. fail.06:44
socceroosIdiot: the advantage of linux is that - if you're motivated - you can get it to do anything you want06:44
IdiotI suppose... Though, really, XP does everything I want.06:44
IdiotProblem is an  increasing lack of driver support.06:45
porkythere used to be a window that would ask me if i wanted to open my usb drive.  like 20 minits ago when i was using it.06:45
porkythe linux crap is failing.06:45
rayluIdiot: so you switched to the OS with even less driver support :P06:45
IdiotGood point.06:45
rayluporky: so mount it manually :D06:45
porkyi hate extra typing.06:45
rayluporky: i hate extra clicking06:45
IdiotReally, is there any option besides btt-rapeage by Vista?06:45
porkyin windows you dont have to type anything to use the usb drive.  it just works.06:46
raylubtt = ?06:46
porkywhy is it linux stuff works only some of the time06:46
rayluporky: it always works for me. i can mount any usb drive. as a bonus, i don't have to deal with sandisk crap06:46
rayluporky: and "works" makes no sense, so "just works" is impossible.06:46
IdiotYeah, my u-key just ignored me.06:46
porkywhats sandisk ?06:46
rayluporky: nothing can "Just work" until it can read my mind06:46
porkywell when i used to plug the usb drive it.06:46
porkyit worked06:46
rayluporky: it's a particularly nasty brand of usb drive that runs some crap when you plug it in06:47
porkynow it's not06:47
socceroosIdiot: if you want to seriously use Kubuntu - you'll need to install it on one of your computers06:47
porkyim tired of this linux crap.06:47
rayluporky: no, it didn't "work," it did what you exepected06:47
socceroosporky, what the matter06:47
porkyno im talking about kde asking me if i want to open it06:47
rayluporky: if it wasn't what you wanted (like it is for me), then it would have been broken06:47
IdiotAh, but if it doens't work, of course, then I've got to reinstall vista, etc.06:47
porkyhow am i supposed to know which device in /dev is my usb drive ?06:48
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noaXessgood morning06:48
socceroosIdiot: you can install Kubuntu along side of vista06:48
rayluporky: sudo fdisk -l. or just guess. it's usually sdb106:48
socceroosas in 'dual boot'06:48
rayluporky: if you only have one scsi drive06:48
IdiotIt just seems astounding that y'all spend all the time that Linux requires just so you can... uh, what is it you do?06:48
porkyusb is scsi ?06:48
jschallis there ANY way to make my mouse side buttons work as forward/back in konqueror? they work fine in firefox.06:48
IdiotDoesn't that require a seperate partition?06:48
noaXessi have a blocked update in my software updates: kde-style-qtcurve - 0.59.3-1ubuntu106:48
rayluporky: no, but you only use one controller, i believe. also, ls -l /dev/disk*06:49
noaXesswhat to do with that?06:49
noaXessor how to install this blocked update? over konsole06:49
jschallIdiot: not necessarily, look up wubi. it works great and can be uninstalled from windows06:49
MushroomKingdomWhere do I find my WINE C:\ folder from the root dir?06:49
socceroosIdiot, it does require a separate partition - but Kubuntu can do that for you - also, we 'linux' users do all the same kinds of things you do on XP, just normal stuff.06:49
jschallMushroomKingdom: /home/username/.wine/drive_c06:49
porkyugh more typing.06:49
porkyi have work to do .06:49
* porky puts the xp cd back in.06:50
socceroosIdiot: jschall's suggestion is good06:50
IdiotWell, on XP I do: internet browsing, video-watching, and game-playing.06:50
IdiotAnd that's about the extent of it, aside from some photoshop-raping.06:50
socceroosI would also recommend downloading and installing wubi - which will then install Kubuntu onto your windows machine like it was another program06:50
porkywtf ?06:51
socceroosIdiot, thats what i do on linux06:51
porkyok now this linux crap really sucks.  i ran sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/usb06:51
IdiotOh, what kind of games, socc?06:51
porkyand i can see the contents via cd06:51
porkybut konquror cant06:51
porkywhats wrong with this linux crap.06:51
rayluporky: are you saying you don't have time to type?06:51
porkyraylu: i mean extra typing.06:51
socceroosporky - if you want help then can I suggest being a bit less verbally animated?06:52
jschallporky: permissions are probably wrong.06:52
porkytf ?06:52
svingzemeateAnyone know of a simple fix for Yaquake hotkey(F12)? Just need to know how to get it working with Jaunty.06:52
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Raynerwhat's up with ext4 in kubuntu jaunty, I thought it didn't work on kernels < 2.6.2906:52
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rayluporky: and instead, you have time for extra clicking?06:53
porkywhat do you mean?06:53
socceroosIdiot: I play (on Ubuntu), WoW, BF1942, BF 2142, Counter Strike:Source and Oblivion06:53
rayluporky: because in some way, using the mouse is faster than using the keyboard?06:53
IdiotNever finished Oblivion.06:53
rayluporky: because it's easier to use a continous input device (the mouse) to do discrete operations06:53
IdiotNever tried WoW. I'm into Neverwinter Nights for the same thing.06:53
rayluporky: than a discrete input device (the keyboard)?06:53
porkywhat happend to i stick my usb drive in.  kde opens it.06:53
socceroosIdiot: yeah me neither - i keep getting distracted on side quests.06:53
IdiotNeverwinter Nights has elements of being an MMORPG, but it's more roleplay-oriented.06:53
porkywindows had the usb drive figured out years ago.  is linux still working on it?  is it a bug in the kernal?06:54
rayluporky: no, but you don't have it figured out06:54
rayluporky: and you are blaming it on your software06:54
porkywhat happend to i stick my usb drive in.  kde opens it.06:54
porkyit worked 20 mintis ago like that06:55
porkyand yesterday06:55
rayluporky: did you upgrade to 9.04 since then?06:55
rayluporky: there might be an icon in your panel for recnetly plugged in devices06:55
rayluporky: i wouldn't know since i removed it06:55
lolipop_Hi, when i perform a uname -a on 9.04, i can see the "#42-Ubuntu SMP Fri", how can i change that Ubuntu to something else06:55
socceroosPorky, when you last used your usb drive, did you ask KDE to 'unmount' it or did you just pull it out?06:55
porkyupgrading made my wireless NOT work06:55
rayluporky: then just mount the device06:55
porkyi just pulled it out, becuase in windows you can just pull it out.06:55
raylulolipop_: that's an option set when compiling the kernel... so you can't06:56
raylulolipop_: unless you want to roll your own kernel06:56
Idiot*snickes at socc's suggestive question*06:56
IdiotThough I assume that WINE has trouble with newer games.06:56
socceroosPorky, even in windows you can't just pull it out - while Windows makes it look like you're doing no harm - each time you do that, you corrupt the filesystem on the device.06:56
Idioti.e., Mass Effect, Fallout 3, Crysis...06:56
rayluso do most cpus on that last one :P06:57
porkysocceroos. so how would you unmount it on windows.06:57
IdiotThere IS a "safely remove device" thing in Windows.06:57
rayluporky: "safely" remove device06:57
lolipop_raylu: i see, for now, my hostname is lolipop, but when i ping it from other machine, my hostname is ubuntu.myLANdomain.com06:57
socceroosIdiot, WINE is still getting support for DirectX 10, but just to note, WINE actually works better with newer games than with older ones.06:57
raylulolipop_: oh. that has nothing to do with it :P06:57
raylulolipop_: cat /etc/hostname06:57
socceroosIdiot: true, that does the same as the 'unmount' in KDE.06:57
=== porky is now known as fag
lolipop_raylu: yeah, its lolipop inside06:58
Idioton the taskbar is an icon you click, then select your USB drive06:58
fagnow how do i make my wireless work?06:58
raylulolipop_: also... what os is the other machine? why is it reverse dns-ing your machine's name during a ping?06:58
mefisto__it doesn't "corrupt the filesystem on the device" every time. It's just that you run the risk of that every time you do it. eventually, it's gonna happen06:58
str1fe13Good evening, quick simple question I hope - On a fresh install of Kubuntu Jaunty, what would be ideal sizes of /, /home, and /boot partitions on a 160gb drive? First time installing/using Linux.06:58
fagwhen i ran a bunch of upgrades, it screwed with my kernel. and now wireless doesent work.06:58
IdiotIt's got a little green arrow and a gray thing.06:58
raylustr1fe13: swap?06:58
fagmy wireless works on a fresh installation of intrepid.06:59
str1fe13swap is 2gb matching my ram.06:59
fagvia kdenetworkmanager06:59
raylustr1fe13: you can spend 10-100MB on /boot. dividing the other two up is sort of up to you06:59
noaXessi have a blocked update: kde-style-qtcurve06:59
lolipop_raylu: i have a m0n0-wall router in my LAN06:59
socceroosmefisto__: it will only break the filesystem if a write is in progress - but each time you do it then it will still corrupt the Log for the partition.06:59
noaXessif i do a : sudo apt-get install kde-style-qtcurve then i get: kde4-style-qtcurve-kdeconfig will be removed..07:00
raylunoaXess: because the two conflict with each other07:00
raylunoaXess: aptitude show kde-style-qtcurve07:00
noaXessraylu: ok.. an now? install kde.style-qtcurve?07:00
raylunoaXess: if you don't want kde4-style-qtcurve-kdeconfig, then sure.07:01
str1fe13raylu: how about this then...how necessary is a separate boot partition?07:01
IdiotSocc, what did you like about about linux when you first started?07:01
raylustr1fe13: not. but some people like to not have it mounted07:01
raylustr1fe13: also, it's very useful if you have multiple OSs07:01
fagwhy is it in windows you can resize you rpartition with out a boot disk, but in linux you can resize mounted partitions?07:02
raylustr1fe13: splitting up / and /home isn't necessary either unless you plan to reinstall linux. or have multiple OSs, again07:02
socceroosIdiot: I was interested in Linux to begin with because i found windows far to restrictive07:02
fagerr can't07:02
fagerr let me repharse07:02
socceroosI wanted to explore the world of software and Windows just held me back.07:02
fagwhy is it in windows you can resize your partition without a boot disk, but in linux you cant resize mounted partitions?07:02
raylufag: how can you resize your partition while it's mounted in windows? i dont' believe that07:02
IdiotAhh. You know, I can't say I've ever thought in Windows, "damn, I wish I could do this, but I just can't." Maybe I've used Windows too long/don't think open-mindedly enough.07:02
raylufag: through a bit of work it's possible in linux, though07:03
socceroosIdiot: it completely depends on what you want to do07:03
IdiotWell, if it's got uTorrent and can run .exes, I'm fairly satisfied.07:03
raylusocceroos: i disagree. it completely depends on whether you want to do what you want to do or you're just happy with what the developers of your software wanted to do07:03
str1fe13raylu: so basically for a first linux install having swap its own partition and everything else on the remaining 158gb is perfectly fine?  I don't plan on using other OSes on the computer I'm installing Kubuntu on, or reinstalling any time soon.07:03
fagthinking open minded is nice, but redundancy sucks.  linux makes everything harder.07:03
socceroosfor example, you would find it hard to turn your Windows XP machine into a fully functional Primary Domain Controller for an enterprise network, but I could do that right now if i wanted to on my linux box  - its just so flexible.07:04
mefisto__Idiot: in windows I'm constantly thinking "I wish I could select and middleclick to copy/paste"07:04
raylustr1fe13: yep. and that's why it's the default the installer uses07:04
daskreechstr1fe13: I'd make a /home07:04
IdiotReally? Huh.07:04
IdiotI never would have even thought to do that, mefisto.07:04
raylufag: that's the price for making everything possible07:04
daskreechIdiot: you'll miss it on'ceit's gone07:04
IdiotI use it already to navigate the webbie.07:04
fagwhen im in windows am always like, damn i wish i could program raw sockets.07:05
socceroosmefisto__:  I must say, I love the middle click copy too! =)07:05
daskreechfag: Redundancy isn't athat bad07:05
IdiotOnce what is? uTorrent, dask?07:05
noaXessraylu: which of the two package should i leave in the system: kde4-style-qtcurve-kdeconfig or kde-style-qtcurve?07:05
rayludaskreech: why make a /home if you don't plan to install other OSs?07:05
raylunoaXess: that depends on which you want07:05
IdiotCTRL+C always satisfied me, personally. xD07:05
raylunoaXess: i don't even know what qtcurve is :P07:05
daskreechraylu: you will07:05
noaXessraylu: ok :)07:06
rayluIdiot: the mentaility about select = copy is: why would you highlight if you weren't copying?07:06
mefisto__Idiot: that was kind of my point. if you don't know you can do it, you'll probably never want to. another one is middle-clicking or right-clicking the maximize button to maximize vertically or horizontally07:06
rayludaskreech: yeah, i've come to realize that too. but he said he wasn't planning on it, so...07:06
IdiotMaybe I was highlighting because some idiot used hard-to-see colors, raylu. :p07:06
raylumefisto__: actually, that exists in windows 7 when you drag to the side of the desktop. on the other hand placing windows on the side is now a pain07:06
daskreechraylu: More useful then. Means he'll build up a lot of data that he will want to save before he hits a reinstall time07:07
rayluIdiot: ah. it doesn't do it automatically in firefox, i think.07:07
IdiotInteresing, mefisto...07:07
daskreechassuming str1fe13 is a he :)07:07
rayludaskreech: yep :D07:07
str1fe13daskreech: I'm installing Kubuntu on basically a throwaway laptop.  It's not even my primary computer by any means, everything important I do on my desktop07:08
str1fe13this is mostly for experimentation/fun07:08
daskreechstr1fe13: do what you want then. Experiment till your eyes cross and your fingers gnarl07:08
socceroosIdiot: I'm out for a while, gotta get some work done =) Hope it all goes well mate!07:09
IdiotSo, to all you Linux-peoples, do tell: which is worse: XP or the latest MacOS?07:09
IdiotThanks for the help, socc.07:09
rufongstr1: have fun, tink i'm gonna play with xfce later on, 9.04 stable so time to install something over 8.0407:09
rayluIdiot: any mac os07:09
IdiotYouch, raylu.07:09
svingzemeateEllo all, anyone know of a fix for Yaquake hotkey(F12)? Just need to know how to get it working with Jaunty.07:09
IdiotThat's a low blow.07:09
str1fe13daskreech: I'm not sure about fingers gnarling, just wanted to get a feel of the purpose of various partitions and how I should organize them for trying out Linux07:10
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!07:10
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str1fe13I'm probably going to be using this laptop to take notes in class, but nothing incredibly major07:10
daskreechstr1fe13: In general any area that might need it's own management gets it's own parittion07:10
raylustr1fe13: make sure to turn off the login/logout/etc sounds :D07:10
WolfcastleI get a message saying my mplayer is old and will not work well with smplayer07:10
IdiotWhy MacOS > XP?07:10
WolfcastleIs there a way to update mplayer?07:11
rayluIdiot: er, you asked which is worse.07:11
daskreechWolfcastle: What release of Kubuntu are you using ?07:11
Wolfcastledaskreech: jaunty07:11
IdiotI knew that.07:11
str1fe13Idiot: Mac/Windows/Linux is a silly argument, it all comes down to a person's preferences in the long run.  All 3 have their advantages and disadvantages for each user.07:11
IdiotYeah, Mac sucks!07:11
daskreechWolfcastle: should be pretty up to date07:11
IdiotI still take some slight snooty pride in pissing on Mac.07:12
IdiotElectrocution hurts, though.07:12
daskreechIdiot: can you take that discussion to offtopic ?07:12
IdiotWhich discussion? I can give it a try. : p07:13
daskreechThe whole windows versus linux verus Mac07:13
Wolfcastledaskreech: I don't know, it's version 1.0rc2 and according to the official page it's outdated07:13
IdiotVersus etch-a-sketch.07:13
Idiotetch-a-sketch = best OS ever07:14
IdiotNothing you can't do.07:14
rayluIdiot: you can't shake it07:14
str1fe13Alright, last question.  Say I put / and /home on separate partitions as suggested...which should be bigger than the other, very generally?07:14
IdiotWell, you CAN, it's just not great.07:14
raylustr1fe13: /home, in my case07:14
daskreechstr1fe13: /home07:14
daskreechstr1fe13: By a fair amount07:15
rayluFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on07:15
raylu/dev/sda6              14G  4.4G  8.9G  34% /07:15
str1fe13Alrighty, making / 20gb and the other 135gb /home then, I spose.07:15
str1fe13I'll be back if something catches fire.  Thanks for all the help!07:15
daskreechstr1fe13: 20GB is huge07:15
daskreechI have / as 7 Gb07:16
daskreech I've never come close to filling it07:16
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daskreech10GB is probably more than you will ever need07:16
rayludaskreech: i can totally imagine str1fe13 installing *ubuntu-desktop07:16
daskreechunles you are installing all the desktops07:16
rayluin which case your menus get filled with crap :D07:16
daskreechthen 15 GB is overkill but safe07:17
IdiotIf you're tech-savvy and you know it, say "I am"07:17
str1fe13no, im just going with basic kubuntu install, with a few apps here and there if I'm unhappy with the defaults.07:17
daskreechstr1fe13: 10GB07:18
daskreechyou can grow it later if needed07:18
str1fe13I don't really picture myself installing much more than firefox, codecs and drivers, and perhaps a games pack for killing time though07:18
IdiotI guess no "I ams"?07:18
str1fe13*nod* I'll just make it 8gb for the time being, since that's about what's left over if i make /home 15007:19
str1fe13i think thats all i need then unless something catches on fire07:20
IdiotOr someONE.07:21
Idiotor worse, someWHERE.07:22
IdiotAnyone else tired?07:24
str1fe13I've consumed way too many Jones Sodas to be tired.07:24
IdiotI've eaten about twenty cups of peanuts.07:24
IdiotI'm pretty not-so-good-feeling.07:25
IdiotAnyway, I'm off. Thanks for helping me to dick around with Linux, everyone.07:25
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digdeepdoes anyone has problem to watch youtube. I can watch it, but there is no sound07:36
cece__i tried to install ku9.04 on my pc with flashdisk ,but when i can't use my keyboard when it came to log on window07:38
jschallhow can i make kwin run with an environment variable?07:38
raylucece__: can you log in to a tty? (ctrl+alt+f1)?07:39
cece__but with the alternate iso07:40
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=== The is now known as AaNnAa
cece__with the desktop.iso ,it doesn't work out07:40
MushroomKingdomUgh, So WINE won't recognise my CD. I can't play a game now because of this. Any one have any ideas of getting this to work?07:43
rayluMushroomKingdom: winecfg, change what counts as a cd07:43
rayluMushroomKingdom: more likely, there's some drm on it. securom, etc.07:44
MushroomKingdomraylu: Just configure wine or is there an actual program?07:44
raylujschall: you could change your login type in kdm to .xsession and write your own .xsession... but there's probably an easier way07:44
raylujschall: oh, ~/.kde/env07:45
rayluMushroomKingdom: "winecfg"07:45
MushroomKingdomraylu: I can't find it07:46
rayluMushroomKingdom: er... it should come with wine. just run it07:46
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str1fe13righto then07:47
MushroomKingdomraylu: Ok, got it. Uh, what exactly am I changing?07:47
str1fe13i was not expecting that install to only take 15 minutes.  but im not arguing. :D07:47
MushroomKingdomraylu: Can I set it to read .iso files?07:47
daskreechstr1fe13: Guess how much software it installed :)07:47
rayluMushroomKingdom: no... you have to mount them07:48
str1fe13everything that's on the live cd.07:48
rayluMushroomKingdom: you're adding the mount points of your iso files to the list of cd drives07:48
MushroomKingdomraylu: What about if the .iso is on a cd?07:48
str1fe13i'm IRCing from linux on my hard drive now.  that's a lot of stuff in not a lot of time.07:48
MushroomKingdomraylu: ok07:48
daskreechstr1fe13: No installation of Office software or anything needed afterwards :) nice :)07:48
str1fe13im pretty sure my windows install took a few hours at least07:48
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:48
str1fe13and that was just windows.07:49
daskreechstr1fe13: A few days07:49
str1fe13dasrreech: aw, it wasnt that bad:p07:49
daskreechstr1fe13: how long did it take to do anti virus installs and spyware checkers and Office stuff and tools so that the computer was usable ?07:50
daskreechYou can say it07:50
daskreechDays :)07:50
rayluanti-virus... spyware... i don't have either of those on windows07:51
elliottmi never install antibirus and stuff07:51
raylubut i have clamav on linux... :P07:51
str1fe13i still don't have office tools on my windows install haha, that's what google docs is for.07:51
str1fe13I'd guess that installing windows and all components to make it usable took almost all of a saturday.07:51
str1fe13once i got my games and misc software on, that was a multiple-day deal in the end, but eh07:52
str1fe13i still like this better07:52
Captain_Haddockanyone know where I can edit the driver *version* for the nvidia driver? I can't start X now because of a driver mismatch07:53
daskreechin /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:53
Captain_Haddockdaskreech: that just specifies "nvidia" and not the version of the driver07:53
Captain_HaddockX complains that I have 1.77 in some places and 1.80 elsewhere07:53
daskreechCaptain_Haddock: Oh that's in your modules07:53
daskreechhappy hunting :)07:54
Captain_Haddockdaskreech: where would that be? :P07:54
Captain_Haddockit isn't in the X11 directory from what I can tell07:54
daskreechIt won't be07:54
MushroomKingdomraylu: I still can't seem to get the game running. It wont even open when I click on the .exe in the cd07:55
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Captain_Haddockis there a commandline equivalent for jockey?07:56
daskreechwhat does jockey do again?07:58
rayluMushroomKingdom: run it in the terminal. wine gives quite a bit of output07:59
raylu!find jockey07:59
ubottuFound: jockey-common, jockey-gtk, jockey-kde07:59
mefisto__MushroomKingdom: what's the game? can you find it here: http://appdb.winehq.org/07:59
raylu!find jockey-kde07:59
ubottuFound: jockey-kde07:59
raylu!info jockey-kde07:59
ubottujockey-kde (source: jockey): KDE user interface and desktop integration for driver management. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5-0ubuntu10 (jaunty), package size 6 kB, installed size 120 kB07:59
rayluthat was not enlightening.07:59
daskreechAh umm not sure it would be needed on the command line08:00
mefisto__jockey is "hardware drivers" in the system submenu08:00
MushroomKingdomraylu: I don't quite follow08:01
MushroomKingdommefisto_: Myst III exile08:01
rayluMushroomKingdom: run the executable in the terminal. "wine file.exe"08:02
labele1come  faccio a sapere che qualcuno mi legge?08:05
raylu!it | labele108:05
ubottulabele1: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)08:05
mefisto__MushroomKingdom: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=182008:06
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MushroomKingdommefisto__: ah, ok. Grabbing the nocd now08:07
labele1hi room08:07
str1fe13Is there not a simple terminal command to install flash, java, and all that other miscellaneous good stuff in one fell swoop?  I seem to remember seeing it somewhere.08:07
daskreech!info smplayer08:11
ubottusmplayer (source: smplayer): complete front-end for MPlayer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.6.6-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 991 kB, installed size 2388 kB08:11
gigasofti have problem with screen drivers, mu screen works at 50 hz, is any way to inpruve it08:11
mefisto__!info kubuntu-restricted-extras08:11
ubottukubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 31 (jaunty), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB08:11
gigasoft(mu english is not so good, sorry :( )08:11
mefisto__str1fe13: I think kubuntu-restricted-extras might be what you're looking for08:12
daskreechgigasoft: Which language do you prefer?08:12
gigasoftany help with mu refresh rate?08:13
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:13
daskreechgigasoft: you can set it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:14
daskreechgigasoft: You want it to work at 50hz ?08:14
gigasoftdaskreech> no at higher rate08:15
daskreechWhich rate?08:15
gigasoft75 hz08:15
daskreechand it is at 50hz now ?08:15
daskreechok pastebin the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:16
str1fe13thank you, though that one didnt seem to get flash08:16
daskreechstr1fe13: It should08:16
str1fe13just must not have seen it then.08:16
str1fe13going to try youtube...08:16
str1fe13yeah, youtube videos won't load.08:17
raylu!info flashplugin-installer08:18
ubottuflashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 18 kB, installed size 176 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)08:18
str1fe13there we go08:18
gigasoftdaskreech: so what to change08:18
raylukubuntu-restricted-extras actually pulled in flashplugin-installer for me, but upgrading firefox broke it so i had to reinstall. i don't think that should be a problem for you on a clean install, though08:19
hermanWhen you use konversation, how do you find the list of chat rooms that you saved?08:22
daskreechthat you saved?08:23
hermanAfter it shows me all of the chat rooms it asked me if I want to save list. I clicked yes.08:24
rayluherman: it just gets saved to a text file08:29
hermanThank you08:31
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo08:33
hermanI found the list I saved in the document folder.08:38
hermanIs there a easy way to enable my usb ports on ubuntu 9:04. I googled the problem and noticed a lot of people have the same problem08:42
hermanI have three usb ports that do not work08:43
hermanIt does recognize my sd card slot08:44
rayluwhat are you plugging in?08:46
hermanFlash drive08:47
ActionParsnip1herman: run.   sudo fdisk -l08:48
ActionParsnip1herman: does the partition show in that output?08:48
hermanyes it does show08:51
rayluthen this isn't a problem with the usb drives08:52
raylujust mount it :D08:53
ActionParsnip1herman: your usb is "enabled" then isnt it08:54
hermanWhen i typed in fdisk -1 it said invalid option08:54
ActionParsnip1herman: its ell not one08:55
ActionParsnip1herman: we want to list the partitions, list starts with l, sudo fdisk -l08:55
hermanIt shows 3 partitions08:57
hermanlinux, extended and swap08:58
hermansda 1, sda 2 and sda 5.08:59
raylusounds like a legitimate issue then. could you pastebin: ls -l /dev/disk/*09:00
raylualso, lspci -v09:00
ActionParsnip1herman: does it show a device in lsusb09:01
rayluoh yeah... lsusb...09:04
herman13.0 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 USB Host Controller (rev 80) (prog-if 10)09:08
herman        Subsystem: Acer Incorporated [ALI] Device 009f09:08
herman        Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 1909:08
herman        Memory at c0004000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]09:09
herman        Capabilities: <access denied>09:09
herman        Kernel driver in use: ohci_hcd09:09
hermanit lists 3 usb controllers that all say the same09:10
rayluhrm. no idea.09:10
raylucould you pastebin ls -l /dev/disk/*09:10
raylubut lsusb would be more useful, so show us that fist09:10
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hermanherman@ubuntuherman:~$  lsusb09:12
hermanBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub09:12
hermanBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub09:12
hermanBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub09:12
ActionParsnip1herman: use pastebin please09:12
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hermanherman@ubuntuherman:~$  ls -l /dev/disk/*09:14
hermantotal 009:14
hermanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 2009-04-28 19:55 ata-HTS548040M9AT00_MRL252L2KL18SB -> ../../sda09:14
hermanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-04-28 19:55 ata-HTS548040M9AT00_MRL252L2KL18SB-part1 -> ../../sda109:14
hermanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-04-28 19:55 ata-HTS548040M9AT00_MRL252L2KL18SB-part2 -> ../../sda209:14
hermanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-04-28 19:55 ata-HTS548040M9AT00_MRL252L2KL18SB-part5 -> ../../sda509:14
hermanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 2009-04-28 19:55 scsi-SATA_HTS548040M9AT00_MRL252L2KL18SB -> ../../sda09:14
hermanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-04-28 19:55 scsi-SATA_HTS548040M9AT00_MRL252L2KL18SB-part1 -> ../../sda109:14
hermanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-04-28 19:55 scsi-SATA_HTS548040M9AT00_MRL252L2KL18SB-part2 -> ../../sda209:14
hermanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-04-28 19:55 scsi-SATA_HTS548040M9AT00_MRL252L2KL18SB-part5 -> ../../sda509:14
hermantotal 009:14
hermanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 2009-04-28 19:55 pci-0000:00:14.1-scsi-0:0:0:0 -> ../../sda09:14
hermanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-04-28 19:55 pci-0000:00:14.1-scsi-0:0:0:0-part1 -> ../../sda109:14
hermanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-04-28 19:55 pci-0000:00:14.1-scsi-0:0:0:0-part2 -> ../../sda209:14
hermanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-04-28 19:55 pci-0000:00:14.1-scsi-0:0:0:0-part5 -> ../../sda509:14
hermanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 2009-04-28 19:55 pci-0000:00:14.1-scsi-0:0:1:0 -> ../../sr009:14
hermantotal 009:14
hermanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-04-28 19:55 310091a6-28f1-4125-9c4a-7bc07c873775 -> ../../sda509:14
hermanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-04-28 19:55 34ea9e20-e919-4070-9def-3841dcb49591 -> ../../sda109:14
skierpageKonqueror 4.2.2 in Kubuntu 9.04 installed flashplugin-installer and flashplugin-nonfree, and I installed libxine1-ffmpeg , but Flash movies are silent.  I'm not sure what I'm missing.09:18
ActionParsnip1skierpage: http://linuxlab.dk/tipsntricks/flash-konqueror09:23
skierpageActionParsnip1 I had to do scan for new Plugins to get Flash movies to play.  Now they play but no sound.09:24
ActionParsnip1skierpage: http://linux.derkeiler.com/Newsgroups/comp.os.linux.misc/2008-10/msg00177.html09:25
ActionParsnip1skierpage: and try: sudo apt-get install libflashsupport09:26
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hermanI have to learn how to use pastebin09:28
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skierpageActionParsnip1, "Package libflashsupport is not available, but is referred to by another package."09:34
skierpagehttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+search?text=libflashsupport agrees it's not available for Jaunty09:34
ActionParsnip1skierpage: hmm, did the other link work?09:34
skierpageActionParsnip1, I'll try "alsa-oss" ...09:36
MushroomKingdomHello, I need to extract an .ace file but ARK doesn't recognise it.09:44
ActionParsnip1MushroomKingdom: sudo apt-get install unace09:45
ActionParsnip1MushroomKingdom: and sudo apt-get install unace-nonfree09:45
drbobbhey, in jaunty the mouse wheel can be used to scroll a file displayed by `less' in a konsole - neat :)09:45
MushroomKingdomThank you09:45
ActionParsnip1MushroomKingdom: i think ark may now know how to manage them, if not, man ace will show how09:47
skierpageActionParsnip1, I installed alsa-oss, it didn't help.  Maybe it's an issue with 32-bit/64-bit flash player09:50
ActionParsnip1skierpage: well you should really only have 1 flashplugin installed09:51
skierpageI only have one /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so , it's 32-bit .  I'm on x64 Kubuntu09:56
skierpageah well, I'll try some more tomorrow.09:56
ActionParsnip1skierpage: you could try the native 64bit one, some people have had success with it09:56
trylikhi i started a session in "failsafe" or "safe" mode , how can i "maximize" web browser windows to whole screen?09:58
ActionParsnip1trylik: F1109:59
trylikit doesnt work, try yourself10:00
vegas513so is there a way to go from Qt 4.5 down to an older version?  9.04 came with 4.5 and it is causing video issues for me10:01
ActionParsnip1trylik: maybe safemode removes that feature10:01
tryliki think so, but somehow difernet windows have different sizes... ActionParsnip110:02
trylikis there any way to block right click in kde4?10:16
afiefWhy doesn't pidgin join the kde sys-tray? it does in gnome10:19
Mamarokafief: because it's not a KDE app?10:24
afiefMamarok: isn't the system tray a freedekstop.org standard?10:25
afiefMamarok: it used to work fine in 8.1010:25
Mamarokhm, if it worked in 8.10 it should still work then10:25
afiefdoesn't on my machine, I did a clean install a few hours ago10:26
afiefMamarok: perhaps you could give it? if you confirm it I'll send a bug report on launchpad10:28
Mamarokafief: wait, downloading Pidgin (I use Irssi by default)10:29
Mamarokafief: also, there is Quassel in kde 4.2 now...10:29
drbobbafief: systray is not used by pidgin by default10:29
drbobbafief: if you want it in the systray, there's an option for it in pidgin's setup, it works fine with kde's systray10:29
drbobbbut you need to activate it cause it defaults to off10:29
Mamarokdrbobb: thx :)10:30
* Mamarok doesn't download Pidgin then :)10:30
afiefMamarok: E: Couldn't find package Quassel10:32
bazhang!info quassel10:33
ubottuquassel (source: quassel): KDE4/Qt based, IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.1-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 18909 kB, installed size 52912 kB10:33
afiefdrbobb: thanks, weird though it seems this option was always the default(at least since dapper)10:33
drbobbpidgin is cooperating with the kde systray quite fine on my system10:49
drbobband yes, the systray api is an open standard, kde/gnome/other apps can interoperate10:49
drbobbotoh QuasselIRC is crap10:50
drbobbwell, highly immature - tu put it more kindly10:50
adaszhow can i add and user to an group?10:51
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo11:01
myloving_ubuntuplz aswer me11:27
ActionParsnip1werd = hi11:27
myloving_ubuntuwhy i ship ubuntu but never come to my home11:28
ActionParsnip1english please11:28
ActionParsnip1do you mean shippit?11:28
ActionParsnip1it'll be as long as it'll be11:28
myloving_ubuntuit has been 2month11:29
ActionParsnip1mine took that long (UK here)11:29
ActionParsnip1plus there is a huge demand for disks due to the recent new release11:29
ActionParsnip1myloving_ubuntu: what?11:30
ActionParsnip1myloving_ubuntu: 2 smileys isnt a question. do you have another support question?11:31
ActionParsnip1myloving_ubuntu: why not upgrade via www11:32
reisiany ideas where could I find some ubuntu-kernel maintainers from the irc? i think i've found an usb regression from 2.6.24 -> 2.6.28, no ideas though how to further investigate11:54
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kjcoleI recently went from Hardy to Intrepid.  Now the KDE desktop is slightly offset to the right, and the right edge of the screen appears on the left.  Starting a session in Gnome doesn't have that problem.12:03
kjcoleSuggestions?  (I can see the screen shift after logging in, while KDE's splash screen is showing the various initializing icons.)12:04
mehrabis there any guide for connecting a wired connection through plasma widget network manager?12:08
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kjcoleI recently went from Hardy to Intrepid.  Now the KDE desktop is slightly offset to the right, and the right edge of the screen appears on the left.  Starting a session in Gnome doesn't have that problem.12:13
kjcoleSuggestions?  (I can see the screen shift after logging in, while KDE's splash screen is showing the various initializing icons.)12:13
domkeri have no sound in flash plugin :/ How to fix it? (clean install Kubuntu 9.04)12:21
domkeri have no sound in flash plugin :/ How to fix it?12:24
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:26
millunhi i am wondering how to change my resolution12:28
millunit won't allow me to choose 1680x105012:28
millunsure i've put it in xorg.conf12:28
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millunalso edited vertical and horizontal refresh rates12:28
millunacer p224w + nvidia gf 5500fx12:29
dwidmannmillun: so it won't let you do it with nvidia-settings?12:29
dwidmannmillun, hmm, just a second then, I'll see if I can come up with something12:31
millunthat'd be awesome dwidmann12:31
dwidmannmillun: Okay, we're going to edit your xorg.conf, so "kdesudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf", then scroll down to "Section "Monitor""12:42
afeijoI updated to 8.10 last night, kate worked fine, but now it dont open, and on the konsole a lot of errors shows up.  I removed it and installed again with apt-get, but the problem remains12:44
dwidmannAdd a line - HorizSync 30-8112:44
dwidmannmillun: then aanother line, VertRefresh 56-7512:44
dwidmannmillun: before restarting X though, I'm going to verify that they're okay12:44
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dwidmannmillun: crap, that was my other monitor12:46
dwidmannmillun: (one of mine is 1680x1050x60)12:46
dwidmann:( ctrl+alt+bksp doesn't work12:49
Pici!dontzap | dwidmann12:50
ubottudwidmann: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.12:50
afeijoI updated to 8.10 last night, kate worked fine, but now it dont open, and on the konsole a lot of errors shows up.  I removed it and installed again with apt-get, but the problem remains12:50
dwidmannPici: hmm, still doesn't seem to be working12:51
Picidwidmann: Ironically, you need to restart X once for ctrl-alt-backspace to work :/12:51
dwidmannPici: ah, that explains12:52
afeijodamn, it still dont run dvd movie disks :(12:52
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schlumpfi've question ... how can i get help ?12:56
domkerno audio in flash. Someone can help me?13:02
ikoniadomker: all flash sites or just specifics13:04
domkerikonia: all websites with video flash players13:04
ikoniadomker: how did you install flash ?13:06
comeditI am not able to to acitvate wireless through networkapplet13:07
comeditThere is a tickbox enable wireless but it is not responding13:08
comeditanybody a clue what could be wrong13:08
domker_ikonia: sorry, my ISP has disabled the internet for a while.13:21
ikoniano problem13:21
domker_ikonia: so, how i fix problem with no sound in flashplugin13:22
ikoniadomker_: how did you install flash ?13:22
domker_ikonia: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer13:22
tyfoninstall kubuntu-restricted-extras and you get flash/java etc13:22
ikoniadomker_: did you not install the flashplugin-nonfree package13:23
domker_ikonia: I tried to install flash-nonfree, adobe-flash etc.. - the same problem13:24
ikoniadomker_: install the package "flashplugin-nonfree" exactly like that13:24
domker_ikonia: oki i remove all flash packages and install flashplugin-nonfree13:26
noaXessdoes anybody use dcfldd?13:27
comeditI am not able to to acitvate wireless through networkapplet13:27
comeditThere is a tickbox enable wireless but it is not responding13:27
comeditanybody a clue13:28
domker_ikonia: no sound :/13:28
comeditnoaXess: i don't i think13:28
noaXessor dd?13:28
noaXessi want create a harddisk image, compressed image to restore it later13:29
domker_ikonia: some idea?13:29
noaXessnormaly i just copy a harddisk with dd if=inut-hd of=output-hd conv=noerror,sync bs=4k13:29
noaXessi found that to create a compressed partition image..: dd if=/dev/hda1 | gzip > /home/hda1.bin.gz13:30
comeditnoaXess: did you try clonezilla13:30
noaXesscomedit: no.. link?13:30
comeditgoogle clonezilla burn the image and of you go13:31
noaXesscomedit: ok.. found it :)13:31
ikoniadomker_: what arch are you on13:31
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domker_ikonia: ??13:33
dwidmanndomker_: uname -m13:33
domker_ikonia: i68613:34
ikoniamost odd13:34
domker_ikonia: i try boot kubuntu 9.04 from CD and i try flash there13:39
ikoniacd's not the best test ground, but sure, worth a look13:39
lokaicould someone help me with getting my crontab working? I'm trying to run a python script on every hour. I input a line "0 * * * * python /path/to/script.py" It doesn't seem to work, though. Any thoughts?13:40
vmtHello all :) someone knows a good open-source extranet solution?13:44
Mamarokalistrone: behave!13:50
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BluesKajG'Day All13:55
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millundwidmann: i had that13:58
dwidmannmillun: that was the first thing that popped into my head, but it might not be what we're looking for13:58
dwidmannmillun: now I have more ideas :)13:59
noaXessis there another, newer verison of k3b for jaunty available?13:59
dwidmannnoaXess: I don't think so, why?14:00
BluesKajthere is some python app that is taking up 75% of cpu load, i couldn't isolate the culprit , so I killed it in system monitor . Anyone else have this experience and if so , is there a fix?14:01
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PiciBluesKaj: What app?14:03
dwidmannBluesKaj: ps aux |  grep python might have been ableto give a clue14:03
BluesKajPici, wish i knew14:04
trylikhow can i adjust window size when loging to "safemode"?14:04
afeijohow can I change my ubuntu server IP ?14:05
BluesKajPici, kinda difficult now that I killed the process14:06
PiciYeah :/14:06
BluesKajwonder if reloging in can replicate it ..brb14:07
domkerNo sound in flash plugin - the same problem on Kubuntu booted from CD //i have Realtek ALC85014:07
noaXessdwidmann: why not ;) (k3b)14:07
dwidmannnoaXess: because it's not anywhere near ready yet, as far as I know14:08
ikoniadomker: I'm wondering if the problem is with the sound interface rather than flash14:08
noaXessdwidmann: but there will be a newer verison soon, right?14:08
dwidmannnoaXess: I wish they would have ported first, released that, then went about their massive change ...14:08
domkerikonia: sound in flash work fine on Kubuntu 8.1014:09
ikoniadomker: your not using that so it's not much help14:09
canenmorning folks14:09
canenaccording to go-oo it is available in ubuntu as openoffice.org14:10
canenso does ubuntu use go-oo by default instead of the upstream openoffice?14:10
ikoniacanen: what is go-oo ?14:11
canenikonia: i think it is just a customised version of openoffice14:12
ikoniacanen: ubuntu uses open office - I don't know what go-oo is in relation to ubuntu14:12
afeijohow can I change my ubuntu server IP ?14:12
canenikonia: it is openoffice. i was looking to try it but on their  download page they say you can install it by installing openoffice.org14:13
canenikonia: which is kinda confusing, so i was wondering if ubuntu actually uses go-oo by default14:13
canenafeijo: /etc/network/interfaces14:13
afeijocanen: that file have just 2 lines, no IP14:14
canenafeijo: if you want to give your server a static ip that's where it's done14:15
ikoniacanen: openoffice.org is a website14:15
ikoniacanen: how can you install a website14:15
canenafeijo: man interfaces for more info14:15
canenikonia: openoffice.org is also the name of the product :)14:15
ikoniacanen: it's utter tosh14:16
canenikonia: it seems ubuntu runs go-oo by default so that answers my questions14:16
ikoniacomedit: they are just linking directly to the open office packages in the distros14:16
ikoniacomedit: what makes you think it runs go-oo by default14:17
canenikonia: i assuming you mean me :)14:17
ikoniacanen: correct, well spotted ;)14:17
ikoniacomedit: sorry14:17
canenikonia: http://www.linux.com/feature/154364 and other places14:17
ikoniacanen: I find that hard to believe14:18
canenikonia: why?14:18
ikoniacanen: a big factor is that the package "openoffice.org" isn't even a package14:18
canenikonia: i know, it is a group14:18
canenikonia: what exactly is the issue?14:19
ikoniaI just find it hard to believe that the "open office" pushed by ubuntu would actually be a deriviant code base14:19
ikoniamore so as it's never actually mentioned anywhere14:19
canenikonia: well it is14:19
canenikonia: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+question/1496514:20
ikoniaI wonder if any of the maintainers are free14:20
ikoniaahh you have something already14:20
caneni mean even debian uses go-oo14:20
ikoniacanen: ahh so some of the goo build patches14:21
ikoniamore research on my parts is needed, very interesting14:21
ikoniagreat point14:21
* canen goes off to try firefox 3.4 beta 414:23
canen*beta 514:24
KovertUsing Jaunty where can I enable wide screen support?14:27
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:29
afeijo_BRcan I use geany to open files thru ssh ?14:32
geniiafeijo_BR: I don't believe you can initiate an sshfs from inside it. But if you have an existing sshfs mount just point it to that dir for the files14:35
afeijo_BRgenii: damn, Kate can but kate isnt working here today, I updated to 8.1014:36
afeijo_BRgenii: I have it mounted, it is really slow, takes tens of minutes14:37
afeijo_BRthe connection is pretty fast, I dont know where is the problem14:37
geniiafeijo_BR: Sounds like some other issue at work if it takes "tens of minutes". Although they could also be huge files14:38
rmrfslash_Hey all. I filed a bug for this but perhaps someone has come up w/ a workaround or solution: When I have fglrx (ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3670) enabled + desktop effects w/ OpenGL compositing, resume from either sleep or hibernate fail. I get a black screen w/ some funky colored lines at the top of the display. The machine appears to be hung and a hard reboot is the only way to recover. If I...14:38
rmrfslash_...set the compositing type to XRender, resume works just fine (though XRender cripples the desktop effects to basic transparency and other negligible effects).14:38
afeijo_BRgenii: no, the slow part is to browse my folders14:39
rmrfslash_I thought maybe to add something to /etc/pm/sleep.d to disable desktop effects and running a kwin --replace but doing so tends to hang kwin.14:40
afeijo_BRgenii: I'm using sshfs to mount14:41
gundam_rx78nt1can somebody point me to where I can download individual packages from the repositories?14:43
gundam_rx78nt1main repositories14:44
jarleI'm running Kubuntu 8.04 (with both KDE3 and KDE4 installed) and trying to upgrade to 9.04 the distribution upgrade fails with "E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages." However running "sudo dpkg --configure -a" shows no held packages and I still fail to upgrade. Any hints?14:44
gundam_rx78nt1never mind. found them.14:45
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org14:45
White_Pelicannot sure I can be of help but I will try. How are you trying to upgrade?14:45
jarleWhite_Pelican: running adetp_update (and following the dist upgrade) like shown here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.0414:46
White_Pelicanit should have worked14:47
White_Pelicanadmittedly, I haven't upgraded yet14:48
White_PelicanI'm still married to kde 314:48
LinuxApeBecoming more and more certain that my jaunty upgrade from intrepid was a failure:  can't print anymore, system settings app doesn't have the software manager applet, clicking on links in thunderbird does not open page in firefox, etc.14:48
geniiafeijo_BR: Apologies on lag, work needed me. Geany is a GTK app and this may be causing some slowdown. Other things which come to mind which may be contributing are mount options in use.14:51
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afeijo_BRgenii: its ok.  my mountpoint have no options, just the folder and the target14:51
jarlemaybe I should try removing KDE4 from my system before starting the upgrade, but I can't seem to figure out which package to remove14:52
luar_brilhantemy cd driver is broken.... can i install kubuntu to my hard drive via usb?14:54
geniiafeijo_BR: You may want to try for mount options -o sshfs_sync,connect              and see if any improvement14:55
afeijo_BRI need to unmount first, let me find out how14:56
amgarchingso how do I upgrade to 9.04 from the cmdline? This is a headless machine so I could actually also switch to "ubuntu-server" if I new how.14:56
tzangergood morning, I can see from the little systray icon that I have 7 updates available14:57
tzangerbut no way to graphically update like the older kubuntu's14:57
tzangerclick/doubleclick des nothing14:57
tzangerI know I can apt-get update/upgrade from CLI14:57
tzangerbut is this expected operation?14:57
domkerikonia: i force reload alsa (sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload14:58
rmrfslash_anyone else having probs w/ vpnc /etc/resolv.conf must be a symlink?14:58
domker.. and i have sound in flash14:58
amgarchingtzanger: start aptitude, select category with "+", press "g" for "go" (two times)14:58
rmrfslash_tzanger: try kickoff > Applications > System > Kpackagekit14:59
tzangeramgarching: ok but again that's CLI; did the GUI update go away?14:59
tzangerahh, I don't have kpackagekit installed14:59
rmrfslash_tzanger: 9.04?15:00
tzanger(this was a ubuntu install I updated to kubuntu15:00
tzangeryes 9.04 sorry15:00
rmrfslash_tzanger: command % kpackagekit15:00
rmrfslash_tzanger: should come w/ kubuntu 9.0415:00
tzangerrmrfslash_: not installed, let me install that, just a moment15:01
luar_brilhantehi everyone =) my cd driver is broken.... does anyone know how i can install kubuntu to my hard drive via usb?15:01
rmrfslash_tzanger: weird15:01
tzangeras I said the apt-get install kubuntu-desktop seems to have missed it15:01
rmrfslash_yeah... I guess install manually15:01
geniiInteresting, you'd think kpackagekit would be in the metapackage dependencies or so15:02
tzangergenii: agreed15:02
tzangergenii, rmrfslash_, amgarching kpackagekit was the culprit.  instaled it, and double-clicking the systray icon pulls up what I expected it to15:03
tzangerI guess that's a metapackage buglet15:03
geniitzanger: Might be useful to file a bug for it on launchpad15:03
tzangergenii: ok15:04
snarksteranyone know where hotway and hotsmtp went?15:05
snarksterhotway and hotsmtp arent in the repos anymore.15:05
tzangergenii: next question if you don't mind... I noticed on gnome's desktop that ssh keys pop up a nice GUI dialog box that I'd never seen on KDE before, and the 9.04 KDE doesn't have it either... is that another package that I just don't have installed?15:05
geniitzanger: I'm not yet running 9.04 so not too helpful, sorry15:06
snarkster9.04 rocks15:06
tzangernp, I use ssh-agent anyway :-)15:07
snarkstercept missing hotway, hotsmtp15:07
luar_brilhantehi everyone =) does anyone know how i can install kubuntu to my hard drive via usb? My cd driver is broken....15:10
genii!info gotmail jaunty15:10
ubottugotmail (source: gotmail): utility to download email from a Hotmail or MSN account. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.0-1 (jaunty), package size 38 kB, installed size 124 kB15:10
snarksteroh so hotway is now gone, and use gotmail?? cool thanx15:11
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geniisnarkster: Not sure if it's supposed to be some replacement... is also in my 8.04 along with hotway, etc15:12
snarkstermaybe i just need to build it?15:12
ubottuRetrieve information on a package: !info <package>15:12
snarksteri really liked hotway15:12
geniisnarkster: It just came up in the results when I did: apt-cache search hotmail15:12
luar_brilhante!info usb_install15:12
ubottuPackage usb_install does not exist in jaunty15:12
luar_brilhante!info usb-install15:12
ubottuPackage usb-install does not exist in jaunty15:12
luar_brilhante!info usb install15:12
ubottu'install' is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kde4-ppa-intrepid', 'kubuntu-experimental', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']15:12
luar_brilhante!info usb install intrepid15:13
ubottu'install' is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kde4-ppa-intrepid', 'kubuntu-experimental', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']15:13
snarksterdidnt think about searching for hotmail15:13
luar_brilhante!info usbinstall intrepid15:13
snarksterluar_brilhante: try pendrive linux.com15:13
ubottuPackage usbinstall does not exist in intrepid15:13
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".15:13
geniiluar_brilhante: Maybe check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick15:13
snarksteralso take a look at usb-creator for 8.10 doesnt work with 9.0415:13
luar_brilhantegenii: thank u! :)15:14
geniiluar_brilhante: You're welcome15:14
tokeefegenii: you're the first person to ever say "you're welcome" on this channel15:14
=== tokeefe is now known as rmrfslash__
snarksterso gotmail will only download mail not send mail..15:15
snarksterwhat a PITA15:15
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geniisnarkster: What are you usually using for email, evolution?15:15
snarksteris it possible to get the intrepid repos in 9.04?15:16
snarksteryah i am15:16
snarksterit does all my mail and calendering for me15:16
snarkstergenii what repo is hotway, hotsmtp in?15:17
geniisnarkster: When I check at packages.ubuntu.com   it shows only 8.04 has them. 8.10 has some watch-file relating to hotway but not hotway itself. i suspect those apps may have posed some security issue15:18
eagles0513875genii: check offtopic there is present for you15:20
justin_hey...i have a problem with my ati radeonx1200 inegrated card...does anyone know if there is a compatability issue with kubuntu?15:20
giovanniciao a tutti15:20
justin_i downloaded the driver and it keeps giving me an error when i try to install15:20
genii!it | giovanni15:20
ubottugiovanni: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:20
snarksterhmm ok thnak you15:22
snarksteri gotta take the kids t school15:22
snarksterthanks again15:22
geniisnarkster: Maybe check http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2009/03/04/setting-up-evolution-mail-gmail-and-hotmail/15:23
geniiBah, left15:23
eagles0513875!patience | justin_15:23
ubottujustin_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:23
justin_all i said was anyone15:23
geniijustin_: One moment I'll give you a link for manual ATI driver install15:24
justin_thank you15:24
geniijustin_: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Jaunty_Installation_Guide#Installing_the_restricted_drivers_manually15:24
aljosawhen i type firefox in krunner (kde 4.2.2) i get options to launch firefox2 which is no longer installed. where can i clear krunner cache?15:25
rmrfslash__justin: which driver did u install? fglrx or open source (ati/radeon/radeonhd)?15:27
geniialjosa: Maybe remove your krunnerrc file. Should be somewhere like ~/.kde/share/config15:27
rmrfslash__justin_: which driver did u install? fglrx or open source (ati/radeon/radeonhd)?15:27
rmrfslash__justin_: what version of kubuntu are you on?15:28
justin_9.04 64 bit15:28
=== JP-sNL is now known as jpsnl1
justin_igot it from ati's website15:28
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aljosagenii: nothing there, but thanks for trying15:29
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rmrfslash__justin_: u ever try using apt-get?15:30
justin_not for the driver15:30
rmrfslash__justin_: e.g. sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx15:31
justin_rmrfslash_: thank you15:31
rmrfslash__justin_: then you may have to run sudo ./aticonfig --initial from within /etc/X11/15:32
rmrfslash__justin_: then reboot the ever-lovin' sh*t out of your puter15:32
justin_ha.alright thank you15:32
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TYAGIBOYZ#join gsoc15:34
rmrfslash__justin_: I heard of course that fglrx won't work w/ some older ATI chips. If it doesn't work, drop to root shell (recovery mode) and uninstall it using sudo apt-get remove --purce xorg-driver-fglrx15:34
rmrfslash__then restore the xorg.conf backup15:34
noaXessdo i need linux-source or linux-headers if i compile any app that need kernel source?15:39
noaXessor need i both?15:39
HSNewsWhy Kubuntu best over Ubuntu?15:40
jussi01HSNews: neither is better - just different.15:40
jussi01!best | HSNews15:40
ubottuHSNews: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:40
brano_pls does anyone of you know how to enable horizontal scrolling with touchpad ? using KDE 4.2.2 kubuntu jaunty15:41
cosmosySo, I got wifi issues http://pastie.org/46254815:42
HSNewsHow I can merge Kubuntu + Ubuntu?15:43
jussi01HSNews: what do you have currently?15:43
HSNewsI have empty HDD15:43
cosmosyNobody knows!15:43
HSNewsIt is real to install Ubuntu + Kubuntu? For switching use Switch user?15:43
jussi01HSNews: install one of them, then install the package kubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-desktop15:44
jussi01cosmosy: patience is a virtue ;)15:44
cosmosyNot yet ;)15:44
HSNewsAnd how to switch between Kubuntu and Ubuntu?15:44
cosmosyHSNews:  for the love of god, install kubunte first. THEN Gnome15:45
jussi01HSNews: log out, then choose from the menu on the login screen15:45
lovrehi all, i have a problem.... after i updated to 9.04, Matlab GUI is not showing, the GUI depends on Java so i guess it has something to do with that? Can i reinstall Java or something? please help15:45
cosmosyAnd you can switch in the login manager15:45
HSNewsjussi01: oh... thanks!15:45
jussi01!java | lovre15:45
ubottulovre: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper15:45
lovrejussi01: ty15:45
jussi01lovre: yw :)15:46
cosmosyApr 29 16:45:47 zx kernel: [14525.625910] ath5k phy0: unsupported jumbo15:46
cosmosyKeep getting those every 2-3 seconds15:46
cosmosyI use ubuntu15:46
|PaperTiger|I'm trying to upgrade from KDE 4.1 to 4.2. I'm following the guide on Ubuntu help, but I can't do one of the steps.15:47
cosmosyBut, guys.. the people #ubuntu couldnt know this15:47
cosmosyThey are too nubied15:47
lovrejussi01: i get this when trying to install:  0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 6 not upgraded.15:47
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lovreok i figured out that problem has something to do with compiz. When i run compiz, matlab GUI doesnt show up, and when i run Kwin it does show. Does compiz have a problem with Java or what??15:54
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:56
jussi01lovre: does it work with kwins desktop effects turned on?15:57
lovrejussi01: yes it does. I  just read online that Compiz has problem with displaying Java windows. I need to install Java 6 Update 1 to fix this issue. How can i do this?15:57
jussi01lovre: out of curiousity, why are you using compiz?15:58
khindenburgI use compiz for transparent windows15:59
lovrejussi01: well, i  can live without it, but it has nice effects.15:59
jussi01lovre: and you are using jaunty?15:59
jussi01just that kwin now has most of what compiz does...16:00
lovrejussi01: yes.16:00
lovrejussi01: just a quick question, when i turn on desktop effects, but dont run compiz --replace, is that kwin doing all the effects? cuz if thats the case, then really one doesnt even need compiz16:01
lovrejussi01: except for cube etc, but thats really not neccessary16:01
jussi01lovre: correct...16:01
jussi01lovre: kwin has cube...16:01
lovrejussi01: thats cool :D16:01
lovrejussi01: oh :o16:01
lovrejussi01: didnt know that.... anyway.... how do i update java6 to update 1?16:02
jussi01or it did last time I checked :) Ill look again...16:02
jussi01lovre: Im not sure on updating java.16:02
jussi01lovre: yes, my jaunty machine has cube :)16:02
jussi01lovre: default shortcut is ctrl+f1116:03
lovrefor what?16:03
jussi01lovre: for activating the cube, if enabled.16:03
lovrejussi01: how do i update any package? can i do this: sudo apt-get update package-name?16:04
jussi01lovre: not really16:04
lovrejussi01: hmm16:04
lovresudo apt-get update => does that update all packages or just the repos?16:05
jussi01!info sun-java6-jre16:05
ubottusun-java6-jre (source: sun-java6): Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture independent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-13-1 (jaunty), package size 6220 kB, installed size 14264 kB16:05
lovre!info java-update16:05
ubottuPackage java-update does not exist in jaunty16:05
jussi01lovre: just the package list16:05
lovrejussi01: erm, how would i go about updating a package then16:05
jussi01then run sudo apt-get upgrade16:05
lovrei see16:06
kasperAre someone from Finland?16:06
jussi01kasper: Minä16:06
BluesKajLinuxApe, links in thunderbird was broken for my setup for a long time in Hardy , then intrepid it somehow fixed itself , but I was so fed up by then that I switched to Kmail16:07
lovrejussi01: thank you for your help, im done with this, using kwin :)))16:07
luis_hi there16:07
BluesKaj!fi | kasper16:07
ubottukasper: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi16:07
jussi01kasper: only english in here though, you are welcome to join us in #kubuntu-fi16:07
jussi01lovre: yw :)16:08
BluesKajjussi01, I thought you din't speak Finnish ? :)16:08
jussi01BluesKaj: only some :)16:09
LinuxApeBluesKaj: I've checked the thunderbird about:config dialog, and the settings for firefox are in there, it just doesn't work. How do you like kmail?16:09
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luis_good day i like to ask for ur help i have an epson stylus cx5600 the printer function works fine but the scaner function so i am trying to get it to work following this tutorial: http://ubuntu-ar.org/tutoriales/scannercx5600 but when i reach the cd iscan... appears on terminal: basch cd iscan... no such file or directory16:09
luis_can somebody help me pls16:10
madrazrHello everyone, I installed, Ubuntu 9.04 and then install kubuntu-desktop upon it, also installed amarok 216:11
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madrazrI was not able to add songs to playlist, I tried installing amarok 2.1 beta from PPA, but I still had the same problem, after trying to scan the collection16:12
madrazrI am now able to add the songs, but when I play it, the songs get over in matter of seconds16:12
madrazrcan some one help me please?16:12
Kovertwhere is the exact location of .xprofile?16:12
madrazrKovert: .xprofile?16:12
madrazrKovert: asking me?16:13
Kovertno question for all16:13
madrazrah Ok16:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xprofile16:13
=== pete_ is now known as Guest30728
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:14
luis_ i have an epson stylus cx5600 the printer function works fine but the scaner function so i am trying to get it to work following this tutorial: http://ubuntu-ar.org/tutoriales/scannercx5600 but when i reach the cd iscan... appears on terminal: basch cd iscan... no such file or directory16:14
jussi01madrazr: you could try asking in #amarok if no one here answers16:15
gardieni look for a mac os emulator on ubuntu16:15
madrazrjussi01: ok cool!16:15
Kovertkaddi thats why i asked my question16:15
geniiKovert: There is no .xprofile in Ubuntu. Instead use .xsession or ..xinitrc16:15
kaddiwhat question kovert?16:15
Kovertwhere the .xprofile is located16:15
nameinermadrazr: you are probably missing support for mp3 playback if the songs don16:16
gardienwhere can i find mac os emulator on ubuntu16:16
geniiKovert: To repeat: there is no .xprofile16:16
nameinerif the songs don't play16:16
madrazrnameiner: I can play in all other players on my system16:16
madrazrnameiner: totem, banshee, exaile ...16:16
Kovertgot it so then where is the xintrc16:16
geniiKovert: It's in your home directory16:16
jussi01madrazr: only time I have that is when I forget to mount the fdrive my songs are on...16:17
kaddiKovert: I was looking for some info on xorg myself, it wasn't intended as an answer to your question. I don't even know what xprofile does ;)16:17
madrazrjussi01: the partitions are mounted16:17
nameinermadrazr: I don't know, if amarok needs a special package16:17
madrazrnameiner: it doesn't I think, it was working perfectly in 8.1016:17
jussi01madrazr: you are certain? :D16:17
om__how do i save a screenshot in kde? clicking print screen doesn't work16:17
madrazrjussi01: definitely16:18
nameinermadrazr: but I can try, since I didn't use amarok on my freshly installed system yet, if you have the time to let me check it out16:18
jussi01om kmenu, graphics - ksnapshot16:18
kaddispeaking of which: my problem is, that ever since I upgraded to jaunty xorg needs betwenn 50 and 100% of my CPU. Is this a known problem? is there something a patch or something? or at least some way of finding out what the problem is?16:18
om__thanks jussi! brb gotta show you some weird bug..16:18
madrazrnameiner: sure, I will be around16:19
madrazrtry and tell me please16:19
luis_i like to ask a friendly and patience help pls this is my problem:   i have an epson stylus cx5600 the printer function works fine but the scaner function so i am trying to get it to work following this tutorial: http://ubuntu-ar.org/tutoriales/scannercx5600 but when i reach the cd iscan... appears on terminal: basch cd iscan... no such file or directory16:21
om__for some reason when i start KDE, the font size is HUGE16:21
om__it's like size 70 font.. i can't read anything16:22
luis_om maybe u need to change ur screen resolution as an administrator16:23
kasperHow can make own channel?16:26
nameinermadrazr: right when I started it it recommends installing additional packages for multimedia functionalities e.g. MP3encoding16:26
om__when i go to system -> screen resize, nothing happens...16:26
nameinermadrazr: let me see what it actually wants to install16:26
kasperHow can make own channel??16:26
luis_om i might be wrong but i thing u need to change ur screen resolution as an administrator or can also try on the browser: edit, preferences, contentes, fonts and colors16:27
geniikasper:  /join ##channel-name-you-want-to-make16:27
luis_pls help  i like to ask a friendly and patience help pls this is my problem:   i have an epson stylus cx5600 the printer function works fine but the scaner function so i am trying to get it to work following this tutorial: http://ubuntu-ar.org/tutoriales/scannercx5600 but when i reach the cd iscan... appears on terminal: basch cd iscan... no such file or directory16:28
nameinermadrazr: libmp3lame0, libtunepimp5-mp3, libdvdread4, libavcodec-unstripped-52 and libxine1-ffmpeg16:28
om__luis_: it's not just the browser.. it's everything.. how do i change the resolution as an administer? it doesn't ask me for a pw when i click on screen resolution...16:28
madrazrnameiner: let me see if these are installed16:28
om__i don't even think it's the resolution.. it's just the font16:28
jussi01om__: try system settings - appearance - force fonts dpi: 9616:28
nameinermadrazr: I think the mp3 playback is in the libxine1-ffmpeg16:28
pookitohello world16:29
luis_om u have a screen resolution issue16:30
madrazrnameiner: awesome cool!16:30
madrazrnameiner: thanks a lot16:30
madrazrit worked after installing those packages16:30
nameinermadrazr: yw16:30
pookitodo we have any problems with the knetworkmanager16:30
jussi01om__: not sure if you need to restart x after that though16:30
luis_go to menu then system setting and from there click on display16:31
jussi01pookito: in which release?16:31
jussi01luis_: I dont htink its a resolution issue16:31
jussi01pookito: so you mean issues with the plasmoid?16:31
pookitonot, with the wireless software16:31
pookitoknetworkmanager that is16:32
luis_ok jussie pls help hiim i am not sure what the problem would be so i might be missleading him16:32
bendikis there any downloadable games for kubuntu? :)16:32
bendiklike shooting games or racing games?16:32
jussi01pookito: the default network manager in jaunty is the network manager plasmoid...16:32
luis_aa lot16:32
luis_u can try the emulators16:32
om__i guess i'll try to restart, brb16:32
jussi01!games | bendik16:32
ubottubendik: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php16:32
luis_and get the romss from some web16:32
bendikthe emulators?16:33
jussi01bendik: tremulous, nexuiz, alien arena just to name a dfew16:33
pookitowell, I do not know if it is the plasmoid or the wireless16:33
luis_kubuntu has emulators to play ninterndo or play station games16:33
pookitoI have been using ubuntu, but I really want to switch back to kde16:33
luis_they are on the repositories16:33
jussi01bendik: please look at the link I just gave you :)16:33
kasperI am finding friends for game16:34
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jussi01kasper: please dont ask here - you can chat in #kubuntu-offtopic16:35
jussi01robotti: ^16:35
luis_so any 1 that can guide me and help me out with my problem pls??16:35
bendikTHANKS ;)16:35
jussi01luis_: have you looked on linuxprinting.org16:35
luis_my probllem is the sacn function16:36
luis_not the printing funtoin16:36
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luis_thats why i am giving the tutorial iam following16:36
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luis_but theres a part where it doesnt continue with the process16:36
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pookitoso, is it a problem with plasmoid?16:37
jussi01pookito: you havent told us the symptoms yet...16:37
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pookitoit just do not work.16:37
pookitoIt does not connect to the wireless16:38
|PaperTiger|What is a good program to use for formatting a HDD?16:39
jussi01pookito: and what kind of wireless do you have? does it begin connecting? is the wireless detected?16:39
jussi01!info gparted | |PaperTiger|16:39
ubottu|PaperTiger|: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.3-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 858 kB, installed size 3536 kB16:39
|PaperTiger|jussi01, works on KDE? Stupid question :)16:39
pookitoit does detect wireless service, but when I try to connect it refuses to.16:40
luis_the problem is that still is not included on the list16:40
luis_but there are some work around to mke it work16:40
luis_printing and scanng functions16:40
jussi01pookito: have you tried setting it up - ie. right click the plasmoid, manage connections?16:41
luis_actually printing function is done kubuntu does install it with no problem but the scanniing funtion is the problem16:41
jussi01|PaperTiger|: of course it does :) just pulls in a few gnome libs.16:41
|PaperTiger|jussi01, ah. okay. makes sense. Cheers.16:42
pookitoI right click then go to the wireless that it finds, then I save the wireless settings and then connected.  at first it does make an attempt to do so but then it does not connect.  :(16:42
luis_theres this ubuntu guide that give step by step the instructions but when i rech the cd iscan... part stops everything cause some bash directory not found problem http://ubuntu-ar.org/tutoriales/scannercx560016:42
Kovertgini where is xintrc I cant find it in my home16:43
|PaperTiger|jussi01, know a program I can use to do a total system backup? Like an image to another HDD?16:43
rufonggparted is da bomb. but say i was paranoid, is there something that shreds ur hddrive an is proven anti-law recovery? kekeke16:43
jussi01!backup | |PaperTiger|16:43
ubottu|PaperTiger|: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:43
|PaperTiger|jussi01 :) thanks16:43
jussi01 |PaperTiger| YW16:43
rufongpardon my manners pls. 'ello everyone16:44
luis_ok letme refresh my question16:52
luis_after untaring the iscan_2.10.0-1 nedd according to the gui to get into the directory and compile it16:53
SpeSany known problem with nvidia 8600GT and OpenGL??16:53
luis_thats where the problem start cause for that u nee cd coomand16:53
luis_but it keeps saying bash: no such file or directory16:53
luis_the rest is fine16:53
SpeSI can have desktop effects with XRender (too slow), but it fails to draw with OpenGL...16:53
luis_everything goes smooth till trying to get into the directory16:54
luis_whhy is this happening16:55
luis_do i need to install some thing else before ??16:55
mythosciao atutti16:55
Pici!it | mythos16:56
ubottumythos: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbook16:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remix16:59
geniiluis_: Likely whats called the "shebang" in the file you are trying to run specifies a path for finding bash that does not exist on your Ubuntu box, but would exist on a Redhat or somesuch box16:59
ByronDoes anyone know how I can get the repos for the netbook remix?16:59
luis_ok so in more comprehensive lenguage what do i need to do genii????17:00
geniiluis_: What is the command you are currently putting in which is failing?17:02
luis_cd iscan_2.10.0-117:02
afeijo_BRwhat player to dvd disks should I use?17:02
luis_it alwas give me back17:03
luis_bash: cd: iscan_2.10.0-1: No such file or directory17:03
afeijo_BRwhat dvd player do you guys use?17:05
p_quarlesluis_: are you entering the entire line in the tutorial beginning with "cd iscan*"?17:05
B1TF1ND3R-0101i got ubuntu just installed ...  =D wow    so many things to learn   >.<17:05
=== jacob_ is now known as Guest67919
luis_just like the gui says17:06
Guest67919hi, i'm having some trouble with skype in jaunty17:06
p_quarlesluis_: the "<" are meant to be line breaks; that isn't immediately apparent in the tutorial, but all those commands are supposed to be entered separately17:06
=== Guest67919 is now known as jbeard
luis_yes i know17:07
p_quarlesluis_: you're getting an error because "cd" is not an application, but a Bash built-in, and the command chaining is causing it not to be found17:07
luis_thats what i am doing17:07
jbeardi'm not really familiar with phonon, and iw as owondering if someone could help me troubleshoot it17:07
p_quarlesluis_: ooookay; try this: cd ~17:07
luis_with the iscan... right??17:08
p_quarlesluis_: no, just that command, by itself17:08
luis_nothing happen17:08
p_quarlesluis_: we're testing; so now run "pwd" and give us the output17:08
rufongb1tf1nd3r: welcome to the party m817:08
luis_sorry here is what i got with pwd: /home/luis17:09
p_quarlesluis_: okay, cd is working fine, so you're doing someething incorrectly when trying to cd into the iscan_* directory; where is that directory located?17:10
luis_i also did this and heres the resul17:10
* genii hands p_quarles more coffee17:10
luis_let me give u what i got17:10
p_quarlesgenii: heh, just had two cups :)17:10
luis_luis@Mario-Luis:~$ ls17:10
luis_Desktop       iscan_2.10.0-1.tar.gz    Music     Templates17:10
luis_Documents     iscan_2.10.0-1.tar.gz.1  Pictures  Videos17:10
luis_iscan-2.10.0  iscan_2.10.0-1.tar.gz.2  Public17:10
p_quarles!paste | luis17:10
ubottuluis: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)17:10
jbeardif anyone thinks they can help me with my skype issue, just PM me, I'd appreciate it17:11
p_quarlesluis_: okay, do: cd iscan-2.10.017:11
luis_that worked17:11
p_quarlesluis_: you were trying to enter a directory that didn't exist; notice that it's called something different in your /home directory than in the tutorial17:12
luis_i c17:12
luis_txs a lot p_quarles17:12
p_quarlesluis_: np; also, I would avoid the advice to use "sudo gedit"; use gksudo gedit or kdesudo kate instead17:13
yamishican someone help me with something i think is incompatibility with the 9.04?17:13
kaddi!ask |yamishi17:15
ubottuyamishi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:15
yamishii've been having problems with the idjc17:15
yamishisince i upgraded to 9.04 it doesn't opens after chosing the profile17:16
yamishidoes anyone knows what's happening?17:20
* Froad_ wonders whether he should try a Kubuntu live cd17:23
ralmarHey guys I currently have ubuntu 8.10 and wanted to know if there were any dangers or things that could go wrong or programs like vmware that could stop working if i upgraded with the alternate cd to 9.04. Thanks17:24
PovAddictwhere do I change the screen DPI, so that Qt widgets and stuff are drawn bigger?17:25
yamishidoes anyone knows how to fix the issue with the idjc on the kubuntu 9.04?17:28
ktminihi guys i have an emergency17:29
blip-hi, i'm running kubuntu 8.10 and using KDE 4.2.2 which I got from the backports repo.    when I try to install Kolourpaint I get the message:17:30
blip-The following packages have unmet dependencies:17:30
blip-  kolourpaint: Depends: kolourpaint4 but it is not going to be installed17:30
blip-E: Broken packages17:30
ktminiwhere are the documents of kubuntu on windows disk when linux is installed "as an windows application" ? thanks17:30
geniiyamishi: Perhaps check that all the packages marked in red on this page are installed http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/idjc17:31
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ktminiplease guys ay idea?!17:33
repbolivar04buenas tardes17:33
genii!es | repbolivar0417:34
ubotturepbolivar04: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:34
geniiktmini: The kubuntu documents will not be accessible from in Windows, only from in Kubuntu. The linux install is made in a disk image file.17:35
ktminiarg! ok thank you! good bye17:36
ktmini(do you know where is this image and if some software can mount it in a live-linux?)17:37
* pookito is away: Gone away for now17:38
MushroomKingdomI can't get DOSbox to work17:41
ahoxHi, I have a problem with kdesvn, it complains that I my network is disabled. Any idea why?17:42
geniiktmini: I do not use the Wubi for such reasons... you may want to ask them in #ubuntu-installer17:47
geniiBah, left already17:47
cecehi2all,i tried to install kubuntu9.04-desktop-i386 with my flashdisk,but when it came to the log in window,i can't use my keyboard.17:47
geniicece: Bluetooth?17:48
genii!hi | caribou|17:49
ubottucaribou|: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:49
caribou|Simple question : does the desktop version of kubuntu is also a liveCD ?17:49
ceceno, a ps217:49
caribou|yamishi, thank you :)17:49
kociakyes caribou17:49
geniicaribou|: The regular one is, yes. The alternate cd is not17:49
ahoxHi, using kdesvn I get the errormessage "/corona/home/micha.schoell/svnroot/cosi/branches/micha-cosi/17:50
ahoxI meant to write "Can not do this diff because networking is disabled."17:50
caribou|genii, yep this is written on the website actually but my english is not working sometimes :)17:50
kociaki have a problem with kontact - korganizer doesnt show day or week view - just blank grey space where i would expect day view divided into hours - does anyone have idea what might be the cause of it and solution?17:50
ahoxUsing for example Display last changes. Anyone here knows why?17:51
gustavonareaHello. I'm using Jaunty and I can't connect to my WAP2 network using knetworkmanager (I'm not using the new network plasmoid because it didn't work either, as mentioned in the Release Notes)17:51
gustavonareaWhat can I do?17:51
gustavonareaI can see the list of available networks, but when I click on mine, nothing happens17:51
geniicece: Very odd. Are you sure it's in the keyboard ps2 plug and not ps2 mouse plug? This is the most common thing that happens when there are both plugs of this kind.17:52
geniiHm. a hit-n-run Hello17:53
geniigustavonarea: Probably this bug which is not yet resolved https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36677517:54
cecei am very sure of this ,they have different colors17:55
geniiSorry, that is the plasmoid/WPA I think17:55
PovAddictwhere do I change the screen DPI, so that Qt widgets and stuff are drawn bigger?17:56
geniiWork requires me a minute or two. AFK17:58
JuJuBeeDoes Jaunty have better support for the Atheros ath9k  wifi drivers?17:58
reeseis the fix patch for amarok being been picked up by ubuntu?18:03
=== Eveready_ is now known as Eveready
gustavonareagenii: thanks for the link! That's why I'm not using the plasmoid, but i don't understand why knetworkmanager doesn't work either18:06
gustavonareaI'm going to install Gnome's network manager to see if it does work18:08
geniigustavonarea: Another alternative might be also wicd (I'm not sure if it's in 9.04 or not)18:08
genii!info wicd jaunty18:09
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.9-2 (jaunty), package size 247 kB, installed size 1860 kB18:09
geniiYes, it is18:09
footkubuntu 9.04 wlan not working atheros AR242x prop driver will not activate18:11
gustavonareagenii: thanks! I'm installing network-manager-gnome, though, because with wicd I'd have to remove network-manager-kde. But if it doesn't work, I'll try it too ;-)18:12
bendiksee yah guys ;)18:12
|PaperTiger|I just used gparted to format an external drive to ext3 and there is a folder called "lost and found." Is that always there?18:14
geniifoot: Try using the ath9k driver18:15
footok, do I need to download that?18:16
genii|PaperTiger|: Usually that folder exists after a filesystem check which finds stray folders/files/data   and it puts what it finds in there18:16
geniifoot: It's supposed to be with 9.0418:16
geniiAFK, work18:16
footdo I use apt-get or something to try ath9k driver?18:17
tobi_hey folks, ... I got one more lil problem to solve with my pppoeconf. During the configuration I was asked, whether I want to connect through booting my system - answer: Yes! But now I have to rum the "pon dsl-provider" in my Terminal when I want to get online access... where can I write that command down? Like some kind of autostart?!18:18
rixtr66my last wubi install of kubuntu,didn't save anything?how do i save the desktop,files etc.?18:21
RootRayXlib:  extension "Generic Event Extension" missing on display18:22
RootRayhow do i get rid of these err msgs?18:22
romullothe Kubuntu release 9.04 kde 3 remix was released?18:23
geniifoot: First see if it already exists on your box with:  modprobe -l | grep ath9k18:23
tobi_romullo: I'm running on Jaunty KDE3 rmx18:25
footmsg genii yes it's there18:25
romullotobi_: where did you downloaded?18:25
adaszhow can i look up witch kubuntu version i have18:25
romulloi'm looking for on some mirrors, but i've not found18:25
HSNewswtf? when I install Kubuntu, It install GRUB LOADER to my primary HDD, without any questions!! but I install Kubuntu on external HDD18:26
HSNewswtf wtf?!!18:26
geniiromullo: http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/cdimages/ for 9.04/kde3 images18:26
tobi_my KDE asked me if I want to update :D18:26
romullotobi_: not the mine =(18:26
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romullogenii: thank you :)18:26
geniifoot: Then you should just need to load it. Usually on-the-fly with: sudo modprobe ath9k                      or each time by puting the name ath9k in the file /etc/modules18:27
tobi_how can I make any command work like a autostart?!18:28
geniiHSNews: Grub wants to install on the master boot reord of the primary hd, whatever that one is18:30
genii!startup | tobi_18:30
ubottutobi_: To make programs start up automatically when you log into your KDE session, run all programs that you want to be started and close all other programs, then select 'Save Session' in the K menu. Alternatively, create a !symlink to the wanted program in ~/.kde/Autostart - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot18:30
tobi_btw it's a sudo command (dunno if that's necessary)18:30
tobi_!boot | tobi_18:30
ubottutobi_, please see my private message18:30
geniitobi_: You can also do other ways. By adding it to the global startup scripts of /etc/init.d with the command update-rc.d (see manpage for it) or by rc.local    for instance18:30
adaszhow can i test witch kubuntu version i have18:30
romulloif i upgrade my Intrepid to Jaunty via adept, the KDE version will be 3.5 or 4?18:31
Peace-romullo: jaunty has kde418:31
geniiromullo: All versions after 8.04 use kde4 for default18:31
tobi_genii: I will try that :D thx18:31
geniitobi_: You're welcome18:32
geniiAFK, work18:32
romullotobi_: you upgraded from Intrepid to Jaunty via adept?18:32
tobi_romullo: Yes!18:32
romullook... i'm checking the packages listed for removal and update18:33
romullothe adept won't install any kde4 package18:33
MushroomKingdomMy sound stopped working!18:34
romulloi think i should trust it ;p18:34
geniiMushroomKingdom: Is it one of those Intel HDA things?18:34
MushroomKingdomNo Nvidia18:34
blubunkuhi, i want to install kubuntu 9.04, is it possible to apt-get with this editon?18:35
blubunkusorry, to use apt-get!18:35
tobi_MushroomKingdom: did you update to Jaunty as well ?18:35
=== mira is now known as Guest3973
MushroomKingdomFresh install from Vista, it was working yesterday18:36
geniiblubunku: What version are you currently on?18:36
blubunkukubuntu 9.04 in virtualbox!18:36
blubunkui think its possible but iam not sure, because the new package kit?18:38
blubunkuor is it only a frontend to apt-get?18:38
footgenii: I've put ath9k in my /etc/modules, I'll reboot and cross my fingers just for luck.  Thanks for your help.18:38
ccherrettI just did a system update and now my network connections will not work, wired and wireless18:38
geniifoot: Keep us posted18:39
genii!es | terminal0818:39
ubottuterminal08: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:39
geniiccherrett: You hae rebooted since or not?18:39
ccherrettgenii: yes I have rebooted18:40
ccherrettgenii: ifconfig shows no ip addresses18:40
ccherrettgenii: dmesg shows eth0 and eth1 as saying link not ready18:40
afeijo_BRmy firefox 3.0.10 keep closing by itself :(18:41
=== afeijo_BR is now known as afeijo
geniiccherrett: There is currently some issue with wifi and wpa on Jaunty. Your wired connection might be another thing18:41
=== terminal08 is now known as supremo
ccherrettgenii: any suggestions?18:42
geniiafeijo: Try running it without your adons:   firefox -safe-mode18:42
geniisupremo / terminal08:  Please stop that18:42
afeijogenii: it works for several minutes, and close. I will try with the safe mode18:43
|PaperTiger|If I wanted to backup everything, what would be the dir I use? /root?18:43
geniiccherrett: Have you tried something like:    sudo dhclient -r eth0 && sudo dhclient eth0              to see if it will release/renew for instance?18:44
genii|PaperTiger|: To back up the root. or the place to put the backup?18:45
|PaperTiger|To backup the whole system (Settings, data, packages installed etc) to another HDD18:45
|PaperTiger|genii, basically an image of my Kubuntu install18:46
genii|PaperTiger|: Then you want /   for everything (not /root which is just root users home dir)18:48
|PaperTiger|genii, okay. Thank you18:48
genii|PaperTiger|: Alternately boot to livecd and use something like dd if=/dev/sda of=/mountpoint/diskname/backup.img            or similar18:49
MushroomKingdom:( arrg! My sound keeps on failing, and the fallback doesn't work!18:50
=== kurt is now known as Digger
=== Digger is now known as QRT
|PaperTiger|genii, could do, but that sounds a little complex. I'm going to use sbackup and use the incremental backup feature to an external HDD18:50
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genii|PaperTiger|: I would suggest to remount the / read-only beforehand. Otherwise the data is trying to copy is dynamically altering itself18:51
|PaperTiger|genii, and how would I do that?18:52
genii|PaperTiger|: Also exclude from copying: /proc /tmp /sys18:52
genii|PaperTiger|: Usually something like: mount -o remount,ro /18:53
genii|PaperTiger|: (with sudo)18:53
|PaperTiger|genii, is there an easy way to totally back up my system settings and all?18:54
genii|PaperTiger|: You can reverse it after with rw instead of ro18:54
genii|PaperTiger|: I told you of the dd method. It is a bit by bit copy of a hd or partition to a file or another partition18:54
geniiAFK, work once more18:55
afeijogenii: without add-ons, Firefox closed after that brief time using it18:55
ccherrettgenii: could it be the kernel is screwed up?18:56
ccherrettgenii: man this whole update thing in ubuntu is crazy18:56
ccherrettit needs to slow down :)18:56
ccherrettgenii: hmm into a different kernel and still no connections18:58
ccherrettgenii: I tried your commands but they timed out18:58
supremoescriban en castellano19:00
geniiWork is going to need me for about 5 minutes. Hang on and I'll return shortly19:00
geniisupremo: La ayuda en la lengua del español debe ser encontrada en el #ubuntu-es y no aquí. Renuncia por favor.19:07
LjL!ops | agag19:07
ubottuagag: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici or jussi01!19:07
geniiccherrett: My first inclination is to check the wiring19:07
Picisupremo: excuse me?19:08
supremonunca me rendire deprobado19:08
geniisupremo:  /join #ubuntu-es19:08
* genii hands Pici some coffee19:09
rbuelsin 9.04, what's the preferred way to manage the /etc/rc*.d/ startup links19:12
geniiafeijo: OK, try with: --no-xshm  and let me know if still same19:13
rbuelsi seem to recall there was something in the KDE system settings a while ago, can't seem to find it now19:13
geniirbuels: I usually use the update-rc.d tool19:14
LinuxApeMy systemsettings application does not have the software manager or printer config apps in it?  Anyone know why this might be?19:16
rbuelsgenii: that's a good tool, but it seems like there used to be a graphical one in the kde system settings somewhere19:16
LinuxApeThat's after a jaunty upgrade, btw.19:16
tgreiserAnyone else having trouble with kwallet since upgrading to 9.04?  When I try to run kwalletmanager manually I get:19:20
tgreiser<unknown program name>(24466)/: KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server19:20
tgreiser<unknown program name>(24465)/: KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unexpectedly.19:21
tobi_After the command "pon dsl-provider" to get online-access this returns: "RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.8p compiled against pppd 2.4.5" is that ok, sounds bad!?19:21
luis__p_quarles sorry i forgot what are the commands on kubuntu to edit?? ksudo??19:21
luis__i mean instead of gedit?19:24
=== lieutenant is now known as Lieutenant
afeijogenii: yes, it just closed19:25
geniiafeijo: Hm. It seems always after the same length of time it closes, or the amount of time varies?19:27
geniiluis__: kdesudo kate /name-of/file-to/edit19:27
afeijogenii: I didnt pay attention to how much time, I thought it was while I was using the browser, but the 2nd last one I wasnt using19:28
geniitobi_: That message is not to be concerning. It just tells what compiler was used to make the app19:28
tobi_nice... !19:29
geniiafeijo: After opening firefox, close all tabs except one. Put that tabon some url with no flash content and then let it sit for a while and see if it closes again after a while19:29
* rysiek|pl afk: Gone away for now.19:29
tobi_thx a lot ... this chan is teaching me stuff! Great job ...19:30
Pici!away > rysiek|pl19:30
ubotturysiek|pl, please see my private message19:30
rysiek|plPici: my bad, forgot I was also on #kubuntu19:30
squid0hi. kded4 is hogging massive percentages of my cpu usage. what's the story?19:30
homyHi! Firefox looks *really* ugly in KDE. How can I integrate it?19:31
luis__txs a lot19:32
kaddithere is no easy way to downgrade from jaunty back to intrepid, is there?19:38
geniikaddi: Exactly19:38
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=== RoozbehOnline is now known as ROSHA
myrtillesis there an easy way to uninstall the fixes that for networkmanager that where release today/yesterday for jaunty?19:43
linuxguyhi guys19:44
kaddihow can i uninstall updates i installed earlier this day19:45
linuxguyjust wanted to say I switch from debian to kbuntu on my eee pc.19:45
linuxguyand i love kd4 on it, you guys rock.19:46
Riddell**  Kubuntu Q & A session in 15 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom (questions to #ubuntu-classroom-chat)19:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wcid19:47
genii!info wicd19:48
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.9-2 (jaunty), package size 247 kB, installed size 1860 kB19:48
linuxguyand i love kd4 on it, you guys rock. I upgraded the application launcher went from have an button you pressed to display it to showing the whole menu, is there any way I can get that back?19:48
myrtillesi was installing a program when jaunty froze, i can still move the mouse, but the system doesn't react to mouseclicks or keyboard. can i just shut it down, or will this corrupt the installtion?19:50
linuxguywent from 8.x to 9.04, btw its awesome how it runs from a usb drive. I love being able to take my os on my thumbdrive, if my computer breaks all I have to do is find another usb booting computer and I am off.19:51
myrtilleslinuxguy i envy you. :p went from 8.x to 9.04 now, 9 times out of 10 wireless isn't working and when it starts working, the whole pc just freezes up :(19:52
linuxguyreally? everything is working fine for me.19:52
linuxguydo you have a eee?19:52
PollywogDolphin seems a little buggy and is missing service menus.  Is there a way to get the device applet to open usb drives in Konqueror instead of Dolphin?19:53
myrtilleno, i don't have a eee, i have an acer-laptop.19:53
linuxguywell there is one thing, I have lost the ability to type in widgets.19:53
linuxguylike I cant use the dictionary widget anymore19:54
linuxguyor anyother widget you can type into, like application launcher19:54
myrtillethat still works on my end :)19:55
Pollywoglinuxguy: maybe the virtual keyboard in KDE (Jaunty)?19:55
ralmarHey guys, Im getting this errror  failed to bind to address[4500] with kvpnc. Is there a command i can use to see what process is using port 500? Thanks19:55
PollywogI used that when I had a laptop that did not like the keyboard19:56
linuxguywell myrtille you can get an eee for like $169 at bestbuy. then go get a 32 gig thumb drive and install kbuntu onto it and have a laptop with a 32gig drive.19:56
PollywogI have a HP2133 that I got from Tigerdirect for $300 and it runs Jaunty great19:56
myrtillei have a working vista installation on the pc... for the time being it's quicker, more reliable and better to use thatn jaunty, so I'm gonna stick with that for a while, till they manage to remove the biggest bugs19:56
linuxguymyrtille I bet if you did a clean install of jaunty it would work.19:57
linuxguyi dont know kbuntu but I have run debian for years and have had that happen before. usually when packages were in a mess and I decided to upgrade.19:58
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Pollywogone drawback to the hp2133 is that wifi does not work well in Kubuntu desktop but in Ubuntu desktop (Gnome) it worked out of the box for me19:58
linuxguyhmm, thats wierd. you can always get a usb one. does it have minipci or pcie19:59
myrtilleespecially the wireless problem is a reported bug and not just some screw up in packages... i haven't really got the time for a clean install anyways.. just hoping they'll fix the problems19:59
=== ROSHA is now known as RoozbehOnline
linuxguymy same  question, if you have a pcie slot you can always put in another wireless card if your card isnt already in it. and they are cheap. just check the chipset before buying20:00
=== Riddelll is now known as mariamne
myrtillePollywog: yes wifi is kind of bad on kubuntu. knetworkmanager and the widget aren't working. the nm-applet is working though20:01
linuxguyi like the nm-applet.20:01
myrtillelinuxguy: i can connect to unprotected wifi, but everything encoded isn't working with knetworkmanager or the widget20:01
linuxguyi like the nm-applet.I got rid of the default panel at the bottom and use widgets for everything.20:02
linuxguysince I only have a 7inch screen i needed the screen space.20:02
linuxguymyrtille that sucks. I would find a good usb wifi card. that way you can use it on whatever computer you want.20:03
linuxguyhawking makes a good one with an external antenna connector20:04
linuxguyand it has real linux support rt 7320:04
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as Roozbeh|Away
myrtillelinuxguy: the problem is not the card, i already tried another (external) card. Still the same :I can connect to unprotected wifi, but not to protected. Knetworkmanager doesn't even react if I try to select an encoded netowrk20:05
linuxguyreally hmm let me try.20:06
=== Roozbeh|Away is now known as RoozbehOnline
linuxguyhi myrtille it seemed to work ok for me.20:12
myrtilleone of many bugreports concerning this problems20:14
myrtillejust try wpa jaunty networkmanager bug on google, you'll get plenty of hits20:14
linuxguyoh, wpa20:17
linuxguyI use wep.20:17
geniinixternal: Bah, swine flu20:18
linuxguysorry but i hear about swine flu one more time i am going to have to hit someone.20:19
geniilinuxguy: Apologies, wrong channel.20:20
go7hiccan some1 tell me what's the difference to install firefox browser manually or through kpackagekit? i'm new to linux :(20:22
tsimpsongo7hic: what do you mean by "manually"?20:24
go7hiclike, downloading it and entering commands in console...20:25
go7hicversus just clicking once on the name in kpackagekit?20:25
tsimpsongo7hic: firstly, it's easier to download from the GUI installer, and it'll get all the dependencies you need20:27
tsimpsonif you install manually, you'll probably have to compile it and it'll take forever and probably fail20:27
tsimpsonplus it'll take forever20:27
tsimpsonso go with the pre-build version we offer and save yourself a lot of time and hassle20:28
go7hicright... so what's the point of choice?20:28
go7hici mean why ppl do it manually sometimes?20:28
ktminihi folks20:29
go7hiccan you tell me what's nobinonly means?20:29
michael_hello world!20:30
myrtillehello michal :D20:30
michael_anybody know how to get adobe video on a G3 iBook  Geee20:30
drbobbugh, something seems to be broken in jaunty's alternate cd20:31
drbobbit appears to be generating broken lvm-based installs20:31
ktminihi. could s.o. tell me how a bash script can complete questions from a fortran program it called? (eg when the fortran prog ask: "read*,n")20:32
=== stefan is now known as stefan_
LinuxApeAnyone else having printing problems since updating to jaunty?20:32
drbobbyeah, my printer died at about the same time20:32
=== ranieri is now known as ranfo
tiresiasbonjour tout le monde20:33
ranfosalve a tutti20:33
tiresias une petite question par rapport à le netinst de debian lenny: personne n'a de problème pour booter sur le cd netins pour l'architecture 64 bit?20:33
holyguyverI accidently hid the uppermost menu in konqueror, how do I show it again?20:34
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:34
_gls there a way of storing the wifi point passkeys in the kwallet and kwallet not asking for a password to access these?20:34
tiresias(désolé de demander ici mais personne réponds nulle part sur l'irc de debian...)20:34
myrtille!fr |tiresias20:34
ubottutiresias: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:34
tiresiasbonjour tout lemonde20:34
holyguyverplease help20:34
tiresias une petite question par rapport à le netinst de debian lenny: personne n'a de problème pour booter sur le cd netins pour l'architecture 64 bit?20:34
holyguyverI accidently hid the uppermost menu in konqueror, how do I show it again?20:35
myrtilletiresias tu n'auras pas de réponse en francais sur ce channel. Si tu as besoin d'aide merci de taper /join #kubuntu-fr pour joindre un channel francais20:36
holyguyverI accidently hid the uppermost menu in konqueror, how do I show it again?20:36
holyguyver_gl, Thank you :020:37
jnooraga_Why is the default sorting order for every QT file dialog in Descending instead of Ascending?20:39
jnooraga_Is this a configurable option somewhere?20:39
ktminiplease could s.o. tell me how a bash script can complete questions from a fortran program it called? (eg when the fortran prog ask: "read*,n")20:41
amgarchIn9anybody else observes slow cursor motion in vim after upgrade to 9.04??20:42
=== mackk431 is now known as H1N1_or_bust
jarleusing Quassel for the first time, how do I prevent it from displaying a message each time a user enters/leaves the channel?20:46
ktminiplease at least tell me if my question isn't understandable.. :s20:46
amgarchIn9ktmini: program < input, or cat input | program20:47
PROject-EmeraldIs there a linux-equivelant to iTunes for my iPod?20:48
ubottuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee20:48
PROject-EmeraldIs there something that lets me put music ON my ipod?20:49
ktminithx for answerin! Nevertheless i'm not sure I get it..20:49
tsimpsonPROject-Emerald: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto20:49
afeijodamn, I changed my theme and now my toolbar is gone20:50
amgarchIn9ktmini: google for "bash input redirection"20:50
repbolivarhay alguien que hable español???20:50
PROject-Emeraldthanks, tsimpson20:50
tsimpson!es | repbolivar20:50
ubotturepbolivar: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:50
ktminiok. nice of you amgarchIn9 (BTW how do I send a msg at your adress)20:51
afeijohow to restore the toolbar ?20:52
robby_I have a question about the favorites menu in the kickoff menu. How do I hide it or move it?20:56
michael_anybody??  are there plugins for Kbuntu PPC on G3  that will work with youtube?  Thanks20:59
=== robby_ is now known as Rue-kun
geniimichael_: Maybe ask in #ubuntu-powerpc21:00
michael_thanks,,  noobe here21:00
dewdso after my upgrade to jaunty my intel gm945 sux in compiz is there an fix ?21:02
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Rue-kunCan anyone help me with my menus?21:05
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:05
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs21:05
marthecan anyone help me with my postfix?21:09
marthei have to configurate postfix with UNOCONV21:10
delphiukum, fresh install, display resolution too small and no xorg.conf. Any ideas?21:10
geniimarthe: You may get more comprehensive postfix help in #ubuntu-server21:11
Rue-kunI need an extremely skilled persons help21:11
marthebut i don't know how to do with Unoconv21:11
dwidmann!ask | Rue-kun21:12
ubottuRue-kun: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:12
geniimarthe: unoconv doesn't have much to do with Postfix21:12
genii!info unoconv21:12
ubottuunoconv (source: unoconv): converter between OpenOffice.org document formats. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3-5 (jaunty), package size 14 kB, installed size 100 kB21:12
geniieg ^21:12
Rue-kunOk then do you know how to hide the favorites menu oh great kubuntu god ^_^21:13
dwidmannRue-kun: you mean in the kickoff menu? I don't think you can ... not sure its configurable at all really21:14
Rue-kunOh ok. Thank you21:15
dwidmannRue-kun: I wish it were too ... seeing as the "classic" menu in KDE4 is crippled compared to its KDE3 counterpart21:16
JontheEchidnaboth menus will be much more configurable in KDE 4.321:16
dwidmannJontheEchidna: good to hear21:16
JontheEchidnathe classic menu will even get back the "recently used applications" feature21:16
JontheEchidnathough, truth be told, I never liked that feature :P21:17
Rue-kunUmmm new problem (Sorry I am new to Kubuntu) I can't open any folders. It asks me what to open it wil.21:17
geniiJontheEchidna: I did :)21:17
dwidmannRue-kun: that's very, very odd.21:17
delphiukCan someone tell me why I don't have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?21:17
Rue-kunIt says open with dolphin and I don't have that21:17
JontheEchidnaI mostly use krunner nowadays, so I don't care that much about the menu widgets21:17
dwidmanndelphiuk: it's pretty much deprecated ... X figures out what it needs to know on the fly21:18
ratpoisonhello! Jaunty amd64 user.  ATI x1950 (r500) with compositing enabled via kwin. vlc segfaults like this: http://pastebin.ca/5421:18
dwidmanndelphiuk: Of course, if you need to specify things, you can create one21:18
ratpoisonhmmm sorry wrong paste21:18
delphiukdwidmann: right, well, I it's got it wrong here. I have a 800x600 resolution and "terrible" performance21:18
dwidmannratpoison: try switching video out drivers21:18
delphiukdwidmann: ah, right, so I just need to find one then for my card?21:19
ratpoisondwidmann: only radeonhd is availabe for my card, catalyst support was dropped in 9.321:19
yoanishi there21:19
dwidmannratpoison: I meant switching between things like Xv, OpenGL, X11, SDL, etc21:20
yoanisjust upgraded to kubuntu 9.04 and noticed one CPU is 100% all the time21:20
yoanisbecause of process kded421:20
dwidmanndelphiuk: That's no fun21:20
ratpoisondwidmann: plus, it used to run, then I did something with the settings (I tried to configure vlc for single video mode) and it wouldn't start.21:20
jnooraga_Is anyone else getting the issue where the default sort order in file dialogs is Descending instead of Ascending?21:21
delphiukdwidmann: :) well, I don't fancy doing it myself... but I really need to get this understood. this is the 4th machine it's happened on :(21:21
yoanisanyone has experienced a similar issue, i have an nvidia geforge 7200 go card21:22
geniidelphiuk: You can create a prototype xorg.conf file by passing X that option to make one. eg: xorg -configure                 or so21:23
amgarchIn9crw-rw----+ 1 root video 226, 0 2009-04-29 20:08 card0  ?? whats that plus? See for the first time21:24
delphiukgene:  thanks i'll try that21:24
hosamcan i find a help to operate twinhan satalite card with ubuntu21:24
amgarchIn9never mind, that is an ACL. getacl shows them21:28
DekansDo you manage to play a video DVD with Jaunty ?21:30
Rue-kunDoes Kubuntu have a built in bittorrent21:31
UnksiRue-kun: ktorrent21:31
Rue-kunYou guys are truely AMAZING21:31
anbesawanyone  use dd-wrt for hotspot setup21:33
drbobbi'll be pulling my hairs out. I keep getting grub's error 17 post-install, no matter what21:33
siIs this the right place to ask for help setting mPlayer up for playing DVDs?21:35
rmrfslashI posted something on here earlier, maybe someone new can help. I have kubuntu 9.04 + fglrx + opengl compositing desktop effects. Resume from suspend returns w/ a black screen and some lines at the top of the display. If I use XRender compositing or no desktop effects at all, everything is fine. Anyone come up w/ a solution for this?21:36
DekansIs it possible to play a video dvd on Kubuntu Jaunty ?21:36
rmrfslashDekans: should be... i think you need some dvd playback component from apt-get21:37
Dekansrmrfslash: I have libdvdread 3 and 4 installed21:37
Rue-kunBest app every Wine21:38
Dragnslcr!dvd | Dekans21:39
ubottuDekans: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:39
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:40
DragnslcrDekans- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs is probably the exact page you want21:40
DekansI'm seeing it21:41
Dekanson my desktop it works but on my laptop it was not enough :/21:41
=== andrea is now known as Guest30405
HSNewsHow to select where GRUB to install???22:02
HSNewsI install kubuntu, but it install GRUB on master hard. wtf? (( whete GRUB Install Prompt?!22:02
rpowerHow to select where to install GRUB?22:12
rpowerHow to select where to install GRUB?22:12
rpowerCan somebody tell me?!22:14
wirechiefrpower some users choose to put it in the partiton but most use the mbr22:16
rpowerwirechief, where I can set destination for GRUB? when I install it don't asks me22:16
ScorpKingrpower: hd022:17
rpowerWhen i install Kubuntu, it do not asked me!!22:17
wirechiefrpower for jaunty ?22:17
matt_I'm having problems syncing my iPod with Amarok since upgrading to Jaunty.  It's mounting correctly, and I'm able to browse and play songs from it, but unable to transfer anything new to it.  New interface doesn't really seem to have anything about transferring the queue.  Any advice?22:18
wirechiefkubuntu jaunty22:18
matt_i"m having this problem in both KDE and Gnome.22:18
ScorpKingrpower: what happened?22:20
ScorpKingrpower: did it not install at all?22:21
rpowerWhere to select direction for GRUB installation?22:21
rpowerIt install himself to primary HDD, but i don't want it22:21
rpowerI want to install GRUB only to external HDD22:21
rpowerbut I haven't change to choose direction for GRUB22:21
ScorpKingrpower: are you booting from the external drive?22:22
rpowerbut I want to do it22:22
rpowerI want boot from external22:22
ScorpKingah ok22:22
rpowerI have Laptop with Vista. on hdd.22:22
rpowerI connect to laptop external HDD. And I want to install Kubuntu on external, and GRUB on external22:23
rpowerAnd do not touch internal HDD, and it MBR sectors22:23
=== kris_ is now known as kkerwin
ScorpKingrpower: is kubuntu allready installed on the external drive?22:23
rpowerno, I format it22:24
rpowermb try to install from Alternate CD?22:24
rpowerI read in internet, that, in Alternate I can choos GRUB direction22:24
ScorpKingrpower: or you can install grub afterwards22:24
rpowerhow? How to 'Do not install GRUB'?22:25
kkerwinHi. I just installed Jaunty, and my sound cards are no longer being detected. They are ATI SBx00 Azalia and ATI RS780 Azalia.22:25
ScorpKingrpower: you must edit /boot/grub/device.map first on the external drive22:25
ScorpKingrpower: is your external drive /dev/hdb in kubuntu?22:26
rpower> /dev/sdb22:27
rpowermy external HDD: /dev/sdb22:27
rpowerBut GRUB install himself to /dev/sda (primary hdd)22:27
rpowerand do not asks me :(22:27
ScorpKingrpower: ok. you must edit /boot/grub/device.map22:27
ScorpKingrpower: put the line (hd0)   /dev/sdb22:28
ScorpKingrpower: the best is to boot from the live cd. mount your external drive to /mnt22:28
rpowermy external is empty22:28
ScorpKingrpower: then run - sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt --no-floppy hd022:29
rpowerand if i try to install kubuntu, I've got trouble with primary MBR22:29
ScorpKingrpower: that will install grub for you22:29
ScorpKingrpower: use the alternative cd then22:29
rpowerOkay thanks, but how to install kubuntu on external without installing GRUB?22:29
rpowerI have't checkbox or radiobutton in installation menu22:30
wirechiefrpower maybe you can use the usb startup disk creator to install to the usb drive22:31
wirechiefrpower can you boot fromj usb ?22:31
rpowerok... I'll try to install from Alternate CD :)22:31
ScorpKingwirechief: that will only copy the iso contents to the disk and make it the same as a livecd22:31
wirechiefrpower you would need the .iso22:32
ScorpKingrpower: alternate cd install is not easy if you've never done it. please google first22:32
wirechiefScorpKing but cant he use persistence too with that ?22:32
ScorpKingwirechief: should be able to but i've never tried it myself22:33
luis_hi guys has any of u have had installed the scan feature of an epson stylus cx5600?22:33
wirechiefScorpKing: but that seems to be a big waste if its a large usb drive ;)22:33
luis_i am trying and i did follow some very simple steps but no matter what i do i just cant get it to work and i do really need it22:33
wirechiefScorpKing took me forever to get 4gb of persistence with that program22:33
luis_can somebody assist me pls?22:33
ScorpKingwirechief: it is. i only use it to install eee pc's and so on and it's the same size as the iso22:34
luis_i am kinnda desperate22:34
wirechiefScorpKing: i suspect it  thinks there is a bios issue and wont do a real install to usb but remapping sounds like it might work22:35
ScorpKingluis_: nothing on google?22:35
ScorpKingwirechief: that's what i'd use but isn't there an option to install kubuntu inside windows without partioning?22:36
luis_i did follow this gui: http://ubuntu-ar.org/tutoriales/scannercx5600 step by step22:36
luis_everything runs fine22:36
kkerwinHi. I just installed Jaunty, and my sound cards are no longer being detected. They are ATI SBx00 Azalia and ATI RS780 Azalia. Thank you in advance for your help.22:36
luis_but in the end i cannot get it to work22:36
wirechiefScorpKing yes22:36
ScorpKingluis_: try to scan as root22:36
=== nereida is now known as nadie__
wirechiefScorpKing its called wubi22:36
ScorpKingwirechief: aparently the new version is a lot better22:37
ActionParsnip!sound > kkerwin22:37
ubottukkerwin, please see my private message22:37
luis_how do i scan as root?22:37
ScorpKingluis_: how do you scan now?22:37
luis_i dont22:37
ActionParsnipScorpKing: or you can install to a usb stick of about 4Gb22:37
luis_thats what iam saying22:37
luis_it just dont work22:37
ScorpKingrpower: what program do you have for scanning?22:38
wirechiefScorpKing: well i saw a ubuntu forum thread where a guy was wanting to do basically the same as what rpower wants (suppose to of worked for him)22:38
luis_ause after finish i click on the Xsane applications but it wont recognize the scan feature22:38
ScorpKingrpower: start the program that you want to scan from with - kdesudo programname22:39
kkerwinActionParsnip: That bit of ubottu's brain is old. There is no longer "Sound System" under "System Settings". And ARTS is no longer used by default.22:39
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:39
ActionParsnipkkerwin: ah22:39
kkerwinActionParsnip: But thank you for trying! :-)22:40
ScorpKingActionParsnip: do you know of an online guide that rpower can follow?22:40
BluesKaji think the ops should look at the infobots info and bring it up to date , that parh just given no longer exists.22:40
ScorpKingluis_: : start the program that you want to scan from with - kdesudo programname22:41
ActionParsnipkkerwin: looks like an intel hda22:41
kkerwinActionParsnip: Yessir!22:41
ActionParsnip!intelhda | kkerwin22:41
ubottukkerwin: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto22:41
ScorpKingkkerwin: you're not alone22:41
kkerwinMierda ...22:41
ActionParsnipScorpKing: wassup?22:41
ian__Not to confuse, but another ?, is there any equivalent to creating a .hidden file in nautilus and listing all hidden files in kubuntu?22:41
kkerwinScorpKing: That's not exactly encouraging information ... Lol.22:41
ActionParsnipian__: ls -a22:41
luis_i do got xsane22:42
luis_and it does start22:42
ian__In terminal? <action parsnip>22:42
ActionParsnipian__: always :)22:42
ScorpKingkkerwin: let me see if i can wake someone to explain the solution to you :)22:42
luis_but i clcik on it and the goes scanning for devices and end up saying no devices available22:42
ActionParsnipian__: it shows all files including hidden ones22:42
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
luis_o some other thing it does turn off my scan22:43
ubottuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR22:43
kkerwinScorpKing: Oh, thank you very much!22:43
ian__Action Parsnip- gave me a list of files- what now?22:43
ScorpKingActionParsnip: kubuntu seems to have permission problems with scanners.22:43
ActionParsnipian__: i thought thats what you wanted?22:43
ActionParsnipScorpKing: then use kdesudo to launch the app22:44
ActionParsnipScorpKing: maybe its a group membership22:44
ian__ActionParsnip: No, I wanted to make files hidden without adding a . infront.22:44
ActionParsnipian__: you cant, thats how its done in linux22:44
ScorpKingluis_: any luck scanning as root?22:44
luis_xsane works22:45
luis_but it says no devices available22:45
luis_my scan is on22:45
ian__ActionParsnip: They are program files, and if I make the dot the program errors and can't find the files.22:45
ian__But oh well22:45
ScorpKingluis_: maybe the drivers didn't load22:45
luis_well something else22:46
luis_i did download this: iscan-2.10.0-1c2.i386.r22:46
luis_from a web i found on google22:46
luis_and when i click on it it gave me the option to open it with KpackageKit22:47
luis_but then in the middle of installing it says error22:47
ActionParsnipluis_: .r ?22:47
luis_and stops installint22:47
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
luis_yes i found thos in some web page22:47
ActionParsnipluis_: so the filename ends in .r ?22:48
ScorpKingkkerwin: can i paste a buch of text for you?22:48
joshjtlhey folks, I have a major bug that causes fatal lockups, and apparently there is a fix for it... add a line to /etc/default/halt file, I did, is there anywhere i can check to see if adding the line does anything at all?22:49
ActionParsnip!rppm | luis_22:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rppm22:49
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)22:49
luis_here is the page where i found that acually the gui says to download 2 of them http://jrballesteros05.blogspot.com/2007/11/escaner-epson-stylus-cx5600-en-ubuntu.html22:49
=== kenan is now known as Guest1598
ActionParsnipluis_: rpm is for redhat, i'd get the source and compile it so you get less issues22:50
luis_yes i c22:50
luis_well dont matter action22:50
luis_it doesnt work as well22:50
luis_i already try those but wont work22:50
=== Guest1598 is now known as kenan
=== kenan is now known as Guest85409
qwertyuiop96What do people think of 9.04?22:51
luis_is that jackalope?22:51
luis_i think is nice22:52
mefisto__luis_: have you seen this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62747122:52
luis_but i cant get to work my scan function22:52
qwertyuiop96KDE 4.2 is AWSOME!!22:52
luis_let me c it22:52
qwertyuiop96In my opinion22:52
* wirechief well the awe died quickly for me22:52
drbobbdammit, no linux bootloader wants to work on my old laptop22:53
qwertyuiop96The new oxygen menubar is pretty cool22:53
qwertyuiop96Sorry, off topic22:53
luis_i am following what u gave me mefisto22:54
luis_let me c if that works22:54
mefisto__drbobb: what is failing? does grub start up?22:55
ScorpKingrpower: will you manage?22:56
BluesKajwell , gotta do some windows stuff and have some dinner for a couple of hrs ...BBL22:57
persoj'ai un pb d'affichage sur kubuntu 9.0.4 qqun peut m'aider svp?22:59
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:59
virus2009hey guys i gota problem with my music like skipping when i move my mouse around or open new apps. i have a 2ghz and 2 gigs i dunno its like if the cpu comes under a load it starts to skip23:00
virus2009my computer is a laptop compaq dunno if this helps23:01
luis_mefisto it says enter the directory and it gives this command: fakeroot alien iscan*.rpm, but whe i paste that it appers this: File "iscan*.rpm" not found23:02
mefisto__luis_: try replacing "iscan*.rpm" with the full name of the file you have23:04
luis_i just did23:04
luis_let me paste bin so u can c23:05
chroniccan someone help add the menu bar in kde4?23:05
drbobbon grub I get stuck at error 1723:05
drbobbwith lilo, it's code 9923:05
drbobbI'm beginning to suspect a buggy bios23:05
drbobbahh yes it looks like it's some form of a 137GB limit biting23:06
luis_mefisto i did download both files and this is what happen with the first file, i havent move forward since i want to make sure in here : http://pastebin.com/m4c06295223:07
chroniccan someone help add the menu bar in kde4?23:07
luis_so i believe both files need to be done apart right?23:07
drbobbmefisto__: grub fails reporting error 17 after loading stage1.5, but before it gets to a menu or command line23:08
luis_so if so in here the next step says to debianize, what does that means how do i do that?23:08
chroniccan someone help add the menu bar in kde4?23:10
luis_lets c chronic23:10
luis_u want to add the icon of the menu on the panel right?23:10
chronici accidently closed the manu bar23:11
luis_get the cursor on any side of the panel23:11
chronicluis_: i mean the whole panel is gone23:11
luis_right click and find: "add widgets"  and then look for it23:11
luis_thats other thing23:12
sevenhillchronic:  just delete .kde and .kde4 folders in your home directory and restart kde23:12
luis_that i dont know sorry23:12
mefisto__chronic: right-click desktop, add panel23:15
virus2009can anyone help me with my problem? my sound when under load comes out really paused it pauses then plays pause then play23:16
sevenhillvirus2009: are you using pulseaudio ?23:17
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virus2009sevenhill: im using amarok23:17
sevenhillif it is be sure that your user added to its pulse-rt group23:17
virus2009what is pulseaudio?23:18
sevenhillamarok is a application pulseaudio is a sound system23:18
luis_mefisto i got this on the second step: http://pastebin.com/m4c062952 and then it says that i need to debianize how do i do that whats that?23:18
sevenhilljust look in /etc/groups and say me if there is a pulse-rt in it23:18
virus2009im probably not using it then, but the music plays fine then starts to skip out when i start opening up applications and moving the mouse23:19
sevenhillvirus2009:  in konsole type this :    cat /etc/group23:20
sevenhilland at the output look if there is pulse-rt or not23:20
virus2009sevenhill: one sec23:21
virus2009sevenhill i dont see it23:21
sevenhillvirus2009: ok then it is not the bug i known23:23
sevenhillvirus2009: then you have to ask someone else23:23
sevenhillsorry about keeping you busy23:23
virus2009naw your okay thank you23:23
virus2009maybe you might be able to help with a webcam? its a micro innovations ic445c i cant get the thing to work at all the light comes on in the front but is unreconized23:24
MarcNI have Ubuntu/Jaunty installed and want to also install the kde desktop.  Is this just a matter of adding more repositories and apt-get install kde-desktop (or such)? If so which repos.23:26
mefisto__luis_: "debianize" just means convert the .rpm to .deb (.deb is a debian install package) the alien command does this23:26
luis_so thats 2 for 1 step23:26
luis_i c23:26
luis_now i move forward and do the same with the other file right?23:26
rubyatvirus2009: does that webcam need the gspca kernel module?23:27
luis_or first i need to take one to the end?23:27
mefisto__luis_: try removing that directory iscan-2.10.0 and try the command again23:27
virus2009i got the module downloaded but still nothing23:27
luis_it says deb generated23:27
KiRiLoSI am looking for a program to record a screencast,any suggestions?thanx23:27
luis_iscan_2.10.0-2_i386.deb generated23:27
mefisto__luis_: ok so you have that file? if you do, install it23:28
rmrfslashWow my kubuntu-devel experience was awesome23:29
rmrfslashthey basically told me to go fix my own problems23:29
rmrfslashas in, download the source code and fix the problems with a proprietary driver.23:29
rmrfslashwhich is obviously possible23:30
* rmrfslash is steaming23:32
mefisto__MarcN: no need to add repos. just install kubuntu-desktop23:32
MarcNmefisto__: thanks.23:34
Calaberowould somebody please be able to tell me how to install Kubuntu on my Acer Aspire 1 when i keep getting an error booting from USB which dumps me to (initramfs)_ ?23:37
Calaberowould somebody please be able to tell me how to install Kubuntu on my Acer Aspire 1 when i keep getting an error booting from USB which dumps me to (initramfs)_ ?23:39
m1dn1ghtI've just upgraded from Hardy to Jaunty.  New version of Amarok seems nice but I can't figure out where to configure media devices to connect my ipod - can someone help please?23:41
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Calaberowould somebody please be able to tell me how to install Kubuntu on my Acer Aspire 1 when i keep getting an error booting from USB which dumps me to (initramfs)_ ?23:43
mefisto__m1dn1ght: there is a "media devices" widget you can add (the + button)23:44
ubottuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto23:45
edea86Hi, the sytem settings applet shows me the "temperature" of my laptop. There are five temperature sensors, but there's no description of them, so I don't know if 51ºC is the temperature of my hdd, my graphic card...23:47
Calaberois anyone able to help with the initramfs problem?23:47
wirechiefCalabero intramfs with usb creator ?23:49
Calaberoi made a usb bootable drive using UNetBootin for Kubuntu - Latest, but this was after accidentally hitting the "factory recovery" selection in grub...when i realized my mistake it was too late and already rebooting. now it seems to be unable to locate my hard drive? im not sure im very new to this :$23:50
KiRiLoSfor some reason every single screencast recording app i tried works awful,when i playback the video i recorded looks like the frames are messed.Maybe there is something else wrong ?:P I thought this was because of the Qt4 not being compatible with the apps...23:53
wirechiefCalabero can you do pastebinit  and if so paste the results of  sudo fdisk -l >fdisk.tx   where fdisk.txt will hold the information, paste the url here23:54
wirechiefmake that fdisk.txt   not fdisk.tx23:55
wirechiefCalabero maybe that wont work, just paste the results of fdisk-l23:57
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)23:57

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