
DanaGoh yeah, both Wine and SDL also give me horriby wedge-prone keyboard.00:03
DanaGThat is, I press a key, and it gets logically "wedged".00:03
* maxb installs a new ubuntu from scratch for the first time in ages, and is suddenly reminded of all the little customizations00:06
maxblike, say, installing vim :-)00:06
ienorandvim is 27mb, h.a.b?00:09
DanaGinteresting stuff in PA.00:22
DanaGheh, "(null) Sound Card"00:26
DanaGOoooh: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=51838401:12
ubottuDebian bug 518384 in libasound2-plugins "libasound2-plugins: please include my a52 setup for pulseaudio in examples/" [Wishlist,Closed]01:12
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MTecknologyWhat is 10.04 going to be called? :P05:27
DanaGI haven't decided when I'm going to go to Karmic.05:49
Chr|sDanaG: well I wouldn't do it anytime soon05:51
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zirodayHi, there wouldn't be any karmic iso's lying around would there?11:54
rskiziroday: not untill beta111:56
zirodayrski: right, thanks!11:56
hifiziroday: dist-upgrade from jaunty12:00
zirodayhifi: that is what I was planning on doing :)12:01
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mib_h8cyemcould anyone here point me to network-manager irc room?13:55
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MrKeunerhi, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=fglrx&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all reports that all fglrx packages exist for jaunty as well. Why does the update tool warn me that those packages are missing?15:07
kklimondafor Jaunty support check #ubuntu channel15:10
kklimondamaybe your card isn't supported by fglrx anymore?15:10
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bSONis it possible to use dri2 with r300 chips in jaunty?19:00
PicibSON: This is the Karmic discussion channel, Jaunty support is in #ubuntu19:03
bSONoh right forgot jaunty is already released :D sorry19:03
=== janito_ is now known as joaopinto
BUGabundoguud evening21:24
ienorandBUGabundo: Hia, welcome to the void....21:25
BUGabundoeheh ienorand21:25

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