
=== ryanprior_ is now known as ryanprior[AFK]fw
thorwilkwwii, looks like we have another candidate for Incoming/Concepts: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Grub_UI12:48
kwwiithorwil: coooooool!12:56
thorwilshall i ask jackwhite when he will start coding and if he thinks he can have a first release for a karmic alpha? ;)12:58
thorwilphew, my junk folder is once again all about britney's huge banana pill millions13:05
thorwilhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Backgrounds seems to indicate that people don't like the concept of thumbnails (240 px high)13:14
kwwiiyeah, for wallpapers it makes it kinda hard to juedge at such a small size13:29
kwwiithose seem kinda big to me though13:29
thorwilmy jaunty images are 240 px: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Jaunty/Backgrounds?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=laola_tn.jpg13:30
kwwiiyeah, and when I went through all of these with mark and co, I had to find larger versions to show them13:43
SiDihi people13:43
kwwiibtw, http://developer.yahoo.com/ypatterns/wireframes/ might be good for people working on themeing to look into13:44
thorwilkwwii, must have been hard with the links to full sizr version right below. anyway, what size do you suggest for background previews? the Backgrounds page might become long ...13:49
kwwiithorwil: well, it was annoying to have to do it again and again :)13:51
kwwiiwe can keep them at 240 unless people complain13:51
kwwiiand nobody has complained yet :)13:57
thorwilnobody followed the rule, yet ;)13:57
kwwiioh, and ivanka's job has changed a bit but I am not sure if I am allowed to discuss things at canonical13:58
thorwilmaybe i will experiment with sizes between 300 and 400 a bit and then enforce a size13:58
kwwiiI agree that if it is too big the page gets hard to scroll through13:59
thorwilkwwii, i took it from linkedin13:59
thorwilkwwii, or right, Mr. Baer. do you have anything to say regarding his Artwork wiki page draft 2?14:00
kwwiiyeah, I was going to reply to that today...all in all the structure seems sound but I am not a fan of the pics14:01
thorwilkwwii, not a fan either. huge improvement over the pictures taken from the online shop, though :)14:02
kwwiiso maybe we should have a call for pics for that page :)14:03
thorwilkwwii, if you insist on plain == headlines ==, shooting down his graphics-work, i can agree, but you will be the bad guy ;)14:03
kwwiiat least we would be allowed to make the decision on that :p14:03
kwwiioh, I think the pics do make it easier to read and find things, I just don't like those specific pics14:04
thorwilthey speak of the everyone-is-welcome-to-fool-around-with-pretty-pictures-here stance14:05
thorwilin this sense, they are well done. right on intention14:06
thorwilso if you do make a call, say something about the message. but arg, who am i telling that? :)14:07
* thorwil -> coffee14:09
kwwiithat is true14:10
kwwiiand it *is* time for coffee ;)14:11
kwwiihttp://sinecera.de/bubble.png ideas?14:23
robstahey thorwil, nice work on the notebooks15:47
robstathorwil: unfortunately you are really challenging librsvg16:43
robstathe latest revision produces yet another crasher16:43
thorwilrobsta, hi. was busy, digging out ivy roots17:40
thorwilrobsta, i'm not even using blur, masking or clipping. how dare librsvg crash on kinderkram?17:41
* thorwil notes after hard manual work, the mouse feels like a brick17:42
thorwilkwwii, for ideas on that one would need a little context17:43
thorwilgenerally it's always the same problem with reflective surfaces. you need to have an idea of the environment. or use comic-like simplification17:44
* thorwil -> shower, dinner17:46
kwwiithorwil: the idea was to create a sphere out of colored glass which we could use for the ayatana project and other things spawning from that17:53
kwwiiso different projects could have different colored glass balls17:53
SiDidragon balls ?17:54
SiDiin fact that bubble pic i saw from irclogs looks like a dragon ball :D17:58
SiDi(and it looks really sweet too :p)17:58
savvaswait is that ball going to be as a background or become a useful multi-purpose button of some sort?18:14
SiDiif you get seven of them, you can ask something to the sabdfl savvas !18:14
savvasmore balls!18:15
thorwilkwwii, reminds me of http://www.csh.rit.edu/~garrett/voicenotes/images/caf-logo.png and http://blog.tice.de/a_icons/icons/Extra Core Video.png18:20
thorwilanyway, dinner time for real now18:20
kwwiihehe, that in turn looks like the akonadi oxygen icon18:26
SiDiThats * a shame the computer icon was moved from the Breathe set19:09
SiDii liked it a lot.19:09

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