
cprofittWhat 'package' is an OSD issue likely attached too?00:07
BUGabundocprofitt: notify-osd ?00:08
greg-gnotify-osd is the new one right? the one used by jaunty?00:10
greg-gso probably that?00:11
cprofitthey greg-g00:13
greg-ghiya cprofitt00:15
cprofittstarting to file all the bugs with Jaunty00:16
cprofittanyone up for a triage? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/28173200:17
greg-gcprofitt: yeah? All of them? ;)00:17
ubot4`cprofitt: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out00:17
cprofittAll of mine anyway00:17
* cprofitt smiles00:17
greg-ghmm, you also get the thing where pessing mute doesn't show up via xev, but changes that /acpi/blah/volume setting?00:20
cprofitttrying to figure out if there is enough information in that one to mark it triaged00:21
cprofittits been a while since I have triaged00:21
greg-gI think so, it seems to be pretty clear where the information is going, and the fact that it doesn't show up in xev is helpful.00:22
greg-ghave you done any upstream kernel bug reporting?00:22
cprofittyeah... jango gave a wealth of information00:22
cprofittI have not...00:22
cprofittI have been focused on the EDU thing and my LoCo as of late00:22
greg-gI have not sent any bugs to the upstream kernel bugzilla myself00:24
greg-gmainly because they want testing of vanilla kernels, not the ones shipped by Ubuntu, I believe (if anyone can/wants to correct me on that, please do)00:25
darizzleyo peeps00:32
darizzlei added some info to this bug00:32
ubot4`Launchpad bug 368896 in pidgin "When pidgin reconnects to an account with mail notifications it increments new mail notification instead of refreshing." [Undecided,New]00:32
darizzlebecause ive experienced it before00:32
darizzlenow what do i do00:32
darizzlejust foudn knowledge base00:36
darizzlegoing to read some more00:36
cprofittif you find a bug is a duplicate should you mark it invalid?00:37
bdmurraycprofitt: yes, invalidate it then mark as duplicate00:38
greg_gcprofitt: use the response from here for duplicate, then mark it as a duplicate https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses00:38
cprofittbdmurray, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/28173200:39
ubot4`Launchpad bug 281732 in linux "Mute button on thinkpad x200/x200s" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:39
cprofittany more information I can gather on that...00:39
darizzlethat was happening on my dell 640m00:40
darizzlebut it seems to have fixed itself00:40
cprofittbdmurray, jango seems to have given us all the information...00:40
bdmurraycprofitt: I'd ping slangasek about it since he did some hotkey work during Jaunty00:53
cprofittbdmurray, does he hang here?00:53
cprofittbdmurray, I have an issue with my Lenovo that I do not know how to start on...00:54
cprofittit just goes to a black screen when I tell it to shut down...00:54
cprofittcntl+alt+del makes it restart... but it fails to shut down...00:54
bdmurraycprofitt: in ubuntu-devel more00:54
james_wcprofitt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting00:55
james_wcprofitt: please ensure that you have gathered all of the information from there, and then it should be easy for him to see the affected component00:55
cprofittjames_w, I believe that was done in the report already00:56
james_wah, it's already on there, good00:56
cprofittyeah... Jango added a lot of information00:56
james_wlooks like the bug is in the right place then00:57
cprofittjames_w, that is what I was thinking...00:57
cprofittthough there is a hot-key package now I think...00:58
darizzlecan only some people set the status of a bug to triaged?00:59
hggdhdarizzle, yes. Triaged and wishlist are reserved for members of the bug-control group00:59
hggdhso, if you need a bug set to triaged, ask here01:00
darizzlecan someone set 368896 to triaged01:00
darizzlewant linkage?01:00
hggdhbug 36889601:00
ubot4`Launchpad bug 368896 in pidgin "When pidgin reconnects to an account with mail notifications it increments new mail notification instead of refreshing." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36889601:00
hggdhdarizzle, done. Good work, thank you01:02
hggdhdarizzle, BTW -- you *can* set the importance of a bug, though, and this is expected01:03
bdmurrayhggdh: are you sure about that?01:03
darizzlei tried to01:03
darizzleit didnt give me the option01:03
darizzlelet me check again01:03
hggdhbdmurray, they cannot, anymore?01:04
darizzlei don't have the ability01:04
bdmurrayhggdh: As long as I can remember that's required Bug Control01:04
hggdhthen perhaps I am really getting old... I thought it was possible :-(01:04
hggdhsorry, darizzle01:04
darizzlewhat is teh differentiation between bug-control and what i am doing?01:05
darizzleis there an organizational structure doc?01:05
hggdhbug-control has access to setting the importance and status to triaged/wishlist01:05
hggdhand this is it01:05
hggdhbug-control is also more experienced on triaging01:05
hggdhbdmurray, sorry. I guess I have been -control sol long that I do not remember the limitations anymore01:06
hggdhdarizzle, there is no organisational structure doc to my knowledge, (but the wiki does provide information on what is done)01:07
darizzleare you guys using ubuntu as your main os?01:07
hggdhI would expect yes, but not necessarily. I do.01:08
hggdhI actually have a Windows VM cuz there is a chess site I used to go that required IE01:09
darizzlei just made the full switch two weeks ago01:10
darizzlei have had an ubuntu and windows box for about two years01:10
darizzlemainly for school and business reasons01:10
darizzlebut now i dont do either01:10
darizzleso im rolling straight ubuntu01:11
darizzlewas a slow transformation01:11
darizzleprior to ubuntu had been rolling some redhat/slack/and centos01:11
darizzlethey arent really as friendly as ubuntu01:11
darizzlepretty sweeet <301:12
hggdhwell, it is all, after all, a question of choice (or taste, some might say). I professionally work on Windows, AIX, HP/UX, Solaris, Linux, and zOS. At home it is Ubuntu for me, and MacOS/Windows for my S.O.01:14
KangaroooOMFG one stupid bug :) I have xubuntu with 60 tabs on one window and about 30 tabs on other windows.. Xubuntu.. Just popped info messege that Firefox is upgraded and want to restart so since I have more then 1 window  I can't save tabs ad quit.. first I allows me to close so im going to save all bookmarks.. BUT WTF? the sSave All Tabs window is not opening..02:37
virtualdkangarooo: alt-f2, killall firefox02:38
virtualdkangarooo: i mean pop up the run dialog02:38
Kangaroooand then ill get all tabs back?02:38
Kangaroooon next start?02:39
Kangaroooill alt+f2 killvirtuald :D ok trying..02:39
virtualdif alt-f2 pops up the run dialog like in gnome02:40
Kangaroooyeeey alt+f2 killvirtuald | cancel02:41
Kangarooo:) ok this helped but that was strange that couldn't bookamrk all.. now again I can02:42
virtualdget the sessionsaver extension if you tend to lose your tabs02:43
virtualdyeah i too wonder why it can't handle upgrades more nicely02:43
virtualdthough i think that is fixed in the latest releases02:44
KangaroooI ve lost them only 2 times.. both by stupid friends who after surfing 4 5 min closed all tabs.. :) I was like aaargh... of course..02:44
cprofittbdmurray, thanks for suggesting slangasek03:13
cprofittI filed this bug per his request... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/36898903:13
ubot4`Launchpad bug 368989 in linux "Hot Keys Issue - Lenovo T500" [Low,Triaged]03:13
cprofittanyone have a procedure for reporting a shutdown bug?03:53
dtcheni generally attempt to reproduce it without usplash03:56
dtchenyou'll need to edit the kernel command line in grub/lilo03:56
dtchensplash -> nosplash03:57
dtchenquiet ->03:57
dtchen(or you can just boot into recovery mode, telinit 2, then shutdown)03:57
cprofittk... I saw the part on using no splash... after that is there anything?03:58
dtchenwell, just remove quiet, and change splash to nosplash04:00
dtchenafter that, it's the straightforward shutdown attempt04:02
cprofittbe back04:06
cprofittdtchen, no change in behavior...04:17
cprofittwhat logs, etc should I used to file a report?04:17
dtchencprofitt: right, those changes were to get to the messages displayed on the screen during the shutdown sequence04:19
dtchencprofitt: you should add that to the bug report, and you could attach a digital photo if possible04:19
cprofittthere is no log file which records it?04:20
dtchen/var/log/dmesg, /var/log/syslog, /var/log/messages04:21
dtchenare you using "ubuntu-bug linux" ?04:21
cprofittI will be...04:22
StupendoussteveAnyone around?04:58
StupendoussteveI'm just looking over the hugday list. New to the BugSquad in general and don't want to mess things up :)05:06
StupendoussteveBug 368186 seems to have everything asked for in the Bugs/Responses for a kernel bug, and more. Is that when you would mark it as confirmed?05:07
ubot4`Launchpad bug 368186 in linux "BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0000000000000008" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36818605:07
StupendoussteveAlso, though he says the error stops when he turns off desktop effects, the kernel oops looks like it's bluetoothd that's causing problems, which it be wise to ask for information about his bluez version before marking it confirmed?05:08
nhandlerStupendoussteve: I would personally try to reproduce the bug (if possible)05:09
nhandlerI didn't look at it much, but if you do suspect bluez might be the source of the problem, you could try asking for information about what version he has. You could also try having him disable it and see if the problem stops05:10
StupendoussteveUnfortunately I can't get it to reproduce. He says that with desktop effects enabled, changing virtual desktops causes the kernel panic (works fine for me)05:10
StupendoussteveI see, well I'll request that then05:10
nhandlerIf you can't reproduce it, try and see what you have that he doesn't (different packages installed, different versions, different hardware, etc)05:14
* nhandler -> bed05:15
marcelo_I have installed Ubuntu 9.04 and have notice the slowness of graphics!!!  Xorg is taking up 30% of my cpu and beagle-helper is taking up 15% to 20% of my cpu...    thats on avarage 50% of my cpu!!!   can anyone please help me before i have to back to vista witch ran just fine....   I am a newbie to linux and have liked it so far but now I am stuck with this problem.05:46
lifelessmarcelo_: beagle is a search engine; I didn't think it was installed by default, I could be wrong. Closing it may solve both issues :)05:49
marcelo_ok, let me try to unistall that05:50
StupendoussteveGood evening, marcelo_. I am sorry that you are having problems with Ubuntu. This channel is meant for bug reporting and triage support and discussion, general support is performed in #ubuntu (where I see you have also asked for help).06:03
marcelo_ok , thank you06:03
StupendoussteveNo problem :)06:04
StupendoussteveAnyone around?06:42
venugrguys I recently ugraded to ububtu 9.04 , I have enabled the extra visual effects on my laptop. When I start Netbeans editor for Java it does not show me any menus or code the UI is just blank. When I disable and enable the visual effects things work fine. Any idea what could be the issue07:24
dholbachgood morning07:27
thekorngood morning ara and dholbach07:31
dholbachhiya thekorn, hi ara07:31
aragood morning thekorn, dholbach :)07:31
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amit__join #scheme13:12
lfaraoneWhat package is responcible for chosing what text to display when a request to hibernate was inhibited by an application?13:32
morphushi do any one have some idea for solution, after clean install a ubuntu 9.04, and install "vlc" and "mozilla-plugin-vlc" , i can't live stream from some servers, i got that kind of pop up massage "unsafe option "rtsp-tcp" has been ignored for security reasons", vlc plug in works in 8.10 but not in 9.0415:42
mnemomorphus: please use the command "ubuntu-bug vlc" to open a bug in launchpad and make sure you include a detailed list of steps that can be used to reliably trigger the bug15:43
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brunogirinHi, I know you're not supposed to confirm your own bug reports but if the bug has been filed as a result of a conversation in the forums where several users managed to reproduce the bug, is it OK to confirm it?15:54
Elbrusbrunogirin: mention it in the bug and if possible, add the log of the conversation (relevant parts)15:55
brunogirinElbrus: I'll do that, thanks15:57
pgoetzhas anyone else noticed the re-appearance of Trashcan problems in Jaunty?17:01
danageactually, mine went away17:02
micahgHi, does UNR have a special interface for configuring dual monitors or is it liked the standard Ubuntu editions?17:06
micahgI converted a bug to a question last night and helped the guy solve the problem17:07
micahgbut then I realized I don't know if there is a separate interface17:07
micahgandresmujica: can you help me to know if I triaged a bug correctly17:12
andresmujicasure.. nice thing is the notify-osd :)17:13
andresmujicawhich one17:13
micahgandresmujica: well, I wanted to know if UNR has a special interface for dual screens17:13
micahgI helped him get up and running17:14
ubot4`micahg: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out17:14
micahgbut then realized that I didn't know enough about UNR to determine if it's not a real bug17:15
ubot4`Factoid '369059' not found17:15
micahg!bug 36905917:16
ubot4`Launchpad bug 369059 in ubuntu "Dual monitors doesn't work on jaunty UNR" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36905917:16
micahg!bug 369059 > andresmujica17:16
aquachicaHi.  I hope I am in the right place.  I am having trouble with the cursor in Abiword.  I recently installed Jaunty and the cursor now leaves dots and other pixels after I type underneath each line of characters.17:16
ubot4`micahg: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out17:16
andresmujicachecking it17:17
aquachicaEverything was working fine in Intrepid.  Just wondering if this bug has been reported or not.17:17
micahgaquachica: you might want to try the #ubuntu channel for support17:17
micahgaquachica: this channel is for triaging bugs17:17
aquachicaOh okay.  Thank you.17:17
micahgaquachica: good luck17:17
andresmujicahmm i don't know either about UNR, but  believe you handled great!!17:18
andresmujicaand it was right to turn it into a question,17:18
micahgandresmujica: thanks, I did a few last night17:18
andresmujicabut, maybe it's worthwhile to check at LP17:18
andresmujicafor a similar bug,17:18
andresmujicanot to turn into a dupe or something17:19
micahgI also converted a flash bug on FF 3.0.10 to a question17:19
andresmujicabut to check the fact that the gui didn't worked as expected, which is a real bug.17:19
micahgI tested flash and it worked fine for me17:19
micahgI have the same platform17:19
micahgdo people goof on triage sometimes?17:20
hggdhyes, we do goof17:20
hggdh(we are humans, after all)17:21
micahgok, so am I better off jumping in and trying to help?17:21
andresmujicaand we're a lot humans by the way17:21
micahgI just made it to the top 20 for answer tracker and figured it was about time to give some bugs a shot17:21
andresmujicathe worst thing that could happen is that you help someone17:22
* hggdh thinks be be more human than normal, since goofing seem to be a conastan lately17:22
hggdhthere you go. Goofed again :-(17:22
micahgI love ubuntu17:22
micahganyways...off to work17:22
micahgthanks for the help and vote of confidence :)17:23
andresmujicanp, linking answer tracker and bug tracker is a great way to find new bugs and help users!17:23
cornucopicHi all! the right, delete, up and down arrow keys are not working for me on Ubuntu 9.04. Way out?17:56
vocxcornucopic, your eh... bug report lacks information...17:58
cornucopicvocx, I would be glad to make it complete17:58
cornucopicwhat else is desired?17:58
ElbrusI created a rather large debdiff for lesstif2 (a motif replacement) which lacked some attention. bug 369383. Can I subscribe anybody? motu-sponsors? Does it need ack?17:59
ubot4`Launchpad bug 369383 in lesstif2 "lesstif2: improving the package by including Fedora and upstream patches" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36938317:59
hggdhElbrus, yes, subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors18:00
vocxElbrus, how many packages use lesstif nowadays?18:02
hggdhElbrus, when you prepare a patch/debdiff it is always good to subscribe the sponsors for the package18:02
Elbrusgreat done18:02
* Elbrus will look that up18:03
Elbruspaul@etna ~ $ apt-cache rdepends lesstif2 | wc18:03
Elbrusgives 55 packages18:04
cornucopicvocx, ping18:04
hggdhso the question is if any of these are affected by your changes18:04
ElbrusI hope all for the good18:04
Elbrusmight solve some long hanging problems by the look of it18:04
Elbrusfor instance amd64 had problems with bad defined long6418:05
Elbrusmight be responsible for a lot of strange behavior18:05
hggdhElbrus, it might be a good idea for you to talk/chat with with the folks at #ubuntu-motu18:06
Elbrusanyway, I only used patches from fedora upstream and debain bts18:06
Elbruswhat should I ask there?18:06
hggdhwouldn't some of these patches be available on current debian?18:06
Elbrusnot incorporated18:06
Elbrusmaintainer does not respond18:06
Elbrusor hardly18:07
Elbrusjust once on IRC18:07
Elbrusnope, but low nmu18:07
hggdhjust present your bug & patch, and ask for review18:07
Elbruswill do18:07
hggdhanyone is good18:07
hggdhthanks for the help, Elbrus18:07
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bdmurrayElbrus: you mentioned bug 369383 earlier correct?19:33
ubot4`Launchpad bug 369383 in lesstif2 "lesstif2: improving the package by including Fedora and upstream patches" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36938319:33
bdmurrayIs that your debdiff?19:36
bdmurrayIs there a debian bug with a similar debdiff that can be linked to?19:36
Elbrusyes, sorry, forgot about that19:36
Elbrusit's in the description19:37
bdmurrayah, I see it now, could you add a bug watch for it?19:37
Elbrusbdmurray: done19:39
bdmurrayElbrus: great, thanks!19:42
ElbrusIt was a hell of a job to figure things out...19:43
Elbrusso this is just a minor step :)19:43
YoBoYbug 369469 << invalid for "ubuntu" where i should send this bug?20:43
ubot4`Launchpad bug 369469 in ubuntu "Doesn't let me change language" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36946920:43
greg-gYoBoY: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website20:55
YoBoYwithout the edge ... :p20:55
greg-git will direct you, no?20:55
YoBoYstay with the edge on the url, don't know if it's redirected or not, tanks20:56
greg-geither way, it works for you, yes? You know which project to assign it to now, right?20:57
YoBoYgreg-g: well don"t know if i invalidate and say to the reported to post on the other project, or there is another procedure?21:01
greg-gyou can do an "also effects project" and type in "ubuntu-website" then invalidate the Ubuntu task.  And make a comment saying that you assigned it to the correct project, and thanks for the bug report.21:03
greg-gYoBoY: ^21:03
YoBoYok i try this :)21:04
hggdheeck, gets ugly mixing Hebrew and English21:11
YoBoYgreg-g: done, tanks21:13
greg-gYoBoY: you're welcome21:14
hggdhYoBoY, good work, thank you21:14
BUGabundoguud evening21:24
YoBoYolà BUGabundo21:28
BUGabundoYoBoY: ola21:29
BUGabundoainda n te dás com os acentos. lol21:29
* BUGabundo is doing bug triage on LP, over identica ehehehe21:36
YoBoYé o meu teclado... esse á nao esta acessivel21:37
hggdholã BUGabundo (so that YoBoY will not feel alone)21:38
BUGabundoohh this alphacamp is making me loose it! trying to teach him how to use LP, and he just want to run away21:40
kklimondaBUGabundo: LP is slow today, I want to run myself ;)21:49
BUGabundokklimonda: just see my identi.ca life stream and the talk to alphacamp21:51
BUGabundowe discussed this morning about Notify-OSD possible bug, then I asked him to file it via ubuntu-bug21:52
BUGabundohe did not, and made a poor bug reported21:52
BUGabundoand talked to him and explained what was wrong, but _as usual_ I _sounded_ harsh!21:52
BUGabundothat's the only thing preventing me to apply to bug-control team... I always sound aggressive when talking (written) to ppl I don't know in person (or they know me)21:53
kklimondaBUGabundo: heh..21:59
kklimondaBUGabundo: how harsh is harsh? ;)21:59
kklimondaBUGabundo: I have low tolerance for ignorance, too. ;)22:00
BUGabundoits not ignorance22:01
BUGabundonot everyone knows how to use a BTS22:01
BUGabundoand LP is a diff type from many others22:01
BUGabundomost users are not used to even filing bugs22:01
BUGabundoevery time I file one, I get better!22:01
BUGabundoI compile more info and details on how to make a bug report better22:01
BUGabundotake a look at my ealier ones and be scared!22:02
BUGabundotake a look and my lastest one and expect a bug that will mark by it self Confimed/triaged22:02
kklimondaBUGabundo: but if you told him how to do it properly and he ignored you it's ignorance imho.22:02
kklimondait's not like we don't have enough work even without bugs like "xyz doesn't start" ;)22:03
BUGabundokklimonda: worse then does: "ubutnu doesn't work. bye!"22:04
YoBoYneed help for this one : bug 368361 don't know where to send this bug22:05
ubot4`Launchpad bug 368361 in bash-completion "apt-get Bash Autocompletion Not Working" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36836122:05
BUGabundolet me guess running as root or doesn't have the package?22:06
* BUGabundo wonders why root doesn't do autocompletion22:06
kklimondaYoBoY: his bash_completion has different md5sum from the one installed from package.22:07
kklimondait shouldn't matter as they are the same (one is missing new line)22:07
YoBoYyep ^^22:07
YoBoYthe problem is the apt-cache don't work for the normal user22:08
kklimondaapt-cache is part of apt package22:08
BUGabundoworks for me22:09
YoBoYfor me too22:09
kklimondaYoBoY: I'd mark it invalid22:09
kklimonda /etc/apt/apt.conf isn't installed by system22:09
kklimondaso he had to create it manually and set wrong permissions22:10
YoBoYyes but the problem is the user have used the alternate cd to install his ubuntu, i can't confirm this issue happen on every alternate install or not22:10
kklimondacrap.. ;)22:11
YoBoYyes :D22:11
kklimondaYoBoY: ask him for this apt.conf file22:11
kklimondait doesn't come from any packages, if it was autogenerated it should have some header.22:11
BUGabundohow did he add to attachements to just one reply?? email?22:12
BUGabundodo better:22:12
BUGabundo$ apport-collect apt22:13
BUGabundo$ apport-collect bash-completion22:13
* BUGabundo duh forgot bug number22:13
YoBoYBUGabundo: yes email, usefull for this ;)22:16
kklimondaCan you change some bug settings by sending an email? Status, or assignee ?22:16
BUGabundosend HELP to LP mail22:17
BUGabundoor read the wiki page22:17
BUGabundomails MUST be signed22:17
BUGabundoand most commands need a leading "space"22:17
YoBoYmust ?22:18
BUGabundokklimonda: help@bugs.launchpad.net22:18
kklimondaBUGabundo: nice22:19
BUGabundoYoBoY: yes!22:19
kklimondaBUGabundo: 40422:19
kklimondawell, even worse - no such host ;)22:19
kklimondaThis page does not exist yet ;)22:20
BUGabundohumm why does the email have an internal and private link?22:20
BUGabundoI should report that22:20
BUGabundokklimonda: just send an email22:20
YoBoYkklimonda: https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/EmailInterface22:20
BUGabundoits easier22:20
BUGabundoahh that22:20
BUGabundoYoBoY: see " affects exaile"22:21
kklimondaYoBoY: ya, i found it by using search but I couldn't stop myself from poking BUGabundo ;)22:21
BUGabundothere's a space there22:21
kklimondaBUGabundo: they must be signed?22:21
BUGabundokklimonda: doing from head....22:21
BUGabundokklimonda: yes22:21
kklimondadamn, I'm using gmail interface ;)22:21
BUGabundowith a valid key for that email address on LP22:21
BUGabundoff addon firepgp?22:21
kklimondaoh well, firegpg (or whatever it's called) here I come..22:21
BUGabundoahhhh that's it. now I remind my self!22:22
BUGabundo2 weeks ago I wanted to file a wishbug for gmail labs... and Sigining was it... I forgot once I got to the groups thing! duh22:22
kklimondaoh, i see that firegpg has nicer interface for gmail22:24
BUGabundohas it??22:24
BUGabundoI just use kmail or mutt22:24
kklimondaand firefox crashed (so we can still pretend that this is on the topic discussion) ;)22:24
BUGabundokklimonda: eheheheehehe22:24
BUGabundoits not an ubuntu bug! its addon so its upstream22:25
kklimondaso firegpg is messing something up22:25
kklimondaBUGabundo: http://getfiregpg.org/screenshots.html22:26
kklimondaBUGabundo: http://getfiregpg.org/images/newscreenshots/gmailnewcompose.png this one is new22:26
BUGabundokklimonda: I think there was a known bug about ff .0.922:27
BUGabundoand that .10 fixed22:27
BUGabundonot sure we have it in yet22:27
kklimondaoh, it sends signature as a .asc attachment22:28
* kklimonda is in love22:28
BUGabundokklimonda: don't all clients do that?22:29
kklimondaBUGabundo: it didn't22:29
BUGabundoI keep getting replies from Outlook users trying to open my key22:29
kklimondai like this new firegpg - the last reason to use desktop mail client has disappeared.. ;)22:29
kklimondadamn, xchat does poor when it comes to handling many channels..22:32
kklimondai can't switch to 10th, 11th etc. using keyboard..22:32
BUGabundokklimonda: gmail is good but not good enough to handle 78k unread emails, 16 accounts, and 38GiBs of mail22:33
BUGabundoI don't love Cloud that much22:34
kklimonda78k unreaded mails? I don't think that anything can handle that many mails in some sane way..22:35
kklimondagmail does handle multiple accounts pretty well22:35
YoBoYkklimonda: ctrl + page up/down22:35
kklimondabut dunno if there isn't some limit..22:35
mrooneyIf as a triager I file a bug upstream for someone, is there some sort of wiki page to point people at explaining how to do it themselves in the future and when to?22:35
mrooneyIt seems like it would be useful to help teach more people about doing that as opposed to just, "I've filed this upstream"22:36
YoBoYmrooney: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage#Forwarding%20upstream << this page?22:36
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mrooneyYoBoY: no, that is for triagers22:37
mrooneyI meant a page to explain to bug filers when and how to file upstream themselves in the future22:37
YoBoYone od the pages referenced don't give the answer ?22:38
kklimondai'd love to see the day when most projects move to launchpad ;/22:39
BUGabundokklimonda: kmail does it fine! folders and sub dirs, filters, and Expire22:39
BUGabundokklimonda: +122:39
BUGabundoits so easy to just mark "upstream"22:39
kklimondaand some projects are using really weird tools22:39
kklimondai personally hate debian bts..22:40
thekornmrooney, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream has some instructions for a few upstream bug tracker22:40
kklimondabut it has nice email interface ;)22:40
BUGabundoI dislike bugzilla22:40
BUGabundoto slow and complicated22:40
BUGabundoplus many project like to make it even more complicated22:40
BUGabundolook at KDE22:40
kklimondaBUGabundo: the problem with various bugzillas is that they all require you to create an account.22:40
BUGabundoso does LP22:40
kklimondaBUGabundo: but it's only one account for various projects ;)22:41
mrooneyGNOME bugzilla is just one accoutn22:41
kklimondaBUGabundo: And if I'm lazy I can just ubuntu-bug all my bugs and then put a faith in triagers to assign them to upstream ;)22:41
kklimondamrooney: then another one for mozilla22:41
mrooneykklimonda: yeah but that is only because LP isn't open source so no one else CAN use it22:42
BUGabundohumm I'm fast.. I just bitten bdmurray22:42
mrooneyonce that happens surely we will need multiple LP logins22:42
kklimondamrooney: but i would want them to move to LP and not create bugzilla using LP code.22:42
YoBoYno if everyone use OpenID22:42
BUGabundokklimonda: I started to upstream most of my bugs and other users , I stuble accros22:42
kklimonda(by bugzilla I mean generic But Tracking System) ;)22:42
BUGabundoI have accounts on gnome, kde, pidgin , and several others BTSs22:43
kklimondathat's why you have so many unread emails ;}22:44
BUGabundothat's moslty due to MLs22:44
BUGabundo300 new emails alone from ubuntu-users daily22:44
kklimondaI have decided to unsubscribe from most MLs22:44
kklimondanow I'm only subscribed to ubuntu-devel-discuss and debian-python..22:45
BUGabundono announce? no -devel? no lp-users?22:46
kklimondaI try to keep my sanity intact ;)22:46
YoBoYi only have Launchpad and BugSquad :p22:46
kklimondai think about -devel as it's low traffic22:46
kklimondaand maybe lp-users as.. dunno ;)22:46
YoBoYand adopter 2 packages to try22:46
kklimondaBUGabundo: there is little reason to sign onto all those lists if you can't even scan subjects to see what's going on22:47
kklimondaat least imo22:47
BUGabundoscan? I only do that when I a get an huge backlog!22:48
BUGabundousually I keep them read22:48
BUGabundoexpect kernel, marketing and users22:48
BUGabundooh and pidgin!22:48
BUGabundoI just read that last one when I need to blead from my eyes22:48
kklimondait's that bad? ;)22:49
BUGabundobad? have you ever heard that some FOSS project are bad to new users?22:50
BUGabundokklimonda: they aren't bad to new users. they are terrible to anyone, even them selves22:50
Pollywogdefine new users?22:51
BUGabundohi Pollywog22:51
BUGabundoPollywog: any new user to the proj22:51
Pollywogoic then that would make me a pre-new user22:51
BUGabundojust yesterday a friend of mine, tried to get help from #ruby22:51
BUGabundoI just went way... they trolled him as Noob and refused to help22:51
Pollywogoh yes I get that a lot22:52
kklimondahow can i display list of new bugs in ubuntu project?22:52
BUGabundousually if a new users comes up here, or any other #ubuntu support channel, s/he gets a welcome reply22:52
kklimondait was some VERY long uri afair..22:52
kklimondaand I lost it ;)22:52
BUGabundounless its #ubuntu.... too many users to get help there22:52
BUGabundokklimonda: click on advance??22:53
Pollywogpeople try Linux and then many change their minds when they get that treatment22:53
Pollywogbecause they have heard about community22:53
kklimondaubuntu community isn't bd22:54
kklimondabut irc isn't really good channel for user support22:54
PollywogI think the best place to get help is the ubuntuforums22:54
kklimondaubuntuforums.org is better - easier to see a problem, to keep track of it..22:54
kklimondaon #ubuntu there are just so many people and questions that it's easy to miss one..22:54
PollywogI sometimes go there because I have a problem and then I see that someone else is having a problem that I had22:55
kklimondai think people should be directed to their loco channels..22:55
PollywogI have been using Linux since 1997 and I am still green22:55
BUGabundokklimonda: I do that for most users for my loco team22:56
BUGabundoPollywog: how is that possible? lol22:57
kklimondaPollywog: I use it for 8 years and I can fix most of my problems but there are areas (for example audio subsystem) I just don't understand at all22:57
Pollywogbecause Linux keeps changing and I can't keep up22:57
kklimondaI can build distro from scratch, create secure server, write some nice apps but when it comes to internal microphone I don't know what to do with it ;)22:58
PollywogI used Debian most of the time until a few years ago when there was doubt that Debian would survive22:58
Pollywogbecause people were leaving the project22:59
BUGabundoI've been touching linux since 95/622:59
kklimondait was during this long leap between releases?22:59
BUGabundousing ubuntu since 5.10 and 100% time since 6.0622:59
BUGabundobeen beta/alpha tester since 6.10 beta22:59
BUGabundocan't do a line of code, to save my life, but I do pretty good help links to users23:00
PollywogI think people were leaving Debian because of hostility they perceived there23:00
kklimondai still have an old 5.10 system which I upgraded up to 8.04 without any problems.23:00
PollywogI generally have problems with upgrades, usually with Nvidia23:02
Pollywogbut a clean install fixes it23:02
kklimondaI only had to do a clean install when 5.04 was released23:02
darizzlehi all23:02
kklimondaafter upgrade from 4.10 I had many problems..23:02
kklimondanow 8.10->9.04 upgrade was painless even with nvidia23:03
darizzledid you do straight upgrades23:03
kklimondahi darizzle23:03
darizzleor incremental23:03
kklimondadarizzle: incremental23:03
kklimondadarizzle: it is possible to do straight upgrades if you know what you are doing23:03
kklimonda(for example it's possible to go from kubuntu 8.04 to 9.04)23:03
darizzleincremental is probably safer23:03
kklimondait is23:03
darizzleso far ive only triaged one bug23:05
darizzlei think qa is a great way to learn a system23:05
PollywogI had a Hardy system that I upgraded to Intrepid and followed that with an upgrade to Jaunty.  Nvidia was messed up, so I did a clean install and that fixed it, but I think I did not need to do that.  I think I know where I messed up, it was that new Hardware module, it would have fixed the problem23:05
Pollywogthe one that looks for proprietary drivers23:05
darizzleive been rolling ati for about 10 years23:06
Pollywoguntil about 3 yrs ago, the main problem with upgrades was ALSA23:06
darizzleso havent experienced that23:06
darizzlealways play the underdog23:06
Pollywognow I never need to bother with it23:06
darizzleexcept its nearly impossible to find a laptop with amd in it these days23:07
kklimondaPollywog: did you use dist-upgrade or upgrade-manager ?23:07
darizzleso im rolling intel chips in the lappy23:07
Pollywogkklimonda: apt-get dist-upgrade23:07
kklimondaPollywog: don't do it23:07
kklimondaPollywog: update-manager doesn't do only "dist-upgrade" under the mask.23:08
kklimondaPollywog: it has a lot of quirks for various known upgrade problems23:08
kklimondaPollywog: and one of them was for nvidia upgrade23:08
PollywogI will use the newer tools if they work.  When I was a Debian user, upgrades went smoothly with the exception of the move from 2.4 to 2.6 kernels23:08
kklimonda(there is no nvidia-glx-177 in jaunty)23:08
kklimondaPollywog: i've always used update-manager and never had any problems with it.23:09
Pollywogyes that is why even my clean install did not work at first boot23:09
Pollywognvidia-glx was "missing"23:09
Pollywogbut that hardware module fixed it23:09
Pollywogand I bought a hp2133 Mini Note a couple of weeks ago and Jaunty runs great on it23:10
Pollywogin Gnome, wifi works out of the box though there seems to be a problem with KDE and wifi23:11
kklimondasupported hardware is 95% of the success..23:15

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