
cprofittslangasek, ping00:55
slangasekcprofitt: hi00:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 281732 in linux "Mute button on thinkpad x200/x200s" [Medium,Triaged]00:55
cprofittwas wondering if there was any more information I could give you... or any guidance you have00:55
cprofittslangasek, did you get that or suffer a netsplit?00:57
slangasekcprofitt: fundamentally, these keys are not designed to be handled by userspace at all; I'm told the current behavior parallels the handling of these keys under Windows, and the only way we could improve on the current behavior in jaunty is by exposing the hardware mixer to ALSA.00:58
cprofittslangasek, is it just the mute key... the up / down volume works...00:59
cprofittalso the mute works on my T61p, T42p and Self Built machine with a Gateway keyboard01:00
cprofittworks = OSD display, mixer notification, mute / unmute (for the mute key)01:00
slangasekyou should not be getting *any* of those things with a Thinkpad under 9.0401:00
slangasekbecause the buttons are hardware buttons, not hotkeys01:01
cprofitton my T500 the volume keys lower / raise the volume, give an OSD display and move the volume control01:01
cprofittslangasek, the up / down volume register in xev, but the mute does not...01:01
jdongooh cool, is that a hardware mute switch then?01:02
slangasekhave you modified your hotkey handling under /etc?  Because those buttons don't do anything in 9.04.01:02
slangasek"don't do anything" -> "don't do any of those things"01:02
cprofittslangasek, no modifications at all01:02
slangasekcprofitt: you should first of all open a new bug report, instead of following up to this one, and provide all the information from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting01:03
cprofittslangasek, that bug does have all that information in it...01:04
slangasekno, it has all the information in it for *someone else's* laptop01:05
sgallaghAnyone in here hack on LVM2 support in Ubuntu?01:06
cprofittthanks for your help slangasek I will make another bug with the same description and add the files I already added to the bug I linked you too with the additional information...01:07
cprofittI appreciate your advice...01:07
slangasekcprofitt: also, what are the contents of /sys/devices/platform/thinkpad_acpi/hotkey_mask on your system?01:09
cprofittslangasek, sorry for the delay... wife needed help getting the kids to bed01:23
slangasekcprofitt: that does not appear to be the default value in jaunty.  Have you rebooted after upgrading, and do you have all packages fully upgraded?01:25
cprofittI did a fresh install01:25
slangasekcprofitt: a fresh install from jaunty final, or from an earlier milestone?01:28
* slangasek has a look at the thinkpad_acpi source01:29
cprofittslangasek, final01:34
cprofittdownloaded and installed yesterday01:34
slangasekok; if you can provide info from the troubleshooting guide and point me at the bug, I may have a better idea what's going on here01:34
slangasekI don't see anything in the thinkpad_acpi source that explains how this mask would be set by default01:35
cprofittok -- I have to finish helping my wife with the kids...01:35
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ScottKdoko: When you said "pysupport-movemodules: Catch files installed in /usr/local." in debian/changelog for python-support did you mean 'catch them and move them to the right place' or 'notice them and fail the build'?  It looks (at a glance) like Debian's python-support is doing the former.04:22
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pittiGood morning06:43
twbDoes Ubuntu intend to import Debian's new archive sections (e.g. "haskell")?06:46
pittiwe already did06:47
twbOK, thanks.06:52
slangasekgeser: did the curl patch to gnupg get submitted to Debian?06:59
dholbachgood morning07:27
* pitti hugs dholbach07:32
* dholbach hugs pitti back07:33
geserslangasek: I have to check but I guess not07:41
geserslangasek: will forward it to Debian bug 50255807:48
ubottuDebian bug 502558 in gnupg "FTBFS: fails to build when either libcurl4-*-dev is installed" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/50255807:49
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slangasekgeser: ok, thanks :)07:55
geserI'm sometimes a little bis hesistant with forwarding patches where I'm not sure if Debian is affected (or will be affected in future)07:58
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pittiStevenK: hildon-fm-l10n was removed from Debian (; abandoned upstream; hildon-fm removed); should we follow suit?09:39
StevenKpitti: Yeah, it should die -- can I kill it? :-)09:42
pittiStevenK: please have the honor (I skipped it in process-removals)09:42
apwcjwatson, ok i believe i have sorted out this kexec-tools thing and tested it with dpkg and apt-get updates ... i presume what i need to do is prepare two debdiffs, one for karmic making ubuntu5 with the new changes, plus a second for jaunty which has both changese as an ubuntu 3.1, or should that be 3.1 and 3.2 in the same split as karmic (which is preferred) hrm09:46
dokocjwatson, pitti: demotion time! please demote gcj-4.3, axis, gjdoc, libmx4j-java, wsdl4j (all source). wondering why java-gcj-compat-dev is still in component mismatches10:01
PixyI would like to install xorg-server source code: I try using apt-get source xorg-server but while I launch ./configure the 'X11' package is not found. Any ideas ?10:04
cjwatsonPixy: sudo apt-get build-dep xorg-server10:07
cjwatsondoko: java-gcj-compat-dev is due to hppa, apparently - the removal tool sometimes isn't very helpful when some architectures are at a different version10:07
cjwatsonI'll clean that up10:08
dokocjwatson: are there java-gcj-compat binaries for hppa?10:08
cjwatsondoko: there was an old one hanging about, version 1.0.56-0ubuntu110:10
dokocjwatson: ohh, can we remove this?10:10
cjwatson10:08 <cjwatson> I'll clean that up10:10
cjwatsoni.e. I just did10:10
Pixycjwatson: thanks10:10
cjwatsondoko: done all those demotions, thanks10:11
dokonext target is gcc-4.3 demotion ... still to do: gtkmathview linux-ports gcc-4.3 squashfs glibc openjdk-610:15
cjwatsonglibc doesn't matter, we could demote that10:16
dokoagreed, it's overrated10:18
dokolooking at eglibc ...10:19
tkamppeterpitti, hi10:21
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dokoseb128: could you have a look at gtkmathview?10:23
asacKeybuk: in which udev version as /lib/udev/rules.d introduced? is that a packaging thing or upstream?10:24
pittihi tkamppeter10:24
Keybukasac: between intrepid and jaunty10:24
Keybukasac: upstream change10:24
seb128doko: what about it?10:25
asack thanks10:25
dokoseb128: build with GCC-4.4 (not explicitely with 4.3), see debian #504913. I'd like to demote gcc-4.3 early10:26
ubottuDebian bug 504913 in gtkmathview "FTBFS with GCC 4.4: missing #include" [Unknown,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/50491310:26
seb128doko: ok10:26
dokonow for an openjdk update ...10:27
tkamppeterpitti, can you have a look at bug 352472?  The SpliX package of Jaunty is supposed to upgrade the PPDs of existing queues, but this requires the CUPS daemon to be running. Are there methods to update from Intrepid to Jaunty where the CUPS daemon is not running (like booting a CD into an installer and letting the installer do the update).?10:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352472 in splix "[Samsung ML-1610] intrepid->jaunty upgrade causes "format not supported" for existing PPDs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35247210:28
* apw wonders how debdiff decides where to diff against, which version, i had been assuming it was against the previous version in the change log ...10:28
cjwatsonapw: debdiff takes two packages as arguments, and diffs between them10:30
cjwatsonit doesn't decide anything, it just does what it's told :)10:30
apwand if you are in a directory and do it without arguments?10:31
cjwatsonapw: oh, for the moment, a karmic diff should be sufficient; we can then backport it to jaunty once we're agreed10:31
cjwatson       If no arguments are given, debdiff tries to compare the content of  the10:31
cjwatson       current source directory with the last version of the package.10:31
cjwatsonoh, huh, I never knew that10:31
apwcjwatson, i've actually made both and attached them to the bug, but clearly we should only condifer the jaunty one once you are happy in karmic10:32
cjwatsonapw: it takes the top two entries from the changelog, apparently10:32
apwahh yes, as you'd hope.  i was miss-reading the patch doh10:32
pittitkamppeter: ah, splix doens't depend on cups, just on cups-client10:32
cjwatsonthat's a neat little piece of DWIM10:32
pittitkamppeter: thus it doesn't enforce that cups is configured and running when splix gets configured10:32
pittitkamppeter: thus a mere dependency change might fix that10:32
tkamppeterpitti, so I simply need to add "cups" to the Depends?10:33
pittitkamppeter: and remove cups-client, since the client stuff isn't needed for a driver, right?10:33
pittitkamppeter: when I filed the bug I wasn't aware that splix' postinst is already trying to migrate the drivers10:34
tkamppeterpitti, the client stuff is needed for the post-install script to do the PPD update/10:34
pittitkamppeter: ah, I see10:34
tolonugain packages using cdbs can I have two doc-base.manual files somehow? (one package with both user documentation and developer documentation) the file format of doc-base seems to be limited to one document...10:42
tkamppeterpitti, I have fixed bug 352472 in Karmic now and prepared an SRU for Jaunty, as it has several duplicates.11:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352472 in splix "[Samsung ML-1610] intrepid->jaunty upgrade does not upgrade the PPDs of the existing print queues" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35247211:06
pittitkamppeter: nice, thank you11:07
tkamppeterpitti, the SRU is already uploaded, you only need to approve it.11:07
pittikirkland: I can't copy screen-profiles from jaunty-proposed to karmic, since karmic already has a newer version; please fix the three SRU bugs in Karmic ASAP11:38
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cjwatsonmap ,br :w<CR>:call system("bzr resolve " . bufname(""))<CR>12:11
cjwatsonwhy did I never think to do this before12:11
Keybukcjwatson: resolve on save?12:17
Keybukthe number of times I've resolved with <<<< somewhere else in the file would be a good reason not to ;)12:17
seb128Out-of-date BUT modified: 906 (5.96%)12:19
seb128Updated:                  1554 (10.22%)12:19
seb128Ubuntu Specific:          2570 (16.90%)12:19
* seb128 flushes karmic autosyncs now12:19
cjwatsonKeybuk: no, just a key sequence to resolve so that I don't have to run 'bzr resolve' separately12:20
pittigo seb128, break the world!12:22
seb128pitti: ;-)12:23
cjwatsondidn't need the buildds anyway12:23
* Keybuk tries to gingerly pick his way through lamont's util-linux-ng git madness12:23
* cjwatson gleefully removes relatime from the installer (yay 2.6.30)12:26
lamontKeybuk: iz not madness... :p  what's the pain?12:26
ograthat its git ?12:27
lamontogra: just like upstream12:27
Keybuklamont: just remembering whether master is based off origin/master or lamont/master - and whether stuff goes in master or ubuntu/master12:27
ograbad enough :)12:27
lamontmadness is using something different from upstream, unless upstream is using cvs/svn/other-crap12:27
lamontKeybuk: yeah - I should really rename master -> debian/master12:28
lamontbut master is debian, and ubuntu/master is ubuntu's perma-fork12:28
Keybuklamont: how can it be a fork?  we're using the same git branch collection <g>12:28
lamontif there's a debian directory, it's not $upstream/master :-)12:28
lamontKeybuk: giggle12:29
Keybukand of course, as part of updating ubuntu/master, I first update master for *you* :p12:29
lamontKeybuk: and for that, we buy you $beverages in barcelona12:30
Keybuklamont: I just confuse myself because I have first and second level branches in the same repo12:32
Keybukie. ubuntu/master is based off master, which is based off your master, which is based off karel's master12:32
Keybukbut topic/hwclock is based off karel's master12:32
lamontKeybuk: that just means you suck at naming branches. :-p12:33
Keybuklamont: it doesn't help, of course, that the debian git repo has the ubuntu package in it too <g>12:33
Keybukcause then I could just call your remote "debian" <g>12:33
Keybuklamont: anyway, master has been updated to include a 2.15-rc2 release12:41
lamontKeybuk: but the debian repo is _my_ tree... so of course it has both... why on earth would I want to separate them?12:41
lamontthat way lies directory-per-branch insanity12:41
lamontah, thaks12:41
lamontI'd been planning to do that this weekend12:42
broonieYou can have multiple remotes in one local repository.12:42
Keybuklamont: well, if you had an ubuntu remote in your tree, you could refer to ubuntu/master ubuntu/stable/v2.14 etc.12:44
Keybukwhich would be remotely in the ubuntu-published tree as just master stable/v2.1412:44
Keybukand I could have a debian remote in my tree, and could refer to debian/master debian/stable/v2.14 etc.12:44
Keybukwhich would be master stable/v2.14 in your tree12:44
Keybukand we could both have an origin remote referring to karel's tree12:44
Keybukit would be less ... mad :p12:44
Keybukthen it'd be just <ubuntu tree>/master -> <debian tree>/master -> <upstream tree>/master12:45
lamontbut it wouldn't be /usr/local/src/util-linux/util-linux for all of it... :)12:46
Keybuklamont: ah, but it can be that's the point12:46
Keybukyour /usr/local/src can have the remotes all added to it12:46
Keybukand you can fetch at will12:46
Keybukbut when you push, you just push the debian bits12:46
Keybukjust like I do now12:46
Keybukzinc doesn't republish your bits12:47
Keybukbut my local tree here has them all12:47
broonieman git-remote12:47
Keybukgit.debian.org wouldn't be for all of it, sure - but it probably shouldn't be12:47
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seb128is there any reason why we need gftp in main?12:52
lamontgit.debian.org is the backup for my tree, at least originally12:54
lamontseb128: it matches ^g, so it must be main, no?12:54
seb128lamont: right ;-)12:54
seb128we could sync it if it was in universe12:54
seb128the only diff we have is for language packs12:54
Keybuklamont: maybe one way would be to have a git.debian.org pkg/util-linux or something that's just the published bits of the debian tree, rather than the backup of yours?12:54
Keybuklamont: could I persuade you to take http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=scott/util-linux.git;a=commit;h=dc14ed886d5f47375c5dd63ca4552fc5a00ea3e0 and http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=scott/util-linux.git;a=commit;h=4e2c5d41d370392319f824e15191a9c255475e97 in Debian?12:58
olmariIs there any easy way for tftp server to a) not to care letter capitalisation in filenames or b) have some "translation table" for filenames?12:59
olmarihmh... 2 channels and I manage to post in wrong one... sorry13:00
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lamontKeybuk: with out reading them, my gut answer is "for  you, sure"13:11
lamontand reading them, sure13:12
lamontKeybuk: could you toss me that in email and I'll pick them tonight and upload to debian13:12
* Keybuk hugs git format-patch13:14
* Keybuk starts sacrificing random animals to make dpkg-source stop issuing random errors about the diff13:39
KeybukI need a dpkg-source --look-its-from-revision-control-theres-bound-to-be-differences-you-dont-like-lets-just-play-nice-ok13:39
pittiKeybuk: I'm curious, what kind of diffs?13:57
pittii. e. anything that -i doesn't filter out?13:58
Keybukpitti: config.sub in the tarball being a file, but automake putting a symlink there13:58
Keybuk.gmo changes13:58
Keybuknew binary files (OH NOES!)13:58
pittithat rather sounds like make distclean being broken, no?13:59
Keybuknot really13:59
Keybukauto-* generated files13:59
Keybukfor example13:59
Keybukthey're going to be different in your working tree because you ran autoreconf/autogen.sh differently to what was in the upstream makefile13:59
pittithose really get on my nerves as well14:00
pittiwhich is why I previously used cdbs tarball.mk, and now love to use bzr-buildpackage14:00
pittiso that distclean/autoreconf can be as broken as it wants to14:01
Keybukhow does that help?14:01
Keybukat the end of the day, if the stuff in the source tree and in the tarball differ, dpkg-source will throw a wobbly14:01
KeybukI don't use bzr-buildpackage because of that14:01
pittiKeybuk: you never build from your development tree, it always uses ../build-area/14:01
Keybuk(and because this tree is git <g>)14:01
pittiKeybuk: right, of course it doesn't help with debian/ having binary files14:02
Keybukpitti: but that doesn't help you any14:02
pittithis just protects you from changes which are done during build14:02
Keybukpitti: then you end up with an out-of-date configure in the source package14:02
Keybukbecause it gets copied from the tarball14:02
pittilike orig.tar.gz shipping .gmo, and build regenerating them (ugh)14:02
Keybukwhen it needs to be updating14:02
pittior calling autoreconf during build14:02
pittiKeybuk: yeah, one of my favourite reasons to hate autotools :)14:03
pittianyway, let's not warm up this14:03
pittiKeybuk: my personal practical solution is debian/patches/99autoreconf.patch14:03
pittiit's evil and ugly, but the most stable hack that I found14:04
directhexautoreconf patches and autoreconf-in-rules both suck14:04
directhexthe common suck factor being autofoo, of course ;)14:04
Keybukpitti: debian/patches in revision control ARGH14:04
pittidirecthex: the former has huge and hard to maintain patches, the latter breaks every other build, so I prefer the former14:04
kirklandpitti: they're already fixed in karmic ;-)14:04
pittikirkland: ah, please close the bugs then (apparently the changelog didn't)14:04
Keybukthe whole *point* of packaging in revision control is that I can go14:05
Keybukbzr commit -m "autoreconf"14:05
pittiyou certainly don't want to maintain generated files in bzr?14:05
pittilike configure or Makefile.in?14:05
Keybukpitti: they're in the tarball14:05
Keybukso they get put into the bzr imports14:05
pittianyway, if you do, bzr will get along14:05
KeybukI've argued about this non-stop14:06
Keybukand even filed bugs on bzr suggesting how to make it work14:06
Keybukbut to no avail14:06
pittiKeybuk: so, about that particular point I don't have an idea either; it's a hard to solve combination of dpkg source format limitations and autoconf being a tramp14:06
* directhex prepares more of karmic's mono stack14:06
Keybukpitti: I will admit to, once, making the diff.gz myself and uploading it <g>14:06
* pitti pats Keybuk and sheds a tear with him14:07
Keybukbzr tag --build FTW!14:07
kirklandpitti: done!14:07
pittiKeybuk: NoMoreSourcePackages FTW!14:07
pittiKeybuk: (I guess you meant the same)14:07
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Keybukpitti: right14:08
pittiKeybuk: I think notify-osd and apport are in a similar situation14:08
pittiKeybuk: I keep the full source in bzr, and use bzr-bd's merge mode to blend in the orig.tar.gz14:08
pittiand of course as soon as I add an icon to the ubuntu branch, it falls over14:09
pitti(should be pretty much the same problem, AFAIUI)14:09
KeybukI'm surprised any of this works, tbh :p14:10
KeybukI have packages entirely maintained in git (upstream, debian and ubuntu)14:10
Keybukpackages where the upstream is in git, and I patch in git, but then import to bzr to add the debian/ directory14:11
Keybukpackages where the upstream is in bzr, and the packaging added (without tarball files)14:11
Keybukthat one's Debian packaging is, ironically, in git14:11
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pittiKeybuk: FYI, I uploaded new g-p-m with dk-power support an hour ago14:19
pittiMIRs are filed14:19
* pitti goes to package dk-disks now, yay new crack14:19
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mvoRiddell: could we get a transitional kubuntu-kde4-desktop package (for #368459)14:38
mvoRiddell: hm, nevermind, I think I found a better solution14:48
cjwatsonKeybuk: roll on the v3 source package format15:07
cjwatsonKeybuk: at which point the delta to upstream is in a .tar.gz not a .diff.gz and all those annoying restrictions stop being a problem15:08
Keybukcjwatson: I'd settle for no source packages at all15:08
cjwatson(entirely independent of all the auto-quilt stuff in v3 which I haven't quite got my head around yet)15:08
cjwatsonI do think we need source packages if only as an export format. I wouldn't mind not working with them day-to-day15:08
Keybukwhat do we need an export format for? :)15:09
cjwatsonit'd piss me off if I had to use some other distribution's magic tools to find out what was in their source15:09
cjwatsonso I'd rather not do that to other people15:09
Keybukyou already do, no?15:09
cjwatsonanyway, it won't be a big deal once the v3 format is in place15:09
KeybukDebian you need to know how to extract tarballs, diffs and which file to chmod15:09
KeybukRedHat-a-like you need to turn the src.rpm into a cpio and extract it (or install rpm)15:10
cjwatsonsure, but there's a document that tells you how to do it for Debian-based systems if you don't have the tools15:10
cjwatsonand it's pretty damn trivial15:10
cjwatson.src.rpm is more of a hassle I agree (and that annoys me)15:10
Keybukyou could document "bzr checkout"/"git checkout" quite trivially15:10
cjwatsonput it this way: I don't see a need to oppose source packages once they're not a burden15:10
cjwatsonthe burden is in terms of working with them as part of the development processes, not in terms of exporting them to users15:11
cjwatsonI'm all for making our development processes (incrementally) easier15:12
olmariif I may comment for anything/nothing, I kinda like the gentoo way of "compile everything" way :)15:12
cjwatsonthat's rather unrelated to this discussion ...15:13
pittiKeybuk: dk-disks currently installs http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/95-devkit-disks.rules15:13
pittiKeybuk: it currently duplicates the by-{uuid,label,id} stuff from 60-persistent-storage.rules15:13
olmariI know that too :) Just had an unresistable urge to say it =)15:13
pittiKeybuk: do you happen to have heard about a discussion where these rules should live?15:13
pittiKeybuk: I'm inclined to patch dk-disks' ones to remove them15:14
pittiolmari: FWIW, we compile everything as well, but just once, not 10 million times :)15:14
cjwatsonyou're entirely welcome to compile Ubuntu for yourself too15:14
pittiolmari: (SCNR, too)15:14
olmaripitti: Well, what I like most is compile selectores, or WTF they was called as... And that compilation is optimised for any one CPU/system at the time at hand15:15
Keybukpitti: I'm not aware of those, I'll ask davidz15:16
olmaripitti: but I also like ubuntus "easyness"15:16
pittiKeybuk: they seem useful outside of dk-disks, so from my POV it makes sense to have them in udev, but I don't have a strong opinion about it15:16
olmaripitti: in other areas than installation I mean15:16
olmaripitti: in reality there rarely is noticeable diffirence between "common" binary and optimised compile, but I kinda thriwe to be best all the time :D15:17
olmaripitti: and for the record, I do use Ubuntu on mine comp =)15:18
olmaribest possible thing would be that compilation process would go unnoticeable from users point of view, as in normal apt-get does, and able to see the process would shown only if wanted to etcetc :)15:21
olmariBut maybe this is end of the discussion... I really don't mean to be insult around here :)15:22
cjwatsonit's not insulting, it's just a very very old discussion that we have long since taken a clear decision on15:22
olmarihehe, well I didn't know that :)15:22
olmarialso this was just at-the-moment mindstorm15:23
ograa big advantage of having the source in bzr on LP is that you have an easy web interface to browse files ... src packages need to be downloaded, unpacked etc to inspect them15:23
ograsometimes that annoys me if i only want to look at a single file15:24
olmarithen again anyone can get the source and do compile it as wanted =)15:24
cjwatsonGentoo was around when Ubuntu was created and we were aware of it. We simply felt that that approach would not meet our goals.15:24
olmaricjwatson: I do know what you mean actually :)15:25
olmaribesides, ubuntu can't be that bad if I'm using it too :D15:26
olmari(and sorry again if this was against channel rules) :)15:29
pittikirkland, StevenK, jdstrand, james_w: (looking at karmic/NEW) just making sure, that you know about new-binary-debian-universe?15:29
james_wpitti: I've seen it on the wiki page, haven't had an opportunity to use it yet15:30
pittijames_w: right, I just want to make sure that you guys don't waste hours on reviewing those manually15:30
james_wno chance :-)15:30
pittithat should help focussing on the real new Ubuntu packages like devicekit-disks (hint, hint) :)15:31
jdstrandpitti: thanks for the tip! Like james_w, I'd seen it in the wiki, but nothing else15:32
pittialso, during those archive days you should run sync-source -a every now and then15:33
pittiand also new-source15:33
seb128oh, new-source, I forgot that15:34
seb128doing now15:34
seb128$ new-source | wc -l15:35
olmaricjwatson:  BTW, no one have yet answered that apt bug we talked awhile back... I wan't to help on the issue like by doing installation again on this computer, assuming it still sould happend yet again as it did happend consistently few days ago... but I'd like to do it before too much stuff on this comp as I don't have any else computer to use as per "spare"15:35
pittiseb128: !15:35
seb128pitti: indeed15:36
olmaricjwatson: I know the bug isn't a responsibility... just agai nwanted t oinform the situation15:36
seb128pitti: how much reviewing do you usually do to this list? ;-)15:37
pittiseb128: none, except well-formedness :)15:37
seb128ok, let's sync then ;-)15:37
* pitti hears the buildds squeak15:37
pittiseb128: please do keep the list, though, and source-new them in bulk15:38
seb128pitti: right15:38
pittiseb128: gosh, three gazillion new perl modules15:38
pittiseb128: list looks quite sane to me15:39
seb128pitti: to me too, syncing it now15:40
pittiseb128: while you are at it, sync-source -a also works with -C contrib and non-free15:40
seb128pitti: right15:40
pittibut that's rather not urgent15:41
seb128pitti: for how long will we keep the buildds busy do you reckon? ;-)15:41
pittithe next couple of dist-upgrades will be a hell :)15:41
pittiseb128: dunno, maybe two or three weeks15:41
* pitti blows off the dust from his rescore-sru script15:42
cjwatsonmvo: could you look at olmari's apt bug?16:07
mvocjwatson: sure16:11
cjwatsonmvo: (it's the same hang we've seen before, but he can reproduce it every time)16:13
mvocjwatson: ohhh, I missed that, that sounds perfect, finally a good lead on the issue16:13
cjwatsonthat's what I thought :)16:15
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
seb128pitti: ok, new sources synced and waved through source NEW16:29
kirklandpitti: interesting, that's a new one to me16:36
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asacKeybuk: is it a known issue on _hardy_ that udevadm info with --path=/sys/class/... gives "no database record ..." (or something similar) while --name= would work fine? ...17:35
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
Keybukasac: udev always does that if there's nothing in the database17:45
asacKeybuk: so in this case --path=/sys/class/tty/ttyACM0 failed like that, but --name=ttyACM0 gave valid entries17:46
ScottKdoko: I'm just going to minimize the diff from Debian in python-support to the supported versions and we can see how that works out.17:47
* ScottK now notes slangasek beat him to it.18:03
=== rbelem is now known as rbelem-lunch
keeskirkland: where have you reported "screen" patches?  is there an active tracker for them?19:07
* ScottK notes https://lists.dns-oarc.net/pipermail/dns-operations/2009-March/003710.html at lamont and wonders if we care about DNSSEC stuff stop working in BIND in 3 days? (I don't understand DNSSEC well enough yet to know)19:08
ScottKcjwatson: I didn't have any UTF-8 sync requests the other day when you were asking, but I've had two today and used your fix (which works).  Thank you.19:15
=== janito_ is now known as joaopinto
kirklandkees: yes there is!19:32
kirklandkees: let me grab it19:32
keeskirkland: cool; I have a patch I'd like to put in so the shared-session beeping stops :)19:32
kirklandkees: were you hearing beeping?19:32
kirklandkees: i had that turned off, i thought19:32
mvotkamppeter: is cups-pdf still used/useful?19:32
keeskirkland: anyone else attached who typed at the window would generate a bell for each letter typed.19:33
kees      /* XXX FIXME only display !*/19:33
kees      WBell(fore, visual_bell);19:33
keesso I switched it to a Msg() as is done for the ACL'd commands19:33
kirklandkees: here's one i pushed upstream: http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?2214619:34
kirklandkees: very nice19:35
kirklandkees: actually, it looks like someone opened that one on my behalf :-)19:35
kirklandkees: commit that puppy to karmic, and push it upstream :-)19:35
kirklandkees: and i'll add it to the screen-profiles ppa as well, where I've collected a few useful backport screen patches19:36
keeskirkland: https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?2640119:41
=== Snova_ is now known as Snova
RyanKkenvandine_wk: just read your message indicator talk! (was good btw!) had a question but couldn't make it there...19:59
RyanKis there any way to get a notifcation to stay on screen longer? sometimes the time out is just a bit too short to read a tweet!20:00
RyanK(or perhaps have the timeout scale when the message is longer?) and I hope this isn't an inappropriate place to ask.. too many ubuntu channels! lol20:01
=== Riddelll is now known as mariamne
ScottKRyanK: #ayatana is probably a better channel.20:02
RyanKScottK: thanks for the heads up... will head in there20:03
pitticjwatson: hm, does karmic's dch work properly for you? it acts strangely in multiple different ways for me20:04
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lamontScottK: fixed in 9.5.1.dfsg.P2-1, if that helps...20:18
ScottKlamont: It does.  Thanks.20:19
lamontnot particularly interested in trying to backport the fix, though... pretty sure my my git tree has the 9.4.3-P2 bits in it as well.20:20
lamontthough that's still a fix-rev update+2 patches from hardy bits20:20
directhexhm. i hope the desktop-karmic-default-media-player-choice session doesn't suffer from too many protests20:28
=== racarr_ is now known as racarr
jcastrodirecthex: it'll be fine20:40
directhexjcastro, i recognise a name on the subscribers list on the blueprint. i don't question that it'll be fine, but i doubt they're there to lend any positive sentiments20:42
directhexjcastro, we'll see how it goes. if it's calm & peaceful, i owe you a beer. if there's disruption, you owe me a beer. deal? :p20:44
* mterry will cause a disruption for half of directhex's spoils20:45
LordKowis there a blueprint for said "default media player choice session" ?20:47
directhexLordKow, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-default-media-player-choice20:47
LordKowdirecthex: so the idea is to switch rhythmbox-> banshee ? yea that will cause a lot of commotion20:50
LordKowi've actually never touched banshee before but from the website it does not look to shabby, very similar to rhythmbox and if it saves space... goodie.20:51
LordKowthe quick search is lacking in banshee, however :(20:53
LordKowunless it breaks a license agreement, should be able to package rhythmbox differently such that docs, helpfiles, etc are a separate package20:54
directhexLordKow, gotta have docs though. that's a bonus for RB right now20:56
LordKowwell, the whole idea behind that blueprint is to save space for the isos right?20:56
directhexLordKow, sure. but iso's gotta be useful without internet, so gotta have a manual21:07
__ironhi buddies21:32
__ironany git pro is avaible ?21:34
hyperair__iron: #git is full of them21:34
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:35
__ironthx hyperair21:48
__ironubottu: i know it was a "meta-question" sry for that21:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:50
hyperair__iron: just ask. i know a fair bit of git too =)21:51
__ironhyperair: awesome, my problem are ive tried to update my kernel src21:52
__ironhyperair: http://pastebin.com/m6d41c2fa21:54
__ironhyperair: i dont know what is going wrong21:55
hyperair__iron: run git config remote.origin.url21:56
hyperair__iron: it's most likely that you got that wrong21:56
__ironhyperair: same message again21:58
hyperair__iron: paste the output of git config remote.origin.url21:58
__ironhyperair: http://pastebin.com/m396d18fa21:59
hyperair__iron: post the output of .git/config then22:00
hyperair__iron: i mean contents22:00
__ironhyperair: http://pastebin.com/m4f15c93122:01
hyperair__iron: ookay.. that's very strange.22:02
__ironhyperair: jep22:02
hyperair__iron: best you head to #git and seek help from better gurus =p22:02
__ironhyperair: hehe thx for your support22:03
hyperair__iron: wait one more thing. do you have $GIT_DIR set?22:03
__ironhyperair: nop22:03
* hyperair is very confused22:04
__ironhyperair: i set ~/.ssh/config22:04
__ironhyperair: maybe rsa-file is wrong22:05
hyperair__iron: you're not even using ssh.22:05
hyperair__iron: at least, your .git/config doesn't say so22:05
__ironhyperair: strange22:06
__ironhyperair: could eplain what i have to set into .git/config22:07
hyperair__iron: see the line url = bla22:07
hyperairchange that22:07
__ironhyperair: it doesnt work22:09
hyperair__iron: there's something seriously wrong with your git repository. how did you clone?22:10
__ironhyperair: nop22:10
hyperair__iron: i asked how did you clone22:12
hyperairanyway i really need to get to bed22:12
hyperairyou should ask in #git =)22:12
hyperairthat's the more proper place22:12
cjwatsonScottK: syncs> excellent22:24
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cjwatsonpitti: I have karmic's devscripts installed and it seems to be working fine for me, but I'm otherwise mostly running jaunty. What's up with it.22:25
__ironhyperair: thx and good night (good fight)22:26
infinitycjwatson: FWIW, gcc-4.3-base (and everything that loves it) is entirely removed from the karmic chroots from here on in.  I declare the toolchain "done".22:31
=== spm changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: LP offline/RO 22:30-23:30UTC | Archive: open for development! | Ubuntu 9.04 released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
cjwatsoninfinity: whee22:33
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slangasekKeybuk: all the MoM merges come in with 'jaunty' as the distro target; is that just because they were all generated back when the update first became available for merging?23:12
fbondHey, what is the first version of Ubuntu that will drop the runlevel concept and replace init scripts completely with upstart events?23:41
fbond(If someone can point me to some documentation of the plan for this change, that would be fine, too.)23:42
slangasekusing upstart doesn't imply eliminating runlevels; and there are no solid (scheduled) plans yet for phasing out init scripts.23:43
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