
[reed]armin76: ping01:32
yoasifhey quick question -- have you guys packaged seamonkey 2.0a303:38
armin76[reed]: pong, i know, the superh bug09:49
armin76[reed]: answered10:01
armin76asac: don't like? :D10:04
asacarmin76: what is superh?10:05
asaci see its a microcontroller ... what arch is that on linux?10:06
armin76asac: sh10:06
armin76Linux superh 2.6.30-rc2-00079-gb8c193f #1 Thu Apr 16 13:35:14 GMT 2009 sh4a SH7785 SH7785LCR GNU/Linux10:07
armin76asac: you guys don't do pgo?10:40
asacarmin76: in karmic we will10:41
armin76asac: it isn't out already?10:42
asacarmin76: karmic? i think archive is now open yes.10:42
asacdidnt do any upload yet thouzgh10:42
asacall auto importing is running10:43
gnomefreaki guess im making a chroot :)11:14
asacgnomefreak: hi11:17
asacgnomefreak: so whats up with sm211:17
asacyou said it still fails?11:17
asacdo you have the branch somewhere?11:17
gnomefreakanyone else having problems with shut down? my box wont shut down it stays at halt11:17
gnomefreakhi asac11:17
asacgnomefreak: no shutdown works for me ;)11:17
gnomefreakasac: its failing on same error as the nss error11:18
asacyes. have branch somewhere?11:18
gnomefreakthan it has to be a local issue :(11:18
gnomefreakasac: not with the latest nss fix11:18
asacgnomefreak: show diff you made then11:18
gnomefreakasac: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/645100 ill be back in a few minutes11:21
gnomefreakok badck11:35
* gnomefreak has to build jaunty chroot before i try to build it again11:38
asacgnomefreak: yeah. so this change looks quite ok in general11:41
gnomefreakwell than it shouldnt have failed :(11:42
asaci need the complete build log i guess11:42
gnomefreakim building chroot now i might have time to run it before i leave11:42
asacremember to capture that when building next time11:42
asacgnomefreak: how about just uploading it to ppa ... you probably have the same tarball already in your ppa? so it would just be diff.gz et al11:43
gnomefreakasac: i have not found a working way to pipe the builds yeet11:43
gnomefreakah good point. if the build failed doesnt that mean tarball is gone?11:43
asacgnomefreak: no if you dont delete the package from ppa the tarball will stay11:43
asacgnomefreak: just be sure that you build with -S -sd11:44
asacand that you use the same upstream tarball version already uploaded in ppa11:44
asacand bump version by appending .1 or .2 or something11:44
asacgnomefreak: commit the change you pasted in any case11:44
gnomefreakasac: i did11:45
gnomefreakok its started11:45
gnomefreaknow smoke while i wait11:46
gnomefreakasac: ok a bit longer, i forgot to get build deps for it :(11:51
asacdtchen: so when i can start pulseaudio at some point during a desktop session, does that mean that pulseaudio crashed?12:11
gnomefreakthis diff is taking forever12:13
gnomefreakto build12:14
asachmm. isnt seamonkey a tarball in tarball orig?12:15
asacthats usually quite fast12:15
asacgnomefreak: ?12:15
gnomefreakno if you mean tarball folder isin top level12:16
gnomefreaklike tb2 used to be12:16
asacwe should change that then12:16
gnomefreakwe got out of that practice12:16
asacwe now have the sources in the orig as a tar.bz212:16
asacis that or is that not the case for sm?12:17
gnomefreaktarball is separate12:17
gnomefreakyeah it has to be separate othere wise i would see the tarball in toplevel and all i see is debian but i dont remember SM2 ever having it embedded12:19
gnomefreakok pushing12:20
asacgnomefreak: you have to look in the tarball12:21
asacin the orig12:21
asacthere should be _no_ debian at all12:21
asacyou probably look at the branch ... but thats without orig sources12:21
gnomefreakasac: there is a debian after build12:22
gnomefreakdebian and mozilla dir12:23
gnomefreakthats in seamonkey-2.012:23
gnomefreakbut i still dont see a tarball or dir named tarball (i dont remember what the dir was called maybe source12:23
asacgnomefreak: yeah. ok12:25
asacgnomefreak: then its not tarball-in-tarball12:25
gnomefreakis there a reason why there is a security announcement after we finish the next point release12:26
gnomefreakasac: assuming you built 3.0.1012:26
asacgnomefreak: not sure i understand that question12:27
gnomefreakor you havent12:27
asac.10 is a security update12:27
gnomefreakasac: 3.0.10 was released its not in repos but even when they are i still get security announcements from jamie12:27
asacgnomefreak: should be in archive12:28
gnomefreakah it hasnt landed in Karmic from what that link says12:29
gnomefreakah thats my fault i think12:31
gnomefreakhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/645103 asac something is wrong here12:34
gnomefreakhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/645104 is my list12:35
asacgnomefreak: you dont have jaunty-security and jaunty-updates in your sources.list12:37
asacgnomefreak: to to Software Sources dialog and enable security and updates12:37
gnomefreakdid you look at bottom?12:37
gnomefreakdeb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty-updates restricted main multiverse universe12:38
gnomefreakdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty-security restricted main multiverse universe12:38
gnomefreaki have a better list le tme see if that helps12:38
asacgnomefreak: no clue then ;)12:38
gnomefreakasac: still should have landed for karmic anyway12:43
gnomefreakah new list for jaunty now has it12:44
asacgnomefreak: xulrunner copied to karmic. firefox uploaded to karmic12:44
asacso with some luck those builds will arrive in a day or so12:45
asac(builders are swamped with imports)12:45
gnomefreakasac: you never released 3.0.9?12:51
gnomefreakseems 386 in PPA is busy as well12:52
asacgnomefreak: i didnt release to karmic because i cut a release branch for jaunty one week ago12:56
asacor two12:56
asacand since karmic wasnt open the build never got ther12:56
asacwell. karmic automatically has 3.0.9 from jaunty12:56
asacbut new upload overrides it12:56
asace.g. we added changes to 3.0.912:56
gnomefreakasac: it has 0.812:58
gnomefreakasac: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/64510912:59
asacRELEASE 1.9.1~b4+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu/karmic13:12
asacasac@hector:~/ubuntu_bzr/xulrunner-1.9.1.jaunty$ 1.9.1~b4+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.113:12
asac+--with-system-nss \13:13
asac+--with-system-nspr \13:13
asacyou have to remove those lines13:13
asacotherwise the generic check we do below doesnt work13:13
gnomefreakasac: from SM2?13:13
asacgnomefreak: yes from the DEB_CONFIGURE_USER_FLAGS=  in rules13:13
gnomefreaki thought we wanted to build with nss nspr13:13
asacgnomefreak: we do that if possible ... thats what the other change was about13:14
asacbut you force it, which is wrong13:14
asacjust drop those two lines and show me diff13:14
gnomefreakok doing13:14
gnomefreakasac: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/64511113:18
asacgnomefreak: yes. that works. reupload with that change13:19
gnomefreakok trying13:20
gnomefreakok i have to get ready to go to eye appointment. I will push this before i leave than when i can i will build latest hg13:22
c0p3rn1cwhy do you have the package flashplugin-installer and flashplugin-nonfree?13:24
gnomefreakasac: answer that please :)13:34
gnomefreakok now im going to go get ready will push when its done13:36
asacc0p3rn1c: new name = -installer13:52
gnomefreakasac: remove -nonfree than since it doessnt install flash13:54
gnomefreakplease even13:54
gnomefreakSM2 is puhedf13:55
gnomefreaksince we cant remove from <= jaunty than make it install -installer too13:56
asacgnomefreak: we have to keep nonfree transitional package until next LTS so that LTS-LTS upgrade is done properly13:56
gnomefreakwell than what do we do about bugs on -nonfree failing to install flash13:57
gnomefreaktransitional package should install -installer and flash but doesnt13:57
c0p3rn1casac: could you make sure that14:00
asacgnomefreak: do you have a bug id?14:00
gnomefreakat least that is why intrepid>ja8unty is broken14:00
gnomefreakasac: shit load of them bu6t not on hand14:00
c0p3rn1cwhen you upgade from intrepid flash is also installed, I made a bug report for this14:00
gnomefreakc0p3rn1c: yuours is a dupe orf a master but i dont have it handy14:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 144042 in ubufox "firefox plugin-install says "plugin installed" for non-completed installation" [Medium,Fix released]14:00
* gnomefreak looked at his bug and told him to join us (if its him) ;)14:01
gnomefreakc0p3rn1c: it is installed just -insstaller needs to be and isnt14:01
c0p3rn1cI know, it's not for me but for the other n ubuntu users who are upgrading from intrepid to jaunty14:02
asacc0p3rn1c: the bug number is really low. doesnt look like its an intrepid-jaunty upgrade bug14:03
c0p3rn1casac: should I post a new bug for it, because it has the same result as this bug?14:03
gnomefreaki might have the master im looking now14:04
asacc0p3rn1c: yes. that bug is a different one for sure14:04
c0p3rn1casac: ah ok sorry for the confusion then14:05
asacc0p3rn1c: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/144042/comments/3014:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 144042 in ubufox "firefox plugin-install says "plugin installed" for non-completed installation" [Medium,Fix released]14:05
gnomefreakasac: as for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/351355 maybe get ubufox to pop up the license dialog14:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351355 in flashplugin-nonfree "[MASTER] flashplugin-nonfree installation does not work on jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:05
gnomefreakasac: c0p3rn1c IIRC this is the master of your bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/32660914:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326609 in ubufox "[MASTER] No flash in firefox after upgrade from intrepid to jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:06
gnomefreakok i have to go, maybe when installing or upgrading ubufox should install -installer with -nonfree14:07
gnomefreakok im gone14:07
c0p3rn1casac: ok will do14:07
c0p3rn1casac: what logs exactly?14:08
asaci think thats the dir where it is14:10
asaci think14:10
asacc0p3rn1c: ^14:10
c0p3rn1cok :)14:10
c0p3rn1casac: that dir is empty14:11
c0p3rn1coh wait14:11
c0p3rn1cother pc14:11
c0p3rn1csorry lol14:11
asac15:21 < asac> c0p3rn1c: so in that term.log you can search for flashplugin-installer ... there should be a wget call that most  likely failed for you14:22
asac15:21 < asac> c0p3rn1c: so in that term.log you can search for flashplugin-installer ... there should be a wget call that most  likely failed for you14:22
c0p3rn1casac: yes I'm posting it right now at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/32660914:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326609 in ubufox "[MASTER] No flash in firefox after upgrade from intrepid to jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:22
c0p3rn1casac: ok done, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/326609/comments/2614:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326609 in ubufox "[MASTER] No flash in firefox after upgrade from intrepid to jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:26
asacc0p3rn1c: ok i posted something there too now14:26
asacJamie alread spotted the output that i suspect to be responsible14:26
asacif so its fixed in latest update-manager as i wrote here: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/326609/comments/2714:26
c0p3rn1cok great, then it's fixed!14:28
c0p3rn1cI try to upgrade my laptop lateron, so I will check if it's truly fixed.14:28
c0p3rn1cwill try*14:29
asacc0p3rn1c: yes. ensure that you are up-to-date in intrepid before upgrading14:31
asacc0p3rn1c: oh wait a sec14:32
* c0p3rn1c is waiting :)14:32
asacc0p3rn1c: ok. verified that the latest intrepid-updates update-manager has that fix14:33
asacerr jaunty-updates i mean ... but that is considered when upgrading i was told14:33
asacc0p3rn1c: would be cool to get a verify from you that this works14:33
c0p3rn1casac: I will try it tonight, it will take me some hours to back-up my stuff14:34
c0p3rn1casac: yeah but the thing is I currently do have ubuntu intrepid, but some special version(ubuntu ultimate edition) I do use the official ubuntu repositories though14:36
asacc0p3rn1c: what is ultimate edition?14:36
c0p3rn1csome "distro" I decided to try out :)14:36
asacc0p3rn1c: anyway. so in jaunty you can just run apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-installer14:37
asacc0p3rn1c: i guessed that. what is their focus?14:37
c0p3rn1casac: true14:37
asac(besides the nebulous name ;))14:37
c0p3rn1casac: to me it seems to be nothing more than a ubuntu application pack14:37
asacc0p3rn1c: third party apps?14:38
asacor just a special set of default apps?14:38
c0p3rn1cyes and maybe some third party apps14:38
asacwell. if they didnt repack flashplugin or update-manager this shouldnt matter i hope14:39
asacwith some luck the upgrade will bring you back to mainline ;)14:39
c0p3rn1cnot sure I only switched to using ubuntu a half year ago14:39
c0p3rn1casac: yeah I think it won't be a problem too14:40
c0p3rn1cI know it's off-topic but there is one thing I hate about ubuntu ultimate edition, I don't have multiple consoles( CTRL-ALT-F[1-8] )14:41
c0p3rn1coh wait I just found out I do , prbly because my keyboard settings where wrong14:43
c0p3rn1cn/m then lol14:43
asaccool. gnomefreaks seamonkey build worked ;) ... finally15:17
asachjmf: btw, the release dust is settling ... so if you need something from me ... shoot.15:35
* armin76 shoots asac 16:51
* asac hugs armin76 :-P16:51
hjmf<asac> hjmf: btw, the release dust is settling ... so if you need something from me ... shoot.18:54
hjmfasac: OK, not at this moment but for sure I will do it :-)18:55
armin76asac: you going to UDS?19:20
asacarmin76: obviously ;)19:28
asaci think i cannot escape that :)19:29
armin76asac: its where i live, i may shoot you in person :D19:30
asacarmin76: you live in barcelona?19:33
asaci think i envy you ;)19:33
asacdefinitly drop by ... there is always much much fun19:33
asacand UDS is supposed to be in the city centre even19:34
armin76i'll go if canonical gives me an arm board :P19:35
armin76hrm, its pretty close where i work19:37
asacarmin76: actually i think there might be potential ... not sure, but i heard that also community folks are supposed to get such devices if they are actively porting stuff :)19:38
armin76asac: so what do you there apart from saying all the time that ubuntu rocks? :P19:45
asacarmin76: beer ;)19:45
armin76hrm...not interested19:45
asacjust visit and see yourself19:46
asachard to describe19:46
asacits basically a bunch of sessions where we discuss goals and details on what shoujld be done in karmic19:46
armin76which days are you going?19:46
asacall 519:46
asaci will keep you posted on schedule so you can pick a day where there are interesting sessions19:47
armin76okay :)19:47
armin76asac: also if you need any help wrt city, just poke me19:49
asacarmin76: above, you already denied to help me with going out for beer et al :(19:50
asaci think i will arrive on sat ... monday UDS starts19:50
asacarmin76: fta will be ther too19:51
asacok enough for today. cu later or tomorrow20:05
gnomefreakasac: thanks it built :) i still cant really see so i have the size of page is huge20:13
gnomefreaksince i cant see today is perfect to grab latest build and build it. if it fails i dont need to read it today :)20:32
BUGabundoguud evening21:24
dtchenasac: how are you gauging "start"? `pgrep pulseaudio'?21:24
BUGabundohow is fta doing? haven't seen him in a while21:25
BUGabundohi dtchen21:25
dtchenasac: start-pulseaudio-x11 returns 0 even if pulseaudio is already running21:25
dtchenhi BUGabundo21:25
BUGabundoyamo: hi22:40
yamoI'm using the Seamonkey 2.0b1pre from gnomefreak it's working great just has some bugs22:42
mbanaam i the only one who notices the speed difference between FF on linux and windows, the latter being faster23:28
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