
tgm4883zz, ivtv-tune -c# maybe?00:15
tgm4883theres a utility to do it via cli in ivtv-tools I think00:16
zzo ki will check it out, thanks00:16
tgm4883ivtv-tools or ivtv-utils00:16
zzit wants to install postfix00:18
tgm4883thats odd00:19
zztgm4883: wants to install ALOT actually01:28
Neff_Stupid question: How can I access Network Manager via terminal if it is already running? nm-applet returns an error, and I can't access it through panel because it doesnt seem to be visible in 9.04.01:28
tgm4883zz, what version of mythbuntu01:31
tgm4883and how did you try to install it?01:32
Neff_version 9.04. installed via cd.01:32
Neff_the 64-bit image01:33
zznot mythbuntu01:33
zznot even have myth on it01:33
zzjust trying to get ivtv-utils01:34
tgm4883zz, what version of ubuntu?01:34
tgm4883zz, are you sure that isn't from something else?  This is all I get01:38
tgm4883The following NEW packages will be installed:01:38
tgm4883  ivtv-utils libconfig-inifiles-perl libvideo-ivtv-perl perl-tk01:38
zzThe following extra packages will be installed:01:40
zz  bsd-mailx dctrl-tools devscripts diffstat dput libauthen-sasl-perl01:40
zz  libclass-accessor-perl libconfig-inifiles-perl libdevel-symdump-perl01:40
zz  libio-pty-perl libio-string-perl libio-stringy-perl libipc-run-perl01:40
zz  libparse-debcontrol-perl libparse-debianchangelog-perl libpod-coverage-perl01:40
zz  libterm-size-perl libtest-pod-perl libtie-ixhash-perl libvideo-ivtv-perl01:40
zz  lintian perl-tk postfix wdiff01:40
zzprolly shoulda paste bun that01:41
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].01:41
Stemming78i have a question about installation (setup)....  EVERY time I install a fresh installation backend will not login so it I cannot go into setup.  Is there something I am doing wrong?02:45
Stemming78Selecting Primary backend / frontend with or without mysql installed - both ways I get problems....02:46
Stemming78Could someone walk me through an install so I can determine where the problem lies?'02:47
Stemming78Trying again - should I choose advanced setup and set the MySQL password at install?02:52
Stemming78Please help - unable to get my box functioning.....   "unable to login" at backend setup03:18
Stemming78another fresh isntallation03:18
rhpot1991!mysql | Stemming7803:18
ZinnStemming78: If you are having problems connecting to your mysql database, you can perform the following to reconfigure it: 1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 (pay attention to the root password you set, you will need it for the next step) 2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database 3. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common03:18
Stemming78rhpot1991:  tried last attempt with fresh install - same issue.03:19
Stemming78Wondering WHAT setting I use that is causing it NOT to work03:19
rhpot1991root mysql password is blank by default, unless you choose one03:19
mersaultAnyone else find that installing the weekly build package clobbered their frontend/backend decision and just installed everything?03:20
Stemming78It will be automatically generated if nothing is inputted...  correct?03:20
rhpot1991Stemming78: root mysql or mythtv mysql?03:20
Stemming78root mysql03:20
rhpot1991no, its blank by default03:21
Stemming78right...  what might I be doing wrong during install...   Happens everytime.  I recall in earlier editions one could input the mysql password and result would be "unable to login"....  nwo there is NO advanced option to set this.  installed 9.04 (most current disc)03:22
Stemming78rhpot1991:  UNABLE to get this to work after using the steps (!mysql)03:28
rhpot1991Stemming78: what exactly is the issue, the frontend reports it can't log into the backend?03:30
Stemming78Uanble to setup the Mythbox -  fresh installation...  stuck at backend-setup;  unable to login03:32
rhpot1991are you using the mythtv user and its password thats in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt?03:35
Stemming78trying to send you the log - pastebin is not workign03:37
Stemming78nm - it finally posted03:38
Stemming78rhpot1991: yes the password matches....03:40
rhpot1991do mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg03:41
rhpot1991and enter the password from there03:41
Stemming78how do I obtain the password03:43
Stemming78getting access denied03:43
Stemming78rhpot1991: getting access denied03:49
rhpot1991Stemming78: you didn't enter a valid password when it setup the DB then03:56
ZinnIf you are having problems connecting to your mysql database, you can perform the following to reconfigure it: 1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 (pay attention to the root password you set, you will need it for the next step) 2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database 3. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common03:56
Stemming78sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.003:58
Stemming78enter a password or leave blank?03:58
mersaultStemming78: I'd always set a passwd, both for root and for the mysql user03:58
rhpot1991I'd pick one03:58
Stemming78sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database...   have tio enter the password 6 times....  (screen hangs 3 times - enter password each time) then moves to configuring mythtv-database.  then ahve to enter it 3 times again....  is that normal?04:00
mersaultDoesn't mythbuntu automatically let you set a root mysql passwd during install? I know previous versions did...04:01
mersaultI didn't pay attention when I reinstalled, since I'd backed up all my databases and just plopped the whole thing in...04:02
Stemming78for some reason the MYSQL password is not getting set...   now after setting a password it prompts me to enter password (Mythtv-Backedn-Setup)04:04
rhpot1991Stemming78: you reconfigured all of those04:05
Stemming78getting errror - incorrect password...04:05
Stemming78yes...  used ALL 3 steps04:05
Stemming78out of the box this should work.....   it is driving me mad04:06
rhpot1991it sounds like you aren't providing the right password when it asks for it and therefor it hasn't setup the mythconverg db ever04:06
rhpot1991try to mysql -uroot -p mythconverg04:06
rhpot1991if you followed those steps it should have fixed everything though, unless something has changed in Jaunty04:07
Stemming78mythbox@Mythbox-Backend:~$ mysql -uroot -p mythconverg04:11
Stemming78Enter password:04:11
Stemming78ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'mythconverg'04:11
Stemming78rhpot1991: step 2 seems as if it is NOT setting the password....  errors out (takes 4 times of entering password before moving to next step)04:13
map7If I want to create a diskless mythbuntu system from the command line should I be using a command like this: $ sudo ltsp-build-client --mythbuntu --mythbuntu-copy-user-credentials04:20
map7i keep getting the error 'run-init: overmounting root: Stale NFS filehandle' on my pxe client has anyone experienced this before?07:02
map7found it, had to change my nfs exports and restart nfs-server07:07
minimecHi. Is there a way to use VPS signal for analog recording with a pvr 150/250. It looks that VPS is no feature in mythtv...11:00
mccord42Has anyone here ever have issues with resolution on the proprietary nvidia driver?  I only can only choose 640x480 or 320x240 when I have the proprietary driver installed but get the proper 1360x768 when I use the opensource driver.  but the myth frontend is almost unusably slow with the OS driver.  This is on a Dynex 26 inch HD TV using the VGA connection by the way.13:21
frederikHello, i' m trying to configure my remote. With sudo cat /proc/bus/input/devices i found out, that my remote is event 7, how do i have to edit the hardware.conf now?16:40
frederikif i use REMOTE_DRIVER="dev/input"  and REMOTE_DEVICE="/dev/input/event7" lirc starts, but i cant see something with irw if i press a button16:41
frederiksry, i was to overhasty. There was something wrong with the lircd.conf ;)16:44
frederikit is working now :)16:44
citybirdhello, just hooked up my box with a wintv pvr 500 in Zuich.17:10
citybirdI am trying to get live tv to work.17:10
citybirdremote and menu works17:11
citybirdconnected the cable to the card. how do i know if it's receiving channels?17:11
citybirdconnected the radio antenna as well. how do i check that?17:12
r3vilecitybird, is your card a DVB-T / DVB-S card?17:39
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
BaZiLwhat is the latest stable version of mythbuntu ?21:54
tgm4883is that not obvious?22:16
mersaultAnyone else finding mythfrontend is segfaulting with the most recent -trunk builds/.23:27
mac9416I have run mythtv-setup and succeeded in adding a capture card. However, when I go to the frontend and click "Watch TV" the screen just blinks and no TV appears.23:47
mac9416It may have something to do with my mythfilldatabase fails. It keeps trying to connect to some website, and of course fails on my offline machine.23:48
mac9416I believe it's trying to get guide information.23:48

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