
captainkirkso... im trying to mount an external usb drive to ubuntu.... i need help :)  (suprise suprise...)00:21
captainkirkdevice has id of sdb00:22
captainkirkcurrently has no partitions...00:22
Iceman_B|SSHokay so, Ubuntu 9.04 has been out for a while, but my 8.10 server is working just fine. Should I still upgrade or leave it as is ?00:23
jmedinacaptainkirk: well you need to partition it and create a File system in order to mount it00:23
jmedinaIceman_B|SSH: do you need anything in new release?00:23
Iceman_B|SSHno clue whats in the new rel-00:24
Iceman_B|SSHbrb, checking release notes00:24
captainkirkjmedina: i am using webmin... is type linux the best option?00:24
jmedinaIceman_B|SSH: so?00:24
jmedinaIceman_B|SSH: how do you want to upgrade to something unknown?00:24
jmedinaI would create a test machine (thanks virtualization :D), and do some testing00:24
Iceman_B|SSHI assume that having a newer version of a certain program/distro is generally a good thing00:24
Iceman_B|SSHhm, not really a possibility00:25
Iceman_B|SSHim using sortof old hardware, and only a CLI00:25
captainkirkjmedina: okay, i have created a partition of type linux00:25
captainkirkjmedina: using full disk capacity00:26
captainkirkjmedina: does the 'mount as' directory need to exist already, or does the process of mounting create it?00:27
jmedinaIceman_B|SSH: well not always, somethimes there are things that brakes becase config changes, bad upgrade procedures,00:27
jmedinaI always check change logs for every upgradable critical service in my sistem00:28
jmedinacreate a copy of that machine, upgrade, and start testing00:28
jmedinathis way I never had a problem upgrading remote servers00:28
Iceman_B|SSHhm hm00:29
Iceman_B|SSHthats wise00:29
rayneIs there a way to Xfer the ssh-rsa key text that the eucalyptus-cc gives you to type into the eucalyptus node for auth ? besides typing and prying you have typed the 3 hundred keys correctly ?00:29
jmedinacaptainkirk: 'mount as" what you mean?00:29
Iceman_B|SSHmaybe Im dense, but where can I find a list of things that have changed and/or are new with Ubuntu server 9.04 ?00:29
jmedinayou need an existing mount point in your filesystem tree00:29
jmedinacaptainkirk: did you create a filesystem on the partition?00:30
captainkirkjmedina: i am using webmin and is has a 'mount as' option listing different file types, ext2 ext3 etc00:30
captainkirkjmedina: yes i chose 'linux'00:30
jmedinacaptainkirk: well I dont use webmin sin 2002 :D00:30
jmedinalinux is not a filesystem, that is the partition type00:30
jmedinaby "create a filesystem" I mean "Format the partition"00:31
captainkirkoooo so i need to create a partition still00:31
jmedinapartitions and filesistems are different things00:31
jmedinafor example00:31
captainkirkyes, i understand that00:31
jmedinamkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb100:32
jmedinawhere sdb1 is the new linux partition you create in your usb drive00:32
captainkirksystem show sdb with 1 partition00:32
jmedinathat will create a ext3 filesystem on /dev/sdb100:32
jmedinathen create a mount point00:32
jmedinamkdir -p /media/usbdrive00:32
jmedinaand mount it00:32
jmedinamount /dev/sdb1 /media/usbdrive00:33
jmedinathat's all00:33
captainkirkkk. it is now creating the ext3... could take a whil on 500G drive00:33
captainkirkjmedina: thanks for ur help.00:34
rayneusing the cli how could i move an ssh-rsa output from computer 1 to computer 2 ?00:38
IvanCostaJrHello, guys!01:16
IvanCostaJrCan you help me with some Samba configurations?01:16
=== IvanCostaJr is now known as UKnow
jeiworthhi guys, i am setting up a sugarcrm-server in a vm and as to question of partitioning, how much space will the db in /var/lib/ take for a customer with an existing customer base of around 125 clients (being imported) and lets say he aquires 200-300 more, this should still be in the 2-digit  mb area, right?01:18
captainkirkhey ivancostajr:  i know little but am also setting up samba, maybe able to help...?01:19
jeiworthsince using sugar, it will be a basically standard LAMP, so if you have some general advice on a good partitioning solution for that it will of course be highly appreciated too :)01:21
UKnowCaptainKirk: I installed a Ubuntu server 8.10 with Samba. I made the shares in smb.conf and I created the user by (1) adduser --disabled-login --no-create-home (2) smbpasswd -a. But the users can't use the shares. They don't have permission.01:23
UKnowWhat I missed?01:24
captainkirkuknow, i had this problem just yesterday.... not saying this is the best solution but i had to change the ownership of the shared folder to nobody01:25
captainkirkuknow... let me check my current config01:25
captainkirkunkow, i was configuring a public free for all share with guest access allowed via samba, but as root owned the folder, i still got permission denied01:26
UKnowDo you configuring the owner nobody.nobody?01:27
captainkirkuknow, nope, got it wrong... had to change folder access to 77701:27
captainkirkuknow folder owner is still root root01:28
captainkirkuknow, i could be wrong, but it seems that samba permission sit on top of the linux file system permissions, so for a samba user to access the file, they must meet both samba permissions and file system level permissions01:31
UKnowCaptainKirk: worked! But I used openSUSE two years with the same shares and I don't have this problem. The folder have 750 mod and it was ok. I going to study this problem...01:31
captainkirkuknow, i have been experimenting with webmin, and it has a funciton to link samba users to linux users (two seperate user databases).01:32
=== kriel_ is now known as kriel
krielwould a copy of 8.10 that was fully updated have the same version of apache, vsftpd, samba, etc as a copy of 9.04?03:18
krielI'm about to try and franken-style two servers' worth of config files together, and I want to make sure I'm not about to start breaking stuff.03:19
nekostarhey whats up03:21
nekostarany of yall running high-avaliability servers?03:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ha.d03:22
nekostar!high availability03:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:22
twbkriel: no.03:23
krielnekostar: you can PM ubottu to get info like that03:23
krieltwb: erf. I guess I get to manually splice the config files. Thanks.03:23
nekostarkriel but then i dont get ppl in the channel knowing what i'm looking for without spitting out far more lines03:24
twbkriel: an intrepid install, updated from intrepid-security, will have the versions that shipped with intrepid, plus security updates to those versions.  It won't have versions from newer releases.03:24
twbkriel: I highly recommend using etckeeper to see what has changed and why.03:24
twbkriel: theoretically, you can even pull patches from one etckeeper repo to another, but I have yet to try this.03:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about heartbeat03:25
krieltwb: I just have the HDD for one server, the other server has it's own box. (Techinically, i'm migrating the server from one set of HDDs to another). but I need the drivers on the 9.04 disc to install it (new RAID controller) and the old server is 8.1003:26
twbJust another reason I prefer md RAID03:27
nekostarwow this install seems to be longer than before - however there are some VERY nice upgrades - more encryption stuffs - kudos03:28
nekostarbut when it's talking about virtual machine host, what vm format?03:29
nekostarvirtualbox, vmware, etc/03:29
twbThe virtualization technology supported by Ubuntu and Linux is KVM.03:30
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM03:31
nekostarty twb03:31
nekostartwb are you aware of any high-availability kvm projects?03:35
nekostarthats exactly what i'm looking for - and damn its nice being built in ;)03:35
twbAFAICT if your underlying hardware node is HA, then so will be the child VMs03:36
slestakwhat is the "off" suffix in libmysqlclient15off mean?03:37
twbslestak: the debian/changelog might say03:37
slestakthx, lemme look03:38
kriel... -.-; Okay, so I try installing using the 8.10 cd. It says it can't autodetect the drive. I pull out my 9.04 desktop live CD, and it autodetects and decides it should use the sata_sil driver. I put in the 9.04server cd, try and install and... it asks me what driver to use. sata_sil isn't a choice. Help?03:50
twbkriel: support for installing from a SATA CD drive is very recent.03:55
krieltwb: SATA HDD, not SATA CD03:55
twbI'm not surprised that 8.10 doesn't support it.03:55
krielactually, RAID controller. But still. since ubuntu9.04live figured out to use sata_sil, shouldn't 9.04server?03:56
twbProbably, but not necessarily.03:57
twbThere may not be a udeb for that driver, or it might be non-Free or something.03:57
krieltwb: is there any way I can coax the liveCD into installing the server version?03:57
twbThe easiest thing is to do the install from a different card.03:58
twbUnless you're actually using the fakeraid, which is probably a bad move.03:58
kriel... omg this is gonna be such a hack. I have a sata-to-usb converter, what I'll do is install ubuntu-server using the usb-sata thing, and then put it into the computer and let the raid controller sync the disks.03:59
twbkriel: what makes you think you have a raid controller?04:00
twbAFAIK Silicon Image only make fakeraid controllers.04:00
krieltwb: because it's already set up to mirror the two drives. I think. I went into the sata setup thing and told it to mirror them.04:00
krielis that fakeraid?04:00
twbUnless you paid at least $100 (more like $300) for the card, it's fakeraid04:01
twbAnd IMO fakeraid is not worth the hassle -- just use md RAID, which is nicely portable.04:01
krielkay. mdadm it is. but still, I need to get the damn thing recognized first.04:02
twbkriel: you should be able to set the controller to "just show the damn disks, you slut"04:02
Mal3koguys how do i display all partitions info of a hd..along with their filesystem, size in gb/mb04:02
twbUnless it's a *really* cheap fakeraid controller -- I heard some rumours about some of those not even supporting that.04:03
Mal3kofdisk -l failed04:03
twbMal3ko: that depends on what kind of partitioning you have on the disk, and whether you're using RAID and/or LVM.04:03
krieltwb: I'll try that out. I read reviews of this controller working on linux though.04:03
twbkriel: just because it works, doesn't mean it isn't fakeraid04:03
Mal3kotwb: i need a cmd..04:04
friartuckMal3ko did you sudo?04:05
krieltwb: wouldn't i need sata_sil to see the disks in "just show the damned things" mode anyway?04:05
Mal3koor is there some nice tools that could display a complete info of all parttions?04:05
twbkriel: that depends.04:05
Mal3kofriartuck: i mean fdisk -l didnt display what i want or lack of info04:06
twbMal3ko: /proc/partitions04:06
Mal3kotwb, that display just basic info either04:08
nekostaris there no openvz for intrepid?04:09
nekostarer jaunty i mean04:09
twbnekostar: looks like it04:10
krieltwb: ... now it's not booting. -kicks it- I'll just go and buy a mobo with sata instead of dealing with this stupid controller. so much for trying to reuse graveyarded computers.04:10
twbYeh, that's a lesson I learnt the hard way04:11
twbMy time is more valuable than $200 of new components04:11
krieltwb: all I want is a freaking file server -.-; and I'm a college student, so $200 is pretty damned valuable. but this is day three of arguing with this bitch of a server.04:12
twbkriel: find some Windows gamer that is throwing away near-new equipment, then04:12
krieltwb: ... not a bad idea, actually. o.o; especially since my school is in the rich neighborhood.04:13
twbOr ask around at your local LUG for the equipment recycling company.04:13
twbHere in .vic.au there's a not-for-profit that gets donated old computers, puts linux on them, then sells them very cheaply to low-income types.04:13
krielThere's a huuuuuge graveyard somewhere, sells old towers for like $50 each. Not sure where it is, I was tempted to go buy four or five and then resell them to customers who want 'faster' computers (all they really need is a wipe/reload)04:14
twbkriel: put their gear in a bigger case, reinstall windows, charge $200? ;-)04:15
twbEh, the real money is in consultancy for software, not hardware.04:15
twbAnd anything that involves dealing with individuals instead of government or large corporations has a shitty ROI.04:16
krieltwb: I ususally don't even bother with the new case. XD Just reinstall windows, grab the drivers, install whatever else they happen to have disks/keys for. Comes out to about $70/hr04:16
twbThat's not bad for a one-man operation.04:16
twbYou could probably make it faster by automating the Windows and driver install04:17
nekostarjust image fool04:17
nekostartotal time 12 minutes04:17
krieltwb: probably, but I don't do it often. I'm trying to find a way to image windows so that it can deal with resized hard drives04:17
nekostar+ drivers == 3004:17
nekostaruse acronis with universal restore04:18
slestak+1 acronis04:18
twbBleh, imaging blows for heterogeneous hardware.04:18
nekostarnow anyone know how to use openvz on the new distro?04:18
nekostarnot so twb04:18
nekostarspcifically acronis with universal restore i said.04:18
nekostardo some research its killer04:19
twbI'm not familiar with non-Free software, sorry.04:19
* nekostar shrugs04:19
krielokay, back to Linux now... mdadm is when you set up a raid via the ubuntu install, and is the recommended way to do things unless i'm gonna pay out the ass for a raid controller, right?04:19
slestakcan fog do this?04:19
nekostari'm familiar with getting the job done quickly04:19
slestakor clonezilla?04:19
nekostardont know slestak04:19
nekostarif i found something else that would i'd use it ;)04:19
nekostarbut being able to insert chip drivers and ethernet etc while installing into very different hardware is PIMP04:20
twbRegarding OpenVZ, I don't know how you can get it correctly on 8.10 or 9.04, as they don't appear to have patched kernels in the Ubuntu tree.04:20
nekostartwb yeah i saw the lack of packages just figured maybe i was missing something - thanx04:20
twbnekostar: I'm guessing that's Windows-only, though.04:20
nekostarbad guess04:20
nekostarits not cheap tho04:20
nekostarif you intend on paying and all04:21
nekostarbut you will make it back fast04:21
nekostarthat 4 hr windows job is done in one04:21
nekostaryou charge for two04:21
nekostarand they effing love u04:21
twbnekostar: you can make images of e.g. OpenBSD and while copying the "image" across, change the MAC addresses that it expects for the NICs?04:21
nekostari like to tell them, i would do it here but it takes 4-6 hrs or i can take it home do on my own time for 15004:21
nekostaror i can do bulletproof for 300 - reboot to remove virii04:21
nekostartwb ive never looked if it could i doubt it04:22
nekostarive not seen an option like that04:22
twbnekostar: that's what I meant by "windows-only"04:22
nekostarwhen i say it works04:22
nekostari mean that anything can be copied04:22
twbnekostar: that's the case for dd.04:22
nekostarso what if ive got to redo one config04:22
nekostarno twb dd doesnt do any changes04:22
nekostarrather than arguing just go dl a damn copy04:23
nekostar1 sec lol04:23
twbThat would be a violation of copyright law.04:23
* nekostar shrugs04:23
nekostarits POSSIBLY a violation04:23
nekostarhave you actually read the elua's?04:24
kriel!enter | nekostar04:24
ubottunekostar: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:24
nekostarin any case - it is regular practice to try before buying and i would assume that you would purchase something like that if it did indeed do some nice things04:24
nekostarso again sir04:24
nekostarrather than quibbling just go check it out04:24
nekostarkriel please learn to enable timestamps each line is from a different thought.04:25
twbnekostar: EULAs have nothing to do with it.04:25
nekostartwb they have everything to do with it04:25
krielyes, but having an entire page prefixed by the word <nekostar> is annoying. There's this thing called a period, you can use it to seperate sentences. Sentences can hold seperate thoughts. See this post for an example.04:25
nekostarthat IS the liscense as it applies to the user04:25
nekostarwhich is specifically what is broken when copied supposedly04:26
slestaknope, the acronis trial is not crippled, (iirc)04:26
nekostarok there you go04:26
nekostarDOWNLOAD IT04:26
nekostari'd also like to point out here that YOU were the one suggesting an illegal download04:26
* nekostar shakes finger at twb04:26
twbnekostar: I just assumed it was illegal to download it, because it's not Free software.04:27
krielso, about mdadm. Is it the preferred form of RAID besides having a hardware raid controller?04:27
nekostartwice bad assumptions lol but hey04:27
twbkriel: there's not really any "form"; you generally just have either RAID1 (with two disks) or RAID5 (with more than two disks).04:28
krieltwb: -nods- Kay.04:28
twbkriel: usually you allocate a 256MB sd[ab]1 for md0 for /boot, and the rest (sd[ab]2) for md1 for LVM.04:28
krieltwb: I've usually stopped allocating a seperate /boot, it seems superfluous to me since ubuntu works without it. Of course, I'm still a noob in most respects.04:29
twbEr, not if you use both RAID and LVM04:30
twbUnless you *like* lilo, and your boot breaking when you change extent allocation04:30
krielyou... lost me. O.o I just use whatever the ubuntu setup uses to set up raid. It does it automagically for me.04:31
ajmitchgrub can't read LVM, so you need a separate /boot if you want to use grub, RAID & LVM together04:31
twbajmitch: grub2 can read either LVM or RAID, but not both.  I *thought* that was also the case for grub legacy (which is what Ubuntu uses).04:33
twb(Well, technically you can use grub2 with RAID *and* LVM, but you have to manually select the module list.)04:33
ajmitchright, I'm just talking about the usual case of what's on the install cd04:34
twbajmitch: well, I *know* d-i won't let you use grub if /boot is on LVM on RAID.  But I don't know if that's an underlying limitation, or if it's imposed by d-i because it's 1) difficult; and 2) stupid.04:34
ajmitchfairly sure it's an underlying grub limitation still :)04:35
krielit... worked for me before. O.o on 8.10 I had a single partition, set up raid1 using mdadm04:35
twbkriel: you probably aren't using LVM04:36
twbGrub is too clever for its own good by half.04:36
ajmitchraid1 metadata is at the end of the partition, so it can be read just like a normal filesystem, I believe04:36
twbajmitch: yep04:37
twbmd raid5 is harder, obviously.04:37
twbAs far as Grub is concerned, a md RAID1 node is just an ordinary filesystem.04:37
J-_When I reinstall my server, should I just turn /etc/hosts dhcp to static and leave it as is? Then change the nameservers, commenting out my ISPs nameservers since I'm using afraid.org's services?04:57
J-_I'm just doing a basic LAMP installation.04:57
twbJ-_: er, /etc/hosts contains name information (DNS/LDAP/NIS), not network configuration (DHCP).04:58
J-_Bah, I got it mixed up. It's not in front of me04:59
twbYou can use DHCP without blowing away resolv.conf05:00
twbSee /etc/dhclient3/dhclient.conf (and its manpage), IIRC05:00
njustin3000I have a very small subnet that I would like to set up a server for, for use with my buisness.  Theres only going to be about 15 cliens that will be connecting to it.  I am fairly new at this stuff, so I am wondering what specs I should be looking for when buying my server.  It is going to be hosting a basic webserver and mysql database, and well as being a file backup server for my buisness.05:03
njustin3000What should i be looking for?05:03
slestakwhat you just listed isnt too tough of a workload, imo05:04
njustin3000its not05:05
slestaki like the dell poweredges, you can get them with multiple cpu sockets, and just buy one cpu, yu have room ato add more05:05
slestaklike a 1950 or 295005:05
njustin3000i would only need one cpu for that tho, right? what about RAM?05:06
slestakram is cheap05:06
slestakyou can start really low and just plan for growth.  is budget an issue?05:07
njustin3000we've just started using the application we have this past week, and right now Im using my personal PC to run it, but its not really fast.....  and we need a full time one05:08
slestakwhat you listed is not a very tough workload.  if you just need to get started, i wouldnt be afraid of using any p4 or better class machine.  dont load xorg05:09
njustin3000i have set up ubuntu-server on it and gotten the webserver and mysql server going, thats not an issue, (I'm just learning all this) I was looking for suggestions as I wouldnt know what kind of server05:09
njustin3000but thank you05:09
njustin3000p4 class05:09
njustin3000pentium 4?05:09
slestakpentium 405:09
njustin3000thank you05:10
slestakif your webapp involves java, all of what i said is off :)05:10
njustin3000no java05:10
slestakthis is a great market to get used hardwar05:10
pygmalionbest method for virtual domains with ubuntu + postfix/dovecot = mysql?05:11
njustin3000its all on computers in my office, I just need server to host database.  I will access it away from the office only like once a week05:11
slestakyou could break this up on several older machines, run mysql on a diff box than apache05:12
slestakreally flexible05:12
njustin3000well i only have budget for one small server right now05:13
njustin3000its growing, but slow rightn now05:13
njustin3000buisness that is05:13
slestakcheck this out  $329 http://www.dell.com/content/products/RBIredirect.aspx?rbi=EESJuqJJunKzV5pVrEFOw3wYxiHXb2uK9L/JIV67WOU3UkEJeYpQS9tWl0gNmEwJ0Xe8yPZtImZjAj6diHBL4v7McdpLL00EW5bBnT3j/N44Qbm+05flVU1IDkE9WrE8hlQc0U11Jwj62+DdTk1gkShBukZkuBvPsVsTTKrhTNw=05:15
njustin3000cool, i just went through that and i wouldnt even change any of those defual options :D05:17
timburkelol pentium dualcore05:17
njustin3000you said used slestak, like this: ? http://cgi.ebay.com/DELL-POWEREDGE-2650-2U-SERVER-DUAL-2-4GHZ-XEON-RAID-2GB_W0QQitemZ260401449064QQcmdZViewItemQQptZCOMP_EN_Servers?hash=item260401449064&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1234|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1308|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A5005:18
slestakwhen i do used, i like to deal locally, that way you can see what your getting.  dell refurbs were reteurned for some reason05:18
slestaki'd look at craigslist or find a local hardware reseller.  ive got a good one near me in Michigan that always has good stuff coming off of lease.05:19
njustin3000allright thanks :)  im think im going to have to go with used tho05:19
njustin3000im in Michigan too05:19
slestakGrand rapids here.05:20
slestakim going to pm you the contact info for my local guy05:21
slestakcrap, i dont remember how to do that in irssi05:21
njustin3000im about hour away from there05:21
slestakcome on up for the wmlug meeting tommorrow in Cascade05:22
slestakthe guy im talking about will prob be there05:22
slestakwait, Thirsday night, not Wed05:23
slestakThursday i mean05:23
slestaklets take this to pm, off topic05:24
slestaknjustin3000: gl with your venture  our economy needs it05:30
slestakim trying to get nagios working with digest auth.  ive got my htdigest file, but apache is throwing " configuration error:  couldn't check user.  No user file?: /nagios"05:32
foxbuntuslestak, does apache have rights to read the htdigest file?05:34
slestakmy apache conf has "mods-enabled/nagios.conf:       AuthUserFile "/usr/local/nagios/etc/htdigest"" and that is the location of the file05:34
slestakgood idea05:34
VK7HSEfoxbuntu: Gah ya bet me to that! :P05:34
MTecknologyIs this channel being used as a classroom or support room?05:34
foxbuntuMTecknology, support05:34
foxbuntuVK7HSE, yeah...you'll have that :P05:35
MTecknologyfoxbuntu: Last I knew that's not what this channel was for05:35
slestakfoxbuntu: yeah, it does. 640 www-data:nagios.05:35
slestakMTecknology: what is the difference?05:35
MTecknologyThat's what #ubuntu and #ubuntu-server are for05:35
foxbuntuMTecknology, this is #ubuntu-server05:36
* MTecknology looks down at the channel name.....05:36
VK7HSEOopps :D05:37
foxbuntuMTecknology, at least it wasn't me making the gaff ;)05:38
twbWhat's the ldap schema Ubuntu uses by default for unix accounts?05:38
twbISTR it's an RFC, but I can't remember which one.05:39
foxbuntuslestak, hrm... ddi you copy paste that autdigest line from your vhost?05:39
VK7HSEI've doe the same on a general chat IRC myself !!! (now I don't feel so bad!)05:39
J-_http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts-p3 Will step 7 mess up the server?05:39
MTecknologyfoxbuntu: this is #23 and the channel I thought I was in was #2205:39
foxbuntuMTecknology, tis ok. Everyone makes an oops now and then :D05:39
J-_Should: "       localhost.localdomain   localhost05:40
J-_" be exactly that?05:40
* MTecknology walks off05:40
twbJ-_: it'll do05:41
njustin3000slestak: so you dont recomend buying used from someone not locally? like ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/Dell-Poweredge-2650-Dual-XEON-3-2gHz-4GB-Server_W0QQitemZ230338838521QQcmdZViewItemQQptZCOMP_EN_Servers?hash=item230338838521&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1234|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A0|293%3A1|294%3A5005:41
twbHmm, RFC 2307?05:41
slestaknjustin3000: i wouldnt.  but that is just me.  at least with CL you can see the person your dealing with.05:42
njustin3000yes :)05:42
slestakfoxbuntu: i have to find it.  this was installed by a script for me.05:42
slestakits not in sites-enabled/000-default05:43
foxbuntuslestak, ah05:43
slestakseen EZnag, pretty cool.  nagios, perf2rrd, nagvis, soup to nuts05:44
J-_Guess I'm gonna go to sleep on that then, and wake up and try to get my server going again. Once it's up, i'll be sure to copy the configuration files, I'm not going through this bullcrap again.05:46
captainkirki just bought a used dell 2650 via ebay, and it has a EMS error on boot.  Techinically it still works, but its useless as it required user input every time it boots.....  so try b4 u buy05:46
slestakwould it def be in /etc/apache2/* soewhere, or could the vhost info be in the cgi-bin stuff in /usr/local/nagios?05:46
foxbuntucaptainkirk, I bought a HP DL380 on ebay no long ago and havent had a lick of trouble with it05:46
foxbuntuslestak, it should be, but might be symlink'd or configured elsewhere05:47
slestaklet me grep over there05:47
captainkirkfoxbuntu, i also have purchased many IT items via ebay with exceptional results, but this time.... not so lucky i guess  anyway was not a lot of money05:48
slestakmaybe that is the issue.  i cannot find a line like that.05:49
foxbuntucaptainkirk, indeed, but you can end up with that on any used system05:49
slestaknew too, but at least you have a leg to stand on dealing w a business05:50
foxbuntuslestak, its gotta be configured somewhere for apache to complain about it05:51
captainkirkfoxbuntu, i guess what i am saying is that if i was able to power it on and test it prior to purchase, i would not have purchased it :)05:51
slestakis there a good livecd for testing a used pc?05:51
foxbuntucaptainkirk, yup..im just driving at not making broad statements and generalizations about IT, nothing does what its supposed to all the time ;)05:52
slestakim going to look back at my screen scrollbackand see if i see any output wrt digest05:52
captainkirkfoxbuntu:  even me :P05:52
foxbuntucaptainkirk, nor me :)05:53
VK7HSEcaptainkirk: is all the firmwares/bios... current ???05:54
captainkirkVK7HSE: i have updated the bios to the current version.  I received an error when trying to update the EMS bios, but the sticker on the EMS card shows the current bios version anyways....05:57
slestakis there a handy way to get a whole conf file in your buffer (for pasting at pastebin) without haveing to make 4 passes for each screen?05:57
slestakcan i direct stdout to clipboard?05:58
VK7HSEcaptainkirk: just a thought!... my server here was being tossed from my former employer, all it needed was some TLC! and now its mine! :D05:58
foxbuntuslestak, cat /etc/file | pastebinit05:58
slestakcaptainkirk: is that card expensive?  replaceable>05:58
matttpastebinit ... neat :)05:59
slestakthe AuthName directive is capfirst.  wonder if that should be lower case06:02
captainkirkslestak: not sure, have not looked into it yet...06:03
slestakpastebinit is cool.06:05
foxbuntuslestak, like that eh?06:06
slestakexcellent use of some python06:06
VK7HSEcaptainkirk: I just googled your issue, this may help... http://en.community.dell.com/forums/t/19178632.aspx06:06
cvwI currently have Ubuntu Server 8.04 installed, and I'd like to update to 9.04.  Is there a proper way to do this without editing sources.list?06:07
captainkirkVK7HSE: looking now06:09
foxbuntucvw, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get do-release-upgrade06:11
slestakdont forget the backup06:11
slestakany of you guys use screen at your sites with non-technical users?06:12
cvwfoxbuntu: already tried both, tells me "No new release found".  lsb_release -a tells me I am running 8.04.206:12
slestakgnu screen?06:12
njustin3000slestak: I have a great* deal on a '07 Dell PC, but with adequate RAM and CPU speed, possible to go with that?  I mean, a personal PC for what im using it for should be fine, i dont really need* a server, right?06:13
VK7HSEnjustin3000: it all really depends on what your wanting to do with it...06:14
slestakyeahyou can always scale up if needed06:14
foxbuntucvw, perhaps try sudo do-release-upgrade -p06:15
njustin3000ok, I mean theres really no difference,  PC isnt stackable, but theres only one, and my serverload is extremely small anyway06:15
slestakwhat you ge with servers is sometimes redundant power supplies, better disks systems, raid controllers06:15
cvwfoxbuntu: still no new release found06:16
foxbuntucvw, perhaps try sudo do-release-upgrade -d06:16
cvwaha, now we have something06:16
VK7HSEcvw: your release will be locked to LTS versions only....06:16
slestakfoxbuntu: does he have to tell, man, i was abt to type that06:16
foxbuntuVK7HSE, yeah...forgot about lts06:16
cvwI'm quite OK with LTS06:17
slestakstoopid netbook keyboard.  too small to type well on06:17
foxbuntucvw, then why are you upgrading?06:17
VK7HSEslestak: he he I have that problem too !! :P06:17
foxbuntucvw, 8.04.2 is LTS06:17
slestakgotta be screen-profiles06:17
slestakthats the killer app06:17
slestakVK7HSE: what you using, mini9 here06:18
cvwhrm, apparently I've been misinformed on 9.0406:18
cvwctrl-c and time to write an email06:18
VK7HSEI have an Eee701 (not currently using it as it's alias is VK7HSE-Eee)06:19
foxbuntucvw, someone tell you 9.04 was LTS?06:19
cvwshould've done my hw first though06:19
foxbuntualways :)06:19
cvwbackups ftw :)06:19
slestakwhen are we due another lts?  2011?06:19
foxbuntu2012 i thinks06:20
VK7HSEthe next LTS will be 10.0406:21
foxbuntuoh right06:21
foxbuntuthey over lap06:21
foxbuntu8.04 lts goes out of support in 2012 right?06:21
VK7HSEremember for LTS the desktop has a 3yr life & server has a 5yr life06:22
* foxbuntu is not thinking tonight obviously06:22
slestakon my htdigest issue, i have a Limit directive. "Require valid-user"06:22
slestakid reports nagios is a valid user06:22
* VK7HSE I'm surprised I remembered !!!06:23
VK7HSEslestak: that still sounds like a permission thing...06:23
* foxbuntu agrees06:23
VK7HSEslestak: But I'm sorry I don't have an answer for you!06:24
cvwok guys, ty for your help. o/06:24
slestakthx, hmm.06:24
slestakwell, its 1:30am here.  thinki'll research it later06:25
slestakthx also06:25
VK7HSEslestak: Ahh good another person who believes in not going to bed the same day you get up !!! :P06:25
matttum?  :)06:26
slestakcant say i'll work on it tomorrow, that means taking a day off06:26
slestakgnite guys06:27
twbVK7HSE: how does Canonical distinguish between LTS being used as a desktop vs. server?06:45
twbVK7HSE: they're both just packages from main, and I thought "support" meant support for anything in main.06:45
VK7HSEtwb: in your /etc/update-manager/ there's a file there called release-upgrades it's specified there...06:46
twbVK7HSE: sorry, I don't understand that file at all.06:47
twbI've never used anything called "release manager"; only aptitude and friends.06:48
twbWhat I'm saying is that after the three-year EOL of "LTS desktop", how do I know which packages from main that I have installed, are supported by Canonical as part of the remaining two years of "LTS server" support?06:50
VK7HSEtwb: this relates to do-release-upgrade  normal = releases every 6 months (eg, 8.10 9.04) lts = 6.06 8.04 10.04)06:50
twbPer your comment of 15:26 <VK7HSE> remember for LTS the desktop has a 3yr life & server has a 5yr life06:50
VK7HSEtwb: security updates are discontinued for them after this time period...06:51
twbSecurity updates of what?06:51
VK7HSEtwb: all packages in the repository for that version...06:52
twbVK7HSE: that doesn't make any sense.06:52
twb"all packages in the repository" is the same for both ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-server.  So how can they have a different lifetime?06:52
VK7HSEtwb: although a little dated this should explain a little...  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57801406:54
twbVK7HSE: that article does not say anything about five-year releases.06:55
twbSorry, it doesn't say anything about five-year *lifecycles*06:55
VK7HSEtwb: ok try this.. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases06:56
twbHuh, OK.06:57
twbSo now I believe that you're reporting the truth, but I still don't understand it :-)06:57
maxbThis is a good point, I don't think I've ever seen a precise definition of which packages fall into the "Desktop" and "Server" categories for LTS purposes06:58
maxbI mean, it's probably a safe bet that if it needs X, it's Desktop06:58
twbmaxb: that's why the distinction sounds like a crock of shit to me.06:58
twbBut now I suspect it's Canonical PR bullshit rather than some guy on IRC being wrong :-)06:59
foxbuntuhmm, intresting, that wiki is out of date07:01
twbMy default assumption is that there will be <codename>-security updates for an LTS release up to the date that the next LTS release ships07:01
twbSo e.g. 6.06 was supported until April 2008, and after that you're on your own as far as security updates go.07:02
twb(Of course this is only for 'main' -- universe is always "you're on your own".)07:02
VK7HSEtwb: So you don't upgrade your distribution is that the problem ? Now I don't quite understand  what you mean... :-/07:05
twbVK7HSE: my point is that there is no clear distinction between "LTS for desktops" and "LTS for servers"07:07
VK7HSEtwb: What in the repositories ???07:07
twbVK7HSE: anywhere.07:07
VK7HSEtwb: Ok... well I can only go be the information that is distributed! But there has to be a way of defining the "difference" or such information would not exist!  ;-)07:10
twbVK7HSE: unless Canonical are lying.07:11
foxbuntutwb, how is there not a distinction?07:11
twbfoxbuntu: do you have contradictory evidence?07:11
foxbuntutwb, what are you asking for?07:12
twbfoxbuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases says "Ubuntu LTS releases are supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server."07:12
twbfoxbuntu: what is the distinction between desktop and server?07:12
VK7HSEtwb: the only way that I know that defines a LTS from a normal release is via the /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades07:13
foxbuntutwb, kernels07:13
foxbuntutwb, and backports07:13
VK7HSEtwb:  and by uname -a07:13
twbfoxbuntu: how did you determine that?07:13
VK7HSEtwb: or lsb_release -a07:13
twb(I assume by backports you mean -updates.)07:14
foxbuntutwb, determine what?07:14
foxbuntutwb, no I mean backports07:14
* VK7HSE Now feel this is a pointless debate! ;)07:14
twbfoxbuntu: how did you determine that the above quoted text means that the three-year lifecycle is for -desktop kernels, backports (whatever that means) and nothing more (or less)?07:14
twbVK7HSE: it's not pointless -- how do I know whether, for example, vim will receive 5 or 3 years of support on LTS?07:15
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging07:16
foxbuntutwb, its the defined life cycle of the product, new patches and backports for the core Ubuntu (ie 'main' repo) will be supported to that release until its EoL in 3 or 5 years07:16
twbfoxbuntu: I don't understand.07:16
foxbuntutwb, ok...think of it like this07:16
foxbuntutwb, windows xp has been around for 5 years+ now, windows update still provides security patches for it07:17
twbIf I apt-get install vim, I get the same thing regardless of whether I installed my OS from ubuntu-server LTS or ubuntu-desktop LTS.07:17
twbSo how can it have a different EOL on those two systems (-server and -desktop)?07:17
foxbuntutwb, Ubuntu 8.04 will have that same level of support for the repos pertaining to the desktop based kernels (i.e. -generic, -i386, -amd64 ect) for 3 years from its release, and like wise the server based kernels (ie -server ect) will have main repo support for 5 years for its original release07:19
foxbuntutwb, because the packages in the repos get built for the kernels07:19
foxbuntutwb, at EOL they stop being built in and provided in the 'main' ubuntu repo for those kernels07:19
twbEr, that's patently false.  There isn't a different vim .deb for the -server and -generic kernels.07:19
twbIf there was, there'd have to be a different deb entries in sources.list for -server as compared to -generic07:20
foxbuntutwb, while it may have the same code and same version, its built for the kernel and arch07:20
twbfoxbuntu: then where is the -server variant of the vim .deb for 8.04 i386?07:21
foxbuntutwb, I think you need to see the debian/control file in a source package to understand07:21
twbI'm a DD.  I understand how debian/control works.07:22
foxbuntutwb, have you ever built in a ppa before?07:22
twbIf you're talking about Architecture: any, that is *just* the CPU architecture.  It has nothing to do with the kernel.07:22
twbNot a launchpad ppa, no.07:22
twbI assumed we were talking about official ubuntu packages, since we're talking about official Ubuntu support.07:23
foxbuntutwb, its the same type of build system07:23
foxbuntutwb, for Mythbuntu we build packages in the LP PPAs all the time and then have canonical spin our isos07:23
twbfoxbuntu: what does that have to do with LTS support?07:24
foxbuntutwb, LTS support is a commitment and process07:24
foxbuntuits not actually in the packages07:25
foxbuntuI think you are confused on two seperate issues07:25
foxbuntutwb, you think canonical is lying about LTS existing?07:27
foxbuntuthats its just marketing fluff?07:27
twbNo, I think they're lying about there being a distinction between LTS support "for desktops" and LTS support "for servers".07:27
twbThat is, about them being different.07:27
twbOr less emotionally, that the distinction is ill-defined.07:28
foxbuntuwell the line is gray because there is allot of overlap in the two, but there is a distinction07:29
twbSo *effectively* most of the LTS desktop has a five-year lifetime?  That it's only a few desktop-specific packages like the kernel and kernel modules, that are EOLd after three years?07:30
foxbuntutwb, take the desktop kernel for example, when it goes EOL no more security updates and so fourth will be provided for it07:30
foxbuntutwb, I wouldnt say most07:31
twbWould, say, gedit continue to receive security updates in the fourth year?07:31
foxbuntutwb, but some yes, anything that is included in the -server distro main repos07:31
foxbuntutwb, likely not, because gedit is not part of -server07:31
twbfoxbuntu: nor is vim07:31
twbSuppose that it's the end of the third year.  How can I audit my server and find out which packages, if any, I'm using will stop being supported?07:32
twbEven better, how can I make apt-get TELL ME when I'm trying to install a package on my server that will not receive five years of support?07:33
twbIf this distinction wasn't just marketing crap, I'd expect corporates to be clamouring for that information.07:33
foxbuntutwb, I think if you want the intimate details of that, you might want to talk to someone that works for canonical07:34
twbI wouldn't have called that "intimate" detail, but fair enough.07:35
foxbuntutwb, easiest way is to see if a package is in main/universe/multiverse, ect07:35
twbfoxbuntu: LTS does not extend to anything but main, AFAIK.07:35
twbpackages in universe don't get security updates at all.07:35
twbTherefore that is not an accurate test.07:35
foxbuntuit rules out allot of packages that will/wont be supported in your audit07:36
twbAFAICT I can't safely install anything but packages from main on my security-conscious servers, and as I can't tell what packages *in* main will receive five year support, I have to assume that none of them do.07:37
foxbuntutwb, I dont think thats a fair assessment of LTS packages, there are processes in the background (that some at canonical could prob shine a light on) that allow for the LTS to work.07:48
foxbuntuhowever, I have used up all my time for the night...so Im off. Hope you find the answer you are looking for.07:49
a|wentwb: http://tw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-releases/hardy/ubuntu-8.04.2-server-i386.list ... all the udeb files on that list is on the cd; so those packages is at least part of the server release07:57
twba|wen: udebs are only used in the ramdisk during installation.08:01
twba|wen: they are never installed onto a disk08:01
a|wentwb: i know, but they have .deb equivalents ... it was just for looking at the name08:02
a|wentwb: i suppose you are looking for this script: http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-server@lists.ubuntu.com/msg02334.html08:02
a|wentwb: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-maintenance-check08:03
a|wenthat should enable you to check the support status of all packages on the server08:04
twbThat works quite well, thanks08:21
a|wennp ... that one should really be easier available somewhere08:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #369088 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "install crashes while adding mailody software" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36908808:25
twba|wen: it should be set up like vrms on Debian08:30
twbi.e. a cron job that each month warns you if any installed packages will become unsupported in the next (say) month.08:31
durtanybody get boot logging to work08:31
a|wentwb: just having it installed as default on the system would be a good start ... but a quick wrapper around that script should be able to provide that08:32
twbI intend to set one up internally, anywya08:33
twbdurt: what do you mean by "boot logging"?08:34
durtgetting /var/log/boot to be used, ie. userspace boot logging08:35
twbWhy would there be a /var/log/boot when that isn't defined in syslog.conf?08:36
durtit used to be used by bootlogd.08:37
twbNever heard of that.08:38
twbJust syslogd and klogd08:38
_rubenbootlogd has been broken for a long time now i think08:42
T-Hawkhey ppl... yesterday amavis started sending me updates every 3 hours like this: bayes: synced databases from journal in 0 seconds: 298 unique entries (717 total entries)08:45
T-Hawki've looked in the cron job, and in amavisd-new-cronjob and it should pipe stdout to /dev/null, anybody know how i can get rid of these messages?08:46
AlexC_I've got a very odd problem with curl/wget - they will just sit there for certain domains waiting for a response. They do connect perfectly fine, just never ever get a response, because of this I also can't update via apt-get update or aptitude (same issue, I assume they use wget/curl internally)08:50
AlexC_I can telnet into the domains on port 80, I can traceroute, ping etc. The sites are up and running, can verify this from other computers. Just this just server has decided enough is enough and given up08:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #369090 in samba (main) "smbd and nmbd wont run" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36909009:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #246314 in dhcp3 (main) "NTP doesn't update DHCP client configuration" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24631409:52
ZipmaOHi, some ubuntu webserver admins here?10:23
ZipmaOI'm a bit curious about web host setups10:24
ZipmaONot the usual LAMP setup but as a web host provider10:24
AlexC_ZipmaO, do you have a more specific question?10:27
Doblehey folks, im trying to get apache working and am having a problem with my virtual server, I have set it up on port 12341 but when I go to I recieve a connection failure message. My other default site works fine, can anyone help? it's probably something simple I'm missing ...11:06
andolDoble: Have you changed everywhere you should. Except the global apache settings (usually set i ports.conf) there are usualy also port settings in your vhosts.11:14
andolDoble: By the way, I'm on my way out for lunch now, so I probably won't respons to any follow up questions right away.11:15
Dobleandol: thanks i will check now11:19
Dobleandol: great, I checked the config files and it seems webmin didn't add the port to the ports.conf file for some reason ... this is why I hate webmin!! cheers!11:25
AnAntHello, is there a tool that eases configuration of an LDAP server ?11:38
AnAnt__Hello, is there a tool that eases configuration of an LDAP server ?11:50
andolDoble: If you hate Webmin, why do you use it? :)11:54
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.11:54
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox11:56
Dobleandol: thanks, i wasn't aware of that ... I used webmin because I am looking for a way to host sites for clients, and have a managable interface for them to use to manage their virtual site in apache. I was hoping webmin/usermin would be the answer11:58
Dobleim trying to keep it as simple as possible though, and i find that most web interfaces give me too many options and choices, when all i want is simplicity11:59
Doblei find it easier to work with the shell!11:59
andolDoble: Perhaps ISPConfig is what you'r looking for? (Heard about it, no personal experiences)12:00
AnAnt__can ebox configure ldap service ?12:02
AnAnt__oh, it does12:03
Dobleandol: thanks, I am looking at it now12:03
mrwesI've install the unattended-upgrades packaged and edit the conf file for security updates only -- do I need to do something else to enable it to run? Does it get invoked from cron.daily?12:12
AnAntHello, ebox is not installable in Intrepid, is there a way around that ?12:15
mrwesI've install the unattended-upgrades packaged and edit the conf file for security updates only -- do I need to do something else to enable it to run? Does it get invoked from cron.daily?12:36
dayoi've set up and ldap server, setting up and nfs server, and want my nfs clients (which will automount from the nfs) to authenticate via ldap. following this guide, where do i run the installation of the ldap auth modules?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAPClientAuthentication13:48
dayosetting up an* nfs server13:48
sommerdayo: on the clients13:56
dayosommer: i need to install the ldap stuff on the clients? not the ldap server or the nfs server? is that right?13:57
sommerdayo: here's a link to the server guide section on LDAP: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html13:58
sommerdayo: basically you setup an ldap server, then each client needs the libnss-ldap, libpam-ldap, etc to authenticate to the LDAP server13:58
sommerdayo: there's a subsection on client authentication towards the bottom13:59
_rubenbye? ;)14:00
dayosommer: great, thanks a lot. :-)14:00
sommerdayo: np, if you have specifc issues feel free to ask14:01
FumohAnyone know what I can do if I get a segfault trying to su/sudo?14:02
FumohI've never had this happen before... everything else (generally) works, but I can't elevate my rights or log in as root.14:03
IvanCostaJrHello, guys!14:56
IvanCostaJrIs there anybody here that can help me with some Samba problems?14:57
dayosommer: i got a 'command not found' error for `sudo pam-auth-update`14:58
IvanCostaJrIt's my first time with Ubuntu server (I've been used openSUSE...)14:58
dayosommer: i'm doing this on hardy, btw.14:58
dayoIvanCostaJr: hi14:58
IvanCostaJrHi, dayo.14:58
sommerdayo: ah, then pam-auth-update won't work :-)15:00
sommerdayo: the Intrepid instructions should work with hardy though: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html15:00
dayook, i'll try those15:00
IvanCostaJrI have a big problem with Samba shares. Yesterday nobody can have access to the shares. Now, after I create some users with disable login in group USERS, everybody gets access to all shares.15:01
sommerdayo: the server instructions are slightly different as well... hardy uses /etc/ldap/slapd.conf instead of cn=config, so you might want to use the hardy section for the server setup15:02
IvanCostaJrSeens that samba isn't respect the "write list"15:02
dayosommer: damn. ok, then15:03
dayoi wonder what impact that's gonna have when upgrading to the next lts15:04
sommerdayo: should be migrated fine... the migration from hardy to intrepid worked fine with slapd15:05
J_Pdefault ubuntu-server is now amd64. why?15:06
dnaumovheh, minimal jeos installation doesnt have "man" but still manages to take 500mb of space, way to go15:07
incorrectI am looking for a console tool to give me network info15:14
incorrecti used to use something, but i can't remembers its name15:15
dayoincorrect: iptraf?15:17
incorrecti tried iftop that is pretty cute15:18
dayoincorrect: i use iftop, too15:19
dnaumovpicking installing "openssh server" installs x11-common.....15:24
Kamping_Kaiserdnaumov, yes, its a set of keymaps (and various bits)15:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #369133 in squid (main) "Squid does not reload when DNS settings change" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36913317:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #369197 in openldap (main) "error installing SLAPD" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36919717:06
RoAkSoAxo/ ivoks17:34
ivoksRoAkSoAx: hi17:38
RoAkSoAxivoks, how's it going?17:38
ivoksRoAkSoAx: trying to clean up some bacula bugs... hopefully, i'll nail 10 of them in one go :D17:39
RoAkSoAxivoks, i've made you admin of ubuntu-ha in launchpad.. and btw.. how do you think we should handle membership?17:39
ivoksafter that i'll take a look at ubuntu-ha bugs17:39
ivoksi think it would be better to leave it open17:40
ivokswe don't have any special privileges, so it isn't a threat to... anything :)17:41
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok17:41
RoAkSoAxivoks, i guess that at the UDS you'll present the idea of creating a ubuntu cluster stack based in linux-ha + heartbeat17:43
RoAkSoAxoh and btw.. the launchpad list has been created17:43
ivoksRoAkSoAx: yes17:45
RoAkSoAxivoks, awesome17:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #369274 in liferea (universe) "Liferea did receive signal 11 (Segmentatiefout). (dup-of: 286119)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36927417:51
RoAkSoAxivoks, btw... would you be interested in being a motu mentor?17:51
ivoksi could try... i'm not that great in packaging, but i could try :)17:52
ivokstoo many 'i could try'17:52
RoAkSoAxivoks, but you are a motu... so you do have experience... cuz.. i was about to ask again for a motu mentor17:53
riboanyone using UML get this when starting the VM: Kernel panic - not syncing: Operation too long18:17
ribooh. buggy UML + COW18:19
hollmanhello all, i have a question, recently i install u server 9.04, and i goin to install apache2 php2 and mysql-server-5.0, the apt installme too postfix18:26
ivoksprobably php5, not php218:30
ivoksyou've probably installed something else too, cause none of lamp packages pools mta18:31
ivokshollman: ^^18:31
hollmanivoks, :P php518:32
hollmanbut i dont install more, only this packages,18:33
ivokstry removing postfix18:35
ivoksit will tell you that it needs to remove the package that depends on it18:36
ivoksthat way you'll know which one pulled postfix18:36
ScottKivoks: Even better is aptitude why postfix18:36
hollmanivoks, y remove postfix manually ..., well i have one more question18:37
ivoksScottK: or that :)18:37
hollmany installed mysql-server-5.0 and later i install mysql-server, this p[ackage install me mysql-server-5.1 and i have some problems :S18:38
jmedinaScottK: good aptitude tip :D, I was just about asking about a similar feature :)18:38
ScottKThere is also whynot18:38
ScottKThose are the only things I use aptitude for.18:38
jmedinaIm not used to aptitude because I can write apt-get faster :(18:39
* a|wen notes aptitude mark-auto18:39
ivoksmysql-server installs mysql-server-5.0, not 5.118:39
ScottKI rather prefer apt-get's approach of giving up when it's too hard to aptitude's I'll try anything no matter how insane as long as it gets me there approach18:39
a|wenpay attention when aptitude starts asking you question ...18:40
hollmani try to resolv the problems with sudo apt-get -f install and Ubuntu show me this error18:42
=== MohammadBoozary is now known as Mohammad[B]
hollmanAborting downgrade from (at least) 5.1 to 5.0.18:42
hollmandpkg: error al procesar /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-5.0_5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10_i386.deb (--unpack):18:42
hollman el subproceso pre-installation script devolvió el código de salida de error 118:42
hollmanSe encontraron errores al procesar:18:42
hollman /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-5.0_5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10_i386.deb18:42
hollmanE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:42
jmedinaa|wen: I think that is one of the reasons I prefer apt-get18:42
a|wenjmedina: well, aptitude was the only way i got rid of gnome again (after fluxbox pulled it in)18:43
MagicFabhollman, remove 5.1 first18:45
hollmanMagicFab, if impossible "i think" because the apt and aptitude show me a dependencies error18:47
MagicFabpaste the error here ?18:48
MagicFabthe error you pasted before is not dependencies.. also check you free space (sounds obvious but..)18:49
hollmanin a pastebin, its to long18:49
hollmanMagicFab, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d6bb4431118:50
MagicFabremember the "pastebinit"package is your friend :)18:50
mrwesI installed the unattended-updates package and uncommented         "Ubuntu hardy-security"; is there something else I need to do to make this run?18:50
RoyKhi all. I'm looking for a way to setup an automated install of certain servers. We have some researchers that need a certain set of packages ranging from imagemagick to scipy and there's quite a few of them. Is there a way to create a custom, automated installation like that easily?18:51
hollmanMagicFab, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m670b67c918:52
MagicFabRoyK, take a look at ubuntu-vm-builder (if you want to use VMs).18:52
MagicFabor use preseeding if installing on baremetal... which one do you want ?18:52
RoyKMagicFab: mostly bare metal18:53
RoyKsome VMs as well on xen18:53
MagicFabhollman, first sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server-5.018:53
hollmanMagicFab, the second pastebin ;)18:53
MagicFabhollman, yes I am looking at that one18:54
RoyKMagicFab: but not these boxes, really, those researchers drink cpu time like a drunk18:54
MagicFabRoyK, so which is it ?18:54
RoyKamd64 iron18:54
MagicFabRoyK, this may get you started: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/installation-guide/amd64/automatic-install.html18:56
RoyKsome 50 researchers doing all sorts of mathematical models for air and whatnot research18:56
RoyKMagicFab: thanks18:56
MagicFabRoyK, I'd advised practicing on VMs :)18:56
RoyKwell, of course18:57
RoyKor some test box18:57
MagicFabalso check this for easy(er) vm testing: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kirkland/ubuntu-vm-builder.html18:57
MagicFabtry it, you may change your mind and *only* provide access to a bigger box with only VMs :)18:58
RoyKis that usable for installing on real iron?18:58
RoyKMagicFab: not really - most boxes we setup these days have a minimum of two cores, and the overhead for virtualizing SMP systems are too high a price to pay18:59
RoyKs/are too/is too/18:59
MagicFabYour host could be 8.04 LTS18:59
RoyKwe're only running 8.04LTS atm18:59
RoyKon servers, that is18:59
MagicFabcorrect, LTS host, other version guests.18:59
RoyKon workstations, we're using whatever the user wants19:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #369413 in nagios3 (main) "submit_check_result script fails when called by another script" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36941319:00
RoyKMagicFab: if you have a hundred servers, you want to stick to something _stable_19:00
MagicFabhollman, what's up19:00
RoyKwe have a couple of hundred19:00
MagicFabRoyK, all bare metal ?19:00
RoyKmost of them19:00
hollmanMagicFab, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m57bef78819:01
RoyKsome virtual solaris zones, some xen stuff, but mostly bare metal19:01
MagicFabThen PXE + kickstart + MAC address-based seeds would make sense19:01
RoyKthat's what I was thinking about... :)19:01
MagicFabI haven't done it myself but I know it's part of the labs we prepared for the Ubuntu Server course19:01
RoyKI'll just boil down the requirements to a minimum, I guess, and make that a standard19:02
MagicFabStart from the docs I pointed - we also have a whitepaper on mass deployment.19:03
RoyKMagicFab: I haven't setup automated installs since redhat 7.2 or something19:03
MagicFabSadly, we need to know who you are :) -> http://www.ubuntu.com/contact/whitepaper19:04
MagicFab*discalimer* I am employed by Canonical - don't get the wrong impression ;)19:04
RoyKdo you work for Canonical?19:04
MagicFabAlso take a look at OEM mode installs on server - it's new in 9.04: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OemConfigServer19:06
RoyKsorry - need 8.04 for this19:06
ivokskickstart + preseed19:06
RoyKservers tend to last for some time19:06
ivoks+ apt-cacher on server19:07
RoyKI think the oldest boxes we have running are a Sun Ultra 5 and an Ultra 45019:07
RoyKthat stuff is in production19:07
RoyKMagicFab: see pm, please19:07
MagicFabivoks, apt-cacher-ng19:07
ivoksMagicFab: what's the diff?19:08
RoyKafter registering, http://www.ubuntu.com/contact/whitepaper-thankyou turns up an empty page19:08
ivoksmathiaz: could you create ppa for ubuntu-bacula?19:11
MagicFabivoks, rewritten, optimized19:12
ivoksMagicFab: so, buzzwords :D19:12
MagicFabRoyK, heh - interesting.19:12
MagicFabivoks, don't take my word. Check.19:12
ivoksMagicFab: i was kidding19:12
mathiazivoks: sure19:13
mathiazivoks: I wonder if you'd be interested in being an administrator of the team?19:13
KnirghHey, i'm setting up ubuntu server atm and going to need some guidance19:13
ivoksmathiaz: yes :)19:13
mathiazivoks: hm - I can't do that19:14
mathiazivoks: Only the administrator of the team can do it19:14
MagicFabivoks, I wasn't :) hard to tell but I am using it without problems for a few months now19:14
mathiazivoks: hm -only the team owner19:14
ivoksmathiaz: well, you are an admin19:14
ivoksi'll contact kern19:15
KnirghWhat's the best bet at the moment, ext3 or ext4?19:15
mathiazivoks: what would be the PPA short description?19:15
ivoksmathiaz: Testing packages ?19:15
mathiazivoks: done19:16
ivoksmathiaz: thank you!19:17
ivokshopefully, i can upload there :)19:17
MagicFabhollman: remove mysql-server19:20
hollmanMagicFab, the same error19:21
IvanCostaJrHi, guys!19:21
hollmancogito@server:~$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server19:21
hollmanLeyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho19:21
hollmanCreando árbol de dependencias19:21
hollmanLeyendo la información de estado... Hecho19:21
hollmanmysql-server ya está en su versión más reciente.19:21
hollmanTal vez quiera ejecutar `apt-get -f install' para corregirlo:19:21
hollmanLos siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:19:21
hollman  mysql-server: Depende: mysql-server-5.0 pero no va a instalarse19:21
hollmanE: Dependencias incumplidas. Intente 'apt-get -f install' sin paquetes (o especifique una solución).19:21
MagicFabhollman, REMOVE19:22
hollman:-o, done19:23
mrwesI installed the unattended-updates package and uncommented         "Ubuntu hardy-security"; is there something else I need to do to make this run?19:24
* jmedina doesnt trus in unattended-updates19:24
mrwesthat's another discussion19:26
mrwesI don't get to worried on the security updates only19:26
KnirghCan anyone help me with setting up a FTP server with accounts locked to /var/www? I'm very new at this19:27
mrwesI believe it's default now in Ibex and up19:27
rjuneI have a handful(10 or so) of ubuntu systems locally, I would like to self host the jaunty repositories. Is there an easy way to do this short of mirroring the entirety of  http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool ?19:31
MagicFabhollman, remove any affected packages one by one... then install mysql-server, see what happens - come back and tell us :)19:31
MagicFabrjune, are you wanting to save bandwidth or anything else more involved (such as complete offline access to all packages) ?19:32
hollmanMagicFab, i do that, thanks19:32
hollmani'll be right back19:32
rjunewant to save bandwidth and want to have everything locally for complete offline access.19:33
rjuneI thought it would be trivial to do, but was surprised to find all updates coming from /pool19:34
MagicFabrjune, one way to quickly save bandwidth is setting up one of those machines as a package cacher. apt-cacher-ng will do that.19:35
rjunethen point the others to it.19:36
rjunenot quite what I was looking for, but probably good enough.19:36
MagicFablook at all the apt- related packages, many will help with offline access caching, proxying etc.19:39
slestaki am looking at kpass methods of making a keytab enable AD auth to apache on a couple of ubuntu server machines.  The keytab that is created on the domain controller, can that keytab be exported to several webservers, or is a diff one needed for each apache install?19:39
hollmanMagicFab, i remove all the packages one by one19:39
hollmani y have this problem19:39
MagicFabDid you update before attempting the reinstall ?19:41
MagicFaband I'd dpkg --configure -a too19:41
RoyKanyone that knows a good way to solve single sign-on and file services between linux, solaris and windows?19:43
RoyKI thought of using LDAP, but will this work with NIS?19:43
RoyKnot nis, nfs19:43
rjuneRoyK, yes, LDAP + NFS works19:43
rjuneLDAP + SMB works.19:43
rjuneLDAP or NIS are \almost required when using NFS19:44
RoyKok, so using a win2k8 server in the center and clients and servers around?19:44
RoyKI don't know much about how NFS auth works, sorry, I'm new at this19:44
rjuneare you using NFS in this setup?19:44
rjuneor are you using SMB?19:44
RoyKwe have a bunch of clients on solaris, linux and windows, and the same mix with the servers19:44
RoyKthe unices use nfs19:45
rjuneI *think* MS used to support unix attributes in AD. You might look into that.19:45
rjuneServices for  Unix or some such IIRC19:45
rjunethat would likely be easiest.19:46
RoyKwhat unix attributes will I need?19:46
rjuneuid, gid, passwd, home dir19:46
rjuneYou're new to unix, eh?19:46
RoyKbeen working with unix systems daily since 1998 or so, but I'm quite new to ldap in unix19:46
rjuneif you can't do that... you might be able to get away with winbindd on one system and have it update an LDAP store.19:47
rjunebasically, once NFS comes into the mix, you need to make sure uid and gid are the same across systems19:47
rjunewhich is where LDAP or NIS looks good19:48
RoyKseems unix attributes should be part of AD19:48
rjunedifferent systems with different concepts of users.19:48
RoyKI know, but we have a LOT of different users19:49
slestakthere is also likewise-open, that ships with ubuntu now.  basically it is winbindd19:49
RoyKanything from office people that get a nervous breakdown if they see a linux box, to the climate researchers that get violent if you mention windows vista19:50
RoyKslestak: guess it doesn't work too well with solaris19:50
RoyKor could an ubuntu box relay/sync this with nis?19:51
* RoyK really doesn't want to try this on the old HPUX box19:51
RoyKrjune: unix attributes came with win2k3 or so, it seems19:52
rjuneslestak, his problem is relaying that in a unix format for the linux/unix systems19:52
rjuneRoyK, but does it still?19:52
slestaki thinkit might.  we have it installed on an aix box. check their site for hpux and solaris19:52
RoyKrjune: even microsoft have opened up a little on the server side, so I guess so19:53
RoyKbetter check tomorrow19:53
rjuneRoyK, if it does, you should be all set19:53
RoyKjust got a little job to do making the old solaris 8 boxes understand ldap19:53
RoyKor an easier job moving the services onto another box and ditch the old crap19:54
ivoksmathiaz: have you looked at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/openldap-dit/trunk19:55
oruworkivoks-> where you been man ?19:56
mathiazivoks: nope - first time I saw that19:57
ivoksmathiaz: well, it looks like a very good start :)19:58
ivoksit's almost finished :D19:58
mathiazivoks: right - it's andreas work from the Mandriva Directory Server.19:59
ivoksi could provide some MTA stuff19:59
ivokslike amavis per user config, aliases etc...20:00
ivoksahasenack: i was looking at the dit you are working on20:05
ivoksahasenack: i have some ideas for MTA part20:06
ahasenackivoks: cool20:06
ivoksaliases, forward and vacation for a start20:06
ivoksmaybe even amavis schema at some point20:06
ahasenackivoks: i would be happy enough to get a consensus on aliases :)20:06
ahasenackivoks: for example, do you prefer something like ou=aliases,... which mimics the /etc/aliases file or20:07
ahasenackivoks: email aliases inside the user entry itself?20:07
ivoksin side user entry20:07
ahasenackivoks: with ou=aliases, I can do an alias like "webmail: foo@gmail.com", which I can't do when they are inside user entries without creating a "webmail" user first20:08
ivokshehe, i just noticed that problem :)20:08
ivoksi'm in favor of having it under user entry20:09
ivokshaving it all in one place20:09
ahasenackivoks: using the refint overlay can help with ou=aliases20:10
ahasenackivoks: in fact, I used that once, worked fine20:10
ahasenackivoks: but there are pros and cons, as usual20:10
ahasenackivoks: maybe using both20:10
ivokswe could create a difference between a user with a mail and a system ('fake') user20:11
ivoksou=System Aliases20:12
ahasenackivoks: that seems a workaround20:12
ivokspostfix could read both...20:12
ahasenackivoks: I tended to favor ou=aliases (I mean, a separate branch) because it's more flexible, and the refint overlay helps maintenance20:13
ivoksi don't have a clue what refint is :D20:14
ivoksalready reading20:14
ahasenackivoks: if the user is removed, the alias entry is automatically updated20:15
ivoksahasenack: one more thing... you went with dc=example,dc=com20:15
erik78seFor all of you who knows about the Pirate party in Sweden, the party is the fourth biggest atm!? Do you know about it ?20:15
ivoksahasenack: is it possible to have o=example1,o=server_name?20:16
ivokserik78se: i couldn't care less about pirated software...20:17
ivoksahasenack: that way there would be logic in having couple of organizations under same DIT20:17
erik78seivoks: its not about pirated software20:17
ahasenackivoks: server name? That doesn't sound wise20:19
ahasenackivoks: I don't think we can come up with a tree for all needs, but i'm all ears20:20
ahasenackivoks: since in all discussions about DITs people tend to say "what if the organization changes", or "what if the domain changes", or ..., and then the discussion always stalls20:20
ahasenackivoks: I decided to come up with one of those and not try to solve the all problem20:20
ivoksi see20:21
ahasenackthe bigger problem, I mean20:21
ahasenackhaving something is better than nothing, that's what I thought20:21
ahasenackand this something could already apply to lots of people, might even be the more common case20:21
ivoksi agree, i was just thinking about the ways we could solve it...20:21
ahasenackivoks: in real life, what I think happens when one org buys another one and two DITs have to be merged, is that people use links between the trees20:22
ahasenackivoks: but it's complex, every case is different20:22
ahasenackivoks: it's usually a consultant's job in that case20:22
ivoksi've been in that situation20:22
ivoksthat's why i was looking how to solve it :D20:22
MagicFabhollman, sorry, I was in a meeting. Brb ~520:23
ahasenackthere are even overlays that translate attributes on the fly from one tree to the other20:23
hollmanMagicFab, ok, np20:23
ivoksahasenack: the problem i had was that we had different people in different organizations, but with a same name and lastname20:23
ivoksahasenack: so, if we merged ou=users from one dit to the other, that wouldn't work20:24
ahasenackivoks: so the rdn was the same, but not the dn if you think of both dits coexisting20:24
ivokswell, since we wanted to have them all in the same ou=users, dn's where the same20:25
ahasenackwhat I need to do in that openldap-dit project is to check what is available in ubuntu and what isn't (for example, bind with ldap patch, I don't know if it's available), check if the import scripts are there too (usually in /usr/share/doc) and finish adjusting the docs20:27
ahasenackthe script works, at least the last time I tried20:27
ahasenackand there is a request to have it use the config backend instead of creating a slapd.conf file20:27
ahasenackbut that's just a conversion away20:27
ivokswell, you shouldn't do it without pushing us to change bind/whatelse to work with it :)20:28
ivoksi could help with dovecot and postfix20:29
ahasenackoh, and add the default ubuntu admin dn to the ldap administrators group20:29
ahasenackunless it's rootdn itself, I didn't check that yet20:29
ivoksanyway... it's getting late over here...20:30
ivoksi'll test your dit these days20:30
ahasenackcool, thanks20:30
ivoksand provide patches for MTA part20:30
ivoksyou'll have to help with that refint stuff20:31
jmedinaivoks: where you  live?20:31
ivoksjmedina: croatia20:31
jmedinaivoks: what time?20:32
jmedinatoo late20:32
ivokstake care20:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #369470 in update-manager (main) "error starting slapd during dist-upgrade (dup-of: 369197)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36947020:36
phreestyle-workI have a question I can'20:44
phreestyle-workcan't seem to get google to answer for me20:44
phreestyle-workafter installing hardy (with lamp setup) what other configurations should I make to the server to make it secure and permormant under stress20:45
jmedinaphreestyle-work: that depends of your setup, your applications, and you current load20:48
jmedinayou can play with threads/childs config for apache20:48
phreestyle-workjmedina: well, I'm going to writing a php application in cakephp that will probably run on a postgresql database, but I'm concerned about the php performance20:48
jmedinasome applications bennefit from multi threaded apps using apache2-mpm20:49
jmedinasome php modules dont understand threading and work better with apache2-prefork (old style in apache1)20:49
phreestyle-workwell, i read that I should install an optcacher or something like that, so I installed xcache, but do I need to do anything special, or does xcache work automagically?20:50
oruworkjmarsden-> disable root login and disable password logins20:57
oruworkphreestyle-work-> that was for you20:58
phreestyle-workoruwork: yea, I gotta figure out how password-less authentication works with ssh20:58
oruworkwith a 1024 bit key20:59
phreestyle-workoruwork: right, but do you take that key with you on a flash drive or something20:59
oruworkyou are using putty right ?20:59
oruworkyeah you can do that20:59
phreestyle-workim on a mac, using the terminal20:59
oruworkfor mac ....21:00
oruworkdont really know how to obrain a key for mac21:00
phreestyle-worki mean the ssh server runs on ubuntu but I would be connecting from eiter a mac or a another ubuntu machine21:00
oruworkyeah the process is very simple, i just never done it for mac or linux desktop21:01
oruworki'm connection from win xp21:01
phreestyle-workwell with putty, you supply the key as a file in the gui...I'm sure there's a command-line equivelent21:01
oruworkthe steps i took was download puttyget.exe which let me generate a key21:03
phreestyle-workactually it would be really cool if I could get password-less ssh access working because I have some scripts that could use it21:03
oruworkthen in addition to putty.exe i use pageant to import key in21:03
oruworkpageant.exe that is21:04
phreestyle-workright....I just gotta figure out how to generate one of those keys on the server....but anyways, what other steps can be taken to secure and speedup the server?21:04
oruworki can find out for you though, so primarly you will be connection from MAC right ?21:04
oruworknot speedup21:05
phreestyle-workmostly....I'm sure someone has written an article on it21:05
oruworkjust secure from attacks such as brute force21:05
oruworksome boys are telling me about ssh-keyben21:10
oruworkyou should be able to use that internally21:10
phreestyle-workI'll have to check that out21:11
oruworkphreestyle-work-> ssh-keygen21:11
phreestyle-workoruwork: gotcha21:11
DoyleChriswuestion about samba21:23
DoyleChriscould somebody help21:24
jmedinaDoyleChris: just ask21:26
DoyleChrisi have samba up and running21:26
DoyleChrisand i have a 250 gig drive shared on the network21:27
DoyleChriswhat i would like to do is have Home directories for my girlfriend and i that we can access and also music, pictures, and movies.  but have a directory that has programs and other directories i can only access21:28
DoyleChrisi was able to create a account for me and my girlfriend21:28
DoyleChrisand i can access the drive with no problem but not sure how to set her account or access up21:29
jmedinaDoyleChris: the same way you did your your account21:29
jmedinaDoyleChris:what kinkd of account did you create for your gf?21:30
DoyleChrisi have the drive mounted as Server250 and i just create access to folders in it or do i haft to create a mount in side that21:30
jmedinalinux user or samba user?21:31
DoyleChrisset it up as a linux user then converted over though webmin21:32
DoyleChrisin the samba module part21:32
jmedina:S I dont know webmin21:32
jmedinaok try this21:32
jmedinapdbedit -L21:33
jmedinawhat will list your samba accounts21:33
DoyleChrisIm Chris and Amanda is my girlfriend21:35
DoyleChrisshould i create a seprate mount and share for each folder21:37
DoyleChrisi dont know21:37
jmedinaso you already share /home?21:38
jmedinayou want to share /home for amanda and chris21:38
jmedinaand another directory where you have multimedia files21:38
jmedinawhere is that directory?21:38
DoyleChriswell when i created there accounts i put there homes on Server 25021:38
jmedinaDoyleChris: how?21:39
DoyleChristhe share path is from the mount point /Server21:39
DoyleChrisi can see under the mount /Server21:40
DoyleChristhe Amanda and Christopher folder21:40
jmedinaand home directories are under /home?21:40
DoyleChrisunder /Server21:41
jmedina /home/amanda, /home/christopher ?21:41
DoyleChrisno /Server/Amanda /Server/Christopher21:41
jmedinaand where are the multimedia files?21:41
DoyleChrisThey would be under /Server/Music ,/Movies, /Programs ,/Pictures21:42
DoyleChrisAmanda can only access amanda,Music,movies,pictures21:42
DoyleChrisand i can access everything21:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #368145 in mythtv (main) "myth-backend wants to start in runlevel2 while mysql is not ready yet" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36814521:51
DoyleChrisi started over21:53
DoyleChrisremoved the origanial share21:54
DoyleChriscreated directories in linux for music pictures.... and trying to share that directory and having problems21:54
DoyleChriswhy cant this be simple21:58
DoyleChrishas anybody on here worked with webmin22:00
phreestyle-workwebmin = bad22:00
DoyleChriswhat do you recommend then webmin22:00
phreestyle-workit should be pretty easy to set up file sharing using it22:01
phreestyle-worksince you're using the server edition of ubuntu, you don't get the same nice gui tools that you would if you were using gnome, which is good if you're running a server....but I have a proxy/web filtering server setup using ebox...it's makes a lot of things very simple22:02
DoyleChriswell i install gnome to do some things22:02
DoyleChrisebox mentions hardy or interpid22:03
DoyleChriswhich one22:03
* mattt doesn't like webmin22:03
phreestyle-workwhich ubuntu version are you running? I run hardy here22:04
DoyleChristhe latest 9.04 i think22:04
phreestyle-workbtw, this link may be helpful to you: http://www.howtoforge.com/running-a-file-and-print-server-with-ebox-on-ubuntu8.04-server-p322:04
DoyleChriscan i also setup ftp and webserver though it22:04
phreestyle-workwell, there's not a whole lot of gui settings for a webserver in ebox other than enable/disable, but yes22:05
phreestyle-workas for ftp, they are working a module for it, but I don't think there is one just yet22:06
DoyleChrisdo i wnat hardy or interpid22:06
phreestyle-workrun this command: lsb_release -a22:07
phreestyle-workit will tell you what version you are running22:07
phreestyle-workhaven't gotten a chance to play with jaunty server yet, but it should be similar to the other versions: sudo apt-get install ebox22:08
phreestyle-workthen from there, you will prolly want to do this so you can see what modules are available for install: sudo apt-cache search ebox-22:09
phreestyle-workgood luck with that...gotta run22:11
phreestyle-workif nothing else, google helps now that you have a good path22:11
jgoguenquestion about https://launchpad.net/bugs/367943 - fetch public key from LP rather than set password...I want to say that this is Invalid because first, private keys go in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, and second that the user must have a password for console logins and sudo anyway22:18
uvirtbotjgoguen: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out22:18
jgoguenis this good enough or is there something else I'm missing?22:18
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phaidroshi, can it be true, that ldap-server in hary is broken ?23:06
phaidrosok, installing slapd directly works23:10
* jmedina only uses hardy slapd servers in production23:10
jmedinaalthough openldap team dont recomend use debian version :S, they recommend use stable relasee23:11
jmedinacompiled by hand23:11
jmedinamost fixes are about GNUTLS and syncronization23:12
phaidrosjmedina: I am trying to understand ldap right now. it seems to be not that easy :)23:27
jmedinaphaidros: is not easy tu understand23:28
jmedinaI recommend this book: Mastering OpenLDAP: Configuring, Securing and Integrating Directory Services from Packetpublishing23:29
jmedinaMastering OpenLDAP: Configuring, Securing and Integrating Directory Services23:29
jmedinait has good ldap fundamentals, it is something like "all you want to know about ldap and openldap "23:29
phaidrosok, I want LDAP only as backend to manage users and groups for a number of services ..23:31
phaidrosall the directory service knowledge is eating my brain :/23:31
phaidrosor better, my breain refuses to absorb it :D23:31
jmedinaphaidros: I have a document about openldap +samba to centrally manage users and groups for mixed enviroments: linux+unix and windows23:32
phaidrosjmedina: yay!23:32
* jmedina dont understand "yay"23:32
phaidrosyay = sounds good :)23:33
jmedinaConfigurar un servidor Controlador de Dominio con Samba y OpenLDAP en Ubuntu Server Hardy 8.0423:33
jmedinait is in spanish23:33
jmedinayou can copy paste almost everything, and after a few minuts you have a domain controller running :D23:34
phaidrosthanks jmedina, as I do not understand spanish .. I try to read the examples there :)23:36
jmedinaphaidros: you can use google translation that will help23:37
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