
Anonanyone know a good program that i can use on Xubuntu to scan and fix viruses on a Windows PC?00:57
harmzAnyone here?01:11
Anonyes and no01:12
harmzConsidering using xubuntu, on an IBM Thinkpad, Pentium II 363 mHZ 352 RAM 8 gb HD, got a few questions. such as, is this a good idea?01:12
Anonim here, but odds are i cant help you01:12
phaeteanyone friendly and think they can help resolve a problem for me?01:12
phaetei got a 42" lcd running through dvi-hdmi and when i view in 1080p its a little zoomed in01:13
phaetetop/bottom/sides are in a fraction01:14
phaetethis issue doesnt happen on windows.01:14
phaetesomething you guys know the solution too?01:14
Anonharmz, xubuntu would run on that computer, but there might be better options out there, i say if its an old computer try to install xubuntu and if that dosent work move on01:14
harmzwhat other options?01:15
Anonmabey another kernel01:15
harmzRunning XP now.01:15
Anonxubunut would run i think, the processor is a bit slow but i think it would work01:15
harmzWhat about Netbook remix?01:16
harmzof Ubuntu01:16
Anonoh thats beyond my scope01:16
Anonsorry dude01:16
Anonphaete, have you toyed around with the setting on the LCD?01:17
phaeteyeah a little01:17
phaetenot much available there01:17
phaetei can zoom in01:18
phaeteim max out in terms of zooming out01:18
Anonhummm. sounds like the aspect ratio is messed up01:18
Anonyour outputing form a computer to the LCD?01:19
phaeteat the moment im trying to install the ati binary01:20
phaeteas i got ati card01:20
phaetemight help i hope01:20
Anonso it take it the LCD is widescreen and there are black bars on either side,01:21
Anonis it cutting a bit off the top and the bottom as well?01:21
Anonany luck?01:22
phaetejust rebooting now01:24
phaeteahh now its like zoomed in atm01:24
phaetei get full screen01:24
phaetein comes in on the side/top/bottom01:24
phaeteso i cant see taskbars01:24
phaetehopefully this reboot works :D01:24
phaetemad, it worked01:25
phaeteim a noob btw01:25
meatcarI just installed the xubuntu-desktop package, and am unable to make my dual screen setup work.01:25
phaetei only used ubuntu for 2weeks01:25
phaetehave you install the driver support01:25
meatcarIt works in ubuntu. In xfce , i just see one screen availble for editing. thats my laptop screen01:26
Anonhey either of you wouldn't happen to know a good anti-virus software for Xubunut that can scan and fix windows PC do you01:26
Anonmeatcar, have you opend the display panel?01:26
meatcarAnon: such a thing exists?01:27
Anoni dont know,01:27
meatcaryes, i have. i see only one screen availble to be selected.01:27
Anoni want something like that thoe, it would be nice to fix viruses without the risk of this computer catching it01:27
meatcargoogle it. theres bound to be something.01:28
Anonive been looking, i have this Avast stuff but im not really happy with it01:28
meatcar:S i cant help you there.01:29
Anon:/ oh well01:29
meatcarby the way, is it possible to add whole menu's as launchers?01:30
Anoni dont see why not but i have no idea how to, ive only been using linux for a week or so01:31
meatcarit used to be an active feature in earlier releases of XFCE... but it got taken out... :(     http://njlinux.blogspot.com/2008/01/virus-scan-windows-using-linux-live-cd.html01:32
meatcarignore the knoppix part. seems like somethign you were looking for.01:33
Anoni have a ide/sata to usb converter, so i just wire up hard drives using that and scan them.01:34
Anonbut that still might work01:34
phaetei odnt know about anti virus01:36
Anoneh oh well01:36
phaeteput it in an external hdd01:36
phaeteand scan01:36
Anonunder the hardware drivers, is the second graphics card coming up?01:38
Anoneh dam i really have no idea01:39
saikianyone know how to get nvidi ards workign right?02:10
phaeteyou install the drivers/02:10
phaetehave you?02:10
saikibut the resolutions don't work02:11
saikiand now it won't even open the X display :@02:11
phaeteim noob i wouldnt know sorry02:11
saikino worries02:12
rockohow can I remove all png only files with rm command or is there any other command I can use to do this ?02:32
rockoI want to do it recursively02:32
rockoso all folders in this one directory02:32
jakemonOanyone having trouble w/xubuntu9.04 as a vbox client w/audio?02:39
meatcar i am trying to make my dual-screen work in xubuntu 9.04, and am having trouble with xrandr. http://paste.linuxassist.net/214634  can anyone help?02:48
kebrocko find . -name '*.doc' -print | xargs echo02:49
kebreplace *.doc with *.png, and echo with rm (after you are sure you have the right files listed)02:50
rockocool thanks keb you are the best02:50
Anonkeb, ever herd of an anti virus softwhere for linux that can scan a windows PC and fix it?02:51
rockoso what about if you wanted to do it to a certain directory ? keb02:51
kebrocko start in that directory.  the "." is the starting folder for find02:51
kebAnon clamav does that i think02:52
rockookay thanks keb02:52
Anoncool ty02:52
kebAnon but make sure you have ntfs-3g02:52
rockoAnon just boot into safe mode and fix your problems in there02:52
rockothere are some windows tools i can recommended to use if you are interested02:52
rockothat get rid of some nasties that most anti virus software does not remove02:53
kebAnon offline scanning often can't fix registry issues, so yeah safe mode etc may be better02:53
rockolike vundo viruses02:53
Anonim not worried about registry fixes02:53
kebi h8 them02:53
Anoni can do them02:53
Anonbut identifying and deleating them would be nice02:54
rockowell you can use network stuff with safe mode you just have to select to use networking in safe mode02:54
kebassuming it is winxp or newer02:54
kebmaybe win200002:54
kebanyway its offtopic02:54
Anonwould i need this NTFS 3G if i can wire up the windows hard drive using a usb port?02:54
rockoAnon http://vundofix.atribune.org/02:54
kebAnon if you have a recent ubuntu it will probably mount the partition without extra effort02:55
kebeven on usb02:55
Anonjust got 9.4 last night02:55
rockoAnon http://www.atribune.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=25&Itemid=2502:56
kebplug in the drive and type "mount" and see what it says02:56
rockothat has nothing to do with anti virus but it is a nice tool02:56
rockoall in one to get rid of junk files02:56
MTec007_im having some strange problems with my wireless card, i am connected but only at 1mbps and im getting a lot of packet loss if i ping yahoo,com for example, %16 loss first time 36% second time with frequest wifi disconnects.02:57
meatcarMTec007, is this a sudden problem, or is it after you did some system changes(updates, etc.)02:59
MTec007_i never used my card on linux before03:05
MTec007_only windows03:05
J_LitewskiMTec007_, what card is it? model, etc03:05
MTec007_the wired works fine (even wired to router)03:05
MTec007_its a dell dont know the model though i can check if i can figure out how to 'eject' it form linux03:07
J_LitewskiMTec007_, are you on a wired connection?03:08
kebto figure out what card it is03:08
meatcarMTec007_, I'm feeling its a driver error. find the windows driver for your card, and use ndiswrapper to set it up.03:08
MTec007_i am right now, i cant use the internet on my wireless03:08
meatcarplenty of tuttorials around.03:09
MTec007_03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)   but thats not what it actually is i guess just what the OS thinks it is?03:10
kebthats what the card says it is03:10
J_LitewskiMTec007_, are you using the b43legacy driver?03:11
kebdell might have linux support for it though, check their site03:11
MTec007_doubtfully this card is from 2005ish03:11
J_LitewskiI have a Dell TrueConnect using the b43legacy driver03:11
MTec007_J_Litewski, NULL(info.linux.driver)   is what connection information says03:12
J_LitewskiI get that too03:12
MTec007_see i have already been to that site before i upgraded to 9.04    (didnt get it working)03:13
MTec007_i dont think i fully understand what the website is telling me to do or how to do it03:14
MTec007_that took a long time, lol03:15
=== MTec007_ is now known as MTec007
MTec007i dont think i got that b43-fwcutter to work that may be the problem i dont really know, i am new to linux and that just really isnt explained very well03:19
J_Litewskitry it03:19
J_Litewskiit is a 43xx card03:19
MTec007like i said, i dont understand the instructions on the site, i couldnt get it to work03:20
meatcarhave you tried ndiswrapper?03:21
J_Litewskijust go into the Hardware Drivers in Applications/System and enable it from there03:21
MTec007meatcar, no    J_Litewski, broadcom b43 wireless driver is activated and in use03:23
kebMTec007 whats the first thing you didnt understand on the fwcutter site03:24
MTec007i would have to find the site again i dont remember it03:24
[AfZ]TomServo1if anyone's here, i'd like to know if i made a big mistake in upgrading to 9.0403:25
meatcar[AfZ]TomServo1, to answer your question, we need to know your situation03:26
[AfZ]TomServo1actually, it's working fine for the most part03:26
[AfZ]TomServo1but i'm getting no sound whatsoever03:27
[AfZ]TomServo1seems like a common issue03:27
kebare you using xubuntu or kubuntu or ubuntu03:27
meatcari hate setting up sound. its always a pain03:28
meatcarcheck all the possible sound options03:28
meatcartrial and error always works.03:28
[AfZ]TomServo1i'm using a usb headset, apparently known as "C-Media" something or other cause that's the driver that worked for me in 8.1003:28
[AfZ]TomServo1tried reloading alsa03:28
[AfZ]TomServo1it's showing up in lsusb03:28
kebthat would be lsusb03:28
[AfZ]TomServo1so the headset appears to be recognized and loaded in alsa03:30
[AfZ]TomServo1just to make sure, can you tell me the proper cmd to list all sound devices in alsa?03:30
meatcarMTec007, ndiswrapper howtos:  http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Networking/NdisWrapper_The_Ultimate_Guide/     https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper03:31
kebooh yes if it is alsa, you might have to run alsamixer once and unmute stuff03:31
[AfZ]TomServo1i looked in alsamixer already, but i'll double check03:31
kebunmute the master and pcm bars, and set volume about 80%03:32
meatcargtg yall, read a book for english for tomorrow. good luck.03:32
[AfZ]TomServo1there's an option in alsamixer called "pcm capt", do you know what it does03:34
kebcapture sound i think03:34
kebfrom some other input03:34
[AfZ]TomServo1where do i adjust the overall sound output?03:38
[AfZ]TomServo1master sound, in other words03:38
kebshould be the first bar on the left, called master03:39
kebor install the volume control on your taskbar03:39
[AfZ]TomServo1well there's no master volume control option available for my headphones03:39
kebdo you have another sound card in the system? maybe that is confusing things03:40
kebin the sound settings things, there is sometimes a place to choose which device is default03:41
[AfZ]TomServo1yeah i have an onboard intel sound device03:41
dsmith_anyupdate yet?03:43
[AfZ]TomServo1do you mean the "default sound card" thing03:43
dsmith_er..anyone update from 8.10?03:43
[AfZ]TomServo1i did...and now my sound doesn't work03:44
kebdsmith_ i dist-upgraded from 8.1003:44
dsmith_run smooth03:44
rockohow do I get back files I accidently deleted with rm command ?03:44
dsmith_rocko: reinstall from backup03:45
dsmith_you ARE backing up aren't you>?03:45
rockoI don't have any backups03:45
dsmith_what filkes?03:45
keb[AfZ]TomServo1 can you select one of the other devices in that list03:45
kebrocko thats why i said use echo first ;)03:45
[AfZ]TomServo1yeah i can03:45
rockoum no that is not what happened keb03:46
rockoI used a different thing someone suggest in another channel03:46
[AfZ]TomServo1there's my intel onboard device, "Audio", and Pulseaudio03:46
rockoand it deleted my whole folder03:46
kebwell pulsaudio isnt used by xubuntu03:46
rockowell the folder I was doing it on which was human03:46
kebrocko sometimes deletions are in the Trash folder03:46
rockonothing is in the trash03:47
kebrocko if the files are really important, shutdown the computer asap and hook up the drive to another system and do data recover y stuff03:48
dsmith_rocko: what folder03:48
MTec007thanks all i guess i will work on it more tommorow. for now i am off to bed.03:48
* dsmith_ about to update 8.10 to 9.0403:48
kebdsmith_ make sure to read the release notes first ;)03:49
dsmith_anyone ever notice that you can shove a usb dongle into your ethernet port?03:49
dsmith_keb, had issues?03:49
kebyep done that :/03:49
kebnot me, but i didnt have a intel chipset03:49
keb[AfZ]TomServo1 any luck with Audio driver03:50
[AfZ]TomServo1do you know how to disable hardware03:52
[AfZ]TomServo1i guess the intel sound could be conflicting(although i doubt it)03:52
kebonboard can be disabled from bios setup page03:52
[AfZ]TomServo1i would do that, but i'm dual booting with windows03:53
[AfZ]TomServo1and it was never a problem with 8.1003:54
* dsmith_ installes his updates04:02
dsmith_making ready04:02
keb[AfZ]TomServo1 strangely the only sound control i could find on my system was in Services04:02
[AfZ]TomServo1hmm alsa-utils is the only deactivated service in Services04:04
kebmine was activated04:04
[AfZ]TomServo1i'm gonna try reinstalling alsa04:08
kebgood luck04:12
dsmith_need to expand mr root partition04:15
evilbughow can i make a bootable xubuntu flash drive?04:37
xarcadehi, i followed this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb but i still cannot access shares, i get permission denied message.04:40
xarcade_hi, i am having problems with fusesmb and xubuntu04:46
xarcade_each time i try to access a folder i get permission denied04:46
[AfZ]TomServo1evilbug: i don't know how to make a bootable flash xubuntu flash drive, but i'm certain i found an explanation of the process on the ubuntu forums04:50
evilbugi'm looking on google and i keep finding ways to do it on windows, i'm not in windows...04:51
[AfZ]TomServo1and you don't have windows installed?04:53
[AfZ]TomServo1that's the one, keb04:53
evilbug[AfZ]TomServo1- nope.04:54
evilbugcan't i just mount the iso on my desktop and copy the content onto the flash drive?04:54
ipressthebuttonsfinally made it here.04:54
xarcade_how to enable numpad at system stard ?04:55
ipressthebuttonsI've been working all night on getting my resolution to work04:55
ipressthebuttonsAnd to be honest I'm stumped04:55
ipressthebuttonsThere are only two resolution options that even have a refresh rate.04:55
ipressthebuttonsand even those don't work.04:55
[AfZ]TomServo1evilbug: the bootloader has to be in the logical front of the drive to load like that i believe04:56
[AfZ]TomServo1but seriously, i'm a linux noob, that's just a grasp at a straw04:57
ipressthebuttonsanyone have any helpful ideas?04:57
ipressthebuttonsbecause I'd like to be able to change my internet connection without using guess and check to find it.04:58
evilbug[AfZ]TomServo1- :)04:59
ipressthebuttonsnobody wants to help? ):04:59
[AfZ]TomServo1keb, please save the day05:00
[AfZ]TomServo1i'd love to help you :/05:00
ipressthebuttonsI'd love05:00
ipressthebuttonsto see all of my screen05:00
ipressthebuttonshttp://i44.tinypic.com/2gvn0ba.jpg see the end of the firefox window? That's how far to the right my screen goes. Doing anything is a trial.05:00
ticoshow do i find out what "system" i have? (i.e. linux-x86-64, alpha, etc..)05:01
xarcade_uname -a i think05:02
kebipressthebuttons have you looked thru your /var/log/Xorg.0.log for clues?05:02
ipressthebuttonsI have no idea what I'm doing. I installed xubuntu on a friend's recommendation.05:02
kebxarcade_ did you try installing numlockx05:03
ipressthebuttonsI opened that log file... any clues I should look for? :/05:03
[AfZ]TomServo1ipressthebuttons: click the down arrow on the right side of the firefox app05:04
kebit shouldnt be a very long file so have a look05:04
ipressthebuttonsit's long enough to make me want to not scroll through it05:04
[AfZ]TomServo1unless you did that purposely...05:05
ipressthebuttonsI'm not worried about firefox05:05
xarcade_keb, i am now05:05
ipressthebuttonsI really don't know what I'm looking for here.05:06
kebipressthebuttons about 4 pages into it, you will see what video card it detected and resolutions it supports, as well as what it thinks your monitor supports05:06
[AfZ]TomServo1gotta go, thanks for the help keb...i'll have to post something to the forums later05:07
kebbefore 9.04 there used to be a way to override defaults by manually editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf  .  not sure if that still works05:07
ipressthebuttonsI ytirf yo rfiy iy05:07
ipressthebuttonswow that was nasty05:07
ipressthebuttonsI tried to edit it.05:07
ipressthebuttonsbut it didn't let me.05:07
kebyou have to use sudo to edit a file05:08
kebin /etc05:08
ipressthebuttonsI did05:08
ipressthebuttonsit didn't find the file.05:08
ipressthebuttonssudo /etc/x11/xorg.conf05:08
ipressthebuttonssudo mousepad /etc/x11/xorg.conf05:09
kebcapital X1105:09
ipressthebuttonsany idea what I could do to fix it?05:09
kebonly windows and vms are case insensitive05:09
ipressthebuttonsI can edit it... but what can I put?05:10
kebgood question05:10
ipressthebuttonsit is05:10
ipressthebuttonsI've been looking for an answer all night05:10
kebare you able to get to the System -> Hardware app?05:11
kebmaybe there is a proprietary driver that will work better for you05:11
ipressthebuttonsHardware drivers?05:12
ipressthebuttonsThere are no drivers found05:12
ipressthebuttonsjust my wireless internet driver, that's the only thing.05:12
ipressthebuttonshttp://www.theatons.com/how-to-setup-dell-e228wfp-on-ubuntu-704 I found this, but I don't know if this will help at all05:12
xarcade_keb, can you help me setting up fusesmb properly ?05:14
kebxarcade_ sorry i dont use that so i dunno05:14
ipressthebuttonsshould I give that site a try?05:15
kebipressthebuttons did you get the same list of useless refresh rates in Settings --> Xfce settings manager --> Display ?05:15
xarcade_keb, how can you access samba server from another pc running linux without using fusesmb ?05:15
ipressthebuttonsyes I did.05:17
kebipressthebuttons yes that website looks good, but only change the stuff in xorg.conf related to Monitor, Modes and Screen05:19
keband keep backups05:20
ipressthebuttonsI backed up the original config...05:22
kebdo you ahve the exact same monitor as that fellow05:23
ipressthebuttonsI do not believe I do.05:24
kebhmm then the modeline will not work, and could blow up your hardware05:25
ipressthebuttonsblow UP?05:25
kebwell it might overload something05:25
ipressthebuttonsI 'll just shut the computer off and keep it that way then05:25
kebbest to have a look at that log file, see what modes are supported05:26
kebwhen you arent tired and stuff05:26
ipressthebuttonsxorg.0.log you mean?05:26
keb /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:26
ipressthebuttonsthat's the file D:05:28
kebdid the monitor come with a manual05:33
ipressthebuttonsit's a laptop.05:33
ipressthebuttonsI don't know where the manual is.05:33
xarcade_how to install a public key in the system to install a software ??05:35
xarcade_trying to install webmin05:36
ipressthebuttonsI'm going to try it...05:41
kebipressthebuttons did you try all this stuff https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome05:41
kebyes thats what you have05:41
ipressthebuttonswhat is this page telling me to do05:42
kebxarcade_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29970805:42
ipressthebuttonshow do you activate the universe and multiverse repositories again05:42
xarcade_i found it solution here -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=714124405:42
kebipressthebuttons in System -> Software Sources05:43
xarcade_keb: thanks05:43
ipressthebuttonsand then05:43
ipressthebuttonsis there anything I should put in third-party software05:44
kebhmm. no perhaps better to try this first:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:44
keband choose openchrome05:44
ipressthebuttonsI don't know if I typed that right05:45
ipressthebuttonswhen I did that, it just made a copy of xorg.conf05:45
kebit didnt ask you about anything?05:46
ipressthebuttonsis that bad?05:46
R1cochetis there a program that will tell me what codec i need to play a video?05:46
kebipressthebuttons maybe not05:46
kebR1cochet mplayer05:46
ipressthebuttonsxubuntu is functioning, and I have internet... I just want to be able to see my entire screen :/05:47
ipressthebuttonsif I can't fix my resolution, is there maybe a way to scroll on the screen?05:47
keboh so its just the virtual screen you want to change?05:47
R1cochetwas using that to play a video and it says: could not open/initialize audio device -> no sound05:48
ipressthebuttonshttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=209474 should I try this?05:49
kebipressthebuttons yeah try adding a Virtual   section to your xorg.conf which has a resolution that matches the real one05:50
keb*Virtual line05:51
ipressthebuttonsshould I just copy paste what that guy posted except put my screen's resolution?05:51
kebnot the whole thing, just add a Virtual line to your Subsection Display05:51
ipressthebuttonsthe entire config is empty05:52
ipressthebuttonsnot empty05:53
ipressthebuttonsSection "Monitor"05:53
ipressthebuttonsIdentifier"Configured Monitor"05:53
ipressthebuttonsstuff like that...05:53
kebis there a Section Screen05:53
ipressthebuttonsI put the subsection under that05:54
ipressthebuttonsshould I save and restart and see if my computer doesn't blow up?05:54
ipressthebuttonsis that a yes?05:54
kebit wont blow up, but dont use the highest resolutions there05:54
kebunless you know your monitor can do that05:54
kebwell 1280x1024 is not unusual for a new laptop05:55
ipressthebuttons1024 768 is mine apparently05:55
kebyou could even leave out the modes line at first05:55
ipressthebuttonsI'm going to take my chances.05:55
ipressthebuttonsif I don't come back05:55
ipressthebuttonsI gave up and went to sleep.05:55
kebok good luck, me too05:55
kebR1cochet thats not a codec issue, thats a driver issue05:56
R1cochetthank you05:58
ipressthebuttonsIt worked05:59
ipressthebuttonsI can see my entire screen05:59
R1cocheti have a problem with a video file06:01
R1cochetcant get it to play in totem at all06:01
ipressthebuttonsthank you for the help.06:01
ipressthebuttonsIt took a lot of effort but it worked :]06:01
R1cocheti was able to get the audio to play in mplayer but the video wont play at all in totem06:09
R1cocheti would like to be able to play the video in totem over mplayer06:10
J_Litewskii'm trying to compile the notification-daemon-xfce, and i'm getting permission denied errors06:37
xarcade_i have a problem with my ps/2 mouse, when i boot up ubuntu the mouse seems to be dead every time i have to disconnect and reconnect the mouse while the system is running and eventually the system detects the mouse and i can use it, can someone please help me fix this problem ?06:50
_Pete_does someone here use conky? Just started to use it yesterday and would like to get some cool .conkyrc to test07:42
_Pete_ideally one that mimics gkrellm :)07:42
MarcPV1i upgrade to 9.04 and i lost the volume control, anyone knows where it is?07:46
artistxeyou may have to re add it to the panel07:47
artistxeright click on panel . add item07:47
MarcPV1i added the "mixer" but its not the usual volume control07:48
MarcPV1i cant get direct control to the usual fadder07:49
R1cochethow can i update intltool? i get error when trying to complile totem07:49
R1cochetYour intltool is too old.  You need intltool 0.40.0 or later.07:49
R1cochetconfigure: error: gnome-doc-utils >= 0.3.2 not found07:52
R1cochetsynaptic says 0.13.107:52
R1cochethow can i update this?07:52
neozenneed to re-enable old keyboard shortcuts for resizing/moving windows in xfwm407:53
neozenseem to have been removed in upgrade to jaunty07:54
avuton/usr/share/applications/evince.desktop is not showing in my menu. The file validates, is there any way I can track down why it's not showing?09:59
SiDiavuton: open it with a text editor10:00
SiDi NoDisplay=true10:00
SiDithere's this inside it10:00
avutonYeah, it sure does. Wonder why that would be in it10:01
SiDi"cp /usr/share/applications/evince.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/ && mousepad ~/.local/share/applications/evince.desktop" avuton10:01
avutonThanks :/10:01
SiDiIts because by default its not meant to be shown in menus :)10:01
SiDiCopy the file to your home and put this line to false10:01
SiDiand it should be in the menu then10:01
avutonThanks again10:01
SiDiYou're welcome10:01
RoylapDoes xubuntu 9.04 have support for the eee, acer aspire etc netbooks that ubuntu netbook remix has, i.e are drivers for wifi and camera included?10:42
SiDiIt can run on netbooks for sure10:44
SiDibut we may not have as many drivers on the liveCD10:44
SiDi(at worse you can install UNR and then install xubuntu-desktop and remove ubuntu-desktop, but you'll have a lot of GNOME unneeded stuff)10:45
Roylapall right thanx, im pretty happy with gnome but the performance on a netbook isnt exactly great and thats why im looking into xubuntu.10:49
murlidhar!info xfce4-mcs-manager11:05
ubottuPackage xfce4-mcs-manager does not exist in jaunty11:05
murlidharany other name is it in ?11:05
murlidharanyone ?11:06
murlidharit's a replacement for gnome-settings-daemon .... right ?11:07
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo11:09
SiDii think its xfconf now11:10
murlidharah okies11:11
murlidharbash: xfconf: command not found11:11
SiDiyou're under intrepid ?11:12
murlidharmcs-manager was in intrepid11:12
murlidharbut not in jaunty anymore11:12
murlidharSiDi: i am talkin about the daemon file that we put in autostart.sh11:13
SiDino idea :D11:14
kora-chanhi i'm using 9.04 right now and after he update from 8.10 something really strange happened. i now have 2 firefox installations if i start it with alt+f2 my old installation starts with all the addons and if i launch it with gnome-do a new clean installation starts,... is there any way to remove the second one?12:42
kora-chanapart from that, the xfce dekstop compositor worked well before the update and now i have to disable it because everything slows down when i enable it (intel gma 945)12:45
ActionParsnip1kora-chan: you could uninstall all firefoxes and then reinstall one, your profile is held in ~ so will be untouched12:48
kora-chanActionParsnip1: i did already do a apt-get remove firefox, but i didnt change anything. both installations were still there, maybe i should manually remove all the packages in synaptic12:51
ActionParsnip1kora-chan: try this12:51
ActionParsnip1kora-chan: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get --purge remove firefox*; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get installfirefox12:52
ActionParsnip1last command i missed a space12:52
kora-chanActionParsnip1: k thanks a lot ill try it12:52
ActionParsnip1kora-chan: the --purge removes all residual configs that arent in your ~ dir12:53
kora-chanActionParsnip1: that might be a good idea12:53
kora-chanActionParsnip1: the purge line returned that there were noch matches for firefox* but i still can start the new, clean installation from the gnome do13:00
kora-chani removed all the firefox packages i found with synaptic before13:01
ActionParsnip1kora-chan: ok then also make sure they are purged:13:01
ActionParsnip1dpkg -l | grep firef13:01
ActionParsnip1if yuo see package names that start with 'rc'  then you will need to run:  sudo dpkg -P <package name>13:01
kora-chanthere was a rc firefox-3.013:02
kora-chani ran the command on it13:02
ActionParsnip1you still had config files (but not the install) of firefox13:03
ActionParsnip1ok recheck its all gone then install firefox13:03
kora-chanwell i still can start firefox via gnome do,.....13:03
kora-chanthats strange13:03
ActionParsnip1sudo apt-get install firefox should be all it takes, maybe its a weirdness in gnome-do13:04
kora-chanroot ~ # ls -l /usr/bin | grep firefox*13:05
kora-chanzsh: no matches found: firefox*13:05
kora-chankk ill do the reinstall13:05
ActionParsnip1kora-chan: are you logged on as root?13:07
kora-channo i only have a root shell open for the apt stuff13:07
ActionParsnip1ok thats ok13:07
kora-chani dont run the firefox as root, but on my normal user13:08
ActionParsnip1kora-chan: whats the output of     which firefox13:08
kora-chanActionParsnip1: i just reinstalled firefox and were back to where we began. gnome do opens a clean instance, while alt+f2 opens my configured ff13:09
kora-chanroot ~ # which firefox13:09
kora-chancould i t be that the jaunty update installed an extra instance of firefox since maybe the firefox package i had before was from a launchpad repo?13:10
ActionParsnip1kora-chan: gnome-do must be using something different13:10
ActionParsnip1kora-chan: i'm not conversant with the app as I lanch everything from tilda /  yakuake13:10
ActionParsnip1kora-chan: log a bug13:11
kora-chanActionParsnip1: k, maybe ill find out which bin gnome do executes, but thanks for all your help; btw is tilda / yakuake a fast launcher, since im not really bound to gnome-do?13:12
ActionParsnip1its a quake style konsole / terminal that hides in the top of yur screen til you bring it down with a hotkey13:14
ActionParsnip1so you can run all your file manipulation stuff and launch apps n the background all in the same box13:15
ActionParsnip1kora-chan: its exactly like using terminal. i launch stuff from there, as well as performing my day to day stuff13:16
kora-chanActionParsnip1: ah alright, maybe ill give it a shot; since i do most of my stuff in terminals too; thanks again for the infos13:18
ActionParsnip1horses for courses13:18
Dillizarhow can i change the color of the panels13:50
Dillizarsorry wrong window13:53
Dillizarthe f word wasnt for this window :) sowwy13:53
DillizarANY ONE HERE14:07
TheSheepDillizar: yes14:07
Dillizarknome are ya here man14:07
DillizarTheSheep how can i change the color ov the pannels14:08
TheSheepDillizar: by editing your theme, or adding it to your .gtkrc-2.014:08
viddcan someone point me to a good how-to for setting up dual monitors in xubuntu?14:08
TheSheepyou sure have a foul mouth14:09
TheSheep!xinerama | vidd14:09
ubottuvidd: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead14:09
Dillizarhow can i edit my theme14:09
TheSheepDillizar: try adding it to your ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/11495214:10
TheSheepDillizar: then switch your gtk theme and switch back14:10
Dillizarso i need to know the code of the color i want14:10
TheSheepyes, you can get it with gimp14:11
Dillizarkewl :)14:11
Dillizarwhat is bg and what fg14:11
viddbg =back ground14:11
viddfg = fore ground14:11
TheSheepDillizar: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/Tutorials/GtkThemes14:12
viddTheSheep, that info on xinerama seems dated....xorg doesnt use .conf anymore =\14:12
TheSheepvidd: it does14:13
TheSheepvidd: it just doesn't require it14:13
viddTheSheep, according to Bug #353575 xubuntu 9.04 uses xrandr and not xinerama for dual monitors14:23
viddand xrandr sees both my screens14:24
cody-somervilleXfce 4.6 does indeed use xrandr14:24
TheSheepdoesn't work with my nvidia14:24
vidddoesnt the nvidia-provided drivers and software take care of that for you TheSheep ?14:25
vidd(but my issue is a different card set)14:25
viddmy issue is that both screens are up, but are clones14:26
TheSheepvidd: I settled for two X screens in the end14:26
TheSheepvidd: yeah, that's how xrandr works14:26
cody-somervilleI'm pretty sure you can get an extended desktop14:27
cody-somervilleI have in the past14:27
TheSheepbut usually smaller than the two screens combined14:28
TheSheepbecause it uses card's internal memory only14:28
TheSheepand most crads don't have enough for 2 screens14:29
Dillizarcan i put gnome apps on the panel??14:33
viddDillizar, yes...14:34
viddright click and add "launcher"14:34
viddthen configure the launcher for the desired app14:34
Dillizarvidd not like that14:35
Dillizarlike weather panel app14:36
viddyou mean gnome panel apps?14:36
viddif the panel app is installed, then it should be selectable14:36
Dillizardamn i must change the theme on my xubntu cuz i saw today at work a BIG RAT not a mouse but a rat and i dont want to see the lil mouse there :)14:37
viddarg! what happened to <ctrl>+<alt>+<bksp>?????14:58
=== Guest82489 is now known as forces
PingJockyis there a trick to get Gigolo working?15:32
PingJockyor am i missing something?15:32
hannes_eeejust upgraded 8.10 to 9.04 on another laptop16:07
hannes_eeethe problem is that the nm-applet is not working16:07
hannes_eeeand hal and dbus aren't starting at startup16:08
hannes_eeeso i am not able to connect to wireless16:08
hannes_eeeno ideas or any known bugs?16:14
Moodhannes_eee: did you reboot?16:14
hannes_eeeseveral times16:14
Mooddid you try sudo apt-get update/upgrade?16:14
hannes_eeeyes and now i'm dpkg -i *.deb in /var/cache/packages16:15
hannes_eeeso i'll see what happens16:15
Moodhannes_eee: does ifconfig show eth0 and wlan0?16:16
Mooddoes wired connection work?16:16
hannes_eeeno possibility16:17
hannes_eeethe router is quite a bit away16:17
Moodhannes_eee: i'd first see if wired connection works to get that out of the equation16:18
ballhello charlie-tca16:20
charlie-tcaHello, ball16:21
Marcurushow is it?16:22
Marcurus!hello | charlie-tca16:22
ubottucharlie-tca: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!16:22
charlie-tcahow is what?16:22
Marcurusthat bot command :)16:23
Marcurusthe bot command // hopefully correct answer16:23
charlie-tcaOh, I see16:24
hannes_eeeok the dpkg -i did the trick after a reboot it works16:24
hannes_eeethanks anyway16:25
charlie-tcasame as !hi, right16:25
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu!16:25
Marcurusehm... that bot.. is he reading itself? 0:-)16:26
* Marcurus thinks about !hi | !hi16:26
charlie-tcaNo, anything prefaced with ! is a bot command16:26
charlie-tcaYou don't need a nick for the 'bot to respond16:26
Marcurusyeah, but this way, shouldt it cycle the bot indefinitely?16:27
charlie-tcaA simple !hi or !hello should get a respond16:27
charlie-tcaI told it to say hi using !hi16:27
charlie-tcaIf it is cycling on your computer, something is wrong with the client you are using16:28
Marcurusif I say !hi | !hi, he will say !hi: Hi! Welcome... which may trigger another round16:28
Marcurus!hi | !hi16:29
ubottu!hi: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!16:29
MarcurusI forgot the ':'16:29
MarcurusI though it will read his own sentence and trigger itself again16:29
Marcurusah, never mind :D16:30
MarcurusI am just stupid probably, not even pipe there :D16:30
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:31
chewitcharlie-tca, whats the latest with Xfce 4.6.1 in Jaunty?16:31
charlie-tcaIt is not in jaunty yet16:31
chewitok, when will it go to the updates?16:31
charlie-tcaIt will go after it gets packaged for us.16:31
charlie-tcaDon't have dates yet16:32
Kerioheh not near as much commotion here as in ubuntu channel16:35
ballHello Kerio16:35
carlisI need help16:36
Keriowith what?16:36
carlisI want to install xubuntu from my flash memory how do i do it ?16:37
Kerioit's almost like you can hear the typing :)16:37
carlisHow do i do it Kerio ??16:38
Keriohaven't tried it myself16:38
carlisThanks for helping me Kerio16:39
carlisBye Kerio16:40
tavastianybody with experience on installing vdr with xineliboutput?16:57
tavastiI have xubuntu 8.10 with vdr packages from http://www.hanno.de/16:58
tavastiand can't get it running, xine window opens, but closes immediately, and vdr quits16:58
skulli need ur help17:30
geniiskull: A description of the problem you are having first would be useful17:33
skullhow can i config dialup connection17:34
geniiskull: from command line: sudo pppconfig                         and then enter the relevant info. After that you should be able to click on the network icon and tell it to dial out, etc17:38
geniiPlease note in pppconfig your mouse is useless, use the Tab key to change fields, Enter to select, etc17:39
skullthanx i try17:43
carlisI want to create a bootable Live USB drives for install Xubuntu and I have this webpage: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/. I think is difficult. Is there another way to do it more easy ?17:59
carlisThanks for help17:59
carlisWho can help me ???18:00
charlie-tcaMight help. It is written by an Xubuntu user18:01
* Pres-Gas gets his rss action on for that weblog...18:01
carlisThanks for helping me Charlie18:02
carlisBye Charlie18:02
charlie-tcaHe tries to do the flash drive for every release, so it is tested in jaunty18:03
charlie-tcaYou are welcome18:03
J_Litewskicharlie-tca: I downloaded the notification-daemon-xfce and tried to compile it, and i get permission denied. I tried running it as root and still the same problem18:16
charlie-tcaJ_Litewski: I don't know anything about it18:17
charlie-tcaWhy are you compiling it instead of installing it from Synaptic Package Manager?18:17
J_Litewskiit's not in the package manager18:17
J_Litewskii checked already18:18
charlie-tcaYou might check in #xfce then, to see what is missing18:18
DillizarJ_Litewski maybe you need to turn oc the X and try to install it like that18:21
charlie-tcaJ_Litewski: Maybe you need xfce4-notifyd with it?18:27
J_Litewskicharle-tca, i got that18:27
Yonderinghello.. attempting to follow the directions at ttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 and wound up with http://paste.ubuntu.com/160830/ when trying to run pulseaudio from a terminal.  any ideas?18:30
charlie-tcaPulseAudio is not used in Xubuntu, you should ask in Ubuntu18:36
charlie-tcasorry, #ubuntu18:37
accabIf pulse audio isn't used, what is? I dont get any sound on my laptop18:39
accaband was thinking of going throught that ubuntu checklist to see if it fixed things18:39
nikolamI have a silly question18:46
nikolamWhy programs use so much RAM?18:46
nikolamXfce and panels and plugins in particular. I am on 64bit18:46
nikolamxfce4-menu-plugin uses 97.7MB and climing18:47
charlie-tcaaccab: Xubuntu uses alsa audio18:48
nikolami use hardy18:48
accab@charlie-tca thanks18:49
charlie-tcaDo you have the speaker icon on the panel?18:49
accabI will work my way through the checklist there, ther18:49
accabno I don't18:49
accabcome to think of it18:49
nikolamxfrun4 for instance, use 6.4MB of RAM. Just sitting and waiting for Alt+F2, right?18:49
charlie-tcaright click the panel, click add to panel, add the volume control18:50
accabthat would be alsa-mixer or something like that?18:50
J_Litewskihow would I upgrade the XFCE package to 4.6.1?18:50
nikolamcharlie-tca, or he can use drag and drop if adding does not work18:50
charlie-tcaThen left-click twice to open properties and make sure master and pcm are unmuted18:50
charlie-tcanikolam: I don't know much about ram usage.18:51
accabdone that18:51
charlie-tcanow see if you have sound18:51
accablet me find a test wav18:51
charlie-tcain /usr/share/sounds/purple/18:52
nikolamalso about cpu usage, gnome-system-monitor uses 39% of cpu time18:52
charlie-tcasystem monitor always steals a lot of cpu, then settles down if you don't do anything18:53
nikolamshouldn`t it use ,like 0% or something18:53
gartral1whats the default text editor in xubutu (gui)18:53
charlie-tcaOnly if nothing else is happening. Just a mouse movement will make it go way up18:54
nikolamIt shows itself on more then 40% all the time now. And nothing but Xorg is using much cpu18:54
charlie-tcagartral1: mousepad18:54
gartral1ok, and gksu mousepad will work to edit a system file, right?18:55
charlie-tcanikolam: I found it got so bad I could not keep it on all the time. It steals too much cpu18:55
charlie-tcagartral1: right18:55
CarlisHi Charlie18:55
CarlisI have a question for u18:55
nikolamAlso I suffer very bad multitaskin issues, whenever disk is heavily used, everything freezes. Especially when update or package install is being done.18:55
charlie-tcago ahead, Carlis18:56
nikolamcharlie-tca, maybe I should file a bug on gnome-system-monitor, for being a cpu pig.18:56
CarlisIs possible to install usb-creator in windows ¿18:56
charlie-tcaI don't know, Carlis18:57
charlie-tcaI never use it.18:57
gartral1carlis you need unetbootin18:57
charlie-tcaI would think you would need one written for windows18:57
nikolamwhat is usb-creator?18:57
CarlisIt`s diffiicult oto use unetbooting18:58
knomeCarlis, usb-creator is available in live cd18:58
charlie-tcaUsed to create a live cd on a thumbdrive18:58
nikolamI made usb bootable xubuntu drive out of xubuntu desktop, very easily , usin unetbootin !18:58
charlie-tcabut that don't really work from windows, does it?18:59
nikolamwhat it have to do with windows?18:59
charlie-tcaI think the cpu usage bug is reported already18:59
charlie-tca<Carlis> Is possible to install usb-creator in windows ¿19:00
nikolamcharlie-tca, thanks19:00
charlie-tcaThat was the question.19:00
nikolamone can use virtualbox19:01
Carlisvirtualbox ???19:01
nikolamwhy you need windows?19:02
Carlisbecause In windows I have the zubuntu iso file19:02
nikolamwell buy one cdrw media and boot computer to xubuntu desktop from cd19:03
nikolamthen make your usb.19:03
Carlisis not possible to create in usb ???19:04
SiDiyou can19:05
SiDi!install usb19:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about install usb19:05
SiDithere is on the wiki a guide that tells you how to do manually19:05
SiDibasically, open your ISO with something like daemon tools19:05
SiDicopy all the files to the USB key freshly formated to FAT1619:05
nikolamyes it is man, boou xubuntu from cd and make it. there is also one more program, just a second to find it..19:05
SiDiand then you'll have to rename a few files (thats the part i cant remember)19:06
SiDinikolam: the point of making an usb bootable key from windows is avoiding having to make a cdrom :)19:06
SiDiCarlis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick19:07
SiDiCheck at the middle-end, manual methods19:07
nikolami used to use gui for that from iso to usb. Just to find the name of it19:07
nikolamThis is onteresting Carlis http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-xubuntu-904-persistent-install-windows/19:08
CarlisThank You very much for helping me alot19:10
nikolamCarlis, Why don`t you just use http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ for windows?19:10
accabcharlie-tca -- I found the sound files. I click them. they play, but no sound comes out :-(19:10
accabis there some kind of checklist I can try?19:11
nikolamaccab, turn your speakers on or plug headphones to right hole19:11
Carlisbecause Unetbooting is difficult19:11
nikolamCarlis, You can make any kind of bootable usb with it..19:12
nikolamCarlis, why difficult??19:12
nikolamjust point it to your .iso you have19:12
nikolamcheck your .iso with md5 program to see if it downloaded right19:13
nikolamCarlis, it is easiest program in the universe to make bootable usb...19:13
nikolamCarlis, I don`t understand you.19:14
accabah. fixed it, I think. this is a laptop, so the speakers are always on. But there was a checkbox for "headphone jack sense" and if that was ticked, there was no sound19:14
accabnext question: where is the desktop menu file stored?19:15
nikolamCarlis, you have nice gui app to make bootable usb from .iso you have. Case closed.19:15
accabIt has grown hugely bloated since I upgraded to 9.04, and I can't find the graphical menu editor that used to be there19:15
Carlisgui app where is it ?19:16
Carlisok. Nikolam Thanks for helping me19:18
nikolamCarlis http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/19:18
charlie-tcaaccab: glad yuou got sound fixed.19:18
charlie-tcamenu files are in /usr/share/applications19:19
charlie-tcaIf you are planning on modifying them,19:19
charlie-tcacopy '/etc/xdg/menus/xfce-applications.menu to '~/.config/xdg/menus' and customize it.19:19
CarlisThanks for helping me Nikolam19:19
charlie-tcaaccab: You can also create desktop entries in '~/.local/share/applications' to override the existing applications (change or hide) or add new ones.19:19
charlie-tcaeven more help available at http://wiki.xfce.org/howto/customize-menu19:20
todkonHmm, how would I get xfce4-mcs-manager intalled in Jaunty?19:20
accabcharlie-tca: thanks. That's masses of help - a long evening's fiddling lies ahead19:20
charlie-tcaThere is no menu editor in xfce 4.6 yet, so you have to do it manually19:20
charlie-tcatodkon: you don't19:21
charlie-tcait is not used in 9.0419:21
todkonah, is it obsolete?19:21
accabI have scite, which edits xml files as well as anything else19:21
todkonwhat's used to boot up all the ggtk stuff?19:21
Pres-GasBoy, it sho would help if I remembered that reformatting a partition during an install will generate a new uuid for it.19:21
charlie-tcaaccab: that should work19:21
charlie-tcacan't remember, todkon19:21
charlie-tcaPres-Gas: +119:22
* charlie-tca puts memory under "brain-dead" today19:23
Pres-Gascharlie-tca, needed to test Fedora 10 for something...did not let it install Grub and edited the /boot/grub/menu.lst to manually add it...all of that was well.  Then saw that fsck could not resolve a uuid.  Should check /etc/fstab too.19:24
hezyhi, anyone knows if it's possible to have Thunar use the EXIF of image files to present thumbnail in the right orientation?19:24
nikolamhezy, you can get thunar source with apt-get source thunar. Check it out and make it use :)19:36
hezynikolam: yes, but as far as I know thumbnails in thunar are handled by plugins.19:38
nikolamso the question is, what plugin does it19:38
nikolam#debian-xfce ?19:38
nikolamhezy, thunar-thumbnailers ?19:40
hezynikolam: I'm using xubuntu.19:41
nikolamme also19:41
hezyI think it's the same in debian19:41
hezyanyway, I'm not sure if there is an easy way to do it' or is it a feature I should ask for19:43
SiDihezy: ask JPohlmann if he's around19:51
SiDihe's working on thunar at the moment, so he might know how its / if its managed19:51
hezySiDi: where can I find JPohlmann ?20:04
SiDiHe's here, just wait and i'm sure he'll answer when he got a minute20:07
hezythanks SiDi20:07
hezyJPohlmann: is there a way to make Thunar use the EXIF of image files in order to present thumbnails in the right orientation?20:15
nikolamhmm, how do we check real CPU speed ?20:16
nikolamI overclocked my machine a bit, but everythin still displays original cpu speed..20:16
nikolammaybe because /proc/cpuinfo reads data from cpu directly and does not display real current cpu speed20:18
zoredacherun some process that stresses the cpu like PI calculators when system is not over-clocked and after it is overclocked20:19
nikolamon the hardware side, I think that overclocking is done. On some other OS, it displays changed cpu speed corectly. Also I set performance in emifreq20:20
nikolamzoredache, you think it actually works on stock speed, even if it is set to overclock in motherboard settings?20:21
nikolamI compile something right now, I think it is enough20:22
nikolamoh my god even sound is twitching when disk activity is high...20:27
histoIs there a volume control that doesn't suck for jaunty? I click on it and it opens a window rather than just having a slider.22:19
SiDimore or less the principle of a sound mixer22:20
SiDioffering more than one channel22:20
SiDifeel free to use gnome's one via an xfapplet tho22:20
histoNo i'm saying most users are used to just clicking and getting a slider but right or double clicking to get a mixer.22:20
histoAnyhoot if I do pull up the mixer I only get one channel anyways.22:21
SiDiyou are used to :)22:21
SiDii personally prefer having a window that i can close easily instead of a slider taking focus and having to click back on the icon to close it, as under gnome22:21
J_Litewskiwhere would I go if i find spelling mistakes in the Help Documentation?22:25
J_Litewskido i have to create a patch, or just fix the mistakes and upload them?22:25
artistxeJ_Litewski,  to hell ?22:25
artistxej/k . do not know of where to report bugs in the docs22:25
SiDiJ_Litewski: launchpad.net22:26
SiDitranslations of xubuntu-docs22:26
J_Litewskiah, ok22:26
histoSiDi: yeah they could have it disapear after a certain amount of time.22:26
J_Litewskimight as well help xubuntu by spell checking lol22:26
J_Litewskii found one problem already22:26
artistxeone would think that the docs were spell checked. funny .22:27
J_Litewskiwell, it was more of a copy and pasteerror22:27
J_Litewski* paste error22:27
J_Litewskidamn space key22:27
artistxeJ_Litewski, I am beginning to suspect that you are not the right one for the job :P22:29
J_Litewskii use to be a spelling bee champ before my memory started going22:30
artistxereminding me off the phrase " Get off the girl and give me a try"22:30
artistxeJ_Litewski, that is horrible. how old are you ?22:30
J_Litewskierr... 2022:30
J_Litewskialmost 2122:30
SiDistarted going huh ?22:30
SiDicant remember your age? :D22:31
J_Litewskiit's part of the drugs my parents put me on22:31
artistxe21 and your memory is going ???   how much junk food are you consuming ?22:31
J_Litewskistupid zoloft and ritalin22:31
J_Litewskifirst gen stuff22:31
artistxeritalin has some bizarre effects if you snort it ( I have, ahem, heard)22:32
J_Litewskidestroyed my short term memory22:32
J_Litewskibrb dishes22:32
artistxewow. at 21 and your memory is going22:32
charlie-tcaJ_Litewski: report the help bugs in launchpad22:32
SiDinight people22:33
charlie-tcafor them22:33
evilbugi made a xubuntu 9.04 install flash drive via unetbootin to install on an eee and i can't get past the cdrom install part.22:34
evilbugcharlie-tca: the flash drive came out fine though.22:38
charlie-tcaBut it isn't installing?22:39
charlie-tcaWhat is not working?22:39
evilbugcharlie-tca: so the only option from the unetbootin menu i can boot with is Default. i get through language and keyboard layout but then it gets to the cdrom drive part, asking to install drivers from it.22:41
charlie-tcaIf you are installing from USB, you should not need cdrom drivers22:42
evilbugthat's what the menu is telling me.22:42
evilbugit asks me for a cdrom drive.22:42
evilbugi'm going to try creating the flash boot again using usb-creator now.22:42
charlie-tcaI would look at that blog post, personally22:43
dj_bushidocan somebody help me with awn?22:43
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy22:44
dj_bushidoI meant a problem.22:44
knomeyou can always ask22:44
dj_bushidocurrently I am getting an error that it python can't import awn. I checked to make sure that it wasn't running from /usr/local/bin but I still can't import the module22:45
knomewe might not know the answer, though, as this is not the awn support channel22:45
dj_bushidofor the record as well, the python bindings are installed (dependency).22:45
charlie-tcaYou might want to try #awn22:47
JPohlmannhezy: I think Thunar is supposed to do that already.22:48
knomeJPohlmann, *you* *think*? :P22:49
J_Litewskiwhen did OOo become the standard office suite for Xubuntu?22:49
hezyJPohlmann: I'm using Thunar 1.0.0 in the new xubuntu 9.04, and it does not seem to do it22:50
J_Litewskibecause it wasn't installed when I installed Xubuntu last year22:50
artistxeJ_Litewski, and is there even a "standard office suite" for xubuntu anyway ?22:51
charlie-tcaJ_Litewski: It isn't.22:51
charlie-tcaXubuntu installs Gnumeric and Abiword22:52
J_Litewskithen the docs lie22:52
artistxeand that's it22:52
charlie-tcaTurn in a bug report on it to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-docs22:52
artistxeJ_Litewski spellchecks the docs and then he takes them to court gotta love it22:53
J_Litewskiok, I will once i'm done22:53
hezyJPohlmann: I use GPicView to turn photos 90 deg (landscape to portrait) and all the other programs show the thumbnail as portrait. Thunar does not22:53
charlie-tcaevery little bit helps22:54
artistxeI think you are focussing too much on docs. have anything better to do there ? like mahjongg or pron ?22:54
J_Litewskii'm just trying to make sure that the info is correct22:54
charlie-tcaDocs are pretty important! That is what the new user gets his impressions from22:54
JPohlmannhezy: Well, hm, file a bug then. I'm currently working on Thunar but that thing will have to wait for a while.22:54
JPohlmannBut it would still be useful to know about that bug to fix it later.22:55
J_Litewskisince i'm not good enough to code (yet), this is making me feel good22:55
artistxecharlie-tca, very true. just joking though.22:55
charlie-tcaI like mahjongg22:55
hezyJPohlmann: thanks. And btw, thanks for the great work you are doing :)22:55
JPohlmannYou're welcome!22:56
artistxeJ_Litewski, just joking . ppl do appreciate good docs . and charlie-tca I do also every once in awhile. is one of the only games I play22:56
J_Litewskicharlie-tca, quick question. how would i change my DNS settings for my wired connection if the button is grayed out?22:56
charlie-tcaTry GNU Backgammon. It is really good, too22:57
dj_bushidoto change DNS you might have to authorize the program with your sudo password.22:59
J_Litewskii can do it with my wireless connection without the sudo password23:00
J_Litewskiit complains about my keyring though23:01
artistxecharlie-tca, I have backgammon somewhere ( bsdgames) but I cannot start from terminal for some reason ( cannot recall proper name )23:02
charlie-tcaThat's why I use gnubackgammon. It shows up in the menu!23:03
charlie-tcaIt is world-class play, too23:03
artistxeoh. you use menus23:03
charlie-tcaI fought with backgammon in the terminal, never did get any of them to work for me23:04
evilbugcharlie-tca: now it works fine, thanks.23:04
artistxeokay . and it is so not under games menu or anywhere else I can see in xubuntu23:04
charlie-tcaYou have to install it23:05
artistxecharlie-tca, unless you are running xubuntu with gnome23:05
charlie-tcaIt is not a default game23:05
artistxeoh. I see.23:05
charlie-tcacalled gnubg23:06
artistxeoh. " couldn't find package gnubackgammon"23:07
charlie-tcaYeah, I had to go look, myself23:07
artistxeit suggested kbackgammon before installing gnubg23:08
charlie-tcaI have xgammon installed, and gnubg23:08
charlie-tcaI don't use kubuntu, so I don't install kbackgammon23:08
artistxeoh. I am not a fan of anything KDE23:09
artistxecharlie-tca, got it . looks very cool. thanks for the tip :)23:09
charlie-tcawelcome. Enjoy it23:09
charlie-tcaTook me a while to learn how to use it. It really is good23:10
artistxeone question though. is there a way to move pieces via keyboard instead of using the mouse ?23:11
charlie-tcaYes, click new, it shows the keyboard keys23:11
JPohlmannhezy: Thanks for the report23:12
charlie-tcaI think help goes through them, too23:13
hezyJPohlmann: sure. sorry that I can't help much more than that...23:14
JPohlmannIt's ok. I'll not be able to do anything about it right now but as soon as I can I'll try to reproduce it.23:15
JPohlmannhezy: Can you maybe attach an example image, maybe before and after rotating it with GPicView?23:15
hezyJPohlmann: sure, no problem.23:16
J_Litewskiit's fun breaking the help documents23:19
J_Litewskiit's also fun fixing them too23:21
artistxeJ_Litewski, you mentioned that you do not code yet. if you want to learn I would suggest playing around with Python as a start23:21
J_Litewskithe 'how to restore a deleted file' info box was wrong23:22
J_Litewskii was looking into python artistxe, it looks fun23:22
artistxeoh . it is. and very easy to learn  with so many resources available for getting started23:23
J_Litewskii'm thinking about installing the python hooks for the xfce4 desktop and panel and making little test things23:23
artistxesure. why not23:23
J_Litewskisince i'm still having problems with making my own notification box23:23
J_Litewskii can do it using a loophole in the API, but not using the libnotify/notify.h way23:24
artistxeJ_Litewski, to get used to the idea of basic parameters , do you have conky installed ?23:24
J_Litewskinot sure23:24
J_Litewskii'll check23:25
artistxethen you do not23:25
demon_my xubuntu doesnt want to boot23:25
artistxeanyway. it is basic scripting . you can start with that23:25
artistxedemon_, ppl have been having that problem. sorry to hear you are one of them. is it a laptop ?23:26
J_Litewskiok, ty artistxe23:26
artistxedemon_, any other os installed besides xubuntu ?23:26
demon_just download the alternative version cuz i have only 128 ram23:27
artistxeokay. this is going to sound very silly. does it startup ( the comp) and the power light flashes for a bit. and then it sounds like it winds down before it shuts off ?23:27
demon_the installation was good and then the line goes few cm and the stops23:27
knomedemon_, just for start, xubuntu will be very slow even if it booted.23:27
demon_cuz i have 128ram23:27
demon_but it needs only 128 ram right23:28
artistxeuh. dunno23:28
demon_196 to install but i have the alternative cd23:28
J_Litewskiit needs around 256 to run smoothly23:29
J_Litewski128 is good for command line23:29
* artistxe suggest Puppy at that rate . a laptop with 128 ???23:29
demon_or lxfe?23:29
J_Litewskii use to have a lappy with 24mb of RAM23:29
demon_what about opengeu23:30
demon_can i run it on 128ram?23:30
demon_elive works :)23:30
artistxee16 should work23:30
knomedemon_, it is *possible* that xubuntu runs with 128ram.23:30
artistxeknome. just not on his computer.23:31
charlie-tcaYou can run xubuntu with 128ram, but it is slow, may take 5 minutes to boot23:31
knomeartistxe, looks like that.23:31
demon_i have 366mhz23:31
artistxedemon_, can you run the live disc ?23:31
beejay7777after upgrade i have :"No Exec line in the session file: xfce. Starting failsafe GNOME"23:31
knomecharlie-tca is the expert on running xubuntu with low ram23:31
beejay7777any clue what to do23:31
demon_artistxe,  i dont have a livecd23:32
charlie-tcabeejay7777: yes23:32
artistxebeejay7777, go into gnome. find the file that handles sessions . and make xfce default ( I am guessing)23:33
charlie-tcaYou will need to edit /home/USER_NAME/.dmrc and change the line that says SESSION=xfce4 to SESSION=xfce23:33
charlie-tcaThen restart23:34
beejay7777charlie-tca: this xubuntu is on my parents computer - the upgrade did not go smooth23:34
charlie-tcathat little change will fix the error23:34
artistxethe file with start with a "dm" maybe for desktop manager ......hold on . be right back23:35
charlie-tcaartistxe: no23:35
J_Litewskiheh, Chapter 12. Customising Your Computer23:35
beejay7777i reboot and check23:36
artistxecharlie-tca, sorry. you are right. I was not reading full convo23:36
artistxedmrc stands for what ?23:36
artistxeI remember seeing that in my home directory23:37
charlie-tcaI do not know23:37
charlie-tcaI only know what fixes that error23:37
artistxeyes. well the file only seems to list the default session23:37
charlie-tcaMaybe it is desktop manager resource configuration23:38
artistxemakes sense23:38
beejay7777working beautifull23:39
beejay7777thanks a lot23:40
artistxebeejay7777, what did that file read anyway before you edited it ?23:40
artistxeand why is upgrade doing this to ppl ?23:40
knomethe script (or sth) to run for xfce changed for 4.623:41
charlie-tcaIt is a bug. We found it too late to fix it23:41
knomecharlie-tca, there was not really a way to fix it and at the same time to really migrate to the new name.23:41
artistxesorry . but I have to compose myself after that one23:41
artistxeseriously ( a startup bug) ?23:42
charlie-tcaAnd, you don't see it if they select "xfce4 session" when you log in the first time after the upgrade23:42
knomeartistxe, it is not as bad as including kde 4.0 in the kubuntu release earlier23:42
knomeartistxe, where the complete desktop was broken for many many people23:42
artistxeknome. screw the KDE users  :P23:43
knomeartistxe, and many basic users had to do complete re-installs23:43
charlie-tcaweighed the options, it was judged less serious than breaking jaunty at the last minute23:43
knomecharlie-tca, ?23:43
artistxeI kould kare less about them23:43
knomecharlie-tca, the kde 4.0 versus xfce 4.6 startup?23:44
beejay7777i have to say that upgrade from distance brake on hal configuration for me23:44
charlie-tcaNo, the upgrade 8.10 to 9.04 bug in .dmrc23:44
knomecharlie-tca, right.23:44
beejay7777and i have to do it by the phone :)23:44
charlie-tcabeejay7777: don't know that one23:44
knomecharlie-tca, the reason i feel including kde 4.0 back then is epic fail is that the kubuntu team already had a way to sandbox kde4 *and* run kde3 simultaneously.23:45
beejay7777i connect to my parents computer through ssh23:45
knomecharlie-tca, but they decided to go with the broken desktop, even if they knew it would lead to catastrophe.23:45
charlie-tcaYeah, that seemed like a big mistake to me23:46
knomecharlie-tca, that was a silly decision from the kubuntu team and knowing what their leader thought about the desktop being broken for many people...23:46
knomecharlie-tca, i'm not saying they didn't do all they could, but there was an option to keep kde3, even if it wasn't that new and experimental.23:47
knomecharlie-tca, kde4 was already available for users who wanted it.23:47
knomecharlie-tca, it lost kubuntu many users.23:47
charlie-tcaI agree. At least we all learned from that, though23:48
knomeenough of rants :)23:48
knomejust have to remember to keep our head calm even if we have something really nice coming.23:48
beejay7777charlie-tca: thanks a lot again - maybe put this info about bug somewher -  i was googling and can not find anything23:49
knomecharlie-tca, isn't the bug in the release notes?23:49
charlie-tcaNo, we opted to leave it out for some reason I can't recall23:49
* knome has some pressure on keeping the artwork quality as high as it was for jaunty23:51
artistxewe opted sounds so suspicious23:52
charlie-tcaIt was discussed and decided ? better23:52
knomeartistxe, it was a developer community decision and i believe it was wise, even if i wasn't part of it.23:52
charlie-tcaI think I must be tired, my English is going to hell23:52
knomeehm, even if i wasn't online discussing it. :)23:53
knomecharlie-tca, lol ;)23:53
knomecharlie-tca, i only slept for 5,5 hours after the night shift23:53
artistxehow many devs are in this room ?23:53
charlie-tcaomg! you should perhaps get some sleep today23:53
beejay7777thanks again, i go to sleep, bye23:54
knomeartistxe, about five at the moment.23:54
knomeartistxe, our main channel for development is #xubuntu-devel23:54
artistxeknome. I see. and is the room passwd only ?23:54
knomeartistxe, nope. feel free to join23:55
charlie-tcaSeveral will monitor the channel at any given time. They will attempt to help as needed23:55
artistxeoh. I might do that one afternoon.23:55
charlie-tcaJust keep support questions over here, please.23:55
artistxepfft. of course.23:55
knomeartistxe, basically our development discussion is open for everyone to participate23:55
knomecharlie-tca, as usual... :P23:55
knomecharlie-tca, where is the channel for xubuntu talk which is not about development or support but still is not offtopic?23:56
artistxeknome. I see. same goes with blendercoders ( although I do not agree with that idea all of the time)23:56
charlie-tcaI see more and more asking in #xubuntu-devel when it should have been asked here23:56
knomeartistxe, of course the core developer team has the last word.23:56
knomecharlie-tca, true23:56
artistxeknome. I would hope so23:56
knomeartistxe, we definitely do :P23:56
charlie-tcadon't have one, knome. We only have the three channels for xubuntu23:57
zoredacheknome: actually, as the user of OSS software I have the final word...23:57
knomecharlie-tca, so that must be #xubuntu then, but only when there is no support going on23:57
knomezoredache, really? on what we're going to include to the next release? :)23:57
djsI had an upgrade go horribly wrong. Where can I find the official repositories for Xubuntu?23:57
knometo be honest, this is not about words.23:57
knomedjs, what did go wrong?23:58
zoredacheknome: what is the release doesn't directly relate to what I use on my system23:58
knomedjs, do you need the package repositories or the cd ISO?23:58
charlie-tcadjs: uncheck all the sources in Applications -> System -> Software Sources23:58
charlie-tcaclose it, then open it and check them again. It will rebuild the list23:59
artistxeknome : you would have to agree though. sometimes it can be a disaster fighting thru all of the end user requests vs the ppl that are actually working on the code23:59
charlie-tcaknome: user always gets the last word, since if they don't use the OS, it would disappear23:59

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