
tenderjuicyhi there08:55
tenderjuicyis anyone home? i have a question to ask08:56
tenderjuicyhi ther09:08
tenderjuicyanybody here?09:08
alkisg!ask | tenderjuicy09:13
ubottutenderjuicy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:13
tenderjuicyi set up iTalc-master on edubuntu but it cannot access edubuntu clients (which has italc-client installed automatically). im taling about edubuntu 8.04. im not using thin clients09:14
alkisgI don't think autodetection works in 8.04, you need to add the italc ppa sources, or get ica-launcher and italc-launcher from a later version (e.g. from jaunty)09:15
alkisgitalc ppa: https://launchpad.net/~edubuntu-italc-devel/+archive/ppa09:15
tenderjuicyi can add the IP address of each workstation, that's no problem with me09:16
alkisgok then, what's the problem?09:16
tenderjuicybut when i assigned fixed IP address to the clients, port 5900 is removed when i do netstat -pant09:16
alkisgAh, you need to also transfer the keys09:16
alkisgThe clients need to have the public key of the server, did you do that?09:17
tenderjuicybut port 5800 is open listening on ly to
tenderjuicyyes i did09:17
tenderjuicywhen i enable roaming on clients, port 5900 is back09:17
alkisgwhat's roaming?09:18
tenderjuicyi copied public keys for teachers from the servers to the clients09:18
alkisgInstallation should be similar to the chroot installation described here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/iTalc09:18
* alkisg gotta go09:18

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