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astrommeNightrose: ping00:39
Nightroseastromme: pong00:40
astrommeNightrose: feel like testing sort-by-due date?00:40
Nightrosehmmm i should be in bed by now - need to get up early tomorrow00:40
Nightrosemuch much needs doing?00:40
Nightrosei'll be away till tuesday starting tomorrow00:41
astrommeNightrose: no problem at all. Not much needs to be done, but there really isn't a time attached to this00:42
Nightroseastromme: ok i'll test stuff tomorrow then if I find time or when I get back on tuesday00:43
astrommeNightrose: sounds like a plan00:43
Nightroseis it in svn?00:43
astrommeI'm not sure how much I can change it now that I'm in kdereview00:43
astrommenot quite yet00:43
astrommeBut I guess the worst that can happen is they decide it's not stable enough to fit in this cycle00:43
astrommein that case I just release it alongside instead of with kde00:44
* astromme shrugs00:44
astrommeI'm new to this whole release thing00:44
astrommeThis is the first kde release I've been even the smallest bit active in00:44
Nightroseok wanne send me a patch then?00:44
astrommeNightrose: I think I'll just commit it to svn. If people aren't happy, I can revert it00:44
Nightroseok good00:44
Nightrosemore eyes = better00:45
Nightroseand i'll get some much needed sleep :)00:45
astrommeNightrose: night. Thanks for all of the feedback, it's been wonderful :)00:45
astrommeNightrose: if you're still with us, I just figured out how to make the plasmoid grab updates when things are changed from different locations :)00:50
astrommeso you change something on the website -> it shows up on the plasmoid after ~5 minutes00:50
* astromme notes that she probably left. oh well, tomorrow :)00:52
* ScottK notes an LP translation related blog post on planet and just barely manages to avoid commenting.01:08
lex79JontheEchidna: I noticed in revu there is plasma-widget-stasks and others widget01:21
* JontheEchidna should probably look at some01:22
vorianwho let the dawgs out02:05
vorianno one want's to admit it02:16
vorianwants, even02:16
dtchenwe all know it was you02:19
vorianwe have swine flu!02:20
dtcheni knew it!02:23
vorianit's my wifes fault really02:23
vorianshe keeps playing in the pig pen02:23
dtchenuh huh02:23
vorianlex79: did you package stasks yet?02:55
lex79stasks is in revu but is not mine02:56
nixternalyay? nay?02:58
nixternalneed to rework the roundness02:58
nixternaldon't like the defaults02:58
claydohyay yay yay02:58
nixternalI will make it so we can easily replace the header image background for every release02:59
voriannixternal: maybe use JontheEchidna's weather goodness for the header image02:59
nixternalvorian: good idea!02:59
nixternalthat would be slick, have the start page see what time zone you are in, and then go from there :)03:00
ryanakcanixternal: pretty. If at all possible, center it vertically? *shrug*03:00
nixternalmy idea is still to make it look like a plasmoid to be honest :)03:00
nixternalryanakca: sure03:00
Sputnixternal: has the sabdfl ever reacted btw?03:00
* nixternal fires up bzr to keep track of this03:00
vorianyeah, the kubuntu would look better on the left.  It should be MOAR SEEABLE too03:00
ryanakcanixternal: and... help.k.o .... ?03:01
nixternalryanakca: right, I will work on that next :)03:01
nixternalI think all I have to do for that is just whip up the css and relink the help:/ links03:01
nixternalquick scrippage03:01
ryanakcanixternal: Hehe. Well, if you stick all of the help content in say, <div id="content">, I can just give you a template for it, matching the soon to be wiki.kubuntu.org (Sysadmins need to finish reviewing the .py) and www.kubuntu.org03:02
nixternalryanakca: good idea03:03
ryanakcaAnyways, I'm off to bed, G'night03:03
nixternalI will do exactly that, and I am sure the css is probably already in place to make it look good, so I will wrap everything in that div, fix all of the links, and then put it up in bzr...sound good?03:03
nixternalryanakca: ^^ before you go03:03
nixternalI will put it all under the kubuntu-website bzr stuff in a seperate branch03:04
nixternalSput: I don't think he over reacted, I just think he misread it and took me as being a bit serious03:04
nixternalnobody was asking questions, and jcastro asked for questions, so being a wise ass like always, I gave him a question03:04
nixternaldidn't think it would go through to be honest because I figured everyone saw the joke in it, but I guess I was wrong03:05
nixternalnow I think many others who witnessed it, they over reacted, which really annoyed and irritated me03:05
JontheEchidnavorian: stasks already looks pretty karmic to me, am I missing something?03:05
Sputnixternal: "ever", not "over"03:06
voriani was looking at three plasmoids03:06
vorianJontheEchidna: you'll need to do the honours ;)03:06
JontheEchidnaOh, I've been doing that a lot with bugs lately03:06
JontheEchidnatoo many tabs open03:06
JontheEchidnathen I get confused03:06
Sputnixternal: just wondering if he's read your apology and/or understood what you were going for03:06
JontheEchidnawell by a lot I mean twice this week03:07
nixternalhe had no other choice, as I messaged him right away letting him know I wasn't being serious and did it for fun03:07
vorianJontheEchidna: i know the feeling03:07
nixternalwhy people didn't see the "song" and "poem" as a joke and took it serious is beyond me03:07
nixternalI guess they all had that "omg it is sabdfl" look in their eyes03:07
vorianwhat in the world happened?03:07
JontheEchidnavisternal off-handedly asked why kubuntu was the blue-headed stepchild03:08
JontheEchidnagood ol' mark replied jokingly in a poem03:08
JontheEchidnanext thing you know people are blogging03:08
vorianyes, i read that03:08
JontheEchidnaI've even saw the blog in digg's upcoming queue (probably won't get frontpaged, but damn)03:09
nixternalwell boredandblogging did the blog post because he saw the humor and knew I was joking03:09
voriananything less than spending 10's of millions of dollars a year is unacceptable03:09
voriantotal lack of support03:09
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: stasks uploaded (first try too, awesome!), thanks for your contribution to kubuntu03:10
Sputwell, it probably hit a nerve though.03:10
voriando we have a composite dock yet?03:10
* vorian takes the silence as a resounding "no"03:11
JontheEchidnaok, so you forward the acceptance email to ubuntu-motu, correct?03:12
ScottKJontheEchidna: Yes.03:14
JontheEchidnavorian: whatever happened to that qaculate dude?03:16
vorianno idea03:16
* Sput wonders why he's reading Planet Ubuntu and Planet Gnome03:19
ryanakcanixternal: sure, I'll look at it tomorrow03:20
nixternalgroovy, thanks dude03:20
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lex79JontheEchidna: fixed03:34
JontheEchidnalex79: groovy03:35
lex79JontheEchidna: uhmmm groovy? what does it mean? :)03:36
JontheEchidnagreat! awesome! (It's a term from like the 1960's, lol)03:37
ScottKAnd early 70's03:38
* ScottK remembers03:38
lex79eheheh ok I understand :)03:38
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lex79JontheEchidna: do you know alternative for lastfm?04:09
JontheEchidnanope, I haven't really looked04:13
lex79in Italy now 3 euros per month04:16
* JontheEchidna should probably get on to bed04:18
lex79night :)04:18
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* imbrandon kicks amarok 206:16
nixternalryanakca: I have gone ahead and edited all of the docs to prepare them for h.k.o - I left the headers in tact for now, but I can clean them up as needed or you can... lp:kubuntu-website under my branch is where you will find them06:31
* nixternal kicks imbrandon 06:32
nixternal00:34:04 [        zz] whats the little envelope thingy in jaunty for gnome06:35
nixternal00:34:14 [        zz] it holds all the notifications06:35
nixternal00:34:24 [        zz] i removed that but don't see it under the add to panel06:35
nixternalnotfications for the win!06:35
* imbrandon kicks nixternal back07:03
imbrandonnixternal: wth you kickin me for , lol07:07
nixternalcuz you kicked amarok07:08
imbrandonahh i was trying to get the kde3 and kde4 ones to play nice on my dad's pc, he hates change and i upgraded him to jaunty while i was there today07:08
nixternalhe hates obama I bet then07:09
imbrandonhe was kinda urked with the amarok1.4 -> amarok2 "upgrade"07:09
imbrandonnah, he voted for obama as did i07:09
nixternalI know chicago politicians, and I will never vote for one :)07:13
nixternalprobably because I couldn't afford to pay-to-play07:13
nixternalthough Riddell was interested in paying for that senate state07:14
nixternalIllinois is already a blue state, but he would have made it a bloo state07:14
imbrandongah, wth happened to my grub07:14
* imbrandon kicks efi07:15
imbrandondamn thing wants to go right into osx07:15
jussi01imbrandon: its all your fault!07:35
jussi01imbrandon: just because. Havent seen you in ages and decided insulting you was a good first, Hi! :D07:48
imbrandonlol, hi07:48
jussi01well then.. home dir is backed up, time to reinstall this sucker.07:49
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apacheloggeroh dear08:52
apacheloggermy mom can write better release news than the kaffeine doods08:52
nixternalI am surprised that they decided to continue working on Kaffeine08:54
nixternalI have missed it08:54
* apachelogger would be intersted if the GUI design is still so crappy08:55
apacheloggerwith an all new maintainer and all one would expect improvement08:55
nixternalhave you built it yet?08:55
apacheloggerjust saw the news on a german tech site08:55
* apachelogger is trying to get a readahead for KDE :D08:56
faboapachelogger: GUI is the same08:56
apacheloggermeh :|08:56
apacheloggermaybe I should write bug reports :)08:57
faboapachelogger: christoph isn't really the new maintainer. he's maintaining it since years, just announced now08:57
apacheloggerkaffeine would be an awesome app if the GUI was any better08:57
apacheloggerfabo: oh, I see :)08:57
ozancaglayanwhois twaugh09:04
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neversfeldeJontheEchidna: Thank you :) Will create a backport request.09:09
apacheloggerhow to create a magic readahead list for kde: a) install from default cdimage b) remove all non-essential components from /usr/share/autostart and /etc/xdg/autostart (that is to ensure a sensible list even at very minimal setup) c) ensure session management is off d) logout e) switch to ttyX and run sudo readahead-watch -o $SOMEFILEPATH e) switch back to kdm f) login g) switch to ttyX and run sudo killall readahead-watch h) str09:15
apachelogger-dependent files from the readahead list09:15
apacheloggereventually it makes sense to content-diff the default lists with the kde one, since the latter will include all base utils used while login (although they are most likely already present in one of the other 2 lists)09:16
apacheloggerthat can probably be deployed along plasma09:17
apacheloggerneversfelde: did you find a minion yet?09:25
neversfeldehaha, it is raining, I can't go outside to search one^^09:26
nixternalapachelogger: were you the one thinking of kubufox?09:27
nixternalI was looking at the package and the source, and it wouldn't be much work to turn it into a kubufox really09:27
apacheloggertonio was, at least he is working on mimetype support09:27
nixternalthere is no artwork in it, but that doesn't mean we couldn't add something09:27
apacheloggernixternal: what would kubufox be doing?09:28
nixternalI created a quick draft of what a Kubuntu start page would look like as well09:28
apacheloggerI like, well, the concept at least :D09:29
nixternalapachelogger: well, there are some things that ubufox does to make it *ubuntu* only...we could add some Kubuntu and/or KDE stuff in it, ie some of the user scripts and what not for drop down menus and such...don't see why we couldn't add an oxygen theme to it either09:29
* apachelogger thinks that our apps drain disc rotation from KDE's startup process09:29
nixternalya, the first one was just that, a concept to work with09:29
apacheloggerI like the sound of that09:29
nixternalheh, speak of the devil :)09:30
apacheloggeroh dear, jockey got no autostart delay at all09:30
davmor21nixternal: you need to change the search entry point to blue09:30
* apachelogger runs around screaming09:30
nixternalhrmm, 03:30, I am supposed to go for a nice 85 mile bike ride in 4 hours09:30
nixternalmight have to postpone that09:30
nixternaldavmor21: yup09:31
nixternalI did that concept in about 5 minutes, so it is far from perfect09:31
nixternaljust v0. :)09:31
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nixternalto be honest, I would like to make it look like a plasmoid09:31
apacheloggerit could be a plasmoid ;-)09:32
nixternalmake it more "KDE 4" like09:32
apacheloggerif that mozilla plugins tuff would be somewhat progressing09:32
nixternalahhhh, good point09:32
apacheloggerjockey needs to autostart in phase 209:32
apacheloggerso does update-notifier09:32
nixternalbut that hasn't gone anywhere...like you can do with konqi right?09:32
apacheloggeras well as printer-applet09:32
nixternalI was reading up on the people complaining about the updater in Ubuntu....some angry people, and at first I was like "ya, that doesn't make sense"09:33
apacheloggernixternal: well, it would be easier to make konqui honor plasma's theme in a startpage than firefox09:33
nixternalthen I was talking to ScottK  and said "it pops up behind stuff I don't know its there until I close everything out and start to shutdown"09:33
nixternalthen after about an hour, I was like "damn, that is exactly when I do my updates"09:33
nixternaland the interesting part is you have like 200 people complain, and then thousands of others going "ya, that is cool, I had no idea what that orange thing up top was"09:34
apacheloggerno understanding here09:35
* apachelogger tunes in röyksopp09:35
nixternaland we do need to unclutterfy the task manager/panel/start bar/whatever it is called09:35
nixternallike kwallet, do I really need that badboy showing all of the time? or klipper?09:36
apacheloggerKDE is working on that09:36
apacheloggerIMHO kwallet tray can be deactivated completely09:36
nixternalgrr, xorg is killing me09:36
apacheloggerthe target audience will not really have more than one wallet and for sure not manage them09:36
nixternalright, I have multiple wallets, but I only need to set them up 1 time09:37
nixternalafter that if I need to do anything, it is in system settings09:37
nixternalheh...say I did accidentally leave my desktop open for someone to come up and look at...they see that wallet with a credit card sticking out, that will be the first thing they click on...and all of my passwords are right there, in plain text view...which I do not like one bit09:38
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "What Else Is There" by Röyksopp [The Understanding CD]; see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more09:38
* apachelogger hugs markey09:38
* nixternal thinks that the Kubuntu team needs 2 people, community members, both with opposing views of the Notification stuff, to work with the Ayatana team09:40
nixternalwould be great if we got this stuff worked out ASAP09:41
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apacheloggerRiddell: ping10:20
Riddellhi apachelogger10:20
apacheloggerRiddell: what do you think about moving the printer-applet's autostart to autostart phase 2 (i.e. post session restoring)?10:21
apacheloggerI for one would rather have my session back than having a printer icon show, considering I probably won't get to print something before phase 2 is finished anyway :)10:21
Riddellapachelogger: seems a good idea10:22
Riddellyou can commit it to svn10:23
apacheloggerok, thx10:23
apacheloggerkde svn 96152910:30
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=961529&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 961529 | Autostart in phase 2 (i.e. after session restoring), see kdelibs/kinit/README.autostart for reference. CCMAIL: jriddell@ubunt...10:30
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 25861210:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258612 in kdeutils "Kwallet: unselecting "show manager in system tray" does not remove the system tray icon." [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25861210:43
apacheloggerit appears to me you broke superkarmba with a faulty merge10:52
apacheloggeroh dear10:52
Nightroseapachelogger: Alejandro said he will look into the libgpod issue11:07
apacheloggerokies, thx11:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, Riddell: bug 206459 if one of you could please take a look at it11:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 206459 in kdeutils "print status doesn't update automatically" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20645911:09
ScottKnixternal: I've seen no evidence that the "thousands of others going "ya, that is cool, I had no idea what that orange thing up top was" people actually exist.11:13
ScottKIn the comments on the new notifications you see a mix of like it/sucks reactions.  For the update-notifier change the reaction that I've seen has been decidedly unmixed.11:14
apacheloggervorian: how can bug 22175 be in progress when there is no lirc in kde 4?11:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 22175 in kdeutils "Simple bug in kcm_kcmlirc + patch (hang after Add action click)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2217511:19
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apacheloggerbug 6216611:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 62166 in wifi-radar "Kubuntu wifi-radar menu" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6216611:46
apacheloggerRiddell: is hwdb-client still used actually?11:48
Riddellapachelogger: there was a rewrite of the gtk one which gets used as part of the certification stuff11:55
Riddellforget what it's called now11:55
apacheloggerRiddell: I was just wondering because there are some pretty old bugs around and at least we don't seem to use it a lot ;-)11:59
Riddellapachelogger: I think you can close the bugs now12:02
apacheloggerRiddell: then we should drop the package I suppose :)12:03
apacheloggerotherwise the reports might want to kill me12:03
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: do you really want to keep bug 113789 around?12:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 113789 in kdeaddons "servicemenue convert images has problems with dots in pathnames" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11378912:03
Riddellapachelogger: it's not been in since hardy12:04
apacheloggerokies :)12:04
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Riddellno sign of 4.2.3 yet12:52
Riddellfabo: so it seems to be easy enough to move phonon to build from qt and have the phonon package just compile the backends12:54
Riddellthey get installed to /usr/lib/kde4/plugins though so I don't know if that should be /usr/lib/qt4/plugins12:55
Riddellbut the main problem is package versioning, phonon has an epoch, qt doesn't12:55
Riddellwe could just add phonon to libqtcore412:55
Riddellotherwise come up with a new package name like libphonon-qt4  libphonon-qt-dev12:56
Riddell(or add an epoch to qt but that's not pretty)12:56
Riddelloh and qt seems to install the headers into both /usr/include/qt4/phonon and /usr/include/qt4/Qt which is a bit strange12:57
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Riddellcan't add to libqtcore4, it depends on lots of core things13:05
Riddelllots of non-core things rather13:05
Riddellmaybe call it libqt4-phonon13:06
JontheEchidnathat sounds good13:06
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ScottKRiddell: I'm not sure what we want to do, but I'm sure add an epoch where Debian hasn't isn't it.13:15
ScottKapachelogger: I actually fixed the wifi-radar thing in Karmic already.13:16
RiddellScottK: yep, I just mention it for completeness13:17
vorianapachelogger: haha, i did that a year and a half ago13:19
* apachelogger hands ScottK a cookie13:19
apacheloggervorian: hehe13:20
* ScottK is in favor of cookies. Thanks.13:20
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you go read backlog :P13:20
Riddellshtylman: did you have additions for KubuntuKarmicSpecs ?13:20
ScottKI just remembered another one ...13:20
faboRiddell: have you commited these changes (phonon) ?13:21
Riddellfabo: nope just playing around locally13:22
Riddellfabo: want to get agreement with you before committing anything13:22
Riddellhmm, no good meeting time until next wednesday13:23
fabook. I'll take a look deeper to phonon tomorrow before confirming13:24
Riddellfabo: for phonon I just commented out #add_subdirectory(phonon)  in CMakeLists.txt and it comiles fine against the phonon installed from qt13:25
Riddelland for qt I just copied over the libphonon4 libphonon-dev entries in debian/control and adjusted the .install files13:26
* JontheEchidna remebered another spec point too13:27
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claydohgood day, all you beautiful blue-haired folks!13:53
* claydoh carries in tray of coffee, tea, diet soda, and large cookies13:54
* claydoh pours cups for everyone13:55
JontheEchidnalex79: I almost forgot, you need to file a removal request for the old windowslist plasmoid14:03
JontheEchidnalex79: you can use bug 301083 as an example14:05
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/301083/+text)14:05
|eagles051387|afternoon JontheEchidna14:08
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seeleany consensus on the next meeting?14:25
Riddellseele: I think wednesday looks like the winner14:27
Riddellwhich is a while off alas14:27
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seeleRiddell: what time? (lost the link)14:40
apacheloggerwoohooo \o/ diagramming14:42
* apachelogger luvs the graphics14:42
apacheloggerclaydoh: hullos, are you our new bar tender?14:43
claydohapachelogger: sure, as long as y'all tip :)14:44
* apachelogger takes one of the large cookies claydoh brought in and throws it after JontheEchidna hoping he read backlog and went through all the bugs apachelogger referenced to14:44
apacheloggerclaydoh: hm... kubotu ain't need no tip...14:44
claydohapachelogger: but i may be better looking14:45
Riddellseele: http://www.doodle.com/3hvuw76ydubbgseg14:45
Riddellseele: tuesday 17:00UTC?14:46
lex79JontheEchidna: launchpad bug 36982714:46
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ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/369827/+text)14:46
Riddellor wed at 17:0014:46
apacheloggerclaydoh: well, Riddell got that theory about Kubuntu contributors being incredibly good looking14:48
apacheloggerthen again nixternal makes me doubt that theory14:48
ScottKRiddell: How about 18:00?  I'm working 22:00 - 10:00 next week and I'd like a chance to get some sleep.14:48
apacheloggeralthough Nightrose proofs it a lot14:48
claydohI sure don't14:48
* ScottK stick up his hand for bringing down the average.14:49
claydohmaybe back in  the old days, i was ok, but not now14:49
seeleRiddell: wednesday has more people14:49
apacheloggerScottK: you officially have no face because you are lacking a launchpad pic .... that is like not having karma14:49
seeleScottK: what is that, 14:00 EST?14:49
* seele counts on her fingers14:49
seelewhy can't we just keep the same time all year round14:50
ScottKYes, I'm working 6PM to 4AM local.14:50
claydohapachelogger: I don't have  my pic there either14:50
apacheloggerseele: people's schedules change too much for that IMHO14:50
apacheloggerclaydoh: oh, I thought you had one?14:50
seeleapachelogger: no, i mean calendar time.. no daylight savings14:50
seeleapachelogger: so no matter when it is i am always -n:00 UTC14:50
* apachelogger hates the daylight saving and actually thinks everyone should just live by UTC anyway14:51
ScottKseele: Because it theoretically saves 0.0000001% of energy and so since you don't like it you must be in favor of global warming.14:51
* seele waits for someone to start an a/s/l thread on the dev mailing list14:51
seeleScottK: and i'm a rebulican bible thumper who buys american and only eats fast food14:52
apacheloggerScottK: spam clearly consumes more engery than we can save by daylight saving :P14:52
Riddellso Wed at 18:00UTC?14:52
Riddellgoing once14:53
Riddellhmm, random youtube link with no context, could be dangerous14:53
apacheloggercontext is in backlog :P14:54
seeleRiddell: you work from home which mitigates the risk14:54
apacheloggerclaydoh \o/14:54
eagles0513875apachelogger: broke it :p14:54
apacheloggerclaydoh: was that your contribution to the 0.0000001% energy saving?14:55
claydohya, uplugged the laptop from my laptop cooler, and it died14:55
Riddellseele: I have flatmates, they could burst in at any moment!14:56
claydohthink the power plug and voltage regulator are going14:56
* seele says a few things about your flatmates...14:56
claydohapachelogger: more than that I am drying my clothes outdoors now :)\14:56
* eagles0513875 waits for seele to get he boot :p14:57
* apachelogger turns on tv to check who's at the door14:57
apacheloggerclaydoh: you have cloths to dry? Oo14:58
apacheloggerlike what do you do to them that they have to be dried?14:58
claydohI am the househusband14:59
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claydohwet clothes = one ticked off wife15:00
claydohpplus I like dry scratchy towels15:00
apacheloggersounds sensible15:00
apacheloggerI suppose15:00
apacheloggerclaydoh: you probably want to find out how we get kde.qa.ubuntu.com, don't you?15:01
claydohum, ah, sure?15:02
apacheloggerclaydoh: good luck with it15:02
Riddellwhat's that about?15:02
apacheloggercould be useful for SRU testing15:02
* claydoh has no idea yet15:02
apacheloggeror any kind of testing15:02
apacheloggertaking the nm plasmoid as current usecase :)15:02
apacheloggermcas: ping ping ping15:04
claydohgood idea15:04
apacheloggerclaydoh: I'd suggest to get in touch with someone from ubuntu testing/qa15:05
claydohbbiab, need to get groceries15:05
claydohapachelogger: kk15:05
apacheloggernot much luck when I tried yesterday15:05
apacheloggerthen again I did try at the most awful time of day15:05
eagles0513875apachelogger: need some testing of the nm widget15:06
apacheloggerI'd rather get proper testcases and some test tracker before15:07
apacheloggereagles0513875: you could however prepare testcases15:07
eagles0513875apachelogger: well one thing that i know that doesnt work is static ip's still15:07
eagles0513875tried it the other day and it seems to ignore the static ip i set and reverted to using dhcp15:08
apacheloggerI am more interested in regressions, since those have to be fixed before pushing it to either -backports or -updates15:08
apacheloggerthat is why we need testcases15:08
eagles0513875apachelogger: i might not be the person to do that since i dont know what im looking for15:08
apacheloggersebas: btw, is it intent behaviour that the plasmoid tries to connect to wifi even if cable connection is available (that is with autoconnect turned on) ... I found it kind of weird that the plasmoid annoyed me with kwallet access right after login, even though I was cabled15:10
apacheloggereagles0513875: okies, gotta find someone else then :D15:10
ScottKapachelogger: We need to understand if the "it works for some, but not others" problems are connecting to different types of networks or hardware specific.15:10
eagles0513875apachelogger: ill keep upstreaming bugs :)15:10
ScottKIf it's hardware specific, I think we're kind of screwed for an SRU.15:11
apacheloggerScottK: it should become easier if we get coordinated testing through the testing tracker15:11
ScottKapachelogger: I agree.15:11
apacheloggerit also could revive the testing community for that matter :D15:11
JontheEchidnalex79: usually the MOTU giving the ack subscribes the archive admins, but it should be ok as long as I've given the ack :)15:12
eagles0513875apachelogger: what happens with the nm when its on a desktop that has a wired connection only is the same issue you mentioned bout being wired does it still want you to open the kwallet15:12
apacheloggerit only wants kwally to authenticate for $wifi15:13
* JontheEchidna steps out for a bit15:13
ScottKIt wants it even if no authentication is needed, which I find annoying15:13
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you should be reading bug reports :P15:13
apacheloggerScottK: uh, that is fun :)15:13
apacheloggerdavmor2: pingy15:14
eagles0513875apachelogger: ScottK at least the build that a|wen did fixed it to where it doesnt ask for password again after opening the wallet15:14
davmor2apachelogger: whatcha want15:14
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I did, but I don't know what to do with half of 'em15:14
apacheloggerdavmor2: wanna come up with some fancy testcases for the network manager plasmoid? ;-)15:15
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: so we agree on that I suppose? :)15:15
apacheloggerstupid bugs15:15
davmor2apachelogger: Can do but not till after uds where we will be discussing the testcases in detail :)  If it can wait that long15:15
apacheloggerprobably not15:16
apacheloggerdavmor2: depends on when we get kde.qa.ubuntu.com ... that said ... do you have an idea whom we have to poke for that?15:16
eagles0513875ScottK: this what you talking about15:17
ScottKapachelogger: We could also do it with a wiki in the meantime.  Something like https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MOTU/Clamav15:17
davmor2not till after uds as that is maybe being all shook up too :)15:17
eagles0513875ScottK: bug 34944515:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349445 in plasma-widget-network-manager "[jaunty] sometimes network manager asks for a WPA-Key although it is stored in KDE wallet" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34944515:17
ScottKeagles0513875: No.  My issue is it wants the wallet when connecting to unsecured networks.15:18
apacheloggerdavmor2: pff :P ... ScottK knows how to make an apachelogger happy15:18
eagles0513875ScottK: gotcha15:18
apacheloggerdavmor2: when is uds?15:21
apacheloggernvm :P15:23
=== Tscheesy_ is now known as Tscheesy
eagles0513875ScottK: regarding your issue issue of a static ip wouldnt it be easier to file an upstream bug for those15:26
ScottKI'm pretty sure I didn't say anything about a static IP.15:26
eagles0513875ScottK: thats my issue i was testing something the other day with static ip and the network manager ignores the ip i put in entierly and uses dhcp none the less15:26
ScottKeagles0513875: Then I'm really confused why you referred to it as 'my issue'.15:26
eagles0513875this is kind of a regression from knetwork manager at least with that you could get it to use a static ip15:26
apacheloggerno you couldn't15:26
eagles0513875ScottK: i was referring to your issue as in wallet and unsecured networks15:26
apacheloggerat least not with the one from 8.1015:26
eagles0513875ScottK: apologies i worded that wrong15:26
apacheloggerand I am pretty sure the one from 8.04 didn't have that capability at all15:27
eagles0513875apachelogger: you could but would loose static ip settings upon reboot15:27
apacheloggernow that worked pretty well then -.-15:27
ScottKNot terribly static then15:27
eagles0513875ya and now its seems to have regressed to where the static ip gets ignored entierly15:27
ScottKeagles0513875: I think you address specific people far to often in the channel.  I'm personally getting tired of the distraction.15:28
* eagles0513875 goes back to bug upstreaming15:28
ScottKeagles0513875: I'd ask you not to highlight me unless it's in response to a question I've asked you specifically (and not just to the channel in general).15:28
eagles0513875i understand15:28
Riddellapachelogger: ping16:02
Riddellapachelogger: we have a patch kubuntu_11_fix_openwithdialog.diff which you added16:02
Riddellvorian: removed it according to the changelog16:02
Riddellbut it's still there16:02
apacheloggerthat is weird, maybe vorian didn't really remove it?16:03
Riddellmaybe he forgot to bzr remove of something and it reappeared16:03
Riddellso question is do we want it?  I presume not16:03
vorianstupid bzr16:04
apacheloggerRiddell: I think upstream already implemented the better solution which is why vorian dropped the patch16:04
Riddellvorian: it's all solved upstream and I should remove it now?16:04
RiddellI'll drop it then16:04
shtylmananyone packaged up qt 4.5.1 in a ppa yet?16:14
eagles0513875have all the kde4libs stuff upstreamed16:14
eagles0513875someone was doing a merge on that last night not sure if it has been packaged16:14
Riddellshtylman: me and JontheEchidna are merging it16:16
shtylmanRiddell: cool :)16:17
Riddellgoing to agree the phonon build stuff with fabo before uploading16:17
eagles0513875Riddell: knetwork and kde4libs bugs so far have been upstreamed16:18
Riddelleagles0513875: gosh, all of them?16:19
eagles0513875rickspencer3: just on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+upstreamreport16:20
eagles0513875rickspencer3: miss type16:20
eagles0513875Riddell: on that site16:20
ScottKJust out of curiousity I used grab-merge and got the kde4libs merge.  My eyes hurt.16:35
ScottKI think we may need to merge more than once this cycle.16:35
valgaavjust wondering since there might be browser change for karmic   how about adding the Firefox Qt4 port to the list ?16:36
valgaavseems to be better option then Arora or Rekonq ... if it's ready16:36
ScottKvalgaav: It's not mature and not actively being developed as far as we know.16:37
valgaav:( ... so it dies like the old Qt port years ago ...16:38
valgaavtoo bad16:38
valgaavAFAIK it was merged into mozilla main branch ... but after that it was sillent about it16:39
RiddellScottK: I'm looking at the kde4libs merge now16:39
ScottKRiddell: Enjoy.16:39
a|wenRiddell: some info is needed from you on kde bug 19106616:40
ubottuKDE bug 191066 in plasmoid "wireless networks duplicate after suspend/resume" [Normal,Needsinfo: waitingforinfo] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19106616:40
Riddella|wen: ok, I'll try a suspend in a bit16:41
a|wenokay, cool16:43
vorianwhich packages are we using lzma wrt?17:01
reisihas anyone noticed firefox 3.0.10 wasting huge lot of memory on x86-64 system? it's at 4.1GB currently.. the leaking slowed down though after upgrade 3.0.9, this instance has been up for 12+ hrs i think17:02
Riddellug, MIR needed for xmlrpc-c17:12
nixternalthere seems to be a spare slot in the Open Week stuff....maybe one of your ninjas would like to do an ad-hoc Kubuntu dev session?17:20
voriankubotu: ninjas17:20
kubotuapachelogger, Arby, devfil, JontheEchidna, nhandler, Riddell, ScottK, stdin and vorian ... to the Batcave!17:20
voriannixternal: when?17:20
nixternal23:00 UTC17:21
nixternalHEY! HOW COME I AM NOT A NINJA17:21
* nixternal goes to GNOME!17:21
nixternalerr, Vista!17:21
ubottuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Windows7 lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, and help on the MIRC client too! <nixternal> I LOVE MIRC!!!17:21
* vorian has no idea and points at apachelogger 17:21
* a|wen joins nixternal ... and kicks kubotu17:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vorian17:21
nixternalya, and a|wen too17:21
vorianyep, figured17:21
nixternaland your a ninja? the silly bot doesn't even know you son :p17:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about omgvorian17:22
* nixternal needs to stop watching Rob and Black on MTV17:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:22
ubottuVorian, you are in hell.17:22
nixternalubottu don't feel bad, vorian is a human and we don't think he is intelligent ;p17:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:22
vorianI love this dashboard obama17:23
vorianI laugh at it every time i see it17:23
RiddellI don't get it17:24
voriansome folks in the US put a figure of Jesus on their cars dashboard17:25
nixternalsometimes it is impossible for me to be a conservative or a republican...the US is filled with the dumbest ones I know...did you see that Minnesota republican blaming Swin Flu on the democrats?17:25
nixternalI have that and Rush Limbaugh ruining it for me17:25
vorianthat is retarted17:25
nixternalI might have to pull an Arlan Specter17:26
vorianit's obviously the pigs fault17:26
nixternalI wish Riddell or sabdfl would have bought the Illinois Senate seat17:26
nixternalRiddell had good plans for Illinois :)17:27
vorianthat's what you get for having "relations" with pigs17:27
macovorian: what?17:27
macooh figure17:27
nixternalvorian: you need to stop watching Deliverance dude17:27
macovorian: i thought you said finger17:27
vorianna, that's from SNL17:27
vorianchris farley, david spade17:27
maconixternal: yeah yeah, Arlen Specter!17:28
* maco has 2 good senators...and thus will not be switching voter registration to the District any time soon17:28
vorianmeh, they all suck17:28
nixternalI am with vorian on that one17:28
macohey, i had Santorum before17:29
macocompare them, and you'll see what i mean17:29
voriansantorum was actually decent17:29
vorianHe said what he meant, and meant what he said17:29
macook, noting that i'm a member of the Green Party....from my perspective..17:29
vorianoh, maco17:30
maco(i thought the Dems were too conservative)17:30
vorianI just bought a big BIG van17:30
macofor an actual purpose or just to be big?17:30
maco"compensating" doesn't count as an actual purpose17:30
vorianIt's way more than we need, but I wanted to get one before they were outlawed17:30
* claydoh has a big big van himself17:31
vorianBig engine, eats a lot of gas17:31
vorianI LOVE IT!17:31
* vorian finds a picture17:31
claydohditto, hauls lots of people and dogs17:31
macomy mom drives an SUV because she needs to be able to transport 500 pounds of pork easily17:31
macoi drive my feet17:31
macoi might be getting a bicycle soon though!17:31
claydohI pedaled to the grocery store today17:32
claydohneed saddle bags :(17:32
macoeh, all the grocery stores here are walking distance...anything i need, no more than 2 miles away17:33
claydohdiito for me17:33
claydoher, ditto17:33
vorianI missed out on a green week blogpost17:33
macoi'm just thinking about a bike since i want to move 3 miles from here and it'll be faster to get to class heading downhill on a bike (the uphill afterward won't bother me. what people in DC call a "hill" people in Pittsburgh call "flat ground")17:33
claydohvorian: lol mine is bigger :)17:34
claydoh15n passenger chevy17:34
vorianmine is only a 12 seater17:34
macovorian: LOL you're gonna look like one of those people that pics up the old folks from nursing homes for their weekly outing17:34
claydohmy first chevy, been a ford guy for a while17:34
vorianI will never buy chevy again, bail out losers17:35
vorianThat's why I went with ford17:35
claydohmine I have had for 2 years, its an 0517:36
vorianhow's the mpg?17:37
macothe car i drove in hs was a nice little Saturn. it finally went kaput and was replaced with a friend's old Ford boxy thingy (one of those early-90s SUVs, ya know?). i hated that thing. it's too high off the ground. makes me feel like i'll look out at the blind spot and not see someone in a corvette because they're below the level of the windows17:38
macoand then i'll moosh them17:38
claydohthe ford we tested was less comfortable17:39
claydohvorian: maybe 15 mpg highway17:39
macoouch, that's gotta get expensive17:39
claydohstill better than my full size brono17:39
vorianhrm, mine is much worse17:39
vorianwe're getting about 1117:40
macowow and i thought the saturn's 20mpg was crappy17:40
vorianit is a 1ton though17:40
claydohfully loaded with 6 people and at least as many dogs, drops to about 12 ish17:40
apacheloggernow it is my fault that nixternal doesn't do stuff half a cycle :P17:40
apachelogger~script show ninjas17:41
kubotum.reply "apachelogger, Arby, devfil, JontheEchidna, nhandler, Riddell, ScottK, stdin and vorian ... to the Batcave!" [apachelogger, 2009/01/10 20:01 in kubotu]17:41
claydohstill cheaper on long hauls than the 3 or 4 cars17:41
ScottKmaco: You only got 20 mpg?  Mine used to get over 25?17:41
apachelogger~script add -f ninjas m.reply "apachelogger, Arby, devfil, JontheEchidna, nhandler, Riddell, ScottK, stdin, nixternal and vorian ... to the Batcave!"17:41
kubotuapachelogger, Arby, devfil, JontheEchidna, nhandler, Riddell, ScottK, stdin, nixternal and vorian ... to the Batcave!17:41
ScottKmaco: Stick or automatic?17:41
apacheloggerthere we go17:41
Riddellapachelogger: don't forget a|wen!17:41
apachelogger~script add -f ninjas m.reply "apachelogger, Arby, devfil, JontheEchidna, nhandler, Riddell, ScottK, stdin, nixternal, a|wen and vorian ... to the Batcave!"17:41
kubotuapachelogger, Arby, devfil, JontheEchidna, nhandler, Riddell, ScottK, stdin, nixternal, a|wen and vorian ... to the Batcave!17:42
apacheloggerbut now!17:42
vorianplease take off JontheEchidna17:42
apacheloggerwhat a pointless flood ... I shall sit in silence for the next 3 hours17:42
* a|wen hugs apachelogger17:42
apacheloggerpalying with kexec anyway17:42
claydohvorian: http://claydoh.com/modules/extgallery/public-photo.php?photoId=2#photoNav17:43
vorianyou win17:43
claydohif it had a deisel it would be king17:44
Riddellclaydoh: when the oil runs out, I'm blaming you17:44
vorianwe can just grow more cows, throw them in a hole and turn em into oil17:44
ScottKWe own 5 cars for two drivers.17:45
claydohnaw, it is used mostly for long hauls to far-off do flyball competitions,17:45
vorianmore cows == more carbon == better world <317:45
Riddellthat's the most surreal answer for lack of oil I've ever heard17:45
apacheloggervorian: don't they like produce greenhouse gases when they decompose?17:45
claydohthe team used to go down in 3-5 separate vehicles17:45
vorianpeak oil ftw17:45
vorianapachelogger: not as much as when the toot17:46
vorian*they* toot17:46
apacheloggerthere is a fatal flaw in that theory though17:46
apacheloggereither you gotta digg a very deep hole17:46
apacheloggerwhich is a problem because the deeper you get, the hotter it is, the warmer gets the outside of $planet + the more it smells as well when the cows decompose17:47
vorianthe carbon levels are not related to the (DECLINE) in global temps over the last 10 years17:47
voriancarbon goes up, and we are cooling... weird17:47
apacheloggeror you digg a lot of less deep holes which has the disadvantage that you need a lota space, which leads to the  problem that you gotta run out of that soon17:47
claydohsusn spots!17:47
apacheloggerso you'd need to address that by removing water from $earth17:47
apacheloggerwhich is only possible if you drag it into $space17:48
vorianspace malls?17:48
vorianspace wal-mart17:48
apacheloggerwhich is only possible using $rockets which then again need oil to fly sky high17:48
ScottKNah, just get nixternal to drink it.17:48
vorianspace nascar17:48
vorianapachelogger: you can use nitrogen for rockets!17:48
vorianproblem solved17:49
apacheloggerthat requires engery to get produced17:49
claydohI have a big gas hog, yet I still use pub transort a lot, walk, pedal, etc17:49
apacheloggera lota energy17:49
apacheloggerwhich is probably even worse than using gas as fuel17:49
* nixternal goes to the channel that was meant for17:50
apacheloggerin any case you get another lack of energy which needs to be worked around someway, and since we'd be out of surfacial space as well as water that is kind of a problem17:50
* apachelogger gives up on kexec17:51
* vorian read that as kext17:52
seelewhat is Shaman?18:11
ScottKIt's a package management tool used by some other distro (I had to google for it)18:12
seelepakcagekit is getting that bad of feedback?18:13
ScottKI've seen mixed.18:13
valgaavseele : here is how shaman looks like : http://boom1992.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/shaman-current.png18:18
seeleScottK: but really, given the choice between adept and kpackagekit..18:18
ScottKseele: I've seen some people prefer both.  I use neither, so don't really have a strong opinion.18:19
a|wenuh oh ... the new plasma-widget lists hidden networks18:23
macoa|wen: why's that "uh oh" i always thought that was an awesome thing about the gnome network manager18:34
maco...now if only the plasmoid would let me enable my wireless card, things'd be great!18:35
macovorian: cows produce methane, not carbon. though producing 16 pounds of grain to feed the cows for every 1 pound of beef you're going to get out of the deal does require a lot of petroleum-based fertilizer...18:36
a|wenmaco: i was just surprised that the positive feedback of things that now was working kept coming ... a very positive "uh oh"18:36
macoi give negative feedback :)18:37
a|wenmaco: is it a regression?18:37
macoworked fine in jaunty final. then i reinstalled jaunty final and it stopped working :(18:37
a|wenmaco: and with the 1:10 ratio of in vs. out in cows ... that is a lot of methane18:38
macoi've been using /etc/network/interfaces because the plasmoid's always displaying my wireless card as disabled and won't let me enable it18:38
a|wenmaco: you're using the one from jaunty final?18:38
macoi was upgraded all the way through to final and everything worked but my / was really fragmented and quite full since i still had gnome, so i did a clean install18:39
a|wenmaco: i'm talking about a fresh svn snapshot waiting for you to test out in kubuntu-experimental ;)18:39
macoafter the clean install, i can only get online via the command line18:39
macoi kind of think this may have been something the installer did18:39
macobecause i got online w/ the command line while using the live cd installer. i wonder if that propogated and somewhere hidden in some file is a directive to NM to always pretend my wireless card doesn't exist, even when it's got no entries in interfaces18:40
a|wenmaco: nothing is certain here ... does the nm-applet want to play with the card?18:41
a|wenmaco: if not it is probably some network-manager setting / pecularity playing in18:41
vorianmaco: awesome, even better19:03
* vorian goes to eat some veil19:03
* ScottK takes an 'i' from vorian and hands him an 'a'.19:03
macovorian: dude, we don't need to know about what you do in your spare time with nuns19:20
* eagles0513875 doesnt wanna know19:20
macoeagles0513875: he misspelled veal earlier as veil19:21
eagles0513875maco:  its off topic for this channel though19:21
eagles0513875jtechidna: ping19:21
macoeagles0513875: aye, but the channel's been ather offtopic for the last 3 hours anyway19:21
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: ping19:21
jtechidnajtechidna: pong19:21
macowith the exception of my "wah, the network manager plasmoid has forced me back to the command line"19:22
eagles0513875jtechidna: sry for the double ping can you look at bug 203967 upstream responded there is a fix i think already out19:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 203967 in kde4libs "[hardy] not prompted to install flash plugin" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20396719:22
jtechidnaeagles0513875: youtube was still broken in that regard last I checked19:23
jtechidnaan upstream comment19:24
jtechidnakde svn 95913619:24
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=959136&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 95913619:24
eagles0513875jtechidna: ya19:24
jtechidnaWe should test this once KDE 4.2.3 comes along19:25
eagles0513875do you need me to make a note of that19:27
eagles0513875jtechidna: thing is this bug wont occur for everyone if people that know what package flash is in for example i install kubuntu-restricted-extras which has flash in it19:27
jtechidnaI'll just assign it to myself so that I don't forget19:27
jtechidnayeah, but if you don't have flash installed you get this prompt19:28
eagles0513875jtechidna: wouldnt it be good to also test on 4.2.219:28
jtechidnabut the prompt doesn't work on youtube19:28
jtechidnait's known to be broken on KDE 4.2.219:28
jtechidnaI tested19:28
eagles0513875thats all i got on the upstream front as of right now19:28
eagles0513875jtechidna: have you tried amarok 2.1 yet i need to confirm if this particular issue is happening to me only or not19:30
jtechidnaI've used it, yes19:31
jtechidnathough I don't see why you need my help specifically19:31
eagles0513875whe you play songs does it repeat songs even with repeat off19:31
jtechidnanot that I noticed19:32
eagles0513875humm ok thanks19:32
nixternalomg the Kubuntu 9.04 CDs are super yummy!19:35
nixternaljust got the package of CDs19:35
eagles0513875what you got inbetween those cds19:35
eagles0513875burger patty :p19:35
jtechidnaso the CD's themselves look nice?19:36
maconixternal: that was ridiculously fast19:51
nixternalthat it was19:51
eagles0513875can i make a suggestion for the kernel for karmic and any future kernels for jaunty19:52
smarterwe're not the kernel team19:55
=== imbrando_ is now known as imbrandon
sebasapachelogger: you can be connected to wired and wireless at the same time, it's not mutually exclusive20:19
sebasWhich connection you use will be determined by routing20:19
sebasbesides that, being connected to wireless and you unplug the cable, the only thing that changes is the route, so you'll stay connected in many cases20:20
rbrunhuberWhat is the current state of nepomuk/strigi in kubuntu? I'm seeing some success reports, some bug reports and a lot of people for which it does not work.20:25
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
nixternalgahahaha, vorian your teleprompter comment is classic!20:47
nixternaldid you watch last night? w/o the prompter there were a bunch of "ummm, ahhh, ummm, hmm, ahh, good question...ummm, hmmm, ahhh, ya"20:48
* a|wen opens the packet of cookies and hands out to everyone20:48
* |eagles0513875| hordes a bunch and goes back ot my corner20:48
vorianna, I wached "Lie to Me" - Twas the only show on network tv last night20:48
* |eagles0513875| thanks a|wen20:48
vorianit's actually a decent show20:49
* a|wen hugs sebas20:50
a|wena turn-around time of less than an hour without even having to report the bug is amazing :)20:50
* ScottK should blog about the benifits of distros and upstreams working closely together in the development process.20:51
* sebas notes that this only works when the package is not ten years old ;)20:52
a|wenScottK: indeed ... having one of the kile developers around in LP confirming if things are or are not fixed in trunk has been great20:53
* |eagles0513875| loves latex20:53
a|wenand that one gets pretty close to the ten years20:54
ScottKsebas: True.  I had a lot of luck in the last release cycle working with quassel upstream (high Sput) and putting their git snapshots in a PPA for Intrepid so people on the stable release could test.20:56
* |eagles0513875| gonna take a stab at packaging a newer svn package of kvirc 4.021:00
ScottKeagles0513875: That's a pretty complex one.21:01
eagles0513875well ifi follow the install guide in the svn source then i should be good to go21:04
eagles0513875figure out pbuilder then i should be good or not21:04
ryanakcanixternal: lovely, thanks21:49
neversfelderyanakca: there is a © 2005-2008 on kubuntu.org, should be 2009?21:50
ScottKneversfelde: I think we decided that was for the theme, not the contenct.21:51
ScottK... content21:51
ScottKSo it should be fine21:52
ryanakcaneversfelde: Ah, true. But I'll bump it up on the next theme update...21:52
ryanakcas/But //21:52
neversfeldeok :)21:52
JontheEchidnaooo, once dapper falls out of support nobody will file bugs against the old kopete source package :D21:53
voriangood luck with that thought21:53
JontheEchidnainstead it will file it against the kdenetwork source package21:54
vorianwoo hoo21:54
vorianfinally tagged21:54
a|wenJontheEchidna: and 4 months later we don't have to worry about kde3 anymore21:54
JontheEchidnavorian: woohoo21:54
JontheEchidnaa|wen: woo hoo21:54
vorianand tars!21:54
* vorian batgetorig's21:55
vorianwhoopsie, wrong channel21:55
vorian/ignore vorian21:55
JontheEchidnaonce dapper is dead we can close bug 5003921:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 50039 in kdepim "[Data Loss] KMail mysteriously changes messages to "No Subject", "Unknown" sender" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5003921:56
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: do the sun java jre and jdk have to be packaged separatly21:56
JontheEchidnaeagles0513875: no clue21:56
a|wenJontheEchidna: happens in kde4 as well on crash ... or it is not data loss, just an extra message that is like that21:56
eagles0513875reason i ask is it would be nice to be able to type in sun-java6 and it pulls both for you21:57
JontheEchidnaa|wen: probably a different crash, I would think21:57
a|wenJontheEchidna: hehe, i'm almost certain you're right21:58
JontheEchidnathe fix in question was also released, and just needed an SRU anyway21:58
a|wenwell, don't empty your trash while disconnected imap traverses it ... ~50% that kmail crashes21:58
JontheEchidnaI'd just close it since it's fixed in > Dapper and open a nomination for dapper, but it'd probably never get touched anyway21:59
* JontheEchidna uses a pop3 account21:59
a|wenwait till june and close it22:00
JontheEchidnaonce k-hardy is dead we can have a field day >:)22:01
a|wencount me in :)22:01
neversfeldethe debian/watch in the kshutdown package is not working anymore, kshutdown 2.0 is now a zip file. Does it have to be replaced with a get-orig-source rule or am I totally wrong?22:02
JontheEchidnaI don't think there would be any reason a watch file wouldn't work with zips22:04
neversfeldeat least uupdate will have a Problem with a zip file?22:08
JontheEchidnaoh, yeah. it might22:08
JontheEchidnayou might want to go with a get-orig rule22:08
neversfeldeI will try it22:09
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
neversfeldemhh, I think I do not need a get-orig-source rule, becaus I can use uscan --repack, but what to do, when the ne dowlnoaded version has a wrong version like 2.0beta6 and it should be 2.0-beta6?22:53
neversfeldeseems to be not so easy :)22:54
a|wenneversfelde: it should be 2.0~beta622:54
ScottKneversfelde: No because that's higher than 2.022:54
a|wenneversfelde: you want to play with the versionmangler then :)22:55
ScottKWhich is exactly why Krusader has an epoch now in Debian in the Debian maintainer didn't notice that.22:55
neversfeldeis it enough to change that in changelog?22:55
JontheEchidnayeah, unfortunate about the krusader thing :/22:56
neversfeldeafter uscan --repack it is "kshutdown (2.0beta6-1) jaunty; urgency=low22:57
a|wenneversfelde: that is wrong22:57
neversfeldeyes should be 2.0~bate622:57
neversfeldecan I change it there or do I have to modifiy something before?22:58
a|wenneversfelde: you can get the versionmangler to do it in debian/watch ... just need to find how again22:58
ScottKYou also have to redo the tarball to match22:58
ScottKIf you get the versionmangler to manage it for you it's easier.22:59
neversfeldethis is very confusing, I will try again,. Thank you so far22:59
ScottKWe could probably dig up two or three more people to give you contrary advice if that would help?23:00
* eagles0513875 night23:01
a|wenneversfelde: the uscan man-page contains a bit about it23:02
neversfeldea|wen: I am currently there23:02
a|wenneversfelde: something like opts="uversionmangle=s/(alpha|beta|rc)/~$1/" is probably what you want23:05
apacheloggerwho wants to report an uberawesome bug?23:05
a|wenneversfelde: you might want to look at nemesis ... iirc it did ~ the same23:06
apacheloggernot upstream, a packaging bug23:06
a|wenapachelogger: what did we do wrong now?23:06
apacheloggernot we23:06
apacheloggerthe gnome doods23:06
eagles0513875i would if i knew how to package lol gonna figure that out on a newer svn build of kvirc 4.023:06
a|wenoh ... that is not us23:06
apacheloggerinstalling ant pulls in23:07
apacheloggerand varoius ttf fonts23:07
apacheloggerI can live with the latter but why a "make like build tool" depends on an audio stack is clearly unkown to me23:08
a|weni have a feeling it might all come down to the default jave pulling in all sorts of stuff23:09
eagles0513875dont even get me started with pulse audio its pissing me off like no other23:10
neversfeldea|wen: thanks, now it is kshutdown (2.0~beta6-1) jaunty; urgency=low23:10
neversfeldecan I add 0ubuntu1 manually?23:10
a|wenneversfelde: np ... jup, you can change that manually23:11
apacheloggera|wen: I already have default jav23:11
apacheloggerthere is some bogus relation in one of it's recommends I'd suspect23:11
* claydoh hobbles to the keyboard23:15
claydohapachelogger: those qa dudes seem away or quiet :/23:15
apacheloggeror they are hiding23:15
a|wenapachelogger: you already had openjdk-6-jre installed?23:16
claydohbut I did find out who to ask about kde.qa.ubuntu.com23:16
* apachelogger thinks that digikam got too many buttons23:16
claydohapachelogger: and have emailed both23:16
claydohapachelogger: agrre on that, but i still love it23:16
apacheloggerthere needs to be some "I ain't care about geotagging and tags and what not" feature23:17
apacheloggeralso I find the sidebar designs weird, you won't know what a certion icon there does unless you either click it or leave the mouse long enough on it, to show the contextinfo23:18
eagles0513875apachelogger: if there any bugs that need upstreaming while im asleep feel free to pm me23:18
eagles0513875the will be part of my wake up routine23:18
apacheloggerI should be asleep as well :P23:18
eagles0513875well if anyone has any bugs for upstream feel free to pm me23:19
* apachelogger is actually tired as well and about every muscle hurts from being sick, but still he cannot sleep23:19
eagles0513875and hopefully tomorrow at some point ill get to compiling a newer snapshot of the beta of kvirc 4.0 and package it some how23:19
* ScottK suggests alcohol or morphone23:19
* eagles0513875 gonna miss the vodka till after the 19th of may23:20
* eagles0513875 away23:20
* apachelogger is actually on a tranquillizer23:20
a|wenapachelogger: hmm, installing ant here and i ain't got no pulseaudio23:20
apacheloggermaybe I should top that with a sleeping pill23:20
apacheloggera|wen: with recommends enabled?23:21
a|wenapachelogger: jup23:21
apacheloggerthat is weird23:21
apacheloggera|wen: do you have the sun-java6 stack?23:21
a|wenapachelogger: ahh, that might be why23:22
apacheloggerthere are too many java stacks :P23:22
a|wenapachelogger: if you install it using aptitude -Wv install ant it should tell you why it wants pulseaudio23:22
apacheloggerseele: do you think someone from openusability could do a review of digikam, the new version would be super awesome if it wasn't so hard to use23:23
dtchena|wen: yeah, i saw that during the final day of install testing23:23
apacheloggerthough I must say that an expert review might take quite some time, digikam got billion of features23:23
* a|wen fires up a jaunty chroot to test23:24
neversfelde mhh, debians version of kshutdowns watch file only does a http://sf.net/kshutdown/kshutdown-source-(.*).zip23:24
seeleapachelogger: openusability right now is me, jan, and a few people who only participate in the season of usability23:25
seelei did a usability test with digikam a few years ago.. it could probably do with another review this summer23:25
a|wenapachelogger: pulseaudio{a} (ant R: default-jdk D: openjdk-6-jdk D: openjdk-6-jre R: pulseaudio)23:25
apacheloggerwould be totally awesome :)23:25
a|wenit all comes down to openjdk-6-jre :(23:26
apacheloggerwhy would it be installing that if I got sun-java6-{jre,bin}?23:26
apacheloggersometimes dpkg is very limited IMHO :P23:26
a|wenapachelogger: -vW is your friend23:27
apacheloggera|wen: I suppose this wouldn't happen if sun-java6-jdk is installed .... still the issue is a monster, considering one might not have a stack installed23:27
apachelogger/home/me/tmp/bootchart-0.9/build.xml:51: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.23:28
a|wenapachelogger: agreed ... it makes no sense to have it a recommends; it should really be a suggests (at most)23:28
apacheloggerjava is so awesome23:28
apacheloggeryou can't even build stuff with a version that it has been testbuilt 4 years ago23:28
* a|wen hopes he sense some sarcasm there :P23:31
a|wencan haz konqueror features+integration and arora speed?23:32
apacheloggerwe must rewrite konqueror in java first23:32
apacheloggerotherwise we might be able to recompile it with a stack that works today in 4 years time23:33
a|wenoh no! apachelogger has been infected by java! ... get him to the doctor, quick23:35
apachelogger~order brain23:35
* kubotu shouts: OMG!!!!! RED ALERT! We lost a brain. Get me a medic, NOW!23:35
apacheloggerit works with svn23:37
apacheloggerhail svn!23:37
a|wenoh great; new svn snapshot in debian ... and it FTBFS on karmic23:39
JontheEchidnanew svn of what?23:39
a|wenmy name for some reason appeared when searching in MoM23:40
apacheloggerice ice age23:42
* apachelogger bootcharted amarok \\o/23:42
JontheEchidnaice ice baby?23:42
a|wenoh well, i'd better go to bed23:43
* txwikinger wonders why the notifications are duplicated now23:47
JontheEchidnaDid you move the systray widget on to the desktop? That'll duplicate the notifications23:49
JontheEchidnaalso I've seen a bug where a user actually got two of the exclamation point icons in his tray23:49
txwikingerOnly one exclamation point23:52
txwikingerAnd I cannot find another tray anywhere else23:53
JontheEchidnaI've never seen it just do that before. Usually one just has to move it to the desktop from the panel23:54
txwikingerwhat is the command name for the systray? hp-systray?23:56
JontheEchidnasince it's a plasma applet it doesn't have a command name23:57

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