
DanaG"Launchpad will be going offline for maintenance   in six minutes. "00:14
BUGabundoit should be commign up soon00:14
ienorandTrying here instead: Hmm, I'm a bit confounded regarding packages/sauce here... if I download from [1] unpack and patch... what is the next step? There aint no configure or makefile... is it already a deb? How to shove it together in that case?01:13
ienorand[1] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/gnome-app-install/0.5.24-0ubuntu1.101:13
BUGabundoienorand: its sleep time!01:17
ienorandBUGabundo: true...01:17
maxbienorand: Deb source packages, slightly unusually consist of (usually) 3 files. The .dsc is the key one.01:23
maxbThere's a tool called dget which will download all of the files given just the URL to the .dsc01:24
maxbUnpacking is done with "dpkg-source -x file.dsc" (although dget will launch that automatically unless you tell it not to)01:24
maxbBuilding a debian package is performed with dpkg-buildpackage - you run this having cd-ed into the unpacked directory01:25
maxbSlightly surprisingly the first time you do it, the resulting built packages go into ../01:25
maxbdpkg-buildpackage flags of particular interest are:01:26
maxb -uc -us to skip trying to gpg-sign the results01:26
maxb -b to just build a binary package01:26
maxb -S to just build a source package01:26
maxbdebuild is a wrapper around dpkg-buildpackage which can do some extra useful things01:27
ienorandmaxb: thanks, *goes into to the great terminal world to try his new-found knowledge...01:30
BUGabundoBug 354563 is fixed in proposed YAY01:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354563 in gnome-app-install "gnome-app-install has problems with searching" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35456301:38
ienorandBUGabundo: Problem is, it hasn't hit the proposed-repo yet...01:39
ienorandIt's a well-needed fix.01:39
clearscreenIs this now the karmic channel?01:40
BUGabundoclearscreen: yes01:40
PiciAbandon all hope ye who upgrade to Karmic01:41
clearscreenI know stuff is supposed to break.. but is the following bug known? firefox 3.0.10-nobinonly on the karmic repositories returns with "bus error", gdb reports that /usr/bin/firefox is not in valid executable format01:41
clearscreenif it isn't; where do I report it? launchpad?01:42
ienorand...from what it seems, the "new theme" will be postponed to Karmic+1, *sigh01:42
wgrantienorand: Where did you see this?01:43
wgrantclearscreen: You do not report bugs about karmic unless you really know what you're doing.01:43
wgrantclearscreen: And if you are asking, you don't.01:43
clearscreenwgrant: heh, alright01:43
BUGabundoclearscreen: #ubuntu-mozillateam or ML01:46
ienorandwgrant: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-art/2009-April/010060.html01:47
BUGabundoienorand: thanks01:47
BUGabundothat's bad news! :(01:47
ienorandhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-art/2009-April/thread.html three last posts, it's taken from an irc question session with M. Shuttleworth01:48
wgrantienorand: Interesting. They promised a new one for Hardy, and Intrepid, and Jaunty, and Karmic, and now Karmic+1...01:49
BUGabundolet the "brown menace" continue01:50
ienorandAlmost seems like the 'community' /unofficial art teams has to make the push, if anything is to happen...01:50
ienorandLike how Ryan puts it: "[they should] STFU and stop promising a new look."01:52
ienorandBUGabundo: Yay! Just built the new gnome-app-install, and search issue is gone, glad to see that one sorted, since it's a potential newb-slasher.02:04
BUGabundoienorand: please state that on the bug, so it gets into -updates02:05
ienorandBUGabundo: already did :)02:07
alex_mayorgawould Karmic break my system more than Jaunty?02:57
Piciahaha. Yes.02:58
Picialex_mayorga: Wait a bit if you want to be on the bleeding edge, Alpha 1 isn't even out yet.02:59
alex_mayorgaanyone knows if Intel Corporation 82830 CGC is broken on Jaunty?03:02
Picialex_mayorga: Ask in #ubuntu. +1 is for Karmic only at this point.03:03
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shadeslayeris there a feature list available for karmic?05:56
crdlbyes, but it's completely empty :)05:57
crdlbunless you consider not catching your computer on fire a feature, and I'm not even sure about that one05:58
shadeslayercrdlb: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1831 outlines some of the features05:59
crdlbnone of those are features yet :)06:00
shadeslayercrdlb: probable features :P06:00
shadeslayernew splash images,faster boot times,etc06:00
geniiNot causing fires seems like a worthwhile goal.06:00
billybigriggerdon't know how you can reduce boot times any more06:01
billybigrigger15s is pretty quick :P06:01
shadeslayerbillybigrigger: 15 sec :O ,im getting 2506:01
billybigriggermaybe booting from a SSD might give you a few more seconds06:01
* billybigrigger goes to check his bootchart06:01
billybigriggeri remember when i was running alpha 4-6 i was getting 15-16s06:01
shadeslayerbillybigrigger: ah...SSD i have a 5400 RPM drive,maybe thats why06:02
billybigriggeri've added alot of junk to my system, apache,mysql,php, and a mailserver06:02
billybigrigger7200 here06:02
shadeslayeryeah thats why06:02
billybigriggerand bootchart2.png06:05
billybigriggerlook at the differences06:05
shadeslayerbillybigrigger: whoa...10 sec difference06:07
billybigriggeri might have had my SATA disk in there, im pretty sure this PATA disk i have for a root disk is pretty old and slow06:07
shadeslayerthe second is ext 3?06:08
billybigriggeroh and i might have had ext4 there06:08
billybigriggernope both r ext306:08
shadeslayerah,so if you convert to ext 4 youll be getting 10 sec of boot time :O06:09
billybigriggeri think ext4 claims to boot faster iirc06:11
shadeslayeryep it actually does boot faster06:12
shadeslayerbillybigrigger: http://blog.laptopmag.com/ubuntu-netbook-remix-qa-with-canonical06:21
billybigriggerWhat’s the boot time like?06:22
billybigriggerIt’s about 5 to 10 seconds.06:22
billybigriggerya right anyone have a a netbook to corfirm this statement?06:22
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coder_my system has no sound11:54
coder_Could you help me?11:55
joaopintocoder_, unless you are using karmic, please ask on #ubuntu11:55
coder_get it11:55
dns53why is this channel open anyway, they normally block access to it till the alphas11:59
joaopintodns53, karmic is already available.... for development12:00
dns53wow is it12:00
rippsI don't bother with development version until about alpha 3, that's when all the new features start coming in12:02
rippsand with that, you probably won't hear from for until then.12:03
coder_i am back, my ubuntu still has no sound. When i start my system,i get a warning/error " pulse audio  ... pre-user session".12:36
coder_and there is  a strange thing, i can hear the sound at the login window12:37
bazhang#ubuntu for jaunty help coder_12:38
coder_get it ,12:39
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luboszlol karmic koala14:24
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BUGabundobom dia17:01
charlie-tcaGood Morning17:07
BUGabundohi charlie-tca17:29
BUGabundohow did xubuntu class go?17:29
charlie-tcaMonday's was great! Now I have one at 1800 UTC today, too17:30
BUGabundoi know17:31
BUGabundoi saw the schedule17:31
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tux11how far out is 9.10?21:01
calctux11: 9.1021:01
calctux11: 2009 Oct21:01
ienorandtux11: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule no alpha yet21:02
ienorandtux11: no livecds yet21:03
tux11running 9.04 stable21:04
calcthere isn't much to put on a livecd yet21:04
tux11any talk of ubuntu becoming a rolling relase?21:04
calcit only opened for commits 2 days ago21:04
calctux11: no21:04
calcthat almost certainly won't happen21:04
tux11well i went from beta to stable via the command line21:05
calcrolling release roughly means any given snapshot of the archive is 'stable' which would require way too much effort to be doable21:06
calcat least for level of 'stable' that ubuntu strives for21:07
calctux11: you can generally upgrade between different versions of ubuntu as long as you upgrade along the way but that is something very different from a 'rolling release'21:07
tux11i sit fair to say ubuntu wants to"trump" windows very soon?21:13
calcperhaps eventually though i doubt it will happen very soon21:13
calcwindows still has ~ 90% market share i think21:13
alphaaquilaehello, when i try to establish a vpn connexion , i have this faillure mesg : resolvconf: Error: /etc/resolv.conf must be a symlink21:38
tux11any reason why open box now fails?22:06
tux11any one using open box?22:12
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents22:39
gravityreloadedAre we still discussing jaunty here?22:39
gravityreloadedI would like to install a VJing software. Can anyone help me locate a good program? Something like Resolume?22:41
gravityreloadedI tried freemix but useless22:44
charlie-tcaI would try #ubuntu for help, this channel is for karmic now22:56
omegamormegilWhen should new versions of the kernel be available in the Karmic repository?22:58
charlie-tcaI don't know. Just opened two days ago.23:01
BUGabundoboa noite23:08
charlie-tcaIs that good night? or good evening?23:09
BUGabundocharlie-tca: Portuguese for "good night"23:12
charlie-tcaGood night, BUGabundo23:12
charlie-tcafound it23:12
BUGabundocharlie-tca: found what?23:16
charlie-tca"boa noite"23:16
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