
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
dtchen[565104.024136] EXT3-fs error (device dm-1): htree_dirblock_to_tree: bad entry in directory #17663073: inode out of bounds - offset=40, inode=2698334243, rec_len=16, name_len=500:40
dtchen[565104.024148] Aborting journal on device dm-1.00:40
dtchenthat doesn't bode well.00:40
andresmujica1resized fs dtchen?00:43
dtchenit's the same bug i've been triggering since hardy00:43
dtchen100% reproducible on encrypted LVM (ext3)00:43
dtchentest case: suspend & resume over normal usage. over ~11 days, i'll trigger that bug00:44
dtchenthe last time it happened, i lost my entire jaunty development system (not a big deal, since i just reinstalled and rsynced /home)00:45
andresmujica1so the journal get's corrupted by the encryption??00:46
dtcheni don't know; i haven't bothered to break out kdb00:46
dtchenit's faster for me to reinstall and keep working, as this computer is my sole development workstation00:47
BUGabundodtchen: you manage to hibernate and resume for 11 days?00:47
BUGabundomy system only lasts 3 days MAX00:47
dtchenBUGabundo: suspend-to-ram and resume.00:47
dtchen(not suspend-to-disk)00:47
andresmujica1i love suspend-to-ram!!00:47
BUGabundoI have to take care with suspend... moving Car is a no match....00:48
BUGabundolast time I did that, had to fsck00:48
BUGabundolots of disk errors00:48
dtchenmy system resumes in just over 1 second, so the boot-time improvements aren't really applicable to me. or at least i didn't think so. i might rethink that.00:48
andresmujica1me too.  1 sec.. with 3 ugly harmless lines about usb.00:49
andresmujica1"Given that there is no corruption on disk, I would put this toward some kind of memory corruption"00:50
andresmujica1suspend to ram fills up your ram overtime00:50
andresmujica1when it hits some bad bit.00:51
andresmujica1crazy theory.00:51
BUGabundo5-7 sec here00:53
Rocket2DMnhey guys, a file path through somebody home folder directory structure wouldn't quality as sensitive material in a stacktrace would it?01:05
stperedepends if the file name is Girl XXX 8 years old01:07
kklimondaheh, exactly01:07
Rocket2DMnhehe yeah stpere , i considered that.  it looks completely harmless01:07
Rocket2DMnare you guys bucontrol?01:07
stpereI'm not :)01:08
stperebut some here are01:08
bdmurrayRocket2DMn: what are you looking at?01:08
Rocket2DMnyeah, i am, we were asked to help check the piles of bugs still marked as private01:08
Rocket2DMnhey bdmurray , bug 14748201:08
ubot4`Rocket2DMn: Bug 147482 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/147482 is private01:08
Rocket2DMni think its harmless, but i just wanted to check01:08
Rocket2DMncheck the retrace01:09
hggdhRocket2DMn, looking at it now01:21
bdmurrayhggdh: done already01:21
hggdhbdmurray, the private bug report is updated how frequently?01:26
Rocket2DMnhggdh, he's eating dinner01:32
hggdhah, dinner, good idea01:33
Rocket2DMnits ok, we only have 3000 bugs to look at :)01:34
Rocket2DMnbetter eat first01:34
Rocket2DMnyeah BUGabundo , that's about right01:36
Rocket2DMnlol at bug 17783101:39
ubot4`Launchpad bug 177831 in gksu "gksu crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17783101:39
Rocket2DMnit has no trace at all01:39
AmpelbeinRocket2DMn: could be the user decided to not upload the full report.01:53
AmpelbeinRocket2DMn: then the coredump.gz is missing and no backtrace can be generated01:53
Rocket2DMnAmpelbein, makes sense to me, though I had never seen a crash report without an attempt at a trace01:53
bdmurrayhggdh: it depends how often staging gets updated02:03
bdmurrayhggdh: usually daily though02:03
dtchenyeah, definitely seems related to LVM and memory corruption02:29
micahgWhat do I do with a bug that the user created a duplicate and I converted the original to a question02:30
micahgI already marked it as a dupe02:31
micahgbut I"m not sure what response to give02:31
micahghggdh: can you help me?02:31
Ampelbeinmicahg: if it's really a support-request, i'd gently point out that just opening a new bug report does not make sense and is counter-productive.02:31
Ampelbeinmicahg: can you give the bugnumber?02:32
micahghere's what I have so far:02:32
micahgThank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better. This particular bug has already been reported and is a duplicate of bug 369073, so it is being marked as such.  Feel free to continue to report any other bugs you may find.02:32
micahgBug 369073 was converted to Question #69209:02:32
ubot4`Launchpad bug 369073 in firefox-3.0 "cannot watch videos at cnet.com" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36907302:32
micahgI requested more information in teh question02:32
micahghe never responded02:32
micahgI tested the site in question on amd64 with flash and ff 3.0.1002:33
micahgthere were no issues02:33
Ampelbeinmicahg: yeah, seems like a configuration issue to me. tested on lpia and i386, works.02:36
micahgso about the response02:36
micahgDo you see what I have above?02:36
micahgI wanted to add, Additional information is necessary to assist you, please follow the above link to the answer tracker and provide the additional requested information.02:37
micahgI just wanted to know if he restarteed his browser02:37
Ampelbeinmicahg: "Thanks for reporting this issue. You already reported this as bug XXXXXX, which was converted to support request XXXXXX. Please provide the information requested there so that we can assist you in fixing your problem. Thanks for your cooperation and please continue to report any bugs you may find."02:38
Ampelbeinmicahg: something like that02:38
micahgshould i give th elink to the answer tracker?02:39
Ampelbeinmicahg: that would be handy for the reporter to quickly find the support-question.02:42
micahgcan you check? bug 36959702:43
ubot4`Launchpad bug 369597 in firefox-3.0 "no video (dup-of: 369073)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36959702:43
ubot4`Launchpad bug 369073 in firefox-3.0 "cannot watch videos at cnet.com" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36907302:43
micahgI read that I shouldn't invalidated the dupe, right?02:43
Ampelbeinmicahg: looks ok. no need to invalidate a dupe, it only creates noise.02:47
micahgright, that's what I read02:47
micahgI'm assuming I can keep coming back if I have questions about triaging?02:47
Ampelbeinmicahg: sure.02:48
Ampelbeinmicahg: thanks for your help.02:48
micahgif you request more info from the bug poster, do you mark as incomplete?02:49
Ampelbeinmicahg: yes02:49
micahgIf there is a new version of the program out, do you set to invalid?02:57
Ampelbeinmicahg: not always. try reproducing yourself, it that works, ask the reporter to update and confirm it's fixed for him too.02:59
ubot4`Launchpad bug 302452 in acpid "jaunty and intrepid shutdown/restart hang on "acpid: exiting"" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:00
micahgwithout changing the status?03:00
Ampelbeinmicahg: set to incomplete if you ask the reporter, if it's still not fixed (=you can reproduce with new version), just tread it as a normal report, see if all information is available and status confirmed.03:01
hggdhmicahg, and -- if still not fixed, update last version tested as in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Description (just got back from dinner)03:03
ubot4`The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution03:03
Ampelbeinhggdh: ok, so you take over support now ;-)03:04
* Ampelbein is going to bed. 04:04AM03:04
Ampelbeinenough for today03:04
hggdhAmpelbein, you were doing a good job ;-) and guten nacht03:05
micahgthanks Ampelbein03:05
Ampelbeinthanks guys03:05
alex_mayorgaAmpelbein, good nite03:07
micahgbug 36582703:10
ubot4`Launchpad bug 365827 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox 3.0.9 Fails to Start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36582703:10
micahgfix was released upstream and there is a new version in ubuntu03:10
alex_mayorgaknown bus with Intel Graphics on laptops?03:10
micahgDo I mark as Fix Released and suggest that the reporter update?03:10
micahgit's unknown if the fix was for the bug or not03:12
hggdhhold on03:14
cactaurHey, so my Ubuntu machine has been experiencing random freezes so I was looking for ways to collect information so that a bug report could be useful. I know just saying I have a "random" freeze isn't helpful for triagers. So far, I've been able to tell it's not an X problem, because when I tried debugging X, the gdb I ran from a remote computer itself froze. So, I'm assuming it's a kernel problem, but there isn't anything in the logs about th03:16
cactaure freeze, and the DebuggingSystemCrash wiki page doesn't tell me the information I need. Can anyone help?03:16
hggdhmicahg, asac saw it, and stated a new version will come out. Why do you want to mark it fix released?03:16
cactaurOh, and I ran memtest, which was clean.03:17
micahghggdh: I have no idea03:18
micahghggdh: I just need some baseline guidance so I can derive future actions from something03:18
hggdhcactaur, did you look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures?03:19
micahghggdh: incomplete with the version blurb?03:19
hggdhmicahg, in this case asac (one of the firefox maintainers) commented that there *might* be a fix coming in 3.0.1003:20
hggdhbut he is not sure03:20
micahgok, so, I figure this blurb:03:20
micahgThank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better. However, you are not using the most recent version of this package for your Ubuntu release. Please upgrade to the most recent version and let us know if you are still having this issue. Thanks in advance.03:20
hggdhthe blurg is good, but it does not apply for this bug03:21
dtchenif anyone's interested in SRU tutorials, i'll be giving one to fix a bug in muine in about 5 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom03:21
micahgI copied it off the wiki03:21
micahgshoudl I leave it alone?03:21
micahgor modify the blurb to say: Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better. However, this package has been updated for your Ubuntu release since you reported this bug. Please upgrade to the most recent version and let us know if you are still having this issue. Thanks in advance.03:22
hggdhmicahg, no03:22
cactaurhggdh: Yeah, a lot of the articles I checked out didn't give me much advice on how to get output. The Kernel OOPS article left me clueless.03:22
micahgmaybe I'll leave this one03:22
hggdhdid you check to see if he is running current ff for Intrepid?03:23
micahgbug report shows 3.0.903:23
micahg3.0.10 was released03:23
hggdhcactaur, one chance is #ubuntu-kernel -- the kernel people would know more on what to do03:23
cactaurhggdh: Thanks!03:24
hggdhmicahg, then YES! your blurb is perfect. Also mark it incomplete (since we will be waiting on feedback)03:24
micahghggdh: thank you :)03:25
micahgone thing, launchpad shows 3.0.10, packages.ubuntu.com shows 3.0.903:26
alex_mayorgahggdh, is there a video channel?03:26
cprofittanyone got a hint on how to continue based on these -- http://launchpadlibrarian.net/26111547/shutdownhang.jpg03:26
hggdhalex_mayorga, there might be. Try searching on the server. If there is, it would be called something like #ubuntu-<whatever>, perhaps even #ubuntu-video03:27
hggdhwow a kernel oops03:27
hggdhcprofitt, do you have the kernel version? If so, ping #ubuntu-kernel on this, they might help more03:29
hggdhalthough I am not sure the first png has the top lines03:29
alex_mayorgaI seem to have found a similar Bug #21317103:33
ubot4`Launchpad bug 213171 in xorg "[i830] Unable to install with GUI on Fujitsu Lifebook C7651" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21317103:33
alex_mayorgaanything I can give?03:33
hggdhalex_mayorga, what do you mean?03:35
alex_mayorgahggdh, I have a laptop here with the same lines and unusable video and I think it's the same or very similar video card03:36
hggdhalex_mayorga, then I guess what Bryce said applies to you as well :-(03:36
alex_mayorgavideo worked perfectly on 8.10 but is unusable on 9.0403:36
alex_mayorgano i810 driver on jaunty?03:40
micahgalex_mayorga: in jaunty, i810 support was added to xserver-xorg-video-intel03:42
cprofittthanks hggdh trying there now03:45
alex_mayorgamicahg, doesn't seem to work with my card :(03:50
alex_mayorgashould I revive that bug or file a new one, my laptop is different03:51
hggdhalex_mayorga, the bug is open03:52
hggdhAdd a comment that you are also hit byt it, and give your card data03:52
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alex_mayorgahow to add info on other bug trackers https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12059 and http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=438650 seem related03:53
ubot4`Freedesktop bug 12059 in Driver/intel "[845] ch7017 LVDS output not supported" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]03:53
micahgI noticed this package: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/i810switch03:54
micahgcould it help?03:54
hggdhalex_mayorga, click on "Also affects distribution", and add the link there03:55
alex_mayorgahggdh, that worked for the debian one, how do I put the freedesktop.org one?03:57
hggdhalex_mayorga, you can do the same again. But what are you gaining on doing that?03:58
alex_mayorgathe bug claims to be fixed on freedesxtop03:58
alex_mayorgadunno, really just thought that more info would be helpful04:00
hggdhif it is the same... Add a comment stating that also04:00
micahgcan someone test something on jaunty 9.04 ff 3.0?04:11
micahgI want to convert this bug to a question04:11
micahgbut I can't verify it works on i38604:11
micahgthere's already been 4 posts too many to all the bug watchers04:12
hggdhmicahg, what bug are you talking about?04:14
micahgbug 36947304:14
ubot4`Launchpad bug 369473 in firefox-3.0 "Can't login into bank site" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36947304:14
micahgworks fine on jaunty amd6404:14
micahghe just updated it himself04:16
alex_mayorgahggdh, anything else I should add?04:18
hggdhlooking at it04:18
hggdhhum, I have libswfdec 0.8.404:20
micahgShould I change the package and the bug back to new?04:21
micahgI would tell him just to install flashplayer-installer if it was in the answer tracker04:22
hggdhmicahg, I have libswfdec 0.8.4, and I am on Jaunty. Why is the reporter running 0.8.0?04:24
micahg0.82 is standard for jaunyt04:24
micahgmaybe he's confused04:24
micahgthe swfdec-mozilla package is at 0.8204:24
micahgteh libswfdec lib is at 0.8404:25
micahgI have adobe's flash installed and it works04:25
micahgdoes the page work for you with the open source version?04:25
hggdhmicahg, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/161104/04:25
micahgso, o master of bugs, what shall I do?04:26
hggdhyes, the page works04:26
hggdhheh. I am not the master. Brian is04:26
micahgyou running x86?04:26
micahgas am I04:27
micahgI was hoping someone could test i38604:27
micahgmaybe he has both the open source and the adobe version04:27
micahgshould I convert to question or continue probing?04:27
hggdhcontinue probing04:27
hggdhask him if he installed the adobe thingy04:28
micahgwhy do the 2 packages not conflict?04:28
alex_mayorgahow can I use vesa and see if I get video that way?04:28
hggdhsave your current /etc/X11/xorg.conf, then update it to driver=vesa, and restart X04:29
hggdhI hope you are familiar with the command line...04:29
hggdhjust in case04:29
alex_mayorgahggdh, I know my way around04:30
micahgWhat's the appropriate comment when a user requests that a bug be closed if any?04:32
alex_mayorgahggdh, where should I pit drive=vesa04:32
micahgI know to mark it invalid04:32
alex_mayorgaunder device?04:32
hggdhmicahg, why is the reporter requesting the bug to be closed?04:35
hggdhalex_mayorga, yes, as "Driver       "vesa"04:36
micahguser had some software that seemed to conflict04:36
micahgno longer has an issue04:36
micahgbug 36656404:36
ubot4`Launchpad bug 366564 in firefox-3.0 "firefox 3.0.9 crashes on opening some pages" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36656404:36
hggdhmicahg, yes, you can close invalid04:37
micahgDo I need to comment?04:37
hggdhand with the usual blurb about keeping on reporting bugs, etc, etc04:37
micahgDoes this work? This bug report is being closed due to your last comment regarding this no longer being an issue. For future reference you can manage the status of your own bugs by clicking on the current status in the yellow line and then choosing a new status in the revealed drop down box. You can learn more about bug statuses at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status . Thank you again for taking the time to report this bug04:39
micahgI'll start using pastebin after this04:39
hggdhthat's good04:39
micahgI've learned so much about triage tonight04:40
alex_mayorgahggdh, that didn't help much the video is eve more garbled using vesa04:40
micahgI would've done it tomorrow, but I work all day04:40
alex_mayorgacan you teach triagin in this channel?04:41
micahgis that what it's for?04:41
hggdhalex_mayorga, what do you mean?04:41
hggdhactually, no, not for teaching, but for discussing issues with bugs. It happens we end up helping also04:41
alex_mayorgaI've wanted to get in the bug squad, but I can only work maybe 4 hours a week04:42
alex_mayorgaoh! never mind then04:42
hggdhalex_mayorga, this does not prohibit you from joining04:42
hggdhyou do 4 hours a week, you help04:42
hggdh(much better than *no* hours at all ;-)04:43
alex_mayorgahggdh, I'll keep that in mind04:43
hggdhremember, we are (most all) volunteers04:43
micahgIn about 4 hours, I think I've done 6 or 7 bugs04:43
alex_mayorgahggdh, any other suggestions on the video bug?04:43
hggdhalex_mayorga, I am not really a X person. You might try to ping the folks at #ubuntu-x04:44
hggdhmicahg, good work -- and thank you04:44
hggdhand now it is my time. I am feeling tired, and weak04:45
micahggood night hggdh04:45
micahgI'm going to sleep soon myself04:45
alex_mayorgahggdh, BTW how can I progress my first patch a bit further https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mobile-broadband-provider-info/+bug/32375204:45
ubot4`Launchpad bug 323752 in mobile-broadband-provider-info "Movistar (México) is missing" [Medium,In progress]04:46
hggdhlooking at it04:46
hggdhalex_mayorga, you can subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors04:53
hggdhalex_mayorga, some details: the bug is *not* fix-committed for the Ubuntu task: it has not yet been accepted & published on -proposed04:54
hggdhanother: if you are done with the patch, deselect yourself.04:55
alex_mayorgamy error :S04:55
alex_mayorgawould you mind putting on the right track?04:55
hggdhah yes: the bug could be in "Triaged",04:55
hggdhwill do04:55
alex_mayorgathanks, appreciated04:55
alex_mayorgaI have to go catch some sleep now04:55
alex_mayorgahggdh, thanks for being so helpful04:56
micahgI have to run as well04:56
micahgthank you hggdh, night04:57
hggdhalex_mayorga, done.04:58
hggdhnow I *am* out for the night ;-)04:59
alex_mayorgabye, thanks and good night05:00
micahgHi, what kind of message do you give if the bug if for an unsupported version (7.10)?06:12
calcprobably should tell the user to upgrade and see if it is still a problem, not sure if there is a template response though06:13
micahgI was going to use this one: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Old%20untouched%20bugs06:14
micahgDoes this work?06:17
bdmurrayif there is sufficient information for someone else to recreate the bug one should try to recreate it fist06:20
bdmurrayrather than asking the reporter to upgrade 3 releases and test06:21
* liw nods06:21
micahguser just says they can't bookmark06:21
micahgactual package was FF2.006:22
micahgalso, user could have forgotten about the bug and upgraded to a later release06:22
bdmurraysince bookmarking is something that works pretty well for most people I'd ask the reporter then06:23
micahgI didn't realize all the garbage you guys have to wade through to work on bugs06:23
micahgI've knocked off about 10 bugs in the ff 3.0 package tongiht06:23
micahgor at least checked in on them06:23
micahgthat's less than 1#06:24
DivxcluBHello everybody. After Clean install on 9.04 I installed ATI drivers for my 4870x2, after reboot I can't login screen is messed up and everything is frozen right on moment of login screen. Plesee help. I have video of my boot on youtube, If possible please help here is video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFzRUkQS7_U      Thank you again06:25
bdmurraybut if everyone pitchs in we can do it together!06:25
micahgbdmurray: my problem is I get addicted to triaging and get nothing else done :)06:25
micahgWell, it's been 24 hours since I first touched a bug that wasn't mine06:26
micahgand I haven't been yelled at yet06:26
micahgI'd call that success :)06:27
DivxcluBmay anyone give me some advice on what I may or can do06:28
DivxcluBI did search and read for hours now. I can't find an answer06:28
micahgDivxcluB: standard support is in the #ubuntu channel06:28
DivxcluBI manage to uninstall drivers , and installed diffirent version (Ubuntu vs ati.com one)06:28
DivxcluBI know but noone responded in there + it's a bug .. i think06:29
DivxcluBagain I am sorry I did not mean to be out of line. I am first time here06:29
micahgThis channel is actually for help managing bugs06:29
DivxcluBagain my apologies06:29
micahgDivxcluB: it's ok, everyone's pretty relaxed in here from what I've found06:30
calcmicahg: i get a number of people who don't ever respond to further info requests even when i respond to their initial bug report within hours06:31
* calc goes to bed, his OOo build is strangely broken and can't determine why without more sleep first06:33
micahgif they don't respond within 4-6 weeks, we'll invalidate them06:34
micahgand move on, right?06:34
micahgnight calc06:35
micahgI need to go to sleep to06:35
thekorngood morning06:44
dholbachgood morning06:56
YoBoYgood morning07:21
pan1nxjcastro hi07:37
kklimondawhat happened to nvidia-glx-177? It isn't supported by nvidia anymore?07:38
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asachggdh: the fix was pushed back to 3.0.1110:10
asac3.0.10 was a firedrill release10:10
savvaswho got to slide down the fire-pole? :P10:12
asaci am sliding up and down all the time ;)10:46
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YoBoYbug 369652 << confirmed should be low10:56
ubot4`Launchpad bug 369652 in nautilus-sendto "Thunderbird "send to" in Ubuntu right-click  missing" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36965210:56
Baumwell i added a bug report to the launchpad site. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libpam-mount/+bug/367918 how long will it take until one of the developers will take a look at it10:58
ubot4`Launchpad bug 367918 in libpam-mount "sshd cannot mount cifs shares" [Undecided,New]10:58
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mnemoBaum: please report the bug upstream and then click "Also affects project" in the ubuntu bug report to link the two bug reports together... that way, when upstream fixes the bug a notification is spent to the ubuntu packagers11:14
darizzlehey guys11:16
darizzleif a bug is for pidgin11:16
darizzleand its definitely a pidgin bug, not related to just ubuntu11:16
darizzlewho forwards it upstream?11:16
darizzleanyone here tonight?11:20
Ampelbeindarizzle: either a member of the bugsquad forwards it himself (if it's a generic issue) or asks the reporter to do so.11:55
zimnyxHello. What is purpose of this channel?12:03
zimnyxI have read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay12:04
YoBoYhi zimnyx, helping with bug triage12:04
zimnyx"triaging a specific package or set of packages" - it means any, or some defined list?12:04
YoBoYthe bugday is for a defined list, but you can work on the others bugs ^^12:06
zimnyxWhere can I see this list?12:22
YoBoYzimnyx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay#When << click on the day12:26
zimnyxI see many bugs concerning laptop brightness adjusting failure after upgrade to Jaunty.12:31
YoBoYit's not a good bugday for beginners :p12:33
zimnyxI guess :)12:35
zimnyxI provided value information about duplicating bugs :-)12:36
darizzlei ahve that problem with my laptop12:41
darizzlethe screen doesnt go blank when idle12:41
darizzleor when the laptops closed12:41
zimnyxdarizzle: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36977712:45
ubot4`zimnyx: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out12:45
zimnyxI've seen many bugs for different laptops.12:45
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jcastropan1nx: you're all set!14:06
mkornhappy hugday everybody !14:17
mkornwow, 1337 bugs on the list for today, are you serious?!14:18
pedro_wow we have a leet quantity of bugs ;-)14:21
hggdhasac, thanks14:22
mkornoh no, the hugday tool is broken, argh14:32
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mkornpedro_: sorry, I will remove the section about the hugday tool for today, the tool cannot parse todays wikipage correctly and I've not time to fix it right now14:53
pedro_mkorn: ok no worries14:54
bdmurraymvo: it's update-manager that has the package installation hook or is it apport?16:20
mvobdmurray: the hook is part of apport, but there is some functionatliy to create crash files in libapt now as well. why?16:23
bdmurraymvo: I wanted to block bugs being file with "user did not accept the sun-dlj-v1-1 license" or other licenses16:24
mvobdmurray: makes sense16:31
mvoI wonder if we could auto-dup them at the server level?16:31
bdmurraymvo: to what?16:31
mvowell, I assume that a lot of those will be kpackagekit  instlalls?16:32
mvoand kpackagekit does not support doing debconf, so a install with that will fail16:32
mvoor am I wrong here?16:32
bdmurrayI was thinking if somebody didn't accept the license it wasn't something worth reporting16:33
mvothat is true16:33
bdmurrayI didn't realize not everything supported debconf16:33
mvoit might be worthwhile to ask, I'm not sureif it throws a different error if it can not present it16:34
mvoor if the user actually refused to accept the license16:34
bdmurrayWell, the report I'm looking at specifically mentions synaptic16:34
mvothat would be not a bugreport then :)16:35
bdmurraymvo: okay, I found bug 350972 re kpackagekit16:36
ubot4`bdmurray: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out16:36
bdmurrayI'll try to recreate it to see how it errors out16:36
bdmurrayShould I file a bug about update-manager or apport regarding the license agreement part though?16:37
BUGabundobom dia17:01
charlie-tcaGood Morning17:04
bdmurrayHappy Hug Day!17:04
bdmurraymvo: I'm looking at 3 bug reports with 40 byte VarLogDistupgrade files which all seem corrupt / hosed somehow17:13
joshua___hi folks, I need help finding the latest (most bugs patched) package of xserver-xorg-video-intel17:29
joshua___can anyone help me please17:29
joshua___Im trying to put a stop to unrecoverable lockups that other have had as well17:29
primes2hbdmurray: have you had a look at my application mail? :-)17:39
bdmurrayprimes2h: its on the list for today17:42
primes2hbdmurray: ok, thank you. I'm asking you about this because I'm going to clean Gutsy kernel bugs and it would be nice for me being able able to set them as "won't fix".17:46
bdmurrayprimes2h: right, of course17:48
andolbdmurray: Pretty much every recent bug I've looked at, with a VarLogDistupgra file attached, have had that file trunked in that manner.17:57
bdmurrayandol: I reported it as bug 36995118:44
ubot4`Launchpad bug 369951 in apport "VarLogDistupgrade attachment corrupted / empty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36995118:44
justecoIf I create a remote connection via FTP or SSH to my other machine, and attempt to copy more than a small number of files, the copy operation never copies all the files.  It acts like it is, but it always only copies some of them.  WHat gives?19:13
justecoIhave had this problem with every version of ubuntu I have tried now.  I think it must be a nautalis bug, but is this a feature used so rarely that nobody has fixed it?19:14
mdz_bdmurray: I don't think I can compete with Launchpad's google juice19:15
justecoI don't think I have ever once successfully moved an entire directory structure this way.  Via FTP or SSH.  There are no errors or anything.  The only way you would know is by comparing the copied files and seeing that they aren't all there.19:15
mdz_bdmurray: my post is in the first page of results for "report bugs ubuntu" and some similar searches19:16
=== mdz_ is now known as mdz
bdmurraymdz: ;-)19:23
hggdhjusteco, this may be a bug. In this case, you should open one; this may also be incorrect usage -- in this case, the correct channel is #ubuntu, or https://answers.launchpad.net. This channel does not provide support19:45
justecohggdh, I don't see how I could be using it wrong.  If I highlight a bunch of files (ussually by "select all") and cut from one window and paste into another and it acts like it works, I must assume I am doing it right.  It's not like I'm doing anything complicated.19:46
justecoThey simply aren't all there when I am done.19:46
justecosome got dropped along the way.  Often many of them.19:47
hggdhjusteco, then pllease open a bug on this, and make sure to give all information needed. Again, this channel is not for support19:47
justecoI have stopped using it to move files at all and now just use ncftp.19:47
justecoOK, I was more just wondering where the open bug was...  I'm having a hard time believing I am the only one having this issue.  I always figured it would be fixed with each new version, and yet...19:48
hggdhjusteco, if nobody opens a bug for that, it will never be fixed. I never used Nautilus to do that19:51
justecoOK, I'll create an obvious test for it and report how to replicate.19:52
mvobdmurray: is there a way to download all update-manager bugreport with bughelper from the last 10 days including all attachments (upgrade logs) ? I would like to run a grep over some of them, I got a very strange upgrade error reported today and would love to grep through the other reports20:43
bdmurraymvo: I think the api would work better for that, I'd be happy to work on that20:43
mvobdmurray: that would be cool, its really strange, a friend has a case where a upgrade was performed with correct sources.list rewriting from intrepid->jautny but no packages got upgraded, it looks as if the german mirror just returned a bunch of zero sized files or something20:45
bdmurraymvo: is there a bug for that or a string to look for?20:46
mvobdmurray: some clues: "DEBUG markedInstall: 'ubuntu-desktop' -> '0'"20:46
mvoDEBUG Install:20:47
mvoDEBUG Remove:20:47
mvothe best is probably:20:47
mvo.*DEBUG Obsolete:.*ubuntu-minimal.*20:48
mvoin main.log20:49
bdmurraymvo: okay, I'll e-mail you what I find20:49
mvothanks a lot!20:49
mvoits one of the most bizare bugs I have seen yet20:49
bdmurraymvo: is there an existing bug to test with though?20:53
mvobdmurray: not sure, I have a log from a friend, I can mail it to you or create a bug20:54
bdmurraymvo: I'll probably be fine without it20:54
joshua___hey folks, gotta pretty serious bug here that i believe is the same as one of the many xserver-xorg-video-intel reported bugs... I get an unrecoverable lockup randomly where mouse is still active but nothing else is,  and when coming back from screensaver... ctrl+alt+backspace does nothing, and I have to hard reboot.20:56
joshua___I thought that I had read it was fixed in the latest version of xserver-xorg-video-intel... but im using 2.7.0 and i still get it20:57
joshua___is there anything I can do?20:57
=== joshua___ is now known as joshjtl
mvobdmurray: ug #370062 if you need somehting to test against :)21:35
bdmurraymvo: thanks, I'm not finding much so far21:35
mvobdmurray: I think (hope) its very rare21:35
mvobdmurray: and its a myserty to me how it can be triggered. but I think I have code now that reliable detects it21:36
omegamormegilGreetings!  After seeing how useful apport is in collecting debugging information, I'm surprised that users aren't better informed about it when they go to report a bug via the web interface on Launchpad.21:47
omegamormegilI think the Launchpad Report a Bug dialog should recommend that people go back and report their bug with apport, when appropriate.21:49
omegamormegilRight now, the only recommendation to use apport is UNDER the bug description box.  Someone reporting a bug doesn't even see it until after they've spent time reporting the bug manually.21:49
bdmurrayThe fact that it appears under the bug description is a Launchpad design issue21:50
komputesomegamormegil: Matt Zimmerman has suggested that users do this21:51
bdmurraykomputes: his concern is with the +filebug instructions21:51
komputesAlthough I also agree that that ubuntu-bug and apport-collect be added to the bottom of the bug description box21:52
bdmurrayapport-collect doesn't belong there because it is only useful after the bug is already reported21:52
bdmurrayubuntu-bug does exist in the majority of releases supported so would probably go well in the instructions21:55
komputesbdmurray: yes you're right, ubuntu-bug under the initial description. apport collect under the comment box (for people who have reported a bug directly and would like to add more info without reporting a duplicate)21:55
=== Hurtz_ is now known as Hurtz
Pollywogis that good advice, not to report bugs using Launchpad?22:01
bdmurrayPollywog: its preferable that bugs are not reported using the web interface because there are tools on a standard Ubuntu install that can gather a lot of information for you22:02
PollywogI did not know that22:03
bdmurrayPollywog: there was a good reporting bugs class yesterday during open week22:03
PollywogI remembered reading the post and could not find it when I needed it22:03
PollywogI bookmarked the pertinent page in the community documentation22:04
pace_t_zuluanyone interested in bug #3618922:14
ubot4`Launchpad bug 36189 in gnome-panel "Applets do not scale well with changing resolution" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3618922:14
hggdhjusteco, did you open the bug? I am curious about it (just used Nautilus to sftp, and had no failure)22:18
Pollywogwhen I try to use the apport method of sending a bug report, it usually tells me that it is unable to do  a trace because debugging symbols are missing.  This is even when I have the dbg or dbgsym packages installed22:21
hggdhPollywog, what version of Ubuntu are you running?22:24
justecohggdh, Did you move a couple files, or a lot.  It works with small lists of files.  Try about 100 files.22:31
hggdhjusteco, will try. I still would like to have a bug ;-)22:33
hggdhPollywog, can you pastebin the run?22:33
Pollywognext time it happens, I will do that.22:37
PollywogI will probably need to take a screenshot of what I see22:38
Pollywogas there will be nothing to pastebin22:38
dtchenkomputes: you have e-mail22:42
hggdhjusteco, trying to copy 2,500 files22:44
hggdhPollywog, what command did you run22:44
PollywogI was running Konqueror and looking at contents of usb drives22:45
Pollywogand it crashed22:45
Pollywoga few times it asked me if I wanted to report the problem and I said yes22:45
Pollywogbut then the bug reporting utility reported that no debugging symbols were present, possibly because something that is needed to get them had crashed22:46
Pollywogand I had the dbg packages installed, so that was not the problem22:46
hggdhPollywog, can you please see  what you have under /var/crash?22:46
hggdhBTW, the .dbg is not used by apport22:47
PollywogI will check there22:47
Pollywogthe only file there is for a package that is not an official Ubuntu package22:48
hggdhjusteco, 5584 files copied between systems. We really need to have your bug filed22:48
hggdh(and no errors)22:48
Pollywogit is the driver for my scanner that crashed, but I fixedthat problem22:48
hggdhPollywog, oops22:48
Pollywogbut there is nothing there for the Konq problem or anything else22:48
hggdhPollywog, you are running KDE, correct?22:49
PollywogI run KDE on my desktop machine and Gnome on the mini-note22:49
PollywogKDE is too big on the mini-note22:49
hggdhKDE has its own bug collector, as fas as I understand22:50
hggdhbdmurray, do you know how KDE collects data for bugs (the apport-gtk/bug-buddy equivalent for KDE)?22:51
bdmurrayhggdh: apport still works with kde cf bug 35504722:52
ubot4`bdmurray: Bug 355047 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/355047 is private22:52
hggdhPollywog, you probably have files called "apport.log*" under /var/log22:54
bdmurrayregardless of whether or not Pollywog can report crashes using apport they can still use ubuntu-bug to report "regular" bugs22:54
hggdhyes. I still would like to know why the failure22:54
joshjtlcan someone help me figure out where the patch or the patched version of xserver-xorg-video-intel  from this bug is located?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/359392?comments=all22:55
Pollywogno apport.log files here22:55
ubot4`joshjtl: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out22:55
ubot4`joshjtl: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out22:56
hggdhPollywog, back to the beginning. So konqueror bytes the dust. What happens? What pops up?22:56
joshjtlwhat does that mean???22:56
PollywogKonqueror crashes and a box appears asking if I want to report the problem.  I am not certain how to reporduce the bug, it seems to happen randomly22:57
bdmurrayjoshjtl: ubot timing out doesn't mean anything22:57
Pollywogwhen I use Konqueror to view the contents of a usb drive22:57
joshjtloh ok22:58
PollywogI had the same problem in Konqueror in KDE 3.5.1022:58
Pollywogonly there I did not get a nice prompt to report the problem22:58
hggdhPollywog, not much we can do right now, then. When you get the error again, please take screenshots for the box asking about reporting, and for the error that follows. Then ping us back here22:59
bdmurrayjoshjtl: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/359392/comments/35422:59
ubot4`Launchpad bug 359392 in compiz "[i965] X freezes starting on April 3rd" [Undecided,In progress]22:59
joshjtlthanks bdmurray22:59
BUGabundoboa noite23:08
bdmurrayelena09: Hello23:10
hggdhBUGabundo, noites23:10
elena09Administration - system Testing in Ubuntu 9.04 doesn't work at all23:10
bdmurrayWhat happens?23:10
elena09I installed Ubuntu 8.10 with Wubi and then upgraded to 9.0423:11
BUGabundohggdh: hi23:11
hggdhheh. Instead of testing, we run the hardware data collector...23:11
* BUGabundo loves data collecting..23:11
elena09When I click on it, something appears to load (the little circle is rotating on the screen), but it stops and nothing opens23:11
elena09ok, how is that done hggdh please?23:13
bdmurrayelena09: could you try running it in a terminal and see if there is an error?23:14
elena09yes, but which command do you use?23:14
bdmurraysorry, checkbox-gtk23:14
elena09 a second ....please23:15
elena09It seems that there are errors. May I post here what I got?23:16
BUGabundo !paste23:16
ubot4`pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:16
BUGabundoelena09: use a pastebin, never post long text to channels, okay? :)23:17
elena09ok, what's a pastbin please?23:17
justecohggdh, I will create a test case and file the bug when I am in front of those machines.  I don't have access to them atm.23:17
BUGabundo !paste | elena0923:18
ubot4`elena09: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:18
elena09I did it23:19
bdmurrayso now we can look at a list of checkbox bugs for one that looks like yours23:20
elena09I can't find any solution there23:24
bdmurrayelena09: your bug is bug 35944023:24
ubot4`Launchpad bug 359440 in checkbox "checkbox: run crashed with DBusException in call_blocking()" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35944023:24
bdmurraycall_blocking appears in lines 18-19 of your paste23:24
bdmurraythere is already an updated package in jaunty-proposed that will fix this and it will be moved to jaunty-updates shortly23:25
elena09Ok, so , should I proceed according with "workaround" there?23:26
bdmurrayreading that bug there might also be a workaround if you want to use it right away23:26
bdmurrayelena09: so it really depends on how soon you want it fixed23:28
elena09Let me do it now. I'm very new in Linux, 2 weeks ago. How can I find /etc/checkbox.d/checkbox.ini23:30
hggdhelena09, you will need to edit the file23:32
hggdhsince this file is under /etc, you will have to get superuser powers to do that23:32
elena09I realized that, but I can't find it, I tried with search. A second ago I found etc folder23:33
elena09And how can I get that power?23:33
BUGabundo !sudo | elena0923:34
ubot4`elena09: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)23:34
hggdhSelect Places/Filesystem23:34
elena09I am the "administrator" so it should work23:35
hggdhelena09, select Places/Computer, double-click on file system23:35
hggdhelena09, are you running as root?23:35
BUGabundoelena09: not sure you understand how privaleges work with Ubuntu23:36
elena09I am in filesystem23:36
BUGabundoeven if you are a member of the Admin group, you always run with the less priv possible and have to escalete to higher privs when needed23:36
elena09I am home, it's my PC23:37
BUGabundoelena09: also avoid (prefevery never) run as ROOT, both on Cli and X23:37
BUGabundoelena09: at least ubuntu and some other distros are set to not use ROOT, and even have the account disabled23:37
BUGabundoyou said you are New to Linux... how can you be so sure about this?23:37
elena09sure about what?23:38
elena09I thought Administrator is the same with privilege power23:38
BUGabundoelena09: it is...23:39
BUGabundohere, we call it SuperUser or ROOT23:39
elena09Like administrator in windows, I was thinking23:39
elena09Ok, I am in the filesystem, where is that etc...file?23:40
elena09found etc23:40
BUGabundoelena09: not quite... its more like Vista does with UAC23:40
* BUGabundo hates to compare to Windows23:40
elena09I know, that's why I want to learn Linux23:41
BUGabundoelena09: great23:41
BUGabundothere are a few wiki pages with some interessing stuff for new users23:42
elena09How can I find that file in order to edit it and fix the bug?23:42
BUGabundoalso amber blog is a great start from a new user POV23:42
BUGabundoelena09: http://amber.redvoodoo.org/2009/02/ubuntu-chronicles-saga-of-amber-and_1.html23:42
elena09amber blog?23:42
BUGabundohggdh: what file is s/he looking for?23:43
elena09I clicked, but the page doesn't exist23:43
elena09that's the file23:43
BUGabundoelena09: try on a terminal:23:44
BUGabundoelena09: also learn that tips started with "$" are meant to be run on a terminal, but don't type the "$"23:44
BUGabundoelena09: $ sudo gedit /etc/checkbox.d/checkbox.ini23:45
BUGabundoyour user password will be asked because you are now running as a super user, ence SUDO23:45
elena09OK, I knew that, I found the file manually, but I'll type in the terminal too, I like the Terminal23:46
BUGabundoelena09: once you learn how to use it, you will love it23:46
elena09Cool, the file has opened suddenly23:47
elena09I'm going to edit it as the answer says in the forum23:47
elena09a second please, it started working...23:50
elena09Do you see color bars and static? What do they mean by static?23:53
bdmurraysnow type stuff23:54
LumpyCustardHi, would someone mind setting all the Gusty related bugs to Won't Fix now Gusty is EOL?23:56
BUGabundocan someone check bug 333366 ? I think a user started messing all the bug states23:56
ubot4`Launchpad bug 333366 in gtk+2.0 "new nautilus window stays in background" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33336623:56
bdmurrayLumpyCustard: Are you certain they don't exist in other releases?23:56
BUGabundoLumpyCustard: don't Servers have longer support?23:57
LumpyCustardOnly for an LTS23:57
bdmurrayBUGabundo: no only LTS's23:57
LumpyCustardI mean the bugs specifically targeted for Gusty: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy23:57
BUGabundoahh ok23:58
bdmurrayLumpyCustard: okay, those are bug tasks targetted to Gutsy23:58
BUGabundoI wouldn't advice doing it *all* automaticly23:59

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