
nhandlerNext up is pleia2 who will talk about Ubuntu Women00:00
* ^arky^ thanks nhandler 00:00
pleia2Hi everyone :)00:00
pleia2Welcome to the Ubuntu Open Week Session on the Ubuntu Women Project!00:00
pleia2My name is Elizabeth Krumbach. I currently work as a Debian and Ubuntu Systems Administrator for a Philadelphia-based Linux-centric technology services provider. I became involved in the Ubuntu Women project as soon as I found out about it in the spring of 2006.00:00
pleia2Aside from Ubuntu Women work, I'm currently heavily involved with the LoCo Teams projects, specifically with my own state of Pennsylvania and the greater work of the US Teams Mentoring program. I also work on the Ubuntu Classroom project, which has recently started working the the Ubuntu Community Learning Project. On the technical side within the community I contribute upstream as a Debian Package Maintainer.00:00
pleia2In this session I'm going to give a general introduction to the project, explain why we feel such a project is important, give you details about our project resources, provide tips on what people can do to combat disrespectful behavior within the community, and I'll wrap things up with a Q&A session.00:01
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pleia2I'll also pause to ask for questions from #ubuntu-classroom-chat at regular intervals, please prefix your questions with QUESTION: so they're easy for us to find :)00:01
pleia2To begin, the official website for the Ubuntu Women project is http://ubuntu-women.org. From there you can get to all our other resources, including our Mailing list, Forums, Launchpad and Wiki.00:02
pleia2The project was loosely founded on the forums and in IRC in the summer of 2005. It was extended by Vidya Ayer to mailing lists and a website, and became an official team in early 2006.00:02
pleia2Intitally it was modeled closely after the Debian Women (http://women.debian.org) project, but since their focus was primarily getting women to become Developers it quickly became apparent that the Ubuntu Women approach would have to have a much broader focus, encouraging women to be a part of every facet of Ubuntu.00:03
pleia2Before I get into the details of the project, I want to emphasise that we have a very serious committment to not being separatist or exclusive.00:04
pleia2If you join our IRC channel, mailing list or forums you'll find both men and women involved in the project. We have no gender requirement placed upon our members, anyone who is interested in getting more women involved is welcome to join us.00:05
pleia2Now, while we do provide a separate place for discussion, the main goal of the project is to get more women involved with the general Ubuntu community. Separatism would defeat this goal.00:05
pleia2Ultimately the "#1 Bug" in the Ubuntu Women Project is the need for the project to exist at all! We would like to be able to dissolve the project in the future when more women are comfortable getting involved.00:06
pleia2Now for the specifics. The project has grown to primarily focus upon:00:06
pleia21. Support and Encouragement00:07
pleia2This is probably the most vital function of the project today. As much as we wish it wasn't the case, there is still sexism within the Ubuntu community. Sometimes it's the quite mild addressing of a group of Ubuntu people as "gentlemen" and sometimes it's brutal public "jokes" targeted at women that men and women alike may find offensive.00:07
pleia2Whatever the situation, it's helpful to have a place to discuss things and ask questions. Do the actions <here> bother anyone else? Is this <unfortunate event> worth reporting to the project leadership? Should I approach <person> about their actions that made me uncomfortable? Talking things out with folks who can sympathize and share your experiences goes a long way to keeping people involved with a project when events occur that are troubling00:08
pleia2The Ubuntu Women outlets (IRC, mailing lists, forums) are also a great place to discuss current events relating to Women within general F/OSS, sharing success stories from other projects and using those examples to work toward improving the community for everyone.00:08
pleia22. Mentoring and Direction00:09
pleia2Due to the low percentage of women involved in F/OSS in general, Ubuntu is often the first project they get involved with. The first question that we get on the mailing list or on IRC from women new to the project is generally "How can I help Ubuntu?" which we answer and attempt to match them up with projects and contacts (possibly mentors) within the projects to get them going.00:09
pleia2Don't men encounter this too? Absolutely, and we certainly wouldn't turn away a man asking the same question, but we've chosen to make our focus getting more women involved and offering level-entry support is part of that.00:10
pleia2Two of the resources we most frequently point to are: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu both of which are linked on our Get Involved page: http://ubuntu-women.org/getinv.html00:11
pleia23. Highlight active women within the community00:11
pleia2Most people who are heavily involved with F/OSS have a number of people they look up to. For a lot of people it's helpful to have someone they can relate to, perhaps of their own gender. I know in my case joining LinuxChix and finally getting to see women in prominent places within the community not only helped me strive to follow in their footsteps, it made me feel less alone as a woman involved in the projects.00:11
pleia2To highlight women in the community we have recently launched an Interview series ( http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Interviews ) which has been appearing in Full Circle Magazine ( http://fullcirclemagazine.org/ )00:12
pleia2We also have a profiles page on our wiki showing who some other women involved are, where they are located and what they are involved with: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Profiles00:13
pleia2In addition, we work to post news on the mailing list when women within the community make the news, are involved in exciting projects or any other inspiring stories.00:13
pleia2One more point and I'll get to the questions raised already before moving on :)00:13
pleia24. Education on Sexism and Feminism00:13
pleia2Perhaps unintentional, our project has become a popular place for discussions of general feminism (equality) and sexism. We frequently have men and women joining our channel to learn about the issues, so much so that we've created a wiki page full of links relating to the issues: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/ChallengingSexism00:14
pleia2This has turned out to be a valuable job of our project. Most people aren't intentionally sexist and a lot of the people who join our forums, mailing list or IRC channel with questions about why the project exist genuinely wish to understand why so many successful women within the Ubuntu project choose to spend time on Ubuntu Women.00:15
pleia2A lot of folks joining also want to know what they can do to help, which I'll get to momentarily.00:15
pleia2Ok, I'm going to move on to why we believe the project is important and ways that you can help attract more women to your project(s), but first - questions?00:15
macook just a sec...00:16
maco<pwnguin> QUESTION: how do you measure when more women are comfortable getting involved?00:16
pleia2Good question. We don't have a statistic or quantitative goal at this point because be ratio is still so poor.00:17
jhass840maco: I think the questions are being asked in #ubuntu-classroom-chat00:17
macojhass840: i'm the paster00:17
maco<elk80> QUESTION: What is the ratio of social to technical discussion as a whole? And is the social aspect of it welcome? :)00:17
pleia2I think even hitting a goal of 10% involvement would be huge - already I'm seeing as more women become involved, more join00:17
pleia2elk80: the FLOSSPOL report is frequently referenced to answer this question: http://www.flosspols.org/deliverables/FLOSSPOLS-D16-Gender_Integrated_Report_of_Findings.pdf00:18
pleia2it indicates that about 1.5% of FLOSS community members were female, compared with 28% in proprietary software00:18
pleia2oh, I misread00:18
maco(sorry, i jumped the gun on that question)00:18
pleia2sorry! right, perhaps clarify the question, do we mean technical vs social within the project?00:19
elk80You mentioned dissolving the project when deemed complete..00:19
elk80If/when that should occur, will the project or some deriv. continue as a social hub?00:19
pleia2gotcha, I think it might, but perhaps not as an official Ubuntu project any longer00:20
* elk80 nods :)00:20
macopleia2: ready for the next one?00:20
pleia2maco: fire away! :)00:21
maco<LaserJock> QUESTION: so would you consider Ubuntu Women more marketing to women, advocating on behalf of women to Ubuntu, or refereeing to make sure there is a level playing field?00:21
LaserJockor all-of-the-above ;-)00:21
pleia2good question!00:21
pleia2I think ultimately it's all about Ubuntu itself, we want as many contributors as possible and for us that means tapping into that 50% of the population that often feels left out of FOSS00:22
hypa7iawe can't solve bug #1 without women, after all :)00:22
pleia2we also do some refereeing, there are women who come to us when they have problems and we'll step up and help out00:22
lamalexthat's not what structural means00:23
maco<txwikinger> Question: Aren't the same issues exist also for visible minorities? Also, how much does the anonymity through screen names make a difference?00:24
macolamalex: wrong chan00:24
lamalexmaco: my scroll key keeps messing up, i didnt even realize i posted that00:24
pleia2I believe there may be problems for other minorities, but I'm not familiar with them, since I'm familiar with the problems facing women I work on this project :)00:25
pleia2anonymity through a screen name certainly helps some people (there are women I encounter in the community who still won't say in public that they are female)00:26
pleia2but I don't know really, I've always been very open about my gender00:26
maco<LaserJock> QUESTION: can you give an estimate on how many "incidents" there are in Ubuntu?00:26
pleia2Not really, it depends on a lot of factors - how public the incident is, whether it was reported to anyone or just made someone walk away immediately00:27
pleia2I will say that things have improved over the past couple years, and Ubuntu is, in general, a really fantastic project to work on when compared to some others00:27
macothat's it00:28
pleia2ah yes, I was just reminded of something recently00:29
macooh hold on00:29
macoone more00:29
pleia2on the day we were all working to improve the LoCo docs, we came across one that aside from calling every potential person you'd try to get to try Ubuntu "him"00:30
pleia2there was a suggestion of using "booth babes"00:30
pleia2this was on the Ubuntu wiki, included in guidelines for conferences00:30
pleia2hooray for wikis, we were able to clean this all up :) but it felt quite unfortunate that someone had thought through enough to actually put it up there in the first place00:30
pleia2ok, questions00:31
macodon't forget what else it said00:31
pleia2oh right00:31
pleia2it also said that if a woman comes to your booth "dont talk about tech. talk about nelson mandela and sharing"00:31
macook questions... lemme grab00:32
maco<sebsebseb> QUESTION:   Maybe to help with market share for non technical people, if the  circle of friends was used more for example,  it  would attract more females to Ubuntu?00:32
pleia2I think more use such a thing would attact more PEOPLE in general, not specifically women, there is still a huge theory out there that you have to be a "programmer" to contribute anything00:33
* JManGt is away: Vengo al ratin...00:33
maco<txwikinger> QUESTION: Are women detered in participating in FLOSS mainly due to discrimination or are there other "hidden" structures to blame that give women less incentives to join?00:33
pleia2There is a lot of research on why that low 28% in proprietary software exists that links it to social things, girls not being encouraged in tech things as much as boys, so females learning about the awesomeness of tech stuff later00:35
pleia2so you have a smaller pool starting out, often (this isn't true of the entire world, luckily)00:35
pleia2so you start with a smaller pool, and then they join and run into discrimination00:35
pleia2I don't know really how many just walk away at this point, but I do know several women who have changed careers entirely and dropped foss involvement because of discrimination00:36
maco<jhass840> QUESTION: Do you think that anonymity through screen names can also serve as a detriment to the project?00:36
hypa7iathat one i can answer with a link00:37
pleia2yes :( but I sympathize with their reasons, not everyone wants to "help the cause" - some people would like to spend all their time getting work done00:37
pleia2"work done" that is not encouraging other women, I mean00:37
pleia2specifically project work00:37
maco<nixternal> QUESTION: you know something...I have been in this goofy free software world now since about 1993/1994...and it wasn't until Ubuntu that I really saw a problem and witnessed on more than one occasion an issue, do you think that is because Ubuntu has become so huge that we are seeing the issues and that there is a need for the Ubuntu Women team?00:38
pleia2I've encountered bad behavior from the first weeks I stepped into the Linux world back in 200200:39
pleia2by 2003 I was working to create a local LinuxChix chapter in Philadelphia00:39
pleia2so maybe it's a matter of perspective, to me LinuxChix has always been vital because things have always been tough00:39
pleia2I got involved Ubuntu Women once I was already pretty secure :)00:40
pleia2and Debian Women existed prior, perhaps because of projects like Ubuntu getting such attention more people care about broadening involvement?00:40
maco<dtchen> QUESTION: has the community manager been appraised of UDS participation for active contributors in #ubuntu-women?00:40
pleia2I'm not sure, I don't think so00:41
pleia2I think we want to pause the questions for a few moments so I can finish up my script :)00:42
pleia2we'll get to as many as we can after00:42
pleia2So why do we feel this project is important? We've covered this some already.00:43
pleia2Simply put, those of us who are involved with Ubuntu Women believe that everyone can be a valuable resource for the Ubuntu project and we should work to be inclusive and encouraging. We've chosen to focus upon becoming well-versed in the issues currently facing women specifically in the community so we can shape our program to cater to them.00:43
pleia2We understand that not everyone shares in these viewpoints, methods or goals, which is really a great thing about F/OSS - you don't have to. And if you're sincerely interested in getting involved we're always open to constructive discussion.00:43
pleia2(as an aside, let us know you're there to be helpful, we get a lot of trolls and while we work hard not to brush people off, if people join #ubuntu-women looking like they're trying to start a fight, we'll act accordingly)00:44
hypa7iaor trying to hit on people!00:44
macoor rant about their wives00:44
pleia2So, you want to help Ubuntu be more friendly to women? The easy answer is to strive to make it more friendly to everyone! But there are a couple of specific resources to review if you'd like to focus on women:00:45
pleia2HOWTO Encourage Women in Linux: http://valerieaurora.org/howto.html which is the canonical resource we point to for people who want a glimpse into the key things they can do (and avoid!) when working to get women involved with Linux00:45
pleia2Dorothea Salo: What Some Folks Can Do, If They Choose: http://cavlec.yarinareth.net/archives/2007/03/30/what-some-folks-can-do-if-they-choose/ which discusses how men can stand up when they see sexist or other inappropriate behavior that drives people away00:45
pleia2and I had the one from gregknicholson which I read earlier in the day: http://brown-betty.livejournal.com/305643.html00:46
pleia2That's all I've got :) We can get back to questions.00:46
maco<sebsebseb> QUESTION:  I don't think theres an issue with guys getting other guys into opensource/freesoftware, but how to get  females to encoruge other females to do so?00:46
pleia2for me, the most valuable thing for getting other females involved is to show them that I'm doing it00:47
pleia2that goes much further than you'd think :)00:48
sebsebsebpleia2: or if a guy like me,  maybe  show them that other women do it?00:48
pleia2sebsebseb: sure!00:48
macosebsebseb: did you see mdz and james_w's posts on Planet Ubuntu for Ada Lovelace Day, showing their female-tech heroines? There's an example00:49
pleia2I recently had a fellow join our LoCo channel who said he had a lot of success in getting women he knew interested after showing them stuff about Ubuntu Women and LinuxChix, it made me smile :)00:49
sebsebsebmaco: nope don't know what your talking about, got a link?00:49
macohttp://jameswestby.net/weblog/tech/09-lady-day.html and http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/03/25/ada-lovelace-day/00:50
pleia2thanks maco :)00:50
sebsebsebmaco: ok thanks  I'll have a look00:50
macoit's about showing role models, and that's something you can do00:50
macoready for the next one?00:50
hypa7iathere's recent research showing too that role models are even more important for women than men00:50
hypa7iajust sayin'00:50
maco<pwnguin> QUESTION: is it effective to market Ubuntu to young women with the color pink, or potentially offensive?00:50
pleia2only if they like pink :)00:51
* pleia2 knows loads of young women who can't stand it00:51
hypa7iait is potentially problematic00:51
pleia2I think the color is far less important than how it's presented in general00:51
hypa7iastereotyping and all00:51
macoalong that line...00:51
maco<elk80> QUESTION: A previous question referenced pink (and multi-color!) Netbooks.. Have you seen any women in FOSS growth that can be sourced to the whole Linux Netbook phenomena? Maybe due to widespread visibility and less techie styled notebooks?00:51
pleia2I know at least two of my non-techie friends are in the market for an Ubuntu mini9 because I carry my pink one with unicorn stickers around everywhere :)00:52
pleia2and no, they aren't going with pink, but they were pleased that they could come in different colors00:52
maco<dtchen> QUESTION: what sort of mentoring successes have been highlighted, and how can this outreach be extended to middle schoolers and high schoolers?00:53
pleia2one of my favorite new websites I read about in an ACM article a couple months back (the issue was focused on women in tech) is this: http://girlsgotech.org/00:54
pleia2there are a few different projects like that out there, unfortunately I'm not the best one to answer it since I'm not very involved in this area00:54
maco<LaserJock> QUESTION: sometimes being nice or catering to a woman is seen as being offensive. How can us guys be encouraging without being *too* nice?00:55
pleia2good question, it's a delicate balance00:55
pleia2and it's not easy to strike, but I think the best approach is to carefully make her feel included (standing alone at a LUG because people are scared of you is no fun either)00:56
pleia2but don't stare at her and address every question and comment her way00:57
pleia2there are also some tips in the Encourage Women how-to00:57
pleia2one more question and then we have to wrap things up00:57
maco<Baby> QUESTION: There are quite few of us in FOSS projects in general, and we often have lots of battles to fight. Of course battles have to be chosen carefully but even then, some burnout cannot be avoided. What can be done to prevent the burnout of the most visible women in FOSS projects?00:57
pleia2very good point, my strategy has been taking breaks00:58
pleia2whether it be from the core project, or just from the -women stuff00:58
pleia2and preferably *before* you start considering becoming an accountant :)00:58
maco<pwnguin> QUESTION: where can i find women to volunteer to speak at LUG and LoCo events?00:59
pleia2first stop is http://www.geekspeakr.com/00:59
pleia2if you can't find someone there, look around your community - is there a woman who infrequently posts but always has interesting things to say? Invite her to speak01:00
pleia2That's all we have time for :) if anyone wants to continue discussion we can pop over to #ubuntu-women01:00
hypa7iaand encourage the women you know to post profiles to geekspeakr!01:01
pleia2thanks for coming and being such an awesome audience :D01:01
james_wthanks pleia2 and everyone01:01
Bodsdathanks pleia201:01
sebsebsebpleia2: this was good :)01:01
jegomezTank you, it's been a great panel01:02
* hypa7ia claps01:02
* Baby hugs pleia2 :)01:03
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dtchenfor people idling in here, in about 2 minutes, i'll be giving an SRU tutorial03:24
Mike||busywhat's SRU?03:24
dtchenMike||busy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates03:24
dtchenbackground: in #ubuntu-offtopic, MadPilot was bemoaning the state of Muine in Jaunty03:25
zaidkadtchen, is this in the timetable?03:25
dtchenthe relevant bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/muine/+bug/36662003:25
dtchenzaidka: no, it's impromptu03:26
zaidkathen dtchen, you're awesome :)03:26
dtchenfor starters, when i first took a look at the bug a few minutes ago, there was no link to the Debian bug03:26
dtchenwhenever i look at Ubuntu bugs using Launchpad, if the bugs have no Debian and/or upstream bug references, i seek them out03:27
dtcheni then add them03:27
dtchenso in this instance, i looked at http://packages.qa.debian.org/muine03:27
dtchen(that's known as PTS, or Debian Package Tracking System)03:28
dtchento add the Debian bug reference to the Ubuntu bug in Launchpad, i clicked "Also affects distribution"03:28
dtchenin the Distribution dropdown, i chose Debian03:29
dtchennote that in PTS, on the trailing vertical edge (for English speakers, the right side), there's a link to bugs03:29
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dtchenin PTS, i clicked the 9 for "All bugs"03:30
dtcheni found debian #524181, read its description and status to confirm, and pasted its url into the "Also affects distribution" text entry field03:31
dtchenany questions thus far?03:32
dtchenok, continuingi03:33
zaidkaQUESTION: Why does it matter to Ubuntu what other distros a certain bug affects?03:33
dtchenthe next step after linking the Debian upstream bug is to search for the GNOME upstream bug03:33
geniioops, sorry03:33
dtchenzaidka: it matters that we have as many links to other bug trackers as possible for the same bugs, because there are only so many resources available for development03:34
dtchenzaidka: the more eyes looking at bugs, the higher the probability someone will have a resolution03:34
dtchenzaidka: often, the same bugs plague different Linux distributions03:34
dtchenzaidka: perhaps most importantly, we take advantage of web search engines: Google is often used to search for workarounds/fixes to symptoms03:35
dtchenzaidka: having many bug links is an effective way to harness more resources03:36
dtchenany other questions before i continue?03:36
zaidkashould we ask here or in -chat?03:37
dtchenhere is fine03:37
zaidkaokay. no more questions from me :)03:37
dtchenall right, so we need to find if there's an existing GNOME bug for the symptoms03:37
dtcheni next browsed over to http://svn.gnome.org/ to discover that it has been deprecated for git :-)03:38
dtchenby the way, this just happens to be one approach; other developers/maintainers have their approaches03:38
dtchen(i read changelogs and source code commits regularly, so that's my preferred approach)03:39
dtchenso, having been redirected to git, i find the muine repository03:40
dtchenupon reading the changelogs, i see there's a commit for a very similar-looking bug03:40
dtchen2008-11-10Fix for bgo #560077 non-working buttons on Add Song/Album windows. Patch03:40
geniiQ: Does the "Affects other distributions" also somehow know/decide which upstream package it may be that is affected? Many packages have *buntu specific naming, etc and may be difficult sometimes to suss out the upstream name/originating packages03:40
dtchengenii: in my experience, one needs to set the package explicitly03:41
geniidtchen: OK, thanks03:41
dtchenso, upon clicking the link for the commit, we see the changes are applicable to the symptom described in the Ubuntu bug03:42
dtchennot only that, but we now have an upstream bug to link to!03:42
dtchenthat's what i'll take care of right now03:42
dtchenthere are generally a couple ways to do so03:44
dtchenyou can either leave a comment with the url of the upstream bug, and/or you can choose "Also affects project"03:44
dtchenwhen you choose "Also affects project", you'd enter "muine" in the text entry field03:45
dtchenon the next screen, you'd fill in the url to the upstream bug (http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=560077) in the "I already have..."03:45
dtchenso, now that we have a Debian bug entry and a GNOME bug entry in the Ubuntu bug report, we can get to work on fixing the bug for jaunty-proposed03:46
dtchenas i mentioned earlier, this process is outlined at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates03:46
dtcheni tend to get the patches and debdiffs in order first (uploaded to Launchpad) and then fill out the SRU information in the bug description03:47
stefanlsdQUESTION: Wouldnt we be checking / fixing karmic first?03:47
dtchenstefanlsd: yes, that's appropriate and a very good point03:48
dtchenin this case, we'd want to file a bug using the Debian BTS, attach a debdiff against sid's 0.8.10-3, and have it merged as appropriate into karmic03:49
dtchenagain, my approach is to do all the work in parallel, so even though it seems like i'm jumping ahead, i'm actually just changing the debdiffs as appropriate :-)03:50
dtchenthe patch we're interested in is http://git.gnome.org/cgit/muine/patch/?id=ed0e81a673fbe09fa18622ff437c36075d33984d03:51
dtchenit's linked at (patch) from http://git.gnome.org/cgit/muine/commit/?id=ed0e81a673fbe09fa18622ff437c36075d33984d03:51
dtchennow, for the next part, you'll need the patchutils binary package installed03:52
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dtcheni saved the patch to ~, but of course one can save it anywhere one pleases03:53
dtchenwget -O ~/fix-add-dialogs.diff http://git.gnome.org/cgit/muine/patch/?id=ed0e81a673fbe09fa18622ff437c36075d33984d03:54
dtchenthe next part assumes some packaging knowledge, so if you're not familiar with patching systems, please see the Ubuntu wiki for various tutorials/sessions on patch systems03:54
dtchennext, pull down the jaunty source for muine. you'll either need to manually wget each portion of the source package (yuck), or you can use pull-lp-source (from the ubuntu-dev-tools binary package), or you can use dget (in devscripts) or dgetlp (in ubuntu-dev-tools)03:56
dtchenand, of course, if you have a deb-src line for jaunty universe, you can just `apt-get source muine'03:56
dtchennow, since you're read the SRU wiki page, note that the changes need to be as uninvasive as possible03:57
dtchenupon inspecting the patch (in ~/fix-add-dialogs.diff now)03:57
dtcheni see there is a patch hunk in Changelog that i don't need to apply, since i'll be referencing it in debian/changelog anyway03:58
dtchen(a handy tool to do this is called diffstat, i.e., diffstat ~/fix-add-dialogs.diff)03:58
dtchennext, i look to see whether there is existing patching infrastructure, e.g., quilt, cdbs, etc.03:59
dtcheni can see from debian/changelog and from the lack of debian/patches/ that the source has been patched inline03:59
dtchenstandard practise is not to introduce patching infrastructure if it's not already present04:00
dtchen(there are arguments pro and con, but i won't discuss them now)04:00
dtchenthus, i'm going to apply the changes directly to the source (as has been done in jaunty)04:00
dtchenso, in the extracted source directory, i'll use: filterdiff -x '*ChangeLog' ~/fix-add-dialogs.diff |patch -p1 --dry-run04:01
dtchen(next, i'd apply the patch by removing the --dry-run, since i've determined that the patch applies cleanly)04:01
dtchennow it's off to edit debian/changelog and add the appropriate SRU information04:02
dtchenthe new version will be 0.8.10-1ubuntu2.1, and the distribution will be jaunty-proposed instead of jaunty04:03
zaidkaQUESTION: How did you decide what version number you should give it?04:05
dtchenzaidka: i tend to follow the older -security/-proposed protocol, which just bumps the minor version04:06
stefanlsdzaidka: Have a look here- describes it well.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation#Update the packaging04:06
dtchenthe correct answer, however, is that all SRUs need to have a version lower (sorted before) than the version in the current development branch04:06
dtchenknowing that the karmic version will be 0.8.10-3ubuntu1 to retain existing Ubuntu changes and incorporate Debian changes, anything lower than 0.8.10-3ubuntu1 would work04:08
dtchen(presuming there's not going to be a 0.8.10-4 to sid that rolls in all the changes)04:08
dtcheni or any other dev/maintainer am happy to discuss the versioning intricacies in #ubuntu-motu after this04:09
zaidkaQUESTION: the fix will automatically go to the next version of Ubuntu? or do I have to manually submit it again?04:09
dtchenzaidka: that brings me to stefanlsd's earlier question04:09
dtchenzaidka: ideally the fix is uploaded to the next version of Ubuntu04:09
dtchenin this case, i'll work on pushing the fix to Debian sid and Ubuntu karmic simultaneously04:11
dtchenthen, if all the Ubuntu changes are subsumed in the next sid packaging revision, then one can request a sync from sid04:11
dtchenso, to answer your question, because there's an existing Ubuntu delta, the fixes won't be automatically applied04:12
dtchenone needs to push to karmic and jaunty-proposed04:12
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dtcheni'm not going to cover merging for karmic, because this is already growing lengthy, but someone in #ubuntu-motu will be happy to answer further questions04:13
dtchenafter the changes have been made, one needs to rebuild the source package using debuild -S04:14
dtchenthen, one can use pbuilder/sbuild to generate a deb, and then one can use piuparts to test it04:15
dtchenone important process bit is modifying the Ubuntu bug report for attribution, so i've assigned the bug to myself and changed the status appropriately04:16
stefanlsdQUESTION: Should we be nominating this bug for Karmic and Jaunty and attaching both debdiffs to the same bug?04:16
dtchenstefanlsd: yes04:16
stefanlsdQUESTION: What do you mean by 'for attribution'?04:17
dtchenunfortunately, since i'm no longer core-dev, i can't accept or reject release nominations04:17
dtchenstefanlsd: the connotation would be "who's working on it, or who do i blame for it?"04:17
=== billionswilldie is now known as brucepillis
stefanlsddtchen: got it :)04:18
dtchennow, for sake of time, i'll just proceed as if the karmic version is going to be 0.8.10-1ubuntu304:19
dtchenthat way we'll see 0.8.10-1ubuntu3 in karmic and 0.8.10-1ubuntu2.1 in jaunty-proposed04:20
dtchenthe last step is completing the template for SRU in the bug description04:20
=== brucepillis is now known as futureistyranny
dtcheni'm also skipping over the part where i use a vm to test the change04:21
dtchen(i have a jaunty desktop cd booted in virtualbox for that purpose)04:21
dtchenare there any further questions so far?04:21
zaidkaQUESTION: when I submit the patch, does it go directly to proposed or does someone have to review it first?04:22
dtchenzaidka: it's reviewed first04:22
dtchenzaidka: both by motu-sru and by whomever accepts the upload04:23
dtchenzaidka: if you don't have upload privileges to Ubuntu universe, whoever sponsors the upload also would review it04:23
zaidkaQUESTION: I'm not sure I understand, someone has to upload it for me? if so, will it still be under my name?04:24
dtchenzaidka: if your name is in the changelog, yes, it will be in your name04:25
dtchenzaidka: more specifically, if your name and e-mail address are listed for the main changelog entry, yes, the upload will appear in your name04:26
dtchenwhat would happen is this:04:26
dtchenone would attach the debdiffs and update the bug description04:26
dtchenthen the source changes will be approved (acked) by a member of ~motu-sru04:27
dtchenthen a member of ~ubuntu-universe-sponsors will (re)sign the source package and upload it04:27
geniiInteresting process.04:28
* zaidka just realizes there's more to software development than programming .04:29
dtchenright, the coding portion is really a small part04:30
dtchenthe design and QA are *supposed* to be the most critical portions04:30
dtchenfor the SRU process, we don't want people's packages breaking any worse than the release version04:31
dtchenhence the additional checks04:31
dtchennow, i've just walked through the process, but an enterprising person will note that a very similar debdiff already exists in bug 29465904:33
meshuggah_dtchen, i dont really understand this channel, are you giving a course?04:34
dtchenmeshuggah_: i just gave an impromptu course on an example of the StableReleaseUpdate process, yes04:35
meshuggah_dtchen, it is nice from you and this community04:35
dtchen(people really don't use this channel often enough)04:35
meshuggah_dtchen, are you paid for it?04:35
meshuggah_no :)04:35
meshuggah_i dont think you are04:35
dtchen(correct, no)04:36
meshuggah_so we all thank you i think04:36
cody-somervilleindeed we do04:36
dtchenyou're welcome, but the thanks really go to the people who mentored me04:36
zaidkaQUESTION: How is debdiff different from regular diff?04:37
stefanlsdhehe. thanks. it was really great. (i learnt a couple of cool things). and kept me awake at 4.30am04:37
meshuggah_stefanlsd, living in UK?04:37
dtchenzaidka: a debdiff has additional data pertaining to Debian source package-specific things04:37
meshuggah_dtchen, can i ask you question i have, about, thing you arent teaching right now?04:38
dtchenmeshuggah_: sure, but i don't know if i'll be the appropriate person to answer it04:38
stefanlsdmeshuggah_: south africa (same time zone)04:39
dtchenzaidka: e.g., a debdiff can be generated against two Debian/Ubuntu source packages, so the debdiff will contain hunks pertaining to debian/changelog, etc.04:39
meshuggah_dtchen, how can i make my TV-OUT of my videocard works? :)04:39
dtchenzaidka: more specifically, a debdiff is a diff, but not all diffs are debdiffs04:39
meshuggah_dtchen, everything is working great, but even after a few hours of trying i didnt found how04:40
dtchenzaidka: more to the example, the ~/fix-add-dialogs.diff is a diff, but it's not a debdiff04:40
meshuggah_dtchen, evertyhing except tv-out04:40
dtchenzaidka: on the other hand, http://paste.ubuntu.com/161107/ is a debdiff04:41
dtchenmeshuggah_: sorry, but i think that question is better posed in #ubuntu04:41
meshuggah_dtchen, i tried before, anyway i thank you for your time04:42
* nixternal jams some meshuggah now!04:44
dtchenall right, thanks for the questions!04:45
zaidkadtchen, are we done for now?04:48
meshuggah__* dtchen (i=crimsun@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.bronze.crimsun) a quitté #ubuntu-classroom04:48
meshuggah__he isnt here04:48
zaidkaoh then I guess we are done04:49
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DivxcluBHello everybody. After Clean install on 9.04 I installed ATI drivers for my 4870x2, after reboot I can't login screen is messed up and everything is frozen right on moment of login screen. Plesee help. I have video of my boot on youtube, If possible please help here is video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFzRUkQS7_U      Thank you again06:27
geniiDivxcluB: I think you want the support channel06:36
geniiDivxcluB: /join #ubuntu       for instance (or xubuntu or kubuntu etc)06:37
* JManGt is back (gone 06:06:32)06:42
dholbachwho do we have here for the Packaging Training session? :)07:00
geniiIt's morning?07:01
rwwgenii: in crazy UTC people time, yeah. 11pm here :(07:01
dholbachgenii: it is over here - 08:01 right now :-)07:01
Railmoin moin07:02
dholbachso... do we have any questions already before we kick off the session?07:02
dholbachalright... :-)07:03
* jost86 gets Coffee...07:03
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted is the one page you absolutely need to bookmark :)07:03
dholbachit contains links to all important documentation07:04
dholbachlike the Packaging Guide, like the Developer Videos, Ubuntu Developer process documentation, simple bugs to start working on etc07:04
dholbachwhich version of Ubuntu are you all running?07:05
rwwJaunty :)07:05
dholbachalright :)07:06
zaidkakidding.. jaunty07:06
maxbjaunty with a karmic install available for dual-booting :-)07:06
sebsebsebupgraded 8.10,  to 9.04 alpha6, to beta, to  rc.  install that has some issues from alpha6, so will eventualy clean install07:06
zaidkaubuntu cambridge07:06
dholbachif you want to work on Ubuntu, you absolutely need to have the latest development release07:06
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/UsingDevelopmentReleases explains how to do that in a sane way :)07:07
dholbachI personally had chroots (explained on there as well) for a long time, but now I almost exclusively use kvm (used virtualbox in the past)07:07
dholbachyou absolutely need to be able to test packages in the ubuntu version you're about to upload them for :-)07:08
nixternalteach me ol' great one!07:08
dholbachnixternal: come on... you've been around long enough already :)07:09
* genii feeds nixternal some pie to quieten him down07:09
dholbachfor now, let's just keep using the version we're all comfortable with, but please make a note to set up a VM at some stage :-)07:09
dholbachplease run:07:09
dholbach  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-dev-tools devscripts build-essential gnupg07:09
dholbachit will install a bunch of packages for you we're going to need for the session07:10
nixternalisn't gnupg installed by default already?07:10
dholbachmaybe nixternal can exaplain what they're there for07:10
dholbachnixternal: just making sure :)07:10
nixternalk, confused me for a sec07:10
rayluif we're packaging for the current release, we won't need the latest dev release, right?07:10
zaidkawhat! none of them is installed by default07:10
geniiI have to beg out, I'll be /away but checking the backscroll later07:10
dholbachraylu: for now we'll just play around with the tools, set things up and so on07:10
nixternalraylu: correct, though you never know when you will want to start developing for the next release07:11
dholbachraylu: if you want to upload packages for karmic, you need to have them built and tested on karmic :)07:11
dholbachraylu: I hope that makes sense07:11
* nixternal notes to fix it in the dev cycle and backport/sru as needed to the current stable release07:11
* ara remembers that if there is someone that prefer to make questions in Spanish, they can be posted at #ubuntu-classroom-chat-es07:11
nixternalthanks ara!07:11
rayludholbach: right; just that you said we "absolutely" need the latest dev release07:12
* nixternal goes back to watching and hushes up07:12
dholbachraylu: right, "absolutely" for testing :-)07:12
dholbachand "in some form" :)07:12
dholbachso this is what the packages are for:07:12
rww"Please select the mail server configuration type that best meets your needs." =/07:12
dholbachrww: you can purge mailx and the mailserver afterwards - sorry07:13
dholbachor use --no-install-recommends07:13
dholbach(in the apt-get call)07:13
nixternalrww: just do the top selection, no configuration for now07:13
dholbach - gnupg (installed by default as nixternal said) can sign and encrypt files (we use it to sign source packages)07:13
dholbach - build-essential: will install the bare minimum to be able to compile (very simple packages): the compiler, make, etc.07:14
dholbach - devscripts: a bunch of tools that make Debian packaging much easier (especially repetitive tasks)07:15
dholbach - ubuntu-dev-tools: much like devscripts, but more closely tied to Ubuntu07:15
dholbachany questions so far?07:15
teknicoI got here late07:16
slangasekusing --no-install-recommends (or setting it in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/) is highly advisable for a development chroot, not just because it saves download/configuration time, but because that's a more accurate model of how the buildds work07:16
teknicoare there logs anywhere?07:16
dholbachteknico: sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends ubuntu-dev-tools devscripts build-essential gnupg    (is where we are right now)07:16
dholbachplus a bunch of links that will be available on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training later on07:17
dholbachok, please edit   ~/.pbuilderrc    in your favourite editor and add the following07:17
dholbachCOMPONENTS="main universe multiverse restricted"07:17
dholbachand then save the file07:17
rwwteknico: http://paste.ubuntu.com/161169/07:17
dholbachwe often use a tool called pbuilder which will build source packages in a minimal environment for us (sets up that environment, installs the build-depends packages, builds the package, etc in an automated fashion)07:18
dholbachfor now just run07:19
dholbach   pbuilder-dist create <your Ubuntu version>         (hardy, jaunty, karmic, whatever)07:19
dholbachit will set up the initial pbuilder07:19
dholbachthe nice thing about pbuilder-dist is, that you can set up different build environments for karmic, jaunty, intrepid, hardy, etc etc :)07:19
dholbach(also Debian versions)07:20
dholbachso that's pretty neatr07:20
Crusherdholbach: if you already have a pbuilder environment setup, will this overwrite it?07:20
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto has more info about that tool07:20
dholbachCrusher: did you use pbuilder-dist?07:20
rwwdholbach: are "create" and "<your ubuntu version>" switched around? I'm getting an error07:20
Crusherdholbach: no07:20
dholbachrww: they are :-)07:20
dholbach   pbuilder-dist <your Ubuntu version> create        (hardy, jaunty, karmic, whatever)07:20
dholbachthanks a lot rww07:20
* dholbach didn't sleep very well last night *yawn*07:21
dholbachCrusher: in that case it shouldn't, but you can safely skip the step as well07:21
dholbachok... while that's running, let's set up a GPG key07:21
dholbachwho of you does not have a GPG key set up yet?07:21
jost86i might have one... but I dont remember it07:22
dholbachawesome, looks like we can skip a step :)07:22
jost86well go ahead07:22
dholbachjost86: what does     ls ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg     say?07:22
dholbachdo you have that file?07:22
jost86yep, present07:23
dholbachbasically I would have run you through the steps of:07:23
dholbach  gpg --gen-key07:23
dholbach  gpg --send-keys <key>07:24
dholbachand putting it up on Launchpad07:24
raylui'd "gpg -K" to make sure you actually have a key07:24
dholbachraylu: good one - great07:24
jost86k, i think i'll figure that out :) thx07:24
dholbachif you didn't put up your GPG key on Launchpad, you can do it here:   https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editpgpkeys07:25
dholbachin the beginning you won't need the GPG key very often, as you're not directly allowed to upload packages to Ubuntu yet07:26
dholbachbut I'll get back to the "upload packages part" in a bit07:26
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dholbachif you use bash (default shell), please add something like this to your ~/.bashrc07:26
dholbachexport DEBFULLNAME='Daniel Holbach'07:26
dholbachexport DEBEMAIL='daniel.holbach@ubuntu.com'07:26
dholbachthese are variables that are used by the tools in devscripts and it'll save you typing your name over and over again :)07:27
dholbach(editing changelog entries is one of the very common use-cases)07:27
dholbachanother thing you need to make sure when you're working on Ubuntu packages is that you have source package repositories enabled in apt07:28
dholbachso you need something like this in your /etc/apt/sources.list07:28
dholbachdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty restricted main multiverse universe07:28
dholbach(of course replace jaunty with karmic or hardy or whatever you're using)07:28
dholbachyou can also use the System -> Administration -> Software Sources tool07:29
dholbach(or whatever it's called in English, sorry :-))07:29
dholbachonce you've configured that, you can simply run07:29
dholbach   sudo apt-get update07:30
dholbach   apt-get source hello07:30
dholbachand it will download you the current source code for that package from the archive07:30
dholbachany questions up until now?07:30
dholbachso let's run07:31
dholbach  apt-get source hello07:31
dholbachit's a very very boring package, but we'll download it anyway now07:31
dholbachapt is going to download the following files:07:31
dholbach hello_2.2-3.diff.gz07:31
dholbach hello_2.2-3.dsc07:32
dholbach hello_2.2.orig.tar.gz07:32
dholbach(might be other versions on your system)07:32
dholbachlet's go through them one by one07:32
dholbachthe .orig.tar.gz file is the original pristine untouched tarball that was downloaded from the website of the software authors07:33
dholbachin this case it's from something like ftp.gnu.org07:33
dholbachit's important that we don't change it (only very rare cases where it's justified), but merely rename it to something like07:33
dholbach   <software project>_<version>.orig.tar.gz07:33
dholbachthe .diff.gz file contains the compressed set of changes we need to apply to make the package build the Ubuntu or Debian way07:34
dholbachthat's "the packaging"07:34
dholbachbasically we add a directory called  ./debian/  to the source which further describes the package, the history of the packaging, the copyright and so on07:35
dholbachwhen I said "make it build the Ubuntu/Debian way", I meant that we wrap a build process around the existing build system that the upstream package offers07:36
dholbachin the standard case of a C+autotools project that would be something like   ./configure; make; sudo make install07:36
dholbachin a python+setuptools case that would be    python setup.py install   (or something like that)07:36
dholbachthe reason for that is: we want just one way to build packages :-)07:37
dholbachthe .dsc file contains just some bits of metadata, like the md5sum of the files, etc.07:37
dholbachare there any questions up until now?07:37
Crusherdholbach: under what circumstances do we make native packages?07:38
dholbachCrusher: good question07:38
rwwdholbach: I have a directory hello-2.2 with a bunch of files in it too, that you didn't mention...07:38
dholbachrww: will get to that in a sec07:38
dholbachit seems that Crusher has read a few chapters of the packaging guide already :-)07:38
rwwdholbach: oh, okay. Just checking I didn't do something wrong :)07:38
dholbachrww: no, you're doing great :-)07:39
rayluafter you answer that... what if their source relies on a directory called "debian" already?07:39
dholbachso in the case of a native package, you just have a    <project>_<version>.tar.gz    and a    <project>_<version>.dsc     file07:39
dholbachwhich means all Packaging changes are in the .tar.gz file too07:40
dholbachso you can't easily tell apart which change was done by the packager and which came from upstream07:40
dholbachalso it means that for every small packaging change (update the package description for example) you need to upload the whole tarball (might be several MB)07:41
dholbachin the other case you just upload the .diff.gz and the .dsc (ie: 1.2-1: upload the .tar.gz, 1.2-2: just upload the .diff.gz)07:42
dholbachok, so why do we use that option?07:42
dholbachin some cases we are upstream of the package (and don't do regular .tar.gz releases) and keep everything in svn or bzr or git or whatever07:43
dholbachin that case, especially if it's a small package, we just dump everything in that .tar.gz file and make it a native package07:43
dholbachCrusher: did that make sense?07:44
Crusherdholbach: yes07:44
dholbachraylu: some upstream maintainers decide to ship their own Debian packaging, so there's a debian/ directory already07:44
dholbachthat's one of the rare cases where we repackage the tarball and rip out the existing packaging07:45
dholbachit makes reading the .diff.gz much easier07:45
nixternalwhat about asking upstream to release a prestine tarball without a debian directory?07:45
dholbachnixternal: very good point, it makes a lot of sense to do that07:45
dholbachbut in the meantime that's probably what you do07:45
dholbachalright... cracking on and getting to rww's question07:46
dholbachwhat about the hello-2.2 directory07:46
dholbach"apt-get source" (actually it's dpkg-source -x) is a clever tool - what it did for us was07:46
dholbach - extract the tarball07:46
dholbach - use the .diff.gz and patch the code with our packaging changes07:47
dholbach(and check the md5sums along the way)07:47
dholbachso if you check out the hello-2.2 directory, you'll see that there's a debian/ directory already07:47
dholbachnow let's test-build the package07:47
dholbachplease run07:47
dholbach   pbuilder-dist <your release> build hello_*.dsc07:47
dholbachthis might take some time07:48
dholbachand I hope you all get addicted of watching build messages fly by and get involved with Ubuntu development :-)07:48
rayluif i wanted that, i'd be using gentoo07:49
dholbachhaha :)07:49
dholbach  ~/pbuilder/*_result/   should now contain the resulting .deb file07:49
dholbachraylu: right but in our case, you do one fix and 10 million other users benefit from it07:50
dholbachif you check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes you'll find a bunch of examples of what you can do with the packaging tools and perform simpler tasks like "upgrade package to a new upstream", "make a small change", etc.07:51
dholbachonce you created a small patch, you can use the Sponsorship Process to get it included in Ubuntu07:51
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess has all the gory details07:51
dholbachso what's that for?07:51
dholbachyou're only allowed to upload Ubuntu source packages directly when you're part of the development team07:52
dholbachuntil then you need to get your patches reviewed and then uploaded by somebody else07:52
dholbachso what you do is: attach the patch to a bug report on Launchpad (or link to the source package you uploaded somewhere)07:53
imbrandonits not as scary as it sounds07:53
dholbachthen subscribe the sponsors team07:53
dholbachand they'll review the patch, give you feedback, etc.07:53
dholbachthen apply the patch to the source package, sign it with their GPG key and upload it for you07:53
dholbachimbrandon: exactly07:53
dholbachthe sponsors team is a really friendly bunch and you'll learn a lot that way07:53
dholbachonce you've been through that process a couple of times, people will tell you that you should join the team, and then it's time to send in a short "application"07:54
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers has more details about that07:54
dholbachdid that scare you? :-)07:54
dholbachdo you have any questions about the process?07:54
* jost86 dreams of being rich and famous ;)07:55
teknicothe pbuilder command built a .deb package07:55
dholbachteknico: so you're scared? or do you have a question? :)07:55
dholbachteknico: yep07:55
teknicothe dsc file is no more signed, though07:55
teknicohow come?07:56
rwwdholbach: "patch" in the above means debdiffs we create with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff , right?07:56
dholbachteknico: I usually don't use the .dsc files from *result/, but I guess it's to make sure you don't upload them accidentally07:57
imbrandonteknico:  correct you'll have to source build and resign after pbuilder if testing goes ok07:57
dholbachteknico: dput will refuse to upload them for you (unless you force it to)07:57
imbrandonrww: correct07:57
dholbachrww: a general patch should be fine, but a debdiff (with a nice changelog entry) will speed things up07:57
dholbachthat's one of the most important points: always document your work properly07:58
dholbachnext week we're going to have a session about PPAs, so Dustin Kirkland will talk a bit about how to upload packages to Launchpad07:58
dholbachthat should be interesting and tie in quite well with this session07:59
dholbachany more questions? :)07:59
djailscan you point me to docs on how to package shared libs ?07:59
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted should contain all the links I mentioned earlier07:59
dholbachdjails: hang on07:59
dholbachhttp://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-sharedlibs.html is the debian policy section for it08:00
dholbachand we had a session about that already, let me find it08:00
djailsawesome !08:01
dholbachit's been a while since that session, but most things should not have changed08:01
dholbachalso I'd recommend checking out a few very simple other library packages08:01
dholbachlibsexy for example08:01
dholbachany other questions?08:01
sbeattiedholbach: is there anything specific about packaging perl packages?08:02
dholbachok cool - feel free to join #ubuntu-motu and ask all questions there - the people in there are really friendly and will help you out for sure08:02
dholbachsbeattie: I'm sure there is, I just did one in the past and used perlmodule.mk (part of CDBS) and made sure I used ${perl:Depends} somewhere08:03
dholbachsbeattie: that's all I know08:03
sbeattiedholbach: okay, thanks.08:04
dholbachok... thanks a lot everybody - it's been a great session!08:05
* Rail is going to request sponsorship for some packages :)08:05
dholbachI had a lot of fun and hope to see you guys around more often from now on!08:05
dholbachRail: awesome!08:05
djailsdholbach: thanks, i ll try the REVU process for my pkg08:05
Raildholbach: thank you very much08:05
dholbachdjails: perfect08:05
rwwdholbach: Are the various videos on the ubuntudevelopers youtube account still up-to-date (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKLabbXTqMc ), or have there been any changes in the last year or so to watch out for?08:06
dholbachhave a great day everybody and hope to see you at the next sessions too :)08:06
dholbachrww: there should be only small changes like change "hardy" to "jaunty" or something08:06
dholbachrww: in principle it should be all the same still08:06
rwwdholbach: excellent, thanks :)08:07
dholbachrock on everybody! :-)08:07
Crusherthanks for the session dholbach, you have a great day aswell.08:07
* thekorn hugs dholbach, great session08:10
dholbachgracias thekorn08:10
dmedholbach: Very useful, thanks.08:11
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melat0ninis this the place for the sabdfl chat at 3?14:13
melat0ninhm, i'm two days late14:15
kenvandine_wkmelat0nin: there are logs :)14:15
melat0ninkenvandine_wk: yeah got 'em, thankyou :) had a Fridge item in my RSS feed for about ten days now saying the chat was on the 30th, didn't think to check ><14:16
kenvandine_wkmelat0nin: oh... yeah i think it was originally proposed for today14:16
melat0ninoh well, the logs make interesting reading anyway :)14:17
jcastrowooo, 1 hour, 40 minutes until Open Week begins again!14:20
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to Open Week || Session: 1500 UTC: With a Little Help || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek || All questions to #ubuntu-classroom-chat
mmaretjcastro: what's the subject of the next one?  With a Little Help sounds a bit like mistery :)14:22
mmaretand the description on the wiki is empty14:23
jcastrobasically, how to find and get help14:24
mmaretok thx ;)14:25
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jcastro35 minutes!15:26
jcastroimbrandon: looking for me earlier?15:26
imbrandonjcastro: yes, but i got to run for a few, can i hit you up before your day ends for like 15 min ?15:26
imbrandonhere or IM either one :)15:26
jcastroI am relocating to a hotel for penguicon at some point today but I'll be around15:26
imbrandoni'll only be gone like an hour15:27
imbrandonor so15:27
jcastrono worries15:27
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billybigriggerpenguicon? might have to google that one...15:37
billybigriggerwhere's that?15:37
jcastro15 minute warning!15:46
jcastroeffie_jayx: 15 minutes!15:46
effie_jayxjcastro, cool ;)15:47
jcastro5 minute warning15:55
jcastrothanks everyone for showing up today!15:55
jcastrothe schedule is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek15:56
jcastroas always, please keep this channel clear during the sessions15:56
jcastroand put your questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat15:56
jcastrowe're on day 4 of openweek!15:56
jcastroif you have feedback, good, bad, or otherwise, please send me a note to jorge@ubuntu.com15:57
jcastroso that we can make Open Week better!15:57
effie_jayxjcastro, ready?16:00
jcastrotake it away sir!16:01
effie_jayxHello, My name is Efrain Valles from Maracaibo, Venezuela. I am a member of the LoCo (Local Community) Council and the Ubuntu Membership Board of the Americas. I am also an _on and off_ basic packaging contributor and I love lurking for tricks and stuff to do on Ubuntu.16:01
effie_jayxWelcome to "With a little help", This talk is intended for new ubuntu users that have joined the ubuntu world but would like to know how to find. I'll be sharing with you quite a few links so please have your bookmark ready in your favorite web browser.16:01
effie_jayxAlso keep an eye for important _HINTS_ I will be giving you during the talk.16:01
effie_jayxAs you may already know, all questions go in #ubuntu-classroom-chat, all you need to do is prefix your question with "QUESTION:", example: "QUESTION: Where is Maracaibo?" and it magically appears here.16:02
effie_jayxLet's get started.16:02
effie_jayxThis is the Agenda for "With a little help":16:03
effie_jayx* Get to know your UBUNTU.16:03
effie_jayx* Command line and UI.16:03
effie_jayx* Meet the community help resourses.16:03
effie_jayx* Considerations when using community support.16:03
effie_jayx* The internet wilderness.16:03
effie_jayx* Enter Commercial support.16:03
effie_jayx* Help others.16:03
effie_jayxFirst of all, welcome to Ubuntu as well. It is a Free and Open Source software sponsored by Canonical LTD. and it is the result of a great effort of a global community of developers and a conglomerate of projects in the free and open source world. make sure you check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions16:03
effie_jayx* Get to know your new OS16:04
effie_jayxGetting to know your new os is very important, this helps you feel confortable on the strenghs of (K)(X)ubuntu. You probably feel at home with your old os, but this is because you took the time to know the whereabouts.16:04
effie_jayxAsk these questions to yourself:16:05
effie_jayx* What version of Ubuntu, Kubuntu or Xubuntu are you using?16:05
effie_jayx* What desktop environment are you using?16:05
effie_jayx* What are the names of the applications you are using?16:05
effie_jayxAll of these will provide to be good keywords for narrowing down searches and sorting through topics easily. make sure you check https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/windows/C/glossary.html and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Glossary16:05
effie_jayxDesktop Environments and Command Line Interface.16:06
effie_jayxYou need to be able to find yourself in the graphical interface you are using so I suggest you check, the basic GNOME introduction. https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/newtoubuntu/C/index.html/overview.html which will lead you to documentation on how to get stuff done on your new system. If your  use Kubuntu  you can try the KDE docuemntation http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdebase-runtime/userguide/index.html. For Xubuntu users you c16:06
effie_jayxan check out http://www.xfce.org/documentation/4.2/.16:06
effie_jayxSome applications may be different from one another in Ubuntu, Kubuntu or Xubuntu so it is helpfull to remember the names for when you are doing a search on that particular application. Example if you want to fix and issue with your instant messenger in Kubuntu. "My account won't login using Kopete".16:07
effie_jayxOnce you get acquainted to the interface I am sure you will feel right at home. :D16:07
effie_jayxOne thing that many users are intrigued by is the Linux Command line. It is perhaps one of the most useful tools in every linux environment. Learning how to use it is really simple and to receive help I sugest that you learn to do basic tasks with it. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal is a great place to start.16:07
effie_jayxAnd you might think I am imposing command line, but the truth is there are different Desktop Environments and the command line stays the same for most of them. Installing and application in a different Kubuntu may be different in steps if you compare it to Xubuntu. so installing from a command line will guarantee you get it done faster.16:08
effie_jayxPlus most of the help on the INTERNET at some point orients you to some command line usage. so it is always good to know the basics.16:09
effie_jayx_HINT_: always check the command you are using to get something done. if you intend to use "sudo apt-get install foo" then it is useful to check that apt-get is a command that actually does what you want it to do. You can check this using man.16:09
effie_jayxman apt-get16:10
effie_jayxWith all of that under our belt. then we are ready to actually get some help :D.16:10
effie_jayxI do not see any questions up to this point so I will continue and check back with your questions later.16:11
effie_jayxMeet the community help resources:16:11
effie_jayxThe community offers services that are oriented for different kinds of people. and they all encourage you to come and ask but also to consider that your questions or issues may have been already answered or solved.16:11
effie_jayxThe Ubuntu Community offers:16:11
effie_jayx* Official Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/16:11
effie_jayx* Excellent Community Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community and https://wiki.ubuntu.com16:11
effie_jayx* Web forums: http://www.ubuntuforums.org16:11
effie_jayx* Mailing lists: lists.ubuntu.com16:11
effie_jayx* LoCo (Local Community) Teams can help.16:11
effie_jayx* Live Chat (IRC): #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels in the freenode server.16:11
effie_jayx* Answers through Launchpad: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu16:11
effie_jayxand much more16:12
effie_jayxThe Official Docuemntation: The Official Documentation is made available by the the Ubuntu Documentation Project, and it covers _supported_ versions of Ubuntu. It offers help from very basic tasks to advanced topics like installing server applications and such. https://help.ubuntu.com/16:12
effie_jayxThe Community documentation available https://help.ubuntu.com/community is written by people like you, though who about sharing what they had learned. you can also contribute by registering and login into the site.16:13
effie_jayxThe Ubuntu Forums, these are perhaps one of the key elements in the community support scheme. Its interactiveness and the great feeling of people that _live_ in this place is just fantastic. very organized and helpful people. I trongly suggest the basic Absolute Beginner Talk at http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=326 also check the Ubuntu Forums FAQ http://ubuntuforums.org/announcement.php?f=4816:14
effie_jayx_HINT_: please make sure you read and abide by the Forum Code of Conduct in the forums as it helps keeping it a great place. http://ubuntuforums.org/index.php?page=policy.16:15
effie_jayxCommunity support Mailing lists hosted in https://lists.ubuntu.com/#Community+Support are a great place if you are good at emails. there are several mailing lists available and searching the archives can be a very useful to and you avoid double posting. Subscribing to some of them is actually very good if you would like to find out what other people may be experiencing.16:16
effie_jayx_HINT_: Do not ask for Ubuntu CD's in the Launchpad Mailing lists use ship it shipit.ubuntu.com ;)16:16
effie_jayxLoCo Communities can help:16:17
effie_jayxLoCo Teams are a great group of people in almost every country in the world and they can certainly help you. they are close to you and they might be running event check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList and see if they offer support.16:17
effie_jayxYou can read more about LoCo teams at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams16:19
effie_jayxLive Chat on IRC:16:19
effie_jayxUbuntu help is always at hand with live chat. people from all over the world gather in support channels to help you solve your issues. The language used is English as it is considered a universal language but you can check a language specific channel or your LoCo team IRC channel and ask questions in your language. Check the list of channels at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat16:19
effie_jayx_HINT_: make sure you follow the CoC guidelines when using IRC https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct/.16:20
effie_jayxand do not feed the trolls :)16:20
effie_jayxUbuntu being hosted at Launchpad.net offers Answers. this is a service that aims to make getting help simple. you ask your question and people answer. Pretty straight-forward. you can check it out at https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu.16:20
effie_jayxI'll take the one question we have got on Answers16:21
effie_jayx<ziroday> QUESTION: What is the difference between the forums and LP answers?16:22
effie_jayxwell, Answers is a service of launchpad and its aim is to be straight and simple you as another answers16:22
effie_jayxthe main difference with the forums being you do not need to cataloge you question before you ask and the content is strictly limited to questions16:23
effie_jayxwhere in forums you might have tutorials and more. the idea being Ansers is much more direct.16:24
effie_jayxziroday, does that answer your question?16:24
zirodayeffie_jayx: yep, thanks!16:24
effie_jayxNow that we know the community resources let's consider a few things16:25
effie_jayx* Considerations when using community support:16:25
effie_jayx- The work is done by volunteers so be patient and wait for your turn ;). Usually there is a great number of people volunteering so there shouldn't be a problem with getting help but if you ask on a Sunday at 04:00 it might make it a bit tough to get help.16:25
OmarmanI'm on a laptop with Nvidia 8600 graphics (DELL XPS 1530), Jaunty install. Is there a way to activate external monitor on separate x screen without having to restart X?16:25
sebsebsebOmarman: wrong channel ask in #ubuntu :)16:25
effie_jayxhello Omarman  you might want to try that in  #ubuntu ;)16:25
jcastrohey, a live example!16:26
OmarmanThank you guys16:26
effie_jayxmost definetelly :D16:26
effie_jayx- Demonstrate that you are trying to solve your problem. Read enough documentation or forum posts so that when people try to help you, you can visualize and internalize what people are trying to tell you by evoking prior knowledge. You are also letting whoever is helping you that you are trying hard ;)16:26
effie_jayxand if they know you are trying hard ... they will try even harder to help you16:27
effie_jayx- Follow the Ubuntu Code of Conduct at all times and always be polite when asking and follow specific guidelines for each service. Manners matter.16:27
effie_jayx- Make sure you always double check any suggestions you get from the INTERNET just in case you run into malicious code.16:27
effie_jayx- ASK you question, The only stupid question is the one that doesn't get asked. Aslo don't ask to ask ... just ASK16:29
effie_jayx- Make sure you add the words Ubuntu Kubuntu or Xubuntu to every search to narrow down results16:29
effie_jayx- If results are only available for other linux distros then check if those are specific to that distro or if they work with your ubuntu system.16:31
effie_jayx- It is not advised to add third party repositories to install applications that are not in the ubuntu repositories unless you feel confident the packages in that repository are safe. If you are in doubt then DON'T.16:31
effie_jayxand good call to sebsebseb16:31
effie_jayxEnter Commercial Support:16:32
effie_jayxIf you need to be covered with a dedicated support line then you must get support from canonical https://shop.canonical.com/. they will give you that World Class support you expect from a software vendor. and since Ubuntu is free and Open Source. the money they ask for suport seems like a good investment :D. there is support for 5/9 (office hours) and 24/7 for an around the clock support availability.16:32
sebsebsebeffie_jayx: for  reminding you that some software sources can possibily be bad16:33
effie_jayxmost definetely16:33
effie_jayxConsider commercial support if you are not much of  power user16:34
effie_jayxthe reson for this is simple. You want your system to work and since ubuntu is FOSS then it is wise to spend the bucks you were paying in third party apps like anti virus and office suites.16:35
effie_jayxSpend it on support. and you can call if anything goes wrong16:36
LHCubuntu > all according to this bible16:36
effie_jayxHelp others:16:37
effie_jayxUbuntu is all about helping one another. So help others and Share UBUNTU TODAY.16:37
effie_jayxthat's it for my talk I will take questions from now untill my time is up. which is a bit more thant 20 minutes16:37
effie_jayx<BobJonkman>QUESTION: Can I purchase on-site support from Canonical?16:38
effie_jayxI am not sure, maybe jcastro can help us with that16:38
effie_jayxThere is no world wide onsite support, for sure16:39
effie_jayxbut I do not know if there is any in Uk, the US or Canada16:39
jcastroI am not sure16:40
effie_jayxQUESTION:  If I'm not comfortable using the command line, is add/remove or synaptic package manager better and how do I know which one to use when?16:41
effie_jayxwell add/remove makes finding and installing packages very simple and intuitive16:41
effie_jayxsynaptics is very powerfull but it includes libraries and onder packages. it includes installing packages by tasks16:42
effie_jayxif you do not feel confortable installing through a command line, ofcouse you can use add/remove. However this feature may be different in Kubuntu16:43
effie_jayx<akgraner> does that cover it?16:44
akgranereffie_jayx, yep!  :)16:45
effie_jayxsebsebseb is also pointing out that Adept is by default in Kubuntu16:46
effie_jayxalso a very interesting point is that commands like apt-get is deprecated , and aptitude is the replacement16:48
effie_jayxsebsebseb, anything else we can add to that ?16:48
sebsebsebeffie_jayx: no apt-get is deprecated in Debian, but not in Ubuntu16:48
effie_jayxahh right. sorry ;)16:48
sebsebsebUbuntu is based on Debian for those that didn't know,  with Debian being one of the first Linux distributions16:48
effie_jayxwell "With a little help" of sebsebseb we sorted that :P16:49
sebsebsebaptitude is  better at dealing with dependancies than apt-get,  so  it's usually better to install big stuff such as  xubuntu-desktop, or kubuntu-desktop,  if running Ubuntu,  with sudo aptitude install   rather than apt-get install16:50
effie_jayxwe got more comments just before we wrapp up16:51
effie_jayxAdept is not the default package manager in Kubuntu from jaunty on. it's replaced by kpackagekit16:51
effie_jayxthanks james_w :D16:51
effie_jayxakgraner, but it does prove the point that things do change in the desktop environment and command line comes in handy16:52
sebsebseb[16:51] <james_w> sebsebseb: apt-get isn't deprecated in Debian, and it now has the same handling of meta-packages as aptitude, so that doesn't matter so much anymore16:53
effie_jayx<^arky^> Question: There is very sparse information about Ubuntu a11y features apart from those from upstream Gnome. Also the Ubuntu installer selection of a accessible install is very difficult for the blind user. Is there any plans to rectify this16:53
effie_jayxI believe I can forward this question to the Documentation Team16:54
jcastro5 minute warning!16:54
effie_jayxthey held great sessions on tuesday on Docs Day16:54
effie_jayxand I believe you can help too :D16:55
effie_jayx^arky^, does that cover your question?16:55
^arky^Yes, I think so. But it would be great if you can forward this question16:56
effie_jayx^arky^,I will16:56
effie_jayxwell thank you all for coming by to learn a bit about how you can get some help. Special thanks to sebsebseb  and james_w  and all of you at #ubuntu-classroom-chat for such delightful talk16:57
effie_jayxjcastro, thanks16:57
james_wthanks effie_jayx, nice talk16:57
jcastrothanks effie_jayx!16:57
^arky^thanks effie_jayx16:57
sebsebsebeffie_jayx: thanks, it was good16:57
adiroibaneffie_jayx: thanks!16:58
akgranereffie_jayx, Thanks!16:58
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to Open Week || Session: 1600 UTC: Running a Local Team || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek || All questions to #ubuntu-classroom-chat
jcastroadiroiban: ok, quick break for everyone then you can begin!16:58
zirodaythanks effie_jayx!16:58
charlie-tcaThanks, effie_jayx16:59
adiroibanHi, My name is Adi Roiban, and I am here as a member of Ubuntu Translation Community.17:02
adiroibanDurring this session I will try to touch some aspect about running an Ubuntu localization team and assuring translations quality17:02
adiroibanDavid Planella (dpm) is also here, on behalf of Canonical.17:03
adiroibanBeside this session, feel free to contact me or David for any question related to Ubuntu Translation Process.17:03
adiroibanWe will start with a short presentation, followed by a question and answer session.17:03
adiroibanDon't forget that tomorrow, at the same hour, David will run an OpenWeek session entitled "Demythifying Launchpad Translations".17:04
adiroibanFirst off all I will do a short introduction to Ubuntu Translation process, similar with the one done during "Translating Ubuntu Docs" session.17:04
adiroibanUbuntu localization process is based on Launchpad Translation web tool.17:04
adiroibanYou can learn how to use Launchpad Translations by reading the Launchpad help pages: https://help.launchpad.net/Translations17:04
adiroibanYou can start translating Ubuntu right away, by following this page:17:05
adiroibanEveryone is free to help translating Ubuntu  into his/her language.17:05
adiroibanWhen I said that everyone is free to help translating Ubuntu into his/her language, I mean that everyone can add suggestion / possible translations for an original text17:05
adiroibanIn Ubuntu, we have Ubuntu Localization teams, and they act as Translation Quality Assurance Team. They will review and approve suggestions.17:05
adiroibanIf you are an active translator and you are doing a great translation job you can request to join the Ubuntu Localization team appointed for your language17:06
adiroibanHere you can find the team appointed for your language:17:06
adiroibanFor any questions related to the translations of Ubuntu docs into your language, please contact the team appointed to your language.17:06
adiroibanThere is a wiki page dedicated to Translating Ubuntu https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TranslatingUbuntu17:07
adiroibanIf you are translating Ubuntu from time to time, or you are a member of an Ubuntu Translation/Localization team, you will find the above wikipage useful17:07
adiroibanRoughly we can consider that we can have 2 types of Ubuntu localization teams.17:07
adiroiban1. Emerging teams17:08
adiroiban2. Well established teams17:08
adiroibanDuring this session, I will focus on the emerging teams, but member of well established teams are invited to add suggestions and share best practices17:09
adiroibanLike I said in the beginning, Ubuntu Translations teams act as quality assurance teams for localization. In the same time they are responsible for translating Ubuntu specific packages17:09
adiroibanHere is a list of Ubuntu specific packages.17:09
adiroibanWhen you are member / coordinator of a new team you will find  there is long road in front of you and your team.17:10
adiroibanThere is a lot of work, so few members in the team. and assuring translations quality and consistency seems like an unachievable goal.17:10
adiroibanWhile the team has less than 5 active members it is  a good idea to keep the team open, but as soon as the team starts to be active and it has dedicated contributors consider moderating the membership for new members.17:11
adiroibanBy allowing everyone to approve translations it will be very hard to assure the translation quality.17:11
adiroibanBy moderating the team, each new member will be evaluated. This does not imply a closed team, it's just that new teams are made aware of the teams process and rules.17:11
adiroibanAfter the team has 2 or 3 active contributors please consider defining a guidelines for your team.17:12
adiroibanThe guidelines should be a set of rules/steps/indication about how you should translate Ubuntu into your language, together with some info about the translation process from your team.17:12
adiroibanFor the information regarding how to translate Ubuntu intro your language, please consult with the other translations teams that are doing translations for your language.17:13
adiroibanBy doing so you will assure the consistency between the translations made by your team and for example GNOME, KDE, Mozilla localization team...17:13
adiroibanI tried to create a skeleton for such a guide17:13
adiroibanThere is an option to add a big banner in Launchpad Translations to warn new translators about the guildelines17:14
adiroibanHere is a short tutorial about how to include your guidelines in Launchpad17:14
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adiroibanTranslations teams always struggle between translation quality/consistency and translation completeness.17:15
adiroibanMy suggestion is to balance the above goals.17:15
adiroibanSource texts are added or modified very often and if you focus to much on quality there is a risk to loose the motivation, as your will not see to much progress.17:15
adiroibanAlso while being member of an Ubuntu Translation Team please don't forget about other active translations teams for your language.17:16
adiroibanUbuntu includes packages from many projects like GNOME, KDE and Ubuntu Translations teams should check the consistency of those packages as a whole.17:16
adiroibanFor shared translations please do the translations upstream and then only check them in Launchpad.17:16
adiroibanThis mean that for those translations you should work together with the upstream teams.17:17
adiroibanWhile running an localization team you can improve the quality of translations made by other translators by giving feedback.17:17
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adiroibanyou can consider creating a localization section on the Ubuntu Forum dedicated to your language17:17
adiroibanalso you can get in touch with other Ubuntu translators using the Ubuntu Translations mailing list17:18
adiroibanor joining #ubuntu-translators IRC channel on  freenode17:18
adiroibanNow we will continue with the questions and answer part.17:20
adiroibanAlso if you are member of on Ubuntu Localization team and would like to share some best practices, feel free to share them here.17:20
adiroibanany questions ?17:21
adiroibanBobJonkman: QUESTION: What sort of things get translated? Just documentation?17:21
adiroibanUbuntu translations team handles both user interface  and documentation17:22
adiroibanfor for example we also translate the Ubuntu Start page17:23
adiroibanand help with the translations of other texts, example Ubuntu Release Notes17:23
adiroibanWhen there is a request for such a translations, it is always announces via the ubuntu-translators mailing list https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-translators17:24
adiroibanany other questions?17:25
adiroibanhow many of you are already members of an Ubuntu Localization team (please use the -chat channel :)17:26
adiroibanDoruHush: QUESTION: What is the relation between the translation teams and the team that update the packages in order to be included in the regular system updates after the main release. What translation team should do in order that their work to be included in yhe regular system updates?17:26
hemanthQUESTION : My professor is good at translation , but he is not good in using computers , he can translate hard copies , how can he help17:26
=== hemanth is now known as hmh
adiroibanTranslations team should make sure their translations are made available in Launchpad17:27
adiroibanin order to create a updated package for a language17:28
adiroibanthe maintainer of the language package extracts the translations from Launchpad17:28
adiroibanbasicaly, a translations team should just use Launchpad for translation17:28
adiroibanhemanth: QUESTION : My professor is good at translation , but he is not good in using computers , he can translate hard copies , how can he help17:30
adiroibanHe should learn how to use Launchpad Translations web tool17:30
adiroibantranslating using Launchpad is really easy17:30
adiroibanand basicaly is just like translating hard copies17:31
adiroibanif he still have problems using Launchpad for translation, I suggest to contact the Ubuntu Localization team appointed for his language17:32
adiroibanthey should be able to guide him17:32
adiroibanany other questions?17:33
JyZyXELi say stop wasting time translating, everyone can read english so there is no point making crappy translations that are just annoying17:34
adiroibanI think that you should translate for people that don't know english.17:36
adiroibana rought statistics sais that only 1.8 bilions of people knows english17:36
adiroibanthe translations are targeted to the other 5 bilions people17:36
adiroibandpm: adiroiban: one thing I'd like to share as a member of a localization team is that resources like the Ubuntu wiki can be quite useful to a localization team, for example to track who's working on a translation in order not to duplicate work.17:39
adiroibanAn example of such pages -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGermanTranslators/Aufgaben/Jaunty (German team). It is also useful for a team to look at what other teams are doing, and maybe learn something new and useful.17:39
adiroibanThank you very much for you attention. We will take a short break, and at 17.00 UTC Billy Cina and Belinda Lopez will continue with a session dedicated to Ubuntu Training17:44
=== nixternal changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to Open Week || Session: 1700 UTC: Ubuntu Training || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek || All questions to #ubuntu-classroom-chat
nixternalthanks adiroiban!!!17:45
dpmthanks Adi!17:47
nixternalIn approximately 5 minutes Billy Cina and Belinda Lopez will provide a session on Ubuntu Training...Please stand by...Thank you!17:55
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nixternaldinda: you ready? it is your turn!18:00
dindaYip - let's roll18:00
dindaGreetings and welcome to the session on Ubuntu Training.18:01
dindaand just for gregknicholson:  ï»¿Lllllllladies and gentlemen!18:01
dinda My name is Belinda Lopez and I am the Training Project Manager for Canonical.18:02
dindaJoining me today is my boss, Billy Cina, the Training Programme Manager and Matthew Lye of the Community-based Ubuntu Learning team.  Matt's at work but will try to answer any questions if needed.18:02
dindaIn our roles at Canonical we deal with both public offerings/sales to the general public as well as providing course materials to our Training Partners.18:02
dinda I'll explain our current catalog in a bit but you can find more info at http://www.ubuntu.com/training18:02
dindaFeel free to stop me at any time and ask questions and we'll also save time at the end.18:03
dindaAt that site you can locate courses in your areas and find our more info on our training partners who offer programs throughout the world.18:03
dindaAnd just as there is both paid for support by Canonical and community resources, there is now a growing movement to have more community-based learning offerings along side our paid for training.18:04
dindaThat new community initiative is being led by Matthew Lye, Charles Proffit, Lyz Krumbach and others in the Ubuntu Learning project.18:04
dindaThey are in the process of setting up a Moodle-based Learning Management Server to create quality offerings for end users and contirbutors.  You can find more info on them at:18:04
dindaCharles led a session Monday during Open Week and you can find the transcript here:18:05
dindaand there's my boss, Billy Cina :)18:05
dindawave billy18:06
* billycina waves18:06
dindaI just learned that yesterday here18:06
billycinasorry - dodgy internet18:06
billycinawhat is it?18:06
dinda0/  means waving18:06
dindaSo what does Canonical offer in the way of training and certifications?18:07
dindaGreat question!  I'll cover both our current offerings and planned offerings but would also love to hear your thoughts on potential courses and certification strategies.18:07
dindaOur current offerings include: the Desktop Course for end users, the Ubuntu Certified Professional for Sys Admins and now. . .18:08
dindaDeploying Ubuntu Server for advanced System Admins18:08
rwis the sabdfl Q and A over or does it still has to start?18:08
dindarw: that was on Tuesday - it got moved18:09
dindaThe Ubuntu Desktop Course available in both classroom and eLearning formats.18:09
rwoh well, maybe on the next release18:09
dinda The classroom version of the course was developed in conjunction with the community and is available under the NC-SA-CC license for any Loco team, non-profit or other group to download and use to teach others.  You can find that course here:18:09
dindaThe eLearning version of the course is available through the Canonical shop at:18:10
dindaIt is a self-paced course and you receive access to the materials for a full year so you can go back and review any topics at any time.18:10
dindaNext in the line of courses is the revised Ubuntu Certified Professional Program.  The UCP is a week long classroom course being offered by our partners.18:10
dindaThe course covers all the basics for System Administrators.18:11
dindaThe course is partial preparation to sit for the Ubuntu 199 exam.  The 199 exam is a follow on to the LPI (Linux Professional Institute) 1 & 2 exams.  You must pass all three exams to be UCP certified and you can take the exams in any order.18:11
dindaIt is also recommended that you have at least six months active experience as a System Administrator.  More info on the exam can be found at:18:11
dindaPartners are standing by ready to take your orders for this course!18:12
dindaIf you have any questions on the UCP program please paste them into the chat channel.18:12
* genii calls the 1-800 number18:12
dinda:)  We just got orders for a course in Brazil with our partner Fuctura so we're excited to see that happen.18:13
Guest44920are there any courses been giving in belgium ?18:13
dindaFuctura also reports that sales of the desktop course are great.18:13
dindaAn eLearning version of the course will be available this summer so stay tuned for more announcements.18:13
=== Guest44920 is now known as yoshi_k
dindaGuest44920: you can check the ubuntu.com/training site to find a local partner18:14
dindabillycina: do you happen to know which partner would cover Belguim?18:15
billycinaguest44920: we are signing up a Dutch partner who will also provide training in Belgium18:15
yoshi_kwould be nice18:15
dindaThe topics in that course include: Installation, Desktop Deployment, Community & Support, LAMP. Mail, Printing, File Servers and Security.18:15
dindaEverything you need to get a small to medium-sized organization up and running on the System Admin side.18:15
dindaMore info on that course adn the 199 certification can be found at:  http://www.ubuntu.com/training/certificationcourses18:15
dindaAnd finally our newest course in the lineup is the Deploying Ubuntu Server course.18:16
yoshi_ksuggestion: include ltsp and terminal server setup and maintance also in the server training our as a seperate module18:16
dindaWe just completed our pilot for this course and are ready to offer it to the general public through the Canonical Shop.18:16
dindayoshi_k: I believe terminal server setup is covered in our Server course but nothing with ltsp at the moment18:17
dindaThe Server course is an all online course, live, instructor led via videoconferencing.18:18
dindaThe course includes access to our live virtual lab environment so you don't even need a local server or servers. We provide you access to a small virtual server farm to test and run labs and try to break and fix. You can do the entire course from your workplace or home.18:18
dindaThe Server course is for intermediate to advanced System Administrators and covers such topics as:18:18
dindaInstallation, Debian Package Management,18:19
dindaVisturalisation & Deployment, Security, Integrity & Performance,18:19
dindaDirectory Services & Authentication18:19
dindaIf that sounds like your idea of fun then come on down to your local Canonical Shop and sign up!18:19
dindaIf you just really love the idea of sitting in a classroom and want an excuse to be away from your desk for a week then starting in June this course will also be offered by our training partners.18:20
dindaAnd since we have collected the best instructors in the whole world all just waiting to answer your tough questions this is a great opportunity to ask the really hard questions like "How do I get a qemu virtual machine to do a PXE boot"?18:20
dindaand don't get me started on Automated Deployments - oy vey!18:20
dindaSo those are the current offerings - what's coming up next you ask?18:21
dindaWell, how about Cloud Computing and Switching from Red Hat/CentOS to Ubuntu and tons of micro-training offerings like. . .18:21
dinda Ubuntu for Cable and other ISP installers, Using an Ubuntu machine to take online courses and whatever else might be helpful to make using and buying Ubuntu systems a breeze.18:22
dindaIf you have ideas please send them to us via tour mailing list at Ubuntu-training-community@lists.ubuntu.com  or join us in #ubuntu-training.18:22
dindaYou can also now follow our tweets at Ubuntu_Training.18:22
dindaOne final thing on certification.  We are in the process of creating an entire certification stratgey similar to other professional programs.18:22
dindaWe would very much like to have your input as to the types of programs you would like to see like a Security Specialist or Ubuntu Certified Developer or other.  If you have any thoughts, again please send them to the mailing list or find me in the IRC channel.18:23
dindaAnd finally, the new Ubuntu Learning Project is now up and running!18:23
dindaThey would like your help in creating quality content for end users and potential contributors.18:23
dindaThey are trying to be a framework for the entire community including the MOTU school, the Beginners Team on the Forums, the Doc Team and even Edubuntu and Loco Teams.18:23
dindaTheir next meeting is May 9 in #ubuntu-meeting @ 2100 UTC.  More info on the team and how to get involved can be found on their wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning18:23
dindaIs Matthew Lye around?  Vantrax18:24
billycinaBelinda Lopez: don't see him18:24
dindaOkay, so that's the basics of what we are working on.18:25
yoshi_knice dinda, looks promising18:25
dindaWe also have some programs for OEMS/ODMS and Support so if you happen to be in that category just contact us.18:25
dindaSo. . .  questions?18:25
billycina(20:10:15) hemanth: Question : Ubuntu Desktop Course 9.04 ??18:25
dindabillycina: anything to add?18:25
billycinaBelinda Lopez: nope - good job!18:26
billycinai will paste questions :)18:26
dindahemanth: Right now we're only focusing on LTS . . .18:26
dindawe thought about interim updates but it's really hard to keep on top of all the little changes18:26
billycina20:11:06) doctormo: Question: If the learning project decides to not allow NC licensed materials, would there still be room for collaberation?18:26
dindaso we find that even if a course is based on an older release the material is still valid except in minor cases18:27
=== redarrow_ is now known as redarrow
dindaoh great - billy tosses me the licensging questions!18:27
dindadoctormo: we're exploring all options for the desktop course licensing and I know the Learning Team has licensing on their agenda for the next meeting18:28
dindaEven if the materials are NC that is often very hard to enforce18:28
dindaso as it is a community-based effort, that team will have to decide on the licensing for their project18:28
billycina(20:12:13) sebsebseb: QUESTION:  How to get a job at Canonical  doing consumer/homeuser suppourt, and I assume business/servers?   Would I have to like study for LP1 first and an  Ubuntu qualification or something?18:29
dindasebsebseb: The LPI and Ubuntu 199 are a great way to show that you're serious about skills18:29
dindaCertification is often a short cut that shows a certain level of competency.18:30
=== xray7224_ is now known as xray7224
dindaBy the end of the year all Canonical Support Persons will be 199 certified!18:30
dindaor so we've been promised by their boss :)18:30
billycina(20:14:11) pleia2: QUESTION: What is the release date of the "Ubuntu Desktop Course - Official Book" in the store? Does it cover 8.04? If not, will a revision be made available in the near future?18:31
sebsebsebdinda: as  far as I know LPI can be studyed at home, and then go somewhere for exams, not sure about the Ubuntu qaulification18:31
dindathe current desktop course is indeed based on 8.04 LTS18:31
dindasebsebseb: exactly, you can self-study or take a course or buy books to help you prepare18:31
dindapleia2: We're looking at updating the Desktop materials for the next LTS. . .18:32
dindaYou can buy the book in the Canonical shop18:32
dindait's already there for purchase18:32
billycina(20:29:24) hemanth: Question: When will Canonical shop for local currency come up ?  I mean no  $  or Euro conversions for non-US/UK countries18:32
dindaThe PDF download is on our wiki18:32
dindabillycina: you want to chime in on that one?18:33
billycinahemanth: I don't believe there are such plans.18:33
jtholmescharlie-tca, u on next or did u just put it together18:33
hemanthbillycina: ok18:34
billycinahemanth: we have  uk based and US based stores which between them cover all the planet18:34
billycinathe u.s. store is new18:34
billycinaspecially opened to make shipping costs much cheaper18:34
hemanthbillycina: but say for example India , has huge population18:34
billycinahemanth: sure - so do china and brazil :)18:35
hemanthbillycina: would it not be more profitable to setup shops here18:35
billycinahemanth: perhaps, but i personally have no idea of the infrastructure implications / requirements18:36
hemanthbillycina: ok , if there are people interested in helping for that how can they ?18:36
* billycina goes searching for the relevant contact, will be back in a moment18:37
billycinamore questions in the meantime?18:39
billycinahemanth: https://shop.canonical.com/contact_us.php18:39
dindaThey're speechless18:39
hemanthbillycina: thank you :)18:40
dindadoctormo: was inquiring about the licensing issue again18:40
dindaJust like there is professional paid for support and community support. . .18:40
dindawe have Professional paid for training18:40
dindawe've never stopped anyone from developing community-based training18:41
dindaand are indeed doing all we can to support those efforts18:41
dindaonce we get to see some of what is being developed by the community we'll be happy to help point the learn.ubuntu.com subdomain to them18:42
dindaThey are still in the process of getting going but anyone is free to join them and collaborate on their efforts18:42
billycinathey do have some great ideas on how to promote ubuntu through free education18:43
billycinaand would be a great team to join for anyone who has experience in training18:44
billycinaboth instructing and writing materials18:44
dindaone main area I'd really love to see the community develop is more of the "how to contribute" materials18:44
yoshi_khave to go people thanks and great job, we will surely contact the learning team later also the training team we are in the middle of setting up training and support in belgium for terminal server projects and migration from windows to linux env.18:45
dindaI would love to see regular MOTU courses and Doc Team courses to help new folks work through those processes18:45
dindaMentoring is great but often not scalable now that the community continues to grow so regular classes would be great18:46
billycinabye yoshi_k18:46
dindaany suggestions on future courses?  certifications?18:48
hemanthdinda : nothing in particular as of now18:49
dindaok, great18:49
dindaThanks everyone!18:49
billycinathanks Belinda Lopez18:49
dindadon't forget about the upcoming Learning Team meeting on May 918:49
dayothank you18:49
hemanththank you billycina and dinda18:50
nixternalthanks bigbrovar_ and dinda!18:53
nixternalerr, thanks billycina and dinda ... silly autocomplete18:53
=== nixternal changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to Open Week || Session: 1800 UTC: Xubuntu QA || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek || All questions to #ubuntu-classroom-chat
nixternalausimage: YOU ROCK!!!18:54
nixternalthe logs on the wiki, you are super quick :) thanks a ton for that!18:55
dayonixternal: lol, u've just confused the hell out of my colleague18:56
nixternalsorry about that :)18:56
nixternaltell um you will buy him as much beer as he wants after work :)18:56
nixternalcharlie-tca: here is your 3 minute notice :D18:56
JPohlmanncharlie-tca: Have fun :)18:57
charlie-tcaThanks, nixternal18:57
nixternalLadies and gentlement, for those in attendance, and the millions watching around the world.....LETS GET READY FOR XUBUNTU!!!!18:57
nixternalI can speel!18:58
knomegood for you, nixternal18:58
charlie-tcaThank you, nixternal18:58
charlie-tcaI'm Charlie Kravetz, known as charlie-tca on irc and the mailing lists. I am Xubuntu Quality Assurance Lead.19:00
charlie-tcaWe are going to talk a bit about Marketing, Testing, and Bugs in Xubuntu. We will take your questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat, and19:01
charlie-tcawill have a few minutes at the end to answer questions you hold on to. Feel free to ask questions at any time, but start them with QUESTION:19:02
charlie-tcaso they easy to spot19:02
charlie-tcaFor example, QUESTION: What is Xubuntu?19:03
charlie-tcaThe answer would then be19:03
charlie-tcaubuntu is Ubuntu with the Xfce desktop. Xfce emphasizes conservation of system resources, which makes Xubuntu an excellent choice for any system, new or old.19:03
knome*Xubuntu is19:03
charlie-tcaYeah, that too. Missed that X19:04
charlie-tcaAs a ubuntu derivative, Xubuntu maintains the same high standards and quality that Ubuntu has. We still have bugs to track down and resolve, and we do help with the bugs in Ubuntu also. Testing is a combined effort, since the releases are on the same schedule.19:05
charlie-tcaXubuntu is an ideal candidate for older hardware or low-end machines, thin-client networks, or those who would like to get more performance out of their hardware.19:06
charlie-tcaAlso, Xubuntu is the Xfce-based distribution with a native 64-bit architecture. We produce both a 32-bit and 64-bit versions, and ports for the Mac PowerPC and Sony PlayStation 3.19:06
charlie-tcaAnd, since Xubuntu is a dirivative of Ubuntu, we use the same repositories, and many of the same applications19:07
charlie-tcaAlong with producing those versions comes testing to make sure the distribution actually works. The goal is to have each image tested thoroughly before release. Being a small group, that becomes difficult at times.19:07
charlie-tcaTo accomplish this testing, almost any hardware will work. If you don't have spare hardware, you can test in a virtual machine. VMware, VirtualBox, and KVM can all be used to test software.19:08
charlie-tcaSome of the testing must also be done on hardware. I personnally favor a PIII myself. I do not use any restricted drivers, and normally get 1400x900 resolution out of these machines. The cpu is only 866MHz.19:08
charlie-tcaTo help insure Xubuntu is lightweight and functional, testing is done using a PII, also. It is a 400MHz cpu with 256MB ram. This system insures the latest version still works using minumum hardware.19:09
charlie-tcaTests are run using both the desktop/live cd and the alternate cd with both systems, and even with 128MB and 192MB ram in the PII. This helps let the developers know what the minumums are that actually work.19:09
charlie-tcaI am one of those people that really believe the stated minimums should be real! If I can't run what the minumums say, I question it. Granted, I don't expect perfect performance from it, but I should be able to use the system.19:10
charlie-tcaUsing Xubuntu, I expect to be able to run the applications provided, one at a time with the minumum hardware. As the hardware increases, I would expect the performance to increase.19:10
knomeThat's what the what the complete Xubuntu team thinks.19:10
charlie-tcaThanks to the hard work by Ubuntu, the startup times have decreased remarkably, even with low-end hardware.19:10
charlie-tcaWe have information on the xubuntu developers wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/TestingInfo for testing Xubuntu. Since it is Xfce-based, many of the tests are unique to Xubuntu.19:11
charlie-tcaXubuntu testing team is https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-testers on launchpad. As testing and QA lead, I try to keep the test cases up to date on both QA and Xubuntu wikis.19:12
charlie-tcaI do send out notices to the the xubuntu-testers launchpad team when a milestone is ready to be tested. More testers are always welcome.19:12
charlie-tcaWe maintain a test case for daily images, to allow a quick test to be done. There is a test used for the liveCD testing and neither test should take more than 5-10 minutes to complete.19:13
charlie-tcaAdmittedly, it does take a little more time on the PII then on more modern equipment.19:13
charlie-tcaWe also maintain a longer, more involved test for milestone releases. This allows more thorough testing before the users get the image.19:13
charlie-tcaThis test is just as important as the short tests, since it does test all the applications and settings19:14
charlie-tcaWhen testing the images, results are reported on the qa tracker. This allows the Ubuntu QA team to know the images are good or bad, also. Any bugs found in testing need to be reported so that the developers know what the current issues are.19:15
charlie-tcaAt this time, I think we will let knome step in and say a few words19:15
knomeOK, so quality assurance is more than just making sure that applications work19:16
knomeIt's also about letting out the best artwork for our users19:16
knomeIn Xubuntu, we have some guidelines for artwork which can be found in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork/Guidelines19:16
knomeFor every release. we also make some kind of general directions, which we try to follow as good as we can in the time we have19:17
knomeAnyway, since I began the Xubuntu Marketing Lead, I've been keen on keeping consistency around the Xubuntu artwork19:18
knomeThat means we use the latest logo everywhere and try to get any page with the old logo updated, even if we don't have the permissions ourselves.19:18
knomeA developer reported to me that he has become a great distunguished between the new and old logo ;)19:19
knomeIn addition to that, I prefer vector graphics in anything we do.19:19
knomeFor example, the complete Jaunty artwork cycle is in SVG, excluding the "mist" in the images.19:20
knomeThe final judgement and approval on artwork of course relies on the (developer) community or me as the Marketing Lead, but anything that is consistent with rest of the release cycle artwork should be OK.19:21
knomeYou are welcome to submit your artwork and marketing ideas!19:21
knomeNow I'll pass the ball back to charlie-tca. Thanks for listening19:21
charlie-tcaQUESTION: What effect does using vector graphics and SVG format have compared to the old png files?19:22
knomeAs we do our graphics in vector, it leads to artwork reusability and flexibility.19:22
knomeAnyone can take the file and edit it further.19:22
knomeAnyone can modify it relatively easily.19:23
charlie-tcaThank you, knome19:23
charlie-tcaAny other questions at this time?19:23
charlie-tcaWell, lets cover a little about bugs, then.19:24
charlie-tcaWe report bugs found through launchpad. They can be reported at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-meta/+filebug . I do much of the bug triage for Xubuntu, and most of our bugs in Xfce are forwarded upstream.19:24
charlie-tcaWe do verify a number of the bugs reported to Xfce from other sources.19:25
charlie-tcaWe work very close with upstream xfce, abiword and gnumeric bug teams to help resolve the bugs found. Once you report a bug, it goes through a process called bug triage. Bug triage is simply the process of determining that there is a bug, how important is the bug to the overall scheme, and is there enough information for a developer to resolve the bug.19:26
charlie-tcaYou will find that I often triage the Xfce, AbiWord, and Gnumeric bugs for this reason. I am also the bugsquad contact for these bugs.19:27
sebsebsebAbiword :)19:27
charlie-tcaWe will work very closely to the Ubuntu bugsquad when triaging, and follow the guidelines set in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage. A very important idea in triaging is that just because only one person had a failure, that does not make it invalid.19:27
charlie-tca<rufong> QUESTION:do some de-bugging tools work better than others with xfce/xubuntu?19:27
charlie-tcaI use the same tools as the bugsquad. The procedures at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures work very well.19:29
charlie-tcaOne thing is to learn to use strace. Most of the gnumeric developers will request a backtrace, which we have under strace in the procedures19:30
charlie-tca<hemanth> QUESTION : Default file browser ??19:30
charlie-tcaXfce comes with Thunar instead of Nautilus for a file manager. Most functions are the same.19:31
charlie-tca<hemanth> QUESTION : How can I downgrade from ubuntu to xubuntu?19:31
charlie-tcaWe actually prefer to call that an upgrade!19:31
charlie-tcaYou can run both gnome and xfce desktop environments by install "xubuntu-desktop" to Ubuntu.19:32
sebsebsebheh heh,  well people can have,  Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu, all in the  same install19:32
charlie-tca<drostie> QUESTION: When I asked the Kubuntu dev who spoke a couple days ago about what sets KDE apart from the other environments, he pointed to its shininess. How do we make Xubuntu shinier?19:32
knomeWe make Xubuntu shinier by a fantastic Marketing team!19:33
knomeWe are emphasizing on the artwork on the next release and pushing out completely new GTK, GDM, wallpaper, etc. themes.19:33
charlie-tcaWe don't actually aim for "shininess". We would prefer to know the artwork is the best of all, and that you can use Xubuntu on your hardware.19:33
knomeThat too. It's a combination of good-lookingness and working on low-end artwork.19:33
charlie-tcaWhen you, as a user, file a bug on launchpad, it goes through several stages. Somebody is going to review the bug report. The first person to review will decide if the report is filed to the correct package, and if there is enough information for the developers.19:34
charlie-tca<BobJonkman> QUESTION: Does Xubuntu have LTS releases like mainstream Ubuntu?19:35
charlie-tcaSince we are an Ubuntu derivative, we use the same release schedule as Ubuntu. We did release 8.04 as an LTS version19:36
charlie-tcaAt this time, if Ubuntu 10.04 releases as an LTS, we plan to release Xubuntu LTS also.19:38
charlie-tcaPart of the review of the bug is an attempt to reproduce the bug in the latest version of Xubuntu. If the developers have fixed the issue in the latest development version, it is normally much easier to fix in an earlier version.19:39
charlie-tca<nixternal> charlie-tca: QUESTION: How do you contribute the success and awesomeness that is Xubuntu when, like Kubuntu, you have a small deverloper community consisting of mostly volunteers?19:40
charlie-tcaExcellent question, nixternal19:40
* knome shouts PASSION19:40
charlie-tcaOur volunteers are very passionate about Xubuntu19:40
charlie-tcaThey spend considerable time working to create the best possible OS they can, and the results do reflect that.19:41
cody-somervilleIts helps that the Ubuntu base is so awesome to work with in the first place too19:42
charlie-tcaThat is correct. Thanks, cody-somerville19:42
charlie-tcaWe also have really good leadership in Xubuntu.19:43
knomeyayyyy for cody-somerville19:43
charlie-tca<sebsebseb> QUESTION: Isn't their a  later version of XFCE in development?  The version group in  Xubuntu has been there for years it seems.19:43
knomeJust a quick note before someone really answers this: Xubuntu Jaunty comes with 4.6 and not with the "old" 4.4.x19:44
charlie-tcaOne of reasons for that is because Xfce version numbers are at 4.19:44
charlie-tcaThe versions are updating as Xfce updates. Hardy had 4.2, Intrepid 4.2 and 4.319:45
charlie-tcaNow we have 4.6.0 in Jaunty19:45
rufongagreed, installed xubu today from livecd, no problems19:45
charlie-tcaWhen 4.8.0 is ready for release, we will include that in Xubuntu.19:46
knomeQUESTION:  When is XFCE 5.0?19:46
charlie-tcaWhenever Xfce gets to 5.0, I would think. The next release planned is 4.819:46
knomeMaybe 2020.19:46
sebsebsebok  thanks guys you answered my two release questions19:47
charlie-tcaYou are welcome19:47
JPohlmannNext planned after 4.8 is 4.10 and so on.19:48
charlie-tcaOkay, we had a great session yesterday on bug reporting. Xubuntu uses the same reporting tools as Ubuntu.19:48
JPohlmannSimilar to the versioning of GLib and GTK+ (2.10, 2.12, 2.14 ...)19:48
charlie-tcaYou can review those tools by reading the session logs at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/openweekJaunty/BugReports19:49
sebsebsebcharlie-tca: yeah and Kubuntu will use the same bug reporting stuff to, I assume19:49
charlie-tca QUESTION: How do you have time and passion to test all those alphas, betas and whatever with your low-end hardware?19:49
charlie-tcaKubuntu is not the same, I can speak for their processes19:49
charlie-tcaXubuntu and Ubuntu are both GTK based, which makes working with the tools easier. Kubuntu is KDE based, instead of GTK19:50
charlie-tcawhich won't always allow the same tools.19:50
* cody-somerville notes that KDE based means it uses QT instead of GTK.19:50
charlie-tcaThat's the missing works, thanks19:51
knomeQt, not QT?19:51
nixternalknome:  is correct, and it is pronounced "Cute" :)19:51
nixternalnot Q T19:51
charlie-tcaI have time and passion for testing because I really enjoy doing it. I hope that by doing that, I can contribute a little back to a19:52
charlie-tcaOS that has given me so much.19:52
sebsebsebcharlie-tca: and great community :)19:52
charlie-tcaindeed, a truly great community that makes it a joy to spend time helping.19:53
charlie-tca<Rafik_> QUESTION : How/Where to start with the Xubuntu Team ? (Interested in web site and marketing contribution)19:53
knomeJoin #xubuntu-devel and contact knome. Oh wait, that's me...19:53
charlie-tcaGetting started with Xubuntu is easy and fun! For the average user, you can get help and support through either #xubuntu on Freenode or the xubuntu users mailing list at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/xubuntu-users. We're a friendly bunch and enjoy helping folks :-)19:54
charlie-tcaXubuntu comes ready to use on any equipment. It gives excellent performance with no loss of applications.19:54
charlie-tcaNew users are often surprised to find that Xubuntu includes a number of gnome applications. These are included simply because if an application works well, and is considered lightweight, it fits. Any application can be included, and it does not matter if it starts with gnome, xfce, or anything other letters.19:54
charlie-tcaAbiWord and Gnumeric instead of OpenOffice.org are included as default applications in Xubuntu, so we handle most of the Gnumeric and AbiWord bugs too, since those are the default applications. They are both very powerful for the user, yet lightweight.19:54
knomeIf you want to join the *developer* team, there is #xubuntu-devel and there is also the developer mailing list, https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/xubuntu-devel19:54
sebsebsebcharlie-tca: yeah Abiword is awsome and my favourite word proccessor19:55
charlie-tcaXubuntu Jaunty 9.04 does have Xfce 4.6 included, which has many improvements over 4.4. The menus are freedesktop.org compliant now.19:55
charlie-tcaThe volume control is based on GStreamer 0.10 now. Since the new xfce4-mixer uses gstreamer, it no longer has to maintain code for different sound architectures like alsa, esd, etc. Gstreamer takes care of it. Xubuntu does not ship with pulse audio enabled.19:55
charlie-tcaThe developers have included gigolo, to make networking and sharing files simpler than ever.19:56
charlie-tca<gregknicholson> QUESTION: For people used to Gnome/Ubuntu, what are the main differences in UI/user experience in Xfce/Xubuntu? What takes the longest to get used to?19:56
charlie-tcaGreat question.19:56
charlie-tcaI think the fact that Xfce is not Gnome takes time to learn. There is always a learning curve.19:57
charlie-tcaNew users find that it is not as simple as Gnome to do things. Sometimes the command line must be used instead of a GUI.19:58
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charlie-tcaFile sharing could be improved, since it is not as easy as using Nautilus.19:58
JPohlmannThe settings dialogs are very different to those from GNOME in some regards.19:58
JPohlmannSo it's sometimes difficult to find a certain setting.19:59
sebsebsebyeah the default menus are differnet here and there19:59
charlie-tcaAs part of one of the best, fastest growing distributions available, we welcome anyone who would like to assist in development, testing, and bug triage!19:59
=== nixternal changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to Open Week || Session: 1900 UTC: Intro to the Ubuntu-News Team || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek || All questions to #ubuntu-classroom-chat
charlie-tcaThank you all for being here.20:00
nixternalthanks charlie-tca and thanks to the entire Xubuntu community, great job!20:00
sebsebsebI'll second that :)20:00
nixternalThe next topic will be Ubuntu News Team with John Crawford, the guy who fixed the mess I helped create a couple of years ago....so without further ado, I bring you the one, the only, John Crawford!!!20:01
johnc4510nixternal: thx :)20:01
nixternalAPPLAUSE: Everyone chear!20:01
johnc4510Hello everyone. Who loves Ubuntu?20:01
johnc4510My name is John Crawford(johnc4510), I live in Tucson, AZ USA, and I spend most of my free time doing volunteer work in the Ubuntu Community. Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~johnc4510 Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JohnCrawford20:01
johnc4510I am involved with several teams in the Ubuntu Community, but today I'm here as the chief editor of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter and an editor for The Fridge.20:02
johnc4510I'll start off by giving you our news-team resources:20:02
johnc4510Launchpad: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-news20:03
johnc4510Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewsTeam20:03
johnc4510IRC Channel: #ubuntu-news on irc.freenode.net20:03
johnc4510Mailing List: ubuntu-news-team@lists.ubuntu.com20:03
johnc4510Here are the projects that the Ubuntu News Team is reponsible for are:20:03
johnc4510The Fridge: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fridge20:04
johnc4510The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter20:04
johnc4510Joining our team is a great way to contribute and get involved in the Ubuntu Community. Not everyone using Ubuntu has the ability to develop, package or translate.20:04
johnc4510There are however, many things a non-technical person can do to contribute to our team, and the Ubuntu Community.20:05
johnc4510We'll start out today talking about The Fridge.20:05
johnc4510The Fridge: wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fridge and our website: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/20:05
johnc4510The Fridge is the official news site for the Ubuntu Community. The items reported in The Fridge are considered breaking news about Ubuntu and our community.20:06
johnc4510The scope of The Fridge is narrower than the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, which we will be discussing later20:06
johnc4510We concentrate on breaking Ubuntu and community news. Howto's, most blogging content about installing or configuring applications, etc are not considered appropriate Fridge material.20:06
johnc4510Now, even though The Fridge is considered the official news source for Ubuntu and our community, anyone can submit ideas for content.20:07
johnc4510It's very easy to do, just drop into #ubuntu-news, or send an email to the teams mailing list. ubuntu-news-team@lists.ubuntu.com20:07
johnc4510If your Ubuntu project is doing great things, and you'd like the greater Ubuntu Community to know more about it, simply write it up and submit it.20:08
johnc4510Please don't feel like you don't have the talent to write something up, you know the facts, and we can help polish it if needed.20:08
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johnc4510The Fridge is widely read not only by our community, but also by many big name news reporting agencies, and popular blog sites.20:09
johnc4510These outside reporting agencies often quote our content which increases Ubuntu's exposure. The more exposure we get, the more it helps to promote Ubuntu and our community.20:09
johnc4510The Fridge editors administer the site, and approve news content.20:10
johnc4510We are always looking for news content to add to the site to further promote Ubuntu and our community.20:10
* JManGt is away: Vengo al ratin...20:10
johnc4510What your team is doing is important to the project, and by helping us to report it you'll be doing you part to advocate Ubuntu, and fix bug #1!20:10
johnc4510Join our team, or keep us informed if you're on another team that is doing fantastic Ubuntu work.20:11
johnc4510also our events calendar is at http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar20:11
johnc4510this calendar shows all events within the community that are reported20:12
johnc4510it's a great way to keep up with the other teams in the Ubuntu community20:12
johnc4510instructions for the calendar are at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fridge/Calendar20:13
johnc4510we encourage everyone to help us keep the calendar up to date20:13
johnc4510and to help advocate for Ubuntu and our community by keeping us informed of what your team is up to20:14
johnc4510Ok, lets move onto the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter now. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter20:15
johnc4510The UWN is a totally different news reporting outlet than The Fridge. It covers a much wider section of news than The Fridge does.20:15
johnc4510The UWN is a weekly publication that you could compare to your Sunday paper.20:16
johnc4510The idea is to report Community news, projects and also what is being said about Ubuntu out there in cyber space.20:16
johnc4510QUESTION: how did the fridge get it's name20:17
johnc4510lol, that's a good one...i'm not sure i know...but i would suspect it comes from someones humorous idea of notes posted on a refrigerator20:17
knomeor things that are fresh20:18
johnc4510maybe nixternal or boredandblogging would know, they've been around longer20:18
johnc4510Sometimes that news isn't always favorable, but our publication is here to keep the community up to date with what's being said, good or bad.20:19
nixternalsure, Benjamin Mako Hill actually came up with the name at like the first UDS iirc20:19
nixternalhe called it that because it was a spot to stick up little snippets pertaining to Ubuntu20:19
johnc4510nixternal: thx for bailing me out there :)20:19
nixternalhehe, no problem20:19
nixternalthe original spec for the Fridge is still on the wiki somewhere20:20
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johnc4510Since we publish a totally new edition every week, that means we start every week with a clean slate.20:20
johnc4510That gives us only one week to research, read, classify by section, summarize, refine, proof and publish a new edition.20:21
johnc4510We publish the edition, or links to it in serveral places.20:21
johnc4510Ubuntu Forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=24320:21
johnc4510Planet Ubuntu: http://planet.ubuntu.com/20:22
johnc4510The Fridge: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/20:22
johnc4510By subcription to our ubuntu-news mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-news20:22
johnc4510And we also publish a teaser to dig, readit, Free Software News, and UbuntuPoint.20:22
johnc4510After we publish a new edition, we set up the next edition's wiki page, and start the process all over again for the next week.20:23
johnc4510We gather stories from many different sources: RSS feeds of major open source news reporting websites, searching google for blog items of interest, reading countless Ubuntu mailing list archives, keeping up with Planet Ubuntu, Launchpad, #ubuntu-meeting, etc.20:24
johnc4510We also get a lot on input from you, the Ubuntu Community. People often drop into the #ubuntu-news channel, email our ubuntu-news-team mailing list, or catch us in any one of a dozen channels our team members help to populate.20:25
johnc4510So as you can see, we are a very busy team working to keep up with all the great things going on in the greater Ubuntu Community, and what's being said about Ubuntu all over the world.20:26
johnc4510QUESTION: how guided are those poplulations20:26
johnc4510rufong: i'm not sure what your asking...can you rephrase?20:27
johnc4510QUESTION: rufong i mean did you have specific channels targeted to help spread /launch unbuntunews20:29
johnc4510rufong: we try to publish our newsletter to sites that have a rather large following in the open source community20:29
johnc4510the more people who read our publication the better20:29
johnc4510The Ubuntu distribution speaks for itself as far as quality goes20:30
johnc4510but it's up to the community to spread the word to the rest of the world20:30
johnc4510rufong: does that answer your question?20:31
johnc4510From time to time we do an interview of an especially prominent team or individual in the Ubuntu Community.20:31
* JManGt is away: Vengo al ratin...20:31
johnc4510After picking a subject to interview, we usually email them asking if they would be interested in answering some questions about themselves and/or their project.20:32
johnc4510We then collaborate to decide what questions the community might want answered and email them to the person.20:32
johnc4510Interviews are published as is and can help to promote what that individual or team is doing.20:32
johnc4510So if you know an individual or team that is making a difference within the greater Ubuntu Community, let us know so that we can share that with everyone.20:33
johnc4510Anyone can join our team, or submit links.20:33
johnc4510Unlike The Fridge where you need to submit news items anyone can add links to the wiki page of the next edition of the UWN.20:34
johnc4510You'll always find the edition that is being worked on here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter listed under the sub-header: Next Issue(Work in Progress)20:34
johnc4510The wiki page of the next edition has sections that make it fairly easy to decide where your link should go.20:35
johnc4510sections like: General Community News is for Ubuntu announcements20:36
johnc4510LoCo news is for reporting on the events for the Ubuntu LoCo teams project20:36
johnc4510lanuchpad is for launchpad news20:36
johnc4510you should find a section20:37
johnc4510If you confused about what section to add it too, you can always ask in #ubuntu-news, or submit your link by email to our team at: ubuntu-news-team@lists.ubuntu.com20:37
johnc4510I have been working on the UWN for almost 2 years now. During that time, Ubuntu and our community has continued to grow at an astounding rate.20:38
johnc4510For our team, it is easy to see this growth because the size and scope of our publication has had to grow to keep up with the ever expanding array of quality material we find each week.20:38
johnc4510With this growth, we are also now starting to see constant news, blog, and community news items every week, allowing us to pick and choose from the best articles available.20:39
johnc4510Expansion and growth means that our team is experiencing new and exciting challenges each week, and that helps to keep us fresh and eager to report the news.20:39
johnc4510Unlike many Ubuntu teams, who might have 6 months to get their project ready, we have to have a finished product ready to go every week.20:40
johnc4510It's challenging, rewarding, and hard work. It's a new and fresh experience every week, and we love it!!20:41
johnc4510We have a great team of workers who are dedicated to publishing the lastest news about Ubuntu and our community.20:41
johnc4510Working on the UWN is a great way to contribute to the Ubuntu Project, and our community.20:41
johnc4510Our publication is widely read, highly regarded, and often linked to or quoted by large open source news site and blogs.20:42
johnc4510Anyone wanting to join our team should visit #ubuntu-news, or email me at johnc4510@ubuntu.com20:42
johnc4510We would be very happy to have you join our team to help us keep the Ubuntu Community and the world, up to date on the latest and greatest news about our favorite operating system "Ubuntu."20:43
johnc4510It's a very rewarding way to contribute,and a great way to get recognized within the community.20:43
johnc4510QUESTION: What are the requirments to join the team?20:44
johnc4510charlie-tca: anyone can join...just drop by our launchpad team and sign up Launchpad: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-news20:45
johnc4510after doing that drop by the #ubuntu-news channel and chat with us20:45
johnc4510since we are a weekly publication, dependency is a must, and basic english is needed20:46
johnc4510we have a tight schedule to hit each week, so we need folks that aren't afraid to get in there and work each wk20:47
johnc4510QUESTION: Does the CofC influence our writing?20:47
johnc4510It sure does, as with all Ubuntu teams we adhere very strickly to the CofC20:48
johnc4510I hope everyone got a good feel for what the Ubuntu-News Team is all about during this session today. Whether or not our team is the right fit for you, I hope you'll find some way to contribute back to the Ubuntu project.20:49
johnc4510Of note, we also are starting to carry more podcast links in the edition20:50
sebsebsebball: wrong channel?20:50
* ball nods20:50
johnc4510it has become a very popular media outlet20:50
johnc45102 in particular are the Ubuntu-UK podcast the Ubuntu podcast that nick and josh do20:51
johnc4510QUESTION: Does the CofC cause us any conflict in reporting stories?20:51
johnc4510no, we try to keep the community informed about everything that is being said about Ubuntu20:52
johnc4510unless the story is totally off base, contains fowl language etc we will carry it20:53
johnc4510QUESTION: can the UWN have a more useful rss feed...containing the articles instead of just a feed of the issue20:54
johnc4510the feed is set up to come off the planet i believe...and we don't publish the whole edition to the planet20:55
jcastro5 minute warning20:55
johnc4510jcastro: thx20:55
johnc4510in closing, we have a great team that works very hard to keep everyone informed about Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community20:56
johnc4510if you have an interest in helping out we would love to have you20:56
johnc4510thanks for listening and submitting your question...it's been great fun20:57
=== nixternal changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to Open Week || Session: 2000 UTC: How To Triage Bugs in Ubuntu || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek || All questions to #ubuntu-classroom-chat
nixternalthanks a gon johnc4510, great job!20:57
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johnc4510jcastro: nixternal thx :)20:57
nixternalthe next topic will be "How To Triage Bugs in Ubuntu" presented by Pedro Villavicencio....he should be here shortly unless I missed him come in20:58
pedro_I'm already here since a few hours ;-)20:59
nixternaloh, there he his20:59
pedro_let's roll then!20:59
nixternalalright then, here is my awesome introduction then :)20:59
nixternalEn vivo desde el Aula de Ubuntu canal de IRC en todas las ciudades de todo el mundo, para los cientos de asistentes y los millones viendo en todo el mundo, señoras y señores, prepárate para triage algunos errores! En la esquina roja tenemos el campeón reinante, Pedro Villavicencio, que será la enseñanza a todos ustedes la forma de "triage" errores en Ubuntu. Si esto es masacrados, pido disculpas y la culpa en Google.20:59
nixternalthe floor is yours sir :)21:00
pedro_Google did a great work haha21:00
nixternalthat's a first :)21:00
sebsebsebnixternal: how about in English? :)21:01
pedro_ok folks as nixternal said my name is Pedro Villavicencio I'm from the lovely Chile and I work for Canonical , my primary focus is on the Ubuntu Desktop Bugs21:01
pedro_I'll introduce you to the BugSquad and How to Triage Bugs in Ubuntu21:01
pedro_The Ubuntu BugSquad is the first point of contact for the Bugs filed in Ubuntu, we keep track of them and try to make sure that major bugs do not go unnoticed by the developers/maintainers21:02
pedro_(btw feel free to ask on ubuntu-classroom-chat i'll pick questions from there later)21:02
pedro_how we do that? We do something called "Triage" which is a pretty similar process to the one of prioritizing patients based on the severity of their condition21:02
pedro_Working with the BugSquad it's an excellent way to start helping and learn a lot about Ubuntu and it's infrastructure21:02
pedro_And No, you don't need any programming knowledge to join the team in fact it's a great way to return something to your lovely Ubuntu project if you cannot program at all21:03
pedro_There's an open team on Launchpad for the BugSquad https://launchpad.net/~bugsquad everybody can join as said it's an open team21:03
pedro_We also have a couple of IRC Channels that you might be interested on visit:21:04
pedro_Where the bugs are discussed: #ubuntu-bugs21:04
pedro_Where the new bugs are announced:  #ubuntu-bugs-announce21:04
pedro_There's also a mailing list available at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad and we use it for all kind of coordination and discussions21:05
pedro_if you want to interact with the team those are the right ways to do it21:05
pedro_<komputes> pedro_: Question: How can we possibly deal with a large number of bugs that have been reported upstream with no action for a few years. What is a good strategy to either having volunteer or paid developers resolves these issues and propose patch21:06
pedro_well that's not easy, you can either talk with the upstream developers and let them know you concerns or provide patches to get those bugs fixed21:07
pedro_in free software the people do what they want ;-) and most of people participating on free software projects are volunteers21:07
pedro_btw there's a talk about Upstream Bug Workflow after mine you might want to bring those questions there as well ;-)21:08
pedro_ok let's go to the bug triage !21:08
pedro_The Bug Triage is an essential part of the Ubuntu's development process which consists of a few things21:09
pedro_Responding to new bugs as they are filed, if you report something you really want to get some feedback from the other side, responding to those bugs in a short period is pretty important21:09
pedro_* Ensuring that new bugs contains all the necessary information for the developers/maintainers to work on it and fix that bug21:10
pedro_This could look like normal to you and probably you do include that information when you're reporting a bug but most of the reports we got doesn't contain that information21:10
pedro_we often triage reports with summaries like "I don't know!" - "It crashed!" - " Doesn't work"21:11
pedro_which doesn't help a lot to the developers/triagers, so improving the summary is one of the things that should be done when you are fighting a bug report21:11
pedro_having one with a summary like "brasero doesn't burn if the disc title contains a & " it's way better than something like "doesn't burn"21:12
pedro_In order to get more information we have the debugging pages https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures which contains information on how to get more information for packages in Ubuntu like Firefox, OpenOffice.org, Apache, Samba, the Kernel, etc.21:13
* JManGt is back (gone 00:42:59)21:14
pedro_QUESTION: How can we take care of doing a triage on a large number of new bugs without making the process seem automated, alienating and possibly invalidating or marking as a duplicate erroneously.21:14
pedro_It's all based on the experience i think, in Ubuntu we indeed triage a *lot* of bugs daily, reading those carefully and if you're in doubt of doing something the best is to ask in the #ubuntu-bugs channel to avoid that kind of problems21:15
pedro_so don't be afraid to ask21:15
pedro_Ok, so New triagers often don't really know what to ask when they are taking care of a report21:16
pedro_ie: the not described well with the "I don't know" titles or summaries, what do you ask there?21:17
pedro_maybe a "could you describe this a bit further" would help?21:17
pedro_for those kind of situations we've collecting Stock Responses21:17
pedro_ which are available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses21:18
pedro_if you're looking for one that you could use to grab more info well look at the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Not%20described%20well response you can copy and paste it on the bug report21:18
pedro_Another step into the Triage process is the:21:18
pedro_* Assigning bugs to the proper package21:19
pedro_ the list of bugs without a package is a bit big as today there are around ~1850 only New bug reports without a package assigned to it, http://tinyurl.com/withoutapackage21:19
pedro_Almost all the bugs on that list need to be assigned to a package (they're waiting you to assign them!)21:19
pedro_ this process is one of the easier tasks in the bug triage if you want to start doing triage you can probably start triaging them, want to know how to figure it out to which package assign the report? you can read the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage doc or ask on the #ubuntu-bugs channel21:20
pedro_QUESTION: I'm glad you brought up debugging procedures. Having dealt with users of average computing expertise,  do you find that the instructions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures are too complicated for them, causing them to abandon the bug report rather than following through. What are you thoughts on this and how ubuntu-bug/ apport can bring automation of the debugging process?21:20
pedro_this is a really good questions21:20
pedro_It's true we get a lot of reports from users, normal users, probably not all of them know a lot of computers21:21
pedro_and probably they're not going to understand how to get send the logs of Xorg even with the instructions we provide21:23
pedro_and that's ok21:23
pedro_that's why now we have this awesome tool "ubuntu-bug"21:23
pedro_and I really, really, really, really recommend you to use it for reports bugs in Ubuntu21:23
pedro_it collects everything automatically and you don't need to worry about nothing21:24
pedro_oh well you need internet connection ;-)21:24
pedro_but yes please use the ubuntu-bug tool and also apport to send your crashes to us21:24
pedro_Let's keep going21:25
pedro_* Confirming bug reports by trying to reproduce them21:25
pedro_basically if you found a bug report that you can reproduce and the status is New then mark it as Confirmed stating on a comment why you're doing this if the report lack of information then add it and important, please do not confirm your own bug reports21:26
pedro_QUESTION: How can bug triagers use "ubuntu-bug" or another tool to have the reporter send in more information?21:26
pedro_good question, for existing bug reports you can send more information with apport-collect21:27
pedro_example: apport-collect 1234521:27
pedro_what the tool does, is to check the tasks on the bug report (12345) and run the apport hooks for that package21:27
pedro_then it will attach all the info for that report, for example the Xorg.0.log, lspci, etc, etc21:28
pedro_so if you're triaging a Xorg bug and it doesn't contain that info, ask the reporter to run that command ;-)21:28
pedro_let's keep rolling21:28
pedro_* Sending bugs to their upstream authors, when applicable21:29
pedro_* Cross-referencing bugs from other distributions21:29
pedro_those are really important tasks and as said previously, Jorge "Awesome" Castro is going to give a talk right after this one which is going to cover the Bug Upstream Workflow, if you're interested in that, stay here on the channel ;-)21:30
pedro_so we're not going to cover that now21:30
pedro_I've talked to you about some Bug Status already21:31
pedro_you've heard about "New" and "Confirmed"21:31
Shriramvow how long is the session , been running long time21:31
pedro_Shriram: like two days!21:31
pedro_They are 9 status for bug reports on Ubuntu they are:21:31
pedro_New, Incomplete, Invalid, Confirmed, Triaged, In Progress, Fix Committed, Fix Released and Won't Fix21:32
* JManGt is away: Vengo al ratin...21:32
pedro_don't be confused i know that some of you've been doing triage on Bugzilla for example and New means a totally different thing there21:32
pedro_New: means that no one has triaged or confirmed the bug yet (for the bugzilla folks UNCONFIRMED)21:32
pedro_Incomplete: means that the bug is missing some information for example a debugging backtrace of a crash or steps in order to trigger the bug (NEEDINFO on bz)21:33
Shrirampedro_: vow, obviously with breaks right ?21:33
pedro_Invalid: is set when the report doesn't have the adequate information to determine whether or not it's a bug, yes there's people reporting things like "a" and "e" on the summary or "test".21:33
pedro_Confirmed: is almost self explanatory and we talked about it previously, someone else than the reporter have the same bug21:34
pedro_remember, please, please please please do not confirm your own reports, a kitten die when you do that21:34
pedro_Triaged: status is set by a member of the Ubuntu Bug Control team (will talk about it later) when they think that the bug has enough information for a developer to start working on fix the issue.21:35
pedro_<komputes> pedro_: Dealing with Launchpad a lot in your daily bug managing tasks, you are in a key position in inproving Launchpad Bugs. Are there important changes/features you personally would like to see in upcoming revisions of Launchpad that you believe will help the bug squad.21:35
pedro_well, one of the *key* things I'd really like to see is a better (working) duplicate search21:36
pedro_often i face bugs with backtraces and there's no way to search for that on launchpad21:36
pedro_so yes that's one of the things I'd *love* to see shortly on LP21:37
pedro_<komputes> pedro_:  you mean searching within attachments?21:37
pedro_yes and no, you can either have a page with a big text box where you could paste the backtrace and lp could return to you a list of bugs that look similar to your backtrace21:38
pedro_or yeah like a "duplicate" button next to the attachment, either case would work fine i think21:38
* JManGt is back (gone 00:06:15)21:38
* JManGt is away: Vengo al ratin...21:38
pedro_but for example people report bugs with apport or they paste the backtrace on the same summary21:38
pedro_for the second case would be good to have another tool as well ;-)21:39
pedro_and you probably could use that for searching a phrase like "nautilus hangs on samba shares with blah version"21:39
pedro_the Gnome Bugzilla has something like that and it really rocks I'd encourage you to test that ;-)21:40
pedro_btw http://bugzilla.gnome.org/dupfinder/simple-dup-finder.cgi?21:40
pedro_try it later and let me know what you think ;-)21:40
pedro_ok folks let's keep going21:40
pedro_we have more status to talk about21:40
pedro_If a bug was marked as Triaged and a Developer is working on fixing the bug, that report needs to be marked as "In Progress", because there's a person working on it, If that developer committed the fix to a bzr branch the bug needs to be marked as Fix Committed21:41
pedro_and when that fix get released (a fix was upload to an official Ubuntu repository) the status of the bug is changed to Fix Released21:41
pedro_but please remember that this doesn't apply to the packages on the proposed repository, they stay on Fix Committed until they're available on the updates21:42
* JManGt is back (gone 00:03:52)21:42
pedro_* Won't Fix: the status is applied when the bug fix is too controversial or when the feature that someone requested is not going to be implemented21:42
pedro_if you request something like "make rhythmbox shake when i say banshee" that is not going to happen21:43
pedro_so that bug probably would be marked as WontFix21:43
pedro_If you have been doing a lot and good work on the triage front you can apply for membership on the Ubuntu Bug Control Team21:43
SealbhachNormal user here. I often think of reporting bugs but worried about it being a duplicate and wasting everybody's time. Do you get fed up with all the duplicate bug reports?21:43
pedro_which is a subset of the Ubuntu BugSquad and that membership allows you to change the Importance of bugs, set the "Triaged" and "Won't Fix" status and look at private bug reports21:44
pedro_Sealbhach: ask on #ubuntu-classroom-chat ;-)21:44
pedro_The importances are 6: Undecided, Wishlist, Low, Medium, High and Critical and you can read more about them at: Undecided, Wishlist, Low, Medium, High and Critical21:44
pedro_we don't have enough time so i'm not going to talk you about it, you can read the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance if have questions just ask us21:45
pedro_If you don't know on where to start doing triage we've been collecting easy tasks for you at  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/EasyTasks the ones marked with green are the easiest to do and the one at red require more experience21:45
hggdhthe link pedro_ meant to give you all is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status21:45
pedro_yeah if you want to read more about status read the link hggdh just posted21:46
pedro_Recently we have been discussed to do a Mentorship program for the people who wants to join the BugSquad21:46
pedro_if you're looking for someone to help you out during your way trough the Ubuntu BugSquad please have a look at  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors21:47
pedro_People already on the Ubuntu Bug Control team and willing to be a Mentor can also add their name to that list21:47
pedro_so find a person on the area you want to start working and contact they so you can start working together ;-)21:48
pedro_we're going to discuss all this deeper during UDS to come out with a more detailed Mentorship program21:48
pedro_Question: mentoring to join the bugsquad or the bug control team?21:49
pedro_the idea is to have more and better qualified people on the bug control team :-)21:49
pedro_One of the rocking activities on the Ubuntu World are the famous Hug Days (Bug Days)21:49
pedro_why we call them hug days? well the idea is if you triage a bug you win a hug!21:50
pedro_well virtual hug, if you're going to UDS we can hug you there as well21:50
pedro_We celebrate hug days almost every Thursday in fact today we're running a hug day based on new bugs since the Jaunty release: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2009043021:51
pedro_and it was just announced that the Kernel Team is going to celebrate hug days twice a month  on Tuesdays IIRC21:52
pedro_so if you're interested on the Kernel, stay tune to announcements on that front! (yeah subscribe to the ubuntu-bugsquad mailing list)21:52
pedro_If you participate on a LoCo team... you can organize a Bug Jam!21:53
jcastro5 minute warning!21:54
pedro_the idea is to get together with your LoCo team and start working on some of the bugs on Ubuntu21:54
pedro_it could be bugs without a package, new bugs, incomplete reports, etc21:54
pedro_if you look at  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Events21:54
pedro_you'll see a good list of teams there that were signed for the Ubuntu Global Bug Jam but some others for Bug Jams21:55
pedro_the Berlin team for example is doing an amazing job on that front and they're doing 2 bugs jams a month (amazing)21:55
pedro_so more information on how to run a bug jam? sure  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RunningBugJam21:56
pedro_and again if you have doubts about anything, just talk too us trough the communications channels already described21:57
pedro_and happy triaging everybody!21:57
jcastrothanks pedro!21:58
pedro_thanks you guys for having me21:58
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to Open Week || Session: 2100 UTC: Upstreaming Bugs || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek || All questions to #ubuntu-classroom-chat
jcastrook, 2 minutes and I'll get started!21:59
jcastroremember to preface your questions with QUESTION: in #ubuntu-classroom-chat21:59
jcastrook, let's get started22:01
jcastrowelcome to all 251 of you!22:01
jcastroMy name is Jorge Castro and I will be running this next session on upstreaming ubuntu bugs22:01
jcastroSo before I get into that let me explain exactly what "upstream" is and why it's important to ubuntu22:02
jcastroFirst off, what we call "Ubuntu" is an amalgamation of different software projects from around the free software ecosystem22:02
jcastrosome of these projects include things like Firefox, GNOME, KDE, OpenOffice, and the programs that you use on your desktop or server22:03
jcastroit also includes a bunch of smaller projects most people have never heard of before22:03
jcastroUbuntu takes all these projects, bundles them onto a CD and repositories and this is what people know as "Ubuntu"22:03
jcastroWe ship Ubuntu every 6 months.22:04
jcastroProjects that ship an out-of-the-box Linux system are referred to as distributions, so Ubuntu is a linux distribution22:04
jcastrosome other distributions you might be familiar with include Fedora, openSUSE, and Foresight22:04
jcastrosince we ship a bunch of projects as part of Ubuntu, as users find bugs or have feature requests, they file bugs in our bug tracker, Launchpad.22:05
jcastroThe responsibility of the distribution is then to ensure that these bug reports, patches, and requests find their way to the upstream project.22:05
jcastroSo for example if you want rhythmbox to turn purple when it plays a certain song, this would be a feature request22:06
jcastrothat we would forward to the rhythmbox project22:06
jcastroAny questions so far?22:06
=== YokoZar1 is now known as YokoZar
jcastroOk, moving on22:06
jcastroSo as bug people like pedro triage bugs, along the line we make the determination wether the bug is an ubuntu problem that we introduced, or a problem with the upstream project22:07
jcastrowe then create a link in launchpad to the bug in the upstream bug tracker so that the developers of that project can see it22:08
jcastrothis can be confusing to someone who hasn't done it before22:08
jcastroso let me show you some examples22:08
jcastroFirst off, here are the directions from the wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Watches22:09
jcastroSince "Ubuntu" is made of a diverse set of projects, each one has little differences that we document here22:09
jcastrohowever, the basics are the same22:09
jcastrolike with all bug reports, the more clearer your description is and your followup, the better chance of it getting fixed is22:10
jcastro< YokoZar> QUESTION: It would be nice if I could filter a package bug list for ones that have upstream links and ones that don't.  It would also be  nice if I could mark a bug as something that shouldn't go upstream (since it's our bug) and thus not appear on that filter...is there a way  to do this?22:10
jcastroInteresting question.22:10
jcastroFirst off, we keep a report of our upstream linkages here:22:11
jcastroThis is the "Top 100" projects in ubuntu sorted by open bugs22:11
jcastroUnfortunately there's no way to arbritrarily get these numbers for any given package in the archive22:11
jcastro(however it's on the TODO)22:12
jcastrowhat you can do, is pick one of those projects, then click on the number, and then go back and munge the URL for your package22:12
jcastroWhile I have you looking at this report, this shows you how well we're linking to upstream projects22:12
jcastroso let's look at evolution real quick22:13
jcastroRight now it has 554 open bugs, 468 of which have been determined to be upstream22:13
jcastroof those 465 have bug watches in the upstream bug tracker22:13
jcastrowhich is good!22:13
jcastrothat means that 465 of those bugs have been found upstream, and then linked.22:13
jcastrowhich means that we can no directly connect our bug reporters to the developers22:14
jcastrowhen bugs get filed in launchpad and they're not linked to upstream, they tend to languish and upstream developers have to go hunting for them, which is less than ideal22:14
jcastroideally we are providing a service to the upstream project by forwarding good, detailed bugs.22:14
jcastro< SiDi> QUESTION: when i link a bug to an aditional project on Launchpad, i'm asked wether i have an URI/contact for upstream bug, or wether "i know  its upstream but i don't know how to link". Why is there no option to mention it's not upstream ? (might be duplicate of above)22:15
jcastroOk, so, on any given bug in Launchpad there is a little + button and a link called "Also affects project"22:16
jcastrowhen you click that it asks for the URL of the upstream bug tracker22:16
jcastrothe reason there is no option to upstream is because you should only open a task on a project if it's upstream22:16
jcastroso for example, if you're reporting a bug in Evolution22:17
jcastroin launchpad it shows up as "Evolution (ubuntu)"22:17
jcastroif you open a task for "Evolution" that's for evolution the upstream project.22:17
jcastro< SiDi> jcastro: my point is that if i want to register to another project for which upstream is hosted on launchpad, the fact of not having such an  option in the list of radio buttons is irrelevant22:17
jcastrooh I see22:17
jcastroright, so really, the linking works best for bug trackers outside of launchpad.22:18
jcastroI can see where that is confusing though, I will note it down and tell the bug team22:18
jcastrook, so what does a link look like?22:19
jcastroso let's look at this bug here22:19
jcastroso mario reported this bug22:19
jcastroand as you can see in the comments, Pedro recognized that it's a problem with gnome-terminal22:19
jcastroso he added that to the comment22:19
jcastroand then clicked on "Also affects project"22:20
jcastroand then pasted the upstream bug report22:20
jcastrowhich is here22:20
jcastroso really, both these bugs are the same22:20
jcastropedro just linked it in launchpad, and then when he reported it to GNOME, he linked BACK to launchpad22:20
jcastroso that the upstream developers could refer to the launchpad bug if they want22:21
jcastrothe nice thing about launchpad is that it keeps track of the status in the gnome bugtracker22:21
jcastroso when the bug is marked as fixed it shows up in launchpad22:21
jcastroso that ubuntu developers can routinely search for bugs fixed in an upstream tracker, but NOT fixed in ubuntu22:21
jcastrothis makes it easier for them to pull the fix back into ubuntu22:22
jcastroso if you go to the lp bug22:22
jcastroyou'll see 2 rows22:22
jcastroone that says "Gnome-terminal" and one that says "Gnome-terminal (ubuntu)"22:22
jcastroone row refers to the gnome terminal in ubuntu, and the other one is gnome-terminal upstream22:23
jcastroif you see a bug where the upstream is fix released, but it's not fixed in ubuntu, then that is a prime candidate for people to fix22:23
jcastroso, the loop gets closed like this22:24
jcastrowe have a tool called harvest, which culls all sorts of info, including bugs that are fixed upstream but not in ubuntu22:24
jcastroso in this example, for evolution we have these set of bugs22:25
jcastroyou'll note too that we look for bugs closed in other distros as well22:25
jcastrothere is an option in bugs to link them to other distributions22:25
jcastroso for example if I find a bug in gwibber that is fedora-specific, I can do that22:25
jcastromany times different distros see the same bug, and in order to help reduce duplication of effort lp let's you link to other distro bug trackers22:26
jcastroAnother critical piece of upstreaming bugs is when patches are attached22:26
jcastroit makes no sense to fix a bug and have it stuck in ubuntu22:27
jcastroit's not fun for upstream developers because they don't get fixes22:27
jcastroand it's not fun for ubuntu developers because they have to carry a patch over time, which brings a maintenance burden22:27
jcastroso when we do merges with Debian (like we're doing with Karmic), many ubuntu developers take that opportunity to send queued up patches to either debian or to the upstream projects themselves22:28
jcastrowe of course encourage this, as it's healthier for everyone involved.22:28
jcastroany more questions?22:28
* jcastro let's people digest22:28
jcastroOk, so what can you as a normal person do to help improve linkages?22:30
jcastrowell, first off, as you become a more experienced triager you'll be able to kind of figure out which problems are probably an ubuntu problem, and which ones are an upstream issue22:30
jcastroOne can spend hours in launchpad just looking at a bug, then opening a tab, going to the upstream bug tracker, searching for the same issue, and then finding a bug.22:31
jcastroand then you just read the comments, and then link the two together22:31
jcastro< pwnguin> QUESTION: do I need to get the project driver to inform launchpad when a project stops using launchpad for bug tracking? (example:  cellwriter)22:32
jcastrothat person needs to set the project in launchpad to have it say it uses and external bug tracker22:32
jcastroor, you can let me know, and I'll do it. :)22:33
jcastroplease send me a mail at jorge@ubuntu.com and I'll fix it up. :)22:33
jcastroby the way, a little late to mention this now, but hey ...22:33
jcastroI am the external developer relations guy for Canonical22:33
jcastroand ensuring that linkages are healthy and going to the right place is my job22:34
jcastroso if at any point you see a bug where you are confused22:34
jcastroor you see something that should be made better or fixed (like the last 2 questions), you can always get ahold of me to fix it22:34
jcastrocreating this "bridge" between the end user bug report and the upstream developer is a crucial piece of ensure that free software gets better22:35
jcastrosome people start small, for example this one guy andrewski stays around banshee bugs22:35
jcastrohe doesn't try to forward every bug in every project in launchpad22:36
jcastrohe picks a piece of software he cares about and then tries to do his best in that little area22:36
jcastrothis is ideal because the sum of people taking care of little areas improves the distribution as a whole22:36
jcastrosome people purposely pick obscure or neglected projects to take care of22:36
jcastrothis is great too, because we can all be sure right now there are bug reports or patches rotting someplace that need to get attention22:37
jcastropart of my job is also talking to upstrems22:37
jcastroand one thing I always ask is how well our forwarded reports are22:38
jcastroin the past comments weren't so good22:38
jcastrobut we are making a concerted effort to get better22:38
jcastroand lately things have been improving22:38
jcastrosometimes users might put a link in a comment22:38
jcastrofor example22:38
jcastro"Hey guys, I think this is bug #123456 in KDE"22:39
jcastrobut some people might not be experienced triagers22:39
jcastroor might not know that launchpad can link the bugs22:39
jcastroso I like to go over those bugs and check to make sure that it's linked, if it is indeed the same bug22:39
jcastro< pwnguin> QUESTION: should the initial reporter bear any burden on the upstream bug report?22:40
jcastroIdeally, that would be great22:40
jcastroif the reporter is experienced, I hope so!22:40
jcastrobut honestly alot of people report the bug, and they might not know what to do after that22:40
jcastroso there can be some mentorship or hand holding there22:40
jcastroalso, if the bug is "popular", usually it doesn't need to be the reporter22:40
jcastroone of the other people or a bug triager can handle that22:41
jcastroof course, if you do know that it is an upstream bug, you can just report the bug upstream directly22:41
jcastrowhat I do is right before I file a bug upstream I search launchpad as well22:41
jcastroand usually there's a dupe or something I can mark or link22:41
jcastro< pwnguin> somnoliento: what happens is i file a bug, upstream asks a question22:42
jcastrogood question!22:42
jcastrousually someone will tell you to put your comments in the upstream bug22:42
jcastroor sometimes the upstream developer will comment in launchpad itself22:42
jcastroone thing the bugs people have made is a plugin for Bugzilla and Trac (available under the GPL3)22:42
jcastrothat an upstream bug tracker can install22:43
jcastrothis allows things like comment syncing, etc. between the upstream tracker and launchpad itself22:43
jcastroso ideally, there will be nicer collaboration with upstream bug trackers22:43
jcastrohowever, not all upstream projects have a bug tracker, or they might have some homegrown thing22:43
jcastrofor example, vim doesn't have a bug tracker, just a mailing list22:44
jcastroso in that case we have to follow up the old fashioned way22:44
jcastroBut sometimes yea, the reporter will report the bug, then disappear22:44
jcastroin that case, it's up to people like us to at least figure out what to do with it.22:45
jcastroAny more questions?22:45
jcastro< somnoliento> QUESTION: Syncing comments with upstream sounds sweet. Any major projects using it?22:45
jcastroNot in production as far as I know22:45
jcastrohowever our bugs people have been working with the kernel.org bugzilla people22:45
jcastrohopefully over this next cycle22:46
jcastrothere is a lot of work in this area, so stay tuned22:46
jcastrothe plugin is OSS, so even if you're running your own trac instance for your little project, you can take advantage of it22:47
jcastroSo one other place where you can help22:47
jcastrois by trudging through the upstream bugzilla22:48
jcastroand usually, after doing bug work you kind of start to get the feel for it22:48
jcastrowhen you read a bug report and you'll think "hmmm, I've seen that in launchpad before" and then I go dig for it22:48
jcastro< charlie-tca> Can it be integrated to bugzilla.xfce.org?22:48
jcastrocharlie-tca: I will follow up with you after this week and link you up with the right people22:49
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jcastroand like I said, you'll have better success picking something you care about (start small), and then being that bridge22:49
jcastrothen, as upstream gets our bugs and patches you help them22:50
jcastrowhich in turn helps ubuntu22:50
jcastrothis "cycle" of patches, bugs, and fixes is important to keep open and flowing22:50
jcastroregardless of what desktop or distro you use!22:50
jcastromore questions?22:51
jcastrook, so we can bring the discussion in here now22:51
jcastroand discuss amongst yourselves. :)22:51
jcastroor maybe some experiences you've had22:51
jcastro< SiDi> QUESTION: we do need more triagers with the insane amount of bugs, don't we ?22:52
charlie-tcathanks a lot, jcastro. I am still learning22:52
jcastroyes, I learn with every link22:52
jcastroespecially when you get one wrong. :)22:52
jcastroand the upstream is like "what is this? Go away idiot." :p22:53
jcastrobut generally putting the right bugs in the right pile is straightforward22:53
jcastrohowever, it is important to know that doing something wrong can be worse than doing nothing at all22:53
jcastroso if you have any doubts, ask someone in #ubuntu-bugs22:53
jcastroI ask people stupid questions all the time, and I deal with bugs every day22:54
jcastrook, take 5 and the next session will begin22:55
jcastrothanks so much for attending!22:55
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to Open Week || Session: 2200 UTC: Launchpad Code Hosting || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek || All questions to #ubuntu-classroom-chat
jmlaww yeah.22:55
SiDithanks to you jcastro22:56
jmlOk, we ready to go?23:00
jmlLet's start.23:00
jmlToday we're talking about hosting code on Launchpad.23:00
jmlAs you can see by the text to left, I'm jml.23:00
jmlMy name is Jonathan Lange, I live in Sydney (so it's actually 8am in the morning for me) and my hobbies are drinking coffee.23:01
jmlI've been working on Launchpad's codehosting system for Canonical for over two years now.23:01
jmlThere's so many things I could talk about today23:01
jmlso please please please ask questions.23:01
jmlI've prepared this session based on an imaginary version of you.23:02
jmlI might have assumed that you're familiar with things you don't actually know at all; something that I think you might not know might already be old-hat to you.23:02
jmlso interrupt.23:02
jml(or do the QUESTION: thing in -chat)23:02
jmlSomeone once said that Launchpad is like a massive Open Source supermarket: You can just stroll in and pick up any project you want.23:03
jmlFor example, if you want to get the full version control history of the Gnome Do project, do 'bzr branch lp:do'.23:03
jmlIn fact, for almost any project you can think of, you can do 'bzr branch lp:<project>' and you'll get a copy of their trunk branch.23:04
jmlOr if you just want to get the latest code for, say, Banshee, do 'bzr co --lightweight lp:banshee'.23:04
jmlHow familiar are you all with bzr?23:04
jmlok :)23:05
Evereadyno familiar23:05
jmlno worries, I'll talk a bit about Bazaar then :)23:05
EvereadyI guess its like subversion23:05
jmlYeah, Bazaar is a version control thing like Subversion23:06
Evereadycvs checkout client23:06
EvereadyIve used those some23:06
jmlThe big difference from Subversion is that it doesn't rely on a central repository23:06
jmlInstead of getting just the files and telling a central server about the history, you get the full history23:06
jmlSo you don't need "commit privileges" to hack on a project23:06
jmlQUESTION:  if a package is maintained outside of launchpad, bzr branch will only get me the ubuntu/debian patches for this package, right?23:06
jmlVery good question.23:07
jmlThere are two sorts of branches on Launchpad23:07
jmlthere's upstream code -- like Gnome Do, Banshee, Twisted, Bazaar itself etc23:07
jmlthere's also code for ubuntu packages23:07
jmlso, if you branch from an upstream project, you'll actually get everything23:08
jmlall the code that it's in there, that's ever been there.23:08
jmlcode for ubuntu / debian packages has kind of been a second-class citizen on Launchpad until very very recently.23:08
jmlAt the start of this month, we released an alpha version of support for branches of source packages23:09
jmlI'll talk about that a bit later23:09
jml(last month! sheesh!)23:09
jmlThe platform team are working with that right now to make sure that the patches for a package are uploaded with version control23:10
jmlthere's a doc on a wiki somewhere...23:10
* JManGt is away: Vengo al ratin...23:10
jmlthat talks about the plan. if you're at UDS, we'll be talking about it a lot.23:11
jmlSo, Launchpad is a great big open source supermarket23:11
jmlFor the code side of things, what we want is to give you a simple and consistent way to get the source code for every Free Software project that you can think of.23:11
jmlso that you can start fixing bugs or making things better :)23:12
jmlIf you go to https://launchpad.net and click on the "Code" tab, you'll see a bunch of projects that use Launchpad directly23:12
jmlbut there are also a heap of projects that don't use Launchpad themselves23:13
jmlwe sync their code anyway :)23:13
jml"supermarket" is a pretty lousy term (sorry kiko!).23:13
jmlA supermarket is a place where you *get* things. Launchpad is that, but it's also a place where you *put* things.23:13
jmlYou might you be starting your own project or already run one, and you want to use Launchpad to host it, manage it, and to link up with other, related projects.23:14
jmland with Ubuntu, of course :)23:14
jmlOr you might want to patch Gnome Do or some other project that uses Launchpad23:14
jmlOr you might just want somewhere to put a little script that you are working on.23:15
jml<ryanakca> QUESTION: Does Canonical plan on ever adding support to Launchpad for a (D)VCS other than bzr? Eg. git, mercurial, darcs, etc. I don't know how wide spread bzr is outside of the Ubuntu/Launchpad circle, but offering support for other VCS would attract more users, no?23:15
jmlSo, we already *do* support VCS's other than Bazaar, in a sense23:15
jmlyou can import branches from CVS or Subversion into Bazaar23:15
jmlAnd *right now*, other guys on the Code team are working on Git imports23:16
jmlwhich are very very close to being ready23:16
jmlon the cusp, if you will.23:16
jmlDarcs? Yeah, probably what pwnguin said. :)23:17
jmlMercurial -- definitely something we're considering, and probably will do, but there are other things we want to do first.23:17
ryanakca*nod*, but say, if project XYZ had chosen the DVCS ``LMNOP'', but also wanted to use Launchpad without having to switch to Bzr, they'd be out of luck?23:17
jmlBazaar is really tightly bound up with how Launchpad thinks about code.23:18
jmlBut with things like bzr-svn and bzr-git, maybe there's something we can do.23:19
* ryanakca nods, great, thanks23:19
jml<somnoliento> QUESTION: Wouldn't the upstream developer consider it... 'rude' if I slurp all the code for the project? like my own 'rogue' version.. ?23:20
jmlmost of the time, no.23:20
jmlWith projects that are still using SVN and CVS, it's often an opportunity to try out a next-gen version control system.23:20
jmlAnd it's often free mirroring.23:20
jmlIt's always good to ask.23:21
jmlBecause actually more interesting than any tool is building good human-being style relationships with people in other projects. :)23:21
jmlWhat we want for Launchpad is to be a front-end to the free software world23:22
jmlso if we "Import his code and revisions... and keep tracking the project outside of its preferred environment.. using LP's bugtracker and all associated tools"23:22
jmlit actually doesn't cause problems23:22
jmlbecause we're integrating really really well with the preferred environment23:22
jmlthat's the extended answer to ryanakca's question too.23:23
jmlSo I guess I should talk about how you can actually get code onto Launchpad23:23
jmlThere are three ways.23:23
jmlNot two23:23
jmlNot four23:23
jml1. Get us to mirror it.23:24
jml2. Importing it from another VCS.23:24
jml3. Pushing it yourself.23:24
jmlfive is right out!23:24
jmlSo, actually the last one is the most interesting.23:25
jmlI'll start with that23:25
jmlIf you haven't done so already, install bzr23:25
jmlyou might want to use this ppa: https://edge.launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive/ppa23:26
jmlso that you get the latest and greatest23:26
jmlBazaar releases every month, and it's almost always best to use the latest release.23:26
jmlMaking a Bazaar branch is cake.23:26
jml$ cd /tmp23:26
jml$ bzr init something23:26
jml$ cd something23:27
jml$ cat > README23:27
jmlOooh look at me, I'm a README.23:27
jml(hit Ctrl-D)23:27
jml$ bzr add23:27
jml$ bzr commit -m "My first commit!"23:27
jmlThat's a branch.23:27
jmlYou don't have to use cat if you don't want to. That's me showing off leet unix skills.23:28
jmlto push it up to Launchpad...23:28
jml$ bzr push lp:~jml/+junk/something23:28
jmlexcept don't use jml23:28
jmluse your own login name23:28
jmlOh actually that reminds me.23:28
jmlmy Launchpad login is the same as my Ubuntu login, and I've had them both for ages.23:29
jmlYou need to tell Bazaar, what your Launchpad login is.23:29
jml$ bzr lp-login <username>23:29
jmlAlso, you'll need to set up a public SSH key with Launchpad.23:29
jmlif you know what that means, go to https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editsshkeys and get set up now.23:30
jmlif you don't, then https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair should get you started.23:30
jmlSo the trick is: bzr push lp:~<username>/+junk/<branch>23:30
jmlThe "+junk" bit is Launchpad's way of talking about Bazaar branches that don't belong to any project.23:30
jmlGenerally you don't want to put anything serious there. I use it for Emacs files and little scripts and my D&D 3rd ed character generator.23:31
jml"junk" :)23:31
jmlYou can also push a branch to a project: e.g. bzr push lp:~jml/do/tweak-docky-animation23:31
jmlThis is actually one of the cool things about Launchpad23:32
* JManGt is back (gone 00:21:32)23:32
jmlyou don't need to be an official contributor to push up branches.23:32
jmlyou can push to any project23:32
jmland contribute code in just the same way as a core dev23:32
jmlI want to say a million things next23:33
* jml picks one23:33
jmlif *ever* you want to experiment with something on Launchpad, you can use https://staging.launchpad.net.23:34
jmlstaging has all the data that the main site has, but any changes that get made are thrown away at the end of the day -- and it doesn't send out any email.23:34
jmlso you can muck around without hurting or spamming anybody23:34
Evereadythatd be fer me23:34
jmlto push branches up there, use lp://staging/<whatever>23:34
jmlregister projects, push branches, anything23:35
jml<somnoliento> QUESTION: We're talking only about source code here, right? not translations, for instance.23:35
jmlI'm only talking about source code, yes.23:35
jmlthe translations guys have just made some changes so Launchpad can snarfle up .pot files from source code branches23:36
jmland I think they are working on getting .po files too23:36
jmlbear in mind, I live on an English speaking island in the middle of nowhere, so my knowledge of translations is pretty dim.23:36
jmlsnarfle. it's a verb meaning to extract translation files :)23:37
jml<mwhudson> i think import of .po files is live now23:37
jmlif you ask on #launchpad, you can find out more about translations and branches.23:37
jmlSo, another option with hosting your source code is that you can keep it on Bazaar branches on your own server23:38
jmlor someone else's server23:38
jmland we'll mirror it for you23:38
jmle.g. browse to a project page or your own person page23:39
jmlhttps://code.launchpad.net/people/+me will always redirect to your own branch page, btw23:39
jmlthere'll be a "Register a branch" link on the top-right23:39
jmlI'm looking at https://code.staging.launchpad.net/bzr/+addbranch right now.23:39
jmltype in the name of the branch, and the URL where it's hosted and click "Register"23:40
jmland that'll mirror the branch.23:40
jml(you can just use http://branch.example.com/whatever if you want to try)23:40
jmlat the very top you'll see text like:23:41
jml The resulting location of the branch will be: ~jml/bzr/whatever23:41
jml(before you hit submit, that is)23:41
jmlonce you've registered the mirror and Launchpad has had a chance to actually mirror it (15mins on staging, ~2-4 on the main site)23:41
jmlyou can go 'bzr branch lp:~jml/bzr/whatever' and get the branch23:42
jmldon't worry too much about the status -- most people don't really use those.23:42
jmlalso, don't worry too much about "branch type". If you are at this form, you almost always want to select a mirrored branch.23:42
jml(I filed bugs about those two things while preparing this session!)23:42
jmlVery quickly on importing branches23:43
jmlthere are projects that don't use Launchpad or Bazaar23:43
jmlxchat (my IRC client of choice) is a good example.23:43
jmlif you ever come across a project like that, you should request that Launchpad import it.23:44
jmlbrowse to the project, e.g. https://code.staging.launchpad.net/xchat23:44
jmland click the "Import your project" link23:44
jmlYou'll need to get the version control details from the main site (google can help here)23:45
jmland as mentioned before: cvs and svn only for now23:45
jmlgit real soon23:45
jmlmercurial later23:45
jmldarcs when you need ice skates in the sahara23:46
jmlImporting code from Subversion into Bazaar is an art, not a science.23:46
jmlImporting from CVS is a black art.23:46
jmlso we review all of the imports before we start running them23:46
jmlthere are some guidelines about this23:47
jmland we'll be opening those up as we get closer to open sourcing23:47
jmlin the mean time, if you have any problems, ask on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-code or on #launchpad23:47
jmlmwhudson: that right?23:47
jmlsilence means "yes"23:48
jmlgood :)23:48
jmlCOMING SOON!23:48
jmlgit imports, as mentioned before23:48
jmlwe'll start with small git repos and then move on up23:48
jmlsource package branches23:48
jmlright now you can only push to:23:48
jmlor lp:~user/+junk/branch23:49
jmlthis doesn't help ubuntu much or debian much23:49
jmlvery recently, we added support so that you can push to lp:~user/ubuntu/karmic/package/branch23:49
jmlyou can try this out on staging or the main server today23:49
jmllp://staging/~user/ubuntu/... for staging23:49
jmlyou can also push to lp:~user/debian/squeeze/package/branch as well23:50
jmlit won't integrate well with the rest of the site, but the actual hosting of package branches is rock solid23:50
jmle.g. lp:~jml/ubuntu/karmic/pulseaudio/fix-my-headset23:50
jmlthe platform team are working on actually making the official branches for every source package in ubuntu23:51
jmljames_w: how many is that?23:51
james_wtoo many :-)23:51
james_waround 16000 packages23:51
jmlas that happens, you'll be able to get code by doing 'bzr branch lp:ubuntu/karmic/pulseaudio'23:52
jmlthat'll have all of the patches on top of the upstream tarball, right?23:52
james_w5 branches for Debian, and up to 40 for Ubuntu per package23:52
james_wyep, the result is the same as unpacking the source package, and you'll be able to see what's added in the packaging, and what's in the upstream tarball23:52
jmlman, I haven't even talked about code reviews yet23:53
jml<RainCT> jml: QUESTION: Does this only work for existing packages or can we also push new packages there (ie., for review before actually uploading them to Ubuntu)?23:53
jmlin the initial phase, existing packages only.23:53
jmlbut probably in the future, new packages as well23:54
jmlalthough maybe you'll need to register them on the website first, just like upstream projects.23:54
jmlalso, we really really really want to be able to make it braindead-simple to make a PPA based on a package branch-23:55
jmlbut part of the thing is that we don't really know what Ubuntu development will look like with every package in a branch23:55
jmlso it's important that you guys try it out and prod us on #launchpad and tell us what's happening, what's working, what we should change23:56
jmloh, and contribute patches once we open source :)23:56
jml<AmanicA> QUESTION: should I have one project for all the cool little scripts I want to be able to install through a ppa? or should I create a project for each?23:56
jmlgood question23:57
jml(I don't know the answer, actually)23:57
jmlI'd guess that it depends on what would make your users happiest23:57
* jml opens the floor23:58
jml(oh, btw, when I fix bug 345737, you'll be able to branch lp:ubuntu/pulseaudio)23:58
jmlwe have two minutes left23:58
jmlany more questions23:58
jmlhmm, so the schedule doesn't have anyone listed after this23:59
jmlso, I love talking about launchpad and bazaar23:59

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