
rickspencer3robert_ancell: welcome back, glad your on the mend01:01
rickspencer3thanks for the great call, I'm going to log off in a moment01:01
robert_ancellrickspencer3: no problem01:04
MagicFabhi all01:51
MagicFabhow do I *disable* update check from command line ? (same as system >admin>update manager>settings...>updates tab>automatic update>uncheck [ ] check for updates) ?01:53
pittiGood morning06:35
pittibryce: now I know what you meant with exchanging bugs, just reported my first UXA hang to upstream :/07:01
pittibryce: thanks a lot for preparing the -intel jaunty patch!07:01
pittibryce: perhaps we should put it into -proposed immediately, to get some more widespread testing?07:02
brycepitti: sure07:02
pittibryce: I can do that for you (plus reenable compiz in -proposed), so that you can get to sleep07:02
brycepitti: thanks, _greatly_ appreciated07:03
* pitti hugs bryce07:03
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pittihey seb12808:18
seb128hello pitti08:18
robert_ancellseb128: pitti: hi guys08:36
seb128hello robert_ancell08:37
seb128robert_ancell: how was the bug fighting today?08:37
robert_ancellI got caught on a wild goose chase - I had a quick look at bug 350683 but it seems to be something weird going on in GTK+. Instead of adding a border to the 22x22 icon (as it does for other icons) it scales down the 32x3208:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 350683 in ekiga "launcher icon looks fuzzy" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35068308:38
seb128the solution for such issues is to have the right variant08:39
* robert_ancell has been through the bowels of GTK+/glib/gio and boy does it have a lot of indirection08:39
robert_ancellif you create a 24x24 icon it still doesn't work...08:40
seb128did you update the icon cache?08:41
didrockshi robert_ancell & seb12808:41
seb128lut didrocks08:41
robert_ancellseb128: updated icon cache, menus, restarted gnome-panel08:41
=== Zdra` is now known as Zdra
seb128robert_ancell: that doesn't make sense08:42
robert_ancellseb128: no, you're right.  I just tried it again and now it works...08:45
seb128robert_ancell: anyway let's not spend too much efforts on small graphical glitch08:45
seb128robert_ancell: ah ;-)08:45
seb128robert_ancell: did you manage to investigate the rhythmbox codec issue?08:45
robert_ancellseb128: well I learnt a lot about icon loading anyway08:45
robert_ancellseb128: still haven't found the cause08:46
seb128that's not wasted effort then ;-)08:46
seb128robert_ancell: what does gst-typefind says for the buggy file?08:46
seb128ok, I guess the bug is not that trivial ;-)08:48
seb128what else did you look at today?08:48
robert_ancellbeen looking at ekiga on the request of rick08:49
seb128specific issues? or just trying to get the bug list under control?08:50
seb128I need to speak to rick, first compiz and new ekiga, soon you will have no free slot for GNOME ;-)08:51
robert_ancellseb128: getting the hang of the bugs.  I started trying to fix a bug but my ekiga segfaulted for an entirely different reason :)08:51
robert_ancellgood point - what are the gnome packages most in need of love at the moment?08:52
seb128robert_ancell: bug triage wise or bug fixing?08:56
robert_ancellseb128: fixing08:56
pittisome aren't even maintained in the first place08:56
pittiI was hoping that kenvandine_wk fell in love with ekiga enough to take that08:57
seb128robert_ancell: nothing too urgent, jaunty is quite in shape and karmic just opened08:57
seb128robert_ancell: totem and gstreamer could do with some upstreaming of issues though08:57
seb128robert_ancell: so keep the work you have started there ;-)08:57
robert_ancellare there any gstreamer experts here?  I've been doing some gstreamer work but its a complex codebase to get into so been making slow progress08:58
pittirobert_ancell: slomo is maintaining them quite actively08:58
pittijust not online right now08:58
robert_ancellpitti: thanks, will look him up for questioning :)08:59
seb128robert_ancell: oh btw tomorrow is a national holiday there09:00
seb128so I will not be around, or not early in the morning at least09:00
robert_ancellseb128: ok, will see you next week then09:00
seb128I'm still there for the day though ;-)09:01
seb128I think you already have some bugs on your list and if you are bored with those triaging some desktop bugs is welcome09:02
robert_ancellIt'll be Friday night - I wont!!09:02
robert_ancellseb128: question regarding the gtk icon cache - I built a new ekiga with the new icon and installed it but that doesn't trigger the icon cache?  Is there a way to make apt trigger that?09:04
seb128robert_ancell: dh_icons should be used in the debian rules09:05
seb128which would add the cache update to /var/lib/dpkg/info/ekiga.postinst09:05
robert_ancellit's missing... I'll fix that up tomorrow then09:06
seb128though hicolor seems to be on a not-cache list for some reason09:06
seb128I need to investigate that09:06
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robert_ancellseb128: pitti: everyone:  Do you know if the codec installer is part of the standard rhythmbox?09:31
seb128robert_ancell: yes, we have no ubuntu change09:31
=== davmor21 is now known as davmor2
pittiseb128: oh, I thought it was a local ubuntu feature09:31
seb128pitti: easy codec install in gstreamer has been canonical sponsored work in gutsy?09:32
seb128but it has landed upstream09:32
seb128gnome-app-install is the ubuntu part09:32
seb128the upstream code allow to call any codec installer you want09:32
seb128or gnome-codec-install now09:32
robert_ancellseb128: so is it triggered through rhythmbox or gstreamer?09:33
seb128robert_ancell: rhythmbox uses the gstreamer feature09:33
seb128robert_ancell: see shell/rb-missing-plugins.c09:35
robert_ancellseb128: thanks, been looking through that#09:35
pittiseb128: ah, right, I remember09:36
robert_ancelloff now, see you guys later09:41
seb128robert_ancell: have fun, see you next week09:41
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
huatshello everyone !10:01
seb128lut huats10:04
huatshey seb128 :)10:05
asacanyone running karmic yet?10:53
asacin case: xulrunner-1.9 --gre-version ... does that work there?10:54
pittiasac: o/10:55
pitti$ xulrunner-1.9 --gre-version10:55
asacodd i have someone who gets bus-errors10:55
asacthanks for confirming10:55
pittiasac: amd64 here10:58
crevettehuats, hey10:58
huatshello crevette10:59
* pitti uploads the devicekit/gnome-disk-utility/gvfs-devkit crack into desktop ppa10:59
pittistill a bit rough, but works11:00
asacpitti: so how would one use devicekit to get info about wifi/modem devices?11:00
asacis it just udev through dbus?11:00
pittiasac: right now you can't11:01
asacwhats the plan in future?11:01
pittiasac: there's no devkit-network just yet11:01
pittiasac: I'm not sure, but probably just asking udev11:01
pittiI don't see the value of having another daemon for that11:01
pittii. e. a devkit-network _and_ networkmanager11:01
pittisince NM is already a d-bus service for net devices11:02
asacpitti: right. but NM folks say they want to move away from hal to devkit11:02
pittiasac: but about the plan, you tell me :)11:02
pittidevkit -s net11:02
pittithat works quite fine11:02
pittibut of course DK itself doesn't offer special services what to _do_ with net devices, you can just enumerate and monitor their appearance/disappearance11:03
asacyeah. enumeration and monitoring is all NM needs11:03
asacso seems its just a udev wrapper on that level?11:03
pittiasac: yes, DK itself is just a shim to make the udev db available over d-bus11:04
pittidevicekit will probably disappear entirely sooner or later11:04
pittiin favor of dk-* talking to udev directly11:04
asaccool. so i think i understood the mystery then ;)11:04
pittithere's pulse, network-manager, and X.org input11:05
pittiif we can solve these three in karmic, we can stop shipping hal by default11:05
pittiGNOME seems to go well, I played with git snapshots and patches, and I have it running without hal/gnome-mount now11:05
pittistill pretty rough, and currently breaks libgphoto, cdda, and obexftp backends, but we still have time11:06
pittignome-power-manager/dk-power is in karmic already11:06
asacwe should definitly keep hal for another round ... modemmanager which we want to use (if not in main distro, definitly in oem builds) probably wont be ready for non-hal11:06
pittiasac: oh, I'm not saying that we can remove the package ;)11:06
pittiasac: there are hundreds of packages depending on hal11:06
pittiasac: it would just be nice to throw it out of the standard install11:07
asacyeah. lets see. maybe modemmanager will get a hardware detection re-write soon. have to check that11:07
pittiso if you install modemmanager, it'll pull in hal, but that's fine11:07
pittihal can coexist just fine with dk-*11:08
pitti(anything else would be sheer madness)11:08
asacyeah. thats all just guess work anyway. personally i would prefer to have modemmanager by default even; but then, it should at least go to the same approach that NM currently uses: udev rules11:08
pittiasac: if we don't manage to throw it out in karmic, so be it11:09
pittiasac: but with lazy lobster being LTS (most probably), I'd like to do the painful transitions rather earlier11:09
crevetteasac, just write the patch for moemmanager to use dk instead of hal :)11:10
crevetteit is so simple :)11:10
asacpitti: so in hal we label/mark devices ... now in udev we also label/mark devices somehow (e.g. by adding "env" entries). does devicekit have his own label/mark config format?11:11
asacor will it just use whatever udev adds to env?11:11
pittiasac: no, dk doesn't store anything itself11:11
asacok. so really just a projection of udev db.11:11
pittiyou can use it to store properties in the udev db (I think)11:11
asaccrevette: indeed. not really sure why devicekit is better than libudev though11:12
pittiasac: that's indeed the reason why it will disappear again11:12
asacbut probably just the "its modern because its dbus" ;)11:13
pittiasac: talking to udev directly is just fine11:13
crevetteI was kidding, but honnestly I don't know API of udev /hal /dk so I can't help11:13
pittiasac: if you are a daemon running as root, you can use udev11:13
pittiasac: but if you are an user session program, you can't (since the netlink socket is root only)11:13
asacvery true11:13
crevettemodemmanager is the piece of code to work with NM for modem right?11:14
pittiseb128: mind if I delete some cruft from desktop ppa?11:22
seb128pitti: no, feel free to clean anything you see as outdated or not useful11:22
pittiseb128: the ones which have newer versions in jaunty11:22
seb128sure, I trust you to clean things which make sense ;-)11:23
asaci think PPAs should not display those by default that are superseeded in real archive ;)11:23
pittiok, done11:24
Ampelbeinseb128: hi. i finished working on the merge of gnome-vfs, bug 369395. but i do have a question about it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/161314/ - is the result of list-missing. What can I do about that? From the *.install files I see the doc-files should have been installed to the -dev package. This is confirmed by looking at the package.11:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369395 in gnome-vfs "Please merge gnome-vfs 2.24.1-1 from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36939511:30
seb128Ampelbein: hi, they are probably just moved to an another directory?11:30
Ampelbeinseb128: or could be the utils.mk list-missing hook be flawed? because the files are installed but list-missing doesn't seem to notice.11:34
seb128Ampelbein: they are installed in the exact same directory than the debian/tmp one?11:34
Ampelbeinseb128: not exactly the same.11:35
seb128ok, so that's why they are listed11:35
Ampelbeinah, now i think i understand.11:35
seb128this code compare debian/tmp with all binaries11:35
seb128it's not clever enough to track renames and moves11:35
seb128that's why the schemas are listed too11:36
seb128they are moved to usr11:36
Ampelbeinanother problem: the /usr/lib/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/libnntp.so is not installed and looking at previous releases never was installed because it's missing in libgnomevfs2-0.install: debian/tmp/usr/lib/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/lib{network,file,tar,computer,gzip,vfs-test,sftp,dns-sd}.so - should I fix that?11:41
seb128look to the changelog that might be on purpose11:43
Ampelbeinseb128: only mention was a changelog entry from 2004.11:44
Ampelbeinseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/161328/11:44
seb128right and gnome-vfs didn't change since11:44
seb128don't change that11:45
asackarmic has gcc 4.4 right?11:47
Ampelbeinasac: gcc (Ubuntu 4.4.0-0ubuntu5) 4.4.011:48
asacgcc --version11:48
* asac thinks about upgrading11:48
Ampelbeinseb128: final question: while applying the patches, patch complained about offsets in some debian-patches. I figure I should not update them to apply cleanly as to not create additional diff?11:50
seb128Ampelbein: right11:50
Ampelbeinseb128: ok, then I think the debdiff is good for review.11:51
Ampelbeinthanks for answering my questions.11:52
seb128thank you for working on the update11:52
seb128does anybody how to add color to a wiki table for a row?13:17
vuntzdobey: hey, so I tested your intltool patch13:19
vuntzdobey: works fine, except one little thing...13:19
* vuntz creates a small patch13:19
james_wseb128: check the bugday pages13:19
james_wseb128: it's something like <bgcolor="#dddddd">13:19
seb128james_w: thanks13:19
vuntzdobey: if test -h $script -o ! -s $script; then rm -f $script; fi13:20
vuntzdobey: instead of if test -h $script; then rm -f $script; fi13:20
vuntzdobey: (to remove empty files that were created with touch in the past)13:21
asacgnome-web-photo ... will this use webkit in karmic?13:23
* asac reviews xulrunner rdepends13:23
seb128asac: ask chpe13:24
seb128asac: you are trying to move things away from using xul? ;-)13:25
asaci could spend lots of time on webkit if i wouldnt need to do lengthy backports13:26
asacactually i dont mind whether its webkit or the new mozilla embedding api13:26
asacjust as long as our rdepends dont touch into the moving xulrunner apis ;)13:27
asacbut i guess it will take ages or a bunch of archive removals to get there13:28
seb128asac: GNOME is moving slowly to webkit13:30
seb128epiphany-webkit will be default this cycle13:30
asacthats a good start. do you know which apps are lagging behind for webkit support?13:30
asaci think that helping out there would be better spend than doing backports forever ;)13:31
seb128asac: evolution? ;-) but it doesn't use xulrunner either, just gtkhtml13:35
kenvandine_wkseb128: the components in orange, you looking for people to pick those up?13:36
seb128asac: otherwise I think that everything in the GNOME desktop (ie what we have on the CD) is webkit ready13:36
seb128kenvandine_wk: those are the components not maintained actively right now yes13:37
kenvandine_wki spend quite a bit of time in f-spot... would be happy to take that13:37
seb128kenvandine_wk: I'm going to add some extra colors13:37
seb128I just need to decide on which ones ;-)13:37
seb128I'm wondering if "green" for all the things actively worked is useful13:38
seb128or would rather make too much color13:38
kenvandine_wkyeah... seems kind of silly since most things should be worked on13:38
seb128and I'm pondering a light color for "easy things"13:38
kenvandine_wki would focus on highlighting the things that are different13:38
seb128ie things which are mostly done by debian where we should look to bugs every now and then13:39
seb128and which are not moving too much upstream either13:39
seb128the alacarte sort of thing13:39
kenvandine_wkmakes sense13:39
seb128kenvandine_wk: ok, I added some yellow lines now13:50
asacwilll archive refuse to accept binaries when there are NEW for some archs? like https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xcb-util/0.3.4-113:56
asac libcairo2-dev: Depends: libcairo2 (= 1.8.6-1ubuntu2) but it is not going to be installed13:58
asac                 Depends: libxcb-render-util0-dev but it is not installable13:58
seb128asac: they will go to NEW13:59
seb128asac: and it could be that they have been accepted to universe but that's a main package trying to use those13:59
asacbut they are DONE except for one arch13:59
james_wonly ppc is in NEW13:59
asacyeah. so will the others DONE go to NEW or have they been newed and wait for ppc?14:00
asac(to get to ACCEPTED)14:00
james_wthey should be in the archive14:01
james_wlibxcb-render-util0-dev |    0.3.4-1 |        karmic | hppa14:01
james_wlibxcb-render-util0-dev |    0.3.4-1 | karmic/universe | amd64, armel, i386, lpia14:01
asacok so they need to be put to main?14:03
james_wsounds like it14:03
james_wwas your paste from a build log?14:03
asacyes: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/26174824/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.xulrunner-1.9_1.9.0.10%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:04
james_wyeah, so it's a component mismatch14:04
asacbut its not a new depends of cairo-dev14:05
james_whttp://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt has it14:05
asacso they were demoted?14:05
asacwho did that? sounds like an accident14:06
seb128asac: binaries go to universe by default14:08
seb128have those ever been in main?14:08
asacseb128: well. that package isnt new afaics14:08
asacseb128: libcairo2-dev depends on that package in jaunty14:08
seb128which one?14:08
asacibxcb1-dev, libxcb-render0-dev, libxcb-render-util0-dev14:09
asaclibxcb1-dev, libxcb-render0-dev, libxcb-render-util0-dev14:09
dobeyvuntz: cool, thanks14:21
seb128hey rickspencer314:22
seb128asac: on what arch do you have the issue?14:23
pittihey rickspencer314:25
seb128pitti: wb14:25
seb128pitti, rickspencer3: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Components first version14:25
rickspencer3hey pitti, seb128, asac14:25
seb128orange = need extra work14:25
rickspencer3thanks seb128!14:25
seb128yellow = easy components14:25
seb128white = everything else14:26
rickspencer3kick ass!14:26
pittiseb128: that's excellent, thanks!14:26
seb128we don't have most bindings there though14:26
rickspencer3does "debian" mean you feel ilt does not require a Ubuntu maintainer?14:26
seb128ie *gnome{java,mm,perl}14:26
seb128rickspencer3: no, it means most of the work is done by debian (ie we are on sync)14:26
pittican we add tracker to that list? (or demote it)14:27
seb128pitti: that's an open list, please add it as orange14:27
* pitti does14:27
pittichrisccoulson might want to put his name there :)14:27
seb128I used the desktop-bugs package report for a base14:27
seb128and the team is not subscribe to tracker14:28
seb128(and some others that I added)14:28
pittiseb128: desktop-bugs is basically "needs maintainer", right?14:28
seb128pitti: no, "desktop-bugs" and white is basically "need somebody to look to bugs every now and then and those components are covered"14:28
pittioh, ok14:28
seb128pitti: ie those which I feel pedro and I and bug triager cover correctly14:29
pittiI have it as yellow/desktop-bugs right now14:29
seb128nobody assigned specifically but we do the job14:29
seb128pitti: which one?14:29
pittitracker (just added)14:29
seb128orange would be better?14:29
pittisorry, I meant "orange"14:29
seb128ok good14:29
seb128pitti: so right, "desktop-bugs" is ... team is trying to do what it can but nobody is specifically assigned14:30
seb128when desktop-bugs is not there is that we slack totally on it14:30
seb128though desktop-bugs could be added on some easy components lines14:31
seb128as said that's a rough first version14:31
seb128I'm open to suggestions for changes ;-)14:31
* pitti hugs seb128, good work on that14:31
* seb128 hugs pitti back14:32
rickspencer3seb128: those are package names, right? So it would be trivial for me to use launchpad lib to get bug status on those?14:33
seb128rickspencer3: yes14:34
seb128rickspencer3: source package names14:34
rickspencer3seb128: interesting point about evolution-exchange14:34
seb128rickspencer3: the list is basically https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~desktop-bugs/+packagebugs with tweaking14:35
pittirickspencer3: if only we had a former MS employee who could provide that :-P14:35
rickspencer3pitti: hmmm14:35
rickspencer3I can't get cheap licenses for business use, only for "personal" use :(14:36
seb128for the record I'm not interested to get an exchange license even if somebody can get me one ;-)14:36
rickspencer3I wonder if we can just rent the service from someone though14:36
rickspencer3seb128: I was hoping you would be running Vista. Aren't you doing that now?14:36
* rickspencer3 ducks14:36
seb128sure, I'm only running this ubuntu thing in vmware under vista14:37
pittiso that's what the gnome 3.0 theme is called like then :)14:37
seb128why do you think my intel card is working correctly?14:37
rickspencer3oh man, I needed a good laugh14:37
jcastrogodaddy has hosted exchange for 7 bucks a month or something14:43
jcastroI have a guy I roped in for likewise testing that might be able to test exchange, I'll find out14:43
kenvandine_wkjcastro: that would rock14:45
kenvandine_wki know none of us want to do it :)14:45
* kenvandine_wk has never used exchange... amazing at my age to have never worked anywhere with exchange :-D14:46
seb128my current way is to comment on the bugs asking to people to open a bug directly to GNOME if they can14:46
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
seb128explaining that we are short on people having access to exchange servers and that GNOME guys would be able to work better on those issues14:46
jcastroheh, ok, this guy can test karmic VMs or PPAs, and he does have an exchange environment so if we have like a set of tests or something14:47
jcastroseb128: I assume the upstream novell evo guys would have access to exchange? or do the bugs just pile up there?14:47
seb128they do have access14:47
seb128same for evolution-mapi14:48
seb128the redhat guys have some access too apparently14:48
jcastro-mapi is the openchange one right? the one that is supposed to work better?14:48
seb128the one which is new14:48
seb128and support exchange 200714:48
seb128I would not say "better"14:48
jcastrowell, it doesn't screen scrape like -exchange does I don't think14:49
seb128but it's a bit new14:49
seb128no doubt it will be better ;-)14:49
hyperairdid someone say exchange?14:51
* hyperair uses exchange to access his university email14:51
dobeyjcastro: evolution-exchange doesn't screenscrape. it uses the outlook web access api14:53
seb128hyperair: we are short on people having access to exchange and wanting to upstream and triage launchpad bugs for it and evolution-mapi too14:53
hyperairhmm. i think i can help with that.14:53
hyperairi've fixed an exchange bug before14:53
hyperairand i'll be having access to exchange for at least the next 3 years14:53
jcastrodobey: ah14:54
dobeyi don't think i've ever used the exchange plug-in, but i've fixed plenty of bugs in it14:54
seb128hyperair: that would be nice thanks ;-)14:54
hyperairseb128: is there a todo anywhere?14:54
jcastroseb128: so maybe in this cycle when we have a hug day on evo we should try to find people with access to exchange14:54
seb128jcastro: right14:54
seb128jcastro: we usually don't have days for evolution though14:54
jcastroI think a -mapi day might work if we find people14:55
seb128hyperair: not really, just a pile of untriaged launchpad bugs14:55
jcastroI'll work on finding people with exchange to triage bugs and whatnot14:55
hyperairseb128: i'll go dig through them then. what's the source package name again?14:55
seb128hyperair: I think a good part could be triaged without access to exchange though14:55
seb128hyperair: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution-exchange/+bugs14:55
seb128hyperair: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution-mapi/+bugs14:56
seb128jcastro: I've been trying to convince the server team without too much success14:56
jcastroconvince them to do what?14:57
mvolool: thanks for your debian compiz abiver patches, that is a good idea, I integrate them into the ubuntu compiz now14:57
seb128jcastro: that exchange access is a server feature ;-)14:58
seb128jcastro: ie that they should be looking at those bugs and do testing14:58
jcastroseb128: hot potato no one wants I gather.14:59
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
jcastroat the minimum I'll start hunting for testers.15:00
jcastroseb128: -mapi is supposed to supercede -exchange right? At least eventually?15:01
seb128jcastro: I think so, though I'm not sure15:02
seb128jcastro: I don't need if there is setups where you just have access to the web interface15:02
seb128jcastro: ie firewall blocking whatever mapi is using15:02
jcastromost exchange people I know shut off the web interface anyway15:02
jcastroso for some people -mapi is probably their only hope15:02
asacseb128: so the build failure happens on all archs15:02
seb128asac: what package?15:03
asacseb128: what do you mean? libcairo2-dev depends on it ... and its in universe.15:03
asaci guess that means all main packages with libcairo depend fail now15:03
seb128asac: ok, can we start from scratch? ;-)15:03
asacseb128: its xulrunner-1.9 rebuild15:03
seb128let me look15:03
asacgood ;)15:03
seb128asac: somebody did send libxcb-render-util0-dev to universe indeed15:07
asacok sounds like an accident15:07
asacplease repromote15:07
asacor talk to whoever did that first ;)15:08
seb128somebody did overwrite all the queue binaries to universe15:08
seb128dunno why it was in binary NEW though15:08
* hyperair never knew about mapi. will try now15:10
asacone binary package makes all binary packages pop up in new queue i guess15:11
asacfrom there its probably easy to just demote all ;)15:11
seb128asac: right15:12
asacseb128: will you promote and give back (with normal build score) xulrunner-1.9?15:20
asac(and others that might have failed due to cairo2 ;)15:20
seb128asac: I did promote, I can't give back with score though15:26
seb128I'm not buildd admin15:26
seb128I've no access to scoring15:26
seb128and retry get the lower priority possible I think15:26
seb128you need doko or pitti there15:26
mvoseb128: I think the compiz abi version mismatch madness is finally going away (well, hopefully :)15:27
seb128mvo: good ;-)15:27
seb128mvo: are the ubuntu and debian compiz packages much different nowadays?15:33
mvoseb128: yeah, I looked at them today15:37
mvoseb128: debian ships compiz-gtk in addtion to compiz-gnome, that seems a bit much to me15:37
mvoseb128: but then, we share most of the patches15:37
seb128mvo: and all the libs, etc?15:37
mvohow do you mean? that we have similar lib packages? that yes15:38
seb128mvo: I was just wondering how far we are from being able to sync libcompizconfig, etc15:39
seb128mvo: since debian has 0.8.2 too now15:39
seb128mvo: anyway I will have a look, I'm just asking before compiz should land on the desktop team plates this cycle15:40
seb128so I'm trying to figure how much we will get from debian15:40
mvoI think we could (should?) merge full with them, but that is a bit of a non-trivial operation and requires some convicing about e.g. compiz-gtk15:40
seb128and how much ubuntu work we have to do still ;-)15:40
mvowe have stuff like compiz-wrapper that we need to keep for kubuntu15:40
seb128mvo: well as compiz itself has change but I was expecting libcompizconfig, python, extra, etc to be syncable one day15:41
mvoits unlikely that we can just sync15:41
mvoyeah, the chances for that are much better indeed15:41
mvowe should co-mainain it, unfortunately they use git15:41
mvoand refuse to use cdbs (also cdbs is perfect for the simple packages)15:42
mvoI merged the abi depends patches now, that should be fine for now15:45
mvoI think we should be ok with the karmic version for some weeks, we should discuss it further at uds15:46
mvo(probably not in a official session, but just in between)15:46
pittiI'm off for today then, will do another 15 mins of mail catchup and then I'll be gone until Monday16:09
pittihave a good weekend everyone!16:09
seb128same for me16:11
seb128pitti: enjoy your weekend16:11
james_wbye pitti, have a good one16:11
james_wyou too seb12816:11
pittiseb128: enjoy the holiday tomorrow!16:11
pittijames_w: and you!16:12
james_wnot for us :-)16:12
seb128on monday for you then?16:12
james_wnot until Monday at least16:12
chrisccoulsoneveryones having a nice long weekend are they?16:42
salty-horsecan anyone confirm? open gnome-panel's "Run application" feature (with alt+f2?) and type "nautilus". The icon will be that of the cd burner19:40
hyperairsalty-horse: i can confirm19:41
pedro_salty-horse: yeah confirmed, the icon is the one of brasero19:42
salty-horseany idea why that happens? /usr/share/applications/nautilus.desktop lists the correct file19:42
salty-horseand "show list of known apps" lists the cd creator19:42
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dobeysalty-horse: because the "cd creator" desktop launcher does "nautilus burn:///" or something like that19:58
dobeysalty-horse: and it's getting indexed in front of the other nautilus launchers19:58
salty-horsedobey, know how to fix it? :)20:04
mclasenits the old problem of desktop files not being suitable as a real application registry...20:05
dobeywell i get the nautilus-cd-burner icon instead of brasero20:05
dobeyi don't think the storage method matters, if the sort for matches is still wrong20:06
mvomeh, tracker-indexer is eating all my IO here :(20:13
chrisccoulsonmvo - you checked your ~/.local/share/tracker-indexer.log?20:14
chrisccoulsonyou haven't had a notification about a corrupt index no?20:14
mvochrisccoulson: good question, I have not seen one, but then the machine was idle for ~1h20:14
mvochrisccoulson: what should I look for in the log?20:15
chrisccoulsona whole load of "failed to store word" messages off the top of my head20:15
chrisccoulsonyou on karmic or jaunty?20:15
mvochrisccoulson: jaunty, my log contains some:20:18
mvo30 Apr 2009, 20:54:21: Tracker-Warning **: Invalid byte sequence in conversion input20:18
chrisccoulsoni don't think those are anything to worry about. i always get a few of those when the indexer starts20:19
chrisccoulsonif those are the only messages, then the indexer might just be working correctly. but IO performance seems to suck quite a bit in general at the moment :(20:19
mvochrisccoulson: yeah :/20:27
mvochrisccoulson: thanks!20:27
chrisccoulsonwhich version of tracker are you running in jaunty at the moment? is it the version in jaunty-proposed?20:28
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mvochrisccoulson: sorry, I missied your earlier question. I was running the jaunty final version21:54
mvochrisccoulson: well, I never use tracker, I was suprised that it turned itself on for me21:55
chrisccoulsonmvo - there's a bug in the jaunty final version that causes indexing to start when you insert any removable media21:55
chrisccoulsonthat could be why21:55
mvothat makes sense21:55
mvoI inserted a usb stick just some minutes before21:56
mvothanks chrisccoulson!21:56
chrisccoulsoni've fixed that in jaunty-proposed, but that version contains a fix for another bug which some users are still having issues with21:56
chrisccoulsonmvo - fwiw i've just been hovering over in #tracker, and it seems that the new sqlite FTS version of tracker is bringing some welcome performance improvements:)22:03
chrisccoulsonand fixes some other annoying bugs which currently make tracker less-than-useful22:03
mvothat is good to hear22:03
mvowhen is it expected to land?22:03
chrisccoulsoni'll ask them next week. if the timeframe is this cycle (which I think is pretty much guaranteed now), then it might be worth me taking a snapshot of current GIT and getting it in to karmic22:04
* mvo nods22:05
chrisccoulsoni'm going to try it out over the weekend anyway22:05
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pace_t_zuluanyone interested in bug #3618922:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 36189 in gnome-panel "Applets do not scale well with changing resolution" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3618922:15
dobeypace_t_zulu: seems to work ok here, at least with all the resolution changes that wine causes22:34
pace_t_zuluthe bug still exists22:34
dobeypace_t_zulu: though i have lost windows from wine... it makes some stuff go off my screen, and out of the window list22:34
dobeypace_t_zulu: i think it only breaks if you don't lock the applets22:35
dobeypace_t_zulu: if you lock the applet's position it seems ok22:35
pace_t_zuludobey: not true...22:35
pace_t_zuludobey: witnessed it on coworker's machine with default layout... nothing changed22:35
pace_t_zuludobey: but properties messed up... lose right_stick property22:36
dobeyah, well it seems ok on my machine anyway22:36
dobeyand going down to 640x480 then back up to 2048x1152 would i think generally show the problem... but it doesn't here22:37
pace_t_zului am still seeing it in jaunty22:38
pace_t_zului think i have almost tracked it down22:38
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pace_t_zuludobey: I am getting close to pinpointing the bug22:52
pace_t_zuludobey: I think I have identified the function responsible22:54
dobeyyou should comment on the report and upstream then to help it get fixed... i was just stating that i don't see the problem on my machine22:55
pace_t_zuludobey: do you have any applets on your panel(s)?23:02
pace_t_zuludobey: any applets that have the "right stick" property set?23:02
dobeyi don't know what the "right stick" property is23:03
dobeyi have lots of applets on my panel though23:03
dobeyand several are locked to the right side23:03
dobeyclock/weather/volume/systray are all on the right side23:04

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