
cprofittgetting a hang on shutdown... looking for how to proceed troubleshooting this...03:44
cprofittuname -r03:44
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=== smb is now known as smb_afk
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=== smb_afk is now known as smb
mnemois there going to be any updated kernel released for jaunty? if so, I know a very low risk, high yield patch that would be nice to include12:56
amitkmnemo: mail it to kernel-team@lists.ubuntu.com13:03
amitkand yes, there are going to be jaunty-updates13:03
smbmnemo, Though it won't make it into the very next one. As I am currently bundle up that13:05
amitkmnemo: it does help to speed things up if there is an associated bug in LP about it13:05
mnemono problem, I think I need to investigate it more carefully and build some evidence why its safe etc13:06
mnemobasically, im talking about enabling DRI on intel G41 cards using zhenyu wang's patch in 2.6.30-rc4: http://lkml.org/lkml/2009/4/30/1013:07
mnemoI will talk to bryce though and see what he thinks about the risk13:07
amitkmnemo: i think that was already ack'ed today13:07
mnemoaah, sweet13:07
smbThat definitely would be helpful. Also to have had some positive testing. 13:07
smbA that one, right. Thats in13:07
mnemook great work guys, thanks a lot13:08
amitkhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/linux/+bug/365958 13:08
ubot3amitk: Error: Could not parse data returned by Malone: The read operation timed out13:08
* amitk kicks ubot3 13:08
smbubot3, bug 365958 please13:09
ubot3smb: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:09
mnemostrange, I get permission denied on that bug? is it security related?13:09
smbmnemo, No it is private. 13:10
smbI wonder what is so secret there. Have to talk to David13:10
mnemook nevermind, as long as its getting merged :)13:10
smbmnemo, Yeah, it is. Just waiting for some test compiles atm.13:13
lesshastehi.. is this the right place to talk about X crashes?14:55
amitklesshaste: #ubuntu-devel14:59
ograor #ubuntu-x :)14:59
lesshastea smorgasbord of ubuntu channels! :)15:04
smbbradf, At which state are you currently?15:19
bradfsmb: state = head up and locked :)15:23
bradfsmb: trying what you sugested15:23
rtgsmb: bradf can't be fully caffienated or his head will explode.15:23
smbbradf, Which of the many?15:24
bradfsmb: didn't do the apt-get update after changing sources.list15:26
smbbradf, Ah yeah. That explains it15:26
bradfsmb: E: Unable to find a source package for linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-11-generic15:27
bradfsmb: am in my chroot15:27
smboh yeah, confused15:28
bradfsmb: what-s the right version?15:28
nrgI built a custom kernel using make-kpkg and have installed15:28
smbFor hardy, -24 15:29
nrgi am not trying to build the nvidia proprietary driver from nvidia-177-kernel-source15:29
nrgand getting a "you must run a dkms build for kernel" error15:30
nrgi can't find anything about manually running dkms for the kernel15:30
nrgany advice?15:30
bradfsmb: E: Unable to find a source package for linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-24-generic15:30
bradfsmb: wouldn't a "apt-cache search linux-restricted" turn up something?15:31
smbbradf, Hm, I remember you had restricted only for deb-src. Maybe try to have it on the deb line too15:31
smbthat short is part of the inux meta15:32
nrgerr... i AM trying to build the nvidia proprietary driver15:32
nrgso the question is how do I run dkms for the kernel15:34
bradfsmb: still no joy15:34
bradfsmb: can you send me your sources.list?15:34
nrgor maybe there is a more appropriate channel for this question15:34
lesshasteI have  enabled=1 in /etc/default/apport but it still never comes up and /var/crash is always empty.. is there anything else I need to do on hardy?15:37
Sam-I-Amwondering if anyone's planning to fix the nfs4 bug in 8.04LTS that causes kernel panics16:04
ubot3Malone bug 253004 in linux "Oops in sunrpc:rpc_shutdown_client" [Medium,Fix released] 16:05
Sam-I-Amits making LTS unusable in my environment16:05
rtgSam-I-Am: I'll see about getrting someone assigned to this16:10
Sam-I-Amcool it would really help16:18
lesshastethat was very easy!! :)16:21
lesshasteSam-I-Am: well done!16:21
Sam-I-Amgot a new kernel ready for hardy? lol16:22
lesshasteI can't even work out how to get the debug symbols for X installed!16:22
tcpsynso. If I wanted to package a fresh kernel18:15
tcpsynwhat would I do?18:15
Sam-I-Amdownload the vanilla source and make it a deb?18:21
tcpsynI've made the .deb, but I need to upload it to a PPA18:23
tcpsynand launchpad wont take binaries18:24
tcpsyndebuild -S craps out on me18:24
tcpsynand I'm stuck18:24
Sam-I-Amwell, thats out of my realm...18:24
Sam-I-Ami usually just build them for myself if needed18:24
tcpsynThanks anyway. Unfortunatly it seems to be out of everyones realm.18:24
Sam-I-Amis it a bug fix for something?18:25
=== mdz_ is now known as mdz
eagles0513875hey guys can i make a suggestion19:56
eagles0513875for future jaunty kernels as well as the kernel that will be in karmic19:56
eagles0513875i think that cifs shouldnt be included in the kernel i am noticing that is slowing down my shutdown.19:59
* eagles0513875 wonders if a conflict between smb and cifs causing sluggish access to remote files using dolphin20:00
eagles0513875hey guys im just wondering can having cifs compiled into the kernel slow down shutdown times21:14

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