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persiaWho's here for the Java Meeting?15:08
persiaOK.  Let's do it then :)15:21
persiaAgenda at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaTeam/Meeting15:23
persiaRoadmap and specs for Karmic.15:23
persiaNone of the roadmap reps seem to be present, so we'll skip that.15:23
persia(I suspect it's a holiday week or something)15:23
persiaAnyone have any specs for Karmic they want to highlight, or shall we review again next week?15:23
persiaOK.  Let's take that up next week.15:24
persiaAny other business?15:24
persiaeffie_jayx, You have anything?15:26
imbrandonquick meeting :)15:26
effie_jayxpersia, nope Just Though I could join15:26
persiaRight.  Meeting adjourned then.15:26
persiaimbrandon, Always happens that way when nobody shows.  Usually it's 20-30 minutes, and we actually go over some stuff.15:26
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MootBotMeeting started at 16:00. The chair is NCommander.22:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]22:00
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/2009043022:00
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/2009043022:00
NCommanderStevenK, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/2009043022:01
StevenKAm I late?22:01
NCommanderStevenK, no, I just posted the link right before you joined.22:01
StevenKIf #startmeeting has happened, I am late :-/22:02
NCommanderStevenK, oh, well :-/22:02
NCommanderI'll wait until 17:01 next time22:02
NCommander[topic] Action Item Review22:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Action Item Review22:02
NCommander[topic] NCommander to investigate #33814822:02
MootBotNew Topic:  NCommander to investigate #33814822:02
NCommanderIts on my plate, I poked it. It poked back. Carry over :-/22:02
NCommanderNo lool, so22:02
NCommander[topic] GrueMaster to test newer version of Hildon Desktop to see if it resolves cat kills MID bug22:03
MootBotNew Topic:  GrueMaster to test newer version of Hildon Desktop to see if it resolves cat kills MID bug22:03
GrueMasterTripped over moblin stuff.  CO.22:03
StevenKI have related news22:03
NCommanderStevenK, ?22:03
StevenKThere is a newer hildon-desktop in Debian that MoM is reporting on, so maybe Karmic will just fix it ...22:03
persiaregarding lool's action item: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mobile-karmic-arm-cloud-builds22:04
NCommanderStevenK, who usually does hildon-desktop merges?22:04
StevenKWhoever loses22:04
NCommandernot it22:04
NCommanderI'll add that I can't reproduce this issue on MER which is based on newer hildon-desktop's then we have in jaunty or karmic22:04
NCommanderGrueMaster, if I end up looking at the merge, I'll test this (most of my merges are done already)22:05
NCommander[topic] ogra to rebuild gnome-keyring-daemon to troubleshoot #32816722:05
MootBotNew Topic:  ogra to rebuild gnome-keyring-daemon to troubleshoot #32816722:05
NCommanderogra, ping?22:06
StevenKogra: *prod*22:06
ogradidnt we want to drop that one from the weekly list ?22:06
NCommanderogra, I had it as an action item22:07
ogradrop it ...22:07
NCommander... *kicks the wiki*22:07
NCommander[topic] Bugs of Interest to the Ubuntu Mobile Team22:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Bugs of Interest to the Ubuntu Mobile Team22:08
NCommanderWe've already discussed the VNC one22:09
NCommander[topic] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/33780922:09
MootBotNew Topic:  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/33780922:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337809 in linux "APIC error on CPU 0" [Undecided,New]22:09
NCommanderGrueMaster, can you still reproduce this bug on lpia?22:09
* NCommander kicks LP hard22:10
GrueMasterAlthough we are supposed to get new boards soon.22:10
GrueMasterOddly, it does not happen with moblin122:10
NCommanderGrueMaster, on what machine is this bug on? (I'm just not seeing that in the bug now that I'm re-reviewing it)22:10
ograhmm, i saw the same bug today in #ltsp with a via C3 based CPU and -genric22:11
GrueMasterCrownBeach.  I also remember seeing it on some test systems when I was at Intel.22:11
NCommanderGrueMaster, and it doesn't happen with a i386 kernel?22:11
GrueMasterIt goes away with acpi=ht on the kernel commandline.22:11
GrueMasterI haven't tested i386 recently.22:12
StevenKI didn't think those CPUs supported hyperthreading?22:12
* GrueMaster fires up CB with UNR.22:12
NCommanderStevenK, its probably something unrelated that prevents the bug from triggering22:12
GrueMasterThe Crownbeach does.  Mainly for the higher end market segment (that apparently never happened).22:12
NCommanderThe easiest way to see if its a config issue is if an i386 kernel works, rebuild the lpia kernel w/ the same config file, and see if its either the compiler flags, or something stranger22:13
GrueMasterI seem to remember a patch to fix this when I was at Intel.22:14
NCommanderGrueMaster, its probably something we want to try an isolate22:14
GrueMasterI'll add it to my todo list.22:14
StevenKThe lpia config ought to be fairly identical22:14
NCommanderGrueMaster, I don't mind working to debug this with you since things have quieted down somewhat22:14
NCommanderStevenK, you'd think that :-/22:14
NCommanderStevenK, its not.22:14
StevenKRemind me to kick Tim22:15
NCommanderStevenK, its part of what broke the alternate CDs for so long.22:15
* ogra thought the same at least for jaunty22:15
StevenKOr parade killing lpia some more22:15
NCommanderStevenK, sadly enough, Kubuntu is actually promoting lpia usage on Atom based machines -_-;;;;22:15
NCommanderStevenK, and I can now see users on popcon due to people installing with the alternate22:16
* ogra points StevenK to http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/19409/22:16
ograhave fun in karmic :P22:16
* NCommander can hear the OW from here :-/22:16
NCommanderIndicently, can we make MID not be lpia specific anymore?22:16
NCommander[action] GrueMaster and NCommander to debug #33780922:17
MootBotACTION received:  GrueMaster and NCommander to debug #33780922:17
NCommander[action] StevenK to follow up with Tim on lpia kernel configuration22:17
MootBotACTION received:  StevenK to follow up with Tim on lpia kernel configuration22:17
persiaUm, MID *isn't* lpia-specific.  You fixed that at the beginning of Jaunty.22:18
NCommanderpersia, rephrase, build images that aren't MID-lpia :-P22:18
persiacdimage just doesn's host any non-lpia images.22:18
NCommanderpersia, well, if we still want MID, we probably should make it non-lpia specific22:19
* GrueMaster can't get usb ports to respond at the moment on his CB. sigh.22:20
persiaAgain, it's *not* specific.  It's just which images are hosted.  One can build MID images for sparc, if one can get a sparc MID.22:20
ogrado we need to have that discuaaion now ?22:21
NCommanderLets move on22:21
NCommander[topic] Specification Review for UDS22:21
MootBotNew Topic:  Specification Review for UDS22:21
NCommanderAnyone have any specifications we should discuss now before UDS?22:22
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/KarmicSpecifications22:22
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/KarmicSpecifications22:22
ogradavidm asked NCommander and me to take a look at brainstorm for possible additional specs22:23
ograi added the "Things spotted on brainstorm that might be of interest" section on the above page22:23
ograthough i dont think there is actually anything thats really intresting i tried to pick out what could remotely be of any interest22:24
NCommanderpersonally, I'm amazed there is community interest in a UNR lpia image22:25
StevenKThere's a spec on that already22:25
NCommanderStevenK, the link is broken, or Launchpad is22:25
davidmWe can use some more, most of the items you found ogra are more for I suspect foundations team :-/22:25
ograthere is not much more22:26
StevenKunr-karmic-other-arches, whatever davidm renamed it too22:26
NCommanderThere aren't a huge amount of ones beside the ones ogra found that I would add.22:26
ograthese were the highest quality items i could find22:26
ograand i went through all 36 pages22:26
davidmOuch, oh well22:26
davidmWow, thanks, I did not realize you had hit them all22:26
NCommanderanyone have any specs we want to discuss?22:28
NCommanderGoing once22:28
NCommanderGoing twice22:29
persiaDifferent question: does anyone have any specs that *aren't* listed on KarmicSpecifications?22:29
NCommanderBTW, sidenote: most of the links fromt he KarmicSpecifications page are broken due to the specs being renamed22:31
NCommander[topic] New Ubuntu Mobile' Memberships22:32
MootBotNew Topic:  New Ubuntu Mobile' Memberships22:32
NCommander[topic] GrueMaster22:32
MootBotNew Topic:  GrueMaster22:32
NCommanderGrueMaster, why don't you introduce yourself briefly, and provide us a link to your wiki page22:33
StevenKcody-somerville: You're no member, fail22:34
NCommanderGrueMaster, ping?22:34
GrueMasterWell, I have been working with Linux since ~1995, with my first kernel patch accepted in 1999.  I did most of my Linux development work while at Intel.22:34
GrueMasterI type a little slower than most, so bear with me.22:35
GrueMasterMost recently, I have been active with Alsa development for HD Audio driver support and testing Linux on MID and Mobile systems.22:35
GrueMasterMost of my background is in testing and debugging issues.  I have done some automation development work in the past as well.22:37
GrueMasterI have been working with ubuntu-mobile since August 2007 while on contract at Intel (finished in Sept, 2008), and am now working with Canonical on testing Ubuntu on various mobile platforms.22:38
GrueMasterNot much more to add.22:38
NCommanderGrueMaster, link to your wiki page?22:39
GrueMasterOh, vote for me and I'll share my beer brewing recipies with you at UDS.22:39
GrueMasterWill post a wiki later today.22:39
GrueMaster(wasn't previously informed that I needed one).22:40
plarsI don't recall seeing anything about that on the membership information on the mobile page22:40
plarsprobably should be added22:40
NCommanderIf there are no objections, I'd like to start the vote for GrueMaster22:40
NCommanderOk then22:41
NCommander[VOTE] Accept GrueMaster into members22:41
MootBotPlease vote on:  Accept GrueMaster into members.22:41
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot22:41
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting22:41
MootBot+1 received from NCommander. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 122:41
MootBot+1 received from StevenK. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 222:41
MootBot+1 received from davidm. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 322:41
MootBot+1 received from ogra. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 422:41
MootBot+1 received from GrueMaster. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 522:42
persia+1 from me: long overdue, given several cycles of testing and bug work.22:42
MootBot+1 received from persia. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 622:42
* NCommander will give the vote another minute before closing22:43
MootBot-1 received from cody-somerville. 6 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 522:43
ograeveryone who is alloed to vote did vote, why another minute ?22:43
ograah, for cody22:43
NCommandercody-somerville is a mobile team member?22:43
ograxubuntu conspiracy22:43
NCommanderogra, uh, what conspiracy?22:43
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 1 against. 0 abstained. Total: 522:44
NCommanderThe vote passes.22:44
persiaErr, no.  Cody isn't in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile/+members22:44
NCommander[action] davidm to add GrueMaster to ~ubuntu-mobile22:44
MootBotACTION received:  davidm to add GrueMaster to ~ubuntu-mobile22:44
NCommanderAnd for our second new member22:44
NCommander[topic] plars22:45
MootBotNew Topic:  plars22:45
NCommanderplars, care to introduce yourself and provide a link to your wikipage (if you have one)22:45
plarsI'm kind of in the same boat on the wiki page22:45
plarsI'll update it later today, probably pretty much with what I'm saying here22:45
plarsI've been using Linux since about 9322:45
plarsdidn't really get involved in participating more than that until about 2000 though when I started in LTC at IBM22:46
davidmNCommander, GrueMaster added22:46
NCommanderdavidm, thanks22:46
plarsI did primarily test stuff there, heavy focus on kernel testing, LTP Maintainership (actually, kinda kicked off the migration to sourceforge and making it a more widely participated in project)22:47
plarsI've also worked on some other things, like xen, and linux clusters (including one that was around #26 on the top 500 for a while :)22:47
plarsIn the past month or so that I've been working on ubuntu mobile activities22:47
plarsI've been doing daily snapshot testing of mid, unr and arm builds22:48
plarswriting testplans for iso tracker testing22:48
plarsconducting tests of iso images and reporting results22:48
plarsI've also written some tests and contributed to the checkbox and ubuntu-desktop-testing projects, starting to try to get more involved in those22:48
plarsbug triaging, testing fixes, helping with things like the bisection we did a while back for gnome-keyring-daemon22:49
plarsI try to help out wherever I can, and learn as much as possible in the process :)22:49
NCommander[vote] Accept plars into Ubuntu Mobile membership?22:49
MootBotPlease vote on:  Accept plars into Ubuntu Mobile membership?.22:49
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot22:49
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting22:49
MootBot+1 received from NCommander. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 122:49
MootBot+1 received from ogra. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 222:49
MootBot+1 received from davidm. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 322:49
MootBot+1 received from GrueMaster. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 422:49
MootBot+1 received from StevenK. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 522:50
persia-1 : I'd like to see at least 2 or 3 months of contributions before granting membership in the group.22:50
MootBot-1 received from persia. 5 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 422:50
* plars promises to try to stick around a few more months :)22:51
MootBot-1 received from cody-somerville. 5 for, 2 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 322:52
cody-somervillecheating isn't allowed :(22:52
* cody-somerville probably shouldn't be fooling around with your votes :P22:52
persiacody-somerville, Indeed (unless you want to join the team).22:53
* StevenK kicks cody-somerville in the -122:53
cody-somervilleDo I get some ARM hardware if I do?22:53
persiacody-somerville, Erm, no, but you get commit rights to the bzr branches.22:56
NCommanderpersia, and bragging rights for your LP page22:56
* ogra will happily send cody-somerville his nslu2 ... but you need to make all the install tests 22:56
* NCommander will also send his :-)22:56
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 2 against. 0 abstained. Total: 322:56
ogracody-somerville, want it ?22:57
NCommanderThe motion to accept plars into membership has passed22:57
NCommander[action] plars to be added to ~ubuntu-mobile22:57
MootBotACTION received:  plars to be added to ~ubuntu-mobile22:57
ogracody-somerville, i'm serious22:57
NCommandercody-somerville, I can probably dig up some ARM hardware as well you can have22:57
GrueMasterplars: you should have voted for yourself.  If Obama can vote for himself, we can.  :D22:57
ograNCommander, dare you, only nslu2'S22:57
NCommanderogra, dare me what?22:58
NCommander[topic] Any other business22:58
MootBotNew Topic:  Any other business22:58
davidmNCommander, plars added22:58
plarsGrueMaster: I wasn't a member yet :)22:58
NCommanderplars, that didn't stop cody-somerville from voting :-P22:58
ograNCommander, dare you to send him anything else but a slug :) he will think about asking for ARM hw next time ;)22:58
GrueMasterAnd Obama wasn't president in November.  What's your point?22:58
persiaUm, can we get back on track?22:59
ograthere is a track ?22:59
ograi thought we're in AOB22:59
davidmNCommander, what is the next item on the agenda???22:59
StevenKHe was at least an American citizen. You're saying that a Brazilian national could have voted in the November election.22:59
NCommanderdavidm, that was pretty much it, I left membership until last22:59
cody-somervilleNCommander, ogra: Sure :)23:00
ScottKStevenK: If they lived in Chicago, probably.23:00
NCommanderdavidm, I'm planning to have a session after UDS to build our new roadmap; its semi-pointless to do it now IMHO23:00
persiaPlus we're out of time.23:00
ograover time actually23:00
MootBotMeeting finished at 17:01.23:01
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