
Vog-workQuiero una version de eso en ingles.00:00
jmedinaVog-work: ayuda a traducir :D00:04
Vog-workMi espanol, es muy "rusty" . I haven't been fluent since 1993-9400:17
Vog-workHasta todos00:20
MagicFabHow do I *disable* update checks from command line ?01:51
MagicFab9sorry wrong channel)01:51
geniiMagicFab: Enthusiastic ubuntu-ing from you earlier in -classroom was interesting to see, by the way :)02:50
* genii hands out a round of coffees02:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #369575 in libpam-krb5 (universe) "Why is /usr/share/pam-configs/krb5 specifying minimum_uid= ?" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36957502:56
geniiBecause min uid is supposed to be 1000 if you don't want system uid and root names logging in03:00
janaussanyone here know how to get grub to install on a nvidia fakeraid/dmraid? jaunty install borked the grub configuration03:01
* mattt could use a coffee03:29
* genii hands mattt a large coffee in an Ubuntu mug03:30
* mattt ^5s genii03:39
ajmitchgenii: as long as you've got enough for everyone03:40
* genii hands ajmitch an Ubuntu mug as well, filled with life-giving coffee03:42
* ScottK goes for a life giving Scotch03:43
ajmitcha bit early in the day for that here03:44
ajmitchas nice as it would be03:44
PhotoJimgood time of day for it here :)03:45
PhotoJimbut I'd have to crack a fresh bottle of 18-year-old Tallisker to do it03:45
ScottKTallisker is good.03:45
PhotoJimI've not tried it yet... thought I should.03:46
PhotoJimI was really close to the distillery a year and a half ago.  should have visited it.03:46
carmonyQuestion: I have a Ubuntu 8.04 server running apache and php, we just moved from another ubuntu server, but for some reason top is showing 90% wa cpu usage during peaks times03:47
carmonywhat can I do to debug what is causing such a huge IO issue?03:47
twbIsn't wa idle?03:57
twbRather, waiting for I/O.03:58
twb"wa -- iowait    Amount of time the CPU has been waiting for I/O to complete."03:59
twbSo basically what that's telling you is that your PHP crap is highly I/O bound.03:59
|dthacker|carmony: what is your storage on the new server?03:59
matttcarmony: and what changed hardware-wise?04:00
|dthacker|carmony: are you connecting to the same DB instance.?   Is the DB tuning different?04:02
carmonyk, we have a db server and a web server04:04
carmonywe moved the web server to a beefier dual quad core machine04:05
matttand what's changed?04:05
carmonyit was on a dual dual04:05
carmonyit was on a 8.10 Ubuntu server machine, now its on a 8.04 server04:05
matttsure you're running an SMP kernel and that all procs are recognized?04:05
twbmattt: how will that help with his I/O problem?04:05
carmonyI'm a developer first, and sys admin second, so I'm not sure what that all means04:06
mattttwb: won't directly, but it's a new box ... these are simple things to check04:07
matttcarmony: on that note, has the disk configuration changed?04:08
mattttwb: wb :)04:10
carmonynew HD04:10
matttcarmony: what was it before and what is it now?04:10
carmonybut nothing fancy04:10
carmonyno raid or anything04:10
carmonyit was on virtual machine before04:12
twbmattt: fbi crashed my laptop :-(04:12
mattttwb: :(04:13
captainkirkis anyone aware of some app that will allow me to sync data from a W2K server to drives on ubuntu server?04:16
twbcaptainkirk: Samba04:16
captainkirkok, so I already running samba in my ubuntu server on the same subnet04:16
captainkirkok. another q. how do i rename my ubuntu server?04:18
PhotoJimcaptainkirk: sudo hostname newhostname04:20
micahfhi, I'm sort of new to TCP/IP but here is my question: I've set up my ubuntu-server box as a gateway using iptables forwarding.  The computer picks up internet and sends it to the WAN port on my wireless router.  The problem is that I cannot access the gateway using its local domain name from the router's LAN.  How can I get this to work?04:21
micahfthe address is "server.local" but it doesn't resolve04:22
micahfavahi is set up and it worked before when the computer was part of the LAN04:22
micahfit just doesn't resolve when the computer is the gateway for the router04:23
captainkirkhow do i restart the network after changing the static ip in interfaces?04:24
micahfcaptainkirk: you could do "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"04:24
micahfcaptainkirk: that way you would also know that it should work on reboot04:25
captainkirkmicahf: thanks. i was using network instead of networking.... :)  lots to learn04:25
micahfI hear you04:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #369634 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.15-1ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36963404:25
Kamping_Kaisercaptainkirk, i'd suggest restarting networks from inside screen04:26
micahfany ideas why I can't access my router's gateway by hostname?04:27
captainkirki restarted from ssh console.... it froze (of course) but now logged back in with new ip and all good04:27
captainkirktwb: where should i look to find info to configure samba to sync data files from W2K server?04:31
twbIt depends what you mean by "sync data"04:32
captainkirktwb: i would like to have a realtime sync if possible (like a networked mirror) otherwise a schedule file sync arrangement04:33
captainkirktwb: so main data store is on w2k server, using ubuntu and samba as a backup data store via sync04:34
twbEh, I don't know too much about that.04:34
twbYou could try asking #samba04:34
captainkirkis that on freenode?04:34
captainkirkdont worry... found it04:35
captainkirkcan anyone tell what command line to use to search for file on the server?  like a wildcard all folder type search05:59
captainkirkor maybe someone could just tell me where to find the rsync conf file06:00
twbcaptainkirk: the rsync client config file, or the rsync server config file?06:01
twbrsyncd is basically an FTP server, but using the rsync protocol.06:01
captainkirktwb... i am looking for the rsync server config file06:02
captainkirkis it correct that the 'server' is the computer storing the copy of the files?06:03
twbThe rsync server config file is in /etc/rsyncd.conf or so, but I don't think you want the rsync server.06:04
captainkirktwb: well i have files on a w2k server that i want backed up to ubuntu via rsync (or any other method if you have a suggestion)06:04
twbThat would be the rsync *client*.06:05
captainkirkso the server is the one sending the files?06:05
twbYou write a cron job that runs rsync with particular options.  The "config file" is then just that cron job.06:05
twbcaptainkirk: it's a pull-based operation.06:05
twbrsync connects to your windows server using ssh, and copies files from it.06:06
twbNote that due to brokenness in Windows' design, you cannot copy files that are in use (e.g. the operating system).06:06
captainkirkok, so just invoke the rsyncd with command line options scheduled via cron06:06
twbcaptainkirk: not rsyncd.06:06
captainkirki only intend to copy data files at night.06:07
captainkirktwb: and the rsync software on the w2k server runs in server mode then?06:07
twbYou may also want to look at rsnapshot, which is a wrapper for rsync intended to help you use it for incremental backups.06:08
captainkirktwb: wrapper for windows or linux?06:08
twbcaptainkirk: yes, but the rsync "server" on windows is only launched on demand.06:08
twbOn linux, the cron job runs "rsync windows:/foo" and that in turn calls "ssh windows rsync -serve /foo"06:08
captainkirki have found a prog called deltacopy which runs on w2k as a service06:09
captainkirktwb: Hey!! great excitement... i actually got it to work!!06:28
billybigriggerwhy does every openvpn howto i read seem like a pain in the arse to setup? is there no quick and dirty way to setup a vpn?07:09
billybigriggervpn's seem very complex, maybe its just 12am and i dont have the patience right now, am i right?07:10
twbThe quick and dirty way is to use ssh instead of openvpn07:16
=== MohammadBoozary is now known as Mohammad[B]
ScixI have to change olcSizeLimit, but I'm a bit confused about where this settings is stored. When using ldapmodify -x -D cn=admin,cn=config -W, which dn am I supposed to connect to?07:48
Scixusing ubuntu server 8.1007:48
Scixgod morning, day and evening from noway by the way :)07:49
Scixfound it. It wasn't that hard after all :)08:08
sluimersHi, dovecot is an imap server right?08:12
sluimersI've got a server-computer running ovecot and I would like to reach my imap server it on my desktop computer using thunderbird08:12
sluimersHowever, I'm at a loss on how to accomplish this08:13
sorensluimers: dovecot is both an imap and pop3 server (and a bit more, but that's probably not really important for you right now).08:18
sorensluimers: If you want it to serve imap, you need to install dovecot-imapd08:19
oh_noesI just created a new filesystem08:20
oh_noeshow do I find it's UUID to add an entry into fstab08:20
oh_noesfound it, blkid08:21
sluimerssoren, I have that already installed08:21
sorensluimers: Ok. then what exactly is the problem?08:22
sluimersI try to mail to this server and get this errror:08:22
sluimersGoogle tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 sorry, mail to that recipient is not accepted (#5.7.1) (state 14).08:23
sorensluimers: "mail to this server"? How so?08:25
sbeattiesluimers: that's not a dovecot issue, that's an issue either with your mail server (likely postfix) or with your dns setup (i.e. the mx record pointing to the wrong machine)08:37
sluimersI'm such a newbie with this :/08:38
sbeattiesluimers: you want to look in /var/log/mail to verify that its getting to your server and see what errors are reported there.08:38
sbeattiesorry /var/log/mail.log08:38
sluimersthe only thing I read is me logging in and out of mutt I think08:40
sluimersLogin... Disconneced.. Login.. Disconnected08:40
sbeattiesluimers: can you connect to the mail server's smtp port? e.g. 'nc [servernameorip] smtp'08:43
sluimersLike I said, I'm very newbie, I don't know what my servernameorip is08:46
sluimersI tried 'nc localhost smtp' but connection is refused08:46
sbeattiewhile logged in to the server?08:47
sluimersI have managed to send an e-mail from my server-computer to my gmail though, using mutt08:48
sluimersand exim408:48
sluimerswait... I should tell you a bit more. I want this to work because I want to make a contact page on my website. I bought a domain-name. The website is running on my server-computer08:51
sluimersI typed in nc <mail server from where I bought the domain name from> smtp and it's giving me:08:51
sluimers220 rblsmtpd.local08:52
sbeattiesluimers: is the hostname returned by "host -t mx your.domain.name" the same as your server-computer?08:56
sluimersno it's the <mail server from where I bought the domain name from> hmmm... I should just mention it. it's 0 smtp.secureserver.net08:58
sluimersand 10 mailstore1.secureserver.net08:58
sluimersI typed in smtp.secureserver.net as server name in thunderbird08:59
sluimersusername as <e-mail adress I get when sending to my gmail adress>09:00
sluimerssecure connection as TLS, as I find that in the mail.log09:00
sluimersport 14309:01
sluimersoh and e-mail name is the same09:01
sluimersas my username09:01
KnirghWhat is the command to add a user with it's home in /var/www and able to use ftp services?09:07
sbeattiesluimers: there's two elements to receiving email: (1) getting your dns set up so that other mail servers know how to find the ip address of your server and (2) configuring your mail server (exim4 in your case) to accept mail; at a minimum it needs to listen on port 25 and accept mail for your domain.09:10
sbeattieI assume secureserver.net (lightedge?) is handling dns for you, so you'll need to figure out how to get them to set up an mx record that points to an A name record for your server.09:13
sbeattiethen you'll need to figure out why exim isn't listening on port 25 on your server; port 143 is imap, which is strictly for clients wishing to pull mail off of the server, not for sending.09:14
* sbeattie needs to head to bed.09:15
simplechat_hey, i have a few issues10:09
simplechat_my server just stopped booting about 15 minutes ago10:09
simplechat_its having issues finding /dev/md010:10
simplechat_it complains that it can't fsck it10:10
simplechat_but the md0 array won't build10:10
simplechat_because it can't find any devices10:10
simplechat_it says10:10
simplechat_Assembling MD array md0 failed (no devices found)10:10
simplechat_then it fails to read it10:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #368585 in php5 (main) "php5 crashed with SIGSEGV in _Unwind_ForcedUnwind()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36858510:12
sluimersno idea, I'm here with problems myself10:24
ploumI'm using Dovecot and postfix10:26
ploumand I want the user+folder@email feature described here : http://blog.init.hr/?p=310:26
ploumbut I don't want to install dovecot-postfix as I already have a working configuration with LDAP10:26
ploumI've tried to read the whole file provided by dovecot-postfix but I can't find where the "email extension" (or "subaddress") is declared10:27
ploumnor how I can put this feature in my setup10:27
ploum(I suppose it's a sieve feature but I'm not sure)10:27
sluimersoh cool, maybe you can help me ploum, I'm a newbie with dovecot and use exim4. I'm trying to send mail fom my gmail account to my imap server dovecot-imapd10:28
sluimerswb ploum10:29
ploumsluimers: can you repeat ? Pidgin crashed10:30
sluimersI'm a beginner with mail servers, so I thought you might be able to help me.10:30
sluimersI don't really know how to set it up10:31
sluimersI've got dovecot installed though10:31
sluimersand dovecot-imapd10:31
sluimersand exim4 and I managed to send an e-mail to my gmail-account10:32
sluimersbut not the other way aound10:32
ploumwhere do you want to store your users10:32
sluimersI have no idea10:32
sluimers<- complete newbie10:32
ploumOk, is there any reason for you to choose exim4 over postfix ?10:33
sluimersit was already running when I installed ubuntu on it10:33
ploumso it means that any of your packages needed a mail sender10:34
ploumnot a big deal10:34
ploumMy advice would be to use postfix10:34
plouminstall dovecot-postfix10:34
ploum(be sure to remove exim4)10:34
ploumand see if it works10:35
ploumin theory, it should work out-of-the-box10:35
ploumIf later you want to switch to LDAP, I advise you to keep the following howto somewhere :10:37
ploumit's really really good10:37
ploumbut more avdanced10:37
ploumtry to get basic stuffs working first10:37
ploum(sorry, I just realized it was in french)10:37
sluimerslol, yeah, my french isn't that good10:38
sluimersbonjour ploum, ca va? :P10:38
sluimers<- all I remember from french lessons10:39
ploumbien merci :-D10:39
ploumI'm sorry, as I'm always switching from french to english, I don't always know the language of something I've just finished reading10:39
sluimersje suis un hollandaise10:40
sluimerserrmm... is there a package called dovecot-postfix or did you mean to install them both?10:41
sluimershmmmm... wait a second, shouldn't exim/mutt be enough?10:44
ploum(Ik ben sorry maar mijn Nederlands slecht is. Ik moet het meer gebruiken)10:46
ploumThere's a package called dovecot-postfix (on Jaunty)10:46
ploummutt is a mail client10:47
ploumjust like evolution or thunderbird10:47
sluimersAh, I still use intiprid10:47
sluimersJaunty is still in betaphase right?10:47
ploumit was released last week10:47
ploumand one of the big improvement for mail servers is this new packages "dovecot-postfix" which enable a working configuration "out-of-the-box"10:48
marthePLEASE !!! can anyone help me with my postfix-procmail? How to configure UNOCONV with a mail server ?10:49
=== mdz_ is now known as mdz
twbmarthe: if you get no help here, try #postfix11:32
marthei have try it, but it's not explain how to configure UNOCONV11:34
marthetwb:  i have try it, but it's not explain how to configure UNOCONV11:35
marthetwb: thanks11:37
dayoi'm trying to set up ldap authentication, so clients can access their home dirs on the nfs server. i'm following this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html and when i tried to run `sudo ldapadduser...` i got this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/161360/   can someone help me with this?12:20
simplechat_dayo, did you install ldap?12:25
dayoon the client? no12:26
simplechat_that could be the issue12:27
dayoi need to install ldap on the clients??12:27
dayobut it's already installed on the ldap server12:27
dayoor maybe i should be running `ldapadduser` on the server...12:28
dayosays command not found12:31
TarBarI'm trying to install ubuntu server, I select my NIC from the list and it does the DHCP autoconfig but fails it, My NIC has a cat5 cable going to router and the lights on the nic show that its connected. any ideas?13:02
ploumcan someone help me to have address extension on my dovecot/postfix setup ?13:06
ploumpostfix is refusing user+folder adresses telling me that the use doesn't exist13:07
ploum(which is true, only "user" exists)13:07
lamontploum: set recipient_delimiter = + in main.cf13:07
ploumlamont: it's already done13:07
ploumthat's why I don't understand13:08
ploumbut I'm using ldap13:09
ploumand postfix-ldap13:09
lamontploum: it could be that it's rejecting the address in one of the early user maps13:11
lamontlocal_recipient_maps maybe13:11
lamontnot sure without diving into the rathole13:11
TarBarCan anyone help me get networking setup in ubuntu server?13:13
ploumlamont: it could be, indeed13:13
ploumdo you know how I can test that ?13:14
lamontploum: a goodly scattering of -v options in master.cf should do the trick, once  you wade through the possibly thousands of lines of logging13:15
ploumI don't understand the following lines :13:17
ploum127.0.0.1:10025 inet n  -       -     -       -  smtpd13:17
ploum    -o content_filter=13:17
ploum    -o local_recipient_maps=13:17
ploum    -o relay_recipient_maps=13:17
ploum(in master.cf)13:17
TarBarRight, I've tried a gui version of ubuntu and the internet works, however it fails setting up on the ubuntu server install?13:22
ploumTarBar: wifi or cable ?13:23
VK7HSEploum: inet n  -       -     -       -  smtpd  This is setting postfix up to listen on localhost on port 10025 for mail re-injection once it has passed through external filtering... like Amavis, Spamassassin, clamav etc...13:24
TarBarcable mate.13:24
ploumlamont: Final-Recipient: rfc822; ploum+bugzilla@ploum.net <https://mail.fritalk.com/src/compose.php?send_to=ploum%2Bbugzilla%40ploum.net>   so it looks like it doesn't even try to use the recipient_delimiter13:24
ploumI don't understand why13:24
ploumTarBar: without GUI, you don't have NetworkManager13:24
VK7HSEploum: there are many ways to configure postfix... ;)13:25
ploumyou have to configure /etc/network/interfaces and do /etc/init.d/networking restart13:25
ploumVK7HSE: a bit too much, indeed13:26
ploumBut if I put a recipient delimiter, it should work13:26
VK7HSEploum: It also depends on just what & how your want it all to work!...13:27
ploumVK7HSE: I really think that 99% of people want to have mails but it's a tradition in the software world to be flexible that even the basic needs are nearly impossible to understand13:28
ploumthat's why I like the principle of dovecot-postfix13:29
ploumIt makes the most frequent typical really easy13:29
ploum(the most typical usecase)13:29
ploumI admit that here, it's not a basic need13:29
ploumjust a nice feature13:29
VK7HSEYeah I had to wade through quite a bit of documentation to get my head around it! but I'm by no means an "expert" in this field!13:30
ploumme neither13:30
VK7HSElike I haven't setup my postfix to use mysql etc.. just for local accounts only...13:31
ploumbut here, I'm really frustrated. It's a feature that should be, on the paper, really easy to have with dovecot-postfix but I cannot make it works without this package13:31
ploumVK7HSE: I use it with LDAP and it was *not* nice to set up ;-)13:31
VK7HSEas I have just upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04, and haven't done a fresh install, does the dovecot-postfix duo include amavis ??? or any filtering by default?13:32
* VK7HSE just topping up the teacup!13:33
ploumnot that I'm aware of13:33
ScottKVK7HSE: No.  We're looking at that for the future.13:34
kworkdont take the fun out of it by making it easy :P13:35
ScottKThere is a postfix-filter-add (IIRC) script shipped in the postfix package that should make integrating amavisd-new quite easy.13:35
VK7HSEOk! cool thanks ScottK  ... I had fun sorting mine out!.. :P13:35
ploumI've the following postfix maps with ldap : http://www.vogelweith.com/debian_server/07_postfix.php#x1-180003.313:36
VK7HSEScottK I have mine working just fine... but I will compare the new info once its complete...13:36
ploummaybe the /etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf in the link refuse the user+folder@domain ?13:37
ScottKI had it backwards.  It's /usr/sbin/postfix-add-filter13:37
ScottKIf you just execute /usr/sbin/postfix-add-filter it will explain what it does13:38
VK7HSEScottK hey that pretty neat!... you guys have been hard at it!... :D13:39
ScottKThat's actually been there in Intrepid too, but didn't get the press that dovecot-postfix is getting.13:45
VK7HSEScottK... gee that would have saved me many hours of "learning" !!! but hey I needed to understand just what it was I was attempting to do... not just cut'n'paste the whole config!13:46
ploum(damm, it looks like it's a old problem : http://www.irbs.net/internet/postfix/0611/0115.html )13:47
ivoksah, ploum :)13:48
VK7HSEI now "understand" why I left ldap alone !!! :P13:49
ivoksi don't see why ldap/passd/sql would make any difference with delimiter13:50
ivoksif postfix knows what the delimiter is, then it knows what is the username13:50
ivoksand will ask ldap/sql/passwd for a correct username13:51
VK7HSEfor me, I just didn't understand it! plus for a home server it was just overkill !!!13:51
ivokseasy with '!'13:52
ploumivoks: I don't understand it more than you13:52
ploumwhat you say is logical13:52
ploumbut I think I've tried all logical solutions13:52
ivoksploum: it doesn't work for you?13:52
ploumso I'm trying the non-sense approach13:53
ploumivoks: no13:53
ivoksploum: do you use dovecot as MDA?13:53
ploumwith sieve and everything working fine13:53
ivoksyou configured both dovecot and postfix to do that, right?13:53
ploumivoks: how do you configure dovecot for that ?13:53
ivoksploum: you have to enable mda in its configuration13:54
ploumthis is just that **** recipient_delimiter which is not taken into account13:54
ploumivoks: yes13:54
ivoks(protocol lda)13:54
ploummy config is working for nearly one year13:54
ivoksok then13:54
ivokshow does mailbox_command looks like?13:54
ivoksso, let's start again13:55
ivoksploum: do you use dovecot as MDA?13:55
ivokscorrect answer on this question is: no13:55
ivoksunless you made serious changes to master.cf13:55
ploumvirtual_transport = dovecot13:56
ploummaster.cf :13:56
ploumdovecot    unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe13:56
ploum  flags=DRhu user=vmail:mail argv=/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -d $recipient13:56
ploumso I really believe that I'm using dovecot as MDA13:56
ivoksyou do, but you didn't set it up to look at extensions13:56
ploumreally interesting13:57
ploumHow can I do that13:57
ivoks  flags=DRhu user=vmail:vmail argv=/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/deliver -f ${sender} -d ${user}@${nexthop} -n -m ${extension}13:57
ivoksnotice the -n -m ${extension}13:57
ivoks /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver --help13:58
ivoksdoh, no --help13:58
ivoks-m <mailbox>: Destination mailbox (default is INBOX). If the mailbox doesn't exist, it's created (unless -n is used). If message couldn't be saved to the mailbox for any reason, it's delivered to INBOX instead.13:58
ivoksso, you aren't exporting mailbox name to dovecot's MDA13:59
ivoksthat's why it can't deliver in specified mailbox13:59
ploumivoks: but there's another problem14:00
ploumIt doesn't even try14:00
ploum<ploum+bugzilla@ploum.net <https://mail.fritalk.com/src/compose.php?send_to=ploum%2Bbugzilla%40ploum.net>>: user unknown14:00
ivoksof course it doesn't; you didn't tell it to try14:00
ivokshave you added -n -m ${extension} ?14:01
ploumand reloaded postfix14:01
ploumand it's still the same14:01
ivoksso, how does that line in master.cf looks like now?14:01
ploumflags=DRhu user=vmail:mail argv=/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -d $recipient -n -m ${extension}14:03
ploumdoesn't work (user unknonw)14:03
ploumflags=DRhu user=vmail:mail argv=/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -d ${@user}@{nexthop} -n -m ${extension}  :14:03
ploummails are not coming14:03
ploumstatus=deferred (mail system configuration error)14:06
ploumI'm sure there's something I don't understand14:07
ivokssorry, phone14:07
ploum(I always said that master.cf is the limit of my intelligence)14:07
ploumno problem ! You are helping me ! Thanks :-)14:07
ivoksso... correct line would be:14:08
ivoks  flags=DRhu user=vmail:vmail argv=/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -d ${recipient} -n -m ${extension}14:09
ivokssave it, restart postfix14:10
ivokssend your self a mail on email+existing_folder@domain.com14:10
ploum user unknown14:10
ploumI've a "bugzilla" folder14:11
ploummy mail is ploum@ploum.net14:11
ploumso I send to ploum+bugzilla@ploum.net14:11
ploumuser unknown14:11
ivokspostconf recipient_delimiter14:11
ploumrecipient_delimiter = +14:12
ivoksand how about ldap filter?14:12
ivokshave you looked at ldap to see which user postfix is requesting14:12
ploumvirtual_mailbox_maps = ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-accounts.cf14:13
ploumvirtual_alias_maps = ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf, ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-maildrop.cf14:13
ploumthe .cf files are here : http://www.vogelweith.com/debian_server/07_postfix.php#x1-180003.314:13
ploumbasically :14:13
ploumquery_filter = (&(objectClass=mailAccount)(mailalias=%s)(mailenable=OK))  result_attribute = mail14:14
ploumso, of course, ploum+bugzilla will not match any ldap alias14:15
ploumbut that's the goal of the stuff14:15
ploumPostfix should only ask for "ploum@ploum.net"14:15
ivokswhat's the username, ploum or ploum@ploum.net?14:19
ivoksbah, never mind14:19
ploumthat's maybe the problem. The username is "ploum@ploum.net"14:19
ploumso maybe it looks for "ploum" only14:19
ivokstry mailalis=%s@ploum.net14:20
ploumbut I'm hosting several domains so it's not a possible solution14:20
ivokspropagate_unmatched_extensions = canonical, virtual, alias, forward, include14:21
ivoksmake that only canonical, virtual14:22
ploumit doesn't help14:24
ploumBut anyway, thanks for taking the time to help me :-)14:24
ivokswe have a error in our logic :)14:25
ivoksresult_attribute = mail14:25
ploumI should put that in main.cf ?14:25
ivokswhat's mail attribute?14:25
ivoksan alias or mailbox?14:25
ivoksi'll have to investigate this14:26
plouman alias14:27
ivoksi'm planing on having ldap as a backend for karmic, so i'll have to tackle this14:27
ploumivoks, are you ante ?14:27
ploumoooh !14:27
ploumthanks for your time *and* your mail :-)14:28
ivokshehe np14:28
ploumI've tried to write a spec about that : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LdapIntegrationSpec14:28
ploumI'm using an Ubuntu server with LDAP for mails, Jabber and webservices : it works great but was really hard to set up14:29
ploumivoks : If you work on LDAP and you want to see some specific bit of my configuration, don't hesitate to drop me a mail14:30
ploumivoks: thanks a lot for your time and everything else (your blog, your work)14:35
ploumI will try it again another time14:35
Hungryhello there.14:54
HungryThink I may have got myself into a bind.14:55
HungryIs there a way to get hold of the update-manager-core and other packages required to upgrade a server from gutsy to hardy? Or now the repository is gone is the only option to reinstall from cd (with a train journey to visit the server)?14:55
ScottKHungry: old-releases.ubuntu.com (or something similar) has it.14:58
Hungrywill check that out. thanks.14:58
Sam-I-Amwow, nfs4 infinitely fails on 8.04 lts...15:13
Sam-I-Amfoxbuntu: figured out the problem... already a bug reported on it.15:13
Sam-I-Amfoxbuntu: reported last july, still not fixed in LTS, but fixed in intrepid.15:13
Sam-I-Amactually, using nfs4, LTS is totally unusable15:20
Sam-I-Amnice to see :)15:20
Faust-Ci thought cyrus was being taken out of repos?15:23
Faust-Cor was that courier15:23
Sam-I-Ami'd hope cyrus isnt leaving...15:23
foxbuntuSam-I-Am, Im not really sure at this point what I helped you with, but if there is a fix in intrepid for it, you could submit a backport request on it15:43
Sam-I-Amwould they consider backporting a kernel?15:47
Sam-I-Amfoxbuntu: we were talking about the kernel panic15:47
foxbuntuSam-I-Am, no, but you might get them to backport the fix15:47
foxbuntuSam-I-Am, but it would need regression testing and such15:47
foxbuntuSam-I-Am, what is the panic related to?15:48
Sam-I-Ami set up a serial console on the VM and traced it to an NFSv4 problem... which is documented as https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/linux/+bug/25300415:48
uvirtbotSam-I-Am: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out15:48
Sam-I-Ama recent post indicates that they're considering fixing it in hardy15:48
Sam-I-Ambut nothing official15:48
Sam-I-Ami could just toss the intrepid/jaunty kernel on hardy but that sorta defeats the purpose of running LTS15:49
foxbuntuSam-I-Am, that bug report shows its been nominated for backport already15:51
Sam-I-Amthats what i was thinking15:51
Sam-I-Amexcept its been a looooooong time since it was reported15:52
foxbuntuSam-I-Am, so its likely just a matter of time till it shows up in one of the lts kernels15:52
Sam-I-Amconsidering it makes lts unusable if you run nfs415:52
ScottKBug nomination doesn't mean more than someone thought it would be an appropriate thing to fix post release if there was a fix.  It doesn't mean someone is actively working on it.15:52
jmedinanfs is importan in today virtualization systems,15:52
foxbuntuSam-I-Am, my only suggestion is to try to bump it and get the fix backported15:54
foxbuntufind out what was actually fixed15:55
Sam-I-Amfoxbuntu: how would i 'bump' it?15:58
foxbuntuSam-I-Am, on the kernel, I am not totally sure, you might want to go ask someone on the kernel team for advice. #ubuntu-kernel16:02
Sam-I-Amnot a bad plan...16:02
AnRkeycan i create an lpr queue for our as400 to print to with cupsys on ubuntu?16:18
AnRkeyif so how?16:19
HecateAnRkey, i dont know exactely what your as400 is, but it sounds pretty much like a printer and since that would disqualify the question from being asked in this channel, i'd recommend asking it somewhere else.16:33
AnRkeyHecate, as400's are a kind of server16:34
LHChey all16:34
AnRkeythe as400 server must print send a print job to a server here running ubuntu desktop for our noobs to work on16:34
AnRkeyHecate, thanks anyway :)16:35
Hecateoh, sorry for "showing you off", then. ;)16:35
sorenAnRkey: Doesn't cups-bsd also run an lpd?16:37
sorenAnRkey: It certainly provides the lpr-like cli tools, but I think it also runs a corresponding daemon.16:37
AnRkeysoren, now we are talking16:38
jmedinayeap cups supports lpd16:38
AnRkeyi want to simply set up a queue16:38
AnRkeyjmedina, how do i create a queue then?16:38
AnRkeyjmedina, save my life please!!!! :P16:38
sorenI would expect cups-lpd to expose a queue for each of cups' configured printers.16:39
jmedinause cups-lpd daemon16:40
jmedinayou can launch it from xinetd16:40
jmedinaso you point your as400 lpr cliento to cups16:40
AnRkeyjmedina, where do i send the beer to?16:42
jmedinamexico city plase16:43
jmedinaI dont have incluensa16:43
AnRkeyoh geez, ok a bit far16:43
* AnRkey gives jmedina a noddy badge instead16:43
AnRkeyok that was about as korny as i should be today16:44
AnRkeyjmedina, now i just need to get this company to switch to ubuntu server from that blasted as400 server16:47
jmedinaAnRkey: wahat is as400 function?16:50
jmedinaonly print server?16:50
jmedinafile sharing?16:50
AnRkeyno it's a server that runs there accounting stuff16:58
AnRkeyit's terminal based16:58
AnRkeyruns over a telnet type session16:59
AnRkeythey are getting ripped off16:59
AnRkeyi have already saved them a boatload of cash with ubuntu desktop deployments16:59
AnRkeywe just got a call that they are considering ubuntu server and getting in a new package16:59
stashi, why after editing motd.tail and running bootmisc.sh my motd doesn't change? have you modified something again?18:02
genii!info update-motd18:05
ubottuupdate-motd (source: update-motd): Modular framework to dynamically generate the message of the day. In component main, is standard. Version 1.11.1 (jaunty), package size 7 kB, installed size 120 kB18:05
=== Administrator__ is now known as LHCc
jbernardstas: that should work, is /etc/motd a symlink to /var/run/motd?18:34
stasjbernard: yes it is18:34
stasI mean it's a symlink to /var/run/motd18:35
stasbut it doesn't change on running /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh start18:35
stasgenii: it worked, thx18:36
jbernardstas: ahh, the updating of motd is no longer done by bootmisc.sh for jaunty18:37
jbernardthat was removed, probably in favor of installing update-motd18:37
stasjbernard: yeah :)18:38
jbernardi think i was the last one to actually realize that ;)18:38
stasI just wanted to know what changed :)18:39
theuser1 what are the ports used by irc. ?18:52
infinitytheuser1: 6667 is the most common one, but IRC networks tend to run on a range of ports, to allow people to get out of permissive firewalls.18:58
theuser1need all ports used. i have to run ircd18:59
infinitytheuser1: It's entirely up to how you configure your ircd.18:59
infinitytheuser1: But, like I said, 6667 is the most common default.18:59
theuser1 6665, 6666, 6667, 7000, 7070, 8000, 8001, 8002 ?19:00
=== mdz_ is now known as mdz
ichatwhat whould be the  best way to (remote or local)  control  a ubuntu server instance - for home use -  ?19:41
ichatsorry - i should have said other than ssh - cause im not verry fond of  cli command al the time19:43
ichati googled for webmin instead but its said to have issues with ubuntu19:43
kirklandmathiaz: around?19:45
kirklandmathiaz: regarding bug #360825 ...19:46
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 360825 in kvm "kvm 0.84 doesn't create three drives in the guest" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36082519:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #370000 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (universe) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.31-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso post-installation script devolvió el código de salida de error 127" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37000019:53
mathiazkirkland: yes - bug 36082520:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 360825 in kvm "kvm 0.84 doesn't create three drives in the guest" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36082520:21
kirklandmathiaz: so i've been talking with upstream about this issue, trying to get him to take our patch20:22
kirklandmathiaz: but he says that it's wrong20:22
kirklandmathiaz: wrong to use index= anything, with virtio20:22
kirklandmathiaz: because with virtio, the indexing is misleading20:22
kirklandmathiaz: it doesn't actually correspond to the order as seen by the guest20:23
mathiazkirkland: hm ok.20:23
kirklandmathiaz: and uuid should be used instead20:23
kirklandmathiaz: my question for you ...  where did those index= entries come from?  libvirt?20:24
mathiazkirkland: right - so if I define a virtio devices as being hda in the libvirt file it doesn't mean that it will be seen as hda in the guest20:24
kirklandmathiaz: well, vda you mean20:24
kirklandmathiaz: but, yes, exactly20:24
mathiazkirkland: yes - in my libvirt definition, I have device=vda, device=vdb20:24
mathiazkirkland: the libvirt definition goes like this: <target dev='hda' bus='virtio'/>20:25
mathiazkirkland: then I guess that libvirt translates that to index option when it launches the kvm process20:26
kirklandmathiaz: gotcha20:27
kirklandmathiaz: okay, we'll need to fix that in libvirt20:27
jimcooncatanyone here use freenac?21:08
jmedinait is totally free?21:08
jimcooncatnot if you use their consulting service :-)21:10
jmedinahave you tried http://netreg.sourceforge.net/21:10
jimcooncatnot sure that fits my scenario -- want to provide guest access in our conference room. I want them to see only a proxied gateway, not the other machines on the LAN21:12
jimcooncat... wireless access (I've got a couple WRT54GL's handy) would be a bonus21:13
jmedinaI use WPA2 Enterprise with FreeRADIUS21:15
jimcooncatI thought originally I'd make very small subnets and hand each guest their own via dhcp21:15
jmedinaand FreeRADIUS with EAP-PAP or EAP-TTLS21:15
jmedinausring windows autentication or ldap auth21:15
jmedinayou can add a user to a specific vlan depending of their authtentication credentials21:16
jimcooncatjmedina: does that require anything for the client to configure or install?21:16
jmedinait is much simple to setup a captive portal server :D21:16
jmedinalike in hotels21:16
jmedinayour user connect to a open wireless21:16
jmedinaassigned a IP21:17
jmedinawhen taht user opens a browser it will apear a registration form21:17
jmedinaso you can auth that user and give privileges21:17
jmedinaI like ZeroShell distribution for that21:17
jmedinait has ldap and kerberos auth integrated21:17
jmedinait is easier21:17
jimcooncatthanks jmedina, I'll look into that -- it does sound simpler21:18
jimcooncatlooks very feature-rich, but not simple to update. Shouldn't need much updating though21:21
jimcooncatI'm so spoiled with apt21:22
=== timburke__ is now known as timburke
captainkirkdoes anyone know where i should look to find the rsync logs?23:33
andolcaptainkirk: from rsyncd? Well, unless otherwise specified it should go into syslog.23:36
captainkirkandol... just looking now23:38
captainkirkandol. details i am looking for are not in the system log, but I did find something else interesting.....23:40
andolYou always find something interesting when you peak at your syslogs :)23:40
captainkirkandol: i have changed the hostname of the computer from emerlad2 to emerald but all the log entries are still showing the old hostname of emerald2?23:40
captainkirkandol: ok, i found a 1 line entry in the syslog of where the cron job has run the rsync command.  Is there some way of piping the rsync output to a file somewhere and then have a cron to email it to me as an attachment?23:46
captainkirkanyone ?  ^^^^^^^23:50
andolcaptainkirk: Since you were talking about logs I figured you were running a rsyncd, but obviously not.23:50
andolcaptainkirk: if you have a MTA set up properly all cron output will be sent as mail, to the user running the job.23:51
captainkirkandol: rsyncd is the server side of rsync right?23:51
andolcaptainkirk: If you want more rsync output, use the --verbose flag23:51
captainkirkandol: yes, i am using the --verbose flag and if i run the rsync command from cli, i get 'los' of info... :)23:52
andolcaptainkirk: Yes, but not neccesary the one you use. Often today you simply pipe rsync through a ssh tunnel, spawning a rsync session on the other wise.23:52
captainkirkandol: ok, my problem is the other host with the 'live data' to copy is a w2k server23:53
andolcaptainkirk: Another option, unless you have your mail working, is to simply add a ">> /path/to/logfile" after the command in your cron file.23:53
captainkirkandol, as this machine is not my site mta, it is not configured so i like the >>etc option just to capture the output of the most recent run event23:56
captainkirkandol: is the ssh tunnel option difficult to configure, or even necessary if both machines are in the same room?23:57
andolcaptainkirk: Actually, the ssh tunnel one is usually the easiest one, it only requiers the other server to be running an openssh-server and have the rsync client install23:59

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