
aragood morning all :)07:07
davmor2Morning All08:54
arahey davmor209:05
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eeejayok, going to re-image my computer, this time really10:45
thekornara: re bug 368157, what do you mean by 'rest of merging' tasks: the one pending merge proposal? or are there other branches which should be merged into TRUNK first?11:00
ubot4`Launchpad bug 368157 in ubuntu-desktop-testing "Restructuring code of ubuntu-desktop-testing" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36815711:00
arathekorn: I sent an email to the list11:00
arathekorn: testsuite/application split and the dx,pidgin,tweaks merge11:01
thekornah, ok11:02
thekorngot it now ;)11:03
arathekorn: :)11:03
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* ara -> lunch12:38
fader_'morning all13:03
davmor2Morning fader_14:32
fader_Any iso respins today?14:33
fader_Whoa, sorry, flashback14:33
* davmor2 slaps fader_ back into post release mode14:34
fader_Thanks, I needed that.14:34
davmor2fader_: have you seen this yet http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NzIzOA14:35
fader_No, I hadn't.  Good news though!14:35
fader_(Or it would be if I hadn't become so accustomed to avoiding ATI that I had any ATI graphics cards)14:36
davmor2I heard about how broken kms might make karmic should be funn to test :D14:36
* fader_ had previously thought he was safe with Intel stuff and has learned a Valuable Lesson.14:36
fader_Heh, it'll be like Jaunty then :)14:36
fader_Only with AMD instead of Intel.14:36
davmor2fader_: intel stuff should be fine this time round14:37
* fader_ crosses his fingers.14:37
davmor2ati just gets better slowly but surely14:37
davmor2so fingers crossed they'll both be good :)14:37
fader_Yeah, then we can start making nvidia open source their stuff :)14:38
davmor2open domination, it's like global domination but everyone knows the plan14:42
fader_"Unfortunately for you all, the plans have been forked."14:46
davmor2fader_: it's okay they eventually come back together in a pincer movement with microsoft and apple in the middle :D14:49
davmor2fader_: I just bought a 4way kvm to make my life a bit easier for next round14:54
fader_I thought we decided you were getting some foot-driven keyboards instead.14:55
fader_I'm starting to think you don't want to even try typing on four machines at the same time. :P14:55
davmor2fader_: if you ever see me dance you'll know why that's just not sane :D14:55
davmor2fader_: but on a plus note it now means that I can get 2 more machines in and only have 5 keyboard to play with :P15:02
fader_Heheh I knew there was an upside in there somewhere.15:03
fader_davmor2: You could probably get rid of your chair and just put a pillow on a server or two -- think outside the box!15:03
davmor2Yes a dell and hp server so I can stress test server as well as desktop, hmmmmmmmm15:05
fader_Perfect!  You can cable tie a few netbooks to them as a back support.15:05
fader_I imagine you looking like a borg by the time Karmic is out.15:05
davmor2what are we thinking buy a rack put some wheels on the bottom and half a dozen blades in it for the seat and then I still have my wheelie chair :)15:07
fader_Nice and toasty!15:08
davmor2saves on heating bills :D15:09
smbirc seem not to like /me today15:21
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TurtlePieanything I can do to help?23:18

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