
bryceof course wouldn't you know it, as soon as I'm ready to put this fix in, launchpad goes down!00:17
CShadowRunMurphy's law +100:27
NCommanderCShadowRun, whenever your ready to fix something, Launchpad goes down?00:58
CShadowRunNCommander yup, that's murphys law00:58
CShadowRunMurphys law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong00:59
CShadowRunand it always happens at the most annoying time too.00:59
NCommanderCShadowRun, Murphy's Law only fails when trying to prove Murphy's Law, thereby succeeding01:01
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alex_mayorgabryce: ping04:46
alex_mayorgaHi, can anyone take a quick look at bug 213171 please?04:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 213171 in xorg "[i830] Unable to install with GUI on Fujitsu Lifebook C7651" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21317104:47
brycehttp://www2.bryceharrington.org:8080/X/PkgList/versions_current.html  <-- updated for karmic09:50
lesshaste my X just spontaneously rebooted with this helpful backtrace (see end of log) http://pastebin.com/f373a4ba015:14
mnemolesshaste: fglrx doesn't support xserver 1.6 yet so right now you are recommended to use the -ati driver for radeon cards on jaunty.. see this bug for details: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/31302716:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 313027 in fglrx-installer "MASTER: fglrx does not support xserver 1.6" [Wishlist,Won't fix]16:27
lesshastemnemo: that's very interesting but I am hardy16:27
lesshastemnemo: I am on hardy16:28
mnemooh, I see.. ok16:28
tjaaltonmnemo: the latest version does support it, and jaunty has a prerelease version that also supports 1.6..16:29
mnemooh I see16:30
lesshastemnemo: the problem is my lack of debug symbols I assume16:30
lesshastehow can I get those?16:30
mnemolesshaste: probably this will work.. sudo apt-get -y install xserver-xorg-core-dbg libgl1-mesa-dri-dbg16:31
mnemobut you cant get debug symbols for fglrx afaik16:31
lesshasteok thanks.. is that what is missing in my backtrace?16:32
mnemono yours seems to have only X symbols missing16:33
mnemoin general, you can determine in what package a file ships using for example the command "dpkg -S /usr/bin/X" and then you can see if there is a blah-dbg package for that... and if there isn't you can enable ddebs repos and then install package_name-dbgsym16:34
lesshastethanks.. I am installing the packages you mentioned16:34
lesshasteand we'll see for next time.. one that I don't understand is that I never get anything in /var/crash16:34
lesshasteI have  enabled=1 in /etc/default/apport16:35
mnemotjaalton: do you know if jaunty will ship a new mesa7.4 based on the upstream stable branch?16:36
lesshastedoes an X crash not trigger apport?16:36
mnemolesshaste: apport is disabled in stable release but you can force it to start by running "sudo force_start=1 /etc/init.d/apport start"16:37
mnemo(maybe thats the same as enable=1 that you mention? not sure)16:37
mnemotjaalton: because I have found an extremely attractive cherry pick for -ati this morning16:38
lesshastemnemo: thanks16:38
lesshastejust tried it16:38
mnemotjaalton: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/36804916:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 368049 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "compiz crashes gnome desktop using default ati driver (radeon X600)" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:43
lesshastemnemo: out of interest..are all these drmOpenDevice: lines in my log normal?17:03
jbarnesbryce: what's the url for the xorg blueprints?17:21
tjaaltonmnemo: not sure17:24
tjaaltonmnemo: also, the package should be changed to mesa17:25
tjaaltonafk, bbq ->17:25
jbarnesbryce: heh nevermind... /me looks at /topic17:26
pwnguinwhat's going on with bug #214668?19:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 214668 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945gm] rotating screen degrades performance with intel driver" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21466819:44
pwnguinbugwatch moved it from fix released to confirmed19:44
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