
RIcoMK-BB: ;)00:00
ben__anyone here is / know of a solid sysadmin specializing in ubuntu in the seattle area?00:00
losherben__: a job/contract offer?00:00
Mytosi just installed aircrack through the package manager, how do i get it to appear in the applications list00:00
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Xionglosher, http://paste.ubuntu.com/160999/00:00
ben__losher: that's right - is that appropriate for this channel?00:00
losherben__: dunno, don't see why not. If you get no joy, I'd try Craigslist...00:02
ben__losher: thanks :) I think we have an ad out on craiglist, just thought i'd throw a line out in here00:02
joelleok this is getting really frustrating,  these folders just will NOT automount on boot or login, ive tried adding the commands to fstab, rc.local, and a custom script i found and none work, yet if i run the commands in a terminal the folders mount without a problem00:02
Guest57576MK-BB:it still doesn't work00:02
joellecan anyone help me figure this out00:02
Xionglosher, this is going nowhere; not worth the work; this is a very new machine with very few files on it and they're all backed up to CD00:02
Mytosi just installed aircrack through the package manager, how do i get it to appear in the applications list00:02
eseven73myton, usually just logging out/in fixes that00:03
shentinoapart from the default set of packages that are installed00:03
losherXiong: I understand. Though it should work, the kernel clearly sees a disk at /dev/sda with partitions on it. Let me know if you want to pursue it...00:03
shentinois there any difference between ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-server?00:03
Xionglosher, i'm just going to wipe it all out and partition from scratch; you could help by telling me how to create 2 equal boot partitions, either one of which can run the machine; either one can be selected at boot time in grub00:03
Xionglosher, in fact, let me sketch my idea for partitions, pastebin it, and ask you to comment00:04
losherXiong: ok00:04
crateltracker has the option "enable thunderbird email indexing" greyed out and checked. Does thunderbird indexing actually work?00:05
redvamp128Mytos - you could  right click on the menu- edit menus' highlight where you want it to go then click new- name it then put the command to run (creating a launcher) Right now I have one for the Windows Version of Minefield- But one thing is will have the spring.00:05
RIcoGuest57576: try adding the medibuntu repository, check on the website http://medibuntu.org00:06
Mytosits only doing it if i use the synaptic manager, not the main manager in the applications list00:06
Guest57576Guest57576:already done00:06
eseven73Looking for a good/easy bash script to backup my mysql databases anyone have one they could share?00:06
GhloreDoes anyone here know why my HDD light would flash every second (tracker disabled)00:07
Xionglosher, http://paste.ubuntu.com/161002/00:07
burntresistorim trying to add extra repositories , and the instructions file says to enter it into the tablet , does that just mean terminal?00:08
* D3f0 is away: Ausente por el momento00:08
RIcoGhlore: check the system monitor to see what's working00:08
esionany one from Albania ?00:09
losherXiong: ok, please stand by00:09
eseven73Ghlore, Id get iwatch... once installed try sudo iwatch -r -e all_events -v -s /foldertomonitor00:09
lepine1hey guys, i just installed kcachegrind on a run of the mill gnome desktop. kcachegrind constantly opens in full screen, no apparent chrome, and i CANT unmaximize or anything. What can i do?00:10
Partition_errorGot a problem with installing. Not getting error, just don't know how to do it. I have Vista 64 and Vista 32 installed already. I want to install Ubuntu on now.....All are on 1 hard drive, a 500 Gig Hard Drive, Vista 64 is on 100 Gig, Vista 32 is on 100 Gig, and I wnat to install Ubuntu on the rest.....Can someone please help me with this....If i leave it unformatted, it don't seem to alow me to install on it. and if i format it its impossible to.00:10
lepine1i just tried devilspie to unmaximize it, no go00:10
Ghloreesever73 thanks i will try that00:10
Xionglosher, the rationale here is that when i mess up /boot1, i have something to fall back on without any delay whatever00:10
Mytoshow would i go about making my own shortcut to aircrack since it wont make one for me00:10
dr_willisburntresistor:  tablet makes no sence. :)00:10
Kage[Work]Is there a way to find what package installed some file?00:10
Ghloreits a fresh install so i take it this is not normal00:10
losherXiong: understood, please stand by00:10
redvamp128Mytos:  I told you a few posts earlier.00:10
Kage[Work]ie. "whichPackage /usr/bin/perl" says "perl5" or something, you know?00:11
Xiongdr_willis, i like tablets00:11
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dr_willisXiong:  Stone Tablets? or Alka-seltzer tablets?00:11
gartral1xine keeps zeroing my PCM mixer00:11
eseven73Ghlore, anytime, yea that iwatch will tell you what files are being accessed, written, deleted, and whatnot it can even send emails to the admin and stuff :)00:11
Xiongdr_willis, graphics tablets?00:11
gartral1how do i stop that00:11
redvamp128Mytos:  you could  right click on the menu- edit menus' highlight where you want it to go then click new- name it then put the command to run (creating a launcher) Right now I have one for the Windows Version of Minefield- But one thing is will have the spring.00:11
Mytosyou told me to make a launcher, i have no idea where the package manager put it in my file system though00:11
redvamp128Mytos got a link from where you installed it from so I can look up the program00:12
DopievoliHi al I can't update by  8.04 and this is what I get --> http://www.mibbit.com/pb/f0wLgo00:12
gartral1Mytos: the nice thing about linux... you don't need to know where it is, you just need to know the command00:12
Mytosi installed it from the synaptics package manager00:12
histowow privoxy is really slowwww.00:13
Mytosi dont know the command00:13
boshheadWhen I open a new firefox session, there's a "ghost image" of the last thing I was looking at via firefox, until my home page fully loads. That's really annoying. :)00:13
Skiessiwhy am I getting "NVIDIA: could not open the device file /dev/nvidiactl (Permission denied)." when running opengl programs?00:13
RIcoMytos: try aircrack as a command00:13
Dopievolishould I re-install ubuntu?00:14
Mytosi dont want the command, i just want a stupid shortcut00:14
losherXiong: http://paste.ubuntu.com/161004/00:14
coleysDopievoli: For what reason?00:14
* Xiong looks00:14
histoMytos: what do you want a shortcut for?00:14
histoMytos: like a clickable icon for it?00:14
Dopievolicoleys, I'm getting this http://www.mibbit.com/pb/Dsbuam00:15
Mytosi want a package i installed to show up in the applications list, thats it00:15
lepine1are KDE apps support to open full screen, with no chrome in gnome?00:15
SylarHas anyone tried Codeweavers Crossover?00:15
dr_willisaparently you dont realize you make a 'launcher' that runs the command?00:15
histoMytos: its not a gui program but you could launch a terminal with a shortcut then type th ecommand in.00:15
homeskilldoesnt ubuntu come with a gui for cron of some sort? i dont see it00:15
lepine1kcachegrind is giving me problems00:15
evantanderseni have a Gigabyte board and K10 based Quad Core AMD chip. I cant get pwm working. I can see the temp in sensors.00:15
histoMytos: right click on the applications are and click edit menus00:15
dr_willisMytos:  not all apps have icons not all are gui apps.00:15
coleysDopievoli: An error?00:15
HSNewsPeople, how to install GRUB onto external HDD? (in LiveCD)00:15
w3wsrmnanyone know of a way to find out the full version of the currently running kernel (eg 2.6.8-11.42)?00:15
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:15
danielrmthomeskill: gnome-schedule is a gui for cron00:15
HSNewshow to list drivers?00:15
histo!grub > w3wsrmn00:15
ubottuw3wsrmn, please see my private message00:15
Mytosthe package im need IS gui00:15
Dopievolicoleys, yes when I apt-get update this is what I get00:16
cokebottles_any idea when LP is back up ??00:16
HSNewsHow to list HDDs?00:16
coleysoh.. that doesn't matter. :P00:16
SylarHow can i get conky?00:16
Skiessihow frequently is allowed to repeat a question?00:16
ThibitMany of my menu bars have disappeared for some reason in Gnome under Jaunty all of a sudden.  Might there be a way to reenable them?  Attempting to do so from within each program fails.  Alt does not allow for navigation of them, so they are not hidden.00:16
Xionglosher, okay, small question, why is root2 not bootable?   bigger question: how do i do this?00:16
coleysThat just means the server could be down.00:16
histoHSNews: fdisk -l00:16
w3wsrmnhisto: no, that's not what i'm looking for. I need the *comeplete* version, not just 2.6.28-11 or whatever00:16
homeskilldanielrmt how do i get to it?00:16
Tech-Mikehas the blacklist been renamed /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf00:16
coleysYou can remove that from sources.list if you wanted.00:16
DopievoliIt's been happening for two weeks00:16
dr_willisMytos:  some times menus dont refresh instantly. or the package maker may of goofed up and put the icon in the wrong place.  or ya may need to log out/back in to make the menus refresh00:16
histow3wsrmn: ?  you want to install to usb?00:16
Xionglosher, for reference, i have 120 Gb altogether to work with00:16
Dopievolican a server be down for two weeks?00:16
HSNewsFdisk -l - doesn't output00:17
coleysDopievoli: Do in terminal... sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list00:17
dr_willisHSNews:  its 'sudo fdisl -l'00:17
cokebottles_also; how can i get the total bytes for a source tree ??00:17
dr_willisHSNews:  its 'sudo fdisk -l'00:17
Xionglosher, i do not understand the difference between name and mount point, neither do i see how to assign them independently00:17
Dopievoliso that source is unimportant?00:17
coleysDopievoli: Then Find the http://security.ubuntu and remove that line.00:17
coleysNot really.00:17
w3wsrmnhisto: no, i need to know the complete version of the currently running kernel, such as 2.6.28-11.4200:17
danielrmthomeskill: you can install it in synaptic00:17
Mytosive rebooted twice willis, you guys are repeating the same suggestions to me, all i need is to put a link between the package i installed with synaptic into the applications list, its a gui program theres no reason i shouldnt be able to, all i need to know is HOW00:17
losherXiong: please stand by00:17
histow3wsrmn: uname -a00:17
Dopievoliit's not security update source?00:18
SylarCan someone help i try searching for conky in synaptic but i can't find it00:18
HSNewshow to install GRUB onto /dev/sdb1 ?00:18
dr_willisMytos:  the menu editor would let you add a new menu item/launcher if you want. once you learn the 'command' to launch the app.00:18
vulnHi. I would like to have the content of my /usr/ directory in a memory card to save some gb of space in my poor 4gb hd. I would like to know if I can solve this using the same way I would do in a /home/ one. I ask, because I think some files in /usr/ are requested before the system mount the partitions in /etc/fstab. So?00:18
cokebottles_how can i get total bytes of a download trunk ?00:18
histo!grub > HSNews00:18
ubottuHSNews, please see my private message00:18
w3wsrmnhisto: no, that's not it. that returns only 2.6.28-11. but thanks for trying00:18
jbakerhello - how can i change the default editor that nautilus uses when i double click a text file ?00:18
coleysDopievoli: You don't need it, if it's not working. The server isn't online if you can't acess it.00:18
histow3wsrmn: what are you trying to do i'm confused by your question00:18
coleysDopievoli: So you can remove it, and you'll be fine.00:18
redvamp128Mytos:  try opeing up Nautilus then use its search and look for (make sure to turn on the show hidden) aircrack00:18
Sylarjbaker: do you have another text editor installed?00:19
dr_willis!find aircrack00:19
ubottuFound: aircrack-ng00:19
jbakerSylar: yes00:19
Dopievolithat server doesn't serve the security updates than?00:19
Sylarjbaker: Did you try right clicking on the text file?00:19
cokebottles_how long launchpad down for ?00:19
losherXiong: It can all be done in gparted from the live CD. You can only have one bootable partition, but that's all you need. The file /boot/menu/grub.lst will let you choose which partition to boot the os from00:19
Thibitnvm.  Just figured out that globalmenu is having issues.00:19
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cokebottles_hello ?00:19
=== NathanPatrelli is now known as coleys
RIcoMytos: right click on your desktop> create launcher, fill the fields (in the command one write aircrack) and you will have an icon to launch your app00:19
jbakerSylar: yes - but it doesn't stick - do i need to reboot or something ?00:19
gartral1three thing are really annoying me, one, pidgin's irc.. the chanserv message is always displayed when i join, how do i stop that, 2 xine is zeroing my PCM mixer levels... and 3, the BIG one, xine is crashing on fullscreen enable...00:20
Sylarjbaker: you shouldn't have to00:20
phantom---i need helping with installing a program, mocha can someone help me?00:20
Dopievolicoleys, so that source is not for security updates for ubuntu?00:20
vulnWhy sometimes, I open my Ubuntu and some preferences in Compiz just stop working? like the cube and others?00:20
cokebottles_anyone ?00:20
coleysgartral1: use irssi not pidgin for irc.00:20
dr_willisI dont see any 'gui' for aircrack-ng perhaps its a seperate package.00:20
losherXiong: You could have e.g. 8.04 installed on root1, and 9.04 installed on root2, and choose which one to run at boot time. Questions? Keep asking till it's clear00:20
Sylarjbaker: hold on a moment00:20
cokebottles_or no ?00:20
Xionglosher, ty, i'm going to boot CD and try this -- unfortunately, if i fail, i will have destroyed my old system and will not be able to return for more help -- any last words?00:20
coleysDopievoli: The source contains all the info for where you get your packages.00:20
Sylarjbaker: ok00:21
coleysDopievoli: There is many urls in it, and the one that is not working is the one you can remove.00:21
histow3wsrmn: are you talking about their physical location in /boot?00:21
Sylarjbaker: right click on your text file you want to open and select properties00:21
gartral1coleys: pidgin is there, its conveinent, and setup, i dont want to have to open 7 console windows when trying to debug stuff, 4-6 is pleanty already...00:21
tinkerHi.  I upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04 last night and lost all of my sound.  Can anyone make suggestions for how to fix this?  Thanks in advance00:21
jbakerSylar: k00:21
eseven73gardar, use xchat00:21
Sylarjbaker: choose the open with tab and select the text editor you want to use00:21
losherXiong: not so fast. Let00:21
Tech-Mikeis the only way to disable/mute the pcspkr is to blacklist it + rmmod pcspkr ??00:21
gartral1!who eseven7300:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about who eseven7300:21
gartral1!who| eseven7300:21
ubottueseven73: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:21
Sylarjbaker: did that help?00:21
losherXiong: not so fast. Lets talk about names & mount points first00:22
jbakerSylar: great - yes thank you !00:22
eseven73I know gartral1 you and gardar have similar nicks sorry :P00:22
gartral1anyway, i just blocked chanserv, so thats end of that00:22
Sylarjbaker: my pleasure :)00:22
Xiongwhat i have written (on paper) i will copy to pastebin now00:22
vulnHi. I would like to have the content of my /usr/ directory in a memory card to save some gb of space in my poor 4gb hd. I would like to know if I can solve this using the same way I would do in a /home/ one. I ask, because I think some files in /usr/ are requested before the system mount the partitions in /etc/fstab. So?00:22
losherXiong: since you only have one disk, it will almost certainly be named /dev/sda00:22
gartral1eseven73: any ideas on the xine related problems?00:23
eseven73nope sorry00:23
JesperHansenQUESTION: How do I add more desktops instead of just having 1 when using the netbook remix ubuntu release?00:23
losherXiong: the partitions on the disk will be named /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2 etc. The numbers get assigned depending on the order you create the partitions00:23
w3wsrmnhisto: no, i needed to find out the *complete* version number of the currently running kernel (beyond what is listed in menu.lst or uname -r), but I found it in dmesg. thanks though00:23
dr_willisJesperHansen:  not sure you can when using the netbook interface.00:23
histoJesperHansen: you mean more workspaces?00:23
SmokalotapotamusI have a problem with low volume. I installed Pulse Audio paman to try to fix it, now I have no audio and my volume control on my desktop crashes if I try to open it. I removed Pulse Audio with the package manager but still have no sound and my volume control still crashes.00:24
JesperHansenhisto: yes.00:24
HSNewshow to get list of drivers like (hd0,2) and etc00:24
mqrk@ANYONE I'm having trouble with aptitude.  Some repositories (notably, all security repositories) aren't being found.  Could someone try "sudo apt-get update"? I am curious if this is a local problem.00:24
dr_willisHSNews:  hard DRIVES you mean?  'sudo fdisk -l'00:24
dr_willisHSNews:  Grub 'enumerates' themn differently then linux does also... sda = hd0, sdb = hd100:24
JesperHansendr_willis: Yea, I wanted to check it out for having some "new" instead of just following the regular ubuntu since 04 :P00:24
vulnQUESTION: Hi. I would like to have the content of my /usr/ directory in a memory card to save some gb of space in my poor 4gb hd. I would like to know if I can solve this using the same way I would do in a /home/ one. I ask, because I think some files in /usr/ are requested before the system mount the partitions in /etc/fstab. So?00:24
losherXiong: too much action in the main channel, wanna go private?00:25
cloudpjff7Hello, I recently upgraded my ubuntu 8.10 (64-bit) distribution to ubuntu 9.04 (64-bit), and after doing so, my resolution can only go up to 800x600. My laptop has a nVidia 7150 integrated gfx card. When I go to hardware drivers, I get two options the "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 180)" and "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 173)". When I click activate it shows that it is downloading, however i00:25
cloudpjff7t will not activate. I have also tried envyng which gives me an error regarding my headers: "EnvyNG has detected that the headers for your kernel are missing and cannot be installed". The official NVIDIA driver installer gives me a similar error regarding the headers.00:25
dr_willisJesperHansen:  i used it on my AcerAspireOne. then enabled the 'normal' desktop.  dont like that netbook-desktop-interface00:25
histoJesperHansen: hrm... isn't it using gnome?  you should be able to add a workspace switcher to the panel.00:25
HSNewsI install Kubuntu onto External HDD from PC, and I can't load Kubuntu from Laptop (connected to external)...00:25
dr_willishisto:  it has its own special 'netbook interface' in addation to the normal gnome desktop option00:25
HSNewsI think it about disks00:25
Xionglosher, yes pls00:25
histoJesperHansen: I don'thave too much experience with netbook remix though so I could be wrong. But try right clicking on a panel00:25
eseven73mqrk, works for me using http://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu00:25
histodr_willis: ahh you may be able to help more.00:25
Skiessiwhy am I getting "NVIDIA: could not open the device file /dev/nvidiactl (Permission denied)." when running opengl programs?00:25
Tech-Mikeis the only way to disable/mute the pcspkr is to blacklist it + rmmod pcspkr ??00:26
histoTech-Mike: you can try alsamixer00:26
mqrkeseven73 thank you00:26
Tech-Mikehisto:  via terminal?00:26
histoTech-Mike: yes00:26
Tech-Mikehisto:  i8 thx00:26
phantom---how do i install GTK libraries?00:26
JesperHansendr_willis: Gotta almost agree there, though I gives somewhat quick access to the first app I launch. Not anything else :)00:26
histoTech-Mike: let me check some other things though.00:27
cloudpjff7I recently upgraded my ubuntu 8.10 (64-bit) distribution to ubuntu 9.04 (64-bit), and after doing so, my resolution can only go up to 800x600.00:27
dr_willisJesperHansen:  for the wife/kids it may be ok. but not for me and how i work.00:27
cloudpjff7does anyone know what could be wrong?00:27
JesperHansenhisto: hmm, that only gives me properties, I gotta try to change theme, move a slider and see If I can add something afterwards00:27
histoTech-Mike: you should also be able to do it by double clicking volume icon00:28
JesperHansendr_willis: Actually wanted to check it out before giving it to parents :)00:28
Sylar_Whats the best dvd encoder for linux????00:28
Smokalotapotamuscloudpjff7: I had to edit a text file to set my resolution when I installed the first time, perhaps that would do it. I cannot remember the name of the file though00:28
histoTech-Mike: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67127400:28
Tech-Mikehisto: i already stuck it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf  and rmmoded it.....the pcspkr isnt in my volume control00:28
dr_willisSylar_:  you mean encode video to 'format suiteable for a dvd disk' ?00:28
histoJesperHansen: nah I guess its a different interface as some have comented.  Maybe someone else will know.00:28
Sylar_dr_willis: yes00:28
histoTech-Mike: checkout that thread00:28
dr_willisSylar_:  or you want a tool to do that and gernate a suitable dvd.iso file as well?00:28
pirokoWow. As a long-time hater of Ubuntu, I have to hand it to you guys. Holy crap the new ubuntu is phenominal00:28
Tech-Mikehisto:  theres no system beep tab00:28
dr_willisSylar_:  i tend to use 'DeVeDe' to make dvd video disks from video files.00:29
Sylar_dr_willis: one that's like vso's convertx for windows00:29
coleysDevede rocks!!00:29
=== mrlolplx is now known as mrlol
cloudpjff7When I go to hardware drivers, I get two options the "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 180)" and "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 173)". When I click activate it shows that it is downloading, however it will not activate.00:29
histoJesperHansen: Preferences > Switch Desktop mode  got to classic and add more workspaces00:29
cloudpjff7so i'm not really sure what to do00:29
histoJesperHansen: by right clicking onthe icon by the trash can.00:30
histoTech-Mike: in that link I posted is several ways to turn it off xset b off    in terminal is another way.00:30
Smokalotapotamuscloudpjff7: search for "video resolution problem gedit khz hz" on google and that might help find it.00:30
rrplaycloudpjff7: pick thje Nvidia drifver you wwant to activate and reboot00:30
dr_willisSylar_:  no idea. neer used that app. so it depends on your needs.. DeVeDe does what i need. :)00:30
cloudpjff7well i click activate and it doesn't light up00:30
dr_willisSylar_:  the actual 'encoding' is normally handled by mencoder, or ffmpeg i think00:31
cloudpjff7and when i restart i have to start in generic mode, with low resolution00:31
Sylar_dr_willis: can i get devede from synaptic?00:31
rrplaycloudpjff7: you got to reboot to activate it00:31
SmokalotapotamusI have a problem with low volume. I installed Pulse Audio paman to try to fix it, now I have no audio and my volume control on my desktop crashes if I try to open it. I removed Pulse Audio with the package manager but still have no sound and my volume control still crashes. How do I get audio back on this thing?00:31
dr_willisSylar_:  look and see... :)00:31
dr_willis!info devede00:31
ubottudevede (source: devede): program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.12c-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1516 kB, installed size 3456 kB00:31
danielrmtSylar_: yes devede is available in synaptic00:31
Sylar_Thank you daniel and dr_willis00:32
noobtuxhey could someone hook me up with a good biginners guide00:32
dr_willisdevede is just a tad annoying in some areas. but does work decently well.00:32
Smokalotapotamusis there a package I could reinstall that might fix this? or is there a cryptic text file I need to edit?00:32
danielrmtnoobtux: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/00:32
Sylar_Can kde apps such as k3b, ktorrent, and amorak run well on unbuntu w/gnome?00:33
holyguyverHow do I change the KDE 4 theme for Konqueror & Kopete when my system is Ubuntu not Kubuntu?00:33
danielrmtSylar_: yes, they don't use your theme, but they work00:33
eseven73Sylar, yes00:33
JesperHansen2histo: yea, just did that00:33
drmrhorse_Sylar_:  k3b works well, ktorrent and amarok suffered at the kde3 to 4 change00:33
JesperHansenhisto: ah, there was the other xchat window :)00:34
eseven73Sylar, but it will install a lot of gnome libs00:34
Sylar_drmrhorse_: yeah i've noticed that ktorrent isn't doing a good job downloading my torrents anymore like it did in opensuse with kde, do you know a better bittorrent client?00:34
holyguyverHow do I change the KDE 4 theme for Konqueror & Kopete when my system is Ubuntu not Kubuntu?00:34
drmrhorse_Sylar_:  been using transmisson, checking out delugetorrent now00:35
danielrmtSylar_: deluge, transmission, rtorrent, monsoon00:35
pirokoAnyone in here with a new-gen macbook/macbook pro running ubuntu who managed to get automatic fan control working? I'm cranking the fans manually right now00:35
eseven73deluge-torrent is nice00:35
pirokortorrent for cli is really powerful00:35
Sylar_drmrhorse_: i should remove ktorrent then?00:35
gartral1xine is failing to go fullscreen.... http://gar.pastebin.com/m17e51b8f00:35
holyguyverdeluge is what I use00:35
* piroko googles00:35
drmrhorse_i have removed ktorrent on mine. RIP.00:35
cloudpjff7rrplay: i restarted, and it is still not activated, it downloads the driver but doesn't activate it00:36
coleyscloudpjff7: Which driver?00:36
holyguyverHow do I change the KDE 4 theme for Konqueror & Kopete when my system is Ubuntu not Kubuntu?00:36
cloudpjff7NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 180)00:36
coleysholyguyver: What do you mean?00:36
holyguyverI want to make konqueror not look like it escaped from a Mac00:37
pirokocloudpjff7: You sure your card is supported by it?00:37
coleyskonqueror is kde.00:37
cloudpjff7ya, i have an nvidia 7150m00:37
SmokalotapotamusWhere's a good place to go for audio problems?00:37
holyguyverYes, & I am saying I want to change the KDE 4 theme00:37
gartral1holyguyver: ubuntu and kubuntu are the SAME thing, only difference is kubuntu is based around the kde desktop00:37
pirokoSmokalotapotamus: #alsa?00:37
cloudpjff7i click activate and nothign happens, even after restart00:37
cconstantineI just installed ubuntu 9.04 on my macbook pro and I have no audio, and no devices in the mixer.   Can someone help?00:37
rrplaycloudpjff7: do you have more than one kernel installed ?00:37
fdeholyguyver: just fire up systemsettings or qt-config ... it should be using the Gnome theme though?00:37
holyguyvergardar, I have been using Linux for 6 years, I know the differance.00:38
cloudpjff7rrplay: I'm not sure how would i find out?00:38
* gartral1 is glad he isnt gardar00:38
pirokoholyguyver: The way you ask questions doesn't make it apparent00:38
holyguyvergartral1,  I have been using Linux for 6 years, I know the differance.00:38
cloudpjff7rrplay: i might because i updated to 9.04 from 8.1000:38
Sylar_Is dolphin a better file manager than ubuntu's default?00:38
danielrmtholyguyver: you need qtconfig, but I don't know the package name00:38
gartral1holyguyver: your question makes you sound like a noob, sorry00:38
fdeSylar_: it is different, but better is objective00:38
rrplaycloudpjff7: thought I had read something like that from you prev00:39
pirokoSylar_: Try it, form your own opinion00:39
Sylar_piroko:  will it work well on ubuntu w/ gnome?00:39
* fde thinks he means subjective00:39
gartral1xine is failing to go fullscreen.... http://gar.pastebin.com/m17e51b8f is the output of a terminal session00:39
cloudpjff7rrplay: well envyng gives me a header error when i try installing nvida from it: ""EnvyNG has detected that the headers for your kernel are missing and cannot be installed"00:39
cloudpjff7but i'm not sure myself00:39
drmrhorse_Sylar_: new dolphin isnt bad but isnt as good as old kde3 dolphin. i use nautilus00:39
fdeSylar_: its a file manager, desktop environment is irrelevant, although gnome uses nautilus for a lot of stuff so its sort of pointless00:39
pirokodanielrmt: qt4-dev-tools or libqt4-dev or both00:40
holyguyverGartrNo it is just that I know how to change themes in KDE3 & in Gnome, but since in Gnome I do not have the theme changing program for KDE4 I was not sure how to change the theme for the KDE programs.00:40
Sylar_Does anyone know whats the name for that apple dock?00:40
pirokoSylar_: It won't give a crap. It'll work on whatever you pu tit on00:40
holyguyvergartral1 it is just that I know how to change themes in KDE3 & in Gnome, but since in Gnome I do not have the theme c00:40
fdedrmrhorse_: that makes no sense, kde3 dolphin was hacked together so KDE users could use the KDE4 stuff before KDE4 was ready00:40
holyguyverchanging program for KDE4 I was not sure how to change the theme for the KDE programs.00:40
pirokoSylar_: There are many. Link a screenshot to one or something00:40
drmrhorse_kde3 dolphin and kde4 dolphin are different00:41
Sylar_piroko: can you direct me to one00:41
gartral1holyguyver: system>prefrences>qt 4 setting00:41
fdeholyguyver: qt-config or systemsettings in the appearance module... take your pick00:41
pirokoSylar_: avant-window-navigator00:41
Sylar_piroko: can i get that on synaptic?00:41
rrplaycloudpjff7:  you are using envy rather than enabling restricted drivers Nvidia?on the neweer kernel00:42
pirokoSylar_: Be more self sufficient. You can answer that question yourself :P00:42
holyguyvergartral1, Thank you I see it now00:42
cloudpjff7rrplay: I've tried both restricted drivers and envy, neither work00:42
rrplaycloudpjff7: hence the kernel version mismatch00:42
drmrhorse_piroko: life advice is on another channel00:42
danielrmtSylar_: some docks are avant window navigator, cairo dock and gnome do-cky00:42
holyguyvergartral1, As said I am still on a learning curve out of KDE3, this is my first day with KDE4 apps00:42
oOarthurOoHi... having a problem playing wma files in rhytmbox on Jaunty. Trying to play a wma file causes it to freeze. After that you can't play any other song, and it won't exit. I have to kill it from the terminal.00:43
pirokodrmrhorse_: But it helps to get rid of useless spam on here00:43
drmrhorse_piroko: no it doesnt help. refer to the CoC00:43
Sylar_danielrmt: thank daniel i'll be looking at avant first. Do you use any of those?00:43
oOarthurOoI have codecs to play the wma files, because if I browse to the song in nautilus and point at it, gnome preview starts to play the wma file.00:43
danielrmtoOarthurOo: to play wma, you need the w32codecs00:43
fortunev_I have an aterm window displayed at startup. Is there a way to force the aterm window to remain below all other windows?00:43
danielrmtSylar_: I use Gnome Do's Docky00:43
gartral1holyguyver: np, there are people who have used linux for 10 years and still dont know their way around the confusion that having multiple desktop environments leads too00:43
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rrplaycloudpjff7: look here  please http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113634300:44
pirokodrmrhorse_: Not in the topic. Link me and I will00:44
Sylar_danielrmt: and how do you like that one?00:44
danielrmtoOarthurOo: to install windows codecs, you need the medibuntu repositories in http://www.medibuntu.org/00:44
coleysftr... konqueror is terrible =p00:44
eseven73!coc | piroko00:45
ubottupiroko: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/00:45
danielrmtSylar_: yes, i enjoy it very much. it's a task launcher too (it searches for your contacts, musics), not only a dock00:45
oOarthurOodanielrmt: Thanks, but as stated I've got the codecs and can play the songs using gnome-preview or totem. The problem is trying to play them in RB causes RB to freeze.00:45
pirokodrmrhorse_: k. So I take back the lazy remark. Besides that I don't believe I was out of line00:45
danielrmti see00:45
Sylar_danielrmt: how's the appearance of the app? Does it look alot like osx or is it customizable?00:46
danielrmtno, it does not look like osx, and is not customizable00:46
pirokoTeaching users how to answer their own questions is a major step to getting more profficient at linux00:46
danielrmtit is a young project00:46
coleysWhen I used the... ubuntu-restricted-extras Rb would freeze... For it to not  freeze I had to allow rb to find the codecs itself00:46
arash_how do i do a quick restart of X? alt-ctrl-delete don't work00:46
arash_i mean00:47
ralmarHey guys, if I install kubuntu-desktop in synaptic, will i be able to choose if i want to load gnome or kde before i login? thanks00:47
holyguyverGartraSee I also added the kde3 repo, but after I installed the KDE3 konqueror no menu item was added & I cannot find out the CLI name for it to bring it up or to use to create a shortcut for it.00:47
ralmarHey guys, if I install kubuntu-desktop in synaptic, will i be able to choose if i want to load gnome or kde before i login? thanks00:47
danielrmtoOarthurOo: I would run rhythmbox in a terminal and report a bug00:47
ralmarMy bad double post00:47
coleysralmar: Yeah.00:47
holyguyvergartral1, I also added the kde3 repo, but after I installed the KDE3 konqueror no menu item was added & I cannot find out the CLI name for it to bring it up or to use to create a shortcut for it.00:47
pirokoarash_: X disables that by default now. You can either run sudo killall Xorg or re-enable the c-a-backspace in your xorg.conf00:47
oOarthurOodanielrmt: Yeah... trying to look up for similar bugs on launchpad right now, but it might be down.00:47
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Channel Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | Jaunty 9.04 Released | http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 | http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969
drmrhorse_ralmar: yes, there is a place on the logon screen to choose which session you want00:47
coleyswhere is xorg.conf?00:47
pirokocoleys: /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:48
ralmardrmhorse_ great, thanks00:48
gartral1holyguyver: henche why i use gnome :)00:48
holyguyvergartral1, I use gnome too00:48
ralmarIs there a way to search all partitions like in windows? thanks00:48
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit00:48
holyguyvergartral1, I am in gnome right now00:48
pirokocoleys: Also, useful command is "locate". In that instance you could've run "locate xorg.conf" to find it :)00:49
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Channel Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | Jaunty 9.04 Released | http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904
holyguyvergartral1, I only use a few KDE apps00:49
coleyshow do you enable control alt backspace in xorg?00:49
LjL!dontzap | coleys00:49
ubottucoleys: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.00:49
drmrhorse_ralmar: not sure what your mean00:49
simNIXralmar, define search ... show which ones exist ?00:49
Steven10172What does evolution mail do?00:49
simNIXmail ?00:49
pirokoAlt+SysRq+K kills all user processes too though, not just ones running in X...00:49
Steven10172I think so the Evolution thing that connects to your mail00:50
gartral1!evolution | Steven1017200:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about evolution00:50
noodlesgcSteven10172: It is similar to Thunderbird, or Outlook (on Windows)00:50
simNIXI prefer thunderbird00:50
gartral1Steven10172: evolution reads your mail00:50
Steven10172is it possible to download mail then have a php script run from the mail?00:50
Sylar_What's the default pdf viewer for ubuntu?00:50
simNIXwow - handy that wold save me a lot - )00:50
pirokoSylar_: evince00:51
cxameri am trying to get libbluetooth2_3.24 working in ubuntu 8.04 minimal, does any one know if there is any other packages i may need00:51
Steven10172or read then run a php script with the message00:51
* unkmar plans to devolve into an amobea00:51
eseven73piroko, that self sufficent advice sounds more like a Gentoo/Arch/slackware attitude, if people wanted to read countless man pages and google all day, they would not be in here asking for help. :)00:51
Sylar_piroko: i don't see it anywhere00:51
gartral1Steven10172: im sure you could... but that would be considered viral by thunderbird00:51
danielrmtSylar_: its hidden by default in the menu00:51
maximohi, I have a message in front of my screen that does not want to go away saying (there was an error with indexing) it's a tracker applet ...question is how do I remove this?00:51
Sylar_danielrmt: thanks00:51
Steven10172i mean with evolution00:51
gartral1xine is failing to go fullscreen.... http://gar.pastebin.com/m17e51b8f is the output of a terminal session. it fullscreens once every 5 tries00:52
pirokoIs there a gui tool similar to "ncdu" that shows the biggest space-take-uppers of a directory?00:52
dr_willispiroko:  ive seen some tools like that in the repos.. i just cant rember the names.00:52
dr_willispiroko:  thers also command line tools to do that00:52
pirokoSylar_: It is called Document Viewer I believe00:52
gartral1!info dirtree00:52
ubottuPackage dirtree does not exist in jaunty00:52
pirokodr_willis: Hehe. That's what ncdu is ;)00:52
sookii upgraded my video card semi recently and X fails to boot, i've upgraded the nvidia drivers from the command line, but that didn't help, any guesses?00:52
pirokoeseven73: Lol. I've been using slack for 8 years and arch for 3, so that makes sense ;)00:52
pirokoeseven73: But still, I believe users feel good about themselves when they know how to figure out problems themselves and ask for help when they get really stuck00:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about torsmo00:53
Sylar_besides using the command to mount isos is there a program for linux like poweriso or alcohol 120%?00:54
dr_willispiroko:  kde 3.5 had a tool like that - I really liked.. :(  i miss it.00:54
drmrhorse_piroko: one of the good things about ubuntu is that the community is willing to do some hand-holding to get people to adopt linux00:54
SomeDude1Steven10172: In case no one answered you earlier, Evolution Mail is an evil program written by Darwin and Satan that is used to let satans followers communicate with him to help spread the lies of evolution. Only through Jesus can you be saved. Please don't open it... I will pray for you00:54
drmrhorse_otherwise i would agree completely00:54
pirokodrmrhorse_: I am willing to do it as well. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't00:54
dr_willisSylar_:   wht feature of those tools are you looking for? theres no tools to 'fake copy protection' for copy pritected cd's under linux :)00:54
eseven73drmrhorse_, I believe that is what makes Ubuntu so successful00:54
drmrhorse_piroko: its the cross that we must bear. cheers00:55
dr_willisSylar_:  theres the mounting of the iso with mount, then thers the fuseiso (or was it isofuse?) or similer tools that do basically the same thing00:55
Sylar_dr_willis: the feature that lets me mount an image00:55
dr_willisSylar_:  mount, or the fuse tools..  let you mount them00:55
Sylar_dr_willis: do you use any of those apps?00:55
=== maximo is now known as Maximo
dr_willisfuseiso - FUSE module to mount ISO filesystem images00:55
dr_willisfuseiso9660 - File System in User Space - Module for ISO966000:55
pirokobaobab <-- graphical disk usage monitor for GNOME00:55
dr_willisSylar_:  i have befor.  they are rather easy to use.00:55
mhoney_homecant u just right click an iso in nautilus and pick mount from the menu?00:56
rrplaypiroko: Kwickdisc and Kdisk free ?00:56
dr_willismhoney_home:  ve seen scripts that let ya do that.. and some disrtos can do that. not tried it in Ubuntu00:56
chalcedonywhat's the command to see my internal ip?00:56
pirokorrplay: Yeah, for kde00:56
pirokochalcedony: ifconfig00:56
Sylar_dr_willis: i dont see it in synaptic00:56
chalcedonyty piroko mheath :)00:56
dr_willisSylar_:  see what? i just pasted the names of the 2 fuse tools for iso files00:56
dr_willis!info fuseiso00:56
ubottufuseiso (source: fuseiso): FUSE module to mount ISO filesystem images. In component universe, is optional. Version 20070708-1 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 92 kB00:56
rrplaypiroko:  i think one of those will apper easily in gncome as well00:56
pirokoApplications -> Accessories -> Disk Usage Analyzer  Installed by default00:57
dr_willis!info fuseiso966000:57
ubottufuseiso9660 (source: fuse-umfuse-iso9660): File System in User Space - Module for ISO9660. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2b-1 (jaunty), package size 9 kB, installed size 60 kB00:57
pirokorrplay: Yeah, but baobab is already installed ;)00:57
Sylar_dr_willis: how do i get it?00:57
dr_willisSylar_:  they should be in the package listings of synaptic.. or use 'sudo apt-get install XXXXXXX' same as ya install anything else with the apt-get system00:57
dr_willis!apt | Sylar_00:57
ubottuSylar_: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)00:57
Sylar_dr_willis: so the command will be sudo apt-get install fuseiso?00:58
chalcedonycommand to find a path to a file in my computer?00:58
binarymutantchalcedony, mlocate00:58
dr_willisSylar_:  try it and see. :) that was one of the package names the bot showed...00:58
chalcedonybinarymutant: ty00:58
gartral1xine is failing to go fullscreen.... http://gar.pastebin.com/m17e51b8f is the output of a terminal session. it fullscreens once every 5 tries00:59
Sylar_dr_willis: i see a app named gISOMount on synaptic i thought that was it00:59
dr_willisSylar_:  read its description00:59
gartral1!info gisomount00:59
ubottugisomount (source: gisomount): A utility for mounting and managing .iso images. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 33 kB, installed size 292 kB00:59
dr_willis!info gisomount00:59
ubottugisomount (source: gisomount): A utility for mounting and managing .iso images. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 33 kB, installed size 292 kB00:59
LeempQuestion: How do you save the position of gnome panels? Every time i boot up, my window list panel is above my menu panel. I then reverse it, and again, when i reboot, its not set right. I even tried leaving the panels the way ubuntu wants, and moving the actual objects on the panels (window list, menus, etc) to opposing panels.. and STILL ubuntu flips them. Any thoughts?01:00
dr_willisits probermy a front end to fuseiso or similer01:00
Sylar_gISOMount is a utility for mounting and managing .iso images with the added capabilities of calculating md5sums, and reading various volume information.01:00
dr_willistry it and see if it does what ya want01:00
Sylar_dr_willis: thanks dr, will do01:00
EloffIs there any reason I shouldn't use the desktop version of ubuntu as the development box, and the server version for deployment?01:01
dr_willisgmountiso - This is Gmountiso, a PyGTK GUI to mount your cd images01:01
eseven73dr_willis, how do I make an iso out of my /home directory for example?01:01
jmulloyWe have laptops authenticating through LDAP and mounting home directories via NFS ... What might be causing the menu and task bars to hang for a minute or two upon login?01:01
dr_williseseven73:  use a cd burning app like k3b. or gcombust perhaps.01:01
eseven73so obvious, figures. thanks dr_willis :)01:02
pirokok3b ftw01:02
danidanko_Hi I have a newbee question can anyone help?01:02
eseven73it is ftw01:02
pirokoeseven73: Also, genisoimage comes with ubuntu01:02
pirokoeseven73: Very very easy to use01:03
Sylar_to play mp3 on amorak do i need gstreamer codecs?01:03
tgr_hi my external hard drive had a problem when it was copying files i shut off my computer and rebooted and now it won't mount01:03
scapegoatdanidanko_ - What's the question?01:03
demon_Sylar_, if you are on gnome i think so01:03
eseven73ok ill look into that too thanks piroko, you've passed the CoC test now I take back what I said earlier ;)01:03
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as Roozbeh|Away
mojodmonkeydoes anyone have any experience with touchscreens on ubuntu, i just installed jaunty a and installed touchkit, but can't get the TouchKit calibration tool to come up, when it loads it says no touchscreen is found01:04
pirokodanidanko_: Hi01:04
demon_!ask | danidanko_01:04
ubottudanidanko_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:04
pirokodanidanko_: Go ahead and ask :)01:04
danidanko_I know a package exits, but I can't search for it in package manager01:04
lwizardlhow can i get sound converter to make mp4 files01:04
rettichschnidianyone with ubuntu 8.10 x86 who is able to open this link (http://www.woz.ch/artikel/rss/17845.html) in firefox without getting gnome-panel to crash?01:04
hvgotcodesafter updating the jauenty my system is unusable due to ati drivers01:05
scapegoatdanidanko_ - you can't search for it, or it doesn't exist in it?01:05
hvgotcodesis there anything that can be done?01:05
danidanko_in particular  Couldn't find package paparazzi-dev01:05
danidanko_it's only on this machine that i can't find it01:05
danidanko_on my other laptop i can find it just fine01:05
pirokodanidanko_: sudo apt-get update?01:05
dr_willis!info paparazzi-dev01:05
ubottuPackage paparazzi-dev does not exist in jaunty01:05
bullgard4[Ubuntu 8.10 after upgrade from 8.04.2] My kernel routing table is missing the line  "destination=default Router=fritz.box.fon Genmask= Flags=UG  Metric=100  Ref=0 Use=0 Iface=eth0". How can I add this line?01:06
pirokoWell there you go. ;)01:06
CocoaCoderhey Buntu's01:06
scapegoatdanidanko_ - have you checked for paparazzi-bin?01:06
tgr_something similar to this mftmirr does not match mft ntfs-3g01:06
CocoaCoderHow's Jaunty?!01:06
demon_CocoaCoder,  not so bad01:06
hvgotcodesCocoaCoder: bad :(01:06
dr_willisCocoaCoder:  smooth and creamy like a double latte.01:06
CocoaCoderhaha agree its BAD01:06
pirokoCocoaCoder: Holy crap. I hate ubuntu, and I love this release01:06
CocoaCodercan someone tell me when Ubuntu will support drag n drop apps like Macs01:06
BadDancerit's not the release, it's you01:06
hvgotcodesi hate ati, but ubuntu should have told ati users not to upgrade01:06
dr_willisCocoaCoder:  ive no issues with it - of curse i dont have an ATI card.. andi DID do a clean install.01:06
demon_CocoaCoder,  just xubuntu doesnt want to boot every thing else is good01:07
danidanko_yes i have checked for it01:07
pirokoBadDancer: Wrong. It's the speed and better hardware support this release brought ;)01:07
CocoaCoderhaha - so its STILL a Beta, no? :P01:07
tgr_how do i find out the dev name of my external hdd if it is not mounted how do i know which dev to scan01:07
hvgotcodesis ctrl atl bckspace disabled in jaunty?01:07
scapegoatdanidanko_ - I'd suggest read up on: http://paparazzi.enac.fr/wiki/Installation01:07
dr_willisBut ATI was supposed to start Supporting LINUX better? they said so! they promized!01:07
pirokohvgotcodes: It's disabled in newer versions of X, which Ubuntu is using01:07
dr_willishvgotcodes:  its a new 'X' default.. yes...01:07
CocoaCoderMakes me laugh how Ubuntu says closed source drives are "a risk" rofl01:07
hvgotcodeshow to enable?01:07
dr_willishvgotcodes:  takes 10 sec to put back :)01:07
danidanko_ i have01:08
jribCocoaCoder: erm, they are...01:08
danielrmtCocoaCoder: ubuntu says it?01:08
saikianyone have to do partial upgrades? I got 130 packages to do, after JUST doing 17001:08
nortyDoes anyone know how to set transparency for markers when using scatter3 in matlab?01:08
pirokoCocoaCoder: Well they are. :P01:08
CocoaCoderyeah... well whatEVER... my Mac works dandy with its closed drivers ta01:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zap01:08
SP3C7R3I was trying to use 'sudo apt-cache search kernel-image' to find the 2.6.29 kernel, any help?01:08
pirokoCocoaCoder: Good for you. Go troll elsewhere01:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nozap01:08
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.01:08
KyleKcan i still upgrade from gutsy even though it seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth?01:08
CocoaCoderI'm not trolling - I'm asking how far do you think Ubuntu has to go until it reaches the seamless ease of use that Macs have?01:08
demon_OpenGeu rulz :P01:08
dr_willisOnly in Ubuntu.. is there a script to add one line to the xorg.conf :P heh01:08
CocoaCoderI am NOT here as a troll I assure01:09
danielrmtCocoaCoder: Try installing your OS in a PC01:09
dr_willisCocoaCoder:  i found my Mac to be a bit of a Disaster..01:09
saikihow do you restart X on xubuntu, ctrl+alt+ backspace doesn't do it01:09
CocoaCoderwhy would I do that, when I have a Mac? lol!01:09
pirokoCocoaCoder: Ok, my mistake. What specifically are you referring to? They both have weaknesses01:09
dr_willisMy Mac is now a Nice Doorstop01:09
hvgotcodesis there any fix for the ati issues?01:09
jtaji!dontzap | saiki01:09
ubottusaiki: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.01:09
CocoaCoderdoorstop? lol!01:09
* piroko is dualbooting on a macbook pro currently01:09
Smokalotapotamusdbus daemon is taking up all of my cpu. what gives?01:09
dr_willisCocoaCoder:  its not usefull for what i need to  do.. and Linux does what i need.01:10
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.01:10
CocoaCoderwhat Mac is it?01:10
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading01:10
dr_willisCocoaCoder:  an older iMAC. :)01:10
CocoaCoderthe coloured one?01:10
ubottuUbuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.01:10
dn4how do I check to see if nexuiz is version 2.5 before installing it with apt-get install01:10
dr_willisCocoaCoder:  yes. a 'colored' grey one.01:10
demon_!offtopic | CocoaCoder01:10
SP3C7R3can i upgrade to 2.6.29 without having to reintall my wireless drivers?01:10
ubottuCocoaCoder: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:10
CocoaCoderok sorry01:10
saikiso what caused the change in xubuntu? why'd they remove it?01:10
ienorandHmm, I'm a bit confounded regarding packages/sauce here... if I download from [1] unpack and patch... what is the next step? There aint no configure or makefile... is it already a deb? How to shove it together in that case?01:10
ienorand[1] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/gnome-app-install/0.5.24-0ubuntu1.101:10
Sylar_What's the difference between openjdk and sun java?01:11
Majoris intel gma 3100 fixed01:11
mojodmonkeyDoes anyone with Ubuntu and Touchscreen knowledge know why when i install TouchKit (on Jaunty 64) and try to open TouchKit calibration, i get an error saying that no touchscreens are found in the system?01:11
tlisantiAnyone tell me why when I set my Nvida card about 1360*768 my windows and toolbars get cut off?01:11
Majoris intel gma 3100 fixed jaunty01:11
CocoaCoderWell anyhow - Ubuntu STILL sucks ass - it STILL doesn't support eMacs properly - I mean come on freetards - HOW long have you had to fix this?!01:11
dr_willistlisanti:  thats an odd.. resolution.01:11
CocoaCoderplease - give me a FOSS break lol01:11
MrSteveman1dn4: apt-cache show <package>01:11
KyleKhow can I upgrade from gutsy to Hardy if the package repositories for gutsy are gone?01:11
CocoaCodernoone wants free - they want WORKING and supported01:11
* BadDancer lols @ 'freetards'01:11
danielrmtCocoaCoder: and Mac OS X sucks. It doesn't support my AMD01:11
dr_willisCocoaCoder:   go troll elsewere.01:11
tlisantiwell 1360 * 76801:12
CocoaCoderdaniel - "MAC OS X" the clue is there01:12
saikiKyleK, try sudo apt-get upgrade?01:12
dn4Version: 2.4.2-101:12
evilbugmy pidgin start icon won't show up on the right side of my top panel as it should. why? [xubuntu 9.04]01:12
randomusrdanielrmt OSX wasn't made for AMD?01:12
dr_willistlisanti:  the top/bottoms getting cut off? ive a similer issue onmy smaller screen netbook with its 'short' res screen01:12
KyleKsaiki: im behind on updates to gutsy and I think it wants up to date gutsy before upgrading to something else as I did that and got a bunch of 404 errors01:13
pirokoCocoaCoder: Try doing any sort of advanced network attacks on your mac and get back to me01:13
CocoaCoderMac OS X was made for.... (anyone?!) *sigggh*01:13
pirokoCocoaCoder: Anyone who likes their choices being made for them01:13
BlizzerandI tried installing ubuntu and it went well.But I get a blank screen after typing the username and passd01:13
scapegoatCocoaCoder - everyone who can't handle more than one mouse button01:13
dr_willistlisanti:  theres a 'tweak' to allow you to hold down alt and click on a window to move it 'up' past the gnome panel to  let you get to the bottom of the windows01:13
dn4http://www.getdeb.net/release/4236  <-- this has a .deb verison is that ok to instlal?01:13
CocoaCoderpiroko - dont make me laugh out loud :D01:13
saikiKyleK, add the hardy repos then?01:13
Majorany fix for intel gma 310001:13
KyleKCocoaCoder: OSX is for people that want it duhhh01:13
CocoaCoderso Mac users buy Macs through FORCE?01:13
sdtr443wHas anybody here had much success using an AMD/ATI R500 chipset (like X1950 Pro) with xorg and the open-source drivers?  My performance is terrible.  I wonder if I'm using vesa instead.01:13
bazhow do you tweet (twitter) with gnome-do01:14
BlizzerandAny ideas01:14
Majorcan;t use the dame pc sluggish01:14
pirokoCocoaCoder: Good one. Now would you be so kind as to leave? You are wasting peoples' time01:14
KyleKsaiki: k, i'll try that01:14
* dr_willis waits for teh boot to get out.01:14
CocoaCoderpiroko - youre a little defensive - typical Linux user01:14
KyleKif it breaks I can reinstall :)01:14
lwizardlanyone here use sound converter? i need to make files into either mp4 or aac to play on my Nintendo DSi01:14
saikiKyleK, you may have to manually add it t the sources01:14
CocoaCoderI asked what Linux offers that Macs dont?01:14
scapegoatCocoaCoder - you're a bit full of yourself, typical mac user01:14
saikior get a hardy cd and to it that way01:14
BadDancercan we kick cocoacoder already?01:14
dr_willisIt runs on my netbook.01:14
danielrmtCocoaCoder: PC support01:15
* dr_willis agrees with BadDancer 01:15
randomusrscapegoat, AGREED01:15
CocoaCoderwhy would I wanna install Mac on a PC?01:15
danielrmtbecause I have a PC01:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:15
saikiKyleK, or get a hardy cd and to it that way01:15
bazlinux offers a penguin01:15
Majorany one fix flash and intel am 310001:15
CocoaCoderyeah DONT answer the rhetoricals hmm01:15
dr_willisCocoaCoder:  why would you want to discuss os-x in a linux channel..01:15
randomusrhahahaha baz01:15
* BadDancer loves penguins.01:15
pirokoCocoaCoder: How about the ability to write your own kernel drivers, or perform wireless injection, or to not pay ridiculous premiums on mediocre software?01:15
CocoaCoderwhy not!01:15
randomusrI love tux01:15
losher /ignore CocoaCoder01:15
CocoaCoder"mediocre" - haha!01:15
pirokolosher: Thanks. I always forget that one01:15
CocoaCoderhave you USED iLife?!01:15
randomusrpiroko Great point01:16
saikiCocoaCoder, why don't you just shut up and leave?01:16
CocoaCoderoooh touchy! ;)01:16
dr_willisUbuntu is so tolerant.01:16
CocoaCoderas I said - TYPICAL Linux user01:16
tlisantiI just want settings like my windows box 1280*1024 9.04 wont do it.  ?01:16
jtaji!ops | CocoaCoder01:16
ubottuCocoaCoder: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!01:16
neilvin jaunty, we're no longer supposed to need the 915resolution program? the xorg intel driver doesn't seem to fix the problem of xorg thinking a 1280x800 lcd is 1024x76801:16
randomusrCocoaCoder, if you don't like linux, then why spend/waste your time here?01:16
dr_willisrandomusr:  because he got booted out of #OS-X01:17
pirokoCocoaCoder: Yep. It's a simple suite for simple minded people. Not very powerful :-/  And you sir, are a "typical" mac user. It goes both ways. And now you'll be going out the door01:17
danielrmtCocoaCoder: just use what works for you, and let everybody use whatever works for them01:17
jtajithanks Pici01:17
randomusrdr_willis  too funny01:17
Sylar_Does anyone know about a good app like everest for linux?01:17
randomusrSylar, How about LSPCI?01:17
CocoaCoderso yeah01:17
CocoaCoderseeing as youre all so rude01:18
dr_willisHonestly I cant SEE anything I need OS-X for.   :) and ill shut up now..  and i DO have a imac for adoorstop01:18
saikiyou can't take a hint, can you?01:18
CocoaCoderand kicked me without a reason!01:18
saikithey hd a reason, troll..01:18
jtajisaiki: it also helps to not feed the trolls01:18
Sylar_whats osx?01:18
pirokoSomeone needs to whip out the banhammer01:18
* dr_willis saw plenty of reason.01:18
CocoaCoderyou still havent put your argument across AT ALL01:18
PiciCocoaCoder: This is the Ubuntu support channel, not a discussion channel, and not a mac channel.01:18
danielrmtCocoaCoder: you said "noone wants free - they want WORKING and supported". what works for me is Ubuntu01:18
saikijtaji, good point01:18
neilvi'm trying to convert someone to ubuntu, but it is fucking up on her laptop01:18
pirokoCocoaCoder: You ignored my points01:18
bullgard4[Ubuntu 8.10 after upgrade from 8.04.2] My kernel routing table is missing the line  "destination=default Router=fritz.box.fon Genmask= Flags=UG  Metric=100  Ref=0 Use=0 Iface=eth0". How can I add this line?01:18
Picineilv: Please mind the language.01:18
simNIXsome music maker I know misses only garageband from mac when I got him over to Linux01:18
pirokoCocoaCoder: Because you have nothing to say about them :-/01:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:18
BadDancerCocoaCoder: this is not an argument channel01:18
ubottuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.01:18
* piroko shuts up01:19
CocoaCoderhey - who said the word argument?01:19
geniineilv: Watch the language01:19
PiciCocoaCoder: Stop.01:19
CocoaCoderseems like you just made it one01:19
saikineilv, what did they have, what hardware?01:19
* dr_willis goes back to watching Gimp Tutorial Videos01:19
scunizils -la gives me a listing of a directory with permissions and group associations.. how do I ls and only get directory results eliminating actual file references01:19
CocoaCoderI asked - POLITELY (hate repeating myself)01:19
simNIXenjoys miro01:19
KyleKugh this is painful the terminal app refuses to use the clipboard in any way01:19
randomusrdr_willis, I bet CocoaCode hasn't had his Starbucks fix today! Maybe that's why he's so cranky01:19
BadDancer"<CocoaCoder> you still havent put your argument across AT ALL"01:19
CocoaCoderso... still no reasons?01:19
pirokoCocoaCoder: see ya01:19
scapegoatThank you, Pici01:19
neilvsaiki: it is a dell e1405 with an intel 945 video. this seems to be a well-known problem, for which billions of people have use the 915resolution program to fix01:20
saikineilv, I have a acer aspire with 945gm it works  fine01:20
neilvsaiki: what resolution?01:20
=== jean is now known as Guest87873
ubuntuI missed what CocoaCoder was "asking" can anyone let me know?01:20
saikineilv, not sure..01:20
saikiI don't have it handy atm01:21
randomusrubuntu, no one really knows01:21
highlxchat-gnome 和Pidgin 中的irc 有什么区别?01:21
tlisantiAnyone know why Nvidia Display settings cant go above 1280*1024 without making the display too big for your LCD screen?01:21
dr_willishe wasent asking anything01:21
pirokoubuntu: What linux can do that mac can't01:21
SerenkaI have 2 partitions on this machines running Ubuntu .. can I merge the two partitions to make one big one?01:21
dr_willisWhat can a Mac do that linux cant?01:21
KyleKpici: forced part is passive aggressive :(01:21
bazanyone use gnome-do with twitter? how do u send out a tweet?01:21
Pici!offtopic | everyone01:21
ubottueveryone: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:21
dr_willisTwitter and tweet. :) where DO they get these names.01:21
randomusrdr_willis, Mac has difficulty doing Free lmao01:21
neilvmy understanding is that the video bios doesn't have the 1280x800 resolution, so the xorg driver does not consider it. the 915resolution hack is to hack the correct resolution into a slot of the bios01:21
dr_willisrandomusr:  or even 'affordable' -01:22
randomusrhow true01:22
pirokobaz: Have you enabled the twitter plugin in Do's preferences?01:22
=== claptrap is now known as babywax
saikineilv, mine had that rez01:22
neilvunfortunately, 915resolution is gone, but the xorg intel driver does not seem to work around the problem01:22
Picidr_willis, randomusr: Please try to keep it on topic here.01:22
ubuntuAnyways to my question, I have a partition that won't mount.  Gparted sees it as unrecognized, but sometimes as ext3 (which it is).  When I try to fsck it it says bad superblock and to try "fsck -b 8193 /dev/sdf5" but it doesn't work.  sdf5 is logical off of sdf4, any ideas?01:22
ipodman715hmm I set persistence on my ubuntu usb drive   is there a way to view what's inside the casper-rw file?01:22
randomusrPici, trying01:22
neilvsaiki: it doesn't work here. it seems stuck at 1024x78601:22
randomusrthat was funny01:22
saikineilv, maybe find the old driver?01:22
KyleKipodman715: its either cpio or  ext201:22
Serenkawhoops i got knocked off there01:22
tlisantiIn windows I went to 1280*1024 , Ubuntu only pushes 1180*whatever01:23
KyleKipodman715: run file on the file?01:23
saikiI'm sure SOMEONE has it lol01:23
Serenkahow do you merge partitions in Ubuntu?01:23
ipodman715hmm ok01:23
dr_willisSerenka:  not very easially (or at all that i know of)01:23
KyleKipodman715: wikipedia page explains how to use cpio btw01:23
=== BadDancer is now known as BadEagle
ipodman715thanks I'll look it up01:23
jtajiSerenka: I would remove one partition then resize the other01:23
saikishouldn't *buntu want t restart after a partial finishes?01:24
sproatyargh what's the unmagnify shortcut01:24
neilvthis is a dell laptop. a lot of people will have this problem.  moving her to an old driver will give her years of headache as updates break things01:24
TopBunny88!cpi ipodman71501:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cpi ipodman71501:24
cjhey all01:24
cjcan't figure out where else to ask this, so I'll ask you :)01:24
Serenkajtaji: I cannot remove it because it wants all the partitions after it to be deleted01:24
sproatyI just played frets on fire and my screen's all zoomed in01:24
cjhow do I force my CPUs to stay at the lowest freq rather than scaling up?01:24
saikibrbr guys, gonna reboot01:24
eseven73can brasero create .iso of /home? I don't really want to install k3b with all those libs , and I cant figure out genisoimage01:25
TopBunny88!cpi | ipodman71501:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cpi01:25
cjmy laptop is over-heating and shutting down while I'm playing wesnoth :)01:25
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".01:25
TopBunny88!cpio | ipodman71501:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cpio01:25
losherTwitter is so amazing! No more ridiculously long paragraphs to wade through. The only thing you have to remember is to stop at the 140th col01:25
demon_what was the name of the program that is on jaunty to turn is in to bootable usb01:25
Pici!fishing | TopBunny8801:25
ubottuTopBunny88: please see above01:25
ipodman715usb startup disk creator?01:25
bazpiroko, yes i did01:25
demon_ipodman715, maybe is that the whole name01:26
dr_willisdemon_:  unetbootin01:26
ipodman715yeah I used that on my flash drive01:26
neilvguess i'll give her debian or fedora or something01:26
LeempQuestion: How do you save the position of gnome panels? Every time i boot up, my window list panel is above my menu panel. I then reverse it, and again, when i reboot, its not set right. I even tried leaving the panels the way ubuntu wants, and moving the actual objects on the panels (window list, menus, etc) to opposing panels.. and STILL ubuntu flips them. Any thoughts?01:27
pirokobaz: k, give me a second01:27
demon_thanks dr_willis  :)01:27
saikiwhat do you do when a partial fails?01:27
scunizihow do I list directories only in terminal? ls -???01:27
fortunev_Is there a way to make a window stay below all other windows?01:28
loshereseven73: you can do something like: 'mkisofs -R -J -o home.iso /home' to make an iso01:28
saikipartial upgrade*01:28
sdtr443wShould I be using radeon or radeonhd for an R500 chipset?01:28
GamesMedicHello, I want to add Music player to my auto startup so that my podcast subscriptions will download automatically. How do I do this?01:28
eseven73losher, ok thanks ill try that do I need to install anything?01:28
pirokobaz: Look at this: http://psankar.blogspot.com/2008/08/gnome-do-twitter.html and the first comment below it :)01:28
loshereseven73: mkisofs is in the genisoimage package, dunno if it's there by default01:29
forecan someone tell me a good ftp program for ubuntu 9.04 ?01:29
eseven73yeah it is, thanks losher01:29
gartral1under what name is mpeg2video codec under is the repos, winff cant find it01:29
MadpilotLeemp, try "killall gnome-panel" in the terminal after you get it set the way you want - although I've never had problems with settings being auto-saved... Odd.01:30
m1rfore: gftp01:30
evantandersen_linux-2.6.28-rc1/drivers/hwmon/it87.c is a partial path. Where is the linux-2.6.28 folder?01:30
saikihow do you fix a partial upgrade failing?01:30
danielrmtfore: I use nautilus01:30
sproatysuper + R is not removing the magnification from my screen.01:30
MaT-dghow can I change the default permissions of new files?01:30
LeempMadpilot: Well it saves.. eg, if i put one panel on the bottom, and one on the top, THEN it stays that way. But if i put them both on the top, it always puts the window list panel above the menu panel01:30
LeempMadpilot: Its bizarre01:30
dr_willissproaty:  try 'super/windows key and the mouse wheel'01:31
sproatyThat's weird, it works, but I can only zoom in further, not out01:31
losherfore: you can type ftp urls into firefox. I used to use ncftp, but now I mostly use wget for cli retrievals01:31
LeempMadpilot: I even said fine, screw it, and left the panels in place but moved the content in the panels.. so i switched all the objects in each panel to the other one (window list onto the menu panel, and vise-versa), and when i rebooted, it _STILL_ flipped them01:31
sproatyit's like I'm stick at 600x480 magnification with 1280x1024 resolution01:32
LeempMadpilot: I was in awe.01:32
MadpilotLeemp, not sure what to suggest. Try just using one panel, stretched to have two lines in it?01:32
loshersaiki: very much depends on the details of the failures. Some are irrecoverable, others just need a simple tweak. What happened, exactly...01:32
LeempMadpilot: Ooo, i didnt know you could do that01:32
LeempMadpilot: How do you do that?01:33
bartekHi, this is kind of a dumb question but if I want to ping my router to see if its dropping any packets, which flag am I looking for within the ping command01:33
LeempMadpilot: Size just increases the height, and the objects in it just expand to fit it.01:33
evantanderseni just started a patch command. How long should it take?01:33
saikilosher, it just keeps repeating01:33
sproatyargh. fuck this01:33
MadpilotLeemp, I had thought that was possible... recall doing it by mistake several versions of Ubuntu ago, but can't remember how (I was messing around late one night...)01:34
loshersaiki: uh, repeating what?01:34
MagicDuck1hi, I just installed jaunty. I am having a problem with xfontsel. TTF fonts such as ttf-inconsolata do not appear. (I want to use a program called dmenu, that's why I need this to work)01:34
saikilosher, the same updates, over and over01:34
loshersproaty: tut, this is a family channel...01:34
Leemplosher: he left01:34
bazpiroko, thanks... seems a bit awkward tho01:34
keith_Has anyone had issues with deleted files not showing up in the trash folder in Jaunty? I am running the 64-bit version.01:34
Leempnot here01:35
losherLeemp: how rude...01:35
pirokoMagicDuck1: Use "xft-<ttf_font_name>" as the font. ttf fonts won't show up in xfontsel because it only shows X fonts01:35
Leemplosher: Blech :P01:35
pirokoMagicDuck1: May or may not work... I'm sorry if it doesn't01:35
MaT-dgkeith_: noticed something like that, also 64bit here01:35
Leemplosher: I can feel his pain. hehe01:35
evantandersenHOW Long does a PATCH command take. My command line is just stalling after i started the command, is this normal!!!!!01:35
keith_MaT-dg: Have you figured out the cause or a workaround?01:35
Sergeant_PonyI'm running ubuntu 9.04 on an acer laptop, sound works ok.... except on websites.am I missing a plugin or is it something else?01:35
Leemplosher: I was that way when i installed jaunty and realized some retard put up a horrible version of Amarok in the main repo. ;)01:35
whollowayAny problems with latest firefox upgrade??01:35
MaT-dgkeith_: No, just realised it myself :P01:36
Leemplosher: I had to use a crappy hack, along with many others, to go BACK to amarok 1.4. :p01:36
danielrmtSergeant_Pony: probably flash01:36
hbekelevantandersen: it may be reading from stdin, waiting for your input01:36
bbryantis there configuration for wireless network priority anywhere?01:36
losherevantandersen: you've done something wrong. Patch is fast, and usually noisy...01:36
evantandersenhbekel so what should I type01:36
Sergeant_Ponydanielrmt, I have flash installed01:36
bbryantI'm using 8.0401:36
evantandersenlosher i downloaded the file then typed sudo patch 'pathtopatchfile'01:36
bbryantI connected to a friend's network at his college and ecah time my laptop starts it tries to connect to that network name again01:37
bbryanteven though it's not even found01:37
saiki(damnit, I did it agian...)01:37
MagicDuck1piroko: then how come it show deja vu sans?01:37
BadEagle!ot | badeagle01:37
ubottuBadEagle, please see my private message01:37
saikisaiki@saiki-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get autoremove01:37
saikiReading package lists... Done01:37
saikiBuilding dependency tree01:37
saikiReading state information... Done01:37
saiki0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 28 not upgraded.01:37
FloodBot3saiki: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:37
GamesMedicHello, I want to add Music player to my auto startup so that my podcast subscriptions will download automatically. How do I do this?01:37
losherevantandersen: patch --verbose < pathtopatchfile01:37
hbekelevantandersen: you usually pipe the patch file to patch :  patch < patchfile01:37
MaT-dgkeith_: Are the files still in this folder? /home/<username>/.local/share/Trash/files01:37
saikijust so ya know, tried that)01:37
whollowayanyone else having trouble with the latest firefox upgrade?01:38
danielrmtSergeant_Pony: it won't work in any site?01:38
evantandersenhbekel its getting a file inside of linux-2.6 something. Does it need to be sudo'd?01:38
loshersaiki: I thought autoremove needed a package name?01:38
BadEaglewholloway: what sort of problem are you having?01:38
GamesMedicLatest firefox upgrade sometimes crashes01:38
Sergeant_Ponydanielrmt, nope doesn't work on any site01:38
mimiloonhi everybody, how do i run 2 or more commands at the same time in the terminal using a script (opening another tab or window to run the next command)?01:38
whollowayBadEagle: problems with search bar01:38
keith_MaT-dg: Why yes they are...01:39
danielrmtSergeant_Pony: no idea, osrry01:39
Chris8hey room, a li'l help here please:  when i run Update Manager, a distribution update (for Brasero) shows up, but it's greyed out and i can't complete the update... what should ‎i do?01:39
MaT-dgkeith_: u should be able to restore or permanently delete them from there01:39
loshersaiki: you seem very sure for someone whose upgrade isn't working...01:39
saikilosher, 2 to remove, 40 installed and 28 upgraded01:39
keith_MaT-dg: But I can no longer delete them via the applet. It is a nuisance.01:39
saikiI hit start, it'll finish then ask for them again01:39
hbekelevantandersen: maybe01:40
BadEaglewholloway: i haven't heard of that one yet (search bar issue in jaunty:firefox)01:40
saikilosher, I've done it before01:40
whollowayBadEagle: Im still on Hardy01:40
MaT-dgkeith_: I know, but I don't know a solution. Found that info here btw, we are not alone :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/34322401:40
loshersaiki: I thought the usual method was 'apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade' ?01:40
bbryantanyone know about setting up wireless network priorities in 8.04?01:41
saikilosher, I'm already on jaunty01:41
cloudpjff7hmmmm gfx driver still not working01:41
evantandersen_hbekel i get this error:01:41
keith_MaT-dg: I was looking for a filed bug, but you found it first. Thanks. :-D01:41
evantandersen_Hmm...  Looks like a unified diff to me...01:41
evantandersen_can't find file to patch at input line 901:41
rockwhen i start abuntu window ,thereis show an error cups is not running how can i fix it01:41
whollowayBadEagle: ever since the last upgrade (installation engine has no file)01:41
loshersaiki: sorry, no idea then...01:41
Wickedwhat does ubuntu use to index files?01:41
keith_MaT-dg: Have you ever enabled home directory encryption?01:41
=== Ademan__ is now known as Ademan
Chris8 hey room, a li'l help here please:  when i run Update Manager, a distribution update (for Brasero) shows up, but it's greyed out and i can't complete the update... what should ‎i do?01:42
saikilosher, can it be logged?01:42
MaT-dgkeith_: no01:42
saikilosher, maybe a log will tell me what's going on01:42
piroko-_- So I just tried to remove ttf-dejavu-core and ttf-dejavu-extra, and it wants to remove my ubuntu-desktop package as well...01:42
bbryantChris8 what happens when you try to update?01:42
MaT-dgkeith_: Is a fresh install and I don't enabled it (yet)01:42
bbryantis there a failure of some kind?01:42
losherevantandersen: look at the filenames in the patch, they need to match up with where you are & where the files to be patched are, if you see what I mean01:42
keith_MaT-dg: Yeah... what fs are you using?01:43
cloudpjff7Hello, I recently upgraded my ubuntu 8.10 (64-bit) distribution to ubuntu 9.04 (64-bit), and after doing so, my resolution can only go up to 800x600. My laptop has a nVidia 7150 integrated gfx card. When I go to hardware drivers, I get two options the "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 180)" and "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 173)". When I click activate it shows that it is downloading, however i01:43
cloudpjff7t will not activate.01:43
fitzyHow do I assemble a software raid that worked before jaunty upgrade but now gives "mdadm: metadata format 00.90 unknown, ignored." errors01:43
MaT-dgkeith_: ext401:43
cloudpjff7tried the other link, installed latest drivers, but when i restart nothing changed01:43
keith_MaT-dg: Same... I wonder if that is related01:43
Chris8BBryant: the update shows up with the little box to check, but i can't check the box, and the entire entry is greyed out01:43
saikicloudpjff7, you have to remove the nvidia stuff manually and rerun the install01:43
BadEaglewholloway: i would try upgrading to jaunty if you can01:43
Chris8BBryant:like it's teasing me :P01:43
bbryantChris8, sounds like you installed a backport01:43
cloudpjff7i've tried that01:43
MarkJonesHey guys I'm experiencing either system instability and/or a bad app or Intrepid bug. I have no idea which.My mouse quits working during OpenArena, Alien Arena, trash can icon don't update, firefox wont start.I'm not sure if my power supply is inadequate with my new system or what the deal is. Do I need to install a fesh Intrepid and install and test each app seperately to determine if its a bad app or if my powersupply is causing it. I al01:43
cloudpjff7i uninstalled everything01:43
hbekeltry 'patch -p0' < patchfile and 'patch -p1 < patchfile'01:43
saikicloudpjff7, go to nvidia.com, grab their run file01:43
Chris8BBryant: yeah i'm trying to, why isn't the Update Manager handling it?01:44
bbryantChris8, you can use synaptic to manually override the backport you did earlier and update the package-- if that's what happened01:44
kofehi, I'm new to ubuntu trying to setup workspaces. when I right click the workspace icon in the lower right, I set the columns and rows @ 2 but when i try to rotate the desktop cube, i only see 2 workspaces instead of 4. Can someone point me in the right direction?01:44
evantandersenlosher where is my linux headers/source stuff. Like in the file it says: linux-2.6.28-rcl/drivers/hwmon/it87.c   is the path01:44
BadEaglewholloway: upgrading parts of older dists tends to break things i hear01:44
hbekelevantandersen_: try "patch -p0' < patchfile" or "patch -p1 < patchfile"01:44
bbryantIf you're using a backport then at one point you told the package manager you wanted an older version of the package then it had at the time, Chris801:44
bbryantto override that selection you have to go into synaptic and undo it01:44
jtajikofe: you want 4 workspaces in 1 row01:44
pirokokofe: Bottom right corner, workspace icon thingy, right click, preferences01:45
keith_MaT-dg: I think I will try installing again with ext3 and see if that fixes it01:45
losherevantandersen: /usr/src/linux I think. Also, source is not there by default, you have to install it by hand01:45
bbryantthe source is in a package01:45
saikicloudpjff7, with me so far?01:45
clearscreenis Opera on any of the ubuntu repositories?01:45
evantandersenlosher i did01:45
bbryantthere's also "apt-get source"01:45
cloudpjff7saiki: ya01:45
whollowayBadEagle: Okay, let me mess around with it, If I can't get it, I'll upgrade. Thankyou01:45
MaT-dgkeith_: I think it is, only found bugs for jaunty alpha and final. It's a minor nuisance for me though as I alway delete files by shift-delete01:45
Chris8BBryant:so i use synaptic and update it myself?  or do i hcange settings in Synaptic and let it run?01:45
cloudpjff7saiki: gonna go to the nvidia site, and try it again01:45
saikicloudpjff7, AFTER getting the .run, put it in /root01:45
MarkJonesIm on a new ASUS M3N78 Pro mobo with a 2.2Ghz quad core. My power supply is 380watt.That enough? The manual mentions 500 and 600 watt supplies.Im not sure if thats only if I have a crap load of cards and drives or if the mobo needs it no matter what.Any ideas?01:45
Madpilotclearscreen, there's a propietary-apps repo run by Canonical that includes Opera - Opera was also running their own Ubuntu repos at one point01:46
kofethanks. the top and bottom of the cube show as blank images. that is normal?01:46
losherevantandersen: so how are the filenames written inside the patch file?01:46
bbryantChris8: it depends on if you want to keep the backport, or remove the backport and update the package01:46
bbryantthe choice is up to you01:46
keith_MaT-dg: I didn't know shift+del would do that...01:46
PiciMarkJones: ##hardware would be a better channel to ask in01:46
bbryantyou can't update a backport01:46
MarkJonesok cool01:46
saikican you log upgrade manager?01:46
jtajikofe: yeah, you probably can change them to something else01:46
evantandersenlosher fixed it. It was trying to use an old version of linux kernel that I didn't have the source for.01:46
Chris8BBryant: i'm confused -- i thought backports were for letting programs update themselves... why isn't this working?01:46
MaT-dgkeith_: I'll keep ext4.. ultra fast boot wins over ext3 ^^01:46
danidanko_Hi, I can't see "main, universe, restricted, and multiverse sources " in Go to System > Administration > Software Sources" I did yesterday01:46
bbryantChris8, that's not at all what backports are for01:47
losherevantandersen: good. One down. 350 million to go...01:47
bbryantbackports are for installing an older version of a package because for some reason that's the one you want, and telling the package manager not to update the package itself anymore01:47
keith_MaT-dg: Is that the 64 bit or the ext4?01:47
saikican you log upgrade manager? (is this possible?)01:47
bbryantit'll still tell you that there are updates available though01:47
Chris8BBRyant ?HAHAAHAHAH01:47
bbryantwhich is why it's greyed out01:47
Picibbryant: No. Backports are *new* versions of software that were backported from a new release to the one you're using..01:47
geniibbryant: I'm pretty sure backports are later versions which have been "backported"01:48
Pici!backports | bbryant Chris801:48
ubottubbryant Chris8: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging01:48
cloudpjff7saiki: then after i put the .run into the root shut down xserver and try the install?01:48
Chris8BBRyant: i didn't get an upgrade for a whack of programs till i allowed backports...01:48
evantandersenlosher i thought that would fix it.. it didn't. Sorry i'm distracting you from 350 million. :)01:48
keith_MaT-dg: knowing shift+del is very useful actually... I might just keep ext4. It would be very annoying if there was no way to delete a file directly though.01:48
MaT-dgkeith_: ext4, had hardy in 64bit to but it booted way slower01:48
mimiloonhi everybody, i have a quick question: is there a way to run multiple scripts at once using only one script?01:48
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging01:49
`brandon`Hello, what dose MythBuntu do?01:49
keith_MaT-dg: Actually, from what I recall, I think boot time improvements were a big focus in Jaunty.01:49
Chris8what are those channelsa?01:49
`brandon`!Mythbuntu | `brandon`01:49
ubottu`brandon`, please see my private message01:49
chrome_mimiloon: that script could call the other ones01:49
losherevantandersen: you know what support is like - endless, thankless, soul-draining... So back to the patch, where are we?01:49
Chris8BBryant: thanks. et al!01:49
danidanko_hi, the ubuntu software tab is no longer in software sources.. what can I do?01:49
MaT-dgkeith_: keep in mind that you can NOT recover files deleted by shift-del just bij going to some trashfolder and restore them01:49
evantandersen_losher same error. (BTW I have two computers here, both running IRC)01:50
keith_MaT-dg: That's kind of the point. But it is easier than rm'ing them01:50
bbryantheh, yea for some reason my brain just switched out the definition of backports with something made up01:50
losherevantandersen: wanna paste the top 10 lines of your patchfile to pastebin?01:50
bbryantthat's what I get for staying awake for two days01:50
GamesMedicHello, I want to add Rythmbox Music player to my auto startup so that my podcast subscriptions will download automatically. How do I do this?01:50
evantandersen_losher looks like a unifed diff file to me... then it says some other weird stuff before stopping01:50
Buttons840anyone know why i see my password instead of my name?01:51
saikilosher, fixed it, old packages with no new ones that jaunty doesn't see01:51
jtaji!sessions | GamesMedic01:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sessions01:51
jtaji!startup | GamesMedic01:51
ubottuGamesMedic: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot01:51
Sylphidcould anyone tell me how i can install FireFox 2 on my jaunty system?01:51
evantandersen_losher http://pastebin.ca/140799601:51
loshersaiki: that's good01:51
Buttons840<- Is my name Buttons840?  I see my password there, what do you see?01:51
saikilosher, ye, but I lost alot of my games :@01:52
jtajiGamesMedic: I think I heard the name was changed from Sessions to Startup Applications in 9.0401:52
sebsebsebButtons840: we get the name01:52
repnopbuttons840: we see Buttons84001:52
loshersaiki: no backup, no sympathy....01:52
evantandersen_losher i'm still here just logged off my other comp01:52
Buttons840odd, why do i see my own password then?01:52
Buttons840is that normal?01:52
saikilosher, those were the ones ailing jaunty lol01:52
saikilosher, so yea...01:52
repnopmust be your irc client01:52
MaT-dgkeith_: it's ext4 that makes the difference: people who kept ext3 don't see a big improvement01:52
MaT-dgkeith_: in booting01:52
losherevantandersen: from the path in your patchfile, you need to be in /usr/src when you issue the command.01:53
Sylar_How can i add icons to avant windows navigator?01:53
Sylar_It only shows what windows i have opened01:53
judgepgButtons840: use either X-Chat or IRSSI01:53
keith_MaT-dg: Interesting, I'll have to research that. So it seems to just be an applet issue then?01:53
danielrmtSylar_: not sure, but try drag and drop entries from the applications menu01:53
MaT-dgkeith_: could also be ext4's fault but I expect it to be fixed soon.. doesn't seem such a huge problem01:54
Sylar_danielrmt: do i have to take out the ones already on there?01:54
losherevantandersen_: from the path in your patchfile, you need to be in /usr/src when you issue the command.01:54
pirokoButtons840: x-chat for GUI, irssi for scriptable command-line. (I prefer irssi)01:54
GamesMedicmy problem is I cannot find the application in the file system. Whaere is it?01:54
evantandersen_losher same error!!!!01:54
pirokoButtons840: But if you are new to IRC, do x-chat01:55
danidanko_anyone? ubuntu software tab missing in software sources01:55
repnopso anyone had issues with the binary nvidia driver and sometimes window content not being refreshed? or am i the only one.01:55
keith_MaT-dg: Yeah, I'll be patient. Thanks.01:55
losherevantandersen_: pastebin it...01:55
Sylar_danielrmt: nope, drag and drop doesn't work on it01:55
Sylar_danielrmt: it's the same thing as the bar on the bottom of ubuntu, it just has graphics01:55
travehey guys, ever since i upgraded from 8.4 to 9.1, my rapache application locks up when I try to make any changes... ideas?01:55
repnopi open firefox with about 14 windows and i have to resize them to get the windows to refresh01:55
mimiloonchrome_: can you please help me in doing this because i'm completely lost01:55
danielrmtSylar_: when you right click the dock, what options appear in the menu? i can't help very much with this01:56
Sylar_trave: 9.1?01:56
losherrepnop: not seen anyone else say that since 9.04 came out. Tried a google search?01:56
freaky_thi all. how can I automatically put some iptable commands at startup? because those are needed for some network statistics ... ?01:56
Sylar_General, Applets, Launchers, Themes01:56
evantandersen_losher http://pastebin.ca/140800001:56
traveer, is it 9.01 ? :]  Jaunty Jackalope :]01:56
Sylar_trave: 9.0401:56
traveah, k. gotta get my versions down.01:57
Spirits-Sightdoes any one know if the latest mythtv for ubuntu support netflix stream and also close captioning01:57
repnoplosher: haven't really seen anything yet, first time i've ever seen such a thing happen, switched from fc10 hehe01:57
Sylar_trave: 9 - 2009 year .04 - april01:57
repnopclean install01:57
pirokokeith_: I can view and empty my trash from nautilus just fine01:57
traveah, that makes it easy01:57
evantandersen_trave no 9 stands for the year, (2009), 4 stands for the month released - (April 4 Month)01:57
MaT-dgkeith_: you could temporarely put a shortcut to /home/<username>/.local/share/Trash/files in your 'places' in nautilus01:57
travethats a good method01:57
judgepgfreaky_t: create an executable script and make a symbolic link on your runlevel in /etc/rcX.d/01:57
keith_piroko: Are you using 64-bit on ext4?01:57
losherevantandersen_: so what d'you see if you type 'ls -l linux-source-2.6.27/drivers/hwmon/it87.c' ?01:57
Sylar_danielrmt: can you show me a link to a ss of the one you use?01:57
keith_MaT-dg: I thought about it... I will do that if it becomes an issue.01:58
pirokokeith_: Hmm... 32-bit on ext401:58
travehas anyone else heard of issues using rapache after upgrading?01:58
MaT-dgkeith_: then rename it to 'trash' and it almost the same thing..01:58
Sylar_Does anyone else see this window on your taskbar that says launching http cache or something.... it been really freezing up my OS01:58
evantandersen_losher -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 49818 2008-10-09 18:13 linux-source-2.6.27/drivers/hwmon/it87.c01:58
Magicianclean install will fix that01:58
travei uninstalled and reinstalled it through the Add/Remove tool01:58
GamesMedicNevermind... I figured it out.. Thanks01:58
MaT-dgkeith_: not the most elegant way.. but it works :)01:59
danielrmtSylar_: Avant is a good dock, I have used it some time ago. You can see about Docky here: http://do.davebsd.com/wiki/index.php?title=Docky01:59
keith_piroko: I used 32 bit and had no problem. I am not sure if it is ext4 related, but 64 bit seems to be a factory.01:59
keith_piroko: factor*01:59
Chris8Help ANyone:  I've unchecked backport availability for synaptic, rebooted, ran Update Manager, and i'm STILL getting a greyed out update for Brasero that i can't check mark to download... why is this happening and what can i do?01:59
pirokokeith_: Yeah. I hope someone finds a fix01:59
pirokokeith_: I'll look at the code01:59
keith_MaT-dg: Yeah, though I never access my Trash through nautilus browser, always by clicking on the trash applet. :p01:59
losherevantandersen_: looks kosher. Must be something obvious. One more time, but with -p0 ...02:00
Sylar_danielrmt: how can i get awm to do the same thing as donky02:00
Sylphidcould anyone tell me how i can install FireFox 2 on my jaunty system?02:00
ralmarHey guys I just installed kubuntu-desktop from synaptic in regular 9.04 ubuntu. but when i try to log in with my main user I get an error saying that my session lasted less than 10 seconds... and I can only log in with gnome on my main user. though I can use kde with another user. How can i fix this or see an error log? Thanks.02:00
Sylar_danielrmt: i mean docky lol02:00
pirokoSylphid: First you must say why you want ff2 ;)02:00
Sylphidpiroko, web app wont work on 302:00
danielrmtSylar_: you mean the search? I don't think you can02:00
Spirits-Sighthow can I play / stream netflix on my ubuntu system running 9.0402:01
Sylphidpiroko, required for a training class for work02:01
Sylar_danielrmt: no i mean the drag and drop. like on awm it just shows me the windows already opened not icons so that i can open programs02:01
danielrmtThere should be a settings or properties somewhere02:02
keith_Sylphid: Does it specifically say FF2? Or is what you are looking at just old?02:02
MaT-dgSylphid: what kind of a web app?02:02
Sylphidpiroko, its either ff2 in linux or a virtual machine with windows....02:02
Chris8Help ANyone:  I've unchecked backport availability for synaptic, rebooted, ran Update Manager, and i'm STILL getting a greyed out update for Brasero that i can't check mark to download... why is this happening and what can i do?02:02
DASPRiDff2 is so not used anymore :X02:02
SylphidMaT-dg, webex v 8.002:02
phantom---how i install ubuntu desktop from kubuntu?02:02
SylphidMaT-dg, 8.5 works fine... but not available for this class02:03
evantandersen_losher worked! Now, i have my C file, how do i compile it and replace my current version with this new version? or is that even nesseacary?02:03
Cycomphantom---: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?02:03
Sylar_danielrmt: theres none. is docky avaliable threw synaptic. cause i didn't see it there i don't believe02:03
ralmarHey guys I just installed kubuntu-desktop from synaptic in regular 9.04 ubuntu. but when i try to log in with my main user I get an error saying that my session lasted less than 10 seconds... and I can only log in with gnome on my main user. though I can use kde with another user. How can i fix this or see an error log? Thanks.02:03
fitzyChris8: I've just had same problem I upgraded it in synaptic no problems02:03
danielrmtSylar_: found it: http://wiki.awn-project.org/FAQ#How_do_I_add_launchers_to_the_bar.3F02:03
danielrmtSylar_: docky is only available for jaunty, the package is gnome-do (because Docky is only a theme for gnome do)02:04
keith_Sylphid: You can download the .tar.gz from here: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-older.html02:04
pirokoSylphid: You can run it directly with this archive: http://www.mozilla.com/products/download.html?product=firefox-
phantom---a word editor in kubuntu?02:04
* piroko high-fives keith!02:04
Chris8:fitzy: cool thanks... is there an autoupgrade in Synaptic or you hafta hand pick packs?  And does the annoying grey update go awayt? :P02:04
keith_piroko: Tag team work. lol02:04
Sylar_danielrmt: Thanks for that link daniel and yes i'm using jaunty, i just installed ubuntu for the first time yesterday.02:04
Sylar_danielrmt: i switched from having opensuse 11 for a year now02:05
Sylar_danielrmt: it was kde though02:05
danielrmtSylar_: hope you enjoy ubuntu02:05
losherevantandersen_: uh, weren't there some instructions with the patch? Yes, you'll need to compile, either full kernel or a specific module, depending on what the patch is for. You need to look at the docs about compiling the kernel....02:05
Sylar_danielrmt: so far yes, except that the os locked or frooze for some reason twice and it required a hard restart02:05
fitzyChris8: I did a quick search for it and marked it for upgrade02:05
danielrmtSylar_: you have to run this "awn manager" app to setup avant02:06
Sylar_danielrmt: but i think it was ktorrents fault cause it happened while removing a torrent both times.02:06
Sylar_danielrmt: yeah it's on the panel itself02:06
ralmarHey guys I just installed kubuntu-desktop from synaptic in regular 9.04 ubuntu. but when i try to log in with my main user I get an error saying that my session lasted less than 10 seconds... and I can only log in with gnome on my main user. though I can use kde with another user. How can i fix this or see an error log? Thanks.02:06
Chris8:fitzy there is an auto-upgrade in Synaptic... guess i'll be running that more often *sigh chucle sigh*02:06
Chris8:fitzy thanks~~!!`02:06
fitzyChris8: np02:07
pirokokeith_: Are you an experienced linux user?02:07
danidanko_ ubuntu software tab missing in software sources... has anyone seen this before?02:07
keith_piroko: I have been using it for a few years, though I am always amazed at the new things I learn. :p02:07
pirokokeith_: Have you done any work with strace/gdb?02:07
Sylar_danielrmt: thanks daniel its working now.02:08
keith_piroko: I have used gdb/ddd02:08
DamsIndonesiacan anyone pm me why ubuntu is better then others ? i picking one distro but i dont know what to pick02:08
danielrmtSylar_: good02:08
losherpiroko: I've used them both. What are you trying to do?02:08
=== evantandersen_ is now known as evantandersen
mizerydeariaI followed http://www.kremalicious.com/2008/06/ubuntu-as-mac-file-server-and-time-machine-volume/#netatalk1 and set up avahi on a linux machine.  How can I use another linux machine to connect via avahi?02:09
pirokolosher: I was going to try to get keith_ to see if he could see anything unusual with nautilus that would cause it not to show stuff in the trash folder02:09
pirokolosher: Since I cannot produce the problem (32-bit here)02:09
losherDamsIndonesia: for beginners I recommend Ubuntu 8.04.2 LTS02:10
PhotoJimdanielrmt: with respect, I think everyone here is likely to like Ubuntu.  sort of like asking Canadians if Canada is the best country (it is :) ).02:10
losherpiroko: Sorry, way out of my league...02:10
MTecknologyDamsIndonesia: because of an extremely helpful community, easy to approach devs, ease of use, a fun community, devs fight hard to manage every bug ever thrown at them instead of dismissing old, etc.02:10
DamsIndonesiawow nice community and replays :)02:10
danielrmtPhotoJim: but not that mac fanboy02:10
evantandersenlosher its a it8720 chipset patch, the mobos only started using it in Febuary. Its a new thing. its a file that sensors uses to check for compatible sensors.02:10
azlonhow can I run a script or command when I connect to the internet?02:10
elijahWhat is the command to rename a folder?02:11
roadrangerelijah: mv02:11
MTecknologyazlon: hm?02:11
jzDamsIndonesia: it's very easy to install, for one thing, the hard drive partitioner and GRUB are both very well implemented02:11
MTecknologyazlon: what are you trying to do?02:11
carrotguys i'm trying to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 and i'm h aving an interesting problem -- whenever i try to open the select sources menu item it does the spinner/wait icon and then eventually fails to launch, no error02:11
ralmarHey guys I just installed kubuntu-desktop from synaptic in regular 9.04 ubuntu. but when i try to log in with my main user I get an error saying that my session lasted less than 10 seconds... and I can only log in with gnome on my main user. though I can use kde with another user. How can i fix this or see an error log? Thanks.02:11
elijahroadranger: thanks now I remember02:12
nadie__BAY BAY02:12
pirokolosher: Hehe. No problem. Thanks for offering :)02:12
MTecknologyralmar: you need to pastebin .xsession-errors02:12
keith_piroko: Oh, well... what would be involved? :-p02:12
Wickedhmm why does vlc now open with 2 windows in 9.04? i like it with the video and controls in one window02:12
ubuntuI used testdisk to recover a partition on a logical partition, I tell it to "write" the partition table, correct?02:12
danielrmtralmar: looks like there's something wrong in your user hidden config files for kde apps02:12
ralmarmteknology, yeah thats the file i was looking for but cant find it...02:13
MTecknologyralmar: are you showing hidden files?02:13
keith_piroko: Would I have to hook into the running nautilus process?02:13
traveone of my favourite bug fixes in 9.04, is that the alpha colour pallet no longer goes fubar when restoring from suspend :]02:13
ralmarmtecknology, where is it?02:13
losherDamsIndonesia: I've tried a lot of distros. Ubuntu is the easiest IMO, though other candidates are Suse and Mint. One big advantage is that any problems you are likely to have (and 8.04.2 is very stable, so hopefully you won't see many problems) have almost always been seen (and solved) by someone already if you google it02:13
danielrmtgot leave now. bye02:13
pirokokeith_: Using a window manager other than gnome, and firing up nautilus under gdb, setting a breakpoint at the function that reads file listings, and stepping through when it triggers :-/02:14
ralmarMTecknology I mean in what directory is that error file supposed to be?02:14
MTecknologyralmar: just sitting in your home directory02:14
carrotHi, I'm having a problem upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10 -- when I try to run Administration->Software Sources, I get a spinner for awhile and then it fails to launch. What gives?02:14
azlonMTecknology: I want to run tor and pidgin when I connect to the internet, but I am on a netbook so I don't want to use resources unless I need to02:14
pirokokeith_: Sounds fun eh?02:14
losherevantandersen_: yes, I googled it. Safest is to assume you need to build a whole kernel. It's not hard, but there are lots of steps, so best to google a howto02:15
carrot^^ this is for a user I just created, and added to the 'admin' group02:15
MTecknologyazlon: so don't run them unless you connect to the internet02:15
carrotany ideas for me?02:16
keith_piroko, a little. Do you know what I might be looking for?02:16
MTecknologyazlon: You can use bum to make tor not start with the system02:16
sl0wiamI've got a new Dell XPS1330, fresh install of 9.04 and my wireless adapter isn't showing up.... it'02:16
pirokocarrot: Try running sudo /usr/bin/software-properties-gtk from the terminal and see if any messages pop up02:16
MTecknology!patience > carrot02:16
ubottucarrot, please see my private message02:16
pirokokeith_: That's what I'm trying to find out now :)02:17
azlonMTecknology: right, but is there a way to have them automatically start once I connect to a wireless network (or any internet source)02:17
ralmarMTecknology here is the pastebin of the xsession error file (partial) http://pastebin.com/d5da13e96 thanks for the help02:17
keith_piroko: Isn't there a way to debug a process while it is running? or would that not work in nautilus' case?02:17
jzsl0wiam: my Dell laptop has a switch on the side of the computer that turns the wireless on/off, not sure if it's the same with desktops but first thing first is to check to make sure that it's set to ON, if it exists02:18
coleysWhats better gDesklets or Screenlets. =o02:18
amseidlerI followed this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/internet/C/networking-shares.html, and I've shared the folder on Ubuntu, but I don't know how to access it on Windows. Can anyone help?02:18
evantandersenlosher okay i'll do that. Just not tonight. Thanks for all the help.02:18
carrotpiroko: that runs fine without problems, it complains about python's gui api not being stable yet but nothing else02:18
wtlwaking up from sleep doesnt preserve my session. i go back to gdm. how do I file a bug using apport?02:19
MTecknologyazlon: you could create a script to check if a ping to google works and if not stop execution. but you'd have to run the script from cron and it would keep running and also need to test if things are already running...02:19
sl0wiamjz: It's definitely on, I've had this issue since the Beta version of Ubuntu, I monkey'd around with it on Beta 2 until it worked but really hoped the final release had ironed out whatever bug I had02:19
amseidlerI followed this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/internet/C/networking-shares.html, and I've shared the folder on Ubuntu, but I don't know how to access it on Windows. Can anyone help?02:19
bthomson_are compiz prefs preserved 8.10->9.04?02:19
jzsl0wiam: are you using the proprietary drivers02:20
z0x1cbthomson_ my compiz prefs were preserved from 8.10 to 9.0402:20
amseidlerI followed this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/internet/C/networking-shares.html, and I've shared the folder on Ubuntu, but I don't know how to access it on Windows. Can anyone help?02:20
azlonMTecknology: hrmm... I'm still a newb... I was hoping there was an easier way. thanks anyway!02:20
coleysMTecknology: Whats up?02:21
sl0wiamjz: Yes, Broadcom STA Wireless drivers, they are enabled and it says they are in use but when I run ifconfig only my wired connection and lo show up02:21
krow__i just downloaded a game with a  .run installer, how can i run it?02:21
amseidlerI followed this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/internet/C/networking-shares.html, and I've shared the folder on Ubuntu, but I don't know how to access it on Windows. Can anyone help?02:21
sl0wiamjz: wired is showing up as eth002:21
jzsl0wiam: that's the extent of my expertise, you might want to look up the specific wireless card's name in a google search02:21
MTecknologycoleys: hi02:21
IAmWillthe new netbook version of ubuntu.. is that good for any laptop.. or should i just run the desktop version?02:22
jzamseidler: I can help you by telling you we heard you the first time02:22
bthomson_thanks z0x1c02:22
coleysMTecknology: Any problems?02:22
ralmarMTecknology, any idea how to fix it?02:22
MTecknologycoleys: hu?02:22
MTecknologyralmar: I'm looking02:22
pirokokeith_: Yes, you can. In that case you would do gdb /usr/bin/nautilus <pid of nautilus>02:22
amseidlerI followed this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/internet/C/networking-shares.html, and I've shared the folder on Ubuntu, but I don't know how to access it on Windows. Can anyone help?02:22
pirokokeith_: I totally forgot about that02:22
ralmarMTecknology thanks02:22
jzIAmWill: i think the netbook version is specifically for low powered laptops which you don't intend to use for anything but web browsing02:22
coleysMTecknology: Im not sure what your problem is "=p02:22
IAmWilljz, thanks02:22
amseidlerI followed this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/internet/C/networking-shares.html, and I've shared the folder on Ubuntu, but I don't know how to access it on Windows. Can anyone help?02:23
MTecknologycoleys: I never asked anything02:23
jzamseidler, shut up02:23
virminamseidler - I get "Page not found" :(02:23
mimiloonhi everybody, can any please help me in running multiple scripts with just one script; that is run script1 and script1 will start the script2 in one terminal and script3 in another02:23
coleysMTecknology: Oh, im just crazy =/02:23
MTecknology!patience > amseidler02:23
ubottuamseidler, please see my private message02:23
MTecknology!coc > jz02:23
ubottujz, please see my private message02:23
z0x1cbthomson_, np. I will add that both my desktop and my laptop retained all of my compiz prefs (despite the new features/defaults)02:23
jzthat's the third code of conduct warning i've received today02:24
gumbycan anyone help me with networking?02:24
virminmimiloon, use ";" between scripts?  Or, are you wanting to call the next if the preceeding succeeds?02:24
keith_piroko: If it says "No debugging symbols found" does that mean I need the dbg package for nautilus?02:24
Sylar_gumby what you need02:24
pirokokeith_: Yep02:24
Sylar_gumby: what do you need?02:24
amseidlerI am using VirtualBox. How can I share files on my host, ubuntu, so I can access them on my guest, Windows XP?02:24
pirokokeith_: My email is obrien654j@gmail.com  Email me if you find anything potentially interesting, and I will email you with anything I find.02:25
MTecknology!patience | amseidler02:25
ubottuamseidler: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:25
pirokoAw hell. That was supposed to be pm :P02:25
virminHey amseidler02:25
keith_piroko: Nice. I was just about to suggest e-mail as I need to get going soon.02:25
histoamseidler: there is a folder you can enable for sharing perhaps people in #virtualbox  would be able to help more.02:25
amseidlervirmin: Yes?02:25
amseidlerhisto: I've been on with them all day, I got no where02:25
mimiloonvirmin: i want script2 and script3 to start right away in two separate terminals02:25
carrotpiroko: you helped me fix my problem -- for some reason the tools won't launch via gnome-panel but they work just fine launching from the terminal -- thanks!02:26
virminOn your XP VM's, share the folders, and in on VMware, allow networking02:26
keith_piroko: I killed my nautilus session with gdb, lol. (Won't respond now as I expected to happen)02:26
MTecknologyamseidler: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/SharedFolders02:26
pirokokeith_: Type "continue" from gdb02:26
histoamseidler: I don't have vbox infront of me right now but there should be a little folder icon down by the bottom right of the window.  Then you can mount the folder in windows.02:26
pirokokeith_: Or "c"02:26
histoamseidler: or follow the directions from MTecknology02:26
pirokokeith_: Unless you closed it :/02:26
keith_piroko: I typed run without thinking and it wants to know if I want it to run from the beginning... would that restart nautilus? lol02:26
amseidlerhisto: There is a folder02:26
pirokokeith_: Yes it would. Haha02:26
virminmimiloon - if there is no dependancy upon script1 for script2 to run - "script1; script2"02:27
histoamseidler: see MTecknology link02:27
amseidlerhisto: I am02:27
amseidlerIn it right now02:27
keith_piroko: This should be interesting, I have never tried debugging something in Ubuntu before.02:27
muzikjock58can anyone help with madwifi in jaunty on an acer aspire one? im really getting frustrated. was working flawlessly for two days. now all of the sudden nothing wont connect. sees networks but seems dont want to find ip address. and wont connect ap. it sees everything and wont connect to it! please if anyone can i have jaunty on my acer aspire one. using sickboy kernel. why only work for two days and then nothing?02:27
keith_piroko: Othere than my own programs that is02:27
carrotpiroko: ^^ thanks! i am now able to upgrade02:28
joelhHello I just loaded Ubuntu 9.04 on my Acer Aspire laptop and the cpu cooling fan is not turning on02:28
histojoelh: whats the temp02:28
virminjoelh - did it run on 8,10?02:28
joelhhow do I check it?02:28
joelh9.04 is a new install02:28
keith_piroko: Is the dbg package the source?02:28
MTecknologyralmar: what does "file /etc/xdg/autostart/update-notifier-kde.desktop" output?02:28
pirokocarrot: You are welcome02:29
pirokokeith_: No, it is a binary package with debugging symbols in it02:29
pirokokeith_: You don't have to do this you know. Only if you want to :)02:29
histojoelh: try acpi -t in a terminal02:29
virmin/etc/xdg/autostart/update-notifier-kde.desktop: ERROR: cannot open `/etc/xdg/autostart/update-notifier-kde.desktop' (No such file or directory)02:29
ralmarMTecknology the output is"/etc/xdg/autostart/update-notifier-kde.desktop: ASCII text"02:29
keith_piroko: Naturally. :-D02:29
pirokokeith_: Nautilus does a lot of crap. Prepare to be potentially overwhelmed02:30
MTecknologyralmar: ls -l , not file , sorry02:30
dolodoes anyone here know how updats work?02:30
muzikjock58also i would like to add. i have no encryption to worry about. i have everything open and still wont connect to wireless02:30
keith_piroko: I figure it should be a good learning experience anyway02:30
pirokokeith_: That's the spirit!02:30
MTecknologydolo: #ubuntu-motu02:30
virminMtecknology - What's your issue?02:30
mimiloonvirmin: i have 8 scripts that need to be running at the same time and i don't want to use ";" every time in want to run the 8 scripts02:30
doloMTecknology: whats that?02:31
histojoelh: or you can try cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM/temperture02:31
joelhacpi not installed (yet) am apgetting now02:31
keith_piroko: I can never seem to find source code in the repo...02:31
pirokokeith_: apt-get source <package>02:31
histojoelh: used to be installed by default.02:31
MTecknologydolo: that channel can help you if you want to know intricacies of updates02:31
MTecknologyvirmin: what?02:31
pirokokeith_: It will unpack and patch the source into your current directory02:31
ralmarMTecknology the output is"-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 263 2009-04-17 03:48 /etc/xdg/autostart/update-notifier-kde.desktop" Thanks02:31
joelhcurrently 45 degrees c02:31
keith_piroko: Nice. Hey, what is the difference between main server and server for the US?02:32
pirokokeith_: You mean the mirrors or what?02:32
keith_piroko: When looking at the sources02:32
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
keith_piroko: I guess it is a mirror, in which case there wouldn't be a difference, right?02:33
MTecknologyralmar: how about ls -l ~/.dbus/session-bus02:33
virminMiloon - run them all through one script, e.g.02:33
pirokokeith_: Oh... Yeah. I wasn't following02:33
keith_piroko: Repo sources that is. Hope I wasn't being confusing. :D02:33
pirokokeith_: You got it.02:33
ralmarMTecknology think we found the problem output is "ls: cannot access /home/uman/.dbus/session-bus: Permission denied"02:34
joelhMy system has shut down twice since loading ubuntu02:34
jjgalvezI'm having trouble connecting to a remote machine via VNC.  Apparently its an issue with compiz and the workaround is to turn compiz off.  My question is how can that be done remotely prior to connecting via vnc?02:34
virminMiloon - apols, write a script to call all of your scripts in succesion,02:34
keith_piroko: Gotta run. I shall let you know if I find anything.02:34
histojjgalvez: can you ssh to the machine02:35
MTecknologyralmar: sudo chown -R user:user /home/user/02:35
whowhahi, in ubuntu 9.04 i'm forced to have a screensaver because there is no "none" option. how do i get no screensaver?02:35
MTecknologyralmar: replace user of course02:35
pirokokeith_: k. Good luck02:35
histowhowha: uncheck the activate when idle02:35
amseidlerMTecknology: I've followed the Tutorial you've given me and I am getting an error that the file exists02:35
whowhahisto: cool, thanks :D02:35
jjgalvezhisto: yes, and I tried metacity --replace after sshing in but that didn't work02:35
ralmarMTecknology, ok will replace user with my username02:35
virminOMG is that time, my server's started mailing me with output! :O02:35
histojjgalvez: killall compiz02:35
MTecknologyamseidler: on which step?02:35
amseidlerMTecknology: #102:35
muzikjock58can anyone help with madwifi in jaunty on an acer aspire one? im really getting frustrated. was working flawlessly for two days. now all of the sudden nothing wont connect. sees networks but seems dont want to find ip address. and wont connect ap. it sees everything and wont connect to it! please if anyone can i have jaunty on my acer aspire one. using sickboy kernel. why only work for two days and then nothing?02:36
MTecknologyamseidler: then continue on02:36
MTecknologyamseidler: if a file exists, you can't create it02:36
jjgalvezhisto: ok let me try that02:36
ralmarMTecknology, so would it be sudo chown -R user:MYUSERNAME /home/MYUSERNAME/ or sudo chown -R MYUSERNAME:MYUSERNAME /home/MYUSERNAME/ ?02:36
histomuzikjock58: are you sure you need madwifi what type of card do you have?02:36
amseidlerMTecknology: And on step #2, in windows, I get an error that the the device is in use02:36
MTecknologyralmar: the second02:36
muzikjock58its on an acer aspire one02:37
sthistleHi. Just want to say that you guys ROCK. I have the Acer Aspire One, downloaded the netbook remix and it works! That you all very much!02:37
historalmar: its username:group that you are setting02:37
muzikjock58model zG502:37
MTecknologyamseidler: your host is ubuntu and your guest is xp, right?02:37
ralmarMTecknoly thanks, will try it then logout and try to login with kde, will let you know02:37
MTecknologyralmar: g'luck02:37
historalmar: defautl install your group is the same as your username though.02:37
amseidlerMTecknology: yes02:37
* virmin sleep02:37
muzikjock58its worked flawlessly for two days on unencrypted network, now wont attach to ap02:37
dolohow do i make link to my home folder on the desktop?02:37
MTecknologyamseidler: continue on then :)02:37
amseidlerMTecknology: K02:38
histodolo: right click on the desktop02:38
=== schnootops is now known as schnootop
MTecknologyamseidler: after the second command in the first block you'll need to reboot the vm. vm should actually be off when you run it02:38
dolohisto: ... and then02:38
amseidlerMTecknology: had it on02:38
ralmarMTecknology, output was chown: cannot access `/home/MYUSERNAME/.gvfs': Permission denied02:39
chris81heya room... having problems finding a good DVD ripper... suggestions or a channel?02:39
MTecknologyralmar: did you use sudo to run that?02:39
jjgalvezhisto: killal compiz gives me compiz: no process killed02:39
amseidlerMTecknology: There we go. No error. Left it on by accident :)02:39
phantom---how do i install the new wine version?02:39
amseidlerMTecknology: Going on to second step02:39
ralmarMTecknology, yes... it took a long time to show me that output though...02:39
vilemaximchris81: I haven't tried any yet, but I listen to a good review from the linux action show.  Cannot remember any of them02:40
MTecknologyralmar: just sudo rm -r the thing. It's not usually important and will be recreated02:40
amseidlerralmar: You do not need to type out his whole name - just type in mt and press tab - the rest will be auto filled out02:40
vilemaximchris81: best I can do :(02:40
ChampainWhen I open a program through Wine, like Steam or uTorrent I get this window called wine system tray, Why does this happen and how do I fix it. everything went to the notification area before my last restart.02:40
chris81VileMaxim: thanks... yeah i already downloaded the "best" 2 rippers... Brasero is actually asking me to insert a disc that isn't copyrighten :P02:41
amseidlerMTecknology: Getting an error in CMD. Says local file is in use02:41
amseidlerMTecknology: Continue anyways?02:41
ralmaramseidler wow that was useful, thanks.ON what irc clients does that work? Im on xchat and it works fine02:41
MTecknologyamseidler: probably02:41
amseidlerralmar: Not sure, I know it works on pidgin - that's what I'm using02:41
amseidlerMTecknology: Okay02:41
amseidlerMTecknology: error in Terminal: mount: mount point mountpoint does not exist02:42
Sylar_Does ubuntu 9.04 already come with a compiler?02:42
MTecknologyamseidler: actually, I don't think I like that guide, I might rewrite it02:42
vilemaximchris81: odd, FOSS developers helping IP.  doesn't seem like there job.02:42
MTecknologyamseidler: start up the vm, I'll walk you through it02:42
amseidlerMTecknology: It's started up02:42
raylui'm having some trouble getting xmonad to work02:42
dtchenSylar_: you can sudo apt-get install build-essential right from the install medium02:42
jjgalvezhisto: ok killall compiz.real killed it, but left me with no window manager02:43
g4lv4tr0nhow can i chown a drive ?02:43
dtchenraylu: what sort of trouble?02:43
g4lv4tr0nchown with user priv02:43
MTecknologyamseidler: I'm compiling the driver...02:43
amseidlerMTecknology: K02:43
rayludtchen: i can run xmonad after starting my wm with no trouble, but starting it up at login is not working02:43
Sylar_dtchen: i don't understand02:43
vilemaximg4lv4tr0n: what are you tyring to do?02:43
joelhMTecknology: my monitor backlight keeps flashing to "dim" and some apps cause it to stay dim?02:43
rayludtchen: one second02:43
dtchenSylar_: meaning: it's not physically installed, but you can easily install it02:44
dolocan i get a link to that page that tells u how to make the trash icon empty02:44
chris81Vilemaxim: it was asking for plugins, which i couldn't find and expect (hope) are on their way02:44
jjgalvezhow can I issue metacity --replace on a remote machine via ssh02:44
g4lv4tr0nall files and folders are only accessable to root i need to chown * user02:44
dtchenSylar_: it's on the install medium if you use cd or dvd02:44
dolotrash icon looks full but folder is empty02:44
_chunHow can I remove the names of specific desktop icons?02:44
dtchenraylu: are you using GNOME with the new notification system?02:44
rayludtchen: ok. changing my session from .xinitrc to GNOME didn't work. and i think i am... i just installed02:45
ralmarMTecknology,  thanks so much. I was able to log in with KDE (btw, I didnt touch that .gvfs folder, which was empty btw)02:45
pirokoIs there a way to change any libnotify options? Like themes and such?02:45
vilemaximg4lv4tr0n: it was probably mounting as root.  I forget the option, but you can mount it so users can access it.  If I'm unserstanding what you need right, you can get more information via man mount.  Does that help?02:45
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:46
rayluother problems include: f1 won't unmap (even though it says it's unmapped in keyboard settings) and .Xmodmap won't get run on login, even though i told it to when prompted.02:46
dingleberryHow do i install java?02:46
vilemaximg4lv4tr0n: or did I miss something02:46
dtchenraylu: ok, i recommend you do it the hackaround way, because if you use xmonad as your default wm (instead of compiz's or metacity), you'll encounter problems with the new notification system02:46
raylu!java | dingleberry02:46
dingleberryFor firefox, i can't find any documentation on google02:46
ubottudingleberry: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository02:46
g4lv4tr0nsudo chown -hR user /media/disk/02:46
dtchenraylu: the hackaround way is to pkill compiz;xmonad& from a terminal/script02:46
g4lv4tr0nseemed to work :)02:46
robert__when I use Ubuntu on my ps3, then boot back into the ps3 partition, i get a server error and have to reset everything, including the modem. is there a way to prevent this?02:47
vilemaximg4lv4tr0n: yeah you can do that too.  Some filesystems will not let you do that.02:47
Shotgunwho needs help02:47
MTecknologyralmar: congrats :)02:47
MTecknologyamseidler: k...02:47
rgs_the disconnect option for Mobile Broadband is still broken in jaunty :(02:47
=== Shotgun is now known as Guest64424
geniiShotgun: Everyone. Some just won't admit it.02:47
MTecknologyamseidler: see those little monitors in the bottom right?02:48
rgs_anybody with a mobile connection around to try to reproduce?02:48
joelhShotgun:  my display keeps flashing to dim02:48
rgs_I have to hand-kill pppd02:48
amseidlerMTecknology: Yep02:48
MTecknologyamseidler: the folder icon to the right*02:48
amseidlerMTecknology: Mhm02:48
Magicianhello all02:48
rgs_any NetworkManager experts around?02:48
Magiciananyone needs help let me know02:48
robert__when I use Ubuntu on my ps3, then boot back into the ps3 partition, i get a server error and have to reset everything, including the modem. is there a way to prevent this?02:48
XtReMePoIsOnHey last night i upgraded my ubuntu theme etc, restarted and it was all working fine right... today after it being off overnight i turn it on and it loads up fine but once u type username and pass to login it only loads the background image and then nothing else.... what could i do to try get it working again? im new to linux so havn't tried any cmd base options02:48
KeypadHi, I am having problems with Amarok 2, I cant get any sound output.02:48
MTecknologyamseidler: right click that then click the + folder in the upper right02:48
rgs_MagicDuck1: me, with NetworkManager02:48
rgs_Magician: me, with NetworkManager02:49
joelhand some apps force it to dim on 9. on my Acer aspire laptop02:49
Magicianok what seems to be your problem with network manager02:49
amseidlerMTecknology: Next?02:49
rgs_Magician: the disconnect option does nothing for Mobile Broadband connections,02:50
piecesXtReMePoIsOn: I had that problem, I fixed it by deleting my home folder.02:50
Z3ro3XIs there a ubuntu repo or at least pre-compiled package for the latest 2.6.29 kernel?02:50
MTecknologyamseidler: make folder path the one you want to share, (/home/username/share) then in the folder name box type the share name, (share)02:50
rgs_Magician: I have to hand-kill pppd02:50
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: I'm guessing that it a problem with your user configuration files.  to test this you can create another user and try logging in with that02:50
Magicianok pm me we will work it out02:50
likwidso i'm having an issue trying to get 9.04 with kernel to boot up02:50
XtReMePoIsOndeleting ur home folder02:50
amseidlerMTecknology: k02:50
likwidbut i have 9.04 with kernel working fine02:50
MTecknologyamseidler: check Make Permanent - read-only if you want02:50
XtReMePoIsOnim not all that keen to try that one02:50
verb3kwhich KDE is better? 3.5 or 4?02:50
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: deleteing home will delete call you files02:50
amseidlerMTecknology: Done - next?02:51
uniqueanyone here knows of any msn messenger that runs on the terminal?02:51
Gackerverb3k, 402:51
eseven73!best | verb3k02:51
ubottuverb3k: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:51
MTecknologyamseidler: clikc ok, ok, start > right click my computer > map network drive02:51
amseidlerMTecknology: k, one sec02:51
verb3kGacker, I heard it is unstable and has less functionality than 3.5, is that true?02:51
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: I would create a new dir under you home dir... call it backup.  then mv all dot file... i.e. mkdir ~/backup; mv ~/.* backup02:52
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: How do i create another user/pass in terminal? Cause obviously with my current setup i cant do much :/02:52
piecesXtReMePoIsOn:  there are certain folders in there that you can delete but I can't remeber but with some simple googling you can probably find it.02:52
MTecknologyamseidler: Drive is w/e letter - then folder is \\vboxsvr\share (or whatever you made the share name)02:52
MTecknologyamseidler: click finish and you're done02:52
vilemaximcontrol + atl + f102:52
jerbearwhat's the best way to capture an image from my webcam?02:52
amseidlerMTecknology: I'm getting an error - typing now02:52
pirokounique: gtmess02:52
amseidlerMTecknology: shared folder path is not absolute02:52
eseven73!info cheese > jerbear02:52
MTecknologyamseidler: like I said... /home/user/share02:53
eseven73!info cheese02:53
pirokounique: centericq as well02:53
ubottucheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.26.0-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2742 kB, installed size 5084 kB02:53
MTecknologyamseidler: full path name02:53
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: control + alt + F1   try login in that way.  sudo adduser02:53
brandon_How can i get Ubuntu Studio without downloading the .iso file ( i dont have a blank disk02:53
amseidlerMTecknology: I name it share?02:53
amseidlerMTecknology: It is a full path02:53
sookii upgraded my video card semi recently and X fails to boot, i've upgraded the nvidia drivers from the command line, but that didn't help, any guesses?02:53
MTecknologyamseidler: what did you type in what box? give me a screenshot02:53
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: or just mv your . files02:53
radicalbrandon_: You can use a thumbdrive.02:54
jackstraw_hey is there a program for ubuntu that will convert avi files to dvd?02:54
EliteHey guys is there a way I can back up all my install?02:54
genii!info ubuntustudio-desktop | brandon_02:54
brandon_radical: What is thumbdrive02:54
ubottubrandon_: ubuntustudio-desktop (source: ubuntustudio-meta): Ubuntu Studio Desktop Package. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.52 (jaunty), package size 8 kB, installed size 36 kB02:54
radicalElite: What do you mean by that?02:54
likwidany ideas on how i can get the newest kernel to run?02:54
verb3kwhich KDE is better? 3.5 or 4? I heard that 4 is unstable and has less functionality than 3.5. Is that true?02:54
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: if you can login through the the terminal, it's more than likly your dot files02:54
amseidlerMTecknology: screen shot would take too long. I typed in:02:54
radicalUSB kuy.02:54
dtchenlikwid: which kernel? have you tried the ppa mainline builds?02:54
srbakersome packages are putting the 32-bit libs in /usr/lib3202:54
srbakersome are not02:54
jduverb3k: kde 4.2.? are much more stable02:55
amseidlerMTecknology: Path: home/adam/music02:55
amseidlername: music02:55
likwiddtchen: i have no clue what ppa mainline builds are.02:55
jduverb3k: but in my experience still not quite perfect.02:55
Eliteradical, I mean I want to install debian on my server to have a GUI how can I backup my current install of ubuntu server in case I want to revert?02:55
MTecknologyamseidler: did you forget the / at the beginning of home?02:55
FloridaGuywhats the faster file system02:55
amseidlerMTecknology: Yep02:55
MTecknologyamseidler: does it work when you add it?02:55
brandon_radical: all i can find is the DVD Images02:55
mugenAnyone has tips on speeding up image/flash loading in firefox?02:56
jduElite: you could make an image of it and save the image to an external hard drive.02:56
verb3kjdu, what about functionality? will I be missing anything in 4 that was available in 3.5? (even if slight)02:56
MTecknologymugen: noscript02:56
Elitejdu how do I do that?02:56
radicalElite: you don't need to install debian to get a GUI.02:56
mugenMTecknology: its strange because I use my T43 with windows xp and its blazing fast. I'm positive I have a decent connection and laptop.02:56
likwidi had to add the line 'all_generic_ide' to the boot kernel line for kernel but that line isn't working witht the new kernel02:56
radicalElite: Is that your ownly reason for switching?02:56
mugenMTecknology: could you explain more about noscript?02:57
amseidlerMTecknology: Ok, one sec02:57
radicalbrandon_:  What exactly are trying to do ?02:57
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim when its starting up it says invalid PGBK link or something similar... it doesn't say it for long but does this help explaining my prob?02:57
jduverb3k: there was a lot of functionality lost, like the ability to autohide the toolbar, but most of it is back (though I don't use kde enough to notice all the details02:57
MTecknologymugen: it's a firefox addon02:57
amseidlerMTecknology: Done, what do I do now?02:57
jduElite: how is your drive partitioned?02:57
dtchenlikwid: ah, i thought you meant the upstream vanilla (non-Ubuntu) ones, so i was confused regarding (which doesn't exist, only does)02:57
dtchenlikwid: i see that you mean 2.6.28-11.42-generic02:57
verb3kjdu, I see, thanks for your time02:57
robert__when I use Ubuntu on my ps3, then boot back into the ps3 partition, i get a server error and have to reset everything, including the modem. is there a way to prevent this?02:57
MTecknologyamseidler: read what I said above?02:58
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: never heard of that... is that after moving the dot files?02:58
brandon_radical: i want to install Ubuntu Studio02:58
likwiddtchen: yes the 2.6.28-11-generic isn't booting up02:58
jackstraw_is there a program for ubuntu that will conver avi files to dvd so that I can watch it in a dvd player?02:58
MTecknologyamseidler: clikc ok, ok, start > right click my computer > map network drive02:58
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: no ever since i woke up and started it up today02:58
brandon_radical: i want to see what exactly it dose02:58
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: or creating a new user?02:58
jduverb3k: however, I have used kde 4.2, and I would consider it an improvement.  kde 4.0 etc were definately not.02:58
MTecknologyamseidler: Drive is w/e letter - then folder is \\vboxsvr\share (or whatever you made the share name)02:58
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: it says that and then something after but i cant see it cos it doesnt stay on the screen for more than a seccond02:58
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: *Shrug*02:59
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: even moving the homedir hasn't changed it... i login and theres just nothing on the screen at all02:59
amseidlerMTecknology: Attempting to connect02:59
janaussdoes anyone know how to get nvidia softraid (dmraid) to play nice with grub?02:59
zackdual monitor config on 9.04, nvidia drivers, using twinview. the second monitor is actually my tv (over hdmi), which is not always on. how to set ubuntu to open each new program/window only on the first screen? right now, each "confirm" dialog box appears on the tv, even if the operation is started on the first monitor - i.e. even shift-del on a file on the desktop (first) pops up the...02:59
zack...confirm dialog on the second monitor - which for the user looks like afreeze of the desktop, as one can not see on the turned off tv.02:59
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: I think you would need to create a new home dir if you moved it.03:00
zacki even moved the said dialog box on 1st monitor, confirmed, and was expecting that it'll remember, but - no luck03:00
MTecknologyjanauss: idk, but if you don't get an answer in here after a while, #ubuntu-server might be able to better help you03:00
amseidlerMTecknology: Done03:00
Elitejdu I don't remember how it is partitioned03:00
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: ok ill try that but im sure that its something more ae :/03:00
amseidlerWhat do I do next?03:00
radicalBrandon, You can install the studio packages without removing anything.03:00
MTecknologyamseidler: if you followed what I said, you're done03:00
amseidlerMTecknology: Ok, how do I access it now?03:01
brandon_radical: don't i need a blank CD to do that?03:01
amseidlerMTecknology: In computer, when I click on it, it tells me that it's unaccessable03:01
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: could be, but if you are getting a different result after moving the home dir, we don't know how far we can go with a clean user03:01
MTecknologyamseidler: after you connected to it, a window should have popped up03:01
radicalNo, you can do from snyaptic or whatever it's called.03:01
MTecknologyamseidler: did it connect or throw an error?03:01
radicalElite: just install the gnome desktop or xfce if you want to go light.03:01
jduElite: one way is to use dd then.  So you can do:  dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/path/harddisk.img bs=2k03:01
amseidlerMTecknology: Threw an error, getting now03:02
jduElite: you could also pipe that through tar to compress it if you wanted.03:02
brandon_yeah but i will half to download them in parts right?03:02
jduElite: then later you could restore the image.03:02
MTecknologyamseidler: what did you use for your network path?03:02
amseidler'refers to location that's unavailable'03:02
XtReMePoIsOninvalid PBLK length03:02
amseidlerMTecknology: z:03:02
XtReMePoIsOnis what it says03:02
MTecknologyamseidler: and??03:02
rayludtchen: i fixed the problem by setting the windowmanager variables in gconf to "xmonad" instead of "/usr/bin/xmonad" and adding a /home/raylu/.local/share/applications/xmonad.desktop03:02
XtReMePoIsOnjust after the boot screen starts03:03
MTecknologyamseidler: what did you use for your network path?03:03
brandon_radical: yeah but i will half to download them in parts right?03:03
Roy_MHi can someone help me diagnose a printing problem. Basically I am having trouble setting up ptinting through a M$ print queue server. I can print using some applications such as Open office and KDE's okular however I cannot print from ubuntu's default pdf reader or from firefox. I am thinking that this mught be becuase some applications print through samba and some use cups. Perhaps I have samba setup correctly but not cups?03:03
stifflerAnyone know how to get windows games to work on Ubuntu?03:03
amseidlerMTecknology: \home\adam\music03:03
stifflerKinda new to Linux03:03
MTecknologyamseidler: .......03:03
Roy_Mstiffler, try wine03:03
MTecknologyamseidler: Drive is w/e letter - then folder is \\vboxsvr\share (or whatever you made the share name)03:03
brandon_stiffler: why would you wan't to do that?03:03
radicalBrandon, no, I believe you can download the whole package.03:03
g4lv4tr0nhow can i zero my unused drive ?03:04
genii!appdb | stiffler - also see !wine03:04
ubottustiffler - also see !wine: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help03:04
stifflerhow do i install?03:04
amseidlerMTecknology: then I used \vboxsvr\drivemusic03:04
jduElite,  gzip might be better than tar.  So perhaps:  http://www.linuxweblog.com/dd-image03:04
Elitejdu: is it possible to save my samba config only rather than the entire system setup?03:04
alex_mayorgaany known problems with Intel Corporation 82830 CGC video card?03:04
brandon_stiffler: you can try wine but i would recommend using Crossover pro03:04
jduElite: sure, find and save smb.conf03:04
MTecknologyg4lv4tr0n: cat /dev/zeros > /location/on/device03:04
verb3kjdu, thank you :)03:04
geniistiffler: Crossover is not free, just so you know03:04
radicalbrandon_: install this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/PackageList03:05
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: Asus motherboards?03:05
g4lv4tr0nMTeck will this clear any if existing rootkits too ?03:05
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: ok, ive moved my /home/glenn dir and then done a mkdir glenn in the homedir, restarted and logged in but it just loads a blank screen after a login and nothing on it and nothing happening. I cannot understand what would have caused this as all i have done out of the ordinary is install a new theme and then shutdown for the night, booted up today and got this issue...03:05
jduverb3k: didn't really help03:05
jduverb3k: much03:05
Sylar_is there a program for linux that does the same as vso convertxtodvd03:05
MTecknologyg4lv4tr0n: huh?03:05
vossIm running my quad core on a PC-chips motherboard :)03:05
brandon_radical: ah thank you.03:05
radicalYou're welcome.03:05
SDragonhow can I rediscover the list of connected devices to the system?03:05
Riltwhat is the name of the package that contains the manpages on ubuntu?03:06
MTecknology!info chkrootkit | g4lv4tr0n03:06
ubottug4lv4tr0n: chkrootkit (source: chkrootkit): rootkit detector. In component main, is optional. Version 0.48-9 (jaunty), package size 291 kB, installed size 820 kB03:06
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: does glenn own the new home dir?03:06
g4lv4tr0nif i zero the drive then this should clear all partitions including rootkits and hidden parts ???03:06
raylu!find manpages03:06
ubottuFound: manpages, manpages-dev, asr-manpages, erlang-manpages, freebsd-manpages (and 25 others)03:06
rayluRilt: ^03:06
jduElite: I rarely image my disks for the very reason that it easier just to copy certain files.03:06
MTecknologyamseidler: read what I wrote again.. you're closer03:06
rayluRilt: you probably want the development ones? manpages-dev03:06
Riltraylu: ok :)03:06
genii!info devede | Sylar_03:06
ubottuSylar_: devede (source: devede): program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.12c-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1516 kB, installed size 3456 kB03:06
terrestreis brasero slow?03:06
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: i havnt done anything other than a mkdir if that answers ur ?03:06
Xaeij/server irc.swiftirc.net -j #linux03:06
MTecknologyterrestre: fast as anything else03:06
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn:  ls -l /home03:07
amseidlerMTecknology: How am I closer? I put \\vboxsvr\drivemusic03:07
Sylar_genii: does it do the same exact thing? like i can convert to 16:9 ration for widescreen and it encodes to video ts and stuff03:07
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: who owns  /home/glenn03:07
g4lv4tr0nis crossover pro better than cedega ?03:07
brandon_Xaeij: Dont Spam!03:07
MTecknologyamseidler: what did you type in the second box, under /home/user/music ?03:07
g4lv4tr0ni already use wine for wow03:07
tuxFanso I buy this smartphone with linux based google Android,  Plug it to my Jaunty Box and working like a champ, fspot +rhythmbox FTW!03:07
jduElite: must go..., sorry03:07
Sylar_genii: cause i have DeVeDe but i don't see any option for those settings.03:07
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: same as root dir03:07
amseidlerMTecknology: Oh, I typed in drivemusic03:07
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: so i imagine thats owner.03:07
terrestredo you prefere brasero over k3b?03:08
geniiSylar_: Ratio conversions, etc not likely. For that you want to use something like ffmpeg03:08
vilemaximsudo chown -R glenn /home/glenn03:08
MTecknologyamseidler: double check your typed them exactly the same03:08
radicalElite: What are you trying to do ?03:08
janaussis there a script that will autogenerate grubs menu.lst?03:08
Sylar_genii: can i run vso convertxtodvd on crossover or wine?03:08
raylujanauss: update-grub03:08
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: sudo chown -R glenn /home/glenn   then retry logging into the gui03:08
Riltraylu: Hmm that didn't seem to work, I installed both manpages and manpages-dev03:08
geniiSylar_: For that check Wine project's appdb03:08
genii!appdb > Sylar_03:09
ubottuSylar_, please see my private message03:09
rayluRilt: it might be manpages-posix-dev03:09
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: CHOWN invalid user /R03:09
SDragonokay, more concrete question:03:09
amseidlerMTecknology: Getting the same error. It's getting late my time. I'm gonna go. thanks so much for your help03:09
rayluRilt: yep. i just installed it and got fopen03:09
Riltraylu: hmm I did too but it still says "-bash: man command not found"03:10
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: glenn is your user right?03:10
MTecknologyamseidler: maybe it'll make sense when you wake up :)03:10
XtReMePoIsOnsorry that was my mistake i had a / not a - before R03:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chrontables03:10
XtReMePoIsOnjust bebooting.03:10
SDragonI have a VPS running at a hosting place, where they have only recently introduced SWAP to the VPSs; however, my linux was installed before that. how can I detect, whether the swap has been added to my VPS, and what it's name is?03:11
MTecknologyDonDoitle: question?03:11
Sylar_genii: where can i download ffmpeg from?03:11
rayluRilt: uh... run "which man"03:11
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: the -R means recursive03:11
stifflerbut how do i install? do i need other programs to do it cuz when i try to run intallwine it doesnt do anything03:11
DonDoitleJust trying to learn about how to use Chron tables in Unix/Linux. Chron Table search on google seems to come up with a ton of lists of chronological tables from government branches03:11
Riltraylu: no output?03:11
Magicianpm me03:11
geniiSylar_: The standard repositories. The Medibuntu repositories may have some more enhanced version, if you have those already set up03:11
Elitejdu: if I wanted to backup my samba config file to /media/sdc1 how would I do that?03:12
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: if it is not the users dot files we should get the same error that you got before.03:12
rayluRilt: that's... strange you shouldn't be missing man03:12
MTecknologyDonDoitle: this is helpful to me a lot - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron03:12
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm03:12
rayluRilt: it's usually at /usr/bin/man03:12
radicalElite: if you're on server you've got to mount it first.03:12
chicowhat is best site of free hosting without banner or publicy?03:12
DonDoitleaha lright thanks03:12
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: ok it logged in this time, with a new background image and sound on login.... although it loads no top/bottom bars or anything it just loads the background image and nothing more.03:12
Riltraylu:  doesnt exist :P03:12
Riltraylu: this is a fresh install from a linode vps03:12
eseven73!ot | chico03:13
ubottuchico: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:13
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: any error messages?03:13
Eliteradical, its always mounted at start up03:13
PleaseHelpIs YUM not for ubuntu?03:13
eseven73PleaseHelp, nope03:13
XtReMePoIsOnAPT authentication error03:13
rayluPleaseHelp: nope. yum is for rpms. apt is for debs03:13
rayluRilt: i'd reinstall manpages, then. just "manpages"03:13
chicoubottu, it's for ubuntu topics web03:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:13
MTecknologychico: it's still offtopic for this channe;03:14
eseven73chico, it's still offtopic03:14
radicalOh, nevermind then.03:14
PleaseHelpraylu, if something says to set up yum add this... where do I put that?03:14
eseven73stop that MTecknology get out of my head ;)03:14
Stepan1Just updated to 9.04.  I noticed that one of the things the setup said it will remove is cups-pdf.  I think this happened last upgrade also.  Any reason why cups-pdf is removed?03:14
MTecknologyeseven73: ({)03:14
MTecknologyStepan1: obselete most likely03:14
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: in the gui hit Atl + F2  if you get a prompt  type in nautilus03:14
rayluPleaseHelp: you probably shouldn't be using that tutorial, then. but it'd be aptitude install03:14
trey__does any one no how i can reinstall ubuntu03:14
Sylar_how can i get amorak to play my music?03:15
ranticHi everyone, I just downloaded the installer for Regnum online and am having troubles installing/compiling?03:15
DonDoitleWould 01 * * * * /somecommand run the command every minute?03:15
rayluSylar_: you need to be more specific about what's wrong03:15
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: as the login?03:15
Stepan1MTecknology: how does setup determine that?  I installed it for a reason.03:15
MTecknologytrey__: put a cd in and boot and install?03:15
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: did it log you out?03:15
Sylar_raylu: i go to open media and i select the mp3 i wanna listen to and nothing happens03:15
MTecknologyStepan1: I'd just reinstall after it removes03:15
Eliteradical, how would I do that then? mv /etc/samba/smb.conf /media/sdc1?03:15
PleaseHelpraylu, confused guess I am going to have to learn about ym, strange ive never came across it before03:15
rayluSylar_: i'd install ubuntu-restricted-extras03:15
XtReMePoIsOnctrl + alt f2 opens a login screen03:15
radicalyeah, that should work.03:15
rayluSylar_: or kubuntu, if you're on that03:15
Stepan1MTecknology: ay ay ay03:15
Sylar_raylu: will do03:16
rayluPleaseHelp: why? you're on ubuntu so you don't need to use yum03:16
Sylar_raylu: i'll get back to you with the results03:16
rayluPleaseHelp: *shouldn't/can't use yum03:16
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: in the gui   alt + f2 (no ctrl)03:16
majnoonhow tell what version ubuntu you using ??03:16
trey__its working fine its just i want a frash install03:16
eseven73!apt | PleaseHelp03:16
ubottuPleaseHelp: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)03:16
raylumajnoon: lsb_release -a03:16
XtReMePoIsOnok sorry03:16
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: if gnome is running at all, you should get a run dialog03:16
evalsaidemHow can I find out what addresses apt is looking at for repo?03:16
MTecknologyraylu: it's possible to use alien to convert an rpm to deb - but it's a bad idea. Don't do it03:17
trey__how con i reinstall it without it deleting my files03:17
evalsaidemI can't seem to get anything installed via apt03:17
ranticCould anyone help me? I'm trying to install a .bin file03:17
rayluMTecknology: you meant to give that to PleaseHelp03:17
XtReMePoIsOnalt + f2 has no response, vilemaxim03:17
raylurantic: this wouldn't happen to be a video driver, would it?03:17
MTecknologyPleaseHelp: it's possible to use alien to convert an rpm to deb - but it's a bad idea. Don't do it03:17
Sylar_raylu: it wont let me, it says it conflicts with other software installed.03:17
PleaseHelpraylu for some reason I thought you were saying I did need it, glad I am not tripping03:17
rayluSylar_: can you show me the output?03:17
MTecknologyPleaseHelp: if you absolutely must have yum, perhaps debian type distros aren't for you ;)03:17
Sylar_raylu: doesn't show me03:17
shallwehi guys03:17
mstonehello i was wondering if any one could help get more than 2 work spaces03:17
KeypadCan some body help me, im having problems with the new amarok since upgrading to 9.0403:18
shallweubuntu 9.04 x86 suports 4gb of ram?03:18
rayluSylar_: are you on ubuntu or kubuntu?03:18
ranticraylu: It's an mmorpg I found for linux, the file is a .bin and despite trying to follow this guide http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-tutorials-howtos-reference-material/64958-how-install-software-linux.html#post344062 it didn't work03:18
evalsaidemIt seems to look at this ip and never gets anywhere...
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: hmmm... drop down to the command line again. sudo aptitude install gnome-desktop-environment03:18
Sylar_raylu: ubuntu03:18
alex_mayorgathe video on my laptop is completely broken after the update to jaunty, can anyone help please?03:18
rayluSylar_: sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg03:18
trey__rantic type this into the trem (gksu /usr/sbin/synaptic)03:18
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: seems like your missing stuff03:18
MTecknologyvilemaxim: as much as I love aptitude, support is better given suggesting apt-get03:19
PleaseHelpMTecknology, I don't need to use YUM, the site I am on kinda threw it in the mix and didn't separate the difference so I was just checking in03:19
rantictrey_: ok?03:19
mstonehello i was wondering if any one could help get more than 2 work spaces03:19
Eliteis it better to try and install a gui server or to do a complete reinstall?03:19
MTecknologyvilemaxim: people tend to get less confused :P03:19
rayluElite: "gui server?"03:19
evalsaidemhow can I figure out what version of ubuntu I am running03:19
MTecknologyraylu: a server doesn't usually have a gui03:19
eseven73!version | evalsaidem03:19
mstonehello i was wondering if any one could help get more than 2 work spaces(cube affect)03:19
ubottuevalsaidem: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »03:19
pirokomstone: Bottom right corner, workspace icon thingy, right click, preferences03:20
radicalElite, just add the desktop package...gnome-desktop I think.03:20
PleaseHelpevalsaideum System> About03:20
MTecknologyElite: a server doesn't usually have a gui03:20
MTecknologyraylu: sorry03:20
anzohey all is there there anyone here who can help me with xubuntu03:20
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: am i doing anything after this install?03:20
evalsaidemubottu: thanks ... looks like jaunty03:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:20
radicalanzo, I've used it in the past.03:20
alex_mayorgaevalsaidem: more /etc/lsb-release in a CLI03:20
Magicianmtecknology>>  installing a gui in a sever edition is easy. I am running server and I have gui and totally customized03:20
vilemaximMTecknology: I haven't noticed that problem.  I'll try considering that.03:20
trey__tell me what happened03:20
MTecknologyanzo: #xubuntu03:20
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: or just a reboot03:20
rayluMTecknology: why apt-get over aptitude?03:20
evalsaidemI wonder if there is something wrong with my sources.list file....03:20
Magicianapt-get is a easier command03:21
Magicianacceses the rep easier03:21
blackyhey guys--im using ubuntu 9.04. my sound worked fine after installation. the only problem im having, is that i can only have 1 program that uses sound open at a time. how do i fix this? example: if i watch a youtube video, then pause the video, and play a song in amarok, amarok wont play it'll say it cant access the nvidia sound driver. so i have to close firefox, then do it03:21
blackyits really annoying03:21
rayluMagician: easier than aptitude?03:21
MTecknologyraylu: sometimes users get confused when they see apt-get in tutorials, but are told to use aptitude03:21
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: I missed something   "or just reboot"03:21
Eliteradical, how can I make it install from the cd?03:21
admin_masu3701is there a way to turn off a remote computer if you know it IP address?03:21
Magicianyes easier and more efficent03:21
MTecknologyI prefer aptitude03:21
MTecknologymore robust03:21
veovisraylu: it's easier to explain over the internet that you should type a command then follow a gui03:21
RedSocratesI thought aptitude had better dependency resolution03:21
rayluMTecknology: and sometimes users are confused when they see aptitude but are told to use apt-get...03:21
trey__rantic tell me what happened03:21
radicalElite, add your cd to your sources list and then install.03:21
rayluveovis: ... right. i said apt-get and aptitude... both are clis03:21
MTecknologyraylu: most guides use apt-get though03:22
mstonethe wat03:22
rayluMagician: why is that?03:22
rayluMTecknology: but i feel aptitude is more user-friendly03:22
vilemaximMTecknology: but you loose you cool aptitude tracking of packages install03:22
rayluRedSocrates: afaik, aptitude removes packages if they're no longer needed03:22
mstonepiroko how do i get cube affect03:22
Sylar_raylu: it still doesn't play my mp3s03:22
rayluRedSocrates: what vilemaxim said.03:22
evalsaidemdoes anyone have jaunty server installed03:22
RedSocratesOne of the reasons I like aptitude03:22
Magicianthe command was set to use with ubuntu03:22
MTecknologyraylu: vilemaxim: I agree, I was just focusing on user confusion :P03:22
Magicianthe newer versions03:23
rayluSylar_: hrm. ok, we'll install the rest of ubuntu-restricted-extras, then. sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras03:23
trey__rantic tell me what happened03:23
MTecknologylike apt vs yum  :P03:23
Thurin1Let's say I want to try KDE4 on Ubuntu what do I install kde-desktop? - or kde4-desktop?03:23
Magicianit is way the code is written03:23
VagueIsn't there a way to show the list of those internet connectors, like eth0?03:23
mstonepiroko how do i get cube affect03:23
MTecknologyThurin1: 8.10 or 9.04?03:23
rayluMagician: i don't think you have a clue as to what you're talking about03:23
Thurin1MTecknology: 9.0403:23
Yopuahoy gurus, newbie here when it comes to shell and shell-scripts, can i pipe the output of the "pidof" command to a renice command. halp03:23
vilemaximMTecknology: I agree that should be the focus in a room like this03:23
rayluMagician: both are frontends to apt and are for managing debs03:23
Eliteradical shere are the sources?03:23
MagicianI run 9.04 server with gnome desktop and host 18 websites but i don know what i am talking about03:23
MTecknologyvilemaxim: kubuntu-desktop03:23
jjgalvezhow can I run metacity --replace on a remote machine via ssh03:24
rayluMagician: obviously not. you run a server with gnome :P03:24
likwidquick question, how do i open menu.lst so i can edit it and save?03:24
vilemaximMTecknology: ?03:24
Thurin1MTecknology: Do I do the same thing as well? - kubuntu-desktop?03:24
radicalI believe they are in /etc/sources or something like that.  Can someone else confirm that?  it might be /etc/sources/source or something like that.03:24
MTecknologyThurin1: that was for you03:24
Magicianjust to give me a desktop enviroment for personal use to03:24
Thurin1And I remove it the same way? or .. piece by piece03:24
rayluradical: /etc/apt/sources.list03:24
radicalI'm not on an ubuntu box, so I can't be certain.03:24
MTecknologyvilemaxim: sorry03:24
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: what happened?03:24
mstonepiroko how do i get cube affect03:24
likwidwhats the line to edit menu.lst and to have it save?03:24
radicalElite, check out raylu .03:24
MTecknologygrr - usually I type in the wrong window - not type the wrong nick03:24
vilemaximI know the proboem03:25
raylucursed auto-completion, eh?03:25
joanki123hi i'm unable to play audio cds with my newly upgraded 8.0403:25
joanki123can anyone tell me why this might be?03:25
g4lv4tr0nMTecknology: if i dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb will this erase MBR too ???03:25
evalsaidemIs us.archive.ubuntu.com ( down....I can seem to sudo apt-get install irssi from this address....03:25
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: hmm, i did uninstall quite a bit of 'evolution' things from synaptic last night maybe somehow that deleted the gnome files03:25
Yopuanyone? piping pidof to renice?03:25
MTecknologyg4lv4tr0n: ya - but add a bs= and the length - keep it from doing infinity and going slow03:26
trey__damn i need some weed03:26
eseven73!ot | trey__03:26
ubottutrey__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:26
jb0nd38372trey__,  me too03:26
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: should i rm the homedir i made and replace the /home/glenn with the one i moved before if this gnome-desktopp03:26
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: shouldn't of, but I'm not sure03:26
g4lv4tr0nyea me too03:26
bododohi folks03:26
XtReMePoIsOn-environment download fixes the problem?!03:26
rico_Any on have tested BT4 tools package on ubuntu 9.04 ?03:26
trey__ok but i dont realy care03:26
Eliteradical: I have added it yet it it still wants to connect to the server to dl it and I don't want it to03:26
eseven73trey__, obviously03:26
MTecknology!o4o > trey__03:26
ubottutrey__, please see my private message03:26
rayluMagician: wow... you run a server that you also use for yourself?03:26
=== brandon_ is now known as `brandon`
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: not yet.... this is cleaner... we can move it back once you are back to normal03:27
rayluMagician: that's even worse03:27
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: oh... then yeah03:27
radicalElite, you can always uncheck the other ones, Elite.03:27
Buttons840How can I search my entire hard drive for a file?  I tried searching as root, but the search completed in about 2 seconds, which leads me to believe it didn't search everything?03:27
rico_Any on have tested BT4 tools package on ubuntu 9.04 ?03:27
bododoanyone can help me with ubuntu on an ibook G4 please? I'd like to emulate the osx right click using the trackpad03:27
rayluMagician: also, i don't notice replys without my name in them03:27
Magiciannot always depending on how you set it up03:27
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: logout first03:27
g4lv4tr0nMTeck if there a bs= {all} func03:27
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
jb0nd38372trey__, you need to understand though that this channel is for suppotr and people needing help  I dont think an off the wall comment every now and again hurts much but please dont spam the channel consistently03:27
vilemaximButtons840: locate filename03:28
=== bododo is now known as sabrina
vilemaximButtons840: from the commandline03:28
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: just in the command? cause i cant login/logout of the gnome as theres no buttons :/03:28
sabrinaanyone, please? :)03:28
sebsebsebsabrina: hi what would you like help with?03:28
trey__its called freedome of speech03:28
trey__what i was doing03:29
eseven73IRC is NOT a democracy03:29
trey__oh and i can hack your bot03:29
Magiciandosen´t matter we are here to help people not argue03:29
veovistrey__ IRC does not recognize the freedom of speech03:29
trey__and crash thecen03:29
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: I think I got confused where you were.  cotrol + alt + backspace03:29
Phil_26I have a remote server but I don't know wich distribution it is running. All I know is that it use KDE 3.5. Is their any way to check which distribution is installed?03:29
sabrinasebsebseb: I'd like to right click with an ibook G4's trackpad with ctrl+tap03:29
veovisah too late03:29
trey__the cen03:29
evalsaidemcan anyone ping us.archive.ubuntu.com.....03:29
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: in the gui03:29
sebsebsebsabrina: with Ubuntu installed on it?03:29
MTecknologyg4lv4tr0n: just do something like bs=102403:29
jb0nd38372trey__, also there is respect for what others want, if you dont respect others wishes then, well, that says something about your personality in general and how other people preceive you03:29
sabrinasebsebseb: yes03:29
trey__but i love ubuntu so i wont03:29
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: that will force X to reload03:29
rayluevalsaidem: run "host us.archive.ubuntu.com" and you'll realize there are multiple servers03:30
veovisokay people, stop feeding the troll03:30
g4lv4tr0nMTecknology: is there a bs={all} func ???03:30
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: wait to move home03:30
mib_m7758fI have netbook remix installed on my aser aspire one, and after a restart all i have is the background image.03:30
sabrinanow, i use three fingers, but it works so so03:30
MTecknologyg4lv4tr0n: you don't want that03:30
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: ok... im getting ahead of where im at sorry, im still 50% on the aptitude install03:30
g4lv4tr0ni want to zero whole drive03:30
Eliteradical: then sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop?03:30
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: k03:30
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: ok i will :)03:30
g4lv4tr0nincluding mbr and partition table03:30
Buttons840vilemaxim, thanks, how can i do a search from a UI?03:30
MTecknologyg4lv4tr0n: if you want that, then add count=xx where xx is the bytes on the drive divided by your byte size03:30
evalsaidemraylu: I do that and I get
evalsaidembut when I run apt-get install it just hangs....03:31
rayluevalsaidem: er... you should get a few others...03:31
z0x1cg4lv4tr0n, MTecknology no need for length=. bs=1M might help performance, however.03:31
rayluevalsaidem: host just does a dns resolution. i was just pointing out that there are multiple servers so telling us to ping one doesn't do much03:31
z0x1cg4lv4tr0n: the MBR is the first sector on the drive. it contains the partition table, which will get zeroed as well03:31
evalsaidemhow can I set my dns servers?03:31
evalsaidemmaybe they are failing me...03:31
evalsaidemor I don't have any set up...03:32
g4lv4tr0ncool :)03:32
jb0nd38372whats the offtopic channel address03:32
vilemaximButtons840: errr... Places -> search   change home to filesystem.... maybe03:32
Buttons840vilemaxim, I ran the command "sudo locate b.blend" and it completed in under 2 seconds?  I'm guessing it didn't search the entire hard drive then?03:32
rayluevalsaidem: you certainly have one set up. you only see one ip when using "host us.archive.ubuntu.com"?03:32
vilemaximButtons840: it uses a database03:32
MTecknologyg4lv4tr0n: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dd_(Unix)03:32
evalsaidemraylu: right
mstonecan any one help me get the cube affect03:32
Buttons840vilemaxim, it didn't return anything, so that means b.blend is not on my filesystem?03:33
rayluevalsaidem: strange. consider changing your server to http://mirror.anl.gov/ubuntu/. it's a server in the US; you can make the change in /etc/apt/sources.list03:33
raylu!compiz | mstone03:33
trey__privit chat with the ubottu bot and type hi03:33
ubottumstone: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion03:33
jb0nd38372mstone, do you have compiz enabled, and have you downloaded the compiz effects manager from the repo?03:33
evalsaidemthanks will give it a try03:33
mstonecan u go in seperate window and help03:33
trey__it says Hi! Welcome to ubottu03:33
trey__hi to you03:33
syntax\how can i add myself to access a cups server to a different machine for me to administer the said cups server?03:33
kilraeso i ran the update manager, it listed a bunch of updates, i clicked install and absolutely nothing happened (9.04)03:33
likwidwoohooo! i found the solution on the ubuntu forums...03:34
vilemaximButtons840: not 100% sure, but it doesn't look good.    try "find"... I would have to type    man find     to get the right options.03:34
kilraethe button went down and then it went up03:34
kilraethis has happened on two 9.04 computers03:34
likwidnow i have a question regarding the migration assistant that's an option when you install... how come i don't see those users show up after restarting???03:34
syntax\im able to access the web interface of the printer via http://<ip>:631 but i can't access the administration page03:34
evalsaidemraylu: after changing thatdo I have run anything so ubuntu know to load the file over again?03:34
trey__evilemaxim port 139 is open on your computer03:34
trey__just helping03:35
DonDoitleWoo got a simple pointless crontable task running!03:36
majnoonnow did upgrade and no sound :(03:36
baybuntuZUNE   ------ Ubuntu??03:36
baybuntuUbuntu ---- zune?03:36
trey__how do i reinstall ubuntu with out deleting all my stuff03:36
evalsaidemraylu:  now I am getting:  host http://mirror.anl.gov/ubuntu/03:36
evalsaidemhttp://mirror.anl.gov/ubuntu/ has address
evalsaidem;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached03:36
verb3kubuntu's printer support is really bad03:36
Riltraylu: Still no manpages, I used apt-get purge manpages to remove it... I also did a apt-get update and apt-get upgrade to see if that would help and still nothing03:36
radicalElite, Yes.03:36
srayahuHow do I format an SD memory card on Ubuntu?03:36
trey__mr we dont talk about that type of stuff03:37
baybuntuhow do i mount this piece of shit zune to the holy grail known as Ubuntu03:37
srayahubaybuntu: It's not mounting at all?03:37
baybuntuuhh i just want to connect the zune to the ubuntu to put songs on it03:38
srayahuHow do I format my SD memory card?03:38
trey__srayahu download gparted03:38
baybuntudont need the proprietary craptastic software03:38
srayahugparted, thanks trey.03:38
terrestresrayahu, have you ever try testdisk?03:38
srayahubaybuntu: Does the Zune show up on your desktop?03:39
mib_m7758fI have netbook remix installed on my aser aspire one, and after a restart all i have is the background image, no interface.03:39
baybuntuuh lemme see03:39
binarymutanthow can I get the right click on my stylus to work?03:39
vilemaximtrey__:  you trolling03:39
Bonkerswhy would irexec/irxevent launch just fine from an xterm after X starts up, but they don't work from .xinitrc? Other things from .xinitrc are running. Is there any way to go log output from .xinitrc?03:40
trey__wtf does that mean03:40
josemba'eichapa maymava03:40
cratelI can't figure out if tracker supports thunderbird indexing out of the box or not for Intrepid03:40
srayahuSorry trey03:40
trey__r you saying im a trol03:40
joseche rory po hechavo03:40
srayahuIt's from HaTikvah, the Israeli national anthem.03:41
terrestreyehudi menuhim03:41
baybuntudoes anyone own a zune and use ubuntu03:41
srayahuTerrestre, you speak Hebrew?03:41
terrestrenot at all03:41
vilemaximmaybe misinformation is fun without the troll03:41
Phil_26Hello. I have a remote server but I don't know wich distribution is installed on it. All I know is that it use KDE 3.5. Is their any way to check which distribution is installed? thanks03:42
srayahuHow do I use gparted?03:42
Buttons840vilemaxim, I'm beginning to really thing there is no b.blend on my hard drive.03:42
cratelPhil_26: does "lsb_release -a" give you the info you want?03:42
trey__do you have it installed03:42
srayahutrey, yes03:43
trey__ok start it up03:43
nschembrsrayahu:  what do you need to do03:43
trey__type in your pass03:43
Phil_26cratel, command not found :P03:43
majnoonnow did upgrade and no sound :(03:44
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: ok, I done a ctrl+alt+backspace but nothing happend so I done a ctrl+alt+del and restarted.... It seems that repaired my issies :)03:44
baybuntuel zuno de pco03:44
trey__it shued load up your maen hd partion03:44
baybuntuel zuno de ubuntu?03:44
cratelPhil_26: weird. I thought that was universal. Maybe it's Debian-specific.03:44
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: great!03:44
baybuntuyo soi zune ?03:44
baybuntude buntu?03:45
trey__you there03:45
baybuntuchung suay zune Hong kong wrong dong ubuntu?03:45
cratelPhil_26: just tried it on a RedHat machine too and it worked there too. You sure you didn't make a type?03:45
apersonI've been getting: E: The package linux-image- needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. ; Anyone have an idea as to how to solve this?  I'm on 9.0403:45
carmonyokay, what are some ways to debug why a Apache/PHP web server is spiking up and down of 90% cpu io wait time?03:45
trey__srayahu you there03:46
vilemaximaperson: can you remove it?03:46
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: how do i swap the /home/glenn folder to be the /home/backup folder? im having a real blank moment03:46
baybuntuyou guys suck03:46
baybuntuban me03:46
Yonderingquestion, since I've never actually tried it.. does the default fresh install make a separate /home partition?  I've always manually created a /home partition. ;)03:46
Phil_26cratel, yes, try several times03:46
XtReMePoIsOnvilemaxim: and vice verser on that one03:46
MHz128what command lists drives in order? sda1 , sda2 etc.. ?03:47
apersonvilemaxim, I'll try03:47
baybuntunone of you poor bastards own a zune?03:47
cratelPhil_26: you might try looking for it somewhere where it might not be in the path, like /usr/sbin or something...03:47
jerbearanyone know how to get the microphone to work on the eee pc?03:47
baybuntucratel: you might try fucking your mum03:47
trey__zunes dont work with ubuntu03:47
baybuntuf microsoft and their proprietary bs03:48
vilemaximXtReMePoIsOn: logout of the gui and log in on the terminal.  use mv /home/glenn /home/glenn-fresh; mv /home/backup /home/glenn03:48
rayluRilt: er... why'd you remove the manpages?03:48
baybuntuwine does not work either right03:48
ienorandMHz128: fdisk -l03:48
apersonvilemaxim, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/161092/03:48
trey__windows vista shud be called me 2.003:48
Phil_26cratel, I have looked at the sources.list and here what in : "deb ftp://mir1.ovh.net/debian/ etch main" "deb-src ftp://mir1.ovh.net/debian/ etch main" "deb http://security.debian.org/ etch/updates main" "deb-src http://security.debian.org/ etch/updates main"03:48
Phil_26cratel, would this automatically mean that I'm running debian?03:49
trey__i wonder what does bill have on his computer03:49
blackyhey all--i've got a sound problem (ubuntu 9.04). if i have a program taht uses sound open (even if the sound is not playing), i CANNOT play sound through ANOTHER program. ex: if i have a youtube video on, i pause it, then i go to play a song in amarok, it errors out saying the device is in use03:49
trey__probly ubuntu03:49
blackyhey all--i've got a sound problem (ubuntu 9.04). if i have a program taht uses sound open (even if the sound is not playing), i CANNOT play sound through ANOTHER program. ex: if i have a youtube video on, i pause it, then i go to play a song in amarok, it errors out saying the device is in use. how can i fix this so i can play as many things at once as i like?03:49
vilemaximaperson: errr... that is a hard problem to solve03:50
cratelPhil_26: It seems likely but I am not sure you can conclude that for sure. I think there are many minor distros that use the debian repositories.03:50
Vaguequestion: wlan0 is default wireless, yeah?03:50
c0l2eCan I just copy the whole /etc/openvpn to another machine to transfer my openvpn server settings and keys??03:50
YonderingPhil_26, probably yes.   Might be a small distro that still uses the main repos, though.03:50
trey__srayahu did you get it working03:50
lwsWhy is BitchX missing from the universe repository now?03:51
vilemaximaperson: I tell you in general how I solved this, but I cannot walk you through it.  It will drive me nuts.03:51
lwsIt seems like only irssi is around, which is not quite as good03:51
apersonvilemaxim, anything is better than nothing :)03:51
mib_bx1xmshi what is a good codec pack for ubuntu?? the current gstreamer is kinda sucky and video play is not as smooth as in windows with CCCP..any recommendations?03:51
z0x1cPhil_26: Try running "cat /etc/lsb-release"03:51
Riltraylu: Got it working by installing man-db03:52
Buttons840Is it normal for "sudo updatedb" to complete in under a second?03:52
geniiButtons840: If nothing changed manually in recent times03:52
bachyaHi all - I need help with a Virtualbox situation - I used DriveImage XML to clone a fresh Windows install and put the clone on an external hard drive; however, in Virtualbox, I have no way to get to that external hard drive (because I believe Guest Additions has to be installed).03:52
vilemaximaperson: in /var/lib/dpkg/info/ is all the pre and post removal scripts.  More and likely it is one of them that is messing up.03:53
terrestreButtons840, sure. are you doing that in "/"?03:53
Yonderinglws, I'm not sure, but I think it's been a few years since the last bitchx update?03:53
Buttons840genii, I ask because the file b.blend must be on my hard drive for blender to work (and blender does work).  I can't find it though.03:53
srayahu_How do I use gparted to format an sd memory card?03:54
vilemaximaperson: when I've have this problem in the past, I would modify those scripts with an echo "here" statement to find out how far they got before it stopped working03:54
trey__start it up03:54
Buttons840terrestre, I ran the command "sudo updatedb".  Is that at location "/"?03:54
trey__let it load03:54
trey__you shold see a partion03:55
* D3f0 is away: Ausente por el momento03:55
srayahu_It's not listed, but the memory card is mounted on my computer.03:55
trey__on the right side03:55
blackyhey all--i've got a sound problem (ubuntu 9.04). if i have a program taht uses sound open (even if the sound is not playing), i CANNOT play sound through ANOTHER program. ex: if i have a youtube video on, i pause it, then i go to play a song in amarok, it errors out saying the device is in use. how can i fix this so i can play as many things at once as i like?03:55
terrestreButtons840, Im not sure but maybe you need to do a "cd /" first03:55
vilemaximaperson: you will eventually find the line that is not working.  You will have to trouble shoot it from there03:55
apersonvilemaxim, will do03:55
vilemaximif it is looking for a file to remove.  I would put one there03:55
trey__thats wired03:55
RedSocratessrayahu_: You should unmount it before you attempt to do any partitioning03:55
Buttons840sudo: cd: command not found?03:55
srayahu_Unmounted now03:56
geniiButtons840: I think you mean ~/.B.blend03:56
Buttons840lol, is it case sensitive?03:56
trey__do you have another sd card03:56
srayahu_RedSocrates: Can you help me? I have the memory card unmounted now.03:56
srayahu_trey, no.03:56
terrestreButtons840, without sudo just cd /, thats take to the root folder03:56
geniiButtons840: Linux is case sensitive by default03:56
vilemaximaperson: I'm sorry... maybe there is a better/easier way, but that is how I've solved it in the past.03:56
RedSocratessrayahu_: I've never tried to format an SD card, and I don't really use gparted.  If you restart gparted with the card unmounted, does it show up?03:56
cratelblacky: I am still on 8.10 but I am assuming 9.04 uses Pulseaudio? If so, are all your sound programs using Pulseaudio as their output sound device?03:57
apersonvilemaxim, that's fine, I don't mind that method03:57
trey__is this the ferst time you used the sd slout03:57
ienorandsrayahu_: so in the upper right, you can't switch to it?03:57
blackycratel, ya they're all using pulse03:57
srayahu_RedSocrates, no it does not. Can you suggest a better program?03:57
srayahu_ienorand, no03:57
blackycratel, and the sound works fine. but only for 1 app at a time. i cant use 2 sound apps at the same time or i get device is busy errors03:57
likwidhas anyone used the migrate documents and settings before?03:57
mib_bx1xmshi what is a good codec pack for ubuntu?? the current gstreamer is kinda sucky and video play is not as smooth as in windows with CCCP..any recommendations?03:57
ienorandsrayahu_: what does "cat /proc/partitions" give you in terminal?03:58
cratelblacky: that's weird because part of the point of pulseaudio is so that apps can share the card.03:58
tktblacky: You could use a Jack stack to fix that problem...03:58
RedSocratessrayahu_: Whenever I do partitioning, I just use fdisk or cfdisk.  The latter is a bit easier.  If you know the device name of the sd card, you might be able to open it with the latter by doing "cfdisk <devicename>"03:58
blackytkt, jack stack?03:58
Yonderingblacky, did you by chance install xubuntu?03:58
blackyYondering, no--just 9.04 gnome ubuntu03:58
srayahu_ienorand: sda, sda1, sda2, sda5, mmcblk0, mmcblk0p103:59
terrestresrayahu, im not sure if testdisk format sd cars but maybe you can try it03:59
Yonderingblacky, odd.. have you tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 yet?03:59
ralmarHey guys I just installed kubuntu-desktop and had a few questions. The thing is lets say I have firefox open on desktop 1, when I switch to desktop 2 I can see the firefox that is open and maximized in desktop 1, but i see it minimized in the taskbar. Is there away to make it not visible at all in desktop 2? Also, with gnome i had shortcuts to jump from desktop1 to desktop2, how can I set those up? Thanks03:59
tktblacky: there is some software in the repositories called jack... It will allow you to run multiple channels simultaneously amongst many things.  Im sure theres a guide somewhere.  Google for it03:59
asiksubuntu 9.04.  I can't open file browsers. I click places->home folder and it says 'starting [name]' and then nothing happens.  Help!03:59
terrestre!kubuntu | ralmar04:00
ubotturalmar: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE04:00
crateltkt: won't blacky have to use jack drivers as output devices? Does Amarok support jack? I don't think flash does...04:00
neb5can anyone help with tv tuner installation?04:01
uriel_hey im running ubuntu 8.04 and for some reason compiz is not working it was a few muinets ago but it seems to have just stoped04:01
likwidi guess no one has used the migration assistant thing04:01
sebsebseblikwid: I think I have before04:01
sebsebseblikwid: it should just work04:01
asiks... can anyone help?  I can't open file browsers for anywhere on the computer04:01
microlithoh ubuntu, win win win04:02
tktcratel: Yeah, he will have to use jack as output, but the input can use his pulse audio so everything that works now will work plus whatever else he wants.04:02
sebsebsebroot_:  using a root account on IRC is quite a security risk04:02
neb5my ubuntu fail04:02
likwidsebsebseb: did it just install from 1 user or many users? i used it but it installed the things from 3 users into just this 1 user i set up when i installed ubuntu04:02
microlithspied my wireless HP on the network and went "oh, you want to use this"04:02
sebsebseblikwid: if  I did it  only one user04:02
sebsebseblikwid: also  as long as Windows was shut down properly you can  access the partition and copy/cut stuff over that you want04:02
uriel_hey im running ubuntu 8.04 and for some reason compiz is not working it was a few muinets ago but it seems to have just stoped04:03
Hamlton2Can someone help me?04:03
veovisHi, I have a quick question:  I installed Endgame: Singularity through the 8.10 repos, but it was outdated.  I downloaded the newest version and I can run it by running it in terminal with sh Endgame_Linux, but I can't figure out how to add it to the Applications->Games menu04:03
sebsebseb!compiz |  uriel04:03
ubottuuriel: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion04:03
vossAnyone else use pcchips motherboards?04:03
tkturiel_: Did it error or anything?  Try restarting X04:03
crateltkt: input can be his pulseaudio? I don't know what you mean. How is flash going to use jack?04:03
sebsebseb!helpme |  Hamlton204:03
ubottuHamlton2: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience04:03
likwidsebsebseb: ok then, thanks.... i don't recall being able to separate the files... yes i will have to just cut and paste04:03
sebsebseblikwid: cut is move off vista,   you said vista?  and  copy is yeah copy04:03
klatahello guys04:03
terrestre!ask | Hamlton204:04
ubottuHamlton2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:04
tktcratel: Jack works as a mixer... Whatever is being used as his output for flash now can be directed to his input on jack and be tunneled to his output04:04
uriel_<tkt just restarted no change when the last thing i did was sent the manager to meta city but i chaged it back i also just reinstalled compiz no change04:04
likwidsebsebseb: i have winxp x64 edition... and i'll probably just copy and paste since they may want their files still on windows.04:04
sebsebseblikwid: who is they?04:04
crateltkt: you sure? I've used jack a lot and that doesn't sound like anything I've ever seen.04:04
srayahuRedSocrates: I used cfdisk, but it says I have no permission to write to disk.04:04
neb5anybody have experience with TwinHan Tv Tuner? I have AD-AU500 and need assistance installing proper drivers04:04
RedSocratessrayahu: Did you do it with sudo?04:05
likwidsebsebseb: oh right, lol they is my girlfriend and her parents04:05
srayahuRedSocrates, yes.04:05
crateltkt: flash would need to output to jack. It needs a jack driver to do what you are saying.04:05
Hamlton2oka so i got a ubuntu 8.04 install disk from my friend today and I put it in my computer and booted up on it, tried to install and it just went through a bunch of error messages04:05
srayahuRedSocrates: It pulls up cfdisk, black screen etc. etc.04:05
likwidsebsebseb: i've set them up on ubuntu now... i meant to do it right off the bat but had issues installing a few weeks ago. so did the winxp install just so they had something in the meantime.04:05
vilemaximlikwid: Hamlton2: what was the error messages?04:05
sebsebseblikwid:   I see,  well surely you want them to be using Ubuntu rather than Vista really?   so if you set up Ubuntu for their computer usage properly :d04:06
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:06
vilemaximlikwid: sorry... not for you04:06
likwidvilemaxim: no problem...04:06
Hamlton2Then I tried to install it inside of vista and it worked. I tried to boot from ubuntu and I got a bunch of "I/O ERROR" messages04:06
Hamlton2Then the screen went black for an hour04:06
Hamlton2and I turned it off04:06
neb5please help install TwinHan Tv Tuner? I have AD-AU500 and need assistance installing proper drivers04:06
ubottuHamilton2: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:06
Hamlton2now I have no idea what to do04:07
sebsebseblikwid: any problem apps,  with not a good enough Linux version or that won't work well in Wine.   Windows virtual machine if computer has enough RAM, and  it's not say a 3D game04:07
likwidsebsebseb: yeah definitely want them to use ubuntu! which is why i set it up as the default to start up.. but they could always reboot and use winxp for any reason04:07
tktcratel: Pretty sure, I havent used it too much but I remember I had my studio machine and I never used flash but everything else worked with some configuration.  after googling i found this... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84301204:07
sebsebseblikwid: exactly, but if you do this right, you can eliminate most or all the reasons for them to boot up XP :D04:07
vossI used to think that moving away from windows would be really hard, but now that I got WOW working in wine and my music playing its getting easier.04:07
tktWOW Runs in wine better for me on my POS machine04:08
vilemaximHamlton2: io error would seem like the CD might be messed up, or your harddrive might be about to go.  Run a test on the harddrive.04:08
srayahuHow can I format my sd memory card?04:08
likwidsebsebseb: yup! for sure... that's why i need to transfer their files from winxp to here. also, have to see what kind of apps they need. something like MSoffice, paint programs, cd/dvd burning04:08
Hamlton2I just bought the harddrive today04:08
RedSocratessrayahu: You want to format, or partition?04:09
sebsebseblikwid: you have already used Ubuntu?04:09
vosstkt, some weird stuff like stuttering legs but otherwise WOW is fine in wine04:09
likwidsebsebseb: no, i'm fairly new to ubuntu.04:09
sebsebseblikwid: oh04:09
=== ruanl is now known as ruanshenglong
sebsebseblikwid: you haven't even used Ubunt yourself, and your alreading converting other people?04:09
veovisOnly repeating because a lot of text popped up and nudged my question out of the way, I don't think anyone saw it.  I'm not trying to be needy or pushy. : )  I installed Endgame: Singularity through the 8.10 repos, but it was outdated.  I downloaded the newest version and I can run it by running it in terminal with sh Endgame_Linux, but I can't figure out how to add it to the Applications->Games menu04:09
CoJaBo-AztecHamlton2: Are you using Wubi install by any chance?04:09
tktvoss: Yeah, I see some strange graphical glitches but other than that its faster04:09
vosstkt, having a Geforce 9800gt helps :)04:10
srayahuRedSocrates: You tell me - here's my problem. I have a 4 gb memory card. I had an error when deleting some files on it and now it says that 2.5 gb is used and 1.5 is free. I can't access the "used" part at all to delete it. When opened it looks empty.04:10
Hamlton2the other way it wouldn't/couldn't install04:10
sebsebseblikwid: Open Office is default in Ubuntu, but there's also KOffice :)   and  Abiword a rather nice  Microsoft Word clone basically, that does not have the rubbish.   Gnumeric is also for spreadshets04:10
tktvoss: wow.... I am way to poor for that kind of stuff...  I have a geforce FX 550004:10
likwidsebsebseb: yeah! hahah sounds weird but i like linux and a few years back i started using pclinuxos when i was in college but then my PC crapped out on me04:10
sebsebseblikwid: yeah thre are paint apps, and that.    CD burning of course.04:10
RedSocratessrayahu: Do you want to get rid of all of the data on it?04:11
sebsebseblikwid: they probably have no proper reason to use Windows :)04:11
srayahuRedSocrates: Yes! =)04:11
tktAnyone else having troubles getting into the PHP channel?04:11
abamahow to use hotplug to specify usb disk to load usb-storage.ko, and other usb device to load usbserial.ko?04:11
CoJaBo-AztecHamlton2: IO errors when booting Wubi can mean simply that Windows wasnt shut down or was hibernated. Boot windows then shut down properly or try running scandisk.04:11
vossbtw: You can tell all your friends that as of Office 2007 SP 2 , Open office documents can be used interchangeably04:11
likwidsebsebseb: nope they don't.. i'll have to look into abiword04:11
RedSocratessrayahu: What's the device name?04:11
plumey a t'il un channel français irc?04:11
Flannel!fr | plume04:11
ubottuplume: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr04:11
vilemaximtkt: drops me in overflow04:11
srayahu /media/DRAEGON04:11
sebsebseblikwid: you need to train them a little though?04:12
tktvilemaxim: me too...04:12
RedSocratessrayahu: I mean it's device name (as in /dev/xxx), not its mount point04:12
srayahuoops, my bad Flannel04:12
vossOffice 2007 now supports ODF04:12
=== futureistyranny is now known as billionswilldie
plumecomment je fais pour rejoindre un canal français?04:12
sebsebsebvoss: yep04:12
sebsebsebvoss: Wordpad in Windows 7 does as well04:12
likwidsebsebseb: yeah but first i need to learn myself... so far so good. i've been able to get ubuntu installed and up and running on the newest kernel. took a while04:12
srayahuRedSocrates: How do I get that?04:12
veovisvoss: really? wow, I guess there had to be something improved in that pile of junk04:12
Hamlton2CoJaBo-Aztec: scandisk? what is that?04:13
scuniziplume: /join #ubuntu-fr04:13
J-_Will conduit merge and overwrite files when backing up stuff?04:13
RedSocratessrayahu: type "mount | grep /media/DRAEGON"04:13
sebsebseblikwid: ok  well  looks theres something training  soon  as part of Ubuntu Open Week.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek04:13
RedSocratessrayahu: That should output a line showing it's device name04:13
sebsebseblikwid: time table at bottom of page, and public logs of the previous stuff on the site04:14
srayahu/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /media/DRAEGON type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077,flush04:14
jerbearanyone know how to get the microphone to work on the eee pc?04:14
srayahuSo it's mmcblk0p1?04:14
RedSocratessrayahu: Well, /dev/mmcblk0p1, yes04:14
CoJaBo-AztecHamlton2: You would run it from inside of Windows to check for curruption. Google it if you don't know how, theres plenty of instructions there.04:14
likwidsebsebseb: oh awesome! thanks for the link... btw do you know how i can make the scroll button on my mouse perform a certain task as default?04:14
sebsebseblikwid: a lap top or?04:15
RedSocratessrayahu: Is that what you typed when you tried cfdisk?  Did you type "sudo cfdisk /dev/mmcblk0p1"?04:15
likwidsebsebseb: desktop..04:15
sebsebseblikwid: the channels by the way  when one of those events is going    #ubuntu-classroom  for the speaker and questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat.     probably can't help with the mouse04:15
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto04:15
vossveovis, children at home can use openoffice and bring it in to school an open their stuff on microsoft office its not perfect but schools wont push kids to "buy office" anymore04:15
srayahuFATAL ERROR: bad primary partition 0: Partition begins after end-of-disk.04:16
CaneToaddoes anyone know how to convince rhythmbox to flush songs in its database that don't exist anymore?04:16
RedSocratessrayahu: Did it still start after that, or not?  I've seen that message and then still had it start04:16
sebsebsebCaneToad: nope and I used to use Rythombox, untill Banshee became rather good :)04:16
srayahuRedSocrates: It demanded I press a key to exit. It did not start.t04:16
likwidsebsebseb: nice, thanks! i'll be sure to check those out04:17
RedSocratessrayahu: Do you have a /dev/mmcblk0p0 as well?04:18
=== mindvirus is now known as MindVirus
=== billionswilldie is now known as brucepillis
siobhainman, my Kubuntu Jaunty install keeps freezing since the update two days ago04:18
RedSocratessrayahu: If you're not sure how to tell, just type "ls /dev/mmcblk0p0" and see if it says no such file or directory04:18
sebsebsebmusic: hi04:19
srayahuRedSocrates: None found.04:19
tktmusic: Hello04:19
RedSocratessrayahu: Try this now, but be warned, if it works, it will erase everything on the card: "mkfs.vfat -c -F 32 /dev/mmcblk0p1"04:20
musici need help with something very basic, but for some reason i'm going wrong somewhere along the line04:20
RedSocratessrayahu: Sorry, prefix it with "sudo", as in: "sudo mkfs.vfat -c -F 32 /dev/mmcblk0p1"04:20
=== brucepillis is now known as futureistyranny
scunizimusic: .. please .. do tell04:20
srayahuRedSocrates: sudo mkfs.vfat -c -F 32 /dev/mmcblk0p104:21
srayahuRedSocrates, my bad, one sec04:21
RedSocratessrayahu: k04:21
musictrying to change the font setup and need to extract a file as root. the command should look something like this....04:21
musicsudo tar xvjpf fontconfig.tbz -C /etc/fonts/04:21
CoJaBo-Aztec Java04:21
vosssebseb, I dont care for banshee04:21
CoJaBo-AztecJava in Action Downloads Help Center04:21
CoJaBo-AztecJava+You, Download Today!04:21
srayahuRedSocrates: mkfs.vfat: /dev/mmcblk0p1 contains a mounted file system04:21
johnseelyfeHEY GUYS!! GUESS WHAT IS HAPPENING ALL AROUND THE WORLD STARTING MAY 25th to MAY 31st!????///////////???  ITS INTERNATIONAL SEEDING WEEK 2009!!!!  woop woop!  ISW 2009, ISW 2009, ISW 2009 - one week where the focus is on seeding Everything - spread the word04:22
RedSocratessrayahu: Ah, that's right.  First you need to type "sudo umount /dev/mmcblk0p1"04:22
musici have ther file downloaded but it says that it doesn't exist - download location was my desktop04:22
RedSocratessrayahu: After that, then type the other command I gave you04:22
genii!ot | johnseelyfe04:22
ubottujohnseelyfe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:22
scunizimusic: so is this a file full of fonts?04:22
robert__when I use Ubuntu on my ps3, then boot back into the ps3 partition, i get a server error and have to reset everything, including the modem. is there a way to prevent this?04:22
TonyGaspipei have a question, i am a complete linux noob04:22
syntax\anyone here be able to print on ubuntu 8.10 / ubuntu 9.04 on HP P1006??04:23
musicno, the fonts are already there, should i give you the forum page to which i am referring?04:23
TonyGaspipei just installed 9.4 and i am having an issue with my cursor jumping around and my desktop rotating for no apparent reason when i type04:23
ienorandTonyGaspipe: dumb question: are you hitting the touchpad?04:24
TonyGaspipeno, i make sure of it04:24
lanzellothhey guys04:25
CoJaBo-AztecWhen I hit the touchpad, it spams Java ads lol04:25
RedSocratessrayahu: Any luck?04:25
srayahuRedSocrates: I had to reboot my computer for some reason. Anyway, it seemed to work until I checked the disk. Still clogged =(04:25
lanzellothdo most headsets (with mics) work automatically on ubuntu?04:26
brodymcdhi all - can someone please help me with my wireless? AFter upgrading to 9.04 it is WAY SLOW to connect and also really slow transfer speed04:26
scunizimusic: this is nearly a 3 year old post on fonts.04:26
RedSocratessrayahu: Hm... So it appeared to run the command, but then it was still reading as partially full?04:26
srayahuRedSocrates: It is still partially full.04:26
RedSocratessrayahu: Is it still unmounted?04:26
TonyGaspipei did announce i am a linux noob and whatever happened to the no rtfm idea?04:26
srayahuRedSocrates: Upon the reboot it remounted.04:27
kathebrodymcd what type of computer wireless card and router do you have04:27
musici realise that, but the files do work when i log in as root and manually extract them.04:27
scunizimusic: the difference in fonts from 2006 and 2009 has improved a lot in the system.. you'd probably be better off looking at different theme's..04:27
RedSocratessrayahu: Okay.  Unmount it again ("sudo umount /dev/mmcblk0p1") and just try cfdisk one more time ("sudo fdisk /dev/mmcblk0p1").  Let me know if that gives you the previous error04:27
musicpeople are always saying you don't need to log in as root, but i have no idea how to execute a program as root and so am confined to the command line04:28
srayahuRedSocrates: it says... (one sec)04:28
musicand the only query is that i don't have the file ...but i do04:28
scunizimusic: executing a program as root is simply starting it using sudo04:28
musicfor example?04:29
scunizimusic: you can sudo updatedb and when it's done then locate <filename>04:29
srayahuRedSocrates: The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 120880. There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024, and could in certain setups cause problems with: 1) software that runs at boot time...04:29
scunizimusic: example= sudo updatedb04:29
srayahu2) booting and partitioning software...04:29
RedSocratessrayahu: That's fine.  Does it now at least show you the partitions?04:29
srayahuCommand (m for help):04:30
RedSocratessrayahu: You must have typed "fdisk" rather than "cfdisk"04:30
srayahuRedSocrates: It doesn't. It says Command (m for help)04:30
srayahuOh! My bad, one sec.04:30
syntax\any one here using hp p1006 on ubuntu 9.04  / 8.10 got it working?04:30
RedSocratessrayahu: No prob.  But that's promising.  If you can't use cfdisk, we can try fdisk next04:30
micahfhey, I'm trying to access my ubuntu server, set up as a gateway for my wireless router, from the router's LAN using the server's local domain name address "server.local", but I get "can't find server.local", any ideas?04:30
ultraswhat is better, to install Windows then Ubuntu, or Ubuntu then Windows?04:30
brodymcdkathe: I have a broadcom card and a netgear router04:31
srayahuSame problem RedSocrates04:31
PhotoJimultras: Windows first.04:31
x0rbitlol ubuntu sucks04:31
micahfI can access the gateway using its IP address, just not its hostname04:31
x0rbitthats because ubuntu sucks04:31
srayahux0rbit: BLASPHEMY04:31
RedSocratessrayahu: Okay, go ahead and start fdisk like you did a moment ago.  Let me know when you get back to the "Command ('m' for help)" line04:31
x0rbitWINDOWS FTW04:31
FloodBot3x0rbit: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:31
scunizimicahf: edit /etc/resolv.conf and reference server.local with an ip address04:31
sebsebseb!troll |  x0rbit04:31
ubottux0rbit: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel04:31
brodymcdkathe: do you think it might be the ivp6 thing? I saw a bunch of stuff about that online and I'm COMPLETELY LOST with that...04:31
srayahuRedSocrates: There04:31
genii!ops x0rbit04:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ops x0rbit04:31
genii!ops| x0rbit04:32
ubottux0rbit: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!04:32
x0rbitOH MY GOD04:32
srayahux0rbit: Trolling is not acceptable here. Please don't troll.04:32
x0rbitshut up nigger04:32
x0rbitim not fucking trolling04:32
FloodBot3x0rbit: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:32
ubottux0rbit: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel04:32
RedSocratessrayahu: Type p and hit enter, see if it displays the partitions04:32
srayahuRedSocrates: Yes it does. =D04:32
micahfcould someone kick x0rbit ?04:32
micahfnvm, thanks04:33
RedSocratessrayahu: Great.  If you type m and hit enter, it will show the commands you need to delete the partitions04:33
vinberhello,any Chinese04:33
RedSocratessrayahu: I believe it's d04:33
bliZZardzhi, i just upgraded onlined from Hardy to Ibex.The upgrade error'ed at the last, saying that the upgrade had an error, and the system might be unstable.And a recovery would run. So, none of the cleanups or the restarts actually happened. Is this a cacuse of concern? (lsb_release -a -- does say that i am on ibex)04:33
scunizi!cn | vinber04:33
ubottuvinber: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:33
syntax\hp p1006 successfully installed but is not printing :( this sux.04:33
srayahuOk, i'll try it04:33
micahfscunizi, what should I do after I edit resolv.conf, restart networking?04:33
scunizimicahf: yes.04:33
=== syntax\ is now known as err0r
bliZZardzHow can i run the cleanups and is it safe to restart now?04:34
RedSocratessrayahu: Okay, let me know how it goes04:34
vinberthank u04:34
srayahuRedSocrates: I deleted all of them. Should I remount and check it?04:34
=== err0r is now known as syntax\
musicso how do i sudo file roller?04:34
RedSocratessrayahu: You did you write the data to disk in fdisk?04:34
xzaiohey guys04:34
scunizimusic: sudo <command string to be run>04:34
RedSocratessrayahu: I believe there's a 'save' or 'write' option in fdisk04:34
schambersis it possible to have a script that will use gnome-terminal to open 3 tabs, and launch a specific command in each tab?04:34
srayahuRedSocrates: No, I did not. All I did was delete 1-4.04:35
schambers3 tabs in gnome-terminal that is04:35
briscoelakeGood Evening, I'm new so let me apologize if the answer to this question is obvious and I have missed it. I would like to make my windows machine a dual boot. The problem is both disks are currently formated at NTFS and set to one big partition each. Can the installer resize these without losing data and from there what will I need to do to get both bootable if they are both on different hard disks. Thanks04:35
eseven73!gksudo | music04:35
ubottumusic: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)04:35
RedSocratessrayahu: You'll probably have to run fdisk on the device again and re-delete the partitions04:35
musici'll have a look now04:35
RedSocratessrayahu: And this time, before you exit, make sure you enter the w command to write changes to disk04:35
bliZZardzRedSocrates: any thoughts on my issue?04:36
RedSocratessrayahu: Once you've done that, yes, go ahead and remount04:36
ewsubachschambers: probably...have a look at man gnome-terminal04:36
crdlbschambers: gnome-terminal --window -e whatever --tab -e whatever --tab -e whatever04:36
RedSocratesbliZZardz: Unfortunately I don't know the answer to your issue off the top of my head04:36
brodymcd hi all - can someone please help me with my wireless? AFter upgrading to 9.04 it is WAY SLOW to connect and also really slow transfer speed04:36
scribawfflashplayer plugin not working on Firefox 3.0.10 after update to 9.04 - what to do?04:37
xanguabrodymcd: since we can¿t read minds and you don't say what wireless card are you using nobody will be able to help you04:38
frenzy_usabriscoelake: If you are currently using both disks in windows, you can move everything to C: and use the other disk for Ubuntu04:38
micahfscunizi: hmm, that didn't work.  I can resolve the hostname on the machine itself but not from any of the computers connected through the LAN04:38
terrestreyou can install flashpaler 1004:38
xanguascribawf: have you tried to reinstall flash ¿04:38
micahfscunizi: the computer is hooked up to the router's WAN port and is set up as a DHCP server04:38
Lafitte-has anyone uses program called touchpad?  it turns off touchpad while typing ?04:39
scribawfterrestre;  done that a couple of times after removal of earlier ver what gives?04:39
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad04:39
sebsebseb!info touchpad04:39
ubottuPackage touchpad does not exist in jaunty04:39
sebsebseb!find touchpad04:39
scunizimicahf: is the router's dhcp function turned off?04:39
ubottuFile touchpad found in acpi-support, app-install-data, gsynaptics, kde-icons-crystalproject, xubuntu-artwork04:39
terrestrescribawf, well maybe just reinstall is a good idea too04:39
brodymcdOK - fair enough - let me start again... I have a Dell Inspiron 1526 with a broadcom wireless card that is running slowly after upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 (amd64) - can anyone please help? I have read something about ipv6 problem but don't really even know what that all is... THANKS for any help :)04:39
scribawfummm, how'bout IF I reinstall Firefox?04:40
FrozenFireI suspect this is a common question, as I know I've asked it before. I'm trying to enable sound recording from my Intel onboard. For some reason, when I click the "Enable Recording" button within the Volume Control, it deselects after closing the dialog. I'm running Jaunty, for reference.04:40
frenzy_usabriscoelake: or backup everything and reinstall windows and all your programs to one disk and delete the windows partitions on the second disk.  then install Ubuntu or what ever on the second disk.04:40
micahfscunizi: yes04:40
RedSocratessrayahu: Any luck?04:40
scunizimicahf: sorry.. pic a computer on the lan and edit resolv.conf .. not the server itself04:41
terrestrescribawf, you can do both I think, sudo aptitude reinstall firefox && sudo aptitude reinstal flashplugin-nonfree04:41
scunizimicahf: then try with that machine.04:41
scribawfty will try that out TNX04:41
micahfscunizi: oh, yeah that's the hard way !04:41
micahfscunizi: I have avahi working, it's just that it doesn't work in the WAN case04:41
frenzy_usabriscoelake: During the install of Ubuntu, it will automatically detect the windows partition and give you the choice of booting into windows or ubuntu when the computer starts up.04:42
ultrasi am planing to do upgrade to 9.04. Now, i found some info that it is recommended to remove third party sources from synaptic. Does removing third party repositories remove software automatically, or i need to remove software manually, and then remove repositories?04:42
RedSocratessrayahu_: Any luck?04:42
scunizimicahf: other than that I think you might need to setup a dns server to resolv on the lan04:42
nikor_Hi - I'm running Intrepid with Gnome desktop - I would like to install KDE desktop as well - Can I do that from Synaptics ? ?04:43
terrestrebrasero is burning at 0,2x :(04:43
xanguanikor_:  install Kbuntu Desktop in Synaptic04:43
marcelo_can anyone help me with miro?   I jjust upgraded to 9.04 and now it says "04:43
marcelo_Depends: libffi4  but it is not installable04:43
marcelo_  Depends: python (<2.6) but 2.6.2-0ubuntu1 is to be installed04:43
scunizinikor_: it's easier in terminal.. sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:44
Lafitte-sebsebseb: !touchpad04:44
briscoelake frenzy_usa: That would be easy except the disks are vastly different in size (120gb vs 1.5tb) and my windows os is on the smaller one. The problem with backing up and reinstalling is mostly one of time. I was really hoping to avoid that04:44
nikor_xangua, I thought Kbuntu was more of an educational type desktop ?04:44
scunizinikor_: nope.. kde desktop04:44
srayahu__RedSocrates: It won't let me mount now04:44
ultrasi am planing to do upgrade to 9.04. Now, i found some info that it is recommended to remove third party sources from synaptic. Does removing third party repositories remove software automatically, or i need to remove software manually, and then remove repositories?04:44
RedSocratessrayahu__: What does it say when you try to mount it?04:45
srayahu__RedSocrates: Which command should I be using?04:45
nikor_scunizi, So < sudo apt-get install kde-desktop > ?04:45
briscoelake frenzy_usa: sorry I got behind a bit so one the second part you are saying it should handle the detection of both OS I just want to confirm that this will work with each OS on seperate disks04:45
scunizinikor_: nope.. sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop.. that will also bring in all the programs associated with kubuntu..04:46
srayahu__RedSocrates: mount: can't find /dev/mmcblk0p1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab04:46
ubottuk/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.04:46
RedSocratessrayahu: What command did you enter?04:46
ultrasthe problem is that you will have mixed ubuntu and gnome apps ....04:46
terrestreand that is a lot of mixed apps04:47
nikor_scunizi,  So I'm confused a little here - Kbuntu "Is" the KDE desktop - correct ?04:47
lstarnesnikor_: kubuntu is a variant of ubuntu that uses kde by default04:47
RedSocratessrayahu__: What command did you enter?04:47
terrestre!kubuntu | nikor_04:47
ubottunikor_: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE04:47
frenzy_usabriscoelake: Yea, it doesn't matter if you install both OS on the same or separate disks.  The Ubuntu installer will still detect the windows partition.04:48
nikor_lstarnes,  Ah - Ok I get it - Thanks04:48
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels04:48
terrestrei think i will be back to k3b04:48
scunizinikor_: no.. kubuntu is like ubuntu.. a lot of the same programs associated with each other.. some different.. kde is a desktop.. or the graphical interface you look at.. after installing it when you get to the login screen you can click options and choose which session you want.. either kde or gnome.. ie kubuntu or ubuntu04:48
briscoelake frenzy_usa: ok so that takes care of most of my issue, any chance of resizing the larger disk without loss? That would be my ideal option04:49
nikor_scunizi,  Ok - thanks - Totally clear now - The light finally went of - heh heh04:49
taz_i need help.. i accident deleted on botton pannl  .. u know  where trash and etc.. how i can take it back04:49
xanguanikor_: everyone are ubuntu, you can istall the same software04:49
scunizinikor_: it gets brighter when you experience it.. :)04:50
briscoelake frenzy_usa: if I was able to do that I could be up and running tonight instead of waiting until I can get my install disks from home (College)04:50
coleysxubuntu is best ;]04:50
siveranHas anyone gotten their Wacom tablet to work on Jaunty with pressure sensitivity enabled? I did the same exact thing I did to setup the tablet for 8.10 and it's now not working, and I can't even revert to its default.04:50
xanguataz_: right clic in the top panel in a clean area> New panel04:50
musicstill here. that worked great!! thanks scunizi and ubottu04:50
princeduganhow would I go about getting my Intel Corporation 82852/855GM card to output S-Video ? It doesn't show as an option in xrandr -q04:50
taz_ok let me try04:50
scunizimusic: glad to hear it. :)04:50
frenzy_usabriscoelake: You can resize the larger disk using windows or ubuntu.04:50
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:50
nikor_xangua, So I think I read you could also install the Xubuntu - Which is a very light weight and cleaner faster desktop - is that about right ? ?04:51
BePhantomis there a terminal command to show which processor i have?04:51
xanguanikor_: Xubuntu use Xfce Desktop04:51
zedsterhi, my pidgin has lost all my settings, I check the ~/.purple file, still there but it wont read it04:51
GneaBePhantom: cat /proc/cpuinfo04:51
taz_ok got it where i can get trash icon back and 4 icon for cube04:51
xanguait looks like Gnome nikor_04:51
siveranI tried using both linuxwacom-0.8.2-2 and 0.8.3-304:52
BePhantomGnea, thank you very much04:52
wtvBePhantom: uname -m04:52
briscoelake frenzy_usa: ok thanks for the help04:52
frenzy_usabriscoelake: But I'd backup everything I could on the large disk before starting the process.04:52
xanguataz_: right clic> add04:52
Gneawtv: that only shows the type04:52
taz_ok wiat sec pls04:52
princedugannikor_:fluxbuntuis even more lightweight than xubuntu.04:52
coleysnikor_: Your better off with gnome ( Ubuntu ) since your new.04:52
briscoelake frenzy_usa: there is where the problem is but the large disk only has disk images on it anyway and I could recreate them if needed04:52
coleys(if your new) =p04:53
wtvBePhantom: Gnea: complete details are give by sudo lshw04:53
siveranWhen I had the driver installed, the xorg.conf edited with hotplugging disabled, and the hotplugging file moved, at most my tablet would be able to use the mouse but not the stylus.04:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about elbuntu04:53
coleysTheres openbox too :)04:54
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org04:54
ubottuopenbox is a lightweight window manager. For instructions and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox. To replace metacity with Openbox please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReplaceMetacityWithOpenbox04:54
RedSocrates<3 openbox04:54
nikor_xangua, Ah - Ok - Is there a desktop that - from what I read you have to right click on the desktop for your applications folder etc - other then that it is very much opposite from KDE which has more graphics and nicer looking etc. - Would this be a fairly close description - Know it is not exactly technical but close example ? ?04:54
ubottugobuntu is a freedom-focused flavour of Ubuntu intended for experienced Linux enthusiasts. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/gobuntu for more information and download mirrors..04:54
donnywDoes anyone here have some significant experience with Hadoop?04:55
princedugannikor_: yes, fluxbuntu is not as user friendly. gnome is friendly04:55
taz_where is  show 4show desktop icon04:55
arthursantanahello everyone04:55
coleysUbuntu with gnome will get you hooked, then you'll want to try the others =P04:55
zedsterok now I have that pidgin -c ~/.purple does nothing04:55
Gneawtv, BePhantom: yes, lshw will show you the cpu, along with everything else, so in order to narrow it down: lshw -c CPU04:55
zedsteranyone have any idea what I can do?04:55
arthursantanadoes anyone if the ATI drivers are supposed to work on 9.04?04:56
BePhantomGnea, thanks04:56
GneaBePhantom: cheers04:56
RedSocratesarthursantana: I have them working04:56
coleysarthursantana: System > Administration > Hardware Drivers04:56
sagredohi friends of ubuntu04:56
Gneawtv: thanks, btw, i'd forgotten about lshw :)04:56
arthursantanacoleys, I installed them and can't boot04:56
nikor_princedugan, Ah - That's it - could not remember which one I had read about - This is what I was thinking of - So this would be < sudo apt-get install fluxbox-desltop > ?04:56
=== Tosted is now known as Guest75433
arthursantanaRedSocrates, what's your card ?04:56
coleysarthursantana: Can't boot? Elaborateeee .. ?04:56
wtvGnea: tanks. didn't know about the -c CPU part :)04:56
taz_xangua: where is 4 show desktop ?04:57
sagredotoday I query thee: after installing gnome-do, gnome-do starts at start-up, and I cannot find anything listed in rc.d04:57
nikor_* opps fluxbuntu is what I meant....04:57
sagredohow can I remove it from startup?04:57
Gneawtv: I looked at the manpage and just tried it - and it *just worked* ;)04:57
arthursantanacoleys: X starts and it crashes... says "ABI major version doesn't match with server version"04:57
RedSocratesarthursantana: It's a radeon xpress 20004:57
taz_never mind i found it04:57
siveranHas anyone even managed to get tablet (Bamboo Fun 8x6) pressure sensitivity working in Jaunty so far?04:57
coleysBoot in recovery Mode04:57
zaccourwhere can i find the 9.04 netbook remix iso?04:57
arthursantanaRedSocrates: ok thanks04:57
wtvGnea: ok cool04:57
xanguataz_: i use Gnome in spanish, i don't know how the widget is called in english04:57
coleysThen... there's an option for like fixing display or something.04:57
Gneazaccour: at www.ubuntu.com04:57
sebsebsebzaccour: releases.ubuntu.com probably and remember to md5sum it :)04:57
ubottuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more04:57
briscoelake frenzy_usa: anyway thanks again for the answers04:58
princedugannikor_:nope, its not friendly. there is no fluxbuntu-desktop. You need to download the fluxbuntu CD and install that way. but all the parts are in the ubuntu repository, if you know how to build it all04:58
sebsebsebzaccour: md5sum before burning04:58
RedSocratesarthursantana: Are you talking about the proprietary drivers, though?  I don't use those04:58
sebsebsebzaccour:  make sure the codes match04:58
zaccourwhats md5sum?04:58
albechwhen trying to establish a tunnel with openvpn my log give me this: tun0: Disabled Privacy Extensions which indicate that something is missing in the kernel04:58
sebsebsebzaccour: a code comparision test .   the bot gave a link04:58
Gnea!md5sum > zaccour04:59
ubottuzaccour, please see my private message04:59
coleysarthursantana: Boot in recovery mode ( From grub) And then choose the option that will fix display.04:59
nikor_princedugan, So you can't install that from Synaptics ? or Terminal ?04:59
tofu_logiccould any one recommend a good python compiler for ubuntu 9.0404:59
BePhantomdoes anyone know if Intel E2200 processor is 32bit or 64?04:59
zedstertofu_logic, I don't know if its "good" but you can make eclipse work as a python complier to have a IDE04:59
GneaBePhantom: what system is it in? make/model?04:59
zedsterBePhantom, pretty sure its 64 bit05:00
RedSocratesnikor_: Just a minor thing.  "Synaptics" = touchpad driver; "Synaptic" = GUI for apt05:00
tony423can someone tell me why ubuntu doesn't charge for its OS?05:00
coleystony423: Opensourceeee05:00
ihasntony423 its open source05:00
Gneatony423: because it's open source05:00
scuniziBePhantom: check out http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681911606305:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about opensource05:00
BePhantom Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual  CPU  E2200  @ 2.20GHz05:00
nikor_RedSocrates, Point taken - thanks05:00
lstarnestony423: because the organization making it doesn't want to or need to charge for it05:00
zedstertony423, are you for real or a troll?05:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libre05:01
RedSocratesnikor_: No prob05:01
BePhantomit says  width: 64 bits, does that mean it's 64 bit?05:01
frenzy_usaBePhantom: 64-bit http://ark.intel.com/cpu.aspx?groupId=3392505:01
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing05:01
tony423but i'd like to see them succeed. they could probably hire more programmers, designers, etc if they charged maybe $1005:01
Gneazedster: there are people out there that don't understand the difference...05:01
coleystony423: fail05:01
Gneatony423: it's a totally different business model05:01
arthursantanacoleys: thanks, will try that05:01
=== Tosted_ is now known as Tosted
coleysarthursantana: Good luck :)05:01
BePhantomfrenzy_usa, awesome, thanks! 64 it is then :)05:01
arthursantanacoleys: thanks :)05:02
rafase282i need help with my audio05:02
Gneatony423: it's like trying to charge for a unix OS that doesn't updated for years, then trying to sue the pants off of open source users - makes no sense :)05:02
rafase282just installed 9.04 and no audio so far05:02
[u]JinksIs there any way for me to revert jaunty to using xorg 1.5 (ati user with r350 gpu)05:02
coleysrafase282: Which audio card?05:02
rafase282how do i check that?05:02
rafase282idk off my head05:02
coleyslspci in terminal05:03
coleys!! :)05:03
wtvrafase282: sudo lshw05:03
xangua[u]Jinks: what video card do you use ¿? Intel ¿05:03
[u]Jinksradeon 980005:03
zedsteranyone have any idea on my pidgin problem?05:03
coleyser wait wrong story lolololo05:03
PorkStreudelati linux drivers are garbage05:03
coleysYour compiling?05:03
[u]Jinksi want to use fglrx but the last fglrx that works and also supports my gpu doesn't work with xorg 1.605:03
Gnearafase282: lshw -c SOUND05:03
wtvzedster: what problem?05:03
[u]Jinksyeah i know but I can't run 3d games without them so05:03
Tostedhelo...i bought a mono color multifunction samsung scx 4200 and having issues with scanner mode!!05:03
Tostedsomeby help me?05:04
OrbixxIs there a way to set a command to launch at a particular date and time - only ONCE?05:04
coleysJinks have you tried 'Hardware Drivers'?05:04
zedsterPidgin refuses to load my ~/.purple/*05:04
crdlb[u]Jinks: not really (it's certainly, but it wouldn't be easy, and it certainly wouldn't be supported)05:04
Gnea!sane | Tosted05:04
Orbixxzedster: Check your permissions.05:04
ubottuTosted: Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR05:04
nikor_coleys, Read what you posted earlier - probably right about sticking with kubuntu or gnome for the time being - life is sometimes enough of challenge anyway - why make things worse....05:04
crdlb[u]Jinks: it's certainly possible, that is05:04
[u]Jinkscrdlb, allright i get your drift05:04
zedsterOrbixx, I had a bad shutdown and some inodes go bye bye, any idea what files to check?05:04
coleysnikor_: Yeah, gnome is your best choice. Kde is a fr33k.05:05
frankS2what? isnt KDE usuable in ubuntu yet?05:05
rafase282too much stuff05:05
rafase282brb let me check the site05:05
danielqbKsi no Krajo05:05
rafase282but is an HP pavillion dv505:05
terrestrezedster, maybe you can check your permissions05:05
coleysfrankS2: Kubuntu = kde with ubuntu05:05
zedsterI own ~/.pidgin for sure05:05
terrestrezedster, 'ls -la .purple/'05:05
coleysrafase282: you have the same sound card as me, do you get wierd distoorted sound?05:05
frankS2coleys: that is correct05:05
princedugannikor_:no, to install fluxbuntu, you need to install from a fluxbuntu CD. or you need to know the hundreds of packages (in synaptic) that fluxbuntu uses and how each one needs to be configured. fluxbuntu is functional, not friendly. If you are new to Linux, I would definitly not reccomend it. If you are new and require a lightweight desktop, use xubuntu instead. there is a xubuntu-desktop in synaptic05:06
Tostedxsane can not recognize my scanner!!! :[05:06
rafase282right now, I do not get sound at all05:06
Orbixxzedster: Make sure the chmod permissions let the owner access it.05:06
zedsterterrestre, yep05:06
geniiTosted: Is it part of some multifunction printer thing?05:06
coleysxubuntu is just as customizable as gnome, less gui =o05:06
frenzy_usaOrbixx: Use the 'at' command05:06
zedsterterrestre, its green, nothings red05:06
Tostedgenii, yeah!!05:06
albechcan anyone confirm that it is due to missing settings in the kernel that i cannot establish a tunnel to my openvpn server? I am getting this log error on my 9.04 openpvn client: 'tun0: Disabled Privacy Extensions'05:06
Orbixxfrenzy_usa: Thanks.05:06
zedsterI ran debug and it looked like pidgin tried to load the files and then did nothing about it05:06
* wtv uses xfce4 and never felt faster:)05:06
coleys!!! amen05:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amen05:07
* Gnea uses E17 05:07
nikor_coleys, What did you mean by fr33k ?05:07
coleysOh. I hate kde.05:07
coleysIts ugly.05:07
terrestreyour already reinstalled pidgin right?  i dont have a /.pidgin folder btw05:07
foolzis it possible to upload multiple files from the same HTML form with different 'name' attributes for the file input fields?05:07
xanguacoleys: Its ugly because it looks like windows ¿¿05:07
geniiTosted: Please pastebin result of: sudo scanimage -L                (after seeing that sane-utils is installed if not already)05:08
Gneafoolz: what?05:08
zedsterterrestre, yes, think I'll copy my logs and accounts, remove all and do an install that way05:08
dingleberryLike an hour ago05:08
zedsterand you do have the file, its a hidden05:08
dingleberryi asked how to install java on firefox05:08
frenzy_usafoolz: yes05:08
dingleberryand the stupid bot linked me to installing java on your computer, thats easy05:08
coleysxangua: Yeah, and cause its ugly! and overly flashy... like it's trying to compensate for something ;]05:08
dingleberryHow do I install java for firefox?05:08
* Gnea looks at dingleberry 05:08
* piroko scratches his head05:08
zedsterdingleberry, for the newest jdk you have to go to sun chmod the .bin +x and then run it05:08
coleysdingleberry: sudo apt-get sun-java6-bin?  I think.05:08
zedsterits not fun05:08
Gneainstalling java for the computer *is* installing java for firefox - it installs the shared library that firefox uses05:09
coleysdingleberry: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin05:09
zaccourhow do i convert .img to .iso? i lost my flash drive05:09
Gneadingleberry: did you check your about:plugins to make sure after restarting firefox?05:09
Gneadingleberry: or did you even bother to install java?05:09
TostedNo scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different,05:09
Tostedcheck that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the05:09
Tostedsane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation05:09
Tostedwhich came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).05:09
FloodBot3Tosted: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:09
dingleberryGnea, java     java_vm  javaws05:09
dingleberrythe damn thing is everywhere on my computer....it doesn't work in firefox, and yes its enabled05:10
genii!pastebin | Tosted05:10
ubottuTosted: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:10
dingleberryi've read through all the documentation05:10
GneaTosted: did you check the supported scanner page?05:10
zaccourhow do i convert .img to .iso? i lost my flash drive05:10
Gneadingleberry: so java is enabled in firefox, and therefore it doesn't work in firefox? what site(s) are you trying to view java on?05:10
dingleberryGnea, i'm looking in about:plugins05:10
dingleberryits not there at all05:10
Gneathen it didn't get enabled. hrm.05:10
TostedGnea, yeah, but i couldn t install then!05:10
cfeddejava is one of the things that comes wiht the restricted extras05:11
geniidingleberry: And did you restart your browser after the java install?05:11
xanguadingleberry: have you already installed 'java plugin' ¿?05:11
coleysdingleberry: In terminal sudo aptitude install sun-java6-bin05:11
Gneadingleberry: did you check the repository list to see if there's, perhaps, a separate java plugin package for firefox that utilizes the java you've installed?05:11
* genii sneaks coleys a coffee05:11
xanguacfedde: java doe not come in Restricted extras05:11
dingleberrygenii, yes, killed firefox completely05:12
dingleberryxanadu, no? i can't find anything specific for firefox05:12
xanguaxangua: dingleberry: have you already installed 'java plugin' ¿?05:12
rafase282coleys: can you help me get audio onmy laptop?05:12
WIGGMPkI keep getting a dialog box that says "Orca is required to use this Screenlet" but as far as I can tell, Orca is installed05:12
coleysrafase282: Yeah, your card is Intel hda right?05:12
dingleberryI've installed just about everything java possible besides the darn plugin!05:13
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rafase282I'm not sure, since I have the AMD version05:13
rafase282with ATI05:13
Gneadingleberry: hrm. what version of ubuntu?05:13
terrestresudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-restricted-extras? maybe05:13
coleysrafase282: Paste output of 'lspci | grep audio'05:14
nikor_princedugan, If I do decide to try out the xubuntu desktop - will that mess with my gnome desktop or would it be a totally separate desktop ?05:14
coleysTotaly seperate session.05:14
dingleberryGnea, the latest version05:14
genii!info sun-java6-plugin05:14
ubottusun-java6-plugin (source: sun-java6): The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-13-1 (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 100 kB05:14
coleysThey would be the same desktop, different sessions :p05:14
wtvnikor_: no interference would be seen05:14
terrestrenikor_, but some apps will mess just like with kubuntu05:14
rafase28201:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RV620 Audio device [Radeon HD 34xx Series]05:15
TostedXsane says, no hardwares found!!!05:15
=== maximo is now known as Maximo
terrestrenikor_, but you can try and then just uninstalled05:15
dingleberryubottu, lmao, if that is it, google really sucks05:15
bc9.04 just drops me to the busybox prompt when I try to install it. 8.10 server wants to install just fine. tried safe mode graphics, noacpi, acpi=off to no avail. any suggestions?05:15
Gneadingleberry: okay. I just upgraded to jaunty the other day on a system here and hadn't checked java yet... looks like something changed... so i tried to visit a site and was told to install java, and the 'install missing plugins' popped up at the top, clicked on it, recommened icedtea, installed it just now... and now it's working.05:15
Gneadingleberry: ubottu is a bot :)05:16
Tostedos[hak@laptop, Linux 2.6.28-11-generic i686]05:16
nikor_terrestre, Sorry - Do you mean that - Unless I decided to a separate clean install of any other desktop - this would be best way to do it without having problems - correct ?05:16
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:16
dingleberryGnea, well the bot gave me the right answer this time, last time, i just helped me install java, and that top, missing plugin thing never works for me05:16
dingleberryapt-get sun-java6-plugin05:16
KeypadCan some one help me with amarok, it keeps erroring and keeps falling back to pulse audio05:16
Gneadingleberry: well good, glad it's working :)05:17
princedugannikor_: installing xubuntu-desktop lets you select is as a session when you log in. You have the option to set it as the default.  Gnome will still remain a valid choice too. They will not interfere with each other, but they share your home directory. ie: change files on you desktop and they change in both places.05:17
ShinuI'm having a hell of a time setting up php mail(); on the local host, anyone have a guide?05:17
dingleberryI went through about 100 pages on google and none of them recommended anything like that05:17
cxamerHey all; I am trying to get bluetooth going on a ubuntu 8.04 minimal install (used as a htpc running xbmc) i installed libbluetooth2_3.24 deb , Just wondering if there is any other packages i may need to get it working ?05:17
Gneadingleberry: and that's the nice thing about linux/bsd - there's always more than one way to make something work05:17
myst_can anybody help? I have HP printer in Windows AD and linux workstation in simple workgroup. How i can print on this printer? I dont have idea05:17
rafase28200:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA05:17
wrektjettrying to fix a mistake a made during installation.. anyone know exactly how much space the standard installation takes up?05:17
Gneadingleberry: well, keep in mind that 9.04 just came out, so there are some minor, undocumented changes - but that's one of the reasons why we're here, to figure these out05:17
bcanyone? -> 9.04 desktop just drops me to the busybox prompt when I try to install it. 8.10 server wants to install just fine. tried safe mode graphics, noacpi, acpi=off to no avail. any suggestions?05:18
Gneabc: what's your CPU/MEM/graphics?05:18
geniibc: Try the alternate installer CD then05:18
terrestrenikor_, you can try any desktop you want actually, theres a lot05:18
TostedGnea, wt about mp?05:18
GneaTosted: did it say how comptatible it is?05:19
nikor_princedugan, Ok - I think I'm ok with that - Will give a go - Worst I that could happen is I would have to just reinstall again.....05:19
wrektjeti have under 7 gig available on a partition.. that enuff space?05:19
nikor_princedugan, Thank you for your help & advice.05:19
bcGnea: 2gb ddr400, nVidia FX5500, 2.4ghz intel 4 -- mainboard is Intel D865PERL with ICH5, and I'm using a SATA disk.05:19
=== xonev_ is now known as xonev
nikor_terrestre,  Thank you as well.05:20
bcgenii: ok, looking05:20
Gneabc: that should be good enough. can you examine the output of the dmesg command to see if it brings up any errors?05:20
frenzy_usamyst_: What HP printer do you have?05:21
sireromanoOI ppl05:21
terrestresudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop edubuntu-desktop ubuntustudio-desktop ;)05:21
bcGnea: I checked dmesg earlier, and it picked up the disk/controller. One error during the installer before busybox prompt was ata3: SRST failed05:21
wtvterrestre: the smiley would cause syntax error :P05:21
bcGnea: "reset" im assuming. checked that message on teh google and it said it was a bug in older kernel.. which shouldnt be the case here05:22
terrestrewtv, lol05:22
myst_frenzy_usa HP Color laserJet 121505:22
Gneabc: sounds like a controller misconfiguration, a bad disk or a bad cable (probably bad cable)05:22
nikor_terrestre, Thanks - will read more on it and decide which other one I'll give a try - I really am happy with Gnome - It is very solid - reliable and just works......05:22
frenzy_usamyst_: Ok, give me minute05:22
bcGnea: ... however, 8.10 server installs05:23
krisHi. I'm on an x86_64 processor. I'm trying to install a package from a 3rd party .deb repository that doesn't have x86_64 packages. 1) Is it possible to run a program compiled for i386 on 64-bit linux (Like Vista's compatibility mode)? 2) If so, is it possible to direct apt to do this automatically?05:23
krisThanks in advance!05:23
myst_<frenzy_usa> ok, tnx05:23
terrestrenikor_, im agree with you05:23
plumemerci pour celui qui m'a aidé a rejoindre le canal français, bonne nuit a lui et a vous! bye!05:23
kris!fr | plume05:23
ubottuplume: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr05:23
Gneabc: maybe the kernel isn't picking up the error in 8.10, or maybe the 9.04 kernel has a problem...05:23
terrestrekubuntu-desktop will install kde4 or kde3?05:23
Gneabc: what about 9.04 server?05:23
syockitIn a dual screen config, how do I setup a workspace for each screen?05:23
olskolirckde4 terrestre05:24
geniiplume: eg:  /join #ubuntu-fr05:24
bcGnea: I'm downloading 8.10 desktop, 9.04 server isos to try now. and I guess the alternate installer iso.05:24
terrestreolskolirc, thx05:24
Gneabc: sounds like a plan :)05:24
bcGnea: I have a feeling something will ruin my plans. :)05:24
unkmarsyockit: with a script and wmctrl to control program window placement.05:24
Gneabc: don't let it and it won't ;)05:24
bcGnea: well I'm hoping. I've been running this Debian install since 2000 and I'm getting sick and tired of it.05:25
phantom---anyone uses xfire with wine?05:26
Gneabc: then you come from a similar background as I05:26
bcGnea: I thought your nick looked familiar05:27
Gneabc: there are other users here that used to or still use Debian as well05:27
GneaI still use Debian on a few machines, but only for servers now05:27
bcGnea: I switched a server to ubuntu server after years of debian. i like debian, I just don't feel like doing any work anymore.05:28
syockitunkmar: which means I have to make a xorg.conf then? I'm using gnome on jaunty now, and by default, dual screen config creates a wide virtual resolution, but because it foils tablet behavior, I needed a per-screen workspace. Does the script you mention involve jailing mouse pointers or something?05:28
ADjamesHow do i set it to when i upload a file via ftp to a directory it gives it 755 permissions?05:28
Gneabc: yeah, a lot of debian remains un-evolutionized and it doesn't grow much05:28
ADjamesRight now its not giving it any.05:28
ChrisULMi installed jaunty when it was beta. Do i need to update my repos to get the released version?05:28
Magic-FxI love ubuntu05:29
frenzy_usamyst_: Try http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/models/color_laserjet/hp_color_laserjet_cp1215.html.05:29
xanguaChrisULM: you just need to update ..........................05:29
Gneabc: that's one of the problems of being staunchly reliant strictly on certain licensing schemes - it hampers development05:29
unkmarsyockit: it would only place the windows into specific locations at specific sizes.05:29
ChrisULMxangua, just an apt-get update and thats it?05:29
icozenscan anyone help me figure out how to install matlab from an iso?05:29
xanguayes ChrisULM05:29
unkmarsyockit: it would not restrict mouse movement.05:30
GneaChrisULM: as long as you dist-upgrade, you should be fine05:30
bcGnea: i'll pick this up tomorrow sometime. downloading isos, and i'll burn and test (takes reboots though). maybe if you're around I'll pick your brain again.05:30
ChrisULMgood deal, thanks05:30
bcGnea: i used to be a supporter of the licensing thing, but i just want to get work done, and it was getting in the way05:30
Gneabc: I may or may not be :) there are a lot of other knowledgable people here as well05:30
Chris8hey guys.... need some help downloading updates to play a DVD... i have all repositories checked in Synaptic, NO updates found, and i still can't play a DVD in any of the 3 media players i have installed... what's wrong?05:31
bcGnea: thanks05:31
syockitunkmar: any links for resources? I only found http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/X.Org/Dual_Monitors so far, not sure if it will work as I want it to05:31
myst_frenzy_usa its driver? but i have no idea what type of connection i must use05:31
tanathneed help. i'm getting asked for password to reboot. says 'system policy prevents restarting the system when other users are logged in'. never got that before, and there should be no other users logged in. 'who' in terminal lists only me. wtf?05:31
Gneabc: also, found ubuntuforums.org to be an immense help05:32
FloridaGuyi watch tv on my pc...play mpeg video's and listen to mp3's....would ubunto-studio be any better for this05:32
RianthSo who is the ALSA/sound expert?05:32
TopBunny88 bc you might also want to SEARCH the forums at linuxquestions.org05:32
bcGnea: was just looking at that. i tried here first because it's typically faster, can you blame me? :D05:32
Chris8help :  is it impossible to play DVDs wif jaunty?05:33
bcTopBunny88: will do, thank you05:33
Tostedmy scanner is not supported by sane project!!! :[ it is a samsung scx 420005:33
Gneabc: I could, but I won't lol05:33
frenzy_usamyst-: Is the printer connected to the linux workstation or the AD server?05:33
Chris8help!  I've searched for all the libraries, all the updates and i still can't watch a DVD... is this a problem with Jaunty?05:34
Tosted! ocr05:34
ubottuOCR software for Ubuntu includes Tesseract, Ocrad and GOcr. GNOME users can use 'gocr-gtk' as a front-end to GOcr, while KDE users have Kooka available as a front-end to Ocrad and GOcr.05:34
xanguaChriss8 have you installed libdvdcss2 from Medibuntu repository ¿05:34
wrektjetminor q: how do u get the rhythmbox controller to add to the panel?05:34
Tosted! scanner05:34
ubottuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR05:34
myst_the printer connected to the windows workstation in AD05:34
tktFloridaGuy, I think ubuntu-studio is more for like remastering and editing of video and audio, not so much the viewing05:34
tanathcan anyone help me with this? i'm getting asked for password to reboot. says 'system policy prevents restarting the system when other users are logged in'. never got that before, and there should be no other users logged in. 'who' in terminal lists only me.05:34
edogzillahi i'm having a problem with firefox in 8.04. it won't play video. I've tried to install plugins but none of them work. most websites video doesnt work. any suggestions?05:35
FloridaGuytkt, ok thanks05:35
TopBunny88bc: I would also register for a use account n lq because there ar member of the lq community whom a re much more knoledgable then most of the people in this irc channel.05:35
Tosted!ubottu i ll kill you!!!05:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:35
terrestrelol jajaja05:35
bcGnea: what is the current 9.04 kernel? im searching the site but can't find it05:35
bctanath: thank you05:36
sireromanoedogzilla-is it flash not working?05:36
edogzilla i'm not sure if its flash or not05:36
TopBunny88bc: My lq user name is : NewBirth8805:36
Gneabc: my version is returning 2.6.28-11-generic05:36
sireromanohave you tried in the package manager to install it?05:36
sireromanono luck?05:36
frenzy_usamyst_: Select Network/Ethernet connection05:36
edogzillaI get an error that my hardware isnt supported or some such thing05:37
bcTopBunny88: thanks, noted. if one of these isos don't work I'll probably end up there05:37
IntangibleLiquidimages appear to break. I mean, the quality of the images on Firefox is really low. Is it a graphics driver problem or something?05:37
sireromanohave you tried to uninstall firefox same with firefox the reinstall?05:37
myst_<frenzy_usa> myst_: Select Network/Ethernet connection - and?05:37
sireromanothats wrid05:37
=== coleys is now known as coleyszzz
edogzillano i havent tried that. how do i do that?05:37
coleyszzznight peoples. ='05:37
wrektjetedogzilla. you might want to go into syaptec and check that only one flash player is enabled05:38
sireromanoin the package manager do like you would install but uninstall05:38
wrektjetyou cant uninstall firefox05:38
tanathcan anyone help me with this? i'm getting asked for password to reboot. says 'system policy prevents restarting the system when other users are logged in'. never got that before, and there should be no other users logged in. 'who' in terminal lists only me.05:38
ADjameswhat command should i use to set umast to allow 755 permissions on all new files created?05:38
edogzillawhich flash am i supposed to have?05:38
TopBunny88IntangibleLiquid: More hardware spacific informatin is required before i can asist yu with yur issue.05:38
frenzy_usamyst_: Click the button labeled 'Next' and it should detect the printer05:38
=== linduxed1 is now known as linduxed
wrektjetedogzilla, open synaptic05:39
wrektjetthen type flash05:39
* bc seems to be starting his own ubuntu mirror05:39
=== default is now known as errorio
IntangibleLiquidTopBunny88, I'm using an X3100, intel 965 mobile on a dell inspiron 142005:39
edogzillai get a bunch of stuff05:39
edogzillawhen i type flash05:39
wrektjetdo u see flashplugin-nonfree and flahplugion-ionstaller05:39
edogzillaone sec05:39
TopBunny88!intel |int05:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel05:40
myst_<frenzy_usa> i havent Network/Ethernet connection in System - Adm - Printer05:40
edogzillano. i dont see non-free or ionstaller05:40
sireromanoit is the flashplugin installation05:41
bcGnea, tanath, TopBunny88: thanks. ttyl.05:41
edogzillaadobe flash plugin 10 will not let me install05:41
edogzillait says it doesnt support my computer type05:41
TopBunny88IntangibleLiquid: Have you checked the forum at ubuntuforums and Linuxquestions.org btw my lq user name is NewBirth8805:42
wrektjetare u on the websaite?05:42
sireromanowhat are your specs05:42
edogzillaswfdec flash player. does that work?05:42
wrektjetedogzilla, are you downloading from the adobe website?05:42
edogzillano synaptic05:42
IntangibleLiquidTopBunny88, there's one similar question, but it didn't get answered :(05:42
bdunlapDoes anybody know of a good webcam app that has a motion sensor feature?05:42
wrektjetedogzilla, i couldnt get any video until i disabled that05:42
edogzillawebsite wont let me either05:42
Rianthcan anyone help be troubleshoot my sound.. or lack thereof.05:42
edogzilladisabled what?05:42
sireromanoremoving flash and reinstalling it might help05:42
sireromanoall plugins are in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/lib05:42
wrektjetdid u try in aterminal? sudo apt-get install flashplugin0installer05:43
TopBunny88edogzilla: Yu want the flash-plugin-nonfree package05:43
wrektjetsorry flashplugin-installer05:43
KingKimiis there any VIEWER to see animated GIFs ????05:43
tanathcan anyone help me with this? i'm getting asked for password to reboot. says 'system policy prevents restarting the system when other users are logged in'. never got that before, and there should be no other users logged in. 'who' in terminal lists only me.05:43
errorioif anybody here has a good voice, a mic, and deathly in love with open source/gnu/linux message me and i'll make you famous-05:43
esacany ideas why firefox would stop working? i tried closing and reopening it. i have some previous opened tabs and they all work. but if i type anything in the location or search bar and hit enter, it does nothing05:44
edogzillawrekjet: it couldnt find the installer05:44
TopBunny88IntangibleLiquid: All i can suggest is that yu post yur exact problem n linuxquestins and se what kind of fix sugestions you get05:44
geniierrorio: Maybe ask in #ubuntu-offtopic and not here, it's not some support question05:44
edogzillatopbunny: cant find the non-free in synaptic05:44
IntangibleLiquidTopBunny88, ok thanks!05:44
Chris8Is there a setting for synaptic that will have it suggest multiverse libraries for you?05:44
wrektjetreally? how about sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:44
binarymutanttotem is fuzzy playing videos, I dont understand why either05:44
TopBunny88IntangibleLiquid: You are quite welcome05:44
pjillip41hi i have just downloaded ubuntu 9.04 and wish to install it on my external usb hard drive any ideas how to do that at all05:45
KingKimiis there any animated GIF VIEWER in synpantic ???? i was aksing this yesterday also......  any animated gif viewer  (not any webbroswer) .......05:45
edogzillawrekjet: it says flashplugin non-free is already the newest version05:45
=== Tosted is now known as Guest21946
wrektjetok so go again to synaptic05:45
TopBunny88IntangibleLiquid: remeber to keep yur ubuntu related questions in the disro spacific forums fo ubuntu on lq05:45
tanathKingKimi, gthumb works fine05:45
esaci know it doesnt add much to the conversation, but i think i am going to wait for a few updates before running jaunty. ive run every release since 6.10 and this version has so much broken in it05:46
wrektjetand search "flash" and alphabatize the list sop u are sure of what u are looking at05:46
bdunlapi dont see a lot wrong with jaunty05:46
KingKimitanath, THNX !05:46
HitThemLowhi any tips on cutting my installation down really small?05:46
bdunlapthe screen flickering thing bugs me but there is a patch for it, which mostly helped me.05:46
edogzillahow do i alphabetize?05:46
HitThemLowlike > 3 gb small?05:46
wrektjetclick on the bar that says package05:46
wrektjetbdunlap, do u mean flickering while watching full screen video and running compiz?05:47
bdunlapwrektjet, no, during basic use.05:47
wrektjetedogzilla, is flashplugin-nonfree on the list05:47
esacbdunlap, i am getting segmentation fault when running apt-get, firefox isnt working, i just ran an update and it says gvfs-fuse is missing a newline at the end of the file and wont let me update, and a few other small problems05:47
EliteAnyone here able to compile the samba server for me to install?05:47
GneaElite: it's already done05:48
bdunlapwrektjet, when i open vlc my screen brightness goes to lowest setting but it did that in intrepid as well05:48
Jinxed-I have a 64 bit laptop and plan to dual boot vista ultimate (32 bit) and ubuntu... should I get the 32 bit or the 64 bit version?05:48
Eliteits already done?05:48
pjillip41can anyone help a new ubuntu user try and install ubuntu on a usb hard drive05:48
=== NoIdeasOriginal is now known as sahyuhr
wrektjetbdunlap, oh. im having the compiz/fullscreen issue05:48
HitThemLowhi any tips on cutting my installation down really small? I ma making a customized distro, and i need to fit it on a cd or a us stick > 1 gb05:48
frenzy_usaElite: 'sudo apt-get install samba' should install everything you need05:48
=== sahyuhr is now known as NoIdeasOriginal
TopBunny88Elite: Apt-get -y install samba05:48
edogzillawrektjet: it is not in the list05:48
EliteJinxed-, get the 64 bit05:48
wrektjetedogzilla, is swfdec on the list05:49
Elitewhy the -y flag?05:49
bdunlapfrenzy_usa: try ubuntu-based distros, there are quite a few that are tiny (like 50mb) total.05:49
edogzillawrektjet: yes it is05:49
wrektjetis there a green box to the left of it05:49
edogzillathere is an unchecked box05:49
TopBunny88Elite: S you don't have to sit therepunching the y key twenty times05:49
Gnea!samba | Elite (Samba is pre-compiled for you in Ubuntu, just install it. The directions on these webpages will guide you properly.)05:49
ubottuElite (Samba is pre-compiled for you in Ubuntu, just install it. The directions on these webpages will guide you properly.): Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.05:49
Jinxed-Elite: What is the advantage of the 64 bit version over the 32 bit version05:50
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto05:50
Abdielanyone feel like helping me fix an audio problem?05:50
wrektjetjinxed i think 32 will only recognize up to 3gig of mem for starters05:50
ubottuRetrieve information on a package: !info <package>05:50
albechi just cannot get the openvpn to work with 9.04. I have installed the openvpn plugin for the network manager and vpnc framework for the network manager, but it still dont even try to connect.. i am still getting this in my logfile: tun0: Disabled Privacy Extensions05:50
EliteJinxed-, it will be more efficient on the 64-BIT proc05:50
HitThemLowhi any tips on cutting my installation down really small? I ma making a customized distro, and i need to fit it on a cd or a usb stick > 1 gb, any thing I can delete to make room?05:50
wrektjetedogzilla, are any of them checked off?05:50
frenzy_usaAbdiel: More details05:51
tanathcan anyone help me with this? i'm getting asked for password to reboot. says 'system policy prevents restarting the system when other users are logged in'. never got that before, and there should be no other users logged in. 'who' in terminal lists only me.05:51
edogzillawrektjet: some of them are yes05:51
albechHitThemLow, LFS05:51
HitThemLowalbech: im making a custom distro, not one from scratch05:51
MadpilotHitThemLow, you know the Ubuntu ISO already fits on a CD and includes liveCD capability, right?05:51
Jinxed-Elite: should I install linux or ubuntu first... and where are the burning instructions i need to theck the checksum05:51
HitThemLowyes -_-'05:51
albechHitThemLow, then start with the tiny debian dist05:51
HitThemLowI just need dif programs05:51
bdunlapJinxed-: linux is ubuntu05:52
bdunlapand ubuntu is linux05:52
HitThemLowalbech: im already done lol05:52
tanathbdunlap, ubuntu is linux. linux is not ubuntu :P05:52
HitThemLowI just need to get it 50 mb down05:52
bdunlapnot all of linux05:52
albechHitThemLow, convert to uclibc instead of clibc05:52
InCryptowow !!! im still gettin the Server maybe overloaded ..could not find relase notes05:52
tanathor gnu/linux if you prefer05:52
edogzillawrektjet:should i install swfdec flash plugin?05:52
Jinxed-hahaha... sorry i knew that... i meant ubuntu or vista first05:52
HitThemLowalbech: lol wtf?05:52
wrektjethmmmm. i know i had problems when i had more than one player installed.05:52
Jinxed-my bad05:52
EliteWhen I did apt-get install samba it says The following have unmet dependencies: samba: Depends: samba-common (= 3.0.21b.x.9-2) but 3.0.28a Iunbuntu is to be installed what does that mean?05:53
pjillip41but the questions is do you install it this is my first time using ubuntu05:53
TopBunny88Jinxed-: Ubuntu is a debian based Linux Distribution05:53
InCryptoupdate manager can faetch other updates though05:53
albechHitThemLow, that will give you 50 at least05:53
HitThemLowalbech: english please?05:53
AbdielWhen I boot ubuntu (9.04 64 bit) on my laptop, it starts to play the startup sound but it glitches and overlaps the sound like 100 times, then after it's done playing, I can't get any sound out of my speakers or my headphones05:53
wrektjetedogzilla, u could try: sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree amd then install swfdec in synaptic05:53
wrektjetit cmant hurt it completely reversioble05:53
HitThemLowAbdiel: remove the startup sound?05:53
Madpilotpjillip41, I missed your earlier comments - what are you trying to install?05:53
Rianththen he would have no sound05:54
MasculismHello, is it possible to remove gnome, and stick with fluxbox?05:54
pjillip41ubuntu 9.0405:54
frenzy_usaElite: samba requires samba-common for it to work and will not install without samba-common05:54
pjillip41and i have no idea at all05:54
Jinxed-Yeah sorry guys i meant should i install ubuntu or vista first and what should i give each partition out of 320 gigs?05:54
HitThemLowRianth: wtf?05:54
Chris8i've installed w32codecs and libdvdcss* and now libdvdread3 is showing up as uninstalled in Synaptiic... is this normal?  should i install it again?05:54
Jinxed-i was thinking 100 gigs ubuntu the rest windows05:54
HitThemLowI disabled my sound, still have it on other things05:54
Madpilotpjillip41, have you downloaded the ISO and burned it to a CD-R?05:54
Rianthhis start up sound is working but it stops after that05:54
pjillip41downloaded it but nor burnt yet05:54
TopBunny88Masculism: of course just do and apt-get -y remove gnome05:54
xanguaJinxed-: windows-ohtrer OS05:55
xanguain that order05:55
Y-TownJinxed-: windows first then linux will add the boot loader to dual boot05:55
pjillip41do i need to burn05:55
Abdielwell sort of working, it doesn't play the sound right, it repeats each note of it a number of times05:55
binary__Sup people05:55
HitThemLowRianth: no the startup sound is glitched05:55
albechHitThemLow, research busybox/uclibc - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uclibc not an easy task though, but building tiny footprint dists arent supposed to be easy ;)05:55
KingKimihow do add more number of workspaces ??????? right now i have only 2 ....  i want it to be 4 ? is it possible ??05:55
Elitefrenzy_usa, if I do apt-get install samba-common it says it is installed05:55
Madpilotpjillip41, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto05:55
edogzillawrektjet: done05:55
xanguaChris8: that is not normal, resintall05:55
HitThemLowalbech: all that for 50 mbs?05:55
wrektjetjinxed. you could make an additional partitiion just for ubuntu05:55
MasculismTopBunny88, no, I mean would I lose anything. Because fluxbox doesn;t have gnome-desktop, or xubuntu-desktop05:55
Chris8Xangua: Thsnks!05:55
HitThemLowcant I just remove the default themes or something?05:55
arvind_khadri!puregnome > me05:55
Madpilotpjillip41, that link includes Windows burning info for you05:55
ubottuarvind_khadri, please see my private message05:55
lstarnesKingKimi: right-click on the workspace switcher and select "preferences"05:55
Jinxed-is the x64 bit version of infrarecorder the 64 bit version?\05:55
binarymutantI upgraded to jaunty and I have a few unresolved issues, my stylus doesnt right click anymore and totem is a little fuzzy :(  can someone help me pls05:55
pjillip41lol Madpilot im using crappy windows still lol so do i just burn with nero05:56
tanathMasculism, install 'ubuntu-minimal' and remove 'ubuntu-desktop' then you can remove things you normally couldn't, like gnome05:56
Madpilotpjillip41, Nero should work, but I've never used it myself. Check that webpage.05:56
wrektjetJinxed-, an ext3 system of like 12 gig would be mor ethan enough and then the rest you could make ext3/ext4 for your files so u could reinstall the os at any point w/o touching files05:56
edogzillawrektjet: i have swfdec installed but when i go to a website with flash it tells me i need flash installed to see the video?05:56
binary__windows is a ok os just not for what I do, I do however have a windows partition specifically set aside for games05:56
Masculismtanath, thanks, will do05:56
frenzy_usaElite: try 'sudo apt-get install samba samba-common'05:56
arvind_khadri!purekde | Masculism05:57
ubottuMasculism: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »05:57
gaelfxhas anyone tried the apt-p2p thing yet? is it any good?05:57
albechHitThemLow, you probably could remove a ton of stuff, but i cannot tell you what05:57
xanguaedogzilla: swfdec does not work in all sites05:57
xanguaonly a few05:57
Chris8Xangua:  or is there a libdvdread4 out there i've got installed?05:57
Masculismarvind_khadri, I don;t want kubuntu. I want fluxbox05:57
Elitefrenzy_usa, nope same error05:57
KingKimilstarnes, thanks ... i got it ,...... and with rotating cube effect of compiz..... it looks great.... thanks05:57
edogzillaxangua: great. so i cant watch video online then?05:57
xanguaChris8:  ¿¿??05:57
captainkirkwhat command do i use to search my whole ubuntu drive for a file?05:57
albechbut your first message was 'cutting it down really small' ;)05:57
pjillip41will give it a go and get back once burnt05:57
xanguaedogzilla: uninstall thar and instal adobe flash05:57
Chris8Xangua: hahha yeah there is; tha's why i don't have read3 installed05:58
albechHitThemLow, but your first message was 'cutting it down really small' ;)05:58
gaelfxedogzilla: you can use the actual adobe flash plugin05:58
edogzillaxangua: thar?05:58
* tanath likes google desktop for searching compy05:58
wrektjetedogzilla, so try again with sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:58
gaelfxedogzilla: you should be able to watch any flash-based video witht hat05:58
Kainoswhats the diff between ./apache2/php.ini and ./cli/php.ini config files?05:58
frenzy_usaElite: Try to uninstall samba-common and then install samba05:58
xanguathat * swf-something edogzilla05:58
HitThemLowalbech: well obviously, smaller is better lol, but I only -need- 50 mb05:58
binary__What do you guys use to view flash files?05:58
edogzillagaelfx: i cant because it tells me my computer typr is not supported...amd05:58
Jinxed-wrektjet: I am sorry i don't understand...  could you explain that to me or direct me to a page explaining what you mean05:58
Elitefrenzy_usa, doing just that05:58
arvind_khadriMasculism, then in place of kubuntu-desktop use flubox05:58
edogzillaxangua: ok but that will get me back to where i started05:59
Elite!Elite Samba05:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Elite Samba05:59
gaelfxedogzilla: what is "it" that tells you you can't do it on AMD?05:59
Elite! Samba05:59
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.05:59
Kainoswhats the diff between ./apache2/php.ini and ./cli/php.ini config files?05:59
gaelfxedogzilla: I have an AMD Turion processor and it works fine...05:59
xanguaedogzilla: have you already installe 'Ubuntu Restricted Extras' ¿?. it installs flash, fonts, codecs, etc05:59
albechHitThemLow, have you removed the man pages?05:59
edogzillagaelfx: when i go to install flash, it tells me that my computer type (amd) is not supported05:59
TopBunny88!samba | Elite05:59
ubottuElite: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.05:59
wrektjetJinxed-, https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/powerpc/partition-sizing.html05:59
albechthat is ~2005:59
edogzillaxangua: yes i have06:00
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edogzillaxangua: but most websites dont work06:00
Kainoswhats the diff between ./apache2/php.ini and ./cli/php.ini config files?06:00
billybigriggeris it safe to apt-get --purge dovecot-postfix with dovecot and postfix running? or will the --purge command stop the service and then remove it?06:00
binary__To anybody: What are you guys using for flash, I remmebr it was sketchy the first time I went to ubuntu.06:00
EliteIs there a way to install vnc server into the desktop from the cd?06:00
muddylemonkainos - cli is the command line06:01
edogzillabinary__: i just wanna watch video on the web06:01
xanguabinary__: i use adobe flash and a greasemonkey script to play Youtube videos with Mplayer06:01
binary__Lol edog thats what I want too.06:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vncserver06:01
binary__thanks xangua06:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vnc-server06:01
HitThemLowalbech: no06:01
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albechHitThemLow, thats ~20 mb06:02
wrektjetedogzilla, u have no luck after removing swdefc and reinstalling adobe?06:02
Guest45167is there a way to install juniper on ubuntu06:02
TopBunny88Elite: Google is your best friend to find ut more abut vnc-server06:02
tavohi, hi have a doubt, Could I install more than 4 Gb to my laptop pc????06:02
HitThemLowalbech: thats crazy lol06:02
Elitesamba failed to install btw06:03
albechHitThemLow, why?06:03
tavoI'd like to know it because I have a AMD64 processor06:03
Jinxed-wrektjet: ok... i have no idea what to do now... I was going to install windows first... do i need to define its partition size when i install or does ubuntu reformat it later... and then how do i set up a swap/os/filestorage partions... and won't this cause me to have like 6 partions?06:03
edogzillawrektjet: correct. i get an error: wrong architecture 'i386'06:03
HitThemLowalbech: 20 mb of man pages?06:03
wrektjetJinxed-, lol. be calm06:03
Elitetavo, that something you should ask in #hardware but yes you can06:03
albechHitThemLow, doesnt really matter on most systems..06:03
gaelfxedogzilla: if you're running 64-bit, then you need to download the 64-bit version of flash06:03
tavoElite: Many thanks, I'm going #hardware :D06:04
edogzillagaelfx: i am pretty sure i'm not running 64 bit06:04
Jinxed-sorry wrektjet I am just nervous and i would like to fix my computer before i go to china on friday06:04
veovisHi, I just installed xubuntu 9.04 (the enviroment doesn't matter for this question.... I think.) and I need to be able to control the computer remotely WITH the GUI.  I'll be connecting from ubuntu 8.10, kubuntu 9.04, and Windows Vista.  Can any suggest any programs for me please?06:05
gaelfxedogzilla: well, the only other options are i386 and PPC06:05
Eliteveovis, use vnc06:05
veovisx86 is the most likely06:05
edogzillagaelfx: which are what exactly?06:05
wrektjetJinxed-, see my pm06:06
Y-TownJinxed-: are you planning on kepping the current windows or doing a full reload of that too?06:06
veovisElite: any specific programs you can reccomend?  Or just search the repos?06:06
billybigriggeris it safe to apt-get --purge dovecot-postfix with dovecot and postfix running? or will the --purge command stop the service and then remove it?06:06
gaelfxedogzilla: i386 is 32-bit version of Ubuntu, PPC is PowerPC for older macs06:06
tanathcan anyone help me with this? i'm getting asked for password to reboot. says 'system policy prevents restarting the system when other users are logged in'. never got that before, and there should be no other users logged in. 'who' in terminal lists only me.06:06
edogzillagaelfx: i do not have an older mac06:06
Eliteveovis, just google for vnc server06:07
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bcGnea: disabling PCI IDE Busmaster or adding rootdelay=90 boot option may work. I have to say though for 6 year old hardware that's a little insane.06:07
edogzillagael: or a newer one for that matter06:07
veovisokay, thank you Elite06:07
bliZZardzmy video card is not working after the online upgrade from Hardy to Ibex - how can i provide more info to solve this problem?06:07
edogzillagaelfx: i386 is the error i get when trying to install flash06:07
gaelfxedogzilla: when you open System->Administration->System Monitor, what version of ubuntu does it say you are using?06:07
edogzillagaelfx: 8.04 hardy06:08
EliteDamn samba06:08
albechanyone here successfully using the openvpn plugin for the network manager?06:08
HitThemLowok so I got remastersys to make my iso, but now I have another question, how can I really make it my own... replace the booot screen06:08
xanguaedogzilla: if you are using Hardy then remove adobe flash player in Synaptic and download 'adoble flash player 10' from adobe's web06:09
tanathalbech, heh, have you successfully used the network manager at all? doesn't work for me :P06:09
edogzillaxangua: i can't because it tells me that my computer type is not supported06:09
albechHitThemLow, look at bootflash and research initramfs06:09
xanguaedogzilla: you will also need to instal libflashsupport06:09
gaelfxedogzilla: here's the url for adobe's flash: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/06:09
phillip41Madpilot have got ubuntu burnt to a cd06:10
albechtanath, yeah it is working fine06:10
Stepan1Hello.  Running on 9.04 now.  Anyway, I was wondering if there is a way to mute the mic but still have it work with a program like skype.  I know it sounds weird but i remember years ago i did it when i used Windows.  Basically, i want my mic to work when i talk to people on Skype, but i dont want to hear myself in my speakers.  Possible?06:10
briscoelakeHi Guys, I'm having a bit of an install problem. I have 2 disks 120gb and 1.5tb. The first has my windows install and the 2nd I created the space where I would like to put Ubuntu. The problem is the install gets to the point of installing Grub and fails06:10
tanathalbech, hm. has never worked for me since it came out06:10
edogzillagaelfx: that for 64-bit. i have 3206:10
Madpilotphillip41, cool. fire it in your CD drive, restart your machine. it should boot to the live CD session and you'll be in Ubuntu!06:11
professor_aceitei algumas atualizacoes no meu ubuntu 8.10 e quando reiniciei ele ficou todo em ingles so que quando tento mudar o idioma para portugues dar erro nas atualizacoes nao completao, alguem sabe me ajudar06:11
Madpilotubottu, es | professor_06:11
ubottuprofessor_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:11
frenzy_usabriscoelake: What error message do you get?06:11
wrektjetedogzilla, im sorr i cant be of any more use06:11
phillip41kewl and what about putting it on a usb hard drive the install will that work06:11
xanguaMadpilot: he speaks portuguese, not spanish06:11
simmendfg gfdg06:12
Madpilotxangua, my mistake!06:12
edogzillawrektjet: thanks anyway. can anyone else help here?06:12
Madpilotubottu, pt | professor_06:12
ubottuprofessor_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.06:12
briscoelakefrenzy_usa: wish I would have wrote that down.06:12
Madpilotxanadu, thankfully, the bot speaks both :)06:12
Madpilotphillip41, you can do a USB install, but I've never done one myself06:12
Madpilotubottu, usb | phillip4106:13
ubottuphillip41: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:13
Gneabc: weird. pci=routeirq works on some hardware from that era as well06:13
tanathi'm having a problem rebooting. asks for password, saying other users are logged in. that's not right...06:13
tanathcan anyone help?06:13
briscoelakefrenzy_usa: essentially I think it is prety much all installed except grub is there a way I can add that on?06:13
edogzillathing is, this was not a problem until i upgraded to the newest firefox. maybe i can downgrade? if so how do i do that?06:13
phillip41will give it a go be back in a while06:14
tanathedogzilla, find the .deb package for the version you want & install it06:14
edogzillatanath: how and where plz?06:14
bcGnea: havent tested yet, just reading bug log with a comment from a guy with the same mainboard06:15
tanathedogzilla, should be able to find what you need through google06:15
albechHitThemLow, correction splash image and initramfs.. its still early here ;)06:15
bcGnea: recent though.. 4th quarter 2008, 200906:15
edogzillatanath: ok i'll look around but i already have and came up blank06:15
edogzillatanath: thats why i came here06:15
android60I want a web management like openfiler or freenas, how does webmin stack up against that, and would you suggest anything else?06:16
RoastedHey guys - Just upgraded to 9.04 64 bit and I'm having that issue where I can only have 1 audio thing going on at once. If I have youtube going, Amarok has no audio and vice versa. How can I enable both sources to work interchangably?06:17
gaelfxedogzilla: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/06:19
Gneabc: ah okay, will keep an eye out06:19
frenzy_usabriscoelake: Use the rescue system mode on the Ubuntu CD to (re)install GRUB06:19
gaelfxRoasted: are you using Ubuntu or Kubuntu?06:19
Zulhelmii cant connect to my wireless network on my kubuntu06:19
stevr1iti need support to install this webcam whihc even with ubuntu 9.04 seems not to work: Bus 002 Device 007: ID 0ac8:0323 Z-Star Microelectronics Corp. Luxya WC-1200 USB 2.0 Webcam06:20
Zulhelmifresh install06:20
Roastedgaelfx - I had it working fine in 8.10. I just got done with 9.04 installing and I'm seeing that its either youtube OR amarok. I can't get them both to play like I ahd before.06:20
DivxcluBHello everybody. After Clean install on 9.04 I installed ATI drivers for my 4870x2, after reboot I can't login screen is messed up and everything is frozen right on moment of login screen. Plesee help. I have video of my boot on youtube, If possible please help here is video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFzRUkQS7_U      Thank you again06:20
space_cadethey is there a way to assign another command to do something?06:21
gaelfxRoasted: what are you using for flash?06:21
BanhammerHi, this isn't a major problem and can wait, but i just installed ubuntu to get past a terrible grub error 22 and it seems to have formatted my hdd, which is bad.06:21
gaelfxedogzilla: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/06:21
space_cadeti.e. replace <name of command> with <new one> ??06:21
Roastedgaelfx - I just installed ubuntu-restricted-extras, assuming flash was bundled in that package.06:21
gaelfxedogzilla: if that doesn't work, I don't know what will06:21
Zulhelmii need help on my wireless network on my kubuntu, a newbie here06:21
space_cadetRoasted, it was for me06:21
Matsonanyone know a good source for desktop machine with pre-installed 9.04?06:22
space_cadetRoasted, did you use the medibuntu repos?06:22
Roastedspace_cadet - yes06:22
edogzillaummm. so i'm haveing an entirely different problem with firefox now. the firefox window is too big for my moniter. I can't get the close/minimize/maximize buttons cuz the run off the scree. I already tried restoring defaults in safe mode but that didnt work. any help plz?06:22
space_cadetRoasted, you shouldn't have a prob then06:22
Roastedspace_cadet - Well... I do. :(06:22
Matsonhelping a neighbor get a new computer and telling him he should use ubuntu06:22
space_cadetMatson, doesn't gateway sell pc's with ubuntu?06:23
RoastedMatson - Dell and System76 both sell computers with Ubuntu preinstalled.06:23
KingKimiMy frnd when he restarts the computer.... he cannot get the   desktop ....... it says "couldnt start xserver" how does he mend it ??????06:23
gaelfxedogzilla: classic flash problem, can you alt-click and minimize to the panel?06:23
space_cadetnot that i would recommend gateway or dell06:23
RoastedSystem76 is entirely Ubuntu. Dell has like 4 PCs that come with Ubuntu.06:23
edogzillagaelfdx: ive tried that before a dozen times and thats when i get the error that my computer type (amd) is not supported06:23
space_cadetthey both suck06:23
space_cadetMatson, you are better off getting an asus06:23
space_cadetMatson, then installing ubuntu06:23
Jinxed-If I have a 64 bit laptop running vista do I need the x86 or x64 version of infraRecorder?06:23
Stepan1Is there any way to stop mic output but still allow skype to hear it?  Basically, i dont want to hear myself when i speak06:23
space_cadetMatson, asus are rock solid06:23
Roastedhow can I get my audio working guys?06:24
edogzillagaelfx: yes i can alt-click and minimize06:24
space_cadetMatson, and newegg usually has them cheaper than anywhere else06:24
shadeslayer!sound | Roasted06:24
ubottuRoasted: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:24
Roastedyes, I know06:24
briscoelakefrenzy_usa:  ok thanks again, I think I'll knock off for tonight (and hope windows is still booting so I can do my HW tomorrow morning).  Thanks for the help both now and before06:24
Roastedalready di that06:24
losherMatson: and probably none running 9.04, as it's too recent. You'll probably get better pricing buying a windows machine and installing Ubuntu yourself, just due to economies of scale06:24
shadeslayerRoasted: and?06:24
space_cadetim running .06:24
frenzy_usabriscoelake: glad to help06:25
space_cadetim running 90406:25
Roastedshadeslayer - I have audio working. It's just I can't have youtube and amarok play at the same time like I did in 8.10.06:25
space_cadeti upped as soon as it was out06:25
syntax\how come i cannot just enable an emerald theme right away06:25
syntax\what should i do?06:25
space_cadetthat's what u meant06:25
Zulhelmiroasted: libflashsupport i think06:25
shadeslayerRoasted: oh,that....its everybody's problem,not solved yet06:25
space_cadetMatson, yes... i would suggest not getting dell or gateway though06:25
Roastedare you serious shades?06:25
space_cadetMatson, hp is okay06:25
losherRoasted: I think ubottus advice is out of date. Better off googling for 9.04 sound problems06:25
shadeslayerZulhelmi: i think that package is not in the standard repo06:26
edogzillagaelfx: is there a way to adjust the screen to fit my monitor or do i have to alt-click every time?06:26
space_cadetMatson, asus is what i recommend06:26
space_cadetMatson, but as long as you stay away from the devil and it's cow, you're good06:26
Roastedlibflashsupport - no installation candidate06:26
Zulhelmii used to solve the same problem on my ubuntu 8.04 by installing that thing06:26
Roastedshadeslayer - are you positive that every single 9.04 user out there is having the same issue as me?06:26
gaelfxedogzilla: hang on, I'm finding the solution06:26
Zulhelmior is it with other name06:26
edogzillagaelfx: ok thx06:26
gaelfxedogzilla: it looks like it's in fullscreen mode, right>?06:27
BanhammerHi, this isn't a major problem and can wait, but i just installed ubuntu to get past a terrible grub error 22 and it seems to have formatted my secondary HDD, which had everything i need on it. if it helps, i am on a vista/ubuntu dual boot.06:27
losherspace_cadet: cough, the devil & its cow?06:27
edogzillagaelfx: i dont know06:27
shadeslayerRoasted: well its a well documented fact,maybe googling will help,also i cant track every 9.04 user06:27
MrKeunerhi, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=fglrx&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all reports that all fglrx packages exist for jaunty as well. Why does the update tool warn me that those packages are missing?06:27
space_cadetlosher, dell and gateway06:27
losherspace_cadet: heh06:27
keith_Hooray! I have finally succeeded in using network-manager to setup a static ip in Jaunty. ;-D06:28
gaelfxedogzilla: tried pushing F11?06:28
losherBanhammer: you had a backup, right?06:28
Banhammerno D:06:28
edogzillagaelfx: i'll try it now on sec06:28
timotheusDoes anyone know why Ubuntu 9.04 does a kernel re-exec for reboot instead of a hardware reboot of the computer?06:29
Matsonspace_cadet: thanks06:29
PerryArmstrongcan anyone what does mkdir -p mean.... i know whats mkdir what does -p option mean here06:29
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:29
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases06:29
space_cadetmatson yep06:29
space_cadetMatson, or hp06:29
keith_PerryArmstrong: It creates everything you specify even if there are several levels of folders that need to be created06:29
space_cadetMatson, their support is on par06:29
shadeslayerRoasted: if you can find a alternative to libflashsupport you can get it to work06:29
MatsonI thought asus mostly did laptops06:29
edogzillagaelfx: wierd. it got bigger. so i hit f11 again and it got smaller than my monitor but my top right buttons are still gone06:30
PerryArmstrongkeith_; okk that mean i can do like this: mkdir -p dir1/dir206:30
edogzillafirefox -safe-mode06:30
Roastedshadeslayer - That's a total bummer I just spent 4 hours redoing vista and ubuntu to upgrade ubuntu to 9.04 only to find out that ridiculous bug re-surfaced in this edition of ubuntu.06:30
tesseracterhi. my mouse disappears on certain parts of firefox, i'm not sure what the pattern is.06:30
keith_PerryArmstrong: Yes, and it will create both directories if it needs to06:30
space_cadetMatson, well then if it's a desktop... go with hp, and install ubuntu after you get it.06:31
space_cadetMatson, just be sure to make sure the HW is compatible06:31
shadeslayerRoasted: sorry to hear that06:31
PerryArmstrongkeith_; thanq06:31
keith_Roasted: What bug?06:31
keith_PerryArmstrong: No problem.06:31
edogzillagaelfx: wait. i fixed it, i tried restoring defaults in safe mode again and it woprked! woohoo! something ctually worked! lol06:31
Matsondoes no one sell whitebox desktops with ubunut?06:31
space_cadetMatson, usually though, asus is contracted to make the MOBO's for them though06:31
space_cadetMatson, so you should be in good shape06:31
Roastedkeith_ I can't play youtube audio + mp3 player audio at the same time. It's one or the other... like the old days.06:31
wrektjetedogzilla, congrats06:31
gaelfxedogzilla: and when you alt+click and drag, does the same thing happen?06:31
shadeslayerkeith_: playing amarok and youtube together06:31
edogzillastill can't play video tho06:32
Zulhelmiermm anyone on my wireless?? it can see my network, but when i typed my WEP key, it just fails06:32
losherRoasted: I don't know what made you think 9.04 would magically fix all problems. New generally means buggy. You'd have been better off trying 8.04.206:32
Zulhelmii'm running kubuntu 9.0406:32
tesseracterRoasted, i fixed that with pulse audio.06:32
Roastedlosher - It's not that I expected 9.04 to be problem-free. But hey, let's use a little logic here. A bug that was fixed 2 years ago you would think would be still fixed in newer editions. But, guess I was wrong.06:32
gaelfxedogzilla: haha, congrats06:32
tesseracterRoasted, but i warn you, pulse is messed up in other places.06:32
xanguaRoasted: keith_ I can't play youtube audio + mp3 player audio at the same time. It's one or the other... like the old days , i have no problems playing flash and music at the same time06:33
Matson"compare operating system choices"  brings me to http://hpshopping.edgesuite.net/www.shopping.hp.com/shopping/html/popup/vista_features.html06:33
scribawfFail to get flashplayer to run in either Opera of Firefox, uninstalled/reinstalled flashplayer, what to do?06:33
Matson"Which Vista would you like?"06:33
tesseracterMatson, try wikipedia comparison06:33
losherRoasted: I got sound working eventually in 9.04 but I agree with tesseracter, there are other issues. In the end, I went back to 8.04.206:33
wrektjeti guess this flashplayer thing is a big deal06:33
edogzillascribawf: same problem here06:33
shadeslayerMatson: lol06:33
space_cadetMatson, you do know that windows 7 RC goes public the 5th right?06:34
edogzillait only started happening when i updated firefox06:34
RoastedI see theres still severe video tearing in 9.04 too with DVDs. *sigh*06:34
RoastedI love ubuntu, but GAHHH06:34
wrektjeti was about to say that!06:34
edogzillabut i dont know how to downgrade06:34
gaelfxedogzilla: so which version of flash have you downloaded and tried installing?06:34
tesseracterfor me, flash under 9.04 has been working more solidly than ever before. i used to get audio, but grey video Roasted.06:34
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.06:34
space_cadeta lot06:34
scribawfedogzilla;  tried the whole route also?06:34
edogzillagaelfx: the one from adobe website. also the one in synaptic06:35
tesseracterRoasted, i used to need to refresh pages 3-10 times before video would work.06:35
exodus_mscli way to use cat to join multiple text files located in three different directories?06:35
scribawfyup did the same here06:35
gaelfxedogzilla: the one in synaptic gives the same error?06:35
MatsonI still don't want it06:35
edogzillascribawf: oh yeah. u have an amd processor by chance?06:35
Roastedtesseracter - Me too. I was in the same boat. Now my video is better but I cant get audio to work while amarok is on.06:35
Matsonwhenever it goes public06:35
space_cadetMatson, i can understand06:35
scribawfuh, no06:35
space_cadetMatson, i only boot to windows to print06:35
tesseracterRoasted, gnome or kde?06:35
space_cadetMatson, i have a dell 725 (lexmark rebrand) printer06:36
edogzillagaelfx: it wont even let me check the box in synaptic and it tells me the same thing in the description06:36
losherRoasted, tesseracter: which version are you refugees from?06:36
Matsonat this point, even if microsoft made an awesome, stable system, I wouldn't use it for the same reason I don't shop at Wal mart- I don't want to support their behavior06:36
MrKeunerj #ati06:36
tesseracterRoasted, try exaile. very similar to amarok, but for gnome. see if it has the same problem.06:36
scribawfedgozilla;  only happened AFTER new ubuntu 9.04 upgrade06:36
tesseracterlosher, 8.1006:36
edogzillascribawf: oh. I am still on hardy cuz when i upgrade to ibex the nvidia drivers crash all my graphics..lol06:37
losherRoasted, tesseracter: 8.10 does seem to be when the sound problems started...06:37
Jinxed-Is the 64 bit version of 9.04 only for AMD processors?06:37
edogzillaso far i havent had the most pleasent experiences with ubuntu06:37
Roastedlosher - 8.04 is where the sound problems stopped for me. 8.10 also had no sound problems for me.06:37
scribawfedogizilla;  have ver 8.10 on another machine working fine with BOT browsers!06:37
shadeslayerJinxed-: no06:37
tesseracterlosher, its also when flash started native flash support.06:37
keith_I like the way tesseracter thinks the only DE/WMs are KDE and Gnome... ;-D06:38
scribawfedogzilla; uh that's both browsers Opera/Firefox06:38
Roastedit seems as if exaile is working with youtube... how weird...06:38
edogzillascribawf: sorry but i dont know what bot browsers are06:38
AbdielJinxed-, I'm running on an intel centrino 2 and it works fine06:38
Roastedhow can Ig et amarok 2 to respond the same way?06:38
lstarnesJinxed-: it works on amd64 and intel processors that support emt64, which is basically every recent intel processor06:38
gaelfxJinxed-: no, it's for any 64-bit processor that follows the intel instruction set06:38
edogzillascribawf: oh06:38
space_cadetyou guys know that sun was bought out by oracle06:38
keith_Roasted, so the problem is only with amarok?06:38
keith_space_cadet: yep06:38
Roastedkeith_ it seems to be06:38
tesseracterkeith_, no, i use ion on my laptop. i just know that if someone uses something else, they'll tell me.06:38
gaelfx*AMD instruction set06:38
losherkeith_: they're the big ones. so what are you using?06:38
* tesseracter high-fives Roasted 06:39
keith_Roasted: Then I would look at what amarok is using for sound. Might be alsa?06:39
edogzillaso ah...there's no helping me is there?06:39
space_cadeti've seen amarok work in 9.0406:39
=== NoIdeasOriginal is now known as sahyuhr
scribawfedogzilla;  can't seem to find much info on prblms w/9.04 Jaunty for Flashplayer06:39
Roastedkeith_ I tried to search for amarok's settings, but amarok and amarok 2 are very different and I cant locate those settings with amarok 2.06:39
space_cadetRoasted, they took them out06:39
fdeRoasted: what are you trying to do?06:39
space_cadetroasted amarok now sucks06:39
gaelfxedogzilla: so you have only tried installing the 32-bit version?06:39
Roastedspace_cadet - um, why?06:39
tsuriwankeith_: I had problems with Amarok just after upgrading. But it was not ALSA06:40
space_cadetRoasted, who knows06:40
edogzillagaelfx: as far as i know yes06:40
space_cadetRoasted, they stripped it wayy down06:40
keith_losher: I use Gnome, I just felt like poking.06:40
fdeRoasted: don't mind him... its just different, no features are lost06:40
edogzillagaelfx: it didnt really specify06:40
space_cadetfde, really06:40
Roastedfde - I can't get youtube audio and amarok2 to work at the same time. with amarok1 I had to change an engine setting. But now with amarok2 I cant find it.06:40
tsuriwankeith_:  I had to apt-get the non-free codecs again06:40
Roastedfde - then how can I change engine settings in amarok2?06:40
losherkeith_: :-)06:40
gaelfxedogzilla: what type of computer do you have? like brand and model number06:40
fdeRoasted: install the xine pulse plugin, and ensure phonon is using xine06:41
space_cadetfde, http://amarok.kde.org/blog/archives/809-Missing-features-in-Amarok-2.html06:41
keith_Roasted: Can't you just open the settings through amarok2 and look?06:41
edogzillagaelfx: its a custom built amd dual core06:41
Roastedkeith_ um, yeah, I did that... they're not there.06:41
edogzillanvidia graphics card06:41
VagueIs it normal to have a lot of processes running under Ubuntu? Right now I have 227 processes running, that seems like a lot...06:41
fdespace_cadet: I have used it for about 4 months06:41
Roastedkeith_ otherwise I wouldnt have asked :P06:41
Jinxed-So I have an Intel Core 2 Duo P8600 I should get the amd64 version of 9.04?06:41
space_cadetfde read the link06:41
Roastedfde - the xine pulse plugin... so that magically gives me more amarok2 settings to change the engine? or what?06:41
keith_Roasted: Is amarok 2 the one in the Jaunty repo?06:41
fdeJinxed-: you certainly could, yes06:41
SlartJinxed-: it will work, yes06:41
space_cadetfde, plus it doesn't play music anymore06:41
Jinxed-alright thanks06:42
Roastedkeith_ I assume so. I just did sudo apt-get install amarok and this is what I got...06:42
gaelfxedogzilla: and you're positive you aren't running 64-bit version?06:42
space_cadetfde it just sits there like a dummy terminal06:42
Jinxed-umm where are teh md5 checksums06:42
keith_Roasted: I am going to see what I can figure out.06:42
edogzillagaelfx: i am not positive. how do i find out?06:42
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:42
Matsonhow do I check ubuntu support for this:  http://www.shopping.hp.com/webapp/shopping/computer_series.do?storeName=computer_store&category=desktops&series_name=a6700z_series06:42
Matson"HP Pavilion a6700z series"06:42
fdeRoasted: Amarok2 uses KDE4 settings... thus it uses Phonon... so if the phonon backend is using xine that has a pulse plugin, it won't complain with Flash as that too uses Pulse as of 10.x06:42
losherVague: 227 *running*, or most of them sleeping?06:42
edogzillagaelfx: what is i386? cuz im pretty sure its that06:42
Roastedfde - Amarok2 and KDE... Blah.06:43
Roastedsuddenly exaile is looking a little sexier06:43
fdeRoasted: yes... I got that part06:43
shadeslayerum i cant get my CD ROM to mount06:43
=== NoIdeasOriginal is now known as sahyuhr
SlartMatson: there are some sites for laptops with linux.. I don't remember the urls though.. or you could bring a live cd to the stora and ask them if it's ok to test it06:43
Vaguelosher, sleeping, does sleeping mean they're not using CPU/memory?06:43
tesseracterRoasted, if you can live with exaile (i like it better), it works better with gnome06:43
fdeRoasted: idk, that's how I set up phonon, and I never had issues... except the various plasma leaks06:43
shadeslayersays " cant mount file "06:43
Chr|shmm flash isn't working correctly, any help solving this problem would be greatful06:43
Roastedtesseracter - I think I'll try it out, but I'd really like to get amarok2 working just for the sake of it, ya know?06:43
losherVague: yes. The number of processes has been going up. 148 sleeping, 1 running on my 8.04.206:44
tsuriwanafter upgrading to 9.04 I had to apt-get install this:06:44
FloodBot3tsuriwan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:44
tsuriwanEverything work as usual with Amarok.06:44
the_gamerwhat package includes iotop?06:44
edogzillachr|s: join the club06:44
gaelfxedogzilla: I think the command is lsb_release -a06:44
space_cadetMatson, you should be fine with that06:44
Vaguelosher, so should I be concerned that there's a lot of unnecessary stuff running? Or?06:44
Chr|sedogzilla: its simple fix, Ive done it before06:44
redrebelwhat is the 'hp system tray' used for??06:44
redrebeldo I need it?06:44
tesseracterRoasted, of course. but you can complain in #amarok now when it is messed up. target your error, then find or write a bug report at least.06:44
fdethe_gamer: sudo apt-get install apt-file && apt-file update && apt-file search <file>06:44
edogzillachr|s: great. how?06:45
Chr|sedogzilla: I run 64bit06:45
space_cadetmatson nvidia chipset, asus board,06:45
RICARDO38hieper de piep hoera06:45
RICARDO38hieper de piep hoera06:45
edogzillagaelfx: thats not the command06:45
space_cadetMatson, realtek lan06:45
Matsonspace_cadet: thanks06:45
RICARDO38hieper de piep hoera06:45
FloodBot3RICARDO38: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:45
losherVague: mind your terminology. Sleeping is not running. It's normal to have lots of sleepers. Anyone on 9.04 care to offer a number?06:45
gaelfxedogzilla: oops, sorry, hang on06:45
fdeRoasted: I told you how to fix amarok2, either do what I said or stop asking the same question.06:45
edogzillachr|s: oh. i dont know if i run 64 bit, trying to find out how to look now06:45
space_cadetMatson, plus, unlike mine, it's not the little kid version ... (half the sata and ram dimms.06:45
Roastedfde - yeah, I got that, thanks.06:45
=== simple is now known as simplechat_
space_cadetMatson, you have the full enchalada there.06:46
Vaguelosher, ah okay06:46
space_cadetMatson, the only thing i can forsee is the hd audio may not work as it does in windows.06:46
space_cadetMatson, where it detects jack insertion06:46
losherVague: sleepers use ram, and maybe swap, but not cpu...06:47
fdespace_cadet: it definitely doesn't, this isn't windows... stupid statement06:47
space_cadetMatson, but there may be ways to fix that, i haven't looked into it.06:47
gaelfxedogzilla: would it be too much to try downloading the 64-bit version and try installing it?06:47
edogzillagaelfx: yah06:47
rasmith1959Does anyone like the new Amarok?  I don't....06:47
fderasmith1959: yes06:47
space_cadetmatson  http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c01357135&lc=en&dlc=en&cc=us&lang=en&product=391176806:47
losherrasmith1959: almost no-one apparently...06:47
Vaguelosher, well, I don't really have a lot of concerns for my RAM, considering I have 4 gigs on a laptop I use mostly for work/class/communication06:48
fdeNo one likes its at first because it's radically different, but they haven't taken away any features06:48
rasmith1959How would I go back to 1.4?06:48
fderasmith1959: you'd have to search google for a ppa that includes it06:48
noaXessgood morning06:48
losherVague: that attitude is pretty much how the numbers got so big :-)06:48
fderasmith1959: you can also add an old Ubuntu versions repo to /etc/apt/sources.list and apt-get -t <version> -b source amarok06:49
rasmith1959Ok thanks!06:49
space_cadetfde that will install the old amarok?06:49
billybigriggeris it safe to apt-get --purge dovecot-postfix with dovecot and postfix running? or will the --purge command stop the service and then remove it?06:49
space_cadetfde, i mean allow me to install?06:49
billybigriggeror its it better to just apt-get remove the package?06:50
fderasmith1959: note that will build the old version in the current tool chain, you cannot just install the old binary06:50
Vaguelosher, well, I didn't expect it to be so many when I saw it O.o but I've never used any of my swap, so I assume that's good >.>06:50
* Chr|s bangs head on keyboard06:50
noaXessi want acces my ubuntu server x-server over network... i have installed minimal xfce desktop, so i can configure virtualbox... i tried tightvncserver, but it opens the display 1 for acces the desktip not main display 0.. how can i connect to :0?06:50
fdespace_cadet: as I just said, that will compile the old version on the current tool chain... make sure you only add the deb-src06:50
simplechat_oh yeah, i installed virtualbox 2.2 from the sun website (using their repository)06:51
fderasmith1959: you too... it'd be a deb-src repo, not a regular deb repo06:51
simplechat_it installed fine however i can't seem to be able to access it06:51
losherVague: RAM has gotten so big that linuxes doesn't swap much any more...06:51
simplechat_any ideas?06:51
* space_cadet thinks for a min06:51
* space_cadet decides to just stick with banshee06:51
space_cadetfde, thx though..06:51
AbdielWell I give up06:51
cappicardthis is extremely annoying. upgraded to jaunty and my laptop's ati X300 radeon is slow as hell06:52
AbdielIt says to contact the ALSA developers and request support for my sound card06:52
simplechat_like is there any way to get more info on an installed package06:52
Abdielbut there is no link06:52
rasmith1959Ok... so then I'd have to run the configure script and then run a make install, right?06:52
loshernoaXess: there are special versions of vnc that share the desktop. I thought newer releases do this automatically. Sorry I don't recall the details, I don't run gnome...06:52
fdespace_cadet: lol, rhythmbox is fine for me... amarok is really nice though... I'll probably play more when I get Fedora installed, the preview release isn't loading hal, and I can't figure out how to boot to runlevel 1 because I want my volume encrypted06:52
billybigriggeranyone aware of some good 9.04 cd/dvd covers? not actual cd labels, but the box art06:52
keith_Roasted, fde: I'm not getting Amarok to work at all06:53
Vaguelosher, is that a bad thing necessarily? Sounds like a positive advancement.06:53
fdekeith_: in a gnome environment? it's easy in a kde environment06:53
keith_fde: yeah. Never had any problems before... but this new version is odd. Maybe I should try restarting. =/06:53
space_cadetfde, did you have to do anything to amarok2 to get it to play mp3's,   I have the restricted and all that...06:54
AbdielIf I'm correct the problem with my audio is that the card isn't supported by ALSA06:54
losherVague: I think it's sloppy coding, and it can't go on forever, or you end up with a bloated pig of an os, no names mentioned of course...06:54
edogzillagaelfx: hey guess what...i have a 64 bit06:54
Abdielbecause it says that it's using an IDT codec for an Intel sound card06:54
fdekeith_: what I said about ensuring the phonon backend is using pulseaudio should point you in the right direction to getting it working06:54
ItsMeuninstalled plasma-widget-network-manager by mistake. Got Kubuntu9.04 cd and I also got amd64 (what I use) package from http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/plasma-widget-network-manager. Package from website gives "error". CD added to repository list and still no install.. error again. Anyone got any ideas?06:54
gaelfxedogzilla: uname -a06:54
edogzillagaelfx: huh?06:54
gaelfxedogzilla: I had a feeling that was what was happening :D06:54
gaelfxedogzilla: that's how you check for which version06:55
keith_fde: Going on what space_cadet asked, I tried an ogv file in amarok and it works06:55
fdespace_cadet: check apt-cache show kubuntu-restricted-extras for amarok related stuff... it should depend on the phonon plugins for it06:55
edogzilla 2.6.24-23-generic #1 SMP Wed Apr 1 21:43:24 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:55
space_cadetfde for ubuntu?  no problems with that?06:55
edogzillagaelfx: thats 64 bit right?06:55
keith_In amarok, pause starts the clip over for me...06:56
fdespace_cadet: amarok is part of kubuntu, I didn't say install kubuntu-restricted-extras... just look at it and see what the required amarok/xine related stuff is06:56
losherVague: then before you know it, you can't boot with less than 4G ram....06:56
edogzillagaelfx:  2.6.24-23-generic #1 SMP Wed Apr 1 21:43:24 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:56
Vaguelosher, ahh, I see what you mean, if they disregard the RAM as a problem, more and more things will be default processes, even as unnecessary, and...ta da, you have windows vista? lol06:56
losherVague: you said the V-word. For shame....06:56
gaelfxedogzilla: yep06:56
edogzillagaelfx: thats what uname -a spat out06:56
edogzillagaelfx: so does that mean all is not lost?06:57
space_cadet!pm | Bi_bRo_pklg06:57
ubottuBi_bRo_pklg: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.06:57
gaelfxedogzilla: yeah, x86_64 means you are using 64-bit06:57
ItsMecan anyone help with reinstalling plasma-widget-network manager on kubuntu9.04?06:57
fdeItsMe: try #kubuntu06:57
gaelfxedogzilla: precisely, download the 64-bit version of Flash, should work well06:57
edogzillagaelfx: can u link it plz?06:57
ItsMefde: can't actually join that channel from web-irc which is all I got on this laptop (good laptop has no network manager!)06:58
gaelfxedogzilla: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/06:58
space_cadetkeith_, http://www.mail-archive.com/kubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg18977.html06:58
edogzillagaelfx: thx so much06:58
gaelfxedogzilla: no prob, good luck!06:59
losherHow is brasero in 9.04, fully functional?06:59
khensthothAnyone knows how to prevent bluetooth from turning on every boot in Ubuntu 9.04? Blacklisting bluetooth and hci_usb doesn't seem to work06:59
space_cadetkeith_, http://nomad.ca/blog/2009/apr/3/amarok-14-jaunty-ubuntu-904/06:59
jjrUbuBonjour à tous07:00
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr07:00
edogzillagaelfx: do i download the (YUM), .rpm, or .deb?07:00
h-kanHi all! How do i make my computer autologin as root in init3... I know how to do this with inittab but ubuntu uses upstarter and Im new to it07:00
jjrUbuOK. Thanks. Have a nice day ;)07:01
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training in #ubuntu-classroom now07:01
edogzillagaelfx: or.tar.gz?07:01
Kengineit asks me to apply 0.2 gram of thermal grease between CPU and heatsink, how much is 0.2 grams ?07:02
rayluedogzilla: .deb07:02
space_cadetKengine,  a dab about the size of a grain of rice07:03
edogzillaraylu: thx07:03
space_cadetKengine, brand?07:03
losherKengine: about the size of a pea is generally the guideline IMO07:03
Kenginespace_cadet: starTech07:03
gaelfxedogzilla: um, I think there should be a .deb07:03
space_cadetnever heard of it07:03
edogzillaraylu: i get the same error i was getting before. its not the 64-bit version07:03
Kenginespace_cadet: Silver Oxide Compound Thermal Heatsink pasge its 1.5g Tube07:03
space_cadeti use arctic silver07:04
Kenginelosher: okk man :)07:04
losherKengine: it's ok if a little bit squishes out when you put it together, in fact, it's desirable. Wipe it up though07:04
space_cadetto each his own07:04
edogzillagaelfx: must be wrong version. not 64-bit i mean07:04
=== Jiyu_ is now known as JiYu
space_cadetKengine, make sure you don't get any on any traces07:04
rayluedogzilla: sorry, i have no idea what's going on; just answering the last question because you sohuldalways go for the debs07:04
Kenginelosher: so I scrub the bottom of the heatsink to remove the before one and then give a peasize thermal paste and then put it back07:04
rayluedogzilla: *should always07:04
space_cadetKengine, silver oxide is conductive07:04
Kenginespace_cadet: what does that mean ? its not good ?07:05
space_cadetKengine, best to use alcohal to clean the old residue off07:05
edogzillaraylu: oh. sorry07:05
space_cadetKengine, conductive to electricity07:05
space_cadetKengine, you short out the databus to the cpu your done07:05
Kenginespace_cadet: so I can use it right ? or not ?07:05
losherKengine: yes, I agree with space_cadet, gentle cleaning with a paper towel and alcohol to remove the old crud so it's nice & shiny clean again, then dab a pea size blob and reassemble07:06
Kengineok good I can use it then07:06
Kenginelosher:dont have alcohol07:06
Kenginemaybe some cleaner will help ?07:06
losherKengine: no vodka?07:06
space_cadetKengine, don't use anything but alchohal07:06
Kenginelosher: :(07:06
[__FireSoul__]hi every one where can i find bluetooth.h hci.h rfcomm.h and hci_lib.h for 2.6.28-8-generic07:06
Kenginelosher: minor here07:06
gareth_how do i tell what remote desktop software is set p on my workstation ? (for serving)07:07
losherKengine: not sure anything else will work... Ask your parents? No rubbing alcohol?07:07
space_cadetKengine, alcohol is the only recommended thing to clean the residue off with because anything else can leave residue.07:07
phoe6I have Visual Effects enabled, but my screen comes a blank white. I want to disable it to get started with work. I login to failsafe gnome and go to Apperance and Visual effects and I see None selected. (?!) How do I switch off visual effects?07:07
Kenginespace_cadet: ohh ok07:07
space_cadetKengine, particularly, DO NOT use fingernail polish remover07:07
Kenginespace_cadet: how about aftershave ?07:07
space_cadetthe scent contains oil07:08
space_cadetand impurities07:08
Kenginespace_cadet: what if I dont clean it ?07:08
Kenginejust scrub it off07:08
space_cadetimpurities = less heat transfer07:08
Kengineand wipe it07:08
Titan8990Kengine, ideally you want 90%+ isopropyl alcohol07:08
space_cadetless heat transfer = cpu may overheat07:09
space_cadetKengine, it's only 2 dollas at the store07:09
jon_high9000This may sound like a boneheaded question but does ufw actually "opens" a port when you type a rule out?07:09
losherspace_cadet: he doesn't want to *wait*07:09
space_cadetwell... it's either wait and have a nice cool system07:09
space_cadetor rush it and risk burning out a cpu07:10
Titan8990jon_high9000, sudo iptables -L07:10
tweakedeh_I have been having troubles with my wireless, I just recently have been able to see the networks around me but every time i try to connect I fail... My wireless card is: Atheros Communications Inc. AR928X Wireless NetworkAdapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)07:10
losherspace_cadet: he's under 18. He may be physiologically incapable of waiting...07:10
tweakedeh_Can any one help me?07:11
space_cadetkeith_, that last link i gave you works perfect :)07:12
losherspace_cadet: I remember when computing was so exciting I didn't want to wait till the next day to put my system together, barely...07:12
pyraki am using a command line irc client!07:12
acecombathi guys07:12
losherKengine: what processor is it? And what kind of cooler...07:12
zaidkapyrak, you are so cool for using the cli version07:12
keith_space_cadet: The link about 1.4?07:13
acecombatIf i've installed Ubuntu onto a USB stick using the Make bootable USB option, how/what file do I change on the USB stick to make it not prompt for language and the install/run live option???07:13
space_cadetkeith_, nomad.ca07:13
losherSo how is brasero in 9.04, fully functional?07:14
lamrinrajanybody from india07:14
ubottu#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India07:14
AK_Davelosher: Looks good, seems to work fine. No problems here.07:14
bazhanglamrinraj, #ubuntu-in for India07:14
losherAK_Dave: thanks...07:14
mgmuscarianybody hear any updates on the window drawing delay with Jaunty + ATI + Compiz Fusion?07:14
Surlent777Anyone able/willing to help me figure out why 1. I have random static at random times and 2. I have audio output on only one side of my headphones?07:14
Kenginehey guys, losher: so drop of drinking wine is good ?07:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:15
space_cadetfde, if you haven't been following, here is what i found for those that may want amarok 1.4  back...  :)  http://nomad.ca/blog/2009/apr/3/amarok-14-jaunty-ubuntu-904/07:15
mgmuscariSurlent777: your headphone cable is broken07:15
lamrinrajanyone knows  which is best sql injection tool07:15
bazhangplease take hardware and other discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic07:15
AK_Davelosher: I like Brasero, and I'm a k3b fan.07:15
Surlent777mgmuscari: very much doubt it07:15
losherKengine: Not even close. Full of impurities. That's why I said vodka. Neat vodka is pretty much straight alcohol07:15
Surlent777mgmuscari: I notice that neither side of the Headphone meter in the gnome sound thing affects it, but master, which the tooltip labels as mono, does affect it07:16
losherAK_Dave: I liked k3b too, but it stopped verifying, and looks like development on it stalled.07:16
[__FireSoul__]problem solved .. i needed libbluez-dev07:16
AK_Davelosher: If neat vodka was straight alcohol, it would be close to 200 proof. :)07:16
space_cadetlosher     one word... everclear07:16
[__FireSoul__]thanks any ways guys07:16
phillip41hhi just installed ubuntu 9.04 and i have a feeling i stuffed up the install can someone tell me how i find out what hard drive ubuntu has been installed on07:16
AK_Davelosher: k3b development seems stalled because it needs to be fully ported to qt407:16
losherAK_Dave: It;s not clear that's going ot happen to k3b, or when07:17
nondysjunctionwill the netbook remix image work for installing onto non-atom processors? i have a laptop with no optical drive that has an intel centrino processor.07:17
space_cadetphillip sudo fdisk -l  (lowercase L)07:17
AK_Davelosher: True dat, not clear if or when. Lots of little things like that keep me solidly with gnome for the time being.07:17
Tac_Workso... canonical won't ship to the US, but the usstore they point you to, doesn't have 9.04 CD's ... any alternatives?  ( I want to buy them instead of burn them so they look nicer to give to people )07:17
losherAK_Dave: Sorry, you're right. It's alcohol & water. Not much residue...07:17
Surlent777ok I'm dumb. Plugging it in all the way got me equalized output on my headphones07:17
mgmuscarihow many people here are using Jaunty with an ATi video card and Compiz Fusion?07:17
zhanxnondysjunction yes07:17
losherKengine: what processor is it? And what kind of cooler...07:17
mpontillotweakedeh_: in what way does your wireless connection fail? if you type "nm-tool" from a terminal, what is the state of your wireless connection?07:18
phillip41thanks space_cadet07:18
nondysjunctionzhanx: i made this image and when i boot from it, i get a one line error saying: Boot Error07:18
space_cadetphillip41, yep07:18
nondysjunctionzhanx: I don't know what the problem could be. I checked the md5sum and the image is correct07:18
phillip41think i have really screwed things up07:18
Kenginelosher: IBM T60, core 2 duo07:18
space_cadetnondysjunction, downloaded from internet, burned to cd?07:19
kakangyes i tengarti07:19
edogzillaso i followed a bunch of instructions to install flashplayer 10 in 64-bit 8.04. they didnt work tho. still no web video. anyone know how to install flash for 64 bit?07:19
Surlent777ok, I don't think my idocy explains the static I get from my main speakers...it seems to be kind of random...it's never happend in Amarok2, but it happens a lot in pidgin, and once with recordmydesktop so far...07:19
nondysjunctionspace_cadet: downloaded from internet, dd'ed to usb stick07:19
MrKeunerhi, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=fglrx&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all reports that all fglrx packages exist for jaunty as well. Why does the update tool warn me that those packages are missing?07:19
AK_Davelosher: I was big on KDE 3.5.x but then KDE4 came along, sucked the life of of KDE3 app development, and at this point it looks like maybe in another year it'll be something for me to use. By that time I'll retire my current workhorse laptop, now ~4yr old, for something new. So it will all work out.07:19
[biabia]does ubuntu not use lcap or is it called something else07:19
space_cadetnondysjunction,  use unetbootin.07:19
Kenginelosher: I think I am going to wait for some of that, before opening my laptop, but now the heat of CPU is raging from 60-70C :<<07:19
kakangk, I don't think my idocy explains the static I get from my main speakers...it seems to be kind of random...it's never happend in Amarok2, but it happens a lot in pidgin, and once with recordmydesktop so far...07:19
space_cadetnondysjunction, or at least try it and report findings.07:19
nondysjunctionspace_cadet: what is that, where do i get it?07:19
Surlent777haha what07:20
mgmuscariMrKeuner: i don't know why it warns that they're missing, but have you noticed that in Jaunty, restoring/resizing windows with Compiz Fusion enabled has a 0.5-2 second lag?07:20
losherKengine: I thought intel processors all have overheating protection. But my advice is to wait & do it right...07:20
space_cadetnondysjunction, ^^07:20
space_cadetnondysjunction, just mark it as executable07:20
gartralsudo apt-get upgarde applies availible system upgrades, right?07:21
edogzilladoes anyone know how to install flash in a 64-bit 8.04?07:21
ubuntuHello, my hard disk does not install ubuntu, says there is an error in the IO, which can be?07:21
losherAK_Dave: I'm an old CLI hack, so I don't use a desktop...07:21
space_cadetnondysjunction, now... this does not allow you to do a persistent usb disk... just a live disk.07:21
Surlent777gartral: yes. Be sure to apt-get update first07:21
Chr|sin firefox plugins, which plugins should I make sure are disabled?  I'm installing the native beta 64bit version of flash07:21
MrKeunermgmuscari, I did not install jaunty due to that warning, you installed it and fglrx works?07:21
AK_Davelosher: I'm a CLI hack who has gotten lazy over time. :P07:21
losherAK_Dave: :-)07:21
AK_Davelosher: My favorite KDE app of all time is ... yakuake07:22
gartralSurlent777: awesome, how do i quit irssi, im in a ssh term from a mac...07:22
zhanxnondysjunction sorry was on the phone07:22
phillip41space_cadet is their a way to find out the name of the actual hard drive ubuntu installed on at all07:22
Surlent777gartral: /quit07:22
ubuntuSomebody help me07:22
MrKeunermgmuscari, could you please post $ fglrxinfo somewhere?07:22
space_cadetphillip41, yes, but i don't know  (sorry)07:23
mgmuscariMrKeuner: fglrx seems to be working, but Compiz Fusion is a bit buggy. I get occasional artifacts when restoring windows, and opening, minimizing, restoring, and resizing windows all have a short lag that is directly proportional to the size of the window07:23
phillip41lol thanks anyway SP3C7R307:23
phillip41lol thanks anyway space_cadet07:23
space_cadetphillip41, fdisk -l should have reported sda or b07:23
Surlent777All I can say is tha NVIDIA works like a charm =/07:23
space_cadetphillip41, or hda or b07:23
phillip41it did but too many07:23
ubuntuHelp me please!07:23
mgmuscariMrKeuner: sure07:23
space_cadetphillip41, a is the first disk, b is the second07:23
Surlent777ubuntu: Do not ask to ask for help, etc. Just state your question07:24
MrKeunermgmuscari, I do not care compiz at the moment, all I need is some 3d support to run googleearth. Have you checked by any chance if googleearth runs smoothly?07:24
ubottuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository07:24
losherubuntu: you're going to have to do a bit more work to get help. Like, the *exact* text of the error you're seeing...07:24
ubuntuDuring the installation of ubuntu it freezes and shows an error of IO, which can be?07:25
phillip41nah it says sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4 sda5   then sdb1 sdb2 sdb507:25
space_cadetubuntu, you may try burning the image at 4x or slower07:25
maheshjr2000_ok So Ive read through the release notes done EVERYTHING the wiki has said and I have had no performance fixes for my 945gm. My question is this: anyway I can downgrade to 8.10 without a fresh install and does Xorg actually know what is the cause of this bug? If so is there a beta patch that I can try?07:25
AK_DaveMrKeuner: you don't need compiz to get compositing. xcompmgr does a good job of basic compositing.07:25
space_cadetphillip41, which one has linux-native07:25
phillip41it is really confusing07:25
space_cadetphillip41, sda or b07:25
phillip41sdb i think07:26
ubuntuI am using the cd that Canonical sent me.07:26
space_cadetphillip41, sda is your first hard disk, the 1-5 are the partitions07:26
bullgard4After 8.04.2 > 8.10 Upgrade I have no longer LAN access! The NetworkManager applet 0.7.0 shows in the lower right an "x" in a red square.  dmesg includes a line: "eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full duplex, lpa 0x45E1." How to fix that? My presumption: NetworkManager shuts down the Ethernet controller 8139. What does the dmesg line "[<c017838c> __report_bad_irq+0x2c/0xa0]" mean?07:26
space_cadetphillip41, same thing with b07:26
AK_Davemaheshjr2000_: I have intel 945 graphics. Two options work well: downgrade to Intrepid's xserver-xorg-intel-2.4 or UPgrade to kernel 2.6.30-rc2 from Karmic, with the assoc xserver-xorg-intel07:26
Surlent777um, would anyone have any idea why I seem to get random static in say, pidgin and recordmydesktop, and yet other apps, like Amarok2, so far have not had any audio issues?07:26
ubuntuspace_cadet: I am using the cd that Canonical sent me.07:26
phillip41ahh ok space_cadet07:27
AK_Davemaheshjr2000_: Both walkthroughs are on ubuntuforums07:27
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maheshjr2000_sweet how do I upgrade to the karmic kernel?07:27
space_cadetubuntu, is it scratched?07:27
FloodBot3maheshjr2000_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:27
jjrUbuHello everybody07:27
losherjjrUbu: back so soon? Bonsoir...07:27
maheshjr2000_if that doesnt work is there anyway to downgrade to 8.10 without a fresh install?07:27
infamousllamaBasic problem: I just formatted over an NTFS HD with ext3, trying to use testdisk to fix that.07:28
jjrUbuMy Terminal Administrator don't start under Netbook-remix 9.04. Any idea ?07:28
MrKeunerhas anybody experienced googleearth using the free driver on ati x300 card?07:28
AK_Davemaheshjr2000_: cannot downgrade the entire install to intrepid w/o a reinstall. But you can downgrade just the xserver-xorg-intel to intrepid's 2.4 w/o a total reinstall.07:28
losherinfamousllama: you realise the data is gone regardless, right?07:28
ubuntuspace_cadet: No, the 8:04 version and that Canonical sent me does not work and my 8:10 of the same error!07:28
infamousllamaSo my first question is why ubuntu would call a drive /dev/sdb, when other things (like testdisk) think it's /dev/sdc07:28
MrKeunerhas anybody experienced googleearth using the free driver on ati x300 card? Is it usable?07:29
sven_hello all, for hacking my router I need to work with TFTP-Client for Windows... but... I use Kubuntu, how can I solve this problem?07:29
Slartlosher, infamousllama: data gone? probably not..07:29
infamousllamaIt was a quick format, some may be retrievable.07:29
AK_Davemaheshjr2000_: On my netbook, the one with the intel 945, I have: installed the intrepid 2.4 driver, used it, uninstalled it back to Jaunty, installed the Karmic kernel & files, used it, and gone back to Jaunty. All in the space of an afternoon. Easy work.07:29
maheshjr2000_ya but not my question, I was wondering if i could COMPLETELY switch down to 8.10 without a fresh install07:30
phillip41space_cadet you got any sudgestions regarding using vista in a virtual at all it is preinstalled07:30
losherSlart, infamousllama: seriously? I'm stunned I think...07:30
Slartinfamousllama: there is software that searches a device for files and saves them .. photorec is one.. magicrescue is another07:30
Slartlosher: you rarely actually write to the entire disk when you format it07:30
space_cadetubuntu, try it again, write down the error (if there are more than one of the same just put "it increments") then come back and ask07:30
kfizzAre there any python programmers here who develop GUI programs?07:30
mpontilloubuntu: at what point does it "not work"? for an I/O error I would suspect 3 main failure points: the CD, the CD-ROM drive, or the hard drive. you can narrow it down a little. does the "live cd" functionality work?07:30
AK_Davemaheshjr2000_: So the walkthroughs on ubuntuforums are good, thorough, and totally reversable. Of the various options, the BEST graphics comes from the 2.6.30-rc2 Karmic kernel & modules, but that kernel appears to lack restricted modules so my wifi only works with ndiswrapper.07:30
PerryArmstrongwhen i download a very large file and if i have to shutdown/hibernate the system due to a power cut and then when i resume the download..the download fails...is there any solution to this??07:31
infamousllamaSecond question is how I can mount another partition around evms so I can get storage enough to save an image of my half-dead drive.07:31
space_cadetphillip41, you mean run it in a vm from the drive it's installed on?07:31
AK_Davemaheshjr2000_: See above. I said you cannot completely switch to Intrepid w/o a reinstall. I said that already.07:31
space_cadetphillip41, good luck if so.07:31
maheshjr2000_my bad07:31
maheshjr2000_Thank you very much07:31
phillip41no i wish to run windows vista within ubuntu07:31
mobi-sheepPerryArmstrong: Use wget -c <download url> for large files.07:31
AK_Davephillip41: go to www.virtualbox.org and install virtualbox07:32
PerryArmstrongmobi-sheep; but that looks like a command prompt..is there no GUI??07:32
InCryptostill gettin the release notes cannot be found the server maybe overloaded07:32
space_cadetphillip41, do you mean to run windows vista that is already installed, within ubuntu?07:32
InCryptodoes anyone have a workaround ?07:32
Slartlosher: there are programs that actually write to the entire disc to wipe out information.. those take more than a day to get through a hardisk > 500GB07:32
space_cadetphillip41, or install vista inside ubuntu07:32
quibbler!ask | MaggieMay07:32
ubottuMaggieMay: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:32
space_cadetphillip41, because the first option (afaik) is close to impossible07:32
MaggieMaymy question is how is everyone tonight07:32
losherSlart, infamousllama: I suppose the data blocks *are* still there, scattered all over the disk. Might be hard to reconstruct the larger files though...07:32
InCryptoanyone ?07:33
infamousllamaRight, I'm thinking photorec after trying testdisk07:33
bazhang!ot > MaggieMay07:33
ubottuMaggieMay, please see my private message07:33
phillip41space_cadet i have windows vista installed already on laptop  ubuntu installed on usb hard drive07:33
kfizzFor any GUI python programmers: What toolkit do you use?07:33
Surlent777MaggieMay: I'd be doin' pretty good if I could figure out why I have random sttic in certain apps07:33
Surlent777static even07:33
ubuntumpontillo: the live cd works perfectly.07:33
losherSlart: had much luck recovering data from such disks?07:33
PerryArmstrongmobi-sheep; any other idea??07:33
Slartlosher: I've recovered some files from a formatted usb-stick.. small files though07:33
space_cadetphillip41, if you want to run the already installed instance of vista inside ubuntu... it is next to impossible.   however, if you wish to install a new version of vista inside ubuntu    http://www.virtualbox.org is the way to go07:34
infamousllamaIt looks like I have a semi-intract NTFS boot sector backup, I'm thinking of restoring that - but I'd like to get an image first in case that screws with things.07:34
PerryArmstrongbazhang; when i download a very large file and if i have to shutdown/hibernate the system due to a power cut and then when i resume the download..the download fails...is there any solution to this??07:34
* space_cadet is gone for the night07:34
phillip41ok space_cadet one question then can it be installed into the same location as the already installed version07:34
losherSlart: I guess that's what I'd expect. Anything that spans more than a block might need to be reassembled by hand worst case...07:34
ubuntuspace_cadet or mpontillo: I think the problem is with the hard drive, have any command to check that?07:35
PerryArmstrongbazhang; mobi-sheep suggested me to use wget...but i wanted a good GUI??07:35
space_cadetphillip41, i would say no. you have to create a virtual hard drive to install an os in a virtual box07:35
losherinfamousllama: worth a try. So what do you need to proceed?07:35
space_cadetubuntu, not off hand07:35
Slartlosher: hmm.. might be a fun experiment to try.. see if those recovery programs can manage larger files07:35
* space_cadet is gone for the night07:35
noaXesshow can i remote connect to display 0 of my xfce desktop?07:35
losherSlart: it comes up regularly enough that it'd be worth knowing how it's done...07:36
andy753421how do I upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 using a local mirror instead of the regular ubuntu mirror?07:36
infamousllamaThe problem now is that I want to get an image so I have a backup of my half-dead drive before I hack away and maybe make it fully dead.07:36
PerryArmstrongSlart;when i download a very large file and if i have to shutdown/hibernate the system due to a power cut and then when i resume the download..the download fails...is there any solution to this??07:36
=== myst is now known as Guest42286
sven_hello all, for hacking my router I need to work with TFTP-Client for Windows... but... I use Kubuntu, how can I solve this problem?07:36
ubuntusome command checks the disk errors and recover them?07:36
mpontilloubuntu: your hard drive manufacturer probably has the tools you are looking for. I would check their web site and if their test tools report a bad drive, call their support line. be careful because some of those tools run destructive tests. back up your data first!07:36
SlartPerryArmstrong: use some kind of download manager.. I think there is one based on wget07:36
andy753421I added the the apt line for the local mirror to the `software sources' but that doesn't seem to help07:36
Slart!info wmget | PerryArmstrong07:37
ubottuPerryArmstrong: wmget (source: wmget): Background download manager in a Window Maker dock app. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.0-2 (jaunty), package size 35 kB, installed size 140 kB07:37
losherinfamousllama: I would use dd to create such an image. You'd need as much space as the partition you're trying to save.07:37
bullgard4After 8.04.2 > 8.10 Upgrade I have no longer LAN access! The NetworkManager applet 0.7.0 shows in the lower right an "x" in a red square.  dmesg includes a line: "eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full duplex, lpa 0x45E1." How to fix that? My presumption: NetworkManager shuts down the Ethernet controller 8139. What does the dmesg line "[<c017838c> __report_bad_irq+0x2c/0xa0]" mean?07:37
mpontilloubuntu: just to clarify, everything seems to work until the installer actually starts copying files to your hard drive - correct?07:37
lamrinrajhi anyone knows how to start yersinia in nubuntu07:37
infamousllamaBut I can't mount the only drive with enough space ( the one that was supposed to get the format), likely because of evms.07:37
Slart!info multiget | PerryArmstrong07:37
ubottuPerryArmstrong: multiget (source: multiget): graphical download manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-1 (jaunty), package size 419 kB, installed size 1124 kB07:37
SlartPerryArmstrong: I would try multiget or gwget.. or why not download it as a torrent07:38
losherinfamousllama: evms -- that's some kind of logical volume system?07:38
imxsdUbuntu has a curious bug07:38
PerryArmstrongSlart; i am going to download jaunty07:38
ubuntumpontillo: 07:38
ubuntuexact, when the plant begins to pass the 40% he alleges an error of IO and says that the cd or hard drive with this problem07:38
mpontilloubuntu: you also might want to try the "test installation media" option when you boot from the CD.07:38
floydwildedoes anyone know about this trackerd process? /usr/lib/tracker ?  what is it for07:38
infamousllamaDunno, actually, but it seems to be causing mount bugs.07:38
SlartPerryArmstrong: there are torrents available07:38
imxsdIt has trouble with "yes" in terminal07:39
imxsdTry this command: ls `yes`07:39
Slartfloydwilde: disk content indexing.. for speeding up searches07:39
PerryArmstrongSlart; actually i have o idea of what torrents mean07:39
floydwildewhat programs use it?07:39
Surlent777PerryArmstrong: torrents are shared downloads; you help other people get it faster by sharing it07:39
SlartPerryArmstrong: oh.. hmm.. hang on.. let me see if there is a description somewhere07:39
symbol_is there anyway to re-enable clickable markup in notifications?07:39
Slartfloydwilde: there are some special search tools that use the data from trackerd07:40
imxsdmost irc clients will let you do /exec ls `yes`07:40
imxsdtry it07:40
ubuntumpontillo: I tried and did not give any errors! for this reason that I think the problem is the hard disk07:40
gaelfxfloydwilde: I believe that's part of the nautilus search thing07:40
mpontilloubuntu: sounds like you have it narrowed down. good luck07:40
infamousllamaWhich raises two more problems:  Can I safely mount 'around' evms at /dev/evms/sdb1?  And can I trust what /dev/sdb1 even means to mount, since that's what got me into this mess?07:40
floydwildeoh nautilus, I've been using gnome for a long while now, thinking about installing kde07:40
PerryArmstrongSurlent777,Slart; i used bittorrent without actually knowing what it means..but i usually find my downloads fail due to shutdown/hibernate07:40
alinuxskyper99after upgrading my system to jaunty from hardy I am getting a laptop screen split in half and display just keeps restarting07:41
InCryptoi cannot upgrade to jaunty from intrepid . THe release notes could not be found07:41
losherinfamousllama: Obviously, I've never heard of evms....07:41
InCryptodoes anyone have a workaround plz07:41
Ranakahi hate jaunty!07:41
shadeslayerRanakah: why?07:41
SteffRanakah, Then install XP? :P07:41
alinuxskyper99sorry that was intrepid to jaunty in my case07:42
Surlent777or just fix it and appreciate the good things about it07:42
losherinfamousllama: What does your /etc/fstab look like. Can you pastebin it...07:42
infamousllamaHeh.  Neither had I.  Actually, scratch that - I think it prompts you to choose between it and logical volumes or something in the newer installers.07:42
Ranakahi instal intrepid back.. better support for ati card, smoth movie play07:42
gaelfxhas anyone tried apt-p2p? any comments about it?07:42
Ranakahand no bugs!07:42
SebbohHi.  Where can I get a list of all official Ubuntu repos and popular third party ones?  With descriptions?07:42
Surlent777Ranakah: There are ALWAYS bugs, even if you don't see them =P07:42
Ranakahi lost 600GB of data because of jaunty07:42
kfizzSebboh: Synatic perhaps?07:42
SteffRanakah, Be patience ;)07:43
mobi-sheepSebboh: Good luck.   There are thousands.07:43
shadeslayer!repo | Sebboh07:43
infamousllamaI'm not using evms, it's just installed, and I'm loath to reboot lest I loose logs / terminal histories that might help me undo what I've done.07:43
ubottuSebboh: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories07:43
Surlent777Ranakah: dear God...what'd you do to cause that?!07:43
losherinfamousllama: That's promising. What does your /etc/fstab look like. Can you pastebin it...07:43
Sebbohkfizz, ... nevermind.  Something else came up.  You type fast. :P07:43
Ranakahdon't know... :(07:43
SebbohThanks shadeslayer.07:43
Ranakahmy home folder disapear07:43
kfizzSebboh: Np07:44
Ranakahand then i delete partition07:44
Surlent777oO WEIRD07:44
infamousllamaEh, pastebin?  It's just got /proc, the main ext3 partition, swap, and a dvd drive.07:44
PerryArmstrongRankah; you mean you didnt backup and instead of upgrading over internet you have installed jaunty??07:44
RanakahPerryArmstrong yes o:€07:45
losherinfamousllama: pastebin is a web site where you can post text too large to type into irc. http://paste.ubuntu.com07:45
PerryArmstrongRankah; probably no solution07:45
Ranakahi just upgrade over internet.. and then shock!07:45
SebbohRanakah, you deleted your data.  All your computer did was hide your icon. ;P  Your data was still there, unless you heard your hard drive being very active for an hour or so..  (How long do you think it takes to 'lose' 600gigs?)07:45
RichardWolfVII'm havng a problem with GNOME Eye07:45
SheezyMy child, when you saw but one set of footprints in the sand, I was riding on your back, whipping you to go faster.07:45
Ranakahhehe it's just a movies :>07:45
PerryArmstrongRankah; so it wasn't a live cd install07:45
Sheezydid i win07:45
Ranakahbut my ati card don't supported :S07:46
kfizzRichadWolfVI: What's your problem? And I assume you mean Eye of Gnome?07:46
=== danorsk[afk] is now known as danorsk
RichardWolfVIkfizz: Yes, images take forever to load07:46
infamousllamalosher: http://paste.ubuntu.com/161180/07:46
sven_does nobody have a solution for me? :s07:46
kfizzRichardWolfVI: Did this just recently start happening? What version of Ubuntu are you using?07:47
Surlent777Sheezy: Almost07:47
shadeslayersven_: whats the problem?07:47
Firefisheinfamousllama:  are you any relation to viciousevilpsychoticwerellama, perhap?07:47
zhanxsven whats the problem07:47
infamousllamaFirefishe: Not that I know of?07:47
RichardWolfVIkfizz: Well, I noticed it for two days already, I'm on Jaunty07:47
Firefisheinfamousllama:  nuff said.  thanks.07:47
kfizzRichardWolfVI: And how long have you had Jaunty?07:48
lamrinrajhi anyone knows sqlinjection  tools07:48
losherinfamousllama: And which is the drive with all the space, /dev/sdb ?07:48
de`ishbooanyone having problems with emerald in 9.04?07:48
RichardWolfVIkfizz: Since the beta, back in early April07:48
infamousllamaThat's the other problem: this whole mess started because ubuntu is adressing what should be /dev/sdc (and which testdisk agrees is /dev/sdc) as /dev/sdb07:49
sven_shadeslayer: I need to installe tftp for windows but I have kubuntu...07:49
kfizzRichardWolfVI: I'm assuming you've tried a restart and that hasn't helped?07:49
zhanxsven linksys router issues?07:49
RichardWolfVIkfizz: You're right, I've restarted just an hour ago07:49
losherinfamousllama: so what happens when you type 'fdisk -l /dev/sdb' ?07:49
infamousllamaAnd /dev/sdb, which was the drive I was trying to back up (which is actually an IDE drive), as /dev/sdc07:50
kfizzRichardWolfVI: What version of Eye of Gnome do you have?07:50
mikeAnime-Archive #anime-archive @ irc.aniverse.com07:50
shadeslayer!ftp > sven_07:50
ubottusven_, please see my private message07:50
=== mike is now known as Guest97625
xipiis there any x-application to change keyboardlayouts?07:50
infamousllamagparted says the drive I want to put the data on is /dev/sdb, so I'm assuming everything that isn't testdisk is using that.07:51
RichardWolfVI2.26 according to Synaptic07:51
losherinfamousllama: well, the naming is arbitrary, and can change if you add/remove disks.07:51
losherinfamousllama: so what happens when you type 'fdisk -l /dev/sdb' ?07:51
sven_ubottu: thats FTP, I need TFTP07:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:51
zhanxshadeslayer if he is fixing a linksys that bricked its a bit differnt07:51
MadpilotGuest97625, any good reason you're spamming us with other IRC server info??07:51
chyeahi all. is there an apt-get package for php5 that installs php5 with the MySQL module support?07:51
zhanxsven_ for what purpose do you need tftp07:51
shadeslayerzhanx: Linksys?? he didnt mention that07:51
zhanxshadeslayer its a common reason for it07:52
RichardWolfVIkfizz: 2.2607:52
sven_zhanx: new firmware on my router...07:52
shadeslayerzhanx: got it..07:52
infamousllamaIt actually changed between reboots; fdisk -l claims it "Cannot open" either /dev/sdb or c07:52
rayluchyea: php5-mysql07:52
infamousllamaWhich is interesting.07:52
rayluchyea: and it's not quite an apt-get package :P apt-get gets the deb package07:52
zhanxsven_ router type07:53
losherinfamousllama: try: dmesg | egrep sd07:53
sven_linksys wrt54g2 v107:53
kfizzRichardWolfVI: My EOG about-> help says the version is 2.26.1, so you might want to try and apt-get upgrade, but I doubt that's the major issue. Are you trying to open an image from a directory with a lot of files?07:53
RichardWolfVIkfizz: 2.26.1 for mine, my bad07:53
losherinfamousllama: it's odd for them to change unless you add/remove a disk. Did you?07:53
RichardWolfVIkfizz: The directory contains only 60 images07:54
zhanxsven_ what your trying to put on it openwrt?07:54
RichardWolfVIkfizz: plus, even attempting to open it from the terminal results in a huge lag07:54
sven_zhanx: DD-wrt07:54
kfizzRichardWolfVI: Just starting the program (not opening any images) presents a lag?07:55
losherinfamousllama: Er, 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb'07:55
sven_zhanx: http://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=4014207:55
Yopuanyone know how to disable the mousewheel workspace switcher? in gnome07:55
Surlent777I am  wondering if I simply didn't have my headphone cables too close to the PC case (re: random static)07:55
RichardWolfVIkfizz: yes07:55
infamousllamaI shuffled things around to plug everything in, then booted up, drives listed as I expected, then rebooted once. drives not listed as expected.07:55
zhanxsven_ tuffy got the same modem07:55
zhanxer router07:56
kfizzRichardWolfVI: Have you tried completely removing eog and reinstalling?07:56
infamousllamaRight.  Maybe I'm too tired to be doing this safely if I forget a sudo.07:56
RichardWolfVIkfizz: will try that07:56
losherinfamousllama: when you say shuffled, you mean you changed which disks were on which controllers?07:56
sven_zhanx: how can tuffy help me? ;)07:56
kfizzRichardWolfVI: Though I'm not an expert on eog, there me be a corrupted config file (if it even uses config files) causing the lag, and a complete removal and reinstall might help that.07:57
losherinfamousllama: that will change which device names are used for which disks. Ubuntu names them as it discovers them....07:57
zhanxsven_ hold on a sec07:57
losherinfamousllama: that's good news if it means all you have is a naming problem...07:57
aimanhello ubuntu07:57
RichardWolfVIkfizz: removing it prompts me to remove ubuntu-desktop07:58
infamousllamaI plugged in an IDE drive where there had been none before, and moved my SATA drives to different plugs, adding on SATA drive; I'm unsure how the BIOS describes the SATA, it's possible they came out exactly the same.07:58
zhanxsven_ gonna link you to the openwrt wiki use that to install the dd image instead of the opentwrt07:58
infamousllamaNah, the naming problem already lead to a mis-format.07:58
=== mike is now known as Guest49728
rayluRichardWolfVI: /las RichardWolf07:58
rayluer, ignore that07:59
losherinfamousllama: one thing at a time. Can you run dmesg | egrep sd now?07:59
infamousllamaAnd the naming inconsistency cropped up /after/ the disks had been moved, on the second boot after.07:59
infamousllamaAlready did the dmesg grep, nothing since the main partition was booted.07:59
kfizzRichardWolfVI: Hm, hold off on that option then, haha. Wouldn't want to remove your desktop07:59
rayluRichardWolfVI: i assume you've tried opening eog in/on another directory?07:59
raylukfizz: removing ubuntu-desktop only removes the metapackage; nothing gets removed08:00
sven_zhanx: don't understand the link, im totally noob in this sort of things...08:00
infamousllamaBut sudo did get me fdisk -l ; /dev/sdb1 is what I want to be writing to.08:00
losherinfamousllama: that's unexpected. Usually there is one entry per disk in dmesg08:00
kfizzraylu: Thanks for that info. Never knew that.08:00
zhanxsven_ you bricked the router right08:00
infamousllamaThere were lots of entries, just no new errors.08:00
RichardWolfVIraylu: Of course, even just running eog from the terminal08:00
infamousllamaWas I looking for specifics on discs?08:00
kfizzRichardWolfVI: does running "eog -c" cause it to load any faster?08:01
losherinfamousllama: I'm trying to find out what your disks names are, so we can locate your data disk/partition08:01
rayluRichardWolfVI: this is a far shot, but try: eog -c --g-fatal-warnings08:01
infamousllamaRight.  From fdisk -l, it looks like /dev/sdb1 is what I want.08:02
sven_zhanx: no, i want to install dd-wrt on it, its brand new...08:02
RichardWolfVIkfizz: Just slightly faster08:02
RichardWolfVIit took over 30 seconds08:02
zhanxsven_ use the upgrade function and load the dd-wrt firmware then08:02
sven_zhanx: thats not possible, my router needs a specific way of upgrading...08:03
infamousllamaIt's wierd that disktools still calls it /dev/sdc (which is also what windows / probably cygwin was calling it via smartcrtl )08:03
kfizzRichardWolfVI: When eog loads, look in the file menu at the recently viewed images, are any of those particularly large files or files you've deleted recently?08:03
zhanxsven_ k08:03
infamousllamaI'm willing to risk mounting sdb1, I just don't know if it's safe to do so around evms.08:03
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:04
zhanxsven_ pm sent08:04
sven_zhanx: en therefore I need tftp08:04
losherinfamousllama: also /dev/sdb1 would normally be a partition, not an entire disk. that makes me nervous08:04
losherinfamousllama: did you also run 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb' ?08:04
RichardWolfVIraylu: command output http://paste.ubuntu.com/161191/08:05
karboanyone else had problems with Brasero being unable to handle MP3s when trying to add them to an audio project after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04?08:05
sven_zhanx: the link is for running a tftp server, I need the client ;)08:05
infamousllamaRight, it's the partition I just made a bit ago.  The one I intended to make in the first place.08:05
losherinfamousllama: an empty data partition?08:05
infamousllamaI had "sudo fdisk -l" reporting it's size to me a bit ago up there - sorry if I'm tired and incoherent.08:06
infamousllamaRight, ext3.08:06
RichardWolfVIkfizz: None bigger than 1.5 MB nd they're there08:06
Guest49728can someone help me?08:06
aimanUnable to copy the user's Xauthorization file.08:06
=== Guest49728 is now known as Mike
zhanxsven_ did you try sudo apt-get install tftp from here http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Tftp_flash08:06
kfizzRichardWolfVI: Did you view an image on another network recently?08:06
losherinfamousllama: you are. It's like trying to debug by looking through a keyhole. ok, lets do 'sudo fsck /dev/sdb1'08:06
rayluRichardWolfVI: interesting... install eog-dbg and run "gdb --g-fatal-warnings08:06
aimanwhat i do08:07
aimanUnable to copy the user's Xauthorization file.08:07
=== Mike is now known as Guest4778
albechstill having problems using Network Manager to create an OpenVPN connection.. I installed the OpenVPN plugin and the openvpn framework, but I still cannot successfully initiate a connection. The connection isn't even leaving the client computer. The log file nothing08:07
zhanxsven_ did you try sudo apt-get install atftp sorry on the phone at the same time08:07
raylu!ar | aiman08:07
ubottuaiman: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe08:07
RichardWolfVIkfizz: How so?08:07
sven_zhanx: installed it with adept08:07
infamousllamaSays it's busy or "mounted or opened exclusively by another program"08:07
bullgard4After 8.04.2 > 8.10 Upgrade I have no longer LAN access! The NetworkManager applet 0.7.0 shows in the lower right an "x" in a red square.  dmesg includes a line: "eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full duplex, lpa 0x45E1." How to fix that? My presumption: NetworkManager shuts down the Ethernet controller 8139. What does the dmesg line "[<c017838c> __report_bad_irq+0x2c/0xa0]" mean?08:08
PerryArmstrongwhat's exactly a raw cd image08:08
kfizzRichardWolfVI: I'm not sure what's you're asking me "How so?" about.08:08
zhanxsven_ this should do you http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Tftp_flash#Using_atftp_on_Linux08:08
aimanhello i get this error08:08
aimanUnable to copy the user's Xauthorization file.08:08
losherinfamousllama: the infamous evms I suppose. Can we stop evms? Does it show up in 'ps aux' ?08:09
RichardWolfVIkfizz: I mean, I don't recall viewing my images or sharing them over a network08:09
infamousllamaThe internet leads me to believe this is due to evms hijacking my mounting abilities, as seen here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evms/+bug/153027/comments/208:09
aimanwhen i open the terminal08:09
infamousllamaHmmm, good point.  I am worried that whatever hijacking it does is doen at boot-time, and that disabling it will force a reboot.08:09
kfizzRichardWolfVI: Okay, because if one of the recent file was an image on another network that wasn't available any longer, I can see it causing a delay trying to access that network.08:09
RichardWolfVIraylu: gdb: unrecognized option '--g-fatal-warnings'08:10
jigphello im trying to update ubuntu 8.04 but no luck " W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE263" and "W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems" done sudo apt-get update but same error "W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because t08:10
rayluRichardWolfVI: heh, oops. "gdb eog"08:10
losherinfamousllama: possibly. But we may be able to terminate it gracefully. ps aux | egrep -i evms08:10
rayluRichardWolfVI: then "r --g-fatal-warnings"08:10
PerryArmstrongwhat's exactly a raw cd image...will it be the same as burning a cd image08:10
sluimersHi, which channel do I need to go to when I want to make an imap server work?08:10
AK_Davebullgard4: what wired ethernet chipset does your card have?08:10
rayluPerryArmstrong: where do you see that? generally, it's a .iso file08:10
zhanxjigp look at the wine wite for the apt gpg key08:11
infamousllamaYep, it's there.08:11
sven_zhanx: gonna try it08:11
raylusluimers: that depends on the imap server software you're using. try #ubuntu-server, though/wn08:11
PerryArmstrongraylu; when i tried to download jaunty..it says its a raw cd image08:11
losherinfamousllama: is there an evms file in /etc/init.d ?08:11
sluimerswait, I think I know, thanks raylu08:11
zhanxsven_ may take a couple of tries to time it right08:11
rayluPerryArmstrong: it = ?08:11
jigpzhanx hello there :) long time... what wine? im not good in ubuntu...though I have wine installed08:11
infamousllamaGood point.  I should really be thinking of this myself.08:11
PerryArmstrongi mean it= download manager08:12
RichardWolfVIPerryArmstrong: just buern it onto a CD08:12
losherinfamousllama: 2nd pair of eyes never hurts...08:12
rayluPerryArmstrong: what download manager?08:12
AK_Davebullgard4: ?? hello ??08:12
zhanxjigp your missing the gpg key is all easy fix08:12
PerryArmstrongRichardWolfVI; okk08:12
losherinfamousllama: is there an evms file in /etc/init.d ?08:12
KiraHehe, I'm so dumb08:12
nukem2525is there a simple way to block traffic on a specific port without installing a firewall or any extra software?08:12
PerryArmstrongraylu in built firefox08:12
homeskillhow can i tell if updatedb is being ran from a cronjob?08:12
jigpzhanx: how to get rid of this?08:12
infamousllamaNo dice.08:12
KiraI just tried to do a release upgrade through an SSH session.08:12
bullgard4AK_Dave: The Ethernet controller is RTL-8139 (rev. 10).08:12
Kirabut the SSH session dropped and now I have a zombie process.08:12
kfizznukem2525: afaik, no. However, ufw is pretty simple to set up08:13
rayluPerryArmstrong: oh, ok. don't worry about that. i'll spare you the technical details, but you need a cdburner capable of copying the ISO to a disk. almost all of them are capable of this08:13
AK_Davebullgard4:  what does uname -a say your kernel is?08:13
losherinfamousllama: well somebody starts it. because you can see it running. Try 'egrep -i evms /etc/init.d/*'08:13
nukem2525homeskill: crontab -l should show any cronjobs for the user its run from08:13
zhanxjigp http://www.winehq.org/download/deb <- follow that for the gpg key for scot and richie08:13
PerryArmstrongraylu; thanq08:13
AK_Davebullgard4: no, don't tell me. Its 2.6.27-11 right?08:13
rredd4which version of ubuntu supports sata drives?08:13
homeskillnukem2525 it just says 'no crontab for <user>', even root if i do 'sudo crontab -l'08:14
losherinfamousllama: wanna wait while I google it?08:14
zhanxrredd4 i know for a fact 8.04 on does08:14
Szabokahey i got a little problem, i want to split my Ext3Log partition with gparted, and I can't do nothing with it... any ideas?08:14
bullgard4AK_Dave: I mentioned that I upgraded from 8.04.2 to 8.10. That means kernel 2.6.24-23-generic08:14
vdopeyvis this the place for new users to get help?08:14
zhanxvdopeyv yes08:14
kfizzvdopeyv: yes08:14
Szabokavdopeyv: yes you are in the right place!08:14
nukem2525homeskill: then there are no jobs08:15
RichardWolfVIraylu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/161194/08:15
ustunis it safe to delete the lost+found directory? I have made a new installation, and it created one in one of my partitions.08:15
bullgard4vdopeyv: Yes.08:15
homeskillnukem2525 but i thought ubuntu, by default, runs updatedb everyday at 2am08:15
infamousllamaWhy not?  I'm doing the same thing.08:15
rayluRichardWolfVI: gdb is still running, right? type "bt"08:15
AK_Davebullgard4: The module for the rtl8139 has an old bug that was revealed by 2.6.27-11 and which with THAT kernel is broken. Prior kernels work, subsequent kernels work. But Intrepid (8.10) doesn't use the 2.6.24-23 kernel. It uses the 2.6.27-xx kernels.08:15
vdopeyvahh, well i am having network issues i think im lost trying to fix it08:15
zhanxvdopeyv but be patient there are only so many of us08:15
bullgard4ustun: It is not.08:15
ustunthe directory is empty btw, if I delete it, will it be created inside / again?08:15
kfizzvdopeyv: Can you describe the issue?08:16
zhanxvdopeyv we need more detail in order to help you08:16
ustunbullgard4, I had made a partition /data, and it shows up inside that partition, can't I move it to /?08:16
nukem2525homeskill: I cannot attest to that but if it does I would assume its run under a system account08:16
SzabokaI want to split my Ext3Log partition with gparted, but I can't do nothing with it... all buttons are grey... got any ideas why?08:16
losherinfamousllama: there;s apparently an evms gui (evmsgui). Wanna run it?08:16
rayluustun: no.08:16
bullgard4AK_Dave: Ah! Let me check if I have a newer kernel available.08:16
rayluustun: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=229143 and http://tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/lostfound.html08:16
AK_Davebullgard4: Bingo! Thats the solution!08:16
RichardWolfVIraylu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/161195/08:16
vdopeyvok i use shell with putty, and know vey litle, bu i was having isses with pofpd i  say connecte adwaiing fressag an the time ut...i t a fe fom osn simartsaiy he mesedt up08:16
vdopeyvsorry low batteries08:17
vdopeyvok thats better08:17
AK_Davebullgard4: With Intrepid, allow backports+proposed and upgrade to the 2.6.27-14 kernel08:17
homeskillis it best to only irc from the 'irc' user?08:17
gordonjcphomeskill: irc from your normal user08:18
homeskilli noticed ubuntu comes with an 'irc' user in /etc/passwd08:18
kfizzvdopeyv: Kinda hard to decode your message. Had the network ever worked correctly?08:18
ustunraylu, ok, thanks, it seems each partition has its own lost+found.08:18
zhanxhomeskill try them all but i use konversation08:18
gordonjcphomeskill: that's for the ircd server08:18
vdopeyvyes it worked for 2 months08:18
infamousllamaI don't appear to have the /dev/evms/sdb mentioned in the other website, but I'll try the ui08:18
rayluustun: indeed08:18
kfizzvdopeyv: Can you describe the problem again?08:19
vdopeyvi just did a update and upgrade with apt-get08:19
homeskillnukem2525 there is a file called 'mlocate' in /etc/cron.daily by default08:19
infamousllamaI don't appear to have it.  Let me see if the package even exists.08:19
homeskillnukem2525 even tho crontab -l  doesnt say anything08:19
kfizzvdopeyv: And then you could no longer connect to the internet?08:19
gordonjcpustun: do you remember chkdsk in DOS?08:19
ustungordonjcp, yes.08:20
vdopeyvcan i post a large section of the error?08:20
SzabokaI want to split my Ext3Log partition with gparted, but I can't do nothing with it... all buttons are grey... got any ideas why?08:20
kfizz!paste | vdopeyv08:20
ubottuvdopeyv: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:20
bullgard4AK_Dave: Where can I find all kernels? I can only find 2 files /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-23-generic and /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-11-generic.08:20
gordonjcpustun: okay, lost+found is basically a bit where the Unix-y equivalents of the bits of files labelled "file0001.chk" and so on go08:21
rayluRichardWolfVI: hrm. you can ctrl+d now to kill it. i think you can also file a bug at this point08:21
rayluRichardWolfVI: since i'm not familiar enough with dbus to figure out what's wrong08:21
bullgard4AK_Dave: I made a mistake.08:21
ustungordonjcp, ok, thank you.08:21
Chris8Help please: i've installed Wifi-Radar but can't find where to start it -- no icon added to Internet and i can't find it in filing system... anyone know location?08:21
HSNewsI Install Ubuntu onto External HDD (via USB). And I want to run from External HDD via e-SATA cable, but GRUB doesn't loaded and jumpt to run with internal HDD of laptop. With USB GRUB loaded perfect. But via e-SATA connection - not load. Where is my problem? How to load from External HDD via USB and e-SATA connection?08:21
vdopeyvok http://paste.ubuntu.com/161196/08:21
bullgard4AK_Dave: My current kernel is 2.6.27-11-generic.08:22
AK_Davebullgard4: No, that sounds right. You need to enable backports & proposed in your Intrepid /etc/apt/sources.list08:22
=== Kernel is now known as Wicked
zhanxHSNews does your bios support it?08:22
gordonjcpustun: it's perfectly safe to ignore it, and if you've got stuff in there it's symptomatic of problems that will ruin your whole day08:22
RichardWolfVIraylu: OK08:22
bullgard4AK_Dave: I do not have LAN nor Internet access.08:22
RichardWolfVIwill do that08:22
AK_Davebullgard4: I knew that was your kernel because you told me you have rtl8139 ethernet and you have the "8139 bug".08:22
infamousllamasudo find / -name "evms" gives nothing, but that leaves me with no leads.08:22
kfizzvdopeyv: Are you using Jaunty?08:23
vdopeyvdont know what that is08:23
AK_Davebullgard4: wireless?08:24
HSNewszhanx: yes. (when I install Ubuntu via e-SATA connection, it work perfect, but USB don't) :(08:24
bullgard4AK_Dave: This computer does not have a wireless card.08:24
losherinfamousllama: try 'which evms'08:24
kfizzvdopeyv: Sorry, do you know what version of Ubuntu you are using?08:24
bullgard4AK_Dave: And I do not have a wireless router either.08:24
losherinfamousllama: try 'sudo lsof /dev/sdb'08:25
vdopeyvbut this may be a network thing cause my proftpd was connecting and waiting for message and then times out, i did iptables -F08:25
vdopeyvi think hardy08:25
AK_Davebullgard4: It is possible to create your own local mirror of the repos you need, and then access that without a network connection. But I don't know how to do that.08:25
mysticdarkhackanyone know the command to move a folder lable with space like linux dvd to a directory?08:25
vdopeyvthis is a ovh server08:25
acecombatIf i've installed Ubuntu onto a USB stick using the Make bootable USB option, how/what file do I change on the USB stick to make it not prompt for language and the install/run live option???08:26
arvind_khadri!apt-proxy | bullgard4 , AK_Dave08:26
ubottubullgard4 , AK_Dave: apt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy08:26
infamousllamatestdisk had a lock - I checked the dir I was trying to use as a mount point earlier, but not the disk itself.08:26
mysticdarkhackany help is appreciate08:26
dstrbdfrk1my windows maximize past the top of my screen .. i cant set the hz any higher im on an acer aspire one.. this problem didnt start untill i installed the recent updates ... to try and fix ive completely uninstalled compiz and reinstalled and also installed emerald can someone please help me troubleshoot?08:26
jon_high9000when setting up static ip address which is the gateway address?08:26
kfizzvdopeyv: So are you connecting to this server from another compute?08:26
losherinfamousllama: so now you can fsck /dev/sdb1 ?08:26
bullgard4AK_Dave: I do not know how to put to good news your last message. -- But dmesg shows that eth0 is up initially.08:26
vdopeyvyes with putty08:26
rayluRichardWolfVI: another far shot... ps aux | grep dbus08:26
vdopeyvonly shell08:26
vdopeyvno gui08:27
infamousllamaNot yet, deciding if testdisk will have to redo a few hours of work if I close it.08:27
jonndoe45hi, need help, trying to install ubuntu 9.04 livecd on pc with 2 hd, 2hd is the disk1 with xp and win7, how do i do it, ubuntu installer keeps selecting disk0 (non boot disk)08:27
MiteshShahHi 2 All Anybody tell me how to install vlc in ybuntu 8.1008:27
mgmuscarican anyone tell me where i can find information on what the difference between different rendering modes in xorg is? (exa, xaa, etc)08:27
kfizzvdopeyv: So you can connect to the server, but the problem occurs when you try an apt-get upgrade?08:27
losherinfamousllama: ok. Getting past my bedtime. Hopefully you can fsck & then mount /dev/sdb1. Good luck...08:27
arvind_khadrijonndoe45, select manual partioning when you get that option08:27
mgmuscariMiteshShah: find vlcplayer in synaptic08:28
infamousllamaRight, thanks, think you got me past the major obstical08:28
jonndoe45i have tried that but when i do the boot loader doesn't get installed, i tried that, ty08:28
shadeslayerMiteshShah: sudo apt-get install vlc08:28
wtvMiteshShah: go to accessories> terminal, and type the command "sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-nox" without quotes08:28
RichardWolfVIraylu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/161201/08:28
infamousllamaI may sleep myself, leave this for tomorrow.08:28
wtvMiteshShah: and press enter of course08:28
losherinfamousllama: hope so. Good idea. Less tired tomorrow. G'night...08:29
shadeslayerwtv: hehe08:29
bullgard4arvind_khadri: Thank you for your information.08:29
wtvshadeslayer: looks like a newbie to me08:29
arvind_khadribullgard4, np :)08:29
dstrbdfrk1can someone tell me how to manually set the res. higher than the max detected my windows maximize past the top of my screen and i think if i go higher than 1024x768 it will fix but its not an option08:29
rayluRichardWolfVI: sudo invoke-rc.d dbus status08:29
rayluRichardWolfVI: sudo invoke-rc.d dbus restart08:29
MiteshShahi have no internet connection08:29
shadeslayerwtv: yeah,better tell him about ubuntu-tweak shall we?08:29
shadeslayerMiteshShah: ah,better get aptonCD then08:30
RichardWolfVIraylu: * dbus is running08:30
shadeslayer!aptoncd > MiteshShah08:30
ubottuMiteshShah, please see my private message08:30
zhanxnot internet but is on the net.. weird08:30
shadeslayerMiteshShah: or get a .deb package from vlc's site08:30
shadeslayerzhanx: internet cafe08:30
vdopeyvi was having problems all of a sudden with proftpd timing out after connection and waiting for welcome message, so i rebooted the server... after that i logged back in and still time out with proftpd, so i did iptables -F,  i then tried apt-get update and the apt-get upgrade, and then i seen that error, i rebooted, i can still ping google08:32
RichardWolfVIraylu: It restartedclosed my session08:32
rayluRichardWolfVI: your gnome login session? oops, sorry.08:32
rayluRichardWolfVI: i'm guessing "eog -c" is still broken?08:32
Nirrad1stHello Ubuntu 9.04 acer aspire 6920, alc889 sound. I have tried many many forum solutions. Finally my sound worked, but when I tried to fix the 5.1 my sound stopped working. Plus I have tried so many solutions that I am not sure what state the sound is in. Any suggestions? Thank you in advance08:33
vdopeyvi was usning other forum posts to try and fix my issues instead of live help... ooops heh08:33
vdopeyvso i guess i need help finding correct ways to diagnose problems08:33
RichardWolfVIraylu: actually not, it opened instantly08:33
rayluRichardWolfVI: o.008:33
bullgard4AK_Dave: How does reflect that eth0 is broken in the dmesg? Initially dmesg reports: "eth0: link up, 100 Mbps, full duplex, lpa 0x45E1".08:33
rayluRichardWolfVI: see, the thing is, i have no idea what restarting dbus did08:34
duryodhanHi .. I installed ubuntu on /dev/sdb4 ext4, I have slackware on /dev/sdb1. I asked ubuntu to install a bootloader on /dev/sdb but it didnt ... how do I now go and fix that ? I don't know grub much08:34
fainhow to install webcamera driver08:34
kfizzvdopeyv: Do you have a firewall on that server?08:34
rayluduryodhan: grub-install --help08:34
vdopeyvhow would i tell? but i would think so08:34
kfizzvdopeyv: I'm sorry, I'm not too familiar with proftpd, so I may not be the most help08:34
duryodhanraylu: where do I run it from ?08:35
AK_Davebullgard4: I don't know what the dmesg symptoms of the 8139 problem, are. But the combo of 8139 & 2.6.27-11 is nonfunctional.08:35
duryodhanraylu: I can't boot ubuntu remember ?08:35
RichardWolfVIraylu: Me niether, but seems to fix the lag by now08:35
rayluduryodhan: you can boot slackware, right?08:35
duryodhanyes ..08:35
duryodhanbut no grub there08:35
kfizzvdopeyv: The most common software firewall is ufw..try running "sudo ufw status"08:35
rayluduryodhan: slackware doesn't have a grub package?08:35
rayluduryodhan: you can install grub from the livecd/liveusb08:35
arvind_khadriduryodhan, grub would install on hd008:35
AK_Daveraylu: slack uses lilo generally08:35
bullgard4AK_Dave: Ah! Thank you.08:35
shadeslayerMiteshShah: did you find a way to install or should i upload a .deb for you :) ?08:36
duryodhanraylu: from livecd .. do I do grub --install-help directly from terminal or do I chroot into the installed ubuntu first ?08:36
vdopeyvERROR: / is world writable!08:36
duryodhanraylu: even if I did have grub .. main problem is that slackware's kernel doesn't read ext4 right now ..08:36
arvind_khadri!grub | duryodhan08:36
ubottuduryodhan: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:36
rayluduryodhan: grub-install --help just get's you started :P you can do it without chrooting by using "grub --root-directory /mnt/wherever"08:36
arvind_khadriduryodhan, there is no need of chrooting08:37
kfizzvdopeyv: That is the error you get when running "sudo ufw allow"?  And if you don't mind, at the beginning of your message can you put kfizz: so that irc notifies me you're intending the message for me?08:37
vdopeyvnp... dont use irc much08:38
binarymutantI'm having a problem with my stylus after the upgrade to jaunty, the right click button does not work. Does anyone know a fix?08:38
abama if using echo "test" > /dev/ttyS0, the /dev/ttyS0 needs to be opened first?08:38
vdopeyvkfizz yes thats the error08:38
AK_Davebullgard4: Hey!08:38
bullgard4AK_Dave: How can I (temporarily) prevent that NetworkManager will start when I boot my computer?08:38
AK_Davebullgard4: In theory everything you want is here: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.27.14/08:39
Nirrad1stHello Ubuntu 9.04 acer aspire 6920, alc889 sound. I have tried many many forum solutions. Finally my sound worked, but when I tried to fix the 5.1 my sound stopped working. Plus I have tried so many solutions that I am not sure what state the sound is in. Any suggestions? Thank you in advance08:39
=== redarrow_ is now known as redarrow
MiteshShahhow 2 use pidgin irc account08:40
arvind_khadribullgard4, remove it from the sessions08:40
shakya tutti08:40
kfizzvdopeyv: Interesting, I'm assuming that means ufw isn't installed...never seen that before. How do you usually access the FTP server?08:40
shakyqualkuno parla italiano?08:40
fazlI have a question. How would i go about giving myself permission to change and save an FDI file?08:40
vdopeyvkfizz: filezilla08:40
arvind_khadri!it | shaky08:40
ubottushaky: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)08:40
Mechdavefazl, what is a fdi file?08:40
RichardWolfVIIssue fixed by now, ttyl08:41
fazla modem file i think08:41
fazlits a file that apparently tells my USB port how to handle a 3G dongle08:41
kfizzvdopeyv: And that gives you the "Waiting on welcome message" error?08:41
AK_Davebullgard4: Did you catch that link to the kernel-ppa archive and debs?08:41
fazlI have a ZTE MF637 and there are modifications that can be done to get it working but i have to alter the FDI file but when i try, it tells me i do not have the permissions which seems strange since i am an Admin08:42
Mechdavefazl, open up a terminal and type in "man chmod" (without quotes), and read the manual, come back to us if you are still unsure :)08:42
bullgard4AK_Dave: I wrote the address down into my notebook by hand and a ball-point pen.08:42
Boohbahfazl: gksu gedit some.fdi08:42
bullgard4arvind_khadri: Ok, thank you.08:43
Mechdavefazl, or what Boohbah said :)08:43
thursleyHi I am using jaunty on my thinkpad. I am looking for a way to get my fingerprint reader log me in automatically when I swipe my finger. So in GDM (or a alternative) I would not have to type my username or click on it. Anyone know if this is possible?08:43
fazlI am using gedit08:43
homeskilli've mounted my windows network drive from ubuntu. is it possible for me to run rsync in ubuntu and have it copy the files over to the windows machine incrementally or does windows machine have to be runnin rsync for this to work?08:43
fazlI can change stuff, but i cannot save the changes08:43
Mechdavefazl, how have you opened the file?08:44
Boohbahfazl: because you likely need root permission, hence the 'gksu'08:44
AK_Davebullgard4: you should be able to download those debs, load them in your /home, boot to Intrepid, go to terminal, use 'sudo dpkg -i <package1.deb> <package2.deb>' and then reboot.08:44
Nirrad1stmaybe the modem is open08:44
kragmarthHi can anyone help me with my graphics card? ATI 9800xt. Im using 9.04 and pretty new at this08:44
fazli used this commmand  :    gedit /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/10-modem.fdi08:44
WRXTubo4uhi fazl08:44
fazlhellow WRX08:44
WRXTubo4ucan u help me tooo ma friend08:45
Mechdavefazl, put a sudo in front of it all (or gksu)08:45
AK_Davebullgard4: What do you want? You want the linux-image for your cpu, the linux-headers for your cpu, and the linux-headers-*-all.deb file. Three debs08:45
WRXTubo4uhow can i change my nick name?08:45
Mechdavefazl, that will open it with root permissions so be careful about what you change in the file08:45
xsteadfastxanyone havin problems with banshee and podcasts in jaunty?08:45
mrfeltonI just ran the latest batch of ubuntu updates, and now firefox is broken08:45
binarymutantWRXTubo4u, /nick08:46
fazlok thanks08:46
fazlthats what I needed08:46
mrfeltonI'm unable to remove it or  reinstall i08:46
xsteadfastxi cant add podcasts08:46
=== AntORG_ is now known as AntORG
fazli am just copying and pasteing from a bug fix that apparently was not put into the new distro of the Xubuntu Intrepid that i have08:46
MechdaveWRXTubo4u, no period first08:46
mrfeltonhow do I fix a broken package like this08:46
pc_soso1985vous parler en francais08:46
fazli am hoping tha the mod to the file will allow my dongle to work :D08:46
fazlthanks a bunch08:46
vdopeyvkfizz: proftpd was what i was trying to fix and broke more, yes filzilla says"Connection established, waiting for welcome message..." then "Connection timed out", so i edited the proftpd.conf to make the timeouts from 600 to 900, didnt work then i rebooted, then still no go, then i did the apt-get update and apt-get upgrade, then rebooted and then i did the iptables -F... and i noticed after...08:46
Boohbah!fr | pc_soso198508:46
vdopeyv...looking back it had a error on the upgrade, and now if i run it it wont connect to the d/l of updates or upgrades... should of left it be lol08:46
ubottupc_soso1985: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr08:46
arvind_khadrimrfelton, explain broken08:47
Mechdavefazl, no probs08:47
mrfeltonarvind_khadri: doesn't open... aptitude reports:08:47
mrfeltonThe following packages are BROKEN:08:47
mrfelton  firefox-3.0-branding firefox-3.0-gnome-support08:47
arvind_khadrimrfelton, sudo apt-get install -f08:47
bullgard4AK_Dave: I will now try first to switch off the session setting 'Start program=Network Manager' and see what happens.08:47
WRXTubo4ucan anybody show me?08:48
=== edgex- is now known as edgex-[a]
arvind_khadriWRXTubo4u, show you what?08:48
binarymutantI'm having a problem with my stylus, the right click button does not work. Does anyone know a fix?08:48
vdopeyvkfizz: instead of d/l the updates and suck i get these "W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-security/Release.gpg  Could not resolve 'security.ubuntu.com' type of erros08:48
WRXTubo4uhow to change my nickname?08:48
kfizzvdopeyv: Haha, yeah I think we've all been there where we should have just "let it be"08:48
BoohbahWRXTubo4u: /nick your_new_nick08:49
MechdaveWRXTubo4u, type "/nick newnickname" without the quotes08:49
kfizzvdopeyv: And you did say you could ping google from the server?08:49
vdopeyvi will double check08:49
MrNeoany body help on xwinwrap how 2 work08:49
WRXTubo4uthx ME.BOO....08:49
kragmarthHi can anyone help me with my graphics card? ATI 9800xt. Im using 9.04 and pretty new at this.  Im only getting 800x600 and bad graphics using a generic driver i believe. nothing comes up with hardware drivers. Also my wireless card Linksys WMP54g shows no networks.  Someone please help a newb.08:50
WRXTubo4u:/nick TUBO08:51
MechdaveWRXTubo4u, see http://t0x.in/ircfreenode.html08:51
arvind_khadrikragmarth, the restricted drivers doesnt help ?08:51
mrfeltonarvind_khadri: that worked, thanks08:51
Ranakahati radeon 9800xt is not supported08:51
Ranakahby jaunty08:51
arvind_khadrimrfelton, np :)08:51
hosoka1hello, is this the right room for any internal wireless card issues of Atheros ? I need assistance on this.08:51
WRXTubo4uok then08:52
arvind_khadriRanakah, thanks :)08:52
Ranakahonly radeon 2xxx+ is supported08:52
hosoka1With a clean install of Jaunty I still can´t see any signals of my router.08:52
arvind_khadri!ath | hosoka108:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ath08:52
arvind_khadri!atheros | hosoka108:52
Ranakahno poblem08:52
ubottuhosoka1: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:52
hosoka1yes, arvind_khadri08:53
kragmartheven though the card is not supported is there anyway to raise the resolution?08:53
hosoka1The one of Madwifi as default makes it not good.08:53
kragmarthalso anyone get a Linksys WMP54g to work with Jaunty?08:54
Canaenhow difficult is it to edit a login screen?08:54
Kartagiswhy after upgrading to 9.04 see a gigantic play button for .flv files but they play when I click on them?08:54
hosoka1Indeed the Jaunty now give the wireless card active, but does not give any signals.08:54
Ranakahkragmarth what not work?08:54
Kartagiss/see/I see/08:54
kragmarthno networks show up08:54
vdopeyvkfizz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/161217/ that would be a sucsesfull ping correct?08:55
kragmarthit was working with 8.108:55
fdevdopeyv: umm, yes... did you really need to ask that?08:55
arvind_khadrivdopeyv, yes08:55
kragmarther 7.108:56
hosoka1I have seen only Built-in drivers/modules, tested only on Intrepid08:56
Ranakahhm.. kragmarth this is not error with linksys but with network card08:56
hosoka1is there nothing for Jaunty yet that works ?08:56
Ranakahtype ifconfig in terminal nad past it to pastebin.com08:56
hosoka1ubottu have you tested this out on Jaunty ?08:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:56
kfizzvdopeyv: Yeah, that's successful.08:56
kfizzvdopeyv: I'm thinking this must be a problem with proftpd since you can ssh in and ping out.08:57
arvind_khadrihosoka1, doesnt the documentation help ?08:57
tenderjuicyhi there08:58
kfizzvdopeyv: When you did iptables -F, it may have messed up something related to proftpd08:58
MrNeohow to trace ip address08:58
vdopeyvkfizz: here is ifconfig http://paste.ubuntu.com/161219/08:58
kragmarthok Ran then what?08:58
BoohbahMrNeo: traceroute08:58
quentin>Hello there! Is there any way to make the indicator-applet (0.1) check mails for us?08:59
Ranakahkragmarth u see device as eth008:59
uriel_Hello ubuntu irc08:59
Chr|s!hi | uriel_08:59
ubottuuriel_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:59
DASPRiDquentin, you mean for thunderbird?08:59
uriel_So friendly ^^;08:59
MrNeoHow to use traceroute I'm use tracert in xp dos08:59
MrNeobut I don't know in ubuntu08:59
uriel_I was wondering is anyone can help me out with a 9.04 driver issue =/09:00
fdeuriel_: depends what the driver is  :/09:00
Ranakahuriel_ what driver?09:00
kragmarthyes i see eth009:00
tenderjuicyi was wonderding if anybody can help me about edubuntu09:00
zhanxuriel_ more is needed09:00
uriel_Its a ATI video driver09:00
hosoka1Anyone else have problems experiecing on Atheros wireless card on Jaunty ?09:00
uriel_I know that one hasnt been released yet09:00
kfizzvdopeyv: Your ifconfig looks alright, provided that is the correct IP address for your server09:00
Ranakahuriel_ pre 2xxx radeon card is not supported by jaunty09:01
uriel_But I was hoping there would be a way to get the old one to work09:01
quentinDASPRiD: No, evolution. When evolution is started, the indicator-applet shows up a new item in its list,  but it doesn't persist when evolution is closed09:01
SkyNetMasterhi, I have syncaster 1200nf, and this screen is not recognized by jaunty, how can I set ight resoliution and refresh rate?09:01
MrNeoHey anybody help me in my laptop the micro sd memory card does not detect it is working fine in vista but in ubuntu it does not09:01
quentinand doesn't show a new mail notification either...09:01
uriel_I have a AGP card, is there any more support for them?09:01
hosoka1I only see official documents on Built-in drivers/modules, tested only on Intrepid09:01
Ranakahwhat card?09:01
glitchdanyone know anything about changing the subtitles in an avi??09:01
uriel_its a ATI radeon 800 pro09:01
hosoka1looking for Jaunty, or does this also works for Jaunty ?09:01
uriel_Was a rather nice card few years back09:01
Ranakahuriel_ radeon 800 pro is supported only in dreams :)09:02
=== baskingshark is now known as paul68
MrNeohow to mount phone memory card in ubuntu09:02
uriel_Lol, well I got the ATI version of the driver for linux09:02
paul68how do I download a file using the terminal and safe it at a specific location?09:02
Wald1Hello, everyone. Does Ubuntu have a way of taking a screenshot of a single window?09:02
uriel_Is there any way I can use it with 9.04?09:02
Ranakahnot work..i have radeon 1950 pro and not work in jaunty09:02
gaelfxMrNeo: can you pastebin your lsusb?09:02
Ranakahand i go back to intrepid09:03
KnirghWald1: Shift+print screen09:03
kragmarthRan i posted ifconfig and i see eth009:03
Wald1Knirgh: Thanks. Should've guessed it was the one modifier I didn't try09:03
uriel_So there is no way to get the ATI driver I have to work with 9.04?09:03
Ranakahuriel_ no... :(09:03
Ranakahkragmarth u have DHCP enabled in router?09:03
snekerrrr that can't be right guys09:03
Ranakahwhat ip have eth0?09:04
snekwhy wouldn't a 1950pro work??09:04
Ranakahcause in jaunty is supported only ati radeon 2xxx or better09:04
uriel_Are any AGP 8x cards still supported?09:04
gaelfx!pastebin | MrNeo09:04
ubottuMrNeo: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:04
Ranakahuriel_ only if is 2xxx or better agp card09:04
Ranakahkragmarth try ping
bullgard4AK_Dave: I switched off the session setting 'Start program=Network Manager'. I rebooted. I have now LAN and Internet access. I upgraded some security relevant files through the Internet repositories.09:05
rippsAMD has discontinued support of all cards with chipset r500 and lower. If you wish to use these cards, you'll have to use the opensource drivers09:05
quentinI don't get the point this applet (indicator-applet)... It's a new icon in the panel and the only thing it's doing is poping eye candy notifications when a contact shows up in pidgin...09:05
snekquote from the site: The 'fglrx' driver does not support cards earlier than the 9500.09:05
uriel_Ok, I'll have to find a way to make this work O_o09:05
jigpzhanx : same thing : W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE26309:05
Ranakahno :D09:05
Ranakahripps opensorce drivers don't work with my card...09:05
uriel_What kinda card?09:05
kragmarthit pings09:05
KnirghWhat is the command to add a user with it's home in /var/www and able to use ftp services?09:05
paul68how do I download a file using the terminal and safe it at a specific location?09:05
shambata coworker of mine upgraded one of our boxes from 7.04 (or 7.10..not sure) to 9.04 ... would this break logrotate? I can't find the old configuration files09:05
Boohbahuriel_: i believe you can use the open source radeon driver09:06
binarymutantI'm having a problem with my stylus, the right click button does not work. Does anyone know a fix?09:06
MrNeoHey Nobody know how to use phone memory card in ubuntu09:06
uriel_Where can I get it?09:06
rippsquentin: Right now, only pidgin and evolution have support for indicator-applet, newer versions of ubuntu will have more use of the indicator-applet, if you don't use those applications, or just don't like remove tha applet09:06
gaelfxpaul68: navigate to the destination folder and use wget?09:06
Mechdavepaul68, use wget and navigate to the location where you want it saved before you commence downloading of file09:06
vdopeyvkfizz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/161231/ is that right?09:06
RanakahBoohbah opensource drivers dont work!09:06
Ranakahi try!09:07
paul68gaelfx: Mechdave: ok thanks09:07
gaelfxwhy would anyone get married in North Dakota?09:07
tenderjuicyi was wonderding if anybody can help me about edubuntu09:07
gaelfxw/c sorry09:07
Ranakahnot 3d.. video freezing.. youtube freezing... only msn, irc and desktop is work :)09:07
tenderjuicyi was wonderding if anybody can help me with edubuntu and italc09:07
uriel_Boohbah you said I might be able to use open source drivers for my card?09:08
Mechdavetenderjuicy, edubuntu has it's own channel #edubuntu09:08
KnirghWhat is the command to add a user with it's home in /var/www and able to use ftp services? I am using proftpd09:08
AK_Davebullgard4: If you have internet back, enable backports & proposed for Intrepid and get the -14 kernel.09:08
Ranakahxserver 1.6 don't work with your card uriel_09:08
tenderjuicyMechdave, nobody responds in #edubuntu09:08
Ranakahthat's is a problem09:08
Canaenwhat do I need to be able to edit a login window?09:08
uriel_I see09:08
Mechdavetenderjuicy, righto, what was your question?09:08
kragmarthcan someone help me with a wireless problem. was working in HH fine but now it wont.  Linksys WMP54g PCI card.09:09
kfizzvdopeyv: It looks like it's trying to work correctly, just can't connect09:09
quentinripps: ok. Actually I'm using evolution, got a new mail and nothing happened, I guess I'll have to look at my config. Anyway, so this applet is not addressing the "evolution hiding in systray" request?09:09
uriel_But Boohbah says there is something I might be able to use so I would like to at least try it ^^ even if its a dirty workaround09:09
vdopeyvkfizz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/161232/09:09
homeskilli have a file that is 21235 bytes and i copied it with rsync and rsync said it sent 21306 bytes, even though i'm not making changes to the file. i thought rsync only sends data if there was a change, and then only the amount of data that changed?09:09
Ranakahuriel_ System ==> Administration ==> hardware drivers don't found any drivers too09:10
=== les_ is now known as les
Truls1hmmm can anyone help me with envy? I tried to install it as in http://www.albertomilone.com/envyngfaq.html#A , but it seems im doing something wrong as i get errors.09:10
bullgard4AK_Dave: What about upgrading to Intrepid instead?09:10
uriel_I know, but I can still download the ATI driver for it09:10
tenderjuicyMechdave, i set up iTalc-master on edubuntu but it cannot access edubuntu clients (which has italc-client installed automatically). im taling about edubuntu 8.04. im not using thin clients09:10
AK_Davebullgard4: You already did that, did you not?09:10
bullgard4AK_Dave: s/Intrepid/Jaunty/09:10
kfizzvdopeyv: This is a long shot, but run sudo apt-get autoclean09:10
Ranakahtry download ati driver :)09:10
uriel_I have downloaded it but I cannot get it to run ^^09:11
uriel_Wine keeps trying to load it09:11
tenderjuicyMechdave, when i checked ports using netstat -pant on the clients, they only listen to port 580 locally (
uriel_Fro some  reason09:11
Ranakahlol :D09:11
vdopeyvkfizz: i didnt want to remove and install proftpd cause i didnt want to get into something to where i couldnt fix, but look where i went instead haha09:11
Ranakahdon't install drivers with wine :D09:11
uriel_Its nor the windows version09:11
uriel_I know lol09:11
Ranakahu need atidriverblablabal.run09:11
opanbagaimana cara instal modem zte di ubuntu09:11
Ranakahand then09:11
uriel_I have it09:11
Ranakahsudo sh atidriverblablabal.run09:11
kfizzvdopeyv: Haha, it looks like you may have to go that route after all, but hopefully not.09:11
uriel_Ok let me try that09:12
Ranakahand install it09:12
tenderjuicyMechdave, i also observed that port 5900 is on listening to when i enable roaming in Network Manager, but I want the clients to have fixed IP address09:12
binarymutantI'm having a problem with my stylus, the right click button does not work. Does anyone know a fix in n HAL?09:12
kragmarthcan someone help me with a wireless problem. was working in HH fine but now it wont.  Linksys WMP54g PCI card.09:12
uriel_It says ati-driver-installer-9-4-x86.x86_64.run.part09:12
quentinuhuh, just noticed that xchat-gnome "explodes" the cpu usage while typing.09:12
uriel_Why does it have .part at the end?09:12
vdopeyvkfizz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/161234/ this is what it did09:12
quentinget up to 99% of cpu09:12
kfizzvdopeyv: run "w3m www.yahoo.com"09:12
quentinand less than 1% otherwise09:13
quentinbtw, I'm not typing that fast :)09:13
rippsuriel_ Ranakah: if your using older ati cards in ubuntu, your cards aren't going to work. Only the latest catalyst driver (9.4) works with Jaunty's xserver, and 9.4 also diable support for r500 and lower cards.09:13
kfizzvdopeyv: now run apt-get update and apt-get upgrade again09:13
uriel_Mines newer then a r50009:13
Truls1hmmm can anyone help me with envy? I tried to install it as in http://www.albertomilone.com/envyngfaq.html#A , but it seems im doing something wrong as i get errors.09:13
uriel_And I have the most recent 9.4 catalyst driver09:14
rippsTruls1: don't use envy in jaunty, use System->Admininstration->Hardware Drivers09:14
MrNeohow to use namp in ubuntu09:15
vdopeyvkfizz: it said opening socket and then went back to shell and said this "w3m: Can't load www.yahoo.com."09:15
Truls1ripps: ah.... ok... thats why its now working :S09:15
Mechdavetenderjuicy, Configure your DHCP to allow each machine to have a static ip address first09:15
jpdsMrNeo: Open the terminal, and do: nmap <domain name>09:15
vdopeyvkfizz: how do i check if my iptables are good?09:16
Truls1ripps: thanks m8 im gonna install the hardware thing09:16
kfizzvdopeyv: There's a problem with your outgoing connection then; it may have something to do with iptables, but I haven't worked with iptables much, so I think at this point you might ask some of these other kind folks to assist you.09:16
rippsTruls1: good luck09:16
FezKHi guys! I'm getting this error trying to use Trac & svn: TracError: The user faizan requires read _and_ write permission to the database file /var/www/trac/repos/db/trac.db and the directory it is located in.09:17
Ranakahripps and opensource driver don't work too :S09:17
homeskillhow come rsync says "delta-transmission disabled for local transfer"09:17
homeskilldoes that mean it acts no different than 'cp'?09:17
rippsRanakah: what's your card "lspci |grep VGA"09:17
vdopeyvkfizz: i think somewhere in there i did tcpdump command i think when i tried to diagnose this... could that mess it up?09:17
Ranakah02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV570 [Radeon X1950 Pro] (rev 9a)09:17
BoohbahFezK: man chmod09:17
Mechdavetenderjuicy, Have you looked at these pages --> http://italc.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page09:18
kfizzvdopeyv: To be honest, I'm not even sure what tcpdump does.09:18
belimhey people. I just have a quick question, I am running Jaunty on my laptop. I have a docking station at work with 2 screens plugged into it. One 22" with a res of 1680x1050 and a 17" running 1280x1024. My thing is when I come into work and boot up the 22" is the only one that works and I have to change the refresh rate of the 17". It has 2 available 60hz and 75hz and every morning I have to alternate which it is running. If that makes sense? Does anyone know wh09:18
belimy I would have to do that?09:18
Boohbahkfizz: it dumps TCP packets, as the name suggests :)09:18
homeskillit gives the government your secrets09:18
asb002hey all. i just installed ubuntu 9.04 64bit on my laptop. it seems that ath5k does not agree with my wireless card (AR5212), so i installed the closed source madwifi drivers. however, when i run iwlist scan, it reports "No scan results." any ideas?09:19
rippsRanakah: Try installing the drivers in the Ubuntu-X PPA, they are supported by the ubuntu devs and you can file bug reports on them: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates/09:19
vdopeyvkfizz: thx very much for what you do know... i grew up on a command shell but not linux what a learning curve if you familiar no gui but somthing other than linux heh09:19
FezKBoohbah: i thought of doing that, but the tutorial i was using asks cd /var/www09:19
FezKsudo chown -R www-data.svn tracme to do:09:19
FloodBot3FezK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:19
kfizzvdopeyv: Haha I could have guessed that. But I'd be willing to bet the problem is with your iptables. You could probably find a lot about iptables online, and maybe could get somewhere that way. Networking isn't really my strong suit09:19
uriel_Hey ripps, I have the lastest catalyst 9.4 version how do I go about installing it lol09:20
uriel_When I try sudo sh it says09:20
Ranakahuriel_ catalyst 9.4 don't support radeon x80009:20
FezK Boohbah: i thought of doing that, but the tutorial i was using asks cd /var/www  AND  sudo chown -R www-data.svn trac09:20
uriel_sh: Can't open ati-driver-installer-9-4-x86.x86_64.run09:20
hansileinsomeone with CLONEZILLA knowing here ?09:20
Ranakahtnx.. i try :D09:20
screamsayonarahow do i mount my new iriver09:20
vdopeyvkfizz: thx much for your time... and in the end someday i will help someone with the same issues and actualy know what im doing heh09:20
kfizzvdopeyv: Yeah, the learning curve for Unix/Linux from a DOS-like environment can be pretty steep. I'm a CS major, and our comp labs have windows machines, and I often find myself typing Linux commands only for the command prompt to yell at me haha09:21
thursleykfizz: install cygwin on them ;)09:21
kfizzvdopeyv: True, true. That's what the open source community is all about!09:21
BoohbahFezK: add the user faizan to the trac group09:21
khussein78i just upgrade my ubuntu to 9.04 but now it become slow when opening windows and switch between them09:21
Mechdavekfizz, lol, I do the same... Xp hates UNIX commands :)09:21
FezKBoohbah: thanks! ill try that :)09:21
BoohbahFezK: err, the svn group09:22
NeedSleepSo uh09:22
kfizzthursley: I would, but they get re-imaged every night so it gets redundant haha; I have started booting from a USB drive with UBuntu installed though. that's helped09:22
NeedSleepSwine flu, eh?09:22
khussein78i see that firefox and xorg utilized around 30-35% of CPU09:22
NeedSleepI didn't even know pigs could fly!09:22
hansileinClonezilla problem: I want to restore an image (saved on an external HD) to my PC, when I try, it starts but then says: "unable to find target partition "sda1"", can't he just create this sda1 ??? (my ext HD is sbd, the image on it is recognized...)09:22
FloodBot3NeedSleep: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:22
FezKBoohbah: i added myself to the svn group09:22
=== Wald1 is now known as jwaldo
khussein78did any one have the same issue09:22
uriel_What does a video card need to be supported by 9.04? The lastest 9.4 catalyst rite? And is there a hardware requirement or what?09:23
kfizzMechdave: I don't see why Windows doesn't, I mean, UNIX was first, in all fairness09:23
BoohbahFezK: you may have to open a new shell for the group to take effect09:23
MrNeohey anybody know how to enable speaker of my hp computer my laptop speaker are fine working in xp but in ubtu this does not work09:23
FezKBoohbah: sudo gedit /etc/group shows me: svn:x:1001:faizan09:23
Mechdavekfizz, I believe Bill Gates had something to do with it :)09:23
jpds!gksudo | FezK09:24
ubottuFezK: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)09:24
snekuriel_, any card above the 9500 series should work in theory according to fglrx09:24
MrNeoHp Laptop help neeed09:24
kfizzMechdave: Haha, oh Bill, of course!09:24
rippsuriel_: no09:24
hansilein:/ noone ?09:24
Ddayanyone here finished klotski?09:24
Ranakahbut 9.3 is not supported by jaunty09:24
uriel_Ok, I was able to download the lastest linux driver from the ATI website so is there any way that I will be able to use it with my card or do I have to mess with shit to get it to work?09:24
FezKubottu: thanks, ill keep that in mind!09:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:24
uriel_I have 9.409:24
FloodBot3uriel_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:24
FezKjpds: thanks! ill try that09:25
BoohbahFezK: and the file has group read/write permission?09:25
hansileinClonezilla problem: I want to restore an image (saved on an external HD) to my PC, when I try, it starts but then says: "unable to find target partition "sda1"", can't he just create this sda1 ??? (my ext HD is sbd, the image on it is recognized...)09:25
rippsuriel_: tell me what your card is "lspci |grep VGA"09:25
MechdaveHey guys what was the OT channel again?09:25
BoohbahMechdave: #ubuntu-ot09:25
snekif you do go looking for a new vga card just get an nvidia09:25
kfizzvdopeyv: I hope you get things up and running, I'm off to finally get some rest.09:25
MechdaveBoohbah, cheers09:25
vdopeyvkfizz: i hope to get it resolved... thx again09:26
uriel_Ripps I am a ubuntu n00b is that a command I am supposed to use?09:26
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:26
BoohbahMechdave: heh, there it is09:26
JohnSourcerhey all09:26
JohnSourcerI've kicked windows in the teeth and gone to jaunty09:26
rippsuriel_: "lspci |grep VGA" copy that into a terminal and tell me what the output is.09:27
arshadHI room09:27
JohnSourcerall up and running sweetly09:27
uriel_Ok thanks sec09:27
asb002anyone know why i cannot use my ar5212 wireless card with madwifi in jaunty? iwlist reports no scan results even though there are several access points available09:27
arshadHow do we initialise the TAsk MAnger in Ubuntu 8.0409:27
uriel_01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc R420 JK [Radeon X800]09:27
MechdaveCheers Boohbah09:27
uriel_But I am able to download the 9.4 driver =/09:27
uriel_For this card09:27
arshadHow do we initialise the TAsk MAnger in Ubuntu 8.0409:28
Sagaciuriel: keep it all on the one line, if possible09:28
uriel_Last time I did the bot yelled at me =(09:28
SpeckzAnyone use WUBI to install 9.x? How is the setup/install compared to 8.x?09:28
rippsuriel_: Your card is a r420, that means that the proprietary driver doesn't work with your card anymore, AMD discontinued support. You have to use the opensource radeon driver. Your probably already using it.09:28
Ranakahuriel_ 9.4 driver dont work with your card...09:28
uriel_Ok, so where can I get a open source driver for it?09:29
rippsuriel_: Your probably already using it, type "glxinfo |grep renderer" and tell us what the output is.09:30
fazlHey everyone, I got another question. How do i change a Device ID in Terminal? Is it something i use modprobe with? I am trying to change the device id of a 3G dongle which keeps coming up wrong09:30
uriel_OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R300 20060815 AGP 8x x86/MMX+/3DNow!+/SSE TCL09:30
shambathow can I get logrotate to rotate exactly at midnight?09:31
rippsuriel_: That's it, your using the radeon driver. There's nothing left you can do, if you want to pull a little more performance to your drive try adding 'Option "AccelDFS" "True"' to your xorg.conf09:32
arshadplzz  Help09:32
arshadHow do we initialise the TAsk MAnger in Ubuntu 8.0409:32
gordonjcp!anyone | arshad09:32
ubottuarshad: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:32
screamsayonarai just got this error: H10 20GB in MTP mode found! You need to change your player to UMS mode for installation. HOW do i change it to UMS mode?09:32
uriel_Ok, yeah I was just wondering because like when I go to download a driver it dirrects me to a 9.4 driver...09:33
rippsarshad: gnome-system-monitor09:33
vdopeyvare my iptables correct? http://paste.ubuntu.com/161242/09:33
gaelfxarshad: i think what you want is System Monitor: System->Administration->System Monitor09:33
uriel_Can u tell me how to open my xorg.conf? is it like sudo gedit?09:33
arshadDoes anyone/anybody...know how do we initialise the TAsk MAnger in Ubuntu 8.0409:33
gordonjcparshad: and, what's a task manager?09:33
fazlarshad, you can also go to your applications under System and system monitor if you are used to Windows09:33
sneklol i was just thinking the same thing gordonjcp09:33
arshadyou have the TAsk MAnger feature in WIndows when u press Cntrl+Alt+Del09:33
rippsuriel_: AccelDFS will only speed up Flash if your having issues with it, if not, it's best to leave it alone09:34
fazlHow do i change a Device ID?09:34
gordonjcparshad: no, I don't know it09:34
snekoh he wants a process list like top/htop09:34
Mew-Chananyone here familiar with the app/term "screen"09:34
uriel_Ripps is there anyone to say speed up 3d rendering to speed up game performance?09:34
gordonjcpMew-Chan: yes09:34
rippsarshad: Ubuntu isn't windows, but I agree, a task manager should be easier to access.09:34
snekhmm is there any kind of gui based app for (h)top?09:34
gordonjcpsnek: yeah09:34
fazlDevice ID change?? Anyone??09:35
gordonjcparshad, snek: probably something like gnome-system-monitor ?09:35
EO_How do you set 1280x720 mode in 9.04?  I'm trying to use it with a projector.09:35
snekgordonjcp, yeah that should do for him09:35
bogdan_hi everyone09:35
rippsuriel_: sadly, no. Ther isn't anything you can do about that. Hopefully by next year, the opensource radeon driver will be using a new 3d rendering architecture that should increase performance, but until then your stuck with this.09:35
bogdan_have a problem09:35
gaelfxripps: agreed, I always put system monitor on one of my panels09:35
arshad<gaelfx>THank u09:36
uriel_Aight thanks for ur help09:36
tktI always map it to alt+shitf+tab09:36
Mew-Changordonjcp  i've installed screen on a remote computer, i'm trying to make so i can keep irssi running and log back into it after i logout the terminal, how would i do this09:36
bogdan_have a card reader and my Jaunty finds it but dunno how to acces it's contents : tifm_core: MemoryStick card detected in socket 0:009:36
gaelfxarshad: no problem09:36
phreckhey gents, anyone have some insight on the ATI driver issue?09:36
rippsgaelfx: I have a cpu/network/hdd monitor on my panel that launches gnome-system-monitor when clicked09:36
kosharimy apt-cacher script to fill the apt cacher cache wont work, any ideas? exits with Failed to rename apache2-mpm-worker_2.2.11-2ubuntu2_i386.deb. Try read-only (-r) or symlink (-s) options. at /usr/share/apt-cacher/apt-cacher-import.pl line 15409:36
uriel_I might have more questions in a bit09:37
gaelfxripps: does that show cpu temp?09:37
fazlOh well.. i guess no one knows how to change a USB device ID eh? Crap...09:37
gordonjcpfazl: what?09:37
rippsgaelfx: No, I have seperate applet for that right next to it.09:37
bogdan_I have a card reader and my Jaunty 9.04 finds it but dunno how to acces it's contents : tifm_core: MemoryStick card detected in socket 0:009:37
gordonjcpfazl: What exactly are you trying to do?09:37
gaelfxripps: what is it? is it in synaptic?09:37
vartbogdan_: isn't it automounted?09:37
fazlGordon, its the Device ID that you get when you LSUSB in terminal. It comes up with the wrong number09:37
gordonjcpfazl: what?09:38
gordonjcpfazl: that makes no sense09:38
fazli get a 19d2:2000 when its supposed to be 19d2:000309:38
gordonjcpfazl: then it's been manufactured that way09:38
vdopeyvanyone know if my iptables are correct? http://paste.ubuntu.com/161242/09:38
MagicDuck1hi, is there a way to make x apps like xpdf and xfig use better looking fonts in their guis in jaunty?09:38
DracoZAI have a question, I have a new installation of 9.04 which works perfectly fine until I take the computer and plug it into a different network switch, then it refuses to connect to the network or obtain an IP address, if I take it back to the original switch it was installed on it works immediately, any advise ?09:38
bogdan_vart, i think it should but it's not09:38
rippsgaelfx: yes, sensors-applet09:38
fazlsorry 19d2:000209:38
=== c is now known as charitwo
gordonjcpfazl: you can't change that, it's burnt into the chip at the factory09:38
vartbogdan_: is usbmount installed?09:38
gaelfxripps: spiffy, thanks man09:38
DdayDo i need an anti virus?09:39
fazlOk, then is there a way I can tell the OS that it should be treated as the device which whose id is 19d2:0002?09:39
bogdan_vart, no09:39
MagicDuck1DracoZA: are you using DHCP?09:39
bogdan_vart, should i install it and see what happens09:39
eurobetciao a tutti09:39
DracoZAMagicDuck1, yes I am09:39
Appl3Korkwhat's a good newsreader for ubuntu? like for getting nzb's?09:39
vartbogdan_: try to install it, I have no problem with inserting cards...09:39
bogdan_vart, i'm installing it right now :)09:40
tangmini have installed bind9 ,but i cannot restart dns09:40
EO_never mind, had to find a custom Monitor definition which opened up all the modes.  BLAR.09:40
gordonjcpfazl: yes09:40
MagicDuck1DracoZA: plug into the the one that does not work, open a terminal and run sudo /etc/init.d/network restart09:40
MagicDuck1see what happends09:40
fazlhow do i do that Gordon?09:40
rippsAppl3Kork: maybe liferea?09:40
Appl3Korkk i'll look into that09:41
bogdan_vart, nope not working09:41
eurobetmy name is giuseppe09:41
gordonjcpfazl: not sure, there's probably a config file that lists all the device IDs09:41
Appl3Korksorry i meant so i can open nzb's? like download09:42
DracoZAMagicDuck1, command not found ?09:42
Appl3Korklike alt.binz programs like that09:42
fazlThe USB device is a 3G dongle. I am in the 10-modem.fdi file trying to modify it so it recognizes it, but even though i added the id, it still doesnt seem to recognize it. Does the sequence matter as in "0X2000;0X0001" vs "0X0001;0X2000"?09:42
rippsAppl3Kork: A forum mentions a program called Pan09:43
Mechdavefazl, what is the make and model of your dongle?09:43
Appl3Korkya see i tried using that, but for some reason it's not working for me09:43
fazlit is a ZTE MF63709:43
Appl3Korki dunno, maybe i did something wrong, I'll just keep trying it09:43
MagicDuck1DracoZA: ups, that should be sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart09:43
MagicDuck1note the *ing09:43
carl-hmm . i nya 9.04 hur konfar jag om den här nya notifieringssystemet som visar meddelanden från pidgin exempelvis09:43
fazlmy 10-modem.fdi file only goes up to the MF632 :-(09:43
MagicDuck1DracoZA: press tab to invoke auto-completion in terminal, this way you will make sure it's ok09:44
carl-oops sorry .. should do that in english .. how do i reconfigure the new notifier in ubuntu for pidging for example so it wont pop up the message that ppl write me09:44
vartbogdan_: I have no other ideas09:44
DracoZAMagicDuck1, ok it said reconfiguring09:44
DracoZAMagicDuck1, ifconfig shows no IP information for Eth009:45
fazlI am wondering if the is the problem because the MF626, 628, 632 are all HSDPA and mine is an HSUPS ...09:46
rippscarl-: Just disable "New Messages" in the libnotify preference in pidgin's plugin menu09:46
carl-ripps, aah .. thanks09:46
MagicDuck1DracoZA: when you run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart, it does not say anything about getting a new lease, right?09:46
bogdan_vart, it's ok, thx for the suggestion :)09:47
hansileinwhat is the best tool for making an image of the whole disk ??? (already tried Partimage and Clonezilla)09:47
bogdan_vart, i'll keep on searching :)09:47
tangminit may be some errors in configuration file~09:47
tktAnyone know a way to change the default browser for links in pidgin.  It isnt in the preferences09:47
DracoZAMagicDuck1, nope just says reconfiguring network interfaces09:47
random_not_namedhansilein: nevere nothing is the best09:47
RadarRight, so I'm trying to settle something here.09:48
RadarHow do I install ruby 1.9.1 using apt-get?09:48
hansileinrandom_not_named: is it a livecd ?09:48
hansileinbecause I cannot install stuff on this pc09:48
rippshansilein: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem09:48
fazlHey Mechdave, any ideas on what could be going on with my dongle?09:49
taterhey everyone im haveing problems with my ubuntu server box.i just installed it and it doesnt see my network connection there is no ip or anything and i was wondering if someone could help me with this little problem09:49
DracoZAMagicDuck1, nope just says reconfiguring network interfaces09:50
rippshansilein: your welcome09:50
MagicDuck1DracoZA: try sudo dhclient eth009:50
uriel_Is there any way to downgrade my system to 8.10?09:50
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.09:50
rippsuriel_: no, you'll have to reinstall09:50
ubuntistasdo we have any vlc lover here because i have problem09:50
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gaelfxhaha, you should put /home on a separate partition when you install so you don't lose all the fun stuff :D09:51
rippsuriel_: next time, before upgrading download a livecd and see if anything doesn't work anymore.09:51
ubuntistaswell my vlc shows me two separate windows shuch as mplayer with an output video window, how can i make it one?09:52
ubuntistasany clue?09:52
Mechdavefazl, I need to get your model and make of your dongle09:52
DracoZAMagicDuck1, no working leases in persistent database, sleeping. Is the message09:52
fazlI sent it to you09:52
rippsubuntistas: hmm, I know it's in the preferences.09:52
uriel_Yeah lol I still have the 8.10 cd that I burned, are you aware of any good* agp cards that are supported in 9.04?09:52
fazlits is a ZTE MF637 HSUPA09:52
MagicDuck1DracoZA: so the problem is external. It cannot find a nameserver, so it cannot get an ip address09:53
ubuntistastell me ripps09:53
rippsuriel_: probably none, seeing as the drop of cars was to increase focus on fixing bugs for the HD and newer line of cards09:53
DracoZAMagicDuck1, if I take that network cable out of that machine and plug it into a machine right next to it, it gets a IP address and everything works fine09:54
uriel_Ok, geuss its back to windows for me Q_Q thanks for ur help09:54
rippsubuntistas: I don't have vlc installed at the moment, so I can't help you.09:54
ubuntistasmy vlc shows me two separate windows shuch as mplayer with an output video window, how can i make it one?09:54
MagicDuck1DracoZA: aha, then it's the machines MAC address. The switch must be somehow rejecting it. Have you tried rebooting the switch?09:55
c0l2ehow can I search by date in nautilus??09:55
MagicDuck1DracoZA: or looking at its config09:55
AcansIs it safe installing ubuntu on a external harddrive?09:55
kwakhow do I install lower version of postgresql in Jaunty. the default is 8.309:55
DracoZAMagicDuck1, I can try that but its a brainless little 5 port hub not even a switch09:55
rippsubuntistas: According to the VLC forum this is a problem that will be fixed in vlc1.009:55
ubuntistasaha ok thx dude09:56
AcansIs it safe installing ubuntu to a external harddrive where i keep basically all my games and stuff09:56
fazlACANS i dont think games will work on an UBUNTU system...09:57
DracoZAMagicDuck1, reset the hub, same thing09:57
AcansI know, but will it erase them when i go to play them on xp09:57
BoohbahAcans: yes, but you will have to install grub on the MBR of your first internal HD09:57
Macfuddymy regedit does not have a path [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Direct3D] even though thread 958680 on ubuntuforums refers to it09:58
zohrehwho know about ‘USHRT_MAX’ was not declared in this scope ?09:58
BoohbahAcans: you will also need unpartitioned space on the drive or user a partition editor to resize and free space09:58
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:58
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wiliamwallaceciao a tutti09:58
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Boohbah!it | wiliamwallace09:58
n8tuserDracoZA -> I came in a bit late, can you describe what you have between your host and the dhcp server? what devices?09:58
ubottuwiliamwallace: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)09:58
Boohbahwiliamwallace: ciao, scottish italian? :)09:59
Macfuddymy regedit does not have a path [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Direct3D] even though thread 958680 on ubuntuforums refers to it in a HOWTO09:59
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo10:00
arshadAnybody. . . .  How do we open Regedit / REgistry10:00
MagicDuck1DracoZA: the only thing I can think of is the new network applet thingy. It gave me trouble too. Try adding the lines "auto eth0" and "iface eth0 inet dhcp" to /etc/network/interfaces, then kill the applet and do again sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart10:00
DracoZAn8tuser, I installed 9.04 at a different location, network everything works fine. I move the machine to another location where its connected to the lan by a hub and the machine refuses to connect to the same DHCP network.10:00
qdbi try to pack /etc10:00
qdbbut it alerts error message10:00
ActionParsnip1arshad: do you mean the wine regedit or the registry of windows installed on another partition?10:00
qdbthough i have packed once today10:00
AcansSo it isn't a good idea to install ubuntu on a external hdd10:00
c0l2ehow can I search for a file using dates in natulus??10:01
arshadthe registry in Ubuntu10:01
ActionParsnip1Acans: its fine to install linux on an external, so long as your bios can boot it10:01
arshadis it there at all10:01
n8tuserDracoZA -> any other host on that same lan (via that hub) getting a good ip address?10:01
Macfuddymy regedit does not have a path [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Direct3D] even though thread 958680 on ubuntuforums refers to it in a HOWTO10:01
rippsMacfuddy: You probably just create all of that within regedit.10:01
AcansHow can you tell if your bios can boot it?10:01
ActionParsnip1arshad: theres gconf-editor which is a registry of sorts but its nowhere near as flimsy as the windows one10:01
MacfuddyI don't understand10:01
n8tuserDracoZA -> also tell us what is acting as dhcp server?10:01
jigphello how to get rid of this? W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE263 --- W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems10:01
DracoZAn8tuser, about 30 other computers Ubuntu and Windoze, this is the only 9.04 machine10:01
jtan325quick q: any idea why my fans are so loud when i step away from my PC for an hour? (this is only in ubuntu)10:01
jigpsudo apt-get updates10:01
jigpI received that error10:02
rippsMacfuddy: also, don't just give the thread number, please paste the whole url, it's annoying to have to search for a thread when a url would be just as good10:02
jigphello how to get rid of this? W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE263 --- W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems10:02
qdbit has worked after i copied it other location first10:02
DracoZAn8tuser, I am using an Untangle server for DHCP10:02
ActionParsnip1Acans: enter your bios and check boot devices, if usb is not listed you can't boot from it.10:02
arshadTHere is a command in Windows that is  typed in RUN line  gpedit.msc10:02
ActionParsnip1Acans: however, if you have an internal drive, you cna but the boot on that the then load the OS from USB10:02
Acansyou press esc to enter your bios when starting your pc right?10:02
snekjigp, one second i have the answer10:02
arshaddo we have that option in UBuntu10:02
de`ishboonew website layout :)10:02
FloodBot3arshad: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:02
jtan325hi. any idea why my fans are so loud when i step away from my PC for an hour? (this is only in ubuntu)10:03
n8tuserDracoZA -> can you now post in pastebin your  /etc/network/interfaces file;   ifconfig results  ?10:03
ActionParsnip1arshad: thats group policy editor, not registry10:03
rippsjigp: you need to install the archive key, it's in WineHQ's ubuntu installation page, with directions10:03
DracoZAn8tuser, I cant connect to the net to pastebin10:03
de`ishbooanyone know how to add content so adsense is on topic, if your webpage is just pictures.10:03
ActionParsnip1arshad: you can restrict the system in the same way with group membership and permissions10:03
snekjigp, Ubuntu PPA repository GPG key import:10:03
sneksudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 632D16BB0C713DA610:03
ActionParsnip1snek: you only need the last 8 characters10:04
n8tuserDracoZA -> and you are quite sure the cable you are using for this host is good? btw, you can copy it manually or to a usb drive to paste10:04
snekActionParsnip1, ah ok, worked so far though :)10:04
jtan325hi. any idea why my fans are so loud when i step away from my PC for an hour? (this is only in ubuntu)10:04
ActionParsnip1snek: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104615810:04
wtvhow to make fuseiso unmount images?10:05
DracoZAn8tuser, yes I have tested the cable and hub with another PC10:05
ActionParsnip1wtv: i know how to do it normally10:05
rippssnek jigp: winehq says to enter this command to install the gpg key, "wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -"10:05
wtvActionParsnip1: ok, how?10:05
ActionParsnip1wtv: sudo umount /mount/point10:05
DracoZAn8tuser, interfaces only has 2 lines: auto lo AND iface lo inet loopback10:05
ActionParsnip1wtv: or   sudo umount isofile.iso10:05
snekripps, i have no problems with anything ;)10:05
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n8tuserDracoZA -> and you are trying wifi or ethernet?10:06
ActionParsnip1wtv: obviously replace the args with appropriate stuff10:06
DracoZAn8tuser, cable eth010:06
wtvActionParsnip1: of course10:06
ActionParsnip1wtv: i asume nothing, so users just copy and paste blindly then moan it fails, really annoyinig10:06
screamsayonaraif i need to specify where something is mounted, would i say "dev/sdbx" or "media/h10"??10:06
n8tuserDracoZA -> what does sudo lshw -C network says about your eth0 ?  looking for clue under the driver=....10:06
snekscreamsayonara, /media/whatever10:07
gluonmanI'm using synergy to network 3 computers, but so far I can only control 2 of my boxes from the server. I'm not sure how to get it to include the 3rd. Help?10:07
screamsayonarathanx snek10:07
Bodsdascreamsayonara: /dev/### is the device /media/wherever  is the location10:07
ActionParsnip1screamsayonara: you need to FIRST make the mount point: sudo mkdir /media/h1010:07
wtvActionParsnip1: ok lol. it says sudo: unmount: command not found10:07
ActionParsnip1wtv: UMOUNT not UNMOUNT10:07
screamsayonarabut its listed when i type mount in the terminal ActionParsnip110:07
wtvActionParsnip1: ah ok10:08
ActionParsnip1wtv: ;)10:08
Mechdavefazl, this will be handy for a newbie, just click on the image to download --> http://fosswire.com/post/2007/8/unixlinux-command-cheat-sheet/10:08
rippsWhy exactly is the command not called unmount? someone should alias that.10:08
screamsayonaraso i do i still need to do that..10:08
ActionParsnip1screamsayonara: then open the mount point and type ls10:08
snekMechdave, yeah i like that one :)10:08
DracoZAn8tuser, it finds the correct card, VT6102 Rhine II10:08
snekMechdave, been adding to it at work10:08
ActionParsnip1ripps: you can alias it, its just a pointless extra character10:08
n8tuserDracoZA -> and driver=   entry says what?10:08
DracoZAn8tuser, via-rhine10:09
ActionParsnip1ripps: the old cli comes from lazy admins, so instead of having to type stuff like COPY, they used CP10:09
Mechdavesnek, Nice... I bought a book when I first started and read it from cover to cover10:09
ActionParsnip1ripps: less to type10:09
jigpsnek: ripps: I was trying to install skype so it lead me here http://technical-itch.co.uk/2007/09/18/how-to-install-skype-on-ubuntu/ ... but worst I cannot do this thing without upgrading first10:09
DracoZAn8tuser, remember if I move this machine back to the same switch 9.0 was installed on it connects to the network10:10
c0l2ehow can I seach by date in nautilus??10:10
n8tuserDracoZA -> can you not paste that one line?10:10
rippsjigp: that article is from 2007, that was several versions of ubuntu ago10:10
DracoZAn8tuser, u want the whole driver line ?10:10
n8tuserDracoZA -> i dont follow, can you draw a layout of your network? whats this same switch you are referring to?10:10
n8tuserDracoZA -> only that line for your eth0 that has a driver=  line on it10:11
rippsjigp: skype is in the medibuntu repository, add it and install skype like any other app: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu10:11
bogdan_I have a SD card that Ubuntu finds it but doesn't mount it10:11
Nirrad1stHello, May I please have some assistance with no sound issue.10:11
bogdan_anyone can help me10:11
DracoZAn8tuser, I installed 9.04 in my server room it worked fine, I have now moved the computer to an office and it does not work, I move the computer back to the server room and it works. I have tested another computer at this same location using 8.10 and it works fine10:11
paul68n8tuser: long time no see hope that everything goes well :-)10:12
n8tuserhi paul6810:12
ActionParsnip1bogdan_: does the partition show up in    sudo fdisk -l10:13
rayluMechdave: between "command --help" and apropos, i never needed any of those10:13
wtvActionParsnip1: it worked. thanks :)10:13
ActionParsnip1wtv: easy stuff eh10:13
bogdan_ActionParsnip1, no it doesn't10:13
ActionParsnip1wtv: CLI triumphs over dumb gui apps once more10:13
paul68is there an easy way to backup my config files on my server example:bind dhcp samba so that I am sure that I have everything10:13
n8tuserDracoZA -> when you say same location and using an 8.10, same cat 5 you use? same port on the hub?10:14
Ububeginis must install stuff for 9.0410:14
bogdan_ActionParsnip1, the kernel message is:     <?php echo $form->input('nume', array('label' => 'Nume')); ?>10:14
bogdan_    <?php echo $form->input('adresa', array('label' => 'Adresa')) ?>10:14
DracoZAn8tuser, same everything, cable and hub10:14
bogdan_ActionParsnip1, the kernel message is: tifm_core: MemoryStick card detected in socket 0:010:14
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bogdan_ActionParsnip1, sorry about that10:14
wtvActionParsnip1: yeah hehe10:14
ripps!backup | paul6810:14
ubottupaul68: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:14
ActionParsnip1bogdan_: hmm, ok remove the card, wait 10 seconds, plug it in, wait 10 seconds. If it doesnt show  then run    dmesg | ltail10:14
raylu!sg | Ububegin10:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sg10:14
Bineaglehi, ifound a method to restore compiz in the intel i965 graphic card for ub9.04 with good performance https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.410:14
bogdan_ActionParsnip1, oki i'm on to it :)10:15
n8tuserDracoZA -> same port on the hub or you plugged it in to another port on the hub?10:15
DracoZAn8tuser, I unplug the cable from that machine its not working on directly into my laptop and I get a DHCP address10:15
The1Qwerty_What is everybody getting for battery life in 9.04 in only managing about 2hrs and would of thought things to be much better when I can get over 4 hrs in windows10:15
Bineaglebut haw can i resore the X10:15
ActionParsnip1bogdan_: any errors you ca websearch for10:15
paul68ripps:  sorry not what I meant just need the config files going to do a fresh install of my server but would like to keep the config files10:15
peacewisewhat is the full form Of IRC?10:15
UbubeginIs there i way, i should keep my data in my ubuntu so as to faciliate upgrades as they come...10:15
Nirrad1stinternet relay chat10:15
peacewiseyeah i have the same problem qwerty10:15
ActionParsnip1peacewise: like Internet Relay Chat?10:15
rippspaul68: those links are still valid, you can just setup your /etc/ for backup.10:15
ActionParsnip1peacewise: is that what you mean?10:16
peacewiseyeah action10:16
ActionParsnip1peacewise: np10:16
paul68ripps:  ok10:16
The1Qwerty_peacewise: have you found anything to help improve it?10:16
n8tuserDracoZA -> and this laptop that gets an ip address, can access the internet? or it just gets an ip address and not able to even ping anything?10:16
peacewisenopes not yet..10:16
peacewiseam trying something10:16
simmerzhi. just tried to install python-pyinotify and it can't seem to configure it. now i can't purge it either and every time I run aptitude i get a segmentation fault10:16
The1Qwerty_peacewise: ive tried to use powertop not sure if its made much of a difference10:17
simmerzanything I can do to remedy that?10:17
DracoZAn8tuser, everything works 100%10:17
UbubeginIs there i way, i should keep my data/programs in my ubuntu so as to faciliate upgrades as they come...10:17
peacewiseanyone having remedy of the low battery life in ubuntu 9/0410:17
ActionParsnip1Ububegin: have a seperate partition for /home can help10:18
n8tuserDracoZA -> i dont know what to tell you, if it works in the server room and now if you bring it to new location it does not but yet the other host work on same cable10:18
rippsUbubegin: ubuntu should be able to handle upgrades fine. Almost every program's settings are stored in you home as hidden files and directories10:18
binarymutantwhen i use xrandr -o left the mouse doesn't rotate with the screen, can anyone help me?10:18
simmerzdpkg --force-all -r python-pyinotify breaks too10:18
shambatwhy are there two logrotate.config files? one in /etc/logrotate.d/syslog-ng and one in /etc/logrotate.conf ?10:18
ActionParsnip1ubuntulog: then when a new release come you can wipe out the old one easily and your data will be unharmed10:18
The1Qwerty_I have a topic running here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1142548 buts its not attracting much help10:18
jtan325hey guys, i notice that my fans get really loud when i step away for a bit. is there a power setting i can tweak? (i don't think the AdminGUI is helping)10:18
ActionParsnip1ubuntulog: or just have a regular backup suitable to the changes in your data10:18
Nirrad1stgood luck not getting any here either10:19
MagicDuck1DracoZA: did you try removing the default config from System->Preferences->Network Connection and adding again a simple dhcp one without the MAC address specified. Maybe it works.10:19
DracoZAn8tuser, exactly it makes no sense, I am going to take it back to the server room again now10:19
n8tuserDracoZA -> you can try adding an eth0 entry in your /etc/network/interfaces file and then do a sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart10:19
Ububeginripps: so I can just go ahead and keep my data anywhere i please and install stuff from the source ... and upgrades would still be  breeze10:19
bogdan_ActionParsnip1, same thing in dmesg: tifm_core: MemoryStick card detected in socket 0:010:19
raylushambat: aptitude why syslog-ng10:19
ActionParsnip1bogdan_: ok now you have something, go see what it means10:19
Bineaglehaw can i restart the xserver in ubuntu 9.04?10:19
raylushambat: i'm on a relatively clean install and i don't have syslog-ng installed10:19
rippsUbubegin: yeah, I personally keep all my source files in a build directroy in my home10:20
rayluBineagle: logging out should do it. also,10:20
raylu!dontzap | Bineagle10:20
ubottuBineagle: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.10:20
rayluBineagle: and finally, sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart10:20
jtan325hey guys, i notice that my fans get really loud when i step away for a bit. is there a power setting i can tweak? (i don't think the AdminGUI is helping)10:20
Ububeginripps: so I should just install stuff or keep data in home directory.. And I am fine10:20
bogdan_ActionParsnip1, that's what i had in the first place :)10:21
bogdan_ActionParsnip1, ok i'll do a search on that :)10:21
bogdan_ActionParsnip1, thx10:21
The1Qwerty_peacewise: what have you tried so far for battery life?10:21
rippsUbubegin: but keep in mind, thinks you install manually from source are probably being installed in /usr/local/, you might have to manually delete programs and stuff from there if you aren't careful. If want your local stuff to be easily removable, try using checkinstall to install the software, it automatically creates a simple debian package.10:22
gh0stHello, can someone tell me a way of inputting a command in the terminal to simply go through a directory (recursively, as in other folders in it) find any .wmv's and copy them all somewere? i was thinking something like "find -type f -name ‘*.wmv’ " then something i think, i have no idea xD lol10:22
MagicDuck1thx Action-parsnip10:22
ActionParsnip1gh0st: find . -name *.wmv -exec cp {} ~/temp \;10:22
ActionParsnip1gh0st: the ~/temp folder will need creating and will be the place to store the files10:23
binarymutanthow can I rotate my screen?10:23
ActionParsnip1gh0st: also if the file is named *.WMV it will NOT be found10:23
gh0stThanks a million ActionParsnip10:23
Ububeginripps: checkInstall -- > something new.... Thanks ,dude... Will follow ur layout...10:23
jigpripps : how to install skype? I use 2007 ? im in ubuntu 8.0410:23
ActionParsnip1gh0st: theres a way to find both10:23
rippsActionParsnip1: nice command-fu there10:23
gh0stgo on lol10:24
ActionParsnip1ripps: i use cli all the time10:24
rippsjigp: Oh, i thought you were using jaunty, hold on a sec.10:24
Ububeginjigp: http://technical-itch.co.uk/2007/09/18/how-to-install-skype-on-ubuntu/10:24
DracoZAn8tuser, MagicDuck1 I have taken that machine back to the server room and its connected to the network and internet DHCP10:25
unopActionParsnip1,   find . -name "*.wmv"   # the pattern needs to be quoted to stop bash from expanding filenames in the current directory10:25
jigpripps : im using 8.04 . and also google. I successfully installed skype before but when I use kde from gnome, skype gone..so now im in trouble10:25
rayluActionParsnip1: as a note, not quoting the *.wmv will make bash interpret it as all the files with a .wmv extension in the current directory if there are any10:25
n8tuserDracoZA -> now paste the results of sudo lshw -C network;  route -n10:25
rayluwhat unop said.10:25
ActionParsnip1unop: bah, thats good too, do you know the stuff to find WMV as well as wmv10:26
rayluActionParsnip1: -iname10:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lista10:26
ActionParsnip1raylu: ahhhh nice10:26
n8tuserDracoZA -> and lets compare this to the new location, same commands10:26
rayluunop: also, find assumes .10:26
acecombatIf i've installed Ubuntu onto a USB stick using the Make bootable USB option, how/what file do I change on the USB stick to make it not prompt for language and the install/run live option???10:26
unopActionParsnip1, -iname10:26
ActionParsnip1raylu: i though it was gonna be some *.[wmv|WMV]10:26
unopActionParsnip1,   find . -iname "*.wmv"10:26
ActionParsnip1gh0st: ok so the thing is: mkdir ~/wmvs; find . -iname "*.wmv" -exec cp {} ~/wmvs \;10:27
* ActionParsnip1 has learned today10:27
gh0stHey, a little offtopic, but since there appears to be some pros in the room, i've been playing around with the new "notify-send" commands and was wondering were i could get some more in depth info like for programming, i want to eventually merge some twitter stuff ive been working on with the API10:28
gh0stallready executed :)10:28
ActionParsnip1gh0st: you can even change te exec command to convertthem to ogg if you have the know how10:28
unopActionParsnip1, hmm, i wouldn't do that .. cp would overwrite duplicate files in ~/wmvs if there are any10:28
ActionParsnip1unop: o gahhhh10:28
ActionParsnip1unop: can you help please10:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about irchelp10:29
ActionParsnip1unop: well at least its only a cp and not a mv, no data destruction10:29
=== ROSHA is now known as RoozbehOnline
unopActionParsnip1, I would keep the relative directory structure in ~/wmvs.   find . -iname "*.wmv" | (cd ~/wmvs && cpio -pdumv)10:30
rayluyou could copy the entire directory with cp -r and then remove anything that isn't a wmv10:30
Canaenhow do I get sudo permission to perform an action (ie, replacing a file) without doing so from the command line?10:31
DracoZAn8tuser, http://paste.ubuntu.com/161274/10:31
unopraylu, that's expensive ..10:31
dewdis there already an fix for the horrible intel/compiz performance ?10:31
sheldonhhow can i find out why there's no tkined package in ubuntu?10:31
joaopintoCanaen, you want gksudo nautlius ?10:31
ActionParsnip1Canaen: you can run graphical apps with gksudo10:31
gh0stHey, a little offtopic, but since there appears to be some pros in the room, i've been playing around with the new "notify-send" commands and was wondering were i could get some more in depth info like for programming, i want to eventually merge some twitter stuff ive been working on with the API10:31
Canaenactionparsnip1: gksudo?10:31
rippsdewd: try installing the ubuntu-x drivers and check back: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates/10:32
jtan325hey guys, i notice that my fans get really loud when i step away for a bit. is there a power setting i can tweak? (i don't think the AdminGUI is helping)10:32
ActionParsnip1Canaen: it gives graphical apps like nautilus and gedit, sudo powers10:32
n8tuserDracoZA -> and lets compare this to the new location, same commands..you may have to do an sudo ifdown eth0; sudot ifup eth010:32
ActionParsnip1Canaen: if you see a guide that says sudo gedit, it is WRONG10:32
c0p3rn1cis it possible that pulse audio makes my system hang? what would be the best way to find out?10:32
Nirrad1stSo no help i guess with sound issue. Some people would just like to use a computer and do things, instead of spending my whole time trying to make things work. So far my experience with linux has ben 2 months of picking a distro only to find none of them work completely. Now I have spent the last 2 weeks just trying to get the basics going.10:32
jsphillips86gh0st: Gnome-do uses the notify system with twitter. You can tweet from it too10:32
rayluunop: indeed.10:32
joaopintoc0p3rn1c, what do think it's related to pulseaudio ?10:33
DracoZAn8tuser, you want me to take it back to the other location and get the same output ?10:33
dayoif i remove cupsys, will i still be able to print?10:33
Canaenactionparsnip1: thank you! that was just what I needed. gksudo!10:34
c0p3rn1cjoaopinto: since I recently changed my default audio device to pulse10:34
n8tuserDracoZA -> yes10:34
joaopintodayo, probably not with cups10:34
rippsdayo: probably not10:34
DracoZAn8tuser, ok gimme 2 minutes10:34
gh0stjsphillips, thanks for the suggestion, but im interested in coding my own, its a very specific application using moduals that ive allready written. maybe some source code? the notify-send manpages dont really provide alot of info10:34
dayojoaopinto: ripps: i'm trying to remove print capabilities from a system. is there anything else i need to remove?10:34
joaopintogh0st, do you want to use the new notify-osd system ?10:34
rippsgh0st: notify-send uses the libnotify library, look up docs on that.10:35
gh0stlibnotify, thanks10:35
joaopintodayo, there should be an easier way to do it, like removing reading permissions on /etc/cups/ or something like that10:36
drbobbhmmm gparted is taking all night to move a ntfs partition, and it's still far from finished10:36
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dewdripps: how do I add the key for this repo ?10:36
dayojoaopinto: ok, thanks10:36
rippsdewd: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com AF1CDFA910:36
zero--coolhave anybody knows good gui program for data recovery10:37
rayluguis are so prevalent that someone has asked for a gui to perform data recovery...10:37
acecombatIf i've installed Ubuntu onto a USB stick using the Make bootable USB option, how/what file do I change on the USB stick to make it not prompt for language and the install/run live option???10:37
gluonmanI'm trying to upgrade packages in Ubuntu, but there's an update that is being "kept back." Can I install that update somehow?10:37
joaopintoacecombat, you will need to google on how to customize an ubuntu live cd, is not something trivial to do10:38
rippsacecombat: you probably can't, you should bring up with the ubuntu devs or file a bug10:38
HSNewsWhere located list of resources?10:38
raylu!ru | HSNews10:38
ubottuHSNews: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:38
acecombatso i can or i cant?10:39
st_my mouse is in /dev/input/js0, how to change it=10:39
rippsacecombat: I don't know of any, but someone else might, google is your friend10:39
Nirrad1stgoogle is your friend but Ubuntu is not10:40
Appl3Korkfor some reason when i try to compile PAN, it always give me an error10:40
Appl3Korkin fact, lots of time i can never compile it10:40
jamie_Hello, what's the offtopic address again?10:41
Appl3Korkor do the 'make' command in terminal10:41
dewdripps: I've safe-upgraded now would be a good time to restart X or should I do something first ?10:41
rippsNirrad1st: Hey hey! Ubuntu is the friendliest Linux OS there is.10:41
rippsdewd: yes, x retstart would be required, if not an entire reboot10:42
jamie_Is it #ubuntu-offtopic10:42
st_why does CTRL+C break NOT work in ubuntu 9.04?10:42
Nirrad1stright i have been here for awhile posted a couple of times . no answer. I guess that could be considered friendly in some circles10:42
rippsst_: what are you trying to do?10:42
Appl3Korkanyone know?10:42
st_ripps: if i like cat /dev/input/js010:43
st_i cant get out of it with CTRL-C10:43
raylust_: understand that programs can catch and block SIGINT10:43
rippsst_: Hmmm.... ctrl+c works fine for me, maybe there's something up with your keyboard?10:43
deanyfinally fixed my annoying "WPA protected wifi constantly asking for password but password it saves is a long hex string" problem, by upgrading my routers firmware giving it WPA-2 functions.  So seems network manager was wanting wpa2 and not wpa1, even tho it was set for both.10:43
DracoZAn8tuser, http://paste.ubuntu.com/161283/10:43
raylust_: also, you might interrupt it but it might still be writing the output to your screen buffer10:44
raylust_: it being your terminal10:44
st_no its not that10:44
rippsAppl3Kork: you probablly don't have development dependencies installed to compile the software. Try "sudo apt-get build-deps pan" before compiling.10:44
st_raylu: i just need to re-enable ctrl-c10:44
st_ctrl-z is annoying10:45
raylust_: ctrl+z isn't the same thing10:45
st_i know, but it works =D10:45
raylust_: what terminal are you using?10:45
raylust_: does it work in xterm?10:45
n8tuserDracoZA -> and doing a  sudo ifdown eth0; sudo ifup eth0   then check if you get an ip address10:45
raylun8tuser: dhclient is sufficient for that10:46
st_raylu: yes10:46
st_so its in gnome-term confs10:46
Appl3Korkripps: I'ts saying could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock when i do apt for the build-deps10:46
binarymutanthow do I get keycodes?10:46
n8tuserraylu no it does not, we need to find out if it clears up any other cache10:46
rippsAppl3Kork: that means you have a package installer already running, did you forget to close synaptic or something?10:46
Appl3Korkoh yup10:47
st_raylu: i had Ctrl-c as COPY in gnome-term settings10:47
st_fixed now, thanks10:47
dewdripps: no improvement :-(10:47
Appl3Korkcouldn't find build-deps10:47
unopbinarymutant, xev10:47
GustavTheLionanyone have a problem with the new 9.04 cd10:48
GustavTheLionmine always freezes after 2 seconds10:48
unopAppl3Kork,  apt-get build-dep something   # not build-deps10:48
GustavTheLionbut i know it works because it works on another computer10:48
GustavTheLionany ideas?10:48
binarymutantunop, ty10:48
DracoZAn8tuser, brb with that10:48
dewdomg why does the stupid kde wants to run fucking kmail over and over again after I kill it wtf10:48
rippsdewd: There is a method to install unofficial packages and a kernel that might fix it, but the ubuntu devs have strongly discouraged it, instead try downgrading instead: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.410:48
baldy4evagustav check your hardware10:48
raylubinarymutant: also useful is xmodmap --help's description of -pk and -pke10:48
GustavTheLionbut what should i check10:48
unopdewd, easy with the language10:48
GustavTheLioni'm new to this hah10:48
DracoZAdewd dont be a dork no need to swear10:49
FezKHi guys! everytime i do a: "sudo chown -R svn.svn svn" I get svn  avg   4096 2009-04-30 13:47 svn using "ls -l"10:49
FezKany ideas whats wrong?10:49
Appl3Korkk finally got it working10:49
baldy4evagustav run a memory check10:49
rayluFezK: svn:svn10:49
rayluFezK: not svn.svn10:49
unopraylu, both work ..10:49
rayluoh =\10:49
baldy4evagustav might even be the cd drive on your system10:49
dewdripps: k so downgrade it is is there any timeframe for an permanent solution ?10:49
unopFezK,  do you get any errors running chown there?10:49
FezKraylu: oh... ill try that10:50
FezKunop: no, no errors at all! :s10:50
GustavTheLionhmmm how long do these usually take?10:50
rippsdewd: I've talked personally with an ubuntu dev, and all they'll say is their working on it.10:50
GustavTheLionidk about that, the 8.04 cd works fine10:50
GustavTheLionthe 9.04 one is the only linux cd that does this10:51
rippsdewd: *hint* if you poke around the ubuntu-x teams pages, you might find a PPA for testing issues with intel cards.10:51
Flora43It is /italics/ and underlined10:51
dewdripps: ok.. so without swearing.. why would my kmail keep starting up it is driving me crazy !!10:51
The1Qwerty_has anyone managed to improve battery life in 9.04? Im only getting about 2 hrs10:52
rippsdewd: well, I don't use kde, so I'm not quite sure.10:52
unopdewd, ask the folk in #kubuntu - they should know how to stop it starting up10:52
joaopintodewd, look on laucnhpad.net for such a bug report, if you can't find it, report it10:52
jeremi1I upgraded to Jaunty this week. Afterwards I updated to Firefox 3.0.10 and now when I open FF I have no bookmarks, nor can I add any. I also can't go back or forward or refresh.10:52
baldy4evagustav: forever! lol10:53
dewdk I will look around it's super annoying I quit it and it starts it immediately10:53
dewdthanks guys10:53
GustavTheLioni treid making a bootable USB10:53
GustavTheLiondidnt change anything10:53
GustavTheLionstill doesnt work10:53
GustavTheLionit gets to the loading screen10:53
FloodBot3GustavTheLion: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:53
GustavTheLionthen freezes10:53
GustavTheLionso the cd drive cant be the problem10:53
rippsdon't anger the floodbot10:54
jeremi1anybody having problems with FF 3.0.10?10:54
GustavTheLionhah sorry, i'll try not to10:54
dr_willisIVe had  a few pc's that are just a little picky about what they boot.  - cd will work on the other 5 machines but not this one.. same with a USB-boot-installer-thumbdrive.10:54
Flora43I can't download it10:54
FezKunop: errors when i use svn:svn10:54
veovisI have added a game to my Applications -> Games menu in 8.10, but it doesn't have the correct icon.  I have a png of the icon, but I don't know how to add it as the icon for the program.  The game is called Singularity, and an older version, where you can see the icon, is in the repos.10:54
Flora43AUS: Update XML File Not Found (404)10:54
unopFezK, can you paste the output you get on  http://pastebin.com10:55
GustavTheLiondr_willis i have the samee problem10:55
rippsGustavTheLion: my guess is that either your processor or video card are incompatible with ubuntu10:55
GustavTheLionahh probably10:55
GustavTheLionmy video card is annoying as hell10:55
Flora4316 /br 3210:55
DracoZA01n8tuser, http://paste.ubuntu.com/161296/10:55
dr_willisveovis:  with the menu editor -> find the item. -> properties.. -> click on the icon box to change its icon10:55
malik__hi, when i want to use $OLD and press tab to autocomplete , it is completed as \$OLDPWD which does not take me to OLDPWD ,but looks for "$OLDPWD"  how to fix this problem?10:56
GustavTheLionits an ATI Mobility Radeon X180010:56
veovisdr_willis: I tried, but the directory that contains the icon in .png format is considered empty by the browser that the button opens10:56
dr_willismalik__:  you would have to tweak the bash-completion scripts/settings it seems.10:56
Flora43$OLDPWD = $65379310:57
FezKunop: seems like im gonna have to restart my pc, in anger i deleted the user svn :s and now i cant re-add without restarting :(10:57
n8tuserDracoZA -> you have  to try and add an entry for eth0 on /etc/network/interfaces  then do that ifdown/ifup thing10:57
dr_willisveovis:  it seems to want xpm, convert the png to xpm.10:57
GustavTheLionthing is 8.04 worked, i figured that 9.04 would support more hardware if anything10:57
Flora43 404 Not Found10:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about convert10:57
malik__shouldn't this be reported as a bug ?10:57
veovisworth a try10:57
phillip41can someone tell me what the fdisk command in ubuntu is please10:57
rhythmsoupHi fokls - whats a good package to edit jpeg file metadata?10:58
dr_willisveovis:  it seems to be able to handle xpm and svg10:58
Flora43phillip41: Alt+F410:58
joaopintoGustavTheLion, that is not the case when the vendor's decided to remove support for the olde cargs on the newers driver versions10:58
ripps!info fdisk10:58
ubottuPackage fdisk does not exist in jaunty10:58
dr_willisphillip41:  'fdisk'  is a command...10:58
Flora43!info format10:58
ubottuPackage format does not exist in jaunty10:58
dr_willisphillip41:  or use gparted10:58
veovisokay, I'll look around for a converter10:58
ubottuRetrieve information on a package: !info <package>10:58
dr_willisveovis:  gimp can convert10:58
Flora43!info xchat10:58
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.6-2.1ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 311 kB, installed size 840 kB10:58
Flora43!info amirc10:58
ubottuPackage amirc does not exist in jaunty10:58
error404notfoundcan somebody guide me on how to recover data from an ext3 partition?10:59
Flora43!info commands10:59
veovisoh, okay... Thanks dr_willis.10:59
ubottuPackage commands does not exist in jaunty10:59
phillip41ok i need to format a disk how does one do that10:59
dr_willisamirc is an old AMIGA irc client.10:59
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:59
malik__ubottu: u need util-linux to be installed10:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:59
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!10:59
shadeslayerphillip41: use mkfs10:59
dr_willis!fish | Flora4310:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fish10:59
ripps!botabuse | Flora4310:59
ubottuFlora43: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".10:59
n8tuserDracoZA -> am out of here..laters11:00
phillip41shadeslayer im new to ubuntu and have no idea how to use that command11:00
wtvFlora43: use the command /join #ubuntu-bots11:00
dr_willisphillip41:  fdisk does not format.. 'mkfs' makes a filesystem.. OR.. use the gparted command and its nice gui.11:01
shadeslayerphillip41: sudo mkfs.<format goes here> <device goes here>11:01
Flora43!info mkfs11:01
ubottuPackage mkfs does not exist in jaunty11:01
dr_willisFlora43:  try 'man mkfs' :)11:01
phillip41well i need to know how to find out what the device id is first11:01
DracoZA01n8tuser, well thanks11:01
phillip41i dont want to stuff everything up again11:01
shadeslayerphillip41: used sudo fdisk -l for that11:01
dr_willisphillip41:  'sudo fdisk -l' and look at all your devices. and see what its called.11:01
DracoZA01n8tuser, i'll just go back to 8.0411:02
shadeslayerphillip41: if you are new,i would go with dr_willis advice and use gparted11:02
dr_willisls -l /dev/disk/by-(SOMTHING) is handy also11:02
Flora43!man mkfs11:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about man mkfs11:02
phillip41what is gparted11:02
shadeslayerFlora43: in a terminal ;)11:03
dr_willisFlora43:  its a terminal command - not a bot command.11:03
shadeslayer!gparted | phillip4111:03
ubottuphillip41: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php11:03
dr_willisphillip41:  a program you install and run.11:03
zero--coolubuntu mkfs make file system11:03
dr_willisIts Linux 101 day today! :)11:03
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com11:03
shadeslayerdr_willis: you bet11:03
vakhi all11:03
phillip41im getting it now11:03
veovisdr_willis, it always is.  I've been using ubuntu or some form of linux for over a year, on and off, and I still have problems with things people consider basic11:04
dibblegoI installed the nvidia glx driver on a fresh 64-bit 9.04 installation and the machine keeps rebooting each time X tries to start11:04
dr_willis'Linux FUNdamentals!'11:04
vakwhere to install a custom package from sources to? (I would avoid a mess with the time when an official ubuntu package comes)11:04
rippsdr_willis: are you really a doctor?11:05
phillip41ok i have it installed now i need to completely get rid of everything on the drive11:05
dr_willisNvidia 64bit, fresh install, - works here for me and my 8800gtsxxx11:05
dagleesHello, I'm updating to 9.04 from 8.10 and I only got 1gb of RAM11:05
dr_willisphillip41:  format the filesystem  = erased partition.11:05
dr_willisphillip41:  what do you want ON the drive instead. is the big question.11:05
shadeslayer8600 GT x64 works here11:05
dagleesDo you think it's gonna be damn slow?11:05
rippsdaglees: I only have 524, and ubuntu runs great, the minimum is 25611:05
dr_willisripps:  I got my Degree in Love-ology11:05
dagleesripps, 9.04?11:06
dr_willisripps:  for i AM the Dr of Love!11:06
phillip41it is going to be hopefully a windows virtual drive11:06
phillip41is that possible11:06
dr_willisphillip41:  that made no sence to me.. what sort of thing are you trying to do?11:06
jigphello how to priorities http/https browsing and how to limit download/upload using ftp/ssh or http?11:06
shadeslayeryeah,i cant follow either11:06
phillip41sorry dr_willis11:06
rippsdr_willis: yes, I've been using Jaunty since Alpha 311:06
shadeslayerjigp: use gfw11:06
dr_willis!info gufw11:07
ubottugufw (source: gui-ufw): graphical user interface for ufw. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.20.7-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 272 kB, installed size 1296 kB11:07
jigpshadeslayer : gfw?11:07
shadeslayerjigp: fufw11:07
dr_willisThats new in Jaunty isent it? :)11:07
shadeslayerdamn it11:07
phillip41i have just installed ubuntu and now i need to install vista can i use this drive as a virtualbox11:07
shadeslayerdr_willis: dunno11:07
jigp!info fufw11:07
ubottuPackage fufw does not exist in jaunty11:07
shadeslayerjigp: gufw11:07
dr_willisphillip41:  with virtualbox. one normally uses 'virtual' drives made in virtualbox.   Virtualbox has good docs at its homepage.11:08
zykes-is there any way to upgrade from ubuntu gutsy to hardy or intrepid ?11:08
zykes-i thought of dist-upgrade but11:08
sea-gullhi, I've a problem with installing 9.04( Grub can't be installed, fatal error)11:08
dr_willisphillip41:  using a real physical hard drive  for virtualbox to read/access.  can be a challange/probmelatic11:08
shadeslayerjigp: you can configure which programs get access to the net11:08
phillip41ok dr_willis11:09
=== zhangone is now known as zhang1
rippszykes-: in softwater sources->updates, specify that you want to upgrade only to Long-term support releases, that would be hardy.11:09
phillip41i have no real idea about ubuntu sorry11:09
shadeslayerphillip41: we learn something new evveryday11:09
jigpshadeslayer: real time? with http/https report of which websites users visit?and bandwidth or how much bandwidth user used?11:09
shadeslayertypos everywhere11:10
phillip41yeah hope so11:10
zykes-ripps: no gui11:10
jigpshadeslayer : I don't like webgui though...more on less resources11:10
phillip41how much memory would you reccomend for a virtual drive11:10
zykes-just alter sources i guess ?11:10
shadeslayerjigp: its a GUI for the inbuilt firewall,11:10
dr_willisphillip41:  a vurtial drive takes up drive space.. not memory.11:10
dr_willisphillip41:  and the size of the VirtualDrive depends on wha tyou want to put on it.11:10
vakwhere to install a custom package from sources to? (I would avoid a mess with the official ubuntu package when it later appears)11:11
phillip41sun virtualbox is asking how much base memory11:11
shadeslayerphillip41: your RAM11:11
phillip41yeah how much should i put my laptop has 4 gig ram11:11
shadeslayerphillip41: basically how much RAM for your virtual device11:11
shadeslayerphillip41: anything between 512 MB to 1.5 GB would be fine11:12
SlipstreamDoes anyone know how I can use my laptop as a second monitor? It's an Acer, and my main PC has a Nvidia card.11:12
jigpshadeslayer: yup but its not a monitoring like bandwidth monitoring11:12
tparcinapre-up iptables-restore doesn't work for me. How can I troubleshoot?11:12
phillip41fixed size or dynamically expanding11:12
sayyestolifeI'm trying to follow this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/linux-upgrade.html , but the problem is that I can't create my filesystem since it is already mounted by the currently running OS11:13
shadeslayerjigp: no i dont think it would monitor bandwidth,dunno what would11:13
jigpshadeslayer: im trying to avoid webgui.11:13
jonnymacpermissions on cd drive are denied on every application I've been using. I'd wanted to burn an ISO file but now I've got a couple new coasters11:13
shadeslayerjigp: its not webgui11:13
tparcinawhen computer boots I don't have iptables loaded, but If I then execute pre-up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules then it loads them11:13
shadeslayerphillip41: #vbox11:13
tparcinahow to troubleshoot?11:13
phillip41whats that shadeslayer11:13
jigpshadeslayer: yes it is. $gufw ..and it appears like an ico11:13
jigpshadeslayer: yes it is. $gufw ..and it appears like an icon11:13
shadeslayerjigp: oh you mean you specifically want CLI ?11:14
jigpshadeslayer: yes. I don't like webgui. im more in CLI11:14
jigpshadeslayer: less resources11:14
dr_willisjonnymac:  if it couldent even try to burn.. then they shouldnet be coasters.. unless it failed during the burn.. (which would be odd)11:14
shadeslayerjigp: see if ufw -h has what you want11:15
sea-gulldid somebody have problem with grub installation on jaunty?11:16
shadeslayersea-gull: yeah,there was a guy who had a problem 5 hrs ago11:16
rikkardocan anyone help me setting up apache server? i have problems!11:16
babiohi guys i have ubuntu 9.04 with 2.6.27-11 kernel....i nedd to install also headers for this kernel but synaptic doesn't find it...how can i do?11:16
phillip41just need to find my windows vista disc now11:17
sea-gullshadeslayer: what can I do?11:17
shadeslayersea-gull: dont know,keep asking,or ask in #grub11:17
rippsbabio: why are you using an Intrepid kernel in Jaunty?11:18
shadeslayersea-gull: or install without installing GRUB and install grub from CLI11:18
babioi don't know i have made the upgrade routine11:18
shadeslayer!grub > sea-gull11:18
ubottusea-gull, please see my private message11:18
rippsbabio: you should be using 2.6.28 kernels11:19
babiowhat can i do to fix it?11:19
schighhey guys. i'm trying to forward some devices from a different computer onto my computer. i'm trying to use sshfs to mount remote-comp:/dev somewhere on the local filesystem. although mounting works and the remote devices show up in my local filesystem, i can't actually access any of the remote devices due to permission errors. any thoughts, anyone?11:19
shadeslayerschigh: just a thought,but did you enable sharing on the device?11:20
babioi have also tried to install 2.6.28 kernel following ubuntu comunity doc but recieve a problem also on this....could you help me11:20
traskbtIs there a way to start GnomeDo's "docky" faster? GnomeDo itself shows up almost instantly upon login, but the docky interface takes a good 10-15 seconds to start up.11:20
=== anomie is now known as Guest86973
rippsbabio: your grub is probably still setup to boot your old kernel, try playing around with startup-manager to fix that11:21
schighshadeslayer: what do you mean?11:21
rippsbabio: also, use computer janitor to clean out those old kernels11:22
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
rippsbabio: just make sure you have linux-image-generic installed, linux-headers-generic would be the headers to go with them11:22
babiocan you telle me what i have to do??? i'm not so able with linux....newbie here!!! :D11:23
rippsbabio: "sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic" just to be safe11:23
rippsbabio: ^ in a terminal11:23
babio0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded11:24
=== Mechdave is now known as Mech_away
rippsbabio: okay, then it's probably safe to remove those old kernels, goto System->Administration->Computer Janitor"11:25
babioFailed to run computer-janitor-gtk as user root. Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file.11:25
=== Mech_away is now known as Mechdave
ripps?? what?11:25
RICARDO38ther is a attack on the royal familie of holland11:25
babioi recieve this when launch janitor11:26
shadeslayer!ot > RICARDO3811:26
ubottuRICARDO38, please see my private message11:26
rippsbabio: hmmm.... let me go do some research on this, you should be getting a password prompt.11:26
RICARDO38ub this is importent you fucking imbiciel11:26
* shadeslayer ignores11:27
traskbtHow do I reload fonts so my system recognizes newly installed ones? (jEdit won't find my terminus fonts for some reason, though other apps can)11:27
schighshadeslayer: what do you mean?11:27
shadeslayerschigh: what??11:27
schighshadeslayer: when you said enable sharing on the device?11:28
rippsbabio: it seems that you get this because your account doesn't have administrative rights.11:28
babioand how could i fix that?11:28
rippsbabio: are you the only user of this computer, or did someone else install it?11:28
babioi'm the only one11:29
shadeslayerschigh: i meant is the device shared on the network,maybe thats why its triggering that11:29
=== EchoMirage is now known as echo_mirage
schighshadeslayer: i dont' know how to share devices on the network (so no, its not shared)11:29
shadeslayerschigh: so the device is on another PC  right??11:30
schighschigh: yup11:30
schighshadeslayer: yup.11:30
shadeslayerschigh: you have to right click and go to the sharing tab11:30
saeedany help with upuntu11:30
rippsbabio: my only guess is that this is a botched installation. If you don't have any access to root, then there's no way to give it to you. Just to be sure trying running 'sudo lsb_release -a' and see if your admin password works11:30
shadeslayerschigh: this may or may not be the cause,just a guess11:31
shadeslayer!hi | saeed11:31
ubottusaeed: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:31
babioi have started janitor from shell with sudo11:31
babionow what i have to do?11:31
shadeslayerbabio: :O you should have used gksu11:31
shadeslayer!root > babio11:31
ubottubabio, please see my private message11:31
saeedi wanna add programes11:31
shriekout_ihavnoth, hi11:31
saeedlike XP11:31
shadeslayersaeed: use synaptic11:31
saeedwhat this ?11:32
shadeslayer!synaptic | saeed11:32
ubottusaeed: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto11:32
babioripps: i'm running janitor clean-up11:32
shadeslayersaeed: well software in ubuntu is in form of packages,which are automatically downloaded and installed for you11:32
babioripps: i have done.....now?11:33
saeedi will try ypur link11:33
shadeslayersaeed: what do you want to install?11:33
saeedyour *11:33
rippsbabio: you got janitor working?11:33
saeedprogrames like realplayer11:33
shadeslayerripps: by using sudo :(11:33
babioripps: yes a launch it from shell with sudo command11:33
shadeslayersaeed: and vlc,etc?11:33
saeedi have vlc11:34
rippsshadeslayer babio, Computer Janitor in the menu should have invoked gksu... weird11:34
shadeslayerripps: yeah i know11:34
babioripps: now what i have to do?11:34
creative1412does they fixed the fglrx yet11:35
schighshadeslayer: no share tab on the file, but there is one for the folder. im trying it, but problem is the sharing seems to refer to windows(samba) sharing. not much use to me, i dont think11:35
rippsbabio: if you've removed all your excess programs and old kernels, you should reboot to start using the new one's11:35
rippsbabio: to be sure pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst11:35
shadeslayerschigh: ok11:36
babioripps: but in the janitor entries there weren't no kernel entry11:36
sayyestolifecan I install ubuntu via apt-get? (I have apt installed in i a fedora system)11:36
__spectreCan anyone give me any pointers about setting up the different tty's and x-screens you can access through the F-keys?11:36
shadeslayerschigh: better repeat your question then11:36
saeedshadeslayer : thank you for this url11:36
babioripps: in the grub menu.lst i still have the ubuntu 8.10 entry.....11:36
rippsbabio: are sure your running jaunty? what does "lsb_release -a" say?11:36
shadeslayersaeed: thank ubottu11:36
Scofieldi have problem in using headphones in ubuntu 9.04 cos the internal speakers work with the headphones11:37
DdayHow do you copy a folder in Ubuntu?11:37
saeedyah thank you ubottu11:37
babioDescription:Ubuntu 9.0411:37
shadeslayerdr_willis: definitely linux 101 day11:37
shadeslayerDday: ctrl+C and Ctrl+V11:38
rippsbabio: geez... I don't know... something seems to be wrong...11:38
rippsbabio: try "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"11:38
babioi think i should format and reinstall from live cd11:38
shadeslayerripps: maybe the repo? he might have the intrepid repo11:38
babio0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.11:38
rippsshadeslayer: that's what I'm thinking.11:38
supersashoDday: or drag and drop in nautilus.. if it says something about privilegies type in terminal gksudo nautilus11:39
DdayOkay cheers11:39
creative1412GUYS IS FGLRX FIXED YET?11:39
shadeslayercreative1412: no need to shout11:40
shadeslayerand no11:40
joaopintocreative1412, fglrx is not broken in general11:40
supersashoshadeslayer: : as from catalist drivers 9.4 xorg 1.6 is suported, or am i wrong?11:41
rippsbabio: I don't know, I don't have alot of experience with these kind of botched upgrades... sorry11:41
babiothank you... :D11:41
mrb__Hey... Guyz.. i have installed ubuntu JJ on Asus Laptop but i faced a problem with sound card as it doesn't disconnect the speakers when i plug a head phone anyone knows what to do  ?11:41
rippscreative1412: what's your video card? "lspci |grep VGA"11:41
shadeslayersupersasho: yeah it is11:41
creative141201:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon 210011:42
creative1412ripps: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon 210011:42
shadeslayermy notify-osd is still out of sync :(11:42
[radithz]I am looking for gyach 1.1.61 source version11:42
[radithz]anyone pls help me11:42
supersashocreative1412: new drivers catalist 9.3 and newer doesnt support radeons older then r6xx :(11:42
jigpshadeslayer: im not satisfied with ufh thing11:43
creative1412:'( i know and radeon sucks!11:43
creative1412wanna downgrade to 8.1011:43
[radithz]i got new version from Linux mint source11:43
[radithz]i got new version from Linux mint11:43
induscreative1412: ya we should have a downgrade tool11:43
rippscreative1412: don't won't fix that, they've dropped support. Only the opensource community loves you enough to give you a driver11:44
supersashocreative1412: so you have 2 choices II8.10 xorg 1.5 and catalyst < 9.3 or JJ9.04 and Opensource drivers11:44
joaopintocreative1412, it was ATI dropping support for those cards, do not expect to be fixed unless you ask ATI to do so....11:44
creative1412that's it! iam Buying a nVIDIA11:44
indusso which driver supports r600 and has 3d support?11:44
supersashocreative1412: that's also a sollution :)11:45
shadeslayerjigp: no idea then,you could search synaptic11:45
creative14129600 GT is fine?11:45
indusya its super11:45
shadeslayercreative1412: dont go for the 8XXX series11:45
rippsindus: at this point, I believe all three do, but fglrx has the best performance probably11:45
mrb__any one knows how to fix the sound card problem.... ?!11:45
supersashoindus: in *buntu 9.04 its the 9.4 catalyst driver11:45
shadeslayer!sound | mrb__11:45
ubottumrb__: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:45
indus9.4 supports r 600?11:45
supersashoindus: as far as i know, yes11:46
creative1412600 EGP =100$ does 9600 worth 100$?11:46
induscreative1412: then whats the problem?11:46
rippsindus: catalyst 9.4 should support up to r77011:46
induswokay so all seems well with ati?11:46
mrb__i tried them out.. the sound card is working...but when i plug the headphone.. the speakers keeps working11:46
mrb__it doesn't disconnect11:46
rippsindus: as long as you have an r600 or above11:46
indusbut ATI 4770 its good i hear11:47
indusnewly launched 40 nm die11:47
Scofieldanybody know how can i make dial up on ubuntu11:47
rippsindus: I believe that should work with fglrx, yes.11:47
trollboyI'm doing a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg via ssh and its not giiving me video card options.  How can I force it?  My x display is currently flickering itself into oblivion11:47
creative1412i am going now to get 9600 gt and am not kidding! ATI SUCKS!11:47
indusScofield: which version of ubuntu?11:47
azlonis there a way to take advantage of two NIC cards and two separate internet connections to combine them and basically double my bandwidth?11:47
shadeslayer!dialup > Scofield11:48
ubottuScofield, please see my private message11:48
indusazlon: i dont thinik thats possible but it would be nice11:48
lupine_85azlon, not particularly11:48
lupine_85there are ways you can do it, in theory, if you have an endpoint on the Internet somewhere (using bonding), but the overheads are quite severe11:48
supersashoindus: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amd_catalyst_94&num=111:48
joaopintoazlon, you could set specific routings per hosts, however it would be a nightmare to manage11:49
azlonis there some special equipment that would combine the two connections? I don't think a typical router would do it...11:49
Scofieldi installed a driver but not work it always writing "Sending Password ..."11:49
indusazlon: NO there is no such equipment or i have never heard of it11:49
JMFTheVCIcupsdAuthorize: Local authentication certificate not found! is stopping me printing to a network printer11:49
rippscreative1412: That maybe so, but ATI is giving away more chipset docs than nvidia to opensource, and because of that the radeon driver will be one of the first to feature gallium3d support11:49
indusripps: gallium etc all theory isnt it/11:50
rippsindus: at the moment, but it has alot of potential11:50
indusgood in theory but the fact is nvidia makes working drivers :)11:50
azlonjoaopinto: would it be possible to have all of my torrents on one connection and everything else on the other? I have free internet in my building but it is unreliable. I also have a HSDPA connection that has a limited bandwidth every month...11:50
rippsindus: yeah, but nouvou is proabably catching up to them.11:51
indusok ill go with you on that one but the open drivers seem to be taking painfully long to catch up11:51
azlonI don't really care if the torrents stop because they will resume when the building internet is back up... but I also don't want to use all of my monthly bandwidth in a day with torrents11:51
indusripps: no nouvou is still on 2d only11:51
roloHiya.  I'm running Jauny, but all of a sudden when I click on any of my non linux drives to mount them, nothing happens.  It worked fine until tiday.  I don't get an error message or anything so I don't know how to troubleshoot.  Will there be a log file or something somewhere?  Cheers.11:51
rippsindus: that's because their focusing all their 3d code into gallium11:52
roloThey show up in the list in the "Computer" icon.11:52
saeedi try sudo apt-get install vmware   it give me  (udo apt-get install vmware ) :(11:52
indusripps: isnt nouvoue for nvidia?11:52
rippsindus: yes11:52
shadeslayerrolo: yeah,my drives open but it takes up an awfully long time for the authorization dialouge to come up11:52
indusripps: iam talking about ATI drivers11:52
indusstill far off the mark?11:52
saeedad iam root11:52
shadeslayersaeed: better not be11:53
saeedhow i can be usr11:53
indusindus> river /civilisation existed somwhere around india/pakistan :)11:53
shadeslayersaeed: in what application/terminal are you root?11:53
indushi all11:53
rippsindus: i was too, but thatn was talking to creative1412 about ati releasing chip docs, when he was saying nvidia was superior... and well the conversation deviated from there11:53
roloshadeslaer: cheers.  mine are defintely broken though.  have wwaited minutes.11:53
indusripps: ok i know11:54
joaopintoazlon, I guess for that specific case yes, you could setup a fireweall rule to drive your bt traffic to a specific gateway11:54
indusindus: i have a jaunty update question11:54
joaopintoand use the other connection as your default gw11:54
saeedcan i opean privte chat here ? with u11:54
rolois there somewhere I can see a log file?  Or some commnad line I can use to do the game thign so I see the error?11:54
rippsindus: you asking yourself?11:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:54
creator-cdscmy wireless card is not being recognized by my kernel. when i say iwconfig it shows me lo eth0 and irdao0 with no wireless extensions11:55
creator-cdschow do i check which wireless network card i have?11:55
indusi changed update notifier to old behaviour but i still dont see the orange icon glowing on its own, only shows when i manually update11:55
laegpulseaudio is a joke and often messes up my sound, is it safe to just search synaptic for it and remove it?11:56
rippsindus: yeah, me neither, but I've heard it checks at like 3AM11:56
coder_my system has no sound , could you help me?11:56
indusripps: 1 week has gone by waiting for it11:56
laegcoder_: it's pulse audio11:56
zirodaylaeg: sure11:56
indusripps: i changed interval to 0 days too11:56
zirodaycoder_: make sure all the volume sliders are up to the max11:56
laegziroday: i won't be left with no sound whatsoever then?11:56
indusoh ok then iam staying awake till 3 am today11:56
zirodaylaeg: no, it will just not use PA, but go direct to alsa instead11:57
rippsindus: doesn't bug me much, I'm too add to wait for updates, I just keep manualy intiating them11:57
JMFTheVCIsince the upgrade to jaunty, I have no network printing, I can get the network printer to list and verify but all printing goes down a black hole. cups error log says cupsdAuthorize: Local authentication certificate not found!11:57
laegziroday: ty11:57
zirodaylaeg: you can also kill PA with pulseaudio -k11:57
roloCan anyone help? Hiya. I'm running Jaunty, but all of a sudden when I click on any of my non linux drives to mount them, nothing happens. It worked fine until tiday. I don't get an error message or anything so I don't know how to troubleshoot. Will there be a log file or something somewhere? Cheers.11:57
creator-cdschow do i check which wireless network card i have?11:57
zirodaycreator-cdsc: lspci | grep -i networking11:57
rjharvrolo: check dmesg froma shell11:57
PerryArmstrongwhat is the difference between using mkdir dir1 dir1/dir11  and   mkdir -p dir1 dir1/dir1111:57
creator-cdscziroday: it doesn't show anything11:58
induslspci | grep -i networking11:58
zirodaycreator-cdsc: can you pastebin you're lspci please :)11:58
rippsPerryArmstrong: the -p flag tells it creat parent directory if missing.11:58
rippsPerryArmstrong: so instead of telling you can't make dir11 because ther is no dir1, it will make both dir1/dir1111:59
rolorjharv: thanks! :>11:59
rjharvrolo: nps11:59
induscreator-cdsc: similarly lspci | grep -i vga will give you display properties11:59
PerryArmstrongripps; okk now i understood..thanq11:59
JMFTheVCIhow do I fix a local authentication certificate error in cupsd?11:59
zirodaycoder_: sure, but here :)11:59
mattycozehey guys, how come jaunty jakelope won't allow plug and play connectivity between wireless broadband internet devices?12:00
creator-cdscziroday: how do i pastebin?12:00
gluonmanIs there a version of the stars plugin for compiz that works in Jaunty?12:00
mattycozeI have to start the computer up with the device pre-connected12:00
zirodaycoder_: the pulseaudio system should be fine. Please right click on the volume icon in the panel and go to mixer and make sure all the sliders (including PCM) is at max12:00
ziroday!pastebin | creator-cdsc12:01
ubottucreator-cdsc: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:01
coder_The pulse audio has bug?12:01
roloHmmm.. nothing in dmesg.  Maybe the mount isn't being attempted?  I isntalled some updates this morning.  Maybe they broke something?12:01
zirodaycoder_: every piece of software has bugs12:01
abamahow to use stty to config /dev/ttyS0 to "119200 8n1 -ixon -crtscts"?12:02
mattycozehow come the network manager applet won't recognise my USB broadband modem whenever I plug it in, but will connect if i start the computer up with it plugged in already12:02
coder_yeah, but it can work on ubuntu 8.*12:02
creator-cdscziroday: http://paste.ubuntu.com/161337/12:02
NicEXEhow can I boot from ubuntu live CD on my macbook pro (intel based)? I allways get some errors12:02
zirodaycreator-cdsc: your wireless card is "Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG"12:03
mattycozehow come the network manager applet won't recognise my USB broadband modem whenever I plug it in, but will connect if i start the computer up with it plugged in already??12:04
coder_ziroday: i have tried your suggestion,but it can not work12:04
daftykinsmattycoze, it's quite possible that the app needs to start up with all interfaces available12:04
ziroday!sound | coder_ please follow this12:04
ubottucoder_ please follow this: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:04
mattycozedaftykins what do you mean by that?12:05
chrismharrishas anybody had problems with a bluetooth mouse in 9.04 running on a macbook pro , mine seams to work for a second then stops working12:05
mattycozedaftykins, is there a way i can enable all 'interfaces' available?12:05
daftykinsnetwork manager starts up after seeing your adapter, in your working example - thus it isn't able to adapt to seeing interfaces after they become available12:05
creator-cdscziroday: thanks a lot, now how do i install the wi-fi drivers so that i can connect to a wireless network?12:05
NicEXEhow can I boot from ubuntu live CD on my macbook pro (intel based)? I allways get some errors after I pass from the menu12:06
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:06
zirodaycreator-cdsc: they should be already installed12:06
BurningSebraHelp please. I managed to crate 2 partitions for ubuntu with the 2 swap things. I just need 1 ext 3 partition and 1 swap. Im new to ubuntu and need guidance in: 1- Finding out in which partition the ubuntu im using now is on. And how to delete the ubuntu partition im NOT on. To so merge it to my Vista partition...12:06
daftykinsfor a device you don't have plugged in all the time mattycoze you'll probably have to either work around it or discover how to restart network manager at the desktop12:06
joaopintodaftykins, actually on 8.10 you could just plug a device after boot, and NM would normally recognized it12:06
Spity_Hi, some help to install enutv-2 in ubuntu 9.04?12:07
mattycozedaftykins, ahh; i don't get it; this didn't happen in the previous distro12:07
mattycozeyeah joaopinto's right :)12:07
daftykinsthat's what i expected joaopinto but it sounds like it doesn't like it12:07
joaopintoand on jaunty, it also identifies when I plug my 3G PCMCIA card, however it does not setup it properly, as it did on intrepid12:07
joaopintodaftykins, right, but that is not a feature, it's a bug ;)12:07
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots12:07
zirodayBurningSebra: you probably want to use the Partition Editor (install it with sudo apt-get install gparted)12:07
daftykinsso ... yeah :)12:07
creator-cdscziroday: but in my case, they are not. when i run iwconfig, it shows me lo eth0 and irda0      with "no wireless extensions" written next to the 312:08
zirodaycreator-cdsc: okay, give me 30 secs :)12:08
SwianOnly issue I had with Jaunty was is not getting my resolutions right for my monitor but I had it on a KVM12:08
daftykinsyeah can't blame it for that. most KVMs are quite bad for that12:08
zirodaycreator-cdsc: also can you pastebin lsmod please12:08
Swianwondering if there is a DVI kvm12:09
SwianI could upgrade12:09
daftykinsBurningSebra, i don't think i would recommend remerging a partition with a Vista partition12:09
Swianyep found some12:09
creator-cdscziroday: http://mibbit.com/pb/dY750y12:09
sinthey, i've install 9.04 and catalyst 9.4 but now my whole system is a mess! :( if i boot up i only get garbage on the X screen and everything is frozen. what can i do to fix this?12:09
gluonmanAnyone know anything about the stars plugin for compiz? Is there a working version for 9.04?12:10
=== busta is now known as netop
demon_how can i turn iso to .img so i can boot it via usb12:10
daftykinssint check your xorg.conf for any ATI driver configuration and remove it, so it only runs with the VESA driver or some such12:10
ZtaHow do I remove the password from my ubuntu keyring?  I'm promted to enter it when the machine start up and attempts to logon to the network, which is annoying.  Is there a better approach than to disable keyring?  E.g. grant NetworkManager access to keyring at all times?  Hm, thanks, I'll look into it right away...12:10
zirodaycreator-cdsc: hmm, the drivers are loaded. Can you do sudo rmmod ipw2200 and then sudo modprobe ipw2200 and then pastebin the output of dmesg | tail -50 please12:11
BurningSebraziroday: i already got it, but i dont get it to do what i want. i got a image if you care to look. http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/1585/gparted1.jpg12:11
daftykinsdemon_, look into unetbootin for USB key booting from a pre-existing ISO12:11
traskbtI'm looking for a way to remove *all* config files from my system for an application after I uninstall it, does anyone know a way to do this?12:11
joaopintotraskbt, sudo apt-get purge package (but it needs to be installed)12:11
tparcinapre-up command in /etc/network/interface doesn't work for me. how to troubleshoot?12:11
sintdaftykins: my xorg.conf only contains random stuff. nothing really important, but sections with identifier. thats all12:11
tparcinaproblem is that pre-up iptables-restore doesn't restore iptables configuration :(12:12
daftykinsok sint in your Device section define a variable called "Driver" and set it to "vesa" and try starting X12:12
mattycoze_soz my net dropped out; jaopinto is there a bug report already out?12:12
zirodayBurningSebra: okay, sda5 and sda6 have no use12:12
traskbtjoaopinto, that will remove files like ~/.app_config and ~/.config/app/conf2 and whatever else there might be?12:12
demon_daftykins,  i looked and i tried but nothing! it makes only a lil sys file on my usb12:12
mattycoze_(Re; the network manager app issue with USB 3G modems)12:12
daftykinsyou may need to RTM demon_12:12
BurningSebraziroday: mind guiding me on this gparted program?12:13
creator-cdscziroday: done, here's the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/161355/12:13
zirodayBurningSebra: sure, are you on a livecd currently?12:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rtm12:13
zirodaycreator-cdsc: thanks12:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about RTM12:13
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.12:13
demon_daftykins, wgat is RTM12:13
daftykinsread the manual12:14
BurningSebraziroday: no i have instaled this ubuntu12:14
zirodaycreator-cdsc: hmm, what version of ubuntu are you using?12:14
traskbt(I wasn't trying to be rude, just trying to help demon_ find it)12:14
daftykinsBurningSebra, so you appear to have two installations after your Vista partition12:14
zirodayBurningSebra: okay, well it should be as easy as selecting the last two partitions and deleting them12:14
creator-cdscziroday: well, i am not using ubuntu, i am using debian12:14
daftykinsoops sorry ziroday :)12:14
demon_lol traskbt12:14
demon_where can i find the manual12:15
sintdaftykins: i did, but maybe i did it wrong. freeze again. i can login with ssh but can't shut down gdm. just a second, i'll try to get it with vesa12:15
J-_demon_: manual for what?12:15
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BurningSebraziroday: unable to delete /dev/sda6 Please unmount any logical partitions having a number higher than 612:15
demon_J-_, turn iso in to img12:15
zirodaycreator-cdsc: right, you need to ask in #debian. Not here. Tell them your wireless card, and give them the dmesg output12:15
zirodayBurningSebra: okay, you need to delete it on a livecd12:15
daftykinssint it should happily restart from "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"12:15
creator-cdscziroday: ok, thanks a lot for your help :)12:15
BurningSebraziroday: roger. back when i get the live cd up12:16
daftykinsziroday, was it not that it couldn't delete 6 because 7 and 8 exist?12:16
J-_demon_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=557237 Not sure how reliable it is.12:17
demon_:) thanks mate12:17
jigpthanks ubuntu12:17
zirodaydaftykins: no, it mess around on the extended partition until everything on it was unmounted12:17
daftykinsoh said person was using one of the installs, ok, missed that bit12:18
zetherooI am finding the packaging management apps in jaunty, both in Kubuntu and Ubuntu, to be very unstable and glitchy ... sometimes getting stuck while reloading the sources, opening to no available packages or spitting out errors about something having crashed somewhere ...12:18
sintdaftykins: it does not, i don't know why12:19
adacI have no sound anymore since upgraded to jaunty. Any hints?12:19
J-_zetheroo: Before installing, did you verify the md5?12:19
joaopintoadac, have you check the level with alsamixer ?12:19
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:19
zetheroothis is happening on two seperate machines with fresh installs and having reinstalled several times from USB flash disk and CD12:19
traskbtadac, mute/unmute, plug in speakers, turn up volume?12:19
daftykinszetheroo, how does package management perform from command line?12:20
zetheroodaftykins: that seems to work12:20
adactraskbt, that helped ysterday once. today its again the same and mute unmute does also not work anymore12:20
ActionParsnip1hey all, is it better to have the apps on an SSD and the home on a SATA due to the amount of times that the home dir gets accessed for data to reduce w12:20
traskbt!sound | adac12:20
ubottuadac: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:20
gluonmanHow can I uninstall a plugin I added to compiz using git?12:21
ActionParsnip1adac: sudo lshw -C sound   see if a driver is loaded12:21
daftykinsyeah ActionParsnip1 , and swap on SATA too12:21
zetherooalso Hardware Drivers is not picking up the ATI drivers even though it has them there for activation ... same thing with packages not responding through the UI tools12:21
adactraskbt, mut unmute helped now again! will this problem be solved?12:21
daftykinsnot that swap ever gets touched in most installs of course12:21
ActionParsnip1daftykins: ok cool (I dont use swap, 2Gb ram for surfing and chatting is more than enough ;))12:21
daftykins:) agreed12:21
daftykinsalthough i notice it's needed for hibernating laptops :(12:21
traskbtadac, I have no idea what the issue actually is, heh.12:21
dalianghello, my realpyer  11 only can playe rmvb without sound! i konw i should install "aoss" and add it into "/usr/lib/realplay-11.0.0/realplay" but i don't konw add to where!  http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/1417812:22
adactraskbt, I think this is a jaunty bug12:22
daftykinsadac does a jaunty livecd work fine audio wise?12:22
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adacdaftykins, I will try that out later!12:22
zetheroois there a known issue with the package managment apps in Jaunyu? ... or am I alone in this?12:22
ActionParsnip1just thinking though, would booting off a live cd with 4Gb RAM actually run faster for a person with very limited needs (like mine) as the apps will reside on a ram disk. So over time would the performance improve as the contents of the ram shaped to my usage. I would of course have swap on the internal disk and use the internal for storage12:23
ActionParsnip1zetheroo: wassup?12:23
daftykinszetheroo, to be honest everything works absolutely fine here. just slow mirrors after release day, but that's all settled down for me where i am12:23
traskbtzetheroo, I haven't used the package manager in Jaunty yet, but I'm going to know and let you know how it works for me.12:23
ActionParsnip1zetheroo: apt-get has never failed me yet, its all i sue12:23
zetherooActionParsnip1: just very strange behaviours from Kubuntu and Ubuntu package managment apps12:24
oliver3Does anyone know if there is something wrong with wine + fglrx (official from ATi site) in 9.04?12:24
zetherooActionParsnip1: ok12:24
ActionParsnip1zetheroo: can you expand on that12:24
ActionParsnip1oliver3: are you using the wine from the wine repo?12:24
oliver3No DirectX apps seem to work, just erroring out with X errors12:24
oliver3ActionParsnip1, yes12:24
rippsActionParsnip1: That's the idea behind persistent liveusb's, but unlike livecd's, you can save files to your home12:24
daftykinsi just received an update for synaptic zetheroo XD12:24
zetherooActionParsnip1: I am finding the packaging management apps in jaunty, both in Kubuntu and Ubuntu, to be very unstable and glitchy ... sometimes getting stuck while reloading the sources, opening to no available packages or spitting out errors about something having crashed somewhere ...12:24
zetheroodaftykins: really?12:25
ActionParsnip1ripps: well if i mount /home to my internal, the program data will surely sit in ram, making it super fast12:25
daftykinsyep zetheroo12:25
ActionParsnip1ripps: is my idea, or am i reading it wrong12:25
daftykinsupdate manager literally just popped up12:25
daftykinsor rather didn't, sat on the taskbar12:25
BurningSebraziroday: im back and on a live cd12:26
zetheroomaybe the Jaunty servers are just really overloaded ... and me being in the great down-under am having a hard time getting my share of the goods12:26
theo_how do I set it up so that when a client telnets to my computer, it automatically runs a python script that they can use?12:26
zirodayBurningSebra: great, now try remove the last two partitions again12:26
rippsActionParsnip1: I'm sure it's possible, I'm pretty sure Knoppix livecd saves home by creating a disk image of home on your harddrive.12:26
zirodayBurningSebra: sda5 and sda612:26
BurningSebraziroday: cant same error12:26
BurningSebraziroday:  sda6 is locked has that keyholder icon now.12:26
anonHello, how do I disable ipv6 on Ubuntu 9.04?12:26
zirodayBurningSebra: did you mount your previous install on the livecd?12:27
Boohbahzetheroo: you can always use a server that is closer to you12:27
ActionParsnip1ripps: i'm just trying to get my whole OS in ram as I have nearly as much as my / partition is big (2.6Gb)12:27
J-_I dislike how there's no system notifications in the notification applet in jaunty. If the indicator applet is for that, it's never worked. It worked in alpha, I've to see it start up now, so I disabled it.12:27
BurningSebraziroday: havent mounted anything12:27
indusJ-_: It surely sucks12:27
ActionParsnip1theo_: let me search12:27
zetherooBoohbah: yeah ... that may just work .. I usually set it to Main ... but there is also Australia ...12:27
indusi dont even know what the indicator applet indicates12:27
zirodayBurningSebra: hmph. what does hovering over the keyholder say?12:27
theo_ActionParsnip1: thank you12:27
BurningSebraziroday: dont understand what you mean12:28
daftykinsindus i have Pidgin running and indicator applet changes to show when i have new messages etc. but yeah i don't really get its' purpose12:28
BurningSebrai point the icon, no text apears if its that12:28
J-_indus: I wouldn't say it sucks, but it's rather in development, just like the notifications. If you want a very solid distro, go for a LTS release.12:28
IHS_Internif I put sudo -in- a script, will it prompt the user for a password? I have 2 commands I need done that require root, and that's it.12:28
zirodayBurningSebra: hmm okay. Can you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l and mount please12:29
Boohbahtheo_: add the script to the user's ~/.bash_profile12:29
mib_81wrm4owwelcome all12:29
rippsdaftykins: indicator-applet is a testbed for future changes in the next ubuntu, but for now they're using us as guinea pigs to work out any of the bugs12:29
theo_I wanted to set up something that did not even require a login12:29
anonHow do I disable ipv6 on Ubuntu 9.04?12:29
BoohbahIHS_Intern: you can use the NOPASSWD option in /etc/sudoers12:30
BoohbahIHS_Intern: 'man sudoers' for syntax12:30
oliver3So... nobody know of any wine + fglrx problems?12:30
jribtheo_: system -> administration -> login window12:30
theo_jrib: I'm using a server.12:30
IHS_InternBoohbah: I want this to be able to drop on 30-40 computers I'm managing12:30
IHS_Internwith as little work making it work on each system as possible.12:31
jribtheo_: be more specific about what you want12:31
indusyes J-_12:31
ActionParsnip1oliver3: if you suspect something, log a bug12:31
rippsIHS_Intern Boohbah: you should only edit /etc/sudoers with the visudo command, otherwise you could cause irrepairble harm that won't allow you use sudo ever again.12:31
BoohbahIHS_Intern: check out cfengine12:31
indusThinking of switching back to the intelligent hardy12:31
theo_jrib: Have you ever seen the star wars telnet? I wanted to make something that people could telnet to and use. The python script that is running would get information from the user and send feedback12:32
Boohbahtheo_: and you want to do this without any authentication?12:32
jribtheo_: so what is your question?12:32
indusdaftykins: pidgin shows new messages on its own anyway12:32
BurningSebraziroday> i unlocked the sda612:32
PerryArmstrongwhen i try to download a large file, say jaunty iso file...it takes me nearly 14 hrs... and sometimes there maybe a power cut or sometimes internet maybe down...is there any good download managers that will ensure that my download continues from where it had stopped..12:32
pyjama_spankDeluge problem, I've removed the system tray icon (by accidentaly right clicking and removing) and I can't get it back. It's enabled in Deluge but it's not there.12:32
theo_boohbah: correct12:33
daftykinsindus that's precisely my point12:33
zirodayBurningSebra: great, but you need sda5 too :). Did you get that info that I asked for?12:33
bazhangPerryArmstrong, bit torrent?12:33
theo_jrib: my question was how to get some kind of server that would be listening on the telnet port and when someone connects run a script12:33
BurningSebraziroday> commands. working on it12:33
zirodayPerryArmstrong: wget?12:33
indusand the ctl atl del disable12:33
zirodayBurningSebra: wonderful!12:33
jribtheo_: write it?12:33
Boohbahtheo_: so, just have your script listen on some port...12:33
indusdaftykins: they disable that and i cant get that to work12:33
rippsPerryArmstrong: I personally use aria2c to download most of my stuff, it's like wget on steroids.12:33
indusdaftykins: dont zap is dangerous and my display doesnt load12:34
ripps!info aria2 | PerryArmstrong12:34
ubottuPerryArmstrong: aria2 (source: aria2): High speed download utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.2-1 (jaunty), package size 1250 kB, installed size 3532 kB12:34
zirodaypyjama_spank: right clicking and removing?12:34
theo_I wanted to do it another way, but I guess writing it would be best12:34
daftykinsindus i see no reason for you to be telling me this12:34
indusso all these fixes are no use12:34
indusdaftykins: ya true12:34
unoptheo_, you can do that by using the inetd superserver12:34
zirodaypyjama_spank: there is no remove option in deluge notification icon right-click menu. Did you remove the notification area?12:34
daftykinsif you have a question please phrase one as such12:34
BurningSebraziroday> http://pastebin.com/ma2aff7e   what command is that mount12:34
zirodayBurningSebra: just type mount :)12:35
theo_unop: how would I go about using the inetd superserver?12:35
indusdaftykins: neither do i see a reason for you to be commenting on it12:35
pyjama_spankZiroday, sounds like I've removed the notification area12:35
PerryArmstrongripps; are you sure that aria2c can resume...wget can't resume..i have tried wget...12:35
daftykinsindus, because you keep highlighting me =|12:35
zirodaypyjama_spank: right click on blank space on the panel, add applet > add the notification area12:35
pyjama_spankziroday, it's back, many thanks for the rapid help12:35
zirodaypyjama_spank: have fun!12:35
J-_PerryArmstrong: man wget I'm sure it tells you all about it12:35
rippsPerryArmstrong: Yep, just run aria2c -c $url, and your set12:35
PerryArmstrongbazhang; are you sure that bittorrent will do??? that means the torrent should be available??12:35
induswell ok nvm12:35
zirodayPerryArmstrong: gwget is a simple graphical download manager12:36
indushow to renable CTL ATL BACKSPACE IN JAUNTY12:36
BurningSebraziroday> http://pastebin.com/m231963bd12:36
PerryArmstrongripps; you mean its a shell command12:36
bazhangPerryArmstrong, you may try ripps' suggestion too12:36
PerryArmstrongziroday; but will it solve my problem??12:36
zirodayindus: please do not shout. Run sudo dontzap --disable12:36
rippsPerryArmstrong: yes, enter that same command again to resume where you left of.12:36
unoptheo_, http://www.xinetd.org/ http://www.xinetd.org/sample.shtml12:36
zirodayPerryArmstrong: yes, if your download stops you can resume it12:36
indusok i only meant ctl atl in bold12:36
PerryArmstrongziroday,ripps,bazhang; thanq12:36
bazhang!dontzap > indus12:37
ubottuindus, please see my private message12:37
zirodayBurningSebra: hmm, I'm not seeing anything. What does sudo umount /dev/sda7 say?12:37
wtlhow do i make pidgin use notify-osd?12:37
zirodaywtl: it should already12:38
theo_unop: thanks12:38
indusbazhang: thanks a lot , i didnt know i need to install a package for that12:39
wtlziroday, i preserved old pidgin config files. it doesnt work for me. what do i adjust?12:39
J-_wtl: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111026412:39
fatbrainHi, is there some way I can set Workspace affinity for a process? i.e. always launch VirtualBox in Workspace #2?12:39
zirodaywtl: not sure sorru12:39
* J-_ facepalms12:39
zirodayfatbrain: devilspie can do that IIRC12:39
=== baskingshark is now known as paul68
coder_i am back, my ubuntu still has no sound. When i start my system,i get a warning/error " pulse audio  ... pre-user session".12:40
BurningSebraumount: /dev/sda7: not mounted12:40
fatbrainziroday, thanks I'll google that :)12:40
coder_and there is  a strange thing, i can hear the sound at the login window12:40
indusnotification old behaviour how to get it back?12:40
zirodayBurningSebra: err what is mounted then? (what still has the lock icon?)12:40
zirodayindus: install gnome-stracciatella-session12:41
creator-cdscziroday: iwconfig is now showing eth1 with wireless extension. how do i now see the detected wireless networks?12:41
zirodaycreator-cdsc: you need to ask in #debian. Not here.12:41
JohnSourcerI need some advice12:41
creator-cdscziroday: ok12:41
ubottuJohnSourcer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:42
ali4everhi, wanted to ask , to install photoshop on ubuntu is wine enough or rossOver Linux is recomanded ?12:43
zirodayBurningSebra: okay, do sudo umount /dev/sda812:44
JohnSourcerwhats the most popular mail client?12:44
ziroday!best > JohnSourcer12:44
ubottuJohnSourcer, please see my private message12:44
ali4ever*crossOver i ment not rossOver (typo)12:44
coz_ali4ever,   I have not tried to install photoshop on linux yet  however  I believe either is fine and wine itself also now has support for wacom tablets I blieve12:44
J-_ali4ever: Try Gimp12:44
BurningSebraumount: /dev/sda8: not mounted12:44
JohnSourcerI din't say best12:44
JohnSourcerI said most popular12:44
coz_ali4ever,  is this cs2  or cs3?12:45
coz_or cs412:45
ali4everJ- , i would like to but thats not for me for a photoshop designer12:45
zirodayBurningSebra: hmm, what about sudo umount /dev/sda212:45
BurningSebraumount: /dev/sda2: not mounted12:45
J-_ali4ever: Which version of photoshop are you running?12:45
ali4evercoz , well the guy is used to use photoshop 7 (very old) but meight be i will make him move to other version12:46
BurningSebraits fuckt up12:46
coz_ali4ever,  then there should be no issue installing it   I think cs3  even installs with wine now let me google hold on12:46
bazhangBurningSebra, watch the language12:46
ali4everJ- ,  it currently on windows photoshop 7 is used by him, but i meight convice him of changing the version12:46
BurningSebraha! sorry12:47
ali4evercoz, that would be very nice12:47
coz_ali4ever, here is a link for cs2  let me look for cs1 and cs3  http://luiscosio.com/how-to-adobe-photoshop-cs2-on-ubuntu-10-steps12:47
zirodayBurningSebra: ooh I think I know what the issue is. Do sudo swapoff12:48
hilali4ever: ps 7 works fine in wine, later version do not12:48
J-_ali4ever: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=133612:48
coz_ali4ever,  here is a general  photoshop install  http://lifehacker.com/software/photoshop/how-to-install-photoshop-on-ubuntu-206827.php12:48
ali4evercoz, thanks very much12:48
ali4everj-, thanks alot12:48
coz_ali4ever,  you will find however .  since gimp now has cmyk support that it is worth working with12:48
ali4everhil, thank you , all of you been very helpful12:49
coz_ali4ever,   although no photoshop plugins can really be used with gimp  it is still worth the effort  along with inkscape for vector images12:49
coz_ali4ever,   i woujld go as far as to say that inkscape  surpasses adobe  illustrator in many ways12:49
saurabh1403sound in ubuntu 8.04 is very low in my dell laptop...any idea of fixing it...i have pcm level to maximum in alsamixer settings12:49
ali4evercoz, i will show him gimp but i don't think he is kind of guy who will change photoshop (he is still using photoshop 7 cause he didnt like changes)12:49
zirodayBurningSebra: err sudo swapoff -a then :)12:49
J-_!sound > saurabh140312:50
ubottusaurabh1403, please see my private message12:50
coz_ali4ever,  I understand   and gimp will impose a learning curve even if he wants to try it12:50
ali4evercoz, i see12:50
ali4evercoz, thanks for the advices12:50
coz_ali4ever,  no problem    however again if you or he is interested in vector illustration I would move over to inkscape  for windows or linux12:51
BurningSebrai restarted gparted and now theres no keyholder icon12:52
zirodayBurningSebra: woo12:52
zirodayBurningSebra: now you can delete the sda5 and sda612:52
BurningSebraok. im gonna try to merge the linux partitions12:52
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs12:53
quantumhi there12:53
superdavhas anyone expirience problems with intel i810 graphics not being loaded by ubuntu by default?12:53
quantumI am playing torcs and in championship there is only one car thats mine12:53
linuxman410is ubuntu secure enough   operating system to pay bills online with no worries12:53
quantumhow can I get more cars12:53
shadeslayersuperdav: its a regression12:53
TarBarlinuxman410: Yes. More secure than windows.12:53
shadeslayerquantum: buying them12:53
superdavshadeslayer, what do you mean?12:54
TecR0clinuxman410 just make sure the website is secure12:54
slade605Hey all, is it possible to upgrade from 8.04 x32 server to 9.04 server x64 without a burnable disc?12:54
superdavi understand im running on framebuffer now12:54
J-_ali4ever: Vector animation and such check out pencil. xaralx is also good for vectors as well.12:54
linuxman410ok thanks12:54
shadeslayersuperdav: i mean that its a known issue and being dealt with12:54
quantumshadeslayer: means ?12:55
quantumI have to buy players in that championship race ?12:55
superdavhow can i load the correct one? i fetched xserver-video-xorg-i81012:55
quantumI mean for that race12:55
BurningSebraziroday sorry but nothing to intuitive on gparted for me. you help me merge the new 40 gig unallocated space to the /dev/sda5 partition?12:55
shadeslayerquantum: what race?12:55
quantumtorcs -> championship race12:55
quantumI see only my car and no others12:55
shadeslayersuperdav: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114102812:56
gtricksHOla que tal12:56
gtricksalguien que hable español por aqui12:56
Boohbah!es | gtricks12:56
ubottugtricks: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:56
shadeslayerquantum: dunno,never used that12:56
quantumshadeslayer: even in non championship race , endurance race and dtm race there is only 1 car thats mine12:56
saeedhow to install Kiba Dock in ubuntu12:56
eb_hi all12:57
quantumwhere are the other computer players12:57
eb_I have the touchpad not working in the new 9.04 release12:57
eb_any idea how to solve the problem?12:57
Boohbahquantum: what does that have to do with ubuntu?12:57
BurningSebraziroday: ziroday sorry but nothing to intuitive on gparted for me. you help me merge the new 40 gig unallocated space to the /dev/sda5 partition?12:57
zirodayBurningSebra: unfortunately I have to run. Sorry12:57
BurningSebrathanks m812:57
shadeslayersaeed: find it in synaptic and right click > mark for installation > apply12:58
BurningSebrafor the help12:58
zirodayBurningSebra: just delete the last two partitions and then fill the remaining ext3 partition in the empty space12:58
zirodayBurningSebra: sorry I couldn't stay for longer :). Good luck!12:58
mib_1ef5ewccHallo all. Simple question (hopefully). If my DNS servers are assigned via DHCP, what terminal command shows what they are? Thanks :)12:58
Boohbahmib_1ef5ewcc: cat /etc/resolv.conf12:58
mib_1ef5ewccJust what I needed - thanks Boohbah :)12:59
TarBarCan anyone help me.. I'm trying to install ubuntu server edition. I select my NIC from the list and it checks it for DHCP but fails the autoconfiguration..?13:00
saeedits not working13:00
slade605is it possible to go from x86 to x64 w/o a CD to install from?13:01
shadeslayerTarBar: #ubuntu-server13:01
saeedsynaptic not work mybe crash :(13:01
TarBarAh k13:01
indussladen: no it is not possible13:01
shadeslayersaeed: open a terminal13:01
indusslade605: not possiblr13:01
fazlDoes anyone know how to use modprobe to work with a device id?13:02
shadeslayersaeed: type gksu synaptic13:02
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saeedits opean now13:02
asdf_why cant i do lock versions for a ubuntu upgrade?13:02
roloCan anyone help?  I'm running Jaunty, when I click on any of my non linux drives to mount them, nothing happens. It worked fine until tiday. No error message or anything and nothing in dmesg so I don't know how to troubleshoot. Can anyone help?  Cheers.13:02
asdf_it ignored my locks13:02
BurningSebraNothing to intuitive on gparted for me. can anyone help me merge a new exst3 40 gig sda7 space to a ext3 /dev/sda5 partition?13:03
slade605indus: Thanks, any idea how to burn ISOs using only command line?13:03
shadeslayerBurningSebra: back to back partitions?13:03
BurningSebrashadeslayer: what does that mean?13:03
shadeslayeras in are these partitions one after the other?13:04
BurningSebratheres a swap partition in between if it is that you mean13:04
BurningSebrano then13:04
shadeslayerBurningSebra: yeah thats what i meant,i dont think its possible then13:04
hideoWould anyone tell me why my box can mount CIFS without /sbin/mount.cifs? (I'm using xubuntu 9.04)13:04
saeedshadeslayer : 0 rusult13:04
indusslade605: wait let me check13:04
Keybotrying to install a program and tells me permissions, I try login as root and tells me the password is incorrect.... not sure how to correct this13:05
saeedi dont find Kiba Dock in synapitic13:05
shadeslayersaeed: then kiba dock is not supported in jaunty13:05
indusslade605: u have brasero installed?13:05
shadeslayersaeed: try cairo dock or awn13:05
saeedwhat shell i do no ?13:06
slade605indus: not sure, I need to do it from my server, I'm sure I can get it installed13:06
shadeslayer!awn > saeed13:06
ubottusaeed, please see my private message13:06
quibblerKeybo-> what program are you trying to install?13:07
ActionParsnip1!find kiba13:07
ubottuFile kiba found in python-moinmoin13:07
Keyboamsn, trying to update with the plus package to it13:07
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: !info kiba returned nothing13:08
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".13:08
indusslade605:install cdrecord for command line disk creation13:08
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: i saw, i think it needs compilin but there are PPAs with it on13:08
slade605indus: thanks I'll be back if I've got any trouble13:08
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: well,hes a newbie so i think that would be difficult and thus recommended awn and cairo13:09
indusslade605: check if that program is available13:09
indusslade605: ya its there in apt-get13:09
quibblerKeybo-> amsn can be found in synaptic13:10
saeedshadeslayer are u bot ?13:10
roloCan anyone help?  I'm running Jaunty, when I click on any of my non linux drives to mount them, nothing happens. It worked fine until tiday. No error message or anything and nothing in dmesg so I don't know how to troubleshoot. Can anyone help?  Cheers.13:10
shadeslayersaeed: nope,im pretty organic13:10
saeedoh ok13:11
Keyboyes, I have amsn installed, was adding the plugins of the Plus package for it, when I extract and try to copy in the appropriate dir tells me permissions13:11
saeedshadeslayer : the bot send me awn project13:11
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: or kooldock for use kde kids13:11
indusslade605: http://manual.sidux.com/en/cd-no-gui-burn-en.htm from google13:11
saeedhow install it in linux13:11
ActionParsnip1saeed: have you installed compiz?13:12
shadeslayersaeed: sudo apt-get install awn13:12
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: awn needs a compositing WM like compiz to run13:12
brad_I'm having a problem with my evdo card.. when I first installed 9.04 I just plugged it in and it worked.  There was an application that allowed me to choose my broadband card but now I don't see that as a choice because wicd tray icon has replaced it.13:13
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: yes i know13:13
saeed compiz i dont have this13:13
hideoWhere can I find the mount options of the command for mounting CIFS? My box does not have "mount.cifs" but it can mount CIFS.13:13
quibblerKeybo-> open a root nautilus to do the copying ...open a terminal and type gksudo nautilus13:13
shadeslayersaeed: you do have a composting manager,do you??13:13
saeedi dont know13:14
saeedthis command give me13:14
saeedE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another proc13:14
shadeslayersaeed: right click on desktop and click prop. and then go to desktop effects13:14
shadeslayersaeed: that can be dealt with13:14
harveydok, I seem to always have a nightmare installing ubuntu from the cd, I have the iso on an external harddrive /media/My Book/ISO/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso , is it possible to boot from that? (connected through usb)13:14
coleyszzzharveyd: What problems do you have when booting from disc?13:15
Keybonot sure how to, I opened terminal, typed root and typed the command you mentioned and got error13:15
saeedvisual effects - > extra13:15
shadeslayersaeed: so theres a dot next to extra right??13:16
harveydtells me it failed to write, possible problems with the cd or the hard drive, it happens like every time13:16
shadeslayerharveyd: use the USB creator13:16
quibblerKeybo-> in the terminal just type   gksudo nautilus13:16
shadeslayersaeed: is synaptic open?13:16
harveydmy cd drive seems to work fine apart from ubuntu installations, same with my hd13:16
coleyszzzsaeed: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager13:16
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coleyssaeed: Then you just custom choose which effects you want. *-*13:17
saeedE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?13:17
shadeslayersaeed: search awn in synaptic and then rt. click and mark for install,then apply13:18
saeedsame error massge13:18
hackoidzsaeed what are you Searching For?13:18
shadeslayer!aptfix | saeed13:18
ubottusaeed: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:18
konzaanyone knows, for what this command is used for       source dir ==>13:19
ActionParsnip1konza: source as in source code?13:19
saeedwhat apt fix13:19
brad_how do I launch the default app(let) on the menu bar for network changes if it's no longer on the menu bar?13:20
ActionParsnip1konza: can you please clarify13:20
harveydlol, error installing the bootloader13:20
timahvo1hi everybody13:20
ActionParsnip1!grub > harveyd13:20
ubottuharveyd, please see my private message13:20
shadeslayersaeed: type that command in a terminal13:20
Keyboquibbler, thank you, now to remember that command :) it worked..13:20
coleysbrad_: right click on the panel choose add and find gnome network manager.13:20
quibblerKeybo-> please read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo   it will give you a better idea about how to use rppt permissions13:21
timahvo1just did a fresh install of jaunty running the intel graphic card and am having trouble getting compiz to work13:21
shadeslayeranyone expereincing problems with nm-applet while setting up a adhoc network??13:21
quibblerroot permissions13:21
harveyd[12:21:29] ['dd', 'if=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin', u'of=/dev/sdb', 'bs=446', 'count=1', 'conv=sync']13:21
timahvo1already removed it from the blacklist in '/usr/bin/compiz'13:21
Keybothanks quibbler, I will13:22
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quibblerKeybo-> you are welcome13:22
timahvo1any help please13:22
brad_coleys: it shows network monitor but when I first installed it had the ability to configure... I was able to modify my evdo usb modem13:23
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coleysbrad_: in terminal type: gnome-network-manager?13:25
sp1pnwwitam czy są polacy na  irc??13:26
timahvo1sp1pnw: hi13:26
hideoWhat should I check to know the options for mounting CIFS (smbfs)? I thought it was /sbin/mount.cifs but my box does not have it....13:26
coleysbrad_: network-manager-gnome actually.13:26
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brad_coleys: don't see either.. I see a gnome-network-properties,  but that was for proxies13:29
shadeslayersaeed: any luck?13:31
judget_Does anyone know why when U install Ubuntu and in the system it seems to treat all internal hard disks as SCSI13:31
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hackoidzshadeslayer I Am Helping Him13:33
hackoidzHis Problem Is Solved Now13:33
shadeslayerhackoidz: ok13:33
DJones!blkid | judget_13:33
ubottujudget_: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)13:33
Eloffis ls supposed to show the contents of a cd? I went to /media/cdrom and according to ls, it's empty13:34
DJonesjudget_: That gives an explanation behind why its changed to scsi13:34
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dibblegowhy does machine reboot perpetually after installing the nvidia-glx-180 driver?13:35
BodsdaHi, how can i completely remove gnome?13:36
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »13:36
hackoidzYes Eloff13:36
Bodsdajoaopinto: !purefluxbox?13:36
brad_ah ha!  This is what  I need to find out how to manually launch.   New Mobile Broadband Connection Wizard13:36
hackoidzls Lists What Is In The Directory13:36
joaopintoah ops :P13:36
PerryArmstrongin the command    sort -t \| +1 shortlist   what does this "\" before symbol mean??13:37
hackoidzUse ls -l For Long Listing13:37
Ranakahls -a13:37
Ranakahwrong window13:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about orage13:37
Dillizar!info orage13:37
ubottuorage (source: orage): Calendar for Xfce Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.6.0-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1728 kB, installed size 5740 kB13:37
BodsdaPerryArmstrong: im not certain, but they are usually escape characters -- eg  cd ~/some\ file\ path\ with\ spaces/foo/13:38
Elofftotal 013:38
hackoidzEloff Then Nothing Is In That Directory13:38
PerryArmstrongBodsda; so whats the use of it exactly in that command??13:38
BodsdaPerryArmstrong: like i said, im not sure, try using it with and then without the '\' and see the difference13:39
cratelPerryArmstrong: If I had to guess I'd say it looks like the sort command is supposed to use | as a field separator and the \ is used so | isn't interpreted as pipe instead.13:40
jetienneq. anybody reported php doing segfault on 9.05?13:42
jetienne4 sorry13:42
judget_Thankyou very much DJones OBW how did u highlight your reply to me?13:42
IHS_Interncan I make a script ask for a password to run 2 of the commands out of the 8-15 as root? the rest I don't want running as root. And I want to be able to use this script on multiple computers, not just my machine... I also want to create a launcher on the desktop. but it doesn't like $HOME/folding/folding.sh(neither does replacing $HOME with a tilde) doesn't work... and I don't expect the home folder to be the same o13:42
hackoidzWhen It Is Doing Segmentation Fault?13:42
hackoidzIn Which Case jetienne?13:42
Boohbahjudget_: your IRC client will highlight your name automatically13:42
DJonesjudget_: Most irc clients will highlight you if your nick is included in the line of text13:43
gharzguys, is there a command that will clean my disk... my use% when i run df -alh shoots up to 45%.13:43
jetiennehackoidz: on a php cmdline13:43
Heimdall/join xubuntu13:43
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=== honeymoon is now known as bc06
hackoidzjetienne What Did You Do Exactly To Get Segmentation Fault?13:43
Heimdall/join #xubuntu13:44
jetienne./symfony doctrine:dql "delete sfGuardUser where 1=1" <- hackoidz13:44
judget_DJones so then yours is highlighted now?13:44
jetiennehackoidz: this is the cmdline i did, you wanted it13:45
jribhackoidz: don't do that13:45
Eloffis there maybe another place a cdrom drive might be mounted in ubuntu, other than /media/cdrom ?13:45
jribjetienne: what are you doing?13:45
hackoidzDon't Do What?13:45
jetiennejrib: i have coredump with php on ubuntu9.04, and i try to know if it is already well known in ubuntu community13:45
hackoidzYeah Eloff13:46
hackoidzOn Your Desktop (Gui)13:46
jribjetienne: oh I see.  You already ran that command.  Carry on...13:46
DJonesjudget_: yes it is13:46
pepperjackEloff: /media/wishfulthinking :)13:46
Slarthackoidz: this is irc.. not a movie title.. no need for the caps13:46
Slarthackoidz: =)13:46
Eloffusing server13:46
saurabh1403hello all.....i can't resize anyI GUI window on my ubuntu 8.04.......i googled also but no use...any help??13:47
jetienneFatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting! in /opt/symfony/symfony-1.2.5/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/vendor/doctrine/Doctrine/Query.php on line 174113:47
jetiennei got this on a fc8 :)13:47
hackoidzSlart I Always Write Like That :S13:47
hackoidzI Am Slower Without Caps13:47
jetiennei will see further13:47
Slarthackoidz: that doesn't make it ok13:47
jetiennehackoidz: jrib: apparently this is php doing coredump on infinite reccursion13:47
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jag_how do i kill an un-authorized connection using my internet , without killing the eth??13:48
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Slarthackoidz: just because you always do something doesn't mean it's acceptable everywhere.. we will nag you until you change it =)13:48
elad`How do I change my computer's name?13:48
pepperjackjag_: hosts.deny?13:48
elad`(The thing that appears in bash after "myusername@")13:49
pepperjackelad`: sudo hostname but before that make sure you add it to /etc/hosts13:49
hackoidzSlart :P13:49
The1Qwerty_1how can I improve batterylife13:49
elad`pepperjack, why should I add it to the hosts file?13:50
shadeslayerThe1Qwerty_1: shut the notebook down ;)13:50
The1Qwerty_1ive tried several things so far cpu scalling low brightness turn off non essential stuff still only manage about 2 hrs13:50
SlartThe1Qwerty_1: minimize the number of services running.. try running powertop for power saving tips.. make sure stuff goes into powersave modes (screen, hard drives etc)13:50
shadeslayerThe1Qwerty_1: or undervolting13:50
pepperjackelad`: because you want to hostname resolvable to otherwise sometimes badness can ensue.  for instance it used to break sudo13:50
shavinderI am using ubuntu pc as a file server in my lab. I accidently deleted an hour's work over my LAN today. is it possible to recover the file?13:50
The1Qwerty_1ive tried powertop13:50
The1Qwerty_1makes no noticable difference13:50
pepperjackelad`: so a line like '    newhostname'13:51
srishwhy am i not able to see videos which requires flash like the ones in timesofindia or youtube but ads can be seen13:51
FloodBot3srish: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:51
Slartshavinder: perhaps.. you can try magicrescue, testdisk or photorec13:51
linuxman410will 9.04 run good on a pentium 3 with 512 ram13:51
shadeslayersrish: maybe the plugin is not installed13:51
elad`Very well. Thanks.13:51
SlartThe1Qwerty_1: might just be that 2 hours is the best you can get.. I get about 1h40m with my acer laptop13:51
hackoidzsrish Did You Install The Flash Plugin To Firefox?13:51
The1Qwerty_1I have an acer too13:51
hackoidzSorry For Caps Slart :P13:52
srishi have installed player13:52
elad`linuxman410, "well". Will it run "well".13:52
The1Qwerty_1thing is I get about 4 hrs in windows13:52
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Slartlinuxman410: perhaps.. I would give xfce a try though13:52
shavinderSlart: if the file is deleted over the LAN does it go to any recycle bin?13:52
pepperjacklinuxman410: run ok but on that machine typically you would be recommended to use xubuntu. really though its up to you13:52
judget_OK thanks again DJones13:52
shadeslayeri get 5 hrs on my 9 cell13:52
DJonesjudget_: your welcome13:52
linuxman410well it is my laptop i am running 8.10 on it and it runs good13:52
pepperjacklinuxman410: 512MB though is more than enough for gnome as well13:52
Slartshavinder: I'm not sure..13:52
The1Qwerty_1I just would of thought I could get more than 2 hrs13:53
The1Qwerty_1had the same problem with 8.10 but I just gave up with it13:53
Slarthackoidz: no your not.. you're sorry we're nagging you about it.. admit it ;)13:53
shadeslayerThe1Qwerty_1: dont go by what the battery thing tells you,use acpi -V13:53
HalitechThe1Qwerty_, what does acer say you should get for battery life?13:53
hackoidzSlart :( :P13:53
gilhow do i go on TheManaWorld IRC server?13:54
The1Qwerty_1im not sure what acer say it should be but I have managed 4 hrs under vista13:54
The1Qwerty_1easily too13:54
pepperjackgil: /server whatever server  typically13:54
gilwith #?13:54
* MenZa r/w 413:54
SlartThe1Qwerty_1: is 4hrs what they say in their brochure (aka wild fantasy number) or what you actually got when using it?13:54
grawitygil: No. # is for channels.13:54
jag_thanx pepperjack !!!!13:55
The1Qwerty_1Slart: what I actually got running under vista13:55
hackoidzrm -rf /13:55
mobi-sheep!danger | hackoidz13:55
ubottuhackoidz: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!13:55
SlartThe1Qwerty_1: hmm.. might be that linux can't handle some powersaving feature then.. it's not unheard of13:55
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=== Influenza is now known as X-TaZ
Slarthackoidz: tsss.. and you were doing so good.. then you had to go and do that..13:56
pepperjackhackoidz: it sounds silly but there are very new users in here13:56
hackoidzThen Hope Nobody Will Do It:P13:56
Slart!coc > hackoidz13:56
ubottuhackoidz, please see my private message13:56
grawity...besides, that command won't even work.13:56
hackoidzOk Tc All Now13:56
The1Qwerty_1ive also tried telling Ubuntu to do nothing when getting to low power (have read that it is not accurate) however it powered off when it said I had 0 percent so that is accurate13:56
shadeslayerpepperjack: yeah its been linux 101 day13:56
srishdo we need to install both flash plugin and player for seeing flash videos or they are the same?13:56
* grawity actually tried rm -rf on a VM, and it didn't work.13:57
coleysgrawity: try sudo rm -rf / :p13:57
grawitycoleys: I did try that as root.13:57
Slart!etiguette > hackoidz13:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about etiguette13:57
hackoidzsrish install only the flash plugin for firefox13:57
Slart!etiquette > hackoidz13:57
ubottuhackoidz, please see my private message13:57
grawitycoleys: It refused to remove /, unless I add --no-preserve-root13:57
coleysgrawity: oh saftey features =[13:58
shadeslayerThe1Qwerty_1: in terminal type acpi -V when on a battery and tell us what it shows13:58
grawitycoleys: It did work with that option though :)13:58
The1Qwerty_1     Battery 0: Charging, 24%, 01:22:24 until charged13:59
The1Qwerty_1     Battery 0: design capacity 4800 mAh, last full capacity 3947 mAh = 82%13:59
The1Qwerty_1  AC Adapter 0: on-line13:59
The1Qwerty_1     Thermal 0: ok, 67.0 degrees C13:59
The1Qwerty_1     Thermal 1: ok, 64.0 degrees C13:59
FloodBot3The1Qwerty_1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:59
The1Qwerty_1     Cooling 0: LCD 0 of 913:59
coleysgrawity: vm go boom =]??13:59
albechanyone successfully run openvpn with the network manager?13:59
The1Qwerty_1ok so that was on battery13:59
The1Qwerty_1now ill unplug it13:59
shadeslayerThe1Qwerty_1: use pastebin this time14:00
grawitycoleys: Nah, it just removed all files - except some dirs which I guess were mountpoints (but without 'mount', couldn't check :P )14:00
coleysgrawity: loollolo14:00
grawitycoleys: I see no lol in that.14:00
albechi am not getting any information in my log files on both client and server14:00
grawitycoleys: Speaking of that, "format c:" doesn't work in Windows NT.14:00
albechwhen trying to establish the openvpn connection14:00
JonDglshows the USB transfer rate in 9.04 64bit?14:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:01
shadeslayerThe1Qwerty_1: your battery is dying :P14:01
SlartJonDgls: hmm.. I can test it with an external hard drive if you want?14:01
The1Qwerty_1shadeslayer: is that because it says last full charge was 82%14:01
s1gmab3tahey fellas... anyone know of a way to get compiz to do some FSAA?14:01
shadeslayerThe1Qwerty_1: yes14:01
s1gmab3ta'cause uh, it could use some FSAA.14:02
shadeslayerThe1Qwerty_1: also  Discharging, 25%, 00:23:32 remaining14:02
Picis1gmab3ta: Asking in #compiz would be your best bet.14:02
shadeslayersee 25 pc14:02
Slarts1gmab3ta: FSAA would be do nasty things to fonts and such, I think14:02
The1Qwerty_1oh thats cause its not fully charged there14:02
wtlare all evolution configurations contained in .evolution or is there any other folder?14:02
The1Qwerty_1I just flattened it14:02
s1gmab3tayeah i am doing that now, i juts figured why not give it a shout in here too :)14:02
The1Qwerty_1and only just plugged in14:02
Travis-42hello, In Ubuntu 9.04, the Update Manager shows two "Distribution Updates".  But I can't select them.  Anyone encounter this?14:02
JonDgls@Slart: If you could use a USB thumb drive that would be great.14:03
coleyswtl: in .evolution only14:03
shadeslayerThe1Qwerty_1: ah..14:03
s1gmab3taSlart: well i was under the impression the 3D acceleration features are only used during a special effect14:03
SlartJonDgls: that works too.. but I think I'll be limited by the usb sticks write speed14:03
s1gmab3taSlart: and i don't care if my fonts get a little mesesd up in Expo view :)14:03
The1Qwerty_1shadeslayer: I guess windows has some extra acpi controlling this that are propietry to the laptop?14:03
wtlcoleys, ooh. i preserved my old .evolution before i upgraded to jaunty but evolution is still running the startup assistant. any idea why?14:03
shadeslayermaybe,or its just lying14:03
Slarts1gmab3ta: hmm.. I don't think so..14:04
coleyswtl: hmm, im pretty sure evo has a feature for backup.14:04
JonDgls@Slart: Thats ok. If your able to get above 1MB/sec than the Intrepid bug may be resolved.14:04
SlartJonDgls: hang on.. I'll give it a go14:04
EloffIt seems ubuntu x64 comes loaded with python x64, which isn't good for much. Any way to replace it with python x86 ?14:04
shadeslayerbtw when im on my battery acpi -V shows 5.30 hrs remaining and my fn+F3 key shows 2 hrs14:05
jag_this might be a NOOB q . .  but what do u do if a person is using your internet through network, and he keeps changing ip , network name etc . .  like in every min .  .14:05
The1Qwerty_1shadeslayer: do you get the full 5hrs?14:05
jribEloff: what exactly is not working?14:05
rockwhich package i need to work com munication port14:05
jag_other pc's on network must still have access . .14:05
Halitechjag_, are they connecting through the router?14:06
shadeslayerThe1Qwerty_1: never tried tho thats the limit mentioned on the manual14:06
* shadeslayer keeps his battery healthy14:06
Halitechjag_, is it wireless as well?14:06
The1Qwerty_1shadeslayer: you had an acer correct?14:06
jag_through several routers14:06
aimanhow to hide icon in tray14:06
jag_wireless is switched off on all routers14:07
shadeslayerThe1Qwerty_1: nope,my one and only Dell on which im typing all this14:07
rockwhich package i need to work communication port,please help me14:07
Halitechjag_, have you considered setting up wap/wpa?14:07
Halitechjag_, then how are they connected?14:07
aimanplz how to hide icon in tray14:07
The1Qwerty_1shadeslayer: would the fact that its a dell make things anybetter (as in better support from Ubuntu) or just that you have a 9 cell battery?14:07
Eloffjrib: I haven't actually tried getting anything to work with it, I know from long experience that installing C extensions for python not designed to be compiled for x64 is just asking for trouble.14:07
pepperjackrock: can you be more specific?14:07
wtlcoleys, yeah but you have to manually back configurations up14:08
Skaarj_can i make ubuntu maximize ( or set specific size and position) for some applications? for example : i want gnome-termianl to be maximzed when started14:08
wtlcoleys, since i havent, will my old .evolution just be void?14:08
iD4rKhi everyone14:08
rockwhich package is needed to work com portcommunication port14:08
SlartJonDgls: hmm.. the first 300 MB went fast (14MB/sec).. then it kind of died.. now it's at 1.8MB/sec14:08
shadeslayerThe1Qwerty_1: well Dell does give hardware supported by ubuntu and vice versa,so maybe yes (for eg. Mini 9,10)14:08
mobi-sheep!info devilspie | Skaarj_14:08
ubottuSkaarj_: devilspie (source: devilspie): find windows and perform actions on them. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.22-1 (jaunty), package size 28 kB, installed size 128 kB14:08
Skaarj_thank you14:09
jag_it is someone on one of our connected networks (wired)14:09
pepperjackrock: i think this should get ya going https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto14:09
Halitechjag_, terminate the person for unauthorized use of company equipment?14:09
jag_jag_,  it is someone on one of our connected networks (wired)14:09
The1Qwerty_1shadeslayer: ok thanks for your help perhaps im just going to have to live with 2hrs14:09
tytahow can i install ubuntu on a slave (secondary) hard drive?14:10
aimanhow to hide icon in tray14:10
albechwhy is openvpn being so stupid on 9.04 through the network manager?14:10
Eloffjrib: There's almost no reason to use python x64 anyway. The 32bit version is superior in almost every practical use case.14:10
albechanyone have a working openvpn installation with 9.04 connecting as client?14:10
shadeslayerjag_: is it....gulp...conficker14:10
pepperjacktyta: during install you just select the partition or whole drive you want to install to.14:10
iceroottyta: insert cd the and install it on the secondary drive14:10
shadeslayerThe1Qwerty_1: np14:10
C_KodeAnyone had issues with Ubuntu 64 and 32bit Java JDK (manually installing Java) for development?14:11
pepperjacktyta: ubuntu isnt quite as picky as windows in those regards :)14:11
ikoniaC_Kode: how about you tell us YOUR issue that you want help with14:11
aimanhow to hide icon in tray14:11
jag_Halitech_, lol . .  how do I find which person it is .  . their are several open ports in building - does it via laptop14:11
aimanhow to hide icon in tray14:11
shadeslayerjag_: keep banning his IP :P14:12
Halitechjag_, check the router logs and see if it logs the MAC address of the person, then start looking after you block the MAC address from accessing the router14:12
C_Kodeikonia: Ubuntu 8 and 9 64bit.  Java 1.5JDK.  I've installed Maven and it tries to download stuff and fails, but it never actually creates a socket.  (tcpdump reports nothing)14:12
DJonesjag_: Does your router allow you to block the mac address?14:12
cllaudyuis it safe to install ubuntu 9.04 ? :)14:12
Halitechcllaudyu, not at all ;)14:12
shadeslayercllaudyu: yes14:12
C_Kodeikonia: as noted before, Java 1.5JDK 32bit14:13
cllaudyu you're right...14:13
pepperjackcllaudyu: very few fatalities at this point14:13
khamaelthe sound in youtube doesn`t work after I upgraded to jaunty. are there any known issues?14:13
ikoniaC_Kode: verify java with a simple hello world program first14:13
C_KodeC_Kode: Java itself works, it just seems to fail any network access.14:14
cllaudyui installed it for five times now and it used to freez or crash...14:14
jag_problem is the the MAC adress shows as unresolved . .??????14:14
Halitechcllaudyu, what system specs on the computer?14:14
C_KodeSince it is expected to fail connections to some maven repo, it fails gracefully and doesn't report why it actually failed.14:14
cllaudyuwell... 256 mb ram would be the reason off al this?14:15
C_KodeThough as I noted, there is no TCP activity reported by tcpdump when it makes these attempts14:15
jribEloff: I really doubt you'll have any issues.  Anything that's open source is likely to "just work" with 64 bit and most python software is open source14:15
Halitechjag_, well, the hard way would be to check all connections you want and add those to the allowed list of MAC addresses and deny all others14:15
Halitechcllaudyu, possible, what video card and cpu?14:15
Halitechcllaudyu, what video card and cpu?14:16
jag_Halitech_, THANX . . will start doing that . .  LOL only 487 IP,s to add 1 by 1 . . .14:17
Halitechjag_, well, I didn't say it would be easy ~L~14:17
=== MakubeX is now known as SaGa
jag_Thanx a lot for input peeps  .!!!14:18
cllaudyuHalitech nvidia14:18
=== dcom is now known as dcomxx
Halitechcllaudyu, could be it doesn't like your video card, have you tried installing with the alt install cd?14:19
jag_how do I reg my nick 4 future use???14:19
idris# mysql-id14:19
cllaudyuHalitech no...14:19
DJones!register | jag_14:19
ubottujag_: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode14:19
KalebsRevengehi im a noob to ubuntu how do i use the apt-get comand?14:20
Keybo# mysql-id keybo14:20
Halitechcllaudyu, try that and see if that will allow you to install then we can work on getting the video working14:20
jrib!apt | KalebsRevenge14:20
ubottuKalebsRevenge: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)14:20
Keybo!register | Keybo14:20
ubottuKeybo, please see my private message14:20
cllaudyuHalitech ok, i hope i don't need to reinstall everything...14:20
Halitechcllaudyu, probably will, did you upgrade from a previous version?14:21
cannonballHi, there was a bug fixed with openvpn (bug 352170) that causes python to use hashlib instead of sha as part of the openssl-vulnkey check in the init script.  However, my system is emitting a slightly different message.  It complains that md5 is deprecated.  Bug url: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openvpn/+bug/35217014:22
cannonballHas anybody seen this before?  Quick fix?  I don't think it's complaining about my 2048 bit static key that I'm telling it to use, but I'm not 100% sure.14:22
sanHello all14:23
=== san is now known as Guest80253
jag_!register | jag_14:24
ubottujag_, please see my private message14:24
Guest80253I have noticed that after a restart a reloading of asus-laptop allows me to connect to wifi. Where can i put the commands to reload the module so that14:25
Guest80253it loads automatically14:25
iD4rKany way to remove or hide these ball touching enter/leave room messages on pidgin?14:25
iD4rKhard to read text with that spamm al the time14:25
Picicannonball: Both the sha and md5 libraries are depreciated in favor of hashlib, but its only a warning, it shouldn't cause any issues.14:25
bododohi folks14:26
hackoidzhi bododo14:26
bododoI'm trying to tweak my appletouch.fdi hal policies14:26
bododois there a way to restart hal and take in consideration my new settings?14:27
bododohi Kalamot and hackoidz:)14:27
shadeslayerKalebsRevenge: any help arrive?14:27
KalamotCould sombody hep me, i would like to automatically turn off my pc after a torrent file has been downloaded ?14:27
Ddayi am apt-get how can i make it so computer shutdowns after its finished?14:27
wtlthere's no problem with receiving mail from my gmail account on evolution but I can't send email. my sending doesnt progress. any idea? :)14:27
shadeslayerKalamot: use deluge14:27
coleyswtl: via imap, or pop?14:27
KalebsRevengeyh ty shadeslayer14:28
coleyssmtp... you need to change port to 587... tls14:28
bododotrying /etc/init.d/hal restart doesn't seem to take my changes in consideration14:28
vladovgздравейте всички14:28
LjL-Temp!ru | vladovg14:28
ubottuvladovg: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:28
KalebsRevengei just switched from xp to ubuntu its so much better14:28
wtlcoleys, receiving via pop. sending via smtp :)14:28
Kalamotshadeslayer: it has that option ? i could not do it with transmission14:28
Halitechwtl, you also need to make sure the port is not blocked by your ISP14:28
coleyswtl: Yeah, change the smtp port to 587, and the security to tls.14:28
bododois there a way to make hal take in consideration new changes to policies in fdi files?14:29
shadeslayerKalamot: ive not tried deluge but it should have it,transmission has nothing14:29
jribbododo: restart hal14:29
wtlcoleys, oh. at last, one of my two messages are already sent. it seems that it's just taking much time. right?14:29
bododojrib: doesn't seem to work :(14:29
bododojrib: /etc/init.d/hal restart right?14:29
jribbododo: depending on what you have done, you may need to logout and back in14:29
coleyswtl: If they sent, then you have no problem :]14:30
wtlcoleys, where can i change the smtp port?14:30
bododojrib: changes in appletouch.fdi (ibook trackpad)14:30
jribbododo: yeah14:30
bododojrib so I have to logout?14:30
jribbododo: yeah14:30
coleyshmm... get into account settings somehow?14:30
jribbododo: well afaik14:30
coleyssec, ill download evolution :p14:30
bododoeverytime? :(14:30
the_cubewhat is tripwire?14:30
bododothanks jrib :)14:30
pepperjackKalamot: honestly i like using utorrent with wine.14:30
hackoidzUse rtorrent14:31
grumlahey guys, i want to scan a windows computer for viruses with linux, i think i'm going to use f-prot, do you recommend any other antivirus?14:31
hackoidzIn The Terminal14:31
Kalamotpepperjack: but it seems u can not turn off the when using vine14:31
wtlcoleys, aw. "Could not connect to smtp.gmail.com: Connection timed out" and "14:31
wtlCould not connect to smtp.gmail.com: No route to host"14:32
shadeslayergrumla: avast14:32
the_cubecan some1 help me configure tripwire?14:32
coleyswtl: Sec wtl14:32
Kalamotpepperjack: but it seems u can not turn off ubuntu via vine14:32
Ddayi am apt-get a file how can i make it so computer shutdowns after its finished?14:33
grumlashadeslayer: it isn't the same avast as windows's, right?14:33
JonDgls@Slart: What was the file size used for the USB transfer?14:33
C_Kodeapt-get install <whatever; shutdown -h now14:33
shadeslayergrumla: it should be14:33
pepperjackDday: number of ways sudo -s then apt-get install file;shutdown -h now  or somesuch14:34
Ddayi have already started downloading though14:34
frostburnso why does vino-server keep dying and restarting causing an entire core to be used?14:34
SlartJonDgls: 4GB.. I've looked at some bugs in launchpad.. I'm going to try to mount the drive manually.. see if that improves it14:34
zirodayHi does empathy work with the indicator-applet?14:34
hackoidzDday: apt-get install packageName; shutdown -h now14:34
lastmanDday, why do you have to shutdown your pc?14:34
JonDglsSlart: And you are using 9.04 64bit?14:34
SlartJonDgls: yup14:34
Ddaybecause im going to bed14:35
Ddayand its noisy14:35
coleyswtl: Go edit > Preferences14:35
Kalamotshadeslayer: i installed deluge but ther is no such option14:35
coleyswtl: Then Mail account14:35
coleysand choose edit your gmail account14:35
shadeslayerKalamot: hmm,try apt-cache search torrent and slecting another torrent manager14:36
jag_Please note that if your client does not support SMTP authentication, you won't be able to send mail through your client using your Gmail address14:36
=== michael` is now known as dROg
Kalamotso the question still stands, I would like to automatically turn off my pc after a torrent file has been downloaded ?14:36
hackoidzKalamot Did You Start Downloading?14:36
Ddayso is it possible to set it shutdown even if the file has already staarted downloading?14:36
Kalamothackoidz: did i start downloading what ?14:37
hackoidzDownloading From Torrent Kalamot14:37
hackoidzDday If You Didn't Download A Lot14:37
Nirkushi! is there some documentation on ubuntu 9.04 for administrators?14:37
hackoidzJust Re Do It14:37
jag_Dday_,  u can stop download . . and restart , it continue s where it stopped14:37
Ddayhow you stop?14:38
hackoidzyeah jag_ is right14:38
Nirkuswith topics like... how to configure NFS, NIS, ..14:38
coleyswtl: you there?14:38
KalamotWell i want to start downloading and after donload completed pc shout shut down, but i do not find such option in transmission or deluge14:38
hackoidzBecause what you have download from apt-get and is not completed will be saved in /var/cache/apt/archives/partial14:38
PiciNirkus: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/index.html14:38
SlartJonDgls: hmm.. same result when mounting it manually.. it just dies after 450MB or so14:39
Pici!zh | TieJohn14:39
ubottuTieJohn: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:39
Kalamothackoidz: Well i want to start downloading and after donload is completed pc should shut down, but i do not find such option in transmission or deluge14:39
NirkusPici: thx, ill have a look at it14:39
hackoidzKalamot use a command line torrent client like that: torrentclient file.torrent; shutdown -h now14:39
Kalamothackoidz: will rtorrent do that  ?14:40
hackoidzKalamot Yeah I think so14:40
hackoidzKalamot No It Will Not Work14:41
hackoidzunfortunately :S14:41
JonDglsSlart: Hmmm...Seems the bug remains for USB 2.0 in 64bit. I read that booting into the olther non-generic kernal resolves the issue. Downside=older kernal. Really thought this would be resolved as USB 2.0 is now an industry standard.14:41
Kalamothackoidz: it is such a basic function strange that no gui prog on linux can do that14:41
hackoidzbecause when the torrent finishes it will stay seeding14:41
jag_Kalamot_, man rtorrent14:42
hackoidzbecause a torrent client will keep running even if you finished downloading14:42
Kalamothackoidz: utorrent has that kind of option14:42
SlartJonDgls: indeed.. I wonder if there is a bug reported to the kernel people..14:42
hackoidzutorrent is not for linux14:42
Kalamotjag_: thanks will o that , to be hones i was looking for a prog with gui but this will have to do14:43
arash_how can i disable automount of usb drives?14:43
hackoidzKalamot I Will Search For A Solution14:43
Kalamothackoidz: of course i know , my point was that i was surprissed linux progs dont have that option14:43
=== SaGa is now known as MakubeX
jag_Kalamot_, http://www.transmissionbt.com/14:43
hackoidzKalamot All The Progs Are Open Source :P Edit The Source And Add That Option14:44
jag_Kalamot_, http://www.transmissionbt.com/ - check if this one might have ???14:44
Kalamothackoidz: ha! easier said then done, i am not a coder14:44
SlartKalamot: I think linux people still get a bit uneasy if the computer is not running =)... but on a more serious note.. I'm surprised this option is not available..14:45
Kalamotjag_: yes transmission is by default on ubuntu but no option that would turn off your pc after download14:45
hackoidzKalamot I Am Searching For A Solution Bro14:46
Kalamothackoidz: thanks!14:46
=== san is now known as Guest49366
coleysjag_: I think Deluge might.14:46
ruanHi can any one help me to get my sound working? ubuntu detects the sound card but no sound . (9.04)14:47
coleysruan: Which card?14:47
Guest49366The sound playback is coming thru speakers even after plugging in my headphones, ho can i prevent this?14:47
coleysGuest49366: You might just have to mute... Front while you use your headphones.14:48
Turtle__how do you get into the python channel'?14:48
coleysGuest49366: I have to do that at the moment. As it will play from both, I just mute one or the other depending on what im using.14:48
jrib!register | Turtle__14:48
ubottuTurtle__: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode14:48
jribTurtle__: /join #python14:48
Turtle__join #python14:48
Guest49366coleys: Thank you14:49
coleysGuest49366: Anytime.14:49
Turtle__!register | Turtle__14:49
ubottuTurtle__, please see my private message14:49
g0thsince ubuntu jaunty audio doesnt work properly anymore: When I play a file with mplayer it sometimes doesnt even start and when I pause and resume it acts really buggy. I followed the web page steps to get pulseaudio working with jaunty but not much changed. What is going on14:49
coleysg0th: What sound card?14:49
g0thmy soundcard is: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)14:50
ruanIntel 8280114:50
coleysg0th: Okay, simple fix. One sec.14:50
jag_Kalamot_, deluge ?14:50
ruani got the same one14:50
Kalamotjag_: deluge does not have this optioin14:51
coleysjag_: sudo apt-get install deluge14:51
ysisHi. I'm having problems to print PDF files via CUPS to a network printer. The test page is printed fine, but if I try do print a PDF from kpdf it prints only some words/lines from the beginning of the document (the actual amount varies randomly).14:51
coleysg0th: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=940689&page=214:52
hackoidzKalamot: http://turbobt.sourceforge.net/indexen.htm14:52
HungryHello. Is there a way to get hold of the update-manager-core and other packages required to upgrade a server from gutsy to hardy? Or now the repository is gone is the only option to reinstall from cd (with a train journey to visit the server)?14:52
hackoidzDownload Queue 12. Auto shutdown computer when all finished. Download Now · BitTorrent Homepage Mirror site : turbobt.sourceforge.net. Available Language ...14:52
coleysAdd those three lines to alsa.base.14:52
BestGuyanybody knows how i can hack ubuntu so that brightness shortcuts under laptop samsung x460-44p can work?14:53
Kalamothackoidz: yay! great14:53
coleysjag_: You could try vuze?14:53
Kalamotwill try that14:53
coleyssudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list.d/14:53
coleysops :p14:53
NirkusPici: thx for your tip, but there is no doc whatsoever in there about configuring NIS. additionally, Im looking for documentation on ubuntu as a client for administrators14:53
jag_coleys_, thanx?14:53
pep'm thinking about switching to xfce... but is the gain in speed/performances very notable? or is it minimal? (I have a core2duo with 2gb ram...)14:53
hackoidzKalamot It Is One Of Its Features: 12. Auto shutdown computer when all finished14:54
PiciNirkus: Sorry.  Perhaps the folks in #ubuntu-server might have a better document for you.14:54
g0thcloeys: I will try14:54
Halitechcoleys, you should use gksu not sudo when launching graphical apps14:54
shashi__With ubuntu, if i try to install a package, and if the installation of that package is failed to due to "subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10" error, how can i troubleshoot this problem ?14:54
Kalamothackoidz i can see that now i need to find the repositories14:54
NirkusPici: im not interested in the server version of ubuntu. ;-)14:54
coleysHalitech: Whats the difference?14:54
jag_coleys_, thanx . .lol14:54
PiciNirkus: Oh. Er.14:55
Halitechcoleys, sudo is designed for the terminal, gksu is designed for graphical apps14:55
coleysjag_: Np :p14:55
hackoidzKalamot: You Have To Compile It14:55
coleysHalitech: Oh, so it doesn't require terminal?14:55
Kalamothackoidz: it is en exe file14:55
coleysHalitech: Nice!! Thanks.14:55
Halitechcoleys, not mousepad it doesn't14:55
coleysI usually would do alt +F2 then sudo thunar (run in terminal)14:56
Halitechcoleys, you could hit ALT + F2 and run the same command with gksu14:56
coleysHalitech: with gksu I dont need to do that :p14:56
Halitechcoleys, exactly14:56
coleysHalitech: Thanks for the tip, appreciated!14:56
Kalamothackoiz: seems it is an windowz app14:56
PiciNirkus: Well.. theres https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo and14:56
Halitechcoleys, welcome :)14:56
PiciNirkus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNISHowTo14:56
hackoidzYeah I Used www.google.com/linux To Search14:56
BestGuyanybody knows how i can hack ubuntu so that brightness shortcuts under laptop samsung x460 can work?14:57
hackoidzAnyways I Have To Go To University14:57
gecko_some one can help me with xf86-video-driver?14:57
coleyshackoidz: Peaceee!!14:57
basslineris there any reason xfce doesn't have the menu anymore in 9.04?14:58
basslineri can't even find it in the repository14:59
coleysxfce has a menu =o14:59
coleysbassliner: Or what menu are you referring too?14:59
Guest49366coleys: When i decrease the fron volume , my headphones volume also decreases14:59
Hymnosisis there a way when i open the file browser always shows the folder as list view?14:59
void_falseHello! i have probs with wireless on my laptop. It works fine until I try to upload/download large files in LAN.14:59
bazhangTieJohn, ##windows14:59
gecko_./configure: line 12354: syntax error near unexpected token `XINERAMA,'15:00
erUSUL!cn | TieJohn15:00
ubottuTieJohn: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:00
basslinercoleys: i mean the menu EDITOR. :)15:00
coleysGuest49366: Put Headphones volume on max, and Front and Just mute them... use master to increase and decrease their volume.15:00
erUSULbazhang: you know chineese? impressed15:00
coleysbassliner: sudo apt-get install alacarte15:00
bazhangerUSUL, just xp :)15:00
[4-tea-2]Howdy. My attempt to upgrade my desktop machine using update-manager from 8.10 to 9.04 is stuck: "Installing 7 assemblies from libmono-addins0.2-cil into Mono" and "Stacktrace:" are the last things it said, now it's hanging. What do I do?15:00
Guest49366coleys: There is no headphones volume15:00
Lornhi, i need to see the xorg.conf files in kubuntu i looked at /etc/X11/xorg.conf and i only see "Configured Monitor" , how i see the "original" xorg.conf?15:00
pdlnhrdcan anyone suggest a tool that is secure to manage passwords?15:01
arash_i have a bad hard disk that i want to recover using dd_rescue. how can i prevent ubuntu from auto-mounting it (it is usb)15:01
basslinercoleys: hm, it's just freedesktop stuff, nice...15:01
basslinercoleys: 8)15:01
Guest49366Master,front,pcm...headphones is in switch and does not have vol controller15:01
Hymnosisis there a way when i open the file browser always shows the folder as list view?15:01
coleysGuest49366:Im not using gnome, but see if you can select controls.15:01
coleysGuest49366: I don't know exactly how to  do that as I can't see it, but it might be under file, or even a button called select controls.15:02
coleysGuest49366: Then Select headphones, Master, and Front.15:02
shadeslayerHymnosis: there is a drop down box in the upper right corner15:02
jag_Hymnosis_, EDIT , PREFRENCES , VIEWS15:03
shadeslayerHymnosis: or you can edit it in nautilus > Edit >prefrence15:03
Hymnosis<shadeslayer> thanks mate and sorry for the dumb question lol15:04
coleysbassliner: Works =]?15:04
jag_Hymnosis_, EDIT , PREFRENCES , VIEWS  ,  Select your default view . . .  :)15:04
shadeslayerHymnosis: no problem15:04
gecko_what is XINERAMA?15:04
shadeslayer!xinerama > gecko_15:04
ubottugecko_, please see my private message15:04
JonDglsuShare <--- Anyone have a script to start uShare on boot?15:05
coleysJonDgls: System > preferences > startup?15:06
pepperjackJonDgls: there should be an exaple in /etc/init.d/skeleton15:06
shadeslayertheres also a file,something.local where you can add commands,which will be run on boot15:07
Engwarhi guys, have a problem and could use some help plese. I'm running 9.04 and alsa only seems to work after i login to the gdm. Before there is an error locating the sound card. Anyone experiencing the same problem?15:07
pepperjacklook at all your options :)15:07
coleysEngwar: What sound card?15:07
EngwarEnsoniq 5880B [AudioPCI]15:07
coleysEngwar: Your sound echos?15:08
Engwarcoleys: nope, perfect sound after logging to the gdm, no sound before when i use aplay remotely15:09
The1Qwerty_1how can I get an ATi control panel15:09
Engwarcoleys: this module is loaded snd_ens137115:09
The1Qwerty_1like you can get with nvidia15:09
The1Qwerty_1wanna try powersafe mode for the gpu15:09
JonDglsshadeslayer: rc.local will run uShare in the background before login prompt but uShare does cannot scan media directories until login. Therefore a manual start is required using "ushare" to scan directories and then "sudo /etc/init.d/ushare start" to start the UPnP server.15:09
wetSCIM is not working in my computer. Are there any other input method besides SCIM and Ibus?15:09
shadeslayerJonDgls: cool,it was just a thought btw15:10
demon_where can i find /trash15:10
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash15:10
JonDglsshadeslayer: np, thank you. I do use rc.local for other commands tho. uShare unfortunatley won't play nice :) Thanx15:11
shadeslayergecko_: please do not pm and ask in the channel15:11
gecko_ ok15:11
coleys!commands > coleys15:12
ubottucoleys, please see my private message15:12
The1Qwerty_1shadeslayer: got another question for you, can I bring up the ATi catalyst control centre thing im using stock 9.04 and it does not allow me to install any hardware drivers15:12
gecko_!commands > gecko_15:13
Riyahello sir i am using compaq presario CQ45 laptop . My problem is sound is not proper .15:13
ubottugecko_, please see my private message15:13
shadeslayerThe1Qwerty_1: fglrx thingy?15:13
coleysRiya: What sounds card?15:13
basslinercoleys: not really, no.15:13
The1Qwerty_1says command not found15:13
shadeslayerThe1Qwerty_1: no idea,you could ask the bot15:13
Riya  hello sir i am using compaq presario CQ45 laptop . My problem is sound is not proper15:13
shadeslayer!sound | Riya15:13
ubottuRiya: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:13
The1Qwerty_1shadeslayer: which one?15:14
coleysbassliner: did you isntall alacarte?15:14
basslinercoleys: yeah but it doesn't affect the xfce menu15:14
JonDglspepperjack: Had a look at /etc/init.d/skeleton I really don't have a clue on how to modify the script to run uShare on boot.15:14
shadeslayer!fglrx > The1Qwerty_115:14
ubottuThe1Qwerty_1, please see my private message15:14
coleysbassliner: Sec, im on xfce aswell.15:15
coleysbassliner: What do you want to remove from your menu?15:15
pepcoleys: is xfce notably faster than gnome?15:15
pepI have 2gb ram and core2duo15:15
coleyspep: Oh yeah :)15:15
JonDglscoleys: ''System > preferences > startup?" I saw that but I thought it was too good to be true ;) Will try later15:15
basslinercoleys: i do not want to _remove_ something.15:15
jimcooncatI like using xchat-gnome, it sure would be handy to have a UTC clock somewhere on the interface...15:15
basslinercoleys: i want to add my own custom stuff.15:16
regeyapep, if you've got great hardware, the difference probably isn't huge, but yeah xfce is faster15:16
maginotwhat the difference between cups and cupsys ?15:16
coleysbassliner: Okay check out... /usr/share/applications15:16
coleysbassliner: the .desktop files are things found in your menu.15:16
pepregeya: well fine.. you convinced me, I'm instaling xfce :)15:16
coleysbassliner: Look over them and you can figure out how to create your Own.15:16
shadeslayerpep: its ugly tho15:16
joaopintomaginot, on the terminal type: apt-cache show cupsys15:17
coleysshadeslayer: Not ugly =/15:17
pepshadeslayer: why? it looks almost exactly like gnome.... :/15:17
shadeslayercoleys: hmm,idk its ugly for my taste :P15:17
coleyspep: It's as customizable as gnome, plus eitherway you can use emerald =p15:17
Halitechshadeslayer, why do you say its ugly? Personally I find XFCE on Ubuntu almost the same as Gnome on ubuntu15:17
pepI agree with Halitech15:17
Lord-FaKehi, i'd like to know in which group apache by default is, cause i need to add the group/user to a folder15:18
pepcoleys: not much point switchin gto xfce if it's to use emerald..15:18
shadeslayerok,now theres gonna be a flame war,5000000 against 1,*not fair*15:18
jribLord-FaKe: www-data15:18
Halitechpep, and seeing as how Xubuntu uses alot of gnome apps, might as well use gnome as XFCE as the speed change is not that noticable15:18
Riyamy os is ubuntu 9.v15:19
shadeslayerif you have good hardware the notice is not *that* big15:19
Halitechshadeslayer, not going to flame you, just wondering why you think XFCE is ugly15:19
pepI have good hw15:19
shadeslayerHalitech: just my personal opinion15:19
pep2.1GHz thinkpad r61 with 2gb ram15:19
Riya hello sir i am using compaq presario CQ45 laptop . My problem is sound is not proper15:19
pepI don't think I will see a great difference15:19
shadeslayerRiya: did you see those links?15:19
Halitechshadeslayer, ok, so not really anything you can pinpoint as to why you think its ugly, just your feeling about it. okay, fair enough15:19
Riyadriver is detected15:20
djugglerAnd for today's "Terribly Stupid Question for the Day!"  If I want to use a secure shell, I really need putty because a regular terminal window isn't going to cut it right?15:20
coleysI like how the panels like fade out when your not on them :p15:20
Halitechpep, if you want to see a speed difference go with Debian and XFCE and you will see a big difference15:20
Lord-FaKejrib: thx - is it possible that that group isn't generated by the standard server installation of ubuntu?15:20
coleyspep: Or Openbox15:20
shadeslayerRiya: did  you read the part where it says about unmuting the spkr?15:20
Riyano link15:20
jribLord-FaKe: if you have apache installed through the repositories, you should have the group15:20
rotheraddjuggler: what are you wanting a secure shell for, connecting from one server to another?15:21
shadeslayer!sound > Riya15:21
ubottuRiya, please see my private message15:21
thiebaudepep, im using icewm15:21
Picidjuggler: You only *need* PuTTY if you're ssh-ing from a Windows computer15:21
jimcooncatdjuggler: you *need* Putty if you're using windows. it's just nice to have with linux, ssh in a terminal is fine15:21
djugglerrotherad: yes.. I need to do some command line stuff on a linux box where I host some sites15:21
rotheraddjuggler: just open up a terminal and run 'ssh user@server'15:21
pepoh so debian is really much faster than ubuntu Halitech?15:23
rotheraddjuggler: np :D15:23
Riyak not working ubttu15:23
Lord-FaKethanks again15:23
coleysdebian is most likely less user friendly15:23
shadeslayerRiya: ubottu is a bot15:23
basslinerit is not.15:23
Halitechpep, I find it is, I was running Xubuntu on a P4 1.8 with a gig of ram and changed to Debian with XFCE4 and the speed increase is very noticable15:23
coleysbassliner: How's it going ?15:23
shadeslayerRiya: can you hear even the faintest of sounds?15:23
pepI see15:23
needhelpHello, have a problem in ubuntu: The numpad-buttons on the keyboard doesn't work. Nothing happens when I press any of them, regardless of the numlock-state. Any idea?15:23
Halitechcoleys, actually, if you can run Ubuntu then you can run Debian15:23
maginot... when printing from cups on ubuntu 8.10 some parts of my barcode are notprinting the barcode is composed by this string *AR12345RL* but the asterisk barcode is not printing (but show in the pdf file) if I print on cups in other server using cupsys 1.3.2 there are no problem, with cups on 1.3.9 I have this probl15:23
shadeslayerbassliner: and im not organic :P15:23
pepwell, the problem is I'm not sure if my hw is as supported than under ubuntu15:23
shadeslayerneedhelp: i had the exact problem a week ago,updates seem to have fixed it15:23
pepI heard ubuntu is more upto date15:23
basslinercoleys: well again, i really do not want to manually edit the menu file, i want my old xfce4-menueditor application back.15:24
jribneedhelp: hold down the 4, does your mouse move?15:24
coleysHalitech: Ill believe you, i've never tried debian. as customizable?15:24
needhelpshadeslayer, have just updated everything to newest versions15:26
RiyaYa i did like volum->hd intel alas mix but problem still15:26
needhelpjrib, yes it moves15:26
iD4rKLike my Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop? http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/3281/screenshot6.jpg15:26
Halitechpep, basically if it runs Ubuntu you can run debian ... Debian stable is slightly out of date but there is testing and experimental, Ubuntu was/is based on testing15:26
jribneedhelp: press ctrl-shift-numlock15:26
Halitechcoleys, I find it is15:26
shadeslayerRiya: is everything set to high and all Playback options selected?15:26
coleysHalitech: Ima take a look =p15:26
needhelpjrib: Thank you!15:26
wtviD4rK: nice one15:26
alex1212iD4rK, not really15:26
Riyaok but no15:26
thiebaudeiD4rK: nice desktop15:26
Halitechcoleys, basically any theme that works on Ubuntu from gnome-look.org will work on Debian15:26
shadeslayerRiya: what ??15:26
jetienneq. i would like to change the default program when i click on a .avi in nautilus, where should i look ?15:26
jimcooncatXubuntu vs. Debian Xfce: http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20090427#feature15:26
wtviD4rK: which messenger is it?15:26
coleysHalitech: Does it have a desktop release?15:26
iD4rKit's a pidgin screenlet15:27
iD4rKgoogle for pidgin screenlet15:27
iD4rKand u will find it15:27
Halitechcoleys, yes it does and you can download regular debian, kde, XFCE+LXDE or you can do a net install15:27
shadeslayeriD4rK: thats pidgin :O ??15:27
shadeslayeriD4rK: whats the resource monitor at the bottom?15:27
vartjetienne: right click on the file in nautilus - properties, open with15:28
coleysIntel 64 ;)))15:28
Riyashadeslayer  sir i did all that u told but still the sound is not proper15:28
squidlyanyone using xubuntu 9.04 able to get amarok to work with an ipod?15:28
iD4rKits another screenlet called RingSensors15:28
shadeslayerRiya: could you post a screenshot of your sound settings?15:28
ivangarcia_I upgrated to 9.04 and my wifi stopped working, i have a 05:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)15:28
Halitechjimcooncat, nice comparison, never seen that before15:28
thiebaudeiD4rK: where did you get your icons from?15:29
squidlyand copy my podcast setttings?15:29
jetiennevart: cool thanks15:29
shadeslayeriD4rK: so thats pidgin screenlet and ringsensors15:29
Riyahow to take sound settings15:29
Halitechcoleys, yes, it has a 64bit install as well, actually just downloaded it as I just bought a new board and cpu15:29
jimcooncatHalitech: just published Monday15:29
=== root is now known as Guest20491
Guest20491Hi, does somebody know if it is possible to resize (smaller) a partimage file?15:29
iD4rKthiebaude: icons are default gnome ones15:29
Halitechjimcooncat, that would be why I've never seen it :)15:29
pepinteresting link jimcooncat15:29
iD4rKthiebaude: but im going to change em soon as well15:29
shadeslayerRiya: use print screen15:30
thiebaudeiD4rK: you just enlarged them?15:30
mbeierlGuest20491: Restore it to a partition that is big enough, shrink the partition, then re-create the partimage15:30
=== _Dave2_ is now known as Dave2
Riyaya where u get sound setting option15:30
mbeierlGuest20491: I'm sure that's not the answer you wanted... :(15:30
iD4rKno, they were that size, i've upgraded from ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 maybe the config was saved15:30
iD4rKbut its default15:30
Guest20491mbeierl, ok thanks i believed that exist a faster way15:30
shadeslayeriD4rK: is there a empathy screenlet ;)15:31
mbeierlGuest20491: I have not found it, unfortunately15:31
Guest20491mbeierl, that's not the answer i requested but that's the only thanks guy!15:31
iD4rKlol, search for it u can check http://www.gnome-look.org/ for customizations and plugins15:31
iD4rKthere is a lot of stuff there15:31
HalitechGuest20491, have you tried using the live cd to resize it with partition editor? you can't resize a mounted partition15:32
vartiD4rK: how do i install the screenlet?15:32
mbeierlGuest20491: depending on how much "wasted space" there is in the partition and the type of the filesystem, it should be a quick enough operation...15:32
Guest20491partition editor? no i use gparted on umounted partition mbeierl15:32
iD4rKgo to your apcket manager and search for screenlet15:33
iD4rKthen u will see the screenlet manager15:33
qrWhere can I get a backport of the new screen-profiles package?15:33
iD4rKthere is a isntall button15:33
mbeierlGuest20491: that was Halitech that asked about live cd15:33
iD4rKerr, i mean u search it, downlaod and let it isntall then u find it under accesories15:33
qr(a backport to 8.10)15:33
iD4rKonce started u see the isntall button15:34
mbeierlGuest20491: do I understand the question correctly?  You have an existing partimage that you want to restore to a partition that is smaller than specified in the partimage file?15:34
eseven73is there a way to replace the default voice in Festival? I can barely understand it15:34
iD4rKhave to leave, bbl15:35
Guest20491mbeierl, yes but first I will shrink it in a bigger partition15:35
ralfm_qr, https://launchpad.net/~screen-profiles/+archive/ppa15:35
mbeierlGuest20491: ok, yes, then that is the only answer that I know... wish it were easier, but I can say it will work15:35
qrralfm_: excellent, thanks15:35
shadeslayerhmm i cant get the ring sensor to monitor my temp15:36
scuniziralfm_: are the screen profiles for the program "screen" for the cli?15:36
mercutio22hello guys. I have an unfinished upgrade process here. Update manager asks for a partial upgrade. I click ok and it does not proceed. What to do?15:37
ralfm_scunizi, exactly15:37
scuniziralfm_: is there anything different about the ppa versions vs the "stock" version?  just curious if I should make the effort15:37
vartiD4rK: sorry I do not see the applet manager. What do you mean?15:38
ralfm_scunizi, sorry, I don't know the difference15:38
scuniziralfm_: ok.. thanks.15:39
scuniziralfm_: looks like they are minor bug fixes15:41
ralfm_scunizi, ahh ok15:42
mercutio22_it just halted on me15:42
eseven73is there a way to replace the default voice in Festival? I can barely understand it15:42
=== Skavyon11 is now known as Skavyon
xvii69Q=i rebooted my Ubuntu and now Mplayer does not want to play my WMV files anybody know why?15:43
ralfm_eseven73, does it have to be festival? I prefer espeak15:43
xvii69Q=i rebooted my Ubuntu and now Mplayer does not want to play my WMV files anybody know why?15:43
jerkstoreI have an ATI x850 card. Can anyone tell me how to configure xorg.conf so it utilizes all the features of my card?15:44
tomtumhello ubuntu world! Have ubuntu for 2 days now I love it.15:45
xvii69Q=i rebooted  Ubuntu and now Mplayer does not want to play my WMV files anybody know why?15:45
alistronealso I love it15:45
eseven73Ralfm, well im not sure im using a code snippet from commandlinefu.com that grabs rss feeds every 5 mins and it uses Festival for the voice15:45
SiDiHi, does anyone know where's the file that managed autocompletion for apt-get  / aptitude ? can't find i15:46
PretoriaSHas anyone a nvidia 9800gt?15:46
clearscreenfirefox seems to have taken ownership of ftp:// links, I want them to open in nautilus again, how do I do it?15:47
=== [ifroog] is now known as [monica]
eseven73Ralfm, ok replacing festival with espeak worked, but it's kind of hard to understand too, is there a way to tweak it?15:47
mbeierleseven73: there are different voices, and they are set as part of the say command.  Do you know where you got the script for the rss feed?15:48
RPSHello Guys, I've been using 8.10 since December and I just simply see no reason to switch back to WinBlows, but I do have a question. I just got prompted to install the 9.04 and I'm wondering how much work is required to get Jaunty running and get things stable? I mean will I have to reinstall things like VLC and go about redoing all my preferences? If that's the case I may need to postpone things until I have a few hours to get things15:48
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide15:48
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)15:48
=== [monica] is now known as d-_-b
Guest49366The sound playback is coming thru speakers even after plugging in my headphones, ho can i prevent this?15:48
albechanyone can help me get a working openvpn connection to an already working openvpn server?15:48
eseven73mbeierl, from http://www.commandlinefu.com15:48
lastmanHey ubuntu team, there is a serious bug in the openoffice 3.0.1 and report builder 1.0.5 !!!15:48
ubottuOpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!15:49
mbeierleseven73: what's the package/script called?15:50
jtholmeslastman, would you please report it using  ubuntu-bug thanks15:50
Boohbahlastman: could it be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/17922015:50
Boohbahjtholmes: best to search for an already filed bug first :)15:50
=== Mud is now known as Mud|afk
eseven73mbeierl, while [ 1 ]; do curl -s -u username:password  http://twitter.com/statuses/friends_timeline.rss|grep title|sed -ne 's/<\/*title>//gp' | head -n 6 |festival --tts; sleep 300;done15:51
mbeierleseven73: ok got it... gimme a moment :)15:51
=== elad is now known as elad`
=== HardStyle_ is now known as HardStyle
xvii69Hmm Anybody knwo what this means as an error in Nvidia Setting when i try to go back to Twin View from split Screen?15:53
xvii69Failed to set MetaMode (1) 'CRT-0: nvidia-auto-select @1280x1024 +1680+0, DFP-0: nvidia-auto-select @1680x1050 +0+0' (Mode 2960x1050, id: 94) on X screen 0.15:53
fullstophi all.  I've googled quite a bit, but I can'f find what i am looking for.  I need to force the drive geometry of an IDE drive.15:53
SiDiHi, does anyone know where's the file that managed autocompletion for apt-get  / aptitude ? can't find it15:54
fullstopI see that I can pass hd= in the kernel parameters.15:54
fullstopany examples?  How will that bypass my scsi drive?15:54
Guest49366The sound playback is coming thru speakers even after plugging in my headphones, ho can i prevent this?15:54
LjLSiDi: /etc/bash_completion15:54
Guest49366I am on 8.1015:54
jertoxvii69, did you check google ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69058015:55
Jaunty69hi , when i login , I hear a drubbing sound from the speakers... how do I fix this15:55
shadeslayeranyone using the ring sensors screenlet?15:55
xvii69nop will go now15:55
jertoxvii69, check the link I sent15:55
xvii69checking it now.. thanxs alot15:56
DG19075Jaunty69: the drubbing sound is the ubuntu hand drum login prompt.....15:56
mbeierlGuest20491: follow this tutorial: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67727715:56
mbeierlGuest20491: the "default" voice to use for festival is located in /etc/festival.scm15:57
Jaunty69DG19075: its not that one.. It lasts for over a 3 -4 mins. and I cant hear any audio from my speakers also.. I am using  a laptop15:57
SlartIs there a way for me to verify if my usb-drive uses USB v1 or USB v2 ?15:58
jtholmesslart  perhaps  lspci -vvv15:58
=== jackytw is now known as jacky_tw
mbeierlGuest20491: for example to use the "rab" voice, create (or edit) /etc/festival.scm and enter this line: (set! default_voice 'voice_rab_diphone)15:59
Slartjtholmes: hmm.. good thinking.. let me check, see what I can find15:59
Jaunty69Anyone knows how i can go about finding an audio driver...15:59
DG19075Jaunty69: sounds like an audio issue, what's called motor boating. First place to look is your mixer settings, to see if something is wrong there.15:59
grawityshankhayan: Hello.16:00
localauoh man full room is full16:00
localauokay so16:00
localaui've just installed jaunty jackelope or whatever16:01
shankhayanI've been having some problems with mounting disks....can anyone help16:01
localauand i'm trying to get flash working properly16:01
Halitechshankhayan, 32bit or 64 bit?16:01
localaui'm not sure if the problem is related to firefox specifically or what16:01
localaualso shankhayan, i had a lot of problems with the 64 bit edition. i installed the 32 bit on mine. works just fine.16:02
Halitechshankhayan, look here http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-flash-not-working-after-jaunty-upgrade-64bit.html16:02
Jaunty69DG19075: Do you mean look sound preferences. Default Mixer tracks16:02
JessybabyOn windows for a loopback i type ping, what do I do in linux?16:02
shankhayanI think that links for localau16:02
HalitechJessybaby, same thing16:02
=== sword is now known as Guest38814
SiDi!mount | shankhayan16:02
ubottushankhayan: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap16:02
itshortyJssybaby: just the same16:02
JessybabyHalitech, what about
localauwell my flash problem is as follows: it gets very poor performance and there are a lot of flash videoplayers that out right do not work16:03
Halitechshankhayan, sorry, yes you are right16:03
DG19075Jaunty69: yes16:03
SiDishankhayan: also, try gmountiso16:03
localauyoutube, for example, works fine but it runs between 5 and 15 fps16:03
localaubut metacafe.com's videoplayer doesn't load16:03
SiDishankhayan: if you've got a specific question about mounting devices that the FAQ can't answer, then please ask it explicitely so we can help you ;)16:03
=== Exposure` is now known as Exposure
HymnosisJessybaby to stop it press ctrl + z16:04
shankhayanThis is the situation16:04
HalitechJessybaby, that isn't a loopback address16:04
Swistakhello guys16:04
Jaunty69DG19075: so which device should i choose.. Or just try everyone one of them16:04
shankhayanI've got some .iso images of MATLAB which I want to install under wine16:04
shankhayanThey're a windows version16:04
SwistakIs it possible to install WINDOWS XP when I am uisng now ONLY ubuntu? I have 2 physics discs. One of them is empty16:04
shankhayanSo I try mounting using gmount-iso16:04
JessybabyWhat will happen if i type "ping"16:04
DG19075Jaunty69: I personally use alsa16:04
shankhayanIts giving me the following error16:04
shadeslayerSwistak: sure16:04
shankhayanAn error occured16:04
shankhayan wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,       missing codepage or helper program, or other error16:04
SiDishankhayan: please try to write everything in a single phrase, and add my name at the end of it, so it makes it much easier for me to read you16:04
kitcheSwistak: yes but you will lose grub which means you will need to reinstall it to the mbr16:05
shadeslayerSwistak: just have a ubuntu disc ready to reinstall GRUB16:05
mbeierlJessybaby: if there is a computer with the address and you can reach it, it will respond16:05
HalitechJessybaby, depends on if thats an IP address on the local network that you are connected to or not16:05
Swistakshadearg, kitche When i try install XP, i get error http://www.roleplay.pl/HPIM5133.JPG16:05
SiDishankhayan: are you sure it's an iso ? Sometimes windows applications use .ISO extension for .MDF/.MDS/.BIN files.16:05
JessybabyHalitech, for some reason i though was loopback on linux. I was having an argument with someone. Looks like I was wrong!16:05
sebsebsebnot  sure if I am meant to promote this here really, but  there's some help going on right now for new Ubuntu users in   #ubuntu-classroom and you can ask some questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat16:06
SiDishankhayan: anyways, try the following command : "sudo mkdir /media/ISO && sudo mount /path_to_the_iso/yourfile.iso /media/ISO -t iso9660 -o loop" and tell me if you get a wrong fs type error16:06
Jaunty69DG19075: i still cant hear anything  when i  click the test16:06
HalitechJessybaby, is a non routable IP address that some ISPs will use if they use NAT to assign network connections16:06
shankhayanSiDi.....The extension is .iso   if I do file <Discname>.iso , It's coming up as data16:06
Hymnosiswhat about if i want to release the ip address like on windows "ipconfig /release"16:06
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HalitechHymnosis, sudo ifconfig down16:07
SiDishankhayan: if you type file, it should give something such as  : bt3-final.iso: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data [...]    or   xubuntu-9.04-beta-desktop-amd64.iso: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'Xubuntu 9.04 amd64'16:07
Hymnosisand renew ifconfig up?16:07
HalitechHymnosis, yes but use sudo16:08
DG19075Jaunty69: go to System>Preferences>Sound, and under default Mixer Tracks, select alsa16:08
RPSI think my questions got passed over earlier, so I'm going to try again.16:09
nickgrey147What is the easyest way to set up a ubuntu machine as a mail server ??16:09
RPSHello Guys, I've been using 8.10 since December and I just simply see no reason to switch back to WinBlows, but I do have a question. I just got prompted to install the 9.04 and I'm wondering how much work is required to get Jaunty running and get things stable? I mean will I have to reinstall things like VLC and go about redoing all my preferences? If that's the case I may need to postpone things until I have a few hours to get things16:09
FloodBot3RPS: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:09
shankhayanSiDi: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,16:10
shankhayan       missing codepage or helper program, or other error16:10
shankhayan       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try16:10
shankhayan       dmesg | tail  or so16:10
FloodBot3shankhayan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:10
HalitechRPS, if you do the upgrade then you shouldn't need to reinstall anything ... of course as it is a major change you should back up anything you can't afford to lose in case it does mess up16:10
gottreuwith only 1 gig of RAM, will the switch from 32bit to 64bit ubuntu cause any memory usage problems?16:10
Slartgottreu: not that I can think of16:10
kitcheRPS: the packages will get upgraded automatically 3rd party stuff I would watch out for if you have any of that installed16:10
SiDishankhayan: heh, dont paste several lines or the bots will kick you :) for this you can use http://paste.ubuntu.com for instance16:10
icerootgottreu: you only need 64bit with 4gb ram an more16:11
SiDishankhayan: the problem is very very likely that your ISO file isnt really an ISO, but a MDF, a CUE or something like this16:11
doggyslobberHow do you screen capture a scrolling webpage...  I need the whole page from top to bottom...16:11
shankhayanHmm......so is there any way to specify the fstype of the image16:11
Jaunty69DG19075: That doesnt work either16:11
nickgrey147Mail server , ubuntu ? anyone ?16:11
janisozaurhi, i'm trying to write an app using QT, it opens a file using open(), does something with this file and then it should close() the file, but when i compile (using Qt Creator) it wants to link close(file) to a method from QWidget. how can i fix that?16:12
shankhayanSiDi: Can ubuntu even mount .CUE or whatever16:12
SiDishankhayan: you can try tools such as mdf2iso nrg2iso pdi2iso ccd2iso or cdi2iso or b5i2iso16:12
ralfm_doggyslobber, there are Firefix plugins like fireshot16:12
Jaunty69Anyone using HP laptop and had audio problems... and managed to solve it16:12
=== herb` is now known as herb
SiDishankhayan: no, these are filesystems managed by the CD cloning apps, and by Alcohol 120% or Daemon tools, which are all windows tools16:12
RPSHalitech, what would be the easiest way to back up my settings for say something like Xchat? I would hate to lose all the settings I labored over. Of course I know how to save my personal data, but the tweaks I spent so much time getting just right would be a HUGE punch in the gut if I lost them.16:12
jribjanisozaur: you should ask in the qt channel, or at least in the channel for the language you are writing in16:12
amgarchingif I run "screen" from a "screen" how do I open new shell in the inner screen? C-a c opens new shell of the outer.16:12
SiDishankhayan: try one of the above tools till it succeeds. And if they all fail then you'll have to find an actual ISO on the web16:13
SiDishankhayan: if you made the ISO yourself from windows, be sure to save it explicitely in ISO 966016:13
HalitechRPS, just backup your home folder as all personal preferences are there, just make sure you get the hidden files16:13
shankhayanSiDi: But how do I determine what Filesystem the disc image really is16:13
manatarmsI hope you wherent overreacting my friend. Stew! :)16:13
jribamgarching: C-a a  escapes I think.  Search the man page for "escape"16:14
SiDishankhayan: well, that's the whole problem:) if you don't know what its been done with, its impossible16:14
manatarmsTenacious D Powerrrs !16:14
shankhayanSiDi: Thanks anyway16:14
amgarchingjrib: right, C-a a c16:14
SiDishankhayan: but as the file is coming alone, its very likely a cue or bin. They're the most common. If you had an .mds file with it, then the ISO is a .mdf16:14
LinuxApeAnyone else having printing problems since their Jaunty upgrade?16:14
SiDishankhayan: you're welcome. Good luck with your file.16:14
jrib!ask | LinuxApe16:14
ubottuLinuxApe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:14
modderxAny of you guys web developers?16:15
jrib!ot | modderx16:15
ubottumodderx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:15
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Swistakshadearg, kitche any ideas?16:15
JockyWilsonData corruption if you are downloading 4gb+ files and forget to turn off screensaver can that cause data corruption?16:15
SwistakWhen i try install XP, i get error http://www.roleplay.pl/HPIM5133.JPG16:15
Swistakubuntu is one way ticket :P?16:16
HalitechSwistak, MS doesnt like to play ball with other operating systems and it is usually best to install it first then Ubuntu16:17
mbeierlSwistak: the partition that you are trying to install windows to was formatted as ext3 by ubuntu.  It is highly recommended to install operating systems into their own partitions, not share a partition between two partitions16:17
mbeierlSwistak: therefore you will need to shrink the partition that ubuntu is using and make a new one for Windows XP16:18
Swistakmbeierl, no, this HDD is second phisycal HDD, without filesystem16:18
shadeslayerSwistak: yeah,sorry,what you could try is to make a new partition through gparted which a FAT32 or NTFS partition16:18
Swistakbut windows try to acces first HDD16:18
mbeierlSwistak: so Windows is not allowing you to install on second hdd?16:18
Swistakshadeslayer, I tried installing this on NTFS and on empty space16:19
Swistakmbeierl, I can select second HDD, but windows want also acces MBR at first disc (EXT3 ubuntu)16:19
ertu_Hi. Is it possible to use beryl on latest amd64 ubuntu and ati x1950?16:19
Swistakshadeslayer, and It give me the same error16:19
pepperjackSwistak: also, generally you want to install in this order xp, ubuntu otherwise xp will take over your boot loader and you have to repair.16:19
pepperjackSwistak: trick is to let ubuntu have the last word16:20
Swistakpepperjack, I realise that16:21
Swistakbut I cant install xp16:21
CrazyguySwistak, if you want to install xp on a different hard drive, I recommend you disconnect the one with ubuntu (power or data cable should be sufficient)16:21
yakobmatrixI am having problem connecting VPN in jaunty16:21
shadeslayerwell the recommended way is windoze > Ubuntu16:21
Swistaki get this damm error16:21
Swistakalso at XP and vista16:21
yakobmatrixanyone has recommendation16:21
Jakalcan anyone give me a little help? i just got an hd tv and im trying to get the resolution set right. i think the problem is in the horizontal and vert sync. my tv manual says its hor 47.7 vert 60. but the xorg.conf file has value ranges. im not really sure what to put there.16:21
SwistakCrazyguy, omg, thats hardcore ;D16:21
Swistakthat mean windows => ubuntu works good, but ubuntu => windows not16:21
CrazyguySwistak, xp sometimes wants to overwrite the ubuntu boot loader even when installing to another disk16:21
pepperjackSwistak: xp is very limited in what it allows you to do i imagine it will insist on installing to master drive16:22
RoC_MasterMindIn the older ubuntu's there was an System/Preferences/Sessions, and I could hit the button to "Save my session" so that my terminal and a few other apps would auto-open when I login.  That button stopped working in 8.?? and now in 9.04 Sessions is gone...is there any new functionality to replace this?16:22
vbabiywhat is the best way to change default python version in ubuntu 9.0416:22
Swistakbut this order mean to me that ubuntu is limited16:23
first2di3Ok, so, I installed ubuntu last night and booted into it and played around, everythings good... today I go to boot into windows and even when I try to boot safemode, it loads Mup.sys then the computer reboots to bios16:23
mbeierlSwistak: what it means is that Windows XP does not want to share your computer with another operating system unless it comes from Microsoft16:23
AnRkeyhow can i create an lpr queue, for our as400 server to print to, with cupsys on ubuntu?16:23
first2di3How do I go about fixing that?16:23
LjLSwistak: have you asked in ##windows as well? i think that should be a more appropriate channel16:23
mbeierlSwistak: it is not Ubuntu's fault it is Microsoft16:23
SwistakI will disconnect this16:23
shadeslayeryeah,they have a bad bad partitioning system16:23
LjLSwistak: you can stay joined to two channels at a time.16:24
Crazyguyshadeslayer, terrible I would say16:24
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=== Master is now known as Masterz
jonndoe45HELP PLEASE. I have an hd (hd1) with 2 partitions already p0 xp (active, primary), p1, win7, if i load ubuntu where do I put the bootloader ?16:24
=== Masterz is now known as Guest49679
AnRkeySwistak, you can install ubuntu to another drive and then install grub on the windows drive16:24
hatter243jonndoe45, in the default location16:25
ertu_Is it possible to use beryl on latest ubuntu, amd64 and ati x1950?16:25
shadeslayeralso their thinking that " This PC has no other OS and i can go about messing with the MBR " thing is irritating16:25
Bodsda!beryl | ertu_16:25
ubottuertu_: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz16:25
AnRkeySwistak, or visa versa it doesn't matter to grub where u install it16:25
ertu_thanks. iIs it possible to use beryl on latest ubuntu, amd64 and ati x1950?16:25
Bodsdaertu_: compiz should work -- there may be a few issues due to the ati card though16:25
first2di3Ok, so, I installed ubuntu last night and booted into it and played around, everythings good... today I go to boot into windows and even when I try to boot safemode, it loads Mup.sys then the computer reboots... where do I start to fix this?16:26
Omarman I'm on a laptop with Nvidia 8600 graphics (DELL XPS 1530), Jaunty install. Is there a way to activate external monitor on separate x screen without having to restart X?16:26
christihow can I install Ubuntu on LVM?16:26
shadeslayerfirst2di3: isnt that a windows problem?16:26
shadeslayerOmarman: me too!!! i cant get it to recognise my SDTV on my S-video out16:27
AnRkeychristi, use the ubuntu alternate cd/iso and google for the howto16:27
zirodayOmarman: are you using the propriatery nvidia dirvers?16:27
first2di3well... it would be, but windows didnt have a problem until I installed ubuntu, so I thought since you see people like me every other day you might have a pointer or two =/16:27
ralfm_christi, alternate CD16:27
brett__oh lawdy i havent used irc in ages16:27
RPSHalitech, thanks, but how do I make sure I get the hidden files when I'm backing up my Home folder?16:28
christiAnRkey, ralfm_ : The text based alternate installer ?16:28
OmarmanYes.. using the Nvidia drivers16:28
brett__if i want to see all channels in server irc.rizon.net, how do i do it?16:28
AnRkeyit has more options than the gui/gnome/live iso/cd16:28
zirodayOmarman: install the nvidia-settings app (sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings) and then use that16:28
jonndoe45hatter243, i tried not specifying boot loader location it DEFAULTS to hd0, my boot drive is hd1 - if i try that then netldr is missing message16:28
loki_Anyone care to help out an IRC n00b?16:28
OmarmanThanks Ziroday!16:28
shadeslayerloki_: please use #freenode16:28
joaopintofirst2di3, there are some windows installations which do break when you do partition changes, fixing that requires windows know-how or contacting your vendor, we will not be able to help you here, since that is a windows related problem16:29
loki_ok thnx - how?16:29
shadeslayerloki_: /join #freenode16:29
AnRkeychristi, why lvm?16:29
LjLloki_: /join #freenode16:29
loki_ah thnx16:29
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion16:29
first2di3ok, Thanks16:29
hareldvdafter running "computer janitor" and removing everything recommended and reinstalling openoffice3 (ubuntu 9) I now get: The application cannot be started. iso resource could not be loaded by SfxApplication16:29
mbeierlfirst2di3: do you have a windows repair or install disk?16:29
hatter243jonndoe45, and editing the grub config to change all instances of hd (0,X) to hd (1,X) ?16:29
christiAnRkey, why LVM? Because it's more flexible than regular partitions.16:29
hatter243jonndoe45, ...doesn't solve the problem?16:29
AnRkeychristi, then will you know enough to set one up?16:29
HalitechRPS, open Nautilus and press CTRL + H to show hidden files16:30
AnRkeythe text ui allows for it when you install on alternate iso/cd16:30
christiAnRkey, I know how to setup one from the command line16:30
terrestrefirst2di3: maybe a chkdsk to the partition could help16:30
jonndoe45hatter243, not tried that i wll have to read up on it, ubuntu newbie16:30
Guest49366The sound playback is coming thru speakers even after plugging in my headphones, ho can i prevent this?16:30
christiAnRkey, I've been using LVM under Fedora for the last couple of years16:30
Guest49366I dont mind disabling speakers16:30
elad`I have a ThinkPad. The volume from its speaker is much lower than it is when running WinXP on it. How do I enhance it?16:30
AnRkeychristi, then use the alternate installer, you should find it easy to do16:30
Guest49366please help16:30
paohi all! is that difficult to install 9.04 next to 8.04?16:31
pepperjackGuest49366: not sure how to have it fixed automatically but you can run alsamixer in a terminal or use the gnome front end to it < > keys i think to mute16:31
terrestre!ask Guest4967916:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask Guest4967916:31
AnRkeychristi,  I use mdadm, not reason why though :P16:31
terrestre!ask | Guest4967916:31
ubottuGuest49679: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:31
christiAnRkey, got that. Thank you. I don't want RAID.16:31
AnRkeyi am getting mixxed up then, what is lvm for then?16:32
AnRkeychristi,  i got some readin' to do :D16:32
hareldvdGuest49366, There is a separate volume control for local speakers and for earphones.16:32
RPSHalitech, thanks and why did I suddenly think it was going to be some special thing I needed to do is beyond me. I guess I will just have to laugh at myself on this one. Thanks!16:32
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:32
christiAnRkey, LVM let's use create/delete partitions on the fly16:32
christiAnRkey, you can resize them very easily16:32
OmarmanIt seems the Nvidia settings app also wants me to restart X if I want to enable a second X screen on the external monitor.16:32
vbabiywhat is the best way to change default python version in ubuntu 9.0416:32
AnRkeychristi, now you have peaked my interest....16:32
jribvbabiy: why?16:32
elad`I have a ThinkPad. The volume from its speaker is much lower than it is when running WinXP on it. How do I enhance it?16:33
christiAnRkey, you can also move files (partitions) from one drive to another drive without any disruptions. It's really cool.16:33
vbabiyjrib: I need to use 2.5 as the default for my python development16:33
AnRkeychristel, that's awesome then for my hardware raid setups, i always have issues when i expand them16:33
shadeslayer!sound | elad`16:33
ubottuelad`: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:33
HalitechRPS, we usually make things more complicated then they are ~L~ hopefully the upgrade goes fine and you won't need the backup files16:33
AnRkeychristi, i could put them on an lvm partition and expand as the volume expands?16:33
christiAnRkey, under LVM, you just add a new PV (physical volume) - a regular partition actually, then add it to the volume group and then you can extend a logical volume16:34
jribvbabiy: you should just use python2.5 in your hashbang line.  Changing the default version is a bad idea since it could break some scripts16:34
Guest49366hareldvd: where is that?16:34
Guest49366I saw in thealsa mixer and it is not there16:34
Guest49366I don mind disabling te speakers completly16:35
christiAnRkey, you put filesystems on logical volumes; after extending the logical volume you run resize2fs on it16:35
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:35
elad`It do have sound. It's just that the volume isn't as high as it could be.16:35
hareldvdGuest49366, On the panel there is a volume knob which when you double click should open.16:35
coleysGuest49366: Whats your problem?16:35
AnRkeychristi, thanks that sounds like enough to get some info16:35
christiAnRkey, there is one thing that sucks under LVM: snapshots16:36
AnRkeychristi, will have to read up on it, sounds very handy indeed16:36
hareldvdGuest49366, and in the accessories menu also.16:36
Guest49366coleys: same problem16:36
Guest49366The sound playback is coming thru speakers even after plugging in my headphones, ho can i prevent this?16:36
AnRkeychristi, snapshots not work?16:36
Guest49366hareldvd: I have seen there, and there is no seperate cntrol for volume16:36
christiAnRkey, they aren't straightforward16:36
christiAnRkey, I've tried once and now I'm cured16:37
christiAnRkey, read http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/ ; it's pretty good16:37
AnRkeyGuest49366, there is an option in the sound panel, double click the speaker next to the time, enable all the advanced options in the menus and you should see headphone jack sense or some such option that you can change16:37
AnRkeychristi, thanks... you ended up helping me :{16:38
christiAnRkey, snapshots don't work as you would expect them to work; they aren't buggy per-se, they just don't do what I would like them to do16:38
christiAnRkey, that's the beauty of open-source :-)16:38
Guest49366AnRkey: It is not present16:38
=== NoIdeasOriginal is now known as sahyuhr
AnRkeyGuest49366, click edit preferences and enable them all16:39
AnRkeyGuest49366, then you should see more tabs and options in the tabs16:40
AnRkeyGuest49366, when you double clicked on the speaker, did the volume control come up?16:40
hareldvdGuest49366, Guess it has to do with your sound card.16:40
AnRkeychristi, foss is getting pretty cool... we have come quite far in the last few years16:41
=== adam is now known as Guest83194
xrfanghi there. I had a very big trouble upgrading to kbuntu 904 as well as mandriva 2009.1... this is all because of the new X server and the discontinued ati driver :(16:42
xrfangI am now install ubuntu 804 as this is the only workable CD I have now16:42
Guest49366AnRkey: Yes16:43
scunizixrfang: from there you can upgrade to 8.10 for better performance if you want.. although both release are close to the same16:43
xrfangmy question is, can I switch to kubuntu by install kubuntu-desktop and use ppa source to upgrade to kde 4.2.2, without mess with X or ati driver16:43
xrfangscunizi: I am now very scared about upgrade due to the ati stuff.16:43
supersashohi there.. can anyone help me with arecord and aplay.. allways as i reboot the system i have to manualy edit the audio source for my tvcard and also the webcam audio source for skype16:44
Jakalcan anyone give me a little help? i just got an hd tv and im trying to get the resolution set right. i think the problem is in the horizontal and vert sync. my tv manual says its hor 47.7 vert 60. but the xorg.conf file has value ranges. im not really sure what to put there.16:44
xrfangI may upgrade to 810, but I think 804 may get longer support? what I hope is that I can keep the X and hardware driver stable will keep my desktop and other software up-to-date.16:44
AnRkeyGuest49366, did you enable all the options under edit > options?16:44
xrfangany suggestions?16:44
scunizi8.1 didn't really have an issue.. doing a session change to kubutu doesn't eliminate x but you will be able to do what you want with the upgrade16:45
FloodBot3ramona: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:45
aaditya_how do i know whether i'm running on XAA or EXA acceleration?16:45
=== woody_ is now known as zwaa
mnemoaaditya_: grep through xorg.log16:45
geniiramona: If you have some question, say the question. But don't type in garbage for no reason and annoy everyone16:45
geniiBah, left anyhow now16:46
|slurpee-|how can I use ubuntu with my laptop and a projector? or an external monitor?16:46
xrfangscunizi: I understand that 804 and 810 may both be ok, but I hope there are sort of "backports" of new software if I decide never upgrade to 904 on this laptop?16:46
xrfangwhich is my best option :p16:46
mnemoaaditya_: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i "for acceleration"16:46
scunizixrfang: by new software do you mean the "latest" release of something like Ooo?..16:46
supersashohi there.. can anyone help me with arecord and aplay.. allways as i reboot the system i have to manualy edit the audio source for my tvcard and also the webcam audio source for skype16:47
xrfangscunizi: exactly, e.g. OOO, firefox, KDE etc.16:47
pepperjack!dualhead | |slurpee-|16:47
ubottu|slurpee-|: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama16:47
scunizixrfang: you may have to compile some of what you want.. Ooo 3.0 I think is available in a PPA.. FF will get stability/security updates only.. 8.04 is LTS / 8.10 is more compatable with more hardware16:48
Xcercaif i'm using aptitude to download a program and it's going to take while what would be the best way to stop it so that i can download it later and unlock the sudo command ?16:48
aaditya_mnemo: thanks16:48
simoneciao a tutti16:48
jribXcerca: ctrl-c16:48
=== uman is now known as samdamsam
Pici!it | simone16:49
ubottusimone: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:49
xrfangthanks scunizi...16:49
scunizixrfang: np16:49
=== Juliiiie is now known as antoine[maison]
Xcercajrib , will it still have the lock so that i can't install another program if i do ctrl+c when aptitude is downloading ?16:49
wall-e_is there any easy way of attaching a seperat partition that would be my home to my root directory ?16:50
jribXcerca: no16:50
antoine[maison]cd #mist16:50
psyjoniz_can anyone tell me why .profile isn't executed on a rather vanilla install of 9.04?16:50
geniiXcerca: If you have a partial file in /var/cache/apt/archives  for the interrupted download from a package manager, delete if before re-running aptitude or so on later on16:50
antoine[maison]oups, sorry16:50
samdamsamHey guys I was just changing the color of my download speed in the little realtime chart in my system monitor and it worked fine. Then For some reason it said my download or upload speed was zero when it wasnt so I closed the system monitor and reopened it. Now I can only see my download speed, not my upload speed and I cant/dont know how to add the upload speed sensor. Any help? Thanks16:50
|slurpee-|i just asked a projector questions but ubuntu restarted...16:50
|slurpee-|can you please repeat what you said??16:50
supersashohi there.. can anyone help me with arecord and aplay.. allways as i reboot the system i have to manualy edit the audio source for my tvcard and also the webcam audio source for skype16:51
psyjoniz_can anyone tell me why .profile isn't executed on a rather vanilla install of 9.04?16:51
wall-e_when i installed ubuntu 9.04 it did not attach the second partition as my home it just made it another mountable dev16:51
pepperjack|slurpee-|: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead is a good starting spot16:51
pepperjack|slurpee-|: if using the nvidia drivers the nvidia-settings package you can download should make it pretty easy16:52
scuniziwall-e_: that would only have happened if you didn't do a manual partition during install16:52
gordonjcpwall-e_: shouldn't be that hard to fix though, just add it to /etc/fstab16:52
joshua___hey folks can someone help me track down the fix to a serious bug that I have (that has been reported/confirmed) But there are so many dupes that I have no idea what to apply or how...16:52
scuniziwall-e_: you can change the reference for /home in /etc/fstab16:53
wall-e_i see, let me try16:53
uriel_?is there such thing as a system reboot for ubuntu?16:53
supersashohi.. i have a problem, that the audio of the tvcard and webcam is changing with each other, any suggestions?16:53
zirodayuriel_: of course16:53
scuniziuriel_: sure.. but why?16:53
Halitechuriel_, system reboot or system restore?16:53
mercutio22doodes, I mistakingly altered my font dpi to 300 now I can't see the panel, how can I access the appearance menu?16:54
uriel_well i messed up compiz but i dont wanna go through ant reinstall from scratch16:54
Halitechuriel_, so you are looking for a system restore16:54
geniiuriel_: When you add/remove applications you usually do not require reboots. Only for things like new kernels or when the changes affect the device detection backend like udev or such16:54
uriel_yeah i only wanna do it to ubuntu tho not windows16:55
|slurpee-|how can I tell video video card I have?16:55
genii|slurpee-|: lspci | grep VGA16:55
scuniziuriel_: what did you do in compiz that doesn't work or look right?16:55
mercutio22how can I launch the appearances app from the terminal?16:55
aaditya1uriel_: if it's only compiz, then deleting some config files from your home directory should fix it16:55
|slurpee-|00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)16:55
|slurpee-|how can I get multihead working with that?16:55
|slurpee-|can I still use the nvidia-settings?16:55
uriel_well i was messing with the window manager and changed it to metacity but i changed it back16:55
Halitechuriel_, instead of restoring it just do a repair by removing the compiz files16:56
aaditya1|slurpee-|: use xrandr..16:56
uriel_for some reason anything that uses compiz wont work cant even get multiple desktopes it was working perfect till yesterday16:56
|slurpee-|xrandar ?16:56
scunizi|slurpee-|: check the forums.. I think there are issues with that card16:56
pepperjack|slurpee-|: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12       may help16:56
AnnaSternanyone having a tip of a good program for taking snapshots with a webcam ?16:56
mercutio22help doodes, everything is huge, I just need the command to launch the metacity appearences thingy16:56
scunizi|slurpee-|: nvidia settings is only for nvidia16:57
scuniziAnnaStern: cheese16:57
aaditya1AnnaStern: cheese16:57
uriel_any ideas?16:57
* mercutio22 requests a little attention for chrissakes16:57
|slurpee-|xrandar looks hard to setup16:57
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:57
AnnaSternscunizi: aadityal: thx both of you :)16:57
|slurpee-|there isn't something I can quickly setup?16:57
uriel_or am i just looking at ununtalling ubuntu and reinstalling?16:57
kjkjldual booting windows and xp. how do i access ubuntu files from windows16:57
its_me1Has ubuntu stopped supporting their Ubuntu 8.10 - the Intrepid Ibex?16:58
aaditya1|slurpee-|: grandr..16:58
cratylusits_me1, nope16:58
aaditya1kjkjl: use the ext3 driver for windows16:58
kjkjlits_me1 whats up16:58
cratylusis there a way to have gnome terminal open multiple tabs and run slightly different commands on each one ? i guess to script gnome terminal itself ?16:58
kjkjlaaditya tahnks16:58
aaditya1kjkjl: http://www.fs-driver.org/16:58
scuniziits_me1: no16:58
|slurpee-|grabbing grandr now.16:58
samdamsamHey guys I was just changing the color of my download speed in the little realtime chart in my system monitor and it worked fine. Then For some reason it said my download or upload speed was zero when it wasnt so I closed the system monitor and reopened it. Now I can only see my download speed, not my upload speed and I cant/dont know how to add the upload speed sensor. Any help? Thanks16:59
samdamsamHow can I download codecs (mp3) for Amarok?16:59
HodappCan I pretty easily use the new notification effects with something besides GNOME?16:59
scunizi!mp3 | samdamsam16:59
ubottusamdamsam: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:59
Hodappor perhaps GNOME with some other WM on top than the default?16:59
its_me1I was not getting any security updates since new ubuntu was released, so I was wondering if they have stopped releasing security updates for 8.10?16:59
supersashohi.. i have a problem, that the audio of the tvcard and webcam is changing with each other, any suggestions?16:59
|slurpee-|i have grandr, it shows me VGA and LVDS.....  LVDS = external monitor?16:59
saegiruSo I am having problems getting 64-bit 9.04 to run with the proprietary nvidia 180 drivers... when I enable them and restart, the desktop won't load... has anyone else heard of this? I am running 2 GeForce 8800GTX cards hopefully in SLI Mode eventually.17:00
scuniziits_me1: I've had several.. look in synaptic and have it search for the best mirror for you17:00
cratylusits_me1, you should be fine as far as security updates go. but check the site to see how long the support for intrepid will last17:00
aaditya1|slurpee-|: LVDS = laptop screen, VGA = external17:00
Patohi can someone help me with a virtualbox problem? this seems to be issue: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/161518/17:00
|slurpee-|hmm now VGA is gone17:00
xxploitsaegiru, install linux kernel headers?17:00
scuniziits_me1: all releases other than LTS are supported for 18 months.. LTS for 3 years on the desktop and 5 on the server17:00
zirodayPato: what version of ubuntu?17:00
|slurpee-|now i only have lvds17:00
aaditya1|slurpee-|: connect the wire?17:01
|slurpee-|it is connected17:01
zirodayPato: please address, what kernel are you running currently?17:01
|slurpee-|just reconnected it17:01
uriel_ok well ima just reinstall it will take a lil bit but meh why not17:01
uriel_bye thanks for the ghelp17:01
cratylussamdamsam: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras17:01
aaditya1poor uriel17:01
PatoI think17:02
samdamsamcratylus:  Thanks17:02
Patowhere can I look for the kernel Iḿ using17:02
samdamsamHey guys I was just changing the color of my download speed in the little realtime chart in my system monitor and it worked fine. Then For some reason it said my download or upload speed was zero when it wasnt so I closed the system monitor and reopened it. Now I can only see my download speed, not my upload speed and I cant/dont know how to add the upload speed sensor. Any help? Thanks17:02
aaditya1Pato: uname -a17:02
jtholmespato  uname -r17:02
slurpeeoo....screen went all blank and all i could see was the mouse :(17:02
slurpeenow im on my desktop17:02
its_me1scunizi and <cratylus> : Thanks for the reply, I just checked with Update manager manually, It showed some updates. Thanks once again.17:03
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:03
Pato2.6.27-7-generic #1 SMP Tue Nov 4 19:33:20 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux17:03
alberticoPato, uname -r17:03
saegiruI'm sorry, what do you mean install linux kernel headers?17:03
Patouname -r: 2.6.27-7-generic17:03
aaditya1slurpee: try to execute `xrandr --auto` somehow17:03
slurpeeim back17:03
slurpeehard reboot saved me17:04
manddmy xorg.conf is generated "Identifier"Default Screen""   Device"Configured Video Device"   instead of specifying all details like17:04
PatoI think the headers of 2.6.27-7-generic are missing17:04
MeowMixdo not use ubuntu it will kill your harddrive17:04
ubottuslurpee: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key17:04
joshua___folks trying to find a binary package of this https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/2:2.6.3-0ubuntu1017:04
joshua___but cant... can anyone help?17:04
Patobut I don't know how to install them,17:04
manddand on ubuntu forums, when users are configurign multiple displays, their xorg.conf contains much more infoactually17:05
scunizi!troll | MeowMix17:05
ubottuMeowMix: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel17:05
manddwhat am I doing wrong?17:05
aaditya1MeowMix: what do you mean?17:05
MeowMixmy harddrive went to 43948238C and it melted17:05
MeowMixbecause the linux kernel sucks17:05
MeowMixNT IS GOD17:05
LjL!ops | MeowMix17:05
ubottuMeowMix: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!17:05
aaditya1!troll> MeowMix17:05
HardDiskI am god.17:05
ubottuMeowMix, please see my private message17:05
HodappMeowMix: If your hard drive went that hot, it wouldn't melt, it would turn to plasma.17:05
|slurpee-|now I am back to the laptop with grandr17:06
|slurpee-|i only see lvds17:06
MeowMixNT IS GOOD17:06
Patoani ideas?17:06
RPSOne more small question guys ...I'm moving from 8.10 to 9.04 and I've not done any reading on things, but are there many issues being reported with 9.04?17:06
jribMeowMix: please stay on topic here (ubuntu support) or go elsewhere17:06
ugliefrogi need to reinstall vlc but I dont want a trace of it anywhere...like it was never there ....so when i install it ...it will be like it was the first time...how is that done17:06
MeowMixhey jrib i am ontopic17:06
Hodappman... I feel sorry for this channel, the only trolls you get are the ones who failed out of troll school17:06
alberticoPato, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-<kernel version>17:06
scuniziRPS: I suggest booting the live cd and see if your hardware works.. some ati cards don't work17:06
HardDiskugliefrog, sudo aptitude purge vlc*17:07
|slurpee-|i plugged monitor back in and dont see vga17:07
aaditya1RPS: test your system with a liveCD before upgrading17:07
alberticoPato, you can use synaptic in order to search for the packages if you feel more comfortable with the gui17:07
HardDiskerm sorry17:07
ugliefrogHardDisk:Thank you very much17:07
HardDiskugliefrog, I meant sudo apt-get remove --purge vlc*17:07
RPSWOW, I'm glad I asked first17:07
petkorI've made a mistake with mv command and copied more files into one single name. Can retrieve those files.17:07
ubottupetkor: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel17:08
HardDiskugliefrog, the first command wont work with wildcards, use the second one I posted17:08
PatoI get an error when I try to install using "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-<kernel version>"17:08
joshua___actually can anyone help me find the very latest unreleased xserver-xorg-video-intel package? please17:08
Patobut the output is in spanish17:08
aaditya1Pato: which version are you trying to install?17:08
|slurpee-|k if I go into the display config, click mirror display, then detect display, then vga shows up in grandr.  how do I setup grandr?17:08
HardDiskjoshua___, did you try intellinuxgraphics.org17:09
joshua___HardDisk: no I will now though thanks17:09
alberticoPato, you must replace <kernel version> with your kernel version (uname -r)17:09
Patoyep, already tried that17:09
HardDiskjoshua___, follow the links how to build the latest that you require.17:10
aaditya1Pato: consider using synaptic to see what kernel versions are available17:10
joshua___HardDisk: bummer no binaries?17:10
Pato"sudo apt-get install linux-headers 2.6.27-7-generic" is the command I use17:10
HardDiskjoshua___, no.17:10
alberticoPato, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.27-7-generic17:10
EvanCarrollHey i need help with emoticons, i figured this was the best place to ask: what is "\o/" supposed to look like? or be?17:10
HardDiskjoshua___, you might find in a PPA launchpad17:10
HodappEvanCarroll: holding one's arms up17:11
unkmarI need to add a network  printer via cli.  Anyone here done this before?17:11
Patoalbertico: I use that command17:11
Patobut gives me an error17:11
nickgrey147Can you use VMPLAYER in windows for ubuntu server edition ??17:11
HardDiskunkmar, depends on the printer.17:11
alberticoPato, what error you get?17:11
unkmarHardDisk: HP Laserjet 101217:11
HardDiskunkmar, there is a script for that17:11
abchirkey... is there an program which can handle voice to voice over console? so without X17:12
Patosomething (translated to english) as " unable to block /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open17:12
Patoit's in spanish17:12
X0rciticStockholm SUGGGGGGGA17:12
alberticoPato, that means you have another package manager open17:12
HardDiskunkmar, check out http://hp.sourceforge.net/ and www.openprinting.org17:12
wiehanSame old new ubuntu release problems: My sound is not working at all after installing ubuntu-restricted-extras, skype, libdvdcss2, vlc, banshee. Please, someone, help me.17:13
Patoahh ok, yo're right, Ie closed synaptic, retried, now i get another error17:13
HardDiskabchirk, yes search for Asterisk CLI17:14
abchirkHardDisk thank you! :)17:14
nickgrey147Can you use VMPLAYER in windows for ubuntu server edition ??17:14
HardDiskI use virtualbox, sorry.17:14
danorsknickgrey147: yes17:14
wiehannickgrey147: I think you need VMWARE-Server for that17:14
aaditya1nickgrey147: did you try?17:15
Thirstehnickgrey147, yes, but it's against vmware's terms of use afaik17:15
Thirstehhosting any 'server' processes, at least17:15
Hymnosisi use vmware server on ubuntu 9.0417:15
nickgrey147:D thanks all17:15
RPSdang guys ...what is the easiest place to find all my hardware? Geesh, you don;t use it you lose it.17:15
Patoif someone understands spanish : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/161539/17:15
wiehanSound not working in jaunty, help please17:16
mercutio22is there a shortcut to access the gnome-panel?17:16
nickgrey147iam not hosting a server with it17:16
aaditya1mercutio22: Alt+F117:16
alberticonickgrey147, you can download vmware server and host any virtual server on your machine... vmware server is free to use17:16
frenzy_usaRPS: lspci and lsusb have always given me the info I needed17:16
alberticoPato, look at the messages I sen't you17:16
HardDiskRPS, sudo lscpi17:16
HardDiskRPS, sudo lspci17:17
nickgrey147[albertico] ive started downloading vmplayer already does it make a differnce ?17:17
jirkaGood vening, I wold like to ask if the ubuntu NBR image is working, I downloaded it, transferred by Image writer to USB flash drive and when I try to boot from it it gives me boot error17:17
HardDiskyes it works17:17
HardDiskjirka, I use it myself.17:17
=== okasa is now known as touk
jirkaHardDisk: so should I try another disk or SD card?17:18
alberticonickgrey147, don't know the license for vmplayer... but I have used vmware server before... though, you need to compile it17:18
RPSthanks guys ...I was positive I didn't have an ati card, but thought I would look to be sure17:19
HardDiskjirka, try it again yes, also you may want to try to get into it using vesa default (ie simple graphics mode)17:19
RPSabout 15 minutes left on the DL of 9.04 and then I'll burn it and test it to be safe17:19
jirkaHardDisk: I cant't enter into the boot menu17:19
jtholmesjirka what boot error msg do u get17:19
nickgrey147[albertico] i think u miss understood , i want the ubuntu server to run on windows :P17:20
aaditya1RPS: you can use a USB drive in case you wish to save a CD17:20
jirkajtholmes: it just print Boot error17:20
ali_any one know how I can fix the sound?17:20
wtvwhy am i not being able to play VCDs in ubuntu 8.10?17:20
HardDiskwtv, use vlc17:20
ali_I'm using Xubuntu (latest)17:21
wtvHardDisk: VLC says it can't read the file17:21
jtholmesjirka, r u sure you can boot from  usb  ie.  does the BIOS allow boot from usb17:21
HardDiskis the cd clean?17:21
HardDiskwtv, vlc will read the .dat file as mpg17:21
HardDiskwtv let vlc open the .dat file manually17:21
alberticonickgrey147, then try vmplayer o virtualbox... i guess...17:21
HardDisknick_h[litage], I'd use virtualbox.17:22
ugliefrogHardDisk:I didnt work old settings are still there...17:22
jirkajtholmes: yes I've selected to boot from USB drive17:22
fogravenhow can I fix this?17:22
fogravenUnable to remove old X config backup file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'.17:22
wtvHardDisk: the CD is clean. i have had this prob with any VCD i try to play. VLC is not able to open file in anyway. the file doesn't get copied either17:22
HardDiskugliefrog, remove the ,vlc folder in home17:22
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=== okasa is now known as touk
jirkajtholmes: Or is there any way how to try the image in virtualbox?17:23
HardDiskugliefrog, its in .config/vlc17:23
Eloffhow can I set my color depth on ubuntu?17:23
HardDiskjirka, yes, you mount the iso in virtualbox17:23
Hymnosisnickgrey147 download vmware server 1.0.9 http://www.vmware.com/download/server/17:23
Turtle__what does grep do?17:23
HardDiskgrep = find17:23
hwildehello, how can I change my system clock from 250Hz to 1000Hz please ??17:23
Eloff(I read somewhere to look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but there's nothing about color depth in that file)17:23
jirkaHardDisk: but it is *.img17:23
aaditya1Turtle__: man grep17:23
jtholmesjirka, sure just point your cd drive in vb to the iso image and install, b sure to md5sum the iso first to be sure it is clean17:23
nickgrey147[albertico] iam surpriced i didnt get flamed for mentioning microsoft in this channel (iam a proud arch user if that means anything :P ) thanks for the help17:23
HardDiskTurboBee, man grep17:24
Turtle__hwilde, what is your Cpu speed?17:24
HardDiskjirka, convert to iso17:24
hwildeTurtle__, clock not cpu17:24
frenzy_usahwilde: You need to recompile the kernel.17:24
jirkaHardDisk: how?17:24
nickgrey147[Hymnosis] omg i wish i had seen that sooner thanks laters17:25
Turtle__hwilde, what is system clock?17:25
HardDiskjirka, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManageDiscImages17:25
aaditya1nickgrey147: We don't really hate Microsoft. We just love Ubuntu so much..17:25
HardDiskjirka, or use acetoneiso17:25
hwildeTurtle__, sorry I don't have time to explain to you.  try looking it up online17:25
Turtle__hwild, ok17:25
jirkaHardDisk: thank you I'll try it as an iso in VB17:25
shadeslayerTurtle__: your hardware has a system of keeping track of time17:25
shadeslayerthus system time :P17:26
Eloffubuntu jaunty uses X11?17:26
alberticonickgrey147, we are a mature community... we would convince you with facts, not with flames17:26
HardDiskjirka, i'd use acetoneiso, its easier, google it and download it from their site.17:26
hwildefrenzy_usa, anythin else?17:26
Turtle__hwilds, its just computer time17:26
Turtle__hwilde, calender time is best ption for human comprehension17:26
hwildeTurtle__, you are not helping me please move on17:26
sproatyHey, I installed VLC on jaunty 9.04 and the "keep the video and interface in one windows" is not working - no matter what I choose they're always seperate17:27
alberticoaaditya1, agree with you  :)17:27
HardDisksproaty, its to do with video settings within vlc, play around with it17:27
=== ]L[iNu]X[ is now known as Mablo
LjLhwilde: i believe that requires a kernel recompile :( especially now that the -rt kernel is no longer available17:28
ugliefrogsproaty: Me either, and i keep having sound issues. Is youre sound working well?17:28
hwildeLjL, I concur but where is this elusive (CONFIG_HZ=1000)17:28
GackerNo HardDisk its not eorking17:28
Gackeri tried all possible ways17:28
sproatyugliefrog, I get the occasional sound skipping too17:28
frenzy_usahwilde: had to dig through my bookmarks to find it. try this page to recompile: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/how-to-customize-your-ubuntu-kernel/17:28
sproatyThe only VLC settings I could see having an effect is the output type...but don't really see that as havingg much effect17:29
HardDiskGacker ?17:29
LjLhwilde: not sure, i don't have a kernel tree on my disk currently, but iirc it's in a file just called "config"...?17:29
sproatyvideo output shouldn't be related to UI17:29
GackerThe vlc play around thing17:29
ugliefrogsproaty: I have to kepp moving the bar a lil above the pause play button to get the sound to stop skipping. driving me nuts. reinstall doesnt fix it either17:29
=== JiYu is now known as Jiyu_
ugliefrogDoes anyone know how to downgrade vlc17:30
sproatyI think I read yesterday the issue's fixed in vlc117:31
ugliefrogto a previous version is what i meant17:31
mgolischugliefrog: why? iam sure the version in ubuntu is stoneage allready17:31
sproatyhttp://www.jbkempf.com/blog/post/2009/03/03/Howto-build-VLC-1.0.0-git-in-Ubuntu-in-less-than-5-commands  -- yet to try it though17:31
mgolischthe mplayer build is like 2 years old17:31
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)17:31
zhurai<mgolisch> the mplayer build is like 2 years old  <-- build it from svn then...17:32
sproatyoh well I'll suffer the UI difficulties. time to watch lost, not as if I'll be skipping through it anyway17:32
ugliefrogsproaty:u said there was a fix for the skipping/17:32
regeyahey, I noticed on my home machine running jaunty that playback on vlc always puts a video window outside the main window, regardless of settings.  anyone else experiencing that?17:33
WebDawgi set the processor effinity higher in windows to eliminate skips17:34
RobLoachGoing to be trying out Kubunut.17:34
sproatyugliefrog, I read VLC 1.0 fixes the UI problem, unsure about the skipping though17:34
sproatyregeya, heh yeah, we were just discussing this17:35
ugliefrogsproaty:where do u get that version from?....is it a deb17:35
pacifisthey - anybody running 9.04 on Microsoft Virtual PC 2007?17:35
sproatyI dunno, I found this http://www.jbkempf.com/blog/post/2009/03/03/Howto-build-VLC-1.0.0-git-in-Ubuntu-in-less-than-5-commands17:35
corecodeis there a way to find out which packages get installed by default by the installer?17:36
regeyaokeydoke sproaty17:36
ScottGIs this the correct way to see if the variable is equal to 123.456.<anything else>    "elif [ "$XIP" == "123.456.*" ]"     ?17:36
chillitomanyone know of a PPA for subversion 1.6.1?17:36
jirkaHardDisk: OK, I tried to convert it by AcetoneISO, nut i get error /home/jirka/Install/ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386.img: The file format is invalid or unsupported., but when I check MD5sum it corresponds to the checksum on website17:36
qkslvrwolfI have a permissions issue with dvd's on a new ubuntu install17:37
qkslvrwolf/dev/cdrom0 and cdrom1 are both root:root, but are links to /dev/sr0 and sr1 respectively17:37
qkslvrwolfsr0 and sr1 are root:cdrom17:37
mercutio22hmmm... my audio is messed up in jaunty.. the volume is very low even though I set it to max17:38
qkslvrwolfI am a member of the cdrom group...17:38
chillitomwhat does "dfsg" stand for?17:38
NeffHi everybody... I now this is not probably the best place to ask but maybe you're good enough to help me.. I'm rather a newbie with development stuff but I'm trying to follow a guide on GNOME Look on how to compile a GTK RGBA module. for reference this is the guide I'm following http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Another+Gtk+RGBA+module+?content=10096817:38
qkslvrwolfbut I can only play dvds if I use "sudo totem dvd://" from the command line.17:38
qkslvrwolflaunching as my regular user says I don't have permission to the dvd.17:38
essmti've some problems about xampp.on console i get an errror"another web server daemon is running"17:39
Pici!xampp | essmt17:39
ubottuessmt: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.17:39
NeffI don't know where is the problem. When I paste the command gcc -O2 -fPIC -shared ‘pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0’ librgba.c -o librgba.so I'm getting these errors: http://pastebin.com/m79977f15 can you please help me?17:40
h4ck3rs0nlyneed some help with my graphics card17:40
chillitomif I've found a package in debian experimental can I try installing it in jaunty?17:40
b|ab|a_register <1234567890>17:41
astra-xworkwhere does the system store the encryption key for your encrypted home directory?17:41
b|ab|a_register maninblack17:41
h4ck3rs0nlyneed some help, after my install with my ATI graphics card i get MESA things17:41
defryskchillitom, only if you want to ruin your os17:41
b|ab|a_how can i register my nick/17:41
grawityastra-xwork: I think it uses your login password for that :/17:42
jtholmesqkslvrwolf, what group owns  /dev/sr*17:42
chillitomdefrysk, humph17:42
grawityb|ab|a_: /msg nickserv register17:42
qkslvrwolf@jtholmes cdrom17:42
Smellicananyone have any idea why I have trouble connection to a telnet server on port 110 (pop) .. works 1 out of 50 times I try..  don't have this problem with other pop servers.. and I can connect to the same server fine on other OS's in the same way17:42
h4ck3rs0nlygetting mesa errors when putting fglrxinfo in my terminal, plz need some help17:42
jtholmesqkslvrwolf, and /dev/sr* are links to  /dev/cdr* correct17:43
b|ab|a_ok thanks!17:43
h4ck3rs0nlygetting mesa errors when putting fglrxinfo in my terminal, plz need some help17:43
pingedAnyone need help?17:43
xyzzymazegreetings to all 'buntu'ers ..17:44
qkslvrwolfjtholmes, negative, cdrom0 and cdrom1 are links to sr*17:44
h4ck3rs0nlyneed some help with my ATI graphics card17:44
qkslvrwolfthis is a fresh install, btw, I've not played with it at all17:44
xyzzymazeinstalled jaunty .. looks awesome, but was disappointed in no LVM2.  :(  Is that cuz its the Desktop edition?17:44
Hymnosisi need help with vlc but its a problem17:44
Hymnosisi need help with vlc but its not a problem17:45
Turtle__VLC is not difficult17:45
Turtle__Hymnosis, what is the problem?17:45
sergii want download kernel 2 6 2917:45
jtholmesqkslvrwolf, thought i said that, must have misprinted17:45
Hymnosisim just wondering why theres two windows when im playing a video i remember using windows just using one window but yeah its a problem its just annoying lol17:46
DragnslcrSo I've now discovered that my motherboard's "hardware" RAID controller isn't really a hardware controller. Is it worth the effort to setup software RAID, or should I just stick with regular backups?17:46
b|ab|a_hi all. what is the best download manager in ubuntu?17:46
sproatyhmm..I've messed up apt. I was installing the JRE and bloody hit the magnification key on my keyboard, couldn't turn it off so logged off...leaving apt through its install (the jre agreement was waiting for me to press 'ok'_17:46
jtholmesqkslvrwolf, said it backwards but so far things are good17:46
qkslvrwolfright....I didn't want to change the permissions because I figured that was on purpose.17:46
Zhaneim running a fat32 window xp machine, ive been trying to install wubi9.04, but it keeps on hanging at creatinb virtual hdd...is there anything i can do?17:46
qkslvrwolfI'm even part of the cdrom group as my user17:46
jtholmesqkslvrwolf, is /usr/bin/totem a link to /etc/alternatives/totem*17:46
sproatyso logged back in, tried re-installing with apt and a lock was already in use. I used kill from the commandline to end it; now it's complaining about some broken package. Asks me to do -f install, but that doesn't work17:47
pinged@Zhane remove xp completely lol17:47
qkslvrwolfjtholmes:  yes17:47
sergi i want download kernel 2 6 2917:47
pingedthe go to kernel.org17:47
sergihow can make?17:47
Zhanepinged: =_=17:47
jtholmesqkslvrwolf, and your login name appears in the  cdrom group in /etc/group file17:47
RPSLoading 9.04 to a USB and booting to it will mean changing the bios I bet?17:48
grawityZhane: I think fat32 has a file size limit of 4 GB.17:48
sergihelp me17:48
pinged@Zane: maybe17:48
HymnosisTurtle__ , any ideas?17:48
sergi i want download kernel 2 6 29?17:48
frenzy_usaRPS: yea17:48
jtholmesRPS, almost for certain also use usb-creator17:48
qkslvrwolfOne thing..the graphical groups manager doesn't see the cdrom group17:48
grawityZhane: So if you are trying to create a larger virtual disk, it probably won't fit :/17:49
qkslvrwolfbut my login name does appear in teh cdrom group in /etc/group17:49
sproatyoh. That's weird, apt just fixed itself and installed the JRE. how peculiar17:49
Picisergi: Its not in the Ubuntu repositories, so youd have to compile it yourself.17:49
Zhanegrawity: even though i create hdd of 3gb, it also does hang17:49
qkslvrwolfjtholmes: One thing..the graphical groups manager doesn't see the cdrom group17:49
qkslvrwolfjtholmes: but my login name does appear in teh cdrom group in /etc/group17:49
pingedZhane: I think it hangs on 3gb because the install needs 4GB17:49
skeeterI installed WINE cuz I wanted the HTML Editor that I have used for years under Winderz, Homesite.  I have got in installed ok and the program loads fine, but when I open a "php", or "html" document, I get an Internet Explorer error and cannot view the HTML doc in a browser......does anyone know how to adjust that to where Homesite would work fully?17:49
Pici!kernel | sergi17:49
ubottusergi: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages17:49
Zhanegrawity: with 8.04 i did create >4gb.. but it works... right now when i create 3gb... it allow me to reboot into ubuntu.. and it hangs inside too17:49
Zhanepinged: oops17:49
grawitypinged: But the limit is only for a single file.17:50
jtholmesqkslvrwolf, i dont use GUI much where is the graphical groups manager what menu?17:50
pinged@grawity what do you mean?17:50
adeliehow to I change the color of the gnome popup windows (the onces you get when you mouse over stuff?) configuring interface and the black on yellow really doesn't wlrk anymore17:50
qkslvrwolfsystem/adminitration/users and groups/groups17:50
qkslvrwolfjtholmes:  system/adminitration/users and groups/groups17:50
Zhanepinged: they can create 4,4,4, hdd17:51
Zhanepinged:  just that the max for each is 4gb17:51
mmm4m5mquestion please: when I open cyrilic PDF document with "Evince Document Viewer" and copy/paste to gedit, all is comming like this "ñúîòâåòñòâèå". How to fix it? What is wrong?17:51
pingedZhane: yeah sorry - i forgot17:51
grawitypinged: If there's a 3 GB file and a 700 MB file and more similar files, then the 4 GB limit won't apply.17:51
pingedgrawity: yeah but the virtual hd needs 4GB itself - and the virtual hd is a single file17:52
skeeterI installed WINE cuz I wanted the HTML Editor that I have used for years under Winderz, Homesite.  I have got in installed ok and the program loads fine, but when I open a "php", or "html" document, I get an Internet Explorer error and cannot view the HTML doc in a browser......does anyone know how to adjust that to where Homesite would work fully?17:52
jtholmesqkslvrwolf, doesent show up on mine either but i can run totem17:52
grawitypinged: But he tried 3 GB disk too.17:52
bliZZardzi am not getting the dist-upgrade notification in Ibex.how do i get it?17:53
qkslvrwolfjtholmes:  I can run totem, I just can't access the dvd without being root.17:53
jtholmesqkslvrwolf, have u looked on launchpad to see if anyone has filed a bug17:53
qkslvrwolfjtholmes:  well, without running totem with sudo17:53
pingedgrawity: I believe that failed because the install needs 4gb - I coulde be wrong though17:53
jtholmesqkslvrwolf, yes i know sudo for your totem17:53
qkslvrwolfjtholmes:  yes, but everyone seems to think it's a libdvdcss problem.17:53
Zhanehmm haha17:53
grawitypinged: BUT the disk file is 3 GB as specified by user.17:53
Zhaneso what should i do huh?17:53
elaphehi there17:53
ActionParsnipskeeter: you can install the win version of opera / firefox under wine too. this may help. i'd ask in #winehq17:53
grawitypinged: The installer loads data from the separate .iso17:53
qkslvrwolfjtholmes:  I'm trying to find my old ubuntuforums login, so I can post up there.17:54
glitsj16adelie: gnome-color-chooser offers a GUI to do that i believe17:54
qkslvrwolfjtholmes:  if no one has an answer I guess I'll file a bug...17:54
skeeterActionParsnip:  ty17:54
Gabryscan you recommend a GNOME applet that draws network activity graph (like knetload)17:54
Gabrysor an application that sits in try17:54
pingedgrawity: I know that, and I  also know that the cdrom filesystem is compressed, so when it's decompressed it is 4gb17:54
JuJuBeeWhere does rhythmbox store playlists? and can I import them from amarok?17:54
grawitypinged: But it isn't decompressed to the disk.17:54
jtholmesqkslvrwolf, always search launchpad to see if a bug already exists and if so add you info to it17:55
amigamiait says swap file has holes in it. how can i just remove the swapfile period? it wont reboot it hangs on the swapfile17:55
grawitypinged: And if the user specifies 3 GB virtual disk, then the disk won't exceed 3 GB17:55
qkslvrwolfI have...didn't find one yet, but I'll try again.17:55
pingedgrawity: where is it compressed to? I'm confused17:55
ActionParsnipskeeter: i stronly recommend using an open source equiv, there are tonnes of tools out thee that run natively17:55
grawitypinged: Hmm, me too >_>17:55
bliZZardzhow long would Ibex to Jaunty upgrade take with a d/l speed of 25KBps?17:55
BlackCoffeemy firefox keep shuting down when i view video sites,i've installed all the plugins i need,what else could it be?17:55
elaphehi there;;;; what's the catch, how to fix this without shutdown,17:56
elaphesorry, work window :p17:56
epaphushey guys, i had installed dreamweaver with Wine... now I want to uninstall it... I did apt-get remove wine, however it did remove wine but the menu still contains a folder called Wine and a directory with dreamweaver.. how do I delete that?17:56
ActionParsnipbliZZardz: depends on how much data you need and how bursty the speed is17:56
skeeterActionParsnip:  ty again.......but got tit working good so far.....and all I need is to be able to view the doc's.......hoping it is just a lil tweakin...17:56
Gabrysepaphus: remove .wine directory17:56
amigamiait says swap file has holes in it. how can i just remove the swapfile period? it wont reboot it hangs on the swapfile17:56
glitsj16BlackCoffee: any error messages when you start firefox from terminal when that happens ?17:56
bliZZardzActionParsnip: speed is constant 25KBps17:57
epaphusGabrys,  thanks17:57
Zhanegrawity: what u tink i shld do now?17:57
ActionParsnipskeeter: just have the native linux browser open and view them in that17:57
Gabrysyou're welcome17:57
BlackCoffeeglitsj16: i havent started it from the terminal.probably a good idea.lemme see17:57
ActionParsnipbliZZardz: then depends how much data you need17:57
j0nrhi all. I am on a Dell D600 Latitude laptop. On <9.04, setting screen to 'blank' when lid closed worked... in 9.04 it does not. I ran a script I found in launchpad and it seems to know when the lid is closed, but simply the screen does nothing. i.e. it stays fully on. Any suggestions? thanks17:57
bliZZardzActionParsnip: how do i know the size of the data?17:57
kyle__hello people17:57
scuniziwhy will xsane work using sudo and not if I don't?17:58
elaphehi there, after back from hibernation, no more wifi in jackalope on my laptop; how to fix this without shutdown?17:58
epaphusGabrys, i did.. it still shows the dreamweaver.exe17:58
abchirkHardDisk where I have to start on asterisk with sip?17:58
ActionParsnipbliZZardz: when you kick it of it will tell you before it begins downloading. if your connection is that speed, kick it off then go to bed it will be done when you wake up17:58
Gabrysoh, you mean the menu17:58
BlackCoffeeglitsj16: i launched it from the terminal and the only message is this one -->>(firefox:6006): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme directory 256x256/emblems of theme Industrial has no size field17:58
kaoteepaphus: you have to remove the menu entries in /usr/share/applications17:59
Gabrysepaphus: issue the following thing: find .config -iname '*Dreamwaver*'17:59
BlackCoffeeglitsj16: funny thing is that now it doesn't load at all17:59
glitsj16BlackCoffee: that doesn't seem to be telling you much ... and it still crashes on video sites ?17:59
pingedgrawity: turns out you were right - it only needs 4gb17:59
pingedgrawity: sorry I mean 3gb18:00
BlackCoffeeglitsj16: only in some sites,youtube has no problem though.18:00
Zhanehar har lol18:00
Zhaneso... how?18:00
=== Chronixbot is now known as tater
=== tater is now known as ||Tater||
scuniziWhen diagnosing problems why does creating a new user to test the function sometimes work when your original user doesn't?18:01
redrebelI just installed KDE4.x on ubuntu 9.04, how come the fonts are so large??18:01
scuniziredrebel: you have the wrong resolution18:01
||Tater||is there a irc like mirc for ubuntu or can u get mirc for ubuntu18:01
kaote||Tater||: xchat18:01
glitsj16BlackCoffee: you could try to start firefox in safe-mode (firefox -safe-mode) to see if it might be add-on related18:01
||Tater||im waiting to get a irc with script editor18:02
redrebelno, I have the right resolution18:02
scunizi||Tater||: irssi and xchat I think can be theme'd to look like mirc18:02
BlackCoffeeglitsj16: i'll check18:02
redrebelit's 1680x105018:02
scunizi||Tater||: you can script irssi18:02
redrebelwhen i switch to know it is alright18:02
elaphewifi & hibernation problem:  after back from hibernation, no more wifi in jackalope on my laptop; how to fix this without shutdown?18:02
||Tater||ok thanks scunizi18:02
MerlinWhi guys18:02
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jtholmeselaphe, i am not much on wireless but perhaps,  ifconfig wlan0 down; ifconfig wlan0 up;18:04
kyle__hey merlin18:04
jtholmesis wlan0 is the wireless18:04
traskbt||Tater||, XChat is very common.18:04
traskbt(What I'm using now, in fact.18:04
tha_infamouscan some one hellp me i have a problem, when i try to watch youtube or some videos like thet, picture is bad and not clear and someone whot a start18:04
cptbloodjtholmes: yes18:05
gordonjcpphew, finally, just got 9.04 working18:05
elaphejtholmes: thanks, but if I can avoid this, the computer is for my gf, and she does not have a clue about terminal18:05
frenzy_usaelaphe: check dmesg to see if it says anything about your wifi card after resuming from hibernation18:05
||Tater||well how do u script edit in xchat/18:06
gordonjcpelaphe: can you right-click on the Network thing in the tool tray, and disable then re-enable wireless?18:06
elaphefrenzy_usa: ok18:06
elaphegordonjcp: no more wireless in the tray after i went back from hibernation18:06
ertu_how do i install flash to opera on my ubuntu amd64?18:07
elapheI had to shutdonw18:07
gordonjcpelaphe: hmm18:07
coleysertu_: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree18:07
gordonjcpelaphe: just a thought, sorry it wasn't helpful ;-)18:07
elaphegordonjc: that's ok, thanks anyway for your interest18:07
jtholmeselaphe, have you looked in launchpad to see if someone figured out a workaround18:08
gordonjcpelaphe: does the ifconfig down, ifconfig up thing work?18:08
ertu_coleys, thank you.18:08
elaphegordonjc: that's ok, thanks anyway for your interest,18:08
coleysertu_: Not a problem =]18:08
gordonjcpelaphe: because you could make an icon on the desktop that does that18:09
jtholmeselaphe, i could tell you how to do it from a desktop shell but  gf may not like that18:09
elaphegordonjcp: it will work, I haven't tried yet, I am just using the laptop now18:09
=== caty is now known as no0byy007
||Tater||how do i script in xchat does anyone know18:09
elaphejtholmes: hehe, indeed she will not18:09
elapheby the way, when I did restart first, I had during boot some usb error messages18:10
jrib||Tater||: tried to read xchat's documentation?18:10
gordonjcpelaphe: okay, well you could make a little script that runs as root, and add an icon on the desktop for it18:10
elapheand during shutdown too18:10
ienorandelaphe: I think I saw that in some bug, as far as I remeber editing what devices gets stopped during hibernate was a possible fix... look at launchpad.18:11
elaphegordonjcp: you're right18:11
genii||Tater||: There's an old but still relevent page here on the subject: http://www.xchat.org/xchatdox2.html18:11
coleysTater use irssi =P18:11
jtholmeselaphe, well i guess u could write a simple 4000+ line python script to catch the unhibernate event and then run the necessary commands behind the scenes to start wireless backup  :)18:11
elapheienorand: sorry to sounds dumb, but what is launchpad?18:12
MbearHi folks!  What software do you recommend for remote desktopping from my Jaunty to Windows file server?18:12
ienorandelaphe: the ubuntu bug tracker18:12
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/18:12
gordonjcpelaphe: it's not perfect, but what in this world is?18:12
jtholmesMbear, i always use rdesktop18:12
elaphe>>> to all: thanks very much18:13
proqhow do I change my language/locale from the command-line?18:13
Mbearjtholmes Thanks... Where do I get rdesktop?18:13
MerlinWMbear,  rdesktop powa :D18:13
jtholmesmbear apt-get install rdesktop should do it18:13
jtholmesmbear sorry preface with sudo18:14
pitatanyone know where to download ubuntu themes?18:14
MbearThanks jtholmes I'll give it a tyr18:14
MerlinWMbear: u know the synaptic?:) look around in the main menu, and try the OS funtions...18:15
PedrolitoI cannot seek mp3 in jaunty, is it normal?18:15
coleysPedrolito: Your looking for the files to play .mp3?18:15
MerlinWPedrolito, with what?18:15
PedrolitoMerlinW, with totem or rythmbox18:15
Pedrolitocoleys, what do you mean?18:15
coleysnvm =p18:15
epaphushey guys, what is the equivalent to WinSCP in Ubuntu?18:16
ModusTalonsI got a problem with firefox- it wont let me maximize any of my videos18:16
ModusTalonscant find a forum with an answer either18:16
ModusTalonsthought it was shockwave, so I reinstalled it. no good.18:16
ModusTalonsne advice?18:17
Pedrolitowhen I play some mp3 in totem for instance, it plays fine, but I cannot seek through it, totem says it is 'streaming'18:17
shiznebitModusTalons: shockwave doesn't work on linux, only flash does18:17
ModusTalons??? the package was called shockwave I thought...18:17
ModusTalonsam I going crazy/18:17
jtholmesModusTalons, what release of ubuntu18:18
ienorandelaphe: there is a lot of info on what seems to be your problem on launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/hal/+bug/193970?comments=all18:18
ModusTalonsgot the new release18:18
ModusTalonsdoes it matter that i'm using easypeasy for the eee?18:18
ewsubachanyone know how to get 'Alt + f' binding to not bring up the file menu?....it should move forward one word18:18
apparleIam not able to post anything on ubuntuforums.org..............whenever I try to post it logs me out and when Iogin and goto post new thread I am again taken to login screen18:18
ewsubachin bash18:18
LjL!derivatives | ModusTalons18:18
ubottuModusTalons: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce)18:18
ubottucut off...18:19
elaphe>>> to all: seems the hibernate/wifi problem occurs often... and no workaround except shutdown :(18:19
jtholmesModusTalons, i dont know about easypeasy but FF has has several updates, check launchpad 4 bugs related to yours18:19
elaphethanks anyway for your support18:19
ubottuopenbox is a lightweight window manager. For instructions and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox. To replace metacity with Openbox please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReplaceMetacityWithOpenbox18:19
ModusTalonsI just updated firefox18:19
j0nrhi all. I am on a Dell D600 Latitude laptop. On <9.04, setting screen to 'blank' when lid closed worked... in 9.04 it does not. I ran a script I found in launchpad and it seems to know when the lid is closed, but simply the screen does nothing. i.e. it stays fully on. Any suggestions? thanks18:19
ubuntu5556hi. i am installing ubuntu 9.04 to an external usb hard drive ... with manual partitions ..but partition manager cannot make any changes because the drive partitions are mounted which it tries to unmount but can't .. and the installer then keeps going round and round repeatedly ... i can see the mounted drives in Places > removable media ... how can i proceed to making partitioning and installing?18:19
ModusTalonseverything updated when I got the nw release18:19
shiznebitapparle: are cookies enabled in your browser ?18:19
jtholmesModusTalons, when did the problem start occurring18:19
ModusTalonswhat is that red text? is that a private message?18:20
ModusTalonsnot too long ago, I dont remember any exact event that may have started it. the eee is so new I cant say if it always happened18:20
jtholmesModusTalons, red text is someone talking directly to you and not just the general channel18:20
ModusTalonshow do I do that?18:20
jtholmesModusTalons,  preface your message with the persons name  ie..    jtholmes  here is my problem18:21
glitsj16Pedrolito: have you tried installing gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse yet ?18:21
jtholmesModusTalons, name completion use the tab18:21
tagSo does fglrx not work in 9.04?18:22
shiznebittag: only if you have less than R60018:22
ModusTalonsjtholmes this is a test of the private message function18:22
cratelhow do I get tracker to index my thunderbird emails? That option is checked, grayed out, and appears not to work. I'm on Intrepid.18:23
ModusTalonsjtholmes/ test18:23
tagI see18:23
ModusTalonsjtholmes: test18:23
tagWell the updates to the upgrade manager that alert me of that...awefully nice18:23
ModusTalonsjtholmes \test18:23
ModusTalonsjtholmes: test18:23
ModusTalonsjtholmes:  /test18:24
tagI'm pretty happy with atleast having been alerted.  These guys are on to something here, people don't like their upgrades to just break.18:24
shiznebittag: the drivers will hopefully get better18:24
tagshiznebit: Over time, they always do.18:24
ubuntu5556what is the command to unmount all partitions from external usb hdd? (/dev/sdc)18:24
ertu_i have installed  flashplugin-nonfree but somehow opera doesn't recognize it. any ideas? using latest ubuntu amd6418:25
rconanI'm trying to make ubuntu hardy use my customised xorg.conf but it's going wrong... problem is I can't see the errors because it starts up in low graphics mode overwriting the Xorg.0.log which presumably has the errors in with the one from using /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe18:25
tagI remember there was a day where using the super fabulous intel i800 chipset in linux was an exercise in futility.  These days it's very well supported.18:25
shiznebitubuntu5556: to unmount is 'umount'18:25
jtholmesModusTalons, i see u went to another channel18:25
rconancan I disalbe "low graphics modE"?18:25
PiciModusTalons: This is in #ubuntu, not a private message.18:25
ModusTalonswhat is the difference?18:25
ubuntu5556i am on the live cd (live usb actually) and have an external drive which i want to install to18:26
rconanModusTalons: you don't use #ubuntu for personal conversation...18:26
jtholmesModusTalons, it is not a private message just to me directly but everyone will see it only i will see it in red18:26
kungpowzacan someone tell me why after i did the upgrade to 9.04 from 8.10 i have brasero in my updates list grayed out?18:26
ModusTalonsits not okay to just chat about random stuff in this room?18:26
ubuntu5556but installer cannot unmount the drive partitions to make partition changes .. how can i use umount to unmount /dev/sdc and its partitions?18:26
rconan!ot | ModusTalons18:26
ubottuModusTalons: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:26
cratelrconan: can you look at the errors with <CTRL><ALT><F1> while in low graphics mode?18:27
ModusTalonsis ubottu a bot or an admin18:27
=== redarrow_ is now known as redarrow
glitsj16ertu_: have you tried adding ":/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins" to the opera plugin path yet ?18:27
shiznebitubuntu5556: try sudo umount /dev/sdc18:27
jtholmesModusTalons, not exactly random, basically only ubuntu problems not how u like and dislike ...18:27
rconancratel: no... because by running in low graphics mode it's overwritten the log...18:27
ubuntu5556ok thx18:27
cratelrconan: I thought it saves the old log in Xorg.1.log or something...18:28
Pici!bot | ModusTalons18:28
ubottuModusTalons: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:28
ertu_glitsj16, how do i do it?18:28
elaphegood bye :)18:28
ElmaronI'm creating this software http://eloxoph.com/weircd and would like to create packages for ubuntu if the ubuntu community allows it and if someone can give some some links that will explain me how to do18:28
=== qwerty is now known as Guest74097
ubuntu5556says umount: /dev/sdc: not mounted18:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about reproduction18:28
rconancratel: there's an Xorg.0.log.old but it seems to be the low graphics one too18:28
Pici!botabuse | i3luefire18:28
ubottui3luefire: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:28
ubuntu5556but installer cannot go further when clicking finish18:29
glitsj16ertu_: open preferences in opera, advanced tab, content section --> plugin options18:29
ubuntu5556i can still see the drives in Places >18:29
shiznebitubuntu5556: type 'df' into terminal and post the output to in pastebin18:29
Guest74097i get an error when i installing lamp"aptutude failures"18:29
apparleIam not able to post anything on ubuntuforums.org..............whenever I try to post it logs me out and when Iogin and goto post new thread I am again taken to login screen......................Someone plz check and tell is its only my side or its server problem18:29
rconanI *think* it's failing to load the nvidia drive18:29
shiznebitubuntua5556: what exactly you trying to do ?18:29
rconanbut I'm not sure18:29
ubuntu5556shiznebit: i do not see /dev/sdc in df output18:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kilobyte18:30
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i3luefire!search kilobyte18:30
ubottuFound: kb18:30
ertu_glitsj16, yes i have that directory in the textbox. i also have shockware flash plugin in the listbox but opera still refuses to recognize flash18:30
proqertu_: isn't opera a 32-bit browser?  did you install 32-bit flash?18:30
jtholmesElmaron,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted18:30
proqertu_: or it could be the other way around18:30
epaphushey guys, what is the equivalent to WinSCP in Ubuntu?18:31
Pici!newpackage | Elmaron18:31
ubottuElmaron: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports18:31
ertu_proq, i've installed opera amd64 on ubuntu amd6418:31
proqepaphus: scp18:31
proqertu_: did you install it to the place that opera expects?18:31
ubuntu5556shiznebit: hey cool .. the installer is formatting the /dev/sdc drive .. thanks the sudo umount /dev/sdc worked18:31
cratelepaphus: gnome has built-in scp functionality. Try Places -> Connect to server...18:31
ubuntu5556the installer now says installing system18:31
ertu_proq, not sure. i installed opera manually then installed flash by `sudo aptget install flash-nonfree`18:32
Guest74097any help?::i get an error when i installing lamp"aptutude failure"18:32
proqertu_: you may want to check where opera expects to find its plugins18:32
apparleIt seems fglrx doesnot support my ati card.................how to install open source drivers.................people say they don't work well what's your opinion guys18:32
proqertu_: I wouldn't be surprised of the flash-nonfree package only installs for firefox18:33
shiznebitapparle: they work for everything non 3d18:33
FloodBot3iSKeNDeR: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:33
i3luefire!search virus18:33
ubottuFound: virus, linuxvirus, antivirus, linux virus, av18:33
Guest74097any help? :S   i get an error when i installing lamp"aptutude failure"18:33
glitsj16ertu_: locate flashplugin-nonfree first perhaps and add the found path in opera preferences (mine is at /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree)18:33
kawabout how often are new releases created ie 8.10-9.0418:33
shiznebitapparle: if you didn't change anything they should be enabled by default18:34
Pici!releases | kaw18:34
ubottukaw: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases18:34
benchewi wish install ubuntu on my new laptop. Is there any complete guide with pictures for me?18:34
i3luefire!search definition virus18:34
ubottuFound: virus, linuxvirus, antivirus, linux virus, av18:34
ertu_proq, alright18:34
Picii3luefire: Please /msg ubottu18:34
ubuntu5556benchew: which laptop?18:34
shiznebit!search definition malware18:34
Cammybenchew, I just installed it on this Acer laptop a few days ago, it was as simple as selecting a language, a drive, and pressing enter a few times18:35
=== Jiyu_ is now known as JiYu
Pedrolitoglitsj16, yes I have18:35
apparleBut I am getting 139 FPS in 9.04 as compared to 1300FPS in fglrx in 8.10.......in glxgears................Is there any way I can utitlize the full potential of my card18:36
ertu_proq, locate flashplugin-nonfree returns /usr/share/app-install/desktop.   and i have this directory:   /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer18:36
benchewCammy, but I did see guys installed with many partition. For example, /etc /var18:37
Mbearjtholmes I have rdesktop instaleld and I can invoke it from the terminal. How do I connect to my windows file server? Thanks18:37
rconanso is there no way to stop X dropping into failsafe mode and make it fail completely instead?18:37
rconanwhat happens if I remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe?18:37
proq<glitsj16> ertu_: locate flashplugin-nonfree first perhaps and add the found path in opera preferences (mine is at /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree)18:37
manpoolehow do i create a network between to ubuntu computers over wifi to share a printer?18:38
epiroi was wondering where i can get professional and personal help for ubuntu?18:38
sergione question18:39
jtholmesMbear, havent used it in a while, birc  you put the  ip in the top field, and the login in another field and hit ok whatever18:39
sergimophant 64 bits?18:39
malik__no, i dont like it this way... i like to a webserver sort of thing.. where users put requests, and other when they can come browse these requests, upload any response pdf files and the requester gets notified of the upload??18:39
=== kuba is now known as Guest57184
Pedrolitoso no one has an idea why I can't seek mp3s?18:39
malik__hi all, Can anyone tell me a free open source  forum like software, where members of the forum can request and upload files for sharing purpose..??18:39
jtholmesMbear, ask in this channel maybe someone uses it often18:39
gene420is it safe to upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04 ?? any thoughts?18:39
daveosociologistI have a network printer, it has been recognized, drivers found, print status indicates jobs are being sent and completed but nothing is printing, no activity indicated on network. Ubuntu 9.04, Cannon Image Runner 2550, have a troubleshoot txt file.18:39
malik__I like to have a webserver sort of thing.. where users put requests, and other when they can come browse these requests, upload any response pdf files and the requester gets notified of the upload??18:39
Mbearjtholmes I only have a command line interface - is there an icon I can find somewhere for a GUI?18:39
minghello, everyone18:40
benchewI just used ubuntu not long ago. How to upgrade 8.04 to 9.0418:40
sergimophant 64 bits please help me18:40
defryskepiro, http://www.ubuntu.com/support/paid18:40
gene420malik_: drupal or wordpress may meet your needs18:40
slade605Hey all, trying to install Ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix on my Eee 1000, from SD card, seems to pickup the boot device but just sits with a flashing cursor when I have it set to boot from it, any suggestions?18:40
mingI have a problem on my Ubuntu desktop18:40
jtholmesmbear let me download and see it should remember hold on18:40
Mbearstanding by18:40
malik__thanks gene420 i have a look at them..18:40
MbearU want to PM?18:40
mingI can't type 'd' in gnome-terminal18:40
sergi mophant 64 bits please help me18:41
klenzhey im kinda new i just installed my nvidia drivers and it wont let me change to a higher resolution im running ubuntu 9.0418:41
minganyone who knows why?18:41
ming I can't type 'd' in gnome-termina18:41
sergi mophant 64 bits please help me18:41
sergiI want install mophant 64 bits18:42
jtholmesmbear   rdesktop -u USERID  IPaddr     ex:   rdesktop  -u mbear   should do it18:42
sergihow can make?18:42
shiznebitming: try restarting your pc and running memtest ?18:42
gene420ming what does it come up as.... I suspect a keyboard configuration error18:42
apparleI am mibbit and I want to connect to #kubuntu but I am being redirected here..............how do I connect to #kubuntu18:42
mingI have restart my computer18:42
mingbut it doesn't work18:43
daveosociologistcan anyone help with a network printer that won't print?18:43
gene420ming: does it work in gnome with text editor or office18:43
* grawity tries to resist asking "Is the printer on"18:43
mingit works in other places18:43
Piciapparle: Please try to join #kubuntu again18:43
frenzy_usadaveosociologist: have you logged out and back in since installing the printer drivers?18:43
daveosociologistprinter is on and ubuntu has found it and found the drivers18:43
mingexcept in the gnome-terminal18:44
=== Elite is now known as Guest67546
daveosociologistprint status even says it is printing and completing jobs18:44
MbearI am so impressed, jtholmes, sir  :)18:44
frenzy_usadaveosociologist: does the printer give any indication that it is receiving the print jobs?18:45
bibobuona sera, un consiglio.. ho installato ubuntu 8.10 mi consigliate di passare alla 9.04 o rimanere, quali sono i vantaggi?18:45
daveosociologistfrenzy: no jobs received on the printer side, no indications of any activity18:45
Pici!it | bibo18:46
ubottubibo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:46
klenzhey im kinda new i just installed my nvidia drivers and it wont let me change to a higher resolution im running ubuntu 9.0418:46
cratelklenz: are you using nvidia-settings to try to change?18:46
daveosociologistprinter is on a windows network, all other machines print to it18:46
fabormhi all... i have a problem in ubuntu 9.04 with intel GM965/GL960. The 3d acceleration doesn't work. Is there a solution to this problem?18:47
UbuntuXHELP ON SETTING UP EXTERNAL MONITOR. hello! I'm using xubuntu 9.04 on a Thinkpad R51. Anybody knows how to switch my laptop display to an external monitor?18:47
apparlePici: what did you do??18:47
MbearOK, anyone, is there an easy way to attach a terminal command line toan icon, so it issues the command when I click the icon?  Thanks!18:47
arvind_khadri!omg | Guest7409718:47
ubottuGuest74097: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.18:47
Pici!language | Guest7098118:47
ubottuGuest70981: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:47
daveosociologistubunutx: system--> preferences --> display18:48
daveosociologisti have a troubleshooting file for this printer issue but i have no idea how to interpret it18:49
UbuntuXdaveosocialogist, thank you for your reply! I tried that and it only lists Screen118:49
khensthothfaborm: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 Read about Intel Graphic Cards. Scroll to slightly after the middle.18:49
proqonoes, there are lol-police here18:49
qcjn2hi, got wifi (don't work anymore, but thats ok) and cable on computer. Cable connection changed my LAN ip num. A) wan't to give the ip adress it had with wifi B) wna't to close or whatever to be sure there won't be any conflict wifi / cable ??18:50
qcjn2close wfif18:50
manpooleI need help setting up printer sharing.18:50
daveosociologistubuntux: did you ask it to "detect monitors"?18:50
fabormkhensthoth: ok thanks18:51
lang2k7how do i change what module the kernel uses for my audio card?18:51
manpoolefirst of all i do not have a home network setup yet just wifi18:51
=== dusty is now known as dustyw
manpoolewhat would i need to do first?18:51
UbuntuXdaveosociologist: ahh...nope. I just plugged the monitor cable into the video port. how to detect monitor in Xubuntu?18:52
cdecarlobesides the obvious, what's the distinction between a system group and a user group?18:52
daveosociologistubuntux: sorry... not sure on that.  maybe someone else can help here18:52
lang2k7anyone here good with audio problems?18:52
mkassonI'm interested in setting up a server that people can log into for a desktop (via freenx/nxserver for example) and have the environment be a limited but functional machine.18:53
mkassonLimited as in they cant see other users, and they can only run the programs I have pre-allowed18:53
UbuntuXdaveosociologist: thank you very much. I will try to restart the computer and see if it can find my external LCD after re-boot.:-)18:53
dustywAnyone have any tips on fixing this error? "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated"  I have ubuntu-keyring installed, it's a fresh jaunty 64bit install, I have only one repository enabled which is http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu.  I've tried fetching the key using gpg and adding it, but it doesn't help.  Yes, I did apt-get update and apt-key update, none helped.18:53
zhuraidustyw, what are you trying to install, anyways?18:54
jtholmesMbear, there are so many neat programs in linux world18:54
mkassonI was thinking freenx in a chroot jailkit, but apparently thats not so easy18:54
zhuraiand maybe your .gpg's are corrupted?18:54
dustywapache2, but it does that with every package, not just that one.18:54
lang2k700:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01) Kernel driver in use: HDA Intel Kernel modules: snd-hda-intel18:55
dustywzhurai (and others): should I just wipe out /etc/apt/trusted.gpg and reinstall the key?18:56
lang2k7how do i change that module?18:56
Brad777Hello I have a quick question if i use -o force with mount to mount an ntfs partition that is marked to be in use will it hurt anything?18:56
frenzy_usamkasson: take a look at these projects. http://www.ltsp.org/ http://www.thinstation.org/ http://k12ltsp.org/contents.html18:56
Mbearjtholmes you're right.  I am just discovering.  I want to invoke the remote desktop by clicking an icon - how do I do that?18:56
frenzy_usamkasson: their know as thin-client systems18:56
mkassonfrenzy_usa, thanks.  I've checked ltsp, so I know that's not it18:56
=== mib_q9ruiny4 is now known as dvs2444
jtholmesMbear, not sure ask question in this channel18:58
astrobillanyone else getting crashes after updating to ff3.03?18:58
ultrasi just moved from 8.04, to 9.04 and WOW. Is it just me or the Jaunty is BLAZING FAST comparing to 8.04?18:58
Mbearjtholmes did that, no answer.  Not urgent though, I guess it must be possible18:58
cun35ow r u all18:59
jatthi, is there a package resposible of writing the boot messages (not the ones from dmesg) in a log file?18:59
jattat boot time loading some module is failing18:59
cun35I dont no18:59
daveosociologistany ideas on why a network printer won'18:59
apparlePici: Could you do that again...........adding exception.............sorry had a connection problem..................and could I PM you............18:59
ultrasjatt: which boot messages?19:00
i3luefiremkasson, i have been trying to do the same. if you get any good ideas pass them to me too19:00
mkassonfrenzy_usa, correct me if I'm wrong, but these look like they are for the client side.19:00
amartin83hi all, i try to connect to my wireless WEP secured router by: sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode managed key 11111, but i get this error: Error for wireless request "set encode" (8B2A) : set failed on device wlan0 ; invalid argument.  Does anyone knows how to handle this?19:00
mkassoni3luefire, what have you tried?19:00
jattultras: ok, maybe init messages: for example:19:00
jattLoading apache .... [OK]19:00
jattor something like that19:00
jtholmesMbear, i can tell you later but in class right now19:00
cun35u cheater!19:01
i3luefiremkasson, i tried a couple of vnc clients.19:01
MbearOK jtholmes I won't disturb your class, thanks for all your help19:01
ultrasmkasson: you have invalid argument in that command. on private, i'll help you.19:01
i3luefirethey suk19:01
mkassonfrenzy_usa, don't need a diskless station.  Picture gotomypc or pcanywhere into a virtual machine or chroot jailkit19:01
lang2k7Can anyone tell me how to change the kernel module for my soundcard?19:01
Raff1Can anyone help me with partitioning during my ubuntu installation? I dont know how many partitions i will need and how large19:01
mkassonultras, invalid argument?19:01
gabuntuhello! does anybody knows how to handle cue+mp3 files in rhythmbox?19:01
ultrasmkasson: private19:01
Piciapparle: Try again, and sure, anytime.19:02
i3luefireultras, i would like to be in on that convo19:02
DragnslcrRaff1: I think the general recommendation is 3 partitions, 1 for the system, 1 for home directories, and 1 for swap19:03
DragnslcrRaff1: how big is the disk, and how much RAM do you have?19:03
=== Max is now known as Guest45298
toyo|deskcan anyone tell me how to manually run a fsck...on boot it tried to but it dies with status 119:03
otarihello guys.. i am realy new to linux.. and wondered how could i join my Active Directory With Linux.. as i read its posbile19:03
g0thWhen I playback a movie with mplayer and I pause it and resume later then it very often happens that I get the following messages:19:04
g0thAO: [pulse] pa_stream_get_latency() failed: Connection terminated% 38 6 49%19:04
g0thAO: [pulse] pa_stream_write() failed: Connection terminated%  2.3% 38 6 49%19:04
otarii followed some manuals online and now i am doing something like this;19:04
g0ththere seems to be a serious problem with pulseaudio since ubuntu jaunty19:04
g0thI followed the instructions on the website but it didn't help19:04
otariImproper format of Kerberos configuration file while initializing Kerberos 5 library19:04
otarican someone help me?19:04
Raff1Ah. What kind of partition must the partitions be? And how big should the system partition be? I know the swap partition should be 1,5 Gb, since i got around 800 MB RAM19:05
g0thI also edited the configuration file /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf19:05
elad`What's the difference between .bashrc and .bash_profile?19:05
Raff1i have 40 gig total19:05
g0thnothing helped19:05
g0thwhat is going on?19:05
g0this there a way to turn pulseaudio off?19:05
g0thit seems to be broken19:05
mkassonfrenzy_usa, any other ideas?  its not really the client, its really about the server side.19:05
otaridoes anybody now it?19:05
defryskg0th, uninstall it19:05
RIV_ERAciao a tutti19:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:06
AeolienHi! I'm running the Server edition, and I just installed a wireless card. How do I get ubuntu to recognize it?19:06
DragnslcrRaff1: yeah, 1.5 GB for swap should be good19:06
glitsj16g0th: have you seen http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html yet ?19:06
{g}Hey People! When I tab-complete a file with an @ in the name, bash esc\@pes the @. Why that?19:06
theclawalt+tab doesn't work in jaunty with compiz disabled?19:07
theclawtried it on two different machines19:07
daveosociologistanyone a netowork printing expert?19:07
sphexhey. I just installed ubuntu on a new computer, and so far everything's working fine. but I don't know how to use my TV-out (on a radeon 9600). right now I see the same thing on my TV as my main monitor, except when playing something with totem; it just shows a black rectangle instead.19:07
Dragnslcr{g}: probably because @ is a special character in bash, so it needs to be escaped to get a literal @19:07
gene420daveosociologist what kinda of printer is it19:08
{g}Dragnslcr: whats special about the @?19:08
mkassonAeolien, what's ifconfig give you?19:08
frenzy_usamkasson: the projects i mentioned supply the server and client. You can use any computer as the client.19:08
g0thglitsj16: no but I quickly read through it and there wasnt much new information19:09
g0thI will simply remove pulseaudio19:09
g0this that a problem for something?19:09
darkhamwho with Ati radeon 9x series and jaunty?19:09
g0thie. do I need pulseaudio for anything?19:09
lordlucanWill the latest version of ubuntu (9.04) allow me to delete files from an NTFS formatted drive? Please help :)19:09
tuga3dhi all19:09
ewsubachhi: I'm looking for emacs that loads right in the terminal....does such a thing exist?19:09
mkassonfrenzy_usa, trying to recall the reason LTSP wouldn't work for me.  IIRC its because its for over lan not inet?19:09
glitsj16g0th: shouldn't be a problem no, just remember to change the system sound prefs to your preference, it could be using pulse somewhere still19:10
tuga3dmy trash bin in panel doesn't point to the right place :(19:10
frenzy_usamkasson: you want over the internet access not local network?19:10
g0thanother question19:10
justecoOK I have a problem that has now been in every version of Ubuntu I have tried.  I think it must be a gnome/nautalis bug or something related, but I am amazed it hasn't been fixed yet...19:10
Raff1So my problem is deciding the size of the system and home partition (with around 40 Gig total). And only the system partition shold have mounting point..?19:10
Turtle__hello my friends19:10
g0this there a solution already for the following bug:19:11
g0thpam_mount(pam_mount.c:100): unknown pam_mount option "use_first_pass"19:11
Simkinhey guys, quick question19:11
mkassonfrenzy_usa, yes I want certain people to be able to log in over the internet19:11
Simkinwhen i use alt+mouse to move a window i can't move it psat the top of the screen19:11
apparlePici: are you there why are u not replying to the PM19:11
Simkinbecause ui'm using it on the eee pc i *Need* to be able to do this.19:11
DragnslcrRaff1: 5 GB might be enough for the system partition. I usually go with 20+ GB, but I have larger disks19:11
Simkinanyone know how to change this behaviour?19:11
mkassonfrenzy_usa, again, sort of like gotomypc or pcanywhere or citrix, etc19:11
glitsj16g0th: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-remove-pulse-audio-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html (should be similar for jaunty)19:11
lordlucanWill the latest version of ubuntu (9.04) allow me to delete files from an NTFS formatted drive? Please help :)19:11
justecoIf I create a remote connection via FTP or SSH to my other machine, and attempt to copy more than a small number of files, the copy operation never copies all the files.  It acts like it is, but it always only copies some of them.  WHat gives?19:11
DragnslcrRaff1: the 5 GB partition would mount to /, and the ~35 GB partition would mount to /home19:11
Lazermannanyone knows what package in synaptic will contain slmodem?19:12
Raff1ah, thank you :)19:12
gene420daveosociologist what kinda of printer is it19:12
lordlucanWill the latest version of ubuntu (9.04) allow me to delete files from an NTFS formatted drive? Please help :)19:12
Simkinlordlucan: yes19:13
e1lucaQ: can I write a Ubuntu 9.04 iso to a DVD if I don't have a CD blank available?19:13
daveosociologistgene420: Cannon 2550 Image Runner19:13
lordlucanthank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:13
tuga3dlordlucan: yep19:13
ewsubachLazermann: sl-modem-daemon19:13
erUSULlordlucan: support for that has been in ubuntu for a long time19:13
qcjn2to change my LAN ip adress, is it "ifconfig 192. etc" ?19:13
daveosociologistgene420: drivers are loaded, it tells me it is printing and completing jobs, nothing happens on printer end19:13
darkhamwho with Ati radeon 9x series and jaunty?19:13
frenzy_usamkasson: Other than freenx, I don't know what other program to try.  Never used anything other than ssh over the internet.19:13
tuga3dhelp please, my trash bin is pointing to the weong directory, where do i change?19:13
allowoverridequick question, how do i convert a wmv video from a webcam to .dv format? im not too good with video editing... i have loaded a few progs, like kino, unable to PAL or NSTsomething format.  any suggestions?19:14
BCampbelldaveosociologist, how is the printer connected to network? shared on a windows box or ip?19:14
defryskallowoverride, ffmpeg and dvdauthor19:14
mkassonfrenzy_usa, yeah, freenx is great, but I can't get it to run in a jail.  and the dev is kinda non-responsive19:14
allowoverridedefrysk: i took the video with a web cam. does that matter?19:14
daveosociologistbcampbell: access point is through a windows machine but it has an IP19:14
cratelallowoverride: mencoder19:14
=== jcprather is now known as wallshot
defryskallowoverride, nope19:15
glitsj16Lazermann: if you have apt-file package, you could do a "apt-file search slmodem" and find sl-modem-daemon ... really usefull extra the apt-file package19:15
allowoverridei can pull those with apt-get, correct?19:15
BCampbelldaveosociologist, attached direct to the AP?  check that all ip settings, subnet etc are the same?19:15
daveosociologistbcampbell: on the other windows machine it is listed as Cannon on COM19the name of our front computer)19:15
mkassonfrenzy_usa, there's a guy who's active on a branch, but I thought maybe someone could recommend a existing solution19:15
defryskou can, but you need some cli skills to handle ffmpeg and dvdauthor19:16
BCampbelldaveosociologist, if it's finding the printer as a shared device from windows make sure the host machine has a user and pass the same as the liinux user19:16
[4-tea-2]gnome-do is nice. Anybody know how to make it work with beagle?19:16
gene420daveosociologist: could you add the printer in the same fashion smb share printer19:17
BCampbelldaveosociologist, if the printer has an IP you shoudl be able to install it direct and avoid the windows box entirely19:17
hetthey, guys, can anyone help me with this networking problem?19:18
lianimatorevolution no longer saves my sent emails in Sent folder... why is that?19:18
daveosociologistBCampbell: yeah, ubuntu detected an IP and is using it19:18
allowoverridedefrysk: good link to those cmdline skills i need ? for fmpeg and dvdauthor19:18
hettI've two connections on my laptop, one is wireless and another is wired19:18
allowoverridewell documented?19:18
defryskallowoverride, i wrote something about this a while ago, let me find the url19:19
SN0WB4LLibai: ask here19:19
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masterjailhi, does exist any command to show all the groups and their users??19:19
hettwhen I'm turning on my wired network (wich has another subnet IP) my inet is screwing up19:19
hetthey? anyone?19:19
BCampbelldaveosociologist, is the driver the latest from the manufacturer or included on cd?  make sure it's the proper for ubuntu and printer19:19
SN0WB4LL!hello | ibai19:19
ubottuibai: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:19
Raff1Ah.. Should system partition be primary(?), home partition be logical(?) and .. what shold swap partition be?19:19
ertu_trying to get flash work on opera&ubuntu amd64. i've done  `apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree`, i've added it's /usr/lib path to opera's preferences.  still no luck, any ideas?19:19
_akahige_I cannot access my Jaunty desktop via ftp. from a local terminal, no problem. but remote is a no go. it used to work when this was a hardy system, but no more and I'm lost. any ideas?19:19
allowoverridehow about clive? anyone use this video grabber?19:20
IbaiIm triying to setup a Local wifi network with a Vista laptot and a Ubuntu pc19:20
Ibaiin a easyway Im quite newby!19:20
hettguys, can anyone help me with this wired and wireless network conflict?????19:20
defryskallowoverride, http://tuxicity.wordpress.com/2006/12/01/avi-to-dvd-with-ffmpeg-and-dvdauthor/ ignore the script, its crap19:20
jalenHett, how is it a conflict?19:20
hettjalen, I'm connected through wireless network to my wlan, k?19:21
jalenhett, ok.. then you wont need to use your wired one19:21
daveosociologistbcampbell: ubuntu found the driver just yesterday. not sure where that auto search looks but i expect it is the latest driver. IP and Gateway are different on printer. Location is accurate in printer properties but device URI seems funny.19:21
JakalCan someone help me? I am trying to set my screen resolution to 1360x768. but eah time i do the screen gets garbled then goes blank. this is the resolution of my hd tv. anyone know how to fix it?19:21
glitsj16allowoverride: there's a package called winff, which is a GUI frontend to ffmpeg, that should be able to convert wmv to dv19:21
hettjalen, when I'm turning my wired network on, my inet is screwing up19:21
hettjalen, it's just not working19:22
moz44Slart: do you know where is Squid default cache directory in Ubuntu?19:22
daveosociologistbcampbell: would it help to set the device URI to the gateway address?19:22
=== lianimator1 is now known as lianimator
masterjailhi, does exist any command to show all the groups and their users??19:22
hettjalen, I'm still having access to my local area network by wireless but not to inet19:22
Guest041yeahow do i get lunix on PS3?19:22
jalenhett, why would you need your wired connection if you are using your wireless?19:22
xFluxI am trying to install 8.04LTS to a Dell R710 server with 72G of ram - Right after the selection of the install it errors out with a "Cannot find a memory map PANIC" error.  Can anyone recommend a switch to flag?19:22
Guest041yeathis may help some linux FAQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA019:23
moz44does anybody know where is Squid default cache directory in Ubuntu?19:23
BCampbelldaveosociologist, you mean ubuntu finds the printer on a different ip than the windows box?  it needs to be the same.  can you open a status page in a browser if you use http://ip.of.printer?19:23
dragoonI've read the docs, but I'm still coming up blank. If my second PPA is at https://launchpad.net/~a.kurtz/+archive/brackup, what should the dput line for incoming be? I thought ~akurtz/brackup/ubuntu but apparently not19:23
Guest041yeahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0 is a Lunix FAQ video19:23
jimcooncatis there a package I can install that will give me a gpg-signed personal repository on my LAN?19:23
xtremistim new on this chat19:23
moz44guys, do you know where Squid caches web resources, what directory?19:24
allowoverridethanks glitsj1619:24
daveosociologistbcampbell: IP in ubuntu is the same as on the printer. The Gateway on the printer is different from the IP. Gateway is the IP of the main office computer that all other machines route to printer through19:24
hettjalen, I need it, to connect to another computer, but I can't connect that workstation to my wireless19:24
lawbreaker13germany IRC chat???????????????????????19:24
xtremisti am from romania19:24
allowoverridescreen moves soooo fast in here lol19:24
zhurai<xFlux> I am trying to install 8.04LTS to a Dell R710 server with 72G of ram - Right after the selection of the install it errors out with a "Cannot find a memory map PANIC" error.  Can anyone recommend a switch to flag?  <-- ... did you try using the alternate cd?19:24
lawbreaker13where is germany IRC CHAT?19:24
sgallaghikonia: ping19:25
xFluxzhurai:  I did not, but I will now19:25
allowoverrideglitsj16: do i grab that from apt-get? unsupported?19:25
rakudave!de | lawbreaker1319:25
ubottulawbreaker13: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:25
Guest041yeais over 9019:25
ertu_trying to get flash work on opera&ubuntu amd64. i've done  `apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree`, i've added it's /usr/lib path to opera's preferences.  still no luck, any ideas?19:25
jalenhett, as in you need it isolated from the internet? but still need a connection to your computer?19:25
jimcooncathi, xtremist, ask support questions here, for other things chat in #ubuntu-offtopic19:25
BCampbelldaveosociologist, does only printing route through that AP or does all traffic go thru it? i'm thinking the gateway needs to be the same everywhere19:25
allowoverrideglitsj16: do i grab that from apt-get? or elsewhere19:25
darkhamwho with Ati radeon 9x series and jaunty?19:26
glitsj16allowoverride: it's in the regular repo for jaunty, if on intrepid, i know another repo if you need that19:26
hettjalen, right! I need my laptop to be connect to my wireless (and inet) and also lan connection to this goddammed workstation19:26
gartral1how do i check my external ip through the terminal?19:26
glitsj16allowoverride: "sudo apt-get install winff" if you are on jaunty ...19:26
allowoverridenot on either, 8.0419:26
allowoverridewheres the repo?19:26
losher!ro | xtremist19:26
ubottuxtremist: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro19:26
allowoverrideso i can add it19:27
darkhamwho with Ati radeon 9x series and jaunty?19:27
mingI can't type letter 's' in gnome-terminal in my ubuntu9.10 but it works in other gnome editors, does anyone can tell me why?19:27
glitsj16allowoverride: let me check my sources list ..19:27
allowoverridecringes everytime i add a repo lol19:27
allowoverrideglitsj16: tanks.. :)19:27
daveosociologistbcampbell: I am a little unsure on how exactly this network is organized. THe printer is installed on the front computer and print traffic goes through there butwe have a router and all other network traffic goes through there unless it is just file shares19:27
losherming: a gnome-terminal with a lisp. Now I've seen everything...19:27
rroblakhow do I determine my current locale/character set?19:27
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jalenhett, can you just give the isolated workstation a wired connection, then by setting up a static IP, not give it a default route, so it doesnt get internet access?19:28
darkhamwho with Ati radeon 9x series and jaunty?19:28
manpoolecan i use CUPS with my pockectpc running windows?19:28
BCampbelldaveosociologist, so the printer IS connected to a windows box and NOT directly to the AP?  I'm confused please set me straight19:28
hettjalen, I don't need inet on that workstation19:29
hettjalen, I just need to connect it to my laptop19:29
jalenhett, if you give it a static IP, and no default gateway, it wont have internet, but all of your computers will have access to it19:29
Zaidhi everyone19:30
daveosociologistbcampbell: that is the odd part. the printer is hooked up directly to the router but all the windows machines get to it through the front computer19:30
Zaidi've just installed monodevelop and i can't see where is the GUI designer anyone can help please ?19:30
mercutio22compiz animations are choppy here after the jaunty upgrade. Anyone else experiencing it?19:30
glitsj16allowoverride: http://code.google.com/p/winff/wiki/UbuntuInstallation has instructions for hardy19:30
Raff1What should I set the mount point for the swap-partition?19:30
allowoverridetanks :)19:30
mingI can't type letter 's' in gnome-terminal in my ubuntu9.10 but it works in other gnome editors, does anyone can tell me why?19:31
allowoverridethank you all, i will start there.. l819:31
frenzy_usaraff1: swap does not get a mount point19:31
jalenhett, or are you not wanting to go that route?19:31
glitsj16allowoverride: you're welcome, hope it works out well19:31
Raff1ah, ty19:31
BCampbelldaveosociologist, then most likey, the front machine has it shared out to the workgroup.  But the ubuntu found it on the IP from the router.  I would think you will need to remove this install and reinstall it as a smb setup19:31
hettjalen, right, but when on my laptop I'm enabling wired connection, my internet connection through wireless network is sucking19:31
SandGorgonming: you have probably attached "s" to be a shortcut in gnome terminal. check in the profiles/keybindings19:31
Stingerhi guys, anyone have experience with mc (midnight commander) and connecting to ftp site using proxy server?19:32
lianimatorthe fault of vbox? ubuntu? or nvidia? http://imagebin.org/4740319:32
allowoverrideon and what is medibuntu.list for?19:32
allowoverridei mean19:33
jalenhett, is there a specific reason you want that station isolated from all others, or is it just that you dont want it to have 'net access?19:33
daveosociologistbcampbell: thanks a bunch. i will try this and see how it comes out!19:33
allowoverridenew to Yet Another Package Manager...19:33
gartral1how do i check my external ip through the terminal?19:33
BCampbelldaveosociologist, best of luck!19:33
Raff1But I get a warning that the partition I intended to be the swap-partition dont have a mount point, and that the partition in question not will be used at all, due that. :-S19:33
hettjalen, I just need to connect that station to my laptop, that's all19:33
hettjalen, I'm going to use that via remote desktop19:34
allowoverridenvermind, i got it thanks l819:34
jalenhett, aha, so you want the wired speed so that its more responsive...19:34
ertu_trying to get flash work on opera&ubuntu amd64. i've done  `apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree`, i've added `locate flashplugin-nonfree`'s result to opera's plugin path.  still no luck, any ideas?19:35
hettjalen, k, you can say that :)19:35
jimcooncatStinger: if you use CurlFtpFS you could use it for mc or any other file manager, or command line use19:35
jalenhett, try just assigning IPs and netmasks - if there is no gateway assigned, it may work better19:36
=== AkumaTw0 is now known as Akuma
jalenhett, and if not, come back and chat again :D19:36
disturbedphaetonhi there19:36
hettjalen, yep, thanks, will try!19:36
JakalCan someone help me? I am trying to set my screen resolution to 1360x768. but eah time i do the screen gets garbled then goes blank. this is the resolution of my hd tv. anyone know how to fix it?19:36
[_FireSoul_]hi disturbedphaeton19:36
disturbedphaetoni have a question19:36
[_FireSoul_]fire it19:37
disturbedphaetonis there an opportunity that ati 8.05 or 8.10 drivers work on k/ubuntu 9.04?19:37
Sirisian|Workmy unix-fu is weak. I have two files. What's the command to order the lines in them in alphabetical order? Then what's the command to do a diff between the two files by line?19:37
Travis-42Is there any way to increase the speed with which nautilus opens?  It takes about 10 seconds when it hasn't been open for a while.19:37
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mingI can't type letter 's' in gnome-terminal in my ubuntu9.10 but it works in other gnome editors, does anyone can tell me why?19:38
[_FireSoul_]they must definitely work.. an upgrade doesnt change the compatibility19:38
zhuraiSirisian|Work> my unix-fu is weak. I have two files. What's the command to order the lines in them in alphabetical order? Then what's the command to do a diff between the two files by line? <-- sort?19:38
frostburnTravis-42, are you using any swap memory?19:38
Sirisian|Workzhurai, is sort a command?19:38
CortneyCan anyone suggest a linux compatible web cam?19:38
PiciSirisian|Work: sort and diff19:39
zhuraiSirisian|Work, yes19:39
Sirisian|Workoh cool thanks19:39
disturbedphaetonbecause the last 9.5 drivers doesnt work on my video card19:39
fujimotohello we can delete firefox from my pc can me help pls19:39
zhuraiman sort19:39
Travis-42frostburn: according to the System Monitor.  I am using 1.5GiB of 2.7GiB of Memory and 740MiB of 3.7GiB of Swap19:39
zhuraiNAME:      sort - sort lines of text files19:39
zhuraimaybe you are looking for that kinda thing? o/19:39
fokitolI'm looking for simple software to mix tunes live. Something with a cross fader for example.19:39
RIV_ERAciao a tutti19:40
[_FireSoul_]oh! can any one attend to disturbedphaeton19:40
cratelhow do I get tracker to index my thunderbird emails? Intrepid 8.10.19:40
_akahige_is there an obvious reason why I can't connect remote machines to a properly set up ftp server (on a jaunty desktop)...?19:40
LordIllpalazocan i place in gnome a pannel on the left or right side of the screen?19:40
frostburnTravis-42, it's probably paging to disk, you can change your swappiness and it may improve your performance, check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#Performance%20tuning%20with%20%27%27swappiness%27%2719:40
glitsj16Sirisian|Work: after sorting, use the diff /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2 command (or install a GUI diff viewer like meld)19:40
fokitolway too many questions here! Lets answere mine first :-P19:40
b|ab|ahi all! i still confuse to install compiz themes i've been download. how to apply the themes?19:41
cratelfokitol: idjc? mixxx?19:41
maginoton cups when you print a file who converts the file to ps to be sent to printer?19:41
fokitolcratel, you rock! thanks!19:41
fujimotowe can i delete software from my pc19:41
denizhow do I make my GNOME panels be spherical and black?19:41
mindframe-does trackerd update the locate database?19:41
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Sirisian|Workglitsj16, I'm in the server version. :P It worked :P19:41
mkassonneed to add my windows partition in fstab.  I have "/dev/sda2 /mnt/sda2 fuseblk"and the mount point exists.  what am I missing?19:41
erUSULmaginot: depends on filtype i guess but ghostscript19:42
Travis-42frostburn: thanks, I'll look into it19:42
glitsj16Sirisian|Work: nice :)19:42
cratelfujimoto: easiest way to remove software is to use synaptic.19:42
zsakri wish i knew why ubuntu recognizes my sd card only occasionally, whereas windows recognizes it 100% of the time19:42
zsakrany ideas?19:42
frostburnTravis-42, also if you have lots of files in that directory, it may try to create thumbnails and other things, you can disable that, but i don't recall where19:42
maginoterUSUL, so ... its   [ pdf file -> cups -> gs filter -> printer ?19:43
jesus__i have a problem with internet19:43
first2di3How do I use GParted to resize my NTFS (Windows XP Install) partition so I can add to my Ubuntu partition? I booted the LiveCD but it doesnt let me resize the NTFS partition19:43
baratman1hi room19:43
usersamcan someone tell me the ip of a online proxy server that I can use on port 80? I cannot use google to look it up myself cos port 80 is not working here...19:44
disturbedphaetonsomebody knows if ati 8.05 or 8.10 can work on k/ubuntu 9.04?19:44
baratman1need help with jaunty.... keeps freezing19:44
erUSULmaginot: yep19:44
jesus__ i can't connect it if i tuen on the router after begin the session19:44
abuchbinderIf I want to nerd-rage about the fact that tor was disincluded from Jaunty at the last minute without so much as a by-your-leave in the release notes, is there anything I can do above and beyond opening yet another bug against "Ubuntu release notes"?19:44
maginoterUSUL,  so its not even converted to ps ?19:45
baratman1has anyone had problems with freezes since you upgraded to jaunty?19:45
darkjackahohi there, can i know if there are realy benefits using version 64bit???19:46
Simkindarkjackaho: there are many benefits.19:46
erUSULmaginot: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Unix_Printing_System#Filter_system19:46
jalendarkjackaho, if you have over 3.5GBs RAM for one19:46
darkjackahohi Simkin19:46
HodappSimkin: What sort of benefits?19:46
Simkindarkjackaho: you can address more memory19:46
abuchbinderbaratman1: I've had problems with freezes *before* I upgraded... Is there anything in the syslog from right before the crash?19:46
[_FireSoul_]darkjackaho, i guess 64 bit and 32 bit are the architecture dependent19:46
Stingerdaftykins if you have software to really use it and you have a LOT of RAM like 8 16 32 GB ..19:46
Simkindarkjackaho: and many video related functions will be faster19:46
crateldarkjackaho: I suppose there are as many opinions out there as people but I switched back from 64 bit to 32 bit. Too many compatibility problems and I could see almost no performance benefit.19:46
Simkindarkjackaho: like converting videos etc.19:47
Simkincratel: when?19:47
baratman1abuchbinder no, the screen just freezes... mouse works but everything else hangs19:47
Simkincratel: in the last year i found all compat problems have melted away.19:47
darkjackahoI have a E6750, 2*1gb 800mhz dualchannel, moth 1330mhz19:47
Simkincratel: the only one i really had was with flash player...19:47
cratelSimkin: I ran 64 bit hardy then switched to 32 bit Intrepid.19:47
HodappSimkin: Those are actually going to be just about the same speed for 99% of the time, because the instructions in 32-bit x86 and x86_64 are basically all operating on the same size of data.19:47
shiznebitcan anyone here view full epsiodes from nbc.com ? do they even work ?19:47
kixshow do you interpret /proc/loadavg19:47
abuchbinderbaratman1: Okay. When that happens, can you switch to another VT, e.g., by CTRL-ALT-F2?19:48
SimkinHodapp: it's been shown that video conversions run about 20% faster on the same process in 64 bit.19:48
kixsI thought it was just a percent but its now like 2.319:48
baratman1all blocked19:48
abuchbinderkixs: It's the average number of processes waiting to run over an interval.19:48
HodappSimkin: I don't care what's been shown unless the source code is in front of me.19:48
HodappSimkin: I do care, however, that I have read in detail about the instruction set and registers of both architectures.19:48
abuchbinderkixs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Load_(computing)#Unix-style_load_calculation19:48
darkjackahonot all applications run on 64bit, true??19:49
SimkinHodapp: so you'll trst your best guess over practical tests?19:49
SimkinHodapp: ok :)19:49
kansani have 4 gigs of ram and am running hardy lts 32bit.  apparently ubuntu can only see 3gb of ram.  how can i easily fix this?19:49
jimcooncatis there a package I can install that will give me a gpg-signed personal repository on my LAN?19:49
HodappSimkin: I will trust practical tests when the source code is in front of me.19:49
pedrodhHi. I'm having trouble getting my ATI card to work on 9.04, I've installed the drivers from the binary provided from AMD, but when I reboot it fails and now i can't use neither the proprietary nor the open source driver19:49
baratman1abuchbinder i cannot do anything else... keyboard will not rspond19:49
crateldarkjackaho: you can get most 32 bit apps to run in 64 bit with getlibs and the ia32 library19:49
crateldarkjackaho: that is they run 32 bit on a 64 bit OS.19:49
HodappSimkin: As it happens, I've done practical tests too, and interestingly they line up with exactly what one would predict if, instead of just reaidng marketing hype, you look at the architectures.19:49
Simkinthere is no really good reason not to use 64bit anymore.19:49
darkjackahoso may it's better 32bits.19:49
Hodappdarkjackaho: I am on 64-bit and the only things that have given me trouble are Flash and possibly Java.19:50
Chr|ssame here19:50
HodappJava seems to be sorted out.19:50
SimkinHodapp: i do not beleive you because that contradicts the results of my tests.19:50
darkjackahonow i go dinner, see u then... thankyou all19:50
crateldarkjackaho: if you are a newbie I'd say 32 bit. If you aren't afraid of a few glitches and building your own software and you use standard stuff, go 64 bit.19:50
HodappSimkin: Show me tests and show me source code.19:50
picklesworthHey, anyone know how I can make Nautilus forget where it positions icons on the desktop? Right now when I mount new volumes they appear in the /weirdest/ places on my desktop, where I had positioned them before :/19:50
Simkinwhy does the source code matter.19:50
Simkinuse transcode to convert video in 32 bit19:50
kixsabuchbinder thxs19:50
Simkinthen switch to 64bit partition and do it again19:50
gordonjcpHodapp: to be fair, Flash and Java aren't exactly a bundle of joy in 32-bit either ;-)19:50
Simkin64bit is faster.19:50
Hodappgordonjcp: You make a good point.19:51
abuchbinderbaratman1: Try installing dontzip to enable CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE to restart X. http://albertomilone.com/wordpress/?p=33519:51
abuchbinderbaratman1: Also, when it's frozen, can you ping it from another machine?19:51
gordonjcp64-bit has no real advantage, unless you have more than 4GB of RAM19:51
baratman1abuchbinder havent tried to ping it...19:51
HodappSimkin: The source code matters because then I can eliminate other factors that would make 64-bit faster that have nothing to do with 64-bit - like code that is written like shit for 32-bit but is good for 64-bit.19:52
mingI can't type lettle 's' in gnome-terminal but I can type it in other gnome editors, anyone can tell me why?19:52
yuci308hello everybody19:52
abuchbinderbaratman1: Having been dealing with my own hard-freeze problem (since Hardy!), I strongly recommend trying to ping it from another host. This will tell you if the whole thing is frozen, or if it's just X becoming unresponsive.19:52
yuci308i have a problem19:52
SimkinHodapp: if you say so19:52
eurythmiacan anyone recommend a good radio streaming service like last.fm that I can use in canada? I'd subscribe for last.fm, but they won't even take my credit card, pandora's also US only  :/19:52
baratman1abuchbinder: will do, but I think X got screwed up when upgrading19:52
yuci308can anyone help me19:52
baratman1thanks a lot19:53
abuchbindereurythmia: playlist.com?19:53
frenzy_usayuci308: can't help if you don't tell us your problem19:53
cratelhow do I get tracker to index my thunderbird emails? Intrepid 8.10.19:53
Hodappgordonjcp: I don't much like that a full-screen flash video that's just being scaled from a pretty low resolution up to 1440x900 can bring an Athlon64 to its knees.19:53
pedrodhanyone help please?19:53
yuci308i have ubuntu 9.0419:53
mingI can't type lettle 's' in gnome-terminal but I can type it in other gnome editors, anyone can tell me why?19:53
yuci308and setup flash player19:54
eurythmiaabuchbinder, playlist.com crashes firefox :/19:54
abuchbindereurythmia: Bummer. Have you tried it in epiphany?19:54
fokitolhow do I contol sound on 9.04 ( ie. jack, alsa, )? what program do I have to install to connect mixxx to sound output?19:54
eurythmiaabuchbinder, maybe I should be on #kubuntu ;)19:54
yuci308i dont see flash videos19:54
fokitolyuci308: does youtube work?19:55
shadeslayercan i log my temps to a file?? specifically my GPU temp19:55
yuci308not work19:55
yuci308video.google.com not work19:55
abuchbindereurythmia: Anywhere.fm?19:55
shadeslayer!sound > fokitol19:56
ubottufokitol, please see my private message19:56
HodappI get to go through some other weird-architecture fun with the iBook G3 I just got for very cheap19:56
abuchbindereurythmia: deezer.com?19:56
meuserjdoes anyone here know of an easy way to get a listing of leaf packages (packages which nothing is dependent on)?19:56
stephanfokitol: mixxx, did you use the output options in the perference  ?19:56
abuchbindermeuserj: deborphan19:56
gartral1mhhh... dbus-daemon is stuck....19:56
abuchbindermeuserj: But make sure you understand what you're doing; by default, it just looks for libraries, but you can have it get rid of extra -doc, -dev, -dbg, -common, etc. packages.19:56
momofokitol, perhaps pavucontrol19:57
mingI can't type lettle 's' in gnome-terminal but I can type it in other gnome editors, anyone can tell me why?19:57
erUSULmeuserj: deborphan19:57
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:57
gartral1dbus-daemon, python, and trackerd are stuck, peaking my cpu...19:57
gene420whats a good video editing program19:57
erUSUL!info deborphan | meuserj19:57
ubottumeuserj: deborphan (source: deborphan): program that can find unused packages, e.g. libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.27 (jaunty), package size 80 kB, installed size 472 kB19:57
abuchbindershadeslayer: Run "sensors" every so often and log it to a file.19:57
gordonjcpgene420: kdenlive seems quite good19:58
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usersami like kdenlive19:58
cratelgene420: cinelerra is powerful and not the easiest to use maybe.19:58
fokitolI have sound api ALSA in mixxx19:58
gene420thanks gordon need something to edit mp4 video survillance footage19:58
usersamthe best of what is out there..19:58
meuserjabuchbinder, erUSUL: actually, I'm not wanting to use it to clean out packages, I'm wanting to get a list of leaf packages to duplicate the package selection between two machines... if I do it with dpkg --set/get-selections, all of the packages will be flagged as manually installed, and I don't want that.19:58
yuci308fokitol: can you help me19:58
Guest70981I accidentaly deleted linux-headers-2.6.27-7-generic from usr/src, how can i get it back19:58
gordonjcpgene420: you may find you need to convert that to another format before you can edit reliably19:58
abuchbindershadeslayer: e.g., "while true; do sleep 5; date; date >> sensors.log; sensors >> sensors.log; done"19:59
erUSULmeuserj: deborpahn outputs a list what yo do with it is up to you19:59
momoGuest70981, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.27-7-generic19:59
eurythmiaabuchbinder, just curious, are you spitting out those results from google, or have you actually used them before?19:59
erUSUL!clone | meuserj19:59
ubottumeuserj: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:59
abuchbindermeuserj: Ah; I see.19:59
meuserjerUSUL: ah, thanks20:00
abuchbindereurythmia: Well, I'd used playlist.com before, but the others, only briefly. I suppose I *am* just tossing out results from Google (well, Wikipedia) at this point.20:00
fokitolyuci308: I searched for flash in package manager, and uninstalled everything ( the konqueror installer failed ). then I closed all browsers and installed everything again.20:00
P-ChanSalve a tutti! :D20:00
eurythmiaabuchbinder, I appreciate the effort, but if that's what I'd wanted, I would do it myself. I'm looking for *recommended* services.20:00
fokitolyuci308: I still cannot get comedycentral to play :-(20:01
gordonjcpyuci308: did you install flashplugin-nonfree and restart firefox?20:01
wildc4rdis there a keybind to switch workspaces inside the same desktop? (ubuntu 9.4)20:01
abuchbinderwildc4rd: CTRL-ALT-left arrow/right arrow.20:01
erUSULwildc4rd: crtl + alt + → ←20:01
wildc4rdsorted, ty20:01
gartral1dbus-daemon stuck, what do i do!?!20:02
gartral1how do i restart dbus?20:03
cuillernobody talks in there ?20:03
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:03
loshermeuserj: what difference does manually installed make?20:03
SpenserJDoes anyone have some insight that they would mind sharing for setting up CAS?20:03
gartral1dbus-daemon is stuck...... how do i restart it, this server has no reboot...20:04
in2rdI'm unable to get the Gnome Bluetooth panel to find any devices on my UNR 9.04 install on a HP Mini 1030NR, bluetooth drivers seem to be picked up in dmesg20:04
gartral1dbus-daemon is stuck...... how do i restart it, this server has no reboot... i really need this server up....20:05
abuchbinderSpenserJ: Ah, I've just set it up myself.20:05
meuserjlosher: apt and aptitude will offer to uninstall automatically installed packages later when nothing depends on them.20:05
abuchbinderSpenserJ: We're talking about the single-sign-on Apache auth plugin, right?20:05
KIAazehi, a friend of mine upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 but answered no when asked if he wanted to update grub. How can he easily update it afterwards?20:06
gartral1dbus-daemon hung... google useless... system does not reboot, need to restart dbus...\20:06
ActionParsnip!grub > KIAaze20:06
ubottuKIAaze, please see my private message20:06
SpenserJabuchbinder: Sort of.... I am needing to use single-sign-on for Drupal and Moodle... so we are looking to use CAS with LDAP authentication20:06
abuchbinderSpenserJ: For the CAS package, go here. http://packages.debian.org/sid/libapache2-mod-auth-cas Download and install the package for your architecture.20:06
SpenserJabuchbinder: Got a forum post about it here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114418120:06
SpenserJabuchbinder: I also need help on setting up the server though ;)20:07
glitsj16gartral1: sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart ?20:07
abuchbinderglitsj16: That'll restart X as well, just so you know.20:07
abuchbinderSpenserJ: I'm clueless about setting up the server; I just set up my local copy of Trac to use the client. Let me point you to the developers...20:08
armenceHello all, is there a good free graphic design program available for ubuntu? Something along the lines of photoshop, though it does not need to be quite as complex as photoshop...20:08
glitsj16abuchbinder: thanks for pointing that out, wasn't aware of it20:08
in2rdI'm unable to get the Gnome Bluetooth panel to find any devices on my UNR 9.04 install on a HP Mini 1030NR, bluetooth drivers seem to be picked up in dmesg20:08
cratelarmence: gimp20:08
SpenserJarmence: Check out Gimp20:08
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erUSULarmence: gimp20:08
abuchbinderglitsj16: I don't know that for certain, but it did restart X when I tried to restart DBUS some time ago.20:09
SpenserJabuchbinder: Oh, okay then :P Well thank you for the assistance! I am fairly clueless about setting up the CAS server, but i can get most of the stuff done.20:09
abz______hi guys trying to get ltsp workng - when i boot up i get the error message (when taking it off of quiet splash) of checking if image is initramfs...<7>Switched to high resolution mode on CPU 0. It is. Kernel Panic - not syncing: out of memory and no killable processes.  Dumpring ftrace bufer: (ftrace buffer empty).  Has 256MB RAM - any ideas?20:09
yuci308gordonjcp: I see videos but not play20:09
abuchbinderSpenserJ: Here's information about setting up the LDAP backend for CAS. http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/CASUM/LDAP20:09
samdhey, i cannot right click on my desktop,, any ideas on how to fix this?20:09
armencecratel, SpenserJ, erUSUL: Well, for once there seems to be agreement... Thanks guys...20:09
loshermeuserj: then somewhere there must be something tracking whether something was manually or automatically installed. You 'just' have to find & tweak it20:09
abuchbinderSpenserJ: Remember, though, that the *clients* only need to know that they're signing on to CAS. It doesn't matter (to the client's configuration) which server backend you're using.20:10
SpenserJabuchbinder: Thanks... been reading through that. I think I just have a version mismatch or something. Going to see if I can just start fresh20:10
SpenserJabuchbinder: yeah, I know that too :D But any time I hit up http://server/cas, it freezes, however it should be forwarding to http://server:8080/cas/login20:11
SpenserJabuchbinder: Thanks for your help though! Back to reading documentation20:11
samdhey, i cannot right click on my desktop,, any ideas on how to fix this?20:12
andacsixubuntu login root20:12
jimcooncatwhere do I find docs on gpg signing a personal repository?20:12
loshermeuserj: Aha. /var/lib/apt/extended_states. Edit at your own risk....20:13
RasaI downloaded kubuntu 9.04 cd and when i tried to install it it gave me a screen where the letters were too big some 300*200 deal20:13
matrix__hey is there any way to watch eurosport live on ubuntu20:13
pepperjackmatrix__: what is the format/website?20:14
abuchbindermatrix__: If it's streaming on some site, you should be able to watch it with Flash, same as you would with Windows.20:14
andacsivan itt magyar20:14
lycould someone help a ubuntu newb with ndiswrapper?20:14
matrix__dunno the format just want to watch eursport so i can see snooker live20:14
Guest70981when I try to compile alsa module  I get this error make[1]: Makefile: No such file or directory20:14
abuchbinderjimcooncat: Are you trying to sign packages for your PPA?20:14
losher!hu | andacsi20:15
ubottuandacsi: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál20:15
jimcooncatabuchbinder: no, a simple repository on my LAN20:15
mercutio22my system just crashed. I don't know whats happening, how can I commence to debug? Which log file should I look into for more details?20:15
andacsihello somebody speaks in Hungarian20:15
mercutio22syslog shows many errors20:15
andacsisomebody speaks in Hungarian20:15
andacsisomebody speaks in Hungarian20:15
losher!hu > andacsi20:15
ubottuandacsi, please see my private message20:15
andacsisomebody speaks in Hungarian20:16
abuchbinderjimcooncat: The packages are signed when you build them, by dpkg-buildpackage. Are you trying to distribute .debs signed by your own key?20:16
mercutio22I am suspecting pulseaudio is doing something wrong since the audio playback is choppy20:16
hrhkeeI need some help with my Dual Head and MGA G400 card - please -20:16
lyi need help setting up a wireless usb device. I think I need to use ndiswrapper. any help would be great20:16
abuchbindermercutio22: I have that too, but I'm hoping it'll be fixed because I added myself to the pulse-rt group, so maybe it'll work when I log out and back in.20:17
Gabrysly: what kind of device do you have?20:17
meuserjerUSUL: aptitude search worked like a charm, thanks.20:17
Gabrysplease supply lsusb output20:17
TetracommI found that this channel is filled with numerous people and that so many conversations are taking place at once, pushing people's questions and answers up before they are seen. I created two channels to help with this situation. One for audio/video issues in Ubuntu, and the other for compatibility, do you want to see them?20:17
Gabrysafter inserting the device20:17
mercutio22abuchbinder> are you using a realtime kernel?20:17
erUSULmeuserj: no problem Xd i did not writte that factoid for ubottu though20:17
lylinksys wusb54gc20:17
jimcooncatabuchbinder: I'm using dpkg-scanpackages to modify configs of already-built packages. For example, my first one is just a custom /etc/network/interfaces file. I'll be using it to propogate stuff within my LAN.20:17
hrhkeeYES this room is too crowded20:17
hrhkeeI am going surfing for a smaller group20:18
erUSULTetracomm: ubuntu-* namespace is controlled by the ubuntu irc channel. you will have to contact them and ask permission20:18
Gartralcrap, afternrestarting dbus-daemon, my server no longer believes it has a networking card20:18
erUSULTetracomm: ubuntu irc council20:18
lyBus 001 Device 004: ID 1737:0077 Linksys20:18
TetracommerUSUL: Where do I contact them?20:19
kungpowzathe ubuntu jedi council20:19
Chamillionaire2nautilus: error while loading shared libraries: libgnome-desktop-2.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:19
hrhkeewill be back if I cannot find an answer....20:19
Gartralcrap, after restarting dbus-daemon, my server no longer believes it has a networking card20:19
erUSULTetracomm: there is a mialing list and some of them are in #ubuntu-irc or/and #ubuntu-ops20:19
jimcooncatabuchbinder:  maybe "gpg -abs -o Release.gpg Release" ?20:20
Gabrysly: before ndiswrapper, try rt287020:20
TetracommThank you.20:20
losherTetracomm: irc isn't the greatest way to find/offer support. I'm not sure the answer is more channels though20:20
=== sars is now known as mODYe|
Chamillionaire2nautilus: error while loading shared libraries: libgnome-desktop-2.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:20
Gartralcrap, after restarting dbus-daemon, my server no longer believes it has a networking card, reeeeaaaaaaly need this back!20:20
abuchbindermercutio22: Nope, not a realtime kernel. Just the stock one.20:20
lyGabrys: I am really new at this could you walk me through what i need to do20:20
kungpowzaseek the ubuntu jedi council you will20:20
baz_workeverytime i logon i run an ssh -D script to start a proxy.... is there an applet or utility to cleanyl do this at startup and show whether it is running or not20:20
lyi have no internet on the machine atm20:21
mercutio22abuchbinder> did you log off and back in? How did it go?20:21
abuchbinderjimcooncat: Ah, and you want to sign the Packages file?20:21
ertu_have anyone had issues getting flash to work on opera and ubuntu 9.04?20:21
Gartral!ot| kungpowza20:21
ubottukungpowza: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:21
losherGartral: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart. At your own risk...20:21
coleysbaz_work: System > Preferences > Startup?20:21
Gartrallosher: why do you say that?20:21
jimcooncatabuchbinder: exactly20:21
Chamillionaire2nautilus: error while loading shared libraries: libgnome-desktop-2.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:21
jimcooncatabuchbinder: so I don't get a warning when I upgrade the clients20:21
ertu_i'm trying to get flash work on opera&ubuntu amd64. i've done  `apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree`, i've added `locate flashplugin-nonfree`'s result to opera's plugin path.  still no luck, any ideas?20:22
losherGartral: because it might crash your machine & cause a reboot. Just so you know...20:22
frostburnbaz_work, .bash_rc .bash_profile would suit your needs, you may also want to check out system > pref > startup applications20:22
abuchbinderjimcooncat: If it's just a detached signature, then making one yourself should do it... I'm looking for a bit of policy that actually states that, though.20:22
baz_workthanks guys20:22
Gabrysly: go to your package manager, search for rt287020:22
kungpowzaubottu: yes dear20:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about yes dear20:22
Gartrallosher: crash, yes, reboot, impossible, the machine has not power-conrolls20:22
Gabrysly: install as much as you have there20:22
jimcooncatabuchbinder: yes. I'm looking at Debian's SecureApt page, but I'm a bit lost20:22
Gartrallosher: controls20:22
losherGartral: whatever...20:22
baz_workis there a way to have an ssh -D running *without* having the terminal window open?20:22
Chamillionaire2nautilus: error while loading shared libraries: libgnome-desktop-2.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:22
Gabrysly: unplug the device, wait 2 seconds, plug it again in, run dmesg see what it states about the card20:23
Bineaglehaw i can uninstall firestarter and after uninstall is the firewall included in the linux kernel will be desactivated?20:23
glitsj16Chamillionaire2: "sudo apt-get install libgnome-desktop-2-7" should cover that, the error message says it is missing this20:23
Gabrysly: if you're lucky, you're done :)20:23
lewis_what should i type to access usb devices?20:23
erUSULbaz_work: use screen a detach it20:23
abuchbindermercutio22: No, not yet. I will in just a sec.20:23
erUSUL!screen | baz_work20:23
=== coleys_ is now known as coleys
ubottubaz_work: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen20:23
mrsnazzHello; The "on screen keys" on my ibm x41 laptop stopped working after upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04. I get no codes when i press them using xev... any suggestions where to start looking for troubleshooting?20:23
mercutio22abuchbinder> tell me how it went when you are done plz20:23
baz_workerUSUL, ah yes, good 'ol screen20:23
phreckhow do i stop a wifi connection from automatically connect?20:23
lyGabrys: doesnt find it. im using 9.0420:24
dassoukihow can i disable bluetooth at startup ? and how can i edit my mouse buttons (my back - next buttons are acting as scroll horizontal)20:24
losherbaz_work: probably not. ssh is designed primarily for interactive work...20:24
Gabrysrun dmesg (in terminal) just after re-plugging the device anyway and report to us what it states about the card20:24
Bineaglephreck: simply delete the connection from wifi list20:25
abuchbinderjimcooncat: What you described should work fine; just make sure you distribute the public key to the clients and add it via apt-key.20:25
lewis_how do i use .pl files?20:25
abuchbinderBack in a minute; logging off and on.20:25
Gartrallosher: no need to be a jerk, dude20:25
RinsewoodHello Friends ...20:25
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erUSULlewis_: is a perl script ?20:25
mrsnazza hah! just had to use setkeycodes :D20:26
lewis_i dont know what script it is im new to this.20:26
ConicHey guys20:26
ConicWhat do I do if my sound randomly stops working?20:26
losherGartral: I offered you help, and you replied with a nitpick. I do this for free ya' know...20:26
Gartrallosher: thank you for your help20:26
dassoukiConic: check ur ears20:26
losherGartral: I like this 2nd reply better...20:27
Gartrali wasnt nit-picking, my machine has no apic....20:27
erUSULlewis_: what are you trying to do?20:27
ertu_i'm trying to get flash work on opera&ubuntu amd64. i've done  `apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree`, i've added `locate flashplugin-nonfree`'s result to opera's plugin path.  still no luck, any ideas?20:27
ConicUh, no, it really stopped working20:27
lewis_open a file with the extension .pl20:27
dassoukiConic: did u just upgrade? or does it happen when you view a website then go to rhythm box20:27
erUSULlewis_: use an editor... "gedit filename.pl"20:27
ConicIt happened a little bit after I installed Kubuntu, with APT20:27
Gartrallosher: my machine doesnt shutdown or reboot, i have to pull the power plug to turn it off20:27
lewis_ok thanks ill try that20:28
dassoukiConic: it might a pulse audio / alsa issue20:28
ZwemshortventjeLive-CD isn't working, I have edited the boot order to put CD first, the CD is in the CD-drive, but it still starts windows, what should I do?20:28
losherGartral: Kinda lost interest in our conversation now...20:28
ConicI'm going to download the driver from Realtek20:28
Gartrallosher: well,  again, thank you... sorry i ticked you off, but my server was borkingup...20:28
lewis_it opens in open office, thats  jst strange lol20:29
dassoukiConic: also check what ur system is using as a default sound device. for instance on my machine, skype does not like my default sound card, i have to manually enter hd0..20:29
losherGartral: no prob. I won't hold a grudge if you don't....20:29
RinsewoodI need some tips ... i have troubler with screen res ...20:29
nmvictorHi everyone,got a problem here.trying to install tomboy-reminder plugin osing20:29
pace_t_zuludoes anyone here know why BASH doesn't load ~/.profile by default20:29
lyGabrys: usb 1-6:USB Disconnect, address 5 ------------ usb 1-6:USB new high speed USB device using ehci-hcd and address 6 --------- configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice20:29
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ZwemshortventjeLive-CD isn't working, I have edited the boot order to put CD first, the CD is in the CD-drive, but it still starts windows, what should I do?20:29
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phreckugh. the new ati drivers are junk20:29
jimcooncatabuchbinder: thanks for your help, I feel I'm on the right track now20:29
Gabrysly: what about ifconfig -a ? no wifi card there?20:29
teviohi everyone, i'm having an issue with shhd on my machine, connections to it via putty/cygwin are really slow/intermittent20:30
Bineaglehi i need help from 23 april no compiz and visual effect for ubuntu 9.04 no updates from ubuntu.20:30
ZwemshortventjeLive-CD isn't working, I have edited the boot order to put CD first, the CD is in the CD-drive, but it still starts windows. Shoudl the CD be in a DVD or DVD-rom driver?20:30
tevioany tips?20:30
BaZiLHelp .. every update or driverinstallation i want to do . it hangs up at Loacing LIRC modules .. what can i do to correct that ? .. it happend after upgrade to 9.0420:30
lyGabrys: i have a eth0 and lo and pan0 in the list20:30
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tsimpsonpace_t_zulu: it does, when invoked as a login shell20:31
lewis_is there a way i can jst view peoples chat, rather than seeing a status log all the while?20:31
=== JC_Denton is now known as JC_Denton_
ZwemshortventjeLive-CD isn't working, I have edited the boot order to put CD first, the CD is in the CD-drive, but it still starts windows. Shoudl the CD be in a DVD or DVD-rom driver?20:31
ertu_any opera and ubuntu 9.04 user ? ..20:31
baz_workis there a way to start programs minimized?20:31
teviosorry, sshd....20:31
Rinsewoodcan someone help me with setting up Ubuntu on my lcd tv20:32
mercutio22guys, after the jaunty upgrade my system is crashing about every ten minutes, blinking capslock and numlock LEDs. Can someone please help me debug? I will post whatever info might help20:32
losherZwemshortventje: on some systems you have to tell the bios to boot from cdrom. Could that be it?20:32
tevioi read that it could be to do with reverse DNS lookup, this is over a local network20:32
erUSULmercutio22:  blinking leds == kernel panic == BSOD20:32
Zwemshortventjeyes, i told my bios to load up from CD before trying to start up from hdd20:32
Gabrysly: my bad, the driver is now rt73, try that (again search in package manager)20:32
Zwemshortventjebut it doesn't help20:32
tevioi tried adding "UseDNS no" to the config but it doesn't make much difference20:33
erUSULmercutio22: those things are hard to debug... you may take a look at kernel logs /var/log/messages;syslog20:33
meuserjZwemshortventje: how did you burn the cd?20:33
daver89Hello, stupid question but do i hit F8 on boot up to boot from cd?20:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nickserv20:33
Zwemshortventjeusing isoburner20:33
Pici!register | coleys20:33
ubottucoleys: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode20:33
ZwemshortventjeBUT the funny part: it worked on another ppc20:33
coleysthanks :p20:33
Zwemshortventjeexactly the same20:33
teviomy distro is 8.1020:33
Zwemshortventjesame cd20:33
lewis_davo89 i did20:33
UnclaimedBaggageHullo gang. In a moment of Dadaist expression, I just deleted /var/lib ...Erm, is there any means of recovery from that?20:33
abuchbindermercutio22: It's a bit better. It now skips only very occasionally, e.g., when loading a few dozen tabs in Firefox.20:33
nmvictorHi everyone,got a problem here.trying to install tomboy-reminder plug in ..using ./configure method../configure returned the error I have pasted at http://pastebin.com/m2e4c2309.Could any one please HELP?20:33
=== me is now known as Guest97856
pace_t_zulutsimpson: When I open a Terminal window it doesn't execute ~/.profile20:34
losherZwemshortventje: does it even attempt a cdrom boot? If not. it's your bios, if it does but the boot then fails, the cd is probably bad20:34
Zwemshortventjeit's not the cd, it worked fine on my old laptop20:34
ertu_any opera and ubuntu 9.04 user ? ..20:34
lyGabrys: sorry nothing shows up20:34
pepperjackdaver89: this varries from one computer to the next.  you can always flail away at the keyboar hitting del esc f1 etc to change boot order20:34
Nejiopera user, but still intrepid user...20:34
abuchbindermercutio22: After rebooting, do you get a kernel stack trace in /var/log/syslog?20:34
Zwemshortventjei saw you can install linux on ur hdd through windows, should i go for that?20:34
tsimpsonpace_t_zulu: because that's not a login shell, but an interactive shell, which will inherit the environment from the login shell anyway20:35
ertu_i'm trying to get flash work on opera&ubuntu amd64. i've done  `apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree`, i've added `locate flashplugin-nonfree`'s result to opera's plugin path.  still no luck, any ideas?20:35
NejiZwem: that works perfectly, to install it through windows20:35
daver89pepperjack: cheers, will try thoses20:35
Gabrysly: sudo aptitude install rt73-source20:35
kkrustystupid question. I cant drag my panels at all20:35
Zwemshortventjeis it true it uses more ram than regular install?20:35
otmJust reinstalled 8.10 after having 9.04, breath of fresh air imo20:35
kkrustyIm using jaunty20:35
Hunter-Mhello all, can i ask a question about virtualbox running on kubuntu here?20:35
Nejiertu_: maybe you tried to install the 32bit version?20:36
NejiZwerm: not that I know of20:36
Zwemshortventjeok, thank you very much :D20:36
losherZwemshortventje: please answer the question. does it even attempt a cdrom boot?20:36
lang2k7anyone know why i am getting this error...FATAL: Error inserting snd_intel8x0 (/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/sound/pci/snd-intel8x0.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter20:36
ertu_Neji, doubt it as apt-get installed them.20:36
coleysotm: what was your problem with 9.04?20:36
Zwemshortventjei have no idea losher, bios says so, but i don't see any difference20:36
pace_t_zulutsimpson do i need to log out and log back in to get new commands in ~/.profile executed?20:36
tsimpsonpace_t_zulu: "When an interactive shell that is not a login shell is started, bash reads and executes commands from /etc/bash.bashrc and ~/.bashrc, if these files exist." from the bash manual20:36
BaZiLHelp .. every update or driverinstallation i want to do . it hangs up at Loacing LIRC modules .. what can i do to correct that ? .. it happend after upgrade to 9.0420:36
lyGabrys: ok it looks like the command ran20:37
NejiZwerm: open the image(iso) in magicISO, and well doubleclick on the file Wubi.exe20:37
lewis_my system strugles saving things, how can i overcome this problem?20:37
darkjackahohi there, do some one use opera with vlc working good?20:37
Gabrysly: so fast?20:37
Zwemshortventjeok, thanks neji :)20:37
Gabrysly: it should build the module and take some time20:37
Nejiertu_: then I have no idea20:37
otmcoleys: It crashed half the time I booted it (after numerous disk checks and reinstallations)20:37
lyGabrys: it did20:37
ubottuMagyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál20:37
jesus__hey people20:37
gartralok, got my server back and stable, thank you once more losher20:37
coleysotm: Old hardware, or...?20:37
tsimpsonpace_t_zulu: yes, .profile is meant to be read exactly once per-login, .bashrc can be read many times20:37
Zwemshortventjeoh btw, do i have to put the iso as a .iso or extract it to the dvd?20:37
=== coleys is now known as coleys_
darkjackahoopera with vlc for streaming don't wanna work. for you?20:37
gartralnow, on my desktop, the tracker daemon is slowing things down to a crawl....20:38
NejiZwerm: The just follow the instructions, oh you might want to download teh ndiswrapper for your wireless card(if you use wireless)20:38
otmcoleys: Nope, but I think it's something to do with my wireless card...since it would mainly crash when trying to connect20:38
jesus__ i still have a problem with my internet connection20:38
Gabrysly: if this installed try sudo modprobe rt7320:38
Zwemshortventjei'll just install from windows20:38
WNzHey all. Is there anything necessary to do to utilize an ssd drive?20:38
Zwemshortventjeseems easier to me20:38
lyGabrys: sorry says couldnt ind any packages that matched rt73-source20:38
darkjackahono one use opera with vlc plugin??20:38
coleys_otm: And there was no problems in 8.04?20:38
otmcoleys_: none whatsoever20:39
ikoniaWNz: I'm on one now, no20:39
NejiZwerm: I only opened it while I ran vista, and I didn't burn it on a disc or mount it as a image or anything. just extracted it, and doubleclicked on wubi.exe   amd followed the instructions20:39
matchbox56kkrusty, check not locked right click on desktop (Lock/unlock widgets)20:39
Rinsewoodwhat to do if desktop is bigger that screen20:39
Nejibut I gotta go now20:39
WNzikonia: what about optimizing it?20:39
coleys_otm: That's good then :]20:39
Gabrysfind deb-src lines in /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment them (from root), then aptitude update20:39
lang2k7can someone help with an ALSA problem?20:39
ikoniaWNz what about it ?20:39
WNzikonia: do you notice a significant performance difference?20:39
ikoniaWNz ha ha ha, yes, %50020:40
otmcould anybody direct me to the best programming server/channel?20:40
jesus__i use ubuntu jaunty but since ibex i lost the connection with internet after a while...but the router shows there's no deal with ot because all it leds still on...20:40
ikoniaWNz: to give you an example, ubuntu boots from grub to gdm login screen in 4 seconds20:40
gartralnow, on my desktop, the tracker daemon is slowing things down to a crawl.... can i reconfigure it, or kill it safely?20:40
WNzikonia: nice. I was asking if there is anything you can do to optimize it20:40
pepperjackotm: what language? :)20:40
WNzikonia: or if it works as best as it will automatically20:40
ikoniaWNz: don't need to - there is nothing to optimise on it, it's just a super quick disk20:40
zimhi all link Q why when I reboot do soft links die?20:40
otmpepperjack: python20:40
=== coleys_ is now known as coleys
WNzikonia: thinking about getting this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682022739320:41
pepperjackotm: /join #python  :)20:41
tsimpsonzim: no20:41
Piciotm: #python, but you'll need to register first20:41
Pici!registe > otm20:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about registe20:41
Pici!register > otm20:41
ubottuotm, please see my private message20:41
zimtsimpson: no ?20:41
ikoniaWNz: MLC = poor - think "pen drive" for MLC20:41
tsimpsonzim: symlinks are files like any other20:42
tsimpsonthey are juts treated specially20:42
WNzikonia: oh? one of my tech friends just recommended that drive to me20:42
gartralikonia: 4 seconds? dang... i still wait about 35 to boot20:42
ikoniaWNz: go for it then, but I assure you, it's poor, hence the cheap price20:42
lang2k7can someone help me with this error? FATAL: Error inserting snd_intel8x0 (/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/sound/pci/snd-intel8x0.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter20:42
ikoniagartral: yes, but I rule20:42
gartralikonia: then another 3 minutes for gdm...20:42
ikoniagartral: it's because of my disk really, nothing more20:42
zimtsimpson: ln -s /some/place/some.file /another/place/some.file20:42
WNzikonia: which do you have?20:43
tsimpsonzim: yes, that will persist over reboots20:43
cambazzzhello. where is the compiz config manager in 9.04, like to enable expo and stuff20:43
gartralikonia: i have an old ide-40 pin disk...20:43
zimwhen I reboot  /another/place/some.file gone :(20:43
ikoniaWNz: join me in #ubuntu-offtopic and we can pick it up20:43
tsimpsonzim: where is /another/place? is it in /tmp or anther temporary space?20:43
ikoniaWNz: not really the right place to discuss it20:43
WNzcambazzz: sudo apt-get install fusion-icon20:43
=== otm is now known as OTM
WNzcambazzz: everything you need in one place for it20:43
=== OTM is now known as oTm
=== oTm is now known as OtM
Dulakcambazzz: install the package named compizconfig-settings-manager20:44
=== OtM is now known as otm
wildc4rdas a newish linux user, do I need to check for spyware/virus infection like I would on a windows box? and if so, with what.20:44
cambazzzWNz: well I installed fusion-icon, now what?20:45
Geinehi all20:45
zimtsimpson: nope I use it on a /Data partition like this /Data/Pictures /Data/Documents/My \Pictures --> /Data/Pictures20:45
gartral!virus| wildc4rd20:45
ubottuwildc4rd: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2120:45
erUSULwildc4rd: no20:45
cambazzzWNz: its some sort of phyton compiz config20:45
Geinehow to upgrade ex3 to ex4 on ubuntu 9.0420:45
coleysGeine: Search google =)20:45
gartralGeine: reinstall20:45
coleys(or that) :p20:46
zimtsimpson: samba mydocs on win$20:46
=== otm is now known as otm24
Geinenothing in google20:46
tsimpsonzim: windows does not support symlinks20:46
coleysGeine: Yes there is!20:46
drmrhorse_cambazzz: sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager20:46
Breno___Hi. I install Ubuntu 9.04 on my pc and they aren't work. When open the login he stop all! I need help please20:46
tsimpsonzim: or rather, windows filesystems don't20:47
zimtsimpson: in thinks its a dir if the symlink is on the linux server20:47
cambazzzdrmrhorse_: thank you20:47
pepperjackBreno___: any errors?20:47
ienorandwildc4rd: There is atm little malware for linux, but you still might want to scan things, if you download on Ubuntu, and acess through windows for example... avg and avast has AV software for Ubuntu, and there is ClamAV for just manually scanning files.20:47
ITguruI want to forward ports from a client machine to allow access via ssh to an exchange server - what would be the best way to achieve this?20:47
zimtsimpson: it works fine till reboot then i have to setup a new ln -s20:47
drmrhorse_cambazzz: np. the config screen will be available under system>preferences i gnome20:47
pepperjackGeine: mkfs :)  honestly youll want to backup and reinstall20:48
Breno___pepperjack: no... it only stop20:48
GhotiHello, folks.  Is there a (relatively) straightforward way to get notify-osd on an 8.10 box?20:48
Geinepepperjack, did you try it?20:48
tsimpsonzim: you can't create a symlink on windows filesystems, including windows shares over samba (not sure about linux shares over samba). there is just no way to store the link20:49
pepperjackGeine: no but the consensus is not possible/dont do it.  i mean you could of course i suppose tar.gz the partition then mkfs then untar it back20:49
tsimpsonthe only link windows knows about is a "shortcut"20:49
Chamillionaire2nautilus: error while loading shared libraries: libgnome-desktop-2.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:49
zimtsimpson: I am not creating it on the windows machine20:49
ExMachinaHey there I'm having a bit of trouble with the new Ubuntu 9.04, after log in I get a sold beige screen with a cursor but nothing else.20:50
gartralnow, on my desktop, the tracker daemon is slowing things down to a crawl.... can i reconfigure it, or kill it safely?20:50
tesseracteranyone have ideas why my mouse cursor disappears sometimes on firefox, like on the tab bar, whitespace(always seems to work over links)20:50
tsimpsonzim: yes, but if you create the link it needs to be stored in the filesystem, windows is incapable of that20:50
zimtsimpson: but windows is not doing it samba is20:51
Chamillionaire2nautilus: error while loading shared libraries: libgnome-desktop-2.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:51
=== Chamillionaire2 is now known as Sexuntu
gartralzimwindows is also incapable of understanding simlinks20:51
zimtsimpson: all windows is doing is looking at a folder with another folder in it20:51
Ghotizim: Sambe is an implementation of SMB which knows nothing of non-FAT/NTFS filesystems.20:51
macman_help whit this .. http://pastie.org/46433420:51
wadadais there a tutorial to update from ubuntu 8 to 9?20:52
Sexuntunautilus: error while loading shared libraries: libgnome-desktop-2.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:52
tsimpsonzim: I'm saying that windows can't store the link on the filesystem20:52
Pici!upgrade | wadada20:52
ubottuwadada: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading20:52
Ghotiwadada: System -> Update Manager. Look toward the top of the window.20:52
zimGhoti: yes but the files are on the linux server good old ext320:52
wadadathank you20:52
zimtsimpson: windows is not doing it linux is20:53
tsimpsonzim: wrong20:53
Ghotizim: But the SMB protocol doesn't know what do to with the command to 'create a symlink' (or even a hardlink, for that matter)20:53
Picizim: Are the target and source files both on the same filesystem?20:53
tsimpsonzim: "/Data/Pictures /Data/Documents/My \Pictures --> /Data/Pictures" that's a link on the share, yes?20:53
cambazzzwhat is the name of the expo-like effect, when mouse is positioned at a certain corner, it shows all the windows20:53
Ghotizim: If you're sharing linux-to-linux you might look into NFS or SSHFS20:53
dbxdCan anyone point me in the right direction to get effects on Ubuntu?20:53
cambazzz(it makes the windows small) and fit all of them in one viewpoint20:54
flyer_хтонить по русски ферштейн?20:54
Gabrysly: how about the linksys?20:54
zimtsimpson: /Data/Documents is a share20:54
Pici!ru | flyer_20:54
ubottuflyer_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:54
Ghotidbxd: System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Effects tab20:54
tsimpsonzim: so you're creating a link in the share, therefore it needs to be stored on the share20:54
frostburnzim,  i've always had luck using sym links within smb shares20:54
tsimpsonzim: which mean stored on the windows system20:55
FloodBot3lawbreaker13_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:55
=== Chamillionaire2 is now known as Sexuntu
Sexuntunautilus: error while loading shared libraries: libgnome-desktop-2.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:55
GhotiCan anyone point me toward a (relatively) straightforward way to get 9.04's notify-osd on an 8.10 box (no, upgrade to 9.04 isn't straightforward in my case)?20:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gfxboot20:56
lang2k7can someone help me with an audio problem?20:56
Ghoti!asl | lang2k720:56
ubottulang2k7: Most of us don't speak American Sign Language, please try english instead. ✌20:56
zimtsimpson: Ghoti: the point is it works files dont get lost the link is just not there after a reboot (the link was made on the command line on the linux server) if I relink it all is well and files are there. just the link dies20:56
Ghoti!ask | lang2k720:56
ubottulang2k7: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:57
himtrying to dd iamge to a usb but fdisk giving me weird info on device http://pastebin.com/m72f54095  thanks .20:57
=== max is now known as Guest31857
tsimpsonzim: because it's not stored on the share, it's just stored in your RAM20:57
frank_Does anyone know a workaround to getting the kodak esp 3 working on ubuntu?20:57
=== joshua___ is now known as joshjtl
tsimpsonzim: windows can not store the link, so it's never communicated to windows to create a "link"20:58
Sexuntunautilus: error while loading shared libraries: libgnome-desktop-2.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:58
Ghotihim: looks like you tried to dd from one type of device onto another.20:58
coleys!ask | Sexuntu20:58
ubottuSexuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:58
zimtsimpson: the link is on the ext3 not on the windows machine /Data/ = /dev/sda420:58
SexuntuUbottu what i posted IS my question20:59
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:59
NiNoMoU\join tmtsub20:59
tsimpsonzim: ah20:59
Ghotizim: the point you're missing is that you're using SMB. SMB doesn't know how to *make* links20:59
him<Ghoti> its a usb music mp3 player from the stoneages , any way of making into one partion , gparted ?20:59
DulakGhoti: you tried enabling backports for intrepid and searching for that package?20:59
coleysSexuntu its not a question :p20:59
arthurHi guys20:59
SexuntuIts my error20:59
zimGhoti: its not making the link20:59
GhotiDulak: great idea! I'll do that right now20:59
Sexuntuto which someone sees it and may reply with a anser to fix it20:59
coleysSexuntu: How'd you get that error?20:59
zimGhoti: I am on the command line20:59
macman_whatw app can dump streaming video besides mplayer ?20:59
Sexuntuby putting nautilus in terminal20:59
tsimpsonzim: so when you reboot there's no link in /Data?21:00
ienorandmacman_: vlc21:00
zimtsimpson: yes21:00
coleysSexuntu: What did you do to break it, or what were you doing before it broke =/21:00
ikoniaSexuntu: look if those libraries exist21:00
tsimpsonzim: but there is one made before reboot?21:00
tsimpsonthat's odd21:00
SexuntuDam i gtg be back in a min21:00
macman_ienorand: i can't get vlc to work21:00
deanyhim, gparted i guess, tho it might not be able to boot.  some usb sticks cant21:00
ienorandmacman_: could always check flashgot for ff21:00
emperorcezarIs /tmp on Ubuntu server on the disk or is it in virtual memory. Also, is it cleared via a cron job?21:00
arthurI installed ubuntu 8.10 (because 9.04 doesn't work) server and then installed xorg fvwm-crystal. When I startx neither the keyboard nor the touchpad or mouse work. Any idea?21:00
tsimpsonemperorcezar: no and no, it's cleared at reboot though21:01
zimtsimpson: yes21:01
GhotiDulak: No such package :/21:01
zimtsimpson: example21:01
vaulHello, community can anyone help with finding as simple as possible howto to set-up gfxboot? I failed googling.21:01
emperorcezartsimpson: thans21:01
DulakGhoti: yeah I didn't see it but I didn't enable, just googled21:01
DulakGhoti: it was worth a try21:01
gartralfrank_: your pretty much screwed dude, no kodak camera can be accessed by any linux as far as i know21:01
himdeany, will try anyway , gparted maps it as one partion while fdisk mapped it as several very weird.. do not understand.21:01
GhotiDulak: indeed it was :)21:01
frank_gartral: its a printer21:01
zimtsimpson: /Data/Documents /Data/Pictures are real places21:01
joshjtlhey folks, gotta pretty serious bug here that i believe is the same as one of the many xserver-xorg-video-intel reported bugs... I get an unrecoverable lockup randomly where mouse is still active but nothing else is,  and when coming back from screensaver... ctrl+alt+backspace does nothing, and I have to hard reboot.  I thought this was fixed in the latest xserver-xorg-video-intel, but im using 2.7.0 and am still getting issues21:01
Ghoti!dontzap | joshjtl21:02
ubottujoshjtl: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.21:02
Ghotijoshjtl: that'll fix C-A-BkSp21:02
DulakGhoti: found someone who did it: http://blog.alexrybicki.com/2009/02/how-to-install-notify-osd-in-intrepid.html21:02
zim/Data/Documents/My \Pictures --> /Data/Pictures21:02
darkjackahoGhoti rememberme?? aa1??21:02
tsimpsonzim: but /Data/Documents is a share right?21:02
GhotiDulak: I tried that method, but it fails on the compile, asking for a package that.. isn't there.. Looks like a mono / C# package21:03
lyGabrys: no luck. I dowloaded the rt73 package from the web on this pc and ran it on the ubuntu system now what plz21:03
GhotiDulak: I'll look again now that I have backports though21:03
zimtsimpson: yes a samba share out not in21:03
Ghotidarkjackaho: Hello again :)21:03
gartraltracker just came up and said the index was corrupted... what do i do?21:03
Gabrysly: you need the package with dependencies, also you don't "run" a package21:03
tsimpsonzim: so the samba share is mounted to /Data/Documents, and My\ Pictures is a folder in the share? just so I understand21:04
Gabrysly: maybe you should just have a different card :)21:04
zimtsimpson: I then map z:\ to share21:04
darkjackahoGhoti: hi there, i've now my (as new) hand... so, for u why using opera i got problem streaming with vlc??21:04
mercutio22firefox is consuming 80% of cpu how come?21:04
lyi downloaded rt73-common21:04
zimtsimpson: its not a samba mount but a samba share21:04
gartralmercutio22: in short, gecko is being a resource hog21:05
dtcrshrhy everyone. im on ubuntu 8.04 i32. decided to take a chance with 9 i64, so i will do a fresh install. trhought the installation menu, when goes to the disk partitioning part, it dont shows me the option to change the partitions. only help, undo and finalize21:05
zimwindows is mounting it21:05
lyi installed it with the package manager21:05
Picitsimpson: I think that he is sharing /data/documents as a samba share, not that he is mounting a remote system on /data/docs21:05
Dulakmercutio22: javascript really drives firefox up on cpu21:05
rasheedIm having an issue on ubuntu can some one help me solve this?21:05
Sexuntunautilus: error while loading shared libraries: libgnome-desktop-2.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:05
tsimpsonPici: /me is confused21:05
dtcrshri opened an terminal, and checked on the fdisk -l that my partitions were there. i dont wanna lose my /home partition21:05
GhotiDulak: http://pastebin.com/f3a201a0c21:05
coleys!ask > rasheed21:05
ubotturasheed, please see my private message21:05
RoastedHi guys - Just upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04. With Amarok2, YouTube and Amarok2 cannot co-exist at the same time. If I have audio on one, the other errors out or plays nothing at all. With Exaile, though, Exaile and YouTube can co-exist just fine. Why is this??21:05
rasheedeverytime i scroll down the screen chops up21:05
nmvictor<mercutio22>maybe you have some appelets in the whitelist,they dont go down well with a system sometimes.21:06
rasheedthis happends in all app mostly fire fox21:06
rasheedand PDF21:06
Picizim: Can you pastebin teh output of   mount21:06
gartralRoasted: becaus amarok locks the audio device so nothing else may use it, if i remember correctly21:06
Sexuntu!ask | Pici21:06
ubottuPici: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:06
brandonban6rasheed,  do you what video card drivers you are you using?21:06
Dulakrasheed: turn off smooth scrolling in the firefox prefs and see if that helps, mine chops up when I have that enabled21:07
PiciSexuntu: Please don't do that.21:07
joshjtlGhoti: i would prefer an actual fix to the issue21:07
SexuntuSorry i dident know if it would work21:07
mercutio22nmvictor> which whitelist? How can I check for that?21:07
Roastedgartral - I was running amarok on 8.10 just fine with youtube. However, when I loaded "amarok" on 9.04 I got amarok2. Okay, fine. But now it doesn't work... So I dont see what changed with amarok vs amarok2, and I'm curious to know why exaile works while amarok2 doesnt.... but why would amarok2 lock the device? I can only see that pissing people off and not using it.21:07
fatbrainAny good web-browser other than Firefox3 available for Ubuntu amd64?21:07
zimPici: that exactly right21:07
coleysfatbrain: Stick with firefox =p21:07
Segajais it possible to get the current hdd temperature of a notebook?21:08
FewCluesFatbrain try using opera21:08
DulakGhoti: libnotify-bin installed?21:08
zimtsimpson: Pici is on the right track21:08
SlartSegaja: there is a hd temperature monitor daemon21:08
dtcrshrhow do i force the partition choosing on the new install?21:08
coleys!fr > Dalila21:08
ubottuDalila, please see my private message21:08
dtcrshris there a command on the console that i can do that?21:08
Picitsimpson: I gotta run, just wanted to make sure things were understandable.21:08
phillip41its either hot or cold lol21:08
lang2k7how do i load a module?21:08
zimty Pici21:09
Slart!info hddtemp | Segaja21:09
ubottuSegaja: hddtemp (source: hddtemp): hard drive temperature monitoring utility. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3-beta15-45 (jaunty), package size 54 kB, installed size 288 kB21:09
Slartlang2k7: modprobe21:09
GhotiDulak: it is *now* :) trying the compile again21:09
nmvictormercutio22:wait a min,let me check with the terminal21:09
ertu_i'm trying to get flash work on opera&ubuntu 9.04 amd64. i've done  `apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree`, i've added `locate flashplugin-nonfree`'s result to opera's plugin path.  still no luck, any ideas?21:09
GhotiDulak: Same error21:09
can_hello, what is the name of the desktop effect that makes all open windows in all viewports show zoomed out in one viewport so you can choose which one21:10
DalilaColdbeer that was a typo, i forgot the /j on the other channel, that's all, i said sorry about that.21:10
tsimpsonzim: do you know if the link is still deleted even when the share isn't mapped?21:10
fatbrainFewClues: thanks, but I'm trying to stay far away from opera... heh21:10
DulakGhoti: not sure what the deal is there21:10
lang2k7Slart: i tried modprobe but keep getting this error...FATAL: Error inserting snd_intel8x0 (/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/sound/pci/snd-intel8x0.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)21:10
GhotiDulak: let me try a make clean; autogen.sh; make real quick21:10
Segajathanks Slart21:10
Slartlang2k7: hmm.. well.. sounds like you need to supply a parameter of some kind... I can't really help you with that21:11
DulakGhoti: there are libnotify-dev packages too that might be required21:11
zimtsimpson: no sorry have not tried that but in theory it has nothing to do with samba21:11
Ubuntu111111I'm new to Ubuntu and have a question about clearing logs. Is this the place?21:11
SlartUbuntu111111: yes21:11
dtcrshrany clues how i set the / and /tmp /var partitions on the isntall by hand?21:11
coleysUbuntu111111: Ohhhhhh yeahhh.21:11
dtcrshri got no partitioning option on the install menu21:11
coleysdtcrshr: System > Administation > Partition editor21:12
phillip41finally got ubuntu reinstalled after a major issue called storm causes power blackout ubuntu not installed had to start again21:12
Dulakdtcrshr: the option is "guided" when it comes up talking about partitions in the install21:12
GhotiDulak: Already have libnotify-dev.  Still no dice :(21:12
Ubuntu111111Ok. Can I just go into /var/logs/(whatever log I want to clear) and just delete it or is there some other procedure? I haven't been able to really find anything online that answers the question.21:12
tsimpsonzim: it could do, I mean who knows what windows does when it encounters a file it can't get any information on21:12
zimUbuntu111111: echo " " > thelog.file21:12
Bart-hi all21:13
ultrasi just installed 9.04, firefox is asking me to install missing plugins. Which one should i choose, Adobe Flash Player, or SWFdec SWF Player?21:13
SlartUbuntu111111: you can just remove it.. it will be recreated afaik21:13
Bart-i use adobe flash player21:13
C-S-Bultras: adobe21:13
coleysultras: Go to terminal and... sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree21:13
C-S-Bbut try the package manager for it21:13
Ghotiultras: it's a matter of taste; that's why you're presented with the choice.21:13
DulakGhoti: http://www.stefanoforenza.com/how-to-get-the-new-notifications-on-intrepid/21:13
PedrolitoI cannot seek mp3s in jaunty, does anyone has an idea why?21:14
ultrasWell i wonder which works the best21:14
phillip41got a really simple qurstion where is the volum control in ubuntu lol21:14
DulakGhoti: he lists more dependencies than that other guy21:14
ultrasi'll go with adobe21:14
zimbut when you look at the folder in windows it sees the /Data/Pictures info it has no idea where it lives21:14
coleysultras: Obvi Adobe flash player =p21:14
Ubuntu111111Zim: I wanted to use the file browser b/c I don't quite feel comfortable yet using the command line21:14
C-S-Bphillip41: top right21:14
Ubuntu111111Can I just drag the log file into the trash?21:14
C-S-Bor in preferences21:14
nmvictormercutio22:Cant seem to locate the path with the terminal,anyway,is their some lava applets running on the pages you are viewing on firefox?21:14
phillip41got it thanks21:14
coleysUbuntu111111: Try in terminal sudo rm -rf /var/logs/nameoffile.txt21:14
zimUbuntu111111: what log file?21:14
tsimpsonzim: it may see the file, but it won't be anything windows knows about21:15
nztali just installed adeonis on a ubuntu laptop.  i moved the credentials file from the desktop, onto a flash drive for backup.  i rebooted, the file is no longer on the laptop's desktop.  i'm going to keep that file as backup in case the laptop gets stolen.  will adeonis function without that credentials file on the laptop ?  it looks suspicous if i must keep it there21:15
nmvictorJava applets***21:15
Ubuntu111111I was planning on deleting them all. Does the procedure for deleting the log files change depending on which log file you want to deleat?21:15
zimUbuntu111111: you prob need to be root to do it21:15
Ubuntu111111I am root.21:15
coleysUbuntu111111: Try in terminal sudo rm -rf /var/logs/*21:15
coleysfor all.21:15
dtcrshrDulak, well, iv made this thought. went nornal through intallation, when it comes to disk detecting, it asks to activate sata devices, i choosed yes. So on the next screen, i should have 4 options, but i got only 3. the 2nd line is empty. o got help. undo and finalize, but the manual option isnt avaiable21:16
phillip41just finished loading my music collection on my external usb drive  all 1 terrabyte of music lol ill be here till next year listening to it all lol21:16
GhotiDulak: Promising; there are some deps on that list I'm installing now.  Update to come :)21:16
dtcrshrDulak, i went to the menu, and asked for a console, typed fdisk -l and it showed my partitions21:16
ertu_i'm trying to get flash work on opera&ubuntu 9.04 amd64. i've done  `apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree`, i've added `locate flashplugin-nonfree`'s result to opera's plugin path.  still no luck, any ideas?21:16
dtcrshractually, im on the ubuntu instalation i wanna replace right now21:16
forensicwannabecan I ask a question21:16
DulakGhoti: make sure you manually delete the notify-osd dir and start from scratch, I read in the comments that fixed it for someone21:16
phillip41ask away21:16
zimUbuntu111111: what/where is the log file and how are you becoming root?21:16
LjLcoleys: urgh, that's probably not a good idea. also, it's /var/log21:16
coleysUbuntu111111: If you'd like to use gui to delete the logs... Alt + f2 --> gksu nautilus /var/logs/21:16
LjLcoleys: still, i really wouldn't suggest deleting the entire log directory.21:17
Dulakdtcrshr: that's kinda weird that it won't let you do a manual partition, I've never had that happen myself21:17
coleysHe's asking how, im just helping.21:17
dtcrshri cant set a screenshot bcause its on the instal... aint got a camera21:17
dtcrshrdamn it21:17
dtcrshrwill take ages for me to make a distro upgrade21:18
coleysdtcrshr: Applications > Acessories > Screenshot21:18
dtcrshrcant i do it manually21:18
dtcrshrcoleys, on the installation screen?21:18
coleysdtcrshr: None, desktop version ? =(21:18
LjLcoleys: but removing /var/log won't just delete "the log files", but also all the subdirectories, and i doubt they all get recreated automatically and correctly21:18
zimUbuntu111111: command line is you friend try to learn it it makes life very fast and easy21:18
dtcrshrcoleys, nevermind21:18
coleysLjL: Yeah, im bad. =/21:18
Poison[BLX]Anyone here dealt with a dell mini 9 and the "AC adapter diables when battery reaches 100% charge" issue?21:18
frank_My ubuntu shows a little printer in the taskbar, and shows my printer, but never prints :(21:19
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zimanyway all I have to go see ya all21:19
Lazermannso what's new on ubuntu?=)21:19
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phillip41lol frank_ your one worse than me my printer prints just wont print in english lol wtf is going on only prints in russian lol21:20
coleysPce zim :)21:20
TrenterQuestion:  I have been messing around with the compiz config settings manager, and I have been noticing the widgets layer, I am wondering what program I can use to acctually get widgets onto the layer21:20
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frank_lol @ phillip4121:20
coleysTrenter: Screenlets21:20
zimty for you time tsimpson Ghoti coleys and others21:20
GhotiDulak: Alas, died at the same place.  It might just not be meant to be :(21:20
SteeleyTrenter: gDesklets as well21:20
Ghotizim: cheers :)21:20
TrenterI was wondering, thanks21:20
phillip41worse still i dont speak russian21:20
phillip41let alone read it21:20
Poison[BLX]Dell support online chat shoved me off with a 'sounds like an ubuntu problem' despite me pointing out that it happens with Gentoo running. I love canned responses, really I do.21:21
GhotiPoison[BLX]: next time say it happens with Windows too :p21:22
coleysDells ebil.21:22
mapmetawhat is the point of allowing a user to log in as root, telling them to login as ubuntu, then closing the session?  doesn't that defeat the security precautions of having no root user in the first place?21:22
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Ghotimapmeta: using sudo rather than loggint in as root makes the potential for accidentally, say, doing an 'rm -rf /' a LOT less21:23
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ThirstehOops, I accidentally your whole /21:23
coleysrm -rf / = burn21:23
LjL!danger | coleys21:23
ubottucoleys: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!21:23
coleyshaha was waiting for that =p21:23
Poison[BLX]Ghoti: Heh, yeah, I'll mention that here in a bit when I sit on the phone with them.21:24
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Zaidplease i get some problem with monodevelop, can anyone help ?21:24
Ghotimapmeta: indeed, waht ubottu said21:24
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mapmetaGhoti: oh, I see.. it's to protect myself from destruction.... well, too late for that, heh21:24
commander_can u do mac leopard on jaunty?21:24
coleyscommander_: The look, yes.21:24
commander_ok. cool .the same way like on ibex21:25
mapmetaGhoti: yes, I know what rm ..etc. does21:25
coleyscommander_: Search Mac4Lin on google.21:25
coleysIntrepid Ibex.21:26
BodsdaHi, how do i watch dvd's? I tried installing libdvdcss2 but it told me that there was no install candidate, so i did an apt-cache search libdvdcss2 and it return ubuntu-restricted-extras  so i installed that, but i still cant play dvd's, when i try to open the dvd with disc copier, it says I dont have the proper plugins to decrypt it21:26
phillip41i got a wicked message when i was trying to format my hard drive unable to format hard drive no hard drive found lol21:26
GhotiBodsda: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-play-dvd-under-ubuntu-linux21:27
nmvictor<frank_>maybe you havent enabled some settings.The next time your system boots,watch out carefully through the boot text,you might just notice something isn't right with cups,Common UNix Printing S*** something,that must be the one that loads the printer.21:27
jjrUbuHello everybody ;)21:27
coleysHey :]21:27
Bodsda:26 < Ghoti> Bodsda: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-play-dvd-under-ubuntu-linux21:27
phillip41lol coleys guess what my nickname is coley21:28
jjrUbuAny Netbook-Remix Specialist on the channel ?21:28
coleysmine too, word brotherr.21:28
Geoffrey2by any chance, does Ubuntu save the old versions of any documents?21:28
DulakGhoti: have libwnck-dev installed?21:29
nukeyhey, where do I go for support for the ubuntu netbook Remix?21:29
GhotiGeoffrey2: it depends on the editor you use, and the settings you're using therein21:29
GhotiDulak: indeed it is21:29
GhotiDulak: I can apt-get --reinstall install it though21:29
Geoffrey2open office, I'm guessing the answer is no.....21:29
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DulakGhoti: I doubt that would fix it21:29
coleysGeoffrey2: lol21:29
DulakGhoti: I'm getting to the point where I"m gonna install a new 8.10 on a virtual machine and try it myself21:30
nukeyWhat is the channel for support for the Ubuntu Netbook Remix?21:30
gartralhow do you configure where the notification osd is put?21:30
GhotiDulak: if you do so, certainly keep me informed :)21:30
ehazletthey all...  just wanted to give a heads up that we just released Reconstructor 2.9 on our way to version 3.0...  many fixes and enhancements...21:30
GhotiDulak: I'd love to know the magic package I'm missing21:30
phillip41my brother just asked me if their was a command to kill ubuntu lol21:30
coleysehazlett: Whats itdo =o21:31
h2g2bobphillip41: kill -9 init ?21:31
phillip41lol i know21:31
darkjackahohi there guys, for u why using opera i got problem streaming with vlc??21:31
Ghotiphillip41: setup32.exe ? :)21:31
phillip41he hates ubuntu lol21:31
ehazlettcoleys: see the site ;) -- allows for creating custom versions of ubuntu (packages, customizations, etc.)21:31
nukeyIs there a separate channel for UNR or can i get support for it here?21:31
coleys!danger | phillip4121:31
ubottuphillip41: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!21:31
phillip41lol Ghoti21:31
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.21:32
phillip41lol ubottu21:32
gartralphillip41: shal i call the ops?21:32
phillip41wtf can i use then21:32
gartralhow about actually typing your words out :)21:32
Dulakehazlett: you just made my month, I have been looking for this for months now to replace a setup I have at a gym with slax cds21:32
phillip41like laugh out loud21:32
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nukeyI believe he meant what can he use to indicate that he is laughing21:33
phillip41takes to much time21:33
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nukeyI suppose you can just say "haha"21:33
nukeyin any case21:33
gartral!ot phillip4121:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ot phillip4121:33
ehazlettDulak:  awesome!  i am working very hard on version 3.0 -- complete rewrite, from scratch...  hopefully available by fall...21:33
ienorandphillip41: Why not *laughs? :P21:33
gartral!ot | phillip4121:33
ubottuphillip41: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:33
nukeyi suppose I should just ask my question here21:33
nukeyapparently there is no separate channel for UNR support21:34
nukey....is there?21:34
gartralhow do you configure where the notification osd is put?21:34
coleys!ask | nukey21:34
ubottunukey: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:34
ertu_!flash on opera21:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about flash on opera21:34
phillip41ok ubottu21:34
Dulakehazlett: I use slax for point of sale kiosks in a lot of places, and I have wanted to convert to ubuntu forever.  You're the man!21:34
* nukey headdesk21:34
ertu_!flash on firefox but not opera21:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:34
nukeyI asked it five times before but i never got an answer. :P21:34
nukeyactually, about three times21:34
coleysnukey: Whats your ? :p21:34
nukeybut regardless.21:34
scunizinukey: that would mean that nobody has an answer..21:34
ehazlettDulak:  well thank you very much.  i can't take all the credit, red_team316 contributed many fixes and enhancements.  we hope everyone enjoys it...21:34
Dulaknukey: UNR is just a couple packages and a different kernel, it's all ubuntu21:35
nukeycoleys: is there a separate channel for UNR support or do I just stay here to ask my questions?21:35
grendal_primewhy is there no drbd8-source-modules21:35
tweetyhi there people21:35
iD4rKfor the holy mother nature I just laughed so hard that I epeed over my taskbar21:35
nukeyok, so this is the channel I want?21:35
sportbilyhow can upgrade ubuntu 8.04 to 9.04 from cd?21:35
coleysnukey: UNR meaning...?21:35
Dulaknukey: just ask already21:35
ertu_!flash on firefox but not opera on ubuntu 9.04 amd6421:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:35
nukeyUbuntu netbook remix21:35
gartralnukey: whats UNR?21:35
nukeyGartal: ^21:35
coleysnukey: Oh...21:35
Ghotiertu_: ubottu is not Google :)21:35
gartralnukey: yes, ask here21:35
grendal_primei find a drbd8-utils package, but only source for 0.7?21:35
nukeyok, good then21:35
tweetycan someone tell  me please how can i installe teh mercury mseenger on ubuntu21:35
nukeyI apologize if my typing is slow. I am on an Eee PC21:36
ertu_Ghoti, it kind of is. neither has the solution for me..21:36
gartral!ubottu | ertu_21:36
ubottuertu_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:36
jjrUbuUbuntu Netbook-remix is UNR21:36
phillip41kewl nukey my friend has one of those21:36
sportbilyhi, how can upgrade ubuntu 8.04 to 9.04 from cd?21:36
nukeyAlso, Asus decided to put the enter key in a stupid location, so I may ocassionally post incomplete sentences if i hit it accidentally21:36
iD4rKnukey: the procesor so slow on that thing it has to "process" every character?21:36
nukeyIt's actually relatively fast21:36
nukeyit's not realy up to modern standards, but it's good enough for me21:37
tobywukWhat default ubuntu wallpaper is this:  http://polishlinux.org/stuff/general/default_ubuntu_desktop.png21:37
gartralsportbily: you nned to burn alternate cds of BOTH 8.10, and 9.04, and jump 8.04>8.10>9.0421:37
nukeybesides, I21:37
nukeydamn enter key21:37
phillip41well its 6:40am here guess i better get ready for work21:37
nukeyanyway, my question21:37
gartral!enter| nukey21:37
ubottunukey: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:37
iD4rKlmao, i see, its because of the size of the keyboard xD21:37
* nukey is enraged now21:37
SapientHi, when I use the cp -rv command it shows a list of files that have been copied, but then I check the destination files and they were not overwritten. why not?21:37
tobywukwhich Vershion of ubuntu uses this wallpaper? http://polishlinux.org/stuff/general/default_ubuntu_desktop.png21:37
sportbilythanks gartral21:38
nukeyi didn't mean to do that21:38
nukeythe enter key is in a stupid location on this machine21:38
SRabbelierWhat is the proper way to change the default python version from 2.6 to 2.5 in Ubuntu 9.04 after having installed them both?21:38
nukeyanyway, my question21:38
Mike_lifeguardhttps://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/keeping-safe/C/backup-files.html says to use hubackup, but that package doesn't exist21:38
nukeyI'm having a difficult time installing Flash in UNR21:38
iD4rKarg, damn pidgin, stable as my grandmother's chair...21:39
gartralnukey: almost every ubuntu user, across all forks, are having severe issues with flash21:39
coleysmy flash works (using flashplugin-nonfree)21:39
nukeyseriously? :(21:39
jjrUbuHow to add an applet on gnone desktop control bar o UNR 9.04 ?21:39
scribawfannot get SWF Shockwave Flash to open/play in any browser Opera/Seamonkey/Firefox since upgraded to kernal 9.04 any suggestions, please?21:39
xFluxI am trying to install 8.04LTS to a Dell R710 server with 72G of ram - Right after the selection of the install it errors out with a "Cannot find a memory map PANIC" error.  Can anyone recommend a switch to flag?  <---- Alternate CD did not work21:39
h2g2bobnukey: one pitfall i found upgrading on an eee was i'd put / on the 3.7 gig disk and /home on the big disk and was told I hadnt enought space to upgrade21:40
nukeyso ALL users of 9.04 are having this issue?21:40
iD4rKuhm, i do not have any issues with flash21:40
nukeybut I was able to install flash on UNR on my brothers netbook and it worked jsut fine21:40
iD4rKnot with firefox21:40
gartralnukey: well, what exactly is the problem?21:41
h2g2bobended up re-installing (keeping /home) and moving /var onto the bigger disk this time21:41
scribawfI've installed/uninstalled SWF but no luck21:41
nukeyi downloaded the flash package and it gave me some sort of error21:41
janisozaurhow do i make my own debs to replace system ones? (like svn mplayer with vdpau support)21:41
nukeyI can't remember the error21:41
h2g2bobbut no other problems and wireless now works :)21:41
ertu_i also have problems with flash on opera (not firefox)21:42
Mike_lifeguardnukey: is it just making everything sooper slow?21:42
platiusscribawf; 64bit?21:42
scribawfHowever, using 8.10 all works fine on another box w/same browsers21:42
nukeythe installation never completed21:42
mshooshtariDoes anybody have an update on the evolution openchange bug where folders do not appear and only the favorites folder is present?21:42
iD4rKu can try to do the following21:42
Mike_lifeguardoh... mine just makes everything clog up :\21:42
scribawfplatium; no unfortunately21:42
iD4rKto fix your flash issues21:42
mshooshtariThis is not the evolution crashes when using openchange bug that was fixed.21:42
nukeyI'm going to be gone momentarily while I try to duplicate the error21:42
beny__i've got a problem with flash on 9.04 too, but on wine->opera it works fine ;)21:42
nukeyoh, perhaps not21:42
iratixI _Really_ hate to ask any questions in here .... but , I'm getting Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-updates/multiverse/source/Sources.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80], on almost every attempt when doing apt-get update... I need to get proftpd , but it says not found ... and apt-get update isn't updating the list... I've verified connectivity to that IP by ping... what might be going on ?21:42
ertu_anyways, how come ubuntu recognizes my sound card but i have no sound? they're not muted.21:42
EloffThere's this handy little menu on the left of the file browser, has places and docs/music/pics/vids. Anyway to change what shows up in it?21:43
t2aI have a strange thing with ubuntu 8.04 i hope i can get help here21:43
deanythey are bookmarks.21:43
DouglasKhow does one clear all selected, but not installed packages from aptitude / dpkg?21:43
janisozauriratix, well, exactly what it says: 40421:43
iD4rKIf you ahve problems with flash do the following: go to your packet manager, search for flash, mark "flashplugin-nonfree" for compelte unisntall and mark "adobe-flashplugin" for isntall try this!21:43
iD4rKit worked good for me21:44
sobczykhi, anyone knows why I get a popup without text after wrkspace selecting when running eclipse 3.4?21:44
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.21:44
nukeyYou mean "package manager", correct?21:44
scribawfiD4rK: think I tried that also (on 9.04 kernal) that is21:44
iD4rKyes nukey21:44
nukeythought so21:44
janisozaurhow do i make my own debs to replace system ones? (like svn mplayer with vdpau support)21:44
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iD4rKscribawf:  yeah, i upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 and had problems with flash first, all gone now21:45
nukeywait, wait wait21:45
nukeythat won't work21:45
psychiccan some one  tell me how to check the burn speed capability of my cd drive?21:45
gartraliD4rK: how did you clear that up?21:45
nukeyI haven't even installed flash yet in the first place21:45
nukeyi can21:45
nukeyi can21:45
FloodBot3nukey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:46
nukeyGAAHH, I hate this keyboard!!!!!21:46
scribawfiD4rK; and your fix was to uninstalll Flash and install from Adobe?21:46
nukeyI'm not flooding, it's this damn keyboard21:46
nukeyoh, sorry, it was a bot21:46
nukeyI apologize for that21:46
Eloffhuh that sucked, all my mounts vanished, is that supposed to happen on reboot?21:46
gartral!ohmy | nukey21:46
ubottunukey: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.21:46
iD4rKwell, it first din't work. then i removed the flashplugin-nonfree and later i installed the adobe-flashplugin and it worked. just make sure to restart firefox so it loads the new plugin21:46
psychicnukey  did u say i can to me?21:46
gartral!ohmy > nukey21:46
shubbarI don't see the Upgrade option in the Update Manager in 8.0421:46
gartralpsychic: wait till he's back21:46
lvlefistodoes jaunty already support different background images for tha faces of the cube?21:46
ZzeissI'm not getting the Bluetooth recognized on Intrepid (machine is a Macbook Aluminium 5.1)21:47
iD4rKwell it helped me, sorry for those it does not work lol, i tried21:47
gartralshubbar: go download an alternate cd from ubuntu.com of 8.1021:47
iratixAnyone... its a fairly simply package management question... just didn't get a hit on google... i bet there is even a canned response for my question21:47
InfoNutzhows the new version working out so far?21:47
scribawfiD4rK;  I did a complete removal of packages for flash through Synaptic21:47
psychicgartral do u know how to check the max burn peed of a drive?21:47
h2g2bobpsychic: most cd burners will pick the right speed (although going slower means it's burnt a little "darker", it's not normally worth it these days)21:47
DouglasKHow does one deselect all packages which are selected but not installed using dselect, dpkg, apt-get or aptitude?21:47
RoastedHey guys - Anybody familiar with adding themes to Exaile Media Player?21:47
ZzeissThe web page says "bluetooth works out of the box".  But it doesn't.  The logs, they show nothing.  Any suggestions?21:48
gartralpsychic: not really, i just use max all the time21:48
iGadgethi all21:48
shubbargartral, you mean to do a fresh install?21:48
psychici am using k3b it does atuo but tere is not a max setting21:48
iD4rKscribawf: make sure you closed firefox, and try to only install the "adobe-flashplugin" and see what happens21:48
Mike_lifeguardiratix: I'm having trouble finding a package too. https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/keeping-safe/C/backup-files.html says to use hubackup, but that package doesn't exist, apparently O.o21:48
BlueHotDoghey guys, i have a terrible problem with my frash ubuntu 9.04 install21:48
gartralshubbar: no, with the alternate cd, you can upgrade an existing system21:48
psychich2g2bob whats not worth it higher burn speed?21:49
scribawfiD4rk;  think I should download direct from Adobe the deb package that is?21:49
Mike_lifeguardBlueHotDog: Probably best to say exactly what the problem is. If someone can help you they will do so.21:49
psychicmines not bad on aut i would just like to see if i could get it better21:49
vaulPeople, could anyone help with gfxboot. I am follow this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=705334 manual, but when I am trying to install grub back gterm displays an error saying "The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly." Could anyone help?21:49
psychici know i can it take like 15 mins21:49
gartralshubbar: you have to follow release progression though (go from 7.10>8.04>8.10>9.04)21:49
BlueHotDogafter about 2 mins the mouse stoppes working, the network isnt working and after 5 min the comp completly freezes, not event ctrl,alt,SysRq+REIUS works21:50
Ghotivaul: check the output of mount.  is /boot mounted?21:50
h2g2bobDouglasK: how do you mean selected?21:50
iD4rKscribawf: you can search for "adobe-flashplugin" in your synaptic21:50
* dr_willis is scared at the idea of --> (go from 7.10>8.04>8.10>9.04)21:50
vaulGhoti: Yes, it is mounted.21:50
BlueHotDogthats all after a fresh install of ubuntu 9.0421:50
RoastedWhat's everybody's favored media player in Ubuntu?21:50
vaulRoasted: Banshee.21:50
BlueHotDogRoasted:for movies, VLC21:50
Ghotivaul: drat; that's all I had for you :(21:50
scribawfiD4rK; ok will give that a try, what if not there?  do an apt-get?21:50
dr_willisRoasted:  i tend to use mplayer, smplayer, or vlc21:50
=== _jmatrix is now known as jmatrix
psychicroasted i am ging t pay attention to those responses i dont like totem21:51
Roastedbluehotdog - what about audio?21:51
DouglasKI mean, in aptitude curses screen, I hit something, and now a bunch of packages are set to pi, instead of p.  I hit whatever it was when exiting, so I can't just 'undo' last.21:51
shubbargartral, thanks21:51
amseidlerI am trying to connect my cell phone to my computer to transfer files. How can I access it?21:51
BlueHotDogaudio doesnt work either21:51
Roastednobody a fan of exaile?21:51
janisozaurhow do i create own deb packages?21:51
Mike_lifeguardRoasted: vlc for video (or totem, maybe) and rhythmbox for music21:51
vaulGhoti: It's sad. I feel uncomfortable without bootloader.21:51
gartralRoasted: why, what are you trying to do?21:51
iD4rKscribawf: it really should work, just make sure ur mozilla is closed21:51
kicohi, how can i install usenext on xfce? ?21:51
tagAny idea when fglrx will be available in jaunty?21:51
psychicis there winamp for ubuntu?21:51
Ghotivaul: sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub?  (WARNING: Could break your system)21:51
gartralBlueHotDog: no! banshee is BAD! BAD BAD BAD!21:51
vaulPeople, can anyone else help me with gfxboot?21:52
Roastedgartral - Well, amarok2 isn't playing nicely when I watch youtube videos. I found exaile and its nice but I'd like to install a theme. Meanwhile as I'm trying to figure out how to install exaile thems I'm looking at other media players just to see what's there.21:52
Ghotipsychic: xmms is similar to winamp21:52
iD4rKpsychic: yes but it's in apha stage and i do not recommend it21:52
scribawfiD4rK; ok ty will give it a go again, gud thing have another box running 8.10!21:52
BlueHotDogafter about 2 mins the mouse stoppes working, the network isnt working and after 5 min the comp completly freezes, not event ctrl,alt,SysRq+REIUS works, any one can please help?21:52
gartralRoasted: i prefer, and will always recommend xmms221:52
iD4rKpsychic: there is one winamp but its in alpha i do not recommend it21:52
Ghotipsychic: xmms is similar to winamp21:52
iD4rKpsychic: use audacious instead21:52
Schmickpsychic: try AUDACIOUS.. it's quite the same feel & look as winamp21:52
iratixGhoto: you answered him, but i asked twice 5 and ten minutes ago ... my problem is super basic and uper easy... i'm sure you all have solved it 1000 times in a day ... i just get an error when doing apt-get update21:52
kicohow can i install usenext on xfce? ? anyone an idea?21:52
vaulGhoti: Reconfigure? I uninstalled it following HOWTO, how could I configure it when it isn.t installed?21:52
Mike_lifeguardiratix: what error?21:53
gartral!bad | Schmick21:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bad21:53
iD4rKxmms is crappy now21:53
psychici need something ram friendly21:53
Roastedyeahhhh I wasn't a fan of xmms...21:53
Steven10172anyone here know a mouse recorder that works with ubuntu?21:53
Ghotiiratix: I'm at work and not watching #ubuntu constantly; I may have missed your query.21:53
gartraliD4rK: xmms had security issues, xmms2 is a completly different animal21:53
DouglasKh2g2bob, I mean, in aptitude curses screen, I hit something, and now a bunch of packages are set to pi, instead of p.  I hit whatever it was when exiting, so I can't just 'undo' last.21:53
iratixGhoti: sorry i took that out on you...,21:53
iratixI _Really_ hate to ask any questions in here .... but , I'm getting Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-updates/multiverse/source/Sources.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80], on almost every attempt when doing apt-get update... I need to get proftpd , but it says not found ... and apt-get update isn't updating the list... I've verified connectivity to that IP by ping... what might be going on ?21:53
Roastedgartral - have you played with amarok2?21:53
gartralpsychic: xmms2 runs amazingly21:53
amseidler1I am trying to connect my cell phone to my computer to transfer files. How can I access it?21:53
h2g2bobDouglasK: just quitting (q) seems to forget that packages selected for install21:53
iD4rKgartral: yeah, but xmms2 is already to complicated21:54
gartralRoasted: i have, its pretty, and floofy, but eats my resources21:54
psychicgartral will try21:54
Roastedgartral - have you tried usign amarok2 + youtube at once?21:54
gartraliD4rK: whats complicated about it?21:54
Steven10172anyone here know a mouse recorder that works with ubuntu?21:54
ertu_anyways, how come ubuntu recognizes my sound card but i have no sound? they're not muted.21:54
psychicwhat is the terminal command for installing xmms221:54
iD4rKits based on client/server21:54
vaulPeople, there are one thousand and a half of you on this channel. And none is using gfxboot?21:54
Ghotiiratix: looks like it might be a problem in your sources.list.  Also, was gutsy LTS? Is it still supported?21:54
gartralRoasted: yea... amarok tries to lock the dsp so nothing else can use it, its not very friendly21:54
amseidler1I am trying to connect my cell phone to my computer to transfer files. How can I access it?21:55
dr_willis!find xmms221:55
ubottuFound: gkrellxmms2, gxmms2, wmxmms2, xmms2, xmms2-client-avahi (and 48 others)21:55
iD4rKjust give him a app and keep it simple lol21:55
gartralpsychic: sudo apt-get install xmms221:55
dr_willispsychic:  sudo apt-get install PAXCKAGENAME21:55
Roastedgartral - I loved amarok, but amarok2 just pees me off in that regards with what you mentioned with the DSP. I don't understand how making that move would be a good idea. I can't imagine people are like aw sweet now I cant watch youtube with amarok2 open!!21:55
DouglasKh2g2bob, I know... but now it says 828 will use 42.7Gb of disk space.... and that's after quitting and reopening.21:55
gartralRoasted: the idea was simple; people open amarok to enjoy their music and dont want to be bothered by system sounds21:56
illumin8Hello, I am using ubuntu 9.04 and installed the nvidia 180 grapic driver. Every time my system starts its in 1024x768 resoultion. Its capable of running in 1400x900 and i usually change it to that via nvidia-settings. I have tried to save the xconf but it still reverts. Any suggestions?21:56
amseidler1I am trying to connect my cell phone to my computer to transfer files. How can I access it?21:56
psychicdr_willis thanks i thought there was a pttern to sudo apt-gets21:56
dr_willisillumin8:  you are running the nvidia-settings tool as root?  are you using a DVI or VGA connected monitor? (use dvi if you can)21:57
Roastedgartral - Okay, I'll go halfway. I can see that. But what about somebody like me who leaves amarok open 247 and may bounce over to watch a youtube video? I have to close amarok? That should be something that could be disabled/enabled.21:57
iratixOf course it wasn't LTS ... if it were ... i would ...21:57
gartralRoasted: but, as many things that sound good in concept, it stinks in implementation21:57
iratixsigh ...21:57
Ghotiillumin8: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:57
dr_willispsychic:  of course theres a pattern. :)21:57
amseidler1I am trying to connect my cell phone to my computer to transfer files. How can I access it?21:57
iD4rKi love the g15 plugin for audacious, its so sweet to have that very nice equalizer on the lcd :D21:57
illumin8dr_willis, dvi is correct21:57
iratixi'm just so frustrated... i think FTP server... i will come down .. this should take 10 minutes... 2.5 hours later21:57
gartralRoasted: xmms2 is an audio server that is ALWAYS running, even when not playi21:57
Ghotiiratix: I wasn't trying to inspire a facepalm, I'm just  brainstoriming here21:57
dr_willisillumin8:  also each 'user' can have their own mode setting. so  its possible that user, somehow selected a lower res.21:58
iD4rKthat's what i don't like about xmms2 why the hell did they do server/client21:58
gartral!info xmms221:58
ubottuxmms2 (source: xmms2): Client/server based media player system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5DrLecter-2ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 14 kB, installed size 56 kB21:58
amseidler1Will someone please answer me?21:58
amseidler1I am trying to connect my cell phone to my computer to transfer files. How can I access it?21:58
iratixYou'll still help ? i mean... i swear this is a common issue that happens to at least 10-50 people who come in here every day21:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 404-sources21:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sources-40421:58
Ghotiiratix: you could try using HTTP sources rather than FTP sources (or vice versa) in your /ets/apt.d/sources.list21:58
Ghotiiratix: /etc/ rather :)21:58
Roastedgartral - can XMMS2 be fullscreened? I love having a media player that is spacious and uses my entire 2nd monitor...21:58
dr_willisRoasted:  xmms2 is a 'server'  you run clients that connect to it.21:59
Roasteddr_willis - I don't mean tos ound like an idiot... but what does that accomplish, essentially?21:59
Ghotiiratix: you could also try altering your repos to those in another region that might still have the file(s) you need21:59
gartralRoasted: xmms2 itself is a daemon, and you never see it running unless you specifically call to it with a command, but there are guis that look nice21:59
dr_willisRoasted:  it lets other machines on the lan connect I guess. I never bother with it.21:59
iratixOMG ... gutsy isn't even there anymore21:59
illumin8dr_willis, when i click system>administration>display. I get this message "It appears that your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool.  Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead?"21:59
vaulPeople, could anyone help with gfxboot. I am follow this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=705334 manual, but when I am trying to install grub back gterm displays an error saying "File not found." Could anyone help?21:59
dr_willisRoasted:  it also allows easially customized interfaces22:00
Ghotiiratix: well, there's your problem :)22:00
gartral!gutsy | irat22:00
ubottuirat: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.22:00
illumin8dr_willis, which is how i generally set the system to the proper res22:00
POKEMONca rox22:00
dr_willisillumin8:  and that WAY of running it . does NOT NOT NOT. run it as root. :)  you gotta use a terminal and 'gksu nvidia-settings'22:00
dr_willisillumin8:  otherwise it just 'applies' the changes to the user/current session22:00
Ghotigartral: wow, when they say EOL, they *mean* it, huh?22:00
illumin8dr_willis, Ahh that clears it up thank you very much22:00
dr_willisillumin8:  and yes. i consider that a neat but 'buggy' way or launching it.22:00
RoastedI just installed xmms2 and uh, its not un apps-sound & video22:00
Ghoti!flood > POKEMON22:01
ubottuPOKEMON, please see my private message22:01
mshooshtariIf there's a big new feature  like Evolution MAPI in Ubuntu which doesn't work because of upstream bugs, how long does it take for fixes released upstream to show up in the repo under proposed updates or backports??22:01
dr_willisRoasted:  it does not have an icon.22:01
dr_willisRoasted:  its a 'service'22:01
Roasteddr_willis - So how do I use it?22:01
dr_williswell runs as a deamon22:01
dr_willisRoasted:  i would say check its docs.. and install a xmms2 client.22:01
mshooshtariNamely these fixes http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57157922:01
gartralRoasted: type xmms2 play in console22:01
dr_willis!find xmms222:01
ubottuFound: gkrellxmms2, gxmms2, wmxmms2, xmms2, xmms2-client-avahi (and 48 others)22:01
AndrijeskiI moved my panel from top to left22:01
Andrijeskinow I can't get it back with drag and drop22:01
Roastednow I have some ridiculous music playing and I have no way of shutting it down22:01
Andrijeskiany other option for doing this?22:01
Andrijeskicommand line for example?22:02
RoastedI dont understand the point of xmms2, tobe completely honest22:02
gartralxmms2 stop22:02
dr_willisRoasted:  some days it pays to read a programs docs   befor running it.22:02
RoastedI wanted a media player....22:02
Roasteddr_willis - yeah, cause I have them. ;)22:02
dr_willisRoasted:   theres dozens of 'media' players other then xmms222:02
iD4rKRoasted: dude, just get rid of that xmms2, the only thing you can do is have a full screen console22:02
GhotiAndrijeski: right-click the panel and make sure that 'lock panel position' isn't enabled22:02
illumin8dr_willis, ill reboot and see if it loads now, thanks again :)22:02
RoastediD4rK - I see that now. uninstalling...22:02
gartraliD4rK: there are client guis, thats what he needs22:02
iD4rKif you enjoy fullscreen mp's get rythmbox22:02
ikonia.kast sexuntu22:02
AndrijeskiGhoti , the panel is full with stuff so I can't get that option22:02
gartralRoasted: you can install xmms2tray and THAT will give you an icon22:03
Roastedmeh, I'll pass22:03
iD4rKhe want's a full screen media player22:03
Roastedyeah I want something comparable to exaile and amarok22:03
gartralRoasted: i recommend keeping xmms2, nothing can compare in sound quality22:03
RoastedI like exaile but I'd like to figure out how to get themes installed22:03
Roastedgartral - in the brief instance I heard with xmms2, I didn't notice anything that would dictate better sound quality22:04
Roastedall that was introduced was a lack of interface22:04
GhotiAndrijeski: close a couple of applications for a couple moments to free up some room?22:04
gartralRoasted: thats cause the default file is a crappy quality ogg22:04
RoastedYeah, well, whatever... I'm not going to use it.22:04
AndrijeskiGhoti , thanks, that fixed the problem22:04
dr_willisRoasted:  whatever floats your boat.. fire up the package manager and start looking. :)22:05
Andrijeskibut I'm still wondering, if there's an option for this22:05
iD4rKgartral: lmao, i told you that xmms2 is not what this guy needed22:05
Andrijeskiso I don't have to close stuff22:05
GhotiAndrijeski: \o/  Happy to help :)22:05
elliottmdoes anyone know why the memotest program that comes with jaunty won't run/how I can make it run? Grub raises the error "selected item cannot fit into memory" but that obviously isn't the case.22:05
Roasteddr_willis - did you vote for xmms2 or did you have another one you liked?22:05
GhotiAndrijeski: yes, once the panel is wher eyou want it, right click it and select 'Lock Panel Position'22:05
dr_willisRoasted:  try them all.22:05
dr_willisRoasted:  i rarely listen to music22:05
gartraliD4rK: and i was trying to recommend something that is lighter, more responsive, and better quality than what he was looking at22:06
whodevilis there any difference from the netbook remix and the ubuntu desktop other than the gui?22:06
dr_williswhodevil:  yes.22:06
gartralwhodevil: yes, UNR is based off of easypeasy...22:06
Dulakwhodevil: I believe the kernel is different22:06
dr_williswhodevil:  kernel/tweaks and other things from wha ti read in the forums22:06
dr_williswhodevil:  dont use the netbook remix on a desktop machine. :)22:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about UNR22:06
vartI have some ntfs partition that I do not need access anymore. I have removed it from fstab, but nautilus still shows it in the places as unmounted - how can I remove it from places as well?22:06
gartral!netbook remix22:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbook remix22:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbook22:07
iD4rKgartral: might be light, but always in background even if you do not listen to music22:07
elliottmit's weird because grub refuses to boot the memtest program, which is 125kb, but it will willingly load te linux bootloader, which is 3-4mb22:07
whodevilawesome guys thanks for the response!!!!!!22:07
gartraliD4rK: thats the point of a server22:07
scribawfInstalled Adobe Flashplugin and still failure on Opera/Firefox/Seamonkey - I give up, so how do I revert back to 8.10 OR do I reinstall eash Browser?22:07
osubuckseems like they've been pushing updates daily for ubuntu22:08
iD4rKscribawf: :(22:08
iD4rKno way to uninstall ubuntu's update22:08
iD4rKsave your settings and formt22:08
scribawfwow, no such luck I guess?22:08
gartraliD4rK: update-manager22:08
iD4rKscribawf: there is for sure a way to fix your flash, but i out of answers atm, google a while you might find something22:09
InnxisHello! I have a problem with Ubuntu 9.04. I often play a game named ATITD (A tale in the Desert), and sometimes, the PC freezes for 10-15 sec. This also happens with Epiphany Browser. After the time passes, the PC unfreezes, and works normaly. I shouted down more aplications like AWN, Songbird, Pidgin, Compiz, Conky, Firefox  but it's still frozing. Can someone help me please? This problem starts to get very annoying.22:09
vartiD4rK: you always can force the version from the jauty repository22:09
iD4rKvart: ok, din't know22:10
vaulPeople, I am expiriencing problem following this howto http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=705334. When I am reaching command 'sudo grub-install hd0' it says that 'The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.' Can anyone help?22:10
Wintersunhi, I can't compile php because of this "make: *** [ext/gd/libgd/gd_jpeg.lo] Error 1". Can anyone help me ?22:10
dr_willis!find gd_jpeg22:11
ubottuFile gd_jpeg found in plt-scheme22:11
scribawfiD4rK;  well it's certainly a challenge, tnx for your info when & IF I find a fix, think alot of others might be interested?22:11
dr_willis!find libgd22:11
ubottuFound: libgd-gd2-perl, libgd-graph-perl, libgd-text-perl, libgd2-noxpm, libgd2-noxpm-dev (and 82 others)22:11
dr_willisWintersun:  it might be in one of those packages.. No idea what one. :()22:11
iD4rKscribawf: if you find a solution post it on the ubuntu forums, i bet you are not the only one out there with that particular problem22:12
InnxisMy CPU is a Intel Pentium 4 HT 3,0622:12
GhotiWintersun: apt-get build-dep php{4,5}22:12
scribawfiD4rK;  OK will do! again tnx for the input!22:12
iD4rKsorry for not being able to help more, but im not that "expert" in linux yet lol22:13
=== JiYu is now known as Jiyu_
iD4rKbtw, my desktop lol http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/3281/screenshot6.jpg for inspiration22:13
Steven10172anyone here know a mouse recorder that works with ubuntu?22:13
nellmathewhey guys, i need to get myself a netbook.. i found a few i really like but the resolution is a bit inadequate. i have good eyes, so i was wonder, is there anyway to tweak ubuntu so i could use a higher resolution than the default (highest supported i'm guessing), which is 1024x600?22:14
powergoalHow do i set the default web browser in kubuntu 9.04?22:14
scribawfiD4rk;  Cool desktop!! :}22:14
usr13powergoal: Default browser is firefox22:14
microlithnellmathew: using higher than the physical max resolution will leave you with a virtual desktop, and you'll be sliding around all the time22:15
powergoalusr13: how do i change the default browser?22:15
nellmathewah thanks for the info microlith22:15
Ghotipowergoal: system -> preferences -> Preferres applica.. nevermind, you're using KDE, aren't you?22:15
powergoalGhoti: yeah.22:15
Ghotipowergoal: maybe try #kubuntu if you don't get an answer in here?22:16
iD4rKscribawf: thanks :D22:16
mahsahi, i have a problem, when i boot my pc, any os couln't start and this eror appear:"grub loading, error 22".. please help me what to do..no wiki couln't help me..tnx for your attention22:16
powergoalGhoti: many thanks :)22:16
iD4rKscribawf: the boobies of the movie make's it so much better *uhg*22:16
mahsamy ubuntu couln't boot.!!!:(22:16
coleysmahsa: Why not =((22:17
Zwemshortventjemahsa, have you re-arranged boot order?22:17
Ghotipowergoal: my pleasure22:17
mahsaZwemshortventje: how should i do it??22:17
chaukarHow to fix usplash for widescreen 16:10 monitors in jaunty?22:17
mahsaZwemshortventje: i'm not a professional usr of ubuntu22:17
mercutio22chaukar> mine looks ok22:17
Zwemshortventjemahsa: go to your bios, to the tab 'boot' and make sure it boots cd/dvd first before22:17
Zwemshortventjemahsa: go to your bios, to the tab 'boot' and make sure it boots cd/dvd first before hdd*22:17
mahsaZwemshortventje:  with live CD of ubuntu??22:17
tesseracteriD4rK, whats the name of you sensor app?22:18
chaukari use 64 but ubuntu22:18
mahsaZwemshortventje: how should i  do it??22:18
vaulCould anyone help with gfxboot?22:18
chaukarand usplash is stretched22:18
iD4rKtesseracter: it's called SensorRings and it is a plugin for screenlets22:18
Zwemshortventjemahsa: is it the first time you try to boot ubuntu on that pc?22:18
SebbohHi.  I'm helping a friend who doesn't have internet access, over the phone.  We need to install broadcom drivers.  He's on Intrepid.  I'm going to have him download debs, stick them on a USB stick, and install them.  What debs does he need?22:19
glitsj16chaukar: have you tried setting your resolution for usplash in /etc/usplash.conf ?22:19
mahsaZwemshortventje: no, i'm using this os for about 2 months.. nut immedeatly this eror appear.. and not vista or ubuntu couln't start22:19
Zwemshortventjemuhsa, sorry can't help then22:20
chaukari even installed startup manager22:20
vaulThere are currenty 1560 users here. And noone could help?22:20
iLogicSebboh: what kind of broadcom?22:20
usr13mahsa: grub error 22 : No such partition  (This error is returned if a partition is requested in the device part of a device- or full file name which isn't on the selected disk.)22:21
mahsausr13: wht should i do to fix this problem..can u help me please?22:21
SebbohiLogic, finding out.  via lspci22:22
usr13mahsa: boot install CD into rescue mode and re-configure the grub boot loader.22:22
mahsausr13: i know because of maniuplating on partitions this eror appera..but now i serach to find any solution22:22
mahsausr13: whould you please help me stage by stage??im not a professional user!!22:22
janisozaurhow do i make my own debs to replace system ones? (like svn mplayer with vdpau support)22:23
vaulusr13: I am expiriencing problem with grub too. Can you help?22:23
benjoldersmaanyone have trouble with mozilla 3.5 b4 connecting to the internet in jaunty?22:23
usr13vaul: mahsa: Did you change partitions or hard drive arrangement on the system since you installed?22:23
mahsausr13: yeah..i change it unfortunatly22:24
usr13mahsa: What did you change?22:24
trodrigueshi there. what's the best way to create ntfs partitions on ubuntu ? i've tried creating one with cfdisk but it doesn't work. now i'm running mkfs.ntfs /dev/... and it's gonna take a good while it seems. i'd like to know if this is really the best way and worth the effort22:25
glitsj16janisozaur: https://launchpad.net/~thefirstm/+archive/ppa has a mplayer build from svn with vdpau support i believe22:25
mahsausr13: i hve unallocated space and i made a new drive on vista os, but when i reset my Os couln't start again and eror 22 appear22:25
SebbohiLogic, It's a bcm4318.22:25
InnxisMy CPU is a Intel Pentium 4 HT 3,0622:26
me_geohi, could anyone help me with installing Ubuntu Netbook Remix on my laptop please22:26
vaulusr13: No, I didn't. I have problem installing back grub while following this howto: 'http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=705334'. When I do  'sudo grub-install hd0' it says 'The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.'22:26
InnxisHello! I have a problem with Ubuntu 9.04. I often play a game named ATITD (A tale in the Desert), and sometimes, the PC freezes for 10-15 sec. This also happens with Epiphany Browser. After the time passes, the PC unfreezes, and works normaly. I shouted down more aplications like AWN, Songbird, Pidgin, Compiz, Conky, Firefox  but it's still frozing. Can someone help me please? This problem starts to get very annoying.22:26
usr13mahsa: Where is this new partition (in relation to the Ubuntu install)?22:26
iLogicSebboh: then you need fw-cutter and the firmware.. hold on22:27
mahsausr13: not at all22:27
mahsausr13: it's a new partition..22:27
vaulusr13: Any ideas?22:27
usr13vaul: YOu will need to boot the install CD into rescue mode and re-configure grub.22:27
iLogicSebboh: try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071920&mode=linear22:27
janisozaurglitsj16, and if i wanted also git x264? is there any repo?22:27
Sebbohthanks iLogic.22:27
me_geomy safe graphics mode does not work. Any idea how i could fix it?22:28
usr13mahsa: Is the new partition hda1 or hda2 or hda3?  Where are your ubuntu partitions?22:28
glitsj16janisozaur: websearch for that, i don't know .. or build it manually22:28
mahsai think my ubuntu partition is on hda222:28
usr13mahsa: are your drives IDE ?22:28
vaulusr13: Are you sure?  Could I finish gfxboot installation after it?22:28
mahsausr13: what do you mean?IDE?22:29
usr13mahsa:  Where is the new partition?22:29
janisozaurglitsj16, it's already built but i want to package it as a deb and install then because of complex dependency system in dpkg22:29
mahsausr13: how should i know in ubuntu where is new partition??22:29
janisozaurglitsj16, just fetching from git and copying debian/* files is not enough :(22:30
me_geocan someone familiar with basic installation spare a few minutes22:30
Mac42DOHi! I used to spin down the hard-drive with windows with hdparm -y /deb/sdb1, because the hard drive ist ver loud. Since the update to jaunty, ist spins up again immediatly. I shutted down almost every process, but it doesn help. What can be the reason?22:30
usr13mahsa: Did you create the new partition on the first slice of the primary drive or the second or the third.  Or did you create the new partition on the first slice of the slave drive or the second slice of the slave drive or the third... etc..?22:30
Mac42DOHi! I used to spin down the hard-drive with windows with hdparm -y /dev/sdb1, because the hard drive ist very loud. Since the update to jaunty, ist spins up again immediatly. I shutted down almost every process, but it doesn help. What can be the reason?22:31
coleyswhat is a netbook exactly...?22:31
usr13mahsa: Boot the rescue disk and look at output of  sudo fdisk -l22:31
janisozaurMac42DO, you can try lsof22:31
dr_williscoleys:  a little mini-laptop22:31
usr13mahsa: But if you created a new partition, you MUST know where you created it.22:31
mahsausr13: you mean i boot system by live CD of ubuntu and run this command??22:31
glitsj16janisozaur: checkinstall can do that, it produces a deb (replace the sudo make install step with sudo checkinstall) ... if you go that route, read http://renatoram.wordpress.com/2007/05/03/checkinstall-for-gnome-packets/ to save you some hairpulling22:31
me_geoi call samsung nc20 a netbook22:31
coleysoh, thanks. =!22:31
Mac42DOjanisozaur: "lsof | grep sdb" gives nothing22:32
InnxisMy PC freezes for 10-15 seconds everytime I play a game or use epiphany-browser. Can someone PLEASE help me?22:32
me_geobut i am not able to install ubuntu on it22:32
me_geothe graphics mode fails22:32
janisozaurMac42DO, sorry, that was my best shot22:32
me_geosafte graphics does not work22:32
usr13mahsa: If you are wanting to create a Dual Boot System - MS / Linux, the best thing to do is install the MS os first.22:32
dr_willisMy AcerAspireOne Netbook does very well with the UNR release of Ubuntu.22:33
Mike_lifeguardhttps://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/keeping-safe/C/backup-files.html says to use hubackup, but that package doesn't exist, apparently - should I look somewhere other than ubuntu's repository for that?22:33
usr13mahsa: Is that what your end goal is?22:33
illuminaihello there, i have a question: is it possible to upgrade ubuntu from 7.10 to 8.10 without upgrading kernel?22:33
SebbohiLogic, the Intrepid repositories don't seem to contain packages matching bcm43xx* .. Has it been replaced by a new package?22:33
mahsausr13: you mean i installed again my windows??22:33
illuminaii mean, i want to use 8.10 repo22:33
out-of-handhi... im a nubi to ubuntu - linux.... i wonder if someone can assist me ? i just have to say , im loving ubuntu :))))22:33
mahsausr13: i miss my any information on it!!22:33
usr13mahsa: Yes, boot the live CD and show us output of   sudo fdisk -l22:33
Mike_lifeguard!ask | out-of-hand22:33
ubottuout-of-hand: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:33
Mac42DOjanisozaur: Ithink Im pretty goog in Linux, but I don't see a reason, why sdb is needed be any process22:34
InnxisHello! I have a problem with Ubuntu 9.04. I often play a game named ATITD (A tale in the Desert), and sometimes, the PC freezes for 10-15 sec. This also happens with Epiphany Browser. After the time passes, the PC unfreezes, and works normaly. I shouted down more aplications like AWN, Songbird, Pidgin, Compiz, Conky, Firefox  but it's still frozing. Can someone help me please? This problem starts to get very annoying.22:34
mahsausr13: ok, i boot the live CD and tell you the result of this command..22:34
SebbohOK, I found b43-fwcutter22:34
=== kenpachi is now known as BattousaiX
mahsausr13: what does this command do??dows it format my ubuntu or wondows?22:34
usr13mahsa: if you can tell us the partition scheme before and after you created the new partition, we could  help you, otherwise, I'm afraid you are on your own.22:34
janisozaurMac42DO, perhaps it isn't. maybe just some module spins it just for fun :P22:34
dr_willisInnxis:   You may want to post a message to the forums.. and when it freezed check the out put of the 'dmesg' command right after it thaws out.22:35
grendal_primeanyone set up drbd8 on 804?22:35
KhisanthMike_lifeguard: heh apparently not in jaunty yet22:35
usr13mahsa: fdisk -l   Shows you the partitions.22:35
mahsausr13: doesn't it any way to know where is new partition?22:35
me_geomy screen freezes when i try to start install UNR. please help22:35
mahsaaha, tnkx22:35
Mac42DOjanisozaur: thanx! modules is a good idea :-)22:35
mahsausr13: wiat to run this command!!22:35
out-of-handi need to connect to a windows xp on the same network, i believe putty can work ? i just dont understand how to go about it, like window would be "// and it logs into a shared file"22:35
illuminaiso, anyone knows if upgrading ubuntu from 7.10 to 8.10 (server edition)is possible without kernel upgrade? (i'm runing a vps inside OpenVZ box with old kernel 2.6.18-92.1.18.el5.028stab060.2PAE22:35
mshooshtariIs anybody from the Samba team available?22:35
usr13mahsa: Only you know where the new partition is.22:35
KhisanthMike_lifeguard: downgrade to intrepid? :p22:35
iLogicSebboh: I'm sorry.. you should find everything plus tutorial here: http://bcm43xx.berlios.de/22:35
gnufrench someone?22:35
Mike_lifeguardKhisanth: excellent XD (especially as that's the 9.04 version of the page) I guess I will wait :D22:35
=== gnu is now known as Guest6008
janisozaurMac42DO, also, why grep sdb? does it have "sdb" in its mount path anywhere?22:36
KhisanthMike_lifeguard: well the intrepid version should work for jaunty too ...22:36
me_geoi spent two nights looking at installation manuals - please please22:36
Innxisdr_willis: It frozzed right now and I did that. It's a long script. What I should do?22:36
usr13mahsa: Are you trying to create a dual boot MS / Linux system?22:36
Mac42DOjanisozaur: what should i look for?22:36
dr_willisout-of-hand:  connecting FROM a windows machine to a linux box (a ssh/terminal connection) can be done with putty on the windows machine.22:37
mahsausr13: i run this command22:37
trentgIs there any repos for 6.10 still around?22:37
usr13mahsa: If you delete the new partition, your system will boot again.22:37
iLogicSebboh: you know it's been included on the latest version of ubuntu, right? Isn't it time for an upgrade? :)22:37
dr_willisout-of-hand:  putty/ssh has nothing to do with windows 'shares' (samba shares under linux terms)22:37
tavohi, how can I install ubuntu server kernel????22:37
mercutio22something is leeching on my processor, how can I find out which applications are using it?22:37
dr_willisout-of-hand:  you can use 'winscp' on windows to connect to a linxu box via ssh, and transfer files if you wanted.22:37
mahsausr13: really??22:37
Mike_lifeguardKhisanth: good call, I'll do that22:37
usr13mahsa: Can you tell us if your drive(s) are IDE or SATA?22:37
octoroksHello, when i go to "Hardware drivers" and click activate on the driver of choice it hangs at 0%.22:37
mahsausr13: any way to know the new partition??22:37
Mike_lifeguardmercutio22: use 'top'22:37
usr13mahsa: Yes, more than likely.22:38
mahsausr13: how should i know?STAT or IDE?22:38
usr13mahsa: use command   sudo fdisk -l22:38
dr_willisoctoroks:  let it  work for a while.. here it took a few min to get them going. (Not sure why)    5 min perhaps.22:38
janisozaurMac42DO, for a name in its mount path - as you can see lsof lists files in the manner the were opened - i.e. if you open /mount/windows/file.exe then lsof says so, not /dev/sdb2/file.exe22:38
mahsausr13: i used it22:38
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:38
mahsausr13:  and give me my partitions..!!!but couln't know where new partition is!!!22:38
mercutio22Mike_lifeguard> Xorg is using 10% of the xpu is that normal?22:39
Innxisdr_willis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/161717/22:39
Mac42DOjanisozaur: it is not mounted22:39
me_geoi spent two nights reading installation manuals. I cant see my screen. please please help22:39
mahsausr13: with mount couln't undrestand any information??22:39
usr13mahsa:  Can you show us what it says?  (pastebin)22:39
Mike_lifeguardmercutio22: I don't think so, but I'm a noob too :)22:39
janisozaurMac42DO, than i'm out of ideas, sorry22:39
autobot50!keep autobot5022:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about keep autobot5022:39
Mac42DOjanisozaur: well unloading the modules is a good try, thank you :-)22:40
out-of-handdr_willis thanks ..  thanks, thanks to everyone : ) oh another question ... i have a usb flash drive, there are some files on it already, but when the drive mounts to ubuntu, i see the folders with a lock ? its read only ,? cant get it to change to write , save data on it , nor delete ... suggestions ?22:40
dr_willisInnxis:  see the lines like....22:40
usr13mahsa: How could you have created a partition and not know where or which one it is?22:40
mahsausr13: whpould u please let me to conect internet form that system and then i send you this inforamtion22:40
dr_willissd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE,SUGGEST_OK22:40
dr_willis[11717.360777] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Sense Key : Medium Error [current] [descriptor]22:40
mahsausr13: please wait mate22:40
tantoapparently my ubuntu hardy server doesn't have an apt package for daemontools / daemontools-installer.. anyone know the appropriate source i need to get this?22:40
usr13mahsa: Yes, send info.22:40
dr_willis Innxis  you seem to be having some hard drive issues.. You may want to 'fsck' the drives to verify the filesystems are good.22:40
tantomy ubuntu 8.10 does have it though :( but i need to throw it on the 8.04 box22:40
nbeeboif the screen is totally dark/blank all trough boot process and beyond, can it be the gfx or simply the cord?22:40
mercutio22xorg is now taking 33% of my cpu22:40
dr_willisInnxis:  EXT3-fs error (device sda6): ext3_get_inode_loc: unable to read inode block - inode=7135528, block=2854094822:41
me_geoanyone knows how to get text mode in UNR installation22:41
dr_willisme_geo:  alt-ctrl-f1 ? :)22:41
janisozaurMac42DO, perhaps you could get some information from here http://linuxondesktop.blogspot.com/2009/01/monitor-and-inspect-your-hard-disk.html22:41
Innxisdr_willis: Runned fcks and repaired bugs. Expecting results...22:42
me_geonbeedo: i get the initial screen. when i press enter live the screen goes grey and flickers22:42
* Innxis is rebooting22:42
Chamillionaire2i Cant see any files or folders on my desktop, also the shortcuts to folders in the gnome menu panel dont work after upgrading to 9.0422:42
mahs1usr13:come back22:43
mahs1usr13: sorry22:43
mahs1usr13: i 'll paste u this info in pastebin,plz wait mate22:43
mercutio22what might be causing this? module-rtp-send.c: Failed to push chunk into memblockq22:43
blarghanyone have any ideas what executing "pm-suspend" directly works, but sending the command to HAL does not?22:43
Chamillionaire2i Cant see any files or folders on my desktop, also the shortcuts to folders in the gnome menu panel dont work after upgrading to 9.0422:43
Mike_lifeguardmercutio22: also, you should consider the load averages too22:44
Mike_lifeguard-too :)22:44
Chamillionaire2Can anyone help me with my question as stated above ^22:45
out-of-handi cant save data to my usb flash disk. its read only, i cant delete anything on it either ? any suggestions ?22:45
Mike_lifeguard!patience | Chamillionaire222:45
ubottuChamillionaire2: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:45
mahs1usr13: http://pastebin.ca/140892822:45
me_geoout - format22:45
mercutio22Mike_lifeguard> it says 2.38 load average here22:45
dr_willisChamillionaire2:  see if it works properly for a new user? if so. then theres some gnome-setting issues...22:46
mercutio22Mike_lifeguard> but I have no idea if thats ok22:46
Chamillionaire2!patience | me_geo22:46
ubottume_geo: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:46
dr_willisout-of-hand:  what filesystem is it?22:46
Chamillionaire2Sorry dident know if that worked22:46
out-of-handdr_willis i dunno... i been using it on a xp machine , so i presume fat?22:47
Chamillionaire2dr_willis Tried that, its a natuils error22:47
Mike_lifeguardmercutio22: that sounds bad, yes, but I don't know what to do to fix it ( power cycle!! :P )22:47
out-of-handis there no way to make it read it without formatting the usb?22:47
usr13mahs1: This new partition that  you created, what size was it?22:47
dr_willisout-of-hand:  You need to proplery mount it in order for users to have full access to vfat/ntfs filesystems.22:47
mahs1usr13: about 28 GB22:47
mercutio22Mike_lifeguard> its ok, thanks22:47
dr_willisChamillionaire2:  you could start cleaning out the old .gnome* or .gconf* (or both) settings/files..22:48
mercutio22Mike_lifeguard> what is your load average?22:48
out-of-handdr_willis sorry my ignorance ... proper mount it ? how do i do that ?22:48
ablertI'd like to build a slightly modified Postgresql, I'm hoping to write up a script that gets the src version of postgresql using apt-get source postgresql-8.3 and modifies one file. Can anyone direct me to a good resource that may help me22:49
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE22:49
Mike_lifeguardmercutio22: 0.41 0.44 0.43 (1- 5- and 15- minute load averages)22:49
testorHello, I have a problem with VERY slow write speed to vfat-USB-sticks since jaunty...22:49
dr_willisout-of-hand:  see the url the bot gave above.  or perhaps install/run the 'ntfs-config' tool and enable full access to vfat/ntfs drives.22:49
mercutio22Mike_lifeguard>  thanks22:49
psypointeri'm searching a good dvbt receiver for linux22:49
usr13mahs1: YOu no longer even have a Linux partition.  You must have deleted it.  It appears that you have several MS partitions, but no Linux partitions.  You apparrently no longer have a Linux install.22:50
deanytestor, known problem.. thats all I know.22:50
DouglasKOk, on the command line, how does one clear a pending action from a single package?  eg, I have package X selected for install, but want to deselct it.22:50
psypointerany recommendations?22:50
deanytestor, Im stayin with Intrepid for now.  Jaunty is just too broke for me22:50
mahs1usr13: but i used it about 2 months whitout any problem!!!22:50
Chamillionaire2Heres my error when i run nautilis in terminal nautilus: error while loading shared libraries: libgnome-desktop-2.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory22:50
testor@deany: Thanks. My temporary fix was to disable the new "flush" option for mounting, but that is not a final solution, I think... thanks for the info ! ^^22:50
mahs1usr13: what should i do??22:50
mahs1usr13: my windows is on sda122:51
blarghDoes anyone know how the "suspend" signal ultimately gets from HAL to the pm-utils?22:51
deanytestor, no prob.. the lack of fglrx support for my card has no solutution!22:51
Chamillionaire2Heres my error when i run nautilus in terminal nautilus: error while loading shared libraries: libgnome-desktop-2.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory22:52
testor@deany: Oh... Glad to use nvidia, at least since the drivers became more stable. Even the proprietary driver does not work?22:52
ertu_how come ubuntu recognizes my sound card but i have no sound? they're not muted. i have nvidia ac97 chipset22:52
dtchenertu_: are you certain the volumes aren't muted?22:52
Chamillionaire2Anyone help with my question above ^22:53
dtchenertu_: please use "ubuntu-bug pulseaudio" to file a bug report, then tell me the bug report #22:53
ertu_dtchen, yes. i'll use it right now22:53
testor@ertu_: A friend of mine had a similar problem, only after update to jaunty, and fixed it by adding stack3 or something to the module load line...22:53
deanytestor, there is no proprietary driver, thats my point..  its either open source radeon or , open source radeon22:53
dtchentestor: that's hardware-specific22:53
mahs1usr13: what is your suggestion??22:54
elena09System Testing from Administration is not working in my ubuntu 9.04 Help please22:54
testor@dtchen: Ok, I see ^^.22:54
ertu_testor, and how do i do it? i'm kind of new22:54
ymeIts always something...   okay... i just installed 8.04 , it asked me for proxy info during install... got it installed fine... now when i attempt to do "apt-get update" its trying to use the proxy server... How do i change this so its not using the proxy server?22:54
deanyfor compiz and movie playback its great...for UT2004 type games, its useless..22:54
yme (8.04 server btw)22:54
jduI have a computer here, that when I login, I get "-bash: /dev/null: Permission denied" 50 times or so and then periodically  (irregularly) after that.  What would cause there to be a lack of permissions to /dev/null?  /dev/agpgart also does not exist even though it should.22:54
archmanOK, now myspace.com won't work. wtf is wrong now??22:54
n8tuserelena09 -> what is a System Testing? what does it test?22:54
testor@ertu_ If it's hardware-specific, I guess it wont work for you.22:54
mercutio22elena09> what does system testing do?22:54
Chamillionaire2Heres my error when i run nautilus in terminal nautilus: error while loading shared libraries: libgnome-desktop-2.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory22:54
testor@deany: What card is this exactly? *g*22:55
deanytestor, one thats not supported no more22:55
Kattollikisdhi, why my macbook don't boot the Ubuntu Cd live 64 bit? :S22:55
benjoldersmais there any way I can get gmail notifications to come in through my new notification engine?22:55
elena09System - Administration- System Testing, tests the parts of your PC22:55
archmananyone having problem opening myspace with opera or firefox (wine)? can anyone check please?22:55
glitsj16ertu_: have you seen/tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 to setup pulseaudio properly ?22:55
deanytestor, mobility radeon 256mb 980022:55
mahs1usr13: ok, tnx for your help mate, bye=;22:55
Chamillionaire2!kick | a222:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kick22:56
Chamillionaire2Just testing22:56
testor@deany: Oh, okay. My oldest Radeon here is a x1250 onboard which is still supported... so... bad luck for your card :(22:56
ymeHah! i figured it out on my own... i went to /etc/apt/apt.conf (thinking that since $http_proxy env variable wasn't set it must be a application specific issue)... sure enough proxy information was in  /etc/apt/apt.conf, removed and it was fine22:56
Mike_lifeguardarchman: That is a feature, not a bug. Myspace is evil :P22:56
archmanMike_lifeguard: no, ubuntu sucks...22:56
joshjtlcan someone help me figure out where the patch or the patched version of xserver-xorg-video-intel  from this bug is located?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/35939222:56
* dr_willis miss's where myspace has anything to do with (wine)22:57
Mike_lifeguardarchman: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/myspace.com too22:57
deanytestor, i know..   In windows driver versions dont matter.. they do with xorg/ubuntu22:57
deanytestor, im not missing out on anything anyway.. other than bug finding.22:58
archmanMike_lifeguard: Address not found... what a damn heck ???22:58
testor@deany: Yes... but if you're lucky, one of the free drivers might implement 3d accel ;-) Okay ^^.22:58
gravityreloadedI would like to install a VJing software in Jaunty. Can anyone help me locate a good program? Something like Resolume? Freemix just isn't good enough...22:58
nickel3956is there any way for me to use my logitech mouse with Ubuntu 9.04? it keeps messing up on me22:58
deanytestor, radeon OSS driver does.. just not very well..22:58
Mike_lifeguardarchman: can you access other domains? you may have an issue with http but not other protocols22:58
elena09Hello??? Does anyone have the same problem with system testing?22:58
dr_willisnickel3956:  clarify to the channel what the problem is.. Most every mouse ive ever had - worked fine with linux.22:59
archmanMike_lifeguard: i can access everything except myspace.com22:59
deanyI can play hedgewars or xmoto..  just not UT2004.  radeon drivers dont cut it22:59
testor@deany: Mhm. Maybe furhter developement might improve it ^^.22:59
deanytestor, maybe.   Im not waitin for maybe.23:00
nickel3956almost every time i open a new window (say i open firefox) the mouse buttons will not work. sometimes i can right click and then left click and the buttons would work in just that window23:00
nickel3956sometimes that wouldn't fix it23:00
elena09Did someone use System Testing?23:01
Prosthetic_Headhi room, anyone else have random junk pixels around some text in firefox with 9.04 or is it just me?23:01
gravityreloadedcan anyone help me to restore my ctrl-alt-backspace function?23:01
me_geoHello, during installation my graphics is not working. The forums say something like Xorg. Can anyone help?23:01
testor@deany: Okay ^^. So good luck for the future, I will now try to change my mount-options for usb :P Bye ;-)23:01
eseven73is it ok to dd copy a mounted hd? or do I have to unmount it first?23:01
Mike_lifeguardarchman: I thought you said you couldn't access the URL I just gave you?23:01
gravityreloadedalso ctrl-alt-del doesn't work...23:01
brentAnyone else having trouble with gnome-panel today after upgrade?23:02
me_geoam i kicked out?23:02
eseven73!dontzap | gravityreloaded23:02
ubottugravityreloaded: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.23:02
archmanMike_lifeguard: i can access it, but when i click on myspace.com link, i can't access it (btw it doesn't even work in vmware!!!!)23:02
Mike_lifeguardah, k23:02
eseven73gravityreloaded, disregard that, I thought you said backspace23:02
elena09System Testing, anyone did use it?23:02
gravityreloadedeseven73: i did23:03
Prosthetic_Headgravityrelade3d: http://reformedmusings.wordpress.com/2009/04/25/enabling-ctrl-alt-backspace-in-ubuntu-904-jaunty/23:03
gravityreloadedeseven73: when I have a program crash I have to press reset23:03
archmanMike_lifeguard: any ideas...this became real lame...23:03
gravityreloadedinstead of keyboard shortcut :(23:03
Flannel!dontzap | gravityreloaded, Prosthetic_Head23:03
me_geoanyone knows how to change xorg during installation?23:03
ubottugravityreloaded, Prosthetic_Head: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.23:03
eseven73is it ok to dd copy a mounted hd? or do I have to unmount it first?23:04
billisniceanyone having the same problem as i am? My screen resolution changes to so small i can not see when i reboot.  It worked fine with 8.04.23:04
Mike_lifeguardarchman: sorry, no23:04
margeI've upgraded to 9.04 but before had switched to kde4 and now have error: "kdm-kde4 is not your default display manager"  How can I designate kde as default display manager?23:04
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me_geoi have similar problem23:04
dtchenmarge: probably dpkg-reconfigure kdm23:05
nickel3956sometimes my old mouse would lose access to the mouse buttons and i would have to right click to gain control. why?23:05
dtchenmarge: you'll need to choose kdm as the preferred display manager23:05
ertu_dtchen, here's the bug report regarding AC97 no sound issue:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/37010223:05
archmanMike_lifeguard: fucking linux...23:05
DjAngo23Some can help me with my external monitor (ATI on my laptop, external screen is a 24' of iiyama) The biggest problem is that i prefer them to have different resolutions when near to each other23:05
eseven73!ohmy | archman23:06
ubottuarchman: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.23:06
epaphushi, how do I Install the ssh server ??23:06
billisnicemy mouse jumps weird sometime all over the place23:06
me_geobillisnice - my screen flickers and stops showing anything readable when i try to install 9.04 UNR23:06
dtchenertu_: you have two audio devices23:06
dtchenertu_: your ensoniq and your nvidia23:06
margedtchen: dpkg-reconfigure kdm didn't do anything, so I tried dpkg-reconfigure kdm-kde4 and got error: "kdm-kde4 is broken or not fully installed"23:07
billisnicemy totem when the codec installed i have to mess with the slider to get the movies to start23:07
ertu_dtchen, yes, i think i have set nvidia to be default but i don't remember if it was after or before doing `killall pulseaudio`23:07
zerwasI'm searching for a tool that can change the mode of a hard drive ("silent", "performance", etc.) Is there *anything* for Linux available?23:07
sebsebseb!language > archman23:07
ubottuarchman, please see my private message23:07
dtchenertu_: how did you set Nvidia to be the default?23:08
DjAngo23epaphus: Here : http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-openssh-server-installation-and-configuration/23:08
eseven73sebsebseb, I already did !ohmy to him, why would you do !language > archman?23:08
margedtchen: I would really like to switch back to gnome.23:08
coleysWhat theme engine should I use ;o23:08
rconananyone familiar enough with apt to help me sort something weird out? I corrupted my fs and fixed it with fsck but now I get the following error while trying to run anything dpkg related23:08
margeHow can I switch back to gnome?23:08
ertu_dtchen, from sound preferences23:08
rconandpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 1139 package `cups-pdf': field name `Installed-' must be followed by colon23:08
DjAngo23Someone can help me with my external monitor ? (ATI on my laptop, external screen is a 24' of iiyama) The biggest problem is that i prefer them to have different resolutions when near to each other23:09
margeor just somehow fix my system so that I can have GUI?23:09
sebsebsebeseven73: one of the first things  I saw when I looked at this channel,  and yeah I would normalley do those in the channel23:09
dtchenmarge: oh, then just use sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm23:09
dtchenertu_: change all those back to autodetect23:09
margedtchen: Very well.  Thanks23:09
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:10
dtchenertu_: then, install pavucontrol, and use pavucontrol to migrate the streams to your desired device23:10
ertu_dtchen, alright thank you.23:10
sebsebsebmarge: sudo apt-get purge kdm23:10
sebsebsebmarge: then you should only hve gdm installed :)23:10
sebsebsebJo-Luis: hi23:10
Jakalcan someone help me? whenever i set my screen resolution to 1360x768 the screen gets garbled and then goes black. this is the resolution for my hdtv.23:12
starktronHi, I installed Jaunty a couple days ago, and it's recently started occasionally making a very annoying buzzing noise over the top of sounds -- for example, Pidgin notification sounds or music tracks (rarely).  It doesn't do it very often, and it only lasts for as long as whatever particular sound is playing (one track, one notification sound, etc.).  Any ideas what the problem could be?23:13
billisnicei have similar screen problems23:13
DjAngo23Someone can help me with my external monitor ? (ATI on my laptop, external screen is a 24' of iiyama) The biggest problem is that i prefer them to have different resolutions when near to each other23:13
alex1please sorry! it's test23:13
hooby1ok i want to password protect an ntfs partition on my hd that i have set up so both ubuntu and windows can read it but how do i passoword protect it so both os's have the same password and can both still acess it ????23:13
out-of-handhi again, i tried sudo get ntfs-config tool.  and i made the mounting (usb flash drive ) a write option, but i see it on my desktop but still cant delete anything or write anything :(23:13
billisnicei may switch back to 8.04...i did not have screen problems with 8.04...23:14
commander_i can't get desktop effects23:14
commander_it keep saying desktop effects cannot be enabled23:15
mattgirvcommander_: ATI/Nvidia? Have you installed the drivers for 3D acceleration?23:15
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pubnumcan you guys give any suggestions for ubuntu 8.0.4 power management?23:16
commander_how do you get that? i installed the modem driver when i upgraded and it asked me23:16
pubnumIn terms of reducing usage on peripherals and such?23:16
billisnicewith 8.04 is said that drivers were available, 9.04 did not notify me23:16
mattgyverIs there a way to dim all open windows and view the desktop?  Win7 seems to have a feature for that, its pretty useful and would like to know if ubuntu has anything like that.23:16
out-of-handno suggestions?23:17
pubnumchat's dead23:17
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lighthey guiez, when I run update manager it dosent display the update to 9.04 in ubuntu, any idea why?23:17
zenitmattgyver: ctrl-alt-d in gnome at least23:17
mattgyversweet, thanks zenit :D23:18
glitsj16DjAngo23: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Multihead might have some things you can try, basically it uses xrandr to set things up23:18
Jamedbillisnice: did you already restart after installation? one of my friends had the same problem, but after restarting ist worked23:18
pubnumlight: what version are you using?23:18
ali4everhi, woundering how to instull IE7 or IE6 on ubuntu (for development and testing purposes) i tried ies4linux but it giving me some error23:18
billisniceyep, i did restart....23:18
yehoshuahas anyone here installed the intel drivers for linux from source code, the ones that support the GMA 4500 MHD (GM45 Chipset)?23:18
mattgyverali4ever in a vm?23:18
nibblynlight, it was disabled by default. take a look on the announcments page of jaunty23:18
DjAngo23Thanks glitsj1623:19
DjAngo23I gonna try that23:19
ali4evermattgyver well i was thinking about wine23:19
lighti'm running 8.1023:19
deanymattgirv, there is a compiz plugin for that23:19
mattgyverali, didnt know you could do that.23:19
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redrebelwhat is new with ubuntu 9.04?23:20
mattgyverredrebel, on an ext4 its a ton faster.23:20
Chr|s!jaunty | redrebel23:20
ubotturedrebel: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents23:20
Jakalhas anyone else had trouble getting ubuntu to display 1360x768 properly?23:20
rzz8509hello does any one have any info on the cricket broadband a600 wireless usb adapter this one has a built in sd card with win drivers23:20
ali4evermattgyver , well i found a way but it gives me error actually it is telling me to use latest version of wine (mine is the latest version) may be i need to have older version of wine to run IE23:20
mattgyverdeany, were you peaking to me?23:21
redrebeli'de like to try ext423:21
dr_willisali4ever:  the wine version in the repos may be older then the one at winehq web site23:21
redrebelcan you go from ext3 to ext4 without reformating the drive?23:21
deanyyeah, sorry23:21
mattgyverredrebel, you can but then you dont get the full affect23:22
Mr-Woofhi all, I've upgraded to 9.04 and for some reason Conky wont run on start up23:22
ali4everdr_willis ,  ummmmmm, can you explain more i didnt get you, but i have instulled wine just today using apt-get so it should be the latest i think23:22
rzz8509any one have cricket wireless working under ubuntu23:22
Mr-Woofeven though its set to in the sessions and will run if i do alt-f2 conky23:22
Mr-Woofanyone having any conky problems lol ?23:23
matrix_hey how do i find internet radio broadacsts on audacious program23:23
dr_willisali4ever:  totally incorrect..   Ubuntu does a 6 mo release cycle. and the wine in ubuntu repos is most likely a few weeks to a month+ old.23:23
dr_willisali4ever:  winehq has unofficial more updated wine repositories23:23
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:23
dr_willis!info wine23:23
ubottuwine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu6 (jaunty), package size 7329 kB, installed size 54508 kB23:23
rzz8509i need to get udev to stop mounting the card as a cd and as a usb modem23:24
matrix_hey how do i find internet radio broadacsts on audacious program23:24
dr_willisWine 1.1.20 Released - but 1.1.1 is condidered 'stable' from the winehq site23:24
ali4everdr_willis ,  ok i see now , thanks i will try to correct that problem23:24
yehoshuaafter i do glxinfo | grep rendering i get direct rendering : no, how do i turn that on?23:24
commander_can anybody help me23:25
matrix_hey how do i find internet radio broadacsts on audacious program23:25
scunizimatrix_: much easier in vlc23:25
alybabe356who wants to talk dirty ;)23:25
Jakalcan someone help me? whenever i set my screen resolution to 1360x768 the screen gets garbled and then goes black. this is the resolution for my hdtv.23:26
zaidkaalybabe, that would depend on your gender23:26
alybabe356im female23:26
marianoguerrasince I updated to jaunty the music skips when the cpu usage goes up, it never happened on previous versions23:26
zaidkafemale female? or boy female?23:26
alybabe356female female lmao..23:26
commander_i can't get no extra visual effects damn23:26
marianoguerradoes someone have the same problem?23:27
firevaihey everyone.. i have windows and ubuntu on the same hd.. i need to reinstall winblows.. but when i try to boot from cdrom.. it kicks it back to the bios.. when i hit any key to boot from cdrom.. is that grub doing that?23:27
zaidkayou use ubuntu?23:27
matrix_scunizi:thanks bro vlc was good23:27
frank_if u use windows, i would recommend windows 7 :P23:28
DragnslcrAnybody else have $TERM default to "dumb" on a new install of 9.04?23:28
firevaii would rather not use windows at all lol.. but ati and ubuntu dont play nice for games23:28
frank_firevai: true that23:28
yehoshuahas anyone here installed the intel drivers for linux from source code, the ones that support the GMA 4500 MHD (GM45 Chipset)?23:29
Jakalati and linux seem to hate eachother23:29
firevaiso is it grub keeping me from booting my win install cd?23:29
frank_nvidia sometimes is glitchy as well23:29
mattgyverin 9.04, with the panel set to autohide i can still barely see it at the top.  Is this normal? Or do i need to edit my xorg.conf ??23:29
dylnugeI'm installing Ubuntu 9.04 after a nasty upgrade crash, in the partition section currently. My system has a /, /boot, and /home partition. I want to override the / partition, keep my current /home, and override /boot. Do I inform the installer that the home partition is /home now or edit fstab later? Can I switch it to ext4 without losing data?23:29
frank_but, in 9.04 64 bit, havn't had a prob23:29
frank_then again, havn't played any games on it yet23:29
dylnugemattgyver: Normal behavior, yes23:30
mattgyverthanks, just wanted to make sure23:30
frank_firevai: i don't think grub would be doing that23:30
darcshadosup everyone23:30
frank_firevai: sure the disc is good?23:30
firevaiyeah pretty sure frank_23:31
dr_willismattgyver:  thats normal i think23:31
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frank_firevai: im not sure, never heard of that prob before :(23:32
darcshadois this the best place to ask for some help, or is there a better room for that?23:32
firevaiyeah odd lol23:32
forceshow can I install openoffice3 in ubuntu 8.04 LTS?23:32
frank_darcshado: whats your problem?23:33
ali4everdarcshado , go ahead and ask23:33
TheChaos92I need help getting my microsoft lifechat lx-3000 head set to work on ubuntu 8.1023:33
calwighow can i burn/copy an img to a DVDRW?23:33
firevaicalwig: k3b should do it23:33
dr_williscalwig:  i think k3b can do that. or convert it to iso and use some of the other apps..23:33
dylnugeAnyone know whether or not to set my current /home partition as such in the installer or just wait until later and edit fstab?23:34
Orchid`if anyone can help; my UBUNTU LTS 86/64bit version is having problems, freezes crashes and even flash and java fail after visiting myspace. when updating i have to restart up to ten times to get to open anything, and once or twice a shell opened up upon restart saying that it could not start my GUI. please help!23:34
dr_willisdylnuge:  You can do it either way23:34
calwigit does only burning from iso on.  I have the new 9.04 netbook.img file that i'd like to burn onto a DVD23:34
starktronHi, I installed Jaunty a couple days ago, and it's recently started occasionally making a very annoying buzzing noise over the top of sounds -- for example, Pidgin notification sounds or music tracks (rarely).  It doesn't do it very often, and it only lasts for as long as whatever particular sound is playing (one track, one notification sound, etc.).  Any ideas what the problem could be?23:34
Flanneldylnuge: During the installer is easier, obviously.23:34
nellmathewthis is unrelated to ubuntu, but i can't get a decent response from my other channels so : anyone know of a customizable 18.4 in or 17 in laptop? (WITHOUT glossy screen, meaning strictly matte).. i can't stand the shine.. lol23:34
calwigk3b does not allow me to copy or extract from img to iso23:34
dr_willisnellmathew:  go to dell.com and look perhaps?23:34
lukaviahi, i need help with installing nvidia fx5500 in ubuntu 9.04, i tried envy, i tried resttricted drivers, nothing worked23:34
dylnugedr_willis, Flannel: Thanks. Assumed as much, just making sure that the installer wouldn't override the existing files.23:35
dylnugeWould it be wise to make the / partition ext4 if I'm keeping /home the same as it is (ext3)?23:35
darcshadoIm new to Ubuntu all together, and installed 9.04. I have no sound. Im using a USB Headset and when i goto the sound options (system->preferences->sound) I select my headphones and test the sound and it works along with my mic. But there is no sound anywhere else. (Not from the OS, or any other program). Possible someone can point me in the right direction :D23:35
Flanneldylnuge: /home gets marked as used (as /home), but not to format.23:36
calwigFlannel: i know youre an expert in things23:36
calwighow could you extract an img and archive it to iso23:37
darcshadoIve also installed all the drivers and updated everything that i know of.23:37
dylnugeFlannel: Thanks. Any opinion on using ext4 on / with ext3 on /home?23:37
Flannelcalwig: Why do you need an iso of it?23:37
Flanneldylnuge: I don't, It shouldn't be a problem, if that's what you're asking.23:37
calwigwell i cant seem to burn it on to a dvdrw properly, it wont boot23:37
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dylnugeFlannel: Thanks!23:38
forceshow can I install openoffice3 in ubuntu 8.04 LTS?23:38
calwigFlannel: the netbook remix only allows to extract to USB with usb-imagewriter23:38
mdgrech_sudo apt-get openoffice323:39
dr_willisIs openoffice3 even in backports for 8.04 ?23:40
Flannelcalwig: As far as I can tell, the img is the same as an iso.  Have you tried renaming it to .iso and burning to the DVD?23:40
LeLhi all23:40
darcshadoIm new to Ubuntu all together, and installed 9.04. I have no sound. Im using a USB Headset and when i goto the sound options (system->preferences->sound) I select my headphones and test the sound and it works along with my mic. But there is no sound anywhere else. (Not from the OS, or any other program). Possible someone can point me in the right direction :D23:40
calwigFlannel: the Netbook img file? are you sure, i renamed it and then tried it and didnt work, let me try again brb23:41
LeLi've installed ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop and i had to blacklist pcspkr in modprobe.d because the system beep was way to noisy, but now the builtin volume controls and mute button aren't working, any idea how to solve this?23:41
dmitriyanyone had a problem with ext4 in 9.04 ?23:41
Flannelcalwig: well, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR#From%20commandline%20with%20dd  uses dd to write to the flash drive, and an iso is just a dd'd image of a CD23:42
Picidmitriy: There are caveats regarding ext4 in the Jaunty release notes.23:42
Pici!notes | dmitriy23:42
ubottudmitriy: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes23:42
glitsj16darcshado: you've been asked already probably ... but did you check your mixer to see if things are unmuted properly ?23:42
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Ubuntu_Sli have a little problem here23:42
LeLi've installed ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop and i had to blacklist pcspkr in modprobe.d because the system beep was way to noisy, but now the builtin volume controls and mute button aren't working, any idea how to solve this?23:42
Magicianok go ahead23:42
calwigFlannel: ok thanks going to read23:42
darcshadoeverything is unmuted23:43
Ubuntu_Sli´ve installed ubuntu in mmy pc , later i put all graphics effects. And them i need change again because i´cant see the windows .. how i do this????23:43
Magiciancan you see anything23:44
LeLUbuntu_Sl: which graphic card you've got?23:44
glitsj16darcshado: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html might be worth taking a look at23:44
lukaviahi, i need help with installing nvidia fx5500 in ubuntu 9.04, i tried envy, i tried resttricted drivers, nothing worked23:44
Ubuntu_Sl¡!Magician!¡: yes, only the begin. If i click in one icon.. everything is black , i see nothing more23:45
nellmathewanyone know if there is a .deb package for an ext4 defrag?23:45
MagicianLEL: Can you help with this one23:45
darcshadothank you glitsj1623:45
michael__hey furtano23:45
gooseI'm running 9.04 x64, launching Thunderbird totally locks up my system, I have to hard shut down and then restart23:45
Adremelech|LaptoLOL, hai goose23:46
gooseLOL Adremelech|Lapto! what's up?23:46
Adremelech|Lapto@ nodetwo23:46
Xaeijhow do i run a console23:46
gooseXaeij, Applications > Accesories > Terminal23:46
michael__run console for what?23:46
Magicianif you can not access anything then it will be hard to change it back23:46
michael__for ruby?  php?23:46
MagicianI am here Ubuntu_SL23:46
Magiciandid you do an upgrade or clean install23:46
FurtanoXaeij, press F1 an search console23:47
Ubuntu_SlMagician: please, help-me man :)23:47
Magicianpm me23:47
gooseI'm running 9.04 x64, launching Thunderbird totally locks up my system, I have to hard shut down and then restart. Does anyone else have this bug/is there any way I can fix it?23:47
michael__um dont have this bug...have you tried the obvious already such as reinstalling it?23:48
goosethrough repositories, and terminal23:48
michael__mmm anything interesting in the logs goose?23:48
lukaviahi, i need help with installing nvidia fx5500 in ubuntu 9.04, i tried envy, i tried resttricted drivers, nothing worked23:48
goosemichael__, where should I look for them?23:48
calwigFlannel: i just renamed the netbook file from .img to .iso, then started k3b to burn iso image and says it cant read file. Its md5sum confirmed, ive got it running on an USB i need it however on a DVD hmmmm23:48
sh1hi, anyone know where i can put custom JAR files in java-6-sin?23:48
H_M-UbuntuHey, my computer was unresponsive (Ubu 8.10) when I came back, both my monitors were not turning on and the hard drive light was NOT doing anything.. I tried many key shortcuts to restart X, etc, nothing worked. I figured I kernel panic'd around 4:00 (It's 6:49 now)23:49
sh1i tried making ~/jar and putting that in the CLASSPATH, but it didn't work23:49
H_M-UbuntuI recently upgraded my video drivers from 177 to 18023:49
H_M-UbuntuI think that might be the culprit.23:49
H_M-UbuntuDoes Ubuntu have some sort of crash log that I can look at?23:49
eseven73is it ok to dd copy a mounted hd? or do I have to unmount it first?23:50
dr_williscalwig:  rename it to .iso and see if virtualbox can boot it..23:50
alybabe356i have a question..who else here has a sylvania ubuntu laptop? the new ones or w.e23:50
H_M-UbuntuAny ideas?...23:50
DOLEhi all, i have a problem, when i move windows, they move kinda choppy, i suppose that's a video driver problem, what do i have to do?23:50
coleysdole using xfce?23:51
deanycalwig, if its netbook .img you are talkin about. a simple dd will work23:51
michael__mmm what are you video settings at?23:51
calwigdr_willis: hmm ok23:51
DOLEcoleys ubuntu23:51
DOLEcoleys gnome23:51
mahs1 Hi,  i have  a porblem with booting my system and see this eror:"grub loading,eror 22", help me please23:51
coleysDOLE: System > Administration > Hardware drivers.23:51
michael__did you try adjusting your visual effects to none?23:51
calwigdeany: dd will indeed extract/copy to dvd, however when i boot, the dvd is not recognized upon boot23:51
DOLEcoleys i have the latest restricted for nvidia23:52
deanycalwig, I just made a fat partition and dd if=/image.img of=/dev/usb-partition bs=102423:52
coleysDOLE: 180?23:52
mahs1 Hi,  i have  a porblem with booting my system and see this eror:"grub loading,eror 22", help me please23:52
DOLEcoleys version 18023:52
Flannelcalwig: Can't you just install using the regular CD (or the minimal or alternate CD) and then convert to UNR later?23:52
DOLEcoleys :D23:52
Furtanowhat is a good irc server to chat ?23:52
coleysDOLE: Using emerald ?23:52
DOLEcoleys no, metacity23:52
deanycalwig, then I guess your usb isnt capable of booting.. some aint23:53
H_M-UbuntuHey does Ubuntu have a crash log?23:53
DOLEcoleys i think this has always happened to me, it's a little less choppy when i disable compiz23:53
coleysDOLE: visual effects on extra, or middle =p (forget the option)23:53
DOLEcoleys in the live cd, it was really smootk23:53
lukaviawhich application was for showing processes in ubuntu23:53
DOLEcoleys smooth23:53
H_M-UbuntuOr something that logs... anything... in Ubuntu 8.1023:53
lukaviaconvy ?23:53
calwigFlannel: mmm the regular CD of ubuntu or netbook?  i cant find a CD for netbook, much less an iso23:53
DOLEcoleys i have it on custom.. very basic effects, very basic stuff23:53
Orchid`if anyone can help; my UBUNTU LTS 86/64bit version is having problems, freezes crashes and even flash and java fail after visiting myspace. when updating i have to restart up to ten times to get to open anything, and once or twice a shell opened up upon restart saying that it could not start my GUI. please help!23:53
eseven73H_M-Ubuntu, most logs are in /var/log might want to check there23:53
DOLEcoleys any ideas?23:54
coleysDOLE: Hum, any weird custom effects?23:54
H_M-Ubuntueseven73, thanks.. My system kernel panic'd (I think) and I want to check23:54
mahs1 Hi,  i have  a porblem with booting my system and see this eror:"grub loading,eror 22", help me please23:54
Flannelcalwig: A regular CD for Ubuntu.  UNR only comes in the img file I believe (because its too big to fit on a CD)23:54
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DOLEcoleys i don't think so, i don't use animations, only fade, minimize effect, scale, screenshot. and other tiny ones23:54
calwigdeany: USB stick boots with Netbook, perfectly fine, recognizes BT, WIFI, the works, then id like to install it again on the same USB stick, but its not possible23:54
=== alybabe356 is now known as tight
=== tight is now known as TightPussy
deanyinstall ON it?23:55
coleysDOLE: Whats your resolution? Does it correspond to your screensize? gDesklets or screenlets?23:55
DOLEcoleys i read somewhere to activate vsync to blank, i activated in compiz and nvidia x config and it's a little better but still choppy23:55
ogre_i have an install of lilo that I need to configure. I googled it but suprisingly didnt find much here is a pastebin of what the installer says http://paste.ubuntu.com/161752/23:55
calwigFlannel: mm ok but UNR with the new GUI is also available not necessarily from the .img file?23:55
DOLEcoleys 1680x1050 it's the native reolution of my monitor, and i don't use neither of them23:55
calwigdeany: id like to boot from a USB23:55
calwigI already have one running this way23:55
calwigbut Id like the UNR 9.04 running its super fast at booting up to the desktop23:56
coleysDOLE: everything *should* be okay =p Reinstall your nvidia 180?23:56
deanyYou can boot it fine to run live? but not to install from ?23:56
DOLEcoleys ok, i'll try23:56
coleyswill require restart though =p23:56
deanyI dont get it23:56
coleysill be here when you get back :]23:56
DOLEcoleys thanks for your help.. Ok then, bye!23:56
Furtanocan i run my pinnacle 72e tv stick with ubuntu ?23:56
=== TightPussy is now known as Person
Flannelcalwig: you can add UNR to any Ubuntu install, yeah.23:57
cjaeis anyone here using a monitor and a tv via svideo tv out via svideo with a nvdia card and driver 180 set to separate xscreens in 9.04?23:57
H_M-UbuntuAha, I believe I found where the crash occurred......23:57
cjaeand actually have a desktop on the tv?23:57
cjaenot just a x cursor23:58
H_M-UbuntuApparently Compiz.real segfaulted or something23:58
DragnslcrAnybody else have $TERM default to "dumb" on a new install of 9.04?23:58
H_M-UbuntuCan someone look at when the suspected crash happened in my log and tell me if they see anything that stands out? http://pastebin.com/m1d99d5c823:58
cjaeis anyone here using a monitor and a tv via svideo tv out  with a nvdia card and driver 180 set to separate xscreens in 9.04? the monitor is setup with a dvi cable23:59
eseven73compiz gets old very fast H_M-Ubuntu, when you're done ga-ga'ing over the effects and finally remove it, your computer will thank you for it :)23:59
* cjae appologizes for repeat but had grammatical error23:59
H_M-UbuntuWell the thing is... I like the effects.. and I don't use wobbly or cube or anything like that crap23:59
H_M-UbuntuI use desktop wall and shadow, and some other small things23:59

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