
knomezoredache, true. of course in the OSS world the user can decide what he uses. but more and more we've gone in the model (at least in ubuntu) that the release is a product and many people take it as the definite system and are not willing to change things.00:00
djsI was updating via CLI and it locked up, I've managed to get back to working in a GUI but I need to empty my sources.list and put the right stuff in there.00:00
artistxecharlie-tca, and what happens when ppl want xubuntu to behave more like ( a long limb here ) windows ?00:00
charlie-tcaI don't think that will ever happen00:01
knomeartistxe, the basic idea is, in the end, that any developer won't do any decision he doesn't agree with. that's why user requests are partly ignored. but of course, in open source, you can modify the app yourself and there you go, you have what you want.00:01
zoredacheartistxe: if there where people that wanted that, they would probably fork, because I doubt the current people working on xubuntu would go that direction00:02
knomeartistxe, if people ask us to include kde's plasma into xubuntu, it won't happen. that's not the direction the developers are willing to go.00:02
knomeartistxe, zoredache is totally correct.00:02
artistxeoh, I know that xubuntu would not go in that direction . I am just saying ( from my own experience) the end user is ( my personal philosophy ) not always right and needs to be told what they want00:03
artistxefascism it is not00:04
knomeartistxe, if a end user wants xubuntu to act like windows, we most propably point him to windows.00:04
djscharlie-tca, uncheck all of the ones under "Downloadable from the internet" ?00:04
knomeartistxe, if you don't agree with the development team, you don't have to use the release.00:04
artistxeagain you are right00:05
knomeartistxe, if you are active, you can join the team and try to change things. that is possible.00:05
artistxeknome. in the future I will consider it . too many other projects right now.00:05
charlie-tcayes, djs00:05
knomeartistxe, very rare projects are lead by just one person.00:05
djsI'll try that thanks.00:06
artistxeblender 2.5 is still being worked on.00:06
charlie-tcadjs: that will clear the sources list, you probably should uncheck the ones under Third-Party Software, too00:06
knomeartistxe, the direction of projects are a sum of many peoples ideas.00:06
knomeartistxe, heh, didn't mean that *you* should join (you can if you want, though). just meant that it is possible for any user.00:07
artistxethe concept of " the sum of many peoples ideas " is difficult to apprehend at times00:07
knomeartistxe, of course there is times when people disagree. then it's the project leader or the team leader(for example artwork)00:08
knomeartistxe, ...who makes the final decision00:08
artistxeknome. you are in Finland right now I see. I am visiting the states and still trying to cope with the idea of this "democracy" they have here00:08
PingJockyhow about menus?  how does that go down?00:08
knomeartistxe, i live in finland :)00:08
djscharlie-tca, they are all already unchecked under third party, should they be?00:08
knomePingJocky, sorry?00:09
charlie-tcayes. Now you close it, then when you open it, just check the ones in again on Download from internet. that should rebuild the list.00:09
charlie-tcaI have to go now.00:09
knomecharlie-tca, see you o/00:09
djsOk, thank you.00:09
PingJockyi was wondering if a simple discision like menus was also done through commity?00:09
knomePingJocky, which menus are you talking about?00:10
artistxeknome. I would not assume that you live there. anyway, my point is : the sum of many ideas usually ends the way that a popularity contest does ( the democracy construct )00:10
charlie-tcaPingJocky: they came from XFCE itself00:10
PingJockyah ok00:10
PingJockythats all i was wondering00:10
knomePingJocky, also the discussion is rarely pushed in the *community* but only the developer community00:10
knomePingJocky, which is way narrower field00:10
knomePingJocky, we believe we can do the right decisions for our users00:11
PingJockylooks like the menus are an upstream desicion00:11
knomePingJocky, yes. the menus now are compatible with the freedesktop spec00:11
PingJockyi must say that xubuntu 9.04 works great on my eeepc 100000:12
knomeartistxe, usually. but there is people who are experts on specific subjects. i strongly feel that those people should be team leaders and they should be listened and their opinion should be valued more than the others in disagreement situations00:13
knomePingJocky, nice to hear00:13
knomePingJocky, which kernel do you use?00:13
PingJockythe one that comes with it00:14
knomeright. does all the hardware work with it?00:14
PingJockyoh yeah!! there is some wireless goodness built in00:14
PingJockythis is what i have been looking for00:14
knomei heard that jaunty is supporting netbooks way better than intrepid did.00:14
knomethere would've been the array.org kernel for earlier ubuntu versions00:15
PingJockyoh yeah00:15
PingJockyi use to run the array.org kernel00:15
knomeright. i still run it under intrepid on my eepc, but i don't use the eepc much.00:15
PingJockyits my main computer00:16
knomed'oh :)00:16
evilbugwhere can i go to find a list of drivers for eeepc?00:16
PingJockywell, other then my work computer00:16
artistxeanyway . need to get back to work . later ppls00:16
PingJockylater artistxe00:16
knomeartistxe, was nice talking to you. see you later00:16
artistxeyou will00:16
artistxeand same. nice chatting00:16
knomeevilbug, what do you exactly need?00:17
evilbugi can't control system volume with the built-in media keys.00:17
knomeevilbug, which xubuntu version are you using?00:18
evilbugknome: 9.04 on an 1000he eeepc.00:18
knomeevilbug, there should be support for that, but you can try http://array.org/ubuntu/00:19
knomeevilbug, you can use the intrepid (8.10) kernel even on your jaunty (9.04) machine.00:19
djsI am using xubuntu 9.04, (still using the beta). I want to update since it was officially released, but before updating I want to make sure I have the right sources in my sources.list. This is what I have in my sources.list file deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty main universe restricted multiverse. Is this correct?00:20
knomedjs, looks correct.00:21
djsLast time I had some problems because I had the wrong sources, I'm just making sure. Thanks.00:21
kromaris there a flash plugin for the 64bit version?00:22
knomekromar, yes.00:22
kromarwhere do i find that?00:22
knomekromar, in synaptic search for flash00:22
kromarthere is only the flash plugin for firefox00:22
kromarand i dont use firefox00:23
kromaralso i tried that and it dindt work00:23
knomekromar, then i don't have an idea.00:23
kromaralsways told me the plugin was missing00:23
knomekromar, the flash plugin works for me with firefox00:23
djsknome, Do you know where I could find some official documentation showing what the sources.list should look like?00:23
knomedjs, the sources.list for ubuntu jaunty or in general?00:24
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories00:25
PingJockyif i screwed up my desktop settings, what ~/. folders do i need to remove to set it back to stock?00:25
JPohlmannPingJocky: How and what did you screw up?00:26
JPohlmannMaybe there's a way out of that without purging your entire home directory. ;)00:26
djsknome, I just want to make sure my system isn't going to blow up like last time. ;)00:26
PingJockyit isnt anything specific00:26
knomedjs, it looks correct. just update :P00:26
PingJockyi just want to purge my home folders00:26
djsubottu, I'll take a look at those links.00:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:27
djsknome, ok.00:27
JPohlmannPingJocky: It really depends what you want to remove. The config files are spread over your entire home directory.00:28
R1cochetis Gnomenu in xubuntu 9.00:29
R1cochetis Gnomenu in xubuntu 9.04 repos?00:29
zoredachePingJocky: if I where to guess, I would think I would start by renaming or removing your .config directory...00:29
satansauntis it normal for everything bar windows apps via wine to be quicker in xubuntu than in gnome?00:29
knomesatansaunt, if you have little ram, you will see performance difference, yes.00:30
JPohlmannzoredache: I wish applications would honor that directory ...00:30
knomesatansaunt, "little ram" is maybe <1GB00:31
satansaunti've got 1gb00:31
knomesatansaunt, depends also on which apps you are running simultaneously.00:31
satansaunti figured that00:31
* JPohlmann makes her explode with erotic fire! Err ...00:31
R1cochetanyone know?00:32
knomeJPohlmann, wrong channel?00:32
knomeR1cochet, didn't find it.00:32
R1cochetthank you00:32
JPohlmannknome: Just wanted to share the latest spam mail headline with you ;)00:32
R1cochetis there a link where i can view the new repos?00:32
knomeR1cochet, http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/00:32
knomeR1cochet, you can search on http://packages.ubuntu.com/00:33
evilbugso the only two things i don't have support for so far on my eee are sound card and wifi on/off toggle.00:33
satansauntis the 9.04 worth the 2 hour download and unpacking?00:33
knomeevilbug, did you try the array.org kernel?00:33
evilbugsatansaunt: just download the alternative via bittorrent and upgrade through a cd.00:33
knomesatansaunt, yes.00:33
evilbugknome: i haven't yet, no.00:34
knomeevilbug, with that kernel everything should work.00:34
R1cochetknome: thank you00:34
evilbugknome: is it that 9.04 doesn't support eee yet?00:35
evilbugknome: fully i mean.00:35
knomeevilbug, jaunty should support it natively better than the earlier ubuntu kernels.00:35
evilbugknome: alright.00:35
knomeevilbug, the array.org kernel repository is *not* official ubuntu repo00:35
PingJockygot it... ~/.config00:41
PingJockyah... thats better00:43
evilbugone more thing. when i start pidgin, the pidgin icont won't show up on the right side of the top panel as it usually should. any clues?01:10
R1cochetwont show at all?01:20
R1cochetwhen i start the icon is grayish untill it connects01:20
evilbugR1cochet: won't show at all.01:20
evilbugthe skype icon shows up though...01:20
evilbugR1cochet: also when i click the close button on the buddy list it quits out of pidgin instead of minimizing it to the tray.01:22
R1cochetthat might be an option setting01:22
R1cochethave u gone through the settings?01:22
evilbugR1cochet: figured it out, "show system tray: always". i was used to it being like that by default.01:26
R1cochetwill 9.04 play the audio to hd videos now?01:32
R1cocheton 8.10 the audio doesnt play on some hd videos i have01:32
meatcarhi guys. I was here yesterday trying to figure out why my new xfce wouldnt allow me to configure a second monitor. I have gnome running on the same laptop, and i get the external monitor working perfectly as an extension of my first one. Here's some info. http://pastebin.com/m5273cd06  I would really appreciate someone helping me out here, ive been beating my head against a wall for a week now.02:30
R1cochetgrfx driver?02:30
meatcari dont see why it would work with gnome but not with xfce tho.02:32
histomeatcar: what kind of video card do you have02:32
histomeatcar: intel chipset?02:32
meatcar01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500]02:33
meatcarare you saying I should reinstall the driver?02:33
MTec007how do i find out what /dev/ is my /media/NEW VOLUME folder? its a usb thumb drive02:51
ochosiMTec007, by using "mount"?02:55
MTec007its mounted, automatically when i plugged it in.02:55
ochosiMTec007, no, i'm talking about typing "mount" in a terminal and hitting enter02:56
ochosiMTec007, of if you like, type mount | grep "/media/NEW VOLUME"02:56
MTec007thank you02:58
ochosiMTec007, you're welcome02:58
DetroitLibertyI'm trying to share the printer thats plugged into my xubuntu system with my wife's vista machine, she can see the printer , but when I try tp connect/print it gives an error "ACCES DEINED, UNABLE TO CONNECT" any idea what I'm doing wrong?03:13
cody-somervilleDetroitLiberty, How are you trying to share the printer? And what version of Xubuntu are you using?03:20
anzohello room03:21
anzohello room03:22
meatcarhello roomer03:22
anzoI am stuck with a problem here03:22
cody-somervilleWhats the problem?03:22
anzoi have an old dell x200 and the cursor disappears when i adjust the brightness03:22
cody-somervilleThats certainly a weird problem03:23
meatcarchange cursor theme?03:23
cody-somervilleDoes it come back when you move your mouse?03:23
anzolol i wish03:23
anzoi changed cursor theme and size03:23
anzoit acts as if its slipped behind the screen03:23
meatcarare you changing the brightness of the screen? hardare ( with the buttons on the pc) or with some utility?03:24
anzoi can still click things and open menus but unless i switch from graphics view to text and back i have to restart to see cursor03:24
anzoi am using the fn +the down/up key03:24
anzoit acts like a video drive (or i suspect but i dont show and cant add a drive in xorg.conf03:25
DetroitLibertymy version is 8.10, within the printer settings, i right clicked it and under properties set it to shared03:25
anzoalso have tried Jaunty and reverted back to 8.1003:25
DetroitLibertycody-sommerville I have installed Samba, but am quite lost on how I"m supposed to configure it03:26
cody-somervilleDetroitLiberty, oh, with Samba.03:27
DetroitLibertycody-somerville, is there another option?03:27
anzodetroit what are you trying to do ? access a printer?03:27
cody-somervilleI was thinking you were sharing with cups but I forgot the other computer is Windows and not Linux03:28
anzoyah cups should work tho, just map to the ip. had to do it at work03:28
anzothey use a windows based server to manage all prints...03:28
cody-somervilleDetroitLiberty, Take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba03:29
DetroitLibertyhow do you map the IP?03:29
DetroitLibertybeen there most of the night03:29
anzohow is the printer setup? I am guessing its a usb printer attached to another pc?03:29
DetroitLibertyUSB printer attached to my LinuxBox03:29
DetroitLibertyvia CUPS03:30
DetroitLibertyand we're trying to print from the vista machine03:30
cody-somervilleDetroitLiberty, Take a look at that wiki page. It has detailed instructions on how to setup printer sharing using Samba03:30
anzoso no go for me? or is someone toiling away with pure excitement03:33
anzook guys a new issue has poped up it seems that the text in firefox is acting up as well... could it be a video memory issue?03:42
DetroitLibertyI haven't used firefox since the release of firefox 303:56
DetroitLibertycody-sommerville I'm trying it via SWAT now, lets hope it goes OK03:56
meatcaranzo, i would love to help, but i have no experience setting up printers, so i am  not much better off than you.03:57
anzolol i am not setting up printer03:58
anzoi tried to help detroit with his, as i messed around alot with mine but hes was a bit different03:58
anzoi am dealing with video issues on an intel 830m video card03:58
meatcaroh snap. heh. yea. i just read the last thing you said...03:58
anzoits all good, can you help with that ?03:59
meatcartry that04:00
R1cochetcan any1 recommend a good torrent client besides deluge or azerus?04:01
anzoits not a fix it just brings the cursor back, doesnt explain why it goes away04:01
DetroitLibertyR1chochet Opera has a really good one built into the browser04:01
anzoright now synaptic shows that i have xserver-xorg-video-intel installed however when i got to xorg.conf it doesnt show a driver04:02
R1cochetreally? ill check it out thank you04:02
R1cochetany others? deluge is lacking04:02
anzobit-torrent is what comes with linux and i found it great04:03
meatcarR1cochet, transmission works fine too. what do you need from it?04:03
R1cochetmore options, transmission was very simple. id like something like utorrent but native04:04
meatcaranzo, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5310261&postcount=17 <<<<<<<<<thats the one.04:05
R1cocheti liked deluge but it seemed to run slow and selecting dl location was messed04:05
meatcaryour best bet would be to google all the possible torrent clients ofr linux. and try each and every one.04:05
meatcarit'll be fun too. :P04:06
R1cochetdoing that :)04:06
R1cochetqtorrent looks nice04:06
meatcarpersonaly, i avoid using any qt in a gtk environment, or the other way around.04:06
meatcarwaste of resources.04:06
R1cochetok thanks for the heads up04:07
anzomeatcar, ok now here is the noob issue, when i do a sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.config i get an error04:07
meatcarif your pc is better than mine you can pull it off. pentium 404:07
meatcaranzo, if youre using xfce, you use sudo mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:08
DetroitLibertyhurray for the Pentium I that's why we run XFCE!04:08
R1cocheton amd64 440004:09
Anonanyone know of a small virus that wont do much damage to linux that i can test clam-AV with?04:11
anzoshit no go the mouse still went ghandi04:11
anzothere are only like 8 viruses out last time i read for linux....04:12
Anonill wiki it or something04:12
anzowiki it and you will see the 8 however, if someone took the time to write it04:12
anzoit is probably going to do some damage04:12
Anonyeah :/04:12
anzodo you have a repair disk?04:12
Anonoh yeah04:13
anzotry it on a newly formatted partition04:13
Anoni can allways reformat04:13
Anonok that might work04:13
anzocreate a new partition and then if it screws you delete partion04:13
anzoMeat do you think when i edit the xorg file i need to restart?04:15
meatcarheh. i thought you did that already04:15
meatcarjust log out/in04:15
anzoi mean the system i added the file and saved it04:16
meatcarwell ,actually restart04:16
zoredache_anzo: test weith eicar04:16
meatcarjust for fun04:16
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
anzowhats eicar?04:16
meatcarzoredache, eicar?04:16
anzoi switched to text view and back04:17
anzolol hey anon zoredache said test eicar04:17
R1cocheti think i know why i didnt care for deluge b404:18
zoredachewhoops, sorry..04:18
R1cocheti have the one from the repos which is
R1cochetthe latest is 1.1.704:19
anzohey meat, do you think the text switch will be enough, or should i log?04:19
zoredacheI have a copy of stoned on a 5.25 floppy in a box somewhere04:19
anzoi used to get stoned :P04:19
R1cocheti still do04:20
meatcarummm. don't mix smoke and sudo. do whatever you want. play around. I'm not sure myself.04:21
anzoLol dont mix smoke and sudo would make an awesome shit04:22
meatcarhmm... i should make that.04:23
meatcardont drink and sudo.....04:23
anzoonly use linux nerds would get it04:23
anzohey all isnt there a command for xorg restart?04:24
meatcaryea. ctrl+alt+backspace.04:24
anzoshould i do that in text mode or gui?04:24
meatcaror something like restart-xserver04:25
meatcari dunno04:25
anzowell that would helps tons in testing this i think....04:26
anzothe ctrl+alt+bkspace restarts gnome04:29
meatcaroooh... just log out then.04:29
meatcaryou wouldve been done by now.04:29
anzolol but then i have to reaccess this04:30
anzosudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart && exit04:30
anzodoes that look right?04:30
meatcari dunno. try.04:31
anzolol what a knowledge base04:31
R1cochethow do i remove a package and all the non-required dependencies?04:31
R1cochetwant to get rid of old deluge04:31
anzopurge i think04:32
meatcarsudo apt-get purge [package], and then sudo apt-get autoremove04:32
anzoWOOT meat drops the info04:32
R1cochetE: Couldn't find package Deluge04:33
R1cochetinteresting cuz im looking right at it04:33
meatcarits probably deluge-xxxx.xx.x.x..xxx04:33
meatcartry using synaptic04:33
meatcaralso, watch your cases.04:34
R1cochethad to add -torrent to end04:36
meatcaranzo, any luck?04:40
anzoi havent done anything but done the text and back view04:40
R1cochetok i have a deb package and it says it requires the installation of 9 packages04:41
meatcarok. install them.04:41
R1cochetok so will this deb have them or do i need to get them myself?04:42
meatcartry to install it. if it errors out, you need t oget them yourself because they werent in the repositories. I think thats how it works.04:43
anzowell meat the code i gave you restarts but it said gnome04:43
R1cochetits downloading them04:43
meatcaranzo, does your cursor stay now?04:45
anzoi found a few xedits tho04:45
anzoso trying the one you gave me04:45
asiksI have a 30 gig HD. I think I want to partition the drive so the /home folder is by itself (I believe then I can preserve it for the next upgrade).  How much space should I allocate to what?  Xubuntu 9.0404:45
meatcarR1cochet, no problem.04:45
asiks(If i am wrong about how that would work, that'd be good to know)04:46
princeduganhow would I go about getting my Intel Corporation 82852/855GM card to output S-Video ? It doesn't show as an option in xrandr -q04:47
anzowholly crap meat if you were near me i would buy you a beer (providing your 21+)04:48
meatcarsorry, no beer for me then. not even in canada. XD04:48
R1cochetud be fine in mexico04:49
anzolol maybe in canada04:49
anzohow old u b?04:49
meatcarasiks, what do you plan for the home partition.04:49
meatcaranzo, 17.04:49
asiksit's for my dad. he mostly listens to music and plays chess and sudoku04:49
anzolol Illegal Illegal04:49
meatcarasiks, do you wish to use it to keep music, videos, etc.? or is all that on a separate drive?04:50
asiksto keep the music and stuff.  There's only one HD04:50
meatcar20 for home should be fine. maybe even more. my filesystem takes up 9g. but thats with gnome and xfce.04:52
anzohey meatcar man there is a fourm on ubuntufourms.org that was asking the same question i was but it wasnt solved. U should be there hero too04:53
asiksso if i partition 9 gigs as mount point / and the rest as /home, i should be ok?04:53
=== crauser is now known as forces
asiksplus the swap04:53
meatcaryea, you should be fine.04:53
anzoAsiks, i did 20 gigs on my dual boot and then saved my music on the windows side and opened it with vlc04:53
meatcarif anything, you can repartition later04:54
anzobut i will be honest the open source audio files tend to be better just less supported04:55
meatcaranzo, if you can be their hero that would be awsome. I need to get some sleep. ttyl guys. glad I could help. :D princedugan try to google your card # and your problem. plenty of help. also, try plain simple xrandr. no args.04:56
murlidhar!info xfce4-mcs-manager05:00
ubottuPackage xfce4-mcs-manager does not exist in jaunty05:00
princeduganyes, google produces much information on the subject. With solutions like "get an Nvidia card", "just edit your xorg",  "just change the driver". I'm not skilled enough to follow most of those instructions. The ones I did follow changed nothing05:01
murlidharis there any other pakage that replaces this ?05:01
murlidharwe had this in ibex and former distros versions but not in jaunty anymore :(05:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xfconf05:06
pteagueget an nvidia card seems to be the best suggestion05:06
murlidhar!info xfconf05:06
ubottuxfconf (source: xfconf): utilities for managing settings in Xfce. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.6.0-1~ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 81 kB, installed size 492 kB05:06
murlidhari guess it has been renamed to this05:07
murlidharla la la laaa la05:11
murlidhartake cares all05:11
murlidhargod bless you all05:12
geniiCheerful-seeming fellow05:17
asiksDoes anyone else have trouble with VLC not saving preferences?05:24
anzoi dont do much with vlc05:28
asikswhat program do you use for playing music?05:29
asiksi kind of can't stand itunes like things05:29
anzoDepends on the system05:29
anzousually just default05:29
anzowhat is the music extension?05:29
asiksi have mostly mp3, a handful of mp3, and some ogg05:29
anzoogg smokes mp305:29
anzoyou should download audacity and have it convert your mp3s to ogg05:30
asiksi could. can audacity do that in bulk?05:30
anzoif you want to use mp3 then vlc is one of the only options05:30
anzoyou know what i dont knwo let me see05:31
anzoi have 2 pcs up05:31
anzowow you can take it and click open select your tracks and it will just keep launching audacitys to meet the track requirements05:33
anzoi am up to 1205:33
anzodoesnt seem like it would be fun05:33
anzobut a track takes about 30 secs to export05:34
anzocheck this out05:36
R1cochetLaughing My Ass Off i thought that was all 1 person talking05:38
asiksogg is generally a bit smaller in file size than mp3, yeah?05:41
anzodoes any one know how to reduce the demand xubuntu and afce puts on your video memory, as i dont have much05:41
anzoyah, ogg is better quaility (if ripping from cd) and smaller in size05:41
ZeZuwhile this is true, what would be the point of converting mp3 to ogg ?05:44
asiksother than ideological?05:45
asiksprobably better quality for the space it uses05:46
* genii decides on FLAC instead05:47
* asiks points at the 30 gig HD behind him05:48
asiksI'd like more than one album, please! haha05:48
ipressthebuttonsdoo doo doo.05:49
anzodoes anyone know how to add a certain amount of video memory to xorg.config?05:50
pteaguegoogle xorg.conf video ram ?05:52
pteaguei had to at 1 point, but i don't remember what i needed to add & it's not in my xorg.conf anymore05:53
anzoi have but i just get the generic answer of you can do it but why...05:54
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
asiksHm.  newbie question about how packages and applications work with regard to multiple.  I have one account that's got administrative rights and can sudo stuff.  I was going to make another one that's just a regular user for my dad, because he is likely to accidentally break something if he can.  If I add something with add/remove programs with the admin account, is that going to be there for the user-only account?06:06
geniiasiks: It will be available to all06:06
ipressthebuttonsmy question's in the link I posted =D06:07
asiksgenii: Cool. Thanks.  Is there a way to make a program only available to some users?  I don't know why I would need that, but hypothetically.06:07
geniiasiks: I've never needed to do it, so don't know offhand06:10
zoredacheasiks: not easily...  but it would possible using filesystem permissions in weird unsupported ways06:10
asiksOk.  I probably won't need to do that.  Thanks.06:11
asikshuh.  why is the applications menu stuck as if i clicked on it?06:13
asiksnevermind.  thing was just bein' weird.06:13
asikshm. xubuntu 9.04 seems slower than 8.  Did the system requirements go up, or maybe partioning was a bad idea?06:18
asiksthat is making a separate partition for /home and /06:18
zoredachehaving seperate partitions probably shouldn't make any difference...06:19
asiksi wouldn't think so. but it's something i changed, so i thought maybe06:19
asikswonder why it seems more sluggish06:25
ZeZulikely configuration06:28
ZeZu<asiks> probably better quality for the space it uses06:28
ZeZu^^ well its not going to regain its quality after its already been introduced to the artifacts from mp306:29
asiksare there things turned on by default in 9 that I can turn off to improve performance?06:29
ZeZudecoding and recoding will only make it worse unless your using a lossless format, and then its going to be the same quality as the mp3 just larger06:29
ZeZuasiks,  there are various guides to speeding things up in ubuntu,  try google for them06:30
ZeZudid you change the size of your swap mem ?06:30
asiksswap is ~700mb, physical memory is 25606:32
ZeZumemory is definitely an issue then,  reduce memory footprint, disable unneeded services / daemons,  anything else that might affect it .. swapping out from disk is definitely expensive06:38
asiksthing says it's not using 100% memory. cpu usage is pretty high06:39
asiks~65% physical memory in use, ~80-90% cpu.  downloading xubuntu-restricted package, though06:39
ZeZuits probably decompressing a file06:43
ZeZuanyhow after reading through a few guides i found a few tricks06:43
ZeZui'm out06:43
noaXesswhat can i use to remotly access my xfce desktop? display 0?07:34
zoredachenoaXess: x11vnc07:39
noaXesszoredache: ok.. try it.. thanks07:40
noaXesszoredache: some tipps for starting it, which default options?07:41
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX07:46
_Pete_noaXess: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC?action=show&redirect=VNCOverSSH#x11vnc07:46
noaXess_Pete_: thanks07:48
SiDi!info notify-os09:49
ubottuPackage notify-os does not exist in jaunty09:49
SiDi!info notify-osd09:49
ubottunotify-osd (source: notify-osd): daemon that displays passive pop-up notifications. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.11-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 142 kB, installed size 780 kB09:49
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
_Pete_I have problem when running conky: it draws and desktop icons dissappears11:44
_Pete_when you move mouse over icons they got redrawn11:44
SiDiplease report a bug11:46
lukinfore_Pete_, try another window type11:46
lukinforeoverride works for me11:47
_Pete_you mean conky option?11:47
_Pete_ok thanks11:47
SiDilukinfore: i dont use conky, but if the default setting didnt work for you, and you had to tweak something in order to get it to work properly, please report a bug so we can see if we can change the default settings of the app for xubuntu11:48
SiDiI think it's doable (hopefully a dev can confirm :p)11:49
_Pete_SiDi: it has no default settings11:49
lukinforewell it seems to be a known bug11:49
_Pete_you need to create .conkyrc yourself anyway11:49
SiDiAh whatever then :P11:49
_Pete_I would rather use gkrellm11:50
_Pete_but after some update it's screwed :(11:50
lukinforelike this11:51
_Pete_lukinfore: that works, thankls11:52
_Pete_you have cool lookin conky?11:52
lukinforeenough cool for me11:53
matthollyhello i have a problem i was wondering if any one could help me11:59
SiDilukinfore, _Pete_ can you please report a bug against conky asking for a default sample config file ?11:59
SiDiThis way it should be managed in time for karmic12:00
SiDimattholly: feel free to ask12:00
matthollywhen i open a media file off of an external HD it opens the correct program and then shuts after seconds12:00
matthollyi have updated to 9 and apply all updates12:01
_Pete_SiDi: how did you report bug again?12:01
matthollyit worked prior to me doing an update and i installed a codec that it found for m4a files12:02
SiDigo to bugs.launchpad.net and search for conky12:02
SiDiIn the description, put something like "Feature request : please provide sample config files for ubuntu/xubuntu"12:03
SiDiis any of you under 8.10 ?12:07
SiDior both jaunty ?12:07
lukinforeSiDi, there is default config, that works12:07
lukinforeit just looks veeery ugly12:07
SiDidont report anything then _Pete_ ^^12:07
lukinforejaunty here12:07
SiDii'll just update the wikis i can find12:07
SiDiif you guys know of a wiki/howto for conky that doesnt specify this setting should be set for jaunty, please update it12:08
_Pete_SiDi: actually I was wrong12:09
_Pete_there's config included12:09
_Pete_and it has options lukinfore suggested12:10
lukinforedefault? /etc/conky/conky.conf?12:11
lukinforeas for me there isn't override window type12:13
_Pete_it have12:13
_Pete_own_window yes12:13
_Pete_own_window_class Conky12:13
_Pete_own_window_type normal12:13
lukinforeit just more workaround, dirty, than a solution12:14
SiDiso window_type should be override by default for good behaviour under xubuntu ?12:15
_Pete_default config opens own window12:16
_Pete_I'm not sure if this is a bug or not12:16
lukinforeSiDi, s/good behavior/nice look/ + 'own_window_transparent yes'12:17
SiDiif its about nice look its not worth a bug report ^^12:18
_Pete_more like thing to mention in docs12:18
_Pete_but who reads those anyway :)12:18
lukinforemaybe better to include config with such options as example12:19
Dillizar9.04 doesnt want to boot on 128 ram will 8.10 do??13:03
Aisonhello, is xubuntu i386 install CD broken? I allways get SQASHFS errors13:03
knomeDillizar, it is possible but i'd suggest trying even older version13:04
Dillizarknome,  but they said it was a problem with the 9.0413:05
Dillizara lot of ppls had the same problem13:05
Dillizareven with 196 ram13:05
knomeDillizar, you might experience the same problem with 8.10 also13:05
Dillizari even have the alternative version13:06
knomeDillizar, 128 RAM is *very little* taking into account that we are in 200913:06
Dillizarand that my laptop is 10 years old13:06
knomeyes - 10 years old operating systems work with it fine13:06
knomebut these xubuntu systems are not 10 years old13:06
Dillizardream linux works13:07
Dillizarand its xfce13:07
knomexubuntu has additional stuff which makes it easier to use13:07
Dillizarbut its good13:07
Dillizar i like it13:08
Dillizari have it on my desktop and its not so bad13:08
knomebut there has to be some minimum requirements13:08
Dillizarexcept when i star the effects i cant watch movies dunno why13:08
knomeif you have little amount of ram in your desktop also, that might be the reason13:08
knomeor then you don't have the codecs installed13:08
Dillizarknome, but if i can play the movie means i have the codecs13:09
knomeDillizar, and enough ram to play them.13:09
knomethen the videos should work with no problem.13:10
Dillizarthey work its ok but when i enable the compositor they stop to work and i see only a black window13:11
SiDiAison: its been tested hundreds of times by charlie-tca. What error do you get and when please ?13:11
knomeDillizar, that sounds like a compositor problem13:11
AisonSiDi, I get tons of SQUASHFS error: Unable to read page, block ***, size ***13:12
Dillizarknome, but i didnt installed the nvidia drivers yet and i am scared to install them cuz they can f*** up my display13:12
SiDiDillizar: did you activate your GPU drivers ?13:12
SiDiAison: sounds like your CD's badly burnt13:12
SiDidid you check it was well burnt ?13:12
DillizarAison,  and speed13:12
SiDiDillizar: all my machines run nvidia drivers and it works perfectly.13:12
SiDi(much better than under another os i wont name :p)13:13
AisonSiDi, Dillizar I burned it 3 times now, I downloaded the image two times, I tested the md5 code, etc....13:13
Dillizarbut i have 173 and they are not so good13:13
Aisoneverything looks fine13:13
AisonI even changed my CD Drive13:13
DillizarAison,  and your cpu and ram are??13:14
SiDiAison: hm, what hardware do you have on the PC you're trying to install in ?13:14
Dillizartry the alternative cd13:14
AisonDillizar, SiDi, it's some older Celeron with 1gb ram13:14
SiDiAnd does the CD rom work fine under a virtual machine ?13:14
SiDiAison: i suggest you report a bug, in which you write down the exact error you're having, and specifying all your hardware. It's likely an hardware incompatibility.13:16
AisonSiDi, I have to test that13:17
Aisonmaybe I can test it on my amd64 also13:17
SiDiIt'd be nice13:17
SiDiIt's probably something wrong between the motherboard and jaunty livecd's kernel if the cd works on another pc13:17
DillizarAison, its from the official web site right13:19
hideoWhere should I check to find the options for mounting CIFS?13:19
DillizarAison, try the alternative cd13:22
=== keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx
DillizarAison,  but it takes a long time to install it dunno why the older versions were faster to install but slower on boot:P13:23
=== freego is now known as forces
demon_!info engage14:57
ubottuPackage engage does not exist in jaunty14:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about engage14:57
moblindoes anyone else feel that xubuntu has gotten a bit bloated in recent versions?15:01
demon_where can i find /trash15:10
gabkdllydemon_:  ~/.local/share/Trash/ I believe15:14
demon_its not there15:14
gabkdllydemon_: you  might want to use thunar though to clear it15:14
gabkdllydemon_: oh, then I don't know15:14
demon_in share i have applications15:15
gabkdllydemon_: you could try running: cd; find -name '*rash*'15:20
gabkdllyor: cd; find -name 'Trash'15:20
gabkdllydemon_: perhaps the XFCE gods have changed the setup recently ;)15:21
J_Litewskii got a job! :)15:23
J_Litewskii'm a dish washer for 7.5015:23
J_Litewskiand hour15:23
J_Litewskigha, it's too early15:23
durthey folks, I knocked my mouse out of it's socket, proceeded to shut down with keyboard short cuts, ALT-F4 etc. and killed off whatever takes care of window decorations! Upon reboot I have no close, minimize, maximize buttons. What do I need to re-start?15:26
J_Litewskidurt, you running xubuntu?15:26
durtof course!15:26
J_Litewskialt+f2, xfwm415:26
durtallright I'll give it a try15:26
durtJ_Litewski, thnks that did the trick15:26
J_Litewskinp, it did it to me too15:26
durtoh was it an update issue?15:27
J_Litewskiidk, i shut down one day and the window manager refused to work15:27
J_LitewskiSiDi, is the xfce4-mixer installed by defualt?15:43
natjoIs there a way to stop xubuntu from reseting my screen resolution back to 1024x768 when I turn my computer on after I've already set it at 1152x864?15:54
SiDinatjo: What graphics card ?15:55
SiDiMost likely you didn't activate your drivers for the graphics card.15:55
natjoit is just an integrated card nothing special15:56
CarlisI want to install Xubuntu in PC.15:56
CarlisI have created bootable Live USB drives.15:56
CarlisI restart the PC with the flash memory inserted and15:57
CarlisI have three options to choose: 1.Default. 2.Help. 3. oem=OEM.15:57
CarlisI choose Default option and then I choose Install incon in the desktop.15:57
Carlisand I receive an error message.15:57
CarlisThe error message is: Sorry the program "ubiquity" closed unexpectedly.15:58
CarlisHow do i fix this issue ?15:58
BSEnatjo: it is probably quite important :D15:58
CarlisThanks for helping me.15:58
cody-somervilleCarlis, Please see #ubuntu-installer15:58
BSE!hi | charlie-tca15:58
ubottucharlie-tca: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!15:58
charlie-tcaGood Morning15:59
SiDihiya charlie-tca16:00
charlie-tcaGood Morning, SiDi16:00
SiDiWhat's up charlie ?16:01
CarlisHow do i go to # ubuntu-installer ?16:03
CarlisI am new here16:03
CarlisI already understood16:03
charlie-tcaCarlis: which client are you using? Is it XChat, pidgin, ??16:04
charlie-tcaHow did you get to #xubuntu?16:04
charlie-tcaSiDi: Not so much happening, I hope16:06
SiDiCarlis: /join #ubuntu-installer16:08
SiDiwithout any space between # and u16:08
charlie-tcaLooks like he did already16:08
SiDiThere's a guy asking for help to install windows on #ubuntu, he got this problem : http://www.roleplay.pl/HPIM5133.JPG16:10
Carliscody-somerville there is not anybody in #ubuntu-installer16:10
cody-somervilleCarlis, Be patient16:10
charlie-tcaIf he is installing windows, he should install it, then install Ubuntu. The disk is not formatted NTFS, maybe?16:11
CarlisI got to xubuntu with this link http://www.mibbit.com/chat/?server=irc.freenode.net&channel=%23xubuntu16:12
Carliswho can help me16:13
charlie-tcanever mind, you got to #ubuntu-installer already16:13
charlie-tcaAll the people on IRC are volunteers, so you just need to be patient. Many are working their regular jobs and will help when they can.16:14
CarlisI am going to #ubuntu-installer again16:14
SiDicharlie-tca: dunno, i think the guy is just confused about the notion of Ubuntu support. He should try #windows16:15
charlie-tcaThat might be too.16:16
SiDiHe probably bought a pc shipped with ubuntu and dont wanna bother to try it :)16:16
charlie-tcaMany times, they have windows on it, install Ubuntu, then have to reinstall windows because it has been replaced16:17
SiDiany bash guru around ? :D16:24
CarlisHow long do i have to wait to get help in #ubuntu-installer ??16:24
SiDiCarlis: as written in their topic : http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installer/FAQ | Development of d-i and ubiquity in Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installer/Development | If nobody answers, try ubuntu-installer@lists.ubuntu.com16:25
CarlisThank you SiDi16:26
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
natjois it cool if i re-ask my question?16:35
natjoIs there a way to stop xubuntu from reseting my screen resolution back to 1024x768 when I turn my computer on after I've already set it at 1152x864?16:36
charlie-tcaEdit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add it there, the way it used to be done.16:36
SiDinatjo: Applications -> System -> Drivers of peripherals16:37
charlie-tcaxorg.conf is used if you manually add to it16:37
SiDiPlease check that your drivers are "activated", if there are any listed16:37
natjoalright give me a minute16:37
natjookay what do i add to xorg.conf16:40
charlie-tcaYou will need to google for an example, add modes16:41
natjoSiDi, and also hardware drivers show nothing16:42
SiDinatjo: don't know then. I don't know anything about intel cards :/16:44
charlie-tcanatjo: here is a sample xorg.conf; do NOT use it just by copy and paste. It will break things.16:45
natjowell at least i'm put on the right path thanks16:45
charlie-tcaThat's what I was hoping. I don't know all the answers, but maybe can give a little bit of help.16:46
charlie-tca!hi | ivar17:08
ubottuivar: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!17:08
ivari have a minor problem with mobility x1600 intallation. care to help? :P17:09
charlie-tcaI don't know if I can, since I don't know the problem17:09
ivar:) just installing the drivers..17:09
charlie-tcaThey normally install as part of the installation.17:09
ivardon't really know terminal that well yet17:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:09
RattyHey, does anyone know how to get the default Applications menu back up after the 9.04 upgrade? There used to be a setting under Settings Manager -> Desktop -> Behavior -> ....17:30
ochosiRatty, hmm, after a clean install it's there (haven't tried the upgrade yet)17:33
charlie-tcaRatty: you have no menu?17:33
Rattyochosi: Oh really... Only have the following after going to Desktop -> Menu ... And two options under "Desktop Menu"17:34
charlie-tcaRatty: The options have been changed with the upgrade to Xfce 4.617:35
Rattycharlie-tca: I have a menu, but I want the old menu back ... Where you click Applications and sha bang there is the menu...17:35
ochosiRatty, i'm not sure i fully understand that yet. are you talking about the system menu or the desktop settings dialogue?17:35
charlie-tcaRatty: That is what you should have...17:35
ochosiRatty, ah, are you talking about right-click behaviour on the desktop?17:36
Rattyochosi: Yeah17:36
ochosiRatty, i see. yeah, that only works if you disable icons on the desktop17:36
Rattyochosi: I want right click to just show me my Applications17:36
ochosiRatty, already had a long discussion today on #xfce with a guy with just the same complaint17:36
Rattyochosi: Oh thanks, much better17:37
ochosiRatty, but the combination is impossible (at the moment) unfortunately17:37
RattyI saw that answer somewhere else, but must of applied it wrong17:37
charlie-tcaright-click on the desktop, left-click Desktop properties, left-click menus,17:37
Rattyochosi: Thanks, icons on the desktop aren;t need anyway17:38
charlie-tcasorry, Desktop Settings, left-click menus, Click on SHow application menu on desktop right click17:38
ochosiRatty, yeah, some people really want both...17:38
Rattyochosi: Yeah I expected the least, but for me thankfully not. lol17:38
charlie-tcaApplications will then be the bottom entry17:38
Rattycharlie-tca: Yeah I got it working, thanks.17:39
charlie-tcaYou are welcome17:39
Gast_337_Hey guck mal auf dieser Seite kann man die schülerVZ profile von anderen Leuten ändern, deren nachrichten lesen und fake nachrichten verschicken und damit leute verarschen. Der Link: http://schuelervzspy.com/?d=cc2ae9a68375ed1a0b49161aedef4c2419:14
Gast_337_Hey guck mal auf dieser Seite kann man die schülerVZ profile von anderen Leuten ändern, deren nachrichten lesen und fake nachrichten verschicken und damit leute verarschen. Der Link: http://schuelervzspy.com/?d=cc2ae9a68375ed1a0b49161aedef4c2419:14
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:15
shadeslayerhi can i run a composting manager in xfce?19:21
charlie-tcaApplications -> Settings -> Window Manager Tweaks, last tab19:22
shadeslayeri tried compiz from a terminal and i lost my alt+F2 functionality19:22
Slonkiehmm my "others" menu dissapeard in "Applications" is there anyway to get it back, besides logging out and logging in again?19:48
knomeSlonkie, did it disappear after an update?19:49
Slonkieyes i think so. (not sure tho, but there was an update earlier)19:50
knomethen it's because the update.19:50
knomei don't have the other menu either.19:50
Slonkieso.. no way to turn it on again?20:00
knomesuppose there is, but not at least an easy way20:02
charlie-tcaWhat was in it that you need? Most items went to other places in the menu20:03
Slonkie1. their not anywhere else in my menus. 2. it's just annoying to loose the menu20:05
charlie-tcaLast time I had "Other", it was all the screensavers20:05
charlie-tcaThey moved to Applications -> Settings -> Screensaver20:06
charlie-tcawhich is much better, because you can actually set them, now20:06
xiaolindraconishas anyone had the problem with desktop icon text disappearing after enabling compositor20:06
SlonkieWell. it's not sceensavers i've got in there. it's mostly wine applications20:06
BSEI have other - wine apps20:07
charlie-tcaAh, Slonkie . Didn't they move to System?20:07
BSEbut it never disappeared, still intact20:07
charlie-tcaBSE: 9.04?20:07
charlie-tcaSlonkie: Can you file a bug on that? They should not have disappeared completely.20:08
BSEyeah, 8.10->9.0420:08
Datahellhi, do i get that right: xubuntu is like ubuntu just with xfce? is there any other difference? can i choose at installation what programs to install? and what's with administration tools?20:08
Slonkiecharlie-tca, i have no idea how to file a bug :/20:09
charlie-tcaThe other differences are withing Xfce vs Gnome20:09
BSEoh... when I tried to install StatSoft Statistica, it cleared whole "other" but it came back after reboot20:09
charlie-tcaSlonkie: Pretty much a walk through after logging in to launchpad. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu20:09
charlie-tcaDatahell: You can choose minimal install, and then decide what to install. Admin tools such as ?20:10
Datahellis xen also integrated in xubuntu by default?20:10
charlie-tcaXen is not20:10
xiaolindraconiscan someone tell me how to make desktop icon text reappear?20:10
xiaolindraconisi enabled compiz now my icons text is transparent20:11
charlie-tcaxiaolindraconis: only the text when away? Sometimes just moving the cursor back and forth over it brings it back. Other times, you click that folder on the bottom panel20:11
charlie-tcato redraw the desktop. (Over in the far left corner20:11
xiaolindraconismoving cursor doesnt bring it back20:12
xiaolindraconisi tried F5 to redraw desktop20:12
xiaolindraconisif i click an icon i see the text for less than a second then its gone again20:13
charlie-tcaThere is a setting to make it opaque again. I don't use compiz, myself.20:14
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion20:14
M-a-r-kWhat's the point of an MPD client you can't add tracks to?20:17
M-a-r-kxfmpc, in case you were wondering20:18
M-a-r-kWhy isn't there a sodding right click menu?20:20
M-a-r-kOr even any useful menu at all?20:20
M-a-r-kWhat kind of idiot releases unfinished software?20:20
charlie-tcanone, M-a-r-k20:20
M-a-r-kWell, someone did because this is b-r-o-k-e-n20:21
charlie-tcaWith the upgrade to 4.6.0, things changed20:21
charlie-tcait is not broken just because you can't find the menu you want20:21
M-a-r-kThen where is it?20:22
M-a-r-kIs it in a different application?20:22
charlie-tcaDesktop Settings, left-click menus, Click on SHow application menu on desktop right click20:22
M-a-r-kI want the menu for xfmpc20:22
charlie-tcaWhere did you get it?20:23
M-a-r-kThe repository20:23
M-a-r-kIt's an MPD client for xfce20:23
charlie-tcaPerhaps it doesn't have one? I don't know for sure, since I don't use it.20:24
M-a-r-kThat's what I've been saying20:24
M-a-r-kSo it's obviously broken20:24
charlie-tcaTry asking in #xfce, instead of in #xubuntu.20:24
M-a-r-kWhere's that?20:25
charlie-tca#xfce on irc.freenode.net20:26
DavidDuckslammerhello - is this a place to ask support questions?20:28
gabkdllyDavidDuckslammer: yes20:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:29
realloveit's a place tu support asked questions20:29
DavidDuckslammeri am new here :) i have installed xubuntu on a flashdrive per http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-xubuntu-904-persistent-install-windows/#more-1564 - it comes up and runs but when I quit (by halt or reboot) it doesn't save changed or created files20:30
charlie-tcaMaybe you have to eject/unmount the drive? I don't know for sure, but it is possible that eject instead of shutdown will work.20:32
DavidDuckslammeri've read the appropriate rc6.d file that should handle it - i'll admit i didn't try to run it in debug mode - but halt and reboot both perform an init 6 so it should work20:33
xiaolindraconisok i didnt find the answer in compiz settings but i did find a work around by playing with desktop settings... i just enabled the  RGB setting for LCD screens.. even tho i have a CRT.. but at least i can see the text now20:35
charlie-tcaxiaolindraconis: great. Thanks for letting us know, too.20:36
pteagueis there a weather app for the panel?20:52
xiaolindraconisor at least a way to use the gnome apps in panel?20:53
charlie-tcapteague: yes, it is called Weather Update.20:53
charlie-tcaxiaolindraconis: yes, there is a converter to use gnome apps in the Xfce panel, also20:53
DavidDuckslammerseond problem: can't get wifi to work - i was following directions in http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch13_:_Linux_Wireless_Networking which calls for modifying /etc/network/interfaces and creating /etc/wpa_supplicant - then I reboot (and those files went up in smoke).  I put the files back and merely changed run levels, and iwconfig still showed my wifi unconfigured.  then I entered the values by hand, except iwc20:55
pteaguecool, even has 5 day forecast...  thanks charlie-tca :)20:55
charlie-tcayw, pteague20:55
DavidDuckslammerdoes anyone know how to configure a wifi manually?21:06
DavidDuckslammeri'm happy with a RTFM response so long as you point me to the FM21:06
charlie-tcaIs your wireless adapter detected?21:07
charlie-tcaclick on the network-manager-applet in the top panel, it should show wireless connections available.21:07
charlie-tcaSide effect - You won't be able to connect wireless if wired is connected21:08
DavidDuckslammeri have no wired - and i'm running a stripped down thumbdrive install, i don't recall seeing network-manage applet21:08
charlie-tcasudo apt-get install network-manager-applet21:09
DavidDuckslammercatch-22 my friend21:09
DavidDuckslammeri don't have a wire21:09
DavidDuckslammerso, how do i configure from the command line?21:10
charlie-tcaIt is easier to do without the wired connection.21:10
charlie-tcaOuch! I can't do it from command line. NEXT helper, please...21:11
charlie-tcaI haven't done a command wireless connection in three years. and then it was a real pain.21:12
DavidDuckslammeriwconfig manages some of the values, but there is more to it21:15
pteaguei made some changes to my wireless after gnome set it up... on hardy...  i installed intrepid & it jacked up the ndiswrapper (seems to have uninstalled it) and removed all of my config lines except the initial stating it does exist... so it will list that i'm connected via wireless (avahi), but can't do jack with it21:15
pteague& unfortunately because it stripped my modifications i can't help with the manual config either :(21:15
DavidDuckslammerthis is where the old sysadmin in me wants to lecture about over reliance on the gui to the exclusion of understanding what's under the hood :-))))21:16
charlie-tcaYeah, but back when I did install from the command line, it included downloading and installing ndiswrapper, modprobe the card, etc21:17
pteaguethe manual settings i made in /etc/network/interfaces i got from googling21:17
charlie-tcaman interface didn't work?21:17
charlie-tcaor man iwconfig21:18
DavidDuckslammerlooks like the answer is in iwconfig and wpa_supplicant21:36
sayyestolifegood afternoon21:37
charlie-tca!hi | sayyestolife21:37
ubottusayyestolife: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!21:37
sayyestolifeI'm having a bit trouble installing xubuntu. I tried installing with unetbootin21:37
sayyestolifeand everything is fine until the part where you need to reboot21:37
DavidDuckslammerok next question: how do i tell the system to re-read the /etc/network/interfaces file?21:38
sayyestolifeWhen I reboot I don't get to choose any unetbootin option and the usual system boots. I believe the problem is that there is already an OS on the computer21:38
DavidDuckslammeris there a script to run, or can i do it by changing run levels?21:38
charlie-tcaDavidDuckslammer: /etc/init.d/networking restart21:38
DavidDuckslammeraha! thank you!21:38
sayyestolifethe OS is actually an old version of fedora21:38
sayyestolifeIs there a way to 'fix' this so I can boot the unetbootin?21:39
charlie-tcasayyestolife: install GRUB21:39
sayyestolifecharlie-tca that is already installed in with the old fedora I believe21:40
DavidDuckslammersayyestolife: are you trying to dual boot, or just replace the one with the other?21:40
charlie-tcaIt sounds like it got skipped,21:40
charlie-tcaIf it is in the old OS, it is not seeing the new installation. You either have to reinstall it or update it21:40
sayyestolifeDavidDuckslammer not sure really, I'd like to replace the fedora with xubuntu21:40
sayyestolifecharlie-tca update what?21:40
charlie-tcaGrub installed with an old OS does not see a new install21:41
psychiccan some one  tell me how to check the burn speed capability of my cd drive?21:44
DavidDuckslammercharlie-tca: if you are interested, man 8 wpa-supplicant and man 5 wpa-supplicant apparently tell all - it is potentially complex but that depends expecially on the adapter and the method of encryption - wps-psk does not appear to be terribly complicated - gonna go try it now21:52
charlie-tcaGood luck, and thanks for the iformation21:53
romanhello everybody. can somebody tell why sudo command doesn't work for me? i try to change the GRUB menu.lst but it says "write error"22:14
zoredachewhat is the exact command?22:14
romani tried "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"22:15
romani think gedit isn't correct22:15
charlie-tcagksu mousepad /boot/grub/menu.lst22:21
zoredachetry sudo mousepad filename22:21
octoroksHello, when i go to "Hardware drivers" and click activate on the driver of choice and hangs at 0%.22:31
octoroksAnyone know what the problem is?22:33
n2diywhen I load a music cd Totem movie player opens?22:35
evilbugi got my grandpa rollin' on an eee with xubuntu 9.04 :D22:41
charlie-tcan2diy: is that a question? If so, the answer is "yes"22:47
Moodanyone use the new xfce print screen function yet?22:57
Moodit seems buggy to me, specifically regarding the non-clearing out of keystrokes after an instance. if you hold down the print screen button for 5 seconds before releasing, you'll see what i mean. seems serious to me22:58
Moodit nearly brought down my entire system. i had to ssh from another machine and individually kill -9 all the screen print processes22:59
carlisHow do i fix the issue with ubiquity in xubuntu ?23:00
Moodwhat issue23:01
SiDicarlis: did you send that email ?23:01
charlie-tcaWhy would you want all those screen prints, Mood23:01
Moodi don't. i just held the button down for a little longer than usual. but it seems like a bug with screen grab, no?23:02
carlisare they going to answer me ?23:02
SiDiit's related to ubiquity, the tool is the same in u/xu/kubuntu, we can't help you on this, but the guys on this mailing lists can, since they created the ubiquity tool.23:02
SiDicarlis: they will23:02
charlie-tcaIt is the "key repeat" not knowing you don't want the key to repeat, I think. that is not really a bug23:03
Moodcharlie-tca: yes, exactly. it's the key repeat that's the offender. isn't that something that could/should be modified within screengrab?23:04
charlie-tcaThat seems more like AI. I want all keys except ??? to repeat.23:04
carlissidi when are they going to answer ?23:05
SiDicarlis: most likely after they read your email23:06
SiDiand faster if you gave them all the info they could need23:06
SiDibut i cant read in other people's mind unfortunately23:06
SiDiso i cant give you a date ;)23:06
Moodcharlie-tca: can you clarify AI? not sure what that is23:06
charlie-tcaArtificial Intelligence. You want the computer to know which keys should repeat and which should not.23:07
Moodheh, oh, THAT ai...23:07
carlisI sent the issue to thi email ? is it right ? Sidi ?                    ubuntu-installer@lists.ubuntu.com23:08
* SiDi waves at ochosi.23:08
Moodi think maybe what i'm observing/complaining about is XFCE's way of handling GUI requests, like shortcuts, screengrab, etc. key repeating within apps should be irrelevant23:08
* ochosi waves back!23:08
carlisok Sidi23:09
carlisI wait the answer of them23:09
carlisThanks for helping me23:09
charlie-tcawe almost did not have screenshot23:09
SiDiyou're welcome carlis23:10
carlisBye Sidi23:10
SiDiSee you23:11
Moodcharlie-tca: yep, i used to use scrot. seeing it part of the new xfce was a nice addition23:11
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