
Ampelbeinpace_t_zulu: in the glib i would suppose00:02
pace_t_zuluAmpelbein: thank you00:02
pace_t_zuluAmpelbein:  how do i test the package using pbuilder00:27
pace_t_zului followed the instructions to build00:27
pace_t_zuluwhat is unclear is how to test the newly built package00:28
Ampelbeinpace_t_zulu: sorry, was offline for a moment. you can install the package created by pbuilder with 'sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/pbuilder/result/<packagename>'00:46
pace_t_zuluAmpelbein: to be clear, pbuilder is just for building clean debs...00:55
Ampelbeinpace_t_zulu: right. it provides a clean build environment so you can check if the build-depends specified are correct. and it does not pollute your working system with unnecessary -dev packages.00:56
pace_t_zulubut it doesn't provide a safe testing environment00:57
geofftfor that, for something on the order of gnome-panel, you want a VM or a live CD00:57
Ampelbeinpace_t_zulu: what geofft says. i use virtualbox for testing such intrusive changes.00:59
Ampelbeinpace_t_zulu: you can define snapshots so you can always revert to a clean state.00:59
pace_t_zuluyeah... i am coming to realize that00:59
pace_t_zului am running ubuntu in vmware fusion00:59
pace_t_zuluon a mac pro01:00
SuperLagI just wanted to tell you guys that Jaunty ROCKS. Thanks for your work.01:00
pace_t_zululesson learned about taking snapshots... i my have done a bit of damage... i think i can clean it up though01:02
* calc bets he will be sick within the next day or two :-\01:33
* calc hopes whenever it inevitably happens that he will be well before he has to leave for barcelona01:33
pace_t_zuluAmpelbein: thank you for your help... i am heading home from work... maybe see you later01:36
cavedonhi, what is the correct procedure to request a package removal from universe?01:51
cavedon(package superseeded by another one: i.e. changed name)01:52
cavedonfire a bug a subscribe ubuntu-archive?01:52
cavedon...and subscribe...01:52
DktrKranzcavedon, file a bug with every detail needed to analize the request and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors01:55
cavedonDktrKranz: tnx!01:55
TurtlePiehow do I decrypt my key to sign the CoC03:18
TurtlePiei am stuck :(03:18
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pwnguinwhen was the "leadership code of conduct" written?05:30
jdongwhat is the leadership code of conduct.05:31
jdongwow that question looks bad for me to be asking :-/05:31
jdongcool, never noticed that05:34
pwnguinme either!05:34
pwnguini was just looking up attribution on the normal CoC for some silly reason, and noticed this new thing05:34
pwnguinapparently archive.org found it may 200705:35
jdongshame on me then :)05:36
pwnguinim not sure it was ever met with any fanfare05:36
ScottKI'm fairly certain I don't do so well on 'show more civility'.05:37
mdkepwnguin: 10 November 2006 - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LeadershipCodeofConduct?action=info08:33
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geserdoko: do you know why python-distutils.mk from cdbs (karmic) renames dist-packages to site-packages?13:09
calclooks like we need to do a boost1.37 transition for karmic, 1.35 is requested for removal from Debian14:12
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lesshastehi.. my X restarted again spontaneously with this log http://pastebin.com/f4d283a9214:39
lesshaste I thought i  had installed debug symbols.. what can I do to get a better backtrace for next time?14:39
ScottKcalc: Debian is targetting 1.38 for squeeze.  Maybe go straight to that?14:44
lesshasteI have installed xserver-xorg-core-dbg  for example so I am mystified14:45
calcScottK: ah yea probably a good idea14:45
calcScottK: i just noticed the request for removal of 1.35 i didn't realize there was a 1.38 already14:46
lesshasteanyone got any ideas?14:47
=== LucidFox_away is now known as LucidFox
ScottKcalc: Not sure if it's through New yet.14:58
* ScottK hasn't looked14:58
calcyea boost1.38 has been in debian for about a month14:59
calcdo packages get removed semi-automatically from Ubuntu after being removed from Debian... except for cases where they are 0ubuntuX ?15:01
calcor how does that happen?15:01
martijn933lesshaste: you know https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Backtracing ?15:01
lesshastemartijn933: ah maybe I am missing the debug symbols specific to my driver you mean?15:02
lesshastemartijn933: which xserver-xorg-video-<name> do I need for the fglrx driver?15:04
lesshasteah.. it's none of those right?15:05
martijn933sorry, can't help you any further on this15:09
martijn933just gave you the link in case you had not seen it15:09
lesshastemartijn933: ok thanks.. the top tip is to change to the open source driver of course15:14
lesshastewhich I will do as soon as I can15:14
lamontI wonder how I tell the gimp to come up with the same window size as it had the last time, instead of the apparently new with jaunty "ZOMG YOU MUST WANT ME TO FILL THE SCREEN" belief15:19
Riddellpitti or asac: bug 369918 MIR is blocking KDE merges, able to take a look?15:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369918 in xmlrpc-c "main inclusion report for xmlrpc-c" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36991815:40
RiddellI don't know if it even needs a MIR since as far as I can make out the code is also in cmake anyway15:41
rickybCan anyone help me with an Ubuntu 9.04 display related problem - "Display Preferences" does not give me the correct refresh rate values15:42
sorenrickyb: xmlrpc-c also includes a server implemention, doesn't it?15:42
sorenRiddell: xmlrpc-c also includes a server implemention, doesn't it?15:44
rickybgood question15:44
sorenrickyb: Sorry, not fo you :)15:44
Riddellsoren: I'm not sure on that, I havn't even worked out why cmake needs it15:49
ChipzzRiddell: it would also fix an other problem which I filed a bug for :)15:57
Chipzz(unrelated to kde though :P)15:57
RiddellChipzz: moving it to main?15:58
Chipzzno :)15:58
Chipzzbut it would be a side-effect I suppose :)15:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 173850 in rtorrent "XML-RPC reports incorrect values for large files" [Medium,Triaged]15:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 173848 in xmlrpc-c "Please package more recent version" [Wishlist,Triaged]15:59
Chipzzfiled allmost 1.5 years ago *ugh*15:59
kirklandcjwatson: hi there, i have a couple of ssh implementation questions for you ...16:41
kirklandcjwatson: thinking about encrypted-home and ssh public key authentication16:41
kirklandcjwatson: currently, we can't mount the home directory until the user enters their login passphrase through pam16:42
kirklandcjwatson: since the wrapped-passphrase file is symmetrically encrypted with the login passphrase itself16:42
kirklandcjwatson: however, i'd like to support something like a wrapped-passphrase.ssh16:43
kirklandcjwatson: which would instead be wrapped with an ssh private key16:43
kirklandcjwatson: so a user ssh'ing in via public key authentication, if the homedir is not mounted, would need to have pam_ssh pass pam_ecryptfs the incoming private key16:44
kirklandcjwatson: pam_ecryptfs would use that key to try and mount $HOME16:45
kirklandcjwatson: if that works, then kick back to pam_ssh, and let it check authorized_keys16:45
kirklandcjwatson: if that succeeds, PAM_SUCCESS or whatever16:45
kirklandcjwatson: if that fails, then we'd need to unmount $HOME first, and then PAM_FAILURE16:46
kirklandcjwatson: can you offer any thoughts/insight on this idea?16:46
kirklandslangasek: you might have some insight too...  See the last 10 minutes of cjwatson-directed messages :-)16:49
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asacRiddell: looking17:02
asacRiddell: you say it was in cmake ... the dir mentioned in MIR isnt in cmake from jaunty17:03
asacoh sorry17:03
asacRiddell: do we need all binary packages in main?17:06
dMobergHow do I make my own gnome-panel applets?17:24
dMobergI want the tmeperature from this site: http://www.frryd.se to show in the panel :)17:24
Riddellasac: no, just the library17:26
Riddelllibxmlrpc-c3-dev and libxmlrpc-c317:26
asacRiddell: lib*abyss does server sockets17:39
Riddellasac: what's that?17:40
RiddellI don't see abyss mentioned in xmlrpc-c17:40
asacRiddell: not sure. i would feel more comfortable if we could put the server libs to a separate binary package17:41
asacRiddell: libxmlrpc-c317:41
asacRiddell: ^^17:41
Riddellmm, I see /usr/lib/libxmlrpc_abyss.so.3.6.1517:42
asacand there is also server*so17:42
asacand stuff17:42
mnemodMoberg: "mkdir code ; cd code ; apt-get source gnome-panel ; cd gnome-panel-2.26.0/applets/fish ; gedit fish.c" but there is probably really nice step by step tutorials if you google for it, plus you can probably do in some nicer language like for example Vala17:42
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
Riddellasac: I wonder if it would be easier to juse go bck to using the xmlrpc from within cmake17:43
asacRiddell: running ldd on those suggests that they could be sorted to a separate lib. not sure what cmake would need from those17:43
asacRiddell: hmm17:43
asacRiddell: in general having the code in one place is worthwhile. but i think that such high-level server lib code needs security review17:43
asacRiddell: does the cmake code still exist?17:46
asacor was it removed upstream?17:47
Riddellasac: it's still in cmake17:48
asacRiddell: so just a drop of build depends and a change of a configure flag ? ... if so, i would think its better to do that17:48
Riddellasac: I think so, trying that now17:49
=== DrKranz is now known as DktrKranz
Riddellasac: uploaded without that as a build-dep18:08
asacRiddell: good18:08
Riddellasac: hmm, I screwed up18:53
Riddellasac: it doesn't compile without xmlrpc-c18:53
Riddellthat's what I get for compiling two things at the same time18:53
RiddellI can separate out the libraries it doesn't use though18:54
Riddell-lxmlrpc -lxmlrpc_util -lxmlrpc_xmlparse -lxmlrpc_xmltok is what it needs18:54
asacRiddell: yeah. that would make me feel comfortable ... e.g. moving server, abyss stuff to a separate pkg18:54
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
romwill this critical bug fixed soon : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/34669119:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346691 in linux "jaunty kernel 2.6.28-11 kernel update renders the system un-usable." [High,Triaged]19:49
romit makes jaunty final worse than an alpha1 release19:49
slangasekkirkland: what exactly do you mean by "pass pam_ecryptfs the incoming private key"?  I'm not sure how to map that statement to what ssh actually does...20:07
calcanyone around that can sync some packages for me... please? :-)20:12
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
mdzslangasek: I'm not seeing xserver-xorg-video-intel binaries in -proposed, despite your comment on 359392 (only source)20:15
slangasekmdz: the comment is the generic template generated by the sru-accept script, it doesn't take into account that all the SRU builds are currently backlogged because of the karmic archive opening :(20:16
slangasekmdz: if you're in a position to bump the build scores, that would be welcome20:16
infinityslangasek: What needs abusing?20:16
slangasekinfinity: xserver-xorg-video-intel, linux, compiz in jaunty-proposed could use build scores bumped20:17
infinityslangasek: On it.20:17
mdzI'll leave it to infinity20:17
mdzslangasek: will that wait for a publisher cycle, or does it come right out ppa-style?20:19
slangasekmdz: binary availability? subject to the publisher cycle20:20
infinitymdz: Of course, you can snag it from the librarian immediately, if you're in a hurry.20:20
mdzinfinity: I will, though I'm hoping to get it to the huddled masses ASAP20:22
brycethanks guys20:22
mdzthe subscriber list on that bug is as long as my arm20:22
infinitymdz: They will, sadly, be huddling for another hour and a half or so. :/20:22
infinity(Oh how I miss 30 minute cron.dailies...)20:23
mdzinfinity: does launchpad's 'estimated build time' mean much of anything at all?20:23
mdz'estimated build start' I mean20:23
infinitymdz: It's based on queue order and stuff that it feels you're stuck behind.20:23
infinitymdz: Which arch/package has you unhappy?20:24
mdzinfinity: they're both building now20:24
infinitymdz: I may have accidentally queued a "linux" before the video driver on one arch...20:24
mdzthey just said "estimated build start: 1 minute" for about 10 minutes20:24
mdzoh, my mistake, i386 is building but not amd64 (the one I need)20:24
mdzit says "estimated build start: 0 seconds ago"20:25
mdzah, now it's started20:25
infinitymdz: Oh, yeah.  The code that estimates that has no clue whatsoever about the fact that buildd-manager takes its sweet time scanning the buildds. :/20:25
infinitymdz: Things have improved drastically since the old slave-scanner, but "drastic improvement" over "30 minutes to iterate over all the buildds when they're not all idle" isn't saying much.20:26
infinitymdz: Should be built and uploaded now, FWIW.20:29
mdzslangasek: binaries awaiting acceptance20:30
slangasekmdz: ok - that should be entirely automatic, just needs a publisher cycle20:30
infinityHahaha.  I get an OOPS trying to load that bug.  How many "me toos" does it have?20:31
infinityOh, there we go.20:31
mdzinfinity: there's no link to the librarian entry at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/2:2.6.3-0ubuntu9.1/+build/98284520:32
mdzmaybe that doesn't work for -proposed?20:32
infinityIt claims they want to be accepted.  That's... Odd.20:32
slangasekhmm, indeed20:33
slangaseklooks like a UI bug, though20:33
infinityThey're definitely not in the queue though.20:33
infinityUI bug indeed.20:33
mdzcould one of you file it?  I'm not sure I can describe the problem fully20:33
LaserJockman, Jaunty's only been out like a week and there's 68 .debs in -proposed20:34
slangasekmdz: yep20:34
mdzLaserJock: I count *1*6820:35
LaserJockwell, I meant I had 68 updates20:36
LaserJockshould have been clearer20:36
LaserJockbut still, that's quite a lot of fixing in a week20:36
slangasekmdz: bug #37052920:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 370529 in soyuz "when binary packages in -proposed are "accepted", build page shows them as "Binaries awaiting acceptance"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37052920:41
mdzslangasek: thanks.  I'm pretty sure I've run into this before without knowing what was going on.20:42
infinityslangasek: Yeah, it's definitely related to the bug fix you noted.20:43
infinityslangasek: "RF 7590. Ensures that builds have a package upload in the 'DONE' state before providing links to the binary package publishing record"20:43
slangasekah, doh20:43
infinityslangasek: And the builds aren't "DONE" until the publisher queues them for on-disk publication.20:43
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athasm?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 021:01

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