
mdkecomes from the CC memberhsip I think00:00
mdkeMatthew East  → Ubuntu Community Council  → Kubuntu Members  → Kubuntu Bugs  → Kubuntu Users00:00
mdkeslightly odd structure, but still00:01
dsas_mdke: my ubuntu membership has recently lapsed. Is there a process to follow to get it renewed?00:04
mdkedsas_: it's autorenewable, but I think if it lapses, perhaps you lose that opportunity00:05
mdkeI'll just readd you00:05
dsas_mdke: I kept putting off renewing myself and now I can't as I'm not a member.00:06
dsas_mdke: thanks00:06
sakethdoes anyone know how I can find out who my mentor is?01:02
philip_mentor for what?01:03
sakethfor the doc mentor program...01:05
sakethi dont have an account01:05
sakethand i kinda wanna upload something01:05
sakethto the launchpad repos01:05
philip_sorry, i don't know how that works01:05
sakeththanx anway01:06
sakethwhere can i go to find a good tutorial on docbook?01:06
nhandlersaketh: http://wiki.docbook.org/topic/DocBookTutorials01:07
nhandlerAs for the mentoring program, it is currently dead. It will be discussed at the meeting this weekend01:07
nhandlerIf you have a patch that you would like uploaded, attach it to a bug, and paste the URL here01:07
nhandlersaketh: #ubuntu-meeting on Saturday01:07
sakeththank you01:07
nhandlerIt is on the fridge: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar01:07
saketh7pm to 8pm UTC?01:10
nhandlerThat is correct saketh01:14
nhandlerAnd please be patient. Just because someone does not respond to you right away does not mean that they are ignoring you01:14
sakethok sorry01:14
philip_irc is an idle friendly form of communication... we should assume people get up and do other things at any time01:16
nhandler(or are attempting to participate in too many IRC channels while using a horrible irc client that does not let him easily see when a channel has a new message)01:17
sakethi probably can stay untilt he meeting is over but i m not sure...01:18
sakethHow do u change the text u r typing in and all that other cool stuff?01:19
philip_well, i'd say most people don't change fonts or use colors01:19
philip_i assume you are talking via your irc client?01:20
philip_because there are roughly a zillion irc clients it's difficult to say for sure :)01:20
sakethur text turned red when u said that is correct saketh01:20
sakethand i m using xchat01:20
philip_often times irc clients will highlight lines in irc when your username is contained within01:21
philip_like everything, it can  be configured, so play with your software and have it do whatever you want... we don't see it01:21
philip_does the string 'mhm' indicate you are thinking? :)01:22
sakethit just means taht i m listening01:22
sakethwe use taht a lot in chat01:22
sakethi m kinda new to the docs team, so i m just figuring things out01:23
philip_for channels like this, people tend to use the least amount of noise as possible01:23
sakethlike how to use bzr01:23
sakethand launchpad01:23
sakethits so complicated01:23
sakethi like svn better01:23
philip_that's because you've already learned svn01:23
sakethi guess...01:24
sakethi dont understand waht u r saying01:24
philip_i understand only half of what i say01:24
sakethwaht is CTCP?01:24
sakethtaht didnt come from u01:25
philip_ask google01:25
philip_typically in irc people do not use the return key as punctuation01:25
philip_you know01:26
philip_stuff like01:26
sakeththats just the wa i caht in im01:26
sakethhow would I upload a fix that i made using bzr to launchpad?01:27
philip_you would create a patch and send it to the mailing list01:27
sakethhow do i make a patch?01:27
philip_saketh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/SystemDocumentation/Submitting01:28
sakethi already read that01:29
sakethi didnt understand it01:29
philip_it has "bzr diff > diffname.tx"01:30
philip_'bzr diff' is a command, that will create a diff (a patch)01:30
philip_like in svn01:30
philip_the '> diffname.txt' means it sends the output (the diff) to that filename01:30
sakethi get it now...01:31
philip_i've never head of "bzr bundle" but it looks interesting01:32
sakethi gotta go...01:36
Rocket2DMnmy word mdke , he basically cleaned out CategoryDocumentation02:25
Rocket2DMnmdke, he is not "one of my soldiers" :)02:25
Rocket2DMnthat is to say, he is not from the Beginners Team, I have no idea who he is02:26
nhandlerRocket2DMn: He says he is part of the NY LoCo. Maybe cprofitt knows him02:40
Rocket2DMnquite possible nhandler02:40
fookanhandler: i just noticed you were talking about me02:45
fookanhandler: am the guy who worked on CategoryDocumentation pages02:46
nhandlerfooka: I know (I looked at your LP page). We just didn't know who you were and noticed you did a lot of work on the wiki today02:47
fookanhandler: i gotta update that LP page :)02:47
fookanhandler: as i mentioned to mdke, just felt a little inspired to chip in after tuesday's openweek sessions02:48
j1mcfooka: thanks so much for your work. :)03:05
fookaj1mc: you're welcome03:07
=== j1mc is now known as j1mc_
nhandlerWhat is the policy regarding words like organize/organise with regards to the system documentation? I know there is some wiki page or something that mentions this, but I can't remember which one04:01
j1mc_nixternal: should be u.s. english, so "organize."04:30
j1mc_nhandler: ... ^^04:30
nhandlerj1mc_: Ok, thanks04:31
philip_nhandler: i don't see the answer here but i've mostly only skimmed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/StyleGuide07:21
mdkephilip_: it's here, under Spelling - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/StyleGuide/SpellingPunctuationGrammar08:28
philip_cool, there it is08:29
philip_today i learned that, and also that -- cannot be used inside <!-- -->08:31
mdkeI didn't know that08:31
mdkehow bizarre08:31
philip_i only refer to xml comments here, not sure about elsewhere08:32
nhandlermdke: Feel like sponsoring http://paste.ubuntu.com/161898/ ?12:04
DJonesI'm not sure if this is the right place to report this, but from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DesktopEffects the link in the "See Desktop Effects for an official version of this document." line isn't working, I'm getting the message "The requested URL /7.10/desktop-effects/C/ was not found on this server."13:04
jpdsGutsy is dead. See: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/desktop-effects/C/13:05
DJonesjpds: It wasn't actually for me, I was just following the link through from the website, I guess the first page I linked just needs its link updating13:06
ds305wiki formatting question... Few ubuntu community wiki pages have graphics aligned right with text to the left. Instead there is a graphic with the text below even if the image only fills part of the width.14:07
ds305Is this the standard.14:07
* ds305 Perhaps because different users have different screen resolutions which would allow viewing it all in one screen?14:17
SiDiI've got a question that is very likely offtopic : does anyone know good tools to write man pages ? :P14:33
=== j1mc_ is now known as j1mc
DougieRichardsonSiDi: I thought they were in TeX15:43
SiDiThey're in a weird language actually.15:45
SiDiI just took one and i'm modifying it at the moment15:45
=== j1mc_ is now known as j1mc
janisozaurhi! i've added a wiki page on virtual serial port - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualSerialPort if you want to check it17:39
Rocket2DMnjanisozaur, that page looks nice18:03
Rocket2DMnI don't know anything about the content though, but I trust you know what you're doing18:04
Rocket2DMnIf you find other pages on the community docs that are relevant to it, you should make sure to set up some links between the pages18:04
janisozaurRocket2DMn, i just had to set up such a connection and after quite a long search and guesstimation i thought i could share with the knowledge gained18:05
mdkenhandler: sure, that looks fine20:01
mdkenhandler: no particular bug which that fixes, right?20:03
mdkeRocket2DMn: I really can't help but to see serious duplication of effort here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/UbuntuDesktopTopics; the topics are basically identical to our desktop help. I'm really struggling to see why this can't use the same material as us20:06
Rocket2DMngimme a sec, finishing a quick forum tutorial20:06
mdkeRocket2DMn: no immediate rush I was just thinking out loud20:06
Rocket2DMnah yeah that mdke20:10
Rocket2DMnThat it is not my baby, that is the brainchild of cprofitt and Vantrax (Matthew Lye)20:10
Rocket2DMnbodhi.zazen is setting up the Moodle site20:11
Rocket2DMnmdke, i think the purpose is to get existing teams involved in using new tools as part of their training/education efforts20:12
mdkeRocket2DMn: I don't follow20:12
Rocket2DMnthey are supposed to be built around live sessions, not static documentation20:12
Rocket2DMnI don't know much about Moodle, but I guess it is a sort of interactive education tool20:13
mdkeI see the idea of the "classroom", but find it a lot harder to see why material should be any different to onscreen help - the aim of both is to teach users20:13
Rocket2DMnYes, I understand.  I don't know all the details, but I think it is supposed to work alongside the current Classroom project and link to existing documentation whenever possible20:14
mdkewhat do you mean by "to get existing teams involved in using new tools" in the context of this part of the project - is the idea that the docteam is involved in this?20:14
Rocket2DMnI'm stepping a bit out of my zone here, but I think here is a good example: Take the OpenWeek sessions20:15
Rocket2DMnConsidering that users are actually paying attention and want to be involved, they can interact with the Moodle site to help learn20:15
Rocket2DMnrather than just seeing text in the channel or on a web page20:15
Rocket2DMnI'm not involved with the project, you would have to ask vantrax or cprofitt20:18
mdkeI already raised the concern about duplication, tbh, as did Mike Basinger - it was roundly ignored20:18
mdkewe'll see how it develops, maybe I'm reading the idea wrongly, but it's a bit odd that no one has come to talk about how material can be reused, at the absolute least20:19
Rocket2DMnUnderstood, I think one problem they are running into is that the material is so spread out20:19
Rocket2DMnevery team kinda does their own thing20:19
mdkewell, help is more or less in one place, that's why we called it help.ubuntu.com20:22
mdkethe idea is for it to be easy for users to find and for them not to have to search different sites20:22
Rocket2DMnmdke, it's not just for system help, I think it is designed for teams to make use of it their training efforts, like MOTU20:25
Rocket2DMnI think from where we sit, they would want a doc team member to use Moodle to setup a training session using existing documentation20:26
Rocket2DMnThen that doc team member (or somebody else) can actually go teach the session using the Moodle program as part of the course20:27
Rocket2DMnI don't think they are planning to move, copy, or rewrite the actual documentation somewhere that it isnt already20:27
Rocket2DMni share your concern though mdke20:29
mdkeRocket2DMn: I'm still a bit concerned about the idea of a separate website for that, in respect of user help - I'm not bothered about the other sections like MOTU20:29
mdkethe single website thing is very important, IMO20:30
Rocket2DMnyeah mdke , I don't think they intend to use the site as another place to get help.  I don't think documentation is going to be written there.20:30
mdkelet's see how it develops20:30
mdkeRocket2DMn: ok, maybe I'm misunderstanding the project then20:30
Rocket2DMnI don't fully understand it myself20:30
mdkeI think it needs to be explained a bit more clearly on the landing page20:30
Rocket2DMnI think that their Moodle site will be on an ubuntu.com subdomain though20:31
Rocket2DMnI think it is destined for http://learning.ubuntu.com/20:31
Rocket2DMnIIRC, they have been given approval to use this20:32
mdkethat's what the page says20:32
DougieRichardsonhave they not been in touch with you?20:32
mdkeno, nor the CC20:32
mdkeexcept for the initial contact, when I raised my concern20:33
DougieRichardsonthat's odd20:33
DougieRichardsonI have some worries too.20:33
Rocket2DMnI don't think the program is designed to be an attempt at documentation20:33
DougieRichardsonNo, Matthew Lye and Charles Profitt have both been in touch with me and it looks to me more like they're going to negate the desktop-training if anything20:34
mdkeI've got that point; but starting a new site will inevitably cause confusion for users about where to go20:34
DougieRichardsonI agree - we should get more involved now and we can get more out of it for contribution - it might work for us too20:35
DougieRichardsonThis is the page that Matthew emailed me about earlier, have you seen it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning20:35
mdkeyes, that's what we were discussing20:36
mdkethere is this post from bodhi - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2009-April/012617.html20:36
mdkebut that post is just a collection of positive words, rather than any real explanation of how why they are true20:36
DougieRichardsonYes I remember it and thought his tone was a bit curt to say the least20:36
mdkeI'd like to see a genuine engagement with the concern about separate sites20:37
mdkeI'll start a conversation, I think20:37
Rocket2DMnbodhi is a really chill guy20:38
mdkeit's probably a question of more communication needed20:38
DougieRichardsonmdke: Could you elaborate on your concerns I missed the start of this conversation20:38
mdkethat's the bit before you joined20:39
mdkeok, I have to go for a bit, forgot about dinner20:39
Rocket2DMnalright im goin afk too, bbl20:41
Shane_FaganDoudieRichardson: What bug would you suggest I start on?21:04
Shane_FaganDougieRichardson: What bug would you suggest I start on?21:05
DougieRichardsonShane_Fagan: two secs dude21:05
DougieRichardsonShane_Fagan: What areas are you interested in / experienced in and how confident are you?21:07
Shane_FaganWell im a student programmer,21:08
Shane_FaganSo im confident enough but not too experienced21:09
DougieRichardsonSome would see we're always student programmers - while except Soustroup, Torvalds and Deitel ;-)21:09
DougieRichardsonSo I guess you're happy with markup languages then?21:10
Shane_FaganIsh learned a little but my area is desktop programs21:10
Shane_FaganSo yep happy enough but havent done much21:11
DougieRichardsonCool, well if you want to jump in then Bug #362414 is probably a good place to start21:11
ubot4`Launchpad bug 362414 in ubuntu-docs "A note on having to manually deinterlace interlaced DVDs should be made" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36241421:11
DougieRichardsonGotta love ubot421:11
DougieRichardsonWe need to clarify the issue, I don't know if this issue is actually true or not so we need to confirm it first21:12
DougieRichardsonYou can either attempt to confirm on your own setup21:12
DougieRichardsonOr Assign it to yourself and, set it as Incomplete and request confirmation from the submitter21:13
Shane_FaganIll look into it cool21:13
DougieRichardsonLet me know if you need more direction once you know where you're going21:13
DougieRichardsonYour best bet is to email me21:13
DougieRichardsonbecause I'm up to my eyes in a Java project this weekend21:14
Shane_FaganDougieRichardson: Bug #362414 is invalid in jaunty21:44
ubot4`Launchpad bug 362414 in ubuntu-docs "A note on having to manually deinterlace interlaced DVDs should be made" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36241421:44
Shane_FaganAre there any others that would be easy to look into21:45
DougieRichardsonShane_Fagan: Awsome - that's one down.21:45
DougieRichardsonShane_Fagan: Try to give the submitter a few platitudes though to encourage them to submit in the future21:45
DougieRichardson"Thanks for taking the time to report this" and so on21:46
Shane_FaganOh I understand21:47
DougieRichardsonIts like walking a tightrope because we need to be as polite as possible but sometimes people can be very rude21:47
DougieRichardsonHow about bug #346892 ?21:47
ubot4`Launchpad bug 346892 in ubuntu-docs "games/C/games.xml:109 keymapping not input devices" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34689221:47
Shane_FaganDougieRichardson: Sure ill have a look21:48
Meghi all :)21:48
Megi'd like to contribute translation help, what can i do to get started??21:48
DougieRichardsonHi Meg21:49
DougieRichardsonHave you looked over https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Translation21:49
DougieRichardsonWhat languages do you speak?21:50
MegSpanish (native), English, ... French and Italian (teacher of both these languages)21:50
DougieRichardsonFantastic, mdke and adiroiban are the best people to speak to21:52
Rocket2DMnthat's quite a resume21:52
DougieRichardsonDid you see adi's talk on OpenWeek?21:52
Rocket2DMnOk, so can anybody tell me why when I view the wiki, some stuff is messed up.  For instances, tables don't always show correctly21:57
nhandlerThanks mdke for sponsoring the patch21:59
DougieRichardsonRocket2DMn: I hadn't noticed - any examples?22:01
Rocket2DMnits on the team wiki22:01
Rocket2DMnfor instance: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam22:01
Rocket2DMnlook at the table under IRC - I can't see the separate between the two non-colored rows22:01
Rocket2DMnsome tables look ok, or some tables will only have a problem in one or two places22:03
Rocket2DMnlook at our meetings page - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings22:03
DougieRichardsonI don't see that or am being blonde22:03
Rocket2DMnOn some of the tables there I don't see column separators22:03
DougieRichardsonNot from here - the seperators are there22:06
DougieRichardsonIs this in FF?22:06
Rocket2DMnyes, FF, do you see what im talkin about in the screenshot?22:06
Rocket2DMnthe same thing happens with row separators22:07
DougieRichardsonis noscript doing anything - is see the icon but not sure if that icon means on or off22:08
Rocket2DMnthe problem existed before i started using noscropt22:08
DougieRichardsonwhat about adblock?22:08
DougieRichardsonIgnore that22:08
DougieRichardsonI'm using abp, duh22:08
KelvinGardinerHi, where can I find the IRC logs of the last doc team meeting?22:11
DougieRichardsoni don't even remember the last one we had!22:11
mdkeKelvinGardiner: do you mean the one focused on the installation guide?22:11
KelvinGardinerNo, the last general meeting, I was going to have a look at them before the meeting tomorrow.22:13
DougieRichardsonRocket2DMn: What's your browser identifying as?22:14
nhandlerKelvinGardiner: If you have the date of the meeting, you could look at irclogs.ubuntu.com22:14
KelvinGardinernhandler: I don't. I had a quick look at the logs and viewed the ones with a reasonable file size, but couldn't find it. It's not particularly important.22:16
mdkeit's been a couple of years at least, I guess22:17
mdkeJuly 2007, looks like22:19
Rocket2DMnDougieRichardson, it should be identifying as firefox22:19
DougieRichardsonRocket2DMn: Just wondered if it was a CSS issue22:20
Rocket2DMnUser Agent is Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042523 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.1022:20
DougieRichardsonRocket2DMn: Me to, next avenue...22:21
DougieRichardsonRocket2DMn: Stage 2 - have  you tried doing a firefox -P and using a clean profile to check if its an extension or setting?22:22
Rocket2DMnwhat does -P do?22:23
DougieRichardsonhas a nice dialog about profiles22:23
DougieRichardsonsorry that was garbage - I'm tired and stupid , it starts without a profile loaded22:24
Rocket2DMnworks ok with a new profile, as it should22:25
Rocket2DMnim not gonna go build up an entirely new profile though22:25
DougieRichardsonOK, shall we try the halving method?22:25
DougieRichardsonDisable half your extensions22:25
DougieRichardsonsee if its there22:26
DougieRichardsonif not you know its in the off half and keep splitting till we find the culprit22:26
Rocket2DMnalright hold on for a min22:26
Rocket2DMnis there a way to just disable all22:27
Rocket2DMnthen at leats we woudl know its an extension22:27
DougieRichardsonwell the -P option did that so it's a fair stab22:28
Rocket2DMnok well i turned them all off and the problem ois still there22:28
DougieRichardsonwhat about if you're logged out of he wiki?22:30
Rocket2DMni tried removing the LP and wiki cookies22:30
Rocket2DMni gotta take a phone call right now though, ill bbiab22:30
Rocket2DMnthanks for your help22:30
DougieRichardsonno worries mate22:31
Rocket2DMnok , back22:39
nhandlerIn the "Adding a software repository" section, why do we use "deb http://ftp.debian.org etch main" as the example?22:51
mdkeI'm not aware of a special reason22:51
DougieRichardsonWe should probably change that22:51
nhandlerMaybe we could update it to give an example of adding a PPA22:52
mdkeperhaps we should use the partner repository as an example22:52
* nhandler thinks a PPA would be more useful22:52
mdkego on22:53
DougieRichardsonActually, I think PPA is a good idea too22:53
nhandlerDo we have any other documentation that discusses the PPAs?22:53
DougieRichardsonNot in the system docs22:53
mdkethey aren't really intended for users though22:53
DougieRichardsonBut given the number of Xorg drivers22:53
mdkewhereas the partner repository i22:53
DougieRichardsonthat are in ppa it might be an idea22:53
nhandlermdke: I would have to disagree. Some PPAs are very stable22:54
mdkenhandler: but they might not be - they don't have any level of guaranteed quality control22:54
DougieRichardsonThey're also being mentioned more often on the forums too22:54
mdkeas with the Ubuntu/Canonical archive22:54
nhandlermdke: That is why we would not link to any specific PPA. It would be up to the user to decide which one to add22:54
DougieRichardsonmdke: we can warn people about the risks22:54
mdkeyes, we could do22:55
nhandlerIt would also be a good place to explain how to import the PPA keys to be more secure22:55
mdkeI was just thinking that the partner repository would be a good example because you don't need such a warning, and because it's intended for users22:55
DougieRichardsonOK, then should we expand on PPA on the Wiki and link to it?22:56
nhandlerDougieRichardson: Launchpad has a decent wiki page explaining the PPAs as well22:56
mdkeI'm not saying that we should not document PPAs, maybe we could do22:56
nhandlerWhat about a separate doc page about the PPAs?22:56
DougieRichardsonIf the LP page is good then we can just link to that?22:57
nhandlerFor the wiki, that would work DougieRichardson22:57
DougieRichardsonFor the system too - PPA is going to need web access22:57
nhandlerDougieRichardson: Using a PPA needs web access, adding it does not22:58
nhandlerBut we could add a link at the end of the PPA section in the system docs (if we create one)22:58
DougieRichardsonnhandler: granted but that's kinda splitting hairs as it wont do anything22:59
DougieRichardsonI don;t see a problem with expanding the system docs22:59
nhandlerLet me draft a PPA section. We can decide where to put it later22:59
mdkeI don't have a feel for how many ppas exist that are suitable for public consumption (do we even document -proposed?) but if there are a few out there, then we could add a section23:00
DougieRichardsonAnyone dealing with intel xorg servers is likely to be interested in thsi23:00
nhandlermdke: One example of a relatively stable PPA is the kubuntu-experimental one that we were using to provide newer kubuntu packages to intrepid users23:01
mdkenhandler: ok, I don't have a fundamental problem with it; I just think that if something is suitable for broad user consumption, it's likely to be in the main repository23:05
mdkeI can't see a downside of adding a section though, properly explained23:05
nhandlermdke: That depends. Some users use a PPA to distribute stable packages while they are waiting for a sponsor. Or a freeze might prevent them from uploading it23:06
nhandlerIt is also an easy way to provide newer versions of packages for users of different versions of Ubuntu (without going through the backport process)23:07
mdkeright, but those processes are there for a reason, they aren't just random hurdles23:07
mdkeanyway, as I say, let's see how it looks, I think it's a good thing if you could draft a section23:07
* nhandler will try to draft something by the end of the weekend23:08
KelvinGardinerIs there a way to limit the width of a image in the wiki. The keyboard image on this page goes over the edge of the main page area. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleKeyboard I've seen this on a few other pages as well.23:18
Rocket2DMnKelvinGardiner, i think you just need to make a thumbnail manually23:22
KelvinGardinerRocket2DMn: ok thanks.23:23
DougieRichardsonmdke: I have had a chat with bodhi_zazen and doctormo about the learning thing23:35

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