
Seeker`long trip?00:04
Myrtti somewhat00:10
jussi01Vappu FTW!!00:17
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, dmsuperman said: ubottu: What is your third line of source code01:01
ubottuIn #ubuntu, mpontillo said: !dd is a disk dump utiility. See: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Dd01:49
* genii sips03:43
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:04
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:22
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:22
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:22
britthelp! im trying to fix the DCC exploit, updated my firmware and connected to freenode @port 800105:24
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:49
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:49
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:49
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:51
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:51
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:51
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:54
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:54
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:54
Myrttianyone awake?06:12
MyrttiI'm looking @ -ot with some uneasyness06:17
Chr|sHey guys, how do I go abouts getting ubottu on my system to run in ##zencart07:28
Chr|sstdin helped me awhile back with a similar problem07:29
Chr|sI hope I can still get him :)07:32
Chr|sjussi01: *ping*07:36
jussi01!botclone | Chr|s08:11
ubottuChr|s: Ubottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at http://ubottu.com/clone.html08:11
Chr|sahh thats it! supybot08:11
jussi01Chr|s: also, bot discussion happens in #ubuntu-bots08:11
jussi01Chr|s: any operator stuff you need help with?08:12
Chr|sjussi01: no that will be all thanks08:12
ubottuIn ubottu, Need_Help_1 said: The problems is that i cant play videos smothly09:39
ubottuIn ubottu, Kattollikisd said: My Mac is a Macbook why model-id 5,212:08
jribIRSeekBot k-lined eh?12:35
tsimpsonIt seems to get k-lined every month12:38
ubottuIn ubottu, ActionParsnip said: !playstation is You can install Ubuntu on a PS3. For guidance please visit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PlayStation_3 Thanks!12:39
ubottuIn ubottu, ActionParsnip said: !playstation3 is You can install Ubuntu on a PS3. For guidance please visit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PlayStation_3 Thanks!12:39
ubottuIn ubottu, ActionParsnip said: !ps3 is You can install Ubuntu on a PS3. For guidance please visit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PlayStation_3 Thanks!12:39
ikoniaI thought IRSeek had stopped "servce" 13:00
elkyoh? that's a shame :(13:06
ikoniaj-dizzle, ha ha ha13:09
ikoniathat's new13:09
ikoniaj to the d to the izzle13:12
elkyikonia, nah, he's always been a dork.13:55
gnomefreakdid we take +1 topic from =bugs?14:30
ubottuIn #ubuntu, RandomSearch said: ubottu: that info is no longer relevant for jackalope and old ati cards14:30
Picignomefreak: No?14:30
gnomefreakfrom -bugs14:30
gnomefreakPici: the last line is happy bug hunting14:31
LjLstew: an incredible deduction holmes!14:33
stewi couldn't resist, i probably should have14:33
LjLwe should come up with something that reliably gives away one's distribution and version of it without them realizing14:34
Picignomefreak: I know, I actually came up with it on my own14:35
gnomefreakPici: ah ok i just thought it sounding like test it and find bugs14:36
ikoniapeople will want to test it because it has bigger versions number if it's in the topic or not14:37
Picignomefreak: You can change it if you want. I just wanted to put something fun there.14:37
gnomefreakPici: no its ok lets wait and see what people say about it14:37
ikoniagnomefreak: "it broke my system, when will nvidia drivers be read" I'll put $10 on that14:38
ikoniaready 14:38
* genii sipshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek14:40
geniiStupid touchpad14:40
tsimpsonyou have moved from coffee to wiki? ;)14:41
* ikonia makes extra strong wiki14:41
* ikonia makes extra strong secure wiki 14:41
geniiI've been hanging out in -classroom and absorbing info. It looked quiet there right now so was gonna go check the schedule14:43
geniiBut my touchpad has some gesture thing where it likes to paste things once in a while14:43
tsimpsoneverything starts at 15:00 UTC14:43
ikoniagenii: I've enjoyed a few of the classroom sessions14:43
geniiikonia: The ones on packaging and bug fixing/tracking lately were the ones of interest to me14:44
ikoniagenii: yes, I enjoyed them also (packaging - didn't see bug) 14:45
* gnomefreak should have checked meail first :(14:45
ikoniaI'm always very interested in the server talks, as the push development really well, but then the product shoots itself in the foot to be introducted to businesses14:45
geniiikonia: Well, there's also that deeply embedded market where RHES and so on have been for a long time, so penetrating that takes time14:46
geniiBut I grow -ot ;)14:47
ikoniagenii: it's not the market - it's the product and ethos14:47
ikoniagenii: lets rock -ot if you want to jabber about it14:48
ikonialets shock the world with an offtopic discussion 14:48
geniiIs there a -erver-offtopic? I never checkd14:49
geniiBleh typos14:49
geniiikonia: At work when we discuss OS and servers, mostly the people we talk with are using something other than MS products are running something usually like FreeBSD, RHES (or CentOS), Solaris. From there it goes into Debian and so on. And so the guys running non Debian based find the transition not worth it. And the Debian guys just think anything non-Debian is just inferior. Nevermind after that trying to talk to the MS fanboys...14:54
ikoniagenii: jump in -ot lets ramble/discuss14:55
geniiikonia: #u offtopic?14:55
ikoniawhy not14:55
ikoniait's ubuntu and offtopic14:55
LjLyes, that's what he meant, as shocking as it sounds14:55
ikoniaha ha ha14:55
ikoniaLjL: come and play, 14:56
LjLservers are not really my thing, i've got something called a home "server" and that's it :)14:57
ikoniaLjL: sometimes you really crack me up and make me laugh in the office, you should stop that please. 15:09
geniiHeh who knew our benevolent leader actually sometimes pays attention to the channels15:12
topyliban him!15:12
PiciI've been to UDS, but still having a conversation while Shuttleworth is there is still weird15:12
tsimpsonI've made some new factoids, edited !disks and added !partitionmanager and !kpackagekit15:12
Picitsimpson: Thanks!15:12
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu ()15:14
Picitsimpson: !kpackagekit is a bit bland though15:16
Picinew misspelling for Jaunty: Juniper15:17
LjLoh lord15:17
ikoniajuiper berry release, isn't that panarchy's new os ;)15:17
tsimpsonPici: yeah, I just added it because I referenced it in !qtarted15:18
LjLbut i wonder15:18
LjLif we called it, say, Clever Cat15:19
LjLwould people misspell them anyway?15:19
LjLyes, that's what i thought!15:19
ikoniaLjL: ubuntu 9.10 Klever Kat15:19
LjLikonia: that's kubuntu15:20
ikoniaha ha ha touche15:20
LjLshould have presented !crackports to sabdfl when he mentioned backports, anyway15:20
ikoniaquite defensive, but I understand why15:20
LjLhe phears the debian!15:21
LjLhe isn't here too, is he?15:21
LjLno? good.15:21
ikoniaI do admire someone who's willing to sit in a public IRC channel and be available like that15:21
ikoniaI think that's a bold move15:21
geniiWe're gonna have a lot of weird crap after 9.10 in #kubuntu like:  How do I do <something here> in KKK ?15:25
ikoniaauto kick for kkk on the bots15:25
LjLikonia: we don't have bots in #k :(15:26
ikoniareally ?15:26
ikoniaI thought there was15:26
* ikonia launches kkk-bot15:26
Myrttiwe haz sun burn :-(15:27
ikoniaat least you have sun to burn you15:27
geniiSo thats where the sun is shining. It's not around these parts today15:28
PiciNor here.15:28
ikoniaraining here15:29
PiciHere too15:29
LjLikonia: Riddell is not a bot :(15:32
LjLor at least, he claims not to be one15:32
geniiSometimes I wonder ;)15:32
popeyhe's a very efficient drinking bot15:33
PiciSpeak for yourself..15:35
ikoniaLjL: did I say he was a bot ?15:35
LjLikonia: no but he's the only opped user in there :P15:36
PiciHe forgot to deop after kicking someone yesterday15:36
ikoniaLjL: in where ?15:36
LjLin #k15:37
ikoniathere you go 15:37
tsimpsonriddell *always* "forgets" to de-op15:49
geniiThey are covering LP Soyuz system shortly in -classroom :)15:53
LjLtsimpson: and nobody ever has the guts to deop him, it would appear :P aside from this time15:54
tsimpsonI have done it before, I just didn't this time15:55
bazhangwonder if jfreak is intelikey15:56
bazhang@bansearch ms123416:00
ubottuNo matches found for ms1234!*@* in any channel16:00
popey@search snailar16:02
ubot4`popey: There were no matching configuration variables.16:02
ubottuThere were no matching configuration variables.16:02
popeyhow do you drive this thing?16:02
bazhang its @bansearch16:03
popey@bansearch Snailar16:03
popeyhmm, my btlogin didnt work did it16:04
bazhangtry @login first16:04
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:05
bazhang* [Snailar] (n=gen@ purple nothing on bt16:06
bazhangnotito> what's this canonical bought by sun? any1 has a link?  <--wth16:08
ikoniabazhang: it's nonsense, 16:08
bazhangikonia, of course it is16:09
bazhangspread by jfreak it appears16:09
PiciHe wasn't the first one who said it I thought.16:10
popeyhmm, snailar smells of freak16:14
shadeslayerhi was amy__ banned/kicked?16:51
shadeslayeri ask because of this 16:51
ikoniano, she quit16:51
shadeslayeramy__ [n=amy@] requested unknown CTCP VERSIONB from shadeslaye16:51
shadeslayermultiple time16:52
ikoniacheck the part message, she quit on her own16:52
shadeslayerthats not the issue16:52
LjL[17:38:20] <amy__> ctcp shadeslayer16:52
ikoniashadeslayer: thats the question you asked 16:52
shadeslayeroh sorry,ill re frame my question16:52
ikoniashadeslayer: you asked was she kicked - no - she left on her own, was she ctcp'ing you - don't know - but can't do anything about it as she's left 16:52
shadeslayerso should i talk to him/her in a query later or will you guys deal with it?16:53
ikoniashadeslayer: you can talk to him/her if you want and it makes you feel better, but as she's not on freenode or in the ubuntu channels there is nothing we can do 16:54
shadeslayerok thanks16:54
LjLi suspect the was doing it for real though, wonder if other people were hit16:55
gnomefreaki wasnt hit16:55
ikoniaI suspect she was too, she said it in the channel, but as I didn't see it and no-one reported it, I don't know, nor can I act on it now that she's gone16:55
LjLno of course, if someone else reports it on the other hand...16:56
ikoniastill can't really do much maybe put a forward on her 16:56
ikoniaput in a notify, speak to her when she is next on line ?16:57
LjL[17:58:02] --> NeowiN has joined this channel (i=neowin@
LjLwasn't this the name of an old troll?16:58
ikoniayeah, he was active a few days ago if I remember correctly16:58
LjLuhm, perhaps not though17:00
LjLthe only thing i have in #ubuntu-ops about him is myself saying "i vaguely recall neowin being a troll"17:00
LjLso perhaps i'm just vaguely recalling myself vaguely recalling him being a troll :17:00
ikoniaI think he was active a few days ago and someone else also commented on it though, so you are probably right17:01
LjLwish the old bantracker stuff was still available17:02
* ikonia shakes first at seveas17:02
ikonianot heard much from him in a while, hope he's good17:02
LjLlast time he left -offtopic angrily because i did something to him he didn't like, although i'm not sure just what.17:03
* genii sips17:03
ikoniahot cup of wiki ?17:05
geniiikonia: Smart aleck :)17:10
geniiThey seem to spend a lot of time talking about doing language translations in -classroom. I guess the push is still on to get into as many places as possible. Or maybe they are just shortahanded in that dept, I dunno.17:48
Piciikonia: forgot how to use ubottu?18:01
ikoniahaving a moment....sorry18:01
ikoniajust working on a sunbox and had pkginfo in my head18:01
PiciI actually have ls aliased to dir on my windows work computer for a simila reason18:02
ikoniaThomasHC: hello again, how can we help18:24
ikoniathought not18:24
bolt_why am i here18:36
ikoniabolt_: you know why you are here18:37
bolt_but  what did i do this time18:37
ikoniaone moment please18:38
ikoniaahh yes, you where just repeating yourself over and over in the channel and making pointless comments over and over again in the channel18:39
ikoniayou also kept spamming the channel 18:39
bolt_did i? i didnt relise18:40
ikoniaohoh for sdlkfjfgsfd;lfsd sake18:40
ikoniastupid windows18:40
ikoniatsimpson: help please18:40
ikoniabolt_: apologies, I'll be with you in a second18:40
ikoniabolt_: you kept repeating linux fire alarm controll thing does the moast annoying things ever plz help18:41
ikoniabolt_: you also kept saying "help" 18:41
ikoniathe fact that you said it about 12 times - suggests you knew what you where doing18:42
ikoniamore so after we'd spoke to you a few days earlier about your behaviour18:42
bolt_but that was an actual problom that i don't know anything about , besides i've sorted it now18:43
ikoniait doesn't matter if you sorted it or not18:43
ikoniait matters how you asked / behaved in #ubuntu 18:43
ikoniais not the way to get help18:43
ikoniathen saying about the firealarm problem in the same way - and cutting and pasting it so you knew exactly what you where doing 18:44
bolt_ok , but knowone would help me18:44
ikoniaso ?18:44
ikoniayou've been told about this before18:44
ikoniajust beause you don't get help when/how you want doesn't mean you can behave how you want18:44
bolt_youre not tricking me are you18:45
ikoniatricking you with what ?18:45
ikoniahow can this be a trick ?18:45
bolt_well for a start i don't know linux very well, and you telling me what to do. it just confuses me18:47
ikoniabolt_: if you know linux or not is nothing to do with how you behave or interact with people18:47
ikoniabolt_: is English your first language ?18:47
bolt_no seccond18:47
ikoniawhat is your first ?18:47
bolt_doggy language18:48
ikoniaok bye18:48
ikoniathis conversation is over18:48
bolt_oh alright then not that18:48
ikoniabolt_: I'm not interested now - come back in a few hours when someone else can be bothered with your childish behaviour18:48
bolt_i'ved stopped now18:49
ikoniaI'm not interested - I'm done, this is your regular behaviour18:49
bolt_yes it is18:49
ikoniabolt_: please leave the channel now as this conversation is over 18:49
bolt_i'll just sak #kubuntu then18:50
ikoniabolt_: if you wish to 18:50
ikoniabolt_: please leave this channel now though18:50
bolt_i want to ask things in #ubuntu and .... what happened nothing18:51
ikoniaPici: jussi01  Myrtti elky any of you around18:51
ikoniabolt_: please leave - this conversation is done 18:51
Myrttiikonia: yes?18:52
bolt_btw i'm going to network hack and crash your pc18:52
ikoniaMyrtti: please remove bolt18:52
ikoniabolt_: thanks for that threat - 18:52
geniiMan. Must be a full moon or something18:53
Myrttibolt_: kick is not an invite18:53
bolt_plus you and you 18:53
bolt_= pain18:53
ikoniajust remove him, I'm not talking with a child making threats being a pain18:54
Myrttibolt_: bybye18:54
ikoniathank you Myrtti 18:54
ikoniait's his regular show and I'm not putting up with it while it's obvious his intent18:54
popeyoh jeez18:54
ikoniapopey: what's up18:55
ikoniahe's a regular18:55
popeysuch a monumental waste of time18:55
popeyoh, i know, he started in -uyk18:56
ikoniayes, hence why I can't be bothered with the sasme dance18:56
popeyhe's 12 iirc18:56
popeymaybe 1318:56
ikoniadon't care18:56
ikonia(sorry didn't mean that to you) 18:56
popeywell, indeed18:56
popeytis fine18:57
popeynot mitigating, just saying :)18:57
ikoniaI know, 18:57
ikoniaI thought it may have been a language issue, but it's not18:57
ikoniaI personally don't think he should be allowed in #kubuntu while he's making threats 18:57
LjLwhen i was 12, i knew how to spell :(18:57
ikoniabut I'm sure he'll screw up on his own 18:57
LjLadmittedly, i knew how to spell italian, which is not quite the same thing.18:58
nickspoonI can spell spaghetti too, LjL.19:00
ikoniaI'd love some pasta now19:00
LjLaw, nickspoon19:00
LjLi'll have some pasta in about 24 minutes i believe19:01
LjLnickspoon probably knew how to spell when he was 319:02
LjLactually some sources suggest he invented spelling19:02
ikoniaLjL: why so exact - 24 minutes19:02
LjLikonia: i know my female parent's habits :P19:03
ikoniaLjL: ahh19:03
LjLat 20:27 she'll call dinner19:03
LjLwhich means dinner will *actually* be ready at 20:30 exact19:04
LjL(and that's because she knows it takes me an average of three minutes to disengage from IRC)19:04
geniiikonia: My empathy goes out to you on the bolt_ situation19:14
ikonianothing to worry about, all done19:14
ikoniaLjL: you still here ?19:15
ikoniamy clients borked, I'm going to have to restart it19:17
ikoniaLjL: never mind, I found the problem, clients having an issue19:20
ikoniasorry to call you away from waiting for pasta19:20
geniiikonia: I'm on massive lag due to work requirements right now, have some patience with me in #k 19:21
ikoniano problem19:21
ikoniamy client was missing characters I typed, but still actually taking them, so I made a right mess of that19:22
geniiGah, I come back into #k to see tail end of this lspci output        19:29
ikoniasorry 19:29
ikoniahad bolt_ talking rubbish in a pm 19:30
ikoniaI was disracted19:30
geniiThat guy bolt_ is a resource hog19:31
ikoniayes, I should have delt with #kubuntu and ignored him for a while - sorry 19:32
geniiI gotta go deal with some contractors here at work.19:44
Flannelubottu: tell Gon about away19:46
jussi01loving the lack of services20:02
jussi01and I wouldnt have said that...20:02
Picioh well.20:03
Priceyping me if nastiness goes on20:03
jussi01Ive just opped up in case services die again - as they are backups. Il leave it that way for a while - feel free to deop me if you disagree...20:24
jussi01Im procrastinating...20:50
Priceyjussi01: hmm?20:50
jussi01Pricey: Ive got to pack for my trip tomorrow... 20:53
Priceygo pack then!20:55
geniiGeez, another trip so soon?21:02
jussi01genii: yeah..21:04
* Pici sighs21:07
geniiBah /whois still offline can't deduce from hostmask what language channel to point someone at21:15
Pricey /whos still offline?21:16
Priceygenii: ^21:16
Picigenii: Eh? no its not21:16
geniiFor me it is21:16
PiciJust geoip.pl seems to fail for that fellow.21:16
Pici>>>>  geoip    : Satellite Provider21:16
* Pici shrugs21:16
geniiBah, nevermind. I did like:  /whois /theirname                         for some reason instead of /whois theirname21:18
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)21:22
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)21:22
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)21:22
LjL /whois cannot be offline, it's not a service :o21:38
LjLjust what happened with Kubrick? at a glance, netsplit users seem to be more or less back, but the server's still unconnectable21:42
LjLbesides, wait, kubrick is not a leaf to begin with21:43
LjLalso, why did people end up in -unregged?21:50
LjLi don't see any +r being set21:50
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
ikoniahowdy fellow uk'er22:44
Seeker`how be?22:45
ikoniagood now I'm home, you ?22:45
=== ThomasHC1 is now known as ThomasHC
ikoniaThomasHC: how can we help again22:58
ikoniaThomasHC: you're going to have to discuss your ban at some point if you want it lifted rather than just keep joining here and leaving23:08
ThomasHCSorry ikonia 23:13
ikoniano problem23:13
ThomasHCYes I would like to discuss that, sorry I was eating23:13
ikoniayou've just been joining/parting for days23:13
ThomasHCYeah sorry23:13
ThomasHCI've been sick.23:14
ikoniaI'll just check who it was who banned you, I think it was pici23:14
ThomasHCYes, it was Pici23:14
ikoniaooh cool, 23:14
ikoniaPici: are you around23:14
ikoniaI see you've been banned from a few channels23:15
ThomasHCI have?23:16
ThomasHCI only know of #Ubuntu23:16
ikoniayes, you where banned from #kubuntu too23:16
ThomasHCoh yes, My client was set to autoaway23:16
ThomasHClike this23:16
ikoniano it wasn't23:16
ThomasHCand it broadcasted it to the channel23:16
ikoniano it wasn't23:16
ThomasHCsame reason for ban here23:16
ThomasHCI don't really remember23:16
ikoniaThomasHC: you keep being rude to people23:16
ikoniathen arguing that you are not being rude23:17
ThomasHCYes it bothered me a bit I could not do /away without being banned23:17
ikoniaThomasHC: and "auto away" messages of "fuck you ubuntu irc" 23:17
ikoniareally ?23:17
* ThomasHC knows that23:17
ikoniaThomasHC: fuck you ubuntu irc ? really ?23:17
ThomasHCand I'm sorry23:17
* ThomasHC is not kissing your foot though23:17
ikoniaI'm not asking you to do anything, I'm looking at the situation23:18
ThomasHCYes I know.23:18
ikoniaI'll wait for pici to get back as I'm not comfortable removing the ban based on what I've seen 23:19
ThomasHCI shouldn't think you would be23:19
ikoniait doesn't look like pici is around at the moment, so I guess you should pop back later on see if he's around23:20
ThomasHCI see23:20
ikoniahe's normally around a lot so you must have caught him at an odd moment23:20
ThomasHCThanks, ikonia 23:20
ikoniano problem23:20
ThomasHCIs it alright to stay here? or should I leave the channel?23:20
ikoniabest to leave an pop back in say an hour23:20
ikoniahe's normally around, so I'm sure you'll catch him23:21
ThomasHCcya later23:21
ThomasHCand thanks23:21
* genii sips23:27
ikoniais that secure coffee or insecure coffee ?23:27
geniiikonia: I don't put a lock on the coffeepot, if thats what you mean23:30
Seeker`you should23:31
Seeker`someone might drink it or something otherwise23:31
Piciikonia: Feel free to take care of the ban, whether you want to unban or not. I'm mostly afk right now.23:31
ikoniaPici: no problem23:32
ikoniathanks for letting me know23:32
geniiInteresting. No relevant google results whatsoever for: coffeepot lock                        Maybe I should patent one.23:34
geniiikonia: I'll donate half the revenue to your cause of course23:35
ikoniaha ha ha23:35
* ikonia patents23:35
geniiDamn, I'm just too slow23:36
geniiI've really been enjoying the UbuntuOpenWeek thing in -classroom. I'm actually kind of sad the last one is in 20 minutes or so.23:39
ikoniayes, I have too23:39
ikoniasome very informative discussions23:39

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