
mrooneyCan anyone confirm or deny bug #370578? It is only slightly tricky as you'll need to get an IM from someone you are currently talking to00:11
ubot4`Launchpad bug 370578 in indicator-applet "shows new messages for pidgin when talking to that user" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37057800:11
bdmurrayjtholmes: don't forget to change bugs to incomplete00:12
darizzlei can confirm it mrooney00:13
darizzleyou dont have any friends?00:14
darizzleone sec00:14
mrooneyI do but I filed it :)00:14
darizzlelet me enable notifications00:14
mrooneyI can't confirm my own bug!00:14
darizzleis this with notifications plugin enabled?00:14
darizzlein pidgin00:14
mrooneywhatever is default00:14
darizzlethe basic problem is that you are getting notified for a chat window you are already talking to?00:14
darizzleare you talking about the popup in the top right corner of your screen00:14
mrooneyno, the indicator-applet00:14
mrooneyin gnome-panel00:14
BUGabundothat is a bug00:15
darizzlehave you already seen it abundo?00:15
mrooneyBUGabundo: is it a dupe?00:15
BUGabundoit should only notify when window is minimese00:15
BUGabundoor out of focus00:15
BUGabundoat least the baloon works like that00:15
mrooneyyeah, if either of you can confirm the behavior it would be great to confirm the bug00:15
darizzledo you have aim/yahoo or whatever00:15
darizzleyou can help me confirm it00:16
mrooneyI can PM you, you aren't using pidgin for IRC?00:16
darizzlei am00:16
mrooneythat should work too00:16
darizzlecan you check this00:16
darizzlein your pidgin00:16
BUGabundomrooney: irc PVT should work00:17
mrooneydarizzle: even highlighting your name like this should work00:17
darizzlego to tools-plugins-message notifications-then click configure plugin- see what options you have checked00:17
BUGabundoI just can't test it' cause I'm on so many chats00:17
mrooneyBUGabundo: yeah so your previous message duplicated the bug for me too00:17
mrooneyso THAT message should have duplicated it for you if you have I-A00:17
darizzlewhat do you mean by i-a?00:17
mrooneythe thing the bug is filed against :)00:18
darizzlei think its more of a pidgin defect00:18
darizzlebecause pidgin has a configuration option00:19
darizzleto disable against that00:19
BUGabundoits NotifyOSD00:19
darizzleand it must not be working00:19
mrooneydefinitely not notify-osd this bug has nothing to do with that I don't think00:26
BUGabundomrooney: okay its indicator applet00:28
BUGabundook sent upstream00:30
darizzle1i think its on the pidgin side00:35
darizzle1they are sending a notification when they shouldnt be00:35
james_wyeah, that's a pidgin bug00:37
james_wpidgin-libnotify actually00:37
james_wand not upstream either00:37
jtholmesbdmurray, stepped away for couple of hours will go back and mark incomplete01:14
joshjtlhi folks, I need to install a patched version of xserver-xorg-video-intel because of a bug I have, the patched package has been released to jaunty-proposed, but I dont want to add the entire repo, I just want the particular package... can anyone help me figure out which is the correct package released most recently to jaunty-proposed?03:11
joshjtlthis is the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/35939203:11
ubot4`joshjtl: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out03:11
dtchen_bdmurray: i'm not convinced that bug 370553 that you filed on asoundrc behaviour is actually a regression.03:31
ubot4`Launchpad bug 370553 in linux "sound only from 2 speakers" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37055303:31
dtchen_bdmurray: now, i'll be the first to admit that the whole alsa-lib-conffiles/needing-to-know-black-magick-and-runes bit is unintuitive, unimaginative, and utterly confusing03:32
dtchen_bdmurray: also, you can make the whole four-channel shebang work with pulseaudio by modifying /etc/pulse/default.pa if you weren't already aware03:35
dtchen_bdmurray: in karmic, we'll gain the updated pavucontrol that makes things straightforward - dropdown menus instead of hacking away at random conffiles03:36
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mkoehlerThe following bug should be marked as part of the "Wishlist" - Thanks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+bug/37054606:27
ubot4`Launchpad bug 370546 in evolution "Contact preview window should be vertical instead of horizontal" [Undecided,New]06:27
manohi all my xchat always freezes locks up when trying to resize or set the settings to join a chan . i'm pretty new to it all , is there anyway i can log why it crashes06:44
manoi dont know if that counts as ubuntu prob or xchat one if its worth reporting06:45
darizzlego ahead and report it07:55
darizzlehave you tried pidgin for irc?07:55
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manowere you talking to me darizzle08:08
manoyep tried it not too bad08:08
manoi'm on konversation atm08:09
HewAs a member of bugcontrol, why can't I access bug 272737 which I found in the private apport-crashes report?08:29
ubot4`Hew: Bug 272737 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/272737 is private08:29
mrooneyHew: some bugs are more private than others :)08:46
Hewah, I lack privileges to see super-duper private bugs, ok :-)08:47
YoBoYbug 370611 << confirmed, importance low for me08:56
ubot4`Launchpad bug 370611 in bash-completion "Invalid symbolic links in /usr/share/doc/bash" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37061108:56
mrooneyYoBoY: thanks I've updated it, Triaged is the right state for a bug such as you described, ready for a developer09:10
YoBoYmrooney: i can't put "triaged" myself ;)09:10
mrooneyright but in the comment you said you were marking it as Confirmed because it was ready for developers09:10
YoBoYit's ready, it's only symbolic links09:11
mrooneyyeah, I agree with everything, it could just lead someone looking at it to think that Confirmed is the ideal state for something ready for devs09:11
YoBoYi put the regular response09:12
YoBoYnot my fault :p09:12
mrooneyhaha yes that does seem sightly off, oh well, quite good anyway :)09:13
YoBoYthanks to you09:13
mrooneyYoBoY: have you thought of applying for bugcontrol?09:14
YoBoYstill learning, but it's a project for the future09:14
mrooneyah ok, good luck in your adventures :)09:14
YoBoYby the way i'm runing the next bug jam in paris for the ubuntu party :D09:15
mrooneyoh excellent!09:15
YoBoYactualy i'm adopting packages09:16
* andol has to agree with mrooney :)09:16
mrooneymaybe bdmurray can tell us at some point if that response is ideal09:17
YoBoYI have to go, bye09:25
darizzlecan someone mark 370762 as wishlist10:54
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thekornbug 37076211:04
ubot4`Launchpad bug 370762 in gnome-system-monitor "Show top application cpu on applet tool-tip." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37076211:04
thekorndarizzle, done11:06
askandHow do I file a bug against the releasenotes of Jaunty?11:40
askandI cant find the package to report it against?11:47
thekornaskand, there is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-release-notes, AFAIK this is used to link tasks and release notes entries,11:51
thekornI'm not sure if this used to track bugs in the release notes itself,11:51
thekornbest to ask the release manager11:51
askandbug 330824 is tracking a bug in the releasenotes11:53
ubot4`Launchpad bug 330824 in linux "Soft lockups (freezes) when deleting files from ext4 partitions on 2.6.28" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33082411:53
askandhow do I make my bug 370794 do the same?11:53
ubot4`Launchpad bug 370794 in ubuntu "Releasenotes should mention crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37079411:53
KhaaLhey, whats the name of the package that runs when ubuntu installation is underway?12:21
KhaaLfrom the livecd...12:21
KhaaLthanks :-)'12:22
askandShould I mark Ubuntu as invalid and only keep Ubuntu release notes in bug 370794 ?12:27
ubot4`Launchpad bug 370794 in ubuntu "Releasenotes should mention crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37079412:27
jtholmesanyone from bug control group avail13:21
Ampelbeinjtholmes: sure, just ask.13:28
jtholmesAmpelbein, I asked a bug reporter for more info and he send it directly to me no to the bug, so i am just going to add the text as his response, OK?13:38
jtholmess/no to/not to13:38
andoljtholmes: Happened to me a couple of days ago. I replied privately to the bug reporter asking him if it was okey that I added his respons. On the same time I also suggested that he might do it himself, which he did.13:42
andoljtholmes: Perhaps it's ok to add the info by yourself anyway, but this way the reporter learns something :)13:43
andolelena09: Greetings13:43
andolAmpelbein: By the way, thanks for supporting my application to bug control.13:46
jtholmesandol, thanks will do13:46
jtholmesandol  launchpad answers 14106  says  Z735 printer .deb  is  ALIENIZED  need clarification on word   ALIENIZED13:49
andoljtholmes: From the context I would _guess_ that it refers to be .deb files being created from the rpm files using the program alien.13:52
jtholmesah, thx13:53
elena09Is there a command for checking the temperature of my HDD?14:02
jtholmeswhen someone reports a particular printer does not work under ubuntu and linuxprinting.org does not support it and the reporter has been informed of such, what then happens to the bug report14:20
hggdh jtholmes I see two options: (1) make it a wishlist; (2) invalidate it. I am not sure how the print folks would want it, but I think wishlist is the best option14:25
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jtholmeshggdh thanks14:42
jtholmeshggdh, do u know what data and files apport-collect is suppose to collect from what i am seeing on a few reports it is collecting very little data and zero log files15:06
thurstonGood day, what is the terminal command for me to get the "Vodafone Mobile Connect Card driver"?15:16
thurstonSorry about the post. I am in the wrong IRC.15:17
thekornjtholmes, it depends on the package a bug is targeted to,15:29
thekorneach sourcepackage can have its own package-hook which collects all kind of information15:30
thekornthis hooks are in /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/15:30
jtholmesthekorn, ok just wondered, thanks for the hooks file ref15:47
thekornjtholmes, if you think some information is missing for a package, feel free to add/modifie the related hook ;)15:48
jtholmesthekorn, sure will do, with caution15:48
jtholmesthekorn, have you been following the desktop freeze problem at all if yes i have a question15:49
thekornjtholmes, no, sorry15:50
hggdhjtholmes, can you give us an example of a bug where you see the reduced collection?16:01
jtholmeshgghd i looked in the hooks directory and it was correct, i expected each apport-collect to do lots of log files etc. that was not the case here so I dont see a problem thx16:10
LaserJockis there any wiki page for how to work with regressions?17:44
mkoehlerNot exactly sure what you're looking for, but check out this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage/#Regressions17:45
LaserJockyeah, that'll do17:49
LaserJockI was wanting to figure out the tags17:49
mkoehlerah, ok17:49
elena09Log file viewer problem I guess18:02
pace_t_zuluhello elena0918:02
elena09I made a screenshot but where should I post it?18:03
elena09Log file viewer says permission denied, doesn't matter which file I click in the left panel18:06
elena09I was asking about Log file Viewer possible bug18:09
elena09in Ubuntu18:09
elena09Log file viewer says permission denied, doesn't matter which file I click in the left panel18:10
pace_t_zuluelena09 wasn't too patient... i was about to respond to her18:13
pace_t_zulushe is going to file a bug i guess...18:13
hggdhwell, nothing we can do for people that shoot and flee18:14
mkoehlerThis should be marked as a wishlist bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/37081518:27
ubot4`Launchpad bug 370815 in rhythmbox "Play status in notification area icon hard to see" [Undecided,New]18:27
BUGabundohi everyone18:37
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jtholmeshas anyone noticed how many bugs there are about desktop freezing up, going away etc.19:08
jtholmeshi pace_t_zulu was lookin 4 u19:09
elena09I have another bug (I have reported two until now)19:09
elena09Log file Viewer19:10
elena09permission denied19:10
elena09What could it be ? (Ubuntu 9.04)19:10
BUGabundohi elena09, jtholmes19:10
jtholmesBUGabundo, hello again19:11
BUGabundojtholmes: what do you mean? how are they going away?19:11
elena09hi Bugabundo19:11
BUGabundohumm jtholmes did we already shaked today ? ;\19:11
elena09I took a screenshot but what should I do with it?19:11
BUGabundoelena09: tip: on IRC use TAB key to do nick autcomplete19:11
elena09ok, thanks19:12
jtholmesBUGabundo, well some report freezing just the desktop, others the entire machine locks up, no ssh in, no ping inward etc. quite a few of them overall19:12
BUGabundojtholmes: yes that's knowm... but u said "going away"19:12
jtholmeswrong use of words, use machine lockups19:13
jtholmesdo we know where the bug is19:13
jtholmesor what is causing it to freeze19:14
BUGabundojtholmes: no idea.... it's a nasty one!19:14
jtholmesok, it sure is19:14
BUGabundoas I said yesterday, it could be kernel, Xorg, FileSystem,19:14
elena09BUGabundo: where should I put the screenshot of my Log file Viewer, please?19:14
BUGabundoany where in betweeen19:14
pace_t_zulujtholmes: hello19:15
BUGabundoelena09: any image hoster?19:15
BUGabundoI just use dropbox19:15
pace_t_zulujtholmes: sorry for the delay19:15
jtholmespace_t_zulu, hello19:15
elena09what's an image hoster?19:15
jtholmespace_t_zulu, actually elena09 is here19:15
BUGabundoelena09: a site that hosts images for free19:15
elena09I'll search19:15
pace_t_zulujtholmes: did you need something or were you pointing out that elena09 is here?19:16
jtholmespace_t_zulu, point out elena09 as you had tried to text her earlier19:17
pace_t_zulujtholmes: thank you19:17
BUGabundoelena09: are you on gnome?19:17
pace_t_zuluelena09: do you need help?19:17
elena09a second please to upload it19:18
BUGabundojtholmes: the only advice I have is to compile a list of common HW / SW from the users19:18
BUGabundojtholmes: like, what GPUs, file system used, kernel version, laptop vs desktop, wifi/eth card driver, bios maker19:18
BUGabundostart a wiki and list all those for each PC id and bug id19:18
BUGabundojtholmes: AFAIK LP now has the ability to store hardware info, to help track bugs, but I don't know how to fill that info19:19
BUGabundowgrant: ping19:19
elena09http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=200zot3&s=5  here I posted it19:19
BUGabundowgrant: I read a while ago on Kernel ML about this19:19
BUGabundowgrant: is there a way to upload the user HW ?19:20
elena09Why is permission denied, doesn't matter what I click in the left panel?19:20
BUGabundoelena09: here is an invite to dropbox https://www.getdropbox.com/referrals/NTExMjg5Mjk19:20
jtholmesgood info can do, however i think most of the freezing etc. is on laptops but i will go back and ask on each bug i commented on19:20
elena09ok, let me fill the account19:21
BUGabundojtholmes: I've had only one hardlock19:21
BUGabundoit was yesterday... its really bad to have an hard lock on a stable system, and no logs to read about it19:21
BUGabundojtholmes: forgot one thing: ask for info on Compiz/Kwin, metacity composite info19:22
jtholmesBUGabundo, I have had none but 9.04 is only on desktops, yeah this one will be a killer to find19:22
jtholmesright, i captured all you put up so i will make a list thx19:22
BUGabundoelena09: dropbox allows you to store files on your PC and on a server, and even sync with other computers or share with other users, and even get Public URLs for download19:22
BUGabundojtholmes: my pleaseru. we all want to make GNU/Linux and Ubuntu better, right?19:23
elena09I saved the installation file on my desktop (should I move it elsewhere?) but I don't know how to install it. Until now everything installed by itself19:24
BUGabundobah tinypic just crashed Firefox :(19:24
BUGabundoelena09: just add the repo to your sources19:24
BUGabundoand install from synaptic19:24
BUGabundoits called nautilus-dropbox I think19:25
elena09my sources?19:25
BUGabundoelena09: System->Admin->Software Sources19:25
BUGabundo !sources | elena0919:25
ubot4`elena09: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:25
* BUGabundo is a parabot ehehe19:25
BUGabundoelena09: are you learning a lot?19:27
BUGabundoelena09: are you finding Ubuntu is for human beings ?19:27
BUGabundodid you read Amber blog, like I recommend you too?19:27
elena09Ubuntu is my main interest now, after family of course19:27
hggdhhum. I *do* remember talking about the permission denied on log viewer yesterday, and asking for a but to be opened19:28
elena09I found Software sources but don't know how to add the downloaded file19:28
BUGabundosince I installed and removed nagios I get  a stupid warning that the log can't be read19:30
BUGabundohggdh: should we file a bug for that?19:30
jtholmesBUGabundo, the wiki page would i put it in  wiki.ubuntu.com/jtholmes19:30
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BUGabundoelena09: AFAIK that happens because you are opening the log viewer as User, but the log is created by an app running as Root, and without permitions for other19:30
BUGabundousually that correct, unless the app has a bug19:31
BUGabundojtholmes: use a sub page under either your name, or bug-debuging tools19:31
elena09So it's not a bug or something wrong?19:31
BUGabundoelena09: you don't add files to sources... you add repos19:31
jtholmesBUGabundo, where is bug-debugging tools19:31
hggdhelena09, didn't we chat about this yeaterday?19:32
BUGabundoelena09: deb http://linux.getdropbox.com/ubuntu jaunty main19:32
BUGabundojtholmes: search for it! lol I was just guessing19:32
pace_t_zulusorry i was gone for a moment19:32
BUGabundoah hggdh has as bad memory as me!19:32
BUGabundoelena09: that's the line you add on the 3rd party sources19:32
BUGabundoelena09: see https://www.getdropbox.com/downloading?os=lnx19:33
elena09BUGabundo: that link (http://linux.getdropbox.com/ubuntu) is not working, says can't find...19:35
elena09hggdh: chatted about Log file? Yes, but the Internet connection had troubles19:36
pace_t_zuluelena09: that is not a website... it is a repository19:36
elena09ok, a second19:37
BUGabundoelena09: "deb http://linux.getdropbox.com/ubuntu jaunty main"19:37
BUGabundothat's a single line that you add to your sources19:37
BUGabundo !sources | elena0919:37
ubot4`elena09: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:37
hggdhBUGabundo, if I correctly remember my chat from yesterday, elena09 has the Log Viewer continuously displaying an errno=13 for one single file (/var/log/btmp), even if looking at another log file19:39
pace_t_zuluelena09: you should take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto19:39
elena09I added the line in softaware sources and now next?19:40
BUGabundoelena09: LogViewer: please try $ gksu gnome-system-log19:41
pace_t_zuluelena09: the questions you have are quite clearly documented at http://help.ubuntu.com/community ... it is a very good resource19:41
BUGabundoelena09: #dropbox: $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nautilus-dropbox19:41
BUGabundoyeah pace_t_zulu, I think elena09 should read a bit more... of course I don't mind asking!19:42
BUGabundobut I dislike to repeat my self :\19:42
pace_t_zuluBUGabundo: this is not a user support channel19:43
BUGabundopace_t_zulu: true19:43
BUGabundoelena09 has been getting 5 start support. hope s/he enjoys it!19:43
elena09I entered it just to report bugs, today and yesterday19:44
hggdhjust for the record, elena09, this is *not* the channel to report bugs19:44
BUGabundoI know elena09... and I'm not complaining...19:44
elena09I typped the comand and the Log file viewer appeared without saying permission denied19:44
pace_t_zuluelena09: i wouldn't be sure this is a bug19:44
BUGabundoelena09: pastebin the following: ls -lah /var/log/19:45
* hggdh is pretty much sure it is not a bug19:45
pace_t_zuluBUGabundo: you are probably going to have to explain pastebin19:45
ubot4`pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:45
BUGabundohggdh: its not! it's an app that runs as root, and writes the logs as such19:45
pace_t_zuluPici: thank you!19:46
BUGabundopace_t_zulu: elena09 already used it!19:46
BUGabundook, last help I'll provide elena09 here! either take it to PVT or #ubuntu19:46
BUGabundodon't want to bother the rest of the devs/triagers/users in here19:46
pace_t_zuluelena09: I don't mean to be discouraging... we welcome enthusiastic Ubuntu users... I apologize if I have given any impression otherwise19:47
BUGabundo-rw-rw----  1 root   utmp    0 2009-05-01 18:28 btmp19:48
BUGabundoas I though! the app that puts the log there, is no setting w+rx19:49
BUGabundoelena09: not a bug, per si.... it should be an option of the app that's putting it there19:49
BUGabundoelena09: do you have any idea what that app is?19:49
pace_t_zuluBUGabundo: glad we have established that this doesn't need a bug filed...19:51
BUGabundoelena09: thanks for your interest. please go to #ubuntu for further support questions! and yes I know its too crowded... but its what we have! keep up the good work, and feel free to ask anything you need19:53
BUGabundoguys, time to go! see you tomorrow!19:53
BUGabundoand there s/he goes19:53
hggdhfor the record: elena09 was running System/Administration/Log Viewer ,and getting hit by errno=13.19:55
pace_t_zuluBUGabundo: what do you think about maybe creating an #ubuntu-help channel?19:56
pace_t_zulucould reduce the congestion in #ubuntu19:56
hggdhI am not sure it would help much, since people would flock into -help19:57
hggdhit might help to promote the #ubuntu-<country code> channels, and let them deal with support for the causal user19:58
hggdhso we could hope each would go to their language19:58
hggdhto boot, almost *no* casual user here reads the title of the channel :-(19:59
phileinsophiaheya... I'm a bit stuck - i've got a bug that cropped up a week ago, but it takes so many words to describe it, i can't find it anywhere in the forum. would anyone here be willing to help me either a) figure out how to word it to find if it's already been logged or b) tell me how to word it to log it myself?20:05
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: go ahead and describe20:11
phileinsophiaright. there's a rectangular box that's taken the window colour - it's probably only 25x5 pixels or something, but it's always on top and it's right above the [X] to close a full-screened window20:12
jtholmeshggdh, u kno how to create sub page off my home page in wiki.ubuntu.com  I dont normally use moinmoin wiki?20:15
phileinsophiathat's what it looks like20:17
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: have you tried right clicking it? is it responsive to any sort of clicking/dragging?20:19
hggdhjtholmes, just create a new page, and link it in (make the name start with your nick at the wiki)20:20
phileinsophianothing, it's just there20:20
hggdhphileinsophia, moving the window to the left?20:21
phileinsophiacan't click on it, can't make it go away. i thought it might have been related to the icons, moved them around - it doesn't go anywhere.20:21
phileinsophiayeah, it doesn't move, i end up moving windows out of the way to close them20:22
phileinsophiabecause i can't click through it20:22
hggdhis the window maximased?20:22
phileinsophiait is, now, but they're not always maximised - and it doesn't seem to change the weird little rectangle. it's on top of everything. windows, desktop, whatever.20:23
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: if you reboot the system is that box there after login is complete?20:24
hggdhalso, any window has this (the picture suggests this is a programme window)20:25
phileinsophiayeah. it's been there for a few days at least. can't remember when i first noticed it. it's been rebooted a few times since.20:25
phileinsophiaand it's not a program window. i'll take another screenshot with a different coloured desktop  if it would help20:25
phileinsophiaah, no. it's opaque matching the desktop, seems....20:26
hggdhso it is from the panel?20:26
hggdh(or from the volume manager?)20:26
phileinsophiait's not from the volume manager, i tried moving that around20:28
phileinsophiaand since i upgraded to jaunty, i seem to be unable to click-and-drag the panels so i've not moved the panel out of the way20:28
phileinsophiaright. if i set the panel to autohide, though, it's still there. could still be the panel, not sure.20:29
hggdhsounds like either due to the windows manager, or to the panel. Open a bug against (choose one), and explain it. Please make sure to state the versions both -- use apt-cache policy20:29
jtholmeshggdh, thx20:29
phileinsophiaapt-cache policy?20:30
phileinsophiaah HA, i moved the panel out of the way - shifted it to the left side - the rectangle is still there, floating20:32
hggdhsounds like a window manager thingy, or even X20:33
phileinsophiayeah, it's got a shadow around it, as if it were a transparent window or something20:33
hggdhplease see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Debugging for X;20:33
phileinsophianone of the issues listed in debugging seem to describe anything like this. it's such a little thing.20:41
phileinsophiamy biggest problem is, really trying to explain the bug20:47
hggdhphileinsophia, again, it may also be the windows manager (for example, compiz, if you use it). Open a bug against it, and add the two screenshots you provided us20:47
phileinsophiaor should i just say "there's a hovering rectangle" and leave the screenshots?20:48
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: have you tried changing themes? i see you are not using the Human theme20:48
phileinsophiayeah, i was having the issue using Human, too.20:49
phileinsophiathis was one of the themes i got when i grabbed the ubuntu-studio themes and art20:50
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: have you tried disabling Visual Effects?20:51
phileinsophiaactually - it hadn't occured to me to check. checking now.20:52
phileinsophiayeah, it went a little spastic but settled and the rectangle is gone. so it's visual effects. i restarted them and it's stil gone20:53
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: try rebooting now that it is gone and see if it comes back20:54
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: it could be that a compiz plugin is responsible20:54
phileinsophiarighto. will do.21:00
pace_t_zului guess phileinsophia got the problem solved....what do you think hggdh?21:11
hggdhpace_t_zulu, guess so. Still, it sounds like a bug21:12
pace_t_zuluhggdh: it doesn't sound as if phileinsophia would know how to reproduce it...21:13
hggdhI do not think so. But if s/he could zero in on a compiz plugin, it would help21:13
macowhat? screen artifacts where shadows dont get erased?21:14
pace_t_zulumaco: no21:14
pace_t_zulumaco: you have been here since the issue was described... read what phileinsophia was saying21:15
hggdhmaco, see http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/384511/rectangle2.png and http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/384511/unexplained_rectangle.png21:16
phileinsophiaright. sorry about that - cup of tea got in the way. restarted X and the floating rectangle is returned21:18
macopace_t_zulu: i read the description and with this http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/384511/rectangle2.png it looks like what i just asked...though that other image, not so much21:19
macoive seen the thing where the shadows stay there after a window is gone21:19
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: good news... we may be able to define this bug21:20
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: do you have any compiz plugins enabled?21:20
phileinsophiauhm. nothing that didn't come standard. i didn't change anything compiz-wise since i installed21:21
phileinsophiain appearance preferences > Visual Effects, it's set to "normal"21:22
macowhat graphics do you have?21:23
phileinsophianot sure. where would i check?21:24
macoi've seen the shadow thing on intel21:25
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: do you know which graphics card you have?21:27
phileinsophia00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82855PM Processor to I/O Controller (rev 03)21:27
phileinsophia00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82855PM Processor to AGP Controller (rev 03)21:27
phileinsophia00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) USB UHCI Controller #1 (rev 01)21:27
phileinsophia00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) USB UHCI Controller #2 (rev 01)21:27
phileinsophia00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) USB UHCI Controller #3 (rev 01)21:27
phileinsophia00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-M) USB2 EHCI Controller (rev 01)21:27
phileinsophia00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge (rev 81)21:27
phileinsophia00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801DBM (ICH4-M) LPC Interface Bridge (rev 01)21:27
phileinsophia00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801DBM (ICH4-M) IDE Controller (rev 01)21:27
phileinsophia00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01)21:28
phileinsophia00:1f.6 Modem: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Modem Controller (rev 01)21:28
phileinsophia01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 02)21:28
phileinsophia02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX (rev 02)21:28
phileinsophia02:01.0 CardBus bridge: O2 Micro, Inc. OZ711EC1 SmartCardBus Controller (rev 20)21:28
phileinsophia02:01.1 CardBus bridge: O2 Micro, Inc. OZ711EC1 SmartCardBus Controller (rev 20)21:28
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: please use pastebin21:28
phileinsophia02:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 [AirForce 54g] 802.11a/b/g PCI Express Transceiver (rev 02)21:28
ubot4`Factoid 'pastbin' not found21:28
ubot4`pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:28
phileinsophiasorry. what's pastebin?21:28
phileinsophiaah, sorry about that, i'll do that next  time21:28
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: you have a ' ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250'21:28
pace_t_zulumaco: you know anything about bugs regarding this card?21:29
maco855? wow, old21:31
pace_t_zulumaco: no need to insult phileinsophia's hardware... lets take a moment to appreciate that Visual Effects work on it21:32
phileinsophiayeah, it's a laptop from '03. but it's still running well despite the hell i've put it through ^^21:33
phileinsophiadoes what i need it to21:33
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: no shame in that... it is a point of pride that Ubuntu runs well on older hardware... not a claim that M*crosoft can make about W*ndows V*sta21:34
pace_t_zuludidn't want to infringe on any copyrights or trademarks21:34
phileinsophiavery true, very true21:34
pace_t_zulumaco: you here?21:34
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: maco seemed to have some level of knowledge about the bug you describe21:35
macopace_t_zulu: ive got a computer at my mom's with 855 cpu & intel 855 graphics. visual effects work but ouch is it slow when they're on21:36
pace_t_zulumaco: phileinsophia has a 'ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250'21:36
macoive only got intel graphic on all my computers, but ive seen those visual artifacts on them as well21:36
macoso i guess it's not a driver-specific issue21:37
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: are you using the default ati drivers or did you switch to the proprietary ones?21:37
phileinsophiai've never had an issue with visual effects before on this one. only issue i've ever had with this computer (since switching to ubuntu) was a small war with the wireless card. but they've sorted that out and i've never been happier with a computer. i'm not a gamer, so. yeah.21:38
phileinsophiai'm not using any proprietary drivers, according to System>Hardware Drivers.21:39
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: which release are you using? 9.04?21:40
phileinsophiaso yeah, 9.0421:41
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: were you using 8.10 before that?21:41
phileinsophiayeah. and then upgraded with update manager21:41
savvasphileinsophia: sorry to "butt in", but can you post at http://paste.ubuntu.com the result of this command: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:42
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: did you experience this problem before you upgraded to jaunty?21:42
savvasok thanks :)21:44
phileinsophiai think so, yeah, it's been since jaunty21:44
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: the ati drivers have changed significantly from intrepid to jaunty21:44
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/TechnicalOverview21:46
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: "The -ati driver now uses the EXA acceleration method by default, resolving a number of rendering and display issues and promising high performance on many ATI chipsets. 2D acceleration support is available for the newest R6xx/R7xx family of cards, and 3D support is available up to the R5xx family of cards. An updated -fglrx proprietary driver is also available for R6xx/R7xx users who need 3D support."21:46
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: that is the relevant text from that link21:46
phileinsophiaso what would be my next course of action?21:47
savvasdoes that mean they need Option"AccelMethod" "XAA"21:48
savvaspace_t_zulu: ^21:48
hggdhshit tornado warning21:51
jtholmeshggdh, where21:51
pace_t_zuluhggdh: you in arkansas?21:54
pace_t_zulusavvas: i am not sure... just trying to get to the bottom of the issue... i suspect this driver change is relevant21:55
hggdhPlano, TX. TW discotinued, now on south/southeast of us21:55
jtholmeshggdh, had lots of close calls here in GA this spring21:56
pace_t_zuluhggdh: yeah it's headed my way21:56
pace_t_zuluhggdh: i lived in dallas for a few years... SMU School of Engineering21:56
pace_t_zuluwe have gone off-topic... haha21:57
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia still has an issue we need to resolve21:57
jtholmeshad some slightly larger than nickel hail covered the entire yard and house, but no damage to house thank God21:57
hggdhpace_t_zulu, ugly storm, be careful21:57
phileinsophiamental. when i was living in CT we only had one tornado warning. a bit more frightening that hurricane warnings, there - mostly because they seem to be a bit more concentrated power21:57
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: tornados are nasty... i've lived through one so far... rather not go through that again...21:58
hggdhyeeeeh another storm coming my way ;-)22:00
phileinsophiayeah. i lived through 2 hurricanes. they suck - take down trees and stuff over a big area, but one worries more about flooding and loss of power than your house being flattened. moved to the UK and there are occasional rainstorms here but that's about as bad as it gets. but yeah. off-topic.22:00
phileinsophiawhat next?22:00
jtholmesbug 37003922:01
ubot4`Launchpad bug 370039 in ubuntu "[g41][West Lake] Ubuntu 9.04: System failed to resume from suspend with 18.5" panel configuration" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37003922:01
jtholmeswhat does he mean  g41  west late and is 18.5 panel flat panel screen22:02
hggdhI do not know. It seems s/he comsiders it an important piece of data (FWSW)22:06
jtholmesyes, ok22:06
arteekHi, I would like to change the package assigned to the existing bug, because of incorrect assignation. How should I do this?22:06
jtholmesclick next to the pkg name and reset22:07
hggdharteek, click on the down arrow to the left of the package name, and select a new one22:07
arteekhggdh: ok, but if I do this, the previous package will disappear from the list or new one will just added?22:09
hggdhmay be either (depends on what is there). If it stays, invalidate it.22:10
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: i am trying to identify any bugs that are already reported in jaunty22:10
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: someone will have to triage a new bug report... probably wouldn't appreciate a dupe22:10
arteekI marked this bug as duplicated but I'm not sure if I should change also package22:11
hggdharteek, what is the bug #?22:11
hggdhpace_t_zulu, dups are always around. But it is better to report it, even wrong, than not to report it at all22:11
hggdhbug 36809622:12
ubot4`Launchpad bug 368096 in ubuntu-docs "Remote Desktop does not properly update with Visual Effects enabled (dup-of: 353126)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36809622:12
ubot4`Launchpad bug 353126 in vino "Compiz / vnc screen refresh with nvidia-restricted driver" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35312622:12
jtholmesarteek i think there will be a  note in the bug that the package changed, in fact almost positive ther will be note to that effect22:12
hggdharteek, in this case it does not matter, since you (correctly) dupped it22:13
arteekhggdh: ok, thanks for your help:-)22:14
phileinsophiapace_t_zulu: thanks ^^22:14
arteekhggdh: one more question: if bug is marked as duplicated and linked bug will be fixed (fix released), does also "my" bug will be fixed or not?22:16
hggdharteek, yes.22:17
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: i think it is worth filing a new report22:17
arteekok, thanks22:17
hggdhwell, sort of. Your bug will not have any change of status (dup is a terminal status)22:17
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia you should include what we know about about disabling then reenabling Visual Effects22:18
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: you should include that you only began experiencing this after upgrading to jaunty22:18
phileinsophiaok. should i file it as a Visual Effects bug?22:19
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia:  you should include that your graphics card is '01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 02)'22:19
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: i think we have isolated this bug to Visual Effects... does anyone here who has been paying attention disagree?22:20
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: you should also attach that screenshot22:20
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: you should tag it as compiz22:22
pace_t_zulumaco: do you agree that compiz is the appropriate tag?22:22
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: you there?22:26
phileinsophiayeah, i'm filling in the bug report form now22:27
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: make sure you file it for jaunty compiz and ati in the description ... and the screenshot22:30
phileinsophiai've got the screenshot. I've filed it for compiz and mentioned jaunty and ATI in the description.22:31
pace_t_zuludo you have the bug id?22:31
phileinsophiaBug #37103422:33
ubot4`Launchpad bug 371034 in compiz "Hovering rectangle" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37103422:33
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: thank you22:33
phileinsophiaah, and thank you, as well. usually i find any quirk in the forums within about 5 minutes of searching. this one was a bit weird. hopefully it'll get figured out. in the meantime, i'll just disable-enable compiz after i boot up to make it disappear.22:35
hggdhphileinsophia, if the forums reference is good, please add it to the bug22:37
phileinsophiahggdh: what do you mean?22:39
hggdhphileinsophia, add a comment with the link to it. It may help22:39
phileinsophiabut which forum's reference?22:40
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: could you include a screenshot using the Human theme?22:43
phileinsophiaah, can do22:44
hggdhoh phileinsophia sorry, I misread you (you did *not* find a ref...)22:48
pace_t_zuluphileinsophia: perhaps also including a fullscreen screenshot with the panel in a different location would be useful as well22:49
phileinsophiai think that's pretty much all i can add to the bug22:55
phileinsophiathanks for your help, all! i must be off - it's getting late here. good luck tornado-avoiding.22:59
manomy xchat keeps crashing when i try to resize it. i'm not sure if i need to log how it happens or if a software logs it. anybody know if it is worth reporting?23:13
joumetalmano: does it give any errors if you run xchat in terminal?23:22
manoi just started it with terminal and started up ok23:25
manoi just typed xchat is that right?23:25
manoit locks up so bad that i cannot do anything i have to push the power on my desktop23:26
joumetalxchat (or xchat-gnome) is right23:30
manoif i deliberately try to crash xchat while its open with terminal will it show the error in there?23:31
manois that what you were asking joumetal, because i've not tried doing that yet, only started the thing with it23:32
joumetalit could but...23:32
joumetalsomething is really wrong if application could lock whole system.23:33
manowould it be something wrong with my computer perhaps rather than a bug?23:34
manoi've only had ubuntu 4 days so not sure if its my fault23:34
manoeverything else is great =) so not too worried. i am on konversation atm23:36
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