
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
* gnomefreak not here long since its weekend11:27
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:39
Jazzvahi, asac12:49
Jazzvaasac: mozilla bug 49112012:49
ubottuMozilla bug 491120 in Prism "Prism build fails, because prism/common/Makefile.in is missing" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49112012:49
asacJazzva: hmm. does prism start for you still ;)12:52
Jazzvawell, it was in listed in addons12:52
asachm. yeah. wonder if prism-twitter et al still work12:53
Jazzvaasac: testing with my homepage. it started12:53
Jazzvaasac: but it's not really loading anything12:53
Jazzvaasac: and menu entries don't work. I can't even open error console :)12:54
asaci guess its a rework going on there12:55
asaci asked review from mfinkle ... lets see what he has to say ;)12:55
Jazzvaok :)12:55
asaclets hope that dailies work today again12:59
asacJazzva: did you commit something else?12:59
asacits odd because yesterday there was no upload ;)12:59
asaci knew we should have deployed the bot on some public place ;)12:59
Jazzvanope, there wasn't. I didn't know where do we push new .orig.tar.gz...12:59
asaci will try to get resources somewhere12:59
asacJazzva: huh?13:00
asacJazzva: the bot always builds latest daily13:00
asacJazzva: we only bump changelog version as kind of a check-point13:00
Jazzvaasac: ah, so it automatically pushes latest revision and then we just bump changelog version.13:00
asace.g. it failed. we changed something and bump changelog version to reflect that thats the new baseline where the current state is supposed to work13:00
asacJazzva: yeah. it will automatically guess the right changelog version for the latest upstream trunk13:01
asacor whatever branch13:01
asacwe only change the changelog version to reflect that we needed to change something for that build13:01
asacbut thats mostly for us ;)13:01
Jazzvaasac: ok. since there is revision 25100 and something for prism, and we're at 25000 and something, how do we get the bot to get the latest?13:01
asaci think fta sends me logs from the bot ... if today nothing happens i have to check13:02
Jazzvabtw, where's fta? vacation?13:02
asacJazzva: the bot will always build the latest13:02
asacJazzva: why didnt you bump the changelog ?13:02
asace.g. if you touch a package you should bump to whatever version failed13:02
Jazzvaasac: I bumped few days ago, to run a new build.13:02
asacthats fine the13:03
Jazzvaasac: the only thing I don't know is how and when bot fetches new revision from upstream and push it as new .orig.tar.gz :). for example, there is prism revision 25100, we're at 25000 and I would like bot to get that new revision... how do I do that?13:04
asacJazzva: fta is on vac .. yes.13:04
asacfor another few weeks13:04
asacJazzva: it fetches latest branch head at 1900UTC13:04
asacJazzva: why do you think we are at 25000 for prism?13:05
asacbecause of the date in the changelog?13:05
asacthat shouldnt matter13:05
asacit always takes the latest13:05
asaconly problem is that the uploads didnt get acceppted yesterday13:06
asaci ahve the feeling that fta's gpg key is expired13:06
Jazzvaasac: ok then13:06
asacseems not the case13:06
asaci really think that launchpad ate the uploads yesterday13:07
asaclets see what happens tonight13:07
asacin 5 hours or so13:07
Jazzvaasac: yeah13:07
=== asac_ is now known as asac

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