
mac9416OK, I got my TV wonder 200 recognised by MythTV, but I still can't watch TV. I click "Watch TV" and the screen just blinks. Someone mentioned associating a data source?00:57
test0rhi there, i'm trying to get my pinnacle pctv hd usb 452e working under mythbuntu, but i can't find instructions01:43
test0rthere's only one entry in the doc on wiki that says something about some patches01:43
test0rso my question, did anybody got this card working?01:44
user1I have a 1TB drive and 1 gig of RAM,, looking for suggestions of partitioning and filesystems.  Thanks!!05:04
user1during the mytvset up I'm getting a black screen with a white outline of a box, it seems to have frozen05:45
user11 minute so far05:45
user1ver 9, 64 bit, open soure video driver05:46
user1that is mythbuntu ver 9,, on a amd 64 bit,, selected the open source video driver, firefox opened fine, then mythtv setup crashed05:53
user1if I alt+tab, I see a scree05:53
user1X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 805:54
user1Major opcodes 6205:54
user1minion 005:54
user1resource id05:54
user1going to Ctrl+C05:54
user1I can return to the installer, (screen with link to firefox and setup)06:20
user1I don't know if I should continue at this point, I turned off the computer and will await advice06:20
user1during the mytvset up I'm getting a black screen with a white outline of a box, it seems to have frozen06:54
user1tried a new installation with open source drivers08:21
user1boots up to garbled screen08:21
user1I have to say that I'm not that impressed with the ease of use of mythbuntu so far08:22
user1if I can help contribute to the project in anyway, I don't mind08:23
walkeranyone tried the 9.04 mythtbuntu with diskless clients?09:47
oobeuser1, you dont need to reinstall to change your video drivers what is your video card and are you using an lcd monitor crt or lcd tv or plasma tv those things are more important than the things you already mentioned09:49
oobewalker no  i havent09:49
oobeim thinking about it though09:49
oobethe guide is a bit outdated its for hardy and some of the links dont work09:50
walkerWell, i had problems installing stuff into the client from the control center (on the server)... so i installed most stuff in the console... seems to work out... but is there no mythbuntu-frontend anymore?09:50
oobeon the client09:51
oobei cant really help sorry09:51
walkeryes? i can't find the executeable...09:51
walkerno, i'ts ok... just thought maybe someone knew something ;)09:52
oobeperhaps the image on the server needs to have the /usr/bin/mythfrontend09:52
oobewhat you said is so true console always works09:52
walkerwell, mythfrontend is there...09:52
oobebut most ubuntu documentation tends to lead people to gui apps09:53
oobeso can the client boot ok and run mythfrontend09:53
walkerwell, i guess it's okay for most people :) but guess we are some oldies who like the console :P09:53
walkerit boots, but it won't connect to mysql server :(09:54
user1I'm using a lcd,, let me check09:54
walkermaybe they removed the mythbuntu-frontend-wrapper ;)09:54
walkeranyway, i'm running server on a virtual Xen machine :P works pretty nice09:55
oobehave you seen this09:55
walkerjust if anyone should be courious ;)09:56
oobe* If you installed new packages, you have to update the compressed file system:09:56
oobe    * $ sudo ltsp-update-image09:56
user1it's just a normal LCD screen,09:56
user1I'm going to have to configure that x11/xorg file ?09:57
walkersure :)09:57
oobeuser1, yes and most likely install the right drivers for you video card which you have neglected to mention what type it is09:58
user1I don't know what it is09:58
user1how can I tell09:58
user1it's a generic lcd from compusa09:58
oobeuser1 this will tell you lspci -v | grep VGA09:59
user1 sorry I'm a bit of a newb, how can I get to a console? I boot up to a grabled screen10:00
user1I'm booting it now10:01
oobectl + alt + f210:01
oobethats ok10:01
oobei will help you as much as i can10:01
user1it seems frozen after it booted, I just see a purplish mythbuntu10:02
user1crrl+alt+f2 don't seem to do anything10:02
user1let me try a ps2 keyboard..10:03
oobetry rebooting it again10:04
user1just rebooted with a different keyboard, seems to be the same10:05
user1it seems pretty quick to boot10:05
oobeor booting it in recovery  mode or whatever its called10:05
oobewell hope you can get on ok this time10:06
oobeif you cant just boot the livecd and open a console from the desktop and type lspci -v | grep VGA10:07
oobeif the desktop wont load then press ctl + alt + f1 or f210:08
oobeand do it from there10:08
walkerhey, i actually got it running :P10:08
user1I think I'll have to do that10:08
oobewalker, nice how10:09
walkerwell, i made the error myself... i accedently did something resulting in placing a empty mysql.txt file in the overlay...10:11
oobeoh ok10:12
oobeim interested in diskless servers but my remote fe is already setup and it doesnt make much noise10:13
user1The graphics card is on the motherboard,10:13
user1But the lspci did return something10:13
oobecan you add as many apps as you want to your image on the server side?10:13
oobeand does it save changes or simply restore10:14
oobeuser1, this is an example of what i want you to show me "02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 8400 GS (rev a1)"10:14
user101:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 [Radeon Xpress 200G Series]10:15
walkerhaving trouble detecting vga adapter?10:15
walkeroh my10:16
user1on the trial mode (booting off DVD) it works10:16
walkerneed ati driver10:16
oobeuser1, ok im guessing if you cant boot into your fresh install you may be better off reinstalling then searching for guides on install ati drivers10:16
oobethere is a handy applicatation that will automate the process of installing ati and nvidia drivers10:17
oobewhich i use myself10:17
walkeris it still called fglrx ?10:17
oobeits now called envyng10:17
oobesudo apt-get install envyng-gtk once you have reinstalled10:18
oobethen let it walk you thru the setup10:18
walkerokay :) how's the performance an compatibility on ati's these days?10:18
oobewalker, im an nvidia man10:18
oobemost people are if they have a choice10:18
oobebut envy does support ati aswell10:19
walkerme 2 ;) especialy after running LinuxMCE for a while10:19
oobeand i trust it and it10:19
oobeuse it10:19
user1is it a poor monitor or graphics card?10:19
user1my other question is, when would I be able to do the apt-get? I'd have to do it before rebooting possibly10:20
walkerwell, i don't think it's poor in general, but my experience is that nvidia is better supported...10:20
oobeuser1, if you can boot into console on your current install the you can do it from there10:21
oobeif you are doing a fresh install then you will be doing it on first boot10:21
Technophil1Do you mind if I ask, I am not sure about having multiple frontends with different video cards, can they boot diskless and will they need separate images as they have different video cards?10:21
oobeuser1, what walker said is true ati and nvidia are both the top cards for grapics but nvidia supports linux better10:22
user1unfortuantly I think I'm going to have to reinstall10:22
walkerTechnophil1: you can have multiple FE's with differing video cards. no problem10:22
oobeok user1 do that then and message me when your done10:23
walkerTechnophil1: You can install the drivers on the diskless image and then have a differing xorg.conf in the overlay.10:23
oobemake sure you put my nick in the sentence as it alerts me10:23
Technophil1So there is an image and an overlay for each frontend?10:23
user1oobe: I have a 1TB drive with 1gig of ram, I was going to do: 2gig swap, 250 / ext4, 250 /home ext4, 250 /videos XFS10:24
walkerno, theres one general image in /opt/ltsp and an overlay for each FE in /var/cache/mythbuntu-diskless/10:25
Technophil1So one manually edits the overlay files - or possibly alternatively does it from the frontend?10:26
walkerTechnophil1: exactly ;)10:27
Technophil1I'll give it a whirl when I get to that bit, thank you Walker, I am much obliged to you.10:28
user1should I do the "Open Source Driver" or "AMD Graphics" ?10:28
walkerTechnophil1: no problem ;)10:28
oobeuser1, make / only 30GB you wont need more than that if you want a /home then put a little more than 30GB but you wont need it for a dedicate myth then use all the rest for video10:29
oobejust my suggestion10:30
oobeso that way you will have space for lots of recordings which often take up a lot of room10:30
oobeuser1, if you still on that page try the open source one10:31
user1a terabyte is pretty insane in itself10:31
oobethese are my partitions10:32
oobe/dev/sda5              20G  6.3G   12G  35% /10:32
oobe/dev/sda6              28G   12G   15G  46% /home10:32
oobe/dev/sda1              18G  8.9G  9.0G  50% /mnt/xp10:32
oobe/dev/sdb1             932G  861G   71G  93% /data10:32
oobe/dev/sda8             166G  160G  6.0G  97% /mnt/mythtv10:32
walkeri think i have 2 TB on one of my setups10:32
oobei think it speaks for itself10:32
oobe/mnt/mythtv is for my recordings and /data is a 1TB just for mostly downloaded videos10:32
oobelike for archiving i watch them in mythvideo10:33
user1I think it crashed.. I didn't reboot, clicked the install icon, didn't reformat, and now I can't move the mouse10:33
user1the hard drive is not spinning either..10:33
user1I'll reboot..10:33
oobewhere abouts were you in setup10:33
oobei guess if you rebooting try the AMD graphics10:34
user1I had just entered the data about partitioning, username, timezone,10:34
user1I did try the amd before, with the same results10:34
oobeand it formated your disks10:34
oobeor froze when trying to format10:35
user1this is the first time I elected to not format10:35
oobehmm ok ignore what i said about selecting amd drivers10:35
oobejust do it all the same again and see what happens10:35
user1thanks for your help10:36
oobemake sure you select basic install i havent used mythbuntu installer since 8.04 but  i think there are 2 options one is advanced and the other is basic10:36
oobethe advanced one will try to map your network and ask a tonne of unecessary questions10:37
oobealso the alternate installer is much more stable10:38
oobeyou can try downloading the xbuntu alternate installer for 9.04 and the install mythbuntu-desktop from there10:39
oobeit will probably work out better10:39
user1ok, it's formatting10:40
user1I'll download the alternate, hopefully I won't need it10:41
oobeyeah hope so10:44
oobeto  tell you the truth i never had much luck with mythbuntu installers10:44
oobei generally install kubuntu then install the mythbuntu-desktop10:44
user1I got myth working on ubuntu 6 I think, it was a pain10:45
oobebut i use my mythbox as a desktop aswell10:45
user1anything to make that easier10:45
oobegonna have dinner soon so i will bbiab10:45
user1yeah I probablly will to10:45
user1thanks for your help10:45
oobeits ok10:46
oobeget the alternate installer from there if you have any probs10:46
oobewith installation10:46
user1got to the last screen, same white square problem, then I ctrl_alt+F2 and did the sudo apt-get envyng-gtk as you suggested11:05
user1couldn't ctrl+alt+f1 back to original screen so rebooted11:17
user1now I can boot up but to same white screen, which is mythfrontend.real  I can alt+tab out of that and close it11:18
user1the screen works, just mythtvfrontend doesn't work11:18
oobeyou need to setup mythtv first before mythfrontend11:43
oobeassuming you have installed your drivers correctly with envy your next step would be to launch mythbuntu-control-centre and go thru each step11:44
oobethen run mythtv-setup11:44
oobeuser1, its ctl alt f7 to get back to x session12:52
CarlFKwhat is the package name that installs mythbuntu?15:07
CarlFKmythbuntu-desktop or something15:07
CarlFKhmm, seems it is mythbuntu-desktop15:08
CarlFKwhen mysql-server gets installed, it asks for a root pw.  is there any way to pass the pw into the installer (like a preseed file) so it doesn't pause the install process?15:34
superm1CarlFK, the mythbuntu ubiquity installer handles this15:36
superm1and yes you can preseed it in ubiquity15:36
CarlFKsuperm1: how?15:36
superm1CarlFK, well er wait you are installing via meta package aren't you15:37
superm1not live disk15:37
superm1so you should be able to preset the debconf database for the questions that are being asked, but you'll have to look over the maintainer scripts to see what questions need to be filled in15:37
CarlFKyeah, did that once.  it didnt work.  when the prompt just popped up it reminded me - was hoping to find someone who knew15:38
superm1well there are several questions that need to be preseeded15:41
superm1at least 3-515:42
CarlFKwhat I tried: "debconf-get-selections | grep mysql" will tell you what to preseed. and then "cat $preseed_file | debconf-set-selections" before you install15:51
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superm1some of them are mythtv questions15:56
soulfuryanyone know if i'll be able to play higher bitrate h264 with an ati x1900 vs a geforce 7050pv?16:04
CarlFKnvidia-settings, VALIDATION ERROR:  Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.; Undefined Device "(null)" referenced by Screen "Default Screen".16:06
CarlFKSegmentation fault - tring to enable crash dump uploader gizmo...16:07
CarlFKgot it: sudo force_start=1 /etc/init.d/apport start16:16
CarlFKhow do I add the terminal (bash shell window launcher) to the launcher?16:17
CarlFKim used to: find the menu option, right click, pick 'add to launcher'16:18
thedarkone anyone know if this is a pvr 250?  Hauppauge model 61371, B216:54
user1I'm having some trouble getting mythtv-setup.real to work, it behaves as if the font is black on black17:36
user1I can highlight buttons17:37
user1I also get some error messages17:37
user1X Error: RenderBadPicture (invalid Picture Parameter) 160 {or 8}17:37
user1mythtv: cound not connect to socket17:38
user1mythtv: No such file or directory17:38
user1No theme dir: /home/user/.mythtv/themes/Mythbuntu-8.0417:39
user1the themes directory doesn't exist, and this is not 8.0417:39
user1using version 917:39
user1I'm having some trouble getting mythtv-setup.real to work, it behaves as if the font is black on black17:53
CNLiberali'm having some issues with deleteing files from my md RAID5...also, MythWeb isn't showing me that anyprograms are recorded17:54
CNLiberalwhen i know there are lots17:54
CNLiberali want to delete them, but can't17:54
CNLiberalalso, mythcommflag has been running for quite a while...and i can't kill the process17:54
user1oobe: I'm having some trouble getting mythtv-setup.real to work, it behaves as if the font is black on black18:01
oobedid you get your drivers working18:02
oobeati drivers18:02
user1well I think os18:05
user1it's working18:05
user1if I look closely the screen is not 100% clear like 99.9%18:05
user1your envy program seemed to have worked18:06
user1If it wasn't for the BadMatch errors I would think it's a theme problem18:07
oobe_that Badmatch thing is common18:09
oobe_are you using gant18:09
user1if so I think I have a theme problem18:10
thedarkone anyone know if this is a pvr 250?  Hauppauge model 61371, B218:10
user1sorry I'm not familiar with "gnat"18:10
oobe_thedarkone, is that from lspci18:14
oobe_its the default theme18:14
oobe_for mythtv18:15
user1well no idea then18:15
user1I get an error..18:15
user1No theme dir: /home/user/.mythtv/themes/Mythbuntu-8.0418:15
user1and it behaves as if all of the fonts are black on black,18:15
oobe_user1, type this in a console  ln -s /usr/share/mythtv/themes ~/.mythtv18:16
oobe_its easier if you just copy and paste18:18
oobe_just open a program like xterm18:18
user1it's a different machine18:18
user1ok I created the link18:19
user1I'll try the setup program again18:19
user1it's the same18:19
user1it might not be a font issue18:20
user1the highlight color is different now,, I remember it being blue, now it is orange18:20
oobe_i dont know what you mean18:22
user1in the program I can use the arrow keys to move the highlighted button, or selected textbox18:23
=== oobe_ is now known as oobe
user1but I can't read any text, when I type in a textbox I cna't see that either18:23
user1it might not be that the font is black on black, it might be that the program is only partially functional18:24
ooberm -rf ~/.mythtv/themecache/*18:25
user1same deal :(18:25
oobethen restart the mythtv-setup18:25
oobeor if you can guide yourself to select a different theme select gant18:26
user1can you tell me the keystrokes to get there?18:26
user1in the control center I tried to disable all themes except for one,, this didn't help18:27
oobei thinks its likely that you do not have your graphics drivers configured correctly18:28
user1in the envy program I choose ATI, I think before on this computer I had nvida installed.18:29
oobeall themes should display fine18:29
user1everything else seems to work, firefox for instance18:29
oobeis it the same computer18:29
oobefirefox doesnt require anything fancy to run18:30
oobehere you go https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Modifying%20xorg.conf18:31
oobei used google for you18:31
oobeim going to bed best of luck18:38
DarthFrog_Anybody home?  Knock, knock.  :-)20:07
DarthFrog_I had sound on Mythbuntu Intrepid working fine.20:07
DarthFrog_Then I upgraded to Jaunty.  Now I have sound problems.20:07
DarthFrog_The sound level is *way* down.  Many dB.20:08
DarthFrog_And twiddling with alsamixer channels does nothing.20:08
DarthFrog_Pulseaudio is not installed.  I tried it, then ripped it out.20:08
DarthFrog_Nothing is muted AFAICT.20:09
DarthFrog_If I crank the volume up (way up!) on my receiver, I can hear sound.  But the S/N ratio is very poor.20:10
KNIGHT3000Hi, what is the command to use to update from 9.04 RC to 9.04 final?20:21
DarthFrog_sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:24
KNIGHT3000thank you sir20:27
KNIGHT3000_anyone have an issue with the screen being pink?21:02
KNIGHT3000_I'm using NVIDIA 180.44 driver21:03
superm1DarthFrog_,check for hidden mixers like front or pcm too21:07
KNIGHT3000_for mythbuntu is there some like gnome-volume-control?22:06
DarthFrog_superm1: Been there, done that. If it's in alsamixer, I've twiddled with it.  Nothing is muted, everything is cranked near max.23:44

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