
Seeker`Doesn't have quite the same ring as "stanley kubrick"00:04
geniiI like how the freenode boxes are all after sci-fi writers actually.00:06
geniiHockey, dinner, anxious puppy chasing cats, kids. /back later.00:41
LjLi like how they're after sci-fi writers, i like a little less the fact their MOTD contains a full and detailed biography of the respective sci-fi writers00:47
LjL*especially* when i'm on pay-by-the-byte GSM connections00:48
Seeker`LjL: nice00:49
Seeker`can't you turn MoTD off?00:49
bazhangThomasHC, how may we help you01:12
ThomasHCYes I was here earlier01:12
ThomasHCI talked to ikonia I believe01:12
ThomasHCHe told me to come back an hour later to look for Pici 01:12
bazhangThomasHC, any reason to have 2 nicks joining here?01:31
ThomasHC1My net conenction died bazhang 01:32
ThomasHC1The other one hasn't pinged out yet01:32
bazhangThomasHC1, pici does not seem to be around; I will give you some docs to read first01:33
bazhang!coc | ThomasHC1 01:33
ubottuThomasHC1: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/01:33
ThomasHC1Ok, sure01:33
bazhang!guidelines | ThomasHC1 01:33
ubottuThomasHC1: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:33
ThomasHC1Will do.01:33
Picioh well. 01:45
bazhanghe's still here.01:45
ThomasHC1I'm here01:46
=== ThomasHC1 is now known as ThomasHC
PiciOh, hello there.01:46
ThomasHCHello Pici 01:46
ThomasHCSorry, net cut out a while ago and it refused to ping out01:46
PiciDo you undertand why we forwarded you here?01:46
ThomasHCYes I do.01:46
ThomasHCikonia has explained why and such and bazhang has linked me to the ircguidelines and code of conduct01:47
PiciThomasHC: And do you understand them?01:49
ThomasHCYes, I do.01:49
PiciThomasHC: I'm going to go ahead and remove the ban, please take our guidelines into concideration when you're in our channels. 01:50
ThomasHCYes, I will thanks, funny when I use Xchat on Windows I get banned :D. back to irssi on linux? ;)01:50
ThomasHCThank you, Pici see you later.01:51
bazhangnot auspicious01:51
genii"I was reading something about CLI how do I install this as my desktop?" ... or so.... bleh03:27
Flannelgenii: sudo apt-get install placebo && sudo chvt 103:51
* Flannel wonders if he can convince people to modify apt-get to give dummy data on any package name ending in -placebo03:52
geniiFlannel: I'll need to remember that one for later03:59
geniiPlease someone. lina69 in #u04:04
genii(my spanish is provided by babelfish....)04:06
tonyyarussogenii: that's what !es is for ;)04:26
geniitonyyarusso: They were already bombarded with !es a few times and continued with the "holaaaa!" stuff....04:27
tonyyarussogenii: that's what banforwards are for ;)04:27
* genii makes a note to ask an #u op for that next time04:28
tritiumgenii: you're not one?04:39
geniitritium: #kubuntu only as far as I know04:40
* tritium is surprised04:40
geniiAlthough I hang out in #kubuntu #ubuntu #xubuntu etc etc04:40
tritiumYeah, which is why I thought you were an op in #.04:41
tritiumin #ubuntu, rather04:41
geniitritium: I'll sometimes give the usual help or so as other ops do in #u but just usually call !ops or so when crap hits the fan, etc04:41
tritiumgenii: mneptok arrived here today04:42
geniitritium: mneptok is who gives ops their channels?04:44
geniiOr maybe he's just visiting you, I dunno :)04:45
tritiumgenii: he's not just visiting.  He moved here.04:46
geniiSo you're palling around, etc?04:46
* genii hides the beer04:47
elkygenii, in my experience, if they are doing 'holaaaaaaaaaa' instead of 'hola' then they have no intention of noting !es ;)04:49
geniielky: Noted :)04:49
elkyit's basically the equivilent of 'wazzuuuuuuuuuuuup'04:51
tritiumgenii: he just arrived tonight04:52
tritiumelky: who?04:53
elkytritium, who what? i was discussing troll classification with genii.04:54
elkytritium, say hi to mneptok and woo for me04:54
geniitritium: Earlier in #u a spanish speaker ignoring repeated !es   and so on04:55
tritiumelky: oh, I thought you meant mneptok and I (Spanish-speaking is common here ;) )04:55
tritiumelky: I will give them your regards04:55
bazhang<ubuntu> i will have her  <-- -ot05:22
tritiumGah, I can't open files on my ntfs partition.05:47
tritiumMS Office files are gibberish in OpenOffice.  evince complains it can't open octet/streams when I open PDFs.05:48
* jussi01 waves tiredly from the airport....05:48
elkytritium, eww05:49
tritiumHi jussi01.05:49
tritiumelky: yes, preventing me from getting work done.05:49
tritiumTime to reboot :(05:49
jussi01tritium: hei!05:49
jussi01ok, time to go get on the plane...05:53
tritiumHave a good flight.05:54
genii/msg chanserv access #kubuntu-offtopic list 05:58
* genii hides in disgrace05:58
tritiumGah, as much as I hate to reboot, I need 1) working sound, and 2) access to my files on NTFS.06:02
tritiumGood night.06:02
geniitritium: Good night06:02
elkybazhang, you need to stop being so triggerhappy.06:07
bazhangelky, excuse me?06:07
elkybazhang, he was letting people know about a job opening.06:07
bazhangelky, that channel needs to be better monitored. has done so for a long time.06:08
elkysuggesting a job opening is NOT trolling politics.06:08
=== bluesmoke_ is now known as Amaranth
bazhangif you are referring to a single instance with lenin_cat, then perhaps, but he has a long history of trolling politics06:08
elkybazhang, and if he had continued, *then* would have been the time to stop him06:09
elkybazhang, and i do hang in #wikipedia, i know exactly what he's like.06:09
bazhangelky, that is a single instance, and as I said, you may be correct. nothing to do with the state that channel has fallen into, and remains however.06:09
elkybazhang, lauding over every whiff of the o4o areas is not going to help at all.06:10
bazhangelky, pretending that things are alright in there wont do it either, which has been sop for a long while now.06:11
elkyi am not pretending things are alright.06:11
bazhanga year or more.06:11
elkyi have never pretended things are alright in that channel. but i am not going to start lynching on sight.06:12
bazhangnot the issue.06:13
bazhangthis has been mentioned many many times in the past, and just glossed over. that channel needs to be better monitored.06:14
elkybazhang, you are not the answer to that channel.06:14
elkybazhang, lynching people is not the answer to that channel.06:15
bazhangelky, no single person is, yourself included.06:15
elkybazhang, i never said i was. i am saying you're not.06:15
bazhangand taking a single instance of !politics to a person with a long history of trolling just that very thing is very selective representation of 'lynching'06:16
bazhangsee the long thread with traveler and ubuntu before that.06:16
elkybazhang, and what would you have done if you were op?06:17
bazhangelky, it seems odd to me that if loco channels are trolling misogynistic/stalkerish then immediate action is taken, but when under the very auspices of the main channel adjunct, #ubuntu-offtopic, nothing substantive is done for a very long time. and remains unresolved to this date.06:18
elkybazhang, that is not what i asked.06:19
bazhanglong threads of she is sooo hawt and the like06:19
bazhangelky, with regards to traveler and ubuntu? nothing differently.06:19
elkythen why the heck bring it up?06:20
bazhangelky, I will refrain from commenting on that channel in future. thanks for the clarification.06:25
elkybazhang, dont be a brat. throughout the traveler discussion all i can see is you complaining about lol and enter. there's nothing there that's going to improve their behaviour at all. if you could guide by offering alternatives rather than just pouncing with canned responses, then they might.06:28
elkyresponding in a manner that encompasses their whole behaviour is more likely to get response. if you had said to lenin_cat 'i hope this isn't going to be another of your political rants' rather than 'dont troll politics' then you would have got a far better response.06:31
geniiI tend to agree that the approach to someone makes all the difference.06:39
FlannelThis just in!  Geeks discover social skills! Film at 11. :)06:40
elkyfwiw, i contacted traveler in PM to avoid having snuxoll attack me in the channel again.06:42
* genii tivos the 11pm news special to watch later06:43
elkyhowever this now means one less set of eyes on that channel06:43
elkyis nobody else watching #u :-/06:57
FlannelI'm around.  Coding.07:12
elkyim around. still in my nightwear. it's 4pm.07:13
geniiHehe I like that the one fellow in #u thanked the bot08:10
geniiThe bot should reply with something like: You're welcome... enjoy Ubuntu!                       or such08:11
geniiJust a thought, anyhow08:11
elkymany problems arise when peeps think the bot is a people.08:14
geniiAh, hadn't considered. I suppose they may want to converse with it or so, using resources08:16
elkyand spamming here, usually08:17
ikoniamorning 09:22
elkyikonia, you missed fireworks again09:33
ikoniaoh really09:33
* elky points upwards09:34
ikoniagot about 2 minutes logging at the moment as I reset my client,irssi is being a pain09:34
ikoniaelky: una momento09:35
elkyikonia, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/05/02/%23ubuntu-ops.html look for 'triggerhappy'09:37
elkyikonia, did you read the log?09:53
* jussi01 prods ikonia10:05
* ikonia prods back10:06
jussi01genii: 10:06
jussi01ubottu: thanks10:06
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)10:06
jussi01ikonia: you are not in a phonable time?10:06
* genii jars awake for a second10:07
ikoniajussi01: yup, just sat at home tidying up/doing odd jobs etc10:07
ikoniagetting read to go up to London10:07
genii5AM ... bleh10:07
jussi01ikonia: can I call?10:07
jussi01ikonia: is your phone on silent...?10:08
ikoniaoh yes, I went to bed late last night so put it on silent10:09
ikoniahang on 10:09
evilGaryikonia: come to Colchester?  we are having a LUG meet today10:09
ikoniaevilGary: sorry in a studio in London10:10
ikoniajussi01: phone got10:10
ikoniais was on silent sorry10:10
jussi01ikonia: prod.10:29
geniiOK, I'm off and /away for sleep. <brews a fresh pot of coffee and goes>10:32
elkygoes off for sleep... and brews more coffee on the way?10:32
jussi01elky: of course - the coffee is for us...10:34
evilGaryooo, I want coffee10:36
jussi01evilGary: come meet me in Liverpool and Ill buy you one :D10:37
* elky has an espresso machine10:37
elkyespresso machines are stupidly cheap. only like $100. it's stupid.10:38
jussi01elky: shush now10:40
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:27
topyli@mark Jymm_is_a_douche is yaris123456789111:28
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:28
elkybolt_, you need to stop being a problem, or you will find yourself banned from many more places. do you realise this?13:07
elkythen why do you keep on doing it?13:08
bolt_i don't relise i'm doing it13:08
elkyyes you do.13:08
bolt_untill now13:09
elkyif you do not, then you should not be using the internet unsupervised.13:09
elkybolt_, have you been drinking alcohol or taking drugs at all?13:09
bolt_just melitoium at night nothing else and fish oil13:10
elkythen you should be perfectly capable of controlling your own behaviour.13:10
bolt_yeah , and i have autisoum13:11
elkyif that is influencing your behaviour on the internet, then you need to have supervision while you're online.13:12
bolt_i just get impashint 13:13
elkythat's not a valid excuse for bad behaviour.13:13
bolt_oh right13:14
elkybolt_, also, the reason you were banned from here is that you were threatening people in here.13:16
bolt_i guessed that13:16
elkythen you are aware of what you do.13:16
elkyyou are aware of what is right and what is wrong.13:17
bolt_somtimes i can control it13:17
elkyi dont think it's a matter of 'can', i think it's a matter of 'find it convenient to'13:18
bolt_oh ok13:18
elkyyou can go now. you are not unbanned from #ubuntu and you will not be until you can behave appropriately.13:21
elkyyou should not use #ubuntu-offtopic for support either.13:21
elkyplease investigate ubuntuforums.org instead.13:22
bolt_but i can behave 13:22
elkynot that i've seen.13:22
elkyyou are currently talking absolute rubbish in #ubuntu-offtopic.13:23
bolt_i'm trying to get help13:24
nickspoon#ubuntu-offtopic is not a support channel, bolt_.13:24
bolt_but i cant use #ubuntu or #kubuntu thats the ony other one i know13:25
elkybolt_, you can use ubuntuforums.org.13:26
elkyor the mailing lists at lists.ubuntu.com13:26
bolt_i don't like it has the wong info that just makes the issue worse13:26
elkythose are your options, since you have deprived yourself of #ubuntu and #kubuntu.13:27
bolt_non work13:29
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines13:29
bolt_i know them already 13:30
elkythen you really have no excuse.13:30
bolt_for what13:30
elkyfor your behaviour.13:31
bolt_but its stopped now (if yu havent notaced)13:34
elkyno, you're still asking for support in the non-support channel.13:35
elkydespite several people asking you to stop.13:35
bolt_oh i haven relised13:36
bolt_better now13:36
bolt_and it stopped by magic13:37
elkythen you dont need to be here anymore. we'll review your bans in a week if we see no more problems from you.13:38
bolt_great now a week , i cant wait anylonger then 1 day 13:39
bolt_oh great not another issue13:41
elkyducking out for a few minutes13:59
=== eYv_ww`p is now known as LjL
elkyinteresting nick...14:26
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)14:52
elkytopyli, are you around enough to monitor -ot?15:52
topylielky: on and off. sauna, grill, other stuff15:56
* elky whimpers. i need to go to bed. got a committee meeting tomorrow. cant sleep all day :(15:58
topyligo to bed :)15:58
elkybut -ot is full of tards today15:58
bazhang* [chowabunga] (n=chowabun@c-98-192-66-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net): chowabunga <--wonder if he is archlinux troll16:12
LjLbazhang: possible, but relatively unlikely16:13
bazhangLjL, okay, he is giving some bad advice/snark though. may also have me on /ignore16:14
bazhangseems to have settled down with the random comments now16:21
bazhangor maybe not :(16:25
ubottuIn ubottu, Vague said: !conky is Conky is a free, highly configurable, software system monitor for the X Window System. More information and downloads can be found at http://conky.sourceforge.net/16:58
LjL!info conky16:58
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-0ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 179 kB, installed size 556 kB16:58
ubot4`LjL: conky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-0ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 191 kB, installed size 560 kB16:58
ubottuIn ubottu, ActionParsnip said: !unr is For intallaion instrutions of Ubuntu etbook Remix (UNR) please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR Thanks!18:14
ubottuIn ubottu, ActionParsnip said: !netbookremix is For intallaion instrutions of Ubuntu etbook Remix (UNR) please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR Thanks!18:14
ubottuSeeker` called the ops in #ubuntu (master)18:20
Seeker`@mark #ubuntu master being abusive18:21
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:21
Seeker`@mark #ubuntu master being abusive18:21
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:21
=== jdong___ is now known as j-dizzle
ikoniacan someone copy the ban from #ubuntu/#kubuntu and put it on #ubuntu-offtopic for bolt_ please he's doing that "I speak dog" and "I'm a robot" rubbish again - I've made it %101 clear that is not acceptable 19:28
Piciikonia: I don't see him in there.19:29
ikoniahe's not any more19:30
Pricey3~floodbot not removing bans again? :/19:30
ikoniaI see no reason to allow this to continue in a loop - end it until he learns 19:30
ikoniawhile there are other channels to do this in, his behaviour loop continues19:30
PriceyI think we really need to remove some of these bans still.19:31
ikoniaPricey: which ones ?19:32
ikoniaI did some of floodbots yesterday19:32
Priceythe exempts look old19:32
Priceybut there's a huge amount of bans in there too19:32
ikoniaI can go through the floodbots bans if you want and clean up19:33
PriceyI'm sure we wouldn't miss many of the +d either19:33
LjLthe floodbots never removed actual *bans* they did19:34
Priceybah, i meant floodbot exempts sorry19:35
Priceyand the other bans in general, whether or not they were from the floodbots, didn't look at them too hard19:35
ikoniaI'll do some house keeping, 19:36
PiciLjL: I removed the bans that they set about a week ago, there were quite a lot in there19:41
LjLPici: there are quite a few that were set in march too20:43
rdovecan you test me for the DCC bug21:00
LjLrdove: you are vulnerable21:02
rdovei failed the test?21:02
LjLrdove: i've marked you as such in #ubuntu-read-topic, so you will be able to ask the bots for other tests21:02
* LjL shakes head at IRC wiki page21:08
LjLpeople just can't leave it alone21:08
Seeker`what have they done now?21:08
LjLSeeker`: nothing too terrible, just +  * '''[[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/?action=browse;oldid=EmacsIrcClient;id=ERC|ERC]]''' - an IRC client for the [[http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/|Emacs]] editor.21:08
LjLjust after i removed the Mac OS client. of course, this is a Unix client for sure, no doubt *roll eyes*21:09

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