
keesI recommend staying on latest ubuntu, but then I like all the toolchain hardening that started in 8.10.  :)00:00
andolkees: What version of Ubuntu does www.ubuntu.com run on? :-)00:01
keesandol: I actually don't know.  :P00:03
andolkees: Well, the netcraft respons does suggest an Ubuntu 8.04 :P00:04
alice583btw, does ubuntu server support mandatory access control similar to that found in selinux? and if not by default, is it possible to install that later on?00:05
PlaneCrazy1has anyone had any experience installing Wolfenstien: ET on Linux 9.04 server???00:06
sbeattiealice583: apparmor is available by default, and selinux is available in the archive.00:06
andolalice583: There is a gradualy improving support for MAC using Apparmor.00:06
infinityandol: Pretty much the entire Canonical DC runs on LTS releases.00:06
andolYet, I'd say RHEL/CentOS have come a bit further with the selinux deployment.00:07
PlaneCrazy1has anyone had any experience installing Wolfenstien: ET on Linux 9.04 64 server???00:08
PlaneCrazy1I have tried to install and keep getting this error message:00:10
PlaneCrazy1I have tried to install and keep getting this error message: ./setup.sh: 278: /home/username/. setup 2723: not found00:11
PlaneCrazy1wow 176 people in the room and no one answers?!?!00:13
TimReichhartcould anybody help me out I have a webserver and mail server  my problem is they are on 2 different servers with 2 different ip addresses how would I get the subdomain to work00:48
alice583what commands would I use to update my server and keep it patched with all the latest updates?01:18
TimReichhartits apt-get update and apt-get upgrade01:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #370445 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (universe) "MySQL-server-5.1 indirectly installs postfix" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37044501:37
mattHi, I am wondering how to give the sox package mp3 encoding support.  I installed the sox and lame packages, but sox still cannot encode mp3 files.02:35
=== matt is now known as mat1211
mikegriffinany chance that i can use php-apc.deb on hardy? its not in apt02:56
TimReichhartcan I have 2 different servers with 2 different internal ip addresses?  like one for webserver and other one for mail server?03:00
TimReichhartboth using virtual hosting?03:00
=== Fumoh` is now known as Fumoh|ZzZz
mikegriffinTimReichhart: not sure what you are asking really03:06
TimReichhartok how would I get 2 servers to work on one domain but they are on 2 seprate internal ip addresses03:07
TimReichhartlets say my webserver is on ip of and my mail server is on  how would I get both of them to work as one for one domain03:08
mikegriffindefine work as one03:08
TimReichhartwell I just said03:09
TimReichhartget 2 server to work on one domain03:09
TimReichhartis there some kind of virtual hosting I need to setup on both machines03:10
TimReichhartok i guess nobody knows03:14
mikegriffini am really struggling to understand what you mean03:14
mikegriffinit sounds like you aren't really sure what you are trying to achieve03:15
TimReichhartyes I do know what im trying to achieve03:15
mikegriffinare you hoping to have both servers respond to http requests?03:15
mikegriffinwhat are you solving for?03:15
TimReichhartok i will explain03:16
TimReichharti have 2 servers doing to different things for one domain    I want one server doing the email and the other one doing the website but they are on 2 different machines with 2 different internal ip addresses03:17
TimReichharti know you can do that03:17
foxbuntuTimReichhart, you just need to change your ip schema on your network to a 16 bit (or class b) network to support your goal03:18
mikegriffinfoxbuntu: not necessarily03:18
TimReichhartyea that is what i was thinking03:18
mikegriffinTimReichhart: can you ping one from the other?03:18
foxbuntumikegriffin, no it can be done with routing as well03:19
TimReichhartwell I was able to ping to both of them03:19
TimReichhartI can ping all machines on my network03:19
foxbuntumikegriffin, but using a 16 bit subnet is usually the easiest vs static routes03:19
mikegriffina static route is completely unrelated as is routing subnets, etc if the hosts can currently ping each other03:20
mikegriffinits just a matter of configuring a smart host and mx03:20
foxbuntumikegriffin, agreed, I didnt see that until after my previous statement03:21
TimReichhartbut how would I do the mx then?03:21
mikegriffinfoxbuntu: this is why i was asking for clarification instead of goose chasing03:21
mikegriffinTimReichhart: both servers running postfix? does an mx record exist currently?03:21
* foxbuntu goes away to do something else03:21
mikegriffinfoxbuntu: sorry didnt mean to be rude03:22
TimReichhartno only one machine is doing the postfix03:22
mikegriffinTimReichhart: with the terms mx and smarthost, you have everything you need to research this or ask your provider03:23
mikegriffinif you have a specific question shoot03:24
TimReichhartnot much help here03:26
TimReichhartso would I need to setup virutal hosting on my mail server03:27
mikegriffinTimReichhart: are you kidding me?03:27
TimReichhartno im not kidding you03:27
mikegriffinpmatulis: your turn03:27
pmatulisnah, way too tired03:28
mikegriffinpmatulis: any help for me?03:28
TimReichhartso your telling me there is noway I can do this then03:28
mikegriffintried to get php-apc on hardy, tried hardy-backports03:28
mikegriffinTimReichhart: no, its quite easy to configure03:28
TimReichharti dont see how its easy03:28
pmatulismikegriffin: fewer words is best03:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #370655 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: package samba is already installed and configured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37065503:30
TimReichhartso can i setup a virutal host on my email server then03:31
mikegriffinTimReichhart: do you know what 'smart host' means?03:32
TimReichhartnot really please explain mike03:32
TimReichhartthen whats the use of telling me about it if you cant explain it03:35
mikegriffini gave pretty good advice i thought. do you not have a hosting provider that helps you with this sort of thing?03:36
TimReichharti got crappy godaddy03:36
TimReichhartand i am hosting the sites on my own servers03:37
mikegriffinTimReichhart: so you want to have all mail handled by the second server, not the webserver03:48
TimReichhartthat is correct03:48
mikegriffinwhat do you hope to accomplish by doing that?03:48
TimReichhartall i wanted to do to see how this all works because i know isp's do this03:50
TimReichhartis there a problem doing that?03:50
mikegriffinby making changes that you do not understand, you introduce complexities that make debugging harder perhaps03:50
TimReichhartyou probley come back saying that is stupid03:50
mikegriffinno, it can make sense to have a different server handle mail03:51
mikegriffinbut it does not always make sense to do so03:51
arHey guys06:23
arif your home directory name changes to some wierd name does that mean Ive been hacked?06:24
geniiCould be filesystem corruption06:28
jmarsdenar: I'd say either (a) you did it, (b) someone else with appropriate authority did it, (c) a hardware or software problem mangled the filesystem... or (d) you got hacked.06:29
jmarsdenDid its name change in /etc/passwd and in the actual filesystem?06:30
geniiAlso is it /home got renamed or /homename06:32
geniiRather /home/somename06:32
geniiCould be /home is mounted on wrong partition also. Had this happen before06:33
mpathyHi there.. I have a general question because I am set up a Ubuntu-Server now.. I have 4 GB of RAM so I think about using the 64bit version.. Are ALL server specific packages are also available as 64bit packages or only a subset? If last one is yes, what percentage is available?09:39
jmarsdenmpathy: As far as I know, all server-related packages in Ubuntu itself are available for amd64; there may be some commercial software for Ubuntu that is not, though.  For Ubuntu software in main and universe, the answer really should be 100%.09:41
mpathyOkay.. So would you suggest to use a 64bit installation, when I have 4 GB of RAM on a AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+ Dual Core? It is some kind of 50:50 if I should do or not, in my opinion, so I wanted to ask someone more experienced..09:46
mpathyjmarsden: What do you think about that?09:52
jmarsdenIt's probably fine to use 64bit on that machine.  I run 64bit here on Intel E5200 with 8Gb RAM (several of virtual machines!)09:54
mpathyjmarsden: You said for main and universe 100% - is there a possibilty to easily compare this also for multiverse?09:55
jmarsdenYou can look; I just have no experience with multiverse.09:55
jmarsdenWhat is there in multiverse that you are expecting to use on your server?09:56
mpathyjmarsden: Okay, but do you think there is a big speed difference between 32bit and 64bit with server specs?09:57
jmarsdenNo, very little difference.09:57
mpathyjmarsden: Perhaps some additional tools for sieve, or something09:57
mpathyjmarsden: Okay then to being on the secure side I stay with 32bit :) THANKS :)09:58
jmarsdenNo problem.09:58
jay3ok I am here chalcedony10:50
* chalcedony smiles10:51
chalcedonyjay3: ask :)10:51
jay3Yes I was wondering with the new ubuntu server does it automatically install amazon clud and if so is there any way a person can uninstall it?10:52
uvirtbotNew bug: #370784 in openldap (main) "cn=config is not documented in README.Debian" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37078411:41
mpathyHi There.. How big can a /boot get on a Ubuntu Server? Is 256 MB sufficient or is 512 MB more secure?12:14
mib_l6ub2tbmhey guys12:58
dantalizingmorning mib_l6ub2tbm12:58
mib_l6ub2tbmmy server will not pickup an ip address from my router12:59
mib_l6ub2tbmi want to give it dynamic ip address12:59
=== asac_ is now known as asac
IvanCostaI installed Apache2 and configure some web (for intranet only) and when I use "a2dissite name_of_site" the site still available in "http://machine_ip/name_of_site". Is it normal?14:34
maxbIvanCosta: Did you restart apache?14:35
IvanCostaMaxb: yes.14:36
IvanCostaI don't understand that14:36
IvanCostaMaxb: The webpages are in the "/etc/www/name_of_web". Until now, I used only one webpage with openSUSE and Apache. I didn't use enable control because is only one webpage. But now, I use Ubuntu Server and I need to use many webages (just for intranet).14:40
IvanCostaMaxb: So, I have to enable and disable one or other to do some changes. How can I do this?14:41
maxbI'm afraid I don't completely understand what you're saying14:42
maxbPerhaps you are misusing the word "webpage" when you actually mean "website" or "virtual host" ?14:43
maxbAlso I have no idea what you mean by "I didn't use enable control"14:43
IvanCostaMaxb: I'm sorry about the terms, I'm newbie in Apache. Until last week, I was use one server with Apache2 (in openSUSE) with a wiki inside (just for me and other computers in my house). So, I installed Apache and put the wiki folder in /htdocs and it worked!14:47
IvanCostaMaxb: Now, I make another webpages, in php, and I wan't to do the same processes, but I decided to use Ubuntu Server. I installed Apache2 and made some configuration in /etc/apache2/sites-available/name_of_site. I have just one server for 5 websites (just for intranet). Is this "websites" or "virtualhosts"?14:50
maxbVirtualhosts are when you have http://something.mydomain.tld/ and http://somethingelse.mydomain.tld/ be different websites but served from the same server14:51
maxbIf you find the 'sites' configuration infrastructure added by Debian/Ubuntu to be unwanted complication, you don't have to use it14:53
IvanCostaMaxb: I normaly use http://server_ip/name_of_the_folder_site to access.14:53
IvanCostaMaxb: How can I do to make the access like you said (http://something.mydoman/), but just for intranet?14:55
maxbWhat do you mean, just for intranet?14:55
IvanCostaI have six computers in my house (one more for samba-apache server). The Apache2 webpages is only to use with this computer. The "sites" isn't registred in www.14:58
=== valiant8086 is now known as mat1211
=== kirkland` is now known as kirkland
beawesomeinsteaddoes anyone know hot to propagate /etc/environment changes without reboot?18:06
pace_t_zulubeawesomeinstead: have you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables18:10
mac9416Hey, ya'll! When installing 8.10 server in expert mode, I get to Installing additional components, about 24% in and all a sudden the screen goes to blinking black/white fitfully. After about 30-40min. I see a screen lined with "failed" down the left side. :-(18:41
mac9416I did the disc-checker-thinger successfully.18:42
jmarsdenmac9416: (a) Try using the normal (non-expert) install? (b) Try 9.04 server instead?18:47
mac9416I can't really try 9.04 yet. I will try the Normal mode, though.18:48
wizardslovakhello people18:51
wizardslovaki need help with partitioning18:52
mac9416Go ahead, wizardslovak.18:53
wizardslovakwell i am about to install server with LAMP as my study server18:55
wizardslovakright now i want to partition disk18:55
mac9416Don't go away.18:55
wizardslovakbut problem is i dont really know how many gbs i should use fo what lets say Swap,/,bott and home18:55
wizardslovakso till you come ill write what i have so far18:56
wizardslovakits 80gb hard disk and i primary is 79.3 logical (swap) 75618:57
wizardslovakall of this partitioning system did18:57
pmatuliswizardslovak: swap = 2 x RAM, but more than 2 GB is usually wasteful18:57
wizardslovakso 102418:57
wizardslovakshould be good18:57
pmatuliswizardslovak: what will your server be doing?18:58
pmatuliswizardslovak: LAMP only?18:58
wizardslovakits test server for LAN18:58
wizardslovaki just want to learn servers18:58
wizardslovaki am noob to it tho18:59
pmatuliswizardslovak: so 1 GB swap is plenty18:59
wizardslovakfor now i want to be able to host web site18:59
wizardslovakwith some storage for files18:59
wizardslovakand mysql19:00
wizardslovakso far i have 79.3 for /19:01
wizardslovakand 756 for swap19:01
pmatuliswizardslovak: 79.3 GB?19:01
wizardslovakyes , default system partition19:02
wizardslovakswap is logical or primary?19:02
pmatuliswizardslovak: if you have only 2 partitions (/ and swap) then make swap be primary19:03
wizardslovakhow  many partitions i need ?? is 2 enough?19:03
wizardslovaki want to do my own partitioning19:03
pmatuliswizardslovak: for you, yes.  in a real setting you would almost always set up a partition for /home and /tmp19:04
wizardslovakwell real setting? lets do that19:04
pmatuliswizardslovak: then set up /, /tmp, swap, and /home19:06
wizardslovakso swap 1024mb primary?19:06
=== dmesg is now known as edsoncanto
pmatuliswizardslovak: /tmp (512 MB), swap (1 GB), /home (50 GB), and / (the rest).  calculate / in advance and beging by creating it19:08
=== edsoncanto is now known as ecanto
wizardslovakall of them as primary partitions?19:09
pmatuliswizardslovak: or just put 20 GB for /, 1 GB for swap, 512 MB for /tmp, and /home will take the rest19:09
pmatuliswizardslovak: sure, you get four of them19:09
wizardslovakok give me sec19:10
* pmatulis goes to do something else, will be back in 3019:10
JoeliousCeasarSorry, wizard, do you still need help partitioning?19:10
=== JoeliousCeasar is now known as mac94163
mac94163I reckon that looked a little funny.19:11
mac94163The benifits of having too many accounts.19:11
mac94163And now I get a charming little "3" on the end of my name.19:12
wizardslovakwell partitioning is done hehe19:12
wizardslovakstill hang on i will have more questions19:12
mac94163Okee-dokee will do.19:12
wizardslovakshoul i install LAMP by intalation or manually install it later?19:12
JoeliousCeasarMy wireless internet signal is perfectly atrocious.19:15
=== JoeliousCeasar is now known as mac9417
=== mac9417 is now known as mac941621
wizardslovaki never couldnt make my audio and wireless work tho19:16
mac941621Whoever I am. :-P19:16
wizardslovakso i just left it as it is19:16
wizardslovakon desktop pc i did , however on laptop i couldnt19:16
wizardslovakright now server is installing19:17
wizardslovaki am happy for it too19:17
wizardslovakso right now i have choice of installing LAMP '19:20
wizardslovakshould i install it now or later?19:20
wizardslovakwhats openssh server?19:20
JoeliousCeasarStupid wireless.19:21
JoeliousCeasarI'll just keep this nick for now.19:21
JoeliousCeasarSo, you're about to install LAMP?19:22
wizardslovakit asks me if i want to do it now19:22
wizardslovakshould i do it or install it manually later?19:23
JoeliousCeasarI would do it now, but it's your call.19:23
wizardslovakwell i am noob in it so i am asking pros lol19:24
JoeliousCeasarI'm certainly not a apro, but I think installing now is about the same as later. I'd go for it.19:24
wizardslovakwell i did LAMP and Samba19:25
wizardslovakso another question19:27
wizardslovakquestion is how will i be able to connect to server tru LAN??19:28
wizardslovaki will set up server and let it be by itself19:28
wizardslovakso i want to be able to install and maintin server from my laptop19:28
JoeliousCeasarOK, you will want to use a thing called SSH.19:29
wizardslovakso i should install that openssh?19:29
wizardslovakdid u ever done it??19:30
JoeliousCeasarThe SSH server comes with Ubuntu Server, I believe.19:30
JoeliousCeasarYup, actually have.19:30
wizardslovakif yes i will need help  how to install and connect to it19:30
wizardslovakdamn i didnt19:30
JoeliousCeasarI believe the SSH client is shipped with the normal Ubuntu (your laptop)19:31
wizardslovaklol my laptop didnt come with kubuntu preintslled19:31
wizardslovaki did it myself19:31
JoeliousCeasarYeah, that's cool, the SSH client should be on there.19:32
wizardslovaklol so installation finished but i got an error19:32
wizardslovakGRUB loading error 18?!19:32
JoeliousCeasarCrud, what was it?19:32
JoeliousCeasarOh, I think that's easy to fix.19:32
JoeliousCeasarHold on...19:32
JoeliousCeasarTry that...19:33
JoeliousCeasarLet me try something a little more pithy...19:34
JoeliousCeasar"You've run into the BIOS cylinder limit. This is most probably an older machine with a newer disk... In any case, you have to set things up so that the grub first stage is below the BIOS limit."19:34
JoeliousCeasarI looked to that thread the very firat time I installed Ubuntu on a computer.19:34
JoeliousCeasarA 2g hard drive. :-D19:35
wizardslovakso i gotta go to bios and fix what?19:35
JoeliousCeasar"The easiset way is to create a small 'boot' partition (only a few meg needed) at the beginning of the disk.19:35
JoeliousCeasarIf you have a DOS (FAT16 or FAT32) partition on at the beginning of your disk, you can actually use that to install your boot data in -- just specify that partition as your boot partition (/boot), and remember to set it so that the partition is NOT formatted (i'm presuming you don't want to lose your Windows data -- if you do, then you'd probably be better off to reformat the partition to ext3 than leave it as FAT)19:35
JoeliousCeasarWait a min...19:35
wizardslovaki dont have no dual boot19:36
wizardslovakthis machine will be linux only19:36
JoeliousCeasarRight. Is your HD very old?19:37
wizardslovakthey are (pc and hd) same age19:37
wizardslovakactually they come together19:37
JoeliousCeasarIs the computer very old?19:38
wizardslovakyes 7 years19:39
wizardslovakits old dell dimension 240019:39
JoeliousCeasarHmmm. Try setting the HD mode to LBA in the BIOS.19:40
wizardslovaki dont see it nowhere19:41
=== JoeliousCeasar is now known as mac9416
mac9416You're in the BIOS?19:41
mac9416OK, go to the first option ( top left) in the BIOS.19:43
mac9416(I haven't done this for awhile)19:43
mac9416I believe you will see a list of drives.19:44
wizardslovakdrive configiration?19:44
mac9416I think. Maybe.19:44
mac9416Do you see anything that says "mode"19:44
mac9416Maybe a column in a table of drives.19:44
mac9416Hmmm. I wish I had an extra computer beside me...19:45
wizardslovakso i quess i wont be able to have server on this old crap19:46
mac9416Just a sec...19:46
mac9416Now hang with me, I've installed Ubuntu on what has to be the oldest computer in the county....19:47
mac9416In the BIOS, what info is at the top of the screen...19:48
mac9416Should be BIOS info name/version etc.19:48
wizardslovakbios version A0319:48
mac9416"Award" BIOS?19:49
wizardslovakit doesnt say only a0319:49
mac9416I'm looking at screenshots, trying to refresh my memory.19:50
mac9416OK, go to standard CMOS features...19:52
wizardslovakgive me sec19:52
IvanCostaHi, guys.19:52
IvanCostaHow can I test the mysql port?19:52
mac9416Heavens, IDK.19:53
IvanCostaMy MySql is working but I can't access from other computers...19:54
wizardslovakmac9416:  i changed my jumper to master ANd it works now lol19:54
mac9416wizardslovak, hehe, I am a dummy.19:55
wizardslovaklol i just found it on ubuntuforums heheh19:55
mac9416Master w/slave present (cdrom)?19:55
wizardslovakok now i am logg on to my new server19:55
wizardslovakhd master cdrom master19:55
wizardslovakhihi so how should i check/imnstall ssh?19:55
mac9416Just a min...19:56
wizardslovakshould i get gui for server?? i mean i will use it as standalone server and point is to learn command lol19:57
mac9416OK, try "sudo apt-get install openssh-server"19:57
mac9416A GUI isn't necessary...19:57
mac9416But it could be nice.19:58
wizardslovakok so i have openssh installed19:58
wizardslovakit would be lol19:58
mac9416Alright, hold on...19:58
mac9416OK, what kind of network connection do you have between your laptop and your server?19:59
wizardslovakif laptop in on linux its LAN if on windows its wireless , server will be connected with Cat5e enthernet cable to the router20:00
wizardslovakrouter runs dd-wrt20:00
pace_t_zuluwizardslovak: good choice on dd-wrt...20:01
wizardslovaki always used dd-wrt20:01
mac9416Hey, I'll have to talk to you about dd-wrt later, but right now...20:01
mac9416(I have a new router)20:01
wizardslovakthis is my 3rd router i flashed20:01
wizardslovakok mac you help me with server ill help you with router20:02
mac9416Cool. OK, so run "ifconfig" on the server...20:02
mac9416This will tell you its IP address.20:02
wizardslovakok i got ip adress20:05
mac9416Alright, now on your laptop type "ping <IP address>"20:06
mac9416Just to make sure the connection is there.20:06
wizardslovakok its pinging20:06
mac9416No errors?20:07
mac9416Cool. Now type (on the laptop) "ssh <IP address>"20:08
wizardslovakhow to stop ping?20:08
wizardslovakok no errors20:09
wizardslovakssh ip -> error20:09
mac9416Did it ask for a password?20:09
wizardslovakthe authenticity of host ip cant be established20:10
mac9416That's alright.20:10
wizardslovaki clicked yes now it asks password20:10
mac9416OK, cool...20:10
wizardslovakok i typed password and now i am in20:11
wizardslovaklets try update it true ssh20:11
wizardslovaksudo apt-get install update?20:11
mac9416Yeah, try it.20:12
wizardslovak"couldn't find package update"20:12
mac9416Oops. Try "apt-get update"20:13
mac9416Silly me20:13
mac9416Very cool.20:14
mac9416:-D :-D20:14
wizardslovakwhat if i want to connect to server from Wlan??20:14
wizardslovaklets say from my friends house/20:15
wizardslovakssh wlanip:lanip20:15
mac9416Wirelss? Should be the same way.20:15
wizardslovakno wireless20:16
wizardslovaksomewhere out of range of my LAn20:16
wizardslovakhow to check if lamp is working?20:18
mac9416For the SSH over internet: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-271036.html20:19
mac9416Well, to see if the web server is working, go to your laptop...20:19
mac9416open Firefox and type: "<IP address>" in the address bar.20:20
wizardslovak"it works"20:20
wizardslovakwhat if i want to upload web site from laptop to server?20:22
mac9416What form is the website in? One html page?20:22
wizardslovakwell i didnt make it yet20:22
wizardslovaki will use probably quanta+/dreamweaver20:23
mac9416OK. Well, IDK much about it, but navigate to /var/www on your server...20:23
wizardslovakhmm i read here that i should add port to the server20:23
mac9416I think it's already serving on port 8020:24
wizardslovakok i am there , now how should i upload web site?20:24
mac9416Hold on...20:24
mac9416"ls" and tell me what you see.20:25
mac9416Not eve "." and ".."?20:27
wizardslovakso i made quick web site with html20:27
mac9416Hmmm. Try "ls -a"20:28
wizardslovakshouldnt it be "ls -l"??20:28
mac9416-a lists even hidden files.20:29
wizardslovakok it says bash_history , sudo_as_admin_successful,bash_logout .profile20:29
mac9416OK, did you cd into /var/www?20:30
mac9416Alright, type "cd /var/www"20:30
wizardslovakok i changed to /var/www and ls -a ------- ondex.html20:30
mac9416Alright, that's the "It Works!" web page. If you replace it, Apache will serve that out.20:32
wizardslovakok now my question is how to upload web site from laptop to server over ssh?20:32
mac9416Alright you have to use "scp" whick I only vaguely remember how to use...20:33
mac9416"scp SourceFile <IP Address>:directory/TargetFile "20:34
mac9416"scp SourceFile <IP Address> Directory/TargetFile "20:34
wizardslovakthis i should type in my laptop20:34
foxbuntuwizardslovak, scp FILE user@host:/path/to/dir/20:34
wizardslovaklet see20:34
mac9416"scp SourceFile <IP Address>:/directory/TargetFile "20:35
mac9416foxbuntu, thanks20:35
mac9416Use foxbuntu's line. "host" is the IP address20:36
wizardslovakerror permission denied20:37
wizardslovaki used "sudo acp file user@IP:/var/www20:38
mac9416Now, you're not doing this from within the SSH are you?20:38
foxbuntumac9416, your user has to have write permissions to the dest directory, and usually a nomal user doesnt to /var/www20:38
foxbuntuwizardslovak, ^20:39
wizardslovakso first i gotta change permissions20:39
wizardslovakand that what i am not good at20:39
wizardslovakmac9416: all of this i do true ssh20:39
foxbuntuwizardslovak, no, move it to /tmp on the server first then ssh into the server and place it with sudo cp20:39
wizardslovaki have server next to me20:39
wizardslovakaha so scp file user@ip:.tmp20:40
mac9416I believe you have to be outside the SSH shell to use scp properly, though20:40
mac9416Or /tmp/file20:40
wizardslovakmoved to /tmp/index.html20:41
mac9416OK, back in the SSH: "sudo cp /tmp/index.html /var/www/index.html"20:41
foxbuntuwizardslovak, then sudo chmod root:www-data /var/www/index.html20:42
wizardslovakit works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!120:42
mac9416Too cool!20:43
wizardslovakhehe now i gotta make note in order to remember it later20:43
wizardslovakgive me sec20:43
mac9416Hey, man, my laptop's about to go dead.20:45
wizardslovakcant you plug it?20:45
mac9416I'm afraid not. I'm in a car with a friend driving and I forgot the adapter :-D20:46
mac9416If you PM me on ubuntuforum I'll meet you back here later. I've still got to talk to you about dd-wrt :-D20:47
mac9416My nickname there is mac9416 too.20:48
wizardslovaki am not on ubuntu forums20:49
wizardslovaki did send you pm tho20:49
wizardslovakfoxbuntu:  sudo chmod??? what for?20:49
mac9416Alright, I just sent my email address.20:50
wizardslovakok peace and thank you20:50
foxbuntuwizardslovak, the group that owns the www files should be www-data20:50
wizardslovaki am getting error20:51
foxbuntuon what?20:51
wizardslovakchmod invalid mode :"root:www-data"20:52
foxbuntuoh sorry not chmod20:52
wizardslovakok done20:52
wizardslovakso i can do everything true ssh?20:52
wizardslovakso right now i am ready to put server in its place20:53
wizardslovakwhat is the best text editor on server??20:57
foxbuntuwizardslovak, I prefer nano20:58
wizardslovakwhat is the command to shut down server?21:02
orudiesudo shutdown now21:04
wizardslovaklol it reset21:05
giovaniwizardslovak: what reset?21:06
wizardslovaksudo shutdown now21:06
wizardslovaki shows "recovery menu"21:06
giovanithat's not "reset"21:06
giovanisudo shutdown -P now21:07
giovaniwill power down the server21:07
giovanithis is not default, because servers are rarely intended to be shut down21:07
wizardslovakok thank you21:08
wizardslovakserver is down21:08
wizardslovakdo  you guys by any chance know how to make work wireless on laptop??21:08
wizardslovakmy doesnt work :(:(21:08
giovaniwizardslovak: this is not the appropriate channel for that, try #ubuntu21:09
wizardslovaki asked but noone answers21:09
giovanithat happens21:09
giovaniit's community support21:09
giovaniand you probably didn't ask the question in a helpful way (i.e. how you did just now -- with no details on card, driver, etc)21:09
giovaniyou can also try http://www.ubuntuforums.org/21:10
wizardslovaki dont really know what card i got21:10
giovaniwell then nobody will help you21:10
giovaniif you can't figure out things like that ... then you're probably not ready for linux21:10
wizardslovakwel i always used desktop21:11
giovanianyway, no more about this in #ubuntu-server ... it's the wrong channel21:11
wizardslovakmonth ago i got llaptop21:11
wizardslovakok back21:18
foxbuntugiovani, try to ask the questions the average new user doesn't know how to ask, don't just tell them "they aren't ready for linux"21:41
giovanifoxbuntu: we all have our opinions ... if a user doesn't have the fortitude to determine their wireless card model ... I don't believe they're ready for linux21:42
giovaniyou may disagree ... feel free to21:42
foxbuntugiovani, you are welcome to hold that opinion, however do not say that to new users, users are part of the community too, no matter what skill level they are at. Remember, everyone started learning linux sometime.21:43
giovanifoxbuntu: I don't believe this issue is related to whether or not they're starting linux21:44
giovanibut I'm leaving this there, have a great day21:44
* foxbuntu is tired of this attitude inside the linux community21:47
giovaniand likewise the linux community is tired of those that coddle users no matter how little effort they put in, and how lazy they are21:51
foxbuntugiovani, advocating for the community and maintaining the user cannot be helped attitude is not possible21:52
giovaniit certainly is21:52
giovaniusers can be helped, it happens all the time21:52
giovanibut not every user, no matter what the request, and no matter what their level of laziness should be catered to21:53
giovanithat's what differentiates working for a customer, and the real world of individuals21:53
giovaniif a user needs that level of help, they're best served by a corporation that pays employees to cater to those who refuse to make an effort21:53
foxbuntugiovani, nor did I say they should, but I did say that rather than taking this attitude with them, you should ask questions like "which card to do have, if you arent sure, you can try to google for it or use lspci"21:54
giovaniit wasn't attitude, after he complained that "they didn't answer me" we came to understand why21:54
foxbuntugiovani, most new users to linux dont know the rules of irc either21:55
giovaniI asked which card he has, he didn't know -- and didn't seem to want to figure it out himself, so, I'm not going to aid in that, especially in this channel, where such support is forbidden21:55
giovanifoxbuntu: that, I explained to him in a clear manner21:55
foxbuntugiovani, why is it such a problem that you ask questions a leave the snide comments out? If you don't want to help, excuse yourself from the conversation.21:57
giovanifoxbuntu: there were no snide comments, that's why21:57
foxbuntu"then i don't like you are ready for linux"21:57
giovaniand if no response is given to a user, they continue to complain, rather than understand why nobody is responding to their unanswerable question21:57
giovaniso I explained why21:58
foxbuntumy only problem with anything you said was that one comment, its exactly why we loose new users21:59
giovaniI stated what I believed to be true ... I don't share your goal of getting as many people to join the linux community as is possible ... that's not beneficial imo22:00
foxbuntugiovani, then perhaps you should review the goals and rules of Ubuntu22:01
a|wenhmm... so if the user doesn't know the lspci command in advance he is not ready to linux22:02
giovania|wen: lspci is far far far from the only, or even the best way to determine your wireless card model22:02
giovaniin fact, with newer cards, it's often inaccurate22:03
giovanilooking at the card itself is often the best way to determine its model number -- if it is a special case where it's been rebranded, and is being misidentified by its labeling on the card itself, absoltuely, pci id numbers can be useful, and no, I wouldn't expect a beginner to know that22:04
foxbuntugiovani, so your suggestion to a user is to crack open their laptop to get the model number of their wireless card?22:04
giovanifoxbuntu: absolutely22:05
giovanirelying on the pciid list provided with linux distros is a mistake22:05
giovanithey're easily wrong 10-20% of the time22:05
giovaniwith moden wireless cards22:05
foxbuntugiovani, rather than googling either the information gathered by lspci, or their laptop model number?22:05
giovanifoxbuntu: those are other options, usually netting less reliable results than physically looking at the card22:06
giovaniunless the card has been specially rebranded22:06
giovania beginner should have the knowledge and desire to google their laptop model number22:06
a|wengiovani: my experience in most cases is that the user don't know what info they need to provide, or where to get it ... that is the extra one-two lines with a question-sign at the end that is needed22:07
giovaniif they have to be instructed and walked through a non-linux task like that ... they're not ready, in my opinion22:07
foxbuntugiovani, well I, along with likely several others here, would disagree with your view points on these issues...and I really think you should consider why Ubuntu is called "Linux for Humans" before propagating them further22:09
giovanifoxbuntu: and disagreement is part of what makes life life ... I'm not trying to insist that you agree with me, you however, are doing that22:09
giovaniwe don't all need to believe exactly the same things to be in one place22:10
foxbuntugiovani, nope, just stating the facts of what Ubuntu's goals are22:10
giovani#ubuntu-server is very separate from #ubuntu, that's been made clear by many users here, to me and to others22:11
giovanino desktop questions are to be asked or answered here22:11
giovaniI decided to bend that a little to make sure he wasn't being ignored, and understood WHY he wasn't going to get an answer22:11
foxbuntugiovani, I never once said I had an issue with anything you said other than telling a new user he isnt ready for linux22:12
a|wengiovani: it is ... so direct them to #ubuntu or their loco-channel22:12
giovania|wen: I did ... did you actually read the conversation?22:12
giovanifoxbuntu: and that's my opinion, and I maintain it -- I don't need to conform to your stance on the issue, and I'm not asking that you do to mine22:13
giovaniso there's no reason to keep bringing that up22:13
giovaniif you wanted to walk him through that, I wouldn't stop you, or say anything about it22:13
giovanithat's your time, and your effort to do with as you please22:13
a|wengiovani: i did read the conversation ... but then stop after that22:13
giovania|wen: then you would've seen my effort to get him to ask the question in #ubuntu, where it's relevant, he said he had, and had been ignored, I explained why he might have been ignored, after learning that he provided #ubuntu with zero details22:14
a|wengiovani: well, that is his choice ... he didn't provide the info, he wont get any help to get it to work22:15
a|wengiovani: no need to get the person to feel extra stupid that he is not "ready/good enough for linux"22:15
giovania|wen: exactly ... I never said it wasn't his choice, I was simply explaining why, so he'd understand, because he clearly didn't understand why22:16
Thirstehscreen-profiles is pretty great, but what's feeding the up/down bandwidth meters in the prompt? Mine don't seem to budge from 0kbps22:19
Thirstehand on that note, any recommendations for a good curses-based network traffic monitor รก la jnettop?22:20
foxbuntugiovani, so if a user cann't do somethig you consider to be simple, they don't deserve help because they aren't ready for linux is your point of view?22:20
giovanifoxbuntu: if a user cannot make a certain amount of effort (something that will be required regularly for them to learn to use linux), then I will not expend my time and effort to help them complete a task that is not special, or linux-related, because I do not believe it will benefit them, or me, or the community, they need to find that interest/drive on their own, it cannot be taught or instructed22:21
giovanidoing it for them is the old teach a man to fish adage22:22
giovaniand instructing them to open up their laptop is not linux-related, nor is googling for their laptop model22:22
giovaniso I will not offer that22:22
a|wenThirsteh: i don't know jnettop ... but iptraf ?22:22
foxbuntugiovani, had you bothered to notice that particular user was willing to learn because he was able to get LAMP working to the point that he could be shown how to use scp and ssh, he was taking notes and attempting to learn22:22
giovanifoxbuntu: his question and bewilderment at no response proved otherwise to me, if you disagree, for the 10th time ... I'm not stopping you22:23
* giovani &22:23
Thirsteha|wen: that one is great, thanks!22:24
a|wenThirsteh: great22:24
* foxbuntu goes to be productive, because this conversation obviously will never be...it only proves my previous point22:26
=== Thirsteh is now known as thirsteh
duvnell1is there a GUI/point-and-click setup-my-ubuntu-server-as-a-network-router tool?   or do I continue forward with installing bind, dhcpd, enabling ipv4 forwarding, etc myself?23:40
sam_how can i have lighttpd  host a different site on a different port but same ip ?23:41
duvnell1I believe you can specify multiple ports to listen on23:42
duvnell1but you'll need to vhost too23:42
sam_ok ill try make it clearer what i want to do as i wasnt very clear before23:43
sam_i have a dynamic ip23:43
sam_so im usin a ddns23:44
sam_when someone visits my site on port 80 i want them to go to the normal version of the site (hosted at /var/www23:44
sam_and if they visit my server on port 81 i want them to go to the testing version (/var/www2)23:45
thirstehyou can set up vhosts that only care about ports, and respond to any hostname/IP23:45
thirstehif you want the exact syntax for your lighttpd config, you should ask in #lighttpd23:45
sam_ok i have never used linux as a server so i dont nmo how to do much23:45
giovaniduvnell1: I don't know of any such tool, and if it exists, GUIs and tools that use them aren't supported in #ubuntu-server23:49
thirstehsam_: This thread might be helpful: http://forum.lighttpd.net/topic/958 - basically add $SERVER["socket"] == ":81" and server.document-root = "/path/to/testing/version"23:51
giovaniduvnell1: there is, however, a pretty good tutorial on the wiki, have you read that? honestly, routing is pretty simple, presuming you're just handling 2 or 3 interfaces23:52
sam_thirsten: i have don that and restarted lighttpd but i just get a connection refused from firefox23:55
sam_could i put my config on pastebin for you to take a look?23:56
giovanisam_: your config file doesn't have a server.port designation in it that's not commented out23:58
giovaniserver.port = 80 will run it on port 8023:58
giovaniserver.port = 81 will run it on 8123:58
giovanilighttpd doesn't cleanly support listening on multiple ports in a single process23:59
giovaniyou can use $SERVER["socket"]23:59
giovanibut I don't find that clean23:59

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