
michael_when i change the resolution over settings => display it gets lost after reboot, how can i make it permanent?00:16
SiDiwhat gpu do you have / what xubuntu version / did you activate your GPU drivers in Apps -> System -> Peripheral drivers ?00:18
michael_i have a radeon 9550, i didn't activate the proprietary drivers because the the radeon drivers work well.00:28
michael_xubuntu version is 9.0400:28
SiDiWell, they dont work so well since your resolution isnt saved ;)00:31
michael_fglrx does not support my card anyway (too old) hm, there must be a solution...00:50
charlie-tcaThe solution is to use the ubuntu supplied drivers instead00:51
michael_when i got to system => hardware drivers it tells me that there are no proprietary drivers for my system (ati has dropped the support for older cards)00:53
SiDiWell, try to edit xorg.conf manually then00:54
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution00:54
charlie-tcaIt is right, there are ati drivers anymore for old cards. fglrx is in the same boat00:54
rakudaveI have a problem with gwibbler, it freezes when it updates the feeds... anyone know a fix? (reinstalling doesn't do the trick)01:02
rakudaveeh, gwibber, that is...01:03
rakudavehmpf :-(01:10
ron_omy internet connection seems ok until I try to download anything. Any suggestions as to where I might look for answers on this one?01:38
CloseYetFaris it wireless or lan?01:41
CloseYetFartry to run "ping -c 10 www.google.com" you should get a time around 19.7 ms01:44
Afzecould anybody please advice me...   im trying to install xubuntu on a laptop but by the time i reboot to access the cd nothing happens...  what compatibility problem could be because i have installed xubuntu on this laptop, but the other one wont recognize the cd01:45
Afzeno even ubuntu's cd01:45
CloseYetFarwhat happens when you reboot01:45
CloseYetFarit just sits there?01:46
CloseYetFarron_o: is it wireless or lan?01:46
Afzethe "_" character blips for a while and then it continues to windows01:46
ron_owhen I reboot it comes up fine again.01:47
ron_oactually, the lights blick nearly normal, ..01:47
ron_odamn, I am so frustrated by this.01:47
ron_oit must be on my end.01:47
ron_oI'm thinking about just hooking up directly to the cable line. and see how well it works.01:47
CloseYetFarAfze: you need to go into bios and make sure the CD-ROM is in the boot order before the hard drive01:47
Afzemaybe the kernel its too new for the laptop? i can get running older cds of mandriva...01:47
ron_oI even put in an amplifier and it worked well for awhile..01:48
Afzeof course, the cd is first boot device01:48
CloseYetFarron_o: run this  "ping -c 10 www.google.com" you should get a time around 19.7 ms01:48
CloseYetFarAfze: go in to windows and tell me what you see on the ubuntu cd01:49
ron_o10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 9010ms01:49
ron_othe first time I lost my connection, and then it came back immediately.01:50
CloseYetFardamn 9010 is a long time01:50
ron_oso the first ping, it said unkonwn host.01:50
ron_oit is.01:50
CloseYetFari get like 1901:50
ron_oI know.01:50
CloseYetFarrun that same command but on your router01:50
CloseYetFarlike "ping -c 10 (router ip here)"01:51
CloseYetFaryou have to ping around your network and find exactly where the slow down is01:52
CloseYetFaryou may also want to switch your UDP wires to STP or Sheilded Twisted Pair01:53
Afzethe cd doesnt even appear when i put it on windows01:53
CloseYetFarSTP blocks interference01:53
CloseYetFarAfze: you cant even see any files on the CD?01:54
CloseYetFarwell thats why its not booting01:54
CloseYetFarit never even made it to the kernel01:54
CloseYetFaryou have to reburn the CD01:55
CloseYetFarits not burning right01:55
CloseYetFaryou downloaded a .iso?01:55
Afzebut i installed that same cd on this laptop01:56
Afzei just cant get it on the other laptop that im trying01:56
CloseYetFarohh, is it a really old computer?01:57
Afzeyes, the xubuntu 9.04 Desktop i386 iso01:57
Afzeit is01:57
Afzebut it does recognize mandriva01:58
CloseYetFardoes the cd_rom support cd-r's?01:58
Afzean old mandriva cd that i have01:58
CloseYetFarsince its an old computer, sometimes they can not read all cd-r's01:59
Afzeit supports dvd reading but not burning...  and cd read & burn01:59
CloseYetFarhmm ok01:59
Afzeto tell you the truth i burned the xubuntu iso on a dvd cause i didnt had a blank cd...02:00
CloseYetFarif windows is not seeing any of the files, you will not be able to boot off it02:00
Afzeim gonna try burning it on a cd...  you think that could be it?02:00
CloseYetFartry with a different kind of cd-r02:01
CloseYetFarif you have others02:01
CloseYetFarbut not with a cd-rw, they have lots of problems02:01
CloseYetFaryea try with a different cd-r02:01
Afzeok, i never use those anyways02:01
CloseYetFarwhen you put the ubuntu disk in windows i think it auto runs a intro web page02:02
Afzeok, so you dont think the kernel being too new could be the problem...  or is it the contrary?02:02
CloseYetFarso you should be able to explore the files on that disk with windows02:03
Afzeyes, it does on other pcs02:03
CloseYetFarno it looks to me like a hardware problems02:03
CloseYetFaryour cd-rom does not want to read the disk, thats all02:03
CloseYetFari have seen this before in older comps02:04
Afzebut its not a cdrom drive problem... i change the drive on the old laptop for the one on this laptop and the same thing happened02:05
CloseYetFardo you have any external usb cd-rom drives?02:07
CloseYetFardoes the old laptop support booting from usb? like do a usb flash drive install02:08
CloseYetFari would first try to reburn it on a different cd-r02:09
CloseYetFarjust to see what happens02:09
Afzei tried to do that... but i could get the usb working for it... do you know a good tutorial for that...   im sucha newbie i could handle the one on the ubuntu documentation02:11
CloseYetFartry to reburn the cd-r with the alternate installation.02:14
CloseYetFarlike this one xubuntu-9.04-alternate-i386.iso02:16
Afzehmm didnt know that02:16
Afzeok cool ill do it02:16
CloseYetFarhope it works lol02:16
pteaguei'm thinking of setting up a directory to store my wallpaper, *.desktop files, & various icons in... any suggestions as to whether i should put it in ~/.local or ~/.config ?  i'll softlink them to where ever they end up needing to be later, just wanting a single spot for the various WMs i use02:17
Afzehaha thanks02:17
CloseYetFarpteague i would just create a new dir like ~/.wms and use that02:19
ubuntu_Hi everyone02:25
ubuntu_I am having problems with my xubuntu internet connection can someone help me?02:26
ubuntu_no one here?02:26
forceswhat kind of problem?02:27
ubuntu_well it's a belking usb dongle02:28
ubuntu_it's being recognized when i type lsusb02:29
ubuntu_i was wondering if i could install a driver through ndiswrapper?02:29
lelik67looking for gui for openvpn client on xubuntu. Any suggestions?02:38
trece8i have installed xubuntu 9.04 and the linux-rt (the realtime kernel), and it doesn't work03:10
trece8i can log in graphically, then it shows the mouse but not the menus03:10
trece8i'm using ircii in a terminal, so it's really hard... i appreciate any help03:11
trece8can you read me?03:12
MTec007is there a way to properly remove applications that dont appear in add/remove?04:25
forcesapt-get remove package04:26
forcesas root04:26
geniiDepends on how they were installed04:26
geniiif you did the ./configure make makeinstall method.... try make clean on it04:26
MTec007thank you both :)04:27
Carliswho can help me ?04:38
Carlisanybody here ?04:40
Carlisnobody answer here04:40
Carliswho can help me ?04:42
Spen12Can somebody help me, I am getting all kinds of errors in gparted04:42
meatcarCarlis, what do you need help with?04:43
meatcarSpen12, what are your errors?04:43
Spen12last one said cannot complete partition is mounted. It is mounting by itself over and over. It won;t stay unmounted04:44
meatcarwhat are you partitioning?04:44
meatcarare you partitioning your system while youre running it, Spen12 ?04:44
CarlisWhen i begin to install xubuntu, I receive the error ubuquity program has closed expectedly04:44
Spen12my hard drive that has been partitioned before and it worked fine04:44
Spen12no I'm in live mode right now04:45
Carlismeatcar can u help me with that error ?04:46
meatcarchecking google.04:46
meatcarCarlis, at what point does it crash? have you tried alternate install? etc.04:47
Spen12latest error was divice does not exist04:48
CarlisI insert the flash memory and restart the pc04:48
Spen12it has been running weird anyway, I have a 200GB hdd and it was saying 530TB so not sure what's going on04:49
Carlisin the desktop, I choose the install icon04:49
Carlisand I receive the error of ubiquity04:49
=== charlie is now known as Guest33692
Guest33692anyone know how to  set up a printer on xfce04:51
Spen12nope :)04:51
Carliscan u help me meatcar ?04:51
Spen12I actually never use xubu I just need a partition editor04:52
Carlishow can i fix the error with ubiquity ?04:52
meatcarSpen12, heh, heh. I dont think i can help you there... try google. theyre magic sometimes. jsut get the model of the harddrive.04:55
Spen12you know anything other than osx that can create a hfs+ partition?04:56
Carlismeatcar can u help me ?04:56
princeduganthe cups package is broken after upgrade to jaunty, it won't go away, i can't add or remove anything now <http://pastebin.com/d4aaf4e49>04:56
meatcarsorry my had to reset the router. junky thing.04:56
princeduganSpen12, I seem to recall that hfs+ is an option in most partition editors for Linux. parted, qtparted, gparted04:57
meatcarcarlis, can you please answer my q again.04:57
Spen12it will read it but it cant create it in gparted04:58
Spen12I haven't used one that allows you to create it04:58
Carliswhen i begin tgo install xubuntu in the pc I receive the error about ubiquity has closed04:59
Spen12anybody know one for sure that works? Don't wanna get others to have them not work04:59
Carlisnoboyd can help me ?05:00
zoredache!ask | Carlis05:00
ubottuCarlis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:00
Spen12can somebody verify that qtparted can create hfs+?05:01
zoredacheI see you are trying to do an install and having problems?  You might try the checking yoru disk, or trying the alternate cd for doing the install05:02
zoredacheSpen12: you probably can create the partition, but I wouldn't be to sure about actually being able to create the fileystem...05:02
CarlisI am trying to install it through the flash memory05:03
meatcara usb key?05:03
Spen12I used apt-get for qtparted and can't find it. where should it be?05:03
CarlisFlash memory05:03
meatcarkde repo probebly05:03
Spen12it should be installed but I can't find the program05:04
meatcar^^^ Carlis05:05
CarlisThanks meatcar05:06
Spen12why can't I find qtparted? Any other parted's? I need to try others05:06
meatcarCarlis, http://www.jonlee.ca/installing-xubuntu-without-a-cd-drive-the-weekend-project-continued/05:07
meatcarSpen12, qparted shouldnt differ from gparted exept for the interface.05:07
Spen12figures, any other I can try though?05:08
meatcarIt should also be in the KDE repositories, i'd believe. I might be wrong about that.05:08
Spen12that are actually different05:08
meatcaryou wish to format to hsf+?05:08
Spen12OSX disk utility sucks and I need hfs+ for the install05:09
meatcarare you installing on a mac box?05:09
Spen12why does that matter?05:10
meatcarbecause if you are attempting to dualboot OSX and linux ,you might need to read some of the tutorials for that first. however, if you are setting up a macfileserver, i'd forst set up linux as ext3, and then hfs+ as a separate partition, which we can configure after xfce is going strong.05:11
Spen12well I have a working XP partition and I can't get the drive working right for a mac one05:12
meatcarSpen12, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4208841&postcount=205:13
meatcarooooh, thats danger country. youre better off backing up your xp partition, wiping the drive, installing osx, setting up boot camp, then setting up xp.05:14
Spen12it is saying device doesn't exist/still mounted/location not found when it gets to the part where it should create the filesystem05:14
meatcaris your hardware config supported by hackintosh? I get the drift you arent sitting in front of a mac.05:15
Spen12now when it says vfat what exactly does it mean?05:15
meatcarsorry, i meant OS x86. or whatever they call it05:16
pteaguevfat is fat16, fat32, etc i believe05:16
princedugansomething I've done before is making a dd image of the XP rive then converting it to a virtualbox image. I can't recall the details but I remeber I wouldn't want to do it again, **** windows, it is too much evil to deal with05:17
Spen12OSx86/Hackintosh/pirate OSX I don't care, but yes that is right. It boots everything w/o errors when it is set to check for them05:17
Spen12it should work it just says error when it is told to run first aid or erase the drive05:18
meatcarthen you want to back up windows, and proceede mac 1st. its is impossible to format to hfs+ from anything non osx, from what i've read.05:19
Spen12says fs error. could be related to not having 1024 cylinders, I have read there is something about that, that's necessary on some and not others05:20
meatcarhttp://locoteam.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=425154   <<<< exact same problem as yours, i believe.05:20
meatcarbacicaly, use a partition editor to clean all your partitions off.05:21
meatcarthen install osx.05:21
Spen12how would I create a backup of my 2 XP copies to have 2 fresh hard drives? One is almost full (40GB) and other has about 30/40GB used (200GB drive)05:22
Spen12no other drives atm05:22
Spen12apparently that page served some use after all. System Rescue CD has hfs+ support. I can create it there05:28
meatcarlol. no problem.05:28
Spen12I'll try that and see if it works w/o removing XP05:28
princeduganSpen12: you might also consider installing ubuntu then having OSX and XP as virtual guests. ubuntu plays nicer with existing partitions than XP and OSX05:29
princeduganoo, missed him05:29
meatcarhe'll be back, maybe.05:30
meatcartry MemoServ.05:30
pteaguehow do i remove applications from the xfce menu?05:36
meatcarpteague, uninstall them from synaptic, or edit /etc/xdg/xubuntu/menus            thats where mine is....05:38
princeduganpteague: just from the menu you mean (still have them installed?)05:39
pteaguejust from the menu...05:39
pteaguemeatcar: is there a way to copy that to ~/ & modify it there?05:42
meatcari dont actually know this stuff. try poking around /etc/xdg/menus/ they seem pretty universal. they are the default values, that I believe are auto generated, so you have the mostrecent version availble for editing.05:43
meatcarhttp://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/07/12/manually-edit-the-xfce-menu/     pteague05:44
pteagueah, great, thanks :)05:46
meatcarword of warning, this is a 2006 article. the flie path mentioned there is not availbe for me05:47
pteaguei think i'll copy /etc/xdg/menus/xfce-applications.menu to ~/.config/menus/xfce-applications.menu as there are several other menus in there05:51
meatcaralso, try xfce4-menueditor05:54
pteaguehmm... that's not available & i even tried xfce-menueditor, xfce4?-menuedit05:55
meatcaryea, i realized that. they changed quite a bit up with 9.0405:56
slvmchnhi guys - so i have xubuntu 8.10 and for some reason the 3d performance is real lacklustre - on a prior desktop my ubuntu performance was on par with or better than windows 3d performance on the same hardware, so i'm wondering if maybe it's just the graphics drivers aren't too great? it's an intel 965g with x3100 onboard graphics06:11
slvmchni don't even know if this is exactly an ubuntu related issue, i just figured i'd start in here since this is what i'm using06:11
slvmchnwould upgrading to 9.04 make a difference at all?06:11
meatcarslvmchn, what you are looking for are users with similar experience. I recomend google as a method to solve your problem. I can say nontheless that upgraing may help. search for whether there was an update for your driver for 9.04 / the kernel.06:16
xarcadehi, i have a problem with system-config-kickstart, in the Package Selection page there's no packages are available for selection, how can i fix this ?06:23
slvmchnok meatcar, will do... i realize it's a pretty specific problem that nobody would probably know about unless they had the same hardware... but thanks for your time :-D06:25
slvmchnhmm wierd, i found a post on ubuntu forums by someone with same chipset/gpu and they said 8.04 they didn't have the problem... i guess i'll try upgrading, hopefully that fixes it...06:29
deekayenanyone have an idea why my desktop background is showing random images jumbled together from ram instead of my background image?06:42
deekayeni rebooted from MacOS to Xubuntu06:51
deekayenand it's just showing random images that are hanging around in RAM06:51
deekayenhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/deekayen/3492660523/ is a screenshot06:51
deekayeni've tried setting different background images, solid color, and running xfdesktop --reload06:52
deekayennothing changes on the screen06:52
deekayenI'm not even sure where to start putting blame - Xorg, Xfce, or Nvidia06:53
deekayeni guess I can't see my desktop icons either06:53
deekayenof course I'm not excited about the thought of whacking .config/xfce406:56
deekayenso I whacked ~/.config/xfce4/desktop and that didn't fix it...06:58
deekayenok... I whacked the entire ~/.config/xfce4 dir and it still didn't fix07:09
deekayenwhat else can I try07:10
deekayenhmm... I'm thinking this is twinview07:15
firestormhello  boys08:39
firestormi have some problem setting event sounds in 9.04. How i can change login and logout song?08:40
pepfirestorm, applications - system - login window08:43
pepit's in the accessibility tab08:43
firestormthanks pep! it's works!08:45
pteagueanybody know what program is run when you do settings -> preferred applications ?09:51
daurnimatorhey all09:51
daurnimatorjust upgraded my desktop to 9.0409:51
daurnimatorand it doesn't boot anymore09:51
daurnimatorwell, it boots, just doesn't bring up the desktop09:52
daurnimatorsaid something about not finding an exec file for xfce4, then something about not finding gnome failsafe, so it starts xterm failsafe, and gives me a terminal09:52
peppteague:  exo-preferred-applications09:53
R1cochetpteague: i would imagin the app u select09:53
pteaguepep: ty09:53
peppteague:  when you click on "help", this comes up: file:///usr/share/xfce4/doc/C/exo-preferred-applications.html09:53
pepalways a good tip to click help ;)09:54
pteaguei'm used to running kde & help isn't usually that helpful ;)09:54
pepdaurnimator:  Have you googled your error message?09:55
peptry it out, works wonders ;)09:56
peplet out the variables though09:56
R1cochetdoesnt it tho pep09:56
pep like IDs or your username and stuff like that09:56
R1cocheti cant tell u how many times ive had to say that to my roommate09:57
daurnimatorah, well, I ran xfce4-session in the xterm, and everything came up09:57
daurnimatorbut, why didn't it do it itself/09:57
pepdid this only happen once? or on every startup?09:57
daurnimatorwell, just upgraded10:00
daurnimatorhaven't tried restarting again10:00
pepmaybe it was just a single-time bug10:01
daurnimatorwell, rebooting noww10:02
daurnimatorsame error10:05
daurnimator"No Exec line in the session file: xfce4. Running the GNOME failsafe session instead."10:05
daurnimatorwhen I click ok to that: "Could not find the GNOME installation, will try running the 'Failsafe xterm' session."10:06
daurnimatormaybe this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-utils/+bug/35420410:07
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
pepyou seem to have found the correct bug10:17
ruadhHi all10:46
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
LukaszJHello all11:07
LukaszJOne question: I wonder if Xubuntu Jaunty has the same bunch of new features as the Ubuntu one. Asking that, because, I can't really see the notification tooltips.11:08
LukaszJI've heard There are integrated into the system now, at least on Ubuntu they are.11:09
SlonkieHello SiDi !11:17
SiDiHeya Slonkie :)11:18
rakudavei have a problem with gwibber, it freezes every time it updates it's feed... does anyone know a fix?11:18
* SiDi doesn't.11:19
rakudaveshame... gwibber works fine on ubuntu, but on the (older) xubuntu machine, it just won't11:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gwibber11:22
ubottuCookies are delicious delicacies.11:22
SiDi!info gwibber11:22
ubottugwibber (source: gwibber): Open source microblogging client for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-0ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 185 kB, installed size 1360 kB11:22
SiDiaah, for gnome11:22
SiDiwhat xubuntu version ?11:23
rakudaveyeah I know, but it's the best one out thee... I'll just have to find another one then...11:23
SiDiRun it in console please11:24
SiDiand make it crash11:24
SiDiand paste the output at paste.ubuntu.com11:24
LukaszJSorry guys. Do you know anything on that notification system on Xubuntu? Is it a typical GNOME feature, thus Xubuntu didn't include it in the newest release?11:25
SiDiLukaszJ: actually we lacked time for testing it11:26
SiDiyou can either install xfce4-notifyd or notify-osd from now on11:26
SiDithey're both "stable"11:26
SiDii'm using notify-osd here and i'm very happy with it11:27
LukaszJThank you Sidi11:27
* SiDi downloads gwibber. Will take ages.11:27
cougartengood to know :)11:27
SiDioh btw, we need testers and feedback :p11:27
SiDiso chose one (notify-osd or xfce4-notifyd) use it extensively11:27
rakudaveSiDi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/162727/ - It throws an exception... no wonder it freezes ^^11:27
LukaszJI wasn't sure if it was included by default or just external install11:27
SiDiand please drop an email on the xubuntu mailing lists11:27
LukaszJSiDi: You got it11:28
SiDiLukaszJ: Cody didnt want to include it because we didn't have much time for testing11:28
SiDiWe need feedback (ie. does it lag / crash, are there missing features ?)11:28
LukaszJI'm going to do some testing on it then11:28
SiDiI'll work on notify-osd as soon as I have the time. For instance we don't have the volume notifications at the moment.11:28
LukaszJThanks again11:28
cougartenyou need testing on everything?11:29
SiDiwe need user feedback on the notification servers11:29
SiDitell us which you prefer so we dont include the other one :P11:29
cougartenxfce4-notifyd or notify-osd?11:29
SiDixfce4-notifyd is very new though11:29
* SiDi configures gwibber with his facebook account !11:31
SiDirakudave: did you google this error / check launchpad for known bugs by the way ?11:31
cougartenI installed Ubuntu through Wubi or something (I think it still boots off the stick but uses grub, because I wasn't able to make it boot from USB before). Do I have to reinstall it with the Xubuntu Wubi? Well guess I'll just check if it takes the Xubuntu and alse reinstall...11:31
rakudaveSiDi: I did, but to no avail...11:32
cougartenis there a comparison between Ubuntu and Xubuntu somewhere?11:32
SiDicougarten: you can install xubuntu with one command line ;)11:33
SiDisudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop11:33
SiDiif i had to compare, i'd say xubuntu is (much) faster and more responsive, but ubuntu has a few more features (for the moment :p)11:34
cougartenand it uninstalls the ubuntu desktop than? great11:34
rakudavecougarten: no, you can run them along side11:34
SiDirakudave: i suggest you report a bug on launchpad with the trace11:35
rakudaveSiDi: ok I'll do that, thanks for taking the time11:35
SiDicougarten: it doesnt remove the other one11:36
SiDiyou'll have both, and you'll be able to switch at the login screen11:36
cougartenrakudave: so I just change the startup apps?11:36
SiDiwith the 'session' button11:36
LukaszJIf I install notify-osd and xfce4-notifyd all together, wouldn't they conflict?11:50
SiDiThey will12:09
SiDionly install one at a time12:10
SiDiit'll also remove notification-daemon that is installed by default12:10
LukaszJIf I'm allowed to ask one more thing12:16
SiDiyou're not12:16
LukaszJAre they universal for all the xubuntu apps, except the volume manager?12:16
SiDiWhat do you mean ?12:17
LukaszJI'm wondering if they will work for all the apps, so I don't have to install any 3rd plugins?12:18
SiDiIt'll work the same as now12:18
SiDiSome apps send notifications, some don't12:18
LukaszJTrue. So, they will work for the ones that do, right?12:19
SiDifor instance pidgin / exaile / emesene's libnotify plugins will work the same way12:20
SiDi(anyways most apps have been patched to have a better behaviour with notify-osd)12:20
LukaszJlast question: Is a restart or logout necessary to make them work after the install?12:22
LukaszJSorry if that was basic12:26
SiDiits not :)12:38
SiDitype killall notification-daemon && notify-osd & exit in a console12:38
SiDithen open another one and type : notify-osd -i notification-message-email Hello "A kitten has sent you an email"12:39
SiDinotify-send for the second command * :P12:40
thaihoasome one can help me, plz.12:57
SiDitell us your problem and we might be able to13:01
thaihoahello SiDi13:04
thaihoaI need some information about terminal13:04
thaihoaI'm a new guy in Linux13:04
SiDiTell me ;)13:04
thaihoaand my pc can't play mp313:05
thaihoait request Codec13:05
SiDiyou're under Xubuntu, right ?13:05
SiDiOk, we're going to install all the codecs you should ever need then13:06
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:06
SiDiSee here thaihoa13:07
thaihoathanks, I'm doing.13:07
SiDiwe'll need you to add a source of software. Medibuntu is used to put all the things (like codecs) that are not legal in every country (because they are copyrighted, etc)13:07
thaihoaso, how about Listen Music Player that is included in Xunbuntu13:09
SiDithe players can play free formats by default13:09
thaihoaI like its interface13:09
SiDibut mp3 is copyrighted, we can't ship it by default13:09
thaihoai see13:09
SiDidid you add medibuntu to your repository as explained on the link above ?13:09
thaihoaso, I have too add another program13:10
thaihoayes, i did13:10
=== danopia`xchat is now known as danopia
thaihoabut, that web get me many program13:10
thaihoawhich of them should i choose13:11
thaihoaMplayer or Xine?13:11
SiDithese are different players13:11
SiDithaihoa: drop the players for now. We're installing codecs, not players ;)13:11
R1cochety not use totem?13:12
R1cochetw/ xine backend13:12
thaihoaoh, i see13:12
thaihoaa question more13:12
R1cocheti use totem for all movies w/ xine backend13:13
SiDithaihoa: if you added the repository as stated on that web page above, now type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras"13:13
thaihoaI'm using Nettop Acer aspire one too. And it use Linux Linpus base on Ferdora 813:14
thaihoaMplayer or Xine is better?13:14
SiDiAre you running Fedora or Xubuntu ? :/13:14
R1cochetLaughing Out Loud13:14
thaihoanow, I'm using PC under Xubuntu13:16
SiDiOkey :P13:16
thaihoaso, thank SiDi a lot.13:16
SiDithaihoa: if you added the repository as stated on that web page above, now type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras"13:16
SiDido this then13:16
SiDiit'll install all the codecs13:16
SiDiand then your player should work ok13:16
SiDiI'm overlagging13:17
thaihoawow, I don't sure I know clearly about my Xubuntu release. How to know that? Plz13:18
R1cocheti prefer totem because i like the gui more. i dont like that the controls for mplayer are in a seperate dialog than the video playback itself. i like to be in full screen mode w/ controls13:19
SiDithaihoa: lsb_release -a ?13:19
SiDiR1cochet: +113:19
SiDivlc and mplayer's gui are the antithesis of ergonomy13:20
R1cochetadversly u can look in system monitor13:20
thaihoaI've just typed the line above and it tell me Jaunty13:20
SiDi9.04 then :p13:21
* SiDi goes take a shower !13:21
thaihoabut some error happen13:21
R1cochetwhat error13:28
R1cochetif i want to upgrabe libxine, can i just dl the .deb and install on top of old? or do i need to remove old version first?14:28
SiDiinstall ontop is ok14:35
R1cochetthank you14:41
LukaszJ1How can I edit some the xfce4 menu?15:00
LukaszJ1SiDi: BTW, I installed "osd-notify" and it wouldn't work with pidgin15:01
LukaszJ1Same for the "xfce4-notifyd".15:01
LukaszJ1Pidgin still uses libnotify, so I disabled it but it didn't make any change.15:02
SiDiPidgin uses libnotify, and notify-osd is a libnotify server15:03
SiDireenable your libnotify plugin15:03
LukaszJ1So, now I see there are basically the same. right?15:04
LukaszJ1What about "xfce-notify". Does it callaborate with Pidgin?15:08
SiDiThey dont "collaborate" with apps15:09
SiDiThere is a notification library : libnotify15:09
LukaszJ1Got you15:09
SiDixfce4-notifyd / notify-osd / notification-daemon / notify-sharp are servers that are used to show notifications15:09
SiDiaccording to this lib15:09
SiDiand the applications use methods of this library in order to popup notifications15:09
SiDi(but all the servers dont have the same features ;) )15:09
SiDiyou can use the notify-send command to spawn notifications from console15:10
SiDino more sound on the pc :D15:14
LukaszJ1Happens ;)15:14
XcellHow to enable cube?... have compize and settings already loaded.15:15
LukaszJ1Sorry if it's out of topic, but I need to add some lines to an executable in Xfce menu so it starts with this given parameter. Easiest way to do that?15:16
LukaszJ1Xcell: IMO; Install some compiz settings manager15:16
Xcellalready have..and cube is enabled15:16
LukaszJ1Xcell: There is one, in the repositories15:17
LukaszJ1Xcell: Have a key binded somethere?15:17
Xcellya.. i have to use the k/b to make it flip...but it reverts to 2 work stations15:18
Xcellill work on it...ive used ubuntu for 3 years now... this xubuntu is weird stuff...have a good day15:19
SiDiLukaszJ1: copy /usr/share/applications/youapp.desktop15:20
SiDito .local/share/applications15:20
SiDiand customize the exec/tryexec lines15:20
LukaszJ1Xcell: You can set the workastation number in the settings manager15:20
XcellI have... but it keeps going back to 2  from setting it to 415:20
LukaszJ1Yes, happened to me too.15:21
Xcellmaybe i need to re-install..brb15:21
LukaszJ1SiDi: Sorry, I didn't get it15:24
LukaszJ1SiDi: Can you please explain it to me step by step?15:24
SiDiLets say you wanna modify foo.desktop (for the app foo)15:25
SiDicp /usr/share/applications/foo.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/foo.desktop && mousepad ~/.local/share/applications/foo.desktop15:26
SiDiand then you can modify it15:26
LukaszJ1Ah..guess I got you: You want me to create a normaql launcher on Desktop?15:26
SiDino :P15:26
SiDithe .desktop files are  launchers15:27
SiDiif you want to modify one (thats what you wanna do, right ?), then copy it to .local and then modify it15:27
LukaszJ1But, my app is in usr/bin15:27
LukaszJ1Sorry about being dumb, but I still don't get it all :)15:28
SiDiyou cant modify the executable15:28
SiDiyou wanna doo "foo -parameter" instead of "foo" right ?15:28
LukaszJ1I need to edit the Skype command, to make it start wit an additional parameter by default15:28
SiDithen modify the skype launcher15:28
SiDiadd your parameter to the launcher15:29
LukaszJ1Guess now it's clearer :)15:29
LukaszJ1Let me try15:29
J_Litewskii'm a proud Guinea Pig Grandparent!15:29
* LukaszJ1 is still learning Linux15:29
SiDiJ_Litewski: congratulations15:30
J_Litewskishe was pregnant for bloody ages15:30
J_Litewskiover 2 months15:30
SiDi  9877B/s 48min 57s15:33
SiDi:'( :'(15:33
Besogonwhat is mean when I had done make and I have string like: Not rule for build wlc_led.o???15:34
LukaszJ1SiDi: Sorry once again: Can you give me any hint on how to modify the launcher?15:34
SiDiModify the Exec and Try Exec lines15:34
SiDiim not sure myself how it works so i cant help you much more :p15:34
SiDii usually write shell scripts and i put them randomly on my pc: D15:35
LukaszJ1ehat is "exac"?15:35
LukaszJ1great :)15:35
SiDiexec / tryexec lines15:35
SiDiBesogon: depends on what you're compiling obviously15:35
BesogonSiDi, I have to compiling driver for Wireless LAN PCI Adapter.15:36
BesogonSiDi, What is CROSS_COMPILE variable?15:37
SiDiHow would i know ? :/15:37
BesogonSiDi, So do I. Bad HowTo15:38
Lusulehi there, i'm thinking of upgrading to jaunty from intrepid.  I usually use the aptitude package manager to manage installs, so I'm trying to find out how I use it to do the upgrade as well, rather than mix package managers.  Am I correct in thinking I go through /etc/apt/sources.list changing 'Intrepid' for 'Jaunty' then do sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade ?16:12
LukaszJ1I guess it's "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade" no, "full-upgrade".16:13
SiDiupdate upgrade, then change the intrepid to jaunty16:14
Lusulefull-upgrade is how i do normal upgrades16:14
SiDithen dist-upgrade16:14
SiDithen update * then dist-upgrade sorry16:14
Lusuleand aptitude --help doesn't list dist-upgrade16:14
SiDiits there16:14
SiDiauto completion said so16:15
Lusuleokay thanks16:15
Lusuleso assuming my intrepid is 100% up to date, now i change sources to jaunty16:15
swoodyhey all :)17:28
swoodyso is xfce really lower on CPU usage than Gnome and KDE, or is more of a memory/graphics thing?17:29
SiDiMuch lower RAM i'd say17:46
SiDiand also, since its shipped without compiz, less gpu trouble with default install17:46
SiDiAnd its also lighter for the cpu of course :)17:46
cougartenhi, why do my internal vomlume not show up anywhere (I can mount them with nautilus and they show up there too)18:02
SiDinautilus and xubuntu ? huh :o18:07
SiDiyou mean they dont show on the desktop or in thunar ?18:07
cougartenyes, just checked with natilus if it's a system wide problem or a xubuntu one18:09
SiDiWell, im not sure but i think nautilus/thunar both use gvfs to mount the drivers18:10
Josep23912hi, im haing some problems with xubuntu, installed it in a vm18:10
SiDidrives *18:10
Josep23912and i get no sound18:10
Josep23912i did use the ubuntu dvd, and then apt-get intalled 'xubuntu-desktop'18:11
SiDiJosep23912: host and vm ?18:11
Josep23912ive checked gstreamer is installed, so is alsa18:11
Josep23912sound works fine on the host18:11
Josep23912just inside the vm18:11
Josep23912im having troubles18:11
SiDicougarten: i'd recommand you to add your drives to /etc/fstab18:11
cougartenmounted drives show up in thunar aswell, but how to mount them easily?18:11
SiDicougarten: this way you'll never have to bother with automount of internal HDDs18:11
cougartenSiDi, yea, thought about that too18:11
Josep23912nothing shows up in /dev/dsp818:12
Josep23912nothing shows up in /dev/dsp*18:12
SiDiJosep23912: what is your host / what is your  vm ?18:12
Josep23912it's a macosx host, using vmware fusion18:12
SiDicougarten: they show up in thunar but dont mount when you click them ? I'm not getting the problem, excuse-me18:12
Josep23912ubuntu with gnome worked fine18:12
Josep23912so i'm kind of at a loss, why xubuntu won't :S18:13
SiDiJosep23912: open a console please18:13
SiDiand type ps aux | grep pulse18:13
Josep23912already open :)18:13
SiDitell me if you have something (apart froma line ending by grep pulse)18:13
Josep23912root@ubuntuvm:/home/ubuntuvm# ps aux | grep pulse18:13
Josep23912root      4432  0.0  0.1   7524   900 pts/0    S+   02:43   0:00 grep puls18:13
Josep23912no, it's not running18:14
SiDiopen xfce4-mixer now please18:14
Josep23912that's just the grep commands :(18:14
Josep23912GStreamer was unable to detect any sound devices. Some sound system specific GStreamer packages may be missing. It may also be a permissions problem.18:14
Josep23912im wondering maybe what i didn't install18:14
Josep23912sounds like a simple package18:15
Josep23912i havn18:15
Josep23912't got for some reason18:15
Josep23912ive got the good plugins too btw18:15
Josep23912for gstreamer installed18:15
SiDiinstall gstreamer alsa package :)18:15
SiDii think its because you had an ubuntu install18:15
SiDithey use pulseaudio now18:15
SiDiare you using jaunty btw ?18:15
Josep23912yes i am18:16
Josep23912gstreamer0.10-alsa is already installed18:16
SiDiplugins-base and plugins-bad too ?18:16
SiDiotherwise, try to "sudo apt-get instal xubuntu-restricted-extras"18:16
SiDior "sudo apt-get build-dep xfce4-mixer"18:17
Josep23912gstreamer0.10-plugins-base, installed... gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad also installed18:17
Josep23912apt-get build-dep xfce4-mixer wants to install a bunch of X dependencies18:18
Josep23912ah and libgstreamer wtf18:18
Josep23912that wasn't installed hahaha18:18
Josep23912wait no18:18
Josep23912they are dev packages18:18
Josep23912libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev libgstreamer0.10-dev libgtk2.0-dev18:18
SiDiah damn18:19
Josep23912i would have thought that wont fix it18:19
SiDiit wont :X18:19
SiDidev packages are headers for compiling18:19
SiDireinstall xfce4-mixer, it should also reinstall the deps18:19
Josep23912http://rafb.net/p/9uSIUM42.html SiDi18:20
Josep23912those are the deps18:20
Josep23912no loss i suppose18:20
SiDithese are all dev files18:20
SiDibuild-dep wasnt the good command ^^18:20
Josep23912this sounds better:18:21
SiDigot sound now ?18:21
Josep23912im going to try18:21
SiDieither, reinstall xfce4-mixer and it should get its deps18:21
cougarten/dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       018:21
cougartenthats my floppy drive, right?18:22
Josep23912who has floppy drives these days lolz18:22
cougartenhow to prevent it from automounting? just outcomment it with #?18:22
SiDithe bios thinks he has one :D18:22
SiDicougarten: yes18:22
Josep23912lol that is strange :P18:22
cougartenJosep23912, PCs who need to run xubuntu to be somehow usable18:23
Josep23912i like xubuntu cos its faster than gnome and kde18:23
Josep23912good for a vm :)18:23
Josep23912but so would openbox be18:23
SiDiyeh but openbox is less userfriendly :D18:23
Josep23912ppft i dont need friendly18:25
Josep23912i pretty much only use it to fap18:25
Josep23912nah it's handy for building packages for ubuntu18:26
Josep23912and most of the time im in console18:26
cougartenwhat <type>  and <options> do I have to set for my internal drives in fstab?18:26
SiDicougarten: type is the filesystem18:26
cougartenokey, type is ntfs / fat2318:26
cougartenvfat, good18:27
SiDiand for the options, auto,rw,user,async if i'm not wrong18:27
SiDii also have some ext4 parts but still unused ^^18:27
cougartenwhats <dump>  and <pass> ?18:30
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:30
cougartenokey, thanks18:32
cougartenpass is the check at boot18:32
Josep23912xtmnx:( SiDi still no sound18:50
Josep23912ubuntuvm@ubuntuvm:~$ alsamixer18:50
Josep23912alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory18:50
Josep23912just says null output18:53
Josep23912there's no outputs18:53
Josep23912it thinks18:53
SiDitry alsaconf18:54
SiDiit sounds like it doesnt recognise the card sound :/18:54
SiDibut why xubuntu and not ubuntu ? :[18:54
Josep23912mm not installed, do i need to install alsa-tools18:54
Josep23912i duno18:55
Josep23912already installed18:55
Josep23912still no alsaconf18:55
SiDitype alsaconf Josep2391218:56
SiDiit should tell you the name of the package18:56
SiDihi Balrog_18:56
Balrog_I just upgraded from 8.10 to 9.02 and the system won't boot now with kernel 2.8.1118:56
Balrog_2.6.28.11 *18:56
* SiDi hides ! :x18:57
Balrog_boots fine with 2.6.27-x18:57
Balrog_what could be going on?18:57
SiDiBalrog_: your hardware not recognised anymore :) is it a very old pc ,18:57
Balrog_(it just freezes in the boot screen) ... this is a 500MHz Compaq Armada P |||18:57
Besogon/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.27-9  linux-headers-2.6.27-9-genericDoes it mean that I have 2 kernel-headers?18:57
Balrog_so I need to use 2.6.27, or do I need to get a special kernel?18:57
SiDiBalrog_: the new kernel might be missing modules needed by your pc. I suggest you try #ubuntu or #ubuntu-kernel and ask for help there18:59
Josep23912hmm so without alsaconfig :(18:59
SiDiBesogon: no it doesnt18:59
SiDiJosep23912: i'm running out of ideas ^_^18:59
SiDiJosep23912: lsmod ?18:59
Josep23912im running out of ideas too18:59
SiDishow me what modules you got at the moment18:59
Balrog_SiDi: ?19:00
BesogonSiDi, where is my kernel headers?19:00
SiDiBesogon: I think its the -generic one19:00
Josep23912is my lsmod19:00
SlonkieAnybody know which packages i need to make compiz-fusion work?19:00
BesogonSiDi, thanks. And one quastion else. /usr/lokal/src What for that dir?19:01
SiDiBesogon: dunno19:02
SiDiThere is a file somewhere on the web19:03
SiDiwith explanations for every folder name19:03
SiDibut i cant find it T_T19:03
Josep23912SiDi: i just tried installing gnome19:03
Josep23912it wants  gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps gstreamer0.10-schroedinger gstreamer0.10-tools19:03
Josep23912so ill try installing them19:03
SiDigood idea19:04
J_LitewskiHA! got a menu bar :)19:05
SiDihey J_Litewski :p19:05
BesogonSiDi, DUNNO. Do you think I know such word like dunno? Only lingvo has helped me. hm...19:07
J_Litewskipython is a hell of a lot easier without a GUI builder19:09
J_Litewskiit's like Java19:09
J_Litewskibut with killer bunnies and Holy Hand 'Nades19:09
SiDiBesogon: it means "I don't know", sorry /X19:10
BesogonSiDi, dont worry. I will remember that word19:13
pcfreak30could someone look at that dmesg dump19:14
pcfreak30my xubuntu is not loading normal19:15
SiDiNot me :D19:17
SiDiI don't understand dmesg dumps :/19:17
pcfreak30well i need help, and it happened during a hybernate19:18
pcfreak30now my bios gave a error, but booted19:18
pcfreak30when i wen to recovery, gui loaded19:18
SlonkieAnybody know which packages i need to make compiz-fusion work?19:18
pcfreak30cinda funny. xubuntu can hardly help anyone. ubuntu can help ppl, cause they are flooded with questions19:19
SiDipcfreak30: we're helping for xfce specific issues.19:21
SiDiI don't know anything about dmesg19:22
SiDithe very technical questions find more answers on the forum19:22
SiDiSlonkie: ^http://paste.ubuntu.com/163038/19:23
Slonkiehmm thanks19:24
Josep23912SiDi: imma try the kubuntu disk and see where it goes19:25
Josep23912but for now im going to bed19:26
Slonkiehmm i do you know where to configure compiz, SiDi ?19:26
SiDiinstall compizconfig-settings-manager19:27
J_Litewskihmmm... I can't get the menubar to stay in the correct window19:27
Slonkiehmm after installing those compiz packages, am i suppose to enable it somewhere?19:36
SiDicompiz --replace &19:38
SlonkieDoes it automaticly work now, then?19:39
SiDiWhat do you mean ?19:48
Slonkiewow compiz is a little too fancy for me.19:51
SiDiI didn't try it for a while :O19:52
SlonkieAnyway it's just useless anyway19:52
Salix_I use Xubuntu 8.04. Is it normal that the updater offers me to upgrade to 8.10 instead of 9.04?20:12
SlonkieYes, you have to upgrade to 8.10 and then upgrade to 9.04 :)20:13
SiDiYes Salix_20:14
Salix_Ahm... so it's on purpose. Thanks.20:15
SiDiwe cant maintain migration scripts for all versions20:15
Salix_But LTS to LTS will be provided, won't it?20:17
Salix_The next LTS will be in 2010 sometime, right?20:19
BSE9.10 should be LTS20:20
Balrog_yeah, 10.04 I believe20:20
Balrog_ahh ... so it's 9.10 ... that's better.20:20
BSEKoala :)20:20
SiDi10.04 lts20:22
Salix_I hesitate to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 (and to 9.04). Is there any good reason to consider doing it? I mean in general?20:36
R1cocheta jackelope is cooler than a heron20:53
artistxeyes. but Hardy is cooler than "Jaunty"20:55
artistxeWhat about Jazzy Jackelope . or even Juicy Jackelope. ?20:58
artistxefor my problems it was more like Jerky or even Jokey20:58
artistxenot at the fault of the OS . more like the idiots at ATI21:01
R1cochetget nvidia next time21:02
R1cochettheir not canadian21:02
meatcardoes anyone know how i can write a script to execute a command in the terminal at startup?21:29
Lusulehi guys, i just upgrade to jaunty.  I've been using bitlbee in IRSSI, but since I upgrade, I've got the error 'unable to connect to localhost port 6667: connection refused'  any ideas why?21:35
S0210In "update manager" for the "check" button I receive the following message (partly hu, partly en):21:37
S0210Sikertelen letöltés: http://hu.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/Release Unable to find expected entry web/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)21:37
S0210Sikertelen letöltés: http://hu.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-updates/Rele... Unable to find expected entry web/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)21:37
S0210Sikertelen letöltés: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-security/Relea... Unable to find expected entry web/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)21:37
S0210Néhány index fájl letöltése meghiúsult, ezeket mellőzöm vagy régi változatukat használom.21:37
S0210I think the same stops me from upgrading to 8.1021:38
S0210The exact message I get if I start upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10 is following21:45
S0210W:Sikertelen letöltés: http://hu.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/Release  Unable to find expected entry  web/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)21:45
S0210, W:Sikertelen letöltés: http://hu.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-updates/Release  Unable to find expected entry  web/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)21:45
S0210, W:Sikertelen letöltés: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-security/Release  Unable to find expected entry  web/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)21:45
S0210, E:Néhány index fájl letöltése meghiúsult, ezeket mellőzöm vagy régi változatukat használom.21:45
S0210Any idea?21:45
R1cochethow come i can create an archive of a .iso file? i can for almost all other files i have21:46
Slonkie.iso is an archive21:47
R1cochetthen how can i compress it?21:48
R1cochetrar it up21:48
Slonkieunpack the content and do whatever compressing you wan't to?21:48
R1cocheti need to turn it into a .7z compressed file21:48
artistxeunpack it and 7zip it then21:49
R1cocheti cant zip it as a .iso?21:49
artistxeI do not think so. and why would you want to. ?21:50
R1cochetso i can up it21:50
artistxeit is already compressed.21:50
artistxeI would guess it would be same size ( or even larger) if you tried to make it smaller21:50
R1cochetdamn it21:50
artistxeR1cochet, what sort of image are you uploading anyway ?21:51
R1cochetbut u can rar iso files in windows and they are smaller21:51
R1cocheta game21:51
artistxedon't know about windows.21:51
artistxeanyway. there is a package you can install that gives archiving abilities ( more of them) to Ubuntu21:52
florian_hi there21:52
R1cochetarchive manager?21:52
R1cocheti have that21:52
florian_can anybody please see if he/she knows the solution for the following21:52
florian_i've just changed from ubuntu to xubuntu but i don't find my other partitions to mount in thunar21:53
artistxeR1cochet, do not have an iso here to test with ( my disks are in other local)  did you try renaming file and then doing ?21:53
florian_usb stick is recognized however21:53
florian_and mounted automatically21:53
SlonkieYou need to mount your other partitions.21:53
R1cochetno i havent tried to rename it21:53
florian_@slonkie and how to?21:54
R1cochetwill do but id rather not have to if i dont21:54
=== meatcar_ is now known as meatcar
HezyStrange thing: after installing digiKam I found that Konqueror was also installed as a dependency. So far so good. But now I see that some of the programs (like AbiWord and Pidgin) started to use Konqueror to open their help, although Firefox is still set as the preferred web browser.22:15
HezyI asked about it in the ubuntu forum, but got no answer. so maybe someone here knows what's the problem22:23
avvayHezy, is xdg-open prefer konqueror too?22:39
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=== lukinfore is now known as avvay
=== avvay is now known as lukinfore
pteagueis there an app of some sort that will detect what kind of media is in a file regardless of the extension?23:57

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