
rippsOkay, with a queue of 517 on the i386 PPA builder, it's time to add another server to deal with this.03:07
rippsCan't we move an lpia builder to work for i386?03:07
wgrantripps: You would think so. But the sysadmins must disagree.03:11
wgrantAh. Somebody pushed langpacks.03:14
wgrantThat was a bit stupid.03:14
wgrantI really don't see how, after 1.5 weeks, the load wouldn't have dropped enough to free up at least another two builders for i386. That would sort things out.03:17
wgrantGiven that they seem to have stolen about 20 builders.03:18
MTecknologywgrant: hire me! :D03:21
MTecknologyno clue wtf I'd be doing, but it sounds like some fun stuff03:21
wgrantMTecknology: Now you have me confused.03:22
MTecknologywgrant: builders. Or is that something else you're referring to?03:23
rippsMTecknology: PPA builders are automated servers03:23
wgrantMTecknology: Unless you are a computer, I don't think you'd make a very good builder.03:23
MTecknologyI could try? :)03:23
wgrantCan you run gcc, or do you compile manually?03:24
rippsHell, I'm willing try, now where do I stick the ethernet cable?03:24
MTecknologyin my sleep man, in my sleep :)03:24
MTecknologyripps: you sure you want to know?03:24
MTecknologyanyway, I was going to add to that - I think I'll stop at that03:26
* MTecknology goes to see what kinds of jobs are available that I need not apply for03:27
rippsSee those ppa lpia servers sitting there doing nothing? Couldn't they be helping get rid of some of that i386 backlog09:41
wgrantripps: That relies on there being sysadmins around on a weekend. Which there aren't.09:42
* ripps pouts09:43
wgrantlpia has almost finished in Ubuntu, too.09:44
wgrantripps: Eventually we'll see i386, amd64 and lpia buildds pooled together, so there'll be no need to reassign them.09:47
SiDiThere's a guy who created questions on launchpad in order to know how to install a blatently illegally downloaded game and 3 times he got an answer :/ Isn't there something wrong ?11:14
rippsSiDi: unless we're actually telling him how to download the games illegally, then I don't have much of an issue with it.11:46
SiDiripps: it just annoys cause it can give the opinion to an outsider that we consider illegal downloading as a "normal" way to get software11:47
SiDifor people who promote free and open source software, that's not really good, imo11:47
DemophobieSomeone here who can help me with my translations? I have a strange thing going on there14:33
SiDiWhat's up ?14:33
DemophobieSomeone made a translation - i downloaded the po and committed it to my source. Now this language is not full green - i dont understand why14:34
Demophobiei tried to download it again and made another commit. Still a "new translated" part in this language - it has to be full green14:36
SiDihave the translations all been reviewed ? maybe it takes some time to update, too ?14:36
DemophobieSiDi: its there since yesterday morning. launchpad doesnt show "needs review" seems to be zero14:37
DemophobieSiDi: or is this because launchpad has some "oops"-bugs atm? The language says: "needs review: 0" - "untranslated: 0" and language isnt full green14:41
SiDiShow me the link :O14:47
DemophobieSiDi: https://translations.launchpad.net/s25rttr14:47
SiDiEnglish UK ?14:48
DemophobieSiDi: yes14:48
SiDiwell, if they've been translated lately it soundsn ormal14:48
Demophobiehm? the language was translated and i downloaded the full translation14:49
Demophobiecommited it, and after approving is still shows this14:50
SiDiI dont know exactly how this works, but i think it'll stay violet till you make a new package or something like that14:50
SiDican be related to imported vs translated in launchpad translations14:50
Demophobiehm thats weird. i uploaded the other files (with new translation) too - and they were green14:51
* SiDi 's playing with the french translation.14:54
SiDiWhat is a lobby ?14:55
Demophobiea place where ppl meet to start multiplayer games14:55
Demophobieits like a chat with a "Create Game", "Connect to Game" option, and a list of all games which are on14:55
DemophobieSiDi: i translated that french stuff and i was not very good in french in skool :D14:56
SiDiMind if i pm you ?14:56
Demophobieits ok14:56
SiDiAlright :) cause we're going offtopic :D14:56
Demophobie"Ooops" Bug on Launchpad dont need a bugreport-right? the "oops"-site says it was recorded15:20
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=== kyselasyrecka is now known as kyselejsyrecek
SOS1Hi guys17:35
SOS1I'm new of launchpad17:35
SOS1I'm interested in sharing my main project17:36
SOS1but I don't know where have I start17:36
SOS1I've created the profile17:36
SOS1on launchpad and now?17:36
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:37
SOS1MTecknology ok17:37
MTecknologySOS1: You just need to browse around at what launchpad does and see which part interests you. If you find something, find a project that's hosted there that you're interested in and can help with.17:38
SOS1MTecknology I have my own project17:39
SOS1MTecknology I would like to manage it with launchpad17:39
SOS1is it possible?17:39
MTecknologySOS1: ya, there's a wiki for it. I'm too busy to find it though - perhaps an LP guy knows the link...17:41
SOS1MTecknology are you still there?17:41
savvasSOS1: what do you need? to register your project?17:41
SOS1yes savvas17:41
savvasthere is a "demo" site of launchpad, you can test a registration there if you are not sure17:41
savvaswhatever you do there will be lost17:41
savvasonce you are familiar with it and still want to use it, you can really register it here: http://launchpad.net17:42
SOS1savvas ok but I don't understand how can I update my project there17:42
savvaswell launchpad uses bazaar (bzr)17:43
ZuLuuuuuuSOS1: you should definately look at https://help.launchpad.net if you haven't17:43
ZuLuuuuuuit covers pretty much everything17:43
savvastrue :)17:43
SOS1ok guys I am going there17:44
SOS1the Launchpad service is free?17:44
SOS1My project is a big project written in PHP language. Is it good for Launchpad?17:46
ZuLuuuuuuprojects of every size and programming language can be hosted on Launchpad17:48
BUGabundo./configure --lua-suffix=5.1 --with-lua-include=/usr/include/lua5.1 --prefix=/usr --with-ssl=crypto17:54
BUGabundo Looking for Lua... lua5.117:54
BUGabundo found in $PATH:17:54
BUGabundolua5.1 not found in $PATH.17:54
BUGabundo You may want to use the flags --with-lua and/or --lua-suffix. See --help. make: *** [configure-stamp] Error 117:54
BUGabundowhat's wrong with this picture?17:54
SOS1ZuLuuuuuu I can try to understand the way to upload the whole project inside Launchpad but I don't find the way ...17:55
AnMaster"A release requires a corresponding milestone that is not attached to another release."18:13
AnMasterthis is new18:13
AnMasterisn't it18:14
AnMasterI'm not using launchpad to track that. Only for bzr hosting.18:14
AnMasterthat seems too much work. Forget it :P18:17
alex-weeji pushed a bzr branch to lp:~alex-weej/+junk/ngui18:31
alex-weejand it showed up on LP as having been created but apparently no revisions have been pushed18:31
alex-weeji just committed again and pushed again and still same thing18:31
alex-weejany ideas?18:32
ZuLuuuuuualex-weej: how many minutes passed? sometimes it takes time for revisions to show up18:37
alex-weejah wait, it says This branch has not been scanned yet now18:37
alex-weeji assume people can still branch it18:37
alex-weejah yes, good18:38
alex-weejk that's fine18:38
=== hypera1r is now known as hyperair
MattJOk, perhaps someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong18:51
MattJMy package upload to my PPA is being rejected:18:51
MattJ"File prosody-dev_0.5.0.orig.tar.gz already exists in PPA for Prosody IM Developers, but uploaded version has different contents."18:51
MattJand "Files specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification."18:51
BUGabundoMattJ: no one on Contact today18:52
MattJI already uploaded a .orig for this version, so I am now uploading just a diff18:52
james_wMattJ: the .orig you built the second version against wasn't the same as the one in the archive19:00
MattJjames_w: Ok, how does it know? :)19:00
* MattJ needs to figure out his packaging process, it looks like19:01
james_wthe .dsc contains a checksum of the file19:01
BUGabundojames_w: is there a quick guide for it? MattJ has spend a few hours on this19:01
MattJIt's no problem, I can see the issue19:02
MattJI'm trying to make a package that tracks a Mercurial repo, and it's proving to be not so easy as it might appear19:02
savvasis there a reason for the high waiting queue for packages?19:11
savvashigh = long19:11
savvasby the way, I noticed that PPAs now have sections, main multiverse etc?19:14
savvasah no, my bad about the last comment19:17
BUGabundosavvas: I've seen some PPAs using it19:19
savvasBUGabundo: you mean defined in the debian/control?19:29
savvasdidn't know that was possible :)19:29
savvasthanks, I'll give it a try later :P19:29
BUGabundosavvas: not sure about debian/control. I just know I've seen it on some PPAs19:30
=== sale_ is now known as sale
maxbIt looks to me like the current build on molybdenum (lpia) is stuck21:41
qballhmmm my template is imported22:06
qballgmpc-dynamic-playlist   on the gmpc project22:08
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=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
ssmyi am getting an error when trying to bzr branch from launchpad. any idea why?22:58
mwhudsonssmy: no, but maybe if you pastebin the error i'll be able to help22:59
ssmymwhudson: here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/163839/22:59
mwhudsonssmy: have you set up your ssh key with launchpad?23:00
wgrantSpeak of lp-bzr... is the scanner being slower than usual at the moment?23:00
ssmymwhudson: once, a long time ago. update needed, maybe? I thought normal branches were anonymous, didn't need it?23:01
mwhudsonwgrant: not that i know of23:01
mwhudsonssmy: lp:foo defaults to bzr+ssh23:01
ssmymwhudson: ah. well, le tme try that23:01
mwhudson(if you've told bzr about your launchpad id)23:01
thumperwgrant: I haven't noticed anything yet23:04
ssmymwhudson: thanks. works great. i wonder why i didn't have that problem before? maybe i just haven't used bazaar w/ lp since i reinstalled. it is possible.23:05
mwhudsonssmy: yeah, hard to guess, probably something really simple though :)23:06
sekintoHow does the owner of a main branch merge changes from a child branch into the main branch? Is it "bzr merge childbranch" and "bzr push mainbranch"?23:06
ssmymwhudson: i think my old public key may have been in use still, then i changed my hostname. hmm. well, Thank you very much23:06
mwhudsonsekinto: yes23:06
mwhudsonssmy: np23:06
sekintomwhudson: Thanks.23:07

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