
asacdtchen: its really a mess. why the hell is pulseaudio still highly unstable ... everytime i want to hear sound i have to kiillall pulseaudio and start it again11:42
asacand on console it sometimes says: "too high CPU load" ... lets exit11:42
asacwhy that?11:42
asaci dont want pulseaudio to exit at all11:42
BUGabundoasac: works for me!11:44
BUGabundoasac: are you using the backports kernel? or stable one?11:44
asacstable one ... but its not a kernel issue imo11:44
asaci mean its userspace pulseaudio11:45
BUGabundoAFAIK the dtchen kernel fixed a lot of stuff for me, and its now in proposed11:45
BUGabundoABTW good morning11:45
asacE: cpulimit.c: Received request to terminate due to CPU overload.11:45
BUGabundoasac: like video slowdown? sound crackling ?11:45
asacthats a mess ... it MUST never exit11:45
BUGabundoahhh that... never got that AFAIS11:45
asacBUGabundo: i see that too11:46
BUGabundolet me grep my syslog11:46
asacbut why pulseaudio exists is a real mess11:46
BUGabundonothing like that for me11:46
BUGabundoasac: please try the proposed kernel11:46
asacSoft CPU time limit exhausted, terminating.11:46
asacE: cpulimit.c: Received request to terminate due to CPU overload.11:46
BUGabundoshould fix those and many more stupid ALSA/PA bugs11:47
asacBUGabundo: atm i have sound ... will try it next time.11:47
asacbut pulseaudio exiting is just a bug in pulseaudio imo11:47
BUGabundofrom what I recall from all the talks I've had with dtchen on this11:48
BUGabundothere's are a lot of stuff that is at a place its not to be in...11:48
BUGabundoso many bits aren't correct version between kernel and userspace11:49
asaccould be11:50
asacanother annoying thing are kernel changelogs. they should really metnioned the committ id11:50
asaci cannot even look what the changes are easily now ;)11:50
BUGabundoasac: I wish that for EVERY package11:51
BUGabundoreading from the changelogs manually sucks big tine11:51
BUGabundooh and I wish NM could connect to 3G donlges after hibernate resume....11:51
BUGabundomost of the times I have to reboot11:52
asacwell. some packages have patch systems11:52
asacso adding a patch is easy to understand11:53
asaclike what we do in mozilla packages11:53
asacupdating patches is sometimes not easy ... but usually we shouldnt update patches ... instead add a new one11:53
asacok ... off chilling to music (as long as it works ;))11:54
BUGabundoI'm waiting for all new changes, for BT support and full network integration11:59
asacJazzva: so some got updated ... others didnt get update in daily12:30
asacsame problem on chromium-daily archive12:30
asaci guess fta's bot has a bug ;)12:30
Jazzvaasac: ok13:07
gnomefreakBUGabundo: did we get twitter working with gwibber?14:05
BUGabundognomefreak: works for me14:10
BUGabundowant me to ping you there?14:10
gnomefreakping me where?14:10
gnomefreakBUGabundo: the links you gave me are my dents?14:11
BUGabundoone is14:12
BUGabundognomefreak: ping you to twitter via gwibber14:13
gnomefreakyeah, that would be nice but when did you get it working?14:13
BUGabundolong time ago??14:15
BUGabundoit only times out because I do more then 100 hits per hour to the API14:15
BUGabundo Based on last 25 dents posted in the last 38 days daily  average is 0.6614:16
BUGabundothat's it??14:16
BUGabundognomefreak: you have no Social Life dude14:16
gnomefreakBUGabundo: it failed to connect every time i used it14:16
BUGabundoremove, purgem install daily ?14:16
gnomefreakBUGabundo: i do just not on blogs :) i havent found any of my normal freids14:16
gnomefreakBUGabundo: i have daily since i re installed Jaunty14:17
BUGabundoworks for me14:17
BUGabundohave you purged it ?14:17
BUGabundoor even try a new account ?14:17
BUGabundosome ppl add to re-introduce the passwork14:17
BUGabundowith me it just worked14:17
gnomefreakBUGabundo: ok ill test it in a minute14:18
BUGabundognomefreak: dent and twit sent14:18
gnomefreakBUGabundo: thanks14:18
BUGabundoyay another gwibber bug14:19
gnomefreakomg it works :)14:20
gnomefreakBUGabundo: thanks for the dents14:20
BUGabundopass bug?14:20
gnomefreakitsa gone it seems14:20
gnomefreakBUGabundo: how do you post to one blog or the other?14:27
BUGabundognomefreak: you mean µblog, right? I use many tools14:28
gnomefreakwith gwibber14:28
BUGabundoweb, gwibber, ping, hello, xmpp (several bots), and µblogpurple (pidgin plugin)14:28
BUGabundognomefreak: I can select to where to write with gwibber14:28
BUGabundojust rigth click on the Send bar14:29
gnomefreakah its set to use both14:29
gnomefreakso whatever i post goes to both?14:29
BUGabundoplus identica can send your stuff directly to twit14:32
BUGabundojust make sure you don't abuse both !14:32
BUGabundoAFAIK twit blocks duplicates... but none the less be aware of that14:33
gnomefreakBUGabundo: ok14:33
gnomefreakis there  acommand to check what mother board you have?14:51
BUGabundognomefreak: lshal ?14:51
BUGabundognomefreak: sysinfo ?14:51
gnomefreakthanks looking14:52
gnomefreakok brb14:52
gnomefreakBUGabundo: any idea how to find Bios mfgr?15:08
BUGabundo"mfgr" ?15:09
gnomefreakmanufaturer (spelled wrong) its too early to think :(15:10
BUGabundoSun May  3 15:10:40 WEST 200915:10
BUGabundo !date15:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about date15:10
BUGabundo !time15:10
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)15:10
BUGabundo !now15:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about now15:10
BUGabundognomefreak: its 3pm here15:10
gnomefreakI'm wondering if it is the same as the name of pc example: Dell Optiplex 333315:12
BUGabundocheck dell website15:17
BUGabundothey have great specs info15:18
gnomefreaksudo dmidecode seems to work i justr cant find who makes the bios other than intel but that is proc not bios15:19
BUGabundognomefreak: you are luck15:24
BUGabundoManufacturer: To Be Filled By O.E.M.15:24
gnomefreakwhere did you find that?15:24
BUGabundodemidecode of my board15:25
BUGabundois LP PPAs open for karmic?15:25
gnomefreakBUGabundo: yes15:25
BUGabundoI can't find a single one with it15:25
BUGabundonot even fta's daily15:26
gnomefreaki built SM2 for hardy intrepid jaunty and karmic :)15:26
BUGabundolink ?15:26
gnomefreakBUGabundo: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/646021 do you see manufactuer?15:27
gnomefreakhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/+archive/ppa for ppa15:27
BUGabundomattj is building trunk packages for https://launchpad.net/~prosody-dev/+archive/ppa15:28
BUGabundognomefreak: can you post the all thing?15:33
BUGabundonot just 015:33
gnomefreakBUGabundo: yeah on eminute15:34
gnomefreakBase Board Information Manufacturer: Dell Computer Corporation15:34
gnomefreaki thinks that is it15:35
BUGabundobut that tells you *noting*15:35
gnomefreaki missed that thew 4 times i used that command without the -015:35
gnomefreakBUGabundo: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/64602315:36
gnomefreaklet me know if you find anything. i need to get a drink15:36
BUGabundognomefreak: why aren't you using pastebinit?15:38
BUGabundolike to have double trouble?15:38
BUGabundo !info pastebinit15:38
* BUGabundo hates bots that don't parse leading spaces15:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebinit15:40
gnomefreakof course not15:40
BUGabundoits on Universe15:40
BUGabundo        500 ftp://archive.ubuntu.com karmic/universe Packages15:41
gnomefreakyeah i know im going to add it to bot if i can think of a good description15:41
hjmfgnomefreak: you looks to have a dell bios A05 http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/download.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=gen&releaseid=R137096&SystemID=LATITUDE D620&servicetag=&os=WW1&osl=en&deviceid=10109&devlib=0&typecnt=0&vercnt=7&catid=1&impid=-1&formatcnt=1&libid=1&fileid=18317615:42
hjmfquite old 2001?15:42
hjmfthe last update seems to be for 200615:42
hjmfupdate it! :-P15:42
BUGabundognomefreak: doesn't the bot read from archive the info on packages?15:43
gnomefreakyep it is old just havent gotten around to trying to screw up ubuntu. i remember how to update for windows15:43
gnomefreakBUGabundo: for !info yes15:43
BUGabundoI meant !package15:44
gnomefreak!info pastebinit15:45
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 344 kB15:45
gnomefreakthere you go15:45
gnomefreakBUGabundo: it was the space before the ! that caused it15:47
BUGabundoI know15:47
BUGabundobut pidgin requires it15:47
BUGabundoother wise it execs it as a local command15:47
gnomefreakhjmf the link you gave me is invalid15:47
BUGabundodo you think you or other OP could change the bots* to parse the leading space?15:47
hjmfgnomefreak: maybe too long for xchat :-/15:48
gnomefreakBUGabundo: that has to be done on server and the guy running the server isnt here15:48
gnomefreakhjmf: i use irssi :)15:48
BUGabundognomefreak: can you ask him when he comes online?15:48
BUGabundoI would appreciate!15:49
gnomefreakhjmf: thanks15:49
gnomefreakhjmf: my point its an .exe and it doesnt help me on ubuntu15:49
gnomefreakBUGabundo: yes if im here15:49
gnomefreaklet me ping him real fast see if he is up yet15:50
hjmfgnomefreak: Im sure you can dd a floppy and reboot :-)15:50
hjmfgnomefreak: check instructions however15:50
gnomefreakhjmf: ok i will15:50
hjmfgnomefreak: this is a newer version, I've pastebin the link15:51
hjmfgnomefreak: http://pastebin.com/deaf62c515:52
BUGabundowho still have floppies or even flopy drives?15:52
gnomefreakBUGabundo: i do :) i dont htink i still have floppys though but i can look later15:52
hjmfBUGabundo: I still have 415:53
BUGabundoI would have to look for mine15:53
hjmfand a pentium 4 with a floppy15:53
BUGabundonot even sure the drive is pluged in15:53
hjmfbye I have to move on!15:54
BUGabundobrb rebboting to Karmic Koala 9.10 pre-alpha15:55
BUGabundo23 users only? am I on the wrong # or was there a netslit?20:12

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