
persiarbelem, Hey.  I was just looking at http://paste.ubuntu.com/163710/13:47
persiaI wondered how you determined the preseeding information?13:48
ograi guess that would break with intrepid images where we didnt put initrd.gz into the casper subdir 13:48
rbelempersia, :-)13:48
ograwould need a conditional that checks which release the image is from13:48
rbelempersia, hum... i just saw how it is in the jaunty image :-)13:49
persiaThe jaunty image still has that!  I thought I fixed it.  Hrm.13:49
persiaThe hardcoded reference to ports.ubuntu.com would break images for i386 or amd64.13:49
rbelempersia, thats true, so we need to add some conditionals to check architecture and ubuntu version, right?13:50
persiaOr just drop it.  The bug that it didn't know lpia was ports was fixed in jaunty (I should have fixed it in the right place the first time, rather than preseeding around it)13:51
rbelempersia, ah! cool! so let's drop it13:52
persiaThe other part that I was uncertain about was the syslinux menu.  It seems to hardcode mid.seed, rather than using ${SEEDFILE}, which doesn't seem always correct to me.13:53
rbelemyou right. i just made it work for jaunty ubuntu-mid lpia13:54
persiaSo, do you want to fiddle with it some more, or do you want me to add it to my list?13:54
rbelempersia, i will fix that and send back to you ;-) 13:55
persiarbelem, Could I convince you to branch it from bzr, and submit your modified branch there for merging?  It's easier to track than pastebins.13:56
persiaStart with bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-mobile-dev/ubuntu-mobile/mobile-scripts13:56
rbelempersia, i did not do that because i'm not very familiar with bzr yet13:57
persiarbelem, OK.  Quick summary:13:57
persia`bzr branch` gets you a working directory.13:57
persiamake your changes.13:57
persia`bzr commit` creates a local commit on the branch.13:58
persia`bzr push lp*~rbelem/ubuntu-mobile/mobile-scripts` pushes your branch (including your commits) to LP for easy review.13:58
persiaJust be sure to commit everything before you push.13:58
rbelempersia, i thinking in write something like "bzr for git users"13:59
persiaThey are semantically so different that it's tricky to communicate concepts.  Good luck.14:00
rbelemogra, persia, thanks for the comments 14:00
persiarbelem, Thanks for bringing this up to date :)14:01

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