
dtchenasac: are these the packages from jaunty-proposed or karmic? are you using the updated linux and pulseaudio packages?00:34
dtchenasac: also, as i've stated numerous times, pa needs a freeze exception similar to the desktop packages - if ubuntu continues to carry its featurefreeze date as is, the distribution will always suffer from crappy one-release-prior-to-upstream's-recommended problems00:35
dtchenasac: also, which errors are triggering? are you using the default conffiles? where's the -vv log00:36
pace_t_zuluanyone here familiar with building Chromium on Ubuntu?00:42
dtcheni'v already provided the uri in -devel00:42
pace_t_zuludtchen: thank you00:44
asacdtchen: ok. so when was the pulse upstream version released for which you would have needed a freeze exception?09:53
asacso are users in dip group or not?10:41
BUGabundoasac: whats dip?10:42
asacBUGabundo: please run groupps10:42
asacand paste what it gives ;)10:42
BUGabundocant... i'm on win grrr10:42
BUGabundolet me see if portableuuntuntu is installed10:42
BUGabundoohh the guy still hasnt made a jauty version as he promised he would10:44
BUGabundothere i'll go dist-upgrading from hardy to karmic _again_10:44
gnomefreaki need a music site with free downloads11:58
BUGabundoi used one the other day gnomefreak12:02
BUGabundonot on my PC now, cant recall link12:02
gnomefreakok ill keep looking thanks12:02
gnomefreakdoes limewire let you download normal format or only mp3 (i think normal is acc but cant remember12:14
* asac lunch time 12:14
gnomefreakgood eating12:15
BUGabundognomefreak: whats "normal" ?12:17
gnomefreakacc i think (whatever cd format is12:18
BUGabundognomefreak: CD is cdaudio...12:19
BUGabundowhen u rip it u choose the format12:20
BUGabundoacc, ogg, mp3, wave12:20
gnomefreakyeah i have it set to mp3 but i would love to make a cd that my car radio can play12:20
BUGabundognomefreak: then your prob is the other way around12:21
gnomefreakwhat do you mean?12:21
BUGabundou need to record the files into CD Audio, when u want it to read them12:21
gnomefreakBUGabundo: is it a choice whne you go to rip it?12:28
BUGabundognomefreak: its the other way around! LOL12:31
gnomefreaki have to download that format?12:31
BUGabundopretty much any format u rip it, can latter be put into AudioCD12:31
BUGabundowith more or less data loss12:31
gnomefreakdid i happen to say what somgs i wanted?13:22
asacJazzva: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=491120 ... new patch available ... we probably want to replace ours - maybe it starts to work again then13:55
ubottuMozilla bug 491120 in Prism "Prism build fails, because prism/common/Makefile.in is missing" [Normal,Assigned]13:55
gnomefreakasac: is there a shutdown log?14:09
asacgnomefreak: i dont know ;)14:10
asacgnomefreak: i think syslog14:10
asacprints something during shutdown14:10
asacbut the console stuff maybe not14:10
asacmaybe messages14:10
asacor kern.log14:10
gnomefreakasac: thanks i need to figure out what is causing this and i really dont want to reinstall14:10
Jazzvaasac: ok, I'll upload it14:11
asacJazzva: good. thanks!14:12
asacJazzva: maybe do a quick test spin ;)14:12
Jazzvaasac: no problem :)14:12
gnomefreakit seems like the kernal log is right place but we will see14:13
gnomefreakwell shit14:17
gnomefreakasac: have you ever seen something like this bug 37030514:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 370305 in ubuntu "Jaunty fails to shutdown from FUSA" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37030514:18
gnomefreakit seems the numbers change every shutdown14:18
gnomefreakthe bug scared him too ;)14:22
gnomefreakoh wonderful, i really need someone who knows what they need to ask for this bug :(14:25
* gnomefreak bets this is kernel issue with .3014:27
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aaronwinbornafter sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser and selecting firefox 3.5, i'm still getting 3.0 launched from links inside thunderbird. how can i fix that?15:01
aaronwinbornand from quassel, it's selecting konqueror15:01
gnomefreaktar.gz is compressed right?15:01
aaronwinbornyes gnomefreak15:02
aaronwinborntwice over15:02
gnomefreakaaronwinborn: thanks15:02
asacaaronwinborn: thunderbird with gnome-support takes the app to start from gnome preferred apps setting15:03
asacGNOME -> menu -> preferences -> preferred applications15:03
aaronwinbornasac: i'm using kubuntu15:03
asacdoesnt matter15:03
asacif you have gnome stuff installed15:03
asacit will use gconf setting15:03
asacotherwise it depends on how you configured your browser previously15:04
asace.g. did you edit thunderbird prefs in the config editor?15:04
aaronwinborni don't have 'preferences' in my menu, and no 'preferred applications' anywhere in any of the menus that i'm aware of15:04
asacaaronwinborn: well. log into gnome to change it15:04
aaronwinborni've been through 4 or 5 updates, no idea if i did that earlier15:04
asacaaronwinborn: dpkg -l thunderbird\*gnome-support15:05
asacif thats installed remove it15:05
asacif its not installed, then you have setup your stuff in advanced config editor of thunderbird15:05
asacsearch for http there15:05
asacand i guess you will find that it just calls "firefox"15:05
aaronwinborn$ dpkg -l thunderbird/*gnome-support15:05
aaronwinbornNo packages found matching thunderbird/*gnome-support.15:05
asacnot x-www-browser15:05
asacaaronwinborn: typo15:05
asacjust copy what i posted15:06
aaronwinbornun  thunderbird-gnome-support               <none>                                  (no description available)15:07
aaronwinbornthanks asac, i'll look for advanced config editor for tbird then15:07
asacaaronwinborn: preferences -> advanced -> config editor ...15:11
asacsearch for "http"15:11
aaronwinbornyeah, i've done that, not seeing firefox in any of the resulting options15:11
aaronwinbornalso just sorted by value and don't see that there either15:12
gnomefreakdid you try update-alternatives yet? also IIRC in the menu editor for KDE there is a prefered apps. menu item or its in the kde control center (cant remember what it is called15:17
aaronwinborngnomefreak: yes, that was the first thing i did: sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser and selecting firefox 3.515:17
gnomefreakasac: this problem would be handled with QT support but as i understand mozilla is dragging their feet or stoped working on it all together15:17
aaronwinborngnomefreak: thunderbird still launches 3.0, and quassel irc launches konquerer15:18
aaronwinborni didn't see preferred apps15:18
aaronwinbornbut there is some kind of sys config menu item, i'll look for that15:18
gnomefreakthere is more htan one browser alternative as i recall maybe try setting those as well?15:19
gnomefreakasac: we cant add full QT support for FF and/or thunderbird?15:21
gnomefreakaaronwinborn: a ton of people suffer from this so if you find a setting to change let us know and we can update master bug at least i think we have a master bug15:22
aaronwinborngnomefreak: still no good. i've done update-alternatives (that lists konq, ff 3.0, and 3.5; i selected the third), then system settings & overrode its default handling to launch 3.5, and i've scanned through advanced config editor and can't even find an option listed there to override (that has firefox or some easily intuited setting name)15:29
aaronwinborngnomefreak: each time, i closed and reopened thunderbird. is it possible i need to log out and back in again?15:29
aaronwinborns/that has firefox/that has firefox as a value/15:30
gnomefreakaaronwinborn: maybe, you went in the advanced config options in thunderbird right?15:30
aaronwinbornyes, but i'm not sure what option to override there15:30
gnomefreakim assuming that when you said that it was tbird not ff15:31
gnomefreakwhat version of tbird?15:31
gnomefreakwhy the hell is the tarball bigger than the file :(15:32
Jazzvaasac: btw, since prism patch is committed to the tree, won't the bot pull it in when it grabs a new revision from upstream?16:42
Jazzvaasac: and it's still not working for me (but it's building)... also, i removed prism, and it's still showing up in the add-ons as a system-wide extension. i think my system is also buggy :)16:44
jmehdiHi, I'd like to build a deb package for a Firefox theme, where can I find a how-to?16:49
asacJazzva: is it committed?16:53
asaca few hours agao it waited for review16:54
Jazzvajmehdi: check out http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Extensions , packaging section. I suppose that should work16:54
asacyeah. that should work16:54
Jazzvaasac: yes. Sorry, a few hours ago I was working on this school stuff :(16:54
asacJazzva: so now its committed?16:54
asacif so it will get pulled in16:54
Jazzvaasac: yes. I increased the version to -0ubuntu2, so the bot should register a change16:55
Jazzvaasac: it will get pulled in... our patch, or new revision from upstream?16:55
Jazzvaasac: https://code.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/prism/prism , the new rev should be visible soon16:58
Jazzvaasac: also, I tested prism in a clean profile, not working with the new patch... brb, late lunch17:00
asacJazzva: pfft17:07
asacso they have a broken trunk?17:07
asacJazzva: did you see: bug 37164017:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 371640 in soyuz "Upload processing order is unstable" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37164017:09
asacthats why our ppa now has severe hick-ups as it seems17:10
asacaaronwinborn: so did you figure the confit editor ... thing?`17:10
aaronwinbornasac: no, haven't yet. still up against a brick wall there; not sure what setting in advanced config to change to have tbird open ff 3.5 rather than 3.017:45
Jazzvaasac: no, I haven't seen that bug until now17:49
asacaaronwinborn: have you searched for http?18:00
aaronwinbornasac: yes, it comes up w/ about 25 settings starting with network.http.*, none of which have anything other than boolean or number values18:03
aaronwinbornexcept network.http.accept.default: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.518:04
asacarmin76: there is one with "handler"18:10
asacaaronwinborn: ^^18:11
asaclet me check18:11
asacaaronwinborn: network.protocol-handler.app.http18:12
asaclike that?18:12
aaronwinbornasac: no18:13
asacaaronwinborn: any extension installed?18:18
asacthat does the launch/with firefox thing?18:19
asacotherwise its a mystery why it starts a browser at all18:19
asacanyway, out to buy some stocks ;)18:19
aaronwinbornnot as far as i know18:19
aaronwinbornthanks for the help, asac18:19
asacaaronwinborn: oh. maybe check if gnome-www-browser alternative exists18:20
asacmaybe thats used somehow18:20
aaronwinborni tried creating user.js as outlined in http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-90475.html and that doesn't work either18:28
asacdtchen: so the -proposed package is good so far19:23
asacdtchen: so this upload was blocked on user-space side due to freeze exception issues or on linux side?19:23
asacif its userspace side we certainly should get freeze exception process ready next time19:23
asacwhat time frame are we talking aobut?19:24
asace.g. when did upstream release vs. when did we release?19:24
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dtchenasac: 0.9.15 was released on 13 apr. the upload was blocked due to FF and thus not attempted. keep in mind that fedora carries the upstream version, and that themuso/luke had been tracking 0.9.15-rcX in his ppa for a couple months.22:59
dtchenasac: another very important component is alsa-lib 1.0.19, which was released on 19 jan22:59
dtchenasac: however, there has been concern that mismatched alsa-lib and alsa-kernel versions will present problems23:01
BUGabundodtchen: so what do you have on karmic now?23:01
dtchenasac: in practice, few people have experienced problems with older alsa-kernel matched with newer alsa-lib23:01
dtchenBUGabundo: precisely what jaunty has23:01
BUGabundodtchen: when do expect to package new stuff to break my system ;) ?23:02
dtchenthe audio stack will be resynced very soon with updated versions23:02
dtchenno ETA; i'm traveling for work, luke's busy, though rest assured breakage is on the horizon23:02
BUGabundocan't wait for it23:03
dtchenluke will be merging 0.9.15 RSN23:22
BUGabundoRSN ?23:23
dtchenreal soon now - in a matter of hours23:23
BUGabundoohh tomorrow will be trouble day23:23

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