
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning00:00
amnesiaukActionParsnip, nope cdrom000:00
ActionParsnipamnesiauk: thats why its not working then isnt it00:00
phoenixzRight, gottit.. My X was hanging again, had to reboot.. After reboot I got the X error "EE open /dev/fb0 No such file or directory".. I selected "Start in low graphics mode for one time" which brought me to a text prompt, very nice.. So I rebooted, got same error, selected "Make new X config", had to reboot again, AGAIN got the same error, selected "Start in low graphics mode for one time" which finally got X started.. Any ideas on this one?00:00
thomatworkstefg - 8) - of course. LOL00:00
ActionParsnipamnesiauk: the file you are trying to execute doesnt exist00:00
nikkiclauActionParsnip: probably /media/cdrom0 which has a /media/cdrom symbolic link00:00
amnesiauksudo mount -o loop ~/Desktop/ubuntu-9.04-alternate-i386.iso /media/cdrom000:00
amnesiauklol that's what it said on the ubuntu page but mkay00:01
amnesiaukI'll try cdrom00:01
nikkiclauamnesiauk: try gksu "/media/cdrom0/cdromupgrade"00:01
ActionParsnipamnesiauk: then you want: gksudo sh /media/cdrom0/cdromupgrade00:01
amnesiaukalready tried that00:01
nikkiclauamnesiauk: try gksu "sh /media/cdrom0/cdromupgrade" even*00:01
h00krafael: sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree, and then reinstall it...try that.00:01
rafaelh00k gotit00:01
amnesiaukit's working now dunno why:p00:02
nikkiclauamnesiauk: :)00:02
soreauHey, when I try to mount ntfs in ubuntu, it says that the ntfs signature is missing and it failed to mount. How can I mount ntfs in ubuntu?00:02
nikkiclauamnesiauk: np mate00:02
amnesiaukI tried /media between quotes00:02
thomatworkI have been stoked w/ JJ - built a "live usb stick" using unetbootin-windows-323.exe on my XP box at work - did the JJ install 64bit on my lenovo thinkpad at home, pretty much on boot up, I could watch hulu, remote into Windows servers using LogMeIn.com and anything else I needed. Freaking love it.00:02
k1rbsah i type sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree  it says i already have the latest version.. i open a page that uses flash.. and it says i dont have adobe flash player 9 or higher... it is any page .. help?00:02
amnesiaukbut do you guys seriously remember al those commands in linux:P?00:02
k1rbsahuse then enough and you will00:03
nikkiclauamnesiauk: i've been called "the rainman" when i'm fixing computers00:03
fevelthey are user friendly to remember00:03
tilinhoHi, I need help. So, I can't to start ubuntu, I don't know, flash caps lock and scroll lock. Any ideas?00:03
nikkiclaufevel: not when you have to remember the same command with different command subsets for 3-4 different types of unixes00:04
ActionParsnipamnesiauk: experience, plus i use CLI more thn gui due to I find it faster00:04
emorrishi, is there any way to make firestarter apply its policy to both wlan0 and eth0 rather than having to constantly change the internet device in the preferences?00:04
billybigriggertilinho, are you running ubuntu on a laptop?00:04
amnesiaukI guess I shouldn't smoke that much weed then:P, since I forget the most of them00:04
ActionParsnipamnesiauk: if you can master cli you get a whole bunch of power00:04
ActionParsnipamnesiauk: i still remember them ;)00:05
feveltilinho: are you brazillian?00:05
amnesiauklinux can be 100% text based right?00:05
bctilinho: that is a kernel panic. do you see anything at all before the flashing?00:05
billybigriggeramnesiauk, yes00:05
tilinhobillybigrigger, no. I am running on desktop.00:05
h00kamnesiauk: linux is just the kernel, you can run command line apps on top of it if you want, or X (the graphical user environment)00:05
tilinhofevel: yes.00:05
fevelubuntu-br might help00:05
thomatworkamnesiak - I don't ever smoke weed  but I know what you mean - being in MS Windows all day atrophies my brain00:05
billybigriggertilinho, i had that problem in early alpha's of jaunty, it turned out to be my i945 chipset and my wireless card causing system lockups00:06
rafaelh00k..flashplugin nonfree was NOt installed00:06
stefg!cli | amnesiauk00:06
ubottuamnesiauk: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:06
rafaelh00k i installed it...no result00:06
h00krafael: interesting, install flashplugin-nonfree00:06
amnesiaukand the kernel arranges the communications between the hardware and software right?00:06
billybigriggertilinho, but i was on a laptop so i doubt that you have the same problem as me00:06
h00krafael: hrm.00:06
ActionParsnipamnesiauk: the kernel gives hardware and memory access00:06
amnesiaukahhh okay00:06
tilinhobillybigrigger: hm.. =/00:06
amnesiaukso it arranges the hardware and memory:)?00:07
billybigriggertilinho, you could look at your logs or dmesg and see if theres any warnings or errors before the lockup00:07
ActionParsnipamnesiauk: yeah, and assigns cpu time to the threads based on their nice value00:07
tilinhobillybigrigger: here, I use a desktop.00:07
amnesiauknikkiclau, 20 min remaining+-00:07
rafaelh00k do u suggest starting from scratch? uninstalling everything?00:07
nikkiclauamnesiauk: alright! **crossfingers**00:07
stefgamnesiauk: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/From-PowerUp-To-Bash-Prompt-HOWTO.html might be of interest to you00:07
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tilinhobillybigrigger: how to look the log?00:07
amnesiaukI know a little of the terminal:p00:07
h00krafael: nah, just lemme think for a sec00:07
rafaelh00k ok00:07
billybigriggertilinho, open a text editor and browse to /var/log00:08
amnesiauknikkiclau, if it still wont work, what could I do next?00:08
amnesiaukcompile me own driver:P?00:08
J-_Currently running Jaunty. How can I get ctrl alt backspace to restart xorg like before?00:08
tilinhobillybigrigger: but, the ubuntu dont start here.00:08
billybigriggertilinho, oooh00:08
mogi22got an odd cups question, on a LAN client i want both network printers and local ones to be usable.  i can only switch btwn the 2 choices by changing ServerName directive in client.conf file in cups dir.  how do i get access to both sets of printers on the client?00:08
billybigriggertilinho, explain "it wont start"00:08
nikkiclauamnesiauk: you can check in windows if the driver's settings allow you to go to power-save mode .... if it does, and it's on then you need to turn it off ..00:08
stefgamnesiauk: just issue 'sudo invoke-rc.d ?dm stop' .... have fun then :-)00:08
h00krafael: look in Synaptec for nswrapper00:09
h00krafael: let me know what you have installed there00:09
nikkiclaustefg: it's his nic driver ..00:09
nikkiclaustefg: nvm00:09
nikkiclaugotcha there00:09
heguru!dontzap | J-_00:09
ubottuJ-_: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.00:09
amnesiaukmm crap I'll grab a livecd then00:09
feveltilinho: whats the message?00:09
tilinhobillybigrigger: ubuntu dont start, stop on screen of loading.00:10
tilinhofevel: nothing.00:10
nikkiclauamnesiauk: no dual-boot on the machine?00:10
rizzo20__hi everyone00:10
fevelit freezes?00:10
billybigriggertilinho, the splash startup screen?00:10
xray7224tilinho, does it get to grub (boot loader) ?00:10
rizzo20__does enyone here speaks french?00:10
tilinhofevel: just splash caps look and scroll lock.00:10
billybigriggertilinho, restart it and then hit alt-f2 to display the text and see what the error is00:10
xray7224rizzo20__, try #ubuntu-fr00:10
nikkiclauamnesiauk: ah00:11
heguru!fr | rizzo20__00:11
ubotturizzo20__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr00:11
stealth-rizzo20__: there is french support in #ubuntu-fr00:11
fevelalt f200:11
amnesiauknikkiclau,  I was planning to emulate windows when I'm in school00:11
fevelsee if it switches00:11
tilinhobillybigrigger: thats its. splash screen.00:11
amnesiaukand use ubuntu as my main os00:11
thomatworkwent to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto - it is sort of freaking me out a tiny bit - like I've just stepped into the deep end of the pool with out my water wings.00:11
nikkiclauamnesiauk: yeah .... that's the way to go .. :) I even play all my games on linux at home :D00:11
rizzo20__but no one there seems to be helpful tonight00:11
billybigriggertilinho, alt-f2 will switch to text mode, so when the splash screen comes up, hit alt-f2 and look at the text, try and read it, and see if it comes up with an error00:11
tilinhobillybigrigger: yeah. stop on splash screen.00:11
lundhI have run into problems creating a bootable usb-install. where is tue updated guide for that? (the syslinux-way)00:12
feveldota runs on my linux but not on my mac00:12
rafaelh00k there is nothing under nswrapper00:12
tilinhobillybigrigger: ok man, thank you, i'm testing now.00:12
KaiForcewhich release is this?  2.6.27-11-generic00:12
billybigriggertilinho, 10-400:12
amnesiauknikkiclau, but is linux that complicated or isn't it?00:12
h00krafael: ah, I'm sorry, try npwrapper00:12
stefg!version | KaiForce00:12
ubottuKaiForce: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »00:12
KaiForceif i can't identify the Ubuntu release by kernel, where can I find the release a particular machine is running?00:12
xray7224KaiForce, it hink its 8.10 before updates00:12
stealth-KaiForce: thats a kernel, not a release. Kernel is what commands linux.00:12
xray7224KaiForce, it think its 8.10 before updates00:12
KaiForcestefg thank you00:12
billybigriggeramnesiauk, depends on how deep down the rabbit hole you want to go00:13
Yopuvirtual boxing xp in ubuntu, anyone know any good tutorials?00:13
KaiForcestealth- i know, but wouldn't it follow that for a generic kernel you can identify the release?00:13
amnesiaukbillybigrigger, as far as possible:p00:13
billybigriggeramnesiauk, linux can be hard, or not, depends on your usage00:13
xray7224KaiForce, i told you00:13
KaiForcexray7224 yes thank you00:13
rafaelh00k nothing there either00:13
fevelim trying to build a proxy00:13
billybigriggeramnesiauk, but it gets easier with time, the more you use it on a daily basis the easier it gets00:13
thomatworklundh: I've used unetbootin00:13
nikkiclauamnesiauk: it can be truely simple, and extremely complicated ...00:13
fevelI want the best experience00:13
amnesiaukbillybigrigger,  well understanding the filesystem, know where everythings located, know how everything works00:13
xray7224linux isnt hard your just not use to it00:13
stealth-KaiForce: I know, but I anticipated someone else would tell him so i told him that in case he didn't know00:13
andresxHello everybody! I'm new here and I have a doubt... can someone help me?00:13
h00krafael: but npwrapper is listed in about:plugins ?00:14
fevelthinking about setting up webmin or something00:14
stealth-!ask | andresx00:14
ubottuandresx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:14
billybigriggeramnesiauk, time, some/alot of reading00:14
billybigriggeramnesiauk, all depends on how much you want to learn00:14
spasticteapotRhythmbox has stopped working on my machine.00:14
nikkiclauamnesiauk: takes a couple of years to dig into linux if you enjoy breaking your system for the heck of it and trying to fix it afterwards00:14
xray7224spasticteapot, run it via command line see what it says00:14
thomatworkYopu: I am pretty new to Linux, and I just dived in. I do have a couple of yrs experience w/ VMware00:14
amnesiaukbillybigrigger, quite a shame but I'm still too narrowminded cause of windows:(00:14
rafaelh00k npwrapper.libflashplayer.so00:14
billybigriggeramnesiauk, just jump right into it, ditch windows, you'll thank yourself later...00:15
amnesiauknikkiclau, thats how I learnt everything I know so far :p00:15
rafaelh00k that is on the about..yes..as the filename00:15
lundhthomatwork: unetbooting doesnt work for me for some reason00:15
billybigriggeramnesiauk, if somethings broken, fix it, thats how you learn :P00:15
nikkiclauamnesiauk: keep at it and you'll know a lot ..00:15
spasticteapotxray7224: It runs - it just won't play anything, similar to when I don't have a soundcard selected. I'll give it a shot, though - I might get an error message.00:15
h00krafael: check for npwrapper.libflashplayer.so in your ~/.mozilla/plugins folder and delete it00:15
billybigriggeramnesiauk, don't give up on linux because something broke and your too lazy to fix it :P ubuntuforums.org is a great place to find info00:15
KaiForceOk, after upgrade to intrepid on an Acer laptop, the sound works for a bit then stops working.  Is this a common issue?00:15
h00krafael: if it exists00:15
nikkiclauamnesiauk: a sysadmin i've been teaching from ground up (windows and linux), knows a lot now .. almost didn't know anything a year ago ..00:15
hoymkot_i need help on my computer, I need help on starting gui on 9.04, I upgrade it by autoupdate from 8.1000:16
stefgamnesiauk: if you have , say, 3 free days and an old box to play with: build yourself a LFS (Linux from scratch) system... very educational (although rarely useful for real work)00:16
histoamnesiauk: hanging out here is a  big help and the forums. Till you get the hang of where everything is at.00:16
thomatworklundh: sorry man - i've been lucky on that front00:16
rgs_<rgs> I have a problem of evolution stalling on Ubuntu 9.04 when trying to compose a new message00:16
rgs_<rgs> it takes about 30 seconds to open the window00:16
rgs_<rgs> and my notebook seems to be fine.. so its not a hardware problem00:16
rgs_<rgs> I have folders with thousands of email00:16
nikkiclauhoymkot_: please try grep ERR /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:16
FloodBot2rgs_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:16
amnesiaukIt may sound stupid but I;m kinda thrilled into linux now:)00:16
xray7224will you guys stop saying linux is hard00:16
nikkiclauhoymkot_: then pastebin it please :)00:16
h00krafael: also, you'll need to delete it (as root) if it exists in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins00:16
nikkiclauamnesiauk: i was too when i was starting to use it .. everything broke on me ..00:17
spasticteapotxray7224: I get this error message: (rhythmbox:13827): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: Unable to grab media player keys: Could not get owner of name 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon': no such name00:17
histoxray7224: its not just have to understand the differences coming from windows .00:17
amnesiauknikkiclau,  thats how you learn stuff best00:17
nikkiclauamnesiauk: trying to get ISDN to work at the time was horrid even ... i loved it00:17
fevelshould I use sarg on my proxy?00:17
nikkiclauamnesiauk: yup, stuff sticks in your brain afterwards00:17
rabidi get DRDY ERROR on a couple of my drives when used as the ubuntu 9.04 / partition, most likely just 2 bad drives?00:17
h00krafael: also, lastly check /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/plugins/ for that file00:17
xray7224histo, your making it sound like its hard rather than just they dont know there way around the system i find windows hard but if you ask people they'd say it isnt00:17
skierpageI installed 64-bit Kubuntu 9.04. Occasionally window regions display corrupted on my ATI 9800 Pro.  lspci (very cool BTW) says it's a Radeon 350.  How can I tell what driver I'm using, and *should* be using?00:18
rafaelh00k im running a find -name...00:18
stefgrabid: install smartmontools and find out00:18
histoxray7224: Its hard for a windows user to make the switch still. Now that i've been using nix for years I also find windows difficult to understand at times.00:18
stefg!info smartmontools00:18
ubottusmartmontools (source: smartmontools): control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.38-2ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 322 kB, installed size 804 kB00:18
stealth-rabid: thats when the the is a communication error between the devices. It's generally okay unless you expecience problems. I get them alot on my older hardware00:18
amnesiaukis there a site which has all common commands listed under each other?00:18
histoamnesiauk: for terminal?00:18
stealth-rabid: correction I *think* its when there is a communication error00:18
amnesiaukcommon ubuntu built in commands00:19
xray7224histo, i dont like poeple making out linux is any harder than os x or win00:19
histoamnesiauk: you can use apropos or man -k    there is documentation built in to linux.00:19
xray7224because it isnt00:19
amnesiauklike lsusb and stuff00:19
stealth-!terminal | amnesiauk00:19
ubottuamnesiauk: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:19
rabidstealth-: i hadn't noticed till i moved to 9.04 server, sometimes i get sluggish system performance00:19
rafaelh00k the only instance is in /var/lib/flashplugin-installer00:19
amnesiaukahh kay00:19
stefgamnesiauk: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html00:19
h00krafael: alright, get rid of that,00:19
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!00:19
stealth-rabid: might be the hardware dying out. Be sure to keep backups00:19
stefgamnesiauk: http://linux-sxs.org/programming/bashcheat.html00:20
KaiForceAnyone had sound issues when doing an upgrade to Intrepid?00:20
amnesiaukthanks stefg00:20
amnesiaukdanke schon:)00:20
rabidstealth-: oh ya i dont care about that, backups are my life, just wondering about something in syslog i hadnt seen before00:20
skierpageI run a "Hardware Drivers" app, it starts up "jockey" which says "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system" and displays some blank panes.00:20
xray7224ooo who gave a dangorus command :P00:20
rafaelh00k done00:20
h00krafael: restart firefox and try that now :/ did you say you have flashplugin-nonfree installed?00:20
stealth-rabid: you should be okay. like I said I use alot of olderhardware and on my server I get those errors alot. The cables are shot to hell, but ive been running it for a year and had no issues.00:21
RHorseyou mean dangerous like sudo rm -fr / ?00:21
rafaelh00k now i have flashplugin nonfree installed yes00:21
histo!anyone | KaiForce00:21
ubottuKaiForce: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:21
h00krafael: alright, give that a shot...00:21
histoRHorse: please don't00:21
KaiForcei ran the command that RHorse posted and now my laptop doesn't work.00:21
xray7224RHorse, most systems wont let you run that because it knows not to delet / you would run rm -rf / no-preserve-root00:21
pajamianHi everyone, getting this error when trying to remove a package with apt: FATAL: Could not open '/boot/System.map-2.6.24-19-generic': No such file or directory ... How can I force apt to remove the package?00:21
xray7224by the way dont run that00:21
unr3a1hey all00:22
KaiForcethanks histo I already did ask00:22
neskatKaiForcei ran the command that RHorse posted and now my laptop doesn't work.  > what command?00:22
RHorsexray7224: ah, something new I learned. Tnx00:22
KaiForceneskat i was kidding00:22
neili have an external hd. i would like to install ubuntu on this external hd. currently i have an installed ubuntu on my pc, and i want to install an other one on my external hd, to be able to boot linux from an other machine. how can i do this?00:22
Seeker`xray7224: Don't say that command in here00:22
rafaelh00k there is good news and bad news..the good is that i FINALLY! have video on flash00:22
h00krafael: bad news?00:22
unr3a1I am trying to run VNC from the gnome menu, and I have the gksu before the command, but the app doesn't load.  you see the system tray bar for "starting administrator" but it only flashes.  what can I do to get vnc to run from the gnome menu?00:22
stealth-!install | neil this might help00:22
ubottuneil this might help: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate00:22
rafaelh00k the bad...no audio00:22
xray7224Seeker`, i did say dont run it to poeple i said it for educational value00:22
h00krafael: bah.00:22
decois fedora as good as ubuntu?00:23
Seeker`xray7224: doesn't matter; don't say it in here00:23
stealth-deco: thats trolling00:23
KaiForcedeco:  it has its plusses sure00:23
h00krafael: I've never had this issue so I'm not entirely sure how to fix that.00:23
histo!best | deco00:23
xray7224pfff fine i wont educate poeple00:23
ubottudeco: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:23
unr3a1does anyone know what I can do?00:23
stefgdeco: uhoh....00:23
tilinhothe fact is using a microsoft mouse, I cant load ubuntu?00:23
KaiForceis there a troubleshooting FAQ for sound on Ubuntu online?00:23
rafaelh00k at least im getting there00:23
decoim using fedora don't know if  should switch to ubuntu00:23
h00krafael: slowly but surely00:24
rafaelh00k ur da man...00:24
bazhang!ot > deco00:24
ubottudeco, please see my private message00:24
Seeker`deco: this is a support channel; try #ubuntu-offtopic00:24
stefg!sound | KaiForce00:24
|v|asterdoes anyone know the command that will show me all users on my computer?00:24
ubottuKaiForce: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:24
KaiForcedeco:  if your primary use is as a desktop, I would say yes.  and I like both Fedora and Ubuntu equally00:24
Titan8990|v|aster, cat /etc/passwd00:24
neskatdeco: are you happy with fedora?00:24
heguru|v|aster: getent passwd00:24
rafaelh00k i have to get up for a few minutes...ill start my battle with the audio then00:24
deconeskat: don't really know....00:24
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unr3a1why do things keep saying that I have no install candidate as well?00:25
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KaiForcestefg thank you00:25
pajamiananyone know how to remove a package that apt won't remove because some of the files are missing?00:25
h00krafael: alright, then try asking the channel and see if anyone else knows how exactly to fix that00:25
deconeskat: i don't get called a noob for using it though....00:25
stefg!apt | pajamian00:25
ubottupajamian: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)00:25
Titan8990unr3a1, you are trying to install packages that no longer exist or have been merged into new packasges00:25
Seeker`deco: neskat: Take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please00:25
rafaelh00k..yes..its a whole new issue..i shall start by googling it first00:25
Crash1hdCan anyone in her tell me what DPS2 (Dual Power System 2) is from giga-byte? I mean its a piece of hardware that plugs in as a card onto the mother board but I really dont understand what it does? anyone?00:25
skierpageA really old ubuntuforums thread tells me to look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to find my video driver, but that's generic ""Configured Video Device"00:25
amnesiauknikkiclau, 2minutes remaining00:25
h00krafael: good luck to you00:25
|v|asterTitan8990, heguru, thank ya00:26
nikkiclauamnesiauk: cool00:26
neskatskierpage: what grfx card?00:26
stefgCrash1hd: #hardware will be happy to discuss that00:26
amnesiaukbtw nikkiclau what's the keyboard shortcut to copy something from a terminal/bash/konsole?00:26
Crash1hdstefg: thanks :)00:26
amnesiauknot ctrl+c right?00:26
skierpageneskat I have an ATI 9800 Pro, lspci says it's Radeon 350.  But no indication what driver kubuntu is using.00:26
stealth-can someone tag me?00:26
heguruamnesiauk: shift+ctrl+c00:26
nikkiclauamnesiauk: shift+ctrl+c00:26
amnesiaukjust like a new tab and crap00:27
mib_ijoy77hgi'm trying to download java, it tells me to go into the terminal, type "su" and then my password, but it never lets me type in my password and i dont know what to do.00:27
nikkiclauamnesiauk: or you can drag over the text and then click middle mouse button ....00:27
tilinhoMy ubuntu don't load, stop on splash screen and show me this warning, "kernel panic - not syncing attempted to kill init." on safe mode. Any idea?00:27
stealth-mib_ijoy77hg: su is the command to turn into root. You want "sudo su" then your password. su requires the root password, which you cant know00:27
neskatskierpage: unless system>preferences>hardware drivers tells you, then you're probably running the vesa or opensource ati compatible driver00:27
xray7224Seeker`, hey guys what does for x in `ls /dev/sd*` ; do dd if=/dev/random of=$x ; done do someone told me to run it :P00:27
Titan8990!root | mib_ijoy77hg00:27
ubottumib_ijoy77hg: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:27
nikkiclauamnesiauk: (where you want to copy to)00:27
sedekiI have a problem with my audio drivers ... When I plug in headphones the sound from the speakers don't go away, as the sound do in windows .... Anyone??00:27
Titan8990mib_ijoy77hg, root account in locked in ubuntu00:27
sedekiI've looked in alsamixer also00:27
hegurumib_ijoy77hg: use add/remove in the applications menu to install java00:28
lasttttmib_ijoy77hg: try sudo00:28
h00kI have an external HD (500gb) formatted with ext2 and I'm having some severe file system problems, I'd like to try to get my data off before I reformat/surface scan, can anyone point me to some (f/os) software that might help?  I'd love to try ddrescue but I don't have spare 500gb.00:28
neskatmib_ijoy77hg: to download java > sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre00:28
stefg!intelhda | sedeki00:28
ubottusedeki: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto00:28
nikkiclauh00k: norton ghost 2003?00:28
skierpageneskat Thanks!  That thing ("jockey" ?) shows blank and "No proprietary drivers", so that sounds right.00:28
sedekistefg: aah cool! thanks!00:28
xray7224hey mr_bo_jangles00:29
h00knikkiclau: free/open source software, also, I don't have spare 500gb to image it to.00:29
Titan8990h00k, the problem with images is that will will also have keep errors that the fileystem may have00:29
mr_bo_jangleshey xray00:29
neskatskierpage: cool, you can install the atu drivers for better performance if you __need__ them00:29
Titan8990h00k, you are best off backing up files using something like tar and rsync00:29
h00kTitan8990: they were rsync'd to that drive.00:29
pajamianstefg: I can't find the answer to my question in that link.  Basically put I need to finish removing an old kernel package that was only partially removed before.00:29
amnesiauknikkiclau, rebooting:)00:29
Titan8990h00k, so you don't backup the filesystem issues00:29
nikkiclauamnesiauk: hopefully this works out of the box ...00:29
Titan8990h00k, rsync them back :)00:29
amnesiauklet's hope so00:30
xray7224Seeker`, should i run sudo for x in `ls /dev/sd*` ; do dd if=/dev/random of=$x ; done00:30
h00kTitan8990: they won't.  That's the problem.00:30
xray7224Seeker`, they said it would fix my background00:30
stefgpajamian: you might need to reinstall it again, just to get rid of it afterwards00:30
skierpageneskat  I am getting occasional corruption of window contents, so maybe I'll give it a shot.00:30
h00kTitan8990: I'm getting "Stale NFS file handle"00:30
Titan8990h00k, oh....00:30
pajamianstefg: that sucks, there really should be a way to tell apt to "just remove the damn thing"00:30
xray7224i so dont :O00:31
unr3a1Titan8990, I am trying to install VNC enterprise00:31
unr3a1Titan8990, would that be vnc-java now?00:31
h00kTitan8990: my DMESG is reporting I/O errors: http://pastebin.com/d1051192000:31
neskatskierpage: make sure you know how to revert to your old xorg.conf file in the root shell incase anything goes wrong00:31
Titan8990unr3a1, not sure, I use ssh00:31
h00kTitan8990: so I'm looking for a way to rescue my data.00:31
stefgpajamian: there are some --force options with apt, but it's quite unresponsible to just tell people to -- force-yes this or that w/o knowing what they are doing00:31
xray7224mr_bo_jangles, i got kicked :(00:31
Titan8990h00k, thats a tough one....00:32
h00kTitan8990: yeah...00:32
pajamianstefg: right, and I thought --force-yes simply told it to answer yes to prompts automatically00:32
nikkiclauh00k: get another 500G disk .. cheapest option IMO00:32
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amnesiauknikkiclau, I've got an ip now:)00:33
stefgpajamian: you prolly need dpkg --force-help00:33
nikkiclauamnesiauk: excellent! :D glad to hear it!00:33
Titan8990h00k, I would maybe try some picture recovery software00:33
h00knikkiclau: yeah, thats money I don't have...that's why I'm seeing if anyone knows of any software that would be nice to use to recover from my hosed filesystem00:33
Zeroyezanyone know if catalyst 9.4 and jaunty = working 3d performance or not?00:33
Titan8990h00k, its made for photos but works will all types of files00:33
unr3a1has anyone here sucessfully installed vnc enterprise in 9.04?00:33
h00kTitan8990: yeah, I thought maybe something like testdisk00:33
Titan8990h00k, start with the most important00:33
ryanakcaHow do I print pages 47 and 48 of a PDF from the CLI? I have lpr / pdf2ps / gs / etc installed.00:34
amnesiauknikkiclau, sorry for bothering you, since I could also just install 9.04 straight away:p00:34
nikkiclauamnesiauk: then we know that this was a driver issue, and a upgrade of kernel (or in this case, Ubuntu) worked for you.00:34
nikkiclauamnesiauk: no worries mate .. it was fun00:34
amnesiauknikkiclau, thanks a lot mate:)00:35
nikkiclauamnesiauk: you're very welcome :)00:35
amnesiauknikkiclau, strange though why the usb stick didn't work:p00:35
amnesiaukI guess the bootsector was fine right, otherwise it wouldn't boot:)\00:36
nikkiclauamnesiauk: probably ... but i've seen usb sticks working on some computers and not others .. I guess it's not as reliable as CD ROM ..00:36
stefg!info photorec | h00k00:36
ubottuh00k: Package photorec does not exist in jaunty00:36
stefg... sh ...00:36
amnesiauknikkiclau, strange:)00:37
h00kstefg: I found testdisk: gcsecurity.org00:37
amnesiaukwell I'll stop bothering you guys, but I'll definitely come back:)00:37
nikkiclauamnesiauk: not really .. I saw this happend aswell with CD ROMs vs floppy disks when CD booting was a new technology00:37
Zeroyezdd with a progress bar where can i find00:37
nikkiclauamnesiauk: alrighty mate ..00:37
amnesiaukand the cdrom worked?00:37
amnesiaukguess so right:P?00:37
unr3a1Titan8990, would you know why gksu vncview %f does not load the application?00:38
unr3a1is there something I am missing in that command?00:38
nikkiclauamnesiauk: in the end, BIOS manufacturers fixed their code ...00:38
stefgh00k: testdisk recovers partitions .... if your partition table is hosed. photorec (sam author iirc) tries to get your files back00:38
amnesiaukahh I see00:38
h00kstefg: photorec is included in the tarball00:39
amnesiauknikkiclau, well my new bios on the laptops kinda simple:(00:39
amnesiauknikkiclau, hasnt got the option to press f12 for example and choose where to boot from00:39
k1rbsah i type sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree  it says i already have the latest version.. i open a page that uses flash.. and it says i dont have adobe flash player 9 or higher... it is any page .. help?00:39
nikkiclauamnesiauk: well, they differ from product to product ... unfortunately00:39
RHorsek1rbsah: dl from the adobe site and follow the instructions there.00:40
amnesiauknikkiclau, yup00:40
leviatha1hi, i just decided to install ubuntu 9.0.4 and wanted to install ati drivers(fglrx) afterwards, did it with apt-get. after that i got a white with black screen.  I also noticed that fglrx gave error while loading.  Do i have to modify the ubuntu kernel for fglrx? cause i got the same version working on my gentoo box? And btw where are all the option from Xorg.conf written to?00:40
RocondaHI amnesiauk00:40
macoleviatha1: current versions of X do not require a static config file00:40
macoleviatha1: that's why xorg.conf is empty00:41
pajamianstefg: well I'm gonna try reinstall / remove, but it's rather a pain because it has a dependancy that has to be installed and removed as well that way.00:41
stefgleviatha1: envy .... or go buy an nvidia card (quicker solution)00:41
leviatha1stefg: well its on my old notebook so its kinda hard00:41
Zeroyezleviatha1, which version of fglrx did apt-get install00:41
macoleviatha1: it's *supposed* to just Do The Right Thing...but graphics drivers are just kinda screwed on jaunty ATM00:41
amnesiaukWell nikkiclau, thanks again for the help, got to install xp on me old laptop now:p00:41
Guest637hi, im trying to use a script where the format is exec prog.exe and then I need to pass two dynamic perameters after that ip:port so the script would be script +connect ip:port if i put +connect ip:port inside the script after prog.exe works fine, if i do script +connect ip:port it does not work00:41
thomatworkTo help me better understand UbuntuBootupHowto, I am trying to get synergyc to connect to a synergy server prior to user login - what do I need to do to get this working? I have already figured out how to get synergyc to connect upon user log in.00:41
k1rbsahrhorse i did installed using the .deb and restarted firefox and even relogged00:41
macomr_bo_jangles: what's that? malware encoded as escape characters? no thanks00:41
leviatha1just wanted to test ubuntu cuause i never worked with it yet00:42
jimisrvroxhey guys I have the 9.04 iso already and I want to install inside of windows how can I do that w/o waiting on wubi to dl the iso?00:42
nikkiclauamnesiauk: alright .. have fun :)00:42
mr_bo_jangleslol its /bin/sh00:42
RHorsek1rbsah: no. You have to go to the adobe.com and install from there. Will work,. guaranteed. :)00:42
jimisrvroxhey guys I have the 9.04 iso already and I want to install inside of windows how can I do that w/o waiting on wubi to dl the iso?00:42
leviatha1maco:  is there any way round? manual install or no point trying?00:42
mr_bo_jangleswaiting for people to ask about it00:42
macoleviatha1: you can use vesa in the meantime. i suppose there's a work around somewhere. i only konw the intel stuff though00:42
k1rbsahrhorse ok ill try again :) ty ill get back to you :)00:42
macoleviatha1: it's also possible you have one of the cards for which ATI recently dropped support and thus need the open source ati driver00:43
LadyNikonjimisrvrox: but the disk in.. and it will auto run while in windows00:43
jimisrvroxLadyNikon: I have the cd but it will not read on this cdrom..00:43
k1rbsahrhorse the tar.gz ?00:43
LadyNikonjimisrvrox: did you burn it correctly? it should automatically start when you put the disk in00:43
RHorsek1rbsah: don't use the deb., use the .gz file00:43
jimisrvroxLadyNikon: I have a copy of 9.04 on my flash drive but it is not a dedicated OS just the iso00:43
k1rbsahrhorse ok because ive done the .deb and apt-get :-/00:44
LadyNikonjimisrvrox: can you burn it to a cd?00:44
Zeroyezare there any utilities similar to dd but with a progress bar?00:44
neili would like to install jaunty to an external harddrive with debootstrap from a hardy ubuntu, but command "debootstrap jaunty /install" says E: No such script: /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/jaunty. what should i do?00:44
jimisrvroxLadyNikon: yeah but as I well know some cdroms do not like certain media types..showed up fine on my *nix boxes at home..00:44
jimisrvroxLadyNikon: no she does not have a cd burner..00:44
RHorsek1rbsah: use the .gz and follow the instructions on how to install. It's easy.00:44
LadyNikonjimisrvrox: i just used isoburner00:44
LadyNikonjimisrvrox: ah00:44
k1rbsahrhorse ok ok :)00:44
leviatha1maco: doubt it did use closed server before on that machine. Didnt check though. Will try to play a bit with kernel an driver then. cause i often play wow on my notebook while in class and its just not possible with a decent driver00:44
leviatha1closed driver*00:44
LadyNikonjimisrvrox: maybe google usb ubuntu installation windows00:44
jimisrvroxLadyNikon: I dont think I could run it offa usb w/o extracting the iso is what im saying00:45
heguruthomatwork: I don't think that would be possible (not without hacking gdm atleast)00:45
lbthi...where do the armel guys hang out?00:46
thomatworkheguru the PC will boot to the log in screen. - I just hate having 2 keyboards on my desk just so I can log in to my Ubuntu box.00:47
RoastedCan someone help me with an rsync error? I'm getting "failed to set times" "operation not permitted" with the one rsync command I run00:47
lbtI have a bug in xargs under armel qemu00:47
LadyNikonjimisrvrox: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-904-persistent-install-windows/00:47
jimisrvroxLadyNikon: I told her that I could backup her windows sys to an online storage..but it would take too long and I told her to get everything she wanted bc windows was going to the trash :) I convinced her to try linux from the ubuntu student training manual and the fact that windows has a ugly registry and was just being a big PITA00:47
LadyNikonjimisrvrox: im just googling so read it first00:48
heguruthomatwork: and you want synergyc to connect to server so you can use the keyboard to login, for this synergyc has to run in the same session as GDM, and you have to modify the gdm startup file00:48
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churlin Jaunty, is there no longer the option to have "icons only" in the "task list"?00:48
k1rbsahrhorse NOTE: Please ask your administrator to remove the xpti.dat from the00:48
k1rbsah      components directory of the Mozilla or Netscape browser.00:48
k1rbsahInstallation complete.00:48
LadyNikonjimisrvrox: brb00:48
jimisrvroxLadyNikon: I do not want to lose everything on my flash drive tho bc I have more than just the ubuntu on there00:48
felixsullaDoes anyone know how to see about turning off a touchpad/certain mouse buttons but leaving other mouse buttons active?00:48
oOarthurOoHi... I installed phatch from the repos, but now nautilus can't open up any folders. Or rather, shortcuts to my home folder no longer work. Instead phatch opens up. So I uninstalled phatch hoping the ownership would switch back to nautilus, but instead I now see an error message saying "can't open :///file/home/arthur because no appplication exists to do so"00:48
Kubuntu__What is the right mount command for a fat32 the -t *where here?*00:49
heguruKubuntu__: -t vfat00:49
nikkiclauwell, i'm going .. night night00:50
heguruKubuntu__: actually omitting -t should also work, mount should autodetect fat3200:50
RoastedCan someone help me with an rsync error? I'm getting "failed to set times" "operation not permitted" with the one rsync command I run00:50
thomatworkgdm = GNOME Display Manager I'm guessing... hmm. Is modifying the gdm startup file a non-trivial task?00:50
LadyNikonRoasted: please be patient someone will help you when thy can.00:50
zhuraiquestion: about desktop drapes program, for the "Wallpaper search directory", does it search in subfolders?00:50
Kubuntu__heguru: it didnt detect it. and said vfat was wrong00:50
Roastedladynikon - I have been. But thanks!00:51
heguruthomatwork: check this post, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-564405.html00:51
macoleviatha1: ati just demoted a lot of cards from supported-in-fglrx to unsupported-and-now-in-ati like a month or two ago00:51
_CommandeR_Hi, is there a reason why Ubuntu 9.04 reads my 6GiB as 5.8GiB ?00:51
LadyNikonRoasted: then check the forums.00:51
Roastedladynikon - Already did.00:51
k1rbsahrhorse still no go :-/00:51
heguruKubuntu__: maybe its not fat32 then00:51
_CommandeR_Hi, is there a reason why Ubuntu 9.04 reads my 6GiB as 5.8GiB (RAM)00:51
LadyNikonRoasted: then i guess its waiting to see if someone can help you. but i dont recommend repeating our post00:51
Kubuntu__heguru: it is its just a U3 Drive and its buggy00:51
RHorsek1rbsah: you'll have to do a find -name xpti.dat .mozilla search and rm that file, then. Can't you install from your browser at adobe.com?00:52
Roastedladynikon - I repeat it when my post gets lost in the above text that clearly nobody else will check.00:52
Crash1hdAm I going to have an issue with ubuntu seeing a 1TB drive?00:52
thomatworkheguru: thx - I should have searched the forums a little better - this looks to have some answers00:52
heguruCrash1hd: no00:52
Crash1hdheguru: I ask because xp seems to only be seeing the first 100gigs or so00:52
LadyNikonRoasted: i would say give it like 2 or 3 mins between it but hey.. its up to you :)00:53
macoRoasted: they could be in the middle of typing a response...00:53
Cpudan80Crash1hd: XP only see 100gbs ?00:53
Cpudan80Crash1hd: Is it partitioned correctly ?00:53
Roastedmaco - If several minutes pass where I get no responses and my question has been unseen on the main screen of text here for quite some time, I highly doubt they'd be typing. And even if they are, what's the harm?00:53
Crash1hdCpudan80: thats xp pro without any service packs (doing an install)00:53
Cpudan80You did chose NTFS right ?00:54
Cpudan80Crash1hd: You shouldn't install XP gold00:54
_CommandeR_Hi, is there a reason why Ubuntu 9.04 reads my 6GiB as 5.8GiB (RAM)00:54
Cpudan80Crash1hd: You need to slip it up to SP300:54
Cpudan80or at least 200:54
* maco wonders what NTFS's max filesystem size is00:54
Cpudan80installing gold is a very bad idea00:54
Crash1hdCpudan80: if I new how I would00:54
Crash1hdCpudan80: why?00:54
mib_7wl1laperhaps a stupid questio, but what command is executed when i press the hotkey that mutes my speakers? put another way: if I wanted to write a script that would mute my sound, what command would i use?00:54
Cpudan80Crash1hd: you use NLite -- the guys in ##windows can help you00:54
ApaxisCrash1hd: ;\00:55
Cpudan80Crash1hd: for reasons like your weird 100GB problem, XP Gold had a large volume problem that you wont be able to get around later00:55
Kubuntu__Cpudan80 is he running it in a USB enclosure? I had same prob with puttin a 350GB in an old enclosure00:55
macomib_7wl1la: maybe look at 'man amixer'?00:55
Cpudan80Good question00:56
Cpudan80USB enclosure = evil00:56
Crash1hdCpudan80: hmm I know that once sp2 is installed it sees the rest of the drive (im only installing xp on the first 20 gigs anyhow00:56
UrikHi guys. Could you please answer a question? Let's say that I want to find the second line of the la.tmp file. I do: sed -n '2p' la.tmp00:56
Urikwhat if instead of 2, I want to input a variable?00:56
hegurumib_7wl1la: depents on your hardware, usually one of the scripts in /etc/acpi/events/00:56
Cpudan80Crash1hd: oh ok ... then yes that would work00:56
Zeroyezi'm confused as to why jaunty server uses significantly more ram than a clean install of windows xp at idle00:56
Uriklike $i for exaample00:56
_CommandeR_Hi, is there a reason why Ubuntu 9.04 reads my 6GiB as 5.8GiB (RAM) ?00:56
Cpudan80Crash1hd: the problem is when you try to use a giant partition all for XP ... XP gold freaks00:56
RHorsemib_ the command you want is alsactl00:56
Crash1hdCpudan80: I would love to update my xp to sp2 at least00:56
Cpudan80_CommandeR_: 32 bit or 64 bit ?00:56
lstarnes_CommandeR_: the other .2 GiB is likely being reserved for use by the kernel00:57
h00k!o4o | jwash00:57
ubottujwash: Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Some topics are controversial and often end in fighting. War, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide regularly upset people. Please be aware and drop a discussion if you are asked. Support for Microsoft in ##windows and Apple in ##apple. To discuss these rules, please see !appeals. Please always adhere to Freenode Policy.00:57
Crash1hdCpudan80: right I never have that issue cause I never make the C drive any bigger then 20 gigs lol :)00:57
Cpudan80Crash1hd: Its really not hard, you provide NLite with the base ISO and then tell it to push the SP2 into it00:57
admin_masu3701i have no sound on my system...do anybody know what the problem may be?00:57
Severian_CommandeR_, Yes, it is because they have worked on it and improved it.  It used to only allow you 3.5 GB00:57
Seeker`Urik: I guess one way of doing it would be head -n$i la.tmp | tail00:57
Crash1hdCpudan80: in windows or ubuntu?00:57
spectre51Hoping someone can help me.  I upgraded to kernel 2.6.28-11 in 8.10 and lost the boot splash screen even though I have splash set as an option in menu.lst.  I upgraded to 9.04 and still  no splash screen00:57
RHorse!sound | admin_masu370100:57
ubottuadmin_masu3701: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:57
Seeker`Urik: I mean I guess one way of doing it would be head -n$i la.tmp | tail -n 100:57
Cpudan80Crash1hd: NLite is for windows - ask about it in ##windows00:57
k1rbsahrhorse removed the file ran the install relogged ... still no go00:57
dassoukii get command not found when i do "sudo ./compile.sh" although it exists00:58
Crash1hdCpudan80: google it and got it :) maybe I will try that :) and then re reinstall windows lol :)00:58
lstarnesdassouki: do sudo sh ./compile.sh00:58
mib_ijoy77hgi cant get java to work00:58
k1rbsahrhorse i went to http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/welcome/ to test it00:58
Cpudan80Crash1hd: yeah - at leaast you woont have to run 10zillion updates00:58
Crash1hdCpudan80: very true :)00:58
reidanyone able to tell me why there is no tab-completion for apt-get on my ubuntu-server?00:58
reidI have it on this lappy running desktop00:58
macospectre51: 8.10 uses 2.6.27...00:58
RHorsek1rbsah: did you restart the browser, first?00:58
Crash1hdCpudan80: but will my cd key still work?00:59
lstarnesreid: do you have bash-compietion installed?00:59
thomatworkheguru: the link you provided is an excellent start. I won't be able to test it until tomorrow. Thx for the assistance00:59
Cpudan80Crash1hd: depends00:59
k1rbsahyes .. and i also relogged my session in ubuntu00:59
reidlstarnes: most likely that is the problem =)  thanks, brb00:59
k1rbsahrhorse yes .. and i also relogged my session in ubuntu00:59
heguruthomatwork: welcome!00:59
Cpudan80Crash1hd: If you do it right - yes00:59
spectre51maco: I upgraded to it, but the point is I still have no splash screen after upgrading to 9.0400:59
admin_masu3701ubottu: it didnt work..so imma look at the link00:59
reidlstarnes: it is installed, yes00:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:59
macospectre51: oh so 9.04 not 8.10 then?00:59
Cpudan80Crash1hd: Windows license keys are tied to the disk type, so for example you cant slip SP2 into a Volume License disk and have your OEM key work00:59
RHorsek1rbsah: it's a single file, you can download it off the web and put it in your extersion directory. I've done it before.01:00
dassoukiwhat's the best way to install apache and php01:00
Cpudan80Crash1hd: You can however slip SP2 into an OEM disk and use an OEM key01:00
macospectre51: and splash is still in your kernel boot line?01:00
admin_masu3701ubuttu: but the thing is i had sound before...01:00
lstarnesdassouki: try sudo tasksel install lamp-server01:00
_CommandeR_Cpudan80, Its 64bit of Ubuntu01:00
randomusrhow come Super L doesn't work to lock the screen but it does for the panel menu?01:00
Apaxisdassouki: apt-get them together?01:00
Cpudan80Crash1hd: but this is offtopic for #ubuntu - check ##windows01:00
spectre51maco:  yes sir01:00
GraphicRecursio1 I need help, I have a wireless card operating as an AP, I need it to use WPA encryption01:00
Cpudan80_CommandeR_: the top end is reserved and rounded off - don't worry about it01:00
admin_masu3701and when the system boot up i hear sound01:00
_CommandeR_lstarnes, Oh ok :)01:00
Crash1hdCpudan80: no problem thankyou for the help01:00
Apaxisdassouki: i think for php you want libapache2-mod-php4 or something to that effect (apt-cache search it)01:00
Cpudan80Crash1hd: Im in ##windows too ...01:00
dassoukiApaxis: lstarnes thanks01:00
lstarnesApaxis: php5, not php401:01
Cpudan80I play both OS instruments01:01
lstarnesApaxis: php4 is no longer supported iirc01:01
macorandomusr: i thought it was ctrl alt L01:01
_CommandeR_Cpudan80, thanx m8 :)01:01
spectre51maco: Kernel (Arguments): root=UUID=118e7d19-808f-4bd4-85f8-d93f914592ce ro quiet splash01:01
Apaxisah, yea im not up on the current versions01:01
k1rbsahrhorse ok01:01
randomusrmaco, not in my keyboard shortcuts01:01
_CommandeR_BTW Anyone here Using Creative X-FI Card ?01:01
RHorsek1rbsah: if you give me a moment I can find it for yuou01:01
Cpudan80_CommandeR_: if you are really worried about your ram, run memtest86+ on it01:01
Cpudan80or some such thing01:01
reidlstarnes: other than bash-completion, do you have any other ideas?  I can tab-complete anything that isn't apt-get01:01
_CommandeR_Cpudan80, Nah its fine i dualboot into Windows 64bit also and it sees all of it :)01:02
macorandomusr: ....wait you tried to set super+L for lock in gnome's keyboard shortcuts thing? gnome's keyboard shortcuts dont recognize Super as a modifier, just as a key of its own, so "Super_L" means the left super key01:02
h00k_CommandeR_: no, the ram that doesn't appear visible to use is reserved by the kernel.  your ram is probably fine.01:02
k1rbsahrhorse is it libflashplayer.so?01:02
hegurureid: are you running apt-get using sudo or as root (after sudo -i etc)01:02
_CommandeR_I Was just wondering ....01:02
reidheguru: oh, as root01:02
dassoukihttp://pastebin.com/d6357733e <-- i get this when i try to compile.sh a program01:02
randomusrmaco, it doesn't work either way01:02
hegurureid: do it using sudo, bash-completion works for your user only, not for root by default01:03
randomusrand I can use Super with a modifier on other shortcuts01:03
RHorsek1rbsah: yes, and just put it in the proper directory - you can find that be googling. Good luck!01:03
reidheguru: ah, thanks01:03
Apaxisreid: if youre logged in as root just do . /etc/bash_completion01:03
macorandomusr: i didnt think that'd changed....are you doing this in gnome or compiz keyboard settings? (i'm not using either of the above, but i think i still remember how they work)01:03
fireballhey, anyone here know how to port foward for apache, correctly?01:03
k1rbsahrhorse ok thanks :)01:04
randomusrmaco, I'm pretty sure that I'm using the gnome keyboard settings01:04
_CommandeR_But im impressed how 9.04 works fine :)01:04
Kubuntu__-sigh- Smart people here, So relaxing to hear leetspeak :D YaY!01:04
jimisrvroxLadyNikon: well I tried the usb and I got a nice white to grey bullseye type screen..when I told it to boot from the USB01:05
jimi_hendrixis there anyway to optimize an ati card?01:05
spectre51maco: any idea about the splash screen?01:05
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macospectre51: no, sorry01:05
jimi_hendrix(just dragging windows with fglrx enabled lags)01:05
jwzjajimi_hendrix, i've had issues like that with nvidia cards and the issue always ended up being wrong drivers01:06
Apaxisjimi_hendrix: do you have ATI's proprietary driver installed?01:06
reidApaxis: problem fixed, thanks a bunch01:07
MrDudleso when i installed ubuntu i had all sorts of fancy effects now i can't make the system have wobbly windows i tried enabling visual effects but it says it can't but why could it before i upgraded?01:07
MrDudleis there a way to change that?01:07
Seeker`Urik: I have no idea if my way of doing it is the most efficient, but the idea is that "head -ni" returns the first i lines from the file, and "tail -n1" returns the last line from its input01:07
Apaxisreid: you can also add that to root's .bashrc if you like01:07
h00kMrDudle: make sure you have your graphics drivers installed properly01:07
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jimi_hendrixApaxis, yes01:07
MrDudleh00k, is there a wway to reinstall them?01:07
Apaxisjimi_hendrix: which ati card do you have?01:08
h00kMrDudle: yes, do you have ATI or NVIDIA01:08
Urikaaaah now I understand. I forgot about the pipeline. It's very smart. Thanks Seeker`01:08
jimi_hendrixit used to work perfectly in 8.04, then i tried jaunty, then i tried fedora, then i tried sabayon, then i tried arch again, and now i am back on hardy, and its not going well01:08
h00k!nvidia | MrDudle01:08
ubottuMrDudle: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:08
jimi_hendrixApaxis, ATI radeon hd mobility 347001:08
MrDudlethank you h00k01:08
und3rgr0undz3r0please help me i want to get rid of kde3 so badly01:08
h00kGood luck, MrDudle01:08
theBishopanyone getting a broken package error in synaptic?01:09
MrDudlei'll let you know if i get it to work h00k01:09
theBishopdpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 15206 package `libgsf-1-common':01:09
Apaxisjimi_hendrix: yea you probably shouldnt have any issues with that card, how did you install the driver?01:10
MrDudleh00k, it says i have no propietary drivers installed01:10
h00kMrDudle: check out System -> Preferences -> Hardware Drivers01:10
Sagaciis there a hack to place a "task manager" option when one clicks the panel, like windows?01:10
jimi_hendrixSystem -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers01:10
admin_masu3701is it possible to bring ubuntu to earlier date like in windows? system restore?01:10
MrDudlethat's where i  am h00k01:11
h00kMrDudle: do you see any drivers listed?01:11
h00kSagaci: click and drag the "System Monitor" icon from your menu to the panel01:11
Apaxisjimi_hendrix: hold on a second...01:11
jwzjaanyone using eeebuntu experiencing issues with wireless wpa networks not authenticating after standby? it seems to be a common issue (which i guess is driver related) and can't find any info. restarting networking doesn't help01:11
h00kMrDudle: do a sudo apt-get update01:12
h00kMrDudle: and upgrade01:12
MrDudleh00k, i am on 9.0401:12
MrDudlebut i am updating01:13
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Apaxisjimi_hendrix: you may need to try ati.com's driver, this howto im reading doesnt mention the radeon mobilities01:14
Guest54688does waiting ffor the current stable reelease (9.04) to become even more stable with updates decrease my chances of breaking my ubuntu OS when upgrading from 8.10?01:14
admin_masu3701is it possible to bring ubuntu to earlier date like in windows? system restore?01:14
histoGuest54688: the only updates you will see is security patches01:14
histoGuest54688: some bug fixes01:15
histoGuest54688: or you can wait for 9.10 which should be lts01:15
thiebaudeadmin_masu3701: ubuntu doesn't have a system restore feature01:15
admin_masu3701thiebaude: ok01:15
histoadmin_masu3701: it doesn't need one either01:15
Apaxishere jimi_hendrix: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI01:15
thiebaudehisto: true01:15
Guest54688histo, ya so is the update mechanism going to be less buggy?01:15
JoblinHello, I can login from root on ssh, but the other users cannot login to ssh, even though ive added them using adduser?01:16
jimi_hendrixApaxis, i was about to ask you waht do i do with the file i download01:16
jimi_hendrixnice call01:16
histoGuest54688: I haven't experienced any bugs have you?01:16
Guest54688histo, a couple releases ago01:16
admin_masu3701cause am having sound and flash player problem cant cant fix it01:16
Apaxisjimi_hendrix: try their howto on installing the ati driver, if that doesnt work you may just not have support for great 3d on that card, sorry01:16
mzzjimi_hendrix: if I read the release notes for fglrx 9.4 right it no longer supports your chipset, so you'll have to use the open driver01:16
mzzjimi_hendrix: I could be wrong though, I just skimmed them (http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/catalyst_94_linux.pdf)01:16
histoGuest54688: a lot of people don't upgrade untill lts. There is really no need if everything is working. Allthough ext4 is nice.01:16
jimi_hendrixApaxis, i used to be able to run compiz flawlessly01:16
* MrDudle brb reboot01:17
jimi_hendrixmzz, i am using hardy...01:17
Apaxisjimi_hendrix: hrm, did you try the open driver first man?01:17
mzzjimi_hendrix: ah, in that case using fglrx 9.3 might be an option.01:17
Guest54688histo, well my mom is getting annoyed with this 8.10 bug that has resolution changing every like 5 boots and she has to reboot every 5 reboots to get the normal res01:17
Guest54688histo, and i dont no the pattern to file a bug report, would filing such a thing lead to a fix or is it too abstract?01:17
mzzjimi_hendrix: (although I'd try the open driver first)01:17
histoGuest54688: Well it may definately be worth upgrading then. there are some things you can do to protect yourself.01:18
Apaxisjimi_hendrix: id try that out, and then do what mzz is saying if that doesnt help you01:18
mzzGuest54688: at least try to catch a /var/log/Xorg.0.log for both the correct and the bogus resolution01:18
histoGuest54688: have a seperate /home paritition also backup your data from home then you have very little to worry about.01:18
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histoGuest54688: bugs are filed with launchpad01:18
histo!bugs > Guest5468801:18
ubottuGuest54688, please see my private message01:18
ApaxisGuest86949: filing serious bugs usually ends up in a fix01:19
jeffreyfGuest54688: Have you considered upgrading.  There have been many fixes to screen and monitor handling01:19
mzzApaxis: well, for this one a bit more info than "it's wrong once every n boots" would be required01:19
Apaxisi addressed the wrong guest01:19
Guest54688histo, ok so i shoiuld just say this in launchpad and include lspci? that should fix the problem?01:19
mzzbut yeah01:19
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mzzGuest54688: I suspect an Xorg.0.log for both cases would be more useful than an lspci01:20
Apaxismzz: yea, didnt see his bug lol just thought he had a general question about bug reporting01:20
Guest54688mzz, jeffreyf, histo, ok well ill file a bug report anyways thx i have to study now tho01:21
Chr|swhere are the sounds located for ubuntu?01:22
Apaxissomewhere in /usr/share?01:22
Apaxisjust a guess01:22
ludditemy 9.04 can connect to wep normally but when it connects(which it does) to wpa2 there is no corresponding internet.01:23
Chr|sApaxis: yup, thanks01:23
ludditeany ideas? im cabling it now01:23
MrDudleh00k, i installed the updates and such and i still can't enable visual effects01:23
h00kMrDudle: check System -> Preferences -> Hardware Drivers again to see if its listed01:23
bowlwhere can i download a booty disk?01:23
jimi_hendrixa booty disk?01:24
bowlyeah, a booty disk01:24
MrDudleno propietary drivers01:24
RHorsebowl: keep it clean. :)01:24
bazhangbowl, what does this have to do with ubuntu01:24
bowli need a booty disk so my system can booty up01:24
bowlfor ubuntu01:24
Chr|show do I set up to check for updates daily?01:24
RHorsebowl: linux or dos?01:24
Apaxisbowl: you mean an install disk? try www.ubuntu.com01:24
jimisrvroxLadyNikon: well...Im going the wubi route..even though I have the iso already...unfortunately nothing else has worked..01:24
odinsbaneI have an asus laptop with an atheros card, I can't get it to turn on the button will turn off the light, but it won't come back on01:24
Dr_WillisChr|s:  i thought it did allready.. it just dont auto-install them01:25
bowli accidentally smashed mine01:25
brian___hey all01:25
MrDudleh00k, there are still no drivers01:25
brian___ive run into this bug during installation01:25
Chr|sDr_Willis: I always do it manually I never get an update icon01:25
bowlso where can i get a booty disk?01:25
Apaxisbowl: ^^^01:25
brian___i suspect it is because of this board having and oddball pata driver, and the cdrom is pata01:25
randomusrIn gnome, what's the best windows manager to look glassy like vista?01:25
Dr_Willisbowl:  you can get the cd's at the ubutnu download sites.01:25
h00kMrDudle: do 'lspci  grep VGA' and see which video card you have01:25
SeverianChr|s, The update icon is gone for 9.04.01:25
brian___so i was able to mount everything and chroot in01:25
h00kMrDudle: lspci | grep VGA01:25
bazhangbowl, you asked and were answered, dont repeat01:25
brian___is there something i can run to complete the install?01:25
Chr|s!ubuntu | bowl01:26
ubottubowl: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:26
Dr_Willisrandomusr:  its not the window manager that looks that way.. but compiz + the emerald window decorator can look a lot like vista.01:26
Chr|sSeveas: ahh they did, so there is no notification?01:26
Dr_Willisrandomusr:  you might have to make your own emerald theme, or find one to download.01:26
GraphicRecursionI made a router using some old hardware I had lying around. Its running Ubuntu 9.04, I understand how to use WEP as the encryption method but not WPA. Can anyone help01:26
bowli know what ubuntu is - i use it from the booty disk because i don't want to delete windows trying to install it01:26
histobrian___: what is the bug doing?01:26
bazhangbowl, it is a boot disk. please stop repeating.01:26
brian___histo: it asks for the install cd media after 80% of "isntalling the base system"01:27
SeverianChr|s, Right, no notification Icon.  The default behavior is that update manager will open on your screen once a day.  They are going to change the default time frame to once a week.01:27
bowli was told it was called a booty disk01:27
MrDudleh00k, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)01:27
brian___i think im gonna try apt-get distupgrade01:27
bowlit lets the system booty up01:27
Picibowl: This is a support channel, please take it seriously.01:27
GraphicRecursionhaha dont call it that just call it a boot disk01:27
bowli am01:27
Apaxisbowl: and can you define booty for us?01:28
bazhangbowl, please stop01:28
histobrian___: did you doa check of the disk? I've seen this with certain media being burned too fast etc..01:28
bowli need to replace my ubuntu booty disk because i smashed mine01:28
Apaxissorry, i wotn encourage him01:28
MrDudlebowl download a new one and burn it to a cd/dvd01:28
Apaxishe gone01:28
odinsbaneIs there a way to manually turn a wireless card off and on?  ifconfig doesn't cut it.01:28
histobrian___: but if you have the ubuntu-desktop package installed you should be able to do a dist-upgrade and dpkg-reconfigure -a if needed.01:28
bowlwhy did you kick me?01:28
bazhang!ot > bowl01:28
ubottubowl, please see my private message01:28
h00kMrDudle: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/363821/comments/701:28
GraphicRecursionI made a router using some old hardware I had lying around. Its running Ubuntu 9.04, I understand how to use WEP as the encryption method but not WPA. Can anyone help01:29
vasiodinsbane: what exactly do you want? is turning off wireless in networkmanager insufficient?01:29
bowli was just saying i need to replace my booty disk. where can i have them send me a new one?01:29
Chr|sSeverian: I see, hmm I never get that daily I have to do it manually to check for updates01:29
bowli just need a link01:29
h00kMrDudle: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7132843#post713284301:29
odinsbanevasi, when I boot with the cdrom the light comes on and it is fine, if I boot with the hard drive no light.01:29
Apaxisbowl: youve been told about 4 times www.ubuntu.com01:29
bazhangbowl, it is a boot disk. www.ubuntu.com01:29
MrDudleh00k, i'm opening the first one01:29
odinsbanevasi: also if I use the button to turn the light off I cannot turn it back on.01:29
Apaxisif he didnt see it that time hes definately a troll01:30
cptbloodbowl: google wont hurt either01:30
RajeevHello, I am trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 on a Toshiba Satellite A305-S6909 with a Mobile Intel  GM45 Express Graphics Chipset but I am having graphics distortion when using LIVECD01:30
bowlok thank you01:30
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vasiodinsbane: fraid i can't follow you, sorry01:31
DreamgliderHow do i list my soundcard in terminal ?01:31
odinsbanevasi, my wireless card doesn't work01:31
vasiDreamglider: it's probably somewhere in the output of lspci -vv01:31
SeverianChr|s, I set mine for manual updates, too.  But, the default is to check once a day and open the update manager if updates are found.01:31
Dreamglideri need to see where it is (/dev/some point)01:31
odinsbanevasi it works from a live cd but not when I start from the hard drive01:31
vasiodinsbane: ah, i thought you meant you couldn't turn it off :-)01:31
vasiodinsbane: ok, so what card do you have/01:32
ownerSo this is Irc eh.01:32
vasiowner: yep, ain't it great? :-P01:32
Piciowner: This is the official Ubuntu support channel.01:32
RajeevHello, I am trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 on a Toshiba Satellite A305-S6909 with a Mobile Intel  GM45 Express Graphics Chipset but I am having graphics distortion when using LIVECD.  Help?01:32
phishbwlrhow do i change my screen resolution on ubuntu?01:32
Dr_Willisphishbwlr:  theres a setting item in the menus called 'display' i think01:32
vasiphishbwlr: System -> Preferences -> Display01:32
odinsbanevasi: Atheros AR928X01:32
h00khmw: well, photorec recovered them all, just didn't save them into their directories01:33
randomusrdr_willils, was it more appropriate to say Window Decorator?01:33
Atomic_UEwhen i share a folder via samba by right clicking the folder, goign to properties, and Share tab. Where is that information stored? It's not in /etc/samba/smb.conf01:34
vasiphishbwlr: note that the Display app has some bugs in jaunty :-(   you can use xrandr from the command-line as well01:34
randomusrdr_willis even01:34
h00khmw: so I don't know...if that was even useful.01:34
AnscombeHi - I just tried to install Ubuntu and I'm currently on the "prepare disk space". However, I am having a slight issue. I have Windows XP Pro installed but it's not showing up on the partitions. It's showing 11% ubuntu and 89% ubuntu :S01:34
vasiodinsbane: have you search the wiki/forums for Atheros wifi?01:34
Dr_Willisrandomusr:  compiz can use one of several 'window decorators' a GTK/gnome based one, a KDE/qt based one, or Emerald..01:34
Dr_Willisrandomusr:  each has its own 'look'01:35
PleXuSanyone known how to burn onto BD RW disc like normal hardisk? (packetwrite)01:35
odinsbanevasi: yes, they seem to end with it works in jaunty01:35
KasdKwhat should my questions pertain to?01:35
vasiodinsbane: oh :-(01:35
Dr_Willisrandomusr:  if you want somthing that can look like XP/Vista/Windows  glassy stuff -> emerald can01:35
KasdKjaunty ubuntu, same thing?01:35
randomusrdr_willis, what if I'm not using Compiz01:35
brian___my debian-installer fails 79% into copying base system.  if i boot a livecd and chroot into it, is there any command i can run to have it finish the install01:35
Dr_Willisrandomusr:  then you are not going to get a very Glassy Looking theme.01:35
Dr_Willisbrian___:  debian?01:36
brian___Dr_Willis: the name of the process is "debian_installer"01:36
caleb_My sound doesn't work in ubuntu01:36
Dr_Willisbrian___:sounds liek the ca may have a bad spot or somthing.01:36
Apaxisbrian___: try checking your disk for errors at the menu?01:36
KasdKI shall consult google!01:36
Dr_Willisbrian___:  i know of no way to 'make it finish'01:36
brian___ill check the disc01:37
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caleb_I can hear the sound when the login screen comes up though01:37
GourlisHi, I have ubuntu 9.04 version, while using my ubuntu my screen flashing sometimes. What's might be the problem ?01:38
ByTewAlkeRhi all.. i registerd a .ca domain at GoDaddy, currently using their free hosting.. how can i get it to point to my box?01:38
Dreamglidervasi: http://pastebin.com/f3a175ef0 the sound card is at line 24 but it does not show where it's located (/dev/some point)01:38
Atomic_UEwhen i share a folder via samba by right clicking the folder, goign to properties, and Share tab. Where is that information stored? It's not in /etc/samba/smb.conf01:38
h00kMrDudle: any luck?01:38
vasihmm, when i'm using extended desktop on two monitors (aka "dual head"), maximized windows cover the bottom gnome panel, that's pretty weird....any ideas what's up with that?01:38
TheZankeMy laptop has 2 SATA HDDs in them, the first is 320GB and has vista spanning the whole thing, the second drive is new and i want it to have all ubuntu on it but i want the bootloader to choose which OS to boot.. do i install boot loader on sda or sdb?01:38
KasdKSo my friend is confused and doesn't know which version of ubuntu he is using. What should I tell him?01:38
Seeker`ByTewAlkeR: Does it not say on the GoDaddy website? It isn't really an "ubuntu" question01:39
vasiByTewAlkeR: this isn't really the right channel for that....but iirc godaddy have an administrative interface for setting up DNS01:39
RajeevHello, I am trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 on a Toshiba Satellite A305-S6909 with a Mobile Intel  GM45 Express Graphics Chipset but I am having graphics distortion when using LIVECD01:39
GourlisKasdK, System -> About Ubuntu01:39
admin_masu3701firefox runs alot CPU when i play a flash video. how can i fix that?01:39
vasiKasdK: cat /etc/lsb-release ?01:39
ByTewAlkeRseeker` all i can find on their website is 'forward' sections, but i need to use bind or something.. is there a better channel to ask in?01:40
wendy__d-_-bhi all, i just installed ubuntu, but since its a laptop, i was not conected to internet01:40
caleb_Nvm, it's working now01:40
ryanakcaHow do I print pages 47 and 48 of a PDF from the CLI? I have lpr / pdf2ps / gs / etc installed.01:40
GourlisHi, I have ubuntu 9.04 version, while using my ubuntu my screen flashing sometimes. What might be the problem ?01:40
wendy__d-_-bnow that i want to install programs like xchat or anything from synaptic they dont show up01:40
vasiKasdK: i think it's also in the "About Ubuntu" box under the System menu01:40
Seeker`ByTewAlkeR: I don't know; do they not provide technical support?01:40
phishbwlrhow do you change the display to greater size than 1024x768?01:40
AnscombeHi - I just tried to install Ubuntu and I'm currently on the "prepare disk space". However, I am having a slight issue. I have Windows XP Pro installed but it's not showing up on the partitions. It's showing 11% ubuntu and 89% ubuntu :S Will this affect my XP?01:40
ApaxisGourlis: i have the same problem, its a known issue with 9.04, you can try downgrading to 8.xx01:41
TheZankeMy laptop has 2 SATA HDDs in them, the first is 320GB and has vista spanning the whole thing, the second drive is new and i want it to have all ubuntu on it but i want the bootloader to choose which OS to boot.. do i install boot loader on sda or sdb?01:41
vasiAnscombe: you might want to try partitioning with another program first, if you're worried01:41
eegoreis there a package that is needed in Jaunty to get the wifi to see available networks?01:41
h00kTheZanke: probably sda01:41
GourlisApaxis, I like 9.04 :S You downgraded ?01:41
KasdKI'll give that a read thanks01:41
ApaxisTheZanke: sda :D01:41
wendy__d-_-bAnscombe, try installing GPARTED see if that shows ur partitions01:41
TheZankety ty01:41
ApaxisGourlis: no, im on live and i just deal with it for now01:41
GourlisI can downgrade ?01:42
ApaxisGourlis: probably, just install over what youve got with the 8.xx install disk01:42
vasiphishbwlr: is the Display preference thingy not working?01:42
brian___nope, nothing wrong with my cdrom...01:42
Apaxisbrian___: what about your hard drive?01:43
|v|asterGourlis, you can download an older .iso and use it01:43
brian___Dr_Willis: you know of no way of using apt-get to completely install the base system01:43
odinsbanealright I found one.01:43
Gourlisnevermind, I'll use 9.04. When they will fix it, we will get the updates.01:43
phishbwlrit works but it doesn't have the correct size available, 1440x768 i think it is01:43
brian___Apaxis: it only happens with alternate amd64, now with alternate i68601:43
Apaxisbrian___: youd have to start that over, no way of telling what file it was in the middle of copying/extracting in order to continue the install01:43
vasiodinsbane: care to share?01:43
odinsbaneIs there a way to adjust the speed of my fan?01:43
brian___Apaxis: starting over is fine01:44
brian___i can mount the partiitons from a chroot01:44
odinsbanevasi : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/27074801:44
_Tristanhow do I not show mounted stuff on the desktop?01:44
brian___i just cant be using the cd to install01:44
phishbwlrer 1440 x 90001:44
admin_masu3701how do i uninstall flash-64 and reinstall flash 32 in ubuntu? 64 dont seem to work good01:44
vasi_Tristan: run kde? :-P01:44
brian___Apaxis: this is the bug http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=721071801:44
odinsbaneI needed to turn the wlan on manually, echo 1 > path/to/some/thing01:44
vasiadmin_masu3701: how did you install flash64?01:44
admin_masu3701it using alot CPU01:44
Anscombewendy__d-_-b, thanks, I've used GPARTED and it's found an NTFS 11.89gb, would that be the smaller partition? I just don't want to overwrite.01:45
neonflossis there any way I can tell what cd drive model I have?01:45
KasdKhaving some trouble upgrading from 8.101:45
admin_masu3701vasi: from adoby site01:45
vasineonfloss: lspci -vv01:45
wendy__d-_-bAnscombe, is that ur partition?01:45
admin_masu3701and put the .so file in /mozile/plugins01:45
zurdokalguien de chile??01:45
Anscombewendy__d-_-b: it's showing it on gparted, but not when i install01:46
syntax\how come i always get "unable to resolve host <my hostname>" if i do sudo?01:46
vasiadmin_masu3701: so you installed in manually, not with a deb?01:46
vasiyou should be able to just remove the .so file you put in01:46
admin_masu3701vasi: no01:46
wendy__d-_-bAnscombe,  go to PLACES and see if its there? and is this the first time u booted to ubuntu?01:46
vasiand then you can 'apt-get install flashplugin-installer' to get flash3201:46
n3glv_laphi guys01:47
|v|asterHow do I set up a printer on my network when I have its IP?01:47
n3glv_laphope there is a quick answer to a fairly mundane issue I have01:47
Anscombewendy__d-_-b: theres 2 mounts and yes.01:47
maco|v|aster: go to the normal printer setup thing and choose "lpr" for the printer type then put the IP address in the box on the right01:48
n3glv_lapwhere the heck did my max/min/close corner-of-a-window-tool go?01:48
maco|v|aster: then it'll ask you for the printer make & model, and you're on your way01:48
mibzzer15when i try starting ubuntu from an external hard drive, I keep getting this error, GRUB Loading stage 1.5. > Grub Loading, please wait....> Error 25> _ _ _01:48
n3glv_lap9.04 on a netbook01:48
Apaxiswell brian___, i just dont know.... im starting to think its a bug with the installer script, maybe on the alternate (amd64/i686) disk? have you checked the bugtracker or whatever ubuntu has?01:48
AgentHeXhow might i dump the contents of a "screen" session in a terminal to a file?01:48
jp_sfneonfloss: dmesg | grep CD01:48
vasimibzzer15: are you on a mac, by any chance?01:48
n3glv_lapis this yet-another x-org 1.6 'feature'?01:48
|v|astermaco, ty01:48
mibzzer15vasi:  no01:48
wendy__d-_-bAnscombe, on places, after COMPUTER you should see all ur partitions, and to load then just click on them, put password when pronted01:48
brian___Apaxis: yeah, besides that post on the forum for a week ago, no one has posted an official bug so im dooing it01:48
neonflossthanks jp_sf and vasi01:49
vasiAgentHeX: you can have multiple screens, so i'm not sure how you'd dump them all...01:49
brian___ill give it some time for a fix / suggestion, but I'll probably just install gentoo again01:49
froystigis 8.10 still supported?01:49
AgentHeXvasi:  i only have one screen session.01:49
Apaxisbrian___: i would, keep checking back here too maybe someone else knows something about this01:49
wendy__d-_-bbrian___, whats the problem?01:49
vasiAgentHeX: apparently 'C-a H' starts loggin01:49
Apaxisbrian___: did you try installing from the live disk?01:49
vasi(according to the screen manpage)01:49
AgentHeXvasi:  it's detachd, and i can re-attach it, but i'd rather just dump the contents of it to a file.  i want what is currently in the buffer.01:49
RoastedQuestion - I booted up my PC and got grub error 18, which is "selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS." I rebooted not having an idea of what else to doa nd it booted fine. Why would I get this error and rebooting fix it??01:50
vasiAgentHeX: oooh....that's a harder question :-(01:50
Apaxiswendy__d-_-b: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=721071801:50
vasiAgentHeX: i think you can copy it and paste it, but i don't remember how01:50
vasilemme check the man page01:50
AgentHeXvasi:  i need to get all of the stuff that i can't see above my window.01:50
Anscombewendy__d-_-b: yeah, i've got 2, one when clicked opens my windows but when i go to install ubuntu, it doesnt show it on the partitions01:50
n3glv_lapRoasted: could be beginning of the descriptor going bad01:50
Roastedn3glv_lap - Can you elaborate a little more on what you mean by the descriptor?01:51
brian___wendy__d-_-b: i actually did just find a bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/36046001:51
n3glv_lapI mean early signs of dementia01:51
jp_sfRoasted: sounds like a BIOS configuration you have to change AUTO to normal01:51
froystigwhen there's an outdated binary in the standard apt repos, who does one go to in order to ask for it to be updated to latest?01:51
n3glv_lapmedia descriptor01:51
Apaxisbrian___: there you go :p01:51
Roastedn3glv_lap - media descriptor? I'm still not quite following you.01:52
vasiAgentHeX: k, look at the manpage....there's a part that mentions  "This example demonstrates how to dump the whole scrollback buffer"01:52
brian___Apaxis: yah, but no workaround :(01:52
n3glv_lapbtw, I friggin hate the removal of ctl+alt+bs to kill X01:52
Roastedjp_sf - any idea why I would have been able to run 8.10 for months and it be fine, then upgrade to 9.04 and it run fine for 2 weeks and only now I get the error??01:52
vasiAgentHeX: but note that by default, screen has a pretty small scrollback...so you may only get a few dozen lines, maybe a couple hundred01:52
n3glv_lap(found the fix for that one already)01:52
wendy__d-_-bAnscombe, are u on livecd now?01:52
Apaxisbrian___: :(01:52
|v|asteris there a GUI for adding a printer? this is my first time doing it01:52
Anscombewendy__d-_-b: yes01:52
wendy__d-_-band u see the partitions01:52
n3glv_lapRoasted: every hdd has a part from the factory where the geometry is described01:53
jp_sfRoasted: your BIOS forgot it's configuration ? could be the case if the battery of your motherboard is dead01:53
Atomic_UEwhen i share a folder via samba by right clicking the folder, goign to properties, and Share tab. Where is that information stored? It's not in /etc/samba/smb.conf01:53
wendy__d-_-bAnscombe,  and when u click INSTALL and u get to the partitions are they there?01:53
vasifroystig: you can file a bug on launchpad, or just mail the package maintainer (see dpkg -p PACKAGE)01:53
bonhofferwhat is a good music player to organize my mp3's and has codecs01:53
ApaxisAtomic_UE: jesus im about to google that just to shut you up hold on01:53
Roastedn3glv_lap - thats a bummer, because this is a brand new drive. My old one died under warranty and I got this one in about 3 weeks ago and did a fresh install of 9.04 when it was released on this drive. What luck if I have drive problems so frequently?01:53
vasiAtomic_UE: dunno, maybe find out with strace?01:53
Anscombewendy__d-_-b: there's two partitions, both named ubuntu, yet windows should be there. It was before hand.01:53
h00kbonhoffer: there are a ton.  Amarok, Banshee, Rhythmbox, Exaile,01:54
n3glv_lapRoasted: might be just a random bad read01:54
eseven73!coc | Apaxis01:54
ubottuApaxis: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/01:54
vasibonhoffer: i like Audacious01:54
n3glv_lapif you can fsck it, it may be worth it01:54
RHorsebonhoffer: for *organizing*  mp3s, quod libet is great01:54
n3glv_lapand make sure smart is on01:54
Roastedn3glv_lap - can I fsck a drive thats mounted and in use?01:54
jp_sfRoasted: over heating could be a cause of HD failures too01:54
n3glv_lapnot really01:54
vasiRoasted: no, don't do that!01:54
n3glv_lapbut possibly of you boot from live cd01:54
Roastedjp_sf - My system doenst really heat up at all though01:54
AgentHeXvasi:  C-a ESC goes into scrollback mode.  that's sufficient.  thanks01:54
n3glv_lapunmount it then01:54
n3glv_lapand do scan01:55
froystigvasi: thanks.  do you know who the ubuntu-MOTU devs are?  the email address given by dpkg -p is their dev list, and I don't want to just shoot off a mail at many folks.01:55
jp_sfRoasted: is your motherboard old ?01:55
bonhofferthanks guys01:55
Roastedjp_sf - thanksgiving of 08 I built this rig01:55
Roastedso, no01:55
CatManEvening everyone.01:55
Roastedwhats happenin catman01:55
Crash1hdOK if I have windows installed and then install ubuntu on the next partition and then go and reinstall windows will that mess up the bootloader?01:55
kendall78Can anyone give me any ideas on how to get my internal wireless working on Jaunty?  I have a VAIO laptop with a built in Intel PRO wireless.  It shows it is connected to my network via my Belkin G+MIMO router but yet I cannot access the internet.  If I plug into the router via cat5 I have internet.  More puzzling is the fact that I just installed Jaunty several days ago and the wireless "just worked" for the first couple of days.  Y01:55
n3glv_lapRoasted: I don't know that it's time to panic01:55
n3glv_lapcould be just a burp01:56
jp_sfRoasted: not long enough to have a dead battery then01:56
IndyGunFreak!grub | Crash1hd follow the instructions to reinstall grub from the live cd01:56
ubottuCrash1hd follow the instructions to reinstall grub from the live cd: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:56
Roastedjp_sf - yeah, thats what I thought01:56
RoastedI'm going to reboot a few times and see what happens01:56
Roastedthanks fellas01:56
jp_sfRoasted: what is the size of your HD ?01:56
Crash1hdIndyGunFreak: thanks :)01:56
IndyGunFreakCrash1hd: ;). np01:56
RHorsekendall78: wpa or wep?01:56
vasifroystig: i'm not sure where it's listed, maybe on the packages.ubuntu.com page for that package?01:57
ApaxisAtomic_UE: looks like its using the "net usershare" command to add the share, try checking out the man page for that to get some hint01:57
CatManRoasted: Not much. Just confirmed I'll be staying with Ubuntu, just got reading all the weirdness w/ Mint...01:57
n3glv_lapkendall78: is it seeing it as a broadcom?01:57
mibzzer15when i try starting ubuntu from an external hard drive, I keep getting this error, GRUB Loading stage 1.5. > Grub Loading, please wait....> Error 25> _ _ _01:57
kendall78Where could I find that?01:57
TheZankeso im running ubuntu memtest86+ and its at 775 errors, should i be worried?01:57
jp_sfRoasted: if you reboot check the settings in the BIOS if it is on normal or LBA01:57
Atomic_UEApaxis, cool thanks01:57
RHorsekendall78: learn how to use wpa_supplicant. CLI interface is more robust.01:57
n3glv_lapsome of the wifi's need firmware to run01:57
ice109can someone help me, i've installed all the codecs necessary but still don't get video01:57
n3glv_lapif it's miss id'd that could jam you up01:58
IndyGunFreakice109: where are you not getting video?01:58
n3glv_lapdoes it connect to other hosts?01:58
froystigvasi: no worries.  i got it.  thanks!01:58
ice109IndyGunFreak: in vlc01:58
kendall78On Hardy the card worked great01:58
ice109IndyGunFreak: nor movieplayer01:58
n3glv_lapor w/o wap?01:58
IndyGunFreakice109: ok.. is it a website, or is DVD not working, or whatt?01:58
ice109IndyGunFreak: it's an xvid file01:58
n3glv_lapsorry, wpa01:58
IndyGunFreakice109: vlc should play an xvid01:58
=== __guest is now known as bitfish
ice109IndyGunFreak: i know01:59
kendall78what is wpa supplicant?01:59
ice109IndyGunFreak: but all i get is black01:59
mibzzer15If anyone can help me please.....when i try starting ubuntu from an external hard drive, I keep getting this error, GRUB Loading stage 1.5. > Grub Loading, please wait....> Error 25> _ _ _   What can I do to fix it?01:59
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: why didn't you just install like a normal person?01:59
admin_masu3701i cant hear sound when playing music on youtube, imeem or other online music...but i hear sound when i play music using a music application01:59
RHorsekendall78: it is a utility that allows yo to connect from the command line. It's not hard to learn.01:59
kendall78The wireless worked fine when I connected to my parents belkin router01:59
admin_masu3701how can that happen?01:59
mibzzer15i dont want to take the risk of overwriting anything on the main drive01:59
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: then you will deal w/ the inherent problems of booting an OS off a usb device02:00
kendall78Rhorse can I find more info on it in Help or the forums?02:00
RHorsekendall78: it will also tell you what the problem is if there is one, byt the std err messages02:00
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: and as long as you pay attention and aren't wreckless, that risk is low.02:00
n3glv_lapkendall78: may learn some from playing in shell with wlan command02:00
TheZankeMemtest86+ now at 1230 errors...02:00
CatManBooting from a USB any different from a live CD?02:00
RHorsekendall78:  first install it: sudo apt-get install wpa_supplicant02:00
IndyGunFreakTheZanke: lol.. phail02:00
loxetyis there a support channel for gaming on ubuntu?02:00
n3glv_laptry to rule out the gui controll if it's malfunctioning02:00
chouchou_helo all, pls I eed some helps02:01
RHorsekendall78: then man wpa_supplicant. And the web has some tutorials02:01
jp_sf!help | chouchou_02:01
ubottuchouchou_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:01
Esde[irssi]i have my Acer Aspire One configured correctly with the guide, i plugged in a SD CARD and it does not see it, any ideas guys?!?!?02:01
n3glv_lapkendall78: wifi-radar has done me well in previous instals02:01
IndyGunFreakCatMan: as longas your machine boots a USB device, no it works fine.. i've done it many times02:01
jp_sf!ask | chouchou_02:01
ubottuchouchou_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:01
mibzzer15damn, fedora boots perfectly off of a usb external drive, if ubuntu can't, than damn, really turns some people away from supporting ubuntu02:01
n3glv_lapEsde[irssi]:  left or right side? v9.04?02:01
Esde[irssi]either 9.0402:02
admin_masu3701i cant hear sound when playing music on youtube, imeem or other online music...but i hear sound when i play music using a music application02:02
chouchou_pls i would like to set up phpserver on my ubuntu PC how do i proceed?02:02
Esde[irssi]Linux ubuntu 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:57:59 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux02:02
GreedI'm having a bunch of trouble with autofs or automounting nfs... anyone have any experience?02:02
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: well, if you want to compare user bases of Fedora and Ubuntu, it would show you're wrong02:02
jp_sfmibzzer15: I boot Ubuntu from an external USB drive or key without no problem02:02
TheZankeMemtest86+ now at 1442 errors... am i screwed?02:02
Killeroidmibzzer15: says who? I am booting off a usb drive right now. I have booted ubuntu off an external usb drive since ubuntu 5.0402:02
LadyNikonloxety: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat02:02
IndyGunFreakjp_sf: he installed to an external drive, and now he's getting grub errors.02:02
KyleKTheZanke: well that means something isn't right02:03
IndyGunFreakTheZanke: lol, i don't know if you're screwed, but id say you failed the test..lol02:03
mibzzer15Killeroid, jp_sf: i am trying to do so and keep geting a GRUB Error 25 message02:03
jp_sfmibzzer15: wher did you install your grub ?02:03
kendall78Thanks Rhorse.  I'm going to install it and then I'll be back.02:03
loxetyLadyNikon, thanks I couldnt get a channel list02:03
Esde[irssi]either 9.0402:03
mibzzer15jp_sf: where was i supposed to?02:03
jp_sfmibzzer15: sounds like you installed your grub on your external hard drive02:03
LadyNikonloxety: no problem02:03
Esde[irssi]Linux ubuntu 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:57:59 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux02:03
FloodBot2Esde[irssi]: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:03
RHorsekendall78: it will take some reading to finally learn it.02:03
n3glv_lapEsde[irssi]: on 8.10 only my left side auto mounted02:03
TheZankei love how memtest86 says Test "STD" Errors "1645".... an STD check? i hope i dont have that many..02:04
mibzzer15should i try reinstalling?02:04
n3glv_lapon upgraded to 9.04 I had to mess with it02:04
ice109can someone help me02:04
ice109can someone help me, i've installed all the codecs necessary but still don't get video02:04
jp_sfmibzzer15: you tell me I don't know, if you installed grub on your external hard drive you have to boot your PC with the external hard drive as first boot02:04
loxetyLadyNikon, am still trying to get counterstrike working02:04
Esde[irssi]n3glv_lap: both WORKED, now they dont, all factors unchanged.02:04
ice109can someone help me, i've installed all the codecs necessary but still don't get video in avi files02:04
admin_masu3701i cant hear sound when playing music on youtube, imeem or other online music...but i hear sound when i play music using a music application02:04
Esde[irssi]ice109: sudo apt-get install vlc02:04
LadyNikonloxety: any particular error messages?02:04
ice109Esde[irssi]: it's in vlc that i can't see video02:04
aall you have to do is install flash02:04
jp_sfmibzzer15: like in your bios a configuration should be like CDROM first the USB then HD02:04
n3glv_lapEsde[irssi]: now it will do both, but if I eject right or don't have it in when booting, it fails02:04
kendall78in synaptic there is GUI for it as well.  I'll see how it works.  Downloading and installing as we speak.02:05
n3glv_lapEsde[irssi]: btw, easy peasy is a good distro that will support ALL of you acer102:05
syntax\how come i always get "unable to resolve host <my hostname>" if i do sudo?02:05
n3glv_lapand upgrade cleanly02:05
Esde[irssi]thanks n3glv_lap  i will look it up.02:05
RHorsekendall78: a gui kind of defeats the purpose. :)02:05
n3glv_lapjust have to loose their yucky desktop environment02:05
ice109Esde[irssi]: it's in vlc that the video doesn't work02:05
h00kI'm having some issues with an external (500gb ext2) and I was wondering if anyone could offer some advice.  I rsync'd my data to my external and needed to restore it.  I get "Stale NFS file handle" error when trying to copy it back.  I did e2fsck that lasted over 24 hours, my dmesg reported I/O errors (http://pastebin.com/d10511920) so I killed it.  I would like to get my data back and was wondering if anyone had any protips.  photorec ended up pulling02:06
h00k arbitrary crap in 525 different folders.  Any other ideas?02:06
Esde[irssi]no idea then02:06
=== charlie is now known as Guest38417
ice109can someone help me, i've installed all the codecs necessary but still don't get video in avi files02:06
jp_sfsyntax\: what is in your /etc/hosts02:06
mibzzer15jp_sf: is the bootloader considered the GRUB?02:06
admin_masu3701i cant hear sound when playing music on youtube, imeem or other online music...but i hear sound when i play music using a music application02:07
RHorsekendall i can give you a tutorial from memory, but youll have to get the details from man page02:07
n3glv_lapice109: you are a pain in the arse, look up medibuntu02:07
jp_sfmibzzer15: grub is a bootloader02:07
syntax\jp_sf: i saw it, since i upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 hosts somehow went to default02:07
jp_sfmibzzer15: lilo is a bootloader02:07
syntax\       localhost02:07
syntax\       ubuntu.ubuntu-domain    ubuntu02:07
kendall78I'm reading the man page now02:07
jp_sfsyntax\: you have to fill /etc/hosts with the correct information02:07
loxetyLadyNikon, most of the time I dont get a writen error.. the app just crashes02:08
kendall78my current settings use WPA and PSK02:08
Apaxisloxety: try running it from cmdline and after it crashes echo $? to get a return value, then you can checkt hat against an error message list to get an error (if it doesnt output one)02:09
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out02:09
jp_sfsyntax\: syntax-desktop02:10
jp_sfsyntax\: is not correct on your second line02:10
jp_sfsyntax\: must be replaced by and then you put the name of your machine02:10
GreedI'm having a bunch of trouble with autofs or automounting nfs... anyone have any experience?02:10
RoastedI'm having an rsync problem... when I run the script, I get an error that "failed to set times on /media/storagebackup/jason - operation not permitted." I own the script, its owned by jason. And I execute it without sudo. Is that a problem?? I thought I remember it working before without sudo just fine....02:10
zurdokAlquien de Chile??02:10
syntax\replaced it with already sir02:10
syntax\thanks alot02:10
pinionyou're welcome02:10
=== mez_ is now known as lolzie9131
mobi-sheepIs there an application for Internet TV (no capture cards) that I could watch it?  I know Hulu is a choice.02:11
lolzie9131whats an application that lets me record the webcam02:11
h00k!cheese | lolzie913102:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cheese02:11
mobi-sheeplolzie9131: Cheese.02:11
h00k!info cheese | lolzie913102:11
ubottulolzie9131: cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.26.0-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2742 kB, installed size 5084 kB02:11
loxetyApaxis, ok, I was also going to try out some other games02:12
mobi-sheepRHorse: ?02:12
RHorsemobi-sheep: mythtv?02:12
* CamargoBP thinks people need to take a break and have fun with this app: http://camargobp.mybrute.com It's actually pretty fun.02:13
Apaxisoops sorry, are you using wine?02:13
mobi-sheepRHorse: I don't have cable TV but I have cable Internet.  Hence the "I-TV" :)02:13
h00kI'm having some issues with an external (500gb ext2) and I was wondering if anyone could offer some advice.  I rsync'd my data to my external and needed to restore it.  I get "Stale NFS file handle" error when trying to copy it back.  I did e2fsck that lasted over 24 hours, my dmesg reported I/O errors (http://pastebin.com/d10511920) so I killed it.  I would like to get my data back and was wondering if anyone had any protips.02:13
jeffyehdoes anyone know how to show a list of hardware in jaunty?02:13
Apaxisloxety: i found a really great site that lists games and apps that work under wine and fixes for the ones that dont, hold on oll try and find it02:13
Esde[irssi]ok so i rebooted and it still doesnt work. and its not listed in fstab -l02:14
RHorsemobi-sheep: joox has a java app that is invoked when you hit the web site.02:14
Esde[irssi]Usage: fdisk [-l] [-b SSZ] [-u] device02:14
Esde[irssi]E.g.: fdisk /dev/hda  (for the first IDE disk)02:14
Esde[irssi]  or: fdisk /dev/sdc  (for the third SCSI disk)02:14
Esde[irssi]  or: fdisk /dev/eda  (for the first PS/2 ESDI drive)02:14
Esde[irssi]  or: fdisk /dev/rd/c0d0  or: fdisk /dev/ida/c0d0  (for RAID devices)02:14
FloodBot2Esde[irssi]: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:14
Esde[irssi]  ...02:14
loxetyApaxis, I am using the playonlinux frontend02:14
zidanhello everyone, got a problem totem wont play my dvd?02:15
nymphonixzidan, i just had the same problem! lol02:15
mobi-sheep!dvd | zidan02:15
ubottuzidan: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:15
Apaxisloxety: sorry i dont know what that is02:15
loxetyApaxis, its like cedega but opensource02:15
lolzie9131whats an application that supports webcam for msn?02:15
RoastedI'm having an rsync problem... when I run the script, I get an error that "failed to set times on /media/storagebackup/jason - operation not permitted." I own the script, its owned by jason. And I execute it without sudo. Is that a problem?? I thought I remember it working before without sudo just fine....02:16
zidanso what do i do to solve it?02:16
|Jason8|Roasted: quit saying my name02:16
Apaxisloxety: in any case, it probably uses wine anyway let me find that site for you02:16
hoymkot_are you there02:16
Roastedjason8 - uh, its my name02:16
Picihoymkot_: ubottu is a bot02:16
loxetyApaxis, yes it does, thanks02:16
Piciubottu is a bot02:17
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.02:17
=== asdfafadsfasf is now known as travellingSalesM
lolzie9131does anyone know a msn client for ubuntu that supports webcam02:17
ice109can someone help me, i've installed all the codecs necessary but still don't get video when trying to watch avis02:17
mobi-sheeplolzie9131: Try pidgin?  I don't know if pidgin supported webcams.02:17
mobi-sheepice109: Install VLC.02:18
Esde[irssi]I can SEE the card reader, but it wont read cards.02:18
admin_masu3701i dont hear sound in youtube, but hear it when playin music in rhythmbox player02:18
ice109mobi-sheep: it is in vlc that i can't watch02:18
lolzie9131mobi-sheep no it doesnt, any other client that might support it02:18
hoymkot_hi, i upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 by automatic update, but the x-session fail to start, what can i do?02:18
mobi-sheep!dvd | ice10902:18
ubottuice109: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:18
churlin Jaunty, is there no longer the option to have "icons only" in the "task list"?  Since the upgrade, I can no longer find that option.02:18
mobi-sheepice109: Did you read the above? ^^02:19
ice109mobi-sheep: i have gstreamer installed02:19
admin_masu3701can anybody assist me please?02:19
admin_masu3701i dont hear sound in youtube, but hear it when playin music in rhythmbox player02:19
Kubuntu__admin_masu3701: probably flash player problem02:19
ice109mobi-sheep: and anyway i can't play any format02:19
ice109even flv02:19
Esde[irssi]I can SEE the card reader, but it wont read cards.02:19
Qwellhold a key, keep holding it and press shift, wait a second, then release shift.  you end up with crap like "aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"  can that be removed?  it wasn't like that in 8.10..02:19
Crash1hdOk I am now installing ubuntu after installing windows on the first 20 gigs but Im at the partitioner and a bit confused?02:19
Esde[irssi]http://pastey.org/pastebin.php?show=m4b13a941 Ubuntu 9.04 Acer Aspire One. Reader IS there, but not operable.02:20
saikianyone know where I can find: libbz-dev?02:20
admin_masu3701kubuntu: yea...i try everything to fix flash...installed flash 64-bits, 32 ....but still dont work02:20
saiki!find libbz-dev02:21
Kubuntu__saiki: Try google, Sometimes i find them floating around if they arent in repo's02:21
ubottuPackage/file libbz-dev does not exist in jaunty02:21
russwhats the error message channel i'm having a problem running dhcp-server02:21
saikiKubuntu__, I have looked, no luck :@02:21
Apaxisloxety: you can check out the appdb at winehq.com and this is a really cool one http://www.wine-reviews.net/ but mostly it has you configuring and running wine/your game/app manually02:21
Kubuntu__saiki: Whats the package again, i'll give it a try02:21
phantom_d-_-bhow i install flash plugin?02:21
h00k!flash | phantom_d-_-b02:21
ubottuphantom_d-_-b: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:21
Kubuntu__saiki: Also what browser are you using?02:22
RHorsephantom_d-_-b: go to adobe.com02:22
saikiKubuntu__, FF3.002:22
saikiI'm on xubuntu Jaunty02:22
lifeforce4Does Xubuntu display EIDE drives differently in /dev/ besides hda?02:23
h00kI'm having some issues with an external (500gb ext2) and I was wondering if anyone could offer some advice.  I rsync'd my data to my external and needed to restore it.  I get "Stale NFS file handle" error when trying to copy it back.  I did e2fsck that lasted over 24 hours, my dmesg reported I/O errors (http://pastebin.com/d10511920) so I killed it.  I would like to get my data back and was wondering if anyone had any protips.02:23
Kubuntu__saiki: Sorry wrong person xD02:23
Crash1hdHow much space should i give the swap file02:23
admin_masu3701h00k : what do !flash | phantom_d-_-B do?02:23
Kubuntu__admin_masu3701: What browsser are you using?02:23
zidanso how to i get dvds to play?02:23
lifeforce4Crash1hd: 1-2GB is good.02:23
PiciCrash1hd: If you plan on suspending your computer to disk you'll need at least as much ram as you have.02:23
shadow98ok guys i am trying to backup my whole system....using tar....with this command...  tar -cvzf /backup.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys /02:23
Kubuntu__saiki: If you give me the package name your looking for ill search google real quick02:23
Crash1hdlifeforce4: any logic / reason to give more?02:24
lifeforce4like shadow98 said.02:24
lifeforce4sorry Pici02:24
Crash1hdok so if I give 3 gigs would be too much?02:24
saikineed it for this: http://forums.pcsx2.net/thread-2373.html02:24
mzzCrash1hd: bit of a waste for normal usage, imho02:24
admin_masu3701kubuntu: firefox02:24
loxetyApaxis, thanks for the links02:24
shadow98this is on a fresh install system..im trying to test backup and recover...so then i reload OS and try restore with tar -xvpzf /backup.tgz -C /02:24
Crash1hdmzz: I have 3 gigs of ram02:24
lifeforce4Crash1hd: No having to much swap space is never a problem because you cant.02:24
divxclubDoes anyone can point me to site explaining how to PROPERLY install ATI drivers for R700 card . Or it's not available yet. ? Thank you !02:25
mzzCrash1hd: but if that's what the automatic partitioner suggests just let it do its thing02:25
shadow98i then get this error....tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors02:25
Kubuntu__saiki: Have you tried libbz2-dev?02:25
Crash1hdIm in manual mode02:25
mzzCrash1hd: it won't hurt, but it's imho not likely the system will be usable if you run something that makes it use up 3 GiB of swap.02:25
saikiKubuntu__, not yet02:25
lifeforce4Crash1hd: 2GB is a good size to start with.02:25
loxetyApaxis, its most likely something with the video settings thats the issue.. tried counter-strike:source, left4dead, and COD 502:25
saikiKubuntu__, I didn't know it existed lol02:25
Kubuntu__saiki: Sometimes it may work sometimes not. I did find results for libbz2-dev02:25
loxetyApaxis, I get to the first part of the single player game in left4dead.. almost..02:26
ice109can someone help me, i've installed all the codecs necessary but still don't get video when trying to watch avis im vlc02:26
Apaxisloxety: all of the hl-based steam games are reported working on wine-reviews :p02:26
saikiKubuntu__, here goes nothing lol02:26
lifeforce4does the livecd not detect hard drives? I cant see any hdX# or sdX# drives in /dev02:26
mzzice109: if "codecs" means "gstreamer codecs" then that won't help vlc, it doesn't use gstreamer02:26
Kubuntu__saiki: Whats your application for libbz2?02:27
umpopany word on the 2.6.28 dmraid issue?02:27
Lucas156aren't there any interest specific rooms on any servers?02:27
Kubuntu__saiki: Unzip bz app?02:27
ice109mzz: movieplayer doesn't play em either02:27
ice109mzz: what codecs does vlc need?02:27
Apaxisloxety: and winehq, left4dead cod4 all of them, some require a certain version of the game to run ie cod4, burt check out those sites its pretty easy to follow02:27
loxetyApaxis, yeah I've played it before.. several years ago.  This is a new install of 9.0402:27
mzzice109: I don't know how ubuntu packages it, sorry.02:27
mattgyverAfter i upgraded to 9.04 I could not access Windows networks, as well the computer was not visiible out to the network until i restarted samba.  Has anyone else had this issue?02:27
mzzice109: (I don't know if there are separate codec packages you need to install)02:27
ice109mzz: the weird thing is i can see a thumbnail with the first frame02:27
ice109in the folder02:27
loxetyApaxis, Thank you02:27
mzzice109: that's odd. I'd expect movie player (totem) to play them then.02:27
saikiKubuntu__, ?02:27
saikiKubuntu__, PCSX202:28
RHorseice109: there is a menu option that needs to be changed in vlc02:28
mzzice109: afaik those thumbnails are generated through gstreamer, which is what totem uses. Might have to restart that after adding codecs.02:28
Kubuntu__saiki: Ohhhh! THAT! Ahahahha I remember trying to get that to work!02:28
chuy_maxwhere can I see jaunty jackalope screenshots?02:28
RHorseice109: it's a well known thing, and you can google it02:28
ice109RHorse: what is it02:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about screenshots02:28
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button or the File -> Acquire menu in the GIMP.02:28
ice109RHorse: for it to use gstreamer codecs or what?02:29
Roastedjason8 - uh, its my name02:29
RoastedI'm having an rsync problem... when I run the script, I get an error that "failed to set times on /media/storagebackup/jason - operation not permitted." I own the script, its owned by jason. And I execute it without sudo. Is that a problem?? I thought I remember it working before without sudo just fine....02:29
Apaxisloxety: np, id like to see more people using linux as a gaming platform02:29
saikiKubuntu__, and did you?02:29
shadow98this tar backup was supposed to be nice and easy..but its a pain...any other backup methods for backing up whole system....02:29
jimi_hendrixmzz, have you ever installed the open source ATI driver?02:29
RHorseice109: http://www.google.com/search?q=vlc+avi+no+video&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a02:30
|Jason8|IT'S MY NAME, BRO02:30
Kubuntu__saiki: No, I gave up that was 2-3 yrs ago though. Lot's changed since then.02:30
mzzjimi_hendrix: I installed ubuntu once, so yes :)02:30
admin_masu3701chuy_max: did you try gimp?02:30
Kubuntu__saiki: I think i got the app working but couldnt find the Bios file it needed02:30
jimi_hendrixmzz, is it just me or do you never actually "install" something for it?02:30
jimi_hendrixbut just edit your xorg.conf02:30
mzzjimi_hendrix: it should be used automatically if appropriate.02:30
umpophttp://omploader.org/vMW1qbg  <-----jaunty jackalope screenshot.02:30
lolzie9131does anyone know of a msn client that has webcam support????02:30
mzzjimi_hendrix: what actual problem are you trying to solve again? Can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log?02:31
sedekiI'm trying to burn ubuntu... nero complains about that I only have a DVD-R, i need a CD-R/RW02:31
saikiKubuntu__, you need a PS2 bios for it02:31
Crash1hdlifeforce4: if I had 4 gigs or ram should I have 4 gigs of swap space cause I am planing on getting more ram02:31
sedekiis there anyway to get past this?02:31
lifeforce4Anyone know why when running Xubuntu from the CD it does not detect and mount the IDE HDD?02:31
umpopsedeki, go get a cd yw02:31
ice109RHorse: oh wow i can't believe it was that simple02:31
Kubuntu__saiki: I know, I own a ps2.02:31
umpoplifeforce4, not plugged it, yw02:31
mzzCrash1hd: again, imho 2 GiB or so is more than sufficient02:31
loxetyApaxis, looks like if I turn off pixel shader support in wine config it plays css ok02:31
sedekiumpop it is supposed to work with a dvd-r too02:31
admin_masu3701sedeki:  i think you need Cd-r02:31
RHorseice109: been there,. done that :)02:31
chuy_maxadmin_masu3701, yes, I've tried it in the past :), I'm not very good with graphic design though02:31
jimi_hendrixmzz, uhh sure...i am not sure if it will be there...its more just very laggy windows02:31
lifeforce4Crash1hd: haha Not really 4GB of Swap would be a lot in my mind. And you probably wont susspend your sessions so I'd say 2GB.02:32
hellvisYa des français ici ? :p02:32
Pici!fr | hellvis02:32
ubottuhellvis: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr02:32
Crash1hdok :)02:32
mzzCrash1hd: oh, lifeforce4 has a point, if you intend to suspend/resume you may want a bit more swap02:32
saikiKubuntu__, you couldn't dump yours?02:32
* mzz always forgets about that one02:32
rafaelhi all02:32
Crash1hdmzz: is that so that you dont runn into any issues that way02:32
mzzCrash1hd: (it'll still suspend with less swap than you have ram as long as not all your ram is in use when you suspend)02:32
Kubuntu__saiki: I was looking for one online i was too lazy to deal with it any other way i was just bored one day scanning the repo's for new soft to try02:32
umpopsedeki, nero is ghey, try infrarecorder.02:32
rafaelanyone knows how to get audio back on firefox flash?02:33
lifeforce4umpop: It is plugged in I have the case open and other systems detect it yet when I do $mount I don't see /dev/hda#02:33
umpopsedeki, or just download the dvd version of bunters.02:33
Crash1hdmzz: ok :)02:33
Crash1hdthat makes sense02:33
umpoplifeforce4, try dev /sd*02:33
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:33
mzzCrash1hd: more swap than ram really doesn't make sense if you have multiple GiB of ram imho, and less usually suffices02:33
lifeforce4umpop: already tried that which is why I asked.02:33
admin_masu3701chuy_max: you can try somthin else02:33
Kubuntu__mzz: Your supposed to do your amount of ram in swap thats what is suggested 2gb ram = 2gb swap or so02:33
mzzKubuntu__: "supposed" isn't really true imho02:34
chuy_maxadmin_masu3701, I'm looking forward to see some jaunty jackalope screenshots before I upgrade02:34
Kubuntu__mzz: Suggested, w/e I usually did about 4gb02:34
DimensionsHiya ... i am upgrading from edgy to feisty and after update its giving Kernel Panic VFS unable to mount root fs on unknown block 0,0 ... please append a correct root= ... though its set to root=/dev/hda1 ...02:34
* mzz shrugs02:34
mzzagain, won't hurt, imho a bit wasteful of hd space for average use02:34
Kubuntu__mzz:  Thats what it said! :P02:34
MaT-dgI'm looking for a console irc client with xdcc capabilities02:34
admin_masu3701chuy_max: you still using 8.10?02:35
nignazticis there a way i  can access or use my linux partion from windows vista02:35
mzzDimensions: that sounds like grub isn't picking up the (right) initrd02:35
syntax\lo could anyone help me out with alignment in conky? here's the screenshot.. http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n94/deziiii/z.png02:35
churlin Jaunty, is there no longer the option to have "icons only" in the "task list"?  Since the upgrade, I can no longer find that option.  Am I just not looking in the right place?02:35
chuy_maxadmin_masu3701, yes, I barely use it now though. I love Linux for programming, but lately I've been very busy in work and school, I use Windows for work.02:36
umpopsyntax\, try #conky02:36
Crash1hdHmm I installed windows on the first 20 gigs so in here it says that its /dev/sda1 ntfs <-- is that right?02:36
Crash1hdand now swap is /dev/sda202:36
umpopCrash1hd, yep02:36
Crash1hdfor 2 gigs02:36
h00kI'm having some issues with an external (500gb ext2) and I was wondering if anyone could offer some advice.  I rsync'd my data to my external and needed to restore it.  I get "Stale NFS file handle" error when trying to copy it back.  I did e2fsck that lasted over 24 hours, my dmesg reported I/O errors (http://pastebin.com/d10511920) so I killed it.  I would like to get my data back and was wondering if anyone had any protips.02:36
umpopcracken226, yep02:36
umpopCrash1hd, yep02:36
mzzCrash1hd: that sounds sane02:36
Crash1hdok so now what?02:37
admin_masu3701chuy_max: i see....i upgraded to jaunty but alot problems02:37
Dimensionsmzz:  i tried changing that to /initrd.img but didn't work ... in grub its initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.17-10-generic ...02:37
Crash1hddo I do another primary>02:37
mzzh00k: "stale nfs file handle" is a pretty weird error message if there's no nfs involved. Does dmesg show anything more useful?02:37
jimi_hendrixmzz, http://pastebin.com/d51d274cb02:37
mzzDimensions: can you pastebin your grub.conf?02:37
syntax\everyone's zzz :P @ umpop02:37
admin_masu3701can someone please help me with sound problems cause by flash player02:38
Crash1hdShould I use Ext3 or Ext4? what is Ext4?02:38
MaT-dgI'm looking for a terminal irc client with xdcc capabilities02:38
chuy_maxadmin_masu3701, ugh, that's not good, what problems are you having other than sound problems in flash?02:38
admin_masu3701cant hear sound when playing a video on youtube or other music site02:38
Dimensionshow do i do that mzz ... it can only go to grub terminal ... can't access it otherwise ..02:38
bonhofferis there an app to remove duplicate images in a directory structure based on hashing?02:38
admin_masu3701chuy_max: system freezes, slow, compiz dont work02:39
mzzjimi_hendrix: at a glance that looks healthy (using ati's closed driver). Is it always slow or just with compiz (aka desktop effects) on?02:39
mzzDimensions: do you have an ubuntu live cd around?02:39
jeffrey_ok so02:39
jeffrey_no sound in ubuntu02:39
vossImagine my surprise when connecting to a network printer is actually EASIER in Ubuntu 9.04 than in windows. Ubuntu automatically detects the network printer!02:39
jeffrey_cant figure it out. i have a dell vostro 220 and i went through all the steps on forums etc for fixing it but still no sound what should i do02:39
jimi_hendrixmzz, always02:39
chuy_maxadmin_masu3701, ughhh, I guess I will wait for a little bit more time, anyways I don't use it that often :p02:39
jimi_hendrixmzz, before, it never was02:39
rafaelhelpw flash audio anyone?02:40
Crash1hdFrom what I am reading on wikipedia I should be using Ext4 any reason not too?02:40
mzzCrash1hd: ext4 is pretty new.02:40
admin_masu3701chuy_max: u use windows? PC sucks...lol..02:40
IndyGunFreakCrash1hd: well, its really new....02:40
mzzCrash1hd: (meaning there may be bugs lurking that haven't been shaken out yet)02:40
cuddlefishHello, anyone know how to get BerkeleyDB set up?02:40
Crash1hdAhh right Like accessing it from windows02:40
admin_masu3701Crash1hd: you dont need to...02:40
mattgyverCrash1hd, there is a work around for that02:40
mzzjimi_hendrix: really still slow with desktop effects off? Is metacity compositing (I forgot if that's an option in your version of ubuntu)?02:40
vosscrash, ext3 is proven and reliable. If your just experimenting sure use ext4, if you have to rely on that thing, then I wouldnt chance it02:41
bonhofferi guess i want to remove all duplicates in a directory structure02:41
cuddlefishCrash1hd: it's technically experimental.02:41
cuddlefishHello, anyone know how to get BerkeleyDB set up?02:41
Dimensionsmzz ... i do BUT ... if that could boot i would have done fresh install ... its a Small form factor system.... 500MHz AMD ... and has problem with installation though once installed it works smoothly ... i had edgy server on it previously and was upgrading to feisty as i can install its gdm on it ...02:41
Crash1hdok :) I will stick with ext302:41
jimi_hendrixmzz, i have no clue02:41
unopbonhoffer, look into fdupes02:41
chuy_maxadmin_masu3701, well, I installed several programs for work for Windows that do not perform very good using wine, so I have to use Win02:41
mzzDimensions: I'm not interested in using the livecd to install from, just to boot from. Are you low enough on ram that it won't boot off the livecd?02:42
theCarpenterIf i try adn view folder size via nautilus' properties dialogue (right click on folder + properties), it seems to give different results if im inside the folder versus out of the folder.02:42
bonhofferunop, will do -- do you know if it lets me look at pictures?02:42
Crash1hdIs there any reason to break up partitions &or mount points or just put the rest under /  ?02:42
cuddlefishCrash1hd: it's technically experimental.02:42
theCarpenterin particualr, if i right-click a particular folder and view its properties, it appears 5 gigs large, but if i enter the folder and select all the files, it says its 11 gigs large!02:42
Sagacii've just lost sound in ubuntu, is there an easy way to diagnose why? speakers are turned on and volume is up an not muted02:42
mattgyverext4 is experimental for ubuntu, but if i recall correctly several distros have made ext4 the standard filesystem for what its worth02:42
admin_masu3701chuy_max: ok i see..02:42
mzzjimi_hendrix: which ubuntu was it again? Can you ask the channel if your version of metacity does or doesn't have a compositor?02:42
cuddlefishSagaci:run "alsa-config"02:42
unopbonhoffer,  no, not really, it's a command line thing .. for a GUI app, I think gthumb has something02:42
cuddlefishbrain-o there02:42
Dimensionsmzz i believe 256 on this machine02:42
bonhofferunop, thanks02:42
mzzjimi_hendrix: and you could try the open driver, but I don't remember the right way to switch, sorry02:42
churlwow, i knew something!02:43
churlin Jaunty, is there no longer the option to have "icons only" in the "task list"?  Since the upgrade, I can no longer find that option.02:43
jimi_hendrixdoes 8.04 have metacity that has compositing?02:43
TheDJACRHow can I get localhost:400 to foward all traffic to otherhost:40002:43
jimi_hendrixmzz, i have an ubuntu guide i am following02:43
mzzDimensions: do you remember if the livecd boots successfully? If it does you can mount partitions and pastebin from it02:43
Sagacicuddlefish: in terminal?02:43
cuddlefishSagaci: Yep!02:43
majnoonis there a way to restart pulseaudio i switched from kde to gnome now no sound02:44
mattgyverTheDJACR, you might have to config that via your router02:44
Dimensionsmzz:  livecd doesn't boot ... there are some issues with its graphic card and works fine once generic kernel is installed ...02:44
Sagacicuddlefish: bash: alsa-config: command not found02:44
cuddlefishSagaci:  I meant alsamixer02:44
Crash1hdShould I just set the remainder of the drive to " / " or should I be splitting things up for /boot /home ect...02:44
TheDJACRmattgyver: I can't set ubuntu to redirect the traffic?02:44
mzzDimensions: hmm, ok. Did you tab-complete the path to that initrd on the grub prompt?02:44
Sagacicuddlefish: bash: alsamixer-config: command not found02:44
jimi_hendrixmzz, will you be on tomorrow?02:44
cuddlefishSagaci: no config02:45
mzzjimi_hendrix: can't tell yet (at least not at what hours). Just mention my nick in here, I'll show up if I'm around02:45
cuddlefishjust "alsamixer"02:45
=== rachel is now known as Guest57433
jimi_hendrixmzz, ok02:45
mzzjimi_hendrix: (my client is connected pretty much 24/7 but I'm not always actually looking at it)02:45
mattgyverTheDJACR, you may be able to but I think the end all settings would still have to be configured to the router because its forwarding the traffic02:45
jimi_hendrixi am going to bed, good night02:45
jimi_hendrixmzz, same with mine02:45
_duncanHas anyone had issues installing the nvidia drivers for dual GTX260s on Ubuntu 9.04?02:45
jeffrey_cant get sound working in ubuntu. what should i do02:45
Sagacialsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory02:45
TheDJACRmattgyver: No. I want any traffic sent to to be relayed to another computer.02:46
TheDJACRLike, a proxy.02:46
taget_anyone know how to reset amarok to all default settings, i cant seem to get the collections tab back on the screen02:46
mattgyverOh, im not sure how to do that sorry :(02:46
unopTheDJACR, can you ssh to the other computer ?02:46
=== h8red is now known as javyn
TheDJACRunop: No, windows.02:47
_duncanAnyone have experiance with Ubuntu 9.04 and GTX260s?02:47
kohlrakis there anyway to mount an ISO file so that it appears as if it were from a CD or DVD device (so cd and dvd ripper programs will notice it/burn to it)?02:47
taget_i have a gtx280 is that helps02:47
unopTheDJACR, maybe iptables can help you there then .02:47
_duncantaget_: Sure, same driver script I am assuming02:47
Crash1hdHmm why does ubunto say that 1024mb = 1.9GB and not 2GB?02:47
taget__duncan what do yo need to know02:47
kohlrakCrash1hd: it shouldn't even say 1.9gb.... 1024mb is 1 gib02:48
unopCrash1hd, 1024MB is 1GB .. dunno where those figures come from02:48
_duncantaget_: So I have attempted to install using the hardware drivers and it failed, and I am attempting to use http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=990978 to install using the download02:48
Crash1hdahh lol I ment 2048mb02:48
_duncantaget_: Should I be worried about anything?02:48
h00kI'm having some issues with an external (500gb ext2) and I was wondering if anyone could offer some advice.  I rsync'd my data to my external and needed to restore it.  I get "Stale NFS file handle" error when trying to copy it back.  I did e2fsck that lasted over 24 hours, my dmesg reported I/O errors (http://pastebin.com/d10511920) so I killed it.  I would like to get my data back and was wondering if anyone had any protips.02:48
TheDJACRHow about this: I am running a subnet ( off of my router. It can't access the SAMBA shares on (192.168.1.*). Any ideas/02:48
RoastedI'm having an rsync problem... when I run the script, I get an error that "failed to set times on /media/storagebackup/jason - operation not permitted." I own the script, its owned by jason. And I execute it without sudo. Is that a problem?? I thought I remember it working before without sudo just fine....02:48
mibzzer15for a file system, what exactly does a file swap mean?02:48
Dimensionsmzz on / it lists initrd.img and on /boot it lists initrd.img-2.6.17-10-generic .. initrd.img-2.6.17-10-generic.bak and initrd.img-2.6.17-10-generic-dpkg-bak ...02:48
Crash1hdMy typo :) I ment to say why does it say 2048mb = 1.9 GB02:49
mibzzer15er sorry, a Linux Swap02:49
taget__duncan did u try using the restricted driver for ubuntu ?02:49
Crash1hdand not 2048mb = 2GB?02:49
_duncantaget_: link?02:49
_duncantaget_: What version are you running?02:49
Dimensionsmazz when i try booting /boot/initrd.img-2.6.17-10-generic it gives that kernel panic error ... though the file is there ...02:49
taget__duncan lemme check02:49
* mzz mounts his ubuntu partition to check if /initrd.img is a symlink02:49
robdoes anyone know if this bug has been fixed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebluetooth/+bug/35438902:49
stealth-mibzzer15: swap is alternate ram. If your system runs out of aviable ram, it will start writing data to the harddrive the in swap area. swap is just ram thats on the harddrive, so of course its increadibly slow ram.02:50
Seeker`Crash1hd: Where does it say that? And it may be rounding up from 1023.9MB or something02:50
taget__duncan im running 180.4402:50
mibzzer15oh ok thanks stealth02:50
mzzDimensions: /initrd.img is a symlink. iirc grub can follow those just fine, but I don't remember if you can check where it points from the grub prompt02:50
_duncantaget_: How did you install them? kill x11, install and then reboot?02:50
Crash1hdSeeker`: it says it in the install partitiong stuff02:50
stealth-mibzzer15: swap is nessesary for hibernation, btw. It is recommended to have half as much swap as you have ram.02:50
mzzDimensions: have you tried with an actual initrd from /boot/ (the one matching the kernel you're trying to boot)?02:51
taget__duncan no its eaven easier than that, ill get you the link one sec02:51
mzzDimensions: and does the output you get indicate the initrd is actually loaded successfully?02:51
stealth-mibzzer15: sorry i meant twice as much swap, but its not really important to have that much if you dont hibernate02:51
Dimensionsyeah mzz thats one is in /boot but gives kernel error ...02:51
_duncantaget_: I wonder if it is my hardware, I am having such problems :-?02:51
daisydudehi all02:52
daisydudei recently upgraded to 9.04 and my vlc menu seems to be mangled...can someone help me02:52
vossstealth its usually easier just to add more real ram, 4gb is now less than $5002:52
stealth-voss: I know, I was explaining swap to someone02:52
KalebsRevengehi got a question not strictly ubuntu but does anyone know a goood secure query event script for xchat? plz and ty02:53
vossstealth, I would think if someone has more than 2gb of memory in ubuntu they may be better off not having a swap partition.02:53
daisydudei recently upgraded to 9.04 and my vlc menu seems to be mangled...can someone help me02:53
AnscombeWhen I try to load ubuntu, i get this message along with many errors: "eth1: Failed to start the card."02:53
Seeker`yeah, 2x RAM is getting a bit silly now02:54
majnoonis there a way to restart pulseaudio i switched from kde to gnome now no sound02:54
stealth-voss: yeah, from what i've experienced. Except if you want to hibernate02:54
leokhey whats up folks02:54
=== CamargoBP is now known as CamargoBP|away
majnoonis there a way to restart pulseaudio i switched from kde to gnome now no sound02:54
leoki have a quick question is it possible to disable Ipv6 in 9.04?02:54
vossstealth perhaps ubuntu can create a hibernate partition that does not function as a swap02:54
Zapperwho knows alot about ubuntu herE?02:55
leokit depends the prob02:55
admin_masu3701majnoon: system --> preferences --> sound02:55
stealth-voss: im not sure, but that would be kinda pointless. then it would just be wasting space unless you hibernated, so why not have it as backup ram?02:55
KB1JWQZapper: Ask your question.02:55
admin_masu3701mjnoon: try to test sound and see which one work02:55
stealth-Zapper: alot of us, ask your question and we will answer it if we can02:55
vossstealth, in systems with SSDs they dont use swap files, so how do they hibernate?02:56
ZapperIs it true that if i run virtualbox in ubuntu 9.04  windows will be faster?02:56
KB1JWQZapper: As opposed to what?02:56
red__anyone know why openvz support removed from core in new ubuntu?02:56
Zapperrunning straight windows02:56
KB1JWQZapper: No.  That's not correct.02:56
stealth-voss: they don't use swap? why not? I have had experience with someone once who had SSD's and the system would not entirely power off when he hibernated02:56
KB1JWQYou're adding a layer of abstraction; best case you'll get minimal bottlenecking, but there'll be some.02:57
KalebsRevengehi got a question not strictly ubuntu but does anyone know a goood secure query event script for xchat? plz and ty02:57
Dimensionsmzz:  tried with backup'ed initrd ... and now the actual initrd goes upto running local boot scripts from rc.local and then black stops there ... its not hung but doing nothing ..02:57
vossstealth, swap files cause a lot of rewriting on SSDs shortens the life of them .02:57
stealth-Zapper: if anything it would be slower. Because your running two systems at the same time, not to mention the data has to go through ubuntu and be processed before it gets to windows02:57
majnoonadmin_masu3701, it workd for THAT but nothing else :(02:57
Sagacicuddlefish: i killed pulseaudio and it fixed it02:57
hoymkot_hi, i upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 by automatic update, but the x-session fail to start, what can i do?02:57
KB1JWQKalebsRevenge: Ask #xchat02:57
KalebsRevengei did no response02:58
KB1JWQhoymkot_: What error does it give in your logs?02:58
admin_masu3701majnoon: are you using AlSA?02:58
vossI know world of warcraft in wine is faster than vista.02:58
ZapperSecond question, im administrating a internet cafe, they're running a windows server but i want to change. i want a linux based internet cafe management program, does anyone know of one that i could use; as windows is terribly insecure02:58
KB1JWQKalebsRevenge: Ask your question and wait. :)02:58
majnooni think so02:58
KalebsRevengeive been there about half hour02:58
KB1JWQZapper: I don't know as I'd say that Windows is terribly insecure any more so than Ubuntu is; it depends on how you harden it.02:58
ZapperAlot more people know how to exploit windows than ubuntu02:59
TX-Danthat's what she said?02:59
KB1JWQZapper: Not if you patch, don't run services you don't absolutely need, etc.02:59
charzeroIs there a setup that will install grub that will read an image from a file on an NTFS partition, or something like that?02:59
KB1JWQThe trick is to minimize attack surface.02:59
KB1JWQcharzero: Take a step back.  What are you attempting to do? :)02:59
majnoonok no know what me do but it WORKING now :)03:00
vossIve never heard of a live Ubuntu virus.03:00
stealth-voss: thats because linux cant get them03:00
stealth-!virus | voss03:00
ubottuvoss: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2103:00
majnoonvoss, it gets rid of windows03:00
charzeroKB1JWQ: Install Ubuntu without breaking the existing Vista installation.03:00
KB1JWQvoss: No, but I HAVE heard of exploits for BIND, sendmail, apache, PHP, etc. :)03:00
KB1JWQNot to mention the kernel itself.03:00
nomasteryodanot in the wild ... unlike windows 100,000 + viruses03:01
nomasteryodathose are patched very quickly in Linux03:01
stealth-KB1JWQ: windows is more highly exploited. Not to mention its vunerable to attacks were there doesn't even have to be a attacker there03:01
stealth-!hi | Kubuntu__03:01
ubottuKubuntu__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:01
Kubuntu__Okay, Making sure it was working :D03:02
KB1JWQThe better question is "Why are you browsing from a server?" :)03:02
vosslinux may be vunerable to attacks but a successful attack on a linux machine typically does not cause the linux machine to become inoperable03:02
Kubuntu__saiki: Hey, net dropped03:02
coleys_KB1JWQ: He can do whatever he wishes =p03:02
KB1JWQvoss: Neither does a successful attack on a Windows box, but...03:02
KB1JWQcoleys_: Fair enough. :)03:02
charzerovoss: No, it just lets somebody read and delete everything in your home directory, which is everything important.03:02
stealth-voss: um... same with windows there. The attacks are designed to keep the system operatable so the attack has power over a working machine :P03:02
nomasteryodaall high-value Linux systems should have A/V of some sort... because they are more likely to be targets...03:03
KB1JWQTake any OS, and let a moron use it.  It'll get owned sooner or later. :)03:03
stealth-This is turning into a flame war, would everyone please stop it and focus on the channels purpose?03:03
nomasteryodaso how can we be of assistance?03:03
* nomasteryoda is not a bot03:03
melvinrami'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but I'll ask anyway: I just installed ubuntu 9.04 on my macbook pro using virtualbox. I want to connect from my osx terminal to the ubuntu virtual machine using ssh (so i can dry run remote deployments) ... how do I figure out the ip of my virtual ubuntu machine?03:03
nomasteryodaopen a terminal and run netstat ?03:04
nomasteryodanmap -sP if that is the network you're on?03:04
vossKb1, Thats what Macs are for, people with no tech saavy. :)03:05
nomasteryodamelvinram, it should also be in the settings file for that vm03:05
KB1JWQvoss: I use one myself.  Don't be too sure. :)03:05
manuxpornhub is fine03:05
KB1JWQifconfig <-- from the terminal will show your IP03:05
FlynsarmyIs it possible to put a ui tabs inside another ui tabs? I'm trying it now but its stuffing up.03:06
nomasteryodaand route -n will show what it goes thru to get out03:06
vossKb1, im not saying geeks dont own them im saying if you want to protect your network from the clueless let the get macs :)03:06
TheShahFactormanux: what?03:06
KB1JWQnomasteryoda: route -n isn't reliable in all of unixland; netstat -rn is more portable03:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:06
KB1JWQSame data though.03:06
Crash1hdWoohoo Its taken almost a week and a bit but I finally have taken the plundge and jumped :) ubuntu is being installed :)03:06
bonhofferi have a long pdf i need to sort and break into smaller pdf's any good apps for this?03:06
eseven73!yay | Crash1hd03:07
ubottuCrash1hd: Glad you made it! :-)03:07
vossbonhoffer, you can always print a pdf to a pdf03:07
TX-DanCrash1hd, woo!03:07
Crash1hdChannel get ready for questions lol :)03:07
baconsalthi - I'm trying to get my streamzap remote to work with ubuntu.  I installed lirc and used mythbuntu-lirc-generator to make a .lircrc file.  When I run irw - I can see all the key presses.  But then nothing happens when I open vlc or any other app... the remove does nothing...  what am I doing wrong?03:07
glitsj16bonhoffer: if you don't mind a terminal tool, pdftk is capable of splitting pdf's etcetera03:07
stealth-Crash1hd: congratz, remember to come here for questions and dont be afraid to ask :P03:07
baconsalt*the remote does nothing03:08
Crash1hdstealth-: oh I wont :) but I do have google to ask too :)03:08
melvinramnomasteryoda: i did netstat and it didn't give me anything that i can use03:08
KB1JWQmelvinram: What's the issue? :)03:08
melvinramIt outputs stuff like this:  b8f1110 stream      0      0        0  5b48908        0        0 /tmp/.vbox-melvinram-ipc/ipcd03:09
KB1JWQmelvinram: Take a step back.  What is the problem you're attempting to solve?03:09
melvinramKB1JWQ: I just installed ubuntu 9.04 on my macbook pro using virtualbox. I want to connect from my osx terminal to the ubuntu virtual machine using ssh (so i can dry run remote deployments) ... how do I figure out the ip of my virtual ubuntu machine?03:09
baconsaltdoes anyone know what step I'm missing?  everything I've read online says my setup should work.03:09
baconsaltbut it does nothing :(03:10
=== jay is now known as Guest46915
KB1JWQmelvinram: SImple.  From within the virtual machine, run "ifconfig" from the terminal.03:10
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
KB1JWQThat'll show what the IP configuration of each interface is.03:10
KB1JWQ127.0.0.1 is the loopback; that is NOT it.03:10
felixsullaIs there a way to disable only certain mouse buttons?03:11
melvinramifconfig gives a bunch of stuff... is inet addr the ip?03:11
KB1JWQIt's likely a,, or a IP add03:11
KB1JWQmelvinram: Yes.03:11
mzzmelvinram: note you'll only be able to connect from the host to the guest if the guest's network is not nat-style (this is configured in the virtualbox machine settings). See the virtualbox manual.03:11
KB1JWQmzz: Not so, it'll also work in bridge mode.03:11
mzzKB1JWQ: exactly. bridge mode is not nat-style.03:11
melvinramit gives an ip of
RoastedDoes rsync's "-a" function require root priviledges?03:11
KB1JWQmzz: It'll work NAT style; the host and guest share a common network.03:11
melvinramDoes that seem reasonable?03:12
mzzKB1JWQ: the version of virtualbox I'm looking at gives me 4 options there, with the default being nat, not bridged.03:12
KB1JWQmelvinram: Check the other interface. :)03:12
stealth-Im connecting to my irssi client through ssh. When the client should be beeping nothing is happening at the ssh server or my localhost. How can I enable it to beep?03:12
melvinramthe other one is
KB1JWQYou're looking at the loopback.03:12
mzzKB1JWQ: sorry, my wording is apparently crappy.03:12
Crash1hdHmm Grub loading stage1.5 then it says grub loading, please wait... then Error 18?03:12
LadyNikonstealth-: www.irssi.org03:12
baconsalti guess no one here knows how to setup lirc?03:12
stealth-LadyNikon: um... ?03:12
* steffen is away: I'm busy03:12
LadyNikonstealth-: they have decent docs about irssi.03:12
mzzKB1JWQ, melvinram: if you go to settings -> network in virtualbox you'll see an "attached to" defaulting to "nat". You want that to be "bridged adapter" if you want to connect from host to guest.03:12
eseven73!away > steffen03:13
KB1JWQmzz: No worries.  Try "If you're attempting to talk to it from OTHER hosts, you'll want it in Bridged mode so remote boxes ont he same network can see it."03:13
ubottusteffen, please see my private message03:13
mzzKB1JWQ: correct that if it's still worded incorrectly please.03:13
TX-DanAmarok question! I can hear files in my library, but can hear nothing from the internet radio function... even though it appears to be playing...thoughts?03:13
melvinrammzz: thanks... let me try that03:13
Kubuntu__KB1JWQ:  Are you a HAM?03:13
mzzKB1JWQ: err, what? Let me check if that works, because I'm pretty sure it didn't when I tried it03:13
KB1JWQKubuntu__: I am.03:13
fidoalguien en español03:13
eseven73!es | fido03:13
ubottufido: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:13
stealth-LadyNikon: not sure it would fit into my situation. I think mine is about ubuntu interpreting the signal03:13
KB1JWQPassed my General this weekend.03:13
Kubuntu__KB1JWQ: Cool. I wanted to get my license.03:13
stealth-!ot | KB1JWQ Kubuntu__03:14
ubottuKB1JWQ Kubuntu__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:14
KB1JWQKubuntu__: No reason not to; they dropped the morse code requirement a couple years ago.03:14
PurechaosHello, I am trying to figure out how to get my dual boot machine (Ubuntu-Vista, side by side) to default to booting to Vista. Can someone help me?03:14
stealth-!install | Purechaos this might help03:14
ubottuPurechaos this might help: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate03:14
melvinrammzz: i restarted the ubuntu machine with bridge mode and i did ifconfig and it's not giving me an ip03:15
baconsaltPurechaos: have you installed ubuntu or vista first?03:15
melvinramit gives a funky inet6 address: fe80::100...... etc etc03:15
RoastedDoes rsync's "-a" function require root priviledges?03:15
PurechaosVista, then I installed Ubuntu and it defaults to an Ubuntu bootloader but the default option is Ubuntu, I want Vista to be the default03:15
mzzKB1JWQ: are you absolutely sure "nat" suffices (you don't need bridged mode) to connect from the host system to the guest? Both my memory and a quick experiment give me "destination net unreachable"...03:16
admin_masu3701whats a good browser out there for linux?03:16
baconsaltpurechaos: look at /boot/grub/menu.lst03:16
stealth- admin_masu3701 firefox03:16
coleysadmin_masu3701: Firefox =)03:16
mzzmelvinram: can the ubuntu system access the rest of the world?03:16
RHorse!pastebin | melvinram03:16
charzeroadmin_masu3701: Konqueror03:16
ubottumelvinram: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:16
admin_masu3701having problems with firefox03:16
h00kmzz: course03:16
melvinramit used to be able to... so let me check again03:16
stealth-charzero: konqueror is a terrible browser.03:16
coleysadmin_masu3701: Opera03:16
coleysadmin_masu3701: Never konqueror =p03:17
melvinramno, not any more03:17
mzzh00k: what was that a reply to?03:17
KB1JWQmzz: Quite.  Under VMWare Fusion (what I'm using right now) it builds a new network that they talk across, in the range.  I can talk across it provided I turn iptables off. :)03:17
charzerostealth-: It is fast and has great standards compliance.03:17
Crash1hdcoleys: so I am getting an error Grub loading stage1.5 Error 18 any idea?03:17
h00kmzz: nevermind, I'm an idiot :)03:17
melvinrambefore i switched to bridge, it was able to03:17
admin_masu3701what about swiftfox?03:17
stealth-charzero: it is integrated well, but however it lags on youtube with my nvidia 2gb ram system03:17
mzzKB1JWQ: yes, but I just tried this in virtualbox, and it really doesn't work here. Are you sure virtualbox "nat" means the same thing vmware fusion "nat" does?03:17
mibzzer15what file system/format should ubuntu be?03:18
charzerostealth-: Could be. I do not use flash.03:18
coleysCrash1hd: Hum, install went well? Were you editing grub.lst?03:18
KB1JWQmzz: Quite.  Are you SURE ports are open?03:18
unopmibzzer15, the one that suits you ??03:18
KB1JWQYou have to make sure traffic routes properly too.03:18
mzzKB1JWQ: iptables is not built into the kernel on this system. Let me check the virtualbox manual myself. I thought I understood what those two options meant...03:18
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: probably the most stable, is ext3..03:18
mibzzer15unop: if i am a first time user, what should i pick03:18
Crash1hdcoleys: install went fine rebooted and got the error03:18
mibzzer15most stable ext3, ok thanks03:18
melvinrammzz: let me try changing the adapter type to t server03:18
unopmibzzer15, ext303:18
coleysCrash1hd: Feel like wasting another 20 mins =p?03:19
Crash1hdseems that I have to create a small /boot directory and not just put all of / in the remainder of the drive03:19
Crash1hdcoleys: sure03:19
mibzzer15Ext3 journaling file system system???03:19
coleysCrash1hd: Cause, I would just suggest a fresh install.03:19
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: yes.03:19
coleysCrash1hd: You can delete your linux partition from within the LiveCD. And then just install.03:19
ZuphHaving trouble with jaunty.  Running radeon driver with an odd HDTV.  I have the necessary modeline, but regardless of how I change the "display" subsection in xorg.conf, it reverts to 640x480.03:19
Crash1hdcoleys: lol figures03:19
StanlinHELP! I have KVM on ubuntu, but when i open Virtual Machine Manager, the virtualization method is Greyed. Therefore I cant add or see the CD. What is wrong?03:19
melvinrammzz: that didn't work either03:19
coleysCrash1hd: D:03:20
Crash1hdcoleys: its a 1TB drive03:20
melvinramKB1JWQ: so what do you suggest?03:20
Crash1hdcoleys: Im not supprised there are issues03:20
mibzzer15what should my mount point be?03:20
Purechaos@baconsalt: How do I save changes to /boot/grub/menu.lst ? It says I don't have permission03:20
mzzmelvinram: give me a second to check if I'm nuts about what "nat" means. For now just change back to that, which will at least allow the guest to access the rest of the world again03:20
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: well, that depends... probably the easiest, is to just set the mount point as /03:20
xxploitPurechaos, open the menu.list with sudo03:20
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: did you create a swap partition?03:21
xxploitPurechaos, then after making changes uses sudo update-grub03:21
coleysCrash1hd: Um wow. =p I don't even know lol 1 tb... that's unreal... I would assume ubuntu could handle it, but who knows lol.03:21
iliketofrolic666how do I mount an NTFS drive?03:21
RoastedDoes rsync's "-a" function require root priviledges?03:21
TX-Dancoleys: 1TB isn't such a big deal anymore ;P03:21
Crash1hdcoleys: yep well the price was good 100$ :) cant beat that03:21
Purechaossorry, I don't know the command, what would it be "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" ?03:21
IndyGunFreakiliketofrolic666: it should just automount03:21
racecar56i picked the wrong place in the setup, and now ubuntu is playing with my bios clock! im so mad... what do i do to make ubuntu stop fooling with the bios and sync TO the bios!03:21
IndyGunFreakchoose the ntfs drive from places menu..03:21
coleysTX-Dan: it is for me =)03:22
mibzzer15IndyGunFreak: ummmmm03:22
xxploitPurechaos, yes03:22
TX-Dancoleys, I'm in media production, we go through those like candy ;) HD tech needs to move faster :D03:22
coleysCrash1hd: Anyways try a fresh install, if it fails again we'll trouble shoot =p03:22
bobstroCrash1hd:  does it sound like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-26741.html03:22
StanlinS.O.S. I have KVM on ubuntu, but when i open Virtual Machine Manager, the virtualization method is Greyed. Therefore I cant add or see the CD. What is wrong?03:22
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: its probably not 100% necessary.. whats the specs of your PC?03:22
coleysTX-Dan: Candy terabytes Mmmmm.03:22
TX-Dancoleys: hahah03:22
iliketofrolic666hmm ntfs didn't automount03:22
mzzmelvinram, KB1JWQ: I'm pretty sure that you need to explicitly forward ports in VirtualBox if you use "NAT" as network type and want to connect from the host to the guest (not vice versa). See section 6.4.1 (Configuring port forwarding with NAT) in the virtualbox manual.03:23
vossTX-Dan, 1gb external $11903:23
coleysiliketofrolic666: sudo apt-get install ntfs-config03:23
mibzzer15i dont know by heart, im in the ubuntu install right now03:23
KB1JWQmzz: Yes, but only if you want external hosts to hit that port.  You can hit the NATted network from the host easily. :)03:23
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: do you know how much ram it has?03:23
mibzzer151gb maybe03:23
wizardslovakhello people03:23
iliketofrolic666coleys: thanks installing now03:23
racecar56i picked the wrong place in the setup, and now ubuntu is playing with my bios clock! how do i make ubuntu realize i'm from GMT -6 and NOT Africa?03:23
TX-Danvoss, huh?03:23
wizardslovaki got a question03:23
KB1JWQmelvinram: Make sure that SSHD is listening, and port 22 is open in your iptables config.03:23
vossOops I meant 1 tb external $119 :)03:24
wizardslovakmy audio doesnt work when i watch youtube,03:24
Crash1hdbobstro: exactly like that03:24
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: are you setting up a traditional dual boot system, or are you still trying to install to an external drive?03:24
qcjncan't uninstall mpd, dit with synaptic, did sudo apt-get autoremove --purge mpd, nothing doesit ??03:24
mzzKB1JWQ: I really can't, at least not on this system, running VirtualBox 2.2.2, and the virtualbox manual agrees with me (see the section I just mentioned). Are you sure you tried this in virtualbox, and are connecting from the host to the guest (the guest talking to the host's sshd will work just fine, obviously)?03:24
bobstroCrash1hd:  seems a reinstall would get same result, or?03:24
TX-Danvoss, yea just bought 2 the other day, only problem is 1TB is only backup for 3 clients projects03:24
coleysiliketofrolic666: Np :) It'll be located at Sys > Administation > Ntfs Config (Check the drive you want to automount, then enter it's name where you can enter text, like Vista or w/e)03:24
melvinramKB1JWQ: well before we get to iptables, i need to figure out what the ip of the virtual machine is03:24
mibzzer15IndyGunFreak: external03:24
voss1.5 gb seagate internals are going for $129 on newegg03:24
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: ok..03:24
KB1JWQmzz: melvinram is right.  Let's take a step back first. :)03:24
KB1JWQmelvinram: Paste the output of ifconfig to a pastebin, please.  From the guest.03:25
racecar56i picked the wrong place in the setup, and now ubuntu is playing with my bios clock! it's screwing my computer up and i had to go through TEN AUTO-FSCKS because of this!03:25
Seeker`TX-Dan: voss: Can you take the harddrive price discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic or somewhere similar please?03:25
TX-Danvoss, yea but maxtor guts...fail a lot more than they used to =( I can't lose a backup of a clients 20,000 project.03:25
bobstroCrash1hd:  there's several posts on the forums archives that sound similar03:25
mzzmelvinram: make sure you reconfigure to nat (and reboot the guest) before doing so.03:25
Crash1hdbobstro: coleys can I set the /boot to load on its own partition?03:25
melvinramthats another prob... copy paste doesn't work03:25
neil_dI would like to design a schematic and pcb what is the recommended software?03:25
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: justso you know, everytime i've only done that one time, but i had to use the alternate install cd.. and the OS was slow.. don't know if it was because of the USB bus speed, or what03:25
melvinramin the guest machine03:25
racecar56TX-Dan: i have a supposively dead maxtor drive :(03:25
TX-DanSeeker`, Sure thing, sorry about that.03:25
unopneil_d, pcb is?03:25
mibzzer15IndyGunFreak: ok thx03:26
mzzmelvinram: if you have the guest reconfigured to nat you should be able to just pastebin from completely inside the guest, no need for host <-> guest copy/paste03:26
KB1JWQmelvinram: ifconfig | pastebinit will return a result.03:26
bobstroCrash1hd:  that shuold work, yes. just pointing out some of the detail there. i had something similar a couple of years ago.03:26
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: i still think you'd be better off, using that external drive to backup files, etc.., then just partition your drive like normal people.03:26
coleysCrash1hd: im not to sure about non guided installs, I wouldn't be the best person to ask. I know software, and config... Not the other stuff =p03:26
melvinrammzz: i'm running ubuntu server so it's not giving me a gui03:26
neil_dunop: ok I will give it a try.03:26
mzzmelvinram: what KB1JWQ said03:26
Crash1hdok going to try and modify the boot dir :)03:26
racecar56i picked the wrong place in the setup, and now ubuntu is playing with my bios clock! it's screwing my computer up and i had to go through TEN AUTO-FSCKS because of this! i'm in irssi so its hard to see your message, so please try to make it easy to notice03:26
coleysCrash1hd: Good luck with that =) Maybe you'll teach me in the future =p03:27
Crash1hdseems to be that my bios / ubuntu somewhere doesnt like the boot drive being on a 900gig drive03:27
zenowhen the stuff on my screen is mostly black my monitor dims.  is this a hardware of software issue?03:27
melvinramk let me try that03:27
Crash1hdSo the next question is what size should /boot be ????03:27
KB1JWQCrash1hd: I usually give it 100 to 200 megs.03:27
mzzCrash1hd: 100MiB is usually plenty imho03:28
eseven73racecar56, typing /lastlog racecar56 should show you any message people type to you , assuming they put your nick first03:28
KB1JWQmzz: Does Ubuntu like to keep older kernels around after updates?03:28
dannzi cant get WOL to work.. broadcom BCM578203:28
KB1JWQI've had /boot fill up on Fedora like that.03:28
Seeker`zeno: are you sure it isn't just because it is mostly black; with black being a darker colour than the rest of them?03:28
Crash1hdmzz: KB1JWQ ok :) any reason to do 200 mb over 100?03:28
mzzKB1JWQ: I'm not sure (I'm not even in ubuntu currently, and my actual /boot isn't mounted in my ubuntu install)03:28
KB1JWQCrash1hd: Depends on if Ubuntu keeps older kernels around that'll fill up /boot.03:28
Crash1hdcoleys: :) lol I am a fast learner :)03:28
mzzKB1JWQ: actually, iirc it does unless you wipe them03:29
mzzKB1JWQ: (uninstall the old packages, that is)03:29
KB1JWQI'm new to Ubuntu this week, but I've done Linux / Unix for five years.03:29
Soviet_BobI'm using xubuntu 8.04, and want to create a forum. Not expecting a lot of users.. any tips here? I've got apache installed, but not sure where to go from there.. on windows 2k3, I installed PHP and MySQL and what not, it was pretty easy.03:29
iliketofrolic666coleys: is writing to NTFS from linux safe?03:29
Crash1hdmzz: KB1JWQ ahh ok :) I can give it 200mb :) just for the hell of it :)03:29
mzziliketofrolic666: using ntfs-3g: yes. Iirc ubuntu uses that one by default to mount ntfs03:29
KB1JWQSoviet_Bob: Same theory.  Those same things work better (read as: natively) under Linux.03:29
eseven73!lamp | Soviet_Bob (start with this then look into installing phpbb forums once you do all that03:30
ubottuSoviet_Bob (start with this then look into installing phpbb forums once you do all that: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:30
coleysiliketofrolic666: I've had no problems, just don't delete windows system files =p03:30
KB1JWQmzz: If that's true, that's FANTASTIC.  I'm tired of ntfs being read only by default.03:30
mzzSoviet_Bob: obviously use the package manager to install them, don't go downloading tarballs off php.net etc03:30
neil_dwhy when download a large file, does it stop other things using the internet like firefox?03:30
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: here's an easy setup... i forgot to just capture the gparted window, but there's my partition setup on my laptop.. its really easy to partition a drive, and you'll have a lot less "issues"...03:30
Soviet_BobThank you. *tried sudo apt-get install php, and it couldn't find it*03:30
KB1JWQneil_d: It shouldn't, but it might slow things down.03:30
mzzKB1JWQ: pretty sure I didn't do anything special to get ntfs mounted readwrite using ntfs-3g in ubuntu 8.04, but it's been a while03:30
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j263/IndyGunFreak/partition.jpg03:30
KB1JWQmzz: Yeah, the default ntfs in other distros' kernels isn't ntfs-3g, so it's read only.  Nice job on Ubuntu's part.03:31
Crash1hdHmm should /boot be before or after the swap?03:31
Roastedwhos good wtih rsync? Does rsync with the -a switch need root to run?03:31
mzzCrash1hd: if in doubt put it before03:31
Soviet_Boband I see why thanks to that link!03:31
unopRoasted, yes if you want to preserve permissions .. which is what -a does.03:31
neil_dKB1JWQ: the download is going fine, but firefox can load pages.03:32
HollywoodJumperhello all03:32
racecar56i'm really mad because ubuntu is changing my bios clock, and ubuntu thinks it is 2:32 AM! i REALLY want to fix this....03:32
Roastedunop - Hm, that explains a lot then. Do you happen to know, or have a link of some sort, if there is anything else besides the -a switch that requires root permissions just so I know?03:32
nickolausI just reinstalled ubuntu and I'm trying to get Hulu and such working again. Any ideas how to get most of the streaming sites to work?03:32
melvinramKB1JWQ & mzz: http://pastebin.com/f35102a7303:32
mzzracecar56: sounds like you got the bios clock in utc question wrong, but I don't know where to fix that in ubuntu03:32
StanlinHow to make an ISO image?03:32
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.03:32
smithsr93Hello,   I have tried installing Alt ubuntu AMD 64, but am unable to upgrade without system locking up suspect it is is ASRock Motherboard 790GXH/128 but still having now luck.  Have tried other distros, without any issues.  Anyone have suggestions?03:32
zenoSeeker`: yes completely.  the non-black area fades to barely visible03:32
mzzmelvinram: "inet addr:"03:32
KB1JWQmelvinram: : is your IP03:32
racecar56mzz, no, i tried changing bios clock then ubuntu craps it again03:33
IndyGunFreakStanlin: you trying to make one, or trying to put one on a CD/USB device?03:33
Seeker`zeno: no idea then03:33
KB1JWQDrop the colon. :)03:33
Stanlincof cof... How to MAKE  an ISO image?03:33
KB1JWQStanlin: From what?03:33
zenois it a compiz thing maybe?03:33
Stanlinfrom a CD03:33
racecar56i can't believe ubuntu is actually doing this... this seems like a windows-like problem03:33
KB1JWQdd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/myiso.iso bs=1m03:33
mzzzeno: compiz does sort of fade out windows that are not responding03:33
IndyGunFreakStanlin: ok.. i know it sounded stupid.. but you'd be amazed at the questions in here.03:33
mzzracecar56: same answer still applies03:33
melvinramKB1JWQ & mzz: if i try to ping it from osx terminal, it just hangs at: PING ( 56 data bytes03:34
neil_dStanlin: Brasero can03:34
StanlinIndyGunFreak: i know bro, but i like ubuntu, and hibernation seems to work, so ill use it now03:34
Stanlinneil_d: thanks bunches03:34
IndyGunFreakStanlin: understood.03:34
racecar56mzz, so what DO i do?03:34
KB1JWQmelvinram: iptables might be killing ICMP echos.03:34
melvinramk let me go into that03:34
mzzStanlin: from an existing cd or an existing bunch of files? for the cd just cp (or dd)-ing the entry in /dev/ (try /dev/sr0) works for non-copyprotected cds03:34
unopRoasted, -o -X -g -A --super  and any other option that involves privileges not held by the current user i.e. --delete, --prune, etc03:34
mzzracecar56: ask the channel, sorry03:34
RedSocratesracecar56: I think I can help you.  Tell me again what your problem is exactly?03:35
wizardslovakcan anyone help me with audio problems?????????????????????/03:35
racecar56i'm really mad because ubuntu is changing my bios clock, and ubuntu thinks it is 2:32 AM! my clock 'argues' with other OS too! i'm so sick of this03:35
mzzracecar56: "date -u" currently *is* 02:35. If you only have ubuntu on that system you can just leave it as it currently is (that's assuming the time shows up correctly in ubuntu)03:35
Roastedunop - Do you know if theres ANY way to keep permissions without using root? I REALLY want to avoid using root....03:35
mzzracecar56: if you dual-boot with windows you'll want to reconfigure ubuntu to store the time as localtime, not utc, but I don't know how to do that.03:35
racecar56mzz, i dont do windows03:36
StanlinIndyGunFreak: quick question, why Virtual machine manager, is showing the virtualization types, greyed? KVM03:36
IndyGunFreakracecar56: i don't know how ubuntu woudl change your bios clock.. i've certainly never had an issue like that03:36
TonyTheTigerIs there an easy way i can upgrade from ubuntu 8:10 to the latest ubuntu release without comepletely re-installing the OS?03:36
mzzracecar56: then as long as the time is displayed correctly in ubuntu just ignore what it looks like in the bios.03:36
IndyGunFreakStanlin: i don't do Virtual machines.. sorry03:36
unopRoasted,  i don't think there is any way .. the only user that can set proper permissions, ownership, etc on any arbitrary object is root03:36
racecar56mzz, bios == right and ubuntu == wrong03:36
IndyGunFreak!upgrade | TonyTheTiger03:36
ubottuTonyTheTiger: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading03:36
racecar56mzz, then ubuntu fools with the bios and makes BOT wrong03:36
Roastedunop - that makes sense... thanks for the tip03:36
RedSocratesracecar56: one second03:36
racecar56mzz, *both03:36
mzzracecar56: set the time correctly once in ubuntu then (by hand)03:36
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Stanlinracecar56: i have the same problem dude03:37
racecar56mzz, next reboot it resets03:37
grass0101Hello... have a question if anyone might be able to help:  I've just upgraded to jaunty from intrepid, on intrepid I used the alt disc to install, and setup a RAID between two drives.   When I upgraded to jaunty, i didn't have the alt disc.  I know how to assemble the raid drive with mdadm and how to mount it, but i don't know how to modify fstab to make it mount automatically each boot.  ?03:37
millertimek1a2m3I just installed 9.0403:37
millertimek1a2m3and my compiz couldn't be enabled...03:37
racecar56Stanlin, can't believe it, VERY dumb problem03:37
RedSocratesracecar56: Set the clock correctly in Ubuntu first.  Let me know when you've done that.03:37
millertimek1a2m3nor could emerald03:37
KB1JWQgrass0101: Using mdm?03:37
mzzracecar56: ask the channel again. I can think of some reasons for this, but I don't know where this is configured in ubuntu (if it syncs off a network server, what your local timezone is, etc)03:37
racecar56RedSocrates, i tried that like 20 times and then when i reboot it resets it03:37
nztalis link aggregation (link bonding) broken in jaunty ?03:37
RedSocratesracecar56: I'm going to tell you what I think will prevent it from resetting03:37
Stanlinracecar56: not dumb, its me the dumb, i just need to make a new kernel03:37
TonyTheTigerIndyGunFreak, I cant update my ubuntu so how can i still upgrade?03:38
mzzracecar56: actually, output of "ls -l /etc/localtime"?03:38
racecar56mzz, i have GMT -6 in RL, it thinks im in Africa03:38
IndyGunFreakTonyTheTiger: why can you not update it?03:38
iliketofrolic666when I delete something on my NTFS drive it tries to copy it to my trash (on another HDD) how do I delete it permanently instead?03:38
racecar56mzz, or something ridiculous/inaccurate like that03:38
grass0101yeah, i used mdadm to manually assemble the raid array, but i want to set it up to auto assemble and mount when i boot03:39
Crash1hdAllright creating a 250 mb boot partition infront of my 2 gig swap :)03:39
mzzmelvinram: what happens when you try to ssh to it?03:39
andresinixmillertimek1a2m3, did you try sudo apt-get install compiz-settins-manager?03:39
Crash1hdnow how do I tell the system that its the boot partition03:39
grass0101alt did that for me, doing manual partition but i didn't use alt to install03:39
millertimek1a2m3adresinix: yes ccsm03:39
racecar56mzz, i remember having to change my /etc/apt/sources.list from 'eh.blahblah.ubuntu.com' to 'us.blahblah.ubuntu.com'03:39
TonyTheTigerIndyGunFreak, Whenever I have tried its always not been able to do it, cant connect to files and what not. Im behind a lan proxy so using the gui for updating has never worked well. Infact installing and updating doesnt go well as they all download files themselves.03:39
melvinrammzz: it just hangs03:39
melvinramhere is my iptables03:39
millertimek1a2m3andresinix: i don't think you spelled the command right03:39
mzzmelvinram: have you read the section of the virtualbox manual I mentioned earlier, and what version of virtualbox is this?03:40
melvinramfor the guest machine03:40
RedSocratesracecar56: What happens when you type, at the command line, "sudo hwclock --localtime"?03:40
IndyGunFreak!alternate | TonyTheTiger only thing i could suggest, would be using the alternate install CD to update your system..03:40
ubottuTonyTheTiger only thing i could suggest, would be using the alternate install CD to update your system..: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal03:40
mzzmelvinram: that's ssh_config, not iptables03:40
racecar56RedSocrates, Mon 04 May 2009 09:40:24 PM WET  -0.539686 seconds (its right....)03:40
barqersCan someone help me please? I just installed Vista over my XP partition, which installed over grub. When I boot off a live cd and enter terminal, and use the command setup (hd1) I get an error 17: cannot mount selected partition error... How Can I install grub back?!03:41
IndyGunFreakTonyTheTiger: are you using 8.10?03:41
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TonyTheTigerIndyGunFreak, yes.03:41
IndyGunFreakTonyTheTiger: weird.03:41
racecar56barqers, easy to fix03:41
Stanlinracecar56: so i think we agree you with me, we are the Dumbs03:41
mzzbarqers: you normally need a "root" command before that. What did you say there?03:41
racecar56Stanlin, yea03:41
racecar56barqers, really easy03:41
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racecar56barqers, want me to tell you?03:41
HollywoodJumperhow do i check the version of ubuntu i am running?03:41
josh977cat /etc/issue03:42
IndyGunFreakHollywoodJumper: lsb_release -a ina terminal03:42
eseven73HollywoodJumper, lsb_release -a03:42
racecar56barqers, trash windows03:42
TonyTheTigerIndyGunFreak, Its not so wierd, as Initially ubuntu was useless, after i set up the proxy's it functions somewhat but installing files is always a pain as one or 2 files always have an issue. Sucks to be behind a proxy lan.03:42
mzzracecar56: he'd still have to reinstall grub afterwards :P03:42
barqersmzz: I did root (hd1) and then tried setup (hd1) and it still produces that error. same when I try, root(hd0) and setup (hd0)03:42
andresinixmillertimek1a2m3, perhaps, I'm pretty new... then you have installed it and go to System - Preferences - CompizConfig Settins Manager?03:42
IndyGunFreakTonyTheTiger: guess so.03:42
grass0101any ideas on fstab? I know i need to locate the uuid of the /dev/md0, but don't know how to do that03:42
millertimek1a2m3andresinix: yes03:42
barqersracecar56: Lol, I wish, but I need it for my computers class. Learning Visual basic and C++ coding.03:43
RedSocratesAnd racecar56, what is the output of "date"?03:43
mzzbarqers: you normally need something like root (hdA,B), where A is the number of the drive (0 if in doubt) and B is the number of the partition (can't help you with that one)03:43
millertimek1a2m3i ran the command in the terminal the skip check one adresinix and it worked03:43
sedekiI think my graphics is a bit slow in ubuntu compared to windows03:43
mzzbarqers: what does "find initrd.img" say?03:43
racecar56barqers, kay... might consider a VM of windows03:43
millertimek1a2m3adresinix: for emerald, but compiz isn't loading03:43
melvinramKB1JWQ & mzz: iptables http://pastebin.com/fb6cdcea03:43
racecar56RedSocrates, Mon May  4 21:43:16 WET 200903:43
racecar56RedSocrates, its right too03:43
racecar56RedSocrates, wait, i know why03:43
racecar56RedSocrates, i manally set the clock\03:43
racecar56RedSocrates, im gonna reboot03:44
Gaduok, got Hardy 64-bit installed and looking to install the ATI drive from the AMD site. apparently I need some 32-bit packages installed though. what do I need to install?03:44
droopy-ze-dogwhen scp'ing large files over wifi, my laptop ALWAYS stalls... what gives?03:44
shadow98can someone explain the best way to do a system backup on ubuntu...i have tried following the tar options...and they have failed...03:44
barqersmzz: I haven't tried "find initrd.img" But I'm on my windows partition at the moment, I'd have to reboot and boot off the live cd.03:44
mzzmelvinram: I'll just keep pointing you at that port forwarding setup, since I'm pretty sure KB1JWQ is either not using the same virtualbox version I'm using or has host/guest backwards03:44
nomasteryodabarqers, so windows is working?03:44
shadow98i want to be able to do a hardware independent backup03:44
mzzbarqers: do you have your partition layout memorized?03:44
melvinrammzz: i'm using 2.2.203:44
mzzmelvinram: as am I03:44
RHorseshadow98: rsync03:45
andresinixmillertimek1a2m3, then I don't know... sorry :( perhaps someone else might help you03:45
melvinrammzz: where should i go to look at what you're referring to?03:45
barqersnomasteryoda: Yeah, Windows is fine, however, there's no linux option in the boot menu, because it's vista's mbr.03:45
HollywoodJumperif i dual boot.  should i upgrade to 9.04 from 8.04?03:45
shadow98Rhorse: rsync can do a complete system backup03:45
mzzmelvinram: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads has a link to the manual.03:45
barqersmzz: Yeah, only two disks, /dev/sdb is linux, /dev/sda is windows03:45
nomasteryodaok, and you did an install to another partition...03:45
RedSocratesracecar56: So typically, when you start up, your clock is 6 hours ahead?03:45
Apaxisbarqers: i think you want grub-install (man grub-install)03:45
Y-Townanyone know a good app to record desktop into video?03:45
droopy-ze-doganyone know why scp over wifi always stalls on my laptop? Tried on various networks03:45
racecar56RedSocrates, ok, it's wrong again03:45
mzzmelvinram: it's section 6.4.1 in that manual (read the rest of 6.4 for more background information that might be useful)03:46
RHorseshadow98: dd03:46
RedSocratesracecar56: You rebooted?03:46
barqersApaxis: And I can run that from a terminal in a livecd? "man grub-install"03:46
racecar56RedSocrates, yea03:46
felixsullaWhat do you do with your windows key when you install Ubuntu?03:46
KB1JWQdroopy-ze-dog: It's likely not scp itself; do FTP transfers die as well?03:46
racecar56windows key?03:46
racecar56whats that03:46
Apaxisbarqers: yes, man will show you the manual, the command is grub-install03:46
mzzbarqers: ok, then it'd be root (hd1,SOMETHING), but I'm not sure what the SOMETHING would be03:46
nickolausI just reinstalled ubuntu and I'm trying to get Hulu and such working again. Any ideas how to get most of the streaming sites to work? I am installed flash but it doesn't seem to work.03:46
Apaxisbarqers: it has to be run as root03:46
nomasteryodabarqers, if this is a desktop system and LInux is installed, you can just swap the cable03:46
apotanyone know how i can get grep, or whatever text editor, to delete everything after a given column on every line of a text file?03:46
felixsullaracecar56: Its a key, with the windows logo on it.03:46
Apaxismzz: he doesnt even have grub yet bro03:46
mzzApaxis: he's running that off the livecd03:46
Apaxismzz: he wants to replace M$ MBR with grub03:47
shadow98RHorse: you can't do file level restores with it can you..and it takes exact image...like i have a 40gb drive...and it makes the image file almost 40 gb..03:47
racecar56felixsulla, k...03:47
droopy-ze-dogKB1JWQ, it only stalls when I'm scp'ing from my laptop to another device. Download works fine03:47
Apaxisrunning what off?03:47
barqersnomasteryoda: True, however it won't even let me install grub on the linux partition lol. it's completely whack03:47
barqersApaxis: Okay, I will try that, thank you!03:47
sebas891hi folks!03:47
racecar56RedSocrates, date says "Tue May  5 02:47:29 WET 2009" WRONG03:47
barqersmzz: okay, I believe it's hd1,1. I'll go try that now, thank you!03:47
TonyTheTigerWhen i try to do the update feature on ubuntu i get an error, 403 forbidden. But when I put the link in a browser i can download it fine.03:47
RedSocratesracecar56: But does hwclock --localtime still give the correct output?03:47
RHorseshadow98: there are gui backup solutions but I'm not up on them. You could try linuxappfinder.com03:48
Apaxisgrub doesnt install on a partition, it installs to the Master Boot Record03:48
nomasteryodaoh hope it works for him03:48
sebas891Is it possible to install Hardy 8.04.2, using the installer from 8.10 ?03:48
nomasteryodaApaxis, yup03:48
mzzapot: try "cut -c-20 < somefile"03:48
racecar56RedSocrates, Mon 04 May 2009 09:47:56 PM WET  -0.757533 seconds yes, with and without --localtime...03:48
racecar56RedSocrates, it's right...03:48
nomasteryodabut will install on the first drive it sees as the boot drive... sda1's mbr03:48
shadow98RHorse: i am looking for command line only....i am doing bare system..just the essentials...03:48
racecar56shadow98, ubuntu alternate CD03:48
eseven73sebas891, no03:49
Apaxisnomasteryoda: i know, just explaining to this guy, hes trying to install grub to his mbr03:49
shadow98racecar56: what would that be03:49
sebas891or... anyone, is aware on how to install ubuntu 8.04.2 with the module partman-auto-raid03:49
TonyTheTigeris there a way i can do the update of my ubuntu from terminal?03:49
racecar56shadow98, command line ubuntu03:49
RedSocratesracecar56: Open /etc/default/rcS and find the line that says "UTC="03:49
nomasteryodaApaxis, i know...03:49
RedSocratesracecar56: What does it say after the = sign?03:49
apotmzz: trying it, thanks03:49
melvinramgahh why doesn't it jus work03:49
racecar56RedSocrates, UTC=no03:50
IndyGunFreakTonyTheTiger: if you're blocked by proxy, i don't see how doing it from terminal is gonna make a difference03:50
sebas891eseven73: there is no aways around? you know the reason why it's not possible?03:50
RedSocratesracecar56: Change it to yes, reboot, and see what happens.  If it doesn't work, you can change it back to no.03:50
TonyTheTigerIndyGunFreak, I have configured both GUI and Terminal for proxy although terminal works better.03:50
RHorsemelvinram: junk in junk out :)03:50
shadow98racecar56, i got that part i am just installing server edition...with openssh server..and then apache and mysql...that is all i need for now..03:50
eseven73sebas891, not enough room on a cd to fit all the Ubuntu installs on them is my guess03:51
melvinramRHorse: huh?03:51
TonyTheTigerIm not block, its just ubuntu doesnt work too well with recieving internet through proxy03:51
IndyGunFreakTonyTheTiger: i'm not sure how to upgrade via terminal.. i'm sure it can be done, just not sure how.03:51
droopy-ze-dogcan anyone help, scp with large files stalls everytime03:51
droopy-ze-dogIndyGunFreak, isn't it just "sudo apt-get upgrade"03:51
droopy-ze-dogor dist-upgrade03:51
IndyGunFreakdroopy-ze-dog: i think you have to do some changes to your source list for that to work03:52
TonyTheTigerdroopy-ze-dog, is this for installing updates to the os?03:52
sebas891eseven73: I'm using a netboot install with preseed, ( I want to have a full automated install) with raid :)03:52
nomasteryodamelvinram, did you look through this kind of post? http://mydebian.blogdns.org/?p=14803:52
nomasteryodathe vboxmanage should help out03:52
eseven73sebas891, raid is way out of my league, you'll have to ask someone else about that, best of luck to you though :)03:53
melvinramnomasteryoda: i haven't but i'm reading it now03:53
droopy-ze-dogTonyTheTiger, that's for upgrading to a newer version of the OS.03:53
TonyTheTigerwell whatever happens, iv invoked the sudo apt-get upgrade.03:53
nomasteryodathe same things apply melvinram to the current version03:53
TonyTheTigereither itll break the os or do something nice.03:53
racecar56RedSocrates, its wrong03:53
mzzmelvinram: at a glance what nomasteryoda linked to is the same port forwarding setup described in the manual I linked to03:53
RedSocratesracecar56: Still the same as before?03:53
racecar56RedSocrates, ya03:53
sebas891eseven73: thanks! I keep on searching. I was able to get it working on 8.10 but I want it on 8.04.2 for the lts03:54
racecar56RedSocrates, so vim out the UTC=yes and turn it into no?03:54
KB1JWQdroopy-ze-dog: dd over netcat do the same thing?03:54
nomasteryodamzz, yup... hope that is described a little simpler on that linked page... and it has a tunneling link howto as well03:54
RedSocratesracecar56: I guess so.  It seems not to affect anything03:54
* mzz nods03:54
droopy-ze-dogKB1JWQ, not sure what you mean03:54
bonhofferi am hoping to set up my computer so i can tunnel to it over https and run all my apps -- secure from public wifi -- any guides?03:55
churlin Jaunty, is there no longer the option to have "icons only" in the "task list"?  Since the upgrade, I can no longer find that option.03:55
nickolausI just reinstalled ubuntu and I'm trying to get Hulu and such working again. Any ideas how to get most of the streaming sites to work? I am installed flash but it doesn't seem to work.03:55
mzzbonhoffer: might want to use ssh for that03:55
mibzzer15IndyGunFreak: now I am getting a GRUB error 1803:55
RHorsenickolaus: install v. 10 from adobe site.03:56
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: i tried to tell you03:56
bonhoffermzz, ssh is blocked from some wifi03:56
bonhoffer(at work)03:56
mzznot sure then, sorry03:56
ZauberExonarOkay folks, a friend of mine has a severe graphics problem on her computer, and it's in a virtually unusable state.  I'm trying to help her troubleshoot, and found out that the xorg.conf was generated by a program called "defconf".  How is this program invoked, and is it simple enough for someone with little command-line experience to use?03:56
RedSocratesracecar56: Are you using GNOME?03:56
platiusnickolaus;  amd64?03:56
mibzzer15IndyGunFreak: other than being like that, what can I do to fix it?03:56
racecar56RedSocrates, yes03:56
mzzZauberExonar: debconf, not defconf, probably?03:56
KB1JWQbonhoffer: It's your server?  Then why not bind SSH to a port that isn't 22?03:56
nomasteryodamibzzer15, because the grub is not finding the /boot/grub/menu.list which is over on the windows drive's mbr03:56
KB1JWQThat'll get past most things.03:56
racecar56RedSocrates, i have KDE also... but at the moment om on gnome03:56
melvinrammzz & nomasteryoda: port forwarding doesn't seem like a good idea since i'll need those ports on my machine as well. I think i'm just going to fck it and put off this task since it's not mission critical. maybe i'll try parallels or fusion or something.03:56
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: like what?03:57
racecar56RedSocrates, *i'm03:57
bonhofferKB1JWQ, yes, that is what i want to do03:57
RedSocratesracecar56: Have you tried rightclicking on the clock and choosing "Adjust Time & Date" and going through all that again?03:57
mzzmelvinram: no need to forward port 22 on the guest to 22 on the host...03:57
bonhofferuse ssh over 44303:57
mibzzer15IndyGunFreak: like the I told you so thing03:57
nomasteryodamelvinram, those will still need to portforward....03:57
RedSocratesracecar56: Also, does it say there whether the clock is set to UTC or localtime?03:57
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: well i did...03:57
bonhofferthe question is how to do it03:57
KB1JWQbonhoffer: On the server, set ssh to listen to an alternat port in sshd_config03:57
IndyGunFreakmibzzer15: and honestly, i don't knwo how to fix it.. investigate grub errors, and try to go from there.. i told you how to do it right03:57
KB1JWQRestart SSH.03:57
mzzmelvinram: you can just forward 22 on the guest to something like 2222 on the host, after which pointing ssh to hostsip:22 gives you the host's sshd, and hostsip:2222 gives you the guest's03:57
KB1JWQYou're done. :)03:57
KB1JWQThat's what I do all the time.03:57
FloodBot2KB1JWQ: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:57
Roastedunop - are you here still?03:57
nickolausrhorse  I tried to download install_flash_player_10_linux.deb but when I double click on it, my package installer issues the following "Error: Wrong architecture 'i386'" any ideas? I'm on a 64bit install. Not AMD03:57
racecar56RedSocrates, no03:57
racecar56RedSocrates, dont say03:57
mibzzer15IndyGunFreak: ok03:57
bonhofferKB1JWQ, yeah -- i had problems ...03:58
RHorsebonhoffer: need to edit ssh_config03:58
melvinrammzz & nomasteryoda: what i dont get is why i need portforwarding even if i dont want any other machines on the network to get to the virtual machine03:58
KB1JWQRHorse: NO.  sshd_config to change the port.03:58
nickolausplatius not an amd processor but yeah, 64bit install.03:58
melvinramI just need the host to connect to the guest03:58
melvinramwhy is that so far03:58
IndyGunFreak!flash64 | nick_h[litage]03:58
ubottunick_h[litage]: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava03:58
platiusnickolaus;  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-flash-not-working-after-jaunty-upgrade-64bit.html  check here03:58
racecar56RedSocrates, info: GNOME 2.26.1 ubuntu 9.04 release03:58
IndyGunFreaknickolaus: see above03:58
RHorseKB1JWQ: yes, that's what I was thinking of03:58
mzzmelvinram: see the virtualbox manual for other options, including one where only the guest and the host "see" a virtual lan of sorts03:59
racecar56RedSocrates, i38603:59
RHorsenickolaus: can you download the .gz file from adobe?03:59
racecar56RedSocrates, as the computer im using is kind of old...03:59
sebas891anyone was able to have partman-auto-raid working on 8.04.2 ?04:00
RedSocratesracecar56: Does running "tzselect" from the command line help at all?04:00
racecar56RedSocrates, using now (thx, never heard of this command)04:01
RedSocratesracecar56: No prob.  Not sure if it will change things though, we'll see04:01
racecar56RedSocrates, im still kind of new (only been using ubuntu scince june/july 2008)04:02
RedSocratesracecar56: Cool, that's no problem04:02
NotanExperthello all04:02
NotanExperti got probibly a stupid n questio04:02
rgs_network manager frontend can't connect to mobile broadband when waking up after hibernating.. is this a known bug?04:02
IndyGunFreakNotanExpert: just ask.. we'll laughat you if its really stupid04:03
nickolausplatius worked great! I love you04:03
rgs_i get a pppd_timed_out(): Looks like pppd04:03
rgs_ didn't initialize our dbus module04:03
NotanExpertis there  a place that lists plugins and patches that are made for the AMD artitecture, like iḿ trying to download flash, and it keeps downloading the Intell one04:03
rgs_in /var/log/daemon.log04:03
=== john is now known as Guest77663
ZauberExonarIs the -phigh in the command "sudo dpkg-recofigure -phigh xserver-xorg" necesary?04:03
IndyGunFreakNotanExpert: i don't knwo of one.. thats not to say there isn't04:03
platiusnickolaus;  your welcome04:03
racecar56ZauberExonar, it makes it not say anything04:04
ZauberExonarMeaning no output if you use it?04:04
racecar56ZauberExonar, if u remove the -phigh instead of reverting to default, it actually reconfigures it04:04
millertimek1a2m3can any of you guys record sound in 9.04?04:04
racecar56ZauberExonar, ALMOST no output04:04
shadow98im still searching for an answer on backups...i have looked at rysnc and it doesn't look like it is made for a system with a mysql data....i have tested tar which has failed 3 times now..04:04
Gaduanyone on installing the proprietary ATI driver on 64-bit hardy?04:05
ZauberExonarWell, the xorg.conf is broken, which is the problem.04:05
racecar56millertimek1a2m3, my laptop pwn'd at 8.10 with it... gonna have to see if it works on 9.04, probably does04:05
IndyGunFreakmillertimek1a2m3: i've not tried to record, but my mic works w/ Skype, so I can only assume it would record sound ok04:05
shadow98i just need a way to do a complete backup of my apache,mysql, mail, php box..04:05
HollywoodJumperi am not sure if i should upgrade to 9.04 from 8.0404:05
racecar56RedSocrates, me gonna log out and back in04:05
RedSocratesracecar56: k04:05
racecar56HollywoodJumper, wait till june/july04:06
NotanExpertalright does anyone know where i can get the flash in amd architecture ?04:06
admin_masu3701can someone help me with flash player....theres not sound04:06
racecar56HollywoodJumper, i HIGHLY reccomend u wait04:06
ZauberExonarI've got 9.04 running on my 700mhz pentium3 laptop.  Runs faster out of the box than Fedora 10, even after I enabled all kinds of tweaks and configurations to make it run faster.04:06
racecar56lol p304:06
RHorseshadow98: http://www.google.com/search?q=rsync+mysql+database&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a04:06
syntax\how can i fix the icon issues with open office? i don't have open office icons -_-04:07
racecar56im running on a compaq presario sr1010z from early 2005 i believe04:07
admin_masu3701can someone help me with flash player....theres not sound04:07
NotanExperti also need help with flash, lol actually finding a AMD verson of it lol04:08
barqersguys, I just reinstalled my grub, BUT, now vista won't load when I select it in the grub menu, however I can get onto my windows partition? Vista is on /dev/sda1 and in menu.lst it's (hd0,0)04:08
RedSocratesNotanExpert: A 64 bit version of flash?04:08
NotanExpertRedocrates: aye04:08
admin_masu3701NOtanExpert: flash is acting really weard ....no sound and uses alot CPU04:09
Wolfcastlebarqers, post your menu.lst in pastebin04:09
admin_masu3701can someone help me with flash player....theres not sound04:09
TonyTheTigerIndyGunFreak, The Sudo apt-get upgrade seems to have done the trick, now i only have 12 updates remaining as opposed to the 200+ before04:09
barqersWolfcastle: http://pastebin.com/m5e9b18e04:09
barqersWolfcastle: I've tried it as (hd0,0) (hd1,0) and (hd0,1)04:10
RHorseadmin_masu3701 and NotanExpert  flash is just a matter of downloading the latest libflashplayer.so and inserting it into the proper directory.04:10
RedSocratesNotanExpert: This should get you 64-bit flash set up: http://www.dailygyan.com/2008/11/install-64-bit-flash-player-plugin-for.html04:10
syntax\i mean i have to use Human controls to have it working/ what about my themes?04:10
felixsullaWhen you are in $ man <whatever> and it has a see also section, is there a way to just jump right to it without quitting back to the shell?04:10
shankelHey everybody - just installed Ubuntu!04:11
dtchenadmin_masu3701: amd64 or i386?04:11
etzerdhi everyont04:11
felixsullashankel: Good job :D04:11
sebsebsebetzerd: hi04:11
admin_masu3701detchen: 6404:11
churlshankel: YEAH!04:11
Wolfcastlebarqers, did you say windows vista is in /dev/sda1?04:11
HollywoodJumperif i run Sudo apt-get upgrade will it automatically install 9.04?04:11
admin_masu3701flash was working fine til last night04:11
churlIs there no longer the option to have "icons only" in the "task list"?  Since the upgrade, I can no longer find that option.04:11
Wolfcastlebarqers, because if that's the case, it should say hd0,0 in menu.lst04:12
Petrushey everyone...couple of minor issues.  First I wanted to know what the default patch switches are for applying patches to Ubuntu src packages...and the second thing is some weirdness with the repo which I figured you might want to know about.04:12
RHorseadmin_masu3701: find out where your plugin directory(s) resides, get libflashplayer.so, and copy it to that directory(s)04:12
shankelthanks! :)  I've got it setup as a dual boot with windows.  Does anyone know how to setup GRUB so that it will automatically boot to my windows partition rather then Ubuntu?  I'd like to keep it that way for a while until I get more used to Ubuntu04:12
etzerdsebsebseb: can you tell me the website that I can donwload codecs and some other restricted for Ubuntu? someone tell me last week and I forget the address04:12
barqersWolfcastle: Yes, this is the output of fdisk -l: http://pastebin.com/m6c24c82204:12
josh977medibuntu repo ?04:13
sebsebsebetzerd: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras and yeah midibuntu04:13
jp_sfHollywoodJumper : no you need to upgrade Intrepid to joaunty ?04:13
TonyTheTigerjust to make sure guys, the text based "alternate cd" is the "alternate cd" correct?04:13
jp_sfHollywoodJumper : no you need to upgrade Intrepid to jaunty ?04:13
etzerdyes thanks04:13
Wolfcastlebarqers, ok then you need to change root for windows vista in your menu.lst04:13
Wolfcastlebarqers, it says hd0,1 in your post04:13
barqersWolfcastle: Okay, let me try (hd0,0) but when I click vista in the grub menu, I don't get an error, it says loading grub2 and then goes back to the grub menu.04:14
platiusNOtanExpert;admin_masu3701;  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-flash-not-working-after-jaunty-upgrade-64bit.html  you might check here04:14
jp_sfHollywoodJumper: to upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade but do some readings before04:14
HollywoodJumperwhat about 8.04 is that intrepid or hearty heron?04:14
PetrusI had some sort of weird crash a bit back and the kernel had to get reinstalled...linux_2.6.27-11.  That in itself wasn't a huge drama, but now I need to re-add the nvidia binary driver for my video card, which I can't do because I haven't been able to get hold of the source for that particular kernel build from synaptic.  Although I downloaded the orig file and the diffs from the web, and I'm about to try and patch the source myself.04:14
abe3khi guys, I have ubuntu 9.04 and the virtual consoles were working before on 9.04  but now they only show a blinking cursor, what could've caused this problem ?04:14
Moodis it safe to kill -9 update-manager? it seems stuck for the past hour...04:15
IndyGunFreakHollywoodJumper: thats hardy heron04:15
Wolfcastlebarqers, that's weird since according to fdisk hd0,1 shouln't even exist04:15
PetrusMood try it.  The worst that will prolly happen is you being dumped out to gdm, or having to reboot.04:15
IndyGunFreakHollywoodJumper: so if you want to upgrade to 9.04, you'll have to go 8.04 to 8.10, then 8.10 to 9.0404:16
barqersWolfcastle: My thoughts exactly, but with grub> setup (hd0,1) it says it succeeds.04:16
HollywoodJumperjp_sf>so do i want to upgrade to intrepid from hardy?04:16
balleyneis there a proper name for the output you see from a program when you run it from the command line? the trace? standard output? ...04:16
IndyGunFreakHollywoodJumper: you don't just want to, you have to.. you can't go from Hardy to Jaunty04:16
barqersWolfcastle: I'll reboot and try (hd0,0)04:17
greg_Hey folks.  Admitted newbie to Ubuntu--I just installed 8.10 and can set screen resolution greater than 800 x 60004:17
IndyGunFreakgreg_: what graphics device?04:17
HollywoodJumperIndyGunFreak>ok , but what is the benefit of upgrading to 8.10 from 8.04?04:17
IndyGunFreakHollywoodJumper: same benefit as upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04.. updated packages, bug fixes, etc.04:18
greg_Trident Cyberblade...  I found the driver with Synaptics04:18
IndyGunFreakgreg_: what is the device?04:18
HollywoodJumperIndyGunFreak>so do i need to back anything up if i upgrade?04:18
IndyGunFreakHollywoodJumper: that would be wise in case something goes wrong.04:19
greg_Trident microsystems Cyberblade XPA.1 rev 8204:19
abe3kI have ubuntu 9.04 and the virtual consoles were working before ,but for some reason now they only show a blinking cursor, what could've caused this problem ?04:19
HollywoodJumperIndyGunFreak>what if i dual boot?04:19
IndyGunFreakgreg_: do you know what chipset that is?.. never heard that one.04:19
IndyGunFreakHollywoodJumper: still a good idea to backup.. "just in case"04:19
jawallI just upgraded to Jackalope.  Performance is excellent when running on battery power.  Pluggin in the AC power runs CPU usage up to well over 90%.  Suggestions?04:19
greg_Intel, I think.  Itś on a Toshiba laptop04:20
barqersWolfcastle: It says "Starting... Grub loading stage2" then retreats to the grub menu again04:20
barqersNothing happens.04:20
NotanExpertthanks guys think that worked great :)04:20
HollywoodJumperIndyGunFreak>could my upgrade to 8.10 affect my other partition with windows om it?04:20
EliteI have the hardy version of Ubuntu Desktop installed on my machine, how can I install samba server on it?04:20
greg_hold on and Iĺl lspci again.04:20
jawallbarqers: sounds like gnome or kde is fubar04:20
IndyGunFreakHollywoodJumper: it probably wouldnt effect your windows partition, but if  you have a problem and can't boot.04:20
barqersjawall: Hm, is there anything I can do about this? cause it's either I have only windows boot up, or linux, cause I have a vista repair MBR cd, but then I can't use linux anymore.04:21
greg_ VGA compatible controller: Trident Microsystems CyberBlade XPAi1 (rev 82)04:22
Wolfcastlebarqers, sorry I don't know what's wrong...that grub configuration should work04:22
shankelsorry if I missed it - any ideas on setting up the default boot loader that comes with Ubuntu to automatically start windows after no activity for 10 secs rather then Ubuntu?04:22
HollywoodJumperha sanyone her ever messed around with FREEBSD?04:22
jawallAnyone know why CPU usage goes up to max when the AC is plugged into the maptop?04:22
greg_sez itś VGA but it is SVGA.  other OS supports to 1200 x 768 or greater04:23
jawallYeah, freebsd guy here04:23
Wolfcastleshankel, you can configure that in menu.lst04:23
Elitejawall: chances are your power driver is messed04:23
PhotoJimshankel: boot into Linux, and edit /boot/grub/menu.lst ... there's an entry there for the default.  Bear in mind that the first entr is zero, and the line dividers it prints count in the numbering.04:23
HollywoodJumperjawall>what kinds of stuff can i do with freebsd?04:23
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:23
Roastedhow would I set up a script to check if a drive is mounted first, and if it is, THEN rsync to it?04:23
Wolfcastleshankel, and make sure timeout is 1004:24
EliteSamba is a PINTA04:24
Roastedelite - it's really not, especially if you use a GUI to set up your shares.04:24
EliteRoasted I am bui I can't get the GUI installed04:25
Roastedsudo apt-get install system-config-samba04:25
Roastedits simple, very few features, but it gets the job done04:25
Roastedsets up users, shares, permissions, etc04:25
Roastedonly thing I manually added to the smb.conf was force group. That simple gui did everything else fo rme.04:25
shankelthanks - I would do that all from the terminal application?04:25
Elitecould notfind package04:26
J-_I need some help configure /etc/resolv.conf on my server. Can anyone give me a hand? I'm trying to use freedns.afraid.org, and I'm boggled because it won't work.04:26
ZauberExonarDoes anyone know the command for auto-configuring an ATI card?  My friend's xorg.conf apparently has missing or broken section for the video card04:26
* Petrus is very, very tempted to compile an entirely custom kernel at this point...DKMS be damned.04:26
EliteRoasted: it says it couldn't find the pckage04:28
Roastedone second Ill look it up04:28
Roastedyeah its system-config-samba04:28
wtvi want the mount point of a partition to be /media/Total Junk. when i enter save this in /etc/fstab and use the command mount -a, it shows me an error in that line where i have /media/Total Junk.04:29
Roastedsudo apt-get install system-config-samba04:29
Roasted 04:29
Roastedis exactly what I typed in04:29
admin_masu3701platius: none of those solutions worked04:29
barqersCan someone help me, I can't mount a vista partition. with NTFS-config, there's no advanced configuration? I'm using ubuntu 9.0404:29
zurditohola q tal tengo un problema con el kde para instlar en ubuntu alguien puede darme una mano04:29
ZauberExonarDoes anyone know the command for auto-configuring an ATI card?  My friend's xorg.conf apparently has missing or broken section for the video card04:29
HollywoodJumperIndyGunFreak>so should i upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10?04:30
IndyGunFreakHollywoodJumper: thats entirely up to you...04:30
help1Hi.. super strange problem. Everything was running fine. Then I uninstalled phatch. sudo apt-get purge phatch. Didn't see anything important being removed. A few hours later I shut ti down, moved the computer downstairs, and started it up again. Now... it boots up normal, logs in like normal. I hear sound. I see wallpaper. I can't press ctrl+alt+delete and logout. But that's it. No panels. Can't bring up a terminal. Alt+F2 does nothing04:30
IndyGunFreakHollywoodJumper: i always tend to stay current.. but thats not for everyone.. some folks like the long term support behind LTS releases (like 8.04)..04:30
IndyGunFreakonly you can decice that04:30
HollywoodJumperIndyGunFreak>ok whats LTS?04:31
=== bizkit__ is now known as bizkit
IndyGunFreakHollywoodJumper: long term support04:31
a-stray-laptopanyone wanna help me out with lirc? it suddenly stopped working for me ;(04:31
IndyGunFreak!lts | HollywoodJumper04:31
ubottuHollywoodJumper: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.04:31
EliteRoasted: nope did a copy and paste and it still didn't work04:31
Roastedsearch synaptic for "samba"04:32
tuxwulfWhich repo is the xf86-video-vesa?04:32
Roastedand look for it, its towards the bottom04:32
d0htemneed help with 9.04 and compiz04:32
HollywoodJumperIndyGunFreak>so 8.10 isnt a LTS?04:32
IndyGunFreakHollywoodJumper: no04:32
IndyGunFreakand neither is 9.0404:32
d0htemon 8.10 i could enable normal , now i cant :( help me find out how to enable enough for transparent console over firefox??04:32
racecar56HollywoodJumper, every 4 releases there are an lts04:32
zenomzz: no its for any window now ones not responding04:33
racecar56HollywoodJumper, oops04:33
IndyGunFreakHollywoodJumper: 8.04 is LTS... 9.10 will not be LTS, but I think 10.04 will be04:33
racecar56HollywoodJumper, i mean 604:33
racecar56IndyGunFreak, true04:33
* Crash1hd :( tired of waiting wants too play04:33
RedSocratesracecar56: Did you have any success with your clock?04:33
racecar56IndyGunFreak, as the even numbers with .04 at end are lts04:33
racecar56RedSocrates, no04:33
racecar56RedSocrates, still says 3:33 AM >:(04:33
felixsullaI downloaded an icon sent form ubuntu-art.org, any idea where they might be stored so I can add one to my panel?04:33
helpAccidentally closed pidgin. Any ideas on why my desktop is missing after logging in?04:33
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IndyGunFreakracecar56: i never thought of it like that, but you're right04:33
racecar56RedSocrates, stupid ubuntu setup04:33
racecar56IndyGunFreak, notice: 4.04 didn't exist, 6.06 was (first) lts, 8.04 (6 releases after) was, however an lts04:34
HollywoodJumperIndyGunFreak>well i think i have my answer then. thanks.04:34
IndyGunFreakracecar56: eh.. go figure.. Ubuntu Math never adds up..lol04:34
racecar56IndyGunFreak, still wonderin, why 6.06 was 6.06 and not 6.0404:34
sebsebsebracecar56: ,becasue it was delayed04:34
racecar56sebsebseb, kkz04:34
IndyGunFreakracecar56: well, 5.10 was befor that.. so maybe dapper just took a bit longer than they thought it was going to.. because they went from 6.06, to 6.1004:35
racecar56IndyGunFreak, ya04:35
RedSocratesracecar56, IndyGunFreak: Don't know if you realize, but the last two digits are the month of the release04:36
Roastedwhen using the -a function with rsync, it changes permissions. Is there ANY way to run this without root priviledges??04:36
RedSocrates6.06 was 6.06 rather than 6.04 because it was released in June04:36
IndyGunFreakracecar56: they seem to have a good system down now... it works for them04:36
IndyGunFreakRedSocrates: lol.. yes, i realize that...04:36
Guest26697I see a lot of posts from people with similar problems, but they are using desktop switching. I am not.04:37
RedSocratesIndyGunFreak: k, just making sure :)04:37
FloodBot2mupeng: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:37
crankharderhow do I get rid of thes new shutdown/reboot confirmations that appeared in 9.04?04:37
IndyGunFreakRedSocrates: been coming here for about 4yrs..thats how i knew the next version was 9.10, and the version after that was 10.0404:37
RedSocratesIndyGunFreak: Gotcha04:38
IndyGunFreakand the version after that will be 10.1004:38
IndyGunFreakand after that 11.0404:38
IndyGunFreakand 11.10, adn so on04:38
RedSocratesAssuming there are no delays :)04:38
Crash1hdyeah grub is working (its ugly but its working) :)04:38
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HollywoodJumperIndyGunFreak>i have been trying to update and install new software through my synaptic package manager and not all the selected application end up installing, do you think i should just go with the terminalinstead?04:38
tuxwulfmy apt says I am already on the latest version of xserver-xorg-video-vesa, so how do I make sure it uses that driver and not the intel one?04:38
mib_wwrjs9Does anyone know of any good tutorials for making a Home server on ubuntu, probably with just samba and preferably some method of easily adding users and allowing the users to change their own passwords? Also I'd like if it told me what exactly I was doing instead of just what to do.04:39
IndyGunFreakHollywoodJumper: well if they aren't installing, terminal isnt going to change that.. do you know why they aren't installing?.. any errors?04:39
RedSocratestuxwulf: Do you use an /etc/X11/xorg.conf?04:39
maxagazhow to reset environment variable after having changed /etc/environment ?04:39
EliteRoasted:  I am not seeing any GUI panel for this samaba or do I need to restart?04:39
tuxwulfRedSocrates: Yes, I think so.04:39
Roastedelite - system - administration - "samba"04:39
Crash1hdOK so anyone that has error 18 tell them to reinstall and add a /boot partition :) of 200mb :)04:40
RedSocratestuxwulf: In the "Device" section there will likely be a line that says: Driver "intel"04:40
tyler_dI am missing the /etc/bind folder and all of its contents... how do I replace/repair these?04:40
shankelThanks for the help everybody see you more tomorrow! :)04:40
tuxwulfRedSocrates: Yes, there is04:40
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EliteRoasted: that isn't here?04:40
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RedSocratestuxwulf: If you change "intel" to "vesa", that'll make you use the vesa drivers the next time you start X04:40
HollywoodJumperIndyGunFreak> if i run sudo apt get install update it should update all current apps right?04:40
Roastedelite - did you find system-config-samba in synaptic?04:40
tuxwulfRedSocrates: Ok, thanks!04:41
jawallWhy does Jaunty run fast on battery and slows to a crawl when AC power is plugged in?04:41
RedSocratestuxwulf: no prob :)04:41
IndyGunFreakHollywoodJumper: honestly, i'm not sure. i don't use terminal to update. i just wait for update manager04:42
EliteRoasted: kinda04:42
Roastedelite - it's just simply called system-config-samba04:43
Roastedif you see it, check it, install04:43
c0l2eI've does option ... "greedy" and other stuff but still I'm feeling that my laptop with Intel GMA 965 still slow04:43
c0l2ehow can I fix this?04:44
AlleyKathi... _not_ to start a war, but what is in your opinion(s) the most winamp-like music app for ubuntu? I'm looking, at best, for something with a music library preferrably 'just' showing my files in their current structure - a bit like this: http://phpbb2.dk/img/WinAMP-w-DL2-b26.png04:44
AlleyKatthis Dynamic Library thing is not a default winamp plugin thou, but maybe someone knows of similar...04:45
EliteRoasted: nothing found in a searc04:46
Roasted*shrug* I'm looking at it right now....04:46
Roastedwhat did you type in search?04:46
c0l2e00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)  .. still slow in ubuntu 9.0404:46
c0l2e00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) ..  still slow in ubuntu 9.0404:47
=== BlackKnight is now known as UdontKnow
a-stray-laptopis an intel integrated graphics controller ever fast? :p04:47
EliteRoasted: no I typed in system-cong-samba04:47
Criten1Hello everyone!04:48
Roastedelite - just search for "samba" .... nothing else. When the search is done, scroll down and look for "system-config-samba"04:48
EliteRoasted: that isn't there but just samba and samba-common are both there and installed04:49
Soviet_BobHow do I copy the contents of a folder, but not the folder itself, in command line?04:49
gerahi, can someone help me to set my previous /home in a 9.04?04:49
chetnickSoviet_Bob: cp /nameoffolder/* /destination/04:50
EliteSoviet_Bob:  how many files do you have to move?04:50
Roastedelite - how many things showed up?04:50
QwellI don't know if I can explain this any better, but pressing a modifier used to stop a key from repeating (example: hold a, hit shift for a second, release shift, you end up with "aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa").  That changed when I updated to 9.04...  where would that be controlled?04:50
RHorseSoviet_Bob: cp /some/dir/* /target/dir04:50
Soviet_BobElite: 30-50.04:50
axscodehi, what do use for linux, for accessing /dev/ttyUSB0 (aka USB to Serial Cable) for Cisco console04:50
Qwellaxscode: minicom is a good app04:50
EliteRoasted: about 1104:50
cipher42can i get some help with my tuner card here?04:50
MayureshGood day fellas....04:50
MayureshI need help with connecting my 1 TB hdd with my laptop using ubuntu.04:50
MayureshIts failing after sometime, after writing around 58 M04:50
MayureshI have the dmesg output with me and have already searched the net for any useful information, but didn't get any.04:50
Mayureshany help is much appreciated.04:50
FloodBot2Mayuresh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:50
axscodeahh.. it seems i cant04:51
chetnickSoviet_Bob: thats under condition that you are moving only files. if you have folders within the folder, you will have to use something like -R option04:51
cipher42anybody know about firmware?04:51
Roastedelite - I dont know what to tell you. I have like 35 things that show up.... you do know you can scroll down right?04:51
KidIkarusHey everyone. I just installed 9.04 NBR and some windows seem to have a black background not letting me see label text.  I have an example here http://yfrog.com/bgscreenshotmainmenucreatp .  Does anyone know how I can fix that?04:51
MayureshFloodBot2: Apologies.04:51
jawall89% of my cpu?04:52
cipher42looks like ur theme to me04:52
EliteRoasted: yes I know that, I have the bottom part open all the way and there is no scroll down dongle04:52
cipher42try apt-get reconfigure ubuntu-desktop04:52
Criten1yea, try changing themes04:52
MayureshFloodBot2: I have pasted the dmesg output at http://paste.ubuntu.com/164643/04:52
chetnickKidIkarus: did you try changing theme?04:52
KidIkarusI'm just surprised the default would be broken like that.04:52
wtvMayuresh: floodbot is a bot04:52
MoodPetrus: can't killing update-manager screw up the database of updates on my system though?04:52
cipher42try to reinstall the ubuntu-desktop04:52
KB1JWQMayuresh: Talking to a bot?  What's the issue, anyway?04:52
chetnickKidIkarus: yeah its kind of weird.04:52
cipher42that should fix it04:52
axscodeminicom: ../iconv/loop.c:430: internal_utf8_loop_single: Assertion `inptr - bytebuf > (state->__count & 7)' failed.04:53
axscode                                                                                                                   Aborted04:53
axscode  <-- using minicom04:53
MayureshKB1JWQ: I am having trouble writing to my WD 1 TB hdd drive04:53
chetnickKidIkarus: purge ubuntu-desktop, and then install, if you just remove it and then install, the conf files might be still there.04:53
Criten1Mayuresh: what format is it?04:53
MayureshI have pasted the dmesg output at http://paste.ubuntu.com/164643/04:53
Mayureshit is fat3204:53
PetrusMood...I guess it could...although last time I used it to get some updates it crashed my system and caused me to have to rebuild the kernel anywayz. ;)04:53
KB1JWQMayuresh: That's your problem.04:53
KB1JWQI don't think FAT32 supports drives that big.04:54
MayureshCriten1: Fat3204:54
chetnickKidIkarus: did you install restricted drivers?04:54
cipher42help anybody?04:54
Criten1Why is it fat32?...04:54
MoodPetrus: i'm scared :-s04:54
KidIkarusI don't really know.04:54
MayureshKB1JWQ: so will NTFS work?04:54
KidIkarusI just downloaded the netbook remix image04:54
KidIkarusand then I did the basic install04:54
KB1JWQMayuresh: [41450.164447] end_request: I/O error, dev sdc, sector 10854171 <-- Depends on if that means bad sectors, bad filesystem, or whatnot.04:55
KB1JWQDrop to single user and fsck it?04:55
KB1JWQKidIkarus: That's what I did earlier.04:55
KB1JWQWorks well for me, what's your issue?04:55
EliteRoasted: where is the samba config file /etc/samba/smb.conf?04:55
MayureshKB1JWQ: Ok. Writing to the same disk is ok while in Windows04:55
KB1JWQMayuresh: Yeah, but maybe you're not hitting those sectors.04:55
KB1JWQchkdisk it in Windows.04:55
tyler_danyone know how to recreate your rdnc.key file for bind9?04:56
MayureshI'll do it.04:56
KB1JWQMayuresh: But that run of bad sectors worries me.04:56
Qwellrndc-genkey, or something.  there's a command for it if I'm not mistaken04:56
tyler_dQwell: I will tias04:56
maxcrashHello, I'm a ubuntu newbie can anyone tell my why my 9.4 remix keeps asking for my wireless password?04:56
MayureshKB1JWQ: Ok.... What do you suggest?04:56
Qwellrndc-genconf with -a?04:56
KB1JWQMayuresh: Chkdisk it. :)04:57
Tophuwell I solved my merc zboard problem.... I went out and bought a wolfking timber wolf keyboard ^_^04:57
KB1JWQMayuresh: The results of that'll determine your next step; force surface scan too.04:57
Qwellrndc-confgen, rather04:57
KB1JWQIt'll take a while on a 1TB drive.04:57
MayureshKB1JWQ: Ok. I'll do it and paste the output on paste.ubuntu04:57
tyler_dits rndc-confgen -a04:57
KB1JWQMayuresh: Okay, you may PM me when it finishes if you like, I may be around.04:57
KidIkaruschetnick: ubuntu-desktop is not installed.  should I maybe try to purge ubuntu-netbook-remix ?04:57
MayureshKB1JWQ: Ok. Thanks04:57
tyler_dty Qwell04:57
jonyfor some reason i was sent two installtion cd's both excatly the same04:57
KB1JWQKidIkarus: What hardware platform04:57
MayureshKB1JWQ: Surely I will. Thanks for your help04:58
Laibcomshmm... something changed in Jaunty sound setup?  already killed pulseaudio but I can still play sounds simultaneously on diff apps.04:58
KidIkarusasus eee 1000h if that answers your question.04:58
QwellLaibcoms: alsa has been able to do that for...6-8 years?04:58
Tophuif I installed a custom compiled version of wine for a specific game how do I unisntall it so I can do a fresh install for a different game?04:58
QwellTophu: same way you would uninstall it in Windows04:58
chetnickKidIkarus: I have no idea what is ubuntu-notebook-remix04:59
EliteHey guys how can I find the path to all of my disks?04:59
axscodehi, aside from minicom.. anything for substitute?04:59
chetnickKidIkarus: you probably should have ubuntu-desktop installed.04:59
KidIkarusI ment netbook instead of notebook.04:59
Tophu@qwell let me rephrase I installed from src so it's not showing in synaptic or the add/remove programs05:00
tyler_d /etc/init.d/bind9 restart says ... key is invalid05:00
tyler_dI have checked permissions and ownership05:00
Tophuisn't there a command line I can use to uninstall it?05:00
QwellTophu: sorry, I misread what you said..  is there a `make uninstall` in the source?05:00
bcwhat is the difference between a 'netbook' and a notebook?05:00
Elitetyler_d: DNS issues? lol05:01
Qwellbc: about 7 inches05:01
TophuI think there is just can't remember where I put the source folder05:01
Elitelmao @Qwell05:01
Tophuhope I wasnt stupid and deleted it05:01
bcQwell: sounds like a small notebook then05:01
QwellElite: feel free to refute that claim :p05:01
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology
Laibcomshmm, how do I kill my sound then?05:01
EliteQwell: what do you mean?05:01
QwellLaibcoms: You want to kill your sound?05:01
tyler_dElite: you got it... good ole bind905:02
KB1JWQbc: netbooks are small, cheap, and usually lack CD drives.05:02
Elitetyler_d: I had one hell of a time with that lol05:02
LaibcomsQwell: trying to figure out what prevents the other app from using sound05:02
Chr|s!lmao | Elite05:02
ubottuElite: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.05:02
Roastedwhos a genius with rsync??05:02
QwellLaibcoms: check lsof05:02
KB1JWQGreat for quickly checking email or browsing the web, crappy for high end computation.05:02
Laibcomsok tnx05:03
d0htemis there an ubuntu 9.04 channel?05:03
KB1JWQRoasted: What's the desired end state?05:03
KB1JWQd0htem: You're in it. :)05:03
tyler_dElite: its an art getting it to work.. duplicating it means your picasso....05:03
EliteRoasted: I found that this thing doesn't have the GUI for samba reason05:03
d0htemfix vim and compiz!!! it was better in 8.10!!!!05:03
KB1JWQd0htem: How did vim change?05:04
d0htemdont be messing with old school users like this !05:04
bcKB1JWQ: I dunno about browsing the web with a itty bitty screen. sounds painful. maybe checking mail though.05:04
Qwellso, besides xinput, gnome-keyboard-properties, where else can I look for KB settings?05:04
d0htemu owe us that!05:04
KB1JWQbc: Depends.  I'm on one now, it's not too bad actually.05:04
Elitetyler_d: haha yea I had to do it a few times cause the damn server had to be reinstalled05:04
KB1JWQbc: 1024x57605:04
Tophuwhat folder do I go to, to use make uninstall05:04
Tophufor wine*05:04
syborganyone know how to turn off visual effects from the command line?05:04
KB1JWQTophu: The source folder you built from.05:04
KB1JWQIt uses the file configure generates to define the make target.05:04
QwellTophu: the source, if such a target exists.  it doesn't always.05:04
RoastedKB1JWQ - Here's my dilemma in a quick sentence. Rsync -a does EXACTLY what I want, but running -a requires root priviledges to handle. The thing is, I do not want root to be involved because my rsync'd data goes to /media/storage. /media/storage, when mounted, is owned by me (jason), but if that drive dies, /media/storage is owned by root, wherefore my script would fail which is what I want. If the drive dies, I want the script to fa05:05
Roastedil. Yet I dont know how to do this besides running as nonroot to that folder.05:05
Roastedso I'm trying to find out how I can work around this curve ball.05:05
Tophu:-( pretty sure that folder is gone ... can I reinstall wine on top of itself or something?05:05
KB1JWQRoasted: Let's take it to PM.05:05
mzzbc: many of the netbooks I've seen had a screen or keyboard smaller than I'd really like05:05
gabriel84how do I enable 3D effects running it on VMware?05:05
coleysgabriel84: Sys > Prefs > Appearance > visual effects > extra05:06
xvii69anybody know how to be able to play my WMV file that is DRM? i tried downloading tunebite and use it threw WINE no go for some reason it will not start05:06
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:06
xvii69anybody know how to be able to play my WMV file that is DRM? i tried downloading tunebite and use it threw WINE no go for some reason it will not start05:06
bcmzz: I was commenting more on the name. seems like the obvious choice would have been 'smallbook' or 'todobook' or something :P05:06
phoe6I have setup the cisco vpn client, lynx, elinks and pidgin everything works fine... but when I open firefox, my entire system halts to the point that I only have to hard-reboot. I cannot even ssh to it to kill firefox session.05:06
phoe6any idea what is happening?05:06
|dthacker|xvii69: see above05:06
EliteHow can I find where my drives are such as /dev/hd tc?05:07
PetrusLOL xvii...asking how to play DRM files in here is like going into #kkk on the Undernet and saying you voted for Obama. ;)05:07
mzzbc: yeah, I'm not really sure where that "net" thing came from either05:07
coleysElite: /media/05:07
gabriel84coleys: it says "system does not support 3D effects" whatś the minimum config?05:07
andresinixHello everybody, someone knows how to make the headphones work??? they doesn't turn on when I plug  them in05:07
mzzbc: if I ever get one I'd regularly use it for editing text (well, code) without any net connection running05:07
coleysgabriel84: Sys > Admin > hardware drivers05:07
coleysgabriel84: Get your hardware driver05:07
Crash1hdOK how do I modify the xorg.conf if I dont have permision to ?05:07
Chr|s!headphones | andresinix05:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about headphones05:07
mzzbc: (so I'd need a decent keyboard and screen)05:07
bcmzz: well you can bet it'll end up in the dictionary pretty soon05:07
gabriel84coleys: okay, let me try that05:08
coleysCrash1hd: sudo gedit /location/of/xorg.conf05:08
Crash1hdcoleys: ok is there a way to run the gui tool for the nvidia x server as sudo?05:08
bcmzz: what kind of graphics chip power do those netbooks have?05:08
raylu!gksu | coleys05:08
ubottucoleys: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)05:08
mzzbc: not much, iirc05:08
Tophuis there any way I can get this version of wine off my system without a format/reinstall?05:08
mzzbc: (which is exactly what I want, since it'll hopefully reduce power consumption)05:08
|dthacker|xvii: do not PM me.05:09
Tophucould I download the 1.1.17 src again and call make uninstall05:09
gabriel84coleys: ok, I got the driver,  compiz fusion came up but it's grey, cant select it05:09
tyler_dwow now were having fun... rndc-confgen -a just hangs05:09
battlepopeI have a question: I've just installed 9.04. I'm trying to get my sound working, I have an onboard Realtek ALC888 being output via SPDIF (optical) to my speakers. Right now I can only play one sound at a time from them (i.e. rhythmbox, the sound tester, or flash videos all work, but only one at a time). What can I do?05:09
mzzbc: iirc installed ram can be a bit of a problem, because of microsoft being annoying of all things05:09
Crash1hdahh ok thanks :)05:09
EliteHow can I restore a file from a backup (my smb.onf file)05:09
coleysgabriel84: Enable extra effects now?05:09
tyler_dlove it...05:09
MOOOhttp://www.marie-gets-deflowered.com/?id=43bd20c2 NSFW05:10
xvii69dthacker:ok yes WMV05:10
bcmzz: what do you mean about the ram? what's windows doing now.05:10
mzzbc: quick google gives me http://www.itexaminer.com/microsoft-adds-to-atoms-restrictions.aspx05:10
gabriel84coleys: yay it worked, thank you05:10
andresinixyes Chr|s !headphones... they just don't work... in Slackware I changed the file /etc/modprobe.d/sound but in ubuntu it's not there :(05:10
bcmzz: ahhh atom processors? I just made a tiny ubuntu server with one of those processors!05:11
mzzbc: basically manufacturers are only allowed to ship windows xp with a netbook if it's below certain limits spec-wise, they have to ship vista otherwise.05:11
Qwellandresinix: many sound cards have independent volume controls for headphones vs speakers these days.  make sure it isn't just muted05:11
Petrusandresinix...don't go there...if I start comparing Ubuntu and Slackware, I'll get banned from this channel. ;)05:11
coleysgabriel84: You can also get... sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager05:11
coleysgabriel84: To customize your effects, and enable more =)05:11
Chr|sandresinix: try typing alsamixer in terminal05:11
mzzbc: because most sane people don't want to run vista on a netbook pretty much all of them stick to those limits, even if it makes sense to exceed some of them (like storage or ram)05:11
axscodeany good substition for minicom?05:11
gabriel84coleys: sounds good05:12
DJvRadiook so who can help me quit a program that pops up again after i close it in a never ending circle??05:12
bcmzz: you're not running the devil os on that thing are you???05:12
battlepopeI have a question: I'm trying to get my sound working, I have an onboard Realtek ALC888 being output via SPDIF (optical) to my speakers. Right now I can only play one sound at a time from them (i.e. rhythmbox, the sound tester, or flash videos all work, but only one at a time). Can someone help me?05:12
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mzzbc: I don't own a netbook, but I looked around a bit a while ago, to see if I might ever buy one05:12
coleysDJvRadio: Sys > Admin > System Monitor ... Kill the program.05:12
axscodeminicom: ../iconv/loop.c:430: internal_utf8_loop_single: Assertion `inptr - bytebuf > (state->__count & 7)' failed. <-- anyone knows whats the problem with this im using USB-to-RS232 converter, and i have /dev/ttyUSB005:12
ralmarsHey guys, (I have to admit a part of me is a bit embarrassed) I just wanted to know how well Ubuntu 9.04 ran on the new Macbook Pro? Are there any driver issues? Does everything (hardware wise) work well? What about the trackpad and gestures? Thanks05:13
DJvRadiothank you coleys05:13
coleysralmars: Try the liveCD05:13
bcmzz: ah. do they sell barebones netbooks?05:13
Petrusral...don't you have OSX for a Macbook?05:13
mzzbc: but basically this means it's really hard to find a system that just barely exceeds those maximum specs that allow manufacturers to ship xp (they're either right at the limit or well over it so it can run vista comfortably)05:13
rkavalaphow does this irc work05:13
bcmzz: if that even makes any sense?05:13
ralmarscoleys, and petrus I havent bout a macbook pro yet... have never had a mac... ever...05:13
Crash1hdIts odd you would think that something that has a link inside system would have the gk in the shortcut05:13
mzzbc: not sure what you mean there05:13
KB1JWQbc: They're mostly all barebones.05:14
coleysralmars: if your buying a mac book pro for ubuntu, I wouldn't suggest it =p macs are expensive.05:14
bcmzz: why the xp vs vista? would you be using either one of them?05:14
mzzbc: I would not, but most people purchasing a system are, so that's what they're built for05:14
Petrusralmars...when you buy one, Apple will probably give you a copy of OSX...and if they do, rejoice.  It's FreeBSD based, with a nice shiny interface. ;)05:14
bcralmars: MBPs are nice, but pray you don't get one with any pixel problems.05:15
rkavalapwhats goin guys.. ?05:15
FFForeverhow much is different from ubuntu server & debian?05:16
Crash1hdHmm seems that it has my moniters backwards argh05:16
ralmarsbc did that happen to you? I suppose apple would fix it free of charge though05:16
tgrhi i upgraded from ubuntu 8.04 i386 to 9.04 64 bit and was wondering why my windows close slower, my virtualbox doesn't work as well in seamless and programs run slower than before05:16
bcmzz: re, barebones, I was just speaking about buying your own ram and hdd or whatever else. barebones usually means it comes with the mainboard and processor05:16
coleysCrash1hd: set them as twins?05:16
KB1JWQbc: Get the cheapest they offer, throw that stuff in after the fact.05:16
tgri was recommended before to use i386 but did fresh install i have amd 64 x2 turion processor05:16
KB1JWQFor a $200 machine, it works.05:16
mzzbc: something like that's an option, yes (just upgrading storage and ram). Screen size is a bit icky.05:17
coleystgr: Definitly use amd64. To get the max potential out of your computer.05:17
bcralmars: I have a really annoying stuck 'on' pixel close to the center of a $3k 17" glossy MBP and Apple has minumum dead pixel policy05:17
stealth-is there a way to enable switching out of full screen windows, such as sauerbraten?05:17
mzzbc: most of the laptops with a nice large screen are a bit over the top as far as other specs (gpu, cpu, etc) goes05:17
stealth-in gnome ^05:17
tgrcoleys but lately everything is running slower and when i minimize windows in virtualbox i still see small parts of them sometimes05:18
tgrin seamless05:18
* stealth- hates all the virtual box chat today :(05:18
Petrusstealth...virtual box?05:18
coleystgr: Your not going to get the best performance in a virtual box =p no matter what you use.05:18
tgrthis is a general computer question not just virtual box05:18
syborganyone know how to turn off visual effects from the command line?05:18
stealth-Petrus: yeah... its been mentioned so many times today05:19
bcralmars: OS X is very nice though.05:19
tgrno compared to runnning 8.04 i386 before my computer is running slower coleys05:19
d0htemsudo apt-get remove compiz :o jk jk05:19
Petrussyborg ps -ef | grep compiz and then kill -9 <compiz pid>05:19
syborgPetrus: thanks05:19
coleystgr: Running vista?05:19
Nu11u5anyone here able to help with a grub error 2?05:19
Petrusyou will prolly need to log out if you do that tho...compiz doesn't like being killed. ;)05:19
tgri have to run virtual box to get gotomypc working as well as my brokers trading platform05:19
tgrno i gave up that drug as soon as i got my computer coleys05:20
owen1how speedup the time it takes to display a character when I hold a key for a few seconds?05:20
coleystgr: oh.. xp via virtual box?05:20
tgrwindows 2000 via virtual box05:20
tgrruns pretty darn fast05:20
coleystgr: There's other emulators, like vmware, and qemu you could give a try.05:20
Qwellowen1: System>Preferences>Keyboard05:20
DJvRadiocario dock sucks05:21
coleysDJvRadio: Avant window navigator =)05:21
DJvRadioya i got it05:21
tgrcoleys this isn't a virtual box question this is a general question as to why since upgrading my computer is running programs slower and things are choppy when i do my chart work with wine emulator05:21
coleysDJvRadio: sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator05:21
owen1Qwell: thanks. do u know the terminal way of doing it?05:21
Qwellowen1: gnome-keyboard-preferences05:21
DJvRadiobut i accedentl clicked on it and it would not go away05:21
UrikHey guys, I have a question. If I have a path divided with, cut -d" " how can I select the last form?05:21
lstarnestgr: did you do a complete version upgrade, like from 8.10 to 9.04?05:22
coleystgr: Oh. I see, do you have your graphics drivers? If sooo... are you ATI?>05:22
stealth-is there a way to enable switching out of full screen windows, such as sauerbraten?05:22
DJvRadioi got it already05:22
HollywoodJumpercan anyone tell me what is a good voip for ubuntu if any?05:22
tgrlstarnes fresh install05:22
Urikif I know the amount of fomrs05:22
coleysHollywoodJumper: Skype?05:22
mzzUrik: "select the last form"?05:22
tgrcoleys i have nvidia graphics drivers when i run glxgears everything is ship shape05:22
d0htemHollywoodJumper: ekiga is default05:22
trogshi guys, i have a q regarding xorg + multiple nvidia cards. I have two nvidia cards in my pc, 8500gt with dvi and vga port, and a 6100 with vga port. question is how can I get 3x screens working (nvidia restricted drivers) - I can get 2x working with a bit of hackery in the config. the nvidia-settings app thing does not detect any screen connected to the 6100, nor what's on the vga port of the 8500.05:22
d0htemskype works on ubuntu as well05:22
mzzUrik: can you give an example input and desired output?05:22
HollywoodJumpercoleys>ok that makes sense but doesn't ekiga cost money to use?05:23
coleystgr: Hum, are you using any extra effects?05:23
tgrHollywoodJumper, gizmo is sometimes good05:23
tgrcoleys nope05:23
tgrbeen like this since install coleys05:23
coleysHollywoodJumper: Ekiga is free, im pretty sure. So is skype.05:23
Urikmzz: exactly. I want to single out the filename. so I do an echo /home/uri/lol.txt | cut -d"/" -f05:23
Urikbut the path is a variable05:23
tgryou know how computers run when they have too much cpu stuff going on that is what it is running like now that i upgraded to 9.04 eventhough i am not running much of anything05:23
mzzUrik: mmm, from skimming the manpage I'm not sure if cut does this, but hang on05:23
Urikso the number after the -f should change05:23
coleystgr: Im not really sure what's going on.  =( I find some intalls to be choppy. Did you just recently install?05:24
DJvRadiothere be a driver conflict trogs05:24
KB1JWQUrik: You can do this with a regex.05:24
HollywoodJumperok next question i have been having trouble with ktorrent.  is there a better bittorrent client available?05:24
tgryes i installed recently and did all updates05:24
KB1JWQThere MAY be a bash shortcut for it as well; try asking in #bash?05:24
swoodyDoes anyone know a quick/easy way to roll back the kernel in 8.10?05:24
coleysHollywoodJumper: Are you using Kubuntu?05:24
trogsit's using the same driver, and it does detect the card and show it in the nvidia-settings app05:24
trogsjust doesn't show any screens connected05:24
d0htemswoody: just use grub to boot another kernel05:24
tyler_dmy dhclient doesn't start when my server 8.04 comes up... ? why would this happen...? how do I fix it?05:24
Urikregex? going to try it. Thanks.05:24
HollywoodJumpercoleys>no i am using ubuntu05:24
swoodyd0htem>  how would I go about that?05:25
mzzUrik: (sed could do it, but I'm trying to find a prettier way)05:25
coleysHollywoodJumper: eww. Try deluge or transmission05:25
d0htemswoody: escape when it says escape to eneter menu on reboot05:25
tgrcoleys should i go back and fresh install 9.04 i386?05:25
d0htemgrub menu :D05:25
coleysHollywoodJumper: ktorrent is for kde.05:25
hoymkot_how do i download from ubuntu 9.04 to 8.1005:25
lstarnestyler_d: check /etc/network/interfaces for anything about dhcp05:25
Petrusmzz cut is fine...all he needs is the right field number05:25
lstarneshoymkot_: you have to reinstall 8.1005:25
mzzPetrus: yes, but what if that number isn't fixed?05:25
blaenkhey guys, how can I add my ftp server to my remote places again? I forgot05:25
tgrcoleys i am not too good at trouble fixing05:25
coleystgr: Uhm, I'd try another fresh install of amd64. It should work flawlessly.05:25
mzzPetrus: afaict cut doesn't have a way to say "last field"05:25
Petrusexpr in a variable, mzz :)05:25
blaenkso that I can connect to it and edit files as if they were on my own computer, I am on gnome05:25
HollywoodJumpercoleys>i cant fihure out how to use Transmission05:25
mzzPetrus: ugh, that sounds considerably more complicated than just doing it with a re05:26
Urikthanks mzz.05:26
Petruscount up the number of slashes or whatever else you need, and then work backwards05:26
tgri have 2 installs on my system already and it works the same on the other too05:26
swoodyd0htem>  then how do I make it use that kernel from then on, instead of auto-booting the new one?05:26
coleystgr: If you experience the same problems, then you'll know it has to do with that. and you can return to i38605:26
coleysHollywoodJumper: What do you mean, pretty basic program.05:26
nanbanjinwoh, how I use cut when delimiter is not ann ASCII caracter? ( it is an mdash in my case )05:26
d0htemswoody: u could remove the newest kernel by searching linux-image in synaptic, but i wouldnt recommened that05:26
Petrusmzz not for me it isn't...I've tried learning regexes...none of the ones I find online work with either sed or grep05:26
Petrusthey're all perl or .net now05:26
HollywoodJumpercoleys>how do i search for files?05:26
d0htemswoody: what program needs re compiling??05:26
tyler_dlstarnes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/164661/ is my configuration05:26
mzzUrik: try sed -e 's:.*/\(.*\):\1:'05:26
Petrusand neither of them are compatible with grep05:26
coleysHollywoodJumper: Via command line? sudo apt-cache search packagename05:27
Crash1hdWhat is the difference between seperate x and twin view duel moniters?05:27
tyler_dlstarnes: nothing re: dhcp within there.. trying to configure it static05:27
hoymkot_where are you ubotto05:27
coleysCrash1hd: Twin makes it so you can drag from one screen to the other.05:27
tgrcoleys but shouldn't amd64 9.04 run flawlessly on a notebook with turion 64 x2 processor?05:27
mzzUrik: (which is ugly, I wish I knew a command to reverse each line in a file)05:27
swoodyd0htem>  well the latest kernel disabled internet on an Acer Aspire one, and I read it's a kernel bug, and to roll back for it to work again05:27
blaenkhey guys, how can I add my ftp server to my remote places again? I am on gnome05:27
Matsoncan someone help me understand this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clearsilver/+bug/86685  -it describes exactly the problem I'm having, but I don't seem to find the fix05:27
mzzUrik: (so you could do that, then cut -f1 -d/, then reverse each line again)05:27
lstarnestyler_d: dhclient usually won't be started unless your interfaces use dhcp for configuration05:27
coleystgr: Yeah it really should, I don't know what's going on =/05:27
Crash1hdcoleys: ok so twin is like having 1 extended desktop05:28
HollywoodJumpercoseys>so i search for files using transmission but through terminal?05:28
tyler_dlstarnes: however when I do ifconfig after starting eth0 is not shown?05:28
J-_what dynamic DNS update protocol is used with freedns.afraid.org?05:28
coleysCrash1hd: Yeah basically.05:28
mzzPetrus: I can never remember where to backslash-escape, because it differs between grep, egrep and sed05:28
Urikworks like a charm. thanks mzz05:28
lstarnestyler_d: try ifconfig -a05:28
Matsonwhen it says "Nominated for Hardy" and fix released - what do I do to get it?05:28
Crash1hdcoleys: ahh ok thanks05:28
lstarnestyler_d: and try adding "auto eth0" before eth0's iface line05:28
coleysCrash1hd: I see the fresh install worked, grats =)05:28
Petrusmzz...exactly...I'll quite happily write out 5-10 lines in bash if I have to, in order to be able to avoid a regex.  I like code that I can actually read. ;)05:29
Crash1hdcoleys: yes yes it did :) needed to make that /boot partition small05:29
mzzUrik: although there's actually a "basename" tool that just does what you want05:29
tyler_dlstarnes: ok... added that and bouncing05:29
coleysCrash1hd: Ohh nice, manually partitioned then?05:29
Matsonwhat does this mean "It has been fixed in the development release by syncing that fix from Debian"  -- from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clearsilver/+bug/8668505:29
Crash1hdcoleys: yes05:29
Urik:'| lol05:29
mzzPetrus: I usually resort to trial and error to figure out which backslash escapes I need. Apart from that they're not that bad.05:29
Urikgood to know05:30
lstarnestyler_d: once that line is added it should be configured automatically on startup to use the static ip.  also, without restarting, try sudo ifconfig eth0 up05:30
coleysCrash1hd: You rock then haha. I could never figure that out =p05:30
tyler_dlstarnes: doh... already bouncing....05:30
HollywoodJumpercoleys>do i need to know the name of the torrent file before i search in terminal?05:30
yn_hi. Anyone have experience with the ubuntu netbook remix and ideapad s10?05:30
tyler_dlstarnes: shouldn't take to long... decent box config.05:30
coleysHollywoodJumper: search for torrents at http://mininova.org05:30
tyler_dlstarnes: and tada its back up just like that tyvm :)05:30
swoodyd0htem>  ok, thx :)05:30
ade__I can't seem to switch user.  When I try to "switch user", all I ever get is the screensaver.  There is a "switch user" button there, but it doesn't respond.  The only thing that works is reentering my password, and I'm back to myself.  Any ideas how to make switch user work?05:30
Crash1hdcoleys: :) thanks heres the odd one now that i have done dual moniters my main bar where you can close programs with the x is gone on all apps?05:31
d0htemswoody: np np05:31
mzzade__: are you running gdm?05:31
coleysCrash1hd: So you just see max, min?05:31
ade__mzz, yes, I believe so.05:31
Crash1hdcoleys: I see none05:31
HollywoodJumpercoleys>i ahve been tryin to download from mininova.org and have had many successful downloads through ktorrent but recently they have stalled without reason.05:31
mzzade__: then I don't know, sorry05:31
lstarnesMatson: it might mean that a fix has been released but has only been committed to the development release (9.10) but not committed to stable releases like 8.04-9.0405:31
Crash1hdcoleys: no bar at all05:32
chouchouPlease, I just installed Ubungu on My PC. I would like to set up a server so i can develop my PHP applications05:32
chouchoucan some1 assiist pls :)05:32
ade__mzz, you think it has something to do with using gdm?05:32
coleysCrash1hd: Hmmm, are you trying to use emerald by chance?05:32
Matsonlstarnes: thanks05:32
Crash1hdcoleys: nope05:32
Matsonit looks like a bug from 2007 but still in hardy05:32
mzzade__: no, I suspect that it won't work at all if you're not (if you're using startx or the like)05:32
coleysCrash1hd: Alt + f2 --> metacity --reload05:32
lstarnesMatson: I might be wrong about that though.  it may need some additional testing before being committed05:32
mzzade__: I don't use this feature myself though, I'm always myself (although often spread across multiple systems through ssh :)05:32
yn_the specific question that i have is: how do I install UNR so taht I don't ruin my ability to restore?05:33
tyler_dstill getting -- * Stopping domain name service... bind                                                                                     rndc: connect failed: connection refused05:33
lstarnestyler_d: did bind even get started?05:33
KB1JWQtyler_d: So it can't communicate to localhost.  Odd.05:33
yn_do a system restore that is05:33
Crash1hdcoleys: nothing happened05:33
KB1JWQyn_: Your netbook should have come with a CD that lets you reimage it without the restore partition.05:34
coleysCrash1hd: Lemme understand, uhhh you can't see the top bar of windows?05:34
tyler_dbind was started05:34
KB1JWQFailing that, just don't blow away the tiny partition when you install.05:34
yn_no, the s10 comes with a hidden partition that acts as the restore05:34
tyler_dreconfigured /etc/resolve.conf and bounced the network and bind905:34
KB1JWQtyler_d: You sure?  netstat confirmed it was running?05:34
Crash1hdcoleys: correct05:34
tyler_dps -ef | grep -i bind05:34
Crash1hdcoleys: on any window05:34
Matsonhow difficult is it to upgrade from hardy to intrepid?05:35
Freddo_FrogHi, I am trying to get AWN working in Ubuntu 9.04. it seems that my GFX card cannot handle compositing. it is an intel card, i can get compiz to work on archlinux? what am i doing wrong.05:35
coleysMatson: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:35
Matsonbecuase **TRAC** doesn't work on hardy on my platform05:35
coleysCrash1hd: Restart05:35
Matsonaccording to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clearsilver/+bug/8668505:35
lstarnesMatson: it shouldn't be very difficult if you do it through the update manager05:35
KB1JWQyn_: Could dd the entire drive from a liveCD to another box / external drive image.05:35
Matsonhis is > 2 years old05:35
Crash1hdcoleys: gonna try that05:35
* Petrus grins at coleys...I thought getting updates was easy too, once.05:35
coleysPetrus: I never upgrade, just fresh =p05:36
lstarnescoleys: I don't think dist-upgrade upgrades to a later release of ubuntu05:36
tyler_dhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/164665/ is my output from local05:36
tyler_dI haven't touched that.. nor do I have a firewall installed05:36
Matsonlstarnes: " I don't think dist-upgrade upgrades "  can you explain that?05:37
lstarnesMatson: read the rest of the line05:37
Matsonto go grom 8.04 -> 9.04, I would use dist-upgrade , right?05:37
lstarnesMatson: no, you use the update manager05:37
Matsonlstarnes: what is "update mamanger"?05:37
chouchouHello, it s me again05:38
MatsonI don't have GUI on this machine05:38
lstarnesMatson: oh05:38
Chr|sMatBoy: what version of ubuntu don't have a gui?05:38
lstarnesChr|s: server05:38
blaenkkapchoi: what's up05:38
ZeZuindeed, or custom install05:38
lstarnesChr|s: any ubuntu installation can be configured to not use a gui05:38
MatsonI have a serious problem, becuase trac doesn't work on 8.0405:38
lstarnesMatson: apt-get dist-upgrade is used for updating packages to the newest version in the repositories for the release you have installed05:38
kapchoiblaenk: its working!!05:39
lstarnesMatson: but look at do-release-upgrade05:39
lstarnesMatson: wait, that's not it05:39
KB1JWQMatson: Seems to work.05:39
HollywoodJumpercoleys>so i just type 'sudo apt-cache search package' and then the name of torrent file?05:39
coleysHollywoodJumper: No, that's for finding programs05:39
Matson2 years old, confirmed last on 2009-04-2205:39
chouchoucan someone assist pls?05:39
coleysHollywoodJumper: To search torrents, just use google 'blah blah blah torrent'05:39
lstarnesMatson: is that with the trac package in the repos or a downloaded and installed tarball of trac?05:40
HollywoodJumpercoseys>then what do i type into Transmission once i have found a torrent?05:40
coleysCrash1hd: alt + f2 --> metacity --replace05:40
tyler_dok so named -g -p 53 tells me that the path for the key was incorrect.. updated that05:40
tyler_dstill doesn't like the key...05:40
tyler_dattempting a symlink05:41
coleysHollywoodJumper: Nothing, right click on the torrent choose Open With, and choose Transmission.05:41
battlepopeI can't get sound working on my Realtek ALC888 via SPDIF on Ubuntu 9.04. Can anyone help me?05:41
Matsonlstarnes: apt-get install trac05:41
Matsonjust fails05:41
lstarnesMatson: try using a tarball from trac's site05:41
HollywoodJumpercoleys>how can i update my version of Transmission bittorrent client?05:41
coleysHollywoodJumper: sudo apt-get upgrade05:42
Matsonlstarnes: the error is not in trac, it is in "python-clearsilver"05:42
HollywoodJumpercoleys>ok ill do that thanks a lot.05:42
Matsonand frankly, I'm not debugging in whitespace05:42
coleysHollywoodJumper: Good luck =)05:43
lstarnesMatson: what is the error?05:43
nadeemhi everyone05:43
jawallAnyone have an idea why my laptop runs great on battery power and cpu usage goes crazy when I plu gin the AC power?05:44
KB1JWQjawall: Yeah, likely the power daemon blows up. :)05:44
coleyswahaha. :)05:44
QwellWould somebody mind confirming some behavior for me, so I can rule out my own config and sanity?05:44
KB1JWQjawall: Check to ensure power management is enabled in BIOS, for one.05:45
jawallhow to I repair that?05:45
rkavalapjawall: you need to check your power management settings in bios and the OS05:45
lstarnesMatson: it might be that trac needs to use python2.405:45
dman777if a user is in wheel group does that mean they have credentials to run shutdown or reboot?05:45
Qwelldman777: it means they can sudo05:46
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:46
Matsoncan I have 2.4 and 2.5 install at the same timE?05:46
lstarnesMatson: yes05:46
lstarnesMatson: it could also be a rare bug caused by using 64-bit instead of 32-bit05:46
MatsonI think that is the case05:46
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about csharp05:47
Matsonif a fix is "Realeased"  can I simply patch?05:47
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:47
lstarnesMatson: wait for it to be committed05:47
coleysMatson: It should patch via upgrades.05:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mono05:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mono-project05:48
tyler_dand voila... it is done05:48
Matsonwel I did a lot of research if Ubuntu would work on AMD6405:48
michael1My wireless doesn't work. I'm on a fresh install of Jaunty, with an Intel 3945 wireless card. Ubuntu comes with the driver, but "lshw" outputs "network UNCLAIMED". Ideas?05:48
Matsonand now we are committed to it05:48
felixsullaWhy would I get a "permission denied" when tryin to copy a file from desktop to /usr/share/vim/vim72/ftplugin when I'm in gksu nautilus?05:49
Matsontrac is not some esoteric fringe tool for a server05:49
lstarnesMatson: I use amd64 and rearely run into any problems that don't occur on the 32-but version05:49
rkavalaphow do i add channels in xchat ?05:49
lstarnesrkavalap: /join05:49
tyler_dthey key lstarnes and KB1JWQ was to put include "/etc/bind/rndc.key";  in named.conf.local as well to ensure the line below doesn't reference the full path...05:49
Crash1hdOk so I have lost the title bar to all my programs argh05:49
felixsullarkavalap: You mean right now, or each time it starts up?05:50
lstarnesrkavalap: you missed the /05:50
fiyawerxWhat is the easiest way to share a partition, say /mnt/storage, betwen multiple users so any can read/write it on your system?05:50
lstarnesrkavalap: and you need to follow it with a channel name, like /join #ubuntu05:50
fiyawerxwell, most correct way i should say05:50
rkavalapI am new to irc05:50
hoymkot_i can't start the x-session for ubuntu , i want to use the ubuntu cd to recover from it, what should i do05:51
rkavalapi am trying this for the first time.05:51
tyler_dnow hopefully this sticks after my update.....05:51
yn_I think today was the first time i've ever said no a MS EULA the first time I booted my computer, and then just blew the XP partition away05:51
rkavalapi seem to understand a little bit but not quite completely05:51
anom01ywhat drivers do I need for a nvidia 8800 gt ???05:52
mattnuxhello all05:52
rkavalaplstarnes: there might be thousands of channels, do we need to know the name of the channel specifically if i need to join to ??05:52
lstarnesrkavalap: yes05:52
coleysWhat is gnome-do?05:52
audioInkhey does anyone know where i can get a completely free domain? prefer a .com i know its a stretch but it would be nice05:52
mattnuxfree domain?05:53
QwellaudioInk: no such thing.05:53
rkavalaplstarnes: can i multitask between channels ??05:53
lstarnesrkavalap: an irc client can be in multiple channels05:53
mattnuxcan be05:53
audioInkQwell: well what about the cheapest there is?05:53
Qwellit's like $8/year05:54
mactimesQwell: Jesus could give him one if he prayed very intensively, but I guess here is no longer registering domains... |(^_^)|05:54
Qwellmactimes: who?05:54
hoymkot_ i can't start the x-session for ubuntu , i want to use the ubuntu cd to recover from it, what should i do05:54
hoymkot_Please help me05:54
mactimesQwell: About the free domain thing. :P05:54
coleyshoymkot_: Do you get to command line?05:54
hoymkot_coleys, yes05:55
=== _ is now known as Guest69796
coleyshoymkot_: type: startx05:55
mactimesQwell: That would be a miracle. ^^05:55
Guest69796ummmm is there a way to switch between kde gdm05:55
audioInkQwell: i just don't get why i have to pay a yearly subscription. like what if i host myself??05:55
hoymkot_coleys, it does not work, it fails to show the GUI05:55
lstarnesGuest69796: yes05:55
QwellaudioInk: Because somebody has to manage the millions of domains.  You are paying them to manage that.05:55
lstarnesGuest69796: do you mean kde and gnome, or kdm and gdm?05:55
hoymkot_coleys: it does not work05:55
yn_audiolnk: do you know how the internet works?05:55
rkavalaplstarnes: I am not able to connect to other channels05:55
lstarnesrkavalap: like what>05:56
QwellaudioInk: otherwise, what's to stop me from registering every possible domain?05:56
Guest69796kdm and gdm05:56
raevolhello all, my pulse audio isn't saving my volume levels when i reboot, any ideas?05:56
coleyshoymkot_: Boot in recovery mode, choose option to fix delay issues, check file systems too =)05:56
lstarnesrkavalap: channels usually start with a # sign05:56
hoymkot_coleys, i did but none of them work05:56
lstarnesGuest69796: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm05:56
lstarnesGuest69796: or kdm instead of gdm05:56
michael1My wireless doesn't work. I'm on a fresh install of Jaunty, with an Intel 3945 wireless card. Ubuntu comes with the driver, but "lshw" outputs "network UNCLAIMED".05:57
chetnickwhy is my appearance preference crashing, when i try ti add certain themes. It does not produce error or warning it just hangs.05:57
rkavalaplstarnes: I am trying to do this in the gui05:57
lstarnesrkavalap: do what?05:57
audioInkQwell: true, but its companies that are gettign that money to register it. i know they are accredited but its still kinda dumb cause they are getting paid to basically not do anything if i host myself.05:57
QwellaudioInk: ...05:58
rkavalaplstarnes: connect to another channel05:58
Guest69796that worked great05:58
QwellaudioInk: welcome to the Internet.05:58
lstarnesrkavalap: just use /join #other-channel05:58
Guest69796how do u setup audio on my w322 laptop05:58
yn_audiolnk: they are maintaining the records that let the rest of the internet find your domain05:58
yn_I'd think that's worth a few dollars05:58
=== paul__ is now known as TechDemon
Guest69796how do u setup audio on my w322 laptop?05:59
fiyawerxcan anyone tell me what the best way is to share a mounted drive between multiple users?05:59
mactimesaudioInk: One thing is hosting the "contents".  Another thing is "managing name-to-ip resolutions, subnets, routes, etc."05:59
audioInkQwell: yeah, and corporate America. i was just wondering if there was anything like what i was looking for.... any suggestions on the best place to get one?05:59
hoymkot_coleys: i did but none of them works05:59
mactimesaudioInk: As you said, you'll just hold to the "contents" part.05:59
yn_corporate America.... how awful05:59
michael1no help with the wireless then?06:00
audioInkmactimes: ah ok i get it so they handle the routing.... makes sense now06:00
rkavalaplstarnes: got it. thnx for the help06:00
willmtsaiI am very new at ubuntu. Currently, i have installed 9.04 on my HP tx2500 laptop. Sound does not play. Could someone help?06:01
gerbermy toten player is not working ubuntu 9.0406:01
joetheoddWhere are the really old repos hosted? I know it's unsupported, but this is for emergency stuff.06:02
x4ch1Good would like to know because when i finish installing the driver of my card inlambrica i appears driver invalid to kaso is not compatible?06:02
gerbermy toten player is not working ubuntu 9.0406:02
lstarnesjoetheodd: try old-releases.ubuntu.com06:02
joetheoddlstarnes, thanks06:02
audioInkwell thanks everyone who helped clear everything up. wading though the intarwebs is frustrating sometimes and this was a lot more informative than reading a wikipedia article06:02
gerberany help06:02
Matsonso if I have both python2.4 and 2.5 installed, how do I tell apache mod_python to use python2.4?06:02
gerbermy toten player is not working ubuntu 9.0406:03
Matsonpython -c 'import neo_cgi'06:03
x4ch1Good would like to know because when i finish installing the driver of my card wireless i appears driver invalid to kaso is not compatible?06:03
Matsonworks on 2.406:03
x4ch1Good would like to know because when i finish installing the driver of my card wireless i appears driver invalid to kaso is not compatible?06:03
CanidI've just installed Ubuntu 9.04... but every time I try using the Add/Remove programs application, ubuntu is logging me out before it finished installing anything06:03
tyler_dhere's one a little easier I hope.. I have a 680i sli mobo with a raid 5 on it..... I need to mount this to /var/www/ or such? I have installed dmraid and dmraid -r shows what I think is correct(raid 5 and such) I now need to mount this and need help configuring /etc/fstab to mount this array on boot?06:03
zhengAnyone can tell me 9.04 jaunty-dvd-i386.iso's md5sum? I can't access the web. thx06:04
]RandoM[uhhh alsa got all screwed up.. it was working before and i tried to patch it and now i'm stuck with no sound06:04
CanidI was able to install something through the terminal... but does anyone know why it's doing that?06:04
MK13does any one else have a problem w/ help freezing after clicking on a help topic?06:04
gerbermy toten player is not working ubuntu 9.0406:04
willmtsaiI am very new at ubuntu. Currently, i have installed 9.04 x64 on my HP tx2500 laptop. Sound does not play. When volume buttons are pressed, the computer screen tells me that the volume is changing, but there is no sound. Could someone help?06:04
kindofabuzzthe google reader prism update totally broke it06:04
gerbermy toten player is not working ubuntu 9.0406:04
yn_willmtsai: does sound work in general? in windows?06:05
gerbermy toten player is not working ubuntu 9.0406:05
willmtsaiin ubuntu06:05
CanidIt doesn't show any errors, it just goes to the login screen06:05
yn_willmtsai: how do you know its not a hardware issue?06:05
gerbermy toten player is not working ubuntu 9.0406:05
carsoncgerber: Yes, we gathered that.  Apparently nobody knows the answer to your implied question right now.06:05
yn_gerber: stop that06:05
willmtsaiI know that on certain forums, people have gotten it working, but I don't really know how.06:05
willmtsaiWindows does play sound.06:06
]RandoM[i'm trying to troubleshoot alsa and i'm geting 'cat: /proc/asound/version: No such file or directory'.. anybody know what i should do? it lists my soundcard when i do lspci.. nothing when i do aplay -l06:06
yn_type in lsmod, put the results on pastie.org06:06
tyler_dcommand line utility for mounting drives?06:06
kindofabuzzwhat is Windows?06:06
|Zippo|someone is using conky over widget layer on compiz?06:06
lstarneszheng: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/MD5SUMS says it is cca45d814048b5b322773561ad7c75d806:06
kindofabuzztyler_d, mount06:06
yn_kindofabuzz: its this crappy OS that people use to test if their sound is working06:06
carsonctyler_d: Er..."mount"?  And then unmount with "umount"?06:06
willmtsaikindofabuzz I have 2 OSs installed cause im new at ubuntu.06:06
gerberyou dvd works ?06:06
pipegeekSo... I really have no idea how the gnome/hal automounting magic works.  *Really* long shot here, but does anyone know of a way to mark a filesystem such that gnome will refuse to mount it?06:07
zhenglstarnes, thank you so much.06:07
lstarneszheng: its sha1sum is 5d7e225665d7425a16e3819b6e20063eea0342b906:07
michael1willmtsai: does your volume work on your other OS?06:07
pipegeekthe idea being that there're two partitions on a certain flash drive, only one of which should really ever get mounted (windows and macos get it right, for two different vaguely broken and accidental reasons)06:07
lstarneszheng: also, this may be off-topic, but how are you on irc if you can't access the web?06:07
kindofabuzzanyone have a broken prism-google-reader? was fine until the last update06:08
tyler_dkindofabuzz: that was excellent response time.. now could I bother you for a hand configuring my fsab?06:08
willmtsaimichael1 yes the volume works in Vista.06:08
CanidHi... is anyone available to answer my question?06:08
gerber9.04 has too many bugs06:08
jon1982im having an issue installing 9.04 on raid/lvm. it stops while installing lilo....06:08
zhengour network manager disable web surfing.06:08
lstarnesgerber: new releases generally do06:08
yn_gerber: troll much?06:08
lstarneszheng: consider a different job or asking your admin to allow access to certain work-related thigns06:09
willmtsai9.04 seems to work much better than the previous one tho.06:09
willmtsaiat least for me06:09
tyler_dmount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'06:09
zhenglstarnes, :), Now its so hard to find a good job06:09
]RandoM[yn_: lsmod http://pastie.org/468377.txt06:09
Petrusgerber...a suggestion.  Troll about how bad Ubuntu is in private messages...the ops don't kick you, and you can actually manage to convince a few people to migrate away from it as well...it's win/win. ;)06:10
willmtsaiwillmtsai@Linux-HPLaptop:~$ aplay -l06:11
willmtsai**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****06:11
willmtsaicard 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: ALC268 Analog [ALC268 Analog]06:11
willmtsai  Subdevices: 1/106:11
willmtsai  Subdevice #0: subdevice #006:11
FloodBot2willmtsai: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:11
willmtsaicard 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 1: ALC268 Digital [ALC268 Digital]06:11
jon1982ok, so does anybody have a clue why ubuntu fails at the lilo installation on a raid/lvm disk setup?06:12
Livingroomok guys. no sound in ubuntu. where do i start06:12
willmtsaisorry about that. Dont know how to paste.06:12
tyler_dhow would i nuke that array and format it as an ext3 filesystem06:12
* Petrus suspects that the operators of this channel have developed a good understanding of how Microsoft's tech support staff feel...the only difference, of course, is that in reward for debasing themselves on a daily basis, Microsoft's tech support staff are getting paid. ;)06:12
tyler_dseeing as how mount hates it06:12
gerberI love ubunttu ,don't get me wrong.  ijust want a support how to deal with it.06:12
jon1982my god06:12
jon1982debian installed without a damn hitch06:13
phoenixzHi, on kubuntu 904 using firefox with adobe flash, when I watch flash movies, quite often, the sound suddenly gets stuck in a 200mSec loop which sounds like tatatatatatatawiwiwiwiwiwiquququququ etc... when one goes like this, ALL go like that and I have to restart firefox to fix it.. What is the cause of this, and how can i fix it?06:13
HollywoodJumpersudo-apt get upgrade    Is that correct?06:13
willmtsaiHi, can anyone help with sound problems? HP tx2500 9.04 x6406:13
lstarnesHollywoodJumper: sudo apt-get upgrade06:13
jbladehello  i am just trying ubuntu and xchat06:14
jon1982wget http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/5.0.1/i386/iso-cd/debian-501-i386-netinst.iso06:14
tyler_dsold with sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdd06:14
Livingroomwillmtsai i wish i have no sound either this seems an epidemic with ubuntu and the general opinion is "mine works, so screw you"06:14
HollywoodJumperlstarnes> that should upgrade my apps right?06:14
lstarnesHollywoodJumper: it will update all packages to the newest version found in the repositories06:15
lstarnesHollywoodJumper: before using it, don't forget to use sudo apt-get update06:15
jon1982cdrecord -v -pad speed=1 dev=0,0,0 debian-501-i386-netinst.iso06:15
jbladedo this work like the excursion mirc?06:15
Gadujoin #offtopic06:15
gerberany one has problem with DVD movies?06:15
HollywoodJumperlstarnes>ok what will that do?06:16
jon1982oh well06:16
willmtsailivingroom: All right then, thanks though.06:16
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:16
jon1982ubuntu FAIL06:16
lstarnesHollywoodJumper: update the local copy of the repository indexes, so that the package management system knows which packages are newest06:16
HollywoodJumperlstarnes>ok thanks a lot06:16
jawallpower issues,, might as well go back to windows...06:17
jawallXorg uses 4% of the cpu when running on battery power.. Xorg uses over 90% when on AC power06:17
gerberit seem like i have not chice to go back to window, no one is helping me06:18
willmtsaiubottu: Thanks, but alsa is selected. Also, typing alsa -l tells me that Ubuntu does detect my sound stuff(dunno whats its called)06:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:18
RedSocratesgerber> any one has problem with DVD movies?06:18
RedSocratesPerhaps a more specific question?06:18
ibuclawjawall, what are you using to measure the CPU usage?06:18
jawallin terminal06:19
lstarnesgerber: that doesn't mean that you need that you need to go back to windows (or say that you are);  just be patient.  sooner or later someone will have a good answer for you06:19
eggsbyanyone got a second to help a noob out?06:19
HollywoodJumperlstarnes>so i ran the sudo apt-get upgrade command and it didnt upgrade anything06:19
lstarnesgerber: what about totem doesn't work?06:19
jawallI guess, I've scoured the forums06:19
gerberok thank you06:19
lstarnesHollywoodJumper: then everything is up to date with the repositories06:19
RedSocrateseggsby: Ask your question; if someone's available to help, they will06:19
CanidDOes anyone know why the package manager would log me out after a couple minutes use?06:19
eggsbyokey dokey.06:20
ibuclawjawall, what type of gfx card?06:20
jawallI've been using ubuntu insotead of windows since january,, but this last upgrade is awful06:20
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:20
_fynnwhere con i find information about a kernelpanic yesterday evening at shutdown? there's nothing in /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog06:20
jawallnot sure, same one was owkring on 8.x jsut fine06:20
eggsbyHad desktop effects working fine about two hours ago, trying to fix some weird issue led me to thinking I should install the open source radeon drivers06:20
HollywoodJumperlstarnes>i am trying to upgrade Transmission bitorrent client am i going about it the wrong way?06:20
lstarnesjawall: most new versions still have some bugs until a couple months or so after their release06:20
ibuclaw_fynn, look at the archives06:20
eggsbyBut I was apparently doing something wrong in the installation process, because everytime I run gdm restart it just goes to black screen06:20
lstarnesHollywoodJumper: what version of ubuntu are you using?06:20
RedSocrateseggsby: Can you not just remove the radeon drivers?06:21
ibuclawzcat /var/log/syslog.1.gz06:21
ibuclaw_fynn, ^^06:21
RedSocrateseggsby: Or are you trying to find a solution that keeps them but also makes the rest work?06:21
lstarnesHollywoodJumper: what version of transmission do you want?06:21
eggsbyI ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:22
eggsbyTo get a default blank xorg.conf06:22
ibuclaw_fynn, also, System->Administration->Log File Viewer06:22
eggsbyAnd now I can't get desktop effects enabled or anything06:22
lstarnesHollywoodJumper: 1.06 is the officially supported version for ubuntu 8.0406:22
willmtsaiHello? Anyone can help with tx2500 sound problems?06:22
RedSocrateseggsby: So you're using a blank xorg.conf right now?06:22
Dhraakelliangot a problem or two with htop and screen-profiles06:23
_fynnibuclaw: the time where the kernelpanic was is still in the normal syslog, ont in the archives, but there'S nothing exceptional..06:23
eggsbyshould I try out that debx or whatever thing06:23
lstarnesHollywoodJumper: 8.10 has transmission 1.34 and 9.04 has 1.5106:23
HollywoodJumperlstarnes>so i am runninng against myself in a ratrace.06:23
RedSocrateseggsby: Have you tried it without having an xorg.conf at all?06:23
eggsbyno didn't know that was even possible06:23
Dhraakellianhow would I either (a) get function keys working as normal or (b) get mouse clicks to work?06:23
RedSocrateseggsby : I don't know what you mean by "debx or whatever thing"06:23
eggsbysome sort of configuration tool for xorg.conf06:23
lstarnesHollywoodJumper: there may be a launchad PPA with a newer package for transmission in 8.04.  If not, then you could eithe rloo for a .deb of it or download and compile a source tarball06:23
HollywoodJumperlstarnes> well...I feel like a dumbass....how do you know all this stuff?06:24
RedSocrateseggsby: If you type "Xorg -configure" at a commandline, the X server will attempt to configure itself based on what it detects06:24
CanidAnyone? Anyone? Voodoo economics...06:24
eggsbylemme try06:24
lstarnesHollywoodJumper: I've been using ubuntu for a couple years06:24
RedSocrateseggsby: k.  It should give you an xorg.conf.new file as output06:24
ibuclaw_fynn, what was the computer doing around the time of the panic?06:24
RedSocrateseggsby: It will just check things for a second, and then return you to the command line06:24
ibuclawsometimes, wireless cards can be a very silent killer.06:25
_fynnibuclaw: shutting down06:25
eggsbysays I have too many servers active06:25
eggsbylet me restart and try06:25
DhraakellianCanid: like nvidia politics?06:25
RedSocrateseggsby: k06:25
eggsbythanks for the help redsocrates06:25
CanidIs there another help forum where I can ask this?06:25
RedSocrateseggsby: No prob, and good luck06:25
HollywoodJumperlstarnes>ok ...so if i want to download a torrent i just right click on it and choose download with Transmission?06:25
lstarnesHollywoodJumper: I think so06:25
eggsbyso, just xorg -configure then replace my xorg.conf with the one it generates and retry?06:25
CanidNot ask about voodoo economics... ask about why I keep getting logged out06:26
eggsbyor try with none first?06:26
RedSocrateseggsby: "Xorg -configure" with a capital 'X', but try with none first06:26
eggsbykk :)06:26
RedSocratesCanid: What do you mean when you say you're getting logged out?06:26
snowrichardfsck on my terabyte file system takes a while06:26
CanidI've just installed 9.0406:27
CanidEvery time I open Add/Remove... under the applications menu, I can use it for a couple minutes and then my session gets logged out06:27
CanidBefore there's time for it to even install something06:28
QwellCould somebody confirm I'm not losing my mind?  Easy to reproduce...  Hold 'a', press and hold shift briefly, release shift, wait a second, release 'a'.  Do you get "aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa" or "aaaaaaa"?06:28
CanidNo errors06:28
CanidIt just goes to the login screen06:28
lstarnesQwell: the former06:28
Canidand when I log back in, it's a new session, everything closed, nothing new installed06:28
QwellCan I pull the accessibility card on this one?06:28
zutmeWhat is the best way to get a Free (non Sun?) Java plugin for Firefox?06:28
CanidI can install from the terminal, so I think it's just the add/remove utillity06:29
DhraakellianQwell: sounds like a certain accessibility feature got activated06:29
Chr|sI get this error when I followed pidgins steps here http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/  'E:Malformed line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pidgin-ppa.list (dist parse), E:The list of sources could not be read.'06:29
RedSocratesCanid: Yeah, it must be.  I don't have any real idea about that issue, I don't use GNOME06:29
Chr|sI can't run my update manager now06:29
QwellDhraakellian: the latter has been the default in every version of Linux I've ever used. :)06:29
RedSocratesCanid: You might try looking or posting at ubuntuforums.org06:29
eggsbyRedSocrates, the problem fixed itself when I removed my xorg.conf file06:30
Qwellwhich has been...many.  for many years.06:30
DhraakellianQwell: did you hold down shift for a really long time?06:30
RedSocrateseggsby: Great :)06:30
eggsbyThe original issue was that at random intervals my screen would just go black, think that's just a problem with my video card itself?06:30
Qwellit isn't an accessibility feature.  No such option exists anywhere that I can find.06:30
RedSocrateseggsby: What exact card is it?  Radeon what?06:30
QwellModifiers should stop repeats.06:30
CanidI might if I can't get it fixed through chat06:30
eggsbyThanks a lot for your help, by the way, pretty cool of you  :)06:30
eggsbyRadeon 920006:30
RedSocrateseggsby: No problem at all, my pleasure :)06:31
eggsbyPretty old, doesn't have a fan on it or anything06:31
eggsbyso it might just be overheating or something?06:31
DhraakellianQwell: I was thinking of the AccessX shortcuts and such06:31
CanidIs there a gnome support room where I can ask about this?06:31
eggsbyNever had the problem on winders though06:31
QwellDhraakellian: If you can find such a feature, I'd be happy to hear about it.06:31
RedSocrateseggsby: one sec06:31
michael2maybe the output of dmesg | grep iwl is helpful to solving my wireless woes? i don't know what it means, but it looks bad: http://paste.ubuntu.com/164687/06:31
DhraakellianQwell: search systemsetting--right, #ubuntu, not #kubuntu...06:32
Livingroomi swear to god06:32
Livingroomsomething as simple as a friggin soundcard06:32
RedSocrateseggsby: Were you having these issues on the proprietary ATI driver?06:32
Livingroomand i cantget itworking.06:32
michael2Livingroom: I feel your pain06:32
Livingroomwhat is ubuntu to me without sound? a waste of 14 gb of partition06:32
eggsbyLike I said, I didn't know what I was using06:32
eggsbyIt was just whatever ubuntu defaulted to at install06:32
RedSocrateseggsby: Oh, I see06:32
]RandoM[got my soundcard working now :)06:33
lstarnesLivingroom: what sound card is it?06:33
QwellI can easily see this biting a lot of people, in very serious ways...06:33
Livingroommichael2, feeling my pain does not change the fact that in the year 2009, with a now 15 year old OS, i STILL CANT MAKE STUFF WORK06:33
RedSocrateseggsby: Well, hard to say what it was, in that case.  I've seen issues reported with the Radeon 9200 though06:33
eggsbyBut the proprietary driver doesn't support 9200s from what I was reading06:33
eggsbywhich is why I was trying to switch over to the open source06:33
RedSocrateseggsby: Right, it at least seems pretty iffy.  That's why I asked06:33
Livingroomwhy can windows and every other sane OS on the freakin' planet work out of the box, but LINUX cannot?06:33
eggsbybut couldn't quite do it for some reason06:33
DhraakellianQwell: I was thinking sticky keys06:33
QwellThis isn't sticky keys06:34
Livingroomthis is your wave of the future? this unconfigurable pile of shit that was shat out of the asses of a million developers?06:34
lstarnesLivingroom: do you know how much work it takes to make a system able to work out of the box?06:34
Livingroomlinux will never overcome windows.06:34
Livingroomor osx.06:34
Livingroomor anything else for that matter.06:34
Dhraakellian(systemsettings > Accessibility > Activation gestures in KDE... no idea about Gnome)06:34
DhraakellianQwell: no idea then06:34
PetrusLivingroom...why aren't you still using Windows then?06:34
michael2maybe the output of dmesg | grep iwl is helpful to solving my wireless woes? i don't know what it means, but it looks bad: http://paste.ubuntu.com/164687/06:34
Livingroomlstarnes: i dont give a shit. MS can make it work the first time. why cant linux? linux has infinitely more developers.06:34
Livingroompetrus: ultimately because i'm infuriated by the direction MS has decided to take with Windows 706:35
lstarnesLivingroom: depending on the sound card it may just need a single kernel module to be loaded06:35
DhraakellianLivingroom: I think it has successfully overcome freebsd06:35
PetrusLivingroom...you're not going to like Linux, something tells me. ;)06:35
* mzz shrugs, my onboard sound works out of the box in ubuntu, not in windows 200006:35
Livingroomlstarnes: everythings loaded. it detects the card, it has the modules, it's all set up. but it doesnt work. says it cant connect. i still get PC speaker beeps for everything06:35
Dhraakellianbut, of course, as netcraft confirms, BSD is dying </off-topic>06:35
Livingroompetrus: i started using linux when redhat 5.2 came out. console only it's fine; its great; i love it; but for desktop use, it is maddeningly infuriating.06:36
michael2Livingroom: Computers are built around windows, not linux. every computer is somewhat different. it takes a little time to get it all right.06:36
QwellLivingroom: Linux isn't for everyone.  Some people can read, others can't.  It's no big deal.06:36
PetrusLivingroom...that is an issue which is older than Linux itself.06:36
Livingroomqwell: oh! so accuse me of not reading now, without even asking how many message boards i've checked through. typical! go back to your hole, you worthless pile of flesh06:36
QwellLivingroom: I didn't say any such thing.06:36
Petrusalso...the majority of UNIX users in general would tell you that the GUI scenario you're used to is actually vastly inferior anywayz06:37
=== andrea is now known as Guest69738
Petruswhich if you spend an appreciable amount of time on the console, you'll learn on your own.06:37
Livingroommichael2: being built around windows doesnt change the fact that despite everything being installed correctly, it fails to make sound come through my speakers. ubuntu knows what sound card i have. it installed the correct driver. it set up alsa for me. but it /doesnt work/06:37
Petrusbut to address your specific frustration here...\06:37
felixsullaIf i have two ubuntu boxes, one has a shared printer, how do I find the printer on the other machine?06:37
RedSocratesLivingroom: You do realize that the vast majority of hardware manufacturers do not want open source code drivers associated with their products, and so do not work with Linux developers as they do with developers for closed-source products?06:37
PetrusALSA on Ubuntu is a pain in the neck06:37
Petruson that point I actually agree with you06:38
lstarnesPetrus: s/on ubuntu//06:38
mzzmmm, I want to blame pulse instead of alsa06:38
RedSocratesLivingroom: In Linux, people have to come up with the stuff a lot of the time by reverse engineering, guess-and-check, shear expertise, etc.06:38
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Qwellmzz: yeah...06:38
mzzI'm still unconvinced pulse currently adds anything but an extra possibly failing layer for the majority of users06:38
RedSocratesLivingroom: Do you want to try to get this working, or are you leaving Ubuntu?06:38
Livingroomredsocrates: that is neither here nor there. it is not my problem. this is a common soundcard that i have, which ubuntu detected and set up. yet it does not work. why is this? because it is too decentralized. there is no control or standardization. why do i have OSS, ALSA, and PulseAudio as sound delivery apps? why dont i have a standardized platform for making sounds? it's just AUDIO for christs sake06:39
Qwellmzz: it doesn't add anything the various other "sound managers" didn't06:39
Qwellarts, esd, etc06:39
Livingroomredsocrates: i've been trying to make this work for days. i'm not leaving ubuntu, because i want a stable linux desktop. but i'm very fed up with it not working.06:39
mzzQwell: I didn't use any of those either (alsa (with dmix) suffices for my needs, afaict)06:39
RedSocratesLivingroom: First, you made claims about Linux, not Ubuntu.  Linux does not install OSS, ALSA, and PulseAudio.  Second, while it is not "your problem," it does answer the questions you asked.  I assumed you actually wanted them answered.06:40
Qwellmzz: indeed it does.  and dmix is "part" of alsa these days06:40
mzzand the whole app -> libalsa -> pulse plugin for alsa -> pulsed -> libalsa -> hardware dance is just horribly confusing06:40
zetherooI installed Kubuntu Jaunty on a machine that was running Ubuntu Hardy and now GRUB is reading the menu.lst file from Kubuntu instead of from Ubuntu ... how do I revert that?06:40
snowrichardfsck on terabyte finally finished06:40
* Petrus remembers a time on Slackware at least where you compiled ALSA support for your hardware into the kernel, installed a specific dotfile in your home directory, set /dev/dsp 0666, and it worked.06:41
michael2can anyone tell me what the output of dmesg | grep iwl means? my wireless doesn't work   http://paste.ubuntu.com/164687/06:41
Livingroomredsocrates: as a prospective user of a desktop OS, should i care that hardware people dont want to work with linux/ubuntu? no: i should care only to install, run some basic configuration, maybe even be asked what soundcard i have- and then have it work, out of the box. there is, again, absoloutely NO reason for it not to "JUST WORK"06:41
QwellPetrus: I remember when Slackware used to come with pam06:41
mzzPetrus: no /dev/dsp here, who needs oss anyway these days. But yeah, roughly that.06:41
Qwellahh, 2008.  good year. :P06:41
PetrusLivingroom tantrums are not endearing. ;)06:41
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mzzPetrus: oh, only without the dotfile (dmix is on by default if the hardware doesn't mix)06:42
RedSocratesLivingroom: I just gave you the reason why it likely doesn't work.  Second, you were asking questions about why Windows could sometimes get things to just work, but Linux couldn't.  I answered that question.  If you didn't want the answer and really just wanted to complain, why'd you ask?06:42
Livingroompetrus: i'm certain they're not, but in the absence of support, what am i to do? i've tried everything on all the forums. i will provide links if you so desire as to what i tried. and none of it works06:42
QwellLivingroom: There are companies that provide support.06:42
RedSocratesLivingroom: What sound card are you using?  What does it display in lspci?06:42
zetheroomichael2: strange as it is an Intel card ...06:42
zetherooI installed Kubuntu Jaunty on a machine that was running Ubuntu Hardy and now GRUB is reading the menu.lst file from Kubuntu instead of from Ubuntu ... how do I revert that?06:43
Livingroomredsocrates: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller06:43
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chetnickzetheroo: you still have Hardy?06:43
Qwellzetheroo: Did you use the same /boot partition?06:43
PetrusLivingroom...the ops aren't going to like me for this, but I suggest another distribution, as I did so privately.  Truthfully, that's becoming my own answer to just about any Ubuntu related question these days...Use something else. ;)  Ubuntu is McLinux.06:43
zetherooQwell: they are both installed on the same HDD06:43
chetnicksudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.backup06:44
zetheroochetnick: many do ... its a LTS after all :)06:44
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aspiditesgeez this place is always full06:44
RedSocratesLivingroom: Do you have the latest alsa installed?06:44
Livingroomshould i upgrade to 9.04? will that redetect sound or simply replace whats there with newer versions?06:45
Petrusaspidites...that's because people are always having problems. ;)06:45
Dhraakellianthis place is bigger than #gentoo was, back when I used to lurk in there06:45
RedSocratesLivingroom: Have you tried this?   Allegedly people got it working by adding the lines at this link to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=692924206:45
aspiditesPetrus: lol. i dunno why i'm here actually. i don't even use ubuntu. i guess i'm just lonely :(06:46
Livingroomredsocrates: i have alsa-base version 1.0.1706:46
RedSocratesLivingroom: Have you tried what's in that post?06:47
Livingroomhave not seen that post06:47
Petrusaspidites...I'm here because I initially had a problem, but also because, altho 3 weeks ago I was open minded towards Ubuntu, after the amount of problems I've had since then, I've now developed an attitude similar to that of Erin Brockovich...I'm on a mission from God to attempt to ensure that nobody else has to experience a similar level of pain and suffering again. ;)06:47
RedSocratesLivingroom:  See my above comment for the link.  I found it via this page, which has people saying it works for exactly your card: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-898737.html06:48
aspiditesdid i kill the room?06:48
sk8ingdomjoin #aero06:48
RedSocratesPetrus: What do you use now?06:48
Livingroomredsocrates: i put that in the file. going to reboot now06:49
RedSocratesLivingroom: Okay, good luck.06:49
shadeslayeranyone expereincing low vloume recording?06:50
aspiditesPetrus: very noble of you. I moved to archlinux and haven't had any real problems since. any issues i had were gneral hardware issues, not distro related06:50
RedSocratesaspidites: I'm also on Arch06:51
michael2my wireless doesn't work. lshw says network UNCLAIMED, even though it's an intel 3945 card, whose driver comes pre-installed. dmesg | grep iwl is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/164687/ can someone point me in the right direction?06:51
aspiditesRedSocrates: its the only distro that has made me stop distro hoping. on the opposite side of the spectrum, gentoo is the only one that made me want to commit suicide06:51
aspiditesi wanted so much to like gentoo too.06:52
RedSocratesHere to try to help out, though, as I figure this is the way most new Linux users come in06:52
rayluaspidites: interesting. i'm using ubuntu and gentoo on two machines06:52
Petrusasp I'm on Ubuntu atm...ArchLinux is where I'm planning to move to myself next...and as I said, I'm in here trying to impersonate the Pied Piper. ;)06:52
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Livingroomok so06:53
Livingroomlet me just be the first to say06:53
aspiditesraylu: some people have better luck than others, i guess. also, it could be that when i tried gentoo the iwlwifi drivers weren't stable yet. try installing source-based packages without an internet connection (didn't have access to ethernet at the time)06:53
FloodBot2Livingroom: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:53
Igrainehello, I have a problem with x-chat gnome. When I enter a channel there is a log of conversations loaded even though I have disabled logging in the settings. Is there any way to stop these logs?06:53
RedSocratesLivingroom:  it works?06:53
aspiditesraylu: that, and the current nvidia drivers weren't working out for me06:53
Livingroomredsocrates: it does, but very very quiet. unsanely quiet06:54
Tuxanyone know whats wrong with this? =IF(K3>0; E3-K3; 0) in open office it shows error: in bracketing06:54
aspiditesbut anyways, i didn't come here to distro bash. to each there own06:54
wWingrequest some hints for ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix Dual boot XP + ubuntu :(06:54
shadeslayerLivingroom: everything set to high in alsa mixer?06:54
RedSocratesLivingroom: Great, that's some progress. :) Try typing "alsamixer" at the command line and checking the volume levels06:54
PetrusRedSocrates yes, exactly the point...Ubuntu is the point of entry...as soon as they make it here, we must form the equivalent of a FEMA aid station, and redirect the poor souls from Ubuntu to another, still more genuinely viable Linux distro. ;)06:54
Livingroomredsocrates: with the volume all the way up i can hear my mp3 play, about as loud as if a housefly had his ipod earbuds turned all the way up06:54
RedSocratesLivingroom: Also, I've discovered that apparently this is a bug with your card, see here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/36268306:54
RedSocratesPetrus: I don't do any redirecting, I just do damage control... For now anyway :)06:55
aspiditesTux: looks fine. does open office care about trailing whitespace?06:55
Tuxaspidites, i did with and without...06:55
RedSocratesLivingroom: Are you using a Dell Slim or some other computer?06:56
Livingroomredsocrates: vostro 22006:56
aspiditesTux: hmm, been i while since i messed with any spreadsheets. you're sure semicolon is the proper delimeter, right? (sorry, i just have to ask)06:56
Livingroomredsocrates: also, the volume is all the way up in alsamixer06:57
Tuxyea... all the examples show ;06:57
Tuxand repeatedly mention it..06:57
TheShahFactorwhat is the linux equivalent of Daemon tools?06:57
MartyMacFlyTheShahFactor: mount?06:57
Kartagisubuntu starts with a screen resolution of 800x600 for me. any ideas how I can make it 1024x768?06:57
Surlent777hi, is anyone here knowledgeable about the TTY environment and framebuffer?06:57
aspiditesTheShahFactor: the mount command?06:57
TheShahFactorah yes thanks :P06:58
Livingroomkartagis: go to system> preferences> screen resoloution06:58
aspiditesTheShahFactor: what part of daemon function of daemon tools are you trying to duplicate?06:58
RedSocratesLivingroom: Well, the line I gave you that you inserted into /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base has "model=6stack-dell".  You can apparently set that to "model=auto".  Perhaps that's part of the issue, I don't know06:58
PetrusRedSocrates, one of the things I do show people is this (http://linux.slashdot.org/linux/05/09/13/1915250.shtml) which is something I wrote a few years ago which has apparently helped some other people...step 1 is irrelevant now, since they can use Ubuntu...I just put that in at the time...06:58
KartagisLivingroom, 9.04 doesn't have that06:58
TheShahFactori just want to mount an ISO06:58
Petrusbut I tell them to do from step 2 down06:58
Livingroomkartagis: oh06:58
Livingroomkartagis: what about a right click on the desktop?06:59
aspiditesTheShahFactor: yeah, the mount command with loop06:59
Livingroomredsocrates: should i try that?06:59
RedSocratesLivingroom: Probably worth a shot.  You can just change it back if it affects things negatively06:59
Livingroomredsocrates: also, btw, thanks for the help- one thing you guys probably dont receive is enough "thanks" - especially since i've been somewhat of an ass tonight06:59
aspiditesTheShahFactor: mount -o loop some_file.iso /mnt06:59
RedSocratesLivingroom: You're welcome, and no problem.  Glad we're making at least some progress07:00
shadeslayer!iso | TheShahFactor07:00
KartagisLivingroom, not there07:00
ubottuTheShahFactor: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:00
TheShahFactorgotcha fellas! thanks07:00
Surlent777aspidites: Is that how that works? I've mounted it to /media/iso and /media/cdrom0 before07:00
RedSocratesPetrus: Is your stuff in the comment thread?07:00
aspiditesSurlent777: yeah, you can use any mount point07:00
Petrusthe first post of that comment07:00
aspiditesSurlent777: i just use /mnt because it's there and convenient :)07:00
Livingroomredsocrates: i must go to bed now. thank you again, and have a good night07:01
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Surlent777aspidites: I never thought to do that. I guess it makes sense now that I think about it07:01
shadeslayerTheShahFactor: also in jaunty the ISO mounts when you double click on the iso07:01
RedSocratesLivingroom: Thanks, you too07:01
aspiditesSurlent777: ;-)07:01
aspiditesanyone else here using a tiled window manager?07:01
rayluaspidites: ah. those might have been problems but i'm running it on a headless machine without sound, graphics, or wireless support :P07:01
Surlent777so, is anyone here knowledgeable about the TTY environment and framebuffer?07:01
RedSocratesPetrus: I like the strategy you suggest.  Total immersion :)07:01
TheShahFactorthats cool shadeslayer ;)07:01
rayluaspidites: and i use xmonad :D07:01
kenyonaspidites: xmonad here.07:01
PetrusRedSocrates...it's the only real way with a UNIX, IMHO. :)07:02
RedSocratesPetrus: Yep, probably right07:02
aspiditesraylu: xmonad was sexy, but i just can't get a hang of haskell. the whole functional programming thing is far over my head. i'll stick to python/ruby/c++, thanks07:02
Surlent777aspidites: I use GNOME, KDE, LXDE, Fluxbox, and even UDE on occasion...I jump around at whim07:02
aspiditesi'm using musca myseelf07:02
RedSocratesreal hax0rs use twm ;D07:02
PetrusRed...the other thing is, if it is done in a stepped manner like that, people actually find that it is not really that difficult at all07:02
rayluaspidites: ah. but i have a friend who knows a bit and another who uses it, so we help each other with configs07:03
Surlent777*real* hax0rs use a TTY07:03
PetrusLinux is only hard when you have no context07:03
Petruswhich is why that is the first thing newbies need to be given07:03
anom01yhey guys I am running ubuntu with an nvidia 8800, and when I try to install the drivers, my display gets changed to 640 x 48007:03
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RedSocratesPetrus: I agree with that.  That was basically my experience.  Though it was hard, immersed myself, eventually realized it ain't all that bad :)07:03
anom01yI did an update prior to installing07:03
aspiditesSurlent777: haven't tried the 2.26 of gnome yet. kde 4.2 is far better than any other in the 4.x series, fluxbox...pfft, real hax0rs use open box. ude...oh god07:03
Guest71437does anyone know how to make a script read txt from a file and pass it as an argument for instance \home\user\file.exe -filewithtxtinit07:03
aspiditesraylu: lucky07:03
* mzz prefers ratpoison over a tty07:03
aspiditesj/k about the fluxbox comment btw07:04
Surlent777aspidites: UDE was interesting...and painful07:04
martha_ok how can I tell if ubuntu can use my modem (dialup), and I know about soft modems, but read about it many years ago and I believe there has been some progress since07:04
shadeslayeranom01y: you could try editing the xorg.conf as a last resort07:04
shadeslayer!dialup > martha_07:04
ubottumartha_, please see my private message07:04
rayluGuest71437: /home/user/file -`filewithtxtinit`07:04
aspiditesSurlent777: emphasis on painful...i was using wmii-ruby before musca. i liked it, but it's essentially a dead project07:04
aspiditesno stable release in like 3 years07:04
Guest71437raylu, wouldnt you ahve to pass the directory that its in too?07:04
ra100Hi all.07:04
ra100I have problem.07:04
ra100I need to disable antialising and to change fonts for kde4/qt4 apps in 9.04. I have installed systemsettings package and when i launch it, i can see only icons and emoticons in appearance. Settings for fonts aren´t available.07:04
ra100It seems like a bug, or feature?07:04
ra100So, is any way how can i disable antialising/subpixelhinting and how to change fonts?07:04
FloodBot2ra100: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:04
KB1JWQPetrus: Interesting link07:04
aspiditesonly hg07:04
Surlent777aspidites: I find it amusing to use obscure and difficult crap just because07:05
rayluGuest71437: unless you were in the directory07:05
PetrusRedSocrates well, for me it probably *was* really that bad...configuring X Windows from scratch on Slackware in the mid 90s was a weekend long recipe for a literal migraine headache...not to mention having to compile half-binary winmodem drivers for a dialup connection, when said drivers barely worked anywayz.07:05
shadeslayer!enter | ra10007:05
ubottura100: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:05
qcjnhi, can't uninstall mpd, made a little mess. Tried sudo apt-get remove --purge mpd && sudo apt-get autoremove. But there's left over !!07:05
aspiditesra100: IIRC there is a wiki entry on this at ubuntu. ask around and i'm sure somone can point you to it07:05
RedSocratesPetrus: Heh, I tinkered around with Linux some back in those days too, actually.  But back then I gave up.  Didn't come back until 2005ish, probably.07:06
aspiditesSurlent777: i can identify that. but now i'm stuck on tiling window managers...i can't use a stacked windows manager to save my life07:06
aspiditesi try, then immediately revert to a tiling derivative after like 10 minutes07:06
Surlent777aspidites: hahahaha I don't like the idea of a tiled myself07:06
mzzaspidites: heh, I last longer than 10 minutes, but yeah07:07
aspiditesSurlent777: i can always hotswap to floating if needed. not so easy the other way around. unless you use poor man's tiling manager07:07
RedSocratesYou guys who use tiled window managers, do you manage to stick mostly to the keyboard, or do you end up still using the mouse?07:07
mzzRedSocrates: ratpoison here currently, which I couldn't control with the mouse even if I wanted to07:07
aspiditesRedSocrates: the only time i touch a mouse is if i'm gaming, or using gimp, firefox, or designer07:07
Surlent777Hey, that reminds me, has anyone else noticed that the "new" screen is total crap when it comes to scrolling up? (Shift+PgUp)07:08
mzzRedSocrates: tends to be mainly keyboard in the others I've used too, except for occasional mouse-based resizing07:08
RedSocratesmzz: Ah, nice.  I've been scared away from ratpoison, though, by other peoples' reactions to mention of it :)07:08
mzzRedSocrates: ratpoison's very simple. A bit too simple for some, probably. Also, I can imagine hating the lack of focus-follows-mouse.07:08
aspiditesi'd use vimperator, but it just doesn't feel right to me07:08
Guest71437raylu, hmmm doesnt appear to be working, if i add +connect to the end of the script it works, if i add 'ipport' to the end of the script while ipport has that txt in it, it doesnt work07:08
RedSocratesI like vimperator all right07:08
aspiditesmzz: i disabled focus follows mouse after switching to musca07:08
RedSocratesmzz: Maybe I'll convince myself to check it out :)07:09
Igraineanyone who knows how to stop x-chat gnome from loading logs in the channels?07:09
* aspidites uses weechat-curses07:09
mzzaspidites: I came across that one, forgot why I didn't try it yet07:09
PetrusRedSoc...I've heard ratpoison is ok, but if you want to go that route, I just go for screen in an Eterm, myself07:09
aspiditesmzz: kinda like irssi but with the user list showing07:10
RedSocratesPetrus: I don't really have much experience with screen, still trying to really figure out its power07:10
PupenoIs it possible that some server is not respecting the MX records of my domain and instead of contacting the MX is contacting the server directly to send an email?07:10
mzzaspidites: meant musca, not weechat-curses07:10
rayluGuest71437: `, not '07:10
PetrusRedSocrates, same...it seems pretty cool tho07:10
Surlent777aspidites: irssi can have a user list...just get the script, and use screen07:10
rayluGuest71437: wait, no07:10
rayluGuest71437: `cat ipport`07:10
RedSocratesIgraine: Look in Settings --> Preferences, there should be a "Logging" item in the list on the left side07:10
rayluGuest71437: just `ipport` is insufficient07:10
Guest71437raylu, k il give that a try07:10
aspiditesmzz: ooh. its seeeexy. Beware though ,there's no automatic tiling by default, but I've managed to make it react similarly to wmii. has far more layout options than any other I've used07:11
mzzaspidites: remember I'm coming from ratpoison, not dwm/wmii07:11
aspiditesSurlent777: I know. I just didn't want ot have to get a script for something i thought was fundamental. I suppose using arch i shouldn't be so lazy07:11
Surlent777no kidding07:11
aspiditesmzz: aah, right. i don't remember much about ratpoison.07:11
Surlent777and considering it's a TTY client07:11
shadeslayerhow do you add facebok chat in empathy or pidgin?07:12
Surlent777what did you expect?07:12
Surlent777shadeslayer: open Synaptic and type pidgin. It'll show up07:12
RedSocratesWhich one of these tiled wms is the easiest to configure?   I don't want to learn Haskell just to configure my wm, for example07:12
aspiditesSurlent777: weechat-curses is too07:12
mzzaspidites: it's *really* simple (really just screen for X (with both horizontal and vertical splits but no builtin workspaces for example))07:12
aspiditesSurlent777: at least i'm not using xchat/mirc ;-)07:12
Surlent777aspidites: amen07:12
IgraineRedSocrates, there is no logging in the menu on the left07:13
Guest71437raylu, cool thanks that takes care of part of the problem :)07:13
aspiditesmzz: ah. never got into screen either. didn't seem neccessary after switchign to tiling windows managers07:13
Mylistodoes anyone know if you can use yahoo chat rooms in pidgin?07:13
Surlent777aspidites: Can't beat irssi for spamming potential =P07:13
RedSocratesIgraine: it should be an option under "Chatting"07:13
mzzRedSocrates: dwm can't be configured, does that count?07:13
aspiditesMylisto: yes you can07:13
dronixubuntu ftw!!07:13
RedSocratesmzz: Sure, less work :)07:13
rayluGuest71437: the other part?07:13
aspiditesMylisto: hmm..don't remember. lemme look07:13
keonii got a question, say you have a running process writing to a log file over nfs, the nfs server dies, and the program needs to rite to the log file agian. what happens? does the program or os decide what to do?07:13
Mylistofound it07:14
aspiditesMylisto: yeah. buddies > join chat07:14
Guest71437raylu, Im going to need something to write the ip and the port in this format ip:port to that file. but its in an xml document07:14
mzzkeoni: depends on how it's mounted. It'll either hang or fail07:14
aspiditeswhat ever happened to the try first, ask questions later policy?07:14
Surlent777so, no tty/fb gurus tonight then =/07:14
RedSocratesaspidites: I don't think that policy exists here07:14
rayluGuest71437: then this isn't part of the solution07:14
Guest71437raylu, well actually let me ask you this first07:14
rayluGuest71437: what you want is a script that parses the xml document and runs that command itself07:15
keonito pretty much data loss, there is no queue type thing?07:15
aspiditesRedSocrates: lol. apparently not. welcome to linux newbie world aka ex-windows please hold my hand-type user07:15
keoniso rather07:15
RedSocratesaspidites: Yeah, it can be that way :)07:15
mzzkeoni: man 5 nfs, look for the "soft" and "hard" mount options, iirc07:15
TheShahFactorThere is this Open Source Text to Speech system I am trying to install (http://mary.dfki.de/Download) When I try to run it in the terminal;I get a freezed window I cannot click on the ok or cancel button in the Window.It is based in Java.Any one know why this is happening?07:15
Guest71437raylu, well the problem is i have this script that launches the program right? but it needs to add the argument +connect ip:port after the script if i run the script like ./scriptname +connect ip:port that wont work, for some reason it has to be in the file itself07:15
Surlent777no one really held my hand...I just plowed through it, even accidentally formating my HD trying to install 6.06...I just went through and taught myself, mostly07:16
Guest71437raylu, do you know why that might be?07:16
aspiditesat least linux responses don't begin with "are you drivers updated?" or "did you try restarting your computer?"07:16
mzzkeoni: when I said "hang" I meant "retry indefinitely". I don't know if that means it'll eventually succeed if the server comes back up.07:16
PetrusSurlent777, that is the only real way to learn07:16
aspiditesSurlent777: same here. i didn't even start using irc again until i was a gury07:16
Surlent777Petrus: I agree. I hate it when people try and make it idiot-friendly, etc.07:16
rayluGuest71437: er, i don't understand07:16
keonii guess ill go poke around and find out07:16
aspiditeswell..well aquainted with linux, not a guru07:16
Surlent777(see, for instance, the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace changes)07:17
Guest71437raylu, alright so lets say you have a script and it is name beans right?07:17
RedSocratesSurlent777: Worst change EVAR07:17
mzzkeoni: it'll probably survive temporary network loss, but I don't know if it'll survive a server restart07:17
IgraineRedSocrates, I dont even have a 'chatting'...07:17
Guest71437raylu, so lets say you need to pass an argument to that script and the argument is +connect ip:port07:17
PetrusSurlent777, Ubuntu's ease is extremely superficial...this channel's volume is itself a testament to how truly, horrifyingly broken it is in technical terms.07:17
Surlent777heh, point07:17
Guest71437raylu, if INSIDE the script you add +connect ip:port to the end of the file, it will work07:17
RedSocratesIgraine: How did you install Xchat?  Are you using regular xchat or the xchat that comes in the xchat-gnome package?07:17
aspiditesPetrus: amen to THAT.07:17
mzzI'm appaprently strange, I don't mind that ctrl+alt+backspace change because I actually hit that accidentally once or twice07:18
Guest71437raylu, but if you do ./beans +connect ip:port that wont work07:18
mzzwill take a little getting used to.07:18
kenyonmzz, keoni: I've had nfs mounts survive server restart like that.07:18
ahow is ubutu broken07:18
aspiditesI find arch and other "bare bones" distros far simpler for the fact that nothing is hidden from the user07:18
IgraineRedSocrates, its x-chat gnome 0.26.107:18
rayluGuest71437: er, that's more of an issue with the script itself07:18
ActionParsnipa: every OS sucks07:18
Surlent777mzz: how could you manage to hit that? It's already intuitive that you don't hit Ctrl+Alt unless you're doing something important or death-defying, at least for me07:18
mzzkeoni: definitely take kenyon's word for it, I haven't touched nfs in ages07:18
aubuntu is perfect07:18
rayluGuest71437: different scripting languages have different ways of handling arguments07:18
RedSocratesIgraine: Ah, yeah, sorry; that one is set up differently, not sure07:18
aspiditesActionParsnip: linux just sucks less07:18
Surlent777aspidites: so, not a big GNOME fan, then, I take it?07:18
Guest71437raylu, here http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=3262671&forum_id=47440607:18
Guest71437raylu, that is a post i made on it07:19
chetnickcan you restore grub from working mounted system? Or it has to be from live CD?07:19
IgraineRedSocrates, ok thanks anyway :)07:19
Surlent777I really wish I could remember how to make it hide this /join-spamming07:19
Guest71437raylu, actually this one might be better http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7214683#post721468307:19
aspiditesSurlent777: um...no. i like it better than kde 3 series.07:19
ActionParsnipaspidites: in some cases yes, in others no, not less,just differently07:19
Crshmananyone know of a good digital rendering app for linux?07:19
mzzSurlent777: at least once I got my brain and/or fingers crossed going for alt+backspace (delete word backwards) and ctrl+something (some emacs-style movement command) at the same time07:19
RedSocratesIgraine: No prob, good luck with it :)07:19
ActionParsnipSurlent777: its a plugin in pidgin ;)07:19
aspiditesActionParsnip: yeah, lets not mention wifi support, games, or even video chat07:19
Guest71437raylu, so you see that part that says <connect> and ip:port that is what it should be adding to the end of the script07:19
rayluGuest71437: anyway, i need to go now; sorry07:20
Guest71437raylu, ok no problem07:20
mzzSurlent777: and emacs has a bunch of ctrl+alt+letter bindings that aren't scary (not that frequently used, but not scary)07:20
Surlent777ActionParsnip: the heck with pidgey, I'm using irssi07:20
aspiditesi meant sucks less as a general reference. the os taken as a whole. for me, the statement is true.07:20
rayluSurlent777: /ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS QUITS07:20
ActionParsnipSurlent777: then i have no idea07:20
Surlent777mzz: emacs scares me a bit; I prefer vi07:20
Surlent777raylu: thanks07:20
aspiditesSurlent777: same here. vim actually07:20
mzzSurlent777: vi's fine and takes a different approach to key bindings07:20
mzzwell, vim, yeah07:20
aspiditesemacs made my wrists hurt07:21
Surlent777aspidites: I'm not sure of the differences, but whatever the heck came with this is what I use07:21
Surlent777(re: vi/vim)07:21
rayluaspidites: emacs users commonly bind ctrl to capslock07:21
aspiditesthat and lisp scares the crap out of me07:21
aspiditesraylu: lol. i do that for vi/m too.07:21
aspiditesraylu: to be fair, only recently though07:22
mzzyeah, you need a nicely accessible ctrl keyi07:22
Surlent777I love vim's simplicity...and it makes you look awesome to a novice to use it =P07:22
rayluaspidites: hrm? vim users more commonly bind esc to capslock07:22
mzzkey, even. I wonder how many vim users rebind esc to the key to the left of 1 or something07:22
ActionParsnipSurlent777: nano here07:22
Petrusvim = vi with creature comforts, pretty much...from what I've read at least.07:22
aspiditesraylu: nah, i use capslock + ] for my escape07:22
Surlent777ooh, nano's nice. Reminds me of MS-EDIT07:22
aspiditeser capslock + [07:22
Surlent777is it a spider?07:23
Surlent777or maybe a tractor?07:23
Surlent777some sort of chip?07:23
aspiditesraylu: plus, ctrl is needed for buffer management and a lot of other ide functions i use07:23
AnActivisthello everyone, I accidentally turned of my removable cd drive while I was boot from a live cd now it seems like when I reboot normally it takes longer, is there any way for me to check if I have caused any memory damage?07:23
sireromanohappy fifth day of the month07:23
shadeslayersireromano: ><07:24
Surlent777AnActivist: Run memtest86+ from GRUB07:24
AnActivistwhat if I am using Lilo?07:24
Surlent777AnActivist: Press Esc when you see the message about GRUB during bootup07:24
Surlent777well then you're in trouble07:24
mzzAnActivist: iirc the livecd has memtest too07:24
Surlent777cause I have no idea how to use that07:24
sireromanowhat is that?07:24
Surlent777LInux LOader07:24
ActionParsnipAnActivist: i believe memtest is in lilo too07:24
ActionParsnip!info lilo07:25
ubottulilo (source: lilo): LInux LOader - The Classic OS loader can load Linux and others. In component main, is optional. Version 1:22.8-7ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 374 kB, installed size 1184 kB07:25
AnActivistActionParsnip, ok cool thank you I will try07:25
ActionParsnipAnActivist: or boot live cd, its tere too07:25
aspiditesi didn't know anyone still used lilo07:25
aspiditeshas anyone played with grub2?07:25
Surlent777there's a grub2?07:25
Surlent777that reminds me...GRUB themes...anyone use them?07:26
shadeslayerSurlent777: yes07:26
Surlent777I've been a bit scared to try them, but I think I might, just for kicks07:26
Surlent777after I figure out my weird framebuffer issue here07:26
rayluaspidites: yup. no documentation.07:26
ActionParsnipgrub works fine, what else do you need from grub besides kickup linux?07:27
aspiditesi've been putting off using it because nothing else about my setup is "shiny". no spash screens, no login manaagers, no pizaz what so ever07:27
rayluaspidites: in development for 4 years, got it working, can't configure it because there's no damn documentation07:27
Surlent777Kickup XP (video games)07:27
shadeslayerSurlent777: theyre boring after you use them for 10 boots07:27
rumpel2impressive bootscreen :)07:27
ActionParsnipoh jeez, i havent seen my grub in tiiiiiiime07:27
aspiditesraylu: gotta love open source projects huh?07:27
rayluActionParsnip: splashimages with more than 14 colors, 640x48007:27
aspiditesi've been meaning to play with fast-init, but i haven't gotten around to it07:28
mzzmy grub has a timeout of 1 second, not like I need a splash screen there :)07:28
aspiditesthe only boot option i've changed is the resolution of my tty07:28
ActionParsnipraylu: i dont even use a bootsplash, i watch the boot messaes07:28
aspiditesmzz: that reminds me. i need to reduce my timeout07:28
shadeslayeraspidites: how?? can i set it to 1440X900 ?07:28
aspiditesshadeslayer: lemme look. that's what i have07:28
mzz1440x900 isn't a vesa res, right?07:29
rayluActionParsnip: no, before that07:29
rayluActionParsnip: the image behind the selection menu07:29
shadeslayeraspidites: got the wiki btw07:29
ActionParsnipraylu: saves hdd space and why is it so important when its on the screen for suc a short length of time that you'd put time into changing it07:29
mzzoh, and I have an option in gdm to boot into windows once07:29
shadeslayermzz: um dunno07:29
aspiditesshadeslayer: vga=864. and you have to change a blacklist option somewhere07:29
rayluActionParsnip: because it's on my system, so i want it to look nice07:30
* mzz pets grub-set-default07:30
shadeslayerwhat about07:30
aspiditesshadeslayer: lemme look. i know i aint using mesa, lol07:30
shadeslayer!tty | aspidites07:30
ubottuaspidites: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.07:30
Surlent777I've set it to use the framebuffer, and it asks me for my resolution (I go with 800x600 usually), but when I run programs like ZSNES, or try and view images in w3m, which I could do in 8.10, it redirects it to my open X session...07:30
ActionParsnipraylu: true, i think its completely pointless07:30
aspiditesshadeslayer: thats not it07:31
ActionParsnipraylu: i bet you use compiz too07:31
shadeslayeraspidites: then?07:31
shadeslayeraspidites: i cant see my rez there :P07:31
tauroayuda para instalar programas en xubuntu07:31
taurosoy nuevo07:31
Surlent777tauro: #ubuntu-es07:31
RedSocrates!es | tauro07:31
ubottutauro: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:31
nilshhi all, i have a problem with an intel graphics card on jaunty07:32
shadeslayernilsh: we all do :)07:32
nilshoh, really? :D07:32
Surlent777tauro: mira "Synaptic" tambien07:32
shadeslayernilsh: yes,its a regression07:32
nilshoh no07:32
nilshi need help07:33
ActionParsnipi dont07:33
Surlent777Nvidia ftw07:33
ActionParsnipalthough i dont use intel gfx :)07:33
shadeslayernilsh: try all you want ;)07:33
ActionParsnipSurlent777: snap07:33
rayluActionParsnip: no; as stated earlier, xmonad07:33
rayluActionParsnip: though i did use it some years ago07:33
nilsheverything works, except shutting down, changing user or switching the tty07:34
aspiditesshadeslayer: i found it07:34
shadeslayeraspidites: what happened?07:34
shadeslayeraspidites: :)07:34
boringpacketsI can't resize the gnome panel below 31 pixels, for some reason it wont let me anymore. Can someone Please help?07:34
nilshso, i think it is an problem with xorg07:34
aspiditesshadeslayer: what graphics card are you using?07:34
shadeslayeraspidites: nvidia geforce 8600 MGT07:34
Surlent777sounds like mine07:34
ActionParsnipraylu: lxde here07:34
Surlent7778600 GT 512MB07:34
aspiditessweet, close to mine.. so you have to edit /etc/modprobe.d/framebuffer_blacklist07:34
aspidites(as root)07:35
shadeslayerSurlent777: ah thats the desktop version with DDR2,i have 256 MB DDR307:35
mzz(duh, it's in /etc/ :P)07:35
Surlent777shadeslayer: madness07:35
aspiditesshadeslayer: just comment out the nvidiafb line (add a #)07:35
shadeslayeraspidites: its empty :O07:35
Petrusboringpackets, I don't think you can do that07:35
aspiditesshadeslayer: are you modifying it as root?07:36
shadeslayeraspidites: yes,sudoedit /etc/modprobe.d/framebuffer_blacklist07:36
boringpacketsPetru I have been doing that for a long time until Ubuntu 9.0407:36
mzzboringpackets: I don't know enough about gnome but it's possible it's tied to some applet on your panel07:36
wolferzdoes anyone know how to install tar.gz and tar.bz2 packages?07:36
Petrusboringpackets, I don't know :(  I'm not an expert on gnome I'm sorry07:36
mzzboringpackets: does a completely empty panel have the same minimum size?07:36
Surlent777interesting...that file doesn't seem to exist on my computer07:36
aspiditesshadeslayer: maybe ubuntu uses a different file. you can always add "graphics=nvidiafb" to your kernel line in menu.lst07:36
KB1JWQwolferz: Gotta decompress 'em first.07:37
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: if you meant gedit, you'll need gksudo for that ;)07:37
aspiditesshadeslayer: correction: video=nvidiafb07:37
boringpacketsThanks for the replies! I will try doing this with an empty panel, I'll create a new one to test.07:37
KB1JWQtar xzvf filename for the gz stuff, tar xjvf for the bz2 stuff07:37
shadeslayerActionParsnip: i meant sudoedit ;)07:37
eri-i need to install opengl on ubuntu jaenty07:37
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mzzKB1JWQ: not sure when this was introduced but in at least some versions of tar you can omit the j/z and it'll autodetect :)07:37
nilshnobody with me? :(07:38
Surlent777eri-: I think it should already be able to do OpenGL, shouldn't it?07:38
aspiditesshadeslayer: i shouldn't have to say this, but make sure you back up your original menu.lst file07:38
KB1JWQmzz: Ooh, that's a neat feature.  I'll have to try that, I'm too used to old-school methods. :)07:38
boringpacketsOdd, new panels automatically start at 22 pixels. Thank you SO MUCH for figuring this out. I will just make a new panel and delete this one.07:38
shadeslayeraspidites: already did07:38
eri-Surlent777:  i can't run savage 207:38
shadeslayeraspidites: i add it to the end?07:38
aspiditesdoesn't matter. i have it before the ro option07:38
shadeslayerafter ro?07:38
Surlent777eri-: Are you trying to run a Windows version? (I have no idea what that game is)07:38
eri-i try tu run in terminal and the error its i dont have open gl 2.107:38
Surlent777ok so I guess not07:39
shadeslayerok rebooting07:39
aspiditesactually, because i have teh file, the only thing i add to my kernel line is the vga option07:39
Surlent777eri-: Did you try looking around in Synaptic for anything corresponding to that?07:39
lundhwhat do I need to be able to boot from an external dvd-player?07:39
eri-yep Surlent77707:39
aspiditeseri-: what graphics card are you running?07:39
eri-im install openglad07:39
eri-intel mobile 407:40
aspiditeseri-: i don't think that chipset supports opengl07:40
wolferzwhat do I do after downloading and doing configure though07:40
eri-aspidites: i see around the web im see something about intel and opengl problems07:40
KB1JWQwolferz: make, sudo make install generally07:41
eri-but i see this post its old post07:41
KB1JWQRead the INSTALL within the package if needed.07:41
KB1JWQMight also be called README07:41
Surlent777hey, I found that file you guys were talking about (framebuffer blacklist). I missed it though: What would enabling the nvidia fb do?07:41
eri-maybe i have  jaunty have more solution07:41
mzzalthough imho sudo make install is not your friend, consider installing into your homedir (or running straight out of the build dir) or using checkinstall07:41
wolferzI thank you, is there some cheat sheet for users used to buggy windows?07:41
aspiditeseri-: try runnign glxgears in terminal. if it doesn't work, i don't think you can run it07:42
KB1JWQmzz: Ah, that's right.  I'm too used to installing things systemwide.07:42
eri-dam it07:42
aspiditeseri-: glxgears didn't work?07:42
eri-aspidites: i try to don't use windows hahaha07:42
aspiditeseri-: do you have the latest intel drivers installed?07:42
eri-it's imposible some times07:42
eri-aspidites: nop07:43
aspiditeseri-: that might be your problem :|07:43
shadeslayeraspidites: pretty much the same07:43
mzzsystemwide's fine, systemwide outside of package manager control (and not contained to a dir in /opt or the like) less so07:43
axisdoes anyone know how to make rar files in the form of i.e part01.rar part02.rar part03.rar -- like the compression.. not splitting the contents inside.. or doefining how big part01 part02 part03 can be each?07:43
axisin linux07:43
eri-aspidites: how i do to install the new intel driver07:43
mzzaxis: does it have to be rar?07:43
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axisi have the rarlinux.tar.gz from rarlabs but when i run ./rar i don't see how i can do that..... i see rar a file.rar file1.dat file2.dat etc07:43
axisit doesnt07:43
aspiditesshadeslayer: really? mine is definately 1440x900 instead of 800x600 maybe it has somethin to do with the file being empty07:43
axisif theres a better solution sure07:44
axisill take that07:44
FloodBot2axis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:44
aspiditesi'd say do a google search for the ubuntu equivalent07:44
mzzaxis: there's a tool called "split" that does this to any file07:44
shadeslayeraspidites: maybe,no idea mate ;) maybe i have to use vga=07:44
boringpacketsWhen I hold my mouse over anything in Ubuntu a little help thing comes up telling me what my mouse is being held over. Can I disable this?07:44
MoKu23which is the command for look all USB drives?07:44
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shadeslayerMoKu23: lsusb07:44
aspiditeseri-: not sure. i don't use ubuntu. everyone? what's the command to search for packages? is it apt-cache package_name ?07:44
mzzaxis: so one option is to create any kind of archive (.tar or .tar.bz2 for example), then running "split" on that (with the right options)07:44
axisbut if i send the split files07:44
MoKu23dont show nothing (shadeslayer)07:44
axisto a windows machine07:44
axishow do i rejoin it07:45
aspiditesshadeslayer: you have to use both vga=864 and video=nvidiafb07:45
boringpacketsI remember a specific place where I was previously able to edit various detailed aspects of gnome, but It's been a long time.07:45
axison the windows07:45
mzzaxis: ah, windows target. Yeah, that won't work easily. sec.07:45
axisthats why i wanted to use rar07:45
FloodBot2axis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:45
shadeslayeraspidites: now youre telling me ;P07:45
Surlent777aspidites: I can confirm that as a no07:45
aspiditesboringpackets: gconfig editor maybe?07:45
aspiditesshadeslayer: i told you that before :P07:45
ttwjis it possible to uninstall ubuntu desktop and install ubuntu server?07:45
boringpacketsaspidttwj Yes that was it thank you.07:46
aspiditesttwj: you can run the livecd and do a complete reinstall, or just uninstall gnome desktop, xserver, etc07:46
mzzaxis: the "zip" utility takes a -s switch which might suffice07:46
shadeslayeraspidites: too much traffic here :P07:46
paul68ttwj: I should do  clean install07:46
aspiditesboringpackets: your welcome07:46
eri-aspidites: how i can do to install the new driver for intel07:46
shadeslayerMoKu23: yes?07:46
qetuRI was wondering if their is any script that can recognize the size of the image you have just "ctrl-c/x", so when you create a new pic in gimp, it knows of large the pic is i.e. 374x124 pixels, anybody knows anything about it?07:46
MoKu23for show all usb drive?07:46
ubottuMoKu23:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:46
aspiditeseri-: just guessing..open synaptic and search for "xorg intel"07:46
ttwjaspidites, can i just do sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop?07:46
shadeslayerMoKu23: i told you lsusb :|07:46
eri-aspidites: thnx07:47
MoKu23i have done, but dont show nithing07:47
aspiditesttwj: yeah, but i'd drop to tty first07:47
axisI must have an outdated version of zip07:47
manlymat_83Any repositories around still with 7.10 packages?07:47
axisbecause i don't see -s at all07:47
Surlent777MoKu23: Then you have nothing plugged in, likely07:47
manlymat_838.04's fonts changed and I hated it when I upgraded.07:47
mzzqetuR: just use edit -> paste as -> new image (in gimp)?07:47
MoKu23admin@ks367698:/home$ lsusb -s07:47
MoKu23lsusb: option requires an argument -- s07:47
MoKu23Usage: lsusb [options]...07:47
MoKu23List USB devices07:47
MoKu23  -v, --verbose07:47
FloodBot2MoKu23: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:47
MoKu23      Increase verbosity (show descriptors)07:47
aspiditesttwj: i think it messes up your update mechanism though, so fresh install is cleaner07:47
shadeslayerok im gonna reboot again07:47
paul68!enter |moku2307:47
ubottumoku23: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:47
aspiditesshadeslayer: good luck again07:47
Surlent777what's +z?07:47
SPFwhat sort of package is ubuntu-desktop?07:48
wolferzI think I did something wrong, lol.07:48
shadeslayerMoKu23: i can see my usb devices through lsusb07:48
manlymat_83Or does 9.0 make it better?07:48
MikeboHello. Can someone do me a quick favor and check what they have in the Waiting channel column of System Monitor (processes tab) for the gvfs-fuse-daemon.07:48
mzzSurlent777: ops can still see what he says07:48
qetuRmzz: ty!07:48
shadeslayerSPF: gnome meta package i thinkl07:48
Surlent777mzz: ok, thanks07:48
mzzSurlent777: (roughly, see the freenode list of channel modes for specifics)07:48
wolferzWhat does this mean? : make: *** [all-recursive] Error 107:48
Surlent777mzz: wish oftc had something like that...would have been hilarious during some old "wars" =D07:48
aspiditesseems a surge of people needing help just flooded in here :\07:48
aspiditeskinda fun helping out though07:49
eri-aspidites:  X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver07:49
MoKu23help pls07:49
eri-aspidites:  hmmm i have instaled07:49
mzzSurlent777: yeah, I think this is a freenodeism, but I hardly know non-freenode networks, so...07:49
ubottuMoKu23:: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:49
aspiditeseri-: :| do other 3d games work?07:49
mzzMoKu23: so how did just plain "lsusb" fail?07:49
eri-aspidites: but the savage 2 need opengl 2.107:49
corpsiclehey guys07:50
aspiditeseri-: are they opengl games or just sdl ?07:50
aspiditeshi corpsicle07:50
corpsiclei have a slight problem with spotify in wine in ubuntu 9.0407:50
corpsiclewhich a dual screen setup07:50
corpsiclewine seems to think the mouse is offset by a screen or so07:50
aspiditescorpsicle: you lost me at dual screen07:50
BilokShemHow's it going07:50
corpsicleso when i grab the window it pops like 1200 pixels to the right07:50
aspiditesBilokShem: pretty good, you?07:51
corpsicleits more an annoyance than a problem but it would be nice if there was a solution07:51
corpsicleis there a wine channel perhaps07:51
Surlent777BilokShem: Fine, aside from the framebuffer being weird and wanting to redirect TTY things to X07:51
Maikuis there a way to telnet over a specific interface, eth0 in this case?07:51
corpsicle... and is it about wine or wine07:51
Gneacorpsicle: #winehq07:51
mzzMoKu23: if you get no output from lsusb that probably means your usb root hubs weren't detected. What does lspci have to say about those?07:51
mzzerr, host controllers, not root hubs07:51
halyconhey everyone I have both gnome and KDE installed but would like to switch to KDE and try that out. I have changed my login screen though so I no longer get the option to change my session. Does anyone know how to switch to using KDE?07:52
mzzMaiku: I don't understand the question. Do you mean you want the daemon to only listen on one interface?07:52
Gneahalycon: how did you change it?07:52
rumpel2@halycon change it back07:52
aspiditeshalycon: you can use .xinitrc to log into kde07:52
eri-aspidites: Savage2 - Fatal Error: OpenGL 2.1 not available.07:52
corpsiclethanks Gnea07:52
Gnea!helpme | MoKu2307:52
ubottuMoKu23: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience07:52
Petrushalcyon...log out...and there's a button at the lower left hand corner of the screen07:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about attitude!Moku2307:52
Surlent777halycon: Press F10 on GDM to get the usual options07:52
aspiditeseri-: like i said, you may not be able to run opengl programs. those other 3d games might be sdl07:52
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Petrusthe option you want is Choose Session, or something to that effect07:52
ubottumoku23: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:53
Petrusit will let you switch to KDE07:53
MoKu23for look usb drive?07:53
Maikumzz: no, I have a device on the other end of a crossover cable I'm trying to telnet into07:53
Gneacorpsicle: cheers07:53
MoKu23admin@ks367698:/home$ lsusb07:53
halyconI don't remember what I did to change the login screen ;)07:53
mzzMoKu23: also, going "helppp" after ignoring requests for further information from helpers really doesn't help :P07:53
BilokShemWould I be considered a troll if I was trolling a troll?07:53
ubottumoku23: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:53
Maikuthe interface might not be set up just right, but it sort of responds to pings :P07:53
Surlent777halycon: You likely changed the theme through System > Admin > Login Screen07:53
halyconthanks guys I love you all and I will try that07:53
mzzMaiku: you can't telnet to an interface, but you can telnet to an ip that has a route over a particular interface07:53
halyconyes I think that is it07:53
Surlent777BilokShem: Possibly.07:54
GneaMoKu23: you might want to try asking in #ubuntu-it07:54
Maikumzz: that would be a better way to word it, yes07:54
Surlent777BilokShem: If there's a good chance of generating win, then do it07:54
BilokShemWould I be considered a troll if I cybered?07:54
eri-aspidites: hmmm you say try to other game?07:54
shadeslayeraspidites: yayy irssi is now usable on a tty07:54
PetrusBilokShem I haven't been banned yet for voicing various alternatives of the general theme, "UBUNTU SUCKS!!" so I doubt you're likely to be banned for anything short of profanity. ;)07:54
mzzMaiku: so I think you're looking for "route" (and interface configuration), not something telnet-specific07:54
GneaBilokShem: asking such a question would consider you offtopic, if that helps07:54
aspiditeshalycon: you can check our /etc/inittab file07:54
eri-aspidites: i speak english a litter bit07:55
BilokShemit doesn't actually07:55
Surlent777BilokShem: Depends on the situation. If it's to shock/disgust, it could be worth it07:55
Gneathat's too bad.07:55
BilokShemwhat if it's not07:55
Surlent777otherwise, you just look like a pervert07:55
Gneaor a noob07:55
Maikumzz: sounds good to me07:55
Surlent777haha, that too07:55
aspiditeseri-: oh ok. i am saying i don't think your graphics card will let you play savage 207:55
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aspiditesshadeslayer: glad it worked for you. sorry about the delay, your reply was burried07:56
eri-aspidites: ok but the game only say something about opengl07:56
Surlent777just to confirm, BSD is essentially the same idea as Linux, right?07:56
Maikumzz: thanks a bunch, I think that set me on the right track :)07:56
aspiditeseri-: right. your graphics card doesn't support opengl i don't think07:56
duryodhanSurlent777: no07:56
GneaSurlent777: er, 'idea'?07:56
shadeslayeraspidites: btw i have one more tiny problem,when i use tf-tools to login i have to swipe my fingers 3 times to login,whereas fprint_demo scans only onece,any ideas??07:56
duryodhanSurlent777: read the wikipedia articles07:56
eri-aspidites: ok07:56
aspiditeseri-: try downloading another game that uses opengl. all games don't use it07:56
shadeslayeraspidites: no problem ;)07:57
Surlent777Gnea: I mean, it's another UNIX varient, yeah?07:57
GneaSurlent777: it is.07:57
eri-aspidites: ok07:57
aspiditesshadeslayer: i don't even know what tf-tools is, sorry07:57
duryodhanSurlent777: everything is a unix variant07:57
* Gnea looks oddly at duryodhan 07:57
Surlent777duryodhan: Not exactly DOS, if I remember my history lesson in Computer Repair07:57
shadeslayeraspidites: thinkfinger tools07:57
digdeephi, how can I stop pidgin autostart when login07:57
aspiditesduryodhan: i was pretty sure windows wasn't a unix variant....mac on the other hand07:57
aspiditesshadeslayer: there's also plan 907:58
Surlent777mac is a ripoff of BSD, iirc07:58
shadeslayerdigdeep: remove it from startup manager07:58
duryodhanaspidites: afaik, all modern OS are based on teh original unix idea07:58
lundhcatz boot.img.gz > /dev/sdc1 and then moving the iso onto the usb-drive should give me a bootable linux right?07:58
Surlent777at least, the current one07:58
shadeslayer!info plan907:58
ubottuPackage plan9 does not exist in jaunty07:58
shadeslayeraspidites: ?07:58
GneaSurlent777: it's not. they actually worked out a deal that compiles fully with the BSD license.07:58
eri-aspidites:  i like to uninstall you can't help me.. because i cant see in synaptic07:58
duryodhanaspidites: unix is a set of ideas on designing OS - which windows also followed , slowly it has made some changes07:58
Surlent777Gnea: What I mean is, it's not theirs....they just "borrowed" it07:58
aspiditesduryodhan: based off of idea and based off of achitecture or source code are two different things.07:58
duryodhanaspidites: but I think thats true for everything - even linux07:58
duryodhanaspidites: unix is an idea07:59
mzzwell, the whole "idea" term here is vague enough that the question's mostly meaningless07:59
lundhwindows isnt based on unix and mac isnt a ripoff of bsd :)07:59
GneaSurlent777: and the reason no one is suing apple as a result would be...? :)07:59
duryodhanthats why I said everything is based of unix07:59
aspiditesduryodhan: you say unix based, i'm thinking using unix's source code. linux isn't unix based in this since. it's unix-like07:59
shadeslayerduryodhan: stupid idea imho07:59
aspiditesduryodhan: now talking about "ideas", yes, unix based07:59
duryodhanaspidites: yeah fine07:59
duryodhanaspidites: even bsd , unix and mac aren't unix based07:59
lundhmac os x (or its predecessor) is older then the kurrent bsd:s07:59
Gneaduryodhan: dude, dos was developed in someone's garage07:59
Surlent777Gnea: Have you seen most Apple users? Check their macrumors forum once in a while...I have a screencap of one of those idiots claiming that Macs invented the internet, hence the "MAC address" of every piece of hardware08:00
duryodhanGnea: NT08:00
Gneaduryodhan: wut?08:00
shadeslayerall this os ot btw ;)08:00
duryodhanGnea: NT is based on the idea of Unix08:00
rumpel2i always wondered...08:00
mzzSurlent777: heh08:00
aspiditesSurlent777: lol08:00
Gneaduryodhan: but the underlying OS wasn't08:00
duryodhanGnea: what underlying OS ? NT is the OS .. there is nothing underlying to it08:01
lundhno. NT has a posix subsystem, thats very different08:01
luca__hi everyone08:01
aspiditeshah, we went from newbie customer support center to unix debate panel08:01
Surlent777too deep for me now, sadly...and I'm getting situational ADD, so I'm going to go read the screen manual to learn how to copy/paste08:01
mzzsomething like this frequently happens with irc support channels08:01
GneaSurlent777: I'm sorry, but the fabrication of ideas based on a population of television-watching geeks in order to purport a conspiracy of capitalistic value means what in the grand scheme of things? :)08:01
luca__I have recently resized my swap partition, and now the system is not able to use it anymore (already checked fstab)08:01
duryodhanlundh: ?08:02
Gneaduryodhan: uhm, NT was not a re-write from the ground up.08:02
mzzluca__: tried rerunning mkswap on it?08:02
Surlent777Gnea: It gives me yet another excuse to degrade a subset of idiots, mostly. Everyone needs a hobby =P08:02
mzzluca__: (make sure it's not used first!)08:02
Gneathis whole conversation is offtopic08:02
* Gnea stops.08:02
aspiditesGnea: oh man...you're one of THOSE people?08:02
* duryodhan stops08:02
luca__mzz: yeah, and also to add the uuid to fstab and rebooting. No luck :(08:02
aspiditesthe whole, everything is a big brother conspiracy type?08:02
lundhduryodhan: nt is not built around the unix-phiolosophy. It does however have a posix-compatible layer as requested by the us department of defense08:02
mzzluca__: so how does manually running swapon on it fail?08:03
Surlent777nah, it's not big brother, it's the illuminati =)08:03
aspiditesspeaking of fstab, is anyone still using device locations /etc/sd* or has everyone switched to uuids?08:03
duryodhanhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_NT .. designed with features comparable with unix08:03
* shadeslayer drinks diet coke08:03
mzzaspidites: lvm names here08:03
Surlent777and urine is comparable with soda...they're both liquids. Doesn't mean that urine is soda or vice versa08:03
lundhduryodhan: yeah, those features are the posix subsystem that is an addition to the system08:03
aspiditesmzz: i was using lvm, but stopped about 3 months ago08:04
luca__mzz: well, here is the strange thing - it is mounted but not used; by this I mean I am unable also to hibernate (simple reboot instead) and the usplash is broken (typical)08:04
digdeepshadeslayer: sudo apt-get install startupmanager?08:04
Surlent777ok, I am not going to be made into a liar. To GNU manuals!08:04
mzzaspidites: my /boot is /dev/disk/by-id/blah, the rest is mostly lvm-based08:04
mzzluca__: define "mounted"08:04
shadeslayerdigdeep: no your startup manager in systems08:04
whitevampcan any one help me out with a wubi error?08:05
aspiditeswhitevamp: yeah. don't use it :)08:05
jtan325what do you folks recommend for simple backup?08:05
shadeslayerdigdeep: system > prefrences > startup08:05
mzzluca__: how do you know it is "mounted"? How do you know it is "not used"?08:05
digdeepshadeslayer: ok08:06
duryodhanmzz: run mount08:06
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duryodhanmzz: if its mounted it will show08:06
whitevampaspidites :  yea i know.08:06
mzzjtan325: I use rsync, but trying rdiff-backup is on my todo list08:06
mzzduryodhan: swap isn't really mounted (which is why I was adding those quotation marks)08:06
mzzduryodhan: it definitely won't show up in "mount", at least08:06
luca__mzz: swapon -a did not output any error; also, it appears on free. Free and system monitor say it is mounted but empty ... and on reboot after hibernating it makes a simple reboot :(08:07
MikeboCan someone do me a quick favor and check what they have in the Waiting channel column of System Monitor (processes tab) for the gvfs-fuse-daemon.08:07
duryodhanmzz: ohh sorry .. didn't see that is was about swap08:07
mzzluca__: so the actual problem is that you're not resuming properly, correct?08:07
luca__mzz: basically yeah, but08:07
duryodhanmzz: mzz cat /proc/swaps08:07
aspiditeswhitevamp: seriously though, what's the issue. we can give it a shot08:08
luca__mzz: setting swappiness to 100, still the system does not use swap08:08
* shadeslayer shoots the wubi installer08:08
jtan325arghhh irssi08:08
mzzduryodhan: or "swapon -s"08:08
aspiditesjtan325: wrong slash08:08
jtan325yes. this is *too* awesome08:08
luca__mzz duryodhan: cat /proc/swap -> nothing08:08
duryodhanluca__: then you are not using swap08:09
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mzzluca__: and "swapon -s" (which probably just reads that file, but check)?08:09
duryodhanluca__: swapon -a08:09
luca__mzz duryodhan: /dev/sda6                               partition21044720-108:09
duryodhanwhat the ...08:10
luca__duryodhan: first thing I tried after reboot :(08:10
mzzluca__: interesting. Did you "cat /proc/swaps"? You should at least get a header line...08:10
nmvictorHey out their,is their a way I can resize the size of my swap,maybe increasing it08:10
aspiditeshey, does anyone know how to manually override rfkill state?08:10
luca__mzz: "no file or directory"08:10
mzznmvictor: I'd add a swapfile if this is a temporary thing08:10
aspiditesnmvictor: easiest option would be gparted08:10
duryodhannmvictor: I think you can have multiple partitions as swap partitions08:10
mzzluca__: I'm not in an ubuntu kernel right now but I'm pretty sure /proc/swaps normally exists...08:11
nmvictormzz:hows that?08:11
whitevampaspidites: i get through the install and reboot into ubuntu for it to finsh installing and i get the coammand line, and i looked in casper.log and it says it cant find my drives, and then it says it cant find the iso. witch i have dubbled checked and its in the c:/ubuntu/install dir.. so any idea on this?08:11
timchey, quick question. my ex gf is using slackware. does ubuntu make me a sissy?08:11
luca__nmvictor: I'd advise not to resize; I have quite some problems after I did it today :P08:11
duryodhanluca__: are you sure cat /proc/swaps didn't give anything ?08:11
mzzluca__: (also, on this system "swapon -s" reads /proc/swaps)08:11
luca__duryodhan: positive08:11
Chowdertimc: .....maybe08:11
aspiditeswhitevamp: sounds like an /etc/fstab problem or grub issue08:11
mzzluca__: gave you *nothing* or gave you just a header line with no actual partitions listed?08:11
duryodhantimc: well very smart of you to ask in #ubuntu08:12
luca__duryodhan: my fault; had forgotten the final s08:12
timcthanks Chowder08:12
shadeslayerwhitevamp: why not do a *proper* install?08:12
timci don't know where else to ask08:12
tylerHello all...was wondering someone might be able to help me install ATI Graphics drivers for Ubuntu08:12
Chowdertimc: looks like your ex is more DIY08:12
KB1JWQWhat's the Ubuntu equivalent to chkconfig --list on redhat based stuff?08:12
luca__duryodhan mzz same output as swapon -s08:12
shadeslayer!ati | tyler08:12
ubottutyler: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:12
aspiditesKB1JWQ: and what does chkconfig --list do?08:12
duryodhanluca__: so there is a swap..08:12
Chowdertimc: if you really want to one-up her use Linux from Scratch on a separate partition08:12
duryodhanluca__: so whats the problem again ? :D08:12
mzznmvictor: from memory: dd if=/dev/zero of=/some/partition/with/enough/space/swapfile bs=1M count=512 (for 512 MiB of swap), then "swapon /path/to/that/file". When done with the swap: swapoff /path/to/that/file, then rm the file08:13
KB1JWQshows a list of what services are set to activate at startup08:13
luca__duryodhan: with swappiness 100, it is not used08:13
timcshe's going to slack from LFS08:13
duryodhanluca__: so ?08:13
luca__duryodhan: and no resume from hibernate :(08:13
duryodhanluca__: aah08:13
aspiditeswhitevamp: honestly though, livecd install will be easier/cleaner than wubi08:13
mzzluca__: so afaict the only problem is it doesn't resume, unless it still doesn't swap after actually forcing enough ram used08:13
Chowderlooks like your ex is a well seasoned Linux user08:13
ActionParsnipMoKu23: the -s switch gives me a menu with options, lsusb will simply spit out everything it can find08:13
KB1JWQaspidites: So chkconfig postfix on sets postfix to start at boot, chkconfig postfix off disables it at boot, and --list shows what services start at particular runlevels.08:14
whitevampaspidites: prolbly a botched install ( have uninstalled and reinstalled 5X's, sence there is no fstab file in /etc, lol theres like 5 files there.08:14
Chowderpersonally, I dualboot with Ubuntu and archlinux08:14
timci wonder how many girls use slack.... haha08:14
duryodhanluca__: mzz maybe its because your swap seems to be on an lvm ? .. does hibernate work wth that ?08:14
luca__duryodhan: I am trying to overflow ram, but with swappiness 100 it still should start to use swap earlier08:14
ActionParsniptimc: haahha08:14
mzzluca__: unfortunately for you I don't know how resume is handled on ubuntu08:14
shadeslayermeh.... tired of tty,switching back to X :P08:14
duryodhanluca__: it is really hard on modern systems to make the kernel use the fs swap .. I have never managed it :D08:14
brutushow do I manually mount a usb mouse?08:14
ActionParsniptimc: or how many guyes opensuse ;)08:14
luca__duryodhan: could you please check with gparted what flags does your partition have?08:14
duryodhanbrutus: you connect it08:15
luca__mzz thanks anyway08:15
aspiditeswhitevamp: yeah, if theres no /etc/fstab, ther is somethind DEFINATELY wrong. that's how linux knows what drives exist. unless wubi does some voodoo magic08:15
KB1JWQbrutus: You don't mount mice.08:15
ActionParsnipbrutus: you mount partitions, not devices08:15
rumpel2@brutus how much Gigabyte?08:15
mzzduryodhan: hibernate definitely can work with that (my swap is on lvm) but I use a custom initramfs. I don't know if ubuntu's initramfs can do this.08:15
duryodhanluca__: not on ubuntu right now08:15
ZencydeWhat are some frequent packages that 64 bit Ubuntu can't touch? Also, are there issues with Wine under the 64 bit version of Ubuntu?08:15
boxhey, should i be able to video chat with ichat users in 9.04 using empathy?08:15
aspiditesKB1JWQ: aah. sorry, not sure of the equivalent08:15
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KB1JWQaspidites: No worries.  Thanks anyway. :)08:15
luca__mzz: the swap did function until I resized it08:15
luca__mzz I am buffled honestly08:15
brutusduryodhan, KB1JWQ ActionParsnip rumpel2 I have connected it but it doesn't sense it08:16
rumpel2@brutus some kind of very exotic mouse?08:16
aspiditesKB1JWQ: seems the package exists on debian though, so it should be the same in ubuntu08:16
whitevampaspidites: yea i wasnt sure if wubui installed some crazy file in place of fstab or not, so i wasnt sure.08:16
unopluca__, maybe /etc/fstab is trying to mount the wrong partition i.e. the UUID of the partition might have changed08:16
mzzduryodhan: the most straightforward way to resume (resume=/some/partition option to the kernel) doesn't work with swap on lvm, unsurprisingly. You need the initramfs to run the "resume" userspace utility after spinning up lvm. Not hard, but the initramfs needs to figure out or know about your swap partition to do it.08:16
ActionParsnipbrutus: is it ps2 or usb?08:16
luca__unop: already checked but thanks :)08:16
aspiditesKB1JWQ: http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=chkconfig08:16
brutusrumpel2, nope, a normal optical mouse that works on windows08:16
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shadeslayerbox: maybe,maybe not,ask in #telepathy ;)08:16
brutusActionParsnip, its a usb mouse08:16
mzzluca__: did the partition number of the swap partition change in the process?08:17
ActionParsnipbrutus: does it show up in lsusb08:17
jtan325is there a way in irc to ignore the "joined" and "quit" messages?08:17
aspiditesKB1JWQ: it'd be your basic sudo apt-get install chkconfig08:17
mzzjtan325: depends on the client08:17
shadeslayerjtan325: which client>08:17
ActionParsnipjtan325: which client?08:17
aspiditesarmoredsaint: hi08:17
shadeslayerActionParsnip: brain wave ??08:17
rumpel2@brutus vendor? model? wireless?08:17
luca__mzz: partition number no, but the UUID yes - I changed it in the fstab too every time08:17
brutusActionParsnip, very strangely, lsusb causes my terminal to hang and I have to cross it out and restart the terminal08:17
jtan325also, it'd be nice if different people's nicks could be colored differently.08:17
mzzluca__: oh, uuid change is a good point. I suspect you may have to regenerate the initramfs, but I don't know how to do that.08:17
jtan325i'm such an irssi n00b08:17
KB1JWQbrutus: dmesg shows it being connected, or no?08:17
armoredsaintaspidi tes: hi back at ya..what ru doig /08:17
shadeslayerjtan325: use konversation or quassel then :)08:17
luca__mzz: ok, I have the strangest thing here08:18
KB1JWQbrutus: Might be a bad mouse.08:18
mzzluca__: the resume happens (has to happen!) before the root partition is mounted. fstab isn't used here, but may be used when the initramfs is generated.08:18
ActionParsnipbrutus: hmm, ok then take it out, wait 10 seconds, back in, 10 seconds, the run   dmesg | tail08:18
Petrus_jtan yes, there would be...but in most cases it'd prolly involve a bit of scripting08:18
nmvictorI have an 80 gb sata HDD,15gb alocated for ubuntu,64 GB for windows vista and 700MB for linux swap.I have tried creating a new partition for logical drives,both with windows Disk management tool and ubuntus gparted but they have all failed.Now all I want is to add some MB to my linux swap.Or is their a more powerfull tool out their that would meet my every need?08:18
shadeslayerbrutus: problems with the mouse?08:18
unopluca__, mzz  update-initramfs(8)08:18
mzzah, thanks08:18
luca__unop: thanks :)08:18
Petrus_jtan325, look up the numerics for joins and parts, and attach events to them which delete/suppress said msgs08:18
brutusshadeslayer, yes, usb mouse is not being detected when I plug it in08:18
shadeslayerbrutus: lsusb hangs?08:19
mzzluca__: (while the system is suspended the root partition is dirty. Mounting it would involve rolling back the journal, so it can't do that, has to figure out how to resume without reading the root partition)08:19
brutusActionParsnip, [ 4860.308000] usb 2-2: USB disconnect, address 308:19
KB1JWQaspidites: Was hoping not to install it; it feels like cheating to turn Ubuntu into RedHat. :-p08:19
brutus[ 4867.580000] usb 2-2: new low speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 408:19
brutus[ 4867.756000] usb 2-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice08:19
Petrus_I'd know how to do it directly with mirc, but under Linux it might take a bit more doing08:19
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brutusshadeslayer, yes- very weird08:19
luca__mzz: yeah clear08:19
shadeslayerbrutus: try it from a tty08:19
luca__ok updating initram08:19
KB1JWQbrutus: And it doesn't work at all?08:19
aspiditesi think the command for the initramfs generation is mkinitcpio08:19
ActionParsnipbrutus: use pastebin in future for multiple lines08:19
jtan325argh, how do you page up/down?08:19
aspiditestry man mkinitcpio whoever was needing that08:19
shadeslayerjtan325: page up key,in irssi08:19
KB1JWQbrutus: Okay, for laughs try a different USB mouse.  Same issue?08:20
brutusActionParsnip, sorry...any idea what the problem is?08:20
jtan325shadeslayer: thanks08:20
whitevampaspidites: so any idea on what would be causeing this botched install of wubi?08:20
brutusKB1JWQ, umm...I have just this one08:20
shadeslayerjtan325: np08:20
jtan325whoa is tab-completion08:20
mzzjtan325: there are scripts for different nick colors, I think. For page up/down you can (unsurprisingly) hit the pgup/pgdown keys on your keyboard :)08:20
KB1JWQbrutus: Hmm.  Have another computer?08:20
KB1JWQOr another OS on this one?08:20
shadeslayerwhitevamp: botched wubi :P08:20
KB1JWQI'd be curious to see if the problem follows the mouse.08:20
jtan325Petrus_: looks like i'll have to hit up the monstrous manual08:20
ActionParsnipbrutus: try: sudo rmmod usbhid ; sleep 3; sudo modprobe usbhid08:20
brutusshadeslayer, the tty hangs too08:20
KB1JWQBecause I've never had issue under any OS with USB mice; they "just work"08:20
jtan325mzz: thanks08:20
aspiditesKB1JWQ: lol. fair enough08:20
luca__mzz unop: ok I have done "sudo update-initramfs -c -k all"08:21
mzzjtan325: the /lastlog command really helps in busy channels like this (I'm typing "/lastlog jt<tab> 10" a lot to keep track of conversations)08:21
Petrus_jtan, the details might vary a bit by client, but the main thing you want, as I said, is the server numerics for joins and parts08:21
luca__unop mzz: I think I'll reboot now, and see if it functions. Thanks! :)08:21
shadeslayerbrutus: oh my,are you sure its hung up and simply not taking a bit long to detect the device08:21
mzzluca__: good luck...08:21
aspiditeswhitevamp: since i've only tried wubi once ,and it was forever ago, no. sorry08:21
luca__mzz: thx08:21
shadeslayerbrutus: lsusb works without the mouse?08:21
jtan325mzz: sweet, thanks.08:21
brutusshadeslayer, I'm guessing it hangs because ctrl-c doesn't stop it...and it takes too much time08:21
jtan325mzz: please keep the tips coming08:22
KB1JWQbrutus: I wouldn't necessarily expect ctrl-c to stop it if the kernel's what's hanging.08:22
aspiditeswhitevamp: cheap shot follows ---> leave it to windows to botch up something like installing an alternative os ;)08:22
jtan325mzz: any idea on disabling/hiding the quit/joined?08:22
whitevampshadeslayer: yes craped out install of wubi08:22
brutusshadeslayer, yup...without mouse too08:22
whitevampaspidites: ok thx08:22
brutusActionParsnip, ERROR: Module usbhid is in use08:22
mzzjtan325: see "/help ignore", but I don't have the actual command memorized08:22
KB1JWQjtan325: I usually just ignore it.  I've got a lot of irssi customizations that make it tolerable; run it in a screen session on a remote server.08:22
shadeslayerbrutus: so it doesnt work without the mouse too,thats......very strange08:22
brutusshadeslayer, in face...usb drives don't work too for some reason08:23
jtan325the command is /ignore -channels #mwsf * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS08:23
jtan325(yay google)08:23
mzzjtan325: (I don't have them ignored by irssi, I just don't pay attention to them)08:23
* ActionParsnip does the vm dance08:23
shadeslayerbrutus: bad mobo maybe?08:23
ActionParsnipbrutus: tried a different usb port?08:23
mzzjtan325: that sounds like it ignores nick changes, which I'd find confusing.08:24
brutusshadeslayer, shucks...I have a friend who has the exact same computer but has no problems...but the usb works on windows08:24
jtan325mzz: yea i didn't do the NICKS part08:24
KB1JWQbrutus: The mouse also works in Windows?08:24
aspiditeshey guys, is it true that ubuntu switched to a new init script that apparently cuts down load time? if so, that could mean that usb devices aren't being reconized because the init process is happening too soon08:24
mzzjust checking :)08:24
brutusActionParsnip, nope...doesn't work in any of the 3 ports i have08:24
shadeslayerbrutus: hmmm maybe then the drivers arent properly loaded08:25
brutusKB1JWQ, it works on windows...08:25
brutusshadeslayer, how do I find out?08:25
shadeslayerbrutus: yeah im researching that08:25
aspiditesbrutus: lsmod | grep usb me thinks08:25
jtan325mzz: any other irssi tips?08:25
jtan325KB1JWQ: i'd love to see your config, if you don't mind08:25
mzzjtan325: remind me if it hilights lines including your nick by default? if not: /help hilight08:26
jtan325KB1JWQ: for learning08:26
Krewlgood morning Ubuntu channel08:26
aspiditesgood morning Krewl08:26
jtan325mzz: ah yea i have that one in my config08:26
shadeslayerbrutus: btw dmesg | tail does show the device i presume?08:26
mzzjtan325: other than that my own irssi's pretty close to stock, but irssi.org has tons of scripts that add features08:26
aspiditesbrutus: make sure you have usbcore loaded08:26
* petronius http://www.gangsters.pl/index.php?polec=556008:26
brutusaspidites, this is what I get: http://pastebin.com/m6db677b908:26
* mzz isn't very demanding, just wants it to run in screen (and remotely)08:27
aspiditesbrutus: damn. looks fine to me08:27
brutusshadeslayer, new low speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 208:27
shadeslayerbrutus: what about the disk drives?08:27
ActionParsnipbrutus: try: sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart08:27
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brutusActionParsnip, done...  Restarting Hardware abstraction layer hald                            [ OK ]08:28
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brutusstill not working08:28
shadeslayerbrutus: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-309389.html08:28
dronixhow can I add xchat to run at startup(after boot)?08:28
shadeslayerdronix: system > prefrences > startup08:28
brutusActionParsnip, shadeslayer btw, if I restart the computer it works08:28
indusdronix: go to system>preferences>sessions08:28
shadeslayerbrutus: wtf!!! really ?08:28
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dronixshadeslayer, I did08:28
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shadeslayerdronix: and?08:28
aspiditesbrutus: so it just stops randomly or what?08:28
Ast001Hi I tried to upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 (amd64) and it wrongly calculate volume id and made my grub boot loader unbootable08:29
tylerI am on Ubuntu 8.1, and am having problems with Enable accelerated the accelerated ATI graphics driver in the restricted-manager, any tips?08:29
Krewl_2hm, xchat just disappeared08:29
brutusaspidites, it doesn't stop...when I plug it in it doesn't get detected, but on restarting the comp it works...I have to restart soemthing in /etc/init.d probably08:29
shadeslayer!ati | tyler08:29
ubottutyler: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:29
dronixshadeslayer, I'm stuck on what command I should enter to make it run.08:29
brutusshadeslayer, yes...08:29
ubuntumiesQ: i got my friends external fat32 usb drive, which automounts nicely under Ubuntu 9.04. But how can I change the permissions so I'm able to write and delete files on the disk, not only read?08:29
threatrixI have an external usb hardrive and when ever I start up ubuntu I have to pull the usb cord and re plug it in for ubuntu to read it but my other OS reads it fine. How would I go about getting it to mount itself in ubuntu so I dont have to mess with the USB08:29
shadeslayerdronix: xcaht08:29
Ast001I copied old menu.lst and I could boot in Ubuntu after that but it can not recognize my windows disk any more as well as my usb stick with fat32 filesystem08:30
shadeslayerdronix: *xchat08:30
dronixshadeslayer, oh * before it?08:30
shadeslayerdronix: no08:30
aspiditesbrutus: yeah, that's what it sounds like. painful, but you could try blacklisting modules incrementally to find out the culprit08:30
dronixoh lol, I already tried xchat, didn't work08:30
jtan325man, overall, ubuntu's come a long way since i used it back in 5.X08:30
ActionParsnipbrutus: then there is a service that needs restarting or module that needs probing out and in08:30
KB1JWQjtan325: http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi08:30
aspiditesubuntumies: is it fat32?08:30
tylershadeslayer: thank you, i have been there and thats what i am using for reference...I get to the point of installing the restriced driver manager, but it says i have the newest version, and when i go to check it in System-Admin its not there08:30
ActionParsnipbrutus: sudo rmmod usbhid; sleep 3; sudo modprobe usbhid08:31
brutusActionParsnip, how do I restart all usb related modules without restarting the machine08:31
shadeslayerbrutus:did restarting hal do it?08:31
jtan325any recommendations for simple backup (besides rsync)?08:31
rumpel2Ast001, do you know, how your disc(s) are partitioned?08:31
Ast001yes I know08:31
brutusshadeslayer, nope...it just restarted fine but to no effect08:31
ActionParsnipbrutus: usbhid = human interface d<something> which should be controlling the mouse08:31
ubuntumiesaspidites: yes, it's fat32. i also tried "sudo nautilus" in terminal, but it didn't help either08:31
aspiditesbrutus: sudo modprobe -r usb* mabye? then modprobe them to put them back up08:31
shadeslayertyler: so the drivers are activated?08:31
ActionParsnipubuntumies: dont run nautilus with sudo, you'll get issues, use gksudo08:32
aspiditesubuntumies: you'll have to edit your /etc/fstab file08:32
tylershadeslayer: no...i cant seem to get it to work08:32
spacechickenG'Day.  I am trying to run a perl script.  It gets to about 400Mb of memory before dying with the message "Killed".  Is there a setting I can change in Ubuntu to allow it to continue?08:32
ubuntumiesActionParsnip: ok, i will try that08:32
ActionParsnipubuntumies: sudo is ONLY for cli apps like cp,apt-get, mv, touch08:32
shadeslayertyler: so no green light in the restricted drivers ?? did you restart ??08:32
ubuntumiesaspidites: is there any way to change the way Ubuntu automounts external usb drive?08:32
KB1JWQspacechicken: reasonably certain that's a perl enviroment issue.  Try asking in #perl?08:32
tylershadowslayer: Tried sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic restricted-manager08:33
ActionParsnipubuntumies: gksudo is for graphical apps like gedit, nautilus etc08:33
ActionParsnipbrutus: better?08:33
ubuntumiesActionParsnip: that's new things for me, thanks for the advice! :)08:33
spacechickenKB1JWQ: will do.  Just trying to ascertain the cause.  Thanks08:33
ActionParsnipnp man08:33
shadeslayerActionParsnip , brutus ,https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/3633908:33
mzzspacechicken: might want to check "ulimit -a", just in case08:34
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: wow thats pretty hilarious08:34
Ast001here is my menu.lst which worket with 8.04 http://pastebin.com/m1d7eb90d08:34
mzzspacechicken: I'd expect the limits to be higher than that, but I could be wrong.08:34
aspiditesubuntumies: i don't know. i use archlinux. there, you change your hal and udev rules. i'm not sure of the ubuntuish userfriendly method to do this08:34
Ast001Problem is that 9.04 is not recognize my entire hard disk /dev/sdb08:34
Ast001there is no /dev/sdb anymore08:34
shadeslayerActionParsnip: ??08:35
aspiditesubuntumies: i imagine the easiest thing would be to add the external drive to your fstab file08:35
ActionParsnipbrutus: ok looks like you gotta sudo rmmod usbhid08:35
platiusbrutus;  is this a new hardware setup?  My gigabyte mb had the bios default of USB mouse support disabled.08:35
tylershadowslayer: Keeps saying the package is the newest version...but when i look for it in the System-Admin it is not there08:35
ActionParsnipbrutus: then plug in the mouse, then sudo modprobe usbhid08:35
Ast001and when I put usb stick /dev/sdc it can not recongize it too and 8.10 could08:35
spacechickenmzz - max memory size is unlimited08:35
ActionParsnipbrutus: have the mouse OUT before you run the rmmod command08:35
Petrusaspidites, the irony is that the supposedly user friendly method ends up being far more difficult to use. ;)08:36
ActionParsnipbrutus: out, rmmod, in, modprobe08:36
aspiditesubuntumies: something like /dev/hda7 /home/extra vfat noauto,rw,users,umask=000 0 0"08:36
rumpel2Ast001, check gparted for renamed partitions and adapt menu.st08:36
ubuntumiesaspidites: that's one way to do it for sure, to edit the fstab file. i just thought there would be easy++ way to edit the automount options and let any additional usb fat32 drives to be mounted with 755 options or something.08:36
aspiditesubuntumies: something like "/dev/hda7 /home/extra vfat noauto,rw,users,umask=000 0 0" in your fstab should work. change /dev/hda7 accordingly08:36
Ast001I have checked with rescue CD every disk and partition is there.08:37
ubuntumiesaspidites: thanks for the tip, i will try that! ;)08:37
aspiditesubuntumies: yeah, only way i know to allow linux to automount all external fat32 drives is by editing udev rules, sorry08:37
* mzz prefers fmask=111,dmask=000 over umask=000, iirc08:37
Ast001I wonder why updater wrote wrong uuid to menu.lst during upgrade ?08:37
aspiditesPetrus: I hear ya. thats why i don't trust anything that says user-friendly anymore :) i do most everyhting by hand and text config files08:38
Ast001anyway I don't need that proprietory spying software called windows... No big deal. Installer made me favour indeed.08:39
induswhats the difference between sudo and gksudo08:40
indusi never use gksudo08:40
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)08:40
Ast001everything else works perfect08:40
p45where is everyone08:41
shadeslayerp45: here on earth08:41
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: nice find on that bug duder08:42
indusActionParsnip: i never use gksudo08:42
jtan325anyone got boxee running in 9.04?08:42
ActionParsnipp45: I'm in #ubuntu and #kubuntu08:42
indusnever had issues with it08:42
Ast001I just wanted to point to possible problem during upgrade.08:42
akscimy ubiquity's crashing during jaunty install08:43
shadeslayerActionParsnip: no problem08:43
aksciubiquity crashes during jaunty fresh install!!! anyone.>>??08:43
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:44
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:44
pragad7how do i resume downloads in synaptic manager.08:44
shadeslayerpragad7: they resume automattically08:44
induspragad7: Synaptic remembers  and resumes auto08:44
ActionParsnipaksci: did you md5 check the iso you downloaded as well as verify the cd was ok once burned?08:45
induspragad7: it has a cache where it stores it08:45
tyler[00:37] <tyler> Package restricted-manager is a virtual package provided by:08:47
tyler[00:37] <tyler>   jockey-gtk 0.5~beta3-0ubuntu6.108:47
tyler[00:37] <tyler> You should explicitly select one to install.08:47
tyler[00:37] <tyler> E: Package restricted-manager has no installation candidate08:47
tyler[00:38] <shadeslayer> umm didnt jockey work for you by default?08:47
FloodBot2tyler: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:47
tyler[00:38] <tyler> im new to linux so i really dont know what that is heh08:47
shadeslayertyler: stop08:47
shadeslayer!pastebin > tyler08:47
ubottutyler, please see my private message08:47
ActionParsniptyler: use pastebin08:47
ActionParsniptyler: imagine if 10 people did that, the channel would be completly useless. think next time08:48
indusActionParsnip: hi08:48
shadeslayertyler: whats the model no. ??08:48
mzz(and don't forget about the 10 people telling each of those 10 people they're being annoying!)08:48
tylersorry guys...new to this stuff08:48
ActionParsniptyler: ok as long as you learn08:49
tyleras with the paste bin...what do i do once ive created it...DL as text?08:49
aspiditesyou must learn young padawon08:49
shadeslayertyler: full model no. please08:49
shadeslayertyler: paste the link here08:49
DASPRiDaspidites, meow? :x08:49
tylerATI MobilityRadeo X30008:50
brutusActionParsnip, sorry for the late reply, but the rmmod command complains that the module is already in use08:50
brutuswithout the mouse plugged in08:50
aspiditesDASPRiD: arf!08:50
tylerjust like that?08:50
ActionParsniptyler: you paste the text in the pastebin, hit paste, then give the address your browser then goes to...like you just did :)08:50
ActionParsniptyler: see how it doesnt scroll the channel like mad, but the info is still given08:50
shadeslayertyler: Note that if you own an ATI card from the R400 series or below, you already have working 2D and may have accelerated 3D with the default drivers. These cards include:08:50
shadeslayer* R400 series Xnnn (X800, X700, etc) (3D works)08:51
DASPRiDaspidites, arf? woof?08:51
aspiditesso what is restricted-manager? is that something ubuntu cooked up to manage proprietary packages or something?08:51
ActionParsnipbrutus: maybe it needs rmmd-ing while its in08:51
aspiditesDASPRiD: moo08:51
tylershadowslayer: so in other words its working fine?08:51
aspiditesActionParsnip: might be easier for him to rmmod if he exits X?08:52
jony_boyhello every1 i just reinstalled ubuntu properly this time and i was wondering if anyone knew some railway tocoon type of games08:52
shadeslayertyler: yes08:52
ActionParsnipaspidites: i dont think that will help usb devices but it could help08:52
aksciActionParsnip: sorry fr delayed reply, well i didn't do a md5 check, but checked the cd before booting into it to find its okay!08:52
shadeslayertyler: i think that wiki stars that the X cards are natively supported08:52
aspiditesjony_boy: openttd08:52
Petrusaspidites...Ubuntu rates its' packages on the basis of how happy Richard Stallman or the Debian community are likely to be with them08:53
jony_boy      cheers aspidites08:53
aspiditesjony_boy: http://www.openttd.org/en/08:53
jony_boythx agn08:53
tylershadowslayer: Thank you all very much08:53
Petrusanything that isn't, "free as in autistic," gets labelled as such. ;)08:53
shadeslayeranyone who can confirm what im thinking?? that the X300 is natively supporte?08:53
shadeslayertyler: one sec08:53
ActionParsnipaksci: its worth a check on the iso, always check the iso. if the iso is bad you can save yourself a cd08:53
aspiditesPetrus: ah. f* that.08:53
tylershadowslayer: ok08:53
brutusActionParsnip, hmmm...this is frustrating...i have no usb device plugged in and it still says its in use08:53
Petrusaspidites, my sentiments exactly. ;)08:54
shadeslayertyler: its shadeslayer08:54
tylershadeslayer: ahh =D08:54
ActionParsnipbrutus: i tink you will have to watch that bug and need to reboot to get it working08:54
shadeslayerActionParsnip: any ideas??08:54
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: not sure08:54
shadeslayertyler: can you enable desktop effects??08:54
aspiditessooo....tiiiired....can't....leave...computer...must...sleep...don't want to.....08:55
jony_boyis openttd in the respository?08:55
tylershadeslayer: ummmmm...no clue...sry08:55
aspiditesjony_boy: i dunno.08:55
shadeslayerActionParsnip: i think the wiki mentions that quite clearly,or am i interpreting it incorrectly?08:55
jony_boyim in windows can someone check for me?08:55
shadeslayertyler: rt click on desktop > change background > visual effects08:56
=== aspidites is now known as aspidites[not_an
aspidites[not_anjony_boy: no08:56
shadeslayerjony_boy: check what?08:56
=== aspidites[not_an is now known as aspidits
bazhangjony_boy, its there08:56
aspiditsshadeslayer: he wants to know if openttd is in ubuntu main repos08:56
tylershadeslayer: Yes...it is on normal08:56
brutusActionParsnip, even usb drives dont mount...and when I boot the comp with a usb drive plugged in it says Grub error 22 and hangs08:56
ActionParsnipaspidits: it is08:56
shadeslayertyler: change it to extra08:56
ActionParsnip!info openttd08:56
ubottuopenttd (source: openttd): reimplementation of Transport Tycoon Deluxe with enhancements. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.6.3-1 (jaunty), package size 3526 kB, installed size 7976 kB08:57
ActionParsnipaspidits: you need the files to use with it though, it isnt a full game08:57
shadeslayertyler: any errors?08:57
shadeslayertyler: then youre good to go ;)08:57
tylershadeslayer: again thank you08:57
aspiditsActionParsnip: aaah.08:57
jony_boyi auctlly own trasport tycoon so i can download the files08:58
shadeslayertyler: no problem08:58
aspiditsjony_boy: did you hear that? you need to actually by ttd in order for openttd to work08:58
=== aspidits is now known as aspidites
tylershadeslayer: take care08:58
ActionParsnipaspidits: its like prboom, you need the WAD files for it08:58
aspiditesthere..botched my own name :\08:58
shadeslayertyler: you too mate ;)08:58
shadeslayeraspidites: haha08:58
aspiditesActionParsnip: yeah, i remember that. i wasn't looking for the game, jonboy was08:58
aspiditesjony_boy: *08:58
ActionParsnipaspidites: if you own the original game you can copy the files it needs, or you can download freeware ones and populate as you lie08:59
* shadeslayer wants his ring sensors to stop eating his CPU :(08:59
ActionParsnipaspidites: i have the original on floppy :)08:59
aspiditesActionParsnip: cool. not my kind of game, so i won't bother :P08:59
aspiditeswow..that old, ActionParsnip?08:59
aprilhareyay for floppy disks08:59
aspiditesi miss the 5.25" ones...those were the shiz09:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:00
ActionParsnipaspidites: yeah its faily old, there have been revisions since09:00
bazhangplease take game chat to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks09:00
aspiditesbazhang: a user was asking if a certain kind of game was in the repos09:00
jony_boywell cheers everyone im gna go thx for the help about openttd09:01
aspiditesfunny how linux game chat gets referred to offtopic, but we can talk about goverments ontrolling the state of unix derivatives for 10 minutes without such requests09:01
ActionParsnipaspidites: its the discussion of the fact its on floppys and opinions of the game etc09:01
aspiditesActionParsnip: i see.09:02
aspiditesso either people are finally going to sleep/work/school or everyone in the world learned how to use linux/ubuntu at once09:02
shadeslayeraspidites: i have a problem09:03
ActionParsnipaspidites: i'm at work now09:03
corpsicleim at work AND i know how to use ubuntu09:03
shadeslayeraspidites: mic volume is too low,cant get mic boost to work,any ideas?09:03
aspiditesshadeslayer: not meaning to insult your intelligence: did you check alsamixer?09:03
shadeslayeraspidites: yes,;)09:04
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aspiditesshadeslayer: how about with the -c option? .. i think its -c09:04
shadeslayeraspidites: everything is set to high :)09:04
shadeslayeraspidites: dont know how to use -c09:04
ghanshyami have getting problem while open Terminal..09:04
ghanshyami m getting following error "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal"09:05
ghanshyamhow can i solve this problem09:05
aspiditesshadeslayer: alsamixer -c 009:06
aspiditesshadeslayer: then try with a one. wait..doesn't ubuntu use pulseaudio?09:06
Gneashadeslayer: -c #  refers to the soundcard number, as referenced by alsa in /proc/asound/cards09:06
shadeslayeraspidites: same thing09:06
eNons3nseQuick questions guys.  Ever since the update the new version of Braserio has been in my updater but it wont let me update it.  What's the problem here?09:06
aspiditeseNons3nse: what error is given when you try to update?09:07
shadeslayerGnea: i see all this talk of mic gain or mic boost in the forums,cant seem to enable it09:07
aspiditeseNons3nse: have you tried updating from the command line?09:07
Gneaalsamixer will, as long as the settings for the system prefer pulseaudio, default to the pulseaudio mixer device when used without argument09:07
aspiditesshadeslayer: i know when i had mic issues, installing audacity and using it's config panel helped me diagnose the issue09:08
Gneashadeslayer: it's usually a switch in the mixer, 1 or 009:08
shadeslayeraspidites: i have audacity,i use it,i can hear my voice after amplifying it,but its very low before proper amplification09:09
Gneashadeslayer: for instance, i use alsamixer -c 0  to access my soundcard mixer directly, bypassing the pulseaudio mixer, and i can dis/en/able the mic boost by selecting the 'Mic Boost' and then simply unmuting it09:10
Gneashadeslayer: of course, next to that, is the 'Mic' volume itself09:10
aspiditesGnea: so ubuntu doesn't operate like this by default?09:10
shadeslayerGnea: thats the problem i cant see micboost as a option09:10
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Gneashadeslayer: what soundcard do you have?09:10
aspiditesshadeslayer: did you go to the other tabs in alsamixer? the one named "All"?09:11
shadeslayerGnea: ICH8 intel HDA09:11
hmwshadeslayer Gnea: some sound cards seem not to have this boost option, and i suspect, that it wont be listed, if that is the case...?09:11
shadeslayeraspidites: yes09:11
Gneaaspidites: it's a weird workaround09:11
eNons3nseok.  I was able to update it with apt.09:11
Gneahmw: it's possible09:11
shadeslayerill brb09:11
aspiditesGnea: would software mixing allow some sort of mic boosting? ie dmix or the like?09:12
hmwGnea shadeslayer: you could maybe check, if this option is there in the windows mixer09:12
eNons3nseso I have 1 more question.  there's a new notification system now right?  i don't think i've seen any.  what's an action i can do to make one of these notifications appear?09:12
shadeslayerhmw: no such option in windows09:12
axionHello, I have been having problems printing to my printserver, I keep having to convert the printfile to postscript 2 on the server and then print09:12
shadeslayereNons3nse: play a mp309:13
eNons3nsein rhythmbox?09:13
hmwshadeslayer: i didnt follow your whole comversation... do you get at least something from the mike, or is it 100% silent?09:13
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shadeslayerhmw: i get *very* little sound09:13
shadeslayereNons3nse: yes09:13
Gneashadeslayer: have you read this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92836309:13
=== vampire_ is now known as Ranakah
eNons3nseshadeslayer: nothing comes up09:14
Gneaaspidites: i'm not sure, tbph, i only set it up minimalistically09:14
eNons3nseshadeslayer: what's something else?09:14
shadeslayereNons3nse: IM09:14
Gneahmw: it might be there, just not enabled/selected09:14
aspiditesGnea: just figured it might be an option for him, and i figured you'd be the one to best describe the steps to use it, since you are both in ubuntu09:15
Gneahmw, aspidites: if the soundcard itself has a MIC input, then it's going to have some sort of control for it09:15
hmwshadeslayer: ic. I am not a sound expert, especially not under linux *G*, but I see some options: You could get a new sound card or a better (active) microphone, or you could patch the mike through your Home Stereo for having a normal 5V line in signal, which you can record on your PC09:15
creative83Hey everybody. Is this bug going to be fixed in 2.6.28 soon? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/346691/ Because whole systems aren't working. And I can't switch to 2.6.29 due to dkms messing with my ati driver.09:15
ikoniacreative83: the bug report will tell you it's progress, much better than someone in this channel09:15
Gneacreative83: it will be fixed when it gets fixed.09:16
aspiditesGnea: you can see the future? :)09:16
AdvoWorkhi there, do you know where you login and type a username, can i rename them at all?09:16
aspiditesGnea: read my palms :)09:17
Gneaor do what I do: if all else fails, stick with stability ;)09:17
Gneaaspidites: lol09:17
hmwGnea: maybe with Linux this is so, but I've seen many sound cards with no option to increase mike volume on windows. Any idea, how to find out, how to tweak it, if even the original software wont allow it?09:17
shadeslayerGnea: i have everything in recording enabled and set to 100 pc,still low record volume09:17
hmwshadeslayer: what software are you using for recording?09:17
Gneahmw: well, sometimes there are mixer options in the software mixer itself that are disabled by default09:17
aspiditeshmw: audacity09:17
Gneahmw: IOW, they're there, they're just not visible to the user right away09:18
shadeslayerhmw: sound recorder,audacity09:18
hmwGnea: ic.09:18
Gneashadeslayer: did you check that link?09:18
* aspidites wishes he knew more about pc audio09:18
shadeslayerhmw: i have to go for now,ill be back in 30 min09:18
shadeslayerGnea: ues09:18
Gneashadeslayer: reply #6 seemed to alude to the possibility of hidden functionality09:19
shadeslayerGnea: i have everything in recording set  to 100 pc09:19
Gneashadeslayer: k, the mic boost doesn't have a scale, it's just an on/off thing... perhaps it can be found in preferences and then switching tabs?09:20
aspiditesshadeslayer: long shot, but try voice chat software. see if its just recording, or any mic activity that has low output09:20
shadeslayerGnea: everything enabled there too,no go09:20
aspiditesshadeslayer: skype has a built in mic test09:20
shadeslayeraspidites: same problem with skype09:20
Gneashadeslayer: maybe the mic cord has a kink in it?09:20
aspiditesshadeslayer: damn09:20
shadeslayerGnea: in built,works fine in MS09:21
aspiditesshadeslayer: maybe you're just a low-talker and don't know it...like that seinfield episode :)09:21
Gneashadeslayer: hrm, in MS, does it give the boost option or does it all 'just work' like normal?09:21
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shadeslayerGnea: just work09:22
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eNons3nseshadeslayer: got disconnected.  looks like i don't have this notification system or it's turned off.  is there settings somewhere i can look at?09:22
shadeslayerGnea: http://imagebin.org/4790009:22
AdvoWorkIs it possible to fully rename a login user account on ubuntu? I cant find much on it09:22
shadeslayereNons3nse: try lowering you brightness or volume09:22
=== akis is now known as yz250
Gneashadeslayer: shadeslayer nice. it's not in the switches tab?09:22
aspiditesshadeslayer: have you tried the console alsamixer?09:22
shadeslayerGnea: no :)09:23
aspiditesor just the gnome-alsamixer?09:23
shadeslayeraspidites: yes09:23
aspiditesbtw, the knew dust theme for ubuntu is pretty sharp09:23
eNons3nseshadeslayer: nothing09:23
* DASPRiD purrs at aspidites 09:24
aspiditeswell, you could always just yell really loud into the mic to produce normal levels09:25
majlappulseaudio running but not getting sound in jaunty09:25
etsmi'm a beginner in linux platform. I have installed amp in ubuntu 9.04 but php and apache does not work. How do i solve this?09:25
aspiditessorry, i make stupid jokes when i'm frustrated and can't offer any useful advice09:25
g00dspeedWho can help with Wine and Visual Studio?09:25
DawnLightdear friends,09:26
aspiditesg00dspeed: do you *need* visual studio? better question: *why* do you need visuaal studio?09:26
karol^hi, my dual screen stopped working after recent update (jaunty intel 965) it's 2x 1920x1200, I cannot get it back on, can anyone help?09:26
majlapHELP got pulseaudio running but not getting sound in jaunty09:26
Name141Hello, I have had a problem since Intrepid with ubuntu.   My NIC doesn't seem to want to work after Hardy properly.  The router light just flashes where it is hooked up , any ideas on what to do?  I tried downloading the Intel linux drivers, but it doesn't do any good.  If you want, you can read up at http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r22333666-Networking-Linux-support-Networking-error , any ideas on what to do next?09:26
Name141and for the record this also happens in Fedora1009:27
aspiditesg00dspeed: i'm only asking because i doubt there is anyone here who can help you with wine. #winehq would be a better option for that09:27
DASPRiDkarol^, using nvidia or ati?09:27
DASPRiDkarol^, and, hi ;)09:27
karol^hi, intel 96509:27
eNons3nseshadeslayer: found a forum post.  looks like notify-osd wasn't even installed.  shouldn't that have happened when i upgraded the OS?09:27
jtan325_karol^: i JUST got dual-screen working again tonight.09:27
DASPRiDkarol^, whoops, didn't read that09:27
g00dspeedaspidites ok, thanx09:27
karol^there was some update defaulting virtual resolution to 204809:27
DawnLightdear friends, in jaunty, the libpam-smbpass isn't doing what it is supposed to. OR i don't understand what its supposed to. does installing it mean that i don't have to run smbpasswd <user> on all my users?09:27
axionnvm the problem is in using the official ppd file... should just install the generic postscript 2 ppd09:27
jtan325_karol^: what i had to do was use xrandr to figure out the device name (as dictated by the driver)09:28
jtan325_then set up my xorg.conf appropriate09:28
shadeslayereNons3nse: yes it should have installed by default09:28
karol^jtan325_: I get an error from xandr that my resolution cannot be more than 204809:28
jtan325_karol^: this really helped me. http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1209:29
karol^jtan325_: is yours >2048?09:29
aspiditeswell guys/gals, i think i'm finally headed to bed09:29
jtan325_karol^: yes, it's two 1680x1050 monitors.09:29
eNons3nseshadeslayer: i updated through the update manager rather than a fresh CD install.  i wonder if there was a problem with it.09:29
DASPRiDkarol^, i'm running two 2560x1600, but well, nvidia not intel09:29
stjepanI can't change wallpapers, themes, icons, anything without relogging in or rebooting. Any idea what may be wrong? :(09:29
stjepan( I'm using gnome on Jaunty )09:30
aspiditesstjepan: nautilus daemon maybe malfunctioning?09:30
stjepanhow to fix it?09:30
aspiditesor gnome-setting-daemon09:30
shadeslayereNons3nse: maybe tha package was not downloaded09:30
shadeslayereNons3nse: !info notify-osd09:30
stjepanaspidites: looks like gnome-settings-daemon is running09:31
shadeslayer!info notify-osd09:31
ubottunotify-osd (source: notify-osd): daemon that displays passive pop-up notifications. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.11-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 142 kB, installed size 780 kB09:31
aspiditesstjepan: thats the part i don't know... try running from command line to see what error is returned if anny09:31
robin0800aspidites: Perhaps the X server is crashing?09:31
eNons3nsemakes me wonder what else i'm missing09:31
aspiditesrobin0800: if that were the case, gnome wouldn't run at all09:31
stjepanaspidites: no errors :-/09:31
shadeslayereNons3nse: you could manually install that package ;)09:31
stjepanand still doesn't work09:32
eNons3nseshadeslayer: i just did09:32
shadeslayereNons3nse: works now?09:32
aspiditesstjepan: what if you log into safe mode and run gnome manually?09:32
AdvoWorkcan i use this command to rename a login account? usermod -l login-name old-name09:32
shadeslayerthat is exactly the reason i use a update CD ;)09:32
aspiditesstjepan: that way you can monitor output for anything strange09:32
eNons3nseshadeslayer: no.  do i need to restart my WM?09:33
stjepanI'll try09:33
shadeslayereNons3nse: yeah09:33
aspiditesstjepan: don'tremember the command though. gnome or gnome-session i think.09:33
petrolmanHi, my terminal is set to charset utf-8 by default. When connecting to a server which charset is set to ISO-8859-15 I cant see the german umlauts. I do have to set my terminal to ISO-8859-15. Why? I thought utf-8 can interpret all chars?09:33
aspiditespetrolman: you need a unicode capable terminal09:34
Phantom784i installed ubuntu 9.04 on my eee pc 701, restarted it once, and now it's starting in low graphics mode.  i tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and it didn't help.  any ideas?09:34
aspiditespetrolman: off the top of my head, that includes urxvt, roxterm, sakura, and a couple of others. not sure if gnome-terminal is unicode.09:34
shadeslayerg00dspeed: seen to much of " The Rock " lately?? ;)09:34
aspiditespetrolman: also make sure your locale is set correctly09:35
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf09:35
g00dspeedg00dspeed yea)09:35
g00dspeedshadeslayer yes)09:35
petrolmanok, thanks aspidites09:35
aspidites(don't know now to spell that, sorry, lol )09:35
g00dspeedaspidites: all are dead in #winehq09:36
jtan325_aspidites: check out urxvt for unicode support09:36
aspiditesjtan325_: i use it already, and already recommended it :)09:36
aspiditesjtan325_: actualy, i'm using it rigt now 보찌?09:36
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:37
shadeslayerhmm so quiet,i can hear the quits and joins ;)09:38
aspiditesyeah. i meant to quit about half an hour ago :\09:38
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shadeslayeraspidites: lag?? :P09:38
paoloHi guys! I'm launching epiphany from remote with "ssh -X server epiphany", but it the forms it doesn't show the known fields it shows when run locally. Is this a bug?09:38
aspiditesshadeslayer: you can call it that :). every time i get ready to leave i see someone else i can help. or try to help :\09:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about epiphany09:39
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/09:39
shadeslayeraspidites: hehe09:39
aspiditesok, i'm gone for real this time09:40
eNons3nseshadeslayer: it's installed now.  but it's still not working.09:40
aspiditesunless...3....2....1...ok, bye all09:40
g00dspeedis there any Ubuntu RU irc?09:40
shadeslayerif not ill ask the ops to kick you :P09:40
aspiditesshadeslayer: lol ok, ok09:40
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:40
hmwpaolo: "run locally"? uhm. Do you want your local prefs working in the remote session or do you mean the "local" settings on the remote server?09:41
shadeslayereNons3nse: can you see the daemon in sys monitor?09:41
labausing the cursor keys in insert mode in vi always breaks out to the command mode... how can I prevent?09:41
paolohmw, I want epiphany have access to its stored passwords when run remotely.09:42
eNons3nseshadeslayer: yeah.  says it's sleeping.09:42
hmwlaba: install vim - use synaptics and look at the descriptions for the right package09:42
shadeslayereNons3nse: are you on a laptop or desktop?09:42
DawnLightcan someone take a look at https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+question/70002 ?09:42
paoloeverything is ok when running epiphany remotely with ssh, exectp password and other form fields access09:42
karol^anyone knows how to force > 2048 resolution on intel 965 after recent update?09:43
hmwpaolo: as i understand it, the program runs on the server, but is displayed on the local computer, so it *should* be able to access the settings stored on the machin it acutally runs on. strange...09:43
shadeslayereNons3nse: ok get someone to im you on pidgin09:43
shadeslayerkarol^: maybe editing xorg.conf,not sure about it tho09:44
connexwhat is wrong here: while [ sudo kill -USR1 16930 > stat.txt ] ; do sleep 5; done;09:44
karol^shadeslayer: yes but edit how, I already added  Virtual 3840 1200, it has no effect09:44
jtan325_connex: should it be >> instead of > ?09:45
eNons3nseshadeslayer: haha.  i'm trying, but it's almost 4am09:45
jtan325_connex: nvm09:45
paolohmw, you can run every guy program remotely if you have ssh server installed on the server (which is not the default) with "ssh -X server program" from the client, and everything is fine, execpt access to personal data09:45
stjepanI'm back.... interestingly, I can change backgrounds and themes after killing and restarting nautilus, but I still can't change icons09:45
connexwhile  sudo kill -USR1 16930 > stat.txt  ; do sleep 5; done; should be no [ ]09:45
shadeslayereNons3nse: lol,how about playing a mp309:45
shadeslayereNons3nse: you could use the IRC too,with pidgin09:46
hmwpaolo: maybe using a program remotely gets the program run in a different user context?09:46
eNons3nseshadeslayer: i know.  i just don't have this room set up09:47
eNons3nseshadeslayer: nothing happens with mp3s09:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kjournald09:47
hmwpaolo: should be easy to check: can you store a new password in remote-epiphany?09:47
shadeslayereNons3nse: nothing in the top right corner?? like new notification showing which song plays09:48
lundhI have a software raid set up from before and I want to install ubuntu on it but the installer seems to detect iw wrong. any idea why?09:49
eNons3nseis compiz going to mess it up?  do i need to turn it off?09:49
a750mhzslinkyHello, I can't get vlc to bind to udp port 1022 and I have tried 'sudo vlc-wrapper' , authbind and messing with kernel capabilities with no luck, anyone have a clue what is blocking vlc from binding to that port?09:49
shadeslayerno it works fine/better with compiz09:49
shadeslayereNons3nse: can you change the song with a keybinding?09:50
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eNons3nsewhat is the key?09:51
shadeslayereNons3nse: i have a multi media bar at the top09:51
* shadeslayer listens to Bryan adams09:52
eNons3nsei have one in my AWN bar.  it doesn't do it.  also doesn't show anything when i change it by right clicking on the notification panel icon.09:52
shadeslayereNons3nse: i mean like meta+arrow key09:53
shadeslayereNons3nse: check the keyboard shortcuts09:54
World_Citizen09hi can someone help me with setting email size while receiving mails in evolution please09:54
eNons3nsehmmm.  it may be working now09:54
walli1hi,what do you all know about virtual midi keyboard09:54
shadeslayerwalli1: whats that ?? :)09:56
iBurgerHi all. I think I just did a system upgrade, but gnome broke. 8.04. I'm gonna revert to my previous installation and stop automatic upgrades. >> am I stupid :) ?09:56
World_Citizen09can some one help me in setting up evolution email receiving size09:56
eNons3nseshadeslayer: thanks09:57
shadeslayereNons3nse: no problem09:57
eNons3nsei've been having more problems since the upgrade as well.09:57
eNons3nsemy sound drops out sometimes.  it wont come back till i restart the computer.  that's never happened before.09:58
shadeslayereNons3nse: such as??09:58
shadeslayereNons3nse: seen the wiki?09:58
shadeslayer!sound > eNons3nse09:58
ubottueNons3nse, please see my private message09:58
michael_i just installed ubuntu and now my harddrives are locked10:00
shadeslayermichael_: locked?10:00
michael_and i tried all my passwords, nothing works :(10:00
shadeslayermichael_: bios lock?10:00
michael_shadeslayer, as soon as i boot up, yes... i can access the bios.. it's odd..10:01
michael_shadeslayer, i have a dual boot with xp10:01
shadeslayermichael_: can you change the passworrds?10:01
zirodaymichael_: what do you mean by your hard drives are locked?10:01
michael_shadeslayer, i can access the one xp harddrive, from bios i changed the password.. but then there is ANOTHER password (exact same screen, different hard drive (i'm assuming that's the ubuntu one)10:01
michael_shadeslayer, after xp install there was no password, only after ubuntu install10:02
michael_ziroday, after i startup computer, nothing loads but a white screen and black text, asking for a password10:02
zirodaymichael_: did you encrypt your hard drives when installing?10:03
shadeslayerziroday: bios lock10:03
michael_ziroday, gives me harddrive 'serial' number, and says it's locked10:03
shadeslayeror that10:03
michael_ziroday, not that i remember, but i tried the only password i put in10:03
zirodaymichael_: err right, well you can reset your bios by pulling out the battery on the CMOS. Anyway this isn't an ubuntu problem and this is probably not the best place to ask :)10:04
CyclopsThis is my first time using IRC chat, really good ah!10:04
michael_ziroday, it only happened after installing ubuntu (dual boot with xp!)10:04
shadeslayerziroday: hehe thats going to take some time :P10:04
michael_ziroday, there's no base 'admin' hard disk password?10:04
michael_ziroday, for ubuntu?10:05
dingdongdinganyone have soundcard problem after upgraded to jaunty with compaq presario CQ40?10:05
zirodaymichael_: how did you install ubuntu? And the base 'admin' password is you're users password10:05
michael_anyone know if there's a 'base' admin password for harddisk when installing ubuntu?10:05
duryodhanmichael_: no10:05
michael_ziroday, tried it.  installed it after xp by clicking 'install' on the live cd10:05
zirodaymichael_: wait, so you installed it _in_ XP, or by rebooting _into_ the livecd?10:06
duryodhanignore -channels #ubuntu * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS10:06
shadeslayerduryodhan: /10:06
michael_ziroday, by rebooting into live cd10:07
zirodaymichael_: i.e. did you use wubi, or a real ubuntu install?10:07
Cyclopsare you chinese?10:07
michael_ziroday, real10:07
zirodaymichael_: okay, well you can't have set a hard drive password with the livecd, that option is only on the alternate one. Can you take a picture of the error and upload it somewhere?10:07
MidnightDevilhello fellas :)10:07
ziroday!imagebin | michael_ such as here10:07
ubottumichael_ such as here: Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add and link it from the channel.10:07
ziroday!cn | Cyclops10:07
ubottuCyclops: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:07
lundhI installed ubuntu without a swap parition. how do I add it later on?10:08
zirodaylundh: do you have space on your hard drive still?10:08
zirodaylundh: okay, well set the space to swap, add it to /etc/fstab and reboot or do swapon -a10:08
michael_ziroday, negative, i can't even get onto the machine ;)  only option i have is to boot the xp disk and try it all again!10:08
zirodayCyclops: english _only_10:08
lundhthat was easy :)10:08
zirodaylundh: if you're not sure about anything feel free to ask :)10:09
zirodaymichael_: so you can get into windows?10:09
michael_ziroday, there are two hardisks, the one i set the password for via the bios... the second i don't know how to get into10:09
michael_ziroday, actually no... it says "no bootable drive"  but i can boot from cd10:09
qiyongi'm making a pkg. in order to install /usr/bin/foo, i need to have ./BUILD/usr/bin/foo and run dpkg -b ./BUILD ?10:09
qiyongi'm making a pkg. in order to install /usr/bin/foo, i need to have ./BUILD/usr/bin/foo and run dpkg -b ./BUILD ?10:09
lundhziroday: thanks, I think that was answer enough :)10:09
michael_ziroday, i must have made a mistake when installing ubuntu10:09
zirodaymichael_: okay, and this leads us all back to it being a bios fault :)10:09
dingdongding anyone have soundcard problem after upgraded to jaunty with compaq presario CQ40?10:10
michael_ziroday, it didn't give me an option to partition the disks with the slider thingy (know what i mean)10:10
zirodaymichael_: ubuntu does _not_ have that option to "lock" your hard drive unless you are using the alternate cd and that is via encryption10:10
michael_ziroday, so i chose the "use largest unused space thing"10:10
zirodaymichael_: mmhm10:10
michael_ziroday, but the lock only happened after ubuntu install O_o  lol10:10
zirodayqiyong: ask in #ubuntu-motu10:10
CyclopsMy English is very poor, Is there any IRC channel Chinese ah?10:10
ziroday!cn | Cyclops10:10
lundhwhile on the subject, what kind of encryption is used on the aternative cd?10:10
zirodayCyclops: xie /join #ubuntu-cn10:11
zirodaylundh: strong :)10:11
lundhziroday: what system is used?10:11
zirodaylundh: err I used to know this, let me try dig it up10:11
zirodaylundh: LUKS with an encrypted LVM partition10:12
shadeslayerlundh: encryption which the FBI uses ;)10:12
lundhok, thanks :)10:13
zirodaylundh: encryption wise I have a feeling its 256bit RSA but I am very likely to be wrong10:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about encrypt10:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about encryptfd10:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about encrypt-fs10:14
lundheek, the installation failed, have to fix it :/10:14
ziroday!msgthebot > shadeslayer10:14
ubottushadeslayer, please see my private message10:14
shadeslayerziroday: started it already ;)10:14
chocobananaHi everyone!!!10:14
shadeslayer!hi | chocobanana10:15
ubottuchocobanana: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:15
=== Sonderbla is now known as Sonderblade
blue-froglundh: ecryptfs is used in Jaunty (but enabled by default yet)10:15
chocobananashadeslayer: thanks :)10:15
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shadeslayerlundh: if your nick is read in hindi it would be considered abusive ;)10:17
Mud|afkhi guys10:19
Mud|afkwho can help me with ufw ?10:19
shadeslayerMud|afk: yes?10:19
Mud|afkI want to redirect port 80 traffic to a proxy10:19
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shadeslayerMud|afk: i know the absoulte basics through gufw :)10:19
chocobananaI have this weird thing going on with 9.04. Whenever I start my computer, networkmanager supposedly connects to my wireless network. However, it won't be able to load any webpages. If access the router configuration page, it goes to a totally different router configuration page, unknown to me. If I fire up the network manager list again and click my network, then it reconnects and it works. If I repeat this, it will take me to the unknown10:19
Mud|afkwhen I do this command : ufw allow proto udp port 80 to port 808010:20
Mud|afkits gives a error10:20
chocobananasorry for the long post10:20
Mud|afkerror404notfound: Wrong number of arguments10:20
shadeslayertried the man pages?10:20
Mechdavechocobanana, do you happen to have 2 different networks with the same ESSID?10:21
zirodaychocobanana: try remove all the settings in "Edit Connections" and then restart and try again10:21
linnyanyone ever had problems with braseo not fixating disks it seems only to happen with cds as far as i can tell the cds burnt ok its just this 'fixating' what does fixating mean anyways ?10:21
pulzerHello. I been dualbooting vista as my "backup" for certain programs that wouldnt smoothly with Wine, but now thinking of replacing Vista with Windows7RC. I am guessing Win7 install will place its own boot manager instead of grub. Anyone know if guides online for getting grub back with Vista-dual works for Win7 too?10:21
chocobananaMechdave: I thought about that and no, I haven't 2 SSIDs. The unknown router configuration page is also from a router I do not own10:22
chocobananaziroday: already tried that.... :(10:22
shadeslayer!grub > pulzer10:22
ubottupulzer, please see my private message10:22
zirodaychocobanana: well there goes my idea sorry :)10:22
chocobananaziroday: thanks anyway!:)10:22
shadeslayerMud|afk: no idea10:22
umarhow can i use keyboard to move my mouse. i am tired of using my mouse!10:22
pulzersorry for being a cunt but did you even read my question shadeslayer?10:23
shadeslayerMud|afk: try googling10:23
Mechdavechocobanana, that is what made me think someone could have the same SSID as you have configured, what happens if you change your SSID to something completly different10:23
shadeslayerpulzer: yes,if you carefully read the wiki your question will be answered10:23
Drikanhello all Looking for some one familiar with Gnome10:23
Drikanand the x11 system10:23
linnyDrikan: your in the right place ask your question10:24
shadeslayerDrikan: just ask :)10:24
chillitomor irc.gnome.org might be better10:24
Mud|afkshadeslayer already done :s10:24
shadeslayerikonia: thanks10:24
chocobananaMechdave: haven't tried that yet but that also occured to me... The thing is that I have various computers around, including another machine running 9.04 w/ wireless without any issues whatsoever...10:24
adacCurrently running ubuntu from usb stick. Unfortunately programs hang from time to time. Is this because of the usb2.0 device or can I do something to speed things up?10:25
Drikanok in win xp and an old copy of redhat 7.3 my x enviorment looked just fine but in ubuntu 1/2 of the screen looks as thow i have a memory issue10:25
shadeslayeradac: probably the stick,low read write speeds10:25
Drikanthe colors dont quite display correct ly on the lower 1/2 of the screen the video card i have is a silicon motion10:26
chocobananaMechdave: and it only started happening yesterday. I've been running 9.04 since the RC without any wireless issues...10:26
Drikannow im pretty sure the red hat was using a basic generic driver for it10:26
Mechdavechocobanana, that is strange, how many wireless networks does the network applet show you?10:27
michael_AH!  i royally messed up my system while installing ubuntu... nothing i run can recognize my disks... :(  anyone know what irc channel i should go to for help?10:27
shadeslayerMud|afk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFirewall too?10:27
michael_ie - im in the live ubuntu cd again, and the partitioner doesn't see anything10:27
Drikanbut i think ubuntu is using the wrong driver for my video card10:28
Drikanits running on an old Gateway laptop solo115010:28
shadeslayermichael_: the partition table got corrupted maybe,i had the same problem,had to make a new table10:28
chocobananaMechdave: around 10, including 2 or 3 unprotected. I suspect that for some reason it connects to one of the unprotected networks and it makes the connection under mine's name...10:28
Mechdavechocobanana, do you have security on yours?10:29
michael_shadeslayer, i can't even get there.. nothing is showing and no options are clickable10:29
shadeslayerMud|afk: sudo ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 2210:29
chocobananaMechdave: yes10:29
Mechdavemichael_, if you go into BIOS and select autodetect hard drives does it show you the ones installed?10:29
shadeslayermichael_: um can you boot the live cd?10:29
michael_shadeslayer, yes10:30
shadeslayerMud|afk: from here https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/firewall.html10:30
Drikanso how do i see what x11 is using and how do i see a list of like drivers that i can switch X11 to10:30
Mud|afkI am reading now shadeslayer that ufw is only for incomming traffic10:30
Mechdavechocobanana, I have never heard that happening before10:30
michael_Mechdave, im trying to run the onboard diagnostics now... i didn't see autodetect but i'll try it10:30
Mud|afkI want to redirect traffic :o10:30
shadeslayermichael_: so the HD is not even detected as in live cd shows no HD's ?10:30
Drikanive used linux before but its been a few years10:30
michael_Mechdave, but in the diagnostics it already said "no hard drives detected" :( :(10:30
michael_shadeslayer, exactly :(10:30
chocobananaMechdave: oh wait... I'm looking at my resolv.conf file and it's directing to a specific domain name...10:31
Lovishey, i'm looking for a good open source virtualising application. can someone give me a hint which one i should use?10:31
shadeslayermichael_: loose cable,etc?10:31
adacshadeslayer, hmm stick (sandisk) should be quite fast... Can i check somehow the usb device if it is really 2.0?10:31
michael_shadeslayer, laptop10:31
rikkardoanyone knows why dosbox doesnt work properly wigth 9.04?10:31
Mechdaveshadeslayer, do you know if Ubuntu needs the BIOS to detect the disks even though it doesn't use it for acces?10:31
chocobananaMechdave: let me check what's on the other 9.04 machine....10:31
shadeslayeradac: lsusb might show it10:31
michael_Mechdave, it told me i need a dell tech support.. blah10:31
djiezesLovis: virtualizing OS's? Virtualbox might be the thing for you, there's an opensource edition in the ubuntu repositories.10:31
michael_shadeslayer, what could i have done wrong in the ubuntu install?10:32
Lovisthx djiezes10:32
Mud|afkshadeslayer: gonna try it with iptables (again :< )10:32
shadeslayermichael_: no idea,you did it :P10:32
adacshadeslayer, http://pastebin.com/m6d7932e110:32
Mechdavechocobanana, isn't the resolv.conf re written every time a new connection is made?10:32
adacseems to be 2.010:32
shadeslayerMud|afk: didnt the wiki help?10:32
Mechdavemichael_, Uh-Oh10:32
shadeslayerMechdave: no idea10:32
chocobananaMechdave: I believe so10:32
Mud|afkno shadeslayer, I want to redirect traffic, so ufw doesnt suite my situation10:33
chocobananaMechdave: I'm gonna do some tinkering and I'll be right back10:33
Mechdavemichael_, Maybe try the BIOS autodetect then, fingers crossed10:33
shadeslayeradac: yep 2.010:33
Mechdavechocobanana, right you are :)10:33
InsectoidTrying to install binary ATI drivers using the envyng program, it throws a long python traceback which I can pastebin.  This makes me very very sad.10:33
michael_Mechdave, well i installed windows, it worked fine... then loaded the live cd, installed ubuntu, then this happened10:33
Niekhi, I made a audio disk (with just one song on it) a few weeks ago, I unchecked the "Close after writing" thingey on the disk, and I want to add a audio file to it (mp3, but brasero converts that into "cd format"). How do i do that ? I only get options like "copy disk" etc10:33
adacshadeslayer, hmmm: http://pastebin.com/m15ad36f8 well does the bus tell the usb slot?10:34
blizzkidwhat's the correct syntax to run apg and pipe it's output as an argument to a php script?10:34
shadeslayerusb slot?10:34
adacshadeslayer, well is Bus 001 the usb slot itself10:35
adacwhat is device 004 then?10:35
shadeslayeradac: HD's have read write speeds of 50 Mbps,flash disks have 15-20 mbps thus they are quite slow10:35
MechdaveNiek, if you write the disk as you would a blank, I think brasero will find out it is a non closed disk and then change the burning accordingly10:35
adacshadeslayer, I see!10:35
NiekMechdave: well, it doesn't. I say "new audio project", drag my music file into it, and i say "burn" and then it says I didn't insert any recordable disks10:36
shadeslayeradac: i have such ports myself,they are internal slots,cannot be used10:36
Drikanso dose any one have any ideas?10:36
shadeslayeradac: http://pastebin.com/d5cc5193b10:37
michael_Mechdave, where would that be..?  i can't seem to find it10:37
adacshadeslayer, ok thx!10:37
shadeslayeradac: better install to HD ;)10:37
adacshadeslayer, :P10:38
adacshadeslayer, so even a external usb hd would be better?10:38
shadeslayeradac: depends,if it can utilize the full potential of the port then maybe yes10:39
adacshadeslayer, definitely worth a try then :)10:39
Ada2358Ponders /ignoring shadelayer, due to system beeps on the ada hilight...10:39
shadeslayeradac: yeah,up to you,10:39
Drikanlinny: so where do i change my video drivers in X win?10:39
Mechdavemichael_, The auto detect usually is in the BIOS settings (usually Del whilst booting to access) and on your comp I am not sure where you would find the auto detect, have a browse around but don't save any configurations10:40
shadeslayerAda2358: remove it then ;)10:40
adacshadeslayer, aye!10:40
Ada2358I might just part ubuntu10:40
shadeslayerAda2358: too crowded/10:40
Ada2358:P, the ada highlight is what I highlight on elsewhere10:40
Mechdavemichael_, which model do you have?10:40
ikoniaAda2358: don't add to the channel noise with your pondering , your irc client can be configured to not beep10:41
shadeslayerAda2358: im going in 2 min10:41
Ada2358Sorry about that, I'll duck out for now10:41
michael_Mechdave, inspiron 640010:42
Drikanso can some one inform me where to change my video driver?10:44
zetheroohi there ... would anyone like to take a really quick Linux survey for me? I run the FSRC wordpress blog and wanted to post a series of feedback from Linux or non-Linux users ....10:46
zfmfhi, how can i install khtml2png2? can i install this with apt-get when yess wich packgage?10:46
OzTrOuThi all .. :)10:47
lundhthis is really annoying. I get "no block devices found" when I try to install ubuntu10:47
rumpel2zfmf, try "aptitude search khtlm | grep png"  or something like that10:47
OzTrOuThi Drikan ... how are you doing .. ?10:47
Ada2358Drikan: If its Nvidia this could help? http://forums.pcper.com/showthread.php?t=45525110:47
MechdaveNiek, I am not sure where to go from here, unless it is in recent projects where you need to go. I don't know brasero well enough10:48
Drikanits not nvidia is a silicon motion chip10:48
lundhthe installer finds the devices but when I try to boot the installed ubuntu everything fails10:48
Ada2358Got nothing...10:48
Ada2358can you get root consol?10:49
GneaDrikan: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg10:49
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:49
Ada2358Gnea Sorry I ment in grub10:49
OzTrOuTbye ... :)10:49
DrikanGnea: just a min ill try that10:49
GneaAda2358: it helps to be specific :)10:50
Mechdavemichael_, here is the DELL page for accessing the BIOS --> http://supportapj.dell.com/support/topics/global.aspx/support/dsn/document?c=au&dl=true&docid=36A6D75A79524337AC21BE95E3FB44C5&journalid=692733A4FF5D32BEE040AE0AB5E123CC&l=en&s=gen10:50
=== prophet is now known as joash
jondglscan anyone direct me to a good resource for updating my repositories in Jaunty including details of fixing public keys?10:50
michael_Mechdave, thank you10:50
Ada2358No I'm glad I wasnt I forgot about the !root command :P10:50
Gneajondgls: what's wrong with your public keys?10:51
Mechdavemichael_, no worries10:51
shashwatpnsdoes anyon e recommend xubuntu for my 256 ram computer????10:51
jondglsGnea: When add sources to my repo list I get errors with the public keys10:51
Ada2358apt-get update does an update, but I obviously have not idea what your talking about with keys10:51
Ada2358xubuntu erm 6. something?10:52
kosharishashwatpns pesonally i would prefer flux10:52
Gneajondgls: which sources?10:52
DrikanGnea: ok after that i sapose i have to restart x11?10:52
shashwatpnsis fluxbuntu fast???10:52
Gneakoshari: I would flush flux down the toilet10:52
Ada2358I didnt think so10:53
nvrpunkI am trying to connect to a vpn using the nm-app but it doesn't seem to be doing anything after I configured it10:53
jondglsGnea: Third party sources like openoffice, pidgin etc..10:53
GneaDrikan: yes10:53
nvrpunkclicking connect seems to do nothing10:53
Mechdaveshashwatpns, can you pastebin your cpu and hard drive space and ram please10:53
Gneajondgls: okay, but what did you put in, exactly?10:53
Gneajondgls: IOW, what deb line(s) did you use?10:53
Gneashashwatpns_: xubuntu should be fine for your needs. if it's not, you could also try elivecd or ozos10:54
shashwatpns_do they run ubuntu apps??10:54
jondglsGnea: Sure one sec and i'll tell you...10:55
Gneaif they didn't run ubuntu apps, then I wouldn't be suggesting them :)10:55
shashwatpns_who would you recommend the most10:56
nvrpunkanyone able to help me with setting up a vpn in jaunty?10:56
Gneait depends on your needs and what you want to do10:56
Gneanvrpunk: any preference on protocol?10:56
shashwatpns_i surf the most and listen some music10:56
nvrpunkGnea, pptp10:57
Gneashashwatpns_: xubuntu or elivecd should be good enough10:57
gastfuck you10:57
Mechdavemichael_, any joy10:57
shashwatpns_k thanks gnea10:57
Gnea!language | gast10:57
ubottugast: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:57
gastmother fuck you10:57
DJones!ops | gast10:58
ubottugast: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!10:58
Gnea!attitude | gast10:58
ubottugast: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:58
gastdu mich auch10:58
Gneanvrpunk: are you planning on using the ubuntu system as the main system or using a ms-based server to do that?10:59
lundhthere seems to be a bug in the 9.04 installer. When I install ubuntu on a disk that also includes software raid i get no block devide found when I try to boot from it. Any idea how I can solve that?11:00
kosharishashwatpns i just think flux is a lot easier to configure than xfce,11:00
demon_http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-2.png i have this problem on ubuntu too11:01
kosharilundh i will guess that once its installed you will need to update initfs11:01
zetheroo hi there ... would anyone like to take a really quick Linux survey for me? I run the FSRC wordpress blog and wanted to post a series of feedback from Linux or non-Linux users ....11:01
Gneakoshari: fluxbuntu is slow to keep up with the times11:02
lundhkoshari: how?11:02
ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:02
Gneai sure wouldn't recommend it for a stable environment, at least nothing newer than 7.10 or 8.0411:02
Gneahey hey hey11:02
jondglsGnea: ok so I just added the repo as seen here http://paste.ubuntu.com/164817/ and I recieved the error as seen here http://paste.ubuntu.com/164818/11:03
Drikangnea: no sorry that did nore resolve the issue but i am also in gnome now11:03
GneaDrikan: hrm... so it partially fixed it?11:04
Drikanno still 1/2 the screen look odd it seems like its not properly utlizing the memory11:05
Drikanit only has 4 mb11:05
Gneathen yeah, you're going to get sub-optimal video performance - what res are you at?11:06
Drikan800x 60011:06
Gneahow does it work at 640x480?11:06
Drikani dont have the option to change rez or color depth11:06
Gneabecause 4MB is not going to power 800x600 very well at all, no matter what driver you use11:06
ActionParsnipGnea: should do, can't see why not11:07
GneaDrikan: can you lspci | grep VGA?11:07
Drikanone sec11:07
azlon1how can I move items on my panels? I have some icons and menus I want to move but when I click and drag it executes them11:07
Gneajondgls: still looking...11:07
ActionParsnipGnea: not full compiz sorta deal but you should be able to get the display res at 800x600 easy11:07
GneaActionParsnip: 16-bit maybe, 8-bit for sure... 24-bit? pshaw... :)11:08
ActionParsnipno not 24bit :)11:08
Dreamglideri have an old FUjitsu Siemens liteline with 4Mb video ram running fine at 800x600 gnome (tho it's not super fast let me tell you that :P )11:08
jribazlon1: middle click11:09
DrikanGnea: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Motion, Inc. SM720 Lynx3DM (rev b1)11:09
Adu3_linuxhelp me kadu is fairwalled11:09
azlon1jrib: awesome thanks!11:09
galtranhi all11:10
professor_any recommendations on the best way to fix up music collection ID tags?11:10
professor_I am using Amarok - fantastic app btw11:10
GneaDrikan: what driver are you using?11:10
galtrani had a problem with installation of Nvidia drivers11:10
Adu3_linuxhi can you help me11:10
galtranwhen i install it and rebooted11:10
CyberLifewat wiv11:11
galtranthere is no standart ubuntu login screen11:11
djiezesprofessor_: I like EasyTag for mass-tagging mp3's, and Picard Tagger for auto-finding full albums.11:11
DrikanGena: what ever Ubuntu installed11:11
professor_btw I use Nvidia drivers since 1998 no probs11:11
DrikanGena: how do i check11:11
professor_on Linux11:11
galtranit black console with login:     password:11:11
GneaDrikan: could you please pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log?11:11
Drikanone sec11:11
professor_galtran: how did you install the drivers11:11
galtranthis problem appears only in ubuntu 9.0411:11
professor_I'm using Nvidia drivers on the latest Ubuntu too11:12
galtrani install from Hardware drivers manager11:12
professor_that should be fine11:12
professor_did you customise the X Config in any way previously?11:12
professor_what happens if you log in and type startx11:12
galtranmm.. i can't login with graphic interface11:13
professor_I can tell you it does work because I'm on the same setup11:13
galtranit's console11:13
professor_log in via the text interface11:13
professor_and type startx11:13
Gneajondgls: can you install archive-key-signatures?11:13
professor_console is fine11:13
DrikanGena: pastbin: command not found11:13
ActionParsnipprofessor_: ive always used nvidia, flawless performance11:13
FinnishWhats a digital output on my laptop? card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 1: STAC92xx Digital [STAC92xx Digital]11:13
Finnish I see no digital output11:13
professor_ActionParsnip: same here11:14
ActionParsnipDrikan: its pastebinit11:14
djiezes!pastebin > Drikan11:14
ubottuDrikan, please see my private message11:14
ActionParsnipDrikan: you can pipe outputs to the command too :D11:14
warlockhi guys11:14
warlocki was configuring conky to show RSS11:14
peppotanyone know why "pciehp" (for ExpressCard support, in my case) is missing from 2.6.28-11 in Jaunty?11:14
ActionParsnipDrikan: saves having to open a browser11:14
warlockusing ${rss http://phorolinux.com/feed 60 item_titles 10}11:14
Gnea!pastebin | Drikan11:14
ubottuDrikan: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:14
deusOK, im annoyed, what on earth is controlling the hotkeys?11:14
warlockand i keep getting this error prss:Error reading RSS data11:14
warlockwhat could be the issue11:15
Gneaoh whoops11:15
ActionParsnippeppot: compile it yourself11:15
ActionParsnippeppot: of find a repo with it on11:15
deusWhy is the gnome-hotkeys used when i run fluxbox?11:15
lundhanyone tried zfs on linux?11:15
peppotActionParsnip, if I wanted to or felt comfortable doing so, I'd not use ubuntu... the mess of mainting self-compiled modules etc over kernel versions... just too much work11:15
ActionParsnipdeus: did you install fluxbox on ubuntu?11:15
Drikanone sec need to install it11:15
Gnea!zfs | lundh11:16
ubottulundh: For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS11:16
ActionParsnippeppot: then you wont get the functionality you want11:16
deusi upgraeded to 9.0411:16
jondglsGnea: Sorry, what are archive-key-signatures?11:16
ActionParsnipdeus: you missed my point, did you manually install fluxbox after installing ubuntu11:16
Gneajondgls: it's a package available on the launchpad site that's supposed to cure the problem: https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/apt/archive-key-signatures11:17
deusif manual you mean trough the packagemanager, then yes11:17
=== VoX is now known as vox
ActionParsnippeppot: not all hardware works without some compiling, especially alsa for the folks who insist on using creative soundcards11:17
lundhthis is really annoying. I can install ubuntu but I cant boot the installation :(11:17
ActionParsnipdeus: then all the gnome packages that were in ubuntu will still be present in the fluxbox session11:17
omeilHi all, im trying to install windows xp as dual boot but it keeps saying that it cannot write into the MBR because the file type is unknown (ext4). just wondering if there is a work around?11:17
professor_insist on Creative?11:17
lundhI have no idea what I do wrong11:17
Moheroanyone here familiar with apt-mirror?11:18
ActionParsnipprofessor_: no, avoid imo11:18
professor_ActionParsnip: I use Audigy what's wrong with that11:18
Moherojust trying to find out if / how I can get it to download x86 aswell as amd64 for the mirror.11:18
ActionParsnipprofessor_: their support is garbage, even for windows. ive seen too many folks come in with issues with them11:18
deusActionParsnip: yes, but why are they enabled, and specificly what program circumvents my hotkey setup on fluxbox?11:19
Gneajondgls: hrm, actually, ubuntu-keyring should have it..11:19
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:19
DrikanGnea: http://pastebin.com/f503b386d11:19
Kovenskyfirefox is insta-crashing for me on startup with SIGBUS, simmilar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/17417511:19
GneaDrikan: there seems to be some lengthy discussion on it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138110  not sure if it'll help or not11:20
yehow register a nick in freenode ?11:20
dstrbdfrkhey guys i just upgraded to 9.04 and i cant get my wireless to work i have an acer aspire one any takers?11:20
omeilActionParsnip, What sound card brands do you recommend?11:20
KovenskyI'm using ubuntu jaunty11:20
ActionParsnipdeus: its enabled due to it being loaded as part of the ubuntu system, flux is then just the front bt you see.11:20
olopezhi , i have gusty , anyone know some sources.list11:20
ActionParsnipdeus: theres ~/.fluxbox/keys which will allow you to specify ANY shortcut keys you like11:20
olopezto gusty11:20
ActionParsnipdeus: fluxbox has AWESOME shortcut key support11:20
ActionParsnipomeil: onboard realtek stuff has always worked for me and it makes a noise11:20
deusActionParsnip: yes, and it is as i left it, the .fluxbox/keys dont do anything11:21
DJones!register | ye11:21
ubottuye: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode11:21
ActionParsnipdesti_T2: they do if you put keys in there, read the documentation11:21
omeilActionParsnip, cool, all was working fine wtih my audigy 2 till the jaunty upgrade i can't get any sound from tvtime or xawrv which sucks11:21
deushow is mod defined?11:21
ActionParsnipdesti_T2: wront target11:21
professor_ActionParsnip: seems the hardware is great but software is crap like ou say11:21
professor_I agree11:21
brzfwok ctrl alt f1 got me into virtual terminal, now how do i get out?11:21
ActionParsnipprofessor_: yep, so i avoid11:22
fosco_brzfw: ctrl+F711:22
ActionParsnipdeus: mod = superkey11:22
deusno that cant be the problem, because when i press alt+f2 which is suppose to change my virtual desktop11:22
deusActionParsnip: yes i know that but what would the superkey be11:22
ActionParsnipdeus: its case sensitive too, look at the examples and you can set your own stuff11:22
ActionParsnipdeus: i think Mod2 = alt11:22
=== ye is now known as huye
fosco_brzfw: sorry alt+F711:22
ActionParsnipleft alt11:22
ActionParsnipdeus: its all in the documentation online, its awesome11:23
brzfwfosco_: thank you111:23
deusThere is stuff there that wasnt there to begin with when i pres alt f2 i get the quicklaunch bar11:23
ActionParsnipdeus: you'll find a lot of the time that the folks in #fluxbox are a bit snotty, or asleep. sometimes you get a nice one11:23
deusalt-f1 starts up xterm11:23
ActionParsnipdeus: can you pastebin your keys file please11:24
deusActionParsnip: LOOK! somehow gnome's shit got tangled with fluxbox configuration11:24
deusMod1 F1 :Workspace 111:24
djiezesdeus, ActionParsnip, isn't it ctrl-alt-f1 , f2, f7 etc.. ?11:24
GneaDrikan: that's just ... i don't know... what make/model is the laptop?11:24
Mechdavedeus,  System --> Preferences --> Keyboard Shortcuts will let you customise the shortcuts to what you want11:24
ActionParsnipdeus: then uninstall whatever gnome thing is running11:25
geirhadeus: Does Win+F1-F4 change workspaces?11:25
omeildeus: can you see gnomes desktop?11:25
deusTHATS what i was trying to ask about11:25
syockitI'm still getting getting frequent lockups after converting to ext3. Can I have someone who recently clean installed Jaunty pastebin his/her /etc/fstab?11:25
ActionParsnipdeus: thats confusing the show11:25
deuswhat deamon is it11:25
deusgeirha: i dont have a win button11:25
DrikanGena: its a gateway solo 115011:25
syockitI need to know the flags for mounting the drives (i.e. / , /boot, /home)11:26
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org11:26
geirhadeus: gnome-settings-daemon I think. Try "ps -ef | grep gnome"11:26
jondglsGnea: dont know anything about that stuff so I was looking for a good resource to read up and try to solve the problem11:26
omeilHi all, im trying to install windows xp as dual boot but it keeps saying that it cannot write into the MBR because the file type is unknown (ext4). just wondering if there is a work around?11:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about crap11:26
Mechdavesyockit, try this --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/164827/11:26
ikoniaomeil: the mbr does not contain a file system11:26
geirhadeus: Old keyboard then? Or do you have a meta key instead?11:26
ikoniaindus: please stop that11:26
syockitMechdave: thank you11:26
Mechdavesyockit, no worries11:27
ikoniaomeil: what is complaining ?11:27
syockitMechdave: oh, it's ext4....11:27
deusgeirha: i got the best keyboard in the world the old IBM ps2 keyboard11:27
Mechdavedeus, I am not sure what you mean by daemon?11:27
Mechdavesyockit, Oh oops, you wanted ext3 didn't you11:27
ActionParsnipdeus: try: dpkg -l | grep hotkey11:27
c0p3rn1cis gnome-voice-control 0.3 easy to install on ubuntu 9.04 64bit?11:27
GneaDrikan: did you install the standard ubuntu or something else like xubuntu/kubuntu?11:27
syockitMechdave: do you get lock-ups?11:28
omeilikonia: its saying that it can't install due to an incompatible file system E: <linux but i wasn't pointing at E: i was poitning at the NTFS partition, and it says that the MBR cannot be written due to that fact11:28
ActionParsnipdeus: or dpkg -l | grep -i key | less11:28
deusyou looking for hotkey-setup11:28
Mechdavesyockit, I get a hard drive I/O error which stops the whole show :( But lockups as such no11:28
ikoniaomeil: windows does not care about file systems, can you take a screen shot of this error11:28
ActionParsnipdeus: try it11:28
Mechdavesyockit, Have you tried looking at /var/log/messages for clues on what could be doing it?11:29
deusits just a package its not a program11:29
arkosAnyone run the game flyff under wine?11:29
deusattleast i dont know the binary to it11:29
syockitMechdave: hmm, you mean you don't get into situation where only the mouse pointer moves, but nothing else responds, forcing you to reboot?11:29
ikoniaarkos: best bet is people in #wine-hq11:29
arkosok thx11:30
ikoniaarkos: #winehq - sorry11:30
Gneajondgls: might have found the fix... checking11:30
syockitMechdave: hmm, I haven't taken a look at the logs since Jaunty was released. will try again11:30
Mechdavesyockit, yeah that has happened a couple of times, I do a ctrl + alt + f1 to console and see that I hace I/O errors on /dev/sda11:30
ActionParsnipdeus: you could disable it from running as a daemon in your rc levels11:31
omeilikonia: ill be back soon il take some photos with my camera11:31
ikoniaomeil: super11:32
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Mechdavesyockit, But funnily enough it has only happened since I plugged in my 80Gig SATA drive11:32
syockitMechdave: well, at least you get to ctrl+alt+f1... I can only alt+sysRq+b to reboot11:32
ActionParsnipsyockit: doesnt sudo shutdown -r now work?11:33
syockitActionParsnip: because I was on a xorg session (gnome), and can't change to tty, so I can't do that11:33
Gneajondgls: found it: http://blog.launchpad.net/ppa/adding-a-ppas-key-to-ubuntu11:33
Mechdavesyockit, how often does it happen? is there anything that tends to trigger it (like opening programs etc)?11:33
ActionParsnipsyockit: strange11:33
deusin some instances i started up gnome-config-deamon and use gnome-control-panel11:34
syockitMechdave: i say, firefox is the main culprit11:34
deusbut i cant remeber it overode fluxbox regarding hotkeys11:34
jondglsGnea: thanks i'll check it out!11:34
deusand i dont used gdm either only startx11:34
Mechdavesyockit, I suggest cat /var/log/messages > messages.txt (so you can see the messages before they scroll past the window. It will create a file messages,txt)11:35
deusand gnome-settings-daemon is not running11:35
deusso that cant be the source11:36
shakyciao a tutti11:37
syockitMechdave: am viewing using vim for now. I'm going to play with the browser for a while to trigger a lockup, then reboot and diff. see you soon11:37
Mechdavesyockit, Maybe I will do some digging on my own system in a bit in an endeavour to illuminate the source of my lockups ;)11:38
Boohbah!it | shaky11:38
ubottushaky: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:38
Mechdavesyockit, no worries11:38
marcel_i've formatted my usb drive filesystem as ext4, but its not mounted properly, i cannot write to it, how do i fix the permissions?11:38
Mechdavemarcel_, how have you mounted it?11:39
marcel_Mechdave, its automounted by xubuntu11:39
Mechdavemarcel_, does it have an entry in /etc/fstab?11:40
Radtoomarcel_: can you even write to it as superuser / root?11:41
marcel_Mechdave, no, its mounted as /media/disk11:41
marcel_Mechdave, as root yes11:41
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rumpel2try "sudo chown <username> /media/disk"11:41
Radtooguess then its just a matter of giving correct permissions rather than filesystem checking it.11:41
reiddoes projectM still work?11:41
marcel_rumpel2, thanks, that works11:41
Mechdavemarcel_, so it is a permissions thing, you can mount it as rw but I am not sure how to do it with the xubuntu automounter11:42
marcel_Mechdave, thanks for the help, works now after changing the ownership to myself11:42
Radtooreid: the music visualizer thingie?11:42
Mechdavemarcel_, no worries11:43
reidRadtoo: yessir11:43
reidRadtoo: I'm trying to figure out if there is really a stable package for it or if I have to do some svn guesswork11:43
Radtooreid: dunno how to rate "really stable" but there is a package for it... libvisual-projectm, no?11:46
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Radtooreid: or libprojectm2 for version 2 of projectm, I guess.11:47
reidRadtoo: I haven't been able to find any information on it frankly,  but thats enough for me to at least do some more research..11:47
reidRadtoo: the website seems to be updated like.. once every 6 months lol11:47
achilleshello all, I have two ISP routers, is it possible to install a linux box to provide redundancy if any of the routers failed the another take the place ?11:47
Drikanoh Gnea: sorry was editing my xorg.conf didnt see you type me somthing no standard ubuntu11:47
rumpel2achilles, anything ist possible :)11:48
azlonwhen i run "e2fsck -f /media/PORTABLELNX/casper-rw" in terminal it returns "/media/PORTABLELNX/casper-rw: 29928/64000 files (2.9% non-contiguous), 244581/256000 blocks". then when i run "resize2fs /media/PORTABLELNX/casper-rw" it says "Please run 'e2fsck -f /media/PORTABLELNX/casper-rw' first." what should i do?11:48
ijijijhi im using 8.04  and i want to update network manager for latest for mobile broad support is there anyway to do that11:48
strixvHey guys I just had a really weird problem, trying to figure out what could cause it: I suspended, woke the machine back up, wireless wouldn't connect, rebooted, now all Ubuntu desktop settings (panels, compiz, etc) are reset to defaults! wtf?11:48
strixv(Ubuntu 9.04)11:48
achillesrumpel2, :)11:49
achillesdetails ?11:49
Radtooreid: Yes, seems like it's a small "spare time" project...11:49
rumpel2achilles, well... you can put script on both router, which adapts the route, if on of them is not responding for pings...11:49
MementoMoriMy natural language is Italian but i've installed jaunty in English. How can I change the system date format from mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy ?11:49
deusAlso, when i used ctrl+alt+f8 and the like11:50
syockitstrixv: wireless wouldn't connect sounds like a known bug, but desktop settings reset?!?!11:50
rumpel2something like that... perhaps, there are more conveniant solutions out there11:50
marcel_what filesystem should i use if i want encryption?11:50
Radtooreid: If you want more updates, I guess you'd have to make them yourself. ;)11:50
achillesrumpel2, it seems like heartbeat .. but it's not what I'm looking for11:50
fosco_deus: ctrl+alt+f111:50
deusi enabled killx but when i used it all i get is a striped screen11:50
deusfosco_: nothing11:51
ozzerhi i just installed xubuntu on my pc and want to mount the windows partition to get at my files on there, how do i do this. i could mount the hard drive running the live cd but now i've installed it can't seem to get at the other partition.11:51
achillesrumpel2, sometimes fail comes from the ISP11:51
Drikangnea: check PM11:51
deusfosco_: the blinking - is there but i cant relay any input11:51
peterloorkehi, i can't make crontab work any suggestion?11:51
strixvsyockit: Yeah exactly, desktop settings all reset like I deleted some /home/user/.gnome stuff11:51
fosco_deus: it happens sometimes when having problems with framebuffer in console11:51
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reidozzer: honestly the easiest way to have done this would have been during the install.  You can mount the existing partition at /windows, and tell ubuntu not to format it11:52
DrikanGnea: brb restaring11:52
strixvsyockit: Also, my nautilus bookmarks list has disappeared. When I drag something into it, it sits there for .5 seconds and then disappears too11:52
fosco_deus: use startupmanager and try a lower init resolution11:52
syockitstrixv: but you're still logged in? on were you logged out when you resumed?11:52
deusfosco_: what startupmanager?11:52
MrSunshineive changed a file in modprobe.d folder, how do i regenerate the needed files for booting ?11:53
strixvsyockit: Yeah I'm still logged in. I restarted a few times, logged in, same user, only 1 user on the system anyway11:53
ozzerreid: is there another way short of reinstalling it11:53
strixvI still have all my /home/user files11:53
fosco_deus: sudo aptitude install startupmanager && sudo startupmanager11:53
deuswait, what does the init resolution have anything to do with that?11:54
Radtooozzer: how can't you get at the other partition? on the ocmmand line?11:54
syockitstrixv: yeah, but what about .gnome or .local files? I'm suspecting either they're corrupted, or loaded read only, or something else I can't think of11:54
reenignEesreveRhow do i make sure that logrotate is working?11:54
strixvsyockit: Yeah it seems like it's gotta be something like that. Weird behavior all over the board. For example, the google search box in Firefox just stopped working. Can type in it, but pressing enter does nothing.11:54
reidozzer: You could edit fstab, but if you are very new to linux this is a bit scary and might take you just as long as just reinstalling o.O11:55
reidozzer: actually, you might be able to do it with gparted or some other GUI thing nowadays..11:55
strixvsyockit: Is there a way to do a scan for hard disk corruption in Ubuntu?11:55
Radtoostrixv: sure, multiple.11:55
Radtoostrixv: I personally like using smartctl -t long on the command line11:56
reenignEesreveRI've installed ubuntu 8.04 server. I'm not sure if logrotation.d is getting invoked. How do I ensure that? I can't find any cronjob anywhere installed for it11:56
strixvRadtoo: when I install that it tries to set up some Postfix stuff11:57
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:57
strixvRadtoo: ok got it with "no configuration"11:57
Radtoostrixv: The log then can be viewed with smartctl -a. It does a lot of tests...11:57
Radtoostrixv: what? - -11:57
blankthemuffinhttp://pb.luahelp.com/883 why is it so?11:57
strixvRadtoo: It has some mail options. Do you have a suggestion for a graphical one as well that doesn't involve log files? I've spent forever poring over the system logs trying to figure it out already11:58
GneaDrikan: you should get a different ubuntu derivative - your system is too slow for standard ubuntu11:58
DrikanGnea: well every thing works just the pesky video issue11:59
Radtoostrixv: No. I don't use any mail options, but I also don't use any graphical things when I just need information. :)11:59
deusfosco_: this cant be the problem, the bootloader menu can be seen plainly, and i uninstall gdm so i go directly into terminal and that works fine at first before i start x11:59
GneaDrikan: have you used older ubuntu versions on it?11:59
drkimbleDrikan: dont give up, where there is a will, and all that11:59
DrikanGnea: hell its runing better then XP did11:59
peterloorkecrontab problem, anybody? am i the only one having this problem?12:00
Gneawell, it's ubuntu, of course it runs better than XP ;)12:00
Gneapeterloorke: don't know about a crontab problem - works fine here12:00
cipobom dia12:00
indusGnea: XP runs as good12:00
peterloorkeoh, i see T_T12:00
Drikangnea: no i just got the laptop and using it to study for school12:00
wildc4rdwhats my best choice of app to run a VM on ubuntu?12:00
cipocomo funciona??12:00
Boohbahpeterloorke: what's the problem?12:00
Gneaindus: runs it into the ground good?12:00
drkimbleMost OS's are ok :)12:01
peterloorkesimply it does not work12:01
Boohbahwildc4rd: virtualbox12:01
GneaXP is better than Vista, but Ubuntu is better than both :)12:01
Boohbahpeterloorke: is crond running?12:01
Gnea!br | cipo12:01
chalcedonyGnea: right on :)12:01
ubottucipo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:01
drkimblemy vista works like a charm12:01
wildc4rdkk, cheers boohbah, I'll have a look now12:01
Gneadrkimble: charmed you into using ubuntu, eh?12:02
peterloorkewait i have to look (i wish this is not my problem if so i'm gonna kill myself lol)12:02
drkimbleI dual boot12:02
drkimblealways have done12:02
rommei've installed xulrunner-1.9.1 to try out the new firefox, and now both evolution and liferea don't launch, just print "Aborted" in the console. i do have evolution-rss installed. is there any workaround other than remove the firefox beta?12:02
Radtoostrixv: At least I can vouch that a long SMART test is fairly reliable... (There's no better test routines I know of).12:02
drkimblecant get WoW to run in Linux :)12:02
indusGnea: this isnt a windows support forum or i would have helped you with it12:02
Gneadrkimble: it's tricky, but can be done12:02
Radtoodrkimble: well, you could.12:02
erUSUL!appdb | drkimble12:03
* drkimble is interested12:03
ubottudrkimble: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:03
Radtoodrkimble: Yes, appdb.winehq.com has info12:03
Drikanwell definitly MS has there head up there ass making there OS: with soo mutch services running in the backgound but im running Vista on my desk top witch is far superior to this POS Laptop12:03
wildc4rdis that one OK on Gnome boohbah?12:03
erUSUL!ot | Drikan12:03
ubottuDrikan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:03
Boohbahwildc4rd: it uses qt but it will run fine in gnome12:03
Radtoodrkimble: And tricky... is relative. An average reading person with an hour or two can do it.12:03
Gneadrkimble: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft12:03
strixvRadtoo: I'm not sure how to use this. I have to specify a device type and location12:03
drkimblenice, thanks12:03
ozzerdrkimble: have you installed Wine?12:04
drkimblewhats it run like though, every millisecond is life or death :)12:04
Radtoostrixv: you have to specify the device, yes. like /dev/sda or /dev/sdb12:04
* Gnea doesn't waste his time playing WoW, so not sure ;)12:04
Drikanwell inany case Ubuntu installed when Fedora 10 did not12:05
* drkimble wastes a lot of time12:05
BoohbahGnea: you imply that you have better things to do12:05
GneaBoohbah: indeed. the battle for wesnoth is a much cheaper time waster.12:05
peterloorkeBoohbah: i restarted cron and it did non work, again.12:05
Radtoostrixv: As it runs on the device, no other "locations" are necessary. It will test it thoroughly (without command line output) due to you using the "long" routine, and log the result(s) to the drive. Which logs you can get at with smartctl -a. Does that explain things?12:06
ozzerreid: where is fstab and what would need editing?12:06
PrabzHi, ever since I upgraded to jaunty, I've been facing a problem with playing videos in vlc. The video no longer runs within the main window, rather, it runs in a separate window called "XVideo output"12:06
PrabzHow to correct it?12:06
drkimblebest thing about Linux is you know nowt is spying on you in some closed program, then again if you have google earth running you never know whats going on I suppose12:06
Gneaalright, I'm trying to make a key using gpg --gen-key, but when it asks for more entropy, it never catches up - how can I correct this?12:06
* Kovensky would encourage to not use VLC but that isn't the point12:07
strixvRadtoo: Yep I've got a list here of some errors and stuff recorded by SMART12:07
strixvHow can I schedule a disk check for the next time I restart Ubuntu?12:07
KovenskyGnea: keep mashing your keyboard?12:07
Radtoostrixv: that's entirely not the same :)12:07
GneaKovensky: did that for a few minutes straight. nada12:07
PrabzKovensky, what else to use, if not vlc?12:07
rdw200169Is there a good place to find information on reducing firefox's idle CPU usage?  I regularly have b/w 15 - 20% idle CPU usage, even when the window is minimized... ?12:07
Radtoostrixv: its good that you got logs but the type of check you think of from the windows world is not mainly a hardware check, but a data check12:07
KovenskyI use mplayer12:07
strixvRadtoo: That's ok, I'd like to let it run through the check that I always skip ;)12:08
djiezesPrabz: i think you can change that setting in vlc options.12:08
GneaPrabz: just change the video output plugin in the preferences12:08
strixvRadtoo: And I don't understand a word in the logs12:08
GneaPrabz: make it like opengl or x1112:08
Kovenskyanyway, any idea what might have caused https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/174175 to hit me on jaunty? :/12:08
Radtoostrixv: The data checks on ubuntu run as needed (like they do in newer versions of XP). You could run one manually with the filesystem utilities but I don't think you "schedule" them any time.12:08
Kovenskyfirefox worked perfectly for me while I was using the alphas, borked after I upgraded to the final :/12:08
Kovenskytried downgrading already, nothing12:09
demon_i cant make another partition from my sda1 pls help12:09
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Gneademon_: sda1 is a partition, you can't partition it further12:09
Kovenskydemon_: you can't make partitions inside partitions12:09
demon_Kovensky, i want to make another one :)12:09
Radtoostrixv: Sorry, meant to say windows XP and newer. And well, you don't need to understand much more in the logs than that the drive's hardware is broken in some parts, perhaps?12:09
Gneademon_: then make it on sda12:10
rdw200169demon_, you can use something like gparted to do that.  keep in mind that you can't be using that particular partition at the time you *resize* it.12:10
demon_Gnea,  i dont have sda just sda 1.2 and 512:10
DaveWMyou can partiion it into directories...12:10
strixvRadtoo: Okay I'd like to run one manually with the filesystem utilities... but I haven't found it in the menus12:10
Radtoostrixv: Usually the suggestion is to return the drive when it has errors other than reads that took too long or something, as that indicates actual seriosu damge to hardware.12:10
demon_live cd ??? i can do with that can i12:10
Gneademon_: sda is the whole disk, 1, 2 and 5 are partitions. again, you can only partition the whole disk, not partitions (unless it's extended)12:11
strixvRadtoo: And I'll just do that after I let it finish this 88 minute smart test ;)12:11
Gnea!partitions | demon_12:11
ubottudemon_: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap12:11
Prabzdjiezes, Gnea , I've tried resetting all preferences, made it opengl, X11, whatever I do, it just changes the title of the separate window12:11
rdw200169demon_, so, for example, if your entire hard drive is one big partition (sda1), you would resize sda1 to a smaller size, then create a new one in the empty space.12:11
Radtoostrixv: Its all command line... what type of a filesystem do you have? (can check with "mount")12:11
demon_rdw200169,  i cant resize my sda1 dunno why12:11
rdw200169demon_, yes, the ubuntu live cd has gparted, which consequentially works better than the installer's partition tools12:11
strixvRadtoo: An ext1 filesystem on /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda512:12
rdw200169demon_, what did you use to to do that?  what type of partition is it?12:12
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demon_rdw200169,  my sda1 is locked12:12
Gneademon_: you can't do anything while it's mounted, that's why you need the livecd12:12
snitkoanyone knows why in 9.04 the terminal window autoresizes when I run Vim in it and how to disable it?12:12
peterloorkeBoohbah: i restarted cron and it did non work, again. Also when i'm trying to log cron with this append or whatever thing ( > ) it don't works too12:12
demon_Gnea, yeap thanks lemme find a live cd :)12:12
c_nickany community for C Begineers12:13
drkimbledemon_: try sysrescue cd its great for partition stuff http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page12:13
Gneac_nick: #programming or #c12:13
demon_lemme reboot12:13
djiezesPrabz: somewhere on the first page of preferences, there's an option to 'integrate video in interface'. maybe that's what you're looking for.12:13
Radtoostrixv: with that one you actually could cause it to fsck on reboot... tune2fs -c 1 /dev/hdaX12:14
Prabzdjiezes, toggling that option doesn't make a difference12:14
* Gnea is trying to sign the ubuntu CoC but can't get the farking key made....12:14
mib_aguhdwJoin and play this http://is.gd/wSkZ Flash based MMORPG. Addictive!!!12:14
bazhangmib_aguhdw, dont paste here12:14
Gnea!ot | mib_aguhdw12:14
ubottumib_aguhdw: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:14
rdw200169c_nick, there are also many many websites that help you learn C, particularly on linux, where things are free, regardless, for the best experience, it is highly recommended that you pick up the #1 reference for C, K&R: "The C Programming Language" by Kernighan and Ritchie.12:14
Radtoostrixv: note that I copy / pasted this one. Its more likely that you got /dev/sdaX or something. And the "1" means check on every boot... it will happen until you change it back12:15
JessicaParkerhi can anyone assist with dual screen ? have got it working somehow but not sure how to switch between primary and secondary ?12:15
JessicaParkeri have an intel video card12:15
strixvRadtoo: ok great thanks a lot for that command!12:15
Radtoostrixv: (normal is more like 20 or something, not 1)12:15
rdw200169JessicaParker, darn!  I know a lot about doing it with Nvidia, but not intel :(12:15
GneaJessicaParker: did you put the same desktop across both or 2 different desktop on both?12:15
djiezesPrabz: the option to put video & controls in 1 window should be somewhere there in preferences. also check skinning options.12:16
JessicaParker2 different desktops12:16
GneaJessicaParker: that leads me to believe that there are 2 separate X servers running - would that be correct?12:16
c_nickrdw200169: ohh ok i wanted to help someone with their Basic C difficulties... thats all the sharpen my skills12:16
DrikanGnea: OK well im chatting with you on Ubuntu now and the only thing wrong is this video issue. editing the xorg.conf file didnt seem to do any thing and even in the file is states that its pretty mutch useless.  1 why is it useless and 2 how do i set the pramiters manualy or reconfigure X11 to use the file again?12:16
c_nicki was reading K&R but then got a bit bored reading it12:17
JessicaParkernot sure I used system>preferences>screen resolution12:17
GneaJessicaParker: also, what do you mean by 'switch', exactly?12:17
jhattarajoin #ubuntu-fi12:17
JessicaParkeri will get a screen print12:17
Radtoostrixv: no problem. :)12:17
rdw200169c_nick, smart man ;)  if you're just looking for a good quick reference, there's a package for ubuntu that sort-of offers that12:17
c_nickohh where ?12:18
strixvRadtoo: This is really weird, I can't log into gmail, I can't do advanced google searches, all my preferences for everything seem to have disappeared12:18
strixvRadtoo: But I can log into facebook and do regular googles12:18
rdw200169c_nick, i think its c++-annotations12:18
GneaDrikan: you know, that whole bit has become a bit of a mystery that i haven't bothered to figure out yet... usually, i just make minor edits to xorg.conf where needed and restart it anyway12:18
Radtoostrixv: Agreed, it is weird.12:18
rdw200169c_nick, it also has some stuff on basic C syntax, also12:18
c_nickhow should i get a hold on that12:18
strixvRadtoo: And all of my bookmarks in FF have disappeared. I suspect it has something to do with an FF addon or with upgrading FF12:18
jimi_hendrixi followed the guide here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver but now ubuntu just runs in low graphics mode12:19
rdw200169c_nick, being that its a normal ubuntu package, just $ sudo apt-get install c++-annotations12:19
Radtoostrixv: There's some chance something in your user directory (or browser settings) or browser itself is broken.12:19
strixvRadtoo: But my bookmarks have only disappeared from the bookmarks list, when I type into the URL bar they still show up when they match what I'm typing. Fuckin strange12:19
ozzeri'm sorted, managed to mount at cmd line from instructions on ubuntu help :)12:20
c_nickrdw200169: how to get it12:20
Radtoostrixv: ah, but these are a bit different in firefox. They also come from the url history and such. I recall your bookmarks should be in ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/bookmarks.html or bookmarks.bat12:20
JessicaParkerGnea: i have a 19inch and a laptop - the screen print does not capture it properly but it works.............12:20
Radtoostrixv: where *.default is a profile folder with some odd name. might be called anything, actually ;)12:21
amarsound disappeared during 9.04 RC and after some tweaks with driver selection..came back... but still not with Video Players or Amarok...12:21
GneaJessicaParker: url?12:21
strixvRadtoo: yeah I know they come from history etc but these are definitely bookmarks, they have the gold star icon on the right12:21
JessicaParkerGnea: http://imagebin.ca/view/YQAeT5DB.html12:21
Radtoostrixv: It may help to recover the bookmarks, but I have no clue at all what might have broken your browser and such... :)12:21
strixvRadtoo: And when I go to "organize bookmarks" firefox crashes12:21
deusAre there any ubuntu help channel for more advanced users12:22
compubombwhen i upgraded to ubuntu 9.04 my grub no longer shows when a menu item is being selected, so i have to just figure if i move all the way up enough times i'll get linux, all the way down enough times i get windows.12:22
deusthis clearly isnt working12:22
Radtoostrixv: Oh, okay. Well, you at least know what to backup for the bookmarks now if you choose to erase the settins directory for firefox eventually. :)12:22
compubombdoesn't show an active highlighted entry.12:22
rdw200169c_nick, wait, i'm sorry, this was the package: c-cpp-reference12:22
indusamar: what is the problem12:22
strixvRadtoo: Yep, thanks ;)12:22
JessicaParkerGnea: i need the one on the right to be primary (that is my laptop)12:22
strixvRadtoo: Okay I'm gonna restart and see what a disk check comes up with12:22
strixvRadtoo: Thanks for all your help!12:22
rdw200169c_nick, so, if you get that from synaptic or apt-get, you can read the documentation starting at12:22
Radtoostrixv: its gonna interrupt smart tho ;)12:22
c_nickohh ok12:23
rdw200169c_nick, by copying this into the firefox URL bar: file:///usr/share/doc/c-cpp-reference/html/C/c.html12:23
deusOK let take it from the top12:23
mib_c8pp57anyone here with a nokia n73 able to use it as a music player in jaunty with rythmbox to12:23
amarindus: I don't have sound when using a video player like SMPlayer or VLC or whatever12:23
mib_c8pp57add or remove songs12:23
indusamar: right click on sound icon in panel says what?12:23
deusWHAT makes sure that alt+f2 starts up Run program12:24
advanceHey guys I'm having trouble trying to configure Xscreensaver can anyone help me out?12:24
deusin gnome12:24
MechdaveHas anyone experienced the live cd requiring a username and password?12:24
shadeslayerMechdave: some,but not me12:24
advancedeus:  Keyboard shortcuts.. You can change it if you want t12:24
indusMechdave: just use ubuntu and ubuntu for username password12:25
djiezesdeus: you can set those in system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts12:25
mib_c8pp57deus: system->pref-> keyboard shoprtcuts12:25
sacarlsonMachdave: at install time?12:25
amarindus: displays volume control and mute option etc.... (i can hear to my songs using rhythmbox or other music players12:25
Mechdaveindus, cheers12:25
mib_c8pp57nyone here with a nokia n73 able to use it as a music player in jaunty with rythmbox to add or remove songs?12:25
indusMechdave: :)12:25
JockeoWhen printing a sheet in OOo Calc, it prints the name of the sheet, such as "Sheet1" on the top of the paper. How can I prevent this?12:25
deusadvance: it doesnt specify anything that have to do with changeing desktops12:25
JessicaParkerGnea: any ideas ? thank you12:26
djiezesJockeo: in the printing options dialog?12:26
indusamar: which movie player > totem have you tried?12:26
GneaJessicaParker: still checking..12:26
djiezesJockeo: page options probably12:26
deusadvance: and nothing beginning with "alt" has an entry there12:26
mib_c8pp57nokia n73 users out there?12:26
rdw200169c_nick, also, for future reference, there is an application called 'dhelp' which makes browsing and using documentation in a debian environment a little easier.  this particular application keeps track of a directory called /usr/share/doc/HTML which acts like a one stop place to go for various, mostly programming, resources12:26
Mechdaveindus, didn't work :(12:26
advancedeus:  Changing desktops is a compix thing. What you want to do is go under system > preferences >  compiz settings manager12:26
deusbut that wasnt my question either, what daemon picks up the hotkeys and run the appropriate program12:27
deusadvance: i dont run compiz12:27
indusMechdave: tell me where exactly is it askking for password12:27
advancedeus:  wait..12:27
Jockeodjiezes: It was in the page options, thanks!12:27
advancedeus:  I don't know then. My bad dude.12:27
amarindus: nope.. i use SM and VLC generally..however even in Totem it didn't have sound12:27
djiezesJockeo: np, glad i could help12:27
FirefisheWhere might I find instructions for installing kde 3.5.10 alongside kde4?  I'm using ubuntu 8.1012:27
rdw200169deus, lemme guess, your Alt + F2 doesn't work anymore either...12:28
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indusamar: go to system>preferences>sound and tell me your output setings12:28
advanceAnyone know Xscreensaver?12:28
DrikanGnea: How do i figure out my exact vershion of XWin?12:28
deusrdw200169: well yes it works, it brings up the "run program" bar12:29
Jockeodjiezes: I had looked in several places, in "Tools" -> "Options", in the printing dialog and googled a little but couldn't find it. I had totally missed the fact that there is a page options form.12:29
deusrdw200169: thing is, I DONT USE GNOME i use fluxbox12:29
GneaJessicaParker: did you do any manual editting or xorg.conf or was it all guified?12:29
GneaDrikan: it's usually at the top of /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:29
rdw200169deus, then i'm still the only one...12:29
Drikanoh ok thanks12:30
amarindus: Sound playback: OSS, Music & Movies :OSS, Audio Conf.. : same in both : OSS .., Default Mixer Tracks : HDA Intel(Alsa mixer)12:30
rdw200169deus, forgive me, but i've never used fluxbox, so i don't know :(12:30
deusrdw200169: thats ok but what is your problem12:30
JessicaParkerGnea: no manual edit whatsoever12:30
indusamar: change it to autodetect12:31
JessicaParkerGnea: just plug and play.............things have come a long way these days12:31
GneaJessicaParker: okay. can you please pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf?12:31
GneaJessicaParker: yes they have :)12:31
amarindus: where?? what??? everything??12:31
advanceCan anyone help me configure Xscreensaver I'm having a bit of trouble12:31
rdw200169deus, meh, i don't know, since i've installed 9.04 Alt+f2 functionality disappeared.  it would be unfair, though, to discuss it further b/c its probably something stupid, and related to the fact that i've had the same /home since 7.1012:31
indusamar: yes everything except audio capture12:31
rdw200169deus, that and i've put exactly 0% effort into finding the problem ;)12:31
dimebardeus: sorry what's your problem with fluxbox?12:32
amarindus:  ok ..but what in Mixer?12:32
deusdimebar: fluxbox uses gnomes hotkey settings12:32
indusamar: alsamixer12:32
amarindus: ok12:32
indusamar: i mean the first option must be that12:32
indusamar: what option do you have12:33
amarindus: did12:33
indusamar: logout and login then play a movie12:33
JessicaParkerGnea: http://pastebin.com/d1674d20612:33
amarindus: ok..sure..thanks...12:34
Barretrying to make a vpn connection with pptp in jaunty, but I keep getting a dbus-daemon rejected message in auth.log. What have I missed?12:34
materi have ubuntu installed but i am currently running windows. i need to replace the primary loader cause it is infected, can someone help me out on this?12:34
matermy box got rooted and is totally infected12:35
Radtoomater: You mean your boot sector also got overwritten?12:35
matereverything is blocked by firewall i wrote, but still i need to recover somehoe12:35
materwell, this virus has root priviledges12:35
Radtoomater: it's ... in ubuntu as well?12:36
indusmater: cool12:36
materi don't think it is in ubuntu12:36
indusmater: maybe reinstall grub?12:36
Radtoomater: okay, so its a windows virus that just did it's best to annoy without destroying random data on the hdd.12:36
materthe question i have is this: i want to boot from ubuntu, unfortunately i never used ubuntu b4, i used redhat, so i donnow what to do for me to be able to boot in ubuntu now12:37
Radtoomater: In that case, reinstall grub, and you might need to run fixmbr using a windows cd as well (or wipe/reinstall windows).12:37
indusmater: Do Not reinstall windows on top of ubuntu , system wont boot12:37
advanceindus:  LIES12:37
indusbut you can fix mbr with other tools i hear12:38
Radtoomater: ehm... you mean its not installed yet?12:38
materRadtoo, correct. it did not actually destoy anything yet, it is basically an open proxy to some funky operation of enlarge your peanus type12:38
indusadvance: its true ,windows overwrites the mbr12:38
Radtoomater: annoying enough but yes then you can be almost certain it wasn't doing anything at all to any linux which was installed.12:38
indusadvance:there are tools to recover but  i dont want to discuss it here12:39
advanceindus: But all you have to do is take a live cd and copy your grub record then transfer it over to another bootloader and you can actualy use the Vista/Longhorn bootloader.12:39
materRadtoo, ubuntu is installed but i installed winxp sp3 and never booted ubuntu after that12:39
martinomadvance: Yeah, pretty easy actually.12:39
advanceindus:  Yeah I was about to say You need to tell that to my computer because she works really good12:39
advancemartinom:  Yeah it was really easy12:39
indusadvance: yes but the fact is me and most users dont get it12:39
Radtoomater: okay. that makes it clear. well, you might actually want to just install a newer version of ubuntu now if one came out in the meantime ;)12:39
djiezesmater: you just need to reinstall grub, in order to be able to boot ubuntu.12:40
martinomadvance: I've done it a few times by mistake :p12:40
indusadvance: bootloader scares me12:40
Radtoomater: But failing that, just boot the old ubuntu cd and do http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2411312:40
materindus, well, if you can help me out, join #rootkit. we can talk there, the same thing for anybody else12:40
advancedjiezes:  no you don't12:40
martinomadvance: grub-install writes to mbr.12:40
indusmater: i can help you with grub here itself12:40
djiezeswhy not? ubuntu is still on his system.12:40
indusits easy12:40
advanceYou guys are out of control12:40
advanceI'm 15 and I did it?12:40
syockithmm I seem to have found something that does what I wanted. it combines two of them too: 1. hide a tab 2. number the tabs. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/952812:41
advanceand you guys are scared12:41
* Gnea looks oddly at advance 12:41
indusmater: use a live cd and boot into ubuntu first then you can repair grub12:41
indusadvance: iam i correct?12:41
GneaJessicaParker: have you tried xrandr?12:42
materRadtoo, i tried to boot from old ubuntu, but my primary loader is bad12:42
djiezesindus: yea, but don't trust me, i'm out of control app ;-)12:42
Radtoomater: using the cd is the imperative here12:42
martinomAll you have to do is run 'grub-install' i guess. Which actually does not 'install' grub all over again, it just writes to mbr.12:42
JessicaParkerGnea: no i thought with the auto detection  there would be something that i could use12:43
Radtoomater: you'll have to boot off the cd to fix the loader.12:43
advanceindus:  http://apcmag.com/how_to_dualboot_vista_with_linux_linux_is_already_installed.htm12:43
advanceindus: That is probobly the easyest thing I have ever done on linux12:43
JessicaParkerGnea: i was reluctant to do anything else mainly as it seems to all work as i need it to12:43
advanceindus: Primaraly using NEOGrub it was really easy12:44
martinomI've been looking around for a solution to a resolution problem i have. The edges of my desktop/display won't show up.12:44
rootwhere are kernel headers for 2.6.27-11-generic?12:44
advancemartinom:  What do you mean the edges12:44
rootcannot find them in jaunty repos.12:44
indusadvance: i know , but these things are too much for a new user thats all i say12:44
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martinomadvance: Seems as if though the screen is 'zoomed'.12:44
materRadtoo, i am trying to boot from ubuntu cd and thought i could do a reinstall, but it wants to repartition my drives, or else quit12:44
GneaJessicaParker: the problem with gnome and autodetection is that it, often times, does just the bare minimum. the GUI itself provides just enough to get the job done - and that's a good thing. but, you're talking about altering things, which is beyond the scope of the basic GUI design of ubuntu. it really depends on how badly you want to switch the screens, but it's going to require going to the level of commandline and using xrandr to tweak the settings and 12:45
martinomIf you know what I mean.12:45
indusadvance: i did repair grub once but it was scary12:45
sacarlsonmartinom: you sure it's not your monitor settings that need to be changed12:45
induseasy but scary12:45
materRadtoo, can we talk about this on #rootkit, cause it too much traffic here12:45
martinomsacarlson: When I move xorg.conf somewhere and use vesa, it works.12:45
Radtoomater: you can do a reinstall? just tell it to use the old partitions you had.12:45
Gneaand i have no idea if that got cut off or not12:45
rdw200169you don't need to reboot to fix the mbr, or anything like that.  the trick, is to know what device you want to put it on.  for example, when you run the live cd, the HDD is given a name which may not not be the same as the one it is during the normal boot.  things get tricky here, but not too bad.12:45
martinomBut without the nvidia driver of course.12:45
JessicaParkerGnea: any ideas on if i can just amend the xorg file or is it not as simple as that ?12:45
martinomBasically uses default settings.12:45
advanceindus:  How is booting on a linux live cd then figuring out what partition your harddrive is on thn typing install hd(0.0)12:45
GneaJessicaParker: amend or append?12:45
martinomTried to play around with nvidia-settings with no results.12:45
advancemartinom:  do you have a scroll wheel?12:46
rdw200169so, for example, if your regular hdd is called /dev/sda in the live cd, you would run $ grub-install /dev/sda12:46
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martinomadvance: I've tried actually 'zooming' yeah. :)12:46
materRadtoo, i don't see a choice to use old partitions during ubuntu reinstall, or rather fresh install12:46
martinomIt's more of a resolution problem.12:46
advancemartinom:  Hey you never know lol.12:46
sacarlsonmartinom: oh nvidia I have similar problem with nvidia I just us nv for now12:46
advancerdw200169:  Nah no you wouldn't12:46
Mechdaveindus, Problem solved, just a APIC error... rebooted now fine thx12:46
martinomsacarlson: Problem is that I'm developing with CUDA...12:46
rdw200169or, on the other hand, if its /dev/sdb or /dev/hda or whatever, the $ grub-install still works.  the key is that you can use /dev/ names instead of the name from the device map, which makes things quite a bit easier in the long run12:46
Radtoomater: It has no "free" space to work with at the moment but if you tell it to use the existing ubuntu partitiosn all wil be fine. As for #rootkit, sorry, no. I also don't know everything or make no mistakes, its good if other people think along :)12:46
martinomI need the driver to work :)12:46
JessicaParkerGnea: any / either - amend would be better as then i know the setting is there............i had one really bad experience with these files and had to do a reinstall as i could not recover the copy properly so painful hence the reluctance12:46
TheZankejust took my lappy completely appart... cleaned every chip with isopropyl alcohol, air dusted (with an air compressor) the whole thing... re-thermal pasted it all with articsilver-5 and put it all back together perfectly.... still tons of errors in memtest86+... guess it really is my ram. :'(12:47
indusMechdave: cool12:47
GneaJessicaParker: if you mean, by amend, to edit and save settings to the current xorg.conf file, then yes, that is possible. i've done it for years, when necessary (used to be necessary ALL the time, back when it wasn't so fancy ;) ), and it can still be done - the nice thing, today, is that if you goof it up, you can still revert with: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg12:47
martinomOf course, I'm able to do stuff with my screen looking the way it does now... But it's f***ing irritating.12:47
indusMechdave: can you share how you got it solved12:47
GneaJessicaParker: understood12:47
sacarlsonmartinom: well did you try nvidia.com latest driver release NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-185.18.04-pkg2.run12:47
materif anybody can help me out on rootkit problem and reinstalling ubuntu, please join #rootkit. there is too much traffic here, i can't follow it12:47
advancerdw200169:  Dude you have to specify what partition on what hardrive it is on once in the GRUB menu http://apcmag.com/how_to_dualboot_vista_with_linux_linux_is_already_installed.htm?page=612:48
Radtoomater: You can. "Manually edit partition table" at worst12:48
martinomsacarlson: Hmm... I guess I'm currently running 180 or something.12:48
martinomWouldn't hurt to try.12:48
indusmater:boot from live cd >open terminal >type sudo grub12:48
oxbowya des french ici ?12:48
JessicaParkerGnea: any ideas on the change / addition required ?12:48
sacarlsonmartinom:  try that if you really have to have the real thing working before you give up12:48
BlinkizHi there. I need to mount a logical volume on my host system. The logical volume contains multiply partition so its not that easy as just doing "mount". Can someone help me with this? If I remember correctly, its something with loop.12:48
Mechdaveindus, yeah just rebooted and restarted live disk12:48
martinomsacarlson: Mhm.12:49
martinomsacarlson: But that's the beta driver?12:49
sacarlsonmartinom:  and tell me how it goes.  if it works I'll do it too12:49
indusMechdave: cheers12:49
Radtoooxbow: surely but everybody talks english. try #ubuntu-fr12:49
martinomBah, forgot to run irssi in screen.12:49
sacarlsonmartinom:  ya so beta test it we know the 180 fails to work12:49
sacarlsonmartinom:  other wise live with nv12:50
GneaJessicaParker: the best way to learn, is to first make a backup of your important data - hopefully you have done that already, but if you're nervous about screwing your whole system up, I would highly recommend getting the important things taken care of first.12:50
dostoyevskyHow can I remove all my wlan passwords from ubuntu?12:50
Radtoodostoyevsky: there's many ways you could have saved them...12:51
h-kanhi folks... anyone know anything about hald12:51
sacarlsonwlan passwors?12:51
JessicaParkerGnea: ok after i have done that ? is there a line that can be added to identify the primary and secondary monitro in the xorg file ? thanks12:51
rdw200169advance, i'm referring to this: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Installing-GRUB-using-grub_002dinstall.html12:51
UbuntusHi everyone!12:51
sacarlsondostoyevsky: maybe you mean keys?12:51
dostoyevskyRadtoo: It's in the password manager...12:51
Radtoodostoyevsky: if its an individual applcation, the most safe way might to just delete its configuration in your home directory?12:51
error404notfoundi just upgraded a machine from intrepid to jaunty and i can't open a terminal or do an ssh to it: http://pastebin.com/m640a1cac12:51
Radtoodostoyevsky: Okay. Doesn't it support deleting entries?12:52
materhey can you guy help me out on trying to boot from old ubuntu? join the #rootkit, there is way too much traffic here12:52
Radtoodostoyevsky: It's "gpass", right?12:52
GneaJessicaParker: there are a number of resources out there, but I recommend starting with these and googling from there: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=806904 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=652745 http://intellinuxgraphics.org/dualhead.html12:52
h-kanim running on tty1 and when i plug in an usb key I got stdout messages on tty1 about the devices and I want to turn it off.12:52
GneaJessicaParker: also, the manpage for xrandr is well written12:53
UbuntusMaybe someone can help me please12:53
JessicaParkerGnea: thanks for the pointers i will look over these now12:53
rdw200169!ask | Ubuntus12:53
ubottuUbuntus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:53
GneaJessicaParker: cheers, good luck12:53
MechdaveUbuntus, ask your question :)12:53
dostoyevskyIs gnome standard on ubuntu?12:53
drkimblebuntus get on with it12:53
dostoyevskyI thint it's the gnome password manager12:53
Radtoodostoyevsky: gnome keyring?12:54
rdw200169drkimble, i think someone has watched too much Monty Python (wait that's impossible...)12:54
dostoyevskyAhh... it's seahorse12:54
* drkimble utubes12:54
materk, one more tim: i have ubuntu installed. but i can't boot from it cause my primary loader is bad12:54
dostoyevskyI can delete the password there yes, but it doesn't go away... :-(12:55
Radtoodostoyevsky: k, problem solved? :)12:55
UbuntusI'm trying to install a Proxy Server, with Ubuntu Server 9.04, but I'm having many troubles...12:55
indusBlinkiz: hi12:56
RadtooUbuntus: a proxy for... http?12:56
peppothow to open a second console in recovery netroot?12:56
UbuntusI used Squid 3.0, Sarg, Dansguardian and Two ethernet adapters12:56
sacarlsonUbuntus: what proxy server did you install?12:56
Radtoopeppot: "screen" lets you have many "consoles" in one session, but perhaps alt-f2 also works to switch to another terminal?12:56
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peppotRadtoo: it only opens one by default12:57
peppotRadtoo: need to have many to paste across etc12:57
peppotanyone know?12:57
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peppotmore consoles in recovery mode?12:57
sacarlsonUbuntus: I did it before long ago squid12:57
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UbuntusI was planning to control the internet access but, I have failed to make it run...12:58
dostoyevskyRadtoo: I deleted the password in seahorse but when I try to connect to my wlan it will still try to use the password that I just deleted..  It won't use the password I entered in the dialoge...  I see a timeout and then I get "Authentication require by wireless network'  If I click on '[ ] show password' there, I see that it's still using the old password...12:58
iBoarIs there anyone konws how to organize my tor ,I still can not connect Youtube here.12:59
dostoyevskyI was thinking of maybe doing the wlan connect in a shell script instead of using gnome...12:59
sacarlsonUbuntus:  you mean restrict access with password or?12:59
Radtoodostoyevsky: hm. hard to say if something went wrong or if it's not really managed the way we think either way. :)13:00
nnulliBoar, public exit nodes are kinda useless for alot of things like http, 3 lines of php can detect if your coming out through a public listed node13:00
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nnull(which youtube,google etc probably have implemented)13:01
dostoyevskyYeah... I remember that there's people on ubuntuforums who have similar problems and no real solution...  It seems like seahorse and gnome-key-manager are incompatible in some way or another...13:01
RadtooiBoar: Its hard to get Tor right and impractical for videos, torrent, etc...13:01
c0p3rn1chow would I download this key from the terminal ? http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xB9F1C432AE74AE63  wget doesnt work13:01
error404notfoundanyone who could help me with: http://pastebin.com/m640a1cac13:01
RadtooiBoar: These are fairly high-volume transfers and you'll find it's a pain to use tor for these either way, if its not outright blocked by the other end13:01
UbuntusNo. its just to control the internet access and define the blocked content13:01
dostoyevskyBut if I knew where gnome stores the passwords (the file) then maybe I could delete it...13:01
nnullit's unethical to torrent via public nodes..13:01
Radtoonnull: not everyone's ethics, apparently...13:02
susscorfais there a way to change the default editor from gedit to gvim ?13:02
susscorfait is not in prefered apps13:03
JockyWilsonWeather applet Ubuntu 9.04 click on Forecast and = "Forecast not currently available for this location." Is there a fix ?13:03
Radtoosusscorfa: basically, changing file associations in gnome?13:03
rdw200169susscorfa, does it open gedit from the command line?13:03
c0p3rn1csusscorfa: just right click and choose open with, and make sure after you select your app from the list that you check use costum command13:03
Blinkizindus, Hi to you too13:03
nnullyea open with ftw13:03
rdw200169susscorfa, b/c you can use update-alternatives to set the default editor for the command line, using: $ update-alternatives editor13:04
susscorfac0p3rn1c: means i have to set it for every extention seperatly13:04
dostoyevskyHmm... I have some files having 'keyring' in their name below  ~/.gconf/ and one below ~/.gnome2/.  Maybe I try to delete them13:04
ruadhCan anyone recommend a good photo editor along the lines of Photoshop Elements ?13:04
susscorfardw200169: i want to set the gui editor and not the cli  editor13:04
c0p3rn1csusscorfa: I don't know how to script it sorry13:04
Radtoosusscorfa: /etc/gnome/defaults.list ~/.local/share/applications/ also might work13:04
pronoy_ruadh: The Gimp13:04
Radtooruadh: gimp, krita, ...13:04
pronoy_ruadh: the best !!13:04
martinomsacarlson: Driver didn't help.13:04
rdw200169susscorfa, whoops, meant: update-alternatives --config editor13:05
ruadhthanks, pronoy_ and Radtoo13:05
c0p3rn1cwhy can't wget download this key http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xB9F1C432AE74AE6313:05
susscorfaRadtoo: thx im gone give that a try13:05
c0p3rn1cI'm getting a http 500 error code13:06
iBoarDoes gnome own the same thing to organize My13:06
iBoarDoes gnome own the same thing to organize My Photos ,like digikama in KDE?13:06
Radtooc0p3rn1c: same. are you sure the link is good and all?13:07
c0p3rn1cRadtoo: yes13:07
pronoy_iBoar: it has fspot13:07
iBoarpronoy_, like picasa?13:07
rdw200169susscorfa, don't forget my suggestion, just remember it, one day the whole update-alternatives system will prove useful to you ;)13:08
dostoyevskyRadtoo: I deleted those keyring directories...  I still see the password being used...13:08
susscorfaok thx rdw20016913:08
pronoy_iBoar: picasa would offer a multitude of other options other than just organizing........fspot will organize upload and stuff13:08
pronoy_iBoar: if you need a decent photo editor i suggest GIMP its the best i have come across yet13:08
iBoarpronoy_, hmm,ths13:09
armandoalguem do rj13:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about timidity13:09
drkimbleruadh: gimp is the best linux has to offer13:10
drkimblegood too13:10
Chilibluex files13:10
tomlee263who knows ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix?13:10
drkimblejust not good as but hey man, understand the money involved13:10
hitttI dont like netbook remix13:11
pirolocitotomlee263, i knew 8.10 netbook13:11
pirolocitoi dont like13:11
pirolocitoand in my 701 become slow13:11
gharzguys, i've just run rm -fr foo.bar ... is there a way that i can recover that file?13:11
UbuntusI installed ubuntu server and configured two ethernet cards, with the eth0 being used to connect and  eth2 to access the internet.13:11
gharzplease help13:12
drkimbleruadh: www.gimp.org13:12
Guest34988hi guys i would like to know if a process running on my system runs on a single cpu or both the two cpu of my desktop.....how can i know it????13:12
hitttthere are very rare linux file recovery13:12
rdw200169Ubuntus, have you tested your router/proxy/switch *without* squid running?13:12
pronoy_gharz: nopew13:12
gharznopew? tha's the command?13:12
drkimbleactually why these top software dont do linux releases as well baffles me, would not cut into profits at all13:12
hitttand even if there are, journaled fs kills it13:13
pirolocitoGuest34988, run top13:13
pronoy_gharz: thats the answer NOPE13:13
gharzoh my god13:13
rdw200169Ubuntus, in order to control access you don't *have* to use a proxy. there are other options, like coova-chilli13:13
Guest34988top doesn't tell me this information13:13
Boohbahdrkimble: because it takes valuable developers13:13
pronoy_gharz: u see unix platform has the best security ...rm -r is the command which leaves no traces13:13
rdw200169Ubuntus, consequentially, using something like that also gives you similar options like bandwidth/volume control etc... but its not easy.  well, i guess you could say, its just as difficult13:13
indusgharz: its possible but in theory13:14
hitttshred isfor security :P13:14
drkimbleBoohbah:  but they make loads, code is there, all they have to do is port I guess13:14
Radtoodostoyevsky: yes, guess it's stored elsewhere then but I don't know where, sorry. :/13:14
dostoyevskyHow do I connect to a wlan in the unix shell, what's the program called?  I think it was something like ifwconfig or so...13:15
Boohbahdrkimble: which is not always as simple as it sounds13:15
drkimbleBoohbah: the real reason is they just do not want people to use Linux par se13:15
drkimbleI reckons anyways13:15
Ubuntusi am accessing the internet on server, even with squid intalled, but when i try to connect some pc on the eth0, the connection fails13:15
rdw200169Ubuntus, i consider chilli + firewall to be %1000 times more secure than something more fallible like squid... chilli uses standardized access control mechanisms in order to control access, and is very popular in the linux-router world...13:16
rdw200169Ubuntus, have you made sure that forwarding is enabled?13:16
AdvoWorkanyone here know what logs to look in for all emails coming in from a certain sender email?13:16
drkimblems control thing I reckon13:16
indusgharz: http://adminlinux.blogspot.com/2006/09/recover-from-rm.html13:16
dostoyevskyYeah, iwconfig it seems to be...  Yeah, will try to do this in a shell script...   Maybe I find a nice description how I can do all the things that gnome usually does from the shell13:16
drkimbleBorg, resistance is futile and all that13:16
pronoy_indus: does this really work13:17
advanceHey how do I get an X11 ID?13:17
rdw200169Ubuntus, ensure that this file has a 1 in it: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward13:17
pronoy_indus: because it defies all what i have read and seen up till now13:17
advanceFor some window?13:17
hitttdostoyevsky, gnome does less than a shell13:17
induspronoy_: well this world is full of surprises13:17
pronoy_indus: yeah you just did scream SURPRISE at my face ..... :D13:18
Radtoodostoyevsky: I can explain the used technologies to some extent. iwconfig for setting the essid or WEP, but WPA/WPA2 is usually done using wpa_supplicant.13:18
rdw200169Ubuntus, I'm assuming of course that your networking configuration and all that are appropriate13:18
induspronoy_: the fact is>> unless new data writes to that portion of hard drive, it isnt really deleted13:18
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AdvoWorkcan i search all log files in /var/log for certain text?13:18
rdw200169Ubuntus, consequentially, you may also need to set up NAT using iptables13:19
induspronoy_: its somethin to do with the way a hard drive stores data in nodes13:19
BoohbahAdvoWork: grep text /var/log/*13:19
hittthes fast D:13:19
drkimbleAdvoWork: sure13:19
pronoy_indus: oh yes i think i knew that.......but i never knew there was a way to recover it ... i just know it how to do that using hardware resensetizers13:19
Proteusyo all13:19
induspronoy_: google is great >but it seems complicated though13:19
Boohbah!hi | Proteus13:19
ubottuProteus: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:19
UbuntusI used some commands like ==> modprobe iptable_nat ==>modprobe ip_nat_ftp ==>echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward==>iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth -j MASQUERADE ==> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 312813:20
hitttwhat is the difference between "su" and "su -" ???13:20
Radtoodostoyevsky: Should make it a bit easier to understand any howto / tutorial you might stumble upon now, as this is a bit non-obivous a thing. also, running iwconfig, wpa_supplicant and then dhcpcd  from the command line (provided correct configuration for wpa_supplicant is present) already usually does the job for the simple scenarios.13:20
Boohbahhittt: the minus reads the profile13:20
Guest34988how to know how many cpu is being used by a process??13:20
pronoy_indus: sure thing .....thanks13:20
dostoyevskyRadtoo: According to my route I am using WPA-PSK, so wpa_supplicant might be what I need to use13:20
indushittt: only su means a command and su - means you are about to give some option to su13:20
hitttbut with su13:20
pronoy_!sudo | hittt13:21
ubottuhittt: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)13:21
hittti wansnt able to modify some kernel things13:21
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rdw200169Ubuntus, hmm... looks good so far...13:21
indushittt:just like , hittt is your name, but hittt -please smile is something u do13:21
indushittt: kernel things <gulp>13:21
indussu is switch user i believe13:21
indussu -i13:21
Radtoodostoyevsky: it almost certainly is used... I think all the drivers that had some exotic way of setting up wpa are out of the kernel now13:22
hitttbut just su13:22
hitttis root13:22
RadtooGuest34988: I like htop (command line application)... :)13:22
indushittt: ya it wont work mostly cos we dont have root user13:22
hitttsu root, sudo -i, sudo su , sudo su root13:22
hitttgotta check sudo su root!13:23
Picihittt: you cannot su to root if the root account is locked, like it is on Ubuntu.13:23
indushittt: do a sudo su13:23
hitttpici:I unlocked it13:23
cybersplicehittt: if you want to su  to root, use sudo -s. If you really want to su to root directly, sudo -s, then passwd to set a root password.13:23
indusyou get a root terminal13:23
drkimblewill Ubuntu ever give root back to us?13:23
hitttindus: i am bored of sudo su13:23
indushittt: iam bored of sudo :)13:23
Boohbahdrkimble: my ubuntu has a root user with a password13:23
RadtooGuest34988: but well, most people would use gnome system monitor. or something.13:24
drkimbleooh :)13:24
hitttmine too13:24
drkimblecare to share13:24
indusBoohbah: arent we supposed to add that to etc sudoers?13:24
PiciWe do not support having a root password13:24
indusPici: Ya13:24
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/13:24
cyberspliceindus: sudo -s, then passwd to set a password on the root account.13:24
drkimblemy server is DEb etch and always has been and will be till I get root in Bunt :)13:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:24
induscybersplice: thanks let me try13:25
hitttpasswd $USER    to set your own password?13:25
wartHi.  I'm installing easypeasy as a first time ubuntu user.  I'm currently running gentoo and noted that the installation program unetbootbin-eeeubuntu* requires all sorts of packages.  Can't I just use dd to write the iso file to a usb stick?13:25
BoohbahPici: that's fine, i didn't ask for support :)13:25
induscybersplice: but i always use sudo su and use root terminal13:25
drkimbleooh :)13:26
indussudo -s is same i think13:26
indusbaah never mind13:26
drkimbleis there a Bunt chat?13:26
pronoy_gdf ???13:26
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete13:27
Gneadrive-by spam13:27
hitttX-Chat ftw13:27
luishey how can i put avant window navigator on top of the screen?13:27
BodsdaHi, i started removing gnome packages to get just fluxbox, I used this as a guide -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE#Remove%20Ubuntu%20Packages -- unfortunately I know have lost the use of sound, does anyone have any ideas what package/s need to be reinstalled to regain my sound?13:27
cyberspliceindus: Yes, sudo -s is the same as sudo su. If you really want to set a password on the root account, you can do so with passwd. You'll find, however, that neither canonical or #ubuntu will support that. It's not really needed for most things.13:27
illscihow do you change the default python version on ubuntu?13:27
illscido you use pycentral or somethign like that13:27
induscybersplice: because i used system password and got root account13:28
hitttis Gobuntu crap?13:28
drkimblewhat is gobuntu?13:28
induscybersplice: hmm so just typing su in terminal needs root password hmm13:28
utakbiyahello...why is gyachi improved version cant use voice chat or something13:28
cyberspliceDoesn't exist aymore, does it?13:28
hitttGNU ubuntu13:28
hitttI think13:28
induscybersplice: no wonder i couldnt log in13:28
cyberspliceindus: you need to set a root password before you can use it.13:28
cyberspliceindus: Exactly.13:28
induscybersplice: can you tell me that root pasword step again13:29
ubottugobuntu is a freedom-focused flavour of Ubuntu intended for experienced Linux enthusiasts. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/gobuntu for more information and download mirrors..13:29
Bodsdai didnt think we were allowed to tell people how to set a root password...?13:29
popeyindus: you dont need a root password, you can use "sudo -i" to switch to a root like terminal13:30
kyle_hey can anybody help me loading emerald on jaunty13:30
hitttwhat was the command to clean the trash??? sudo rm -rf Trash:///13:30
drkimbleso many flavours I dont know which I like best13:30
pronoy_kyle_: what's the problem?13:30
popey!ops hittt13:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ops hittt13:30
hitttkyle_: whats the problem13:30
luishey how can i put avant window navigator on top of the screen?13:30
Bodsdaluis: you can set things like that in awn-manager#13:31
UbuntusAnyway, i am using  the eth2 to connect with internet now, and i connected an ADSL modem on eth0 and it worked very well, so there's no problem with my network cards, i think13:31
Bodsdaluis: you can set things like that in awn-manager13:31
kyle_i dont know how to load it... i got emerald manager and compiz manager and i dont know what to do next13:31
drkimbleluis: that should be simple, just check prefs/opts13:31
cyberspliceindus: You can sudo -s to get a root terminal, then set the password with the command passwd. I'd reinforce the comments of others that you really shouldn't set a root password or use the root account unless you know precicely what you're doing. :)13:31
popey!root | indus13:31
ubottuindus: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:31
Bodsdacybersplice: and if he knew precisely what he is doing, he wouldnt need to ask how to do it13:32
induspopey: i know i know13:32
pronoy_kyle_: download an emerald theme select it13:32
cyberspliceBodsda: People need to learn somehow. ;)13:32
pronoy_kyle_: and issue this command in the terminal emerald --replace13:32
induscybersplice: using sudo -s immediately asks for password ? how do i set it then13:32
kyle_okay give me a sec to do that13:32
Bodsdacybersplice: true, but i dont think we are allowed to tell people that in here13:32
drkimblewhats this no root unless you know what your doing rubbish13:32
Bodsdaindus: it is asking for the sudo password not the root password13:33
indusno no no13:33
Bodsdadrkimble: its not rubbish its common sense13:33
pronoy_kyle_: if you want that emerald should be permanent window decorater you can go to sessions and add a new session having the command emerald --replace and make it run at startup13:33
UbuntusI have tested the network adapters and they are working13:33
drkimbleif someone does not know linux its hard enough for him her to get to root lol13:33
BodsdaHi, i started removing gnome packages to get just fluxbox, I used this as a guide -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE#Remove%20Ubuntu%20Packages -- unfortunately I know have lost the use of sound, does anyone have any ideas what package/s need to be reinstalled to regain my sound?13:33
luisBodsda: cant find this option inside awn-manager :P13:33
popeyBodsda: artsd?13:33
pronoy_luis: i don't think there is one in awn-manager.....hang on i'll check again13:34
drkimbleand if anyone comes across root, it will be through a warning13:34
indusaah yes13:34
Bodsdapopey: whats artsd?13:34
popey!info artsd13:34
ubottuPackage artsd does not exist in jaunty13:34
Bodsda!find artsd13:34
drkimbleor used to be13:34
hittt!info ccsm13:34
ubottuFile artsd found in kdepim-dbg, libkdepim413:34
ubottuPackage ccsm does not exist in jaunty13:34
Bodsda!info compizconfig-settings-manager | hitt13:34
ubottuhitt: compizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 623 kB, installed size 4068 kB13:34
popeyor simple-ccsm13:35
bentob0xwhy can't I listen to Amarok and watching a Flash video at the same time (well, the video works but not the sound)?13:35
drkimblewho ever uses root and knows jack about it is not important anyway, ceratinly no sysadmin13:35
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induscybersplice: heh i figured it our13:35
cyberspliceindus: Good. Remember we won't be able to help you if you break it. :)13:35
Bodsdadrkimble: we do not assume everyone is a sysadmin, and personal views about who should be doing what are not really on topic for this channel, #ubuntu-offtopic if you wish to talk to people about that please13:35
induscybersplice: what can i break?13:36
UbuntusI installed Squid3.0STABLE14, plus removed and reinstalled but i can't connect another machines on my server13:36
Bodsdaindus: everything13:36
drkimblewe need a new Ubuntu release, no root or with root lol13:36
Bodsda!ot | drkimble13:36
ubottudrkimble: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:36
induscybersplice: we can break everyhing with sudo also no?13:36
xandmatx: tut13:36
Bodsdaindus: yes13:36
matxsup xand13:36
drkimbleBodsda: ok sry13:36
cyberspliceindus: You can break the whole system. In theory, you could delete every file in the operating system.13:36
Bodsdadrkimble: thank you13:36
cyberspliceindus: Correct.13:36
mrefgHow do I install ubuntu onto windows vista?13:36
induslike rm -rm and you know what :P13:36
Bodsda!hi | bird13:36
ubottubird: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:36
indusi mean rm - rf13:37
hittt /13:37
indussorry rm -rf13:37
mrefgHow do I install ubuntu onto windows vista?13:37
Bodsdaindus: please dont write that whole command13:37
pronoy_luis: sorry to be the bearer of bad news....but you can't change its position13:37
indusi didnt say it hittt did13:37
Bodsda!wubi | mrefg13:37
ubottumrefg: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.13:37
pronoy_luis: you can try cairo-dock instead13:37
hitttnor did I13:37
hitttI said /13:37
indusBodsda: yes iam awarre i didnt13:37
kyle_it worked thanks13:37
luispronoy_: thanks13:37
indusnor did he :)13:37
mrefgwhere do I get ubuntu from13:37
drkimbleI just like to argue sometimes, breaks the day here abit13:37
Radtoomrefg: "over"... can't really do it as such. You can install it besides, or instead of vista.13:37
indusiam a responsible chap13:37
pronoy_mrefg: shipit.ubuntu.com13:37
kyle_which file do i put in the startup programs for emerald13:37
induscybersplice: thanks a lot , learnt a few things13:37
pirolocitomrefg, www.ubuntu.com13:38
mrefgI heard gentoo is better then ubuntu13:38
pronoy_kyle_: go to sessions13:38
Bodsdaindus: hittt -- Still, that command, whether intended as a joke or not, is not welcome in this channel13:38
mrefgis this true?13:38
drkimbleand help where I can I might add13:38
frybyemrefg: how do you mean "install into-" you mean a dual-boot option or what?13:38
Bodsdamrefg: define better13:38
induswhich one the remove one?13:38
Radtoomrefg: Not if you have to ask.13:38
hitttBodsda: rm ....... is not a jole13:38
pirolocitomrefg, i heard volkswagen was better than opel13:38
ikoniamrefg: thats personal opinion see what works for you13:38
mrefgeverything is faster and stabler13:38
H_M-Ubuntu"[08:37:42 AM] <drkimble> I just like to argue sometimes, breaks the day here abit" Isn't that the definition of a troll?... Kidding! Kidding.13:38
indusBodsda: its a generic command13:38
kyle_cant find it is it in the emerald manager window13:38
ikoniahittt: if you could cut down on the gags please, this is a pretty busy channel as you can see13:38
drkimbleI am not a troll13:38
mrefgdo you get hacking programs with ubuntu13:38
Bodsdahittt: no it is not, it is a useful tool, but like all tools, if used incorrectly, they are dangerous13:38
Bodsdamrefg: yep13:38
pronoy_kyle_: go to system > preferences > sessions13:38
mrefgcause I read on a website you get hacking programs with gentoo13:39
TheZankehow does one get a webcame to work on stickam in ubuntu? its the only thing stopping me from being 100% linux at this point13:39
ikoniamrefg: no - please read www.ubuntu.com to get an idea what ubuntu is about13:39
rdw200169Ubuntus, have you performed all the basic ping-type tests?  for example, since you're using a simple iptables redirect for the proxy, all other networking should be native to the router.  thus, you should be able to ping the server's LAN IP from a client, the server's WAN IP, etc...13:39
mrefgikonia no13:39
mrefgread it for me and give me the answers13:39
pirolocitosometime i read, dont matter what distro you use, start with one and make it at your flavour13:39
pirolocitothats the one for you13:39
ikoniamrefg: please read the web page13:39
kyle_its not there13:39
mrefgI just want to hack this kid I don't like13:39
RedMachineDGreetings, Linuxfaggots13:39
pronoy_kyle_: what ?? are you on ubuntu ??13:39
mrefgwhy should I know better13:39
ikoniamrefg: we ill not support that13:39
mrefgI've never been here before13:39
hitttBodsda: I know many people that the first command they find on their path, they type it into terminal13:40
Radtoomrefg: most distros can run the same programs without much effort, and ubuntu has a real lot of programs (like gentoo). So. Yes. you get wahtever you want I think.13:40
drkimblemrefg: you will not get far...13:40
* cybersplice lubs root.13:40
pronoy_kyle_: go to system > preferences > sessions tab ......has to be there.......are you using 9.04 ?13:40
frybyemrefg - what you are looking for is on the other side of town ...13:40
mrefgfrybye and what would that be?13:40
Bodsdahittt: then you should educate your friends to a higher standard13:40
ikoniafrybye: pleaes don't feed the situation13:40
TheZankemrefg: rm -rf /*13:40
mrefgikonia feed what?13:40
mrefgwhats that mean13:40
indusis this channel rules similar to forums? on the rm commands etc13:40
drkimblehacking someone is not nice and illegal anyways13:40
mrefgI don't know how to linux yet13:41
mrefgI just want to know which one to install13:41
Bodsda!ops | TheZanke13:41
ubottuTheZanke: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!13:41
TheZankebawww, i was just jokingg13:41
pronoy_kyle_: yes the sessions tab or yes to the 9.04 ?13:41
Bodsdabah he left13:41
Bodsdaoh no hes back13:41
indusWhat , he hjust said the command13:41
kyle_i have 9.04 and theres no sessions tab there13:41
BodsdaTheZanke: that command is no joke13:41
mybands!info vlc13:41
ikoniaTheZanke: ok - that's not a joking matter, help people - or don't, but don't give out duff advice13:41
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.9a-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1652 kB, installed size 3660 kB13:41
pronoy_kyle_: hang on13:41
Radtoomrefg: Try ubuntu then. Its fine, in particular for first-timers.13:41
indusno kick?13:41
drkimblemrefg: Ubuntu is your best bet13:41
cyberspliceTheZanke: Bit irresponsible tellin people to do that, mate.13:41
mrefgSo I go to that shipit site?13:41
mybandsi cannot install some program13:42
ikoniamrefg: the info is on http://www.ubuntu.com13:42
Radtoomrefg: no, to www.ubuntu.com and download the iso,and install it, as per instructions provided13:42
ikoniamybands: what do you want to install13:42
Dracofodderhow do I check that specific libraries are installed? am adding encryption to pidgin, and two pre-reqs are the nss/mspr libs, and also that pidgin was installed as dev to include the headers.  don't know how to verify this on ubuntu13:42
mrefgthank you.13:42
giles__!info xfce13:42
mrefgwhats an iso?13:42
ubottuPackage xfce does not exist in jaunty13:42
drkimbledownload if you dont want to wait13:42
giles__!info xubuntu13:42
ubottuPackage xubuntu does not exist in jaunty13:42
mrefgHow long will it take to download on dial up?13:42
drkimbletorrent it over night if your busy13:42
pronoy_hey guys what's the alternative in jaunty for the sessions tab in intrepid ?13:42
ikoniamrefg: 700 meg - depends on your speed,13:42
drkimblebreeze to install13:42
indusok when we can do everything with sudo why do people keep asking for root account?13:42
ther3ald3alhow much is ubuntu on cd13:42
mrefgdoes ubuntu have viruses?13:42
saivinmrefg: with dial-up, u may have to wait for days...13:42
ikoniamrefg: no13:42
ikoniaindus: some people like using root, or dont know about sudo13:43
drkimblether3ald3al:  free13:43
mrefgcan you put microsoft office on there?13:43
drkimblealways will be free13:43
ther3ald3alhow do i get a cd sent out13:43
hitttBodsda: Even if I educate them, there are loads and loads of prank cmds, like sn!+sg!& minus a char, or loads of HEX codes13:43
popeymrefg: using crossover office, yes13:43
Bodsdamrefg: with wine yes, but Open Office is just as good and installed by default13:43
pronoy_kyle_: ok you will have something called the startup applications i am guessing13:43
Radtoomrefg: no linux or OSX or BSD has any viruses you need to worry about.13:43
ikoniamrefg: this is all detailed on ubuntu.com13:43
drkimblemrefg:  use openoffice13:43
mrefgno thanks Bodsda I don't drink13:43
giles__mrefg: 700mb on dial up is at best around 24 hours. my guess is that it will take you much longer13:43
linuserHey everyone, I just wanted to congratulate you guys on having all Linux distro's come together to get a 1% marketshare! HOORAY13:43
ther3ald3aldrkimble can u send me a cd out13:43
saivinmrefg: you have any equivalent of MS office, with version 3.0 it can also read your Office 2007 files..13:43
indusikonia: i have used red hat server so in those cases being super user makes sense but i was wondering if ubuntu server edition comes with root account13:43
ther3ald3ali want 10 copies13:43
Bodsdahittt: indeed, but who would run such an obscure looking thing13:43
mrefgCan I play crysis on there??13:43
Radtoolinuser: lol... good joke :)13:43
pronoy_kyle_: now all you need to do is add this command emeral --replace13:43
ikoniaindus: no more/less than the desktop edition13:44
mrefgOr Battletoads??13:44
ikoniamrefg: last time - this is on ubuntu.com13:44
hitttBodsda: uneducated people13:44
Bodsdamrefg: wine is a program that allows you to run windows programs in linux13:44
drkimblether3ald3al: why, get one of off the site?13:44
ikoniamrefg: please read the basics on ubuntu.com13:44
mrefgHow much ram will ubuntu need to support battletoads13:44
wtvamarok dowsn't play music files. here's what appears when i run it from terminal: http://pastebin.com/m56acd6ad13:44
Radtoolinuser: you're wrong anyhow, but its like ubuntu-unrelated and doesn't really belong in here. Go #ubunutu-offtopic?13:44
mrefgI ASKED13:44
hitttI think ubuntu and there sould have some kind of protection to these13:44
Priceymrefg: battletoads?13:44
ikoniamrefg: it is - if you follow the support links, there is info13:44
linuserit's related, since Ubuntu's part of the distros13:44
mrefgyes battletoads13:44
lundhwhat do you guys think, will I see a significant performance hit if I dont have a swap?13:44
hitttthey are linux fit for newbies13:44
mrefgIt's mah favourite game13:44
kyle_im going to restart my computer it see if it starts up13:44
drkimblemrefg: watch the caps you will get kicked at times13:44
indusikonia: sorry could you rephrase13:45
ikoniamrefg: https://help.ubuntu.com13:45
giles__i'm beginnning to think mrefg is a troll13:45
pronoy_mfreg: please tone down13:45
jelly12genwhat's the problem with mrefg?13:45
ikoniaindus: ubuntu server comes with a root account, but it is disabled just like the desktop install13:45
giles__a really, really bad troll13:45
mrefgWhats a troll?13:45
Radtoolinuser: not related to ubunutu SUPPORt. its chitchat. thus -> #ubuntu-offtopic13:45
Priceymrefg: You should check their website as to their specific requirements.13:45
mrefgI'm ust trying to learn about ubuntu13:45
jelly12genmrefg don't you name yourself MrElendig ?:P13:45
mrefgmy computer is fast enough13:45
drkimbleits funny how caps can do that lol13:45
frybyegiles__: or r a t h e r young .. by comparison...13:45
saivinlundh: not necessarily if you already have good (read >1GB) ram13:45
hitttmrefg: You dont wanna know13:45
mrefgI got it from myer13:45
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.13:45
mrefgI haven't done anything wrong13:45
mrefgI just came here to learn!!13:45
giles__think about it mr. efg13:45
lundhsaivin: good. I dont want to wear the drive out if I can avoid it13:45
giles__pretty obvious13:45
mrefgand I haven't said LOL13:45
ikoniamrefg: please check out https://help.ubuntu.com13:46
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org13:46
mrefgI'm reading that now13:46
linuserJust wanted to congratulate you guys, Radtoo. It's pretty hard getting the marketshare up and over 1%13:46
jelly12genthem that ubottu bot can't do anything13:46
mrefgbut I still have many questions13:46
ikoniamrefg: that will give you a good introduction to what ubuntu can/can't do13:46
mrefgand you are helpful13:46
pronoy_mfreg: you can see the list of windows applications appdb at the wine website and to know more about ubuntu basics you can do what ikonia says13:46
Bodsdamrefg: this is a support channel, not a lecture room, if you have a specific question we will be ahppy to answer it13:46
mrefgwell some of you are13:46
FloodBot2mrefg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:46
ikoniamrefg: a good ammount of your questions will be answered once you've read that url13:46
mrefgother's are just calling me jerks13:46
ikoniamrefg: forget others - concerntrate on your questions and the answers13:46
jelly12genmrefg: why??13:46
mrefgI'VE READ it, I'm a speed reader13:46
mrefgIn fact13:46
drkimbleI hear they are going to make people register for irc access, wow, one nick and its all back to you officilally13:46
indusmrefg: crysis runs like crap on ubuntu13:46
jelly12genmrefg: what is your problem?13:46
drkimbleits official13:46
giles__kick mrefg, shit, troll is shit13:47
pronoy_indus: no it doesnt ... it works as good as on windows13:47
puneethwhich driver to install on jaunty jackelope---my graphic card is nvidia geforce MX 4000 i tried installing nvidia-glx-96 driver13:47
drkimbleshould get rid of a load of wierdos man13:47
induspronoy_: crysis?13:47
induspronoy_: oops sorry wrong game13:47
pronoy_indus: yes running under 8600gt13:47
ikoniagents - please can we return to ubuntu support discussion13:47
Bodsdagot sound back13:48
bentob0xthat sound messup with Ubuntu really _really_ has to stop, I had issues with 6.10, 7.04, 7.10, 8.04 and now 9.04 (8.10 was the only one that was actually flawless for me)13:48
bentob0xsound is the very basic of everything13:48
indusiam a lady :)13:48
Bodsdabentob0x: what sound messup?13:48
indusplease be nice13:48
Boohbahbentob0x: please tell the pulseaudio developers13:48
bentob0xBodsda: it seems that for each new Ubuntu distro, there is a sound issue13:48
Priceybentob0x: have you reported any bugs?13:48
BodsdaBoohbah: it was not an issue with pulseaudio developement if your reffering to the epic fail on 8.0413:49
teckyis there a way for me to download the iso image and mount it and do a upgrade from there?13:49
drkimblebentob0x: welcome to Linux, I have problems with 2 things at once13:49
Bodsdabentob0x: my problem was caused by me :)13:49
Dracofodderhow do I check that specific libraries are installed? am adding encryption to pidgin, and two pre-reqs are the nss/mspr libs, and also that pidgin was installed as dev to include the headers.  don't know how to verify this on ubuntu13:49
ikoniatecky: not a good way of doing it to be honest,13:49
indusBodsda: epic fail for you maybe, it worked flawless for me13:49
ikonia!upgrade > tecky13:49
saivinindus: good to have ladies in geek forums... :)13:49
ubottutecky, please see my private message13:49
Radtooikonia / mods: Today is an odd day, we had the same problems over in another two linux channels that are usually free of this, 'swell. Just a heads up.13:49
drkimbleLinux is no magic wand man13:49
bentob0xno, I'm going through the web to see if there is already a fix for it _before_ I submit a bug13:49
ikoniatecky: check out the link about the alternative CD13:49
ikoniaRadtoo: thank you13:49
erUSULtecky: yes with the alternate CD13:49
indussaivin: bad luck iam a guy :)13:49
kadaverdoes Ubuntu make nay money at all?13:49
erUSUL!upgrade | tecky13:49
ubottutecky: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading13:49
drkimblems have billions on resourse13:49
ikoniakadaver: take that sort of questioning to #ubuntu-offtopic13:49
saivinindus: u keep changing gender? :D13:50
Bodsdakadaver: yes, canonical sell support13:50
Bodsdasorry ikonia13:50
ikoniaBodsda: no sweat, a ver valid response13:50
indusok gtg now, will help someone later tonight13:50
Priceyindus: SaLoMoN: chatter in #ubuntu-offtopic please13:50
saivinoh.. sorry don't mean to be off-topic team...13:50
teckyugh upgrading was soo bad from 8.10 to 9.04 a few days ago, has the network traffic cleared up?13:50
hittti  want a shirt!13:50
bentob0xstill, for more than two years that I do use Ubuntu on different hardware, the sound has been overally the most annoying feature to fix ...13:50
indusPricey: sorry13:50
ikoniahittt: this channel is for ubuntu support only. Please follow that13:50
indusPricey: bye now13:50
saivinikonia is having tough time...13:51
hitttHow can i make a command that needs root priviliges work without them? chmod?13:51
jelly12genall chanel ops should have a tought time13:51
Bodsdahi ubuntu__, welcome to #ubuntu13:51
ikoniahittt: use sudo13:51
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jelly12genhittt: visudo13:51
ikoniajelly12gen: no13:52
Bodsdajelly12gen: offtopic chat about channel ops in #ubuntu-offtopic please13:52
jelly12genikonia: hah not , i can easily do the thrik13:52
ikoniahittt: fake root is nothing to do with it13:52
sacarlson hittt: sudo13:52
hitttI dont want to use gksudo or anything like that, I thought that chmod u+X foo.bar should help me13:53
ikoniahittt: you said without chmod13:53
jelly12genhittt: what command>13:53
ikoniahittt: if you want to use chmod - you can setuid on a program to make it run as root13:53
Bodsdahittt: a command that needs root privileges needs sudo, anything that requires root privileges needs sudo13:53
hitttIkonia: i meant with chmod command to get away from sudo13:53
sacarlson hittt: I sometimes makes scripts that have the command sudo in it and setup sudo so I don't need passwords13:53
ikoniahittt: look up setuid13:54
Paddy_EIRE!wfm | sacarlson13:54
ubottusacarlson: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/13:54
bigpreshhittt: And be aware that setuid can be a nasty security risk, particularly if you're on a multi-user machine13:54
Bodsdais fluxbuntu an official project?13:54
jelly12genbigpresh: chown is too13:54
jelly12genand chmod13:54
puneethwhich driver to install on jaunty jackelope---my graphic card is nvidia geforce MX 4000 i tried installing nvidia-glx-96 driver13:54
erUSULhittt: you have to think carefully what you are about to do... doing setuid or editing sudoers to make an executable "free for all" is dangerous and could have many security implications13:55
jelly12genpuneeth: google knowz13:55
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl13:55
hitttbigpresh, it is just a shotcut i need to turn the fan on/auto. no security risk i hope13:55
Bodsda!giyf | jelly12gen13:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about giyf13:55
jelly12genBodsda: what ?13:55
hitttand i will store it in /usr/bin with 55513:55
erUSULpuneeth: the System>Admin>Hardware drivers does ot wrok for you?13:55
Bodsdajelly12gen: telling people to google everything is hardly helpful, he already said he has tried something13:55
jelly12genhittt: then just use chmod13:55
giles__hey anyone here know anything about eee pc video drivers causing intrepid to hang?13:55
jelly12genBodsda: ofcourse he failed then , problay in tha wiki13:56
nnulljelly12gen, not sure have no problems with UNR on my eee13:56
Dracofodderok, I found the lib list in apt-cache pkgnames13:56
erUSULhittt: you do not know how well programed the executable is... programs that have setuid (becouse there is no other way to do it like sudo) are heavely audited13:57
hittterUNSUL: it is a home made script 15 lines13:57
Dracofodderanyone know how to verify I have a devel install of an app?  I am trying to add the pidgin encryption and cannot verify the requirement of the development headers13:57
ikoniahittt: if you want scripting help, check out #bash13:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about stfw13:57
ikoniajelly12gen: what does that mean ?13:58
BodsdaDracofodder: just try to install it, if you have it it will tell you13:58
giles__nnull: yeah i'm thinking i might have caused some internal damage spilling a beer onto it D:13:58
jelly12genikonia: search the fucking wiki13:58
Bodsdawhat is it with people today?13:58
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:58
Bodsdais it spam #ubuntu day?13:58
nnullgiles__, :X13:58
thiebaudeppl sould start getting banned13:58
azlononce i have my live usb setup the way i want it, can i make an image using DD and duplicate it to another usb thumb drive? will it copy the partitions and boot information and everything?13:58
ikoniaBodsda: australia attack - looks like a troll pit, all sorted hopeflly13:58
puneetherUSUL: it shows tht its wrking fine ubuntu cant improve it further....but wen i go to change desktop backgrnd>visual effects n click on normal...it searches for drivers n then gives error desktop graphics could not be enabled....13:59
hitttroot uid is 0 right?13:59
ikoniahittt: thats it13:59
Bodsdaikonia: australia attack? hopefully sorted, ty for the kicking :)13:59
hackoidzhittt yes13:59
Radtoohittt: yes, by convention13:59
erUSULpuneeth: and other 3d apps work fine??13:59
luchadorI would need little advice with ubuntu 9.04. after the installation my ssh connections are really sticky13:59
erUSULpuneeth: gmaes and such13:59
Radtooluchador: "sticky" meaning...?14:00
teckyluchador: what the heck did you mean by sticky? its not dropping connections?14:00
luchadorRadtoo: kind of hangs for 2-10 sec time to time14:00
agionzhi, I can't boot my ubuntu since I updated it from 8.10 hardy to the newest version. I can't get to the log in screen but the computer boots fine. I updated my ubuntu with upgrade manager directly from the internet. Here's my menu.lst if it helps http://pastebin.com/m4fa9c60a thanks for help!14:00
hackoidzmaybe your connection luchador14:00
hackoidzit happened to me14:00
puneetherUSUL: i didnt try playing games but the resolution is 800x60014:01
puneethcant improve further..14:01
Radtooluchador: It might go down to some driver / networking problem, or if you do bulk volume transfers over ssh a feature may not be enabled.14:01
luchadorhackoidz: otherwise the connection speed seems ok14:01
sacarlsonluchador: I have that problem on my wifi at times with intermitent contection14:01
erUSULpuneeth: run « glxinfo | grep -i direct » what does it says ?14:01
luchadorI always use wifi with this one so it might be it14:01
luchadorI did not notice any problems with bittorrent etc.14:02
puneetherUSUL: it says yes14:02
teckypuneeth: should look something like this14:02
teckyjkroll@XPS:~$ glxinfo | grep -i direct14:02
teckydirect rendering: Yes14:02
erUSULpuneeth: the drivers is corrctly instaled... to fix the resolution install nvidia-settings14:02
Radtooluchador: yes, but ssh is more noticeable.14:02
puneethtecky; yeah14:02
luchadorRadtoo: yeah, as it happens while using irc :)14:03
hackoidzpuneeth are you able to enable the desktop effects?14:03
sacarlsonerUSUL:  What a working nvidia?14:03
kyle_alright emeralds looking good... do any of you know a good website for emerald themes14:03
Radtooluchador: assuming "something else gets sent first" or "something gets sent delayed" in bittorrent you might not even notice, unlike with ssh.14:03
luchadorRadtoo: actually, now I am using irssi on my local computer and do not see any problems14:03
TheZankeNow, I actually did come here with a question before that >.< Webcam+Stickam on Jaunty?14:03
pronoy_kyle_: google it14:03
L3dPlatedLinuxwas wondering if any one else was having a issue with sound only working out of one side?14:04
BodsdaTheZanke: thats not a question14:04
e-mananyone with experience in magnetic sensors could qry me?14:04
luchadorRadtoo: but always while using the screen over ssh it's really bad14:04
sacarlsonL3dPlatedLinux:  on skype?  yes14:04
teckyluchador: resuming a screen session you get the lag ?14:04
Radtooluchador: erhaps just wlan interference. Or overloaded connection problems. Or some packet loss. It does not sound like a problem "caused" by ubuntu though.14:05
L3dPlatedLinuxsacarlson,  for me everything14:05
TheZankeBodsda, it was when i first asked it... I am running an Alienware m9750 with an inbuilt camera and the only thing stopping me from going all ubuntu instead of dualbooting is that i cant talk to my friends on stickam with webcam.. which is what i do while i code things....14:05
puneethhackoidz:nope it gives some error...14:05
hackoidzwhat is the error?14:05
sacarlsonL3dPlatedLinux:  nope just skype for me14:05
luchadortecky: yeah14:05
TheZankeBodsda, so i am asking what packages i need to get to get the webcam and stickam to work... if anyone knows14:05
BodsdaTheZanke: again, not a question, and please address the question to the channel sao everyone can benefit, say what you have tried, exact problems, error messages etc etc./14:05
krylI'm searching a way to use two monitor on a laptop with ATI card, openbox, xorg, perhaps xinerama ... ?14:05
bartmonHey guys, I'm looking for a simple personal finance management program. What do you use and how did you learn to use it?14:06
Radtooluchador: some fancy tricks like doing traffic shaping (to prioritize SSH over everything) or somesuch might help but its not easy...14:06
sacarlsonL3dPlatedLinux:  oh and with my broken headphones14:06
luchadortecky, Radtoo using irc on this machine seems to run fine, I only encounter problems while connecting somewhere else over ssh14:06
hackoidzwhat is the error puneeth?14:06
krylI use : 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M14:06
hackoidzpuneeth: ok14:06
teckyluchador: i have to agree with Radtoo, it sounds more like a connection issue than anything in ubuntu... unless for some reason you have extensive cpu utilization or some runaway cron job?14:06
sacarlsonRadtoo: I don't think he has too much trafic to try that.  he's probly just on the fringes of his wifi14:07
Bodsdawhat is the default font for firefox?14:07
luchadortecky: nothin like that. So it seems that my wifi is messing up ssh?14:07
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sacarlsonRadtoo: but I could be wrong14:07
agionzhi, I have a problem with ubuntu. I can't boot my ubuntu since I updated it from 8.10 hardy to the newest version. I can't get to the log in screen but the computer boots fine. After boot I can't get to the shell by pressing alt+ctrl+F1. I updated my ubuntu with upgrade manager directly from the internet. Here's my menu.lst if it helps http://pastebin.com/m4fa9c60a and I'm now on live cd. thanks for help!14:07
teckyluchador: is it EVERY time you reestablish a ssh connection? or just some of the times?14:07
TheZankeOn a laptop, with a fresh ubuntu install... what packages do i require to get my webcam to work properly? I want it to work on stickam.. currently the webcam light just stays on at all times but no cam shows up when i get in stickam, its just black... Also when i right click for flash settings, the "Settings" option is greyed out.14:08
luchadortecky: it is all the time i use ssh14:08
ZyndrofHey! Having trouble with my speakers... They worked fine a few days ago while I was running Ubuntu 8.10. I then reinstalled the computer with Ubuntu 9.04 and the speakers won't work anymore... Sound is good and tested with headphones... Where do I start to search for the error? (Yes, all cables are plugged :))14:08
Radtoosacarlson: It's all possible. With wlan you can even have connection problems when you're sitting right next to the AP, unfortunately. Its just not as reliable vs interference and so on, and sensitive services like SSH suffer more than others.14:08
teckyluchador: if you ping the host on the other end of the ssh connection do you get any packet loss?14:08
YuLinhi there14:08
hackoidzhi YuLin14:08
davidf88its all busy in here14:09
YuLinhow do you turn off the specto notificator?14:09
DawnLightdear friends, what's your favourite smtp-sender/relay-only-mta?14:09
luchadortecky: no losses14:09
=== pronoy_ is now known as draw
sacarlsonRadtoo: my problem with wifi is that most the trafic isn't from me it's from my 30 nabor ap's I can't control there trafic.14:10
teckyluchador: hmm, and its a grahical noticeable lag? I've never seen it unless the machine was at 100% util. or a connection issue to or from the pc over the ssh connection14:10
RadtooDawnLight: exim I guess.14:10
hbekelagionz: sounds like input hotplugging is not configured correctly14:10
YuLinplease :(14:10
luchadortecky: cursor stops for 5 seconds but the buffer is recieved in the end14:10
agionzhbekel: can that be fixed? how?14:11
ScottGIf I started making a tar file (with lzma compression) but cut it off, will it pick up where it left off when started again?14:11
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ikoniaScottG: no14:11
erUSULScottG: no afaik14:11
DawnLightexim? really? but it is huge in comparison to this purpose14:11
hbekelagionz: yes, disable input hotplugging in xorg.conf14:11
kyle_thanks for the help pronoy14:11
agionzhbekel: thanks, I'll try that!14:11
drawYuLin: specto notification ?14:11
drawkyle_: no prob14:11
YuLinthe notification bubbles on the upper right corner that come with 9.0414:12
drawYuLin: sorry can't help14:12
Radtoosacarlson: right, sometimes working around hardware / physics restrictions using software is not possible. but technology will get better still...14:12
YuLinthanks anyway14:12
AntORGQ@CServ.quakenet.org AUTH14:13
ikoniaasomura_: wrong windoe, this is freenode14:13
ikoniaAntORG: sorry , that was for alex88114:13
AntORGQ@CServ.quakenet.org AUTH MRiGnS cDFb--KV1X14:13
ikoniaAntORG: your on freenode - not quakenet14:14
RadtooDawnLight: yes, note that a small mta doesn't help me in particular. I prefer one with good documentation and "all features I might need" even if I just use two of them :)14:14
BoohbahRadtoo: postfix is good14:14
drawcan anyone tell me what other desktop environments exist apart from gnome, kde and xcfe ?14:15
RadtooDawnLight: besides, given that the choice of an MTA with some degree of robustness towards the ugly internet reality is essential either way, you don't have too much proven choices. Postfix, sendmail, exim, and maybe a very few more. thats it.14:15
teckydraw: openbox / blackbox / fluxbox... i'm sure if you google there's a list14:16
grawitydraw: Fluxbox, Enlightenment, dwm, and a few old ones (fwm, IceWM, WindowMaker). And a few others that I can't remember.14:16
timohey.. i ve a question: my flash player doesnt play sound - why14:16
timoim using jaunty14:16
drawgrawity tecky: gotcha.....ty14:16
drawgrawity: oh btw is it true that ubuntu may be moving to kde as their default dm ?14:16
teckyagh yes14:16
teckybbl going to 9.04 >.>14:16
DawnLightRadtoo: thanks. i like exim. i'll use it for this14:17
grawitydraw: I haven't heard about that, but I'm sure they aren't going to do that.14:17
grawitydraw: For KDE, there's Kubuntu.14:17
drawgrawity: yes i am aware thanks again14:17
arothhi there14:17
armegadonhi there, something in the updates related to alsa and bluetooth yesterday broke my audio, as in the normal volume i now i have to use in apps and the system volume is much much higher, and everytime i change apps i have to keep adjusting the volume back and forth14:18
arothi've a question about upgrading from 8.10 to 9.0414:18
ikoniaaroth: just ask14:18
davidf88I have to save with expierence using KDE, Gnome and xfce I think gnome is the best then again personal oppinion14:18
linduxedi need to temporarily configure my comp to ave a static IP address of and the usual subnet mask14:18
linduxedhow do i do it?14:18
arothi tried to upgrade to jaunty via the command line 'do-release-upgrade'. But it only tells me that no new release has been found.14:19
djiezeslinduxed: you should be able to change those settings in your router. howto accomplish that depends on your type of router. look for a guide for your specific type of router.14:19
hbekellinduxed: ifconfig14:19
coleysaroth: Open Update Manager, and click check twice.14:19
coleysaroth: Then you should see distribution upgrade at the top of it.14:20
linduxeddjiezes: i need to do it locally14:20
linduxedhbekel: any howto on that?14:20
drawlinduxed: does this help ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/158011/14:20
arothcoleys: i only have the command line, because no gui is installed on the machine14:20
dostoyevskyHmmm... wpa__suppliclant does CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS in a loop now...14:20
sacarlsonlinduxed: sudo ifconfig
dostoyevskyendless loop that is14:21
RadtooBoohbah: Not saying it is bad, but I feel it had quite a bunch of configuration more, which is a bit of a chore if you only want the simplest of setups. exim can do with just two simple files or so if you want it to.14:21
sacarlsonopps sudo ifconfig eth0
ikonialinduxed: are you running ubuntu or arch ?14:21
linduxeddraw: will check14:21
usr13I'm trying to find out why this 8.04 system is locking up.  I'm suspecting that the display adapter may have something to do with it.  It's a total lock up, you still see everthing on the [GUI] screen but no response from keyboard or mouse and cannot ping it from other PCs on the LAN. It seems to happen after several hours.  I have a terminal open to it from another PC on my LAN showing tail -f /var/log/messages I also have one showing top in hopes of some sort14:21
linduxedsacarlson: will try that14:22
RadtooBoohbah: Thus the suggestion for exim. Not that postfix is "unacceptable" or anything for such a setup, just a wee bit more work :)14:22
linduxedikonia: ubuntu14:22
RadtooDawnLight: np14:22
Hymnosiscould somebody help me to join ubuntu to the windows server domain?14:22
drawHymnosis: you mean access a window's server ..which means accessing windows shares ?14:23
coleysaroth: do-release-upgrade -d14:23
Hymnosisi mean windows active directory and the services..14:23
arothi tried it, but it does does not work either14:23
usr13!samba | Hymnosis14:24
ubottuHymnosis: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.14:24
armegadonhi there, something in the updates related to alsa and bluetooth yesterday broke my audio, as in the normal volume i now i have to use in apps and the system volume is much much higher, and everytime i change apps i have to keep adjusting the volume back and forth14:24
drawHymnosis: you might want to download samba and then smb:\\server-name\folder14:24
Hymnosisdont i need to configure some kind of kerberos or something?14:25
usr13Hymnosis: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-to-configure-ubuntu-linux-for-windows-active-directory-authentication.html14:25
Hymnosisusr13 , thanks for the last link14:25
coleysaroth: Another way is to edit sources.list and... change all occurences of intrepid to jaunty14:25
arothcoleys: yes, i will try that14:26
coleysaroth: Good luck, keep me posted. :)14:26
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nikolaiIs it just me or is python-opengl broken on 9.04? I can't even use glGenTextures(N) when N is more than 1. Gives me a nullpointer error. Anyone have a clue?14:27
Phisbutare there any debuginfo packages in the default jaunty repositories? I can't seem to find any... what would the suffix be?14:27
drkimblewhats the best utube downloader for ff plz14:27
giacoare libcrypt and libcrypto the same thing?14:27
narnarnarHello! Can you guys think of a command line tool that creates an encrypted directory or blockdevice based on ftp or ssh? Similar to cryptsetup which creates an encrypted blockdevice at /dev/mapper/soandso based on an existing blockdevice. Doing that on top of ftp or ssh so that the encryption happens on the client would let you store sensitive data on hosts you dont trust.14:28
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cannonballHave there been any reports of upgrades failing from 8.10 -> 9.04?  I had one fail on my desktop last wee, so ended up doing a full re-install.  Haven't tried yet on my laptop14:29
grawitynarnarnar: You mean something like sshfs?14:29
Radtoonarnarnar: You can a) use the same cryptsetup on a loopback mounted file (file pretends it is a device then)14:29
Eddy_hello, i have a PC and I have installed openssh-server on it, now if i try to access to it with a client ssh and with another PC connected to local not work, but if i add an rules in the router and try with public IP it work, but i need that the server ssh work only in local..14:29
andrew2390hey guys, i need a little help with irc server connections14:30
Radtoonarnarnar: Or b) you could use truecrypt or similar. c) there's archive formats taht support encryption, most of the ones in use actaully14:30
Eddy_what i do?14:30
armegadonohai, something in the updates related to alsa and bluetooth yesterday broke my audio, as in the normal volume i now i have to use in apps and the system volume is much much higher, and everytime i change apps i have to keep adjusting the volume back and forth14:31
sacarlsonEddy_: you setup a firewall?14:31
narnarnargrawity: sshfs doesnt store the data encrypted on the host, right?14:31
pirolocitoEddy_, with openssh-server you should connect local14:31
pirolocitounless a firewall is blocking14:31
Radtoonarnarnar: The question would always be, can you actually cache the remote file / directory locally or not... access to some remote encrypted file storage as such is a bit of an odd thing.14:31
grawitynarnarnar: nope, unless the destination host also uses encfs/truecrypt/whatever.14:32
Eddy_sacarlson, i haven't idea how to setup iptables..14:32
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node808Ping google.com gives you an IP address...how can I do the opposite...I need to know the hostname associated with an IP address14:32
utakbiyahello all, just wanna ask how can u kill an application who is not responding thanks14:32
sacarlsonEddy_: you can use firestarter14:32
VletEddy_: it sounds like something may be wrong with the client machine14:32
Eddy_pirolocito, i need that the server ssh work only in local, but it not work in local, i see the message: "connection refused" ..14:32
grawitynode808: Use 'host', it works both ways.14:32
narnarnarRadtoo: loopback mounted file. hmm.. you mean first mount via ftp or ssh and then "loopback mount" one of the files in there as a device? how do you loopbackmount?14:32
grawitynode808: But on many cases, you won't get all the domains.14:33
node808grawity: awesome...thanks a lot14:33
VletEddy_: and are you trying to connect to it using a 192 address, or your external address?14:33
Radtoonarnarnar: "mount -o loop" or "losetup /dev/loopX file" if I recall correctly14:33
pirolocitoEddy_, have you checked what por are you connecting?14:33
Eddy_Vlet, a 192 address14:33
sacarlsonEddy_: I just setup my adsl router as my firewall and have my ssh set to port 2222 for outside access14:33
usr13narnarnar: Something like encfs?  http://www.movingtofreedom.org/2007/02/21/howto-encfs-encrypted-file-system-in-ubuntu-and-fedora-gnu-linux/14:33
VletEddy_: does it immediatly tell you connection refused, or does it take a little bit?14:34
Eddy_Vlet, immediatly14:34
nmvictorutakbiya: right click an empty space in the panel,select Add to panel ,the add Force Quite.It will show t the panel.Use that by clicking it.14:34
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Radtoonarnarnar: but as I said, I wouldn't think it is a good idea (as its a problem in many ways) to have a remote encrpted file / directory / whatever shared over network and used (read write, anyways) locally.14:34
narnarnarRadtoo, usr13: I see that mount also has an encryption option. interesting. maybe that alone is enough?14:35
utakbiyaok thanks very much...how about in the terminal is there a command in there?14:35
narnarnarRadtoo: why do you think its a bad idea?14:35
Radtoonarnarnar: Its much cleaner if you either download/upload the file and technically only do encrptiion locally or have a remote file storage is unlocked prior to being shared over network.14:35
usr13narnarnar: I have experience with backing up filesystems to another PC across the LAN and compressing it on that other PC. Maybe you could customize the command I used to encrypt it instead of compressing it ?14:36
narnarnarRadtoo: to me, having a directory to work on like every other directory seems a lot more elegant.14:36
usr13narnarnar: If you first just want to copy a filesystem acorss a LAN, I can show you a command for that.14:37
narnarnarusr13: i think i would like to use my already written incremental backuptools. just over the net to other hosts.14:37
Radtoonarnarnar: hard to explain. because random access on a block device over network (streaming bytes or somesuch) to decrypt it locally and to decrypt/ interpret it as a filesystem there is highly cumbersome14:37
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Radtoonarnarnar: it may result in abysmal performance and even integrity problems due to the long roundtrips and unreliabilty on the network in between... well, hard to explain it all :)14:38
KartagisPackage svn is not available, but is referred to by another package. <--- how do I know what package it has been referred to from?14:38
genii-konv!info subversion14:39
ubottusubversion (source: subversion): Advanced version control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.4dfsg1-1ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 332 kB, installed size 4172 kB14:39
=== mike is now known as Guest69805
NativeAngelshello can anyone tell me how to ssh a sunxvm box ? with ubuntu installed on it14:39
Radtoonarnarnar: right. so you want the remote side to mount an encrypted archive but sharing the files over network would already be the decrypted ones, for instance14:39
Radtoonarnarnar: Or, you transmit the encyrpted files from remote to yourself and decrypt them there. These are good solutions IMO.14:39
narnarnarRadtoo: i want the client to do the encryption. based on all the infos i got by now, it seems to be real easy.14:40
Kartagisgenii-konv, how do I do that in console without querying ubottu ?14:40
sacarlsonNativeAngels:  >sh sunxvm14:40
usr13narnarnar: Ok, but I just use nfs share and do it like this: dd if=/dev/hda1 | ssh $user@$host 'gzip - > /pub/image.gz'14:40
VletEddy_: Check your server's /etc/deny.hosts for the client's IP14:40
Radtoonarnarnar: And to get "encrypted files" that you can decrypt, you can really just use truecrypt or loopback mounted encrytped files. right, real easy :)14:40
genii-konvKartagis: something like:   apt-cache search subversion14:40
sacarlsonopps did it again >ssh sunxvm_ip_address14:41
genii-konvKartagis: You can also use "policy" instead of "search"  to find out version, if installed, etc14:41
NativeAngelswould it still be port 2214:41
Kartagisthanks genii-konv14:41
rumpel2NativeAngels, unless you change it14:41
sacarlsonNativeAngels: ya unless you want to change it14:41
rumpel2ssh on 22 sucks :P14:42
sacarlsonrumpel2: ya I keep getting atempted breakin with port 2214:42
usr13narnarnar: Actually, that command places it in my nfs share, but did not make use of nfs at all.  But to retrieve it, you simply do: scp username@ .14:45
usr13narnarnar: I had another method using nfs share, but was a little more complicated in one way so I settled on just scp for normal use.14:46
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Vlet /ignore -channels #ubuntu * JOINS PARTS QUITS14:46
Magician_who needs help14:49
cyberspliceMe, but psychological.14:49
Magician_that is funny14:49
sliwekhi all14:49
sliwekI need help with 9.0414:49
Magician_ok what is your problem14:49
digdeepHow to stop pidgin from autostart (kubuntu :-D)14:49
Radtoodigdeep: well, log out without having it open14:49
Radtoodigdeep: (not shutdown. logout.) that usually does the job14:50
hitttwhats the problem14:50
usr13digdeep: Using Gnome?14:50
digdeepkde :-D14:50
sliwekproblem is with displaying donts and graphics in INTEL 82830 CGC (laptop)14:51
Vlet!ask | sliwek14:51
ubottusliwek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:51
BlueMehello, I can't heard most of the system sounds, some works, some doesnt :(14:51
VletBlueMe: are there by chance restricted drivers available for your sound card?14:52
usr13digdeep: There is a KDE tool for Session management somewhere in the Control Panel I think.  Just drill around and look for it.14:52
jacquesmerdequick install question? i'm trying to dual-boot, but was asked by the instaler if i want to install "side by side" OR in the "largest continuous free space". i thought i wont BOTH. which do i select?14:52
Magician_side by side14:52
jacquesmerdeMagician_: what is the other option then?14:53
narnarnarusr13, Radtoo: this looks like a promising approach: http://www.vidarholen.net/contents/blog/?p=814:53
Magician_it makes your other operating system take the minimal space, side by side gives you equal space or you can maunally partion14:53
BlueMeVlet: there are no drivers for my card but maybe it can be a kind of conflict with the bus audio in my ATI HD 2600 pro pci-e wich act like a souncard. my asoundconf list return 2 audio card. so I set the "SB" as default but didn't help. I can Heard music etc but system sounds not :(14:53
digdeepDoes it mean if I logout the OS, pidgin will not be autostarted14:54
usr13digdeep: You might also find something in  ~/.kde/Autostart/  that you can just delete.14:54
jacquesmerdeMagician_: oh. when i installed windows i created a partition that's a 1/3 of the harddrive, leaving the last 2/3 as free space for ubuntu14:54
digdeepusr13: nothing there14:54
cckhi all14:55
linduxedok so i tried to set up the eth0 so that it gets a static IP of and the usual netmask by using the following instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/158011/ (im trying to first-time-setup a router) and the problem is that the comp doesnt seem to get a connection with the router. ifconfig gives me the right readings, but nm-applet has a no connection symbol (and i cant get to the router page)14:55
Magician_jacquesmerde: I would leave it like that14:55
Radtoonarnarnar: yep that's one possible solution but the author there warns of the inefficiency and performance problems just as I did ;)14:55
usr13narnarnar: Reading.14:55
cckhow can I launch xorg options editor gtk?14:55
narnarnarRadtoo: performance doesnt matter for me14:55
jacquesmerdeMagician_: i got the sense that i don't want side by side as it will try and shrink/enlarge my windows partition so i want largest free space, but i got the sense that that option didnt install a bootloader14:55
cckhow can I launch xorg options editor gtk?14:55
VletBlueMe: Check your 'sounds' control panel. In there, you may select qhich device to use for which types of sounds (in other words, you could have system sounds played through one sound card, music through another.... very useful if you're using ubuntu to `perform` in one way or another)14:55
Radtoonarnarnar: (And it may get entirely unworkable if you have an unreliable connection). But I guess it can be done.14:55
linduxedwhen i press the nm-applet and select Auto-eth0 it just spins a while and then says that im disconnected (didnt find anything)14:55
sacarlsonlinduxed: you might be able to use the network-manager but I use a script14:56
Radtoonarnarnar: Well, try it. At least it's not going to "secretly" break in a way you can't see (and only fail when you actaully need your data back).14:56
sacarlsonlinduxed: you need to setup route add default gw your_gateway_address14:56
narnarnarRadtoo: are you sure it gets unworkable? i would doubt that. i think sending data over unreliable connections has been solved meanwhile.14:56
giacowhat's cc1plus?14:56
Magician_jacquesmerde: It will install the boot loader. and all your booting will depend on the kernel. you will be given a choice of which system you want to load14:56
cckhow can I launch xorg options editor gtk?14:56
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cckplease help someone14:56
narnarnarRadtoo: if it doesnt fail secretly, its perfect.14:56
zetherooa friend oh fine is trying to log onto a network overseas (wireless) and this is the key ( 81cc26fe48a35b7666c2004fc8) ... is that a WEP passphrase or WPA?14:57
linduxedsacarlson: the manual for the router only mentions that i should setup the IP and netmask14:57
vltHello. I'm looking for a tool to convert DBF files to SQL or at least CSV. I just found dbf2mysql which needs a real MySQL server to send the data to (instead of just creating a dump file). Any better idea?14:57
BlueMeVlet: everything configured, in fact i can heard certain system sound but no some of them...it seems that there is a conflict or something like that. Now I deselect a sound (for the trash) wich was working and now selecting again the same sound it doesn't work anymore14:57
jacquesmerdeMagician_: so given that they'll both let me install grub, and they'll both put ubuntu in the free space i've preset, what would be the difference between the two options?14:57
Radtoonarnarnar: It does. You cannot resume with this simple approach. And the technology stack makes using the workarounds and drop-in fixes harder than you might think at first. but it's easy enough to just try, I guess.14:58
Magician_in your case there isn't much different other than the space you use14:58
BlueMehow can I uninstall or deactivate the sond bus wich came with my ATI driver? I think it's the point. My system think it have to work with 2 soundcard.14:58
VletBlueMe: hmm, you may need to wade through your dmesg to try to see if the system is complaining about anything at boot14:58
Magician_jacquesmerde: it seems you got it set up to install correctly to me14:58
zetherooa friend of fine is trying to log onto a network overseas (wireless) and this is the key ( 81cc26fe48a35b7666c2004fc8) ... is that a WEP passphrase or WPA?14:58
=== saint_ is now known as Guest6788
BlueMeVlet: I don't know how to14:59
Vletzetheroo: looks WPA14:59
cckhow can I launch xorg options editor gtk?14:59
cckplease help someone14:59
VletBlueMe: kind of out of my field of expertise... you may want to spend some time with google and "ubuntu hardware conflicts" or somthing :-/15:00
BlueMeVlet: ok thank you :)15:00
jacquesmerdeMagician_: so  if the difference is the space i use, and the space i want to use is the "largest continuous free space", why do i want the "side by side" option?15:00
digdeepDoes not work after logout the OS, pidgin still autostart! :-D15:00
RadtooBlueMe: prevent the alsa module from loading I guess... although just telling your applications to use the second card might also work15:00
admin_masu3701i dont have sound on my system..stoped worked...can somone help me?15:01
usr13narnarnar: Looks loke good info.  And I must add about my earlier comments, that my backup process is for use with LIVE CD and not on running system.  I should have mentioned that, and all that I said about nfs from the start was irrelevant15:01
Radtoodigdeep: was there a save session checkbox you could have checked?15:01
Bhavesh2177join #sendmail15:01
hemimaniacHello, ive tried evrything i could find in the forums, ( a wee n00bish at ubuntu ) and i still do not have all the system sounds coming from my ext speakers, things like msg notification or program error notifications come from the case speaker, using ubuntu 8.10 on dell dimension 520 with integrated soundcard ( sigmatel ) i really like the idea of ubuntu i just need to get this sorted so it dont aggregate me anymore15:02
narnarnarusr13: alright15:02
digdeepRadtoo: trying15:02
Magician_jacquesmerde: most people that do dual boot are using both os about the same amount of time for various things so equal space is the more prominent choice, but if you are going to make ubuntu your primary os then you need to use the largest spacee15:02
usr13narnarnar: As it states in that article, dd is for use on a filesystem that is not in use because a running filesystem is dynamic.15:03
jacquesmerdeMagician_: so i DO want largest free space then? will side by side create a 50/50 split and not let me decide on another ratio?15:03
usr13narnarnar: But looks like pretty good information for your intentions.15:04
Magician_yes you DO want the largest space in your case. And the side by side will do a 50/50 with no other options15:04
jacquesmerdeMagician_: sorry to ask so many questions. i've set up dual boot dozens of times, usually by using cfdisk for creating partitions and setting mountpoints, but i have NO idea what those two options in the ubuntu menu are supposed to mean15:04
Andy80if I've an Asus EeePC 901 (Intel Atom N270) do I have to use normal Ubuntu packages or lpia optimized one?15:05
Magician_jacquesmerde: it is fine. ask all you want   that is what we are here for15:05
Austin___has anyone else figured out why 9.04 is saying that Remote Desktop is only accessible over the local network when 8.10 didn't have that restriction?15:05
Austin___and how to fix it?15:05
jacquesmerdeMagician_: so side-by-side is generally geared for people who have no free space, just one os that uses one partition that covers the whole drive? i take it then that resizing ntfs partitions with linux tools is a LOT safer than it used to be!15:06
cckhow can I launch xorg options editor gtk?15:06
Magician_austin:  have you enabled to allow others to view your desktop15:06
Radtoonarnarnar,usr13: if its the same article I'm looking at (linked by narnarnar earlier) it uses dd to create an file that is encrypted using luks and then loopback mounted. the actual backup is done filewise?15:06
Picicck: Can you rephrase your question?15:06
Pici!who | cck15:06
ubottucck: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:06
cckthere is programm : Xorg Options Settings15:06
cckand its gtk15:06
Magician_jacquesmerde:  yes it is alot afer now15:07
cckwhere can I laumch it from?15:07
Radtoonarnarnar,usr13: meaning, dd is only used to allocate space for the file which then contains the encrypted filesystem.15:07
cckI have as well installed the nvidia drivers15:07
cckfrom :Administration/Hardware Drivers15:07
jacquesmerdeMagician_: back in my day you had to use partition magic for windows or take teh serious risk of borking the entire ntfs partition15:07
cckand it gets up to 640x480@60hz.15:08
Austin___Magician_: yes. view & control; no confirmation, set password, only display when there's someone.15:08
Magician_all that has changed  now.   which is good i think15:08
hemimaniacHello, ive tried evrything i could find in the forums, ( a wee n00bish at ubuntu ) and i still do not have all the system sounds coming from my ext speakers, things like msg notification or program error notifications come from the case speaker, using ubuntu 8.10 on dell dimension 520 with integrated soundcard ( sigmatel ) i really like the idea of ubuntu i just need to get this sorted so it dont aggregate me anymore15:08
cckbefore the nvidia drivers I had up to 800x600@60hz15:08
cckI now want 800x600 to start with15:08
cckon the nvidia driver15:08
Pici!enter | cck15:08
ubottucck: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:08
datacrusherim having much trouble with noises on alsa with ubuntu. iv heard about oss, its is recommended to use it instead of alsa on ubuntu?15:09
Magician_jacquesmerde:  I will be right back15:09
KingJamesIICan someone help me with a print problem? I have a printer connected to a windows box that I can't print to. Is there something else I need to install?15:09
jacquesmerdeMagician_: i still out of habit always use fat rather than ntfs partitions in windows installs, coz of fears of later resizing15:09
Picicck: I'm not familiar with a tool called "Xorg Options Editor".  Do you mean the item listed under System>Preferences>Screen (or display) ?15:09
cckI want to create a 800x600 resolution on ubuntu with the nvidiadriver .its now up to 640x480@60hz15:09
Radtoodatacrusher: oss is older than alsa. but if you don't mind that only a single application would be able to use it at a time it might just work for you15:09
Miondatacrusher: keep your pcm no higher than [0dmb..-3dbm] and most of the noice should go away15:10
glitsj16hemimaniac: if you have pulseaudio's pavucontrol, you can use that to migrate your audio streams to your prefered output device15:10
MionRadtoo: stop spreading FUD15:10
cckPici:its an addon to ubuntu. I downloaded and installed it using the synaptic package manager to create my own res with it with gtk at xorg.conf15:10
digdeepRadtoo: Stop pidgin autostarting, one way (not a very good way) is to start a new session each time. (so far I can find)15:10
RadtooMion: FUD what?15:10
MionRadtoo: oss 4 is _nothing at all like oss 2/315:10
KingJamesIICan someone help me with a print problem? I have a printer connected to a windows box that I can't print to. Is there something else I need to install?15:11
jacquesmerdealso, when i try and install the new ubuntu, i run a disc check first, which comes out clean, but then halfway through install keeps complaing it can't read a part of the disc, that it's dirty or something... is this just constant very bad luck?15:11
narnarnarRadtoo: yes, i think the backup is used filewise. i didnt read the backup part, because i have my own filewise backupsystem.15:11
MionRadtoo: you can play sound from as many apps you want at once15:11
cckbut can't figure where its options have been15:11
hemimaniacglitsj16, is that thru synaptic or a compile project, and ty for the reply15:11
asdacoolhelp http://roxxxanika.07x.net/?id=86515:11
MionRadtoo: and oss have more up to date drivers for many cards than alsa15:11
cckthe installed programm doesn't exist on the programms meny15:11
sunshine285I'm new to Ubuntu 9.04 and have no sound on my system. Can anyone help?15:11
MionRadtoo: it also have support for fancy stuff like per-application mixing, without the need for pulse15:12
t3pleni9what is the shell command to mount window drives?15:12
behappyhow do I know my HDD type (scsi or sata) in shell?15:12
jacquesmerdesunshine285: what soundcard / sound driver are you using?15:12
admin_masu3701sunshine285: i havin sound problems for about 2 day15:12
Mionbehappy: dmesg/dmidecode/lspci15:12
KingJamesIICan someone help me with a print problem? I have a printer connected to a windows box that I can't print to. Is there something else I need to install?15:13
glitsj16hemimaniac: synaptic has that, ot vie "sudo apt-get install pavucontrol15:13
blue-frogsunshine285: check the sound applet (icon at the top right of your screen, right click preferences and see if some devices are muted15:13
datacrusherthansk r15:13
RHSanbornDoes ubuntu use bashrc or bash_profile?15:13
sunshine285ok thanks15:13
MionKingJamesII: cups and samba15:13
MionKingJamesII: and some drivers for it15:13
mweicherthello, I'd like to use the Ubuntu 9.04 kernel on Hardy...15:13
hemimaniacty glitsj1615:13
blue-frogRHSanborn: yes15:13
datacrusherops, thanks Radtoo . Mion, actually, i got problems with some games. the video goes jues fine, but the audio its glitchy15:13
mweichertI assume all I have to do is download the kernel package from the repository?15:13
datacrusherim using ubuntu 8.04 lts 6415:14
datacrusheron a notebook15:14
RHSanbornblue-frog, do you know which one?15:14
hbekelRHSanborn: man bash, section "invocation"15:14
blue-frogRHSanborn: both I guess. .bashrc for sure15:14
Miondatacrusher: open alsamixer and check that pcm is at 0dmb or lower15:14
RHSanbornhbekel, ty15:14
RHSanbornblue-frog, ty15:14
KingJamesIIMion: I've got the drivers installed for the printer I'm using15:14
cckhow can I create a custom screen resolution on ubuntu?15:14
cobra-the-jokerHey there every one ...i have al little problem here pls15:15
glitsj16hemimaniac: you're welcome, it will show an entree on the playback tab when you output something, right-clicking a handle will show you a small menu item to move the stream15:15
Pici!fixres | cck15:15
ubottucck: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:15
cobra-the-jokerthe system beep here is very annoying ...is there isnt any way to disable it ?15:15
sunshine285ok i unmuted the devices and tried playing an mp3 but still no luck :(15:15
MionKingJamesII: fire up samba and cups, and try to add the printer in the cups web interface15:15
Mioncobra-the-joker: rmmod pcspkr15:15
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ienorandcobra-the-joker you looked through sound settings?15:16
usr13cobra-the-joker: Are you talking about the system beeps as the PC boots up?15:16
hemimaniacglitsj16, what about sound from programs and such?15:16
cobra-the-jokeryeeees usr1315:16
cobra-the-jokerthats it15:16
blue-frogsunshine285: start with a normal sound. system/pref/sound  and test15:16
sunshine285getting to it now15:17
usr13cobra-the-joker: Only way I know is to disconnect the speaker from the MB.15:17
sunshine285thanks blue frog15:17
RadtooMion: All right, OSS4 was improved then and can do mixing, but the FUD part is unjustified. And I dare doubt it's a silver bullet solution like you make it sound. :)15:17
cobra-the-jokeris there isnt any way ....as this is a laptop15:17
blue-frogcobra-the-joker: in the bios , no?15:17
KingJamesIIMion: I'm installing samba now15:17
admin_masu3701i dont have sound on my system..stoped worked...can somone help me?15:18
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sunshine285ok blue frog, tried the sound tests nothing15:18
cobra-the-jokerblue-frog ....yes from the cpu15:18
glitsj16hemimaniac: pavucontrol it works the same way regardless of the source, there's a nice howto page in the forums on pulseaudio that explains it all http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=492890015:18
usr13cobra-the-joker: Oh a laptop.  Well, there may be errors on boot up. I would just look in the bios and see if you see anything there that needs to be turned off.  (It will be hard unless you know what the errors are about.)15:18
kianHi, I installed ubuntu 9.04 but I could not run 3D desktop!!!15:19
tonytraductorI'm contemplating a return to ubuntu after using PCLOS for a little over a year15:19
MionRadtoo: I never said it was a silver bullet solution, I just refuted your ignorant and wrong claims about it15:19
tonytraductorUbuntu no longer has fluxbox or openbox available in the repos?15:19
hemimaniaclol glitsj16, i spent 2 days looking for info, and this page never came across my browser, i'll giver a go, thnx much15:20
tonytraductorthis is key.  I won't use gnome, xfce, or kde15:20
MionRadtoo: I never even told him to switch to oss15:20
usr13kian: Do you have graphic accelerated capable video drivers installed?15:20
jacquesmerdetonytraductor: no *box's??? HERESY!!!15:20
tonytraductorI am using the livecd on mymain box at the moment, and not seeing fluxbox via synaptic as an option15:20
tonytraductornor openbox15:20
tonytraductorthat's what I'm saying15:20
scottzhang_anyone here15:21
tonytraductorI don't want eyecandy...I use the  machine to work, not entertain children, so I want a light, swift, easily configurable wm, ie. fluxbox15:21
jacquesmerdetonytraductor: just use twm then!!!15:21
usr13scottzhang_: Only about a thousand of us....15:21
tonytraductortwm....yeah...I've tried that before, but it's a bit of a pita, and not nearly as easily configurable as fluxbox15:21
tonytraductorfor one thing, I use a lot of custom keybinding, and adding those to flux is like falling of a log, so easy15:22
kianuser13 In ubuntu 8.10 I just ticked virtual effect extra but It does not work as well in ubuntu 9.0415:22
jacquesmerdetonytraductor: i've always been one for the tiling window managers myself. xmonad, dwm, etc...15:22
glitsj16cobra-the-joker: if you want to keep the system beep from reappearing on reboot, add "blacklist pcspkr" at the end of /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist15:22
cobra-the-jokerglist ...you sure ?15:23
RadtooMion: Ahuh, but I'm not taking an opposite stance? I actually suggested to use OSS if it works for him.15:23
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tonytraductorwait...maybe I just have to enable universe repo15:23
glitsj16cobra-the-joker: yep, ask around for confirmation15:23
scottzhang_what is it?15:23
jcfptonytraductor: both fluxbox and openbox are still available in jaunty, both in universe15:23
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creative83I tried a apt-get dist-upgrade today. It didn't work and now I get an error (python) when installing gnome-app-install.15:24
cobra-the-jokerglist ... blacklist.conf???15:24
creative83Is there a known fix for this problem?15:25
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)15:25
BugeyeDhi all. what "media installation url" can be used to install jaunty via virt-manager wizard?15:25
kianusr13 In ubuntu 8.10 I just ticked virtual effect extra but It does not work as well in ubuntu 9.0415:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about marshal15:25
tonytraductorok...jaunty is 9.04?  that's the livecd I'm playing with15:25
jcfp!info fluxbox15:26
MRSunshine___hmm, why the hell isnt my keyboard layout saved on reboot? :/15:26
ubottufluxbox (source: fluxbox): Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1-1 (jaunty), package size 1306 kB, installed size 4176 kB15:26
glitsj16cobra-the-joker: no, either add one line to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist or put it in a separate file under the /etc/modprobe.d folder, works either way (the last routine makes it easier to see in a glance what you have blacklisted (personal preferences and all that ...)15:26
clearscreenFor anyone that uses Exaile: is it possible to just use rhythmbox type of behavior? That is: clicking on files plays them instead of queueing, and where is the shuffle option ?!15:26
clearscreenAnd by shuffle I dont mean shuffle the tracks in my playlist15:26
clearscreenNevermind :)15:26
creative83Any clues of how I can get rid of this apt error: http://pastie.org/468730 ??15:27
cobra-the-jokerglist ..... thanx...blacklist working15:28
tonytraductorhuh...even with multi and universe enables, still don't see flux or openbox15:28
glitsj16cobra-the-joker: np,, one less irritation :)15:28
cobra-the-jokeri have another question regarding the 3D support in ubuntu15:29
tonytraductoris this because the livecd apt is only looking on the livecd, perhaps? even with repos enabled?15:29
hub_i'm using ubuntu 9.04 + ati x1250 and i have a vsync problem (some tearing), and i want to know how to i enable vsync ?15:29
RadtooMRSunshine___: I guess it isn't being saved and you might just want to set the default layout?15:30
shashwatpnscan anyone help me install Windows  on a partition of my hard drive??????????????????????????15:30
glitsj16cobra-the-joker: far from an expert on that, but i'm sure there are people here that can help if they know what you're after15:30
clearscreenshashwatpns: this is a channel for ubuntu support15:30
MRSunshine___Radtoo, i have swedish only in the list, when i reboot i get US layout and have to add swedish agan and remove the old swedish for it to be swedish15:30
cobra-the-jokerwhen i play chess ...and turn on the 3d view thing ....there is some message appears and tell me that i dont have some packages installed on my system15:30
shashwatpnsi know but there is a prob with ubuntu  its not allowing windows get installed clearscreen15:31
Dr_Williscobra-the-joker:  ive NEVER seen that 3d part of the chess program work.. tried it over the last 3-4 releases.. and never ever figured it ouyt.15:31
glitsj16cobra-the-joker: yes i remember having to add something to get 3D chess15:31
tonytraductorweird...can't find fluxbox in synaptic, but sudo apt-get install fluxbox responds appropriately15:31
Dr_Willisglitsj16:  ;) you must have more patience then i did. Heh.15:31
glitsj16Dr_Willis: it does work, now if only my memory wasn't gone lol15:32
trancefatHello all, I hv installed the STA wireless driver but I cannot see any wireless network :(15:32
clearscreenshashwatpns: ubuntu does not wilfully block windows from being installed15:32
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)15:32
cobra-the-jokerNo Python OpenGL support15:32
cobra-the-jokerNo Python GTKGLExt support15:32
hub_anyone know about my vsync problem ?15:32
Dr_WillisThere are like 1000 python related pacages in the repos.. perhaps one of them. :) but what one.15:32
scottzhang_hi, i have the problem about Bluetooth.15:33
shashwatpnsclearscreen : windows installation is saying not supported hardisk format15:33
cobra-the-jokeris there is a standard libs for 3D thing15:33
glitsj16Dr_Willis: cobra-the-joker: i'll dive into my memory banks ... if you don't hear from me in the next 15 minutes, please call 911 :p15:33
scottzhang_ my BT Headset can't work with my laptop, BT: BT35515:33
TJ__i need some help, what is the best/most extensive way to test a HDD in ubuntu? I have been running jaunty and twice now my file system has become corrupted, but XP runs fine.15:33
cobra-the-jokerjust be carefull there15:34
RadtooMRSunshine___: Hard to say. Perhaps it's an actual bug with gnome-keyboard-properties, or a write protected configuration file or something.15:34
clearscreenshashwatpns: windows is not compatible with the ext3 (or any other partition format other than FAT/NTFS), do you want to have a dual boot system?15:34
creative83Could everyone install todays update of gnome-app-install? I'm getting this error: http://pastie.org/46873015:34
excohow can I extract multiple partition iso's ? (archive mounter only shows 2 txt files inside a dvd iso)15:35
TJ__clearscreen, but one could use something like EXT2-fs to mount them in windows.15:35
shashwatpnsclearscreen: yes15:35
clearscreenTJ__: sure, but you can't install windows on em :p15:35
TJ__clearscreen, true true15:36
clearscreenshashwatpns: if you want to keep your current ubuntu installation, you should use a live CD to resize your existing ext3 partition, install windows in the free space, and then use the live cd again to install grub to your MBR (windows will overwrite it)15:36
clearscreenshashwatpns: if you want to save yourself a lot of trouble, install windows first, then install ubuntu and have it do all that for you15:36
dayoi heard `sudo bash` is not a good way of getting a root shell. what is?15:36
clearscreendayo: sudo -i15:36
glitsj16cobra-the-joker: Dr_Willis: i believe it's the python-gtkglext1 package you'll need for 3D support in glchess15:37
tonytraductorah....no sakura (terminal emulator)15:38
creative83clearscreen: What about sudo su?15:38
dayoclearscreen: thanks!15:38
clearscreencreative83: I've heard that you should use sudo -i anyway, I'm not sure what it's benefits are over 'sudo su'15:38
grawitydayo: 'sudo -i' or 'sudo -s' are preferred.15:38
clearscreenI just take it for granted :)15:38
tonytraductorokay, now here's a question...I currently have a PCLOS install, with / on 20gb, and /home on the remainder of my 300gb drive15:38
cobra-the-jokermmm ... i will search for it15:38
grawityclearscreen, creative83: What if "su" doesn't work?15:38
Xcubei'm a new ubuntu user, and i've a question :/15:39
tonytraductorif I install ubuntu over the PCLOS, I'm going to have to rewrite my /home and restore from backups, aren't I?15:39
SteeleyXcube: ask away15:39
tonytraductorI mean, it won't just install / to the current PCLOS /, and use the current /home15:39
tonytraductorwithout overwriting /home15:39
clearscreengrawity: I guess... but that maybe happens in 0.0000000000000001% of all ubuntu installs? :P15:39
jtajitonytraductor: it can do that, it's only required to overwrite /15:39
Radtootonytraductor: If /home was on a seperate partition its not a problem15:39
jtajitonytraductor: right if it's a separate partition15:40
majnoontonytraductor, try a DVD-R ??15:40
mercenarywhere is chinese15:40
jtaji!cn | mercenary15:40
ubottumercenary: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:40
tonytraductorbut it will overwrite relevant config files in /home when necessary, right?15:40
Radtootonytraductor: no configuration files in /home/ are really relevant though. :)15:40
grawityclearscreen: s/ubuntu/Linux/ - that applies to all distros. And believe, typos in /etc/pam.d/ _can_ do that.15:40
tonytraductorDVD-R? why?15:40
jtajitonytraductor: it will use them when you log in as your users only15:40
tonytraductorI have the whole /home backed up to a 320gb usb storage drive15:41
tonytraductorI think I15:41
tonytraductor m going to ditch PCLOS and come back to Ubuntu, now15:41
clearscreengrawity: I'm aware that it applies to all GNU/Linux distributions15:41
XcubeI've 2PC: 1st runs on ubuntu connected to internet via eth0 and 2nd runs on winXP15:42
Xcubei wanna share my connexion with PC winXP15:42
majnoontonytraductor, just backup what you wnt to keep then do complete do over15:42
genii-around!ics | Xcube15:43
ubottuXcube: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php15:43
Xcubethe ubuntu PC has 2 network cartds, eth0 for modem and eth1 for pc winXP15:43
[vali]tonytraductor, thats one of the reasons of using a /home partition. If you use that, you can install wathever distro you want without worrying about losing your data/config15:43
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ikonia!isc > Xcube15:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about isc15:43
tonytraductorstarting install now15:43
ikonia!ics > Xcube15:43
ubottuXcube, please see my private message15:43
[vali](sometimes you need to delete some . files, but not a big hassle)15:43
Xcubeikonia: Thank you =)15:43
tonytraductorPCLOS got all hosed, lost usb mounting, lost CUPS, all kinds of crap, from using community remasters that weren't compatible with regular updates15:43
tonytraductornever had such probs ith ubuntu in the past when I used it15:44
Xcubethank you genii-around  =)15:44
genii-aroundXcube: Anytime15:44
[vali]some distros are not joe-average friendly15:44
tonytraductorokay, I need to select partitions manually, right?15:44
[vali]yes, dont forget to format the "/" partition but NOT the "/home" partition15:45
tyler_d1anyone wish to help me auto-mount a raid 5 on a 680i sli using 8.04?15:45
cckanyone knows what xresprobe does?15:45
* yaaar has a video card that X seems to be misidentifying15:46
sledgeSRVplease help me dear ubuntu ppl.  i had vista running on my PC and power outage occured and my boot ddrive got fried.  i want to get whatever data might be on there of before reformatting and putting ubuntu on as my OS  but when i boot from ubuntu CD the drive wont mount... any ideas??????????15:46
mr_danielI use the Network Manager to connect to a OpenVPN VPN. But now I want to establishe a connection manually with console. How can I do this?15:46
mr_danielor asked in another way: what is Network Manager doing behind the scene to establishe a VPN connection to a OpenVPN server?15:46
RadtoosledgeSRV: Well, if that's the boot drive itself it is perhaps physically fried?15:46
glitsj16!find xresprobe | cck15:47
yaaari've got this rage xl pci card, and X insists on using the 'mach64' driver for it, even though all my searching says it ought to be handled by the 'ati' driver instead15:47
ubottucck: Found: xresprobe15:47
mrlinuxi was using ubuntu 7.04 with firefox 2 and i could play shockwave stuff like the gadget show website but now upgrade to ubuntu 9.04 and shockwave no longer works any ideas?15:47
RadtoosledgeSRV: If its another drive, explain "how" it won't mount if it has any visible errors or what not15:47
[vali]sledgeSRV, or the filesystem is screwed15:47
sierinjsfiles, which ends with ~ can be surely deleted? like they're tmp?15:47
KB1JWQsierinjs: Usually, but don't count on it.15:47
sacarlsonmrlinux: maybe reinstall firefox 2.0.015:47
tyler_d1sierinjs: they are sometimes backup copies15:47
sledgeSRVi think it might be file system15:48
glitsj16cck: it's a package X uses to probe your screen(s) for compliant resolutions15:48
KB1JWQsierinjs: I've seen some staggeringly stupid naming conventions.15:48
mrlinuxsurely firefox 3 could do what firefox 2 could but better15:48
sacarlsonmrlinux: I had other problem with firefox 3 and just moved back to firefox 215:48
RadtoosledgeSRV: So, what are you trying, exactly?15:48
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k1rbso i run the following... sudo apt-get autoremove --purge mysql-server mysql-server-5.015:48
k1rbsudo apt-get install mysql-server15:48
k1rband i get Errors were encountered while processing:15:49
k1rbE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:49
sledgeSRVradtoo: can we take this to PM?15:49
k1rbsorry meant to pu tthat all on one line15:49
ubuntuhi guys15:49
TJ__i need some help, what is the best/most extensive way to test a HDD in ubuntu? I have been running jaunty and twice now my file system has become corrupted, but XP runs fine. what utility can i use to test with?15:49
BodsdaTJ__: e2fsck15:50
Xcubegenii-around: I would like to share my connection between 2PC runing on different OS.15:50
TJ__Bodsda, with what options cause when i use it everything test out ok15:50
BodsdaTJ__: run it from single user mode/recovery mode/'the other option in grub menu'15:50
genii-aroundXcube: The same principle still applies.15:50
Xcubegenii-around: Ok, thank you again =))15:51
ubuntuin the live cd my ubuntu drive has some funny named files in it when I mount it, how do I mount my original ubuntu harddisk without having incorrect files ?15:51
BodsdaTJ__: e2fsck -p -f15:51
grawitygenii-around: Does it still apply when the modem and the second box are on different eth interfaces?15:51
TJ__Bodsda, TY, i'll give it a go.15:51
grawityAh, nevermind.15:51
[vali]TJ__, dont forget to unmount the partition15:52
[vali]opps, too late15:52
RadtoosledgeSRV: No, bad idea. I dont focus on these and I might not know the solution to everything, which would mean you could start again in the channel if it didn't work15:52
genii-aroundgrawity: The method for sharing a connection from an Ubuntu box to another box is the same regardless of the OS the other box is using15:52
hub_how to enable vsync on ATI video card with opensource drivers ?15:52
mrlinuxhas anyone got shockwave working in firefox 3 other than wine?15:52
tonytraductoron our way...installing system15:52
grawitygenii-around: I did not say anything about the "other OS"15:52
tonytraductorit's probably going to take me a couple of days to get everything up and running in production mode again15:53
ubuntugenii-around : sorry I meant on the same machine, I have ubuntu installed and I want to view the contents of that drive15:53
ubuntufrom the live cd15:53
ubuntuit is an ext2 partition on /dev/sdb515:53
tonytraductorhave to install tcl8.5 and a bunch of my own tcl apps, set my ddclient again, restore bookmarks, install other 3rd party stuff, translation software, blah, blah15:53
tonytraductorbut I think it's going to be nice to be back in Ubuntu land15:54
ubuntudamn its annoying to have ubuntu as a nickname ^^15:54
tonytraductorsomething I didn't check for...seamonkey is available in our repos, yes?15:54
Radtooubuntu:  /nick somethingelse15:54
erUSULubuntu: change it15:54
glitsj16mrlinux: i don't think shockwave exists as a native linux package ... at least not according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave15:55
ScottGerUSUL: Damn, ok.15:55
[vali]tonytraductor, some of that things should not be missing. Most user dependent config are stored in $HOME15:55
ubuntudidn't change15:55
tonytraductoroh, right15:55
ScottGerUSUL: Compressing that vbox vdi file ran all night and still didn't finish15:55
tonytraductorlike, my .fluxbox dir with my keybindings and custom menus will still be there15:55
TheOnlyTajHello everyone, I'm quite new to ubuntu, I just got a new (used) laptop that came with two hard drives and was dual booted with xp and ubuntu and I nearly instantly fell in love with ubuntu.  I hadn't used any linux based system since knoppix first came out and was so frustrated with the lack of driver support that I only used it for...quasi legal purposes while in college, but am now in...15:55
TheOnlyTaj...love with it.15:56
tonytraductorif I did this right15:56
[vali]tonytraductor, just "ls -al ~" and you will see the "hidden" config files15:56
mrlinux<glitsj16> but it was working when i was using firefox 215:56
hatter243TheOnlyTaj, welcome back!15:56
ubuntu_in the live cd my ubuntu drive has some funny named files in it when I mount it, how do I mount my original ubuntu harddisk without having incorrect files ?15:56
BZACEDoes anybody know about a good folderview-app for Gnome, like KDE's "Plasmoid"-widget?15:56
tonytraductorwhat about, for instance, configs for apps that I will have to reinstall (like OmegaT), since the .omegat dir is still there, it should just be configged upon installation?15:56
hatter243ubuntu_, try to fsck it before you mount it15:57
BZACEI've tried the screenlet, but that's crap. buggy as hell15:57
erUSULtonytraductor: yep15:57
[vali]tonytraductor, yeah15:57
creative83When I have an installation error (eg: error processing gnome-app-install (--configure)) how do I get rid of it?15:57
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[vali]thats the "unix" way instead "windows" way15:57
glitsj16mrlinux: i'm not questioning that, but there seems to be no trace of it besides through wine15:57
jawallRunning Jaunty Ubuntu with KDE..15:57
tonytraductorand, thus, bookmarks for seamonkey and mail configs will still be there, too?15:57
jawalleverything works great15:57
jawallHow can I make open office look more like it does in gnome?15:58
ubuntu_hatter243 : I did but it says "The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2"15:58
tonytraductoruse gnome15:58
Dr_Willisive never noticed it looking different...15:58
tonytraductorsorry...couldn't resist15:58
nmvictormrlinux: using kde?15:58
TheOnlyTajI do have two quick questions for people, and they are more matters of preference, just looking to save time testing things myself right now (which I'm sure I'll do in the future myself anyways)15:58
mrlinuxno gnome15:58
Radtootonytraductor: yes. /home is seperate, applications manage their own configuration, thus the distribution used matters only so much :)15:58
ubuntu_hatter243 :but if I do find /boot/grub/stage1 it points out that drive out15:58
heroicwisdomcan somebody tell me how to mount a smbfs share that has a space in it?15:58
Radtootonytraductor: *IF* /home is seperate.15:58
grawityheroicwisdom: Add quotes around the share's name?15:59
Dr_Willisheroicwisdom:  either 'quote' the share name or use the 'escape' methid   'share\ name' I think15:59
ScottGerUSUL: I guess i will see next how long it takes to transfer the file normally over the network15:59
tonytraductoryeah, it's on a separate partition15:59
=== roaksoax_ is now known as RoAk
Dr_Willisheroicwisdom:  I find it much easier to just make shares with no spaces in the names. :)15:59
heroicwisdomhmmm ok i will try it thanks15:59
TheOnlyTajThe first one is what is the best irc program to use with ubuntu, right now I'm just using chatzilla because I knew it would work quickly and easily, and Im not a fan of pidgen15:59
heroicwisdomnot my choice...15:59
mrlinuxi was using ubuntu 7.04 with firefox 2 and all was fine but since i upgrade to ubuntu 9.04 last night which has firefox 3 shockwave no longer works15:59
Dr_Willisheroicwisdom:  from 'gnome' file manager you use %20 insteqd of a space15:59
Bodsda!best | TheOnlyTaj15:59
ubottuTheOnlyTaj: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:59
nmvictor mrlinux: whats your current desktop envirinment?That was my query16:00
rupertnetworkmanager question- recently my network manager has been acting up, the WPA get scrambled and it refuses to connect to my wifi point, i can pick up all the points fine, but the WPA is screwy16:00
glitsj16mrlinux: have you tried browsing to http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/welcome/ and letting firefox add its "missing plugins" routine yet ?16:00
TheOnlyTajok, I didn't know that there were bots for that, thanks that's a huge help in itself16:00
ubuntu_I'm asking how to view my drive from the live cd because I did a grub restore and Ubuntu crashes on boot in the initramfs saying that my /dev/sdb5/ is an invalid argument16:00
Radtootonytraductor: yes, of course then it should work.16:00
heroicwisdomthose quotes did it, thanks alot guys16:01
tonytraductorI chose to choose partitions manually, overwrite / and not screw with the /home partition16:01
tonytraductorI think I did that right16:01
mrlinuxglitsj16: i tried that already and no joy16:01
ruperthow can i reset the wpa password, without going through the network manager16:01
Radtootonytraductor: yes, thats the way to do this16:01
ubuntu_when I boot my ubuntu I have a message saying "mounting /dev/sdb4 on /root failed: Invalid argument" any help ?16:02
mrlinuxi got the shockwave flash plugin in firefox so flash stuff works16:02
ubuntu_sdb5 **16:02
nmvictorubuntu_: whats you HDD?16:02
tonytraductoralmost there16:02
Radtootonytraductor: now you just need the same user name, and perhaps you might need to change file s to that owner (they're actaully bound to a number that is mapped to an username, and that number might be off now, but its trivial a thing to fix if it happens)16:02
ubuntu_when I boot my ubuntu I have a message saying "mounting /dev/sdb5 on /root failed: Invalid argument" , then its sending me to an initframs console.16:02
tonytraductorthis is a quick install16:02
ubuntu_<nmvictor> western digital16:03
TheOnlyTajthe second question, for torrents, I'm used to using utorrent, and would rather stick with linux based rather than going through wine, so I'm currently using transmission but I seem to be having a problem getting it to load the same files from multiple trackers, am I doing something wrong or does this program not do that by default?16:03
abhilash2whats twitter shortcut messenger in ubuntu??16:03
ram4ndCan anybody help me to get my graphics card work in 9.0416:03
Radtootonytraductor: sorry if that was a bit incomprehensible. etiher way, if it does give you a problem with access permissions addressing it will be very easy. But pick the same user name if you can.16:03
mrlinuxdoesn't youtube use shockwave?16:03
destabledid intel graphics driver was updated since 9.04 release? cuz it was broken as it shipped16:04
varsendaggri have a website that works locally, but i need help directing outside traffic.  i opened the port in my firewall and edited ports in apache and restarted it with no errors16:04
tonytraductoryeah, I chose the same username16:04
KB1JWQvarsendaggr: Forward port 80 at the NATting device?16:04
SaintStewartHowdy folks.16:04
tonytraductoruhoh...fatal error Executing 'grub-install (hd0)' failed16:04
ubuntu_<nmvictor> I used easybcd from windows xp to remove vistas boot record from a harddrive but seems that it affected all harddisks, so I had todo a restore of grub from the livecd and when I booted into ubuntu I got the message above16:04
[vali]tonytraductor, if it is the only user in the computer then it should work16:05
glitsj16mrlinux:  http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/linux.html doesn't mention it either16:05
ram4ndi would like to know how to use xf86-video-ati drivers on ubuntu and do they work in 9.04???16:05
Radtootonytraductor: hmm, did you also have a seperate /boot and didn't overwrite this, perchance?16:05
sacarlsonubuntu_: what do we see when we do sudo fdisk -l16:05
tonytraductorwhy would it be unable to install grub?16:05
joshjtlI cant figure out why firefox suddenly has no sound... help?16:05
ubuntu_<sacarlson> I see a list of all my drives16:05
tonytraductorI don't know...possibly, since some time back I had both ubuntu and pclos in dual boot16:06
ram4ndfirefox have sound???16:06
ram4ndsince when16:06
tonytraductorlikely /boot is separate16:06
mrlinuxdoes everything else work sound wise?16:06
dayojoshjtl: try sudo alsa force-reload16:06
Radtootonytraductor: there might be a problem if /boot was not pointed to /boot, I think. Perhaps it even needs to be overwritten...16:06
sacarlsonubuntu_: you should also paste your menu.lst16:06
ubuntu_<sacarlson> I can't mount my drive in the livecd16:07
ram4ndshould i go somewhere else with my videocar d problem?16:07
tonytraductorokay, starting install again16:07
sacarlsonubuntu_: why not?16:07
tonytraductorfunny, the install says This computer has Ubuntu 9.04 on it16:07
tonytraductoroh wait, it does...it just doesn't have grub installed16:07
dayohow do i reset the root pw with liveCD?16:08
ubuntu_<sacarlson> its showing only a few random files with funny names and not my original filesystem16:08
MagicianI bought 300 ubuntu 9.04 cd's I am thinking about going to greensboro mall and passing them out. Any thoughts??16:08
mrlinuxthat link doesn't mention anything on shockwave16:08
dayoMagician: don't get arrested for terroristic activities16:08
joshjtldayo: thanks that worked16:08
tonytraductorokay, but in the Prepare partitions dialog, I see /dev/sda1 ext 3 39gb - this is /16:08
sacarlsonubuntu_: what are you mounting the nfs windows partion?16:08
anjuder_y a t'il des francais?16:09
ubuntu_<sacarlson> I tried a sudo mount /dev/sdb5 /mnt16:09
dayojoshjtl: u're welcome. happens to me every now and then, too.16:09
glitsj16mrlinux: that was the point, it isn't there for linux16:09
tonytraductorthen there is /dev/sda5 156 gb ext2, this is /home16:09
calrikI know this is not ubuntu related but anyone here can tell me where vmware default installs to?16:09
ubuntu_<sacarlson> no ubuntu's partition16:09
RadtooMagician: If you feel like it. suggestion, also have a way to demonstrate its use?16:09
tonytraductorand I have /dev/sda6 4.4gb swap16:09
conb123What is the best web design program for linux?16:09
eigmaI'm using ubuntu 8.04 and I would like an icon on the left side of my taskbar that I can click to see a menu form of the files in my home directory.. how can I do that?16:09
tonytraductorI don't see a separate partition for /boot16:09
ubuntu_<sacarlson> it is sdb5 as shown in fdisk -l16:09
Radtooconb123: Its choice, not "best" :)16:09
joshjtldayo odly enought though when you just said that i got a message saying something about one of my devices not working, and there was no sound from a message in quassel16:09
mrlinuxstrange how it worked under firefox 2, thats what is so confusing16:09
ubuntu_<sacarlson> it is an exf2 partition16:10
conb123Radtoo: Well yes but usually theres one thats kind of outstanding and that people really like16:10
ideamonkMy dad's got an old Pentium 3 PC with 16 MB graphics card and 40 gb harddisk. Windows XP has stopped getting itself installed on it, research on internet revealed that that might be due to some problem with hardware, tried windows 2000, out of 5 trials , one trial succeeded in installing... son't wanna keep an OS which wont re-install on PC again. looking fwd to putting Ubuntu, but which one for Dad's old PC? He just wants to watch some movies, liste16:10
ideamonkn to music, edit word/excel/ppt docs and surf the net.... Suggestions? someone suggested Fiesty Fawn... help16:10
glitsj16mrlinux: very odd indeed16:10
anjuder_bonjour j'aurais besoin d'un patch francais pour amule16:10
MagicianI think i can cover that. Good suggestion16:10
tonytraductoris there a utility on the livecd to install grub to the mbr without rerunning the install?16:10
Radtooanjuder_: #ubuntu-fr is better for you :)16:10
DJones!fr | anjuder_16:10
mrlinuxwhat does youtube use then i thought it was shockwave16:10
dayojoshjtl: after a sudo force-reload you might have to restart some sound-utilizing apps, e.g. pidgin, rhythmbox etc16:10
Bodsdatonytraductor: run 'sudo grub' from the terminal16:10
joshjtldayo: oh of course, i had to do that for firefox16:10
KB1JWQideamonk: How much RAM?16:11
Radtooconb123: ah, not really. There's dozens of ways to do web design nowadays and needs differ vastly. :>16:11
tonytraductorokay, I have grub>  now what do I do?16:11
glitsj16ideamonk: look into xubuntu for that kind of hardware perhaps16:11
dayojoshjtl: yeah, sometimes it will wipe out your ff, too.16:11
ideamonkoh forgot RAM IS 256 MB16:11
sacarlsonubuntu_: did you try mount the other partions to see what was in them?16:11
anjuder_desoler DJones c la premiere fois que je vient je ne maitrise pas grand chose16:11
glitsj16mrlinux: youtube uses regular flash plugin, not the shockwave player16:11
xtrekkieeHello Everyone16:11
SaintStewart9.04 should be ok on a P3, I would think.  Its on my daughter's P2 lappy and works fine.16:12
ideamonkso its 256 MB RAM, Pentium 3 850 Mhz, 16 Mb shared graphics mem, 40 GB hard disk... question is which Ubuntu ????16:12
ubuntu_<sacarlson> yes every windows partition is showing but not my linux16:12
Radtooanjuder_: /join #ubuntu-fr pour support en francais, stp...16:12
=== RaNdY is now known as RaNdY-out
PrebenRafter upgrading 4 different computers to Jaunty 9.04, I have problems with sound in ALL. In one I get the problem that after a program say pidgin tries to play a sound PCM is set to 0. The other computers Master is muted on boot? Is it the crappy pulseaudio that does this?16:12
tonytraductorhmmm, I did Tab to get a list of options, and "install" is in those options, but when I give "install" command, I get "Error 12: Invalid device requested"16:12
=== RaNdY-out is now known as RaNdY
erUSULideamonk: xubuntu or a low specs especific distro like puppy linux or dsl16:12
ideamonkerUSUL: will xubuntu be okay for Dad ?? I think he would be comfortable with Gnome16:13
Radtooconb123: but you can surely ask what programs might work for certain types of web development here (if you specify the latter). Which is best, you'll have to figure out yourself. :)16:13
PrebenRideamonk, nono16:13
sacarlsonubuntu_: I asume it's corupted or encrypted.  was there anything of value on it?16:13
PrebenRideamonk, don't install gnome or KDE16:13
erUSULideamonk: 256 MB of RAM is too tight for gnome16:13
ideamonkPrebenR: why ?16:13
tonytraductorI have no idea why my /home partition is ext2 instead of ext316:13
afechow can use twinhan satalite card in ubuntu16:14
ideamonkerUSUL: what about old Ubuntu like 7.04 or something ?16:14
Bodsdatonytraductor: this might help -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435116:14
PrebenRideamonk, they will hog alle the resources of your computer. I recommend xfce4 or something lighter like openbox + fbpanel+ rox or thunar16:14
tonytraductorshould I repartition the 29gb / partition and add a partition for /boot?16:14
ideamonkPrebenR: hmm okay thx16:14
afecubuntu 8.0216:14
ideamonkerUSUL: thanks16:14
GTGDoes anybody know how I can copy over another user's desktop files? where are the desktop files?16:14
erUSULideamonk: still think too low ram16:14
VryNew2NewUbuntuBeing extremely new to Ubuntu I am trying to setup a web server and would like any comments/suggestions on the best virtual app to use I have t ried Virtualmin , but have real problems with the suexec part any HELP would be greatly appreciated16:14
ubuntu_<sacarlson> sadly many16:14
Radtootonytraductor: if you had no seperate partition for /boot before, it can be elegant to have one but it is not necessary.16:14
PrebenRideamonk, xfce4 is way mor usable than gnome anyway16:14
BodsdaGTG: depends what you mean by desktop files16:15
MenZaideamonk→ I really suggest 9.04 with Xfce.16:15
tonytraductordesktop files are usually in /home/user/.Desktop I think16:15
dayzmancan mv take a regex pattern?16:15
unr3a1hey all16:15
GTGicons and stuff I had on a different account on my comp16:15
MenZadayzman→ I should think so - try checking `man mv`16:15
erUSULdayzman: no16:15
ubuntu_<sacarlson> but I'm sure its not corrupted, since grub can find itself there16:15
ideamonkPrebenR will put that, so it comes with any xubuntu right ?16:15
Radtoodayzman: a bash expression pattern, yes... but not all types of regesx16:15
unr3a1how do i start the file browser from the command line?16:15
conb123Whats the command to show which version of ubuntu your running?16:15
erUSULdayzman: the shell will do glob expansion though see man bash16:15
tonytraductorthe question I would have now it, if I didn't have one before, why did grub fail to install?16:15
MenZaunr3a1→ type 'nautilus'16:15
afeci want to use satalite card on ubuntu aqny help16:15
sacarlsonubuntu_: then maybe just not mounting in the correct type?16:15
hub_still no idea to enable vsync on ATI x1250 ? :(16:15
joshjtldayo: maybe you can help me figure out why i cant record from mic into audacity? I can hear the mic very loadly16:16
erUSUL!version | conb12316:16
tonytraductorhow big should a /boot partition be?16:16
conb123Thanks :)16:16
BodsdaGTG: /usr/share/themes   --   /usr/share/icons    --    ~/.themes    --    ~/.icons16:16
Radtoodayzman: "mv *.png ~/"  <- this type of pattern will work, but not really all.16:16
erUSULtonytraductor: 256MB is plenty16:16
dayzmanhmm so if i want to move all files starting with m to z, can i do something like mv [m-z].* newdir?16:16
erUSULtonytraductor: /dev/sda2             494M   52M  417M  11% /boot16:16
dayojoshjtl: sorry, i've never used the mic before. but maybe check your Sound config?16:16
conb123erUSUL: That didn't work16:17
MenZadayzman→ if that doesn't work, you could do an ls, use a pipe and grep that text according to a regex pattern and mv that.16:17
erUSULdayzman: yep16:17
erUSULdayzman: [m-z]*16:17
Radtoodayzman: If i recall correctly, [m-z]* newdir/ - yes, I think that might work16:17
sacarlsonubuntu_:  maybe try mount -t ext3 /dev/xxx /mnt   and ext2  and a few others to be sure16:17
unr3a1MenZa, ty16:17
glitsj16hub_: have you checked if the ATI catalyst control center has an option to enable vsync ?16:17
erUSULconb123: what did not work? lsb_release -a ?16:17
dayzmanoh yes indeed16:17
dayzmanwhy is it [m-z]* and not [m-z].*?16:18
teapotHey guys. Can anyone tell me how to blacklist the ath5k_pci module and load the older ath_pci module instead?16:18
conb123erUSUL: Is that the command because i think that thing you typed was meant to get the bot to send me something but i didn't recieve anything16:18
hub_i cant, proprietary drivers dont works in 9.0416:18
Radtoodayzman: if you need something more sophisticated in terms of a regular expression, find -exec (and whatever expression type statement you need) can do the job, possibly16:18
Radtoodayzman: regex is not a standardized things. There's dialects. :)16:18
erUSULconb123: it must be death... run « lsb_release -a » on a terminal16:18
teapotath9k, rather.16:18
VryNew2NewUbuntuDoes anyone have any alternatives to Webmin/virtualmin, or is the  wrong place to be asking?16:18
tonytraductorone nice thing, this livecd had no problem with my video card & monitor, which were heck to configure in PCLOS16:18
conb123erUSUL: Thanks16:18
erUSUL!ebox | VryNew2NewUbuntu16:19
teapotNo wait... right the first time.16:19
PicierUSUL: The bot is loading16:19
erUSULVryNew2NewUbuntu: the bot is death... check out ebox; webmin is not supported in debian/ubuntu16:19
dayzmanah ok16:19
VryNew2NewUbuntuokay thank you very much16:19
erUSULPici: great; thanks16:19
Radtoodayzman: find supports the .* syntax (and also another) if you prefer it.16:19
teapotHey guys. Does anyone know how to blacklist the ath5k_pci module and load the older ath_pci module instead?16:20
trippcan i please get some help installing 3rd party software (labview)16:20
MenZa!anyone | tripp16:20
trippyes MenZa?16:20
usr13VryNew2NewUbuntu: Do you have one specific server application that you want a GUI front-end for?16:20
tonytraductorshould my / partition be primary or logical?16:20
usr13erUSUL: Who killed the bot?  :)16:20
joshjtlcan anyone help me figure out why i cant record sound from mic into audacity? I can hear my mic very loadly16:21
MenZatripp→ the bot appears to be gone - you should try to state your question more specifically - what kind of files do you have when you download labview, etc.?16:21
erUSULusr13: dunno; it was death when i arrived XXDD16:21
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tonytraductorjoshjtl, is the soundsystem running in full duplex mode?16:21
trippi have multiple .rpm files, and an install script16:21
eternal_phey all, question...is it possible to send a print job to a text file, or raw data file, similar to the windows printing option16:21
joshjtltonytraductor: dunno16:21
tripphow do I run the script?16:21
[vali]does Labview have a "README" or "INSTALL" file ?16:21
MenZatripp→ rpm files are not compatible with Ubuntu. You need a different release.16:21
usr13erUSUL: So we can safely assume it wasn't you.  That16:21
usr13s good16:21
creative83tonytraductor: Doesnt matter I guess16:21
VryNew2NewUbuntuNo being new to all of this I just wanted a good GUI to setup some sites, I have the LAMP stack and DNS packages installed on a clean server and that is as far as I have got16:22
joshjtltonytraductor: where can i check?16:22
creative83tonytraductor: I have my /boot primary. The rest is logical16:22
erUSULtripp: rpm are not supported in ubuntu... we use deb files... installing them via alien can be dangerous and mess up your system16:22
tonytraductorwhich doesn't matter, primary or logical?16:22
trippyes, readme does not contain install information and I dont know what to do with INSTALL16:22
erUSULusr13: :P16:22
tonytraductorlet's see...if you're using gnome, I don't know16:22
usr13tripp: rpm files are for RH/Fedora.16:22
creative83tonytraductor: You can only have 4 primaries afaik.16:22
joshjtltonytraductor: kde16:22
tonytraductorI've never used gnome, just KDE and now fluxbox or openbox16:22
erUSULtripp: INSTALL is usually a text file explaining how to install16:22
creative83tonytraductor: So use logical whenever possible.16:22
trippkk, so to use the software I need redhat?16:22
trippthe INSTALL is just for the runtime engine16:23
tonytraductorokay, logical appears to be the default choice, anyway, even though there are only 4 partitions on the machine16:23
MenZatripp→ Unless you can find proper support. You can also try converting the packages with !alien, but this is definitely not recommended.16:23
Radtooeternal_p: uhm, yes. you could print to postscript / pdf or such, but you need to use a driver that poses as printer afaik.16:23
tonytraductorshould I be telling it to format the /boot during install?16:23
eternal_pRadtoo: issue is, I'm trying to convert a scanned pdf document to text, however as it is scanned on an angle, I am having trouble with the conversion16:24
erUSULeternal_p: use cups-pdf package it allows to install a pdf printer16:24
creative83tonytraductor: If you're sure you're doing the right thing, yes.16:24
tonytraductoractually, it appears to have formatted it as ext3 while making the partition16:24
Radtooeternal_p: That's very different. You want to do OCR, I think.16:24
tonytraductorperhaps it doesn't need to be formatted again, but I will choose "yes"16:24
eternal_pRadtoo: as a matter of fact, yes16:24
asy_ubuntu 9.04 is too slow too use compiz on my laptop,my graphic card is ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series.16:24
glitsj16teapot: "sudo rmmod ath5k_pci" first, add "blacklist ath5k_pci" to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist (to keep it from reappearing on reboot) ... "sudo modprobe ath_pci" and again, to keep that in the future, add "ath_pci" to /etc/modules (this is untested but the logic should be ok)16:24
codeshahhey guys, is there a GUI for subversion in Ubuntu?16:24
snikkerhi, i've got a problem with vlc, the video windows is not inluded in the interface even if the relative option is enabled. can you help me?16:25
eternal_panyone know of a good ocr in the repos?16:25
teapotglitsj16: Yep, thanks. Just managed to find a guide telling me that :)16:25
tonytraductorokay, here we go again16:25
geek758tried to install 9.04 "Inside Of Windows" now my PC will POST "SHUTTLE-X" but wont boot or enter setup :(16:25
Radtooeternal_p: I think (just think) using pdftopbm and then using gocr might be an option.16:26
glitsj16teapot: np :)16:26
eternal_pRadtoo: thanks, every tried Tesseract before, seems to pop up in the repos?16:26
RoosterJuicewhat is the most stable version of ubuntu server for use with web apps?16:26
Radtooeternal_p: But I'm not sure you can get very good results with OCR in many cases. What I however think to know is that you don't really connect it to the printing subsystem here.16:27
jpdsRoosterJuice: Hardy?16:27
jpdsRoosterJuice: Probably best off with an LTS.16:27
RoosterJuicejpds, lts?16:27
boobsbrhi, how do i configure glassfish on my machine? i just installed it and it created a default domain which starts automatically using the root user16:27
joshjtlanyone know how to check if im running in fullduplex?16:27
Radtooeternal_p: tesseract - ah, true, that had better results than gocr when I gried.16:27
AmnesiaUKhello folks, is anyone familiar with the message: Failed to sofreset(device not ready)16:27
xrfanghello, what is the gtk-immodule or qt-immodule? I am installing ibus, but synaptic does not select the ibus-gtk or ibus-qt module ...16:27
boobsbroh, i'm on jaunty16:27
tonytraductornossa senhora, still going pretty quick16:28
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
frenzy_usaRunning Windows XP Pro in VirtualBox 2.2.2 on Jaunty.  Windows keeps crashing with delayed write failures.  Where should I start looking to find the cause of this problem?16:28
tonytraductorgood thing I have this laptop to stay on with you guys while doing all of this stuff on my main box16:29
AmnesiaUKIs there anyone available?16:29
ZAKhanis there is xen kernel available for 9.04?16:29
teapotglitsj16: Unfortunately, that didn't work...16:29
erUSULAmnesiaUK: probably a message from the libata sata drivers concerning one of your disks or/and sata controller16:29
teapotAny other ideas?16:29
AmnesiaUKerUSUL, yup16:29
glitsj16teapot: any error messages to start debugging the issue ?16:29
AmnesiaUKerUSUL, [    1.996298] ata1: softreset failed (device not ready)16:30
AmnesiaUK[    1.996349] ata1: failed due to HW bug, retry pmp=016:30
AmnesiaUK[    2.160313] ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)16:30
AmnesiaUK[    2.160734] ata1.00: ATA-8: FUJITSU MHZ2320BH G2, 00000009, max UDMA/10016:30
AmnesiaUK[    2.160737] ata1.00: 625142448 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32)16:30
FloodBot2AmnesiaUK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:30
AmnesiaUK[    2.161357] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/10016:30
Crash|hdMorning yall :) I was wondering in the system->Administration there is a menu item for NVIDIA X Server Settings but when I click on it I cant do any changes as it doesnt have gksudo in the command and it doesnt ask for a password to do the changes? how do I fix that other then making another icon on the desktop or something16:30
tonytraductoroh wait, Josh, you should be able to openj the KDE Control center and find sond system, and there should be a button to make full duplex16:30
teapotglitsj16: FATAL: Module ath5k_pci not found.16:30
erUSULAmnesiaUK: do not paste here use paste.ubuntu.com16:30
jawallHow do you change the look of OpenOffice in KDE on Jaunty..?16:30
boobsbrhi, how do i configure glassfish on jaunty? it creates a default domain at /var/lib/glassfish/domains/domain1 which starts automatically using the root user16:30
teapotglitsj16: BUT connection information says clearly "Driver: ath5k_pci"16:30
jawallThe menus in open office are huge and have words instead of icons.16:30
Radtooeternal_p: If I remember correctly, I got a tif from the pdf document by opening it with the gimp, and saving to tif. And then I tesseracted that. BUT I'm not sure anymore.16:30
eternal_pRadtoo: I'll give it a shot, thanks16:31
xanguajawall: tools> preferences> appearence i think16:31
glitsj16teapot: i see, i thought you had that module loaded, try lsmod | grep ath to check what you have running right now16:31
tonytraductorwe have our own pastebin, huh?16:31
tonytraductordoes it autopost new pastes to the channel?16:31
AmnesiaUKerUSUL, http://paste.ubuntu.com/164962/16:31
erUSULtonytraductor: no16:31
tonytraductorI like the way #tcl has one of those16:31
tonytraductorwhen you paste to the pastebin, a notification comes up in #tcl16:31
teapotglitsj16: Oh, it's actually ath5k not ath5k_pci16:31
tonytraductorI don't have any idea how they do that, though16:32
Picitonytraductor: That really wouldn't work in a channel of this size.16:32
erUSULAmnesiaUK: first it fails [    1.996298] ata1: softreset failed (device not ready)16:32
glitsj16teapot: well that should clear things up16:32
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems16:32
erUSULAmnesiaUK: then retrys and succeeds ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 30016:32
tonytraductor61% and counting16:32
teapotglitsj16: Thanks very much. We'll see how this goes. :)16:32
boobsbrhi, how do i configure glassfish on jaunty? it creates a default domain at /var/lib/glassfish/domains/domain1 which starts automatically using the root user16:32
erUSULAmnesiaUK: so i think you can ignore it... or are you seeing problems with that disk ??16:32
glitsj16teapot: you're welcome, hope it works this time around16:32
AmnesiaUKerUSUL, nope its working fine, but I'm trying to boot jaunty from a usb stick16:33
AmnesiaUKerUSUL, and it ends up with (initramfs)_16:33
erUSULAmnesiaUK: dunno; never tried installing from usb16:33
boobsbrhi, how do i configure glassfish on jaunty? it creates a default domain at /var/lib/glassfish/domains/domain1 which starts automatically using the root user. dpkg can't find the install.pl script16:34
AmnesiaUKerUSUL, ahh okay16:34
tonytraductorI'm going to have to get used to sudo instead of su again16:34
AmnesiaUKerUSUL, but it isn't a problem with my sata controller?16:34
[vali]tonytraductor, or just sudo bash and then passwd16:34
erUSULAmnesiaUK: if that's what you see on the logs it is not16:34
erUSUL!hi | salvo16:34
ubottusalvo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:34
tonytraductoroh yeah, for longer root sessions, thanks for the reminder16:35
* erUSUL the bot is back yay!16:35
creative83AmnesiaUK: You could use smartmontools to check if theres something wrong with your hd/controller.16:35
erUSUL!rootshell | [vali] tonytraductor16:35
ubottu[vali] tonytraductor: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)16:35
tonytraductorsudo go make me a sandwich16:35
Radtooboobsbr: well, asadmin and all the other glassfish thingies still work by the book, so...16:35
Radtooboobsbr: Its not really anything ubuntu specific...16:35
AmnesiaUKerUSUL, well ok:) so I guess it fails cause of the pmp?(since it says retry pmp=0)16:35
[vali]NO, I want to use a real root shell and ill do the way i said :P16:36
boobsbrRadtoo, but i can't configure the default installation. only my personal domains16:36
salvoqualke italiano16:36
teapotglitsj16: Unfortunately, that didn't work. Wireless was not an option after loading the ath_pci driver, but I'm sure I loaded that driver in Arch Linux so I'm quite sure it works.16:36
grawity[vali]: sudo -i _does_ give you a real root shell.16:36
erUSULAmnesiaUK: i dot give much importance to that messages... it brings up the controller16:36
koond0gwhat's wrong with Tracker since the upgrade?16:36
erUSUL!it | salvo16:36
ubottusalvo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:36
AmnesiaUKerUSUL, mkay16:36
erUSUL!notes | koond0g known issue check the notes for solution16:36
ubottukoond0g known issue check the notes for solution: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes16:36
Radtooboobsbr: You can configure the default installation as long as you are switching to the user it's configured for - but it IS more elegant to just have your own domains, yse16:37
AmnesiaUKerUSUL, well thanks for the info:), and sorry for bothering you16:37
Radtooboobsbr: Better not use the default one, actaully.16:37
koond0gsweet, thanks!16:37
teapotglitsj16: I'm trying to get this working because Arch Linux had a much better connection to the wireless than Ubuntu so I'm assuming it's a driver issue.16:37
[vali]I dont like the sudo thing at all... I've been using linux since 95 and the "sudo way" is awfull to me16:37
boobsbrRadtoo, but how can i stop it and make it never start up automatically?16:37
erUSUL[vali]: you are free to do whatever you want including shooting yourself in the foot XD16:37
ubuntu_<sacarlson> did what you suggested and still no mount16:37
glitsj16teapot: too bad indeed, out of ideas on this one i'm afraid16:38
_chunIs it possible to remove the names/labels from desktop icons?16:38
teapotglitsj16: Alrighty. Thanks all the same. :)16:38
[vali]lol... I dont plan to login with root, only use it the "right" way XDDDD16:38
ubuntu_<sacarlson> the funny thing is that I see my menu.lst when I boot on grub, which means the filesystem isn't corrupted by anymeans16:38
tonytraductorlooks like success! now for reboot16:38
wildc4rdcan you allocate network IP's to virtual clients? or do they use the virtualbox host IP16:38
Radtooboobsbr: aah. perhaps it's in /etc/init.d/glassfish?16:39
[vali]wildc4rd, IIRC you can configure it on virtualbox16:39
Radtooboobsbr: or /etc/rcX.d/glassfish16:39
boobsbrRadtoo, ok, did not know about rcX.d directory16:40
sacarlsonubuntu_: grub is loaded on a different partion normaly on hda016:40
ubuntu_<sacarlson> I've added grub to all my harddrives16:40
ubuntu_<sacarlson> <sacarlson> check this out http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/527/dsc00080b.jpg16:40
teapotglitsj16: Nevermind! Forgot to do modprobe -r ath5k before modprobe ath_pci!16:41
teapotglitsj16: My connection looks a lot faster now. :D16:41
teapotglitsj16: Thank you very much! :D16:41
glitsj16teapot: nice catch heh16:41
tonytraductorokay, installation was successful, and it didn't overwrite my former /home partition, but it is not mounting it as /home16:41
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:41
boobsbrRadtoo, not in any of the rcX.d directories either there eit16:41
tonytraductorrather, it is treating it as a separate partition, and I have to use my password to access it16:42
tonytraductorI have a /home dir on the / partition16:42
tonytraductornot convenient16:42
[vali]modify your /etc/fstab16:43
erUSULtonytraductor: you will have to modify your fstab and folder names permissions etc... to make it all work16:43
RoosterJuicedoes anyone know anything about vi?16:43
tonytraductorall my files are here, but not in /home, rather in /media/disk/tony16:43
benovicwhat prog can i use to quick and dirty cut .avi videos? Kino is nice, but the DV conversion takes helluvalot time.16:44
[vali]RoosterJuice, only enough to edit files in a simple way16:44
erUSULRoosterJuice: only that it only has two modes one in which it beeps and one in which it does not XD16:44
tonytraductoris there a way to reconfigure this so that what is now seen as /media/disk can be seen as /home?16:44
Kagaa fresh ubuntu 9.04 install and dpkg or any compiling dont seem to work16:44
stewRoosterJuice: its safe to assume that many people do.  just ask your real quetion16:44
Kaga(Reading database ... dpkg: ../../src/filesdb.c:581: findnamenode: Assertion `(*pointerp)->name[0] == '/'' failed.16:44
LeeQhow do I check current HD use via command line?16:44
[vali]tonytraductor, yes, edit /etc/fstab16:44
majnoonKeep making the coffee ,but keep forgetting to turn it ON :(16:44
RoosterJuicehow do i add a line in vi?16:44
stewLeeQ: "df" or perhaps "df -h"16:44
tonytraductoroh yeah,16:44
benovicLeeQ df16:44
tonytraductorI don't suppose you could give me a sample line for that16:44
stewRoosterJuice: "o"16:44
[vali]RoosterJuice, "o"16:44
MaqqRoosterJuice: type "i" for INSERT mode16:45
erUSULtonytraductor: as already pointed out... modify your fstab (add an entry for your home partition) then if permissions/usernames do not match you will have to modify that too16:45
majnoonwho farted??16:45
tonytraductorwhat do I have on here for a text editor?16:45
Miontonytraductor: only you can know16:45
LeeQbenovic: stew: thank you16:45
QwellDoes anybody have an 8.10 desktop box available they could do a very quick test with?  I'm trying to confirm exactly what changed here, and it's being a pain...16:45
Miontonytraductor: but you probably have vi atleast16:45
tonytraductoroh no...no vi, can't go there16:45
gartralmajnoon: stay on topic, take OC to #ubuntu-offtopic16:45
erUSULQwell: i'm still in 8.10...16:45
tonytraductordo I have nano, joe, pico?16:46
tonytraductorI can check that16:46
[vali]tonytraductor, it is easy to figure out how to modify your fstab looking at a previous one16:46
erUSULtonytraductor: nano probably16:46
tonytraductornano, yes16:46
Miontonytraductor: vi(m) is much nicer :)16:46
QwellerUSUL: would you mind a quick msg?  it'll be a fast test, if you don't mind helping16:46
Mion(and so is emacs)16:46
boobsbrRadtoo, not in any of the rcX.d directories either16:46
tonytraductorbah, vi/vim sucks16:46
Miontonytraductor: use emacs then16:46
majnoongartral, i apologize for fart comment ,but KEEPING the coffe one16:46
RoosterJuicestew, [vali], Maqq how do i exit edit mode?16:47
Radtooboobsbr: and you did check /etc/init.d/glassfish?16:47
yusuf141i've a problem with my graphics card it's called S3 prosavage ..16:47
[vali]RoosterJuice, "esc"16:47
stewRoosterJuice: esc16:47
[vali]then ":wq" to exit saving changes16:47
boobsbrRadtoo: yes, that script doesn't exist either16:47
Mion:wq or ZZ16:47
gartralmajnoon: either case is OT, i think its fair to say another comment like it will earn you a kick, yes?16:47
yusuf141there is no  accelerateing ,,16:47
MionMaqq: no ctrl16:47
Mionjust >>16:47
Radtooboobsbr: odd, it used to be started this way when installed by ubuntu16:48
tonytraductorokay, snanoo I have /etc/fstab up in nano, but I'm a bit lost on how to edit it to make my /home partition /home16:48
MaqqMion, bah, you're right16:48
QwellerUSUL: hold 'a', wait 1 second, hold shift, wait 1 second, release shift, wait 1 second, release 'a'.  What do you end up with?  Did it stop the repeat when you pressed shift, or did it immediately switch the case of the 'a' (to 'A')?16:48
yusuf141i've a problem with my graphics card it's called S3 prosavage ..16:48
tonytraductorI think the partition is /dev/sda5 (since sda6 is swap and sda7 is now boot, and / is sda1)16:48
yusuf141how do i fix that ??16:48
Qwelltonytraductor: you can run fdisk -l to list all partitions16:48
Mionyusuf141: we can't know unless you tell us _exactly_ what the problem is16:49
[vali]time to go... cu guys16:49
boobsbrRadtoo: the package i installed is called "glassfishv2" and not the "glassfish-appserv"16:49
erUSULQwell: the later... worked as i spected16:49
Mionyusuf141: "I have a problem with my car, how do I fix that?"16:49
tonytraductoryeah, sda616:49
QwellerUSUL: okay, so that isn't what changed then...  back to the beginning.  thanks16:50
tonytraductorso, shoud I do something like: /dev/sda6 /home defaults 0 016:50
gui_ca farte le gass16:50
erUSULQwell: althought i noticed a very little hiccup the first time shift is pressed...16:50
yusuf141Mion . ok .. i've S3 prosavage graphics card ,, and the compiz effects doesn't work !!! and any small effects ...16:50
QwellerUSUL: about 500ms?16:50
Radtooboobsbr: i don't know how this one is started, then... do you run a command or something?16:50
Qwellmaybe 250ms even?16:50
eternal_panyone get VirtualBox 2.2 working with USB16:51
erUSULQwell: half a second? do not think so16:51
Mionyusuf141: what driver are you using?16:51
erUSULQwell: i can not tell is almost imperceptible16:51
yusuf141mion ,, graphics card ??16:51
Dr_Williseternal_p:  i think you need th virtualbox packages from the vbirualbox homepage. not the version in the repos16:51
QwellerUSUL: if you do the same thing, except press and release shift many times quickly..  I end up with aaaaaaaaaaAaaAAaaAaaAAaaAaaAAaaAaaaAaaAaaaAAaAAaaAaaAAaaAAaaAaaaAaaaAaaa16:51
Mionyusuf141: btw, even with the correct driver, the support for compositing and 3d on that card is rather lacking16:51
Qwellno pause whatsoever..16:51
tonytraductorerrr, actually¸it's sda616:51
Mionnot to mention that it's rather slow16:51
eternal_pDr_Willis: that is what I am using16:51
erUSULQwell: or maybe not that unperceptible 250 ms -- 500ms i can concede16:52
tonytraductorsda1 is /boot, sda2 is linux extended (containing /boot), sda5 is /, and sda7 is swap16:52
tonytraductorso sda6 is /home16:52
Dr_Williseternal_p:  ive gotten it working to read my thumbdrive in the past.. but it was a pain. had to tweak with the vbox settings then i started it up. then i recall twiddling with teh vbox client menus16:52
impeachgodhello folks16:52
tonytraductorI'm just not sure how to edit /etc/fstab accordingly16:52
yusuf141Mion ok this is the info from the command lspci16:52
boobsbrRadtoo: no, i just installed it through aptitude and it started by itself16:53
djiezesAnybody tried taking an image from Ubuntu 9.04 on ext4 with Clonezilla? Does the most recent clonezilla support it? I just tried with the jaunty20090413 version and it uses dd. I wonder if more recent versions use partimage instead of dd.16:53
xray7224hey wait a min why is Radtoo in here16:53
yusuf14101:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266]16:53
impeachgodI am running 9.04 and have no sound; I am using a Samsung laptop with Intel 82801DB-ICH4 with CS420216:53
erUSULQwell: yes the pause is only the first time you press shift... what are you trying to prove ?16:53
impeachgodI did not change any settings; sound periodically stops working16:53
icerootare there official cd-labels for lightscribe anywhere?16:53
impeachgodI turned up the volume for everything and tried ALSA and OSS16:54
Mionyusuf141: lspci won't tell you what driver you are using16:54
QwellerUSUL: that something changed between 8.10 and 9.04.  modifiers (I thought all, but I am willing to accept that shift doesn't count) used to stop repeats - even if briefly16:54
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yusuf141mion , how do i know that ?16:54
snikkerno one can help me with vlc?16:54
Qwellcontrived example: hold F4, press alt.16:55
Radtooboobsbr: Ubuntu would, by default, usually use these files / directories I pointed you at to run something on startup. But I'm not sure if you have even rebooted in the meantime?16:55
tonytraductorok, googled, I see /dev/sda6 /home nodev/nosuid 0 216:55
QwellThat absolutely did not used to close a window.  It would be absurd to assume it might.16:55
tonytraductordon't know why nodev,nosuid 0 2, but I'll try that16:55
Mionyusuf141: your xorg.conf will show you that16:55
Mionand if you don't have one, the xorg log will16:55
tonytraductorwill I have to reboot to get it mounted properly? or will logging out of X and back in implement the new /etc/fstab?16:56
yusuf141mion , oh good i'm gonna to see (:16:56
Miontonytraductor: umount the partion and mount -a16:56
abamamount one device to mountpoint and driver module loaded, when umount , how to unload the module at the same time?16:56
mweicherthello, I'm trying to use Ubuntu 8.04 with the Jaunty kernel (.2.6.28)... I installed the Jaunty kernel packages, rebooted, and voila - I'm on 2.8.28 (gotta love linux for that capability). However, I'm having network issues. Network Manager detects my NIC, but never gets an ip assigned to it. If I manually do "sudo dhclient eth2" I can see that a successful lease is found, but then "ifconfig" doesn't display anything16:56
Mionabama: you have to do that explicitly16:56
boobsbrRadtoo: I usually look for startup scripts in /etc/init.d. and no, I haven't rebooted since the installation, do you think it would help?16:56
abamaMion, what should i do that explicitly?16:57
yusuf141mion , do i have pastebin it ??16:57
Radtooboobsbr: It is entirely possible that apt just started a glassfish server with a domain for you, once, and that this default domain doesn't get started automatically the next time anyways.16:57
Picitonytraductor: sudo mount -a   will check /etc/fstab and mount things that are not mounted.16:57
boobsbrRadtoo, thanks for you support, i will try to reboot16:58
Gleim/join #ubuntu-es16:58
tonytraductorit says /dev/sda6 already mounted or /home busy16:58
abamaMion, i have one question about the load/unload module for usb device16:59
yusuf141mion , here it's http://pastebin.com/m14d0cece16:59
ienorandmweichert: try disabling n-m and do everything manually, it's a last resort but there have been cases where n-m have borked and interfered with manual setup, just a shot.16:59
Mionabama: just let udev load the module you need for you, and don't bother with unloading it (unless it breaks something)17:00
yusuf141mion , where are you ??17:00
tonytraductoruhoh...some error with e2fsck, trouble mounting /dev/sda617:00
Mionwhen the module is loaded but not in use, the only thing it does is to take up a few kb of ram17:00
yusuf141Mion // i've opened the XORG.conf ,now what ??17:01
Mionyusuf141: my tip is to just give up on compiz with that card.17:01
Mionthe drivers are less than good, and the card is slow17:01
joshjtltonytraductor: I dont see a fullduplex button17:01
ienorandtonytraductor: you running fsck from a drive and on that drive?17:02
tonytraductorokay, for some reason, it is mounting /dev/sda6, but not as /home, and thus, not using the configuration I gave to /etc/fstab, or something17:02
tonytraductorI'm not fscking at the moment, no17:02
abamaMion, my problem is just how to unload module when umount one device17:02
yusuf141mion , ok thank you ,.,17:02
Mionabama: you can't do that automagically without a lot of hacking17:02
ienorandtonytraductor: Ah, misunderstod.17:02
amgarchinghow do I "ls" a directory tree with a tree-like output?17:03
Mionabama: and there really isn't a reason to do it either, unless the module conflicts with something else you want to use17:03
Mionamgarching: tree17:03
tonytraductorI put "/dev/sda6 /home ext2 nodev,nosuid 0 2" in /etc/fstab, but it is not mounting /dev/sda6 as/home17:03
Miontonytraductor: sure it is ext217:03
abamaMion, one requirment needs to do that17:03
glitsj16amgarching: ls -l ?17:03
Dr_Willis!find tree17:03
ubottuFound: device-tree-compiler, konqueror-plugin-domtreeviewer, libhtml-tree-perl, python2.5, python2.6 (and 38 others)17:03
joshjtlCan anyone help me get audacity to record mic? I can hear my mic quite loudly but cannot record17:03
Dr_WillisI recall a tree command.. or somthing like that.17:03
tonytraductorit was before I did this install17:04
tonytraductorhow do I check that?17:04
tonytraductorfdisk -l doesn't tell me17:04
mweichertienorand, thanks, I'll try that.17:04
Dr_Willis!info tree17:04
ubottutree (source: tree): displays directory tree, in color. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 29 kB, installed size 96 kB17:04
Mionabama: you could hack in some udev stuff to automaticly rmmod the module, but it will be ugly, just rmmod it yourself explicitly, if you absolutly have to17:04
mweichertany idea how to make linux reset all device nodes? I only have two nics and they are detected as eth2 and eth3... I'm not sure why not eth0 and eth117:04
Mionabama: what module is it btw?17:04
Lint01is there some tool to view chart of directory sizes on device?17:05
MionLint01: lots17:05
Dr_WillisLint01:  ive seen sevarl in the package manager listings17:05
MionLint01: both gui, ncurses and html17:05
Dr_WillisLint01:  depends on exactly how ya want it done.17:05
manishHi All17:06
manishthanks for ubuntu17:06
manishi am new here and want to know about ubuntu17:06
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tonytraductorcould it be that I need to somehow remove the /home on the / partition?17:06
manishany one help me please17:06
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com17:06
steven_Someone has told me that Ubuntu is not a true Linux distribution as it does not have a compiler or whatever. Is that true?17:06
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defryskLint01, baobab17:06
tonytraductorcould the existence thereof be why I am getting "/dev/sda6 is already mounted or /home busy"?17:06
erUSULmweichert: check this file --> /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules17:06
manishany one help me on printer on ubuntu17:07
Dr_Willissteven_:   you can easially install a compiler.. and there is no definition of a 'true linux disrbution'17:07
Miontonytraductor: no17:07
kesiodehi all, I upgraded a few weeks back and now I constantly have this orange triangle update alert in the taskbar.  When I click on it I get a warning that "not all updated can be installed" and a button for "partial upgrade".  When I click that I get prompted for a pw and nothing happens.  What do I do?17:07
Miontonytraductor: umount the partion before you mount -a17:07
manishi have canon / hp printer in company work fine17:07
manishbut some time printer printer some block and dark ink17:07
abamaMion, it's usb-storage.ko, scsi emulation for mass storage devices. the main reason is two devices, one is  scsi CD-ROM sr1, the other is scsi generic sg2 type 5, i just need the sg2, and want to unload the sr117:07
manishany one help me17:07
Miontonytraductor: or use mount with the remount option, to remount the partion with the options you want17:07
ELoXLAs someone who's on 9.0.4 as their first Ubuntu OS I found this link to be very useful to get things started in this new world: http://ubuntutip.googlepages.com/thefirstthingstodo17:07
tonytraductorhow to I use mount with remount option? tried mount -a, but get error17:08
Mionabama: just rmmod it?17:08
defrysktry sudo mount -a17:08
Miontonytraductor: umount /dev/sda617:08
Mionmount -a17:08
abamaMion, not that, umount /media/DTMxxx17:08
ELoXLi recommend that manish17:08
tonytraductorhmmm, says /dev/sda6 not mounted (so apparently /home busy is the issue)17:09
ienorandkesiode: see if you can run the updates using synaptic (system menu) instead?17:09
Dr_WillisELoXL:  its not very good that The site you listed  suggests using envy-ng from the start. :) its best to use the repo versions of drivers instead If they work.17:09
Miontonytraductor: man mount, or telinit 1 and then umount /dev/sda617:09
manishi installed the driver but some time printer garbaz17:09
Dr_WillisELoXL:  at least they make a note to try envy-gtk last.. but the note should be at teh 'start' of the 'use envy-gtk' paragraph heh.. :)17:10
abamaMion, /dev/sr1 on /media/DTM5731 type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal,uid=0)17:10
afancyhi, under ubuntu, any tools make ePub books?17:10
ELoXLi'll consider that17:10
ienorandtonytraductor: what does "cat /etc/mtab" say? (pastebin)17:10
manishi try canon 2900 / canon 3000  hp 100 and more17:10
kesiodeienorand, what exactly should I look for in synaptic?17:10
ELoXLI was also curious if there was any drastic difference with Ubuntu-Studio to the "regular" Ubuntu17:11
manishbut i have lot of printer problem with ubuntu17:11
abamaMion, there are two devices, /dev/sr1 and /dev/sg217:11
ELoXLattempted to check it out, but it doesn't even load a GUI17:11
tonytraductorlotso stuff17:12
ienorandkesiode: status: installed (upgradable) filters to the left17:12
tonytraductorlet me find the pastebin on the other machine and paste it17:12
ELoXLtried loading the GUI, but it appeared to have some sick bug - which coming from a WinOS i'm not so accustomed to.17:12
abamaMion, sr 19:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr1, and sr 19:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 517:12
ienorandtonytraductor: oh, do you not have net access?17:12
manishany one suggest me good site for printer problem17:12
Dr_WillisELoXL:  ubuntu-studio just has some different default pacages i think.. it might be using a different kernel.. but im not sure on that.17:12
nA1828KcFz9qHello. What do I need to place in xorg.conf to replicate the command, "xset fp+ /usr/local/share/fonts/bitmap"?17:13
ELoXLnp, thx17:13
Dr_Willismanish:  cups.org   for the printer-drivers homepage.. is a good strt17:13
Dr_Willismanish:  canon printers can be a pain17:13
tonytraductorokay, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d6264db2917:13
tonytraductorthat's my /etc/mtab17:13
mweicherterUSUL, perfect... what would be the consequences of setting no persistent names?17:13
mweichertwould Ubuntu add it's own entries in that file?17:14
kesiodeienorand, thanks, that seemed to work.17:14
djiezesFor those who're curious: Clonezilla experimental jaunty 20090501 works fine taking an image from an ext4 filesystem. Partclone supports ext4.17:14
trelayneHi all, does anyone know where I can find a Ubuntu support chart for various SSD hardware?17:14
manishi install the hp / canon printer but some time printer print garbez or not print correct17:14
ELoXLNumber one issue for - ANYONE I just need a simple yes or no, but I've been going crazy trying to get my Canon ZR25DV camcorder to act as webcam with skype in 9.0.4, AND NO LUCK!17:14
ienorandtonytraductor: so the line "gvfs-fuse-daemon /home/tony/.gvfs fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon rw,nosuid,nodev,user=tony 0 0" seems to imply that you have still something mounted on home.17:14
ELoXLI've been looking for an answer and have come across nothing.  I've run some apps that have utilized my camcorder, but no luck with skype to set up such a connection.17:15
tonytraductoryeah, home busy, but I don't know why...17:15
tonytraductorit's not mounting the separate partition as /home17:15
ienorandtonytraductor: I'm not sure if you'd just use "umount /home/tony" to fix it...17:15
tonytraductorso the /home that exists is that on /17:16
tonytraductorlet me try that17:16
ienorandtonytraductor: are you logged in as the user tony atm?17:16
jonaskoelkerHi all.  I want to connect my laptop and my TV via my shiny new S-video cable, but it Doesn't Work(tm)    :(   what do I do?17:17
tonytraductoryes, logged in as tony (only user on the system)17:17
=== Bruners is now known as Brunera
manishprinter not printer cheque printing / a postcard like printing / envelop printing in ubuntu17:17
ELoXLI'm out here folks - happy helping. :)17:17
manishor printer not work good with 2-3 copy17:17
tonytraductorbut I did a reboot, and thought it would use the new /etc/fstab so that the separate partition would mount as /home17:17
jonaskoelkerI'm using the "radeon" driver; is it known to have this problem?17:17
Gileshello I have a fresh install of Jaunty/Ubuntu   For some reason there is a missing icons tab in the appearances preferences. (sorry if this is a faq)17:18
ienorandtonytraductor: Since I'm not sure if you can unmount the home of an operating user, maybe would have to go into recovery (root console) to do that... I'm not sure though, anyone else have ideas on that?17:18
=== Brunera is now known as Bruners
ienorandtonytraductor: yea, thats true, seems like it should...17:18
jonaskoelkerI'm a video noob; is this a driver issue at all?  Or is it something else?  xrandr?  kernel module (nah... all video stuff is done in X, right?)?17:18
gartralanyone know how to configure pastebinit?17:18
tonytraductorbut, why didn't it just mount /dev/sda6 as /home on reboot, as indicated in /etc/fstab?17:19
administrator__oh my god17:19
tonytraductor t it do that on boot?17:19
Jaso1good day to all17:19
ienorandgartral: pastebinit --help17:19
gartralienorand: that doesnt help me acomplish what i want... i want to reconfigure pastebinit so it will allways default to MY pastebin server...17:21
GilesAnyone experienced a missing icons tab in the appearances preferences, after a fresh install of ubuntu 9.04?17:21
manishany one help me on printer to print on envelop * postcard size paper17:21
ienorandtonytraductor: have you looked through: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving ?17:22
LiquidatedCor blimey it's full in here!17:22
LiquidatedAnyone know anything about Ubuntu on ARM?17:22
tonytraductorno, but I'm looking at http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome#usingnew17:23
speedxcoremy jaunty hangs on "copying installation logs" is there any easy fix?17:23
speedxcoreinstallation that is17:23
GilesLiquidated: yeah17:23
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GilesI think I will come back later when there is less traffic17:23
LiquidatedHi Giles :). Don't suppose you know a list or anything of what phones it goes on do you?17:23
grawityGiles: There's never "less traffic" in here :)17:23
usr13Giles: good luck.  It's been like this for years.17:24
tonytraductorokay, I don't have any uuid=??? in my /etc/fstab line, but I don't know what should be the uuid17:24
Dracofoddertrying to install scanner driver for Epson NX400 on ubuntu 9.04, is coming up with dependancy error libltdl3 not greater than 1.5.2-2,  any ideas on how to remedy this?17:24
GilesLiquidated: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/DeviceSupport?17:24
LiquidatedCheers mate :)17:24
Gilesnot much there17:24
LiquidatedThought it'd be larger than that.17:24
dundeli have some problems installing ubuntu 9.04 in virtualbox17:25
dundelthe guest addtionts are not working17:25
ienorandgartral: you could always hack /usr/bin/pastebinit17:25
dundelvideo driver17:25
tonytraductorhow would I determine what should be in UUID=  ?17:25
LiquidatedDo you have an actual machine to test it on?17:25
GilesLiquidated: sorry, that was my first hit on google for your question, prehaps you will have more luck yourself.17:25
joshjtlugggh audacity was recording from mic for a minute... now its not again, i didnt touch anything!!!17:25
LiquidatedI'll keep looking. Thakns for putting me in the right direction though :)17:26
glitsj16tonytraductor: use "sudo blkid" to find your UUID's17:26
ienorandgartral: or create an alias, or make a new "mypastebinit" in /usr/bin and edit that....17:26
outboardany one got anyideas as to how to get winxp to see the samba shares on ubuntu 9.04 ?17:26
outboard** any ideas17:26
GilesLiquidated: handhelds.org ?17:26
gartralienorand: i dont know how to make an alias17:27
LiquidatedWill browse through, thanks again :)17:27
Jeruvyoutboard if its set up, then just browser network for it, or map the drive17:28
GilesSo....Can everybody just leave this room for a few secs17:28
trelaynehas anyone gotten Dell's 128GB SSD drives to work under Ubuntu?17:28
Gileseven the ones that are about to come in please ;)17:28
outboardyeah well it is setup  , maybe , but for some reason ap cant see it17:29
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Gilesoh wait I know.....    HEY LOOK A FLYING BLIMP17:30
ienorandgartral: add a line e.g. *alias mypastebinit="pastebinit -b http://mypastebin.com"* (without stars) in ~/.bashrc and use source ~/.bashrc to load the new settings17:30
Magicianadd kicking in17:30
outboardGiles what iare you on ? there is enough going on in here without your spam17:31
Gilessorry, I was just trying to see if I could distract everyone to go outside, and leave the chat room so that it wasn't so crowded, (I will refrain from further spam)17:32
GilesDoes anyone know where I might have more luck finding the answer to my question, about the missing icons theme tab in appearance preferences in gnome.17:34
k1rb_Eim doing a sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart .. and getting apache2: could not reliably determin the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName  ... i havent been succesful with google17:35
ienorandGiles: Forums is generally next step from irc...17:35
uncategorizedjust upgraded to 9.04, i've tried reinstall subversion, but it continues to demand libdb4.317:35
uncategorizedi'm guessing this is from my previous install17:36
uncategorizeddo i need to purge and then try again?17:36
k1rb_Euncategorized: try a purge first17:36
skippy_Is it possible to install windows 7 from linux somehow.. My CD/DVD drive is broken and i dont have windows installed17:37
GackerExam suxx17:37
uncategorizedthe purge didn't work...when i run, it still wants libdb4.317:37
PiciGiles: The tab normally appears only when you decend into customize theme.17:38
skippy_Gacker: i mean real installation, not virtual17:38
uncategorizeddoesn't make sense, libdb4.6 is list in 'aptitude show'17:38
mibzzer15anyone know how to fix GRUB error 18?17:38
Gackerlike wubi u mean ?17:38
TopBunny88 Or virtualbox skippy_17:38
k1rb_Euncategorized: try sudo apt-get -f install17:38
GilesPici: okay I will try that.17:38
MK13skippy_: why go back?17:38
Dalamardoes ATI Radeon HD 3200 have poor support in ubuntu? desktop graphics likely not to work?17:38
k1rb_Eim doing a sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart .. and getting apache2: could not reliably determin the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName  ... i havent been succesful with google17:39
skippy_MK13: I'm not going back, im just gonna test new windows 7 and i might need it for games17:39
skippy_my "main" OS will still be ubuntu17:39
djalmaaraujoi'm using dual view on my ubuntu but my primary monitor only works with 1380x... BUT.. should be 1680x1050 and i'm sure of this resolutions. help´?17:39
uncategorizedk1rb_E: nada. any other ideas?17:39
Weedyi'm dual booting and i would like to mount my windows partition r/w just like a can a flash drive17:40
procihi all17:40
leftyfbis it possible to turn off signon notifications for pidgin? It's annoying as hell. I have over 1000 contacts between work and personal and i'm getting several notifications every minute.17:40
Weedyhow would I make it visible to kde?17:40
fethiit is easy17:40
TopBunny88Weedy: Be aptian and some one will help you17:40
MK13skippy_: good :) , have you tried making a bootable usb drive?17:40
Dr_Willis!ntfs-3g | Weedy17:40
ubottuWeedy: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions17:40
glitsj16k1rb_E: echo "ServerName localhost" | sudo tee /etc/apache2/conf.d/fqdn17:40
Weedyi know how to do it from the command line17:41
Weedypoint is i'm lazy17:41
dudedanoi installed ubuntu according to this manual, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWRyj5cHIQA ,but i cannot chop the cd17:41
Weedyhow do i get hal to stop ignoring it17:41
fethiinstall this application from the Add remove window17:41
skippy_MK13: not sure how to do that in ubuntu, i only found guides for windows17:41
Dr_WillisWeedy:  sudo ntfs-3g /dev/DeEVICENAME /media/WINDOWS (with the proper options is one way)  install/run the 'ntfs-config'  tool is another way that might work17:41
glitsj16k1rb_E: that info comes straight from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Troubleshooting%20Apache17:41
fethiRemovable Drives and Media17:41
tidalcreekhi guys17:42
tidalcreeki have a serious problem :(17:42
WeedyDr_Willis: it's still hidden17:42
fethiwhat is it17:42
Dr_WillisWeedy:  if windows dident properly shut down/unmount the ntfs drive. then linux will 'ignore' it by default for safty reasons17:42
BodsdaDr_Willis: you still need 'mount' somewhere in that command :)17:42
tidalcreeki tried some shell scripting ... and  damn!17:42
uncategorizedargh...how can i force ubuntu to redo the dynamic library dependencies for subversion17:42
tidalcreekall messed up! help please!17:42
Dr_WillisBodsda:  Hmm theres a ntfs-3g command i recall. :)17:42
Weedyno ntfs-3g mounts it fine17:42
mihahello guys, 1. ubuntu with desktop effects likes to hang when you press notebook keys such as volume up/down, 2. network manager fails to reconnect (you must enter password again and press connect)17:42
oipatDr_Willis: Is it any way to mount the ntfs partition anyways?17:42
fethiok i'll see now17:42
mihaare you aware of the issues?17:42
Dr_WillisUsage:    ntfs-3g [-o option[,...]] <device|image_file> <mount_point>17:42
BodsdaDr_Willis: oh, my bad,never new that did the same as mount -t ntfs-3g17:43
fethihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/164995/   this nothing17:43
Shadow_Samhi all. how can I  perform graphically things like create folder, links when I need to be root?17:43
tonytraductorperhaps part of my problem is that I need the .dmrc and .ICEauthority from the /home/tony on / to be in the partition I'm trying to mount as /home, maybe?17:43
uncategorized...this is, why does ldd `which svn` look for libdb4.3 when `aptitude show subversion` lists libdb4.6?17:43
smtxi am on xubuntu and i am searching a fast usable webbrowser that does not eat up that much ram as firefox does17:43
WeedyShadow_Sam: learn to do it on the command line17:43
smtxopera is not avail for xubuntu 9.04 as it seems17:43
Bodsdatidalcreek: perhaps you should try harder next time :)17:43
FloodBot1tidalcreek: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:43
Dr_Willisntfs-3g command has a 'force' option17:44
oipatShadow_Sam: You don't have to be root to create directories withing your own home directory.17:44
LjL!repeat | tidalcreek17:44
ubottutidalcreek: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:44
Shadow_SamWeedy: I do already. I just know if has this option17:44
WeedyShadow_Sam: sudo <filemanager> if you still refuse17:44
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)17:44
neodragonI am running Jaunty on my main PC an every time I try to save a bookmark in firefox, after closing firefox and reopening it later all my saved book marks are gone, help?17:44
Shadow_Samoipat: but like folder like apache, that I have to set config files17:44
Weedymy problem isn't that i can't mount my windows partition17:45
ubuntistaswhat unmountu means?17:45
Weedyit's that i can't expect the people who will actually USE this pc to use the command line to mount it17:46
neodragonI am running Jaunty on my main PC an every time I try to save a bookmark in firefox, after closing firefox and reopening it later all my saved book marks are gone, help?17:46
tonytraductorI wish nautilus would show the file path17:46
glitsj16smtx: read instructions to add the opera repo on http://deb.opera.com/ and it will be17:46
ubuntistaswhat does unmount means?17:46
Weedyubuntistas: un mount17:46
Weedylike obviously17:46
Dr_WillisWeedy:  if you set it up right - they wont have to.   for internal drives you can put a proper entry in thefstab.. HOWEVER if they fail to shutdown windows properly the drives will get ignoired for data safty reasons.. dont use windows hibernate/suspend17:46
lascarhow can i downgrade to 8.04, short of installing from cd?17:47
neodragonWeedy: there is an ntfs configuration tool in the ubuntu repos that will allow you to setup mounting of your windows partition at boot time.17:47
gartrallascar: you cant....17:47
Dr_Willis!info ntfs-config17:47
ubottuntfs-config (source: ntfs-config): Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 40 kB, installed size 432 kB17:47
* lascar sighs17:47
gartrallascar: i dont think... anyway17:47
AmnesiaUKis anyone over here familiar with this message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/164962/17:48
gartrallascar: *maybe* by changing the repos lists, but that could be dangerous17:48
Dr_Willislascar:  i dont think its possible. at least not  wthput possibialty of severe breakage17:48
Weedyneodragon: i see17:48
oipatShadow_Sam: Try `gksudo nautilus` or something17:48
Weedy< Dr_Willis> Weedy:  if you set it up right - they wont have to.   for internal drives you can put a proper entry in thefstab.. HOWEVER if they17:48
chazcoHi... is there a problem with irc.freenode.net (cant connect to it)... Anyone know how to play OGMs with totem-gstreamer on 9.04?17:48
ubuntistaswhat does unmount means?17:48
Weedy                      fail to shutdown windows properly the drives will get ignoired for data safty reasons.. dont use windows hibernate/suspend <-- tried this but only works for one user17:48
* lascar nods17:48
icerootubuntistas: umount17:49
grawitychazco: Err, you _are_ connected to irc.freenode.net right now.17:49
tonytraductorthis is driving me nuts17:49
chazcograwity - Nope, im connected to chat.freenode.net, and that took several attempts17:49
Dr_WillisWeedy:  your fstab entry in incorrect then. :)17:49
ubuntistasiceroot it tells me unmount17:49
Picichazco: They are cnames for each other17:49
tonytraductorI don't understand why it didn't make my /home partition into /home during install, in the first place17:49
grawitychazco: Well, chat.* points to irc.*17:49
icerootubuntistas: man umount17:49
AmnesiaUKHas any of you folks ever had: Softreset failed (device not ready)17:49
chazcoPici / grawity - Thats makes it even more odd that irc.freenode.net wont accept the connection then...17:50
lascarthanks you two.17:50
icerootubuntistas:  The  umount command detaches the file system(s) mentioned from the file17:50
hickophi , how can i know if ubuntu uses sata II mode on my harddrive plz ?17:50
WeedyDr_Willis: thanks17:50
ienorandubuntistas: what tells you to unmount?17:50
tonytraductoroh wait...it looks like /etc/fstab has a line with the UUID of that partition BEFORE the line I added17:50
tonytraductorlet me comment that out and try sudo mount -a again17:50
ubuntistasan mp3 player and it opens with rhythmbox17:50
ubuntistasiam newbie17:50
AmnesiaUKhickop, dmesg | grep ata17:50
uncategorizedhi all, still trying to fix broken subversion dependencies from a recent jaunty upgrade17:51
neodragonI am running Jaunty on my main PC an every time I try to save a bookmark in firefox, after closing firefox and reopening it later all my saved book marks are gone, help?17:51
AmnesiaUKneodragon,  is it actually installed or are you a live user?17:51
vargadaniso/.. what package contains the man pages for eg. strstr?17:51
uncategorizedhow do i resolve the libdb4.3 vs libdb4.6 dependency issue....the binary is expecting libdb4.3.so but that is not available17:51
hickopAmnesiaUK: that output is confusing for me , as it report 3.0Gb/s and 1.5Gb/s too :/17:51
uncategorizedaptitude show subversion lists libdb4.617:52
AmnesiaUKhickop, your hdd is probably 3.0Gb/s17:52
neodragonAmnesiaUK: It is install. I have used ubuntu for several years an never had bookmarks disappear17:52
AmnesiaUKhickop, 1.5 usually are devices like dvd writers and crap17:52
hickopok thanks17:52
AmnesiaUKneodragon, isn't it related to permissions or something?17:53
WeedyDr_Willis: this is what i wanted http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69186217:53
AmnesiaUKit might not be able to write the bookmark file17:53
ubuntistasan mp3 player and it opens with rhythmbox ienorand17:53
neodragonAmnesiaUK: It could be, brb, I will check the permissions on the .firefox folder17:54
uncategorizedfound the proble17:54
uncategorizedfor some reason i had some binaries in /usr/local/bin17:55
oipatSo apperantly the closed source driver for older ATI cards doesn't work well with xorg 1.6, and I'm stuck with the open source one, which leave me with poor performance. Can I expect ATi to release 1.6 compatible drivers for older cards, or can I just trash the laptop / revert to an older version of xorg?17:55
ienorandubuntistas: if you quit all applications related to it you should be able to unmount it by right-clicking either on desktop or in fole browser.17:55
ienorandubuntistas: *file browser17:56
mihaoipat: ATI doesnt provide newest windows catalyst drivers for older cards either, just windows have longer release cycles :)17:56
Dr_Willisoipat:  i doubt if ati will do much for older cards.  They might release specs some day.. but lets just say ati's history is not promising in that area17:56
mihaati finally did fglrx to support desktop effects17:56
ubuntistasi don't get it ienorand what's unmount17:57
mihaunfortunatelly now computer hangs if i press volume up while full screen movie :)17:57
mihai'm thinking of disabling desktop effects17:57
mihanot sure who to blame17:57
pronoy_ubuntistas: do you know about that option in windows : safely remove hardware ?17:57
gartral!mount | ubuntistas17:57
ubottuubuntistas: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap17:57
Dr_Willismiha:  i normally disable them anyway.17:57
mihaDr_Willis those effects are great17:57
mihabut buggy17:57
oipatmiha: So newer ATI cards doesn't work well with 1.6 either?17:57
ienorandgartral: not really on the level we want :/17:57
Dr_Willismiha:  theres perhaps 2 that actually are usefull.. rest are just to show off. :P17:58
ubuntistaspronoy yes17:58
tonytraductorokay, it seems that I've successfully gotten it to mount my separate partition as /home, but apparently that /home is missing something essential, which is not allowing me to log in to gnome17:58
ubuntistaswhat's mount and what's unmount pronoy17:58
pronoy_ubuntistas: unmounting and mounting is like that only17:58
davidf88mount and umount are just unmounting and mounting respectivly17:58
tonytraductorsince I didn't move the install generated home, but tried to use my existing home from the PCLOS install, it's missing something17:58
tonytraductorI did move the .drmc and .ICEauthority files over17:59
neodragonAmnesiaUK: it says I have full read write permissions for both the firefox folder and the bookmarks.html17:59
ienorandubuntistas: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_(Unix)17:59
yowshii need help getting my webcam to work with cheese or some other programme for recording from it17:59
AmnesiaUKneodragon, I presume you already reinstalled firefox?17:59
ubuntistasso pronoy ienorand it tells me to open my device with rythmbox but i don't see my device18:00
AmnesiaUKneodragon, btw I'm also new in linux so if it arent permissions, I definitely haven't got a clue:/18:00
pronoy_ubuntistas: ok is that device an mp3 player ?18:00
gartralubuntistas: what device DO you have? i had severe issues with my sansa e250 with 9.0418:01
ubuntistasyup pronoy18:01
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pronoy_ubuntistas: when you plug it in ..does its icon show on the desktop ?18:01
ubuntistasi have a zen v plus and according to my pc it's recognizing it but i don't see it pronoy gartal18:02
dcomis it possible to show the ips of hops that dont reply to icmp or udp packets with traceroute ?18:02
ubuntistasyup pronoy18:02
pronoy_ok then go to rythmbox and import folder18:02
ubuntistasyes pronoy it's showing me a device icon18:03
ubuntistasbut i don't wanna import it18:03
ubuntistasi just wanna see my files18:03
pronoy_ubuntistas: its just gonna play from there and then you can remove it18:03
oipatIs there an easy way to downgrade to xorg 1.518:04
ienorandubuntistas: open it in the file browser then...18:04
pronoy_ubuntistas: well if that's what you want you can alwasy do what ienorand told you :)18:04
zealiodcan i add certain bin files to a group so a bunch of no-admin users can excute them?18:05
ubuntistasok guys one more thing18:05
ubuntistasis wine a pice of trush or are they doing a good job because i think it really sucks?18:05
mah_boisorry, wrong room18:06
teckywell that went much easier than I could have thought, 8.10 -> 9.04 >.>18:06
nanomadoipat, you should stick with an older ubuntu release with xorg 1.518:06
=== elpargo_ is now known as elpargo
AmnesiaUKCould anyone help me with: http://paste.ubuntu.com/164962/18:07
ienorandubuntistas: They are doing a great job, but what they are trying to accomplish is very tricky, hence sucess is limited.18:07
pronoy_ubuntistas: wine is good....best in what's available18:07
AmnesiaUKHas anyone ever experienced: ata1: softreset failed (device not ready)18:08
ubuntistasokeyy!!! because when i open a program like totem or picasa my screen is like broken18:08
teckyAmnesiaUK: your sure the ide / sata ribbon is good?18:09
LinuxApeOther than dpk --configure -a is there anyway to check if anything is broken after a jaunty upgrade?18:09
AmnesiaUKtecky, Yep I'm running it now:)18:09
nanomadAmnesiaUK, do you have any drawbacks?18:09
hbekelAmnesiaUK: does this cause you any trouble?18:09
yowshii need help getting my webcam to work with cheese or some other programme for recording from it18:09
AmnesiaUKhbekel, well it boots fine after the message18:09
hbekelAmnesiaUK: then you can probably ignore that18:09
nanomadAmnesiaUK, ata1: failed due to HW bug18:09
k1rb_Ei am getting #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured) when i log into phpmyadmin.. halp?18:09
teckyata2 is your cdrom, have you tried a different cdrom?18:10
AmnesiaUKits a laptop18:10
teckywell then :P18:10
=== maximo is now known as Maximo
nanomadAmnesiaUK, blame your laptop/chipset maker then18:10
AmnesiaUKnanomad, what doe the hw bug mean?18:11
ubuntistashow can i install gnomad 2 tar.gz file it's tricky18:11
nanomadAmnesiaUK, that is hw related and that the kernel knows about it18:11
nanomadubuntistas, whats wrong with ubuntu's gnomad2?18:12
arvind_khadriubuntistas, you would be compiling that. why dont you use the one in repo18:12
AmnesiaUKnanomad, but it wouldn't mean there are any problems due to it?18:12
nanomadAmnesiaUK, you could try to update the bios18:12
LinuxApePrinting  broken since jaunty upgrade.  Communication device error.  Any ideas what to check?18:12
hbekelAmnesiaUK: sounds to me that your devices/ata chipset don't support soft reset... doesn't seem fatal, obviously18:12
AmnesiaUKI see18:12
AmnesiaUKand could that also make it impossible to boot ubuntu from an usb stick?18:13
clarezoehi, anyone tell me how to disable laptop touchpad? I have enabled SHMconfig, and installed gsynaptics, but still says SHMConfig not on18:13
AmnesiaUKsince that also doesn't work, it ends up with (initramfs)_18:13
nanomadclarezoe, how did you enable SHMConfig?18:13
nanomadAmnesiaUK, dont think so18:13
nanomadAmnesiaUK, what kind of laptop is that?18:14
AmnesiaUKnanomad, Samsung R50518:14
clarezoenanomad, I add Option      "SHMConfig"   "on" in xorg.conf18:14
AmnesiaUKnanomad, the usb stick boots fine with my old laptop18:14
nanomadclarezoe, are you running jaunty?18:14
clarezoenanomad, yes, xubuntu jaunty18:14
nanomadAmnesiaUK, i see. I cant help you :(18:14
nanomadclarezoe, whats the content of /etc/X11/xorg.conf?18:15
AmnesiaUKnanomad, mkay18:15
rhombusI have a server running 7.04 and I want to upgrade to 8.04 LTS. What's the safest way to do this? It's a production server, so I want to avoid a fresh install.18:15
CloudCarriercould anyone help me figure out why i cant detect blank media in my cd/dvd-rom drive, I can read other disks fine but when i go to burn a disk I get a message saying the media is not blank18:16
yashrhombus: upgrade to 7.10 and then to 8.0418:16
clarezoenanomad, http://paste.ubuntu.com/165014/ here is my xorg.conf18:16
nanomadrhombus, remember to try this before doing that on the prod server (using a spare machine)18:16
rhombusyash: yeah, but 7.10 is EOLed also -- is this still the best way?18:16
nanomadrhombus, still the safest18:17
ks3dcom: Not that I know of, but you could try doing a TCP traceroute with hping18:17
rhombusnanomad: So, install 7.04 on a fresh  machine, upgrade to 7.10, then upgrade to 8.04?18:17
yashrhombus: yes18:17
nanomadrhombus, i mean...clone your production server drive, and test that before18:17
ubuntistasgnomad in jaunty doesn't work18:17
rhombusnanomad: ah, I see18:18
nanomadubuntistas, what does not work18:18
ubuntistasthat's why arvind_khadri18:18
nanomadclarezoe, try this: http://getctrlback.blogspot.com/2008/12/proper-way-to-turn-on-shmconfig-in-x.html18:18
ubuntistasit says that it doesn not open usb box something like that18:18
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nanomadubuntistas, can you copy/paste the error message here?18:18
yowshii need help getting my webcam to work with cheese or some other programme for recording from it18:19
Mionubuntistas: even better, use a pastebin18:19
Mionubuntistas: if it's more than 3 lines18:19
tonytraductorokay, what's the command to logout of fluxbox?18:19
nanomad!pastebin | ubuntistas18:19
ubottuubuntistas: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:19
Miontonytraductor: you should have an entry in the menu to do it18:19
Dr_Willisyowshi:  from my experience.. either a webcam works.. or is totally unsupported in linux.18:19
tonytraductorI had fluxboxlogout.sh in my former fluxbox menu (from PCLOS) but apparently that doesn't exist in ubuntu18:19
ascottpart #ubuntu18:19
Dr_Willis!wecam | yowshi18:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wecam18:19
bcwhat do I need to restart when one of my keyboard shortcuts in gnome stops responding/working?18:19
ascottpart #ubuntu18:19
Dr_Willis!webcam | yowshi18:19
ubottuyowshi: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras18:19
yusuf14mion , can i activate the 2D effects in ubuntu 9.04 ??18:19
ubuntistasNo jukeboxes found on USB bus mion nanomad18:20
skippy_anyone got vmware workstation trial? I cant find out how to start it18:20
clarezoenanomad, thanks, I will go ahead of it and come back to you later!18:20
nanomadubuntistas, what kind of player do you have?18:20
yowshiDr_Willis: heres the thing gstreamer gets input from it as do a couple othetr programmes/commands but nothing i can use to record locally18:20
nanomadclarezoe, ok18:20
yowshiDr_Willis: or at ;least nothing i udnerstand well enough to use to record locally18:20
nanomadyowshi, try cheese18:20
Dr_Willisyowshi:  does cheese even show the image?18:21
yowshinanomad: cheese however isnt one of the options that wporks18:21
tonytraductorwtf?  no xmms?18:21
Dr_Willistonytraductor:  hasent been any xmms in ubuntu in ages18:21
yowshiDr_Willis: nope no image with cheese i get some kind of max connections error with uid 100018:21
laclassemplayer tv:// works well too ... where cheese doesn't18:21
Miontonytraductor: use bmp instead18:21
ubuntistaszen v plus player and it does not work with jaunty now but i t recognizes it in rhythmbox and it's showing me the icon in desktop but i wanna use gnomad18:21
tonytraductorwhy? xmms is the best, simplest music program18:21
nanomadyowshi, try with sudo18:21
Miontonytraductor: no, that's moc18:21
tonytraductordude...that sucks18:21
Dr_Willistonytraductor:  it has 'issues' if you want it - go use source18:21
yowshinanomad: Dr_Willis ** (cheese:13216): WARNING **: libhal_ctx_set_dbus_connection: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.LimitsExceeded: The maximum number of active connections for UID 1000 has been reached18:22
laclassetonytraductor, that will be mpd18:22
Mionmoc > xmms18:22
ubuntistasbecause i can do more stuff18:22
Dr_Willisyowshi:  i just saw a url that  mentioned some 'usb connection issues'  let me find it.18:22
yowshinanomad: wow it gets and iomagew18:22
yowshiDr_Willis: cheese wanted sudo priviledges18:22
Dr_Willisyowshi: http://ubuntutip.googlepages.com/thefirstthingstodo they got some info that was similer to that error for usb devices18:22
Dr_Willisyowshi:  the site mentions a simile rproblem with scanners.18:23
nanomadubuntistas, well, it dependes on what version of libmpt gnomad2 is linked to. You should fill a bug (if the zen v is even supported by gnomad2)18:23
yusuf14how do i activate the 2D effects in ubuntu 9.04 // using S3 prosavage graphics card ???18:23
nanomadyusuf14, i'm not so sure you can18:23
ubuntistaszen v plus player and it does not work with jaunty now but i t recognizes it in rhythmbox and it's showing me the icon in desktop but i wanna use gnomad nanomad18:23
yowshinanomad: Dr_Willis well it getas an image with sudo but crashed when i tried recording. i had to kill it :(18:23
Dr_Willisyowshi:   check that URL under 'part 9'18:23
yusuf14nanomad . why .. just the 2D effects ...18:24
jalshi, i used to use kde, now i use gnome, but i still have the kubuntu loading logo at startup, is there a way to change that?18:24
nanomadyusuf14, you mean compiz?18:24
yusuf14not compiz or something like thst18:24
pronoy_jals: thats called the usplash image18:24
yusuf14i just wanna the 2D effects18:24
nanomadyusuf14 ah18:24
jalscheers pronoy_ i'll google18:24
yowshiDr_Willis: is there a command line function for this it isnt asking me for a password but it is saying i dont have access to do that18:24
skippy_How do i search for installed programs in ubuntu? I have installed vmware workstation but don't know how to start it18:25
nanomadyusuf14, the splash screen?18:25
yusuf14it's called . "desktop effects "18:25
nanomadyusuf14, so, it is compiz18:25
yusuf14really . i didn't know ..18:25
aspiditesskippy_: in synaptic search for vmware again. i think there is a files tab at the bottom that will show installed files18:25
nanomadyusuf14, what does xdriinfo says in a terminal?18:26
thiagossI'm using an apt-get repository from my university, but I'm getting "gpg error: .... jaunty release, the following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available" when doing apt-get update. How to solve this?18:26
skippy_aspidites: i installed it from a .rpm/.deb file, it doesnt exist in synaptic18:26
krphopis there a command to show what files a particular package will install?18:26
skippy_and i need to know the command to start it, "vmware-workstation" doesn't work18:26
yusuf14nanomad ,Screen 0: savage18:26
nanomadkrphop, after a package is installaed, you can use dpkg -L pkgname18:27
Picikrphop: If its not installed you'd need to install apt-file first (then sudo apt-file update), then you can do apt-file show packagename18:27
aspiditesskippy_: ah. i think vmware executable is caps. so ls /usr/bin/VM* might find it18:27
aspiditesskippy_: don't have ubuntu so i don't know the command to query installed packages.18:27
calrikthiagoss: you need to get your universities gpg key and install that first18:27
bullgard4Why is there no 'man watchdog'? My Ubuntu 8.10 shows a process which has been issued by the 'watchdog/0' command.18:27
ghindoHow do I make a directory accessible to all users?18:27
aspiditesskippy_: also, i thought synaptic tracked all installed debs, not just ones existing in the repo18:27
yusuf14nanomad  ,  this is the output Screen 0: savage18:28
yusuf14 18:28
nanomadyusuf14, what happens if you enable desktop effects18:28
parapanghelescuhi there ......I have a problem ///// I try to install Ubuntu on a Second drive ....hdb ..this second drive is also de boot drive, having winxp on it...where I should install de bootloader ? grub ?18:28
aspiditesskippy_: in other words, while you can't install from synaptic by default, because it is now installed, synaptic should pick it up18:28
yusuf14nanomad , could not enable desktop effects18:28
thiagosscalrik: how to do that?18:28
aspiditesskippy_: at least, that's how my package manager works (pacman)18:28
bullgard4ghindo: Use the chmod command.18:28
skippy_aspidites: searched for it and the only one i found was "xserver-xorg-video-vmware" but i dont think its that18:28
ghindobullgard4: Like, chmod 777 /directory?18:29
tonytraductorcan't find teacup in synaptic18:29
nanomadyusuf14, type compiz --replace in a terminal18:29
aspiditesskippy_: did you try the ls idea? ls "/usr/bin/VM*"18:29
bullgard4ghindo: Yes. But this is not always advisable for security reasons.18:29
thiagosscalrik: all the repositories download fine, only 'stable/main' complais about it. Is this ok?18:29
tonytraductorshould be part of tcl18:29
m0RrEis it possible to change the encryption key for my home directory?18:30
nanomadubuntistas, gnomad2 only supports Creative Nomad Jukeboxes AFAIK18:30
yusuf14nanomad . then what ??18:30
mattgyver[L]When installing ubuntu, is it possible to put the swap partition before ubuntu's partition, or must it always follow?18:30
nanomadyusuf14, did dekstop effect start?18:30
bullgard4ghindo: An alternative is using Nautilus.18:30
rdw200169mattgyver[L], it doesn't matter.  if you do the partitioning manually, you can have it anyway you want18:30
hawkmattgyver[L]: I don't think the order actually matters...18:30
Dr_Willismattgyver[L]:  you can put it anywhere. you could put it on a nother hard drive ifyou wanted18:30
skippy_aspidites: yes, didnt find it there.. the strange thing is I tried apt-get remove vmware-workstation and that worked, but i cant start it with just the "vmware-workstation"18:30
mattgyver[L]Thank you18:30
ghindobullgard4: I'm trying to do it over an ssh session18:30
yowshiwhy is not the root user allowed to log into the gui18:30
rdw200169mattgyver[L], you can even have several swaps across several hard drives18:30
yusuf14nanomad . no it's not18:31
DungeI want to display in a markup label any text an user can write, so I used g_markup_escape_text() to be sure it don't mess with markup formating. It works great for a-z chars, but if I send in a special char like "À" it crash. Displaying À in the label without markup escaping works fine. Tried to find solution in Google, but all I can find is bug reports.. anyone have a better solution?18:31
Dr_Willismattgyver[L]:  or no swap at all. :)18:31
nanomadyowshi, because there is no root user in ubuntu ;)18:31
rdw200169mattgyver[L], but the swap partition should never be used, you *should* have enough ram that you never need it ;)18:31
calrikthiagoss: system > administration > software sources > authentication > import key file...18:31
Dr_Willis'direct logging in as root is disabled' theres still a 'root' account.18:31
yowshinanomad: there is a root password though18:31
thiagosscalrik: thanks!18:31
nanomadyowshi, no18:31
nanomadyowshi, sudo asks for the user password (not root one)18:31
aspiditesskippy_: yeah. i'm sure they name their executable differently. give me just a sec18:32
rdw200169yowshi, even if you enabled root, you can't log into X with root18:32
mattgyver[L]how do you determine how large your swap partition should be?  In the even that you want, or need it.18:32
nanomadyusuf14, paste the output of compiz --replace into a pastebin18:32
yusuf14nanomad , ok18:32
parapanghelescuhi there ......I have a problem ///// I try to install Ubuntu on a Second drive ....hdb ..this second drive is also de boot drive, having winxp on it...where I should install de bootloader ? grub ?18:32
Dr_Willismattgyver[L]:  i always make one about 512mb in size.. just in case. :) i rarely use it on my 2gb ram systems.18:32
rdw200169yowshi, the security problems that come with logging into the gui with root are waay to bad18:32
gartraldoes anyone know anything about vegastrike?18:32
yowshirdw200169: yeah but it also hidners experienced users from using the gui to wsolve problems18:32
Dr_Willisparapanghelescu:  put grub on  the first hd if you want to use it. or if you put it on the 2nd hd.. you may have to use the bios menus/features to tell the pc to boot that 2ndhard drive18:33
zealiodhow do i allow www-data user to access programs in the /etc/bin18:33
nanomadparapanghelescu, on the boot sector of the boot drive18:33
rdw200169yowshi, an experienced user would *never* do that ;)18:33
yowshirdw200169: i had to run the users-admin command from a super user terminal18:33
aspiditesskippy_: see if the command you need is here : http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-search.en.html18:33
yusuf14nanomad , here it is ==> http://pastebin.com/m6da8f3b618:33
yowshirdw200169: ok quasi experienced18:33
Iowahchy there, after the todays update, my hsdpa device is no more listed in networkmanager18:33
sacarlsonzealiod: I thought www-data could run etc/bin already18:33
nanomadyusuf14, your video card is not supported in compiz18:33
Dr_Williszealiod:  clarify to the channel what you are trying to acomplish. there is no /etc/bin     and why would tha tuser need to access any binary?18:33
nanomadyusuf14, so no dekstop effects18:34
IowahcIt also doesn't realizes the external monitor connected to my notebook18:34
sacarlsonzealiod:  opps I'm wrong  /usr/bin18:34
Dr_Williszealiod:  unless theres some other confusion going on..  :)18:34
rdw200169Iowahc, the monitor issue is *not* related to NetworkManager18:34
yusuf14:-( , ok , so you mean i've to remove ubuntu from my pc ??18:34
DungeI want to display in a markup label any text an user can write, so I used g_markup_escape_text() to be sure it don't mess with markup formating. It works great for a-z chars, but if I send in a special char like "À" it crash. Displaying À in the label without markup escaping works fine. Tried to find solution in Google, but all I can find is bug reports.. anyone have a better solution?18:34
=== Steeley is now known as NotNamedDan
sacarlsonzealiod: I didn't know there was any bin files in /etc/bin18:34
nanomadyusuf14, why? You can use ubuntu without effects ?_?18:34
joeyyWhat is the purpose of this channel18:35
parapanghelescuDr_willis; nanomad > I want to use on the second drive ...that's the drive set in BIOS as the boot drive ....so I should check install grub on hd1 NO ? because hd1 is second HDD and hd0 is the first HDD ...correct ???18:35
joeyyWhat is the purpose of this channel18:35
aspiditesskippy_: found it. the command you need is "dpkg -L <package name>"18:35
PiciDunge: I'm not sure that Ubuntu is a good channel to ask that question in.  Perhaps a programming language channel would be more appropriate.18:35
Pici!support | joeyy18:35
ubottujoeyy: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org18:35
zzmuddjoey jy ook gejoin :D18:35
Dr_WillisI got no /etc/bin here. :)18:35
zealiodI am wanting to allow www-data to do arp calls.... i am currently doing this using sudoers... but would like a better way... perhaps with groups?18:35
joeyyhallo zzmud18:35
nanomadparapanghelescu, on hd1 boot sector, if that is the boot drive18:35
joeyyik ben er ook18:35
yusuf14nanomad , i know but this pc for my little brothers (:18:35
joeyymaar de nickname joey was al bezet18:35
zlooga couple of times each hour my applications lag out. I think it has something to do with hard drive requests taking a long time (45 sec or so). Is there a log file I can look at to try and find the problem?18:35
FloodBot1joeyy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:35
zzmuddje selfde hier18:35
Dr_Willisparapanghelescu:  some bio;s may reorder them.. some dont..  try it and  see  i guess..18:35
yusuf14so they wanna play some games and more things ,18:35
joeyyHet is hier best wel grappig vind je niet18:35
Pici!nl | zzmudd joeyy18:36
ubottuzzmudd joeyy: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl18:36
sacarlsonzealiod: oh wel arping is in probly in /usr/sbin18:36
clarezoenanomad, it works!! Thanks! But still one thing that it isn't disabled on startup I have to remove the mouse and plug it in again then it is disabled. Anyway, it's OK for me!18:36
m0RrEIs it possible to change the passphrase for my /home encryption?18:36
joeyyhij is afrikaans18:36
nanomadyusuf14, little brother -> little/no video card -> No compiz -> Faster pc -> Less headahces18:36
yusuf14nanomad . is Xubuntu good for this ??18:36
nanomadclearscreen, your are welcome18:36
skippy_aspidites: ah.. yes i can see where its installed now, thanks :)18:36
sacarlsonzealiod: so you would have to setup sudo to handle that18:36
Dr_Willisparapanghelescu:  if the 2nd drive is set to boot.. then it should be showing up as the first hard drive   is how ive seen it happen.18:36
icarus-cm0RrE: man cryptsetup18:36
aspiditesclarezoe: are usb modules loading correctly at boot?18:36
rdw200169parapanghelescu, that seriously depends on your BIOS and what its reporting to grub... if that has *always* been your boot drive, chances are, its hd0... if you use grub-install, you can specify the /dev/sd* nomenclature instead, which is a little more reliable than the vagueness of grub hd0, hd1 naming from the device map...18:36
Picijoeyy: This is a support channel, not a discussion channel.18:36
nanomadyusuf14, i think so18:36
m0RrEicarus-c: aight!18:36
yusuf14is the compiz works ??18:36
icarus-cm0RrE: look at  luksAddKey/luksRemoveKey18:36
aspiditesskippy_: yw.18:36
clarezoeaspidites, how to check that?18:36
BLTnoTomatowhat is an easy svn tool to use. I only will be using it for accessing the latest dev for testing purposes18:36
nanomadyusuf14, forget about compiz with that video card18:37
tj83has anyone had problems with jaunty corrupting ext3 partitions randomly?18:37
zzmuddthanks pici :D18:37
tonytraductorlisten, I still can't figure out how to log out of fluxbox here18:37
m0RrEicarus-c: No manual entry for cryptsetup18:37
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.18:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about svideo18:37
nanomadtj83, not me. What do you mean with "corrupt"?18:37
jonaskoelkerHi all.  I have a question18:37
aspiditesclarezoe: the next time you boot before removign the mouse and unplugging it again, run this in terminal: "lsmod | grep usb" should at least return usbcore18:37
jonaskoelkerHow does S-video work in Ubuntu?18:37
asd1hello! I can't get to ubuntu's log in screen. Boot is going fine. It seems like a graphical problem. here's my xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/m4536fd41 and here's menu.lst and xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/m68a66467 . If anyone could help me I'd appreciate that hugely! Thanks18:37
yusuf14nanomad , ok thank you18:37
zealiodsacarlson: the thing is visudoers requires root interaction to set up and I'm really looking to just do this using a shell script18:38
nanomadyusuf14, you are welcome18:38
Dr_Willisjonaskoelker:  depends on the video card/driver..works very well for me.18:38
yusuf14goodbye ...18:38
Dracofodderhow do Iget past this?  need to install epson scanner driver iscan 2.19, on ubuntu 9.04, using the deb package, double click to install, I get a dependancy error of libltdl3 not greater than 1.5.2-2, yet if I "apt-cache showpkg libltdl3" it appears to return a list appears to say version is 1.5.24-1 or maybe 1.5.4-1, not sure about this results page.18:38
yowshianyway i have cheese seeing through the camera but it wont record18:38
=== aib is now known as prefrontal
xcituHi, I need help with internet connection on newcly installed Ubuntu 9.0418:38
jonaskoelkerDr_Willis: firegl v3200 card, ati driver18:38
clarezoeaspidites, sure, if it is not loaded correctly, how can I fix it?18:38
parapanghelescuHMMMM   ...... it's a little bit confusing and I hoped to get a clear answer here .....but ...again ......Linux is reporting the drives similar with Windows, starting with 0 then 1 then 2 ???18:38
Dr_Willis!tvout | jonaskoelker18:39
ubottujonaskoelker: For help with enabling the TV-Out, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition (Nvidia cards) or http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Tvout (ATI cards, *untested*)18:39
aspiditesDracofodder: try installing with dpkg -i package.deb18:39
jonaskoelkerasd1: try mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/xorg/xorg.conf-moved-aside and reboot18:39
bullgard4Why is there no 'man watchdog'? My Ubuntu 8.10 shows a process which has been issued by the 'watchdog/0' command.18:39
=== sam1357 is now known as darcknight
tj83nanomad, thans for your response, OK, i run jaunty on a desktop machine just fine, i run jaunty on my laptop just fine I use in dual boot with xp, But after a couple weeks of youse the ext3 partition that jaunty resides in goes to cram, get I/O errors and the system becomes un bootable, 8.04 did not do this, and i have tested the drive to exhaustion, i dont get why this happening, and also mind you that the XP partition is just fine18:39
nanomadDracofodder, try this. sudo dpkg --force-all -i *package*18:39
Dr_Willisparapanghelescu:  'grub' enumerates drives starting at 0.18:39
ghabitHello. I have no sound in firefox while playing flash.18:39
ghabitAdvise me please.18:39
jonaskoelkerasd1: as root; if that fails, move xorg.conf-moved-aside back to xorg.conf (in /etc/X11)18:39
aminhhey guys how do i add a user to the sudoers group? currently when i do 'id webadmin' i get this: ''uid=1001(webadmin) gid=1001 groups=1001,4(adm)'' but apparently the user webadmin still can't sudo18:39
aspiditesclarezoe: on ubuntu, i don't know. on my distro, there is a /etc/rc.config file that shows all modules loaded on boot.18:39
Piciaminh: The user needs to be in the admin group18:40
nanomadtj83, I/O errors look like an hardware fault18:40
Dr_Willisparapanghelescu:  first hard drive = hd0, first partition on first hd =  hd0,0 in grub terms18:40
aspiditesclarezoe: hate to say it, but you'd have to ask someone else or do a google search. sorry i'm not more help18:40
nanomadtj83, ext3 is very stable indeed18:40
tj83nanomad, i would agree entirely if it wasnt that 8.04 doesnt do it, and xp doesnt do it and the drive passes all testing18:40
aminhPici: but isn't webadmin already in admin group?18:40
ubuntistascan anyone help how to install tar gz files?18:40
xcituHi. Need help with internet on newly installed Ubuntu. Anyone?18:40
xcituHi. Need help with internet on newly installed Ubuntu. Anyone?18:40
Dr_Willis!source | ubuntistas18:40
ubottuubuntistas: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html18:40
Piciaminh: I see the 'adm' group, but not 'admin'18:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:40
Dr_Willis!compile | ubuntistas18:41
ubottuubuntistas: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:41
aspiditesthat was to you xcitu18:41
icarus-cubuntistas: extract it18:41
SimonTektj83, random thought have you tried resetting the drive with the manufactures disc's?18:41
michael_hey guys, i have a crazy problem.  i just installed windows, then ubuntu using live cd.. after ubuntu install my computer cannot recognize my hard disks.18:41
clarezoeaspidites, sure, I will search around, thanks@18:41
darcknighti have come here as the last resort... i installed ubuntu 8.04 a few days back. i had 7 partitions. but suddenly outta the blue i decided to shrink 4 partitons into one those being /home /junk /av and /pix... now ubuntu wont cross the fschk18:41
parapanghelescudr_willis > so this means ...if my bios is seeing the boot drive as being the second drive ...meaning hd1 ...and on hd1 I also have Win installed .....grub must be installed here in order to give me the posibility to choose between OS's NO ?18:41
michael_is there anything i can do on the live cd to help recognize them again18:41
ubuntistasicarus-c then?18:41
nanomadtj83, well, i've never heard of that. Maybe a faulty chipset kernel module? You should open a bug indeed18:41
icarus-cubuntistas: does it come with a configure script18:41
michael_i can only boot to cd.. and when i try to install ubuntu using the live cd no hard drive partitions are found18:41
aminhPici: ok how would i add the user to the admin group?18:42
pepIs it possible that my mobile intel graphics card is no longer supported natively with jaunty?18:42
Dr_Willisparapanghelescu:  ive seen some machinew where if i boot the  4th hard drive.. that drive became 'sda' (ie the first hard drive) ive seen other machines that if i boot the 4th hard drive..it does NOT become sda. SO.. it depends.18:42
xcitu!ask Got problem with internet connection. I get "Connection enabled" message with network through router, but can't use any programs that require internet. Tried to ping, no luck. Can't even open Google.com.18:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:42
thiagosscalrik: quick question, do I still need to add keys even if the repository is a copy of the original jaunty repositories? The key refers to the server or to the packages?18:42
pronoy_ubuntistas: you can go to the terminal and cd to that folder and run ./configure18:42
tj83nomad also mind you that the first time this happen i suspected the drive, so i moved the partition to different physical area and the previous area now holds xp and xp is fine and the new location corrupted , i have used hitiachi diagnostics, windows to test, esfsck all good.18:42
Dr_Willisparapanghelescu:  i got around it by just installing grub on ALL the hard drives. :)18:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about passwd18:42
aspiditesaminh: try man passwd18:42
icarus-cubuntistas: basically,  ./configure  && make && make install    is the most common install method18:43
nanomadtj83, then open a bug18:43
parapanghelescudr_willis > damn man :)) OK ..what if the win doesnt start anymore ....what should I do ? how can I overcome this ?18:43
Dr_Willisparapanghelescu:  then you fix it.. :)18:43
defrysksudo make install18:43
calrikthiagoos: the server18:43
BorHi Alle18:43
nanomadicarus-c, i would use checkinstall instead of make install18:43
Dr_Willisparapanghelescu:  grub can easially boot windows most of the time/.18:43
ubuntistasi wanna install gnomad2-2.9.4 can anyone tell me the steps i don't get it18:43
Dr_Willisparapanghelescu:  grub is one of those tools that it pays to learn very well.18:43
jawallstupid question, but.. wireless works in gnome, but nothing shows up in the sys tray in kde to connect through wireless...18:43
a4ckwodim: Cannot load media with this drive!18:44
a4ckwodim: Try to load media by hand.18:44
a4ckwodim: Cannot load media.18:44
parapanghelescudr_willis > that's my question > HOW  to fix-it ? what commands should I use ???18:44
icarus-cnanomad: good idea18:44
jawallhow to I connect wirelessly in KDe and put the notification int eh sys tray18:44
pronoy_ubuntistas: extract the folder on your desktop18:44
aspiditesubuntistas: i'd make sure to keep the src directory around to make uninstalling easier. if you want to uninstall the compiled package, just "sudo make uninstall" from the src directory18:44
Piciaminh: useradd -G admin theusername18:44
nanomadubuntistas, are you sure gnomad supports the zen v? AFAIK it only supports the Creative Jukebox18:44
Dr_Willisparapanghelescu:  depends on what you want.. windowws has its own tools to restore the MBR boot loader.. or you use the proper grub entrys to boot the windows machine18:44
ubuntistasiam sure18:44
pronoy_ubuntistas: then using terminal cd to that folder on your desktop18:44
pepI have a Intel Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller on my Thinkpad R61, it worked fine with the previous releases, but with Jaunty I can't enable desktop effects anymore although direct rendering is activated and glxgears runs smoothly at 770+fps... how come?18:44
ubuntistashow to cd pronoy?18:44
Dracofoddernanomad: , is the apt-cache listing valid?  I'd hate to force dependancy to find out I don't even have the dang dependacy installed.18:45
pronoy_ubuntistas: you write cd Desktop on the terminal18:45
parapanghelescuwell, on win, I can start with the live CD and them give the fixmbr command ....but then I'll loose the Ubuntu installation18:45
aminhPici: k so i will do 'useradd -G admin webadmin' but webadmin is already an existing user is that fine?18:45
yaaarany backuppc gurus round here? i've got a host that "says" it's backing up, but there's no traffic moving...18:45
=== Bor is now known as DrKtO
Piciaminh: yep, thats fine18:45
nanomadDracofodder, yes18:45
Dr_Willisparapanghelescu:  then you boot live cd and restore grub to wheveer you want.18:45
parapanghelescumy question is if there are any commands to do it less painfull :d18:45
Dracofoddernanomad: here is what I get:18:45
pronoy_ubuntistas: then "ls" look for the folder name and write "cd <foldername>18:45
pronoy_ubuntistas: without the quotes18:45
nanomadDracofodder, actually, no. Just install the dependecy manually first18:46
Dr_Willisparapanghelescu:  you want to use GRUB to boot both windows and linux? or want to use the bios to boot one OS or the other from the hard drive?18:46
tonytraductorhere's another headache...I installed KDE, but it doesn't appear in my session options in the login screen18:46
ubuntistascome on pronoy i don't get it18:46
aminhPici: do i need to restart the server for the changes to take place?18:46
pronoy_ubuntistas: ok once more.....listen carefully18:46
parapanghelescuyeap > using groob to boot win and linux .....to choose from each one ...at the boot sequence18:46
pronoy_ubuntistas: open the tar.gz file and extract the file to your desktop ....do that first18:46
Piciaminh: You'll need to relogin as that user, and/or restart the processes that the user is running for the change to take effect.18:47
BaronMHi all. Someone there who was able to install VMware 1.0.9 on Jaunty?18:47
aspiditestonytraductor: you could always try using kdm instead of gdm18:47
tj83!grub | parapanghelescu,18:47
ubottuparapanghelescu,: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:47
ubuntistasi extracted the whole folder then pronoy18:47
aminhPici: when i do adduser doesn't it ask me for a passowrd....since this is an existing user will it ask me to reset the password?18:47
Dracofoddernanomad: how to find it?  the apt-cahe command showed this http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php?dl=m18767bce18:47
parapanghelescutj83 > cool man18:47
Piciaminh: It shouldn;t.18:48
pronoy_ubuntistas: good...open the terminal18:48
pronoy_ubuntistas: type         cd Desktop18:48
aspiditestonytraductor: or maybe gdm needs to be restarted before it'll recognize the kde session. also make sure kde is actually in the sessions folder18:48
pronoy_ubuntistas: done ?18:48
ubuntistasok pronoy then?18:48
mattgyver[L]Dr_Willis, should a swap be a logical, or primary partition?18:48
aspiditesmattgyver[L]: primary18:49
nanomadDracofodder, install libltdl7 and then try again to install the driver18:49
gartralhow do i mount an ext2 fs (on a flash disk) into my home dir without using mount?18:49
Dr_Willismattgyver[L]:  dosent matter18:49
mattgyver[L]thank you.18:49
pronoy_ubuntistas: now type      ls    this will give you a whole list.....and look for the folder name.....that you extracted18:49
Dracofoddernanomad: thanks!18:49
Dr_Willismattgyver[L]:  i always use primaries if i can18:49
nanomadDracofodder, care to post a link to that driver?18:49
aspiditesgartral: change your fstab?18:49
xcitu!ask Got problem with internet connection. I get "Connection enabled" message with network through router, but can't use any programs that require internet. Tried to ping, no luck. Can't even open Google.com.18:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:49
nanomadDracofodder, i want to check the .deb package18:49
mattgyver[L]Dr_Willis, Thats what im use to using, i dont really know what logical is for ';\18:49
ubuntistasyup i see it18:49
BlueAidan_workdoes the standard install cd support encrypted home dir / swap or is that on the alternate install disk?18:49
pronoy_ubuntistas: now issue this command : cd  followed by the folder name18:49
gartralaspidites: right... what do i add, and where?18:49
Dracofoddersure  found it here..  http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/spc/DL2.do18:50
Dr_Willismattgyver[L]:  ifyou want more then 4 parittions on a hard drive you must use logicals18:50
raven_ i'm trying to muxx a video and a ac3 audio file with FFMPEG ... -> at least one output file..... - what am i doing wrong? tnx...18:50
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:50
pronoy_ubuntistas: done ?18:50
nanomadBlueAidan_work, alternate if i recall correctly18:50
aspidites!fstab | gartral18:50
mattgyver[L]ok, thanks :)18:50
ubottugartral: please see above18:50
admin_masu3701how to i make stuff that i download go to /download in ubuntu?18:50
Dracofoddernanomad: was loooking for the Epson NX400 all in one, so I could get the scanner to work... printer works fine.18:50
Dr_Willismattgyver[L]:  its to overcome old limittions in hard drive tech over the years. :)18:50
tj83mattgyver[L], 4 primary per drive, logical gives you the ablility to have extended partitions  like Dr_Willis says18:50
nanomadDracofodder, where did you got that driver?18:50
aspiditesxcitu: what does ifconfig yield?18:50
ubuntistasyes pronoy18:50
pronoy_ubuntistas: so now you are in that folder ...ok ?18:51
xcituI will check.18:51
Dr_Willismattgyver[L]:   i find life is MUCH easier if just stick to 4 primaries  tops.18:51
pronoy_ubuntistas: you can now issue this command : ./configure18:51
Dr_Willismattgyver[L]:  plus i rarely need more then 4 parittions18:51
aspiditesxcitu: if it's wireless, also check the output of iwconfig18:51
=== pronoy_ is now known as pronoy
Dracofoddernanomad: http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/spc/DL2.do18:51
nanomadpronoy_, you should enable libmpt and other things in that configure AFAIK18:51
* tj83 agrees with Dr_Willis unless you milti-boot as i do, Vista, XP, Fedora, Ubuntu, and storage area lol18:51
yowshihmmm cheese crashed and now apparebntly nothing else can use /dev/video018:51
aspiditesxcitu: more than likely though if you can connect to the router but not internet, you should double check your router settings18:51
pronoynanomad: if there is a dependency issue it will show by not compiling18:51
nanomadpronoy, not with libmtp since it is optional18:52
aspiditessorry to leave you all hanging, but i gotta go18:52
=== Graever is now known as Griver
pronoynanomad: not sure i get you18:52
ubuntistaspronoy it's saying me errors 2 packages not found gtk 2 and libnjib18:52
jonaskoelkerDracofodder: thanks for the link; the source fails to build18:52
jonaskoelkerDracofodder: oops, wrong nick18:52
jonaskoelkerDr_Willis: thanks for the link; the source fails to build18:52
jonaskoelkerDracofodder: but a nice evening to you anyways :)18:53
nanomadpronoy, libmtp is an optional component of gnomad2 (it will work event if not installed), but if it is not found, the zen v wont work18:53
admin_masu3701how to i make stuff that i download go to /download in ubuntu?18:53
jonaskoelkerDr_Willis: is !tvout what you're doing yourself18:53
KaeI'll soon find out18:53
tj83jonaskoelker, i dont know your issue, but i assume you installed build-essential18:53
pronoyubuntistas: ok so now this thing is dependent on gtk2 and libnjib ok ? therefore you need to install these two first......so you can that by searching for that package on the net or using apt-get18:53
nanomadDracofodder, doesent xsane see  your scanner (I'm trying to decipher that page now)18:53
zloogIs there a way I can map control + L:eft Arrow key to the Home key?18:53
pronoynanomad: isn't there a debian package for this ?18:54
ubuntistasso pronoy tell me the commands18:54
jawallhow do you wireless connect to a network through KDE?18:54
jawallworks automatically in gnome18:54
jonaskoelkertj83: yeah, the code seems to have an undefined type pciVideoPtr18:54
jawallkde doesn't even have anythign in the systray for it18:54
nanomadpronoy, ubuntu has an older version18:54
aminhPici: i did this:  sudo useradd -G admin webadmin, and it says user webadmin exists18:54
pronoyubuntistas: ok what is the package name that was not found ?18:54
xcituGot problem with internet connection. I get "Connection enabled" message with network through router, but can't use any programs that require internet. Tried to ping, no luck. Can't even open Google.com.18:54
raven_ i'm trying to muxx a video and a ac3 audio file with FFMPEG ... -> at least one output file..... - what is wrong? tnx18:54
tonytraductorI'm getting extremely frustrated18:54
nanomadubuntistas, sorry to sound boring, but how do you know that gnomad2 works with the zen V?18:55
pronoynanomad: what's it called .....and then why not install that ?18:55
mweichertwhen I have a samba share with "guest only = yes", I cannot connect to it from a Windows computer that is joined to a domain... any other client is fine18:55
tonytraductorI think I'm going to reinstall, wipe the /home partition, and then restore my files from backup, maybe that will work18:55
nanomadpronoy, gnomad2, but he says it does not work18:55
pronoynanomad: is this thing in the repo18:55
jonaskoelkerHow do I make tvout (s-video) work on a firegl v3200?18:55
nanomadpronoy, of course18:55
ubuntistasnanomad because it worked dude and now it's not working18:55
nanomadubuntistas, try running sudo gnomad2 then18:55
xcituGot problem with internet connection. I get "Connection enabled" message with network through router, but can't use any programs that require internet. Tried to ping, no luck. Can't even open Google.com.18:55
tonytraductorI don't undeerstand why KDE was not automagically added to session, fluxbox was18:56
Dracofoddernanomad: no it doesn't, thats what brought me down the road looking for drivers.18:56
nanomadtonytraductor, you need to add kde to gdm?18:56
pronoyubuntistas: ok you know go to terminal and issue this command sudo apt-get install gnomad218:56
Johnny_B_Goodis there another screen capture tool for ubuntu than recordmydesktop????18:56
nanomadDracofodder, so good luck ;)18:56
tj83jonaskoelker, is this a video deriver issue?18:56
Johnny_B_Gooda better one?18:56
BaronMVMWare install on Jaunty is resulting in modules compiling error. any-any-update-115 implemented but doesn't help. Any ideas? (instead of bothering the vmware team :o) )18:56
xcituHi. Got internet issues. "Connection enabled", but can't surf the internet. Anyone?18:56
jonaskoelkertj83: I don't know.  How do I tell?18:56
tonytraductorAND HOW?18:56
nanomadtonytraductor, ok18:56
tonytraductorsorry, didn't mean to yell18:56
jonaskoelkertj83: I'm running the "ati" driver, which seems to select radeon; there's a lot of RADEON(0) in my xorg.0.log18:57
tj83jonaskoelker, i meant is what your attempting to do is resolve a video driver issue? i missed your initial problem18:57
nanomadtonytraductor, gimme a se18:57
KnoppixNoobkann mir mal eben jemand sagen was ich mit dem Script(?) von http://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=7372047 in Knoppix mache um es auszuführen (nachdem ich es angepasst habe)?18:57
jonaskoelkertj83: play movies on my tv18:57
pkkm is there anything for asking simple questions (yes/no) in text mode?18:57
nanomadtonytraductor, what does ls /usr/share/xsessions/ say?18:57
jonaskoelkertj83: I plug the s-video cable in, nothing works.  I reboot, nothing works.  xrandr says it's disconnected18:57
xcituHi. Got internet issues. "Connection enabled", but can't surf the internet. Anyone?18:57
xcituHi. Got internet issues. "Connection enabled", but can't surf the internet. Anyone?18:58
jonaskoelkertj83: it is TEH EPIC FAIL :)18:58
Dracofoddernanomad: ugh, thanks!   ha, actually, on searching to install that libltd7... I search using all available applicatinos, and there doesn't come up with a match, do I have to pull that from some independat site as well as this driver package?18:58
pronoyubuntistas: you there ?18:58
tj83jonaskoelker, well one thing that is important to know first is what version of ubuntu?18:58
Johnny_B_Goodis there another screen capture tool for ubuntu than recordmydesktop???? a better one?18:58
jonaskoelkertj83: jaunty18:58
stalker314314where should I put command "xset -r 94", so that it is defined in my account (can it somehow go to ~/.xmodmap)?18:58
KB1JWQKnoppixNoob: Please speak English in here.18:58
nanomadDracofodder, just type sudo aptitude install libt*whatevers*18:58
jonaskoelkertj83: ... is there an #ubuntu-1?18:58
tonytraductorno such file or dir (/usr/share/sessions)18:58
Dracofodderreally, cool, I can avoid the gui installer.. nice.18:58
nanomadtonytraductor, what does ls /usr/share/xsessions/ say?18:58
KB1JWQ!de | KnoppixNoob18:58
ubottuKnoppixNoob: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:58
Dracofoddernanomad: thanks18:58
nanomadtonsofpcs, you forgot an x18:58
ubuntistaspronoy it's saying me it's the latest version i waana install these files as i said  libnjb'   'gtk+-2.0'18:58
nanomadtonytraductor, you forgot an x, it is xsessions18:59
tonytraductoroops... fluxbox.desktop gnome.desktop ssh.desktop18:59
RainCTIs there some GUI tool to automatically mount a partition?18:59
tonytraductorno kde18:59
xcituHi. Got internet issues. "Connection enabled", but can't surf the internet. Anyone?18:59
nanomadtonytraductor, what package did you install to get kde18:59
nanomadtonytraductor, ?18:59
bullgard4Why is there no 'man watchdog'? My Ubuntu 8.10 shows a process which has been issued by the 'watchdog/0' command. 'man watchdog' does not exist.18:59
tj83jonaskoelker, /join #seaphor18:59
RainCTSomeone is asking for it and I'm not comfortable with telling him to edit /etc/fstab18:59
Johnny_B_Goodis there another screen capture tool for ubuntu than recordmydesktop???? a better one?18:59
nanomadtonytraductor, thats not enough i suppose, gimme a sec18:59
pronoyubuntistas: so you are reinstalling gnomad2 when its already to its latest version ? why would you that: anyways...you still wanna continue you go to terminal and type sudo apt-get install libnjb gtk+-2.019:00
macotonytraductor: try installing kubuntu-desktop?19:00
KnoppixNoobcan somebody tell how what I have to do in Knoppix to run that script(?) after I modified it?: http://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=737204719:00
nanomadtonytraductor, or installing kdebase-workspace19:00
PiciKnoppixNoob: Try #knoppix19:00
erUSULKnoppixNoob: this is not a knopix channel19:00
xcituHi. Got internet issues. "Connection enabled", but can't surf the internet. Anyone?19:00
xcituCan anyone help?19:01
KnoppixNoobits it that much different from Ubuntu? btw. can't install partimage in Ubuntu.19:01
tonytraductorok, trying that19:01
Johnny_B_Goodis there another screen capture tool for ubuntu than recordmydesktop???? a better one?19:01
nanomadtonytraductor, to get a working kde desktop you should install the kde package19:01
ubuntistaspronoy iwanna install the version that is not in the reporisotories but the stable one from the site of gnomad19:01
MeXTuxI want to remove splash screen during boot. I know it is possible to remove some parameters from /boot/grub/menu.lst. Does anybody know what do I have to do??19:01
Magicianxcitu what internet service are you using19:01
nanomadubuntistas, have you tried running gnomad2 with sudo ?19:02
xcituI got wired 10 mbit/s from Lyse Tele :P19:02
pronoyubuntistas: so issue the command in my previous post19:02
nanomadMeXTux, sudo gedit /etc/grub/menu.lst19:02
Magicianok have you ran through your network tools19:02
Magicianmade sure auto etho is connected19:02
nanomadMeXTux, remove splash from the defoptions= line19:03
SimonTekyour better of to just ## out what you want in grub, incase of a mistake.19:03
SimonTekalso make copies19:03
xcituI have checked them, but haven't done anything else than try to ping. Auto etho is On. I get a internet symbol, 2 PC screens.19:03
Magicianand go into firefox edit/pref and network and choose auto detect proxy settings19:03
nanomadMeXTux, then run sudo update-grub19:03
ubuntistasi cannot sudo apt-get install these packages pronoy it's teling me no packages found19:03
xcituRunning internet from point in wall -- router -- PC. Point in wall -- PC doesn't work.19:03
xpecshi :)19:03
xcituOk, will try19:04
nanomadubuntistas, have you tried running gnomad2 as root with sudo?19:04
Magicianxcitu: can you remove the router and plug directly to pc19:04
Voxiscan anyone help me please?19:04
nanomadVoxis, here we are19:04
pronoyubuntistas: ok go to system adminstration software list19:04
Magicianwhats up Voxis19:04
Voxiscan you please tell me how I can install ubuntu when it gives me an i/o error when I try to boot from disk19:05
nanomadpronoy, you can use sudo apt-get build-dep gnomad2 (its quick as hell)19:05
Johnny_B_Goodis there another screen capture tool for ubuntu than recordmydesktop???? a better one?19:05
nanomadVoxis, cdrom?19:05
nanomadJohnny_B_Good, whats wrong with recordmydekstop19:05
tonytraductorfrac...everytime I try to log into gnome (and now kde) it says $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored, should have 644 permissions, but I've chmoded it about 4 times now19:05
ubuntistasu mean software sources pronoy?19:05
tonytraductoroh, kdeabase-workspace did add kde to my sessions menu, thanks19:05
Magicianvoxis: did you download the image and then burn it19:05
xcituMagician: I've tried, but it doesn't work. I can plug in, but it will only show that the internet get disconnected, even though I plugged it in.19:06
Voxisalthough I have also tried booting from hard disk and it did nothing after saying opening browser19:06
pronoynanomad: why didn't i think of that.......thanks but i think it would also help if all his repos are enabled19:06
bcwhat does it take to get disk label changes on internal disks to take effect? remounting seems not to do it.19:06
tonytraductorI can't log into either gnome or kde19:06
Voxismagician yes I downloaded then burnt19:06
tonytraductorI can get into fluxbox19:06
tonytraductorand out, now19:06
pronoyubuntistas: yes......and go to third party software and check the repository listings19:06
nanomadtonytraductor, what happens if you move away your .dmrc?19:06
Magicianxcitu: try burning a cd at a slow speed then try it19:06
tonytraductorI don't know...let me try that19:07
Voxiswe tried it at the slowest speed possible19:07
nanomadtonytraductor, also, whats the output for ls -lah ~/.dmrc ?19:07
ubuntistasi told you nanomad it's not recognizing usb19:07
xcituMagican: What do you mean? Burn ubuntu with a slow speed, boot liveCD and try?19:07
dvdnnhey dudes19:07
ubuntistaspronoy what's that?19:07
dvdnnwhat is up?19:07
Johnny_B_Goodnanomad, well...my cpu...^^everything is slicking while I'm captureing...so I hope to find one which don't need so much cpu19:07
advanceHey I'm having some trouble configuring XSCREENSAVER can anyone help me out?19:07
nanomadubuntistas, also as root? So you have to recompile gnomad2 or better fill a bug-report so other can solve this problem too19:07
nanomadJohnny_B_Good, try disabling dekstop-effects19:08
pronoyubuntistas: go to the software sources....and go to the third party software tab19:08
tonytraductorfor some reason, up-arrow key doesn't seem to work in terminal (either to move in nano, or to return to previous commands, as per usual)19:08
Voxiswill ubuntu load on Windows 98?19:08
ubuntistasnanomad tell me how to install gtk libnjb files19:08
drkimblevery confusing but why is pidgin showing as a email?19:08
nanomadubuntistas, follow pronoy19:08
ubuntistasthen pronoy?19:08
nanomadJohnny_B_Good, you can try deskscribe19:09
pronoyubuntistas: did you check the checkboxes in the 3rd party softwares tab ?19:09
nanomaddrkimble, we know....19:09
nanomaddrkimble, go argue with the devs19:09
drkimbleits a IM not an email client19:09
drkimblehope they sort that19:09
advanceHey I'm having some trouble configuring XSCREENSAVER can anyone help me out?19:09
Johnny_B_Goodnanomad, thank you very much....I'll try it right now19:09
nanomaddrkimble, it is part of the new framework19:09
nanomadVoxis, hardware specs?19:09
pronoyubuntistas: got it ?19:09
sacarlsonVoxis: yes19:09
Magiciannot well19:09
ubuntistasyes pronoy19:09
drkimbleah, hate those frame work words :)19:09
Voxis800MHz Athelon 256MB RAM19:10
nanomadVoxis, try xubuntu19:10
Magicianit will work19:10
sacarlsonVoxis: oh maybe not enuf memory19:10
ubuntistaspronoy what packages can i check?19:10
drkimbleshould be Evelution there I believe19:10
raven_ i'm trying to muxx a video and a ac3 audio file with FFMPEG ... -> at least one output file..... - what is wrong? tnx19:10
nanomaddrkimble, well IM are still messages ;)19:10
VoxisMagician - you say it will work - but it's not working19:10
pronoyubuntistas: this is not a package list.....its merely the place from where the package list will be taken from19:10
drkimbleyou know what I mean, I hope :)19:11
Voxisit doesn't run inside windows 98 when trying to install19:11
sacarlsonVoxis:  you will at least have to try the alternate cd install19:11
pronoyubuntistas: now close this window and run sudo apt-get install update in the terminal19:11
pkkmhow to read inserted cd name?19:11
pkkmin text mode19:11
tonytraductorwell, I no longer have a .dmrc in there (mv-ed it to .dmrc-old)19:11
ubuntistasso what can i ckeck19:11
pronoyubuntistas: i am guessing you have 2 checkboxes there ??19:11
sacarlsonVoxis: oh I'm not sure about that new thing that runs in windows,  anyone know?19:11
drkimbleif its there whats the point, if its to the far right?19:11
michael_anyone knowledgeable with hard drives and bios?  i installed ubuntu and now my hard drives are not recognized by anything19:11
ubuntistastell me19:12
KnoppixNoobdoes that script look like it could work?: http://www.nopaste.org/p/amevyMe5fb19:12
KB1JWQmichael_: Are they showing up in BIOS?19:12
tonytraductorbut the permissions are rw,r,r 1 502 502 29 (date/time) .dmrc-old19:12
drkimblebit of an ivasion19:12
victorhmy usb printer is not recognized by the hplip driver (i'm using ubuntu server 8.04)... what should i do?19:12
Voxiswhen it says about opening browser does that mean it's trying to open internet explorer?19:12
nanomaddrkimble, that place is a placeholder for all those messagin-related apps. Only a few use that now19:12
michael_KB1JWQ, i actually haven't figured out where to look for them there :(  but on live ubuntu cd, windows cd, or dban cd... none can recognize them19:12
pronoyubuntistas: do you follow ?19:12
drkimbledid you see on the news, google and apple being probed lol19:12
KB1JWQKnoppixNoob: Looks okay, try it and see.19:12
sacarlsonVoxis: you could try the bootable alternate cd but with 256meg I'm not sure19:13
ubuntistasyes pronoy tell me which packages do i have to check19:13
aguitelwhat is the diference between adobe-flashplugin and flashplugin-nonfree ?19:13
michael_KB1JWQ, its quite a complicated error.. on startup i get a white screen saying they are locked with a password.  the first one i know, then there is a second which i dont know... but still cannot access them19:13
nanomadaguitel, none?19:13
KB1JWQmichael_: Then it' time to figure out where BIOS has 'em.19:13
pronoyubuntistas: both of them .....19:13
drkimblethe pidgin guy works for google19:13
drkimbleor did19:13
Piciaguitel: adobe-flashplugin comes from the canonical partner repository, the other one from the regular Ubuntu repositories19:13
KB1JWQmichael_: Is the password a BIOS password, or a boot password?19:13
victorherror: Unable to connect to dbus session bus.19:13
ubuntistaswhich pronoy explain19:13
pronoy!enter | ubuntistas19:13
ubottuubuntistas: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:13
j1nnhi all. may someone help with HDA intel microphone problem?19:14
VoxisWhen it says about opening browser what browser is it trying to open?19:14
michael_KB1JWQ, found it.. "none" is there for primary hard drive19:14
tapspatHey guys, I messed up permissions of one directory ! Everything listed under that directory is "?--------- ? ? ? ?                ? alsi5_scripts/validate" This folder has become inaccessible totally ! How can I set the perms back !19:14
KB1JWQmichael_: Check cables, check jumpers.19:14
Voxisbecause it doesn't open anything19:14
drkimbleSean somthing or other, sold out a few years ago19:14
drkimbleI remember the post19:14
aguitelPici, no diference ?19:14
sacarlsonj1nn: I use hda intel audio card what's up19:14
Voxiswhat if it's not the CD?19:14
KB1JWQtapspat: chmod 777 DIRECTORY19:14
pronoyubuntistas: what are the sources' names the ones written along the checkboxes ?19:14
drkimbleyes i sEAN NOW WORK FOR gOOGLE19:14
Voxisis there a way round that?19:14
KB1JWQBut that looks like filesystem corruption19:14
grawitytapspat: chmod +rx directory19:14
Piciaguitel: No software difference.19:14
michael_KB1JWQ, laptop19:15
Pici!ot | drkimble19:15
ubottudrkimble: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:15
VoxisI don't think it is the CD because if it's reading the first part then how can it be?19:15
KB1JWQmichael_: Reseat the drive then.  Maybe see if it works in an enclosure.19:15
aguitelPici, thanks19:15
j1nnsacarlson: hey. mic doesn't work. i suppose there's a problem with preferences, but cannot get the right combination.. and guide in the net.19:15
nanomadVoxis, the laser might be fkd up19:15
Voxisno the laser is fine19:15
tapspatgrawity : Thanks. It worked ! Why it didnt work with 644 ??19:15
ubuntistaspronoy tell me dude i don't have time thay are many names there19:15
Voxiswe just installed Win 98 and it did it19:15
Voxisit's ubuntu19:15
michael_KB1JWQ, hmm, how would i see if it works in an enclosure..  i don't know much about the hardware19:16
nanomadVoxis, then open  a bug report19:16
linuxpoetIs there an update for the Intel graphics chipset problems?19:16
drkimbleUbuntu is the best Linux distro you can have19:16
jonaskoelkerhow's it--is it safe to upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04?19:16
KB1JWQmichael_: You get to learn now. :)19:16
pronoyubuntistas: ok what version of ubuntu are you using ???19:16
nanomadlinuxpoet, you can try the ubuntu x swat ppa19:16
drkimbleand Deb Etch is the best server lol19:16
advanceDoes anyone here know much about Xscreensaver and SWF files?19:16
KB1JWQdrkimble: Please keep advocacy out of this channel.19:16
pronoyubuntistas: 9.04 or 8.10 ?19:16
grawitytapspat: Directories need "execute" permission or else you can't go inside them.19:16
ubuntistasjaunty promoy19:16
popeyJohnny_B_Good: no19:16
drkimbleaww lighten up :)19:16
drkimbleUbuntu is the most advanced19:17
michael_KB1JWQ, but it wasn't moved or touched at all during or after install... so makes me think it wouldn't be that... :(19:17
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Voxiswhere is the tech support?19:17
Johnny_B_Goodpopey, ^^kay thank you anyway19:17
Voxisthis is terrible19:17
ubuntistaspronoy jaunty19:17
tapspatgrawity : Thanks a lot ! Never knew that ! Much appreciated !19:17
KB1JWQmichael_: If BIOS doesn't see it, it's a hardware issue.19:17
KB1JWQEnd of story.19:17
VoxisI know it's free but ffs19:17
pronoyubuntistas: you'll have these 2 sources having the names  archives......ubuntu jaunty partner and one with says source code19:17
RadtooVoxis: What sort of support do you need? :D19:18
pronoyubuntistas: check them19:18
michael_KB1JWQ, couldnt be from me messing something up while partitioning the drives on instal?19:18
KB1JWQmichael_: No, the hardware would still detect.19:18
ubuntistaspronoy i have the alternatives of intrepid i don't have for jaunty19:18
advanceVoxis: Dude whats your problem19:19
pentekiI have now a brand new ubuntu install, but in midnight commander f4 (edit) launches nano instead of mcedit. I've also tried export EDITOR=mcedit -- how to solve this issue?19:19
pronoyubuntistas: ok.....did you upgrade your system ?19:19
ubuntistasyes sir fast19:19
advanceVoxis: You there?19:19
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete19:19
nanomadVoxis, you can buy tech support if you want19:19
drkimbleis there Ubuntu chat19:20
GandhiUbuntu 9.04 - I'm tyring to connect to a WEP enabled wireless network using an IEEE 802.11b/g USB adaptor. No joy so far. Any hints?19:20
pronoyubuntistas: hang on i'll give you the list names and you can add them.......19:20
Picidrkimble: #ubuntu-offtopic19:20
shadeslayer!ot | drkimble19:20
ubottudrkimble: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:20
penteki(it somehow solved now... :/)19:20
ubuntistascome on pronoy19:21
shadeslayer!wifi | Gandhi19:21
ubottuGandhi: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:21
pronoycan someone plz give me a list of jaunty's source list.......19:22
advanceabcdef_:  why did you finger me19:22
pronoycan't seem to find it on the net19:22
bullgard4Why is there no 'man watchdog'? My Ubuntu 8.10 shows a process which has been issued by the 'watchdog/0' command. Where is program descrption of watchdog/0?19:22
pronoyPici: plz gimme the jaunty official sources list19:22
shadeslayerpronoy: what about !sources19:23
jonaskoelkerpronoy: http://rafb.net/p/KNSJSP96.html19:23
ubuntistashey help here jaunty's source list19:23
TopBunny88I ha\ve installed glassfish, how ever upon restarting my xwindos session I didn't find glassfish in the session selector menu. any clues on how tp fix thi issue19:23
shadeslayer!sources | ubuntistas19:23
ubottuubuntistas: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:23
Piciubuntistas: Use System>Administration>Software Sources to setup your sources.19:23
amdFANBOYhey, i can't record form my microphone in ubuntu 9.04.  i have a tutorial that says use alsa mixer, but it shouldnt be so hard right?19:23
shadeslayernot sure they are of use ;)19:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about glassfish19:24
shadeslayer!sound > amdFANBOY19:24
ubottuamdFANBOY, please see my private message19:24
jonaskoelkerHi all.  Does s-video work with the i810 driver?19:24
jonaskoelkerand do the i810 cards work with jaunty?19:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about glassfish?19:24
TopBunny88I ha\ve installed glassfish, how ever upon restarting my xwindos session I didn't find glassfish in the session selector menu. any clues on how tp fix thi issue?19:24
shadeslayer!info glassfish19:24
ubottuPackage glassfish does not exist in jaunty19:24
PiciTopBunny88: What is glassfish?19:25
RadtooPici: Java EE server.19:25
pronoyubuntistas: click on add and enter this19:25
pronoyubuntistas; #deb http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jaunty partner19:25
pronoyubuntistas: without the #19:25
TopBunny88glassfish is a windows ,amager i think19:25
ubuntistasok pronoy shoot fast19:25
PiciTopBunny88: How did you install it?19:26
* shadeslayer gives his AK-47 to pronoy 19:26
pronoyubuntistas: again add this deb-src http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jaunty partner19:26
RadtooTopBunny88: no, that was looking glass, probably?19:26
macoPici: it's java based and made by sun, i believe19:26
pronoyshadeslayer: lol19:26
pronoyubuntistas: done ?19:26
macoPici: very pretty19:26
duvnell2gnome has correct key bindings for my audio volume up/down.. that's nice.. however, can I adjust the amount it increments my audio by?  my audio device's mixer seems to be an exponential curve instead of linear or something.. only about the last 4 clicks of the volume control produce much sound .. and so basically I have control of the volume at 25% 50% 75% and 100%... can I adjust the increment amount of the volume keys or tell it that it's  non-li19:26
tonytraductorholy cow...no wonder I switched to fluxbox...KDE is suddenly a huge mess19:27
PiciRadtoo: I think you're on the right track.19:27
tonytraductorand I never did like gnome19:27
tonytraductorbut I definitely don't like this new kde...blecchhhh19:27
advanceduvnell2:  When you find out give me a ring. just to help you out it's not the VolumeStep it's something else.. I just learned to live with it19:27
shadeslayerbtw who was arguing with me that day that xfce is better?19:27
RadtooPici: Well, I know I'm right but I didn't want to annoy anyone with definite statements / corrections ;)19:27
stefanois there a gnome applet that shows open windows list as Windows Seven does?19:27
pronoyubuntistas: you there ?19:27
duvnell2advance: here is volume step configured?  so I can verify that that's also not my issue?19:28
pronoyman my patience is wearing out19:28
shadeslayerstefano: stacks?19:28
TopBunny88How do I install looking glass19:28
ubuntistaspronoy i couldn't add the first one19:28
pronoyubuntistas: what ??19:28
stefanoshadeslayer, yes :-)19:28
stefanoand icon without text19:28
tonytraductorbloated sack o' useless eyecandy19:28
advanceduvnell2:  I don't remember... It's not your issue... It just figures out how far the volume bar goes with one click... once you have that it just takes you alot of volume clicks to move it one step untill it takes it down 25%19:28
ubuntistaspronoy the first one source19:28
=== fevel is now known as fevel-away
RadtooTopBunny88: Hemm, before that, if you just want some desktop effects and such, compiz is more common and (arguably) more usable.19:29
Picitonytraductor: We don't need those comments here, the channel is already busy enough19:29
pronoyshadeslayer: i have to leave immedtiately can you do me a favour.....plz help ubuntistas in adding the new jaunty sources and update it19:29
shadeslayerstefano: heh,xfce uses 19 pc of my RAM whereas GNOME uses just 12 pc19:29
shadeslayerpronoy: sorry mate,im kinda busy my self19:29
Picipronoy: Are you helping him upgrade to Jaunty?19:29
pronoyPici: he's already done that......he doesn' have the sources19:29
pronoyPici: jaunty sources list19:30
jonny100hi i am a newbie to linux but it wont let me install flash player so i can watch youtube videos please help19:30
pronoyPici: he needs to install certain 2 packages19:30
shadeslayerTopBunny88: theres a wiki on it,search google,third entry ;)19:30
aminhhey guys i'm trying to install postgresql on ubuntu 8.10 server for rails production.... 'sudo apt-get install postgresql-server postgresql-client' the client gets installed but it says that the server has no installation candidate19:30
TheZankeOn a laptop, with a fresh ubuntu install... what packages do i require to get my webcam to work properly? I want it to work on stickam.. currently the webcam light just stays on at all times but no cam shows up when i get in stickam, its just black... Also when i right click for flash settings, the "Settings" option is greyed out.19:30
jonny100hi i am a newbie to linux but it wont let me install flash player so i can watch youtube videos please help19:30
RadtooTopBunny88: I know it can be installed but most people have been disappointed with it as far as usability / performance / stability goes. compiz is fairly mature and wide-spread in comparison, and in the default repository...19:31
unitedpotsmokershello guys, in Jaunty what software which support blogger.com? i need 3rd party blog editor19:31
all_is_fairafter yesterdays updates.  I lost all networking and wireless support... any ideas?19:31
Piciall_is_fair: Looks like you're in now.19:31
raven_ i'm trying to muxx a video and a ac3 audio file with FFMPEG ... -> at least one output file..... - what is wrong? tnx19:31
KomiaPoikawhich gui is best after kde?19:31
RadtooKomiaPoika: matter of taste. really.19:32
Piciubuntistas: He left.19:32
dephiancehow do I bump up the virtual screen size in X?  this is all I get "Defaulting Virtual to 2048 2048 for i965."19:32
ubuntistascan u help?19:32
all_is_fairafter yesterdays updates.  I lost all networking and wireless support... any ideas?19:32
gpledhow uptodate are bind and postfix packages on the latest ubuntu server?19:32
KomiaPoikaRadtoo: i have a kubuntu box with kde3 cos kde4 is still hell. but i dont want the pita of hacking kde3 into 8.10 on the other box. so i was wondering if gnome had any other serious alternative19:32
Piciubuntistas: I'm busy, but someone else may be able to.19:33
shadeslayerTopBunny88: ewwww,why would anyone install a windows like GUI all over again if you want to get away from windoze19:33
peppot2.6.28-11-generic: is anyone else having problems with expresscard devices (pciehp). the pciehp module seems to be missing -- compiled in? works here with 2.6.27, but in .28, expresscard devices do not work19:33
ienorandall_is_fair: Stop repeating, can you use "sudo dhclient eth0" ?19:33
TopBunny88Radtoo: I want to replace gnome with a similar windows manager session to that of the javea desktop environment that come standard eith Solaris and open solaris19:33
ienorandall_is_fair: thats for wired19:33
=== schiz0_ is now known as SchizO
jonny100hey guys   flash player wont install19:33
shadeslayer!flash > jonny10019:34
ubottujonny100, please see my private message19:34
tapspatHey guys ! I messed up "directory permissions" at two places ! One in my local directory and one in the NFS mount Directory ! I tried to do "chmod 777 <Local Dir>" [Thanks to grawity ]and it worked but that thing fails in my NFS Directory ?!19:34
gpledjonny100: 9.04?19:34
ubuntistasFailed to fetch http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/Release  Unable to find expected entry  partner/source/Sources in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)19:34
=== SchizO is now known as [S]chiz0
ubuntistasFailed to fetch http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/Release  Unable to find expected entry  partner/source/Sources in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)19:34
shadeslayerjonny100: see the message in the PM and follow the wiki19:34
TitaniumAlone can you help me to the flash player on firefox ?19:34
darthanubisflash has gotten so easy to install19:35
jonaskoelkerubuntistas: replace "se." with ""19:35
RadtooTopBunny88: Do you have a screenshot or something?19:35
darthanubiseven for 64bit19:35
shadeslayerjonny100: open the wiki link19:35
tapspatdhimant@tapspat /u4:$ chmod 777 shashah/19:35
tapspatchmod: changing permissions of `shashah/': Operation not permitted19:35
TopBunny88Radtoo: No19:35
Brunoalguem sabe como faço pra entra no server irc.freenode.net ?19:35
=== Bruno is now known as Guest12141
tapspatgrawity : dhimant@tapspat /u4:$ chmod 777 shashah/19:35
tapspatchmod: changing permissions of `shashah/': Operation not permitted19:35
RadtooKomiaPoika: that mostly depends on you... I  actually like wmii despite it not having any eyecandy :)19:35
doleybdarthanubis: yeah but flash doesn't work well :(19:36
KomiaPoikaRadtoo: is that windowmaker?19:36
joshjtlfolks, i need some help, I can record sound from my mic into Kwave, but not into Audacity... (kubuntu btw)19:36
RadtooKomiaPoika: (that's a WM on the minimalist end, but believe it or not, its workable for some people). The question is, what do you like? If its a windows-like wm, perhaps xfce4 is good?19:36
shadeslayerbtw if anyone experiences problems with connecting to freenode from irssi or chatzilla tell him/her to use chat.freenode.net instead of irc.ubuntu.com or irc.freenode.net19:36
darthanubisworks perfect on my box of course19:36
darthanubisnot one issue since the native 64bit plugin dropped19:37
shadeslayerjonny100: please do notpm me19:37
darthanubisfirefox never crashes anymore19:37
doleybdarthanubis: Oh really?  What is your gigahertz?19:37
shadeslayer!flash | jonny10019:37
ubottujonny100: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:37
unoptapspat, you might need to use sudo with that19:37
darthanubisdoleyb, irrelevant19:37
doleybdarthanubis: You're wrong.  The problem with the 64 bit flash plugin is it takes 2 gigahertz to do a job that can be handled in 600 mhz with the windows flash.19:38
RadtooKomiaPoika: no, wmii is wmii. can look like this http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Image:Wmii_screenshot.jpg although I don't have it quite as black :)19:38
sharperguyJust running the 9.04 live-cd. I already ran the disk defect checker and nothing was found, however now half way through installing it, it says that the disk isn't being read properly. Now I've already deleting my current OS so I can't do burn another disk or anything...19:38
bullgard4Why is there no 'man watchdog'? My Ubuntu 8.10 shows a process which has been issued by the 'watchdog/0' command. Where is program description of watchdog/0?19:38
shadeslayerdoleyb: really?? i have 64 bit....no problems here19:38
TopBunny88RadtooWhat are my window manager option other than kde and gnme19:38
happyfaceI just installed Jaunty and no wireless networks show up in the list... but it looks like the card is detected.19:39
TopBunny88RadtooWhat are my window manager option other than kde and gnome19:39
shadeslayer!info watchdog19:39
ubottuwatchdog (source: watchdog): A software watchdog. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.4-10 (jaunty), package size 68 kB, installed size 284 kB19:39
darthanubisdoleyb, lol, what moron is trying to run flash on a system with a 600mhz cpu?19:39
ubuntistasjonaskoelker how can i delete the old one souces19:39
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RadtooTopBunny88: A lot. Like 40 or so can be installed one way or the other.19:39
darthanubisthat is a router these days19:39
shadeslayerbullgard4: maybe they were removed19:39
Picibullgard4: Check /usr/share/doc/watchdog    Not all commands have man pages.19:39
doleybdarthanubis: I don't see why I should answer such an offensive question.19:40
peppotanyone know if pcie hotplug is broken in 2.6.28 or if it's just missing or if it can't be compiled and must be a module to function?19:40
RadtooTopBunny88: but weren't you looking at the eyecandy stuff? compiz + gnome or compiz + kde is a fairly common choice.19:40
darthanubisoffensive lol, chillax19:40
tapspatunop : Thanks for replying but NO SUCCESS ! same error19:40
unoptapspat, what file system is that directory on?19:40
genii-aroundbullgard4: Thats a good qustion. A manpage for it certainly does exist as google shows. PErhaps it's manpages are just not being installed by default when the binary package is19:41
Pici!etiquette > darthanubis19:41
ubottudarthanubis, please see my private message19:41
RadtooTopBunny88: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxfSwzhSn1c <- if you want to watch some compiz on 8.04...19:41
tapspatunop : its nfs19:41
=== frank__ is now known as frankS2
kornejohi can someone help me how to install nvidia drivers on ubuntu 9.4?19:42
jonny100how do i increase the space on my partition19:42
ubuntistasiam fucked up with software sources any help guys?>19:42
darthanubisPici, Jesus, save it, not I said warrants some kind of warning19:42
genii-around!language | ubuntistas19:42
ubottuubuntistas: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:42
Piciubuntistas: Please watch your language here.19:42
shadeslayerkornejo: system > admin > restricted drives19:42
Picidarthanubis: Calling other users here morons is not acceptable.19:42
sharperguyNobody have any suggestions for what to do about my previous question? I'm kinda stuck... Will burning another CD elsewhere help? Or is it maybe my drive?19:42
jonny100how do i increase the space on my partition19:42
jonny100so i can download more stuff19:43
darthanubisPici, reading comprehension, I did not call him anything. it was a question. He assumed he was the "moron".19:43
Radtoojonny100: ... delete things?19:43
doleybdarthanubis: My computer is a dual-core ath64 that runs at 800, 1600, or 1800 mhz.  To stay at 800 is important to conserve battery and heat, but things like youtube are barely functional.19:43
shadeslayerjonny100: extend it :)19:43
sacarlsonjonny100:  buy a new disk?19:43
scott_could someone help me with something simple?19:43
KomiaPoikaRadtoo: thx19:43
jonny100no i have 1tb19:43
Radtooscott_: if you tell us what..?19:43
scott_I need to make a xp live usb stick19:43
=== scott_ is now known as Guest83320
kornejoi cant19:43
jonny100just extend19:43
shadeslayer!gparted | jonny10019:43
=== Guest83320 is now known as AmnesiaUK
ubottujonny100: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php19:43
kornejoit doesnt install it19:43
Saikianyone here ever use PCSX2? I have a problem with the joypad not reading (but reads everywhere else)19:43
AmnesiaUKRadtoo, I have to be able to put files on a fat partition(usb stick)19:44
ubuntistasFailed to fetch http://ubuntu.otenet.gr/dists/jaunty/Release  Unable to find expected entry  partner/source/Sources in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)19:44
ubuntistasFailed to fetch http://ubuntu.otenet.gr/dists/jaunty-updates/Release  Unable to find expected entry  partner/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)19:44
ubuntistasFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty-security/Release  Unable to find expected entry  partner/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)19:44
ubuntistasSome index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.19:44
FloodBot1ubuntistas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:44
RadtooSaiki: been a while... and the joypad worked here. I had a logitech rumblepad if that helps.19:44
AmnesiaUKRadtoo, I've formatted it using gpartd19:44
mew-chani downloadd eggdrop via sodo aptitude and i donnt know where to look to find it19:44
AmnesiaUKRadtoo, but now its unable to mount19:44
sharperguyjonny100, You'll need to get a livecd or something to edit any partitions which need to be mounted in order to run the system. I think theres a gparted livecd specifically for that19:44
jonny100can i do it form vista19:44
raven_how can i muxx a video from audio and video files using FFMPEG?19:44
jonny100disk mangament19:45
shadeslayerjonny100: maybe19:45
Dalamarhow is support with a ATI Radeon HD 3200 still hit or miss? 19:45
SaikiRadtoo: I have a rumblepad as well, mine doesn't work in pcsx2, but does everywhere else19:45
RadtooAmnesiaUK: Uh, I haven't been following what you said before and all, though..19:45
AmnesiaUKRadtoo,  ok19:45
jonny100just extend the linux partition19:45
AmnesiaUKRadtoo, I need to put files on a fat partition(my usb stick)19:45
RadtooSaiki: I wished I knew. well, they constantly change plugins. you might be able to get it working with a newer / older joypad plugin19:46
AmnesiaUKRadtoo, I formatted it using gparted19:46
AmnesiaUKRadtoo, though it isnt possible to mount it anymore19:46
shadeslayerDalamar: try having a look at the wiki19:46
shadeslayer!ati | Dalamar19:46
ubottuDalamar: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:46
ynwhat is the name of the package that would satisfy the mta dependency requirement?19:46
ubuntistashow can i delete these and put the right sources for jaunty?19:46
RadtooAmnesiaUK: hmm. formatted with what filesystem? and what error happens when you try to mount?19:46
ynI thought it used to exist, "fakemta" or something like that19:46
SaikiRadtoo: check pm19:46
AmnesiaUKRadtoo, formatted it using fat3219:46
ynwant to avoid installing exim19:46
madbuntushould i uninstall libavcodec52 and libavutil49 to install ubuntu-restricted package? (i.e. what are those two? I am using Jaunty 64)19:47
AmnesiaUKRadtoo, nothing happends at all19:48
doleybmadbuntu: it could be that they are older versions of things supplied by ubuntu-restricted-package19:48
shadeslayermadbuntu: the ubuntu-restircted-extra is a meta package,it will pull in things automatically19:48
madbuntuadd/remove had me go to synaptic because of a conflict19:48
Dr_Willismadbuntu:  i alwyas just install the ubuntu-restr4icted-extra paackage.19:48
tapspatHello guys I need help from you. chmod 777 <directory> doesnt work on nfs mounted drive !19:48
madbuntulibavcodec52 and libavutil49 will be removed19:49
madbuntuwho knows, im going for it19:49
Dr_Willistapspat:   You might need to do the chmoding on the server side/end  check the nfs docs?  that sounds like the sort of thing that from a security point of view. nfs would be stopping19:49
KnoppixNoobno luck with the Script: http://www.nopaste.de/p/aagF6vFlt ... I get the following error: ./copy.sh: line 6: syntax error near unexpected token `\ ' ./copy.sh: line 6: `) \ '19:49
bullgard4Pici: I did not find it in the directory you gave me. But in a directory nearby I found a program description. --  Thank you for your help.19:50
joshjtlfolks, i need some help, I can record sound from my mic into Kwave, but not into Audacity... (kubuntu btw)19:50
Picibullgard4: Sure thing19:50
tapspatDr_Willis : Thank you. I will check it out !19:50
shadeslayerjoshjtl: #kubuntu then19:50
th0rtapspat: you should be able to ssh to the server and do the chmod via the ssh connection19:50
Dr_WillisKnoppixNoob:  ive seen issues with some scripts when they expect 'sh' to be 'bash' not 'dash' check the script make sure its calling #!/bin/bash perhaps.19:50
etotheipiHi. I'm using Jaunty, and my MSI CB54G2 (PCMCIA wireless card, Ralink RT2500 chipset) doesn't pick up any wireless access points almost *at all*; I've tried with rutilt, airodump-ng, kismet and network manager, and I've only ever had (after a few hours of scanning with NM), one AP appear. Scanning with my inbuilt ipw2200 Intel card shows tens of access points. What could cause this?19:50
joshjtlshadeslayer: ive been trying19:51
Dr_WillisKnoppixNoob:  also watch out for lines in the script like 'sh otherscript' that may need tobe 'bash otherscript'19:51
InjEctOrafternoon (morning) all there19:51
shadeslayerjoshjtl: you could try this19:51
=== geo_ is now known as geo05
bullgard4genii-around: I found a description in the Linux kernel Documentation in the directory watchdog.19:51
shadeslayer!sound > joshjtl19:51
ubottujoshjtl, please see my private message19:51
Dr_WillisKnoppixNoob:  that script should at least start with #!/bin/bash19:52
shadeslayerjoshjtl: or try alsamixer in konsole19:52
unopKnoppixNoob, make sure there is no space after that \ on line 619:52
shadeslayerubuntistas: he quit19:52
waffle_hi all19:52
joshjtlshadeslayer: already tried alsamixer, I can hear my mic just fine, but audacity wont record it19:52
ptietjensAnyone have any experience getting an Ubuntu based netbook to authenticate using LDAP over wireless?19:52
ubuntistasshadeslayer how can i delete these and put the right sources for jaunty?19:52
rroblakI'm having trouble deleting this folder: d?????????    ? ?        ?            ?                ? media.gold.self19:52
shadeslayerubuntistas: ok ill try19:53
rroblakthat's the output of ls -ld19:53
unopDr_Willis, that should run under /bin/sh too .. but it will default to /bin/bash if his current shell is bash.19:53
sharperguyhow come I have built in support for rm and mp3 files on the live cd?19:53
Dr_Willisrroblak:  ???'s like that are a sign that the filesystem may need fscking19:53
Dalamaranyone got a ATI Radeon HD 3200 running with clean hd playback/tv out in ubuntu? google is giving me tons of mixed results, interested in first hand knowledge 19:53
rroblakDr_Willis, it's only on that one folder19:53
Dr_Willisunop:  ive seen 'issues' in the past when scripts dont have a #!/bin/SOMTHING   :)  just best to play it safe19:53
darcknighthome  o_sda1  o_sda2  o_sda5  o_sda6  o_sda7  o_sda819:54
Dr_Willisrroblak:  its not some mount point/nfs/sshfs directory? i would still suggest fscking the filesytem..19:54
smokingHow do I remove library entries in rhythmbox?19:54
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: ok,lemme google a bit19:54
Dr_Willisrroblak:  if you want to delete it  try mc, or tab completion to get its proper name.19:54
ubuntistasshadeslayer a little bit fast19:54
unopDr_Willis, if the shell encounters a script without a shebang, it tries to execute it .. you can be guaranteed that19:54
InjEctOri need to install translation software, anyone can help me please ?19:55
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: i could give you min19:55
Dr_Willisunop:  lets just say in the last ubuntu release.. i had some REAL quirky issue where it dident work right.. might of been fixed by now. :) I hope.19:55
guidonicolashola...quiero hacer un FOR para un script...pero me dice q tengo un error de sintaxis...19:55
Dr_Willisunop:  and i had a similer 'discussion' back then with some guys  about it.19:55
tapspatth0r : Thanks but I dont have perms to connect to the server ! I will ask those server guys !19:56
shadeslayer_Pici: can i give ubuntistas my sources list?? will it work ??19:56
Dr_Willisunop:  i had to take about 30 scripts and add a #! line to them to get them to work right. (of course its always good to get in good habbits)19:56
InjEctOranybody want to help ?19:56
ackbahrHi! 9.04 on a laptop here, Working quite OK until I tried to connect an external screen : no more touchpad, and I'm stuck with 3 basical 4:3 resolutions.... What can I do?19:56
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: ok ill paste it anyways19:56
th0rtapspat: the permissions are forwarded from the server to you. Unless you have permission to change the server you won't be able to chmod anything there19:56
InjEctOrtranslation software if anyone can help please tell me19:57
ricardo__j #ubuntu-es19:57
genii-aroundguidonicolas: eg:   /join #ubuntu-es19:57
ubuntistashow can i delete the old one shadeslayer because i have erros19:57
happyfaceI just installed Jaunty and no wireless networks show up in the list... but it looks like the card is detected. what do i do?>19:57
shadeslayer_um...where is my sources.list located?19:57
genii-aroundricardo__: : eg:   /join #ubuntu-es19:57
doleybshadeslayer_: /etc/apt.  Also, you can try the "locate" command yourself19:57
JosefAssadshadeslayer_: /etc/apt/19:57
InjEctOris there any human for talking with him!19:58
ubuntistasshadeslayer i added them too but they are not shoen in the third party tab what's going on?19:58
KB1JWQInjEctOr: No, we're all bots.19:58
boringpacketshow do i install Flash Nonfree for Ubuntu x64?19:58
hateball!flash64 | boringpackets19:58
ubottuboringpackets: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava19:58
Dr_Willisboringpackets:  i just install the 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' package and it grabs the right stuff19:58
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: first gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list19:58
PiciInjEctOr: stop.19:59
InjEctOrsorry i'll gave up19:59
shadeslayer_Pici: ah youre here,did you get my question?19:59
KnoppixNoobthanks, now it works ( I hope)19:59
PiciInjEctOr: We're not psychic, you need to ask a question if you expect to get an answer.19:59
joshjtlthis is my sound card info... does it look ok ?19:59
ubuntistasshadeslayer then?19:59
KB1JWQjoshjtl: Does it work?19:59
Picishadeslayer_: He should use the software sources tool to modify the sources.19:59
shadeslayer_Pici: which package?20:00
=== hammer is now known as Mathew_VE8MN
joshjtlKB1JWQ: sort of... everything except I cant record with audacity (although I can record mic in kwave, and can hear the mic too)20:00
Picishadeslayer_: What?20:00
raven_how can i muxx a video from audio and video files using FFMPEG?20:00
shadeslayer_Pici: ah not the menu.list you mean20:00
Mathew_VE8MNhello ppl am a new bee20:00
Picishadeslayer_: sources.list is not menu.list.20:00
Mathew_VE8MNi need some help?20:00
Pici!ask | Mathew_VE8MN20:01
ubottuMathew_VE8MN: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:01
Mathew_VE8MN? is boot amager editing20:01
shadeslayer_Pici: yeah,sorry just a bit tired myself :)20:01
Mathew_VE8MNwere do i find it20:01
ubuntistasshadeslayer are u following ?20:01
=== fevel-away is now known as fevel
KB1JWQPici: There a list of all the triggers we can throw at ubottu?20:01
boringpacketswow hateball, that was too dang easy :)20:01
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: ok which source was pronoy asking to modify?20:01
ubuntistasi desperate dude i have many problems shadeslayer tell me20:01
PiciKB1JWQ: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi20:02
KB1JWQPici: Thank you, sir.20:02
hateballboringpackets: Most things are when you know how ;)20:02
doleybMathew_VE8MN: What language do you speak?20:02
trentgcan anyone tell me how to set up bluetooth headphones? I already got them paired but don't know how to use them. Using 9.0420:02
Mathew_VE8MNand english20:02
ExoideHi there! There's someone here that use the logo language?20:02
Mathew_VE8MNjust some thumbs in the way20:02
=== schiz0_ is now known as [S]chiz0
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: could you paste that sources.list?20:02
doleybExoide: I might have used logo in 1983!20:03
ubuntistasshadeslayer i just wanna delete the one i sent you with pastebin and then put the sources that needed to install gtk 2 and linjib20:03
all_is_fairafter yesterdays updates.  I lost all networking and wireless support... any ideas?20:03
FUbbyCDok guys20:03
ubuntistasgot it shadeslayer?20:03
bcis there an ubuntu repository somewhere for songbird?20:03
FUbbyCDwe have to figure this out... Together20:03
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: if you just need the partner repo i found it20:03
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: nope20:03
FUbbyCDlets put our jaunty jackolopes together20:03
boringpacketsi dont know why anyone uses linux mint. llinux mint is the crappy, unreliable slow version of ubuntu20:03
ubuntistashttp://paste.ubuntu.com/165077/ shadeslayer20:04
FUbbyCDEVERYONE click that and lets figure out how to do it in ubuntu20:04
bcFUbbyCD: heh20:04
doleybExoide: I see that ubuntu includes the ucblogo package20:04
zloogIt seems amarok isnt going through pulse audio, so the only way i can use it is if I allow it to monopolize the sound card. Is there a way I can make it use pulse? (9.04)20:04
boringpacketsthis is so much more stable than mint, and the only "convenience" of mint is they preinstall restricted modules by default20:04
ubuntistasshadeslayer what you didn't understand man20:04
hateballall_is_fair: Most likely some update to the kernel broke your wifi then. Have you tried booting an older kernel?20:04
FUbbyCDFREE KFC Chicken no joke20:04
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: ok im just comparing the two,wait for 2 min20:04
bcsigh, nevermind -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Songbird20:05
KB1JWQ!attitude | ubuntistas20:05
ubottuubuntistas: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:05
Saikianyonw know what to do about an unresponsive pad in one program?20:05
all_is_fairafter yesterdays updates.  I lost all networking and wireless support... any ideas? HELP!!20:05
FUbbyCDjust need to figure out how to get it to print under ubuntu 4 coupons per computer20:05
FUbbyCDand no you dont have to buy anything20:05
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: replace line  28 with deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu jaunty partner20:05
ienorandall_is_fair: did you try the "sudo dhcclient eth0" command I gave you?20:06
* ienorand ...or not20:06
ubuntistasdid you undesrtand what i wanna do ? what is my <goal>? shadeslayer?20:06
KB1JWQshadeslayer_: I hope you're charging for this. :)20:07
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: you want to install a few packages and i can see you dont have the corrent sources20:07
FUbbyCDim not trying to spam but we have a situation here.. oprah is about to come on and when she does all hell is going to break loose when people start hammering the site20:07
shadeslayer_KB1JWQ: meh....i have enough money=20:07
kegsterhow do i uninstall ubuntu from my pc and then put the partition back onto my windows?20:07
FUbbyCDbecause shes going to announce it and right now you need windows20:07
Exoidedoleyb, let me see20:07
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs20:08
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: man your sources are looking pretty bad20:08
ubuntistasline 28 is not correct shadeslayer20:08
fevelyou shouldnt want a cupon that lures you into a restrictive system20:08
fevelits like a fish bait20:08
dephiance I added a Virtual 2560 2048 to xorg.conf but xrandr still reports 2048 x 2048.  what else can I try?20:08
kegsterhow do i uninstall ubuntu from my pc and then put the partition back onto my windows?20:08
ericdbIf I upgrade 8.10 -> 9.04 through Synaptic, will it remember my drivers for wireless and graphics, or reset to defaults?  Wireless is always a pain with a new install.20:08
FUbbyCDmy dad just got a free grilled chicken meal on the way home20:09
Dr_WillisHmm.. whats the pacakge name for beep media player..  I thought it was bmpx20:09
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: i know i told you to replace it with deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty universe20:09
shadeslayer_deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty-updates universe20:09
mib_da2coq32Can I run a home based web server from ubuntu9.04?20:09
FloodBot1shadeslayer_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:09
FUbbyCDits legit i know it sounds sketchy20:09
Lenin_CatI want to do a fresh install, but how would I keep my /home folder20:09
ubuntistasshadeslayer i told you  pronoy sent me false sources how can i delete the old one i sent that's what iam telling you20:09
fevelnevertheless you can install ie on linux with ie4linux20:09
FUbbyCDbut shoot if you can install it in wine or something whats the worry20:09
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: gksu gedit etc/apt/menu.list20:09
Lenin_Catits on a seperate partition20:09
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: make that sources.list20:09
iktmib_da2coq32: yes20:09
kegsterhow do i uninstall ubuntu from my pc and then put the partition back onto my windows?20:09
KB1JWQFUbbyCD: Why is this relevant here, exactly?20:10
FUbbyCDthey say its so you can only print 4 per computer because it makes a barcode thing20:10
FUbbyCDbecause you can not do it on ubuntu20:10
iktmib_da2coq32: in fact it's a much better option than using windows20:10
mpontilloAnyone else seeing USB keyboard problems on 9.04? I have an intermittent problem where typing a key does nothing. Plugging the same keyboard into my wife's Windows box, it works fine... and this is on a laptop; the built-in keyboard works fine. Was going to try one of the other kernels available in the repo. Any other suggestions? Note, I have the same problem with both the text consoles and X...20:10
FUbbyCDan im sure theres a way around it20:10
shadeslayer_kegster: format the linux partition then install the windows boot loader20:10
FUbbyCDthe exe installs a firefox plugin20:10
hateballLenin_Cat: Do manual partitioning, make sure you do NOT format the /home partition. Use the same username and it'll assume ownership of all the files too20:10
KB1JWQFUbbyCD: Virtualization's a powerful thing.20:10
ubuntistasok shadeslayer next?20:10
yowshigrrr cheese crashed again. is there any way to ikill it completly and open up the /dev/video0 again?20:10
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: refer to this http://paste.ubuntu.com/165071/20:10
kegstershadeslayer_: how do u install the windows boot loader?20:11
shadeslayer_kegster: ask in ##windows20:11
doleybyowshi: typically killall -9 cheese20:11
mib_da2coq32anyone know about web servers on 9.04?20:11
hateball!windows | kegster20:11
ubottukegster: For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents20:11
Lenin_Cathateball, I always do manual, and thats what I thought I had to do, just wanted to be sure.20:11
FUbbyCDhttp://www.oprah.com/article/oprahshow/20090430-tows-kfc-coupon-download   last time im going to post it I promise .. what do you guys think about it20:11
Dr_WillisHmm.. someone in here yesterday couldent figure out how to enable the 'theme sounds' in gnome.. I found a checkbox under the 'volume control' applet that does it. :)  i wonder if he ever figured it out.20:11
Lenin_Cathateball, im not a nob, I know most of the stuff on linux20:11
hateballLenin_Cat: Ok, well there's not more to it :)20:11
Saikishadeslayer_: windows bootloaded won't install on its own, it took the gub disc for mine to work20:11
Lenin_Cathateball, thanks though20:11
shadeslayer_Saiki: it did for me ;)20:11
Lenin_Cathateball, oh yah, how do I setup a software raid20:11
plumebonsoir, pouvez vous me passer le lien de ubuntu.fr20:12
ubuntistasshadeslayer what's that?20:12
shadeslayer_Saiki: its something like bootrec in vista and fixmbr in XP20:12
yowshidoleyb: well that gets rid of the cheese window but not the process in the ps -A list20:12
hateball!raid | Lenin_Cat20:12
ubottuLenin_Cat: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:12
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: ping20:12
FUbbyCDyou can do it on mac osx.. it isnt fair they always leave out linux20:12
Saikishadeslayer_: on OEMs it refuses to work, tried it before lol20:12
imp0steurHi guys20:12
yowshidoleyb:  2786 pts/0    00:00:04 cheese <defunct>20:12
hateballLenin_Cat: I havent set up raid, I only use hardware raid + LVM20:12
imp0steurI have a question .. Is it safe to have /home on NTFS partition??20:13
ubuntistasshadeslayer ping?20:13
shadeslayer_Saiki: funny thing it was OEM install i was talking about.XP or vista ?20:13
Lenin_Cathateball, what is better software raid and LVM20:13
Lenin_Catalso hateball what is the benefit of a hardware raid20:13
Saikishadeslayer_: vista20:13
Lenin_Catbesides the braging20:13
mib_da2coq32Guess no one knows in here:((20:13
calrikah crap is it because Im running ubuntu 64 that I cant get flash runtime to work?20:13
mpontillo!lamp | mib_da2coq3220:13
ubottumib_da2coq32: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:13
KyleKimp0steur: it wont automount if you have it mounted in windows and crash windows20:13
Iowahchy there. since todays updates my external monitor isn't working anymore20:13
shadeslayer_Saiki: just before the install dialouge there is a option for recovery in the bottom left corner.20:13
iktmib_da2coq32: see my response earlier20:14
Iowahcalso, I used radeonhd driver before, but now all I get is a black screen20:14
Saikishadeslayer_: mine showed no installs lol20:14
hateballLenin_Cat: Well hardware raid is dedicated hardware for the task... and I'm just used to it that way. LVM is nice for resizing pools and so, when you need to add space quick and easy20:14
shadeslayer_Saiki: what?? i mean when you boot from a recovery disc20:14
imp0steuranybody ?? Is it safe to have move /home to NTFS partition??20:14
yowshiLenin_Cat: those are two compeltly different hard drive setups far as i know. LVM binds multiple hard drives together as one volume as i understand it and raid sets up multiple partitions/hard drives to act as a single hard drive one backing up the others if i recall correctly20:14
ikt<Lenin_Cat> also hateball what is the benefit of a hardware raid <- doesn't rely on software :P which means better compatibility/more likely to work better with linux20:15
Saikishadeslayer_: exactly what I mean20:15
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: yes?20:15
ubuntistasshadeslayer what can i do man sources are a mess20:16
tapspatth0r : Thank you ! Your help is much appreciated ! I am working with the IT guys.20:16
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: i told you to look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/165071/20:16
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: leave out the ones at the very bottom20:16
ubuntistasshadeslayer  is that you r list20:16
unopimp0steur,  I wouldn't suggest doing that .. some programs could behave funny because they need the right unix permissions and ownership on files in your home dir20:16
Mathew_VE8MNwould any one in here have any idea on or how to edit the boot manager and is there a graphical interface?20:16
mikechi parla italiano qui?20:17
=== mike is now known as Guest40425
Iowahcmy external monitor is pink20:17
unop!it | Guest4042520:17
ubottuGuest40425: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:17
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: oooh youre in luck http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-997890.html20:17
Iowahcsomeone help me?20:17
_Kendall78Where is a good tutorial on wpa_supplicant. In particular setting up wpa_supplicant.conf for WPA2+PSK on my laptops internal Intel PRO wireless?20:17
kegsterif i dont remember any of my user / passwords for ubuntu, how do i login?20:17
imp0steurunop: Ok .. but how often does data gets stored in /home??20:17
hateballkegster: Use recovery mode to reset the passwords20:18
pepperjackkegster: single user shell is how i normally do it.20:18
Pici!password>  kegster20:18
ubottukegster, please see my private message20:18
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: #2 looks complete20:18
unopimp0steur, every time a program needs to make a record of setting that pertain to you .. and with a regular desktop, that is - very often20:18
raven_how can i muxx a video from audio and video files using FFMPEG?20:18
imp0steurunop: m new to linux .. /home would b used for users configuration and preferences??20:18
unopimp0steur, that's right20:18
ubuntistasshadeslayer do i have to delete all my source list and put the #220:19
genii-aroundimp0steur: /home/username20:19
Lenin_Cathateball, can I put a preexisting partition in a LVM20:19
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: yep20:19
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: do you have any custom repo added?20:19
imp0steurunop: yes .. I have a large NTFS partition where I generally store my data .. So if my /home isn't big .. it would b ok right??20:19
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: do back it up :)20:19
ubuntistaswhat's that shadeslayer?20:19
darkhelmetlivei'm having sound issues on a dell E521. i get zero sound at all, despite the pulse audio thing showing sound coming through20:19
hateballLenin_Cat: Nope, not in any way I know of anyhow20:19
ubuntistashow back up  shadeslayer?20:20
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: like i have a chromium repo added specially20:20
Iowahc_my external monitor is pink20:20
unopimp0steur, bad logic - no, even if you didn't have very much - you still need a unix filesystem20:20
ubuntistasi have medibuntu20:20
xcituHi. Got internet issues. "Connection enabled", but can't surf the internet. Anyone?20:20
xcituCan anyone help?20:20
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: ok just replace the  sources.list with #2 and add medibuntu from medibuntu.org20:20
=== CamargoBP is now known as CamargoBP|away
xcituHi. Got internet issues. "Connection enabled", but can't surf the internet. Anyone?20:21
imp0steurunop: I mean all my downloads, music n movies goes into my ntfs drive .. anything related to Ubuntu stays in /root I have not created a separate /home ..20:21
xcituCan anyone help?20:21
pepperjackxcitu: check your dns first id think then route.  can you ping or go to that in browser?20:21
shadeslayer_!help | xcitu20:21
ubottuxcitu: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:21
shadeslayer_damn i need to remember that factoid20:21
sacarlsonxcitu:  can't surf but you are here?20:21
xcituI'll check. I got wired network btw. I get Connection Established, but cant do anything that requires internet. For example sudo apt-get update20:22
unopimp0steur, put all your personal data like that in a separate directory like ~/Desktop .. and mount ~/Desktop on your ntfs drive - that would be ok20:22
Pici!ask | xcitu shadeslayer_20:22
ubottuxcitu shadeslayer_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:22
Iowahc_radeonhd support somewhere?20:22
RovanionDoes anyone know how to install Jahshaka?20:22
pepperjackIowahc_: #radeonhd and #radeon channels20:22
manishany one help me printer on ubuntu20:22
sacarlsonxcitu:  is the the computer you are chating on?20:22
shadeslayer_!cups > manish20:22
ubottumanish, please see my private message20:22
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: done?20:22
xcitusacarlson: No :P20:22
xcituTrying 2 ping, back in 1 min20:23
pepperjackxcitu: if that works try to ping google.com then too see if one works but not other20:23
imp0steurunop: Ok .. But is it safe in using read/write NTFS?? I have auto mounted the NTFS partitions .. I read a thread (Probably an old one) that says its not safe to read/write NTFS .. I am using Ubuntu 9.04 x6420:23
darkhelmetliveanybody else have sound problem on jaunty?20:24
SultansElephantis ubuntu-it only in italian20:24
shadeslayer_!sound | darkhelmetlive20:24
ubottudarkhelmetlive: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:24
JSidhucan someone help me with a ubuntu/snmpd problem? Im trying to monitor my system via cacti but its not reporting anything for the Interface Statistics.. is this is a config issue?20:24
ShAdoW_LnXHi i have a problem in a Acer Laptop, when i try to shut down my laptop. It stops hard drives but does not power off laptop. I have to press power button manually. i  try with acpi=force but dont work, any idea?? (sorry for my english)20:24
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: are you there or should i go :) ??20:24
hateballimp0steur: ntfs-3g is ok-ish, but if you use it all the time you'd be better off with a proper filesystem like ext3/420:24
ubuntistasshadeslayer done how can i install gtk 2 and linjib?20:25
shadeslayer_ShAdoW_LnX: maybe its sleeping / suspending to RAM20:25
sedekiAre there any good IRC clients for gnome, apart from xchat-gnome?20:25
unopimp0steur, if you value your data - use a reputed filesystem - that's my 2 pence.20:25
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: first sudo apt-get update20:25
darkhelmetliveif i wanted the help of a bot i would've asked...20:25
imp0steurhateball: humm .. then I guess mounting ext3/4 in windows wouldn't safe either20:26
tobywuksedeki, there are lots, you just need to look around. remember you can run kde software on gnome.20:26
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hateballimp0steur: I wouldnt know, I dont use Windows20:26
angry_can someone tell me what i did wrong ?20:26
Rovanionsedeki: Irssi if you are into the console. The gui chat app Pidgin also works as irc client20:26
imp0steurunop: reputed filesystem ext?20:26
ubuntistasshadeslayer let me add medibuntu source20:26
AndIrchello world from my g120:26
pepperjackimp0steur: the ext2 drivers on windows are.. poort20:26
ShAdoW_LnXshadeslayer: if i press a key or touchpad the laps shutdown20:26
sedekiRovanion: i have a ugly console window to run irssi in20:26
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: ok20:27
ubuntistasshadeslayer do i have to check jaunty partner now?20:27
jribangry_: -ENOCONTEXT20:27
unopimp0steur, ext is probably the most widely used/supported, it's a safe bet.20:27
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: yes20:27
himanyone knwo a tftp client gui ?20:27
ubuntistasshadeslayer source code too20:27
Rovanionsedeki: But there are a lot of apps out there, just search the repos.20:27
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: not necessary20:28
KB1JWQhim: http://code.google.com/p/tftpgui/20:28
sedekiRovanion: which one do you use?20:28
imp0steurunop: humm ok20:28
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: what packages are you going to install btw?20:28
eseven73Can someone verify if http://esevendesigns.fairuse.org/wordpress works? I got port 80 forwarded but according to google analitics and SiteMeter I'm not getting any "Unique" Visitors in almost 2 weeks20:28
pepperjack!repos > sedeki20:28
ubottusedeki, please see my private message20:28
angry_jrib,  what ?20:28
=== jeagle is now known as n8tuser
jribangry_: exactly my question20:28
himKB1JWQ, its windows though.20:28
BilokShemmmmmmm yeah put that in me20:29
KB1JWQhim: Not so.  Go back and reread.20:29
angry_i installed the open source driver from ati20:29
jribangry_: you provided a link to a log with no context20:29
angry_and x wont start normal..20:29
angry_i need to run it in low graphic20:29
shadeslayer_jrib: its after 130 lines or so20:29
jribangry_: define "normal"20:29
imp0steurunop: hateball: thank you guys .. I would not stick with whatever partition I have ..20:29
Rovanionsedeki: liece and a ton of others...20:29
manishwhy printer printer garbaz some time in ubuntu20:30
himKB1JWQ, i see sorry. thanks for your help20:30
KB1JWQhim: No worries.20:30
shadeslayer_manish: what?20:30
manishmy printer print garbaz and block some times why20:30
shadeslayer_manish: garbage?20:31
ubuntistasshadeslayer  gtk 2 and libnjib20:31
shadeslayer_manish: did you check those wiki's i sent?20:31
SultansElephantim having trouble playing a .swf and i have all the plugins20:31
manishbut i have other problem20:31
manishmy printer work and give print out20:32
manishbut in landscape printing it print potrate20:32
kdubapt-get is segfaulting20:32
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: they.....dont seem to exsist in jaunty :(20:32
neko_Is people using an intel x4500hd chipset have graphical bugs ?20:32
manishya i am using x450020:33
manishwork fine20:33
neko_yes ?20:33
BilokShemWhy cant I install Jaunty on my Ubuntu?20:33
neko_manish some hd version ?20:33
kdubBilokShem: that question is not formed well20:33
ubuntistasso i cannot connect with gnomad anyway thx , i lost 2 hours for nothing shadeslayer20:33
shadeslayer_BilokShem: uh..download a CD > burn CD > install ubuntu20:33
* buklovesbeer_ paei gia tsigara prin kleisei to mpakaliko20:33
neko_manish you did something special having it work correctly or it was working out of the box ?20:34
seradinHi. I installed ubuntu-netbook-remix and disabled the netbook-launcher, is there a way to show the traditional desktop ? I'dont want to switch to the 'classic desktop' because i want to have the panel of the netbook-desktop-mode ;)20:34
kdubBilokShem: jaunty is the release name, its the same as asking "why cant i install XP on my Windows?"20:34
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: at least your sources are correct now20:34
seradini mean the desktop icons with traditional desktop20:34
manishi using site20:34
manishlike linux graphic20:34
andre54Hello all20:34
manishand write some point in xorg.cong20:34
shadeslayer_ubuntistas: you could still try finding a ppa for it,or something similar20:35
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:35
manishneko_ it is not working in ubuntu 8.0420:35
manishi have 9.0420:35
mroci'm getting a latex error:  doublespace.sty not found.   what package do i need to install to get this??20:36
neko_i have the jaunty20:36
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
manishthen it have to work20:36
arvernesI can't remember which version of 8.04lts I installed. a desktop or server. How do I know which one is installed ?20:36
seradinhow can i show the normal desktop icons under ubuntu-netbook-remix?20:36
shiznebithmm any one might know how to setup a VPN+IPTV connection ?20:37
manishany one help me on printer page settings and printing problem20:37
shadeslayerKB1JWQ: he quit without even saying thanks,i should have charged him ;)20:37
manishwhy my hp printer print garbage some time20:37
luisloboI've got a Synthesizer that is not supported under the current kernel (usb-audio + usb-midi) but have been able to create a patch do usbquirks.h that makes it work, I've mailed the alsa-devel/alsa-user list to know where to submit this patch, but got ignored, any hints ?20:37
doleybmanish: Did you try #ubuntu-in20:37
SultansElephantDoes it matter if you use synaptic or update manager to update?20:38
KB1JWQshadeslayer: I'm astounded you put up with that attitude from him; I'd have laughed in his face and wished him good luck.20:38
manishsorry not yet20:38
KB1JWQshiznebit: Sure.20:38
mrocSultansElephant: as far as i know, it shouldn't matter.20:38
BilokShemI have an Eee PC 701 with Ubuntu and I want to upgrade from 8.10 but it says I don't have enough memory to upgrade20:38
shadeslayerKB1JWQ: its a help channel,you arent helping if you laught at him in the face20:38
BilokShemHow do I get more disk space?20:38
KB1JWQBilokShem: How much RAM?20:38
KB1JWQBilokShem: Wait, memory, or disk space?20:38
SultansElephantBilokShem: you have to shrink your other partition20:39
ubuntu3hi how can i get mp3 working and dvd working in ubuntu 9.0420:39
KB1JWQshadeslayer: Right, but you're not helping him either if you spoonfeed him when he's rude and demanding.20:39
ubuntu3because i want to watch movies on it and listen to music20:39
SultansElephantuse the GParted live CD20:39
pepperjack!restricted | ubuntu320:39
ubottuubuntu3: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:39
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash20:39
ubuntu3i guess you can listen to music on ubuntu too?20:39
ubuntu3ill remove windows if i can20:39
KB1JWQBilokShem: df -h to a pastebin, please.20:40
shadeslayerKB1JWQ: well maybe im helping him because 3 months earlier i had the same problem understanding what a repo,distro,IRC client,sudo,gksu,eyc is :P20:40
pepperjackubuntu3: yes. movies, dvds music ect will all work we just cant include the codecs by default due to legal issues. so you have to install the package20:40
shiznebitKB1JWQ: care to share ;)20:40
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:40
shadeslayer!pastebin > BilokShem20:40
KB1JWQ!pastebin | BilokShem20:40
ubottuBilokShem, please see my private message20:40
ubottuBilokShem: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:40
=== ubuntistas_ is now known as ubuntistas
shadeslayerpoor ubottu20:41
m1dlgmy eyes(ears)20:41
tobywukBilokShem, use a program called gparted to shrink partitions20:41
ubuntistasi upgraded to jaunty and gnomad2 doesn't work any clue?20:41
ubuntistasNo jukeboxes found on USB bus20:41
BilokShemgparted or retarded?20:41
shadeslayerBilokShem: ubottu hates you20:41
SultansElephantBilokShem: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php20:41
SultansElephantdownload and burn the image file20:41
shadeslayerubuntistas: is the problem solved?20:41
SultansElephantthen boot into gparted live cd, use the help files.. shrink your old partition (but defrag it first) and then move it over20:42
mrochi all.  i'm getting a latex error:  doublespace.sty not found.   what package do i need to install to get this??20:42
BilokShemOh yeah20:42
SultansElephantis your other part windows20:42
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:42
ubuntistasi upgraded to jaunty and gnomad2 doesn't work any clue?20:43
ubuntistasNo jukeboxes found on USB bus20:43
SultansElephantBilokShem: youre dual booting right20:43
DaremonaiDoes anyone know how Ubuntu 9.04 deals with SYN cookies?20:43
yowshigrrr i need a programme to record from my webcam that doesnt bloody crash and freeze up the webcam20:43
SultansElephantBilokShem: were you talking about HD space?20:43
doleybDaremonai: um... I don't think that's changed for many versions.20:43
BilokShemI have an eee pc 70120:44
BilokShemI dont have a big HD20:44
BilokShemor a CD drive20:44
SultansElephantBilokShem: So you have another partition?20:44
Daremonaidoleyb: alright. I'll check older versions then, if you have a reference, that would be great.20:44
BilokShemI have a SD card20:44
doleybDaremonai: do you observe a problem?20:44
darrenloobyRight, so my set up is PC -> Router <- Laptop.... I'm using my laptop as a test server. Can I also use it as some sort of DNS, so that I can capture all requests to 'example.com' on my LAN and serve the local version?20:44
SultansElephantBilokShem: You can get an external harddrive20:44
BilokShemtoo expensive20:44
SultansElephantusb drives20:44
SultansElephantyou're the one who bought the netbook =P20:45
BilokShem3 usb drives20:45
BilokShemfor 50 dollars20:45
Daremonaidoleyb, no, I'm doing research on SYN cookies on different OSes, I would just like to see how it's being done, and get information on them.20:45
hateballdarrenlooby: you could use squid20:45
manishis ubuntu worry about printing ?20:45
darrenloobyhateball, ok - looking it up now...20:45
BilokShemThis netbook is awesome, it's got bawls20:45
SultansElephantmanish: is English your first language?20:45
SultansElephantwhat is your first lang20:45
mrbhey everybody... anyone can help me with the dd_rescue ??  i need the help plz !20:45
manishor rajasthani20:46
BilokShemI dont like indians20:46
hatter243!in | manish20:46
ubottumanish: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India20:46
BilokShemthey smell like bawls20:46
PiciBilokShem: stop20:46
shadeslayerBilokShem: you would hate me then ;)20:46
=== imp0steur is now known as imp0steur|afk
manishi think some people do't like indian20:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:46
ubottuNOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.20:46
manishand many indian do't like ubuntu20:46
manishso i am here20:46
pepperjackBilokShem: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab   just add the ssd card or whatever you use to that to specify the mount point you want for instance /media/share or whatever.  basically plug it in and do dmesg | tail youll see like sdb1 or sdc1 etc and so add a line like /dev/sdb1 /media/share  auto defaults 0 0   to fstab20:46
shadeslayermanish: LIES20:46
mroccan anyone here answer a LaTeX question - which package has doublespace.sty ?20:47
hbekeldarrenlooby: if you an entry of your laptop's ip to your PC's /etc/hosts file you should be able to access the laptop on the local lan under the name you've given in /etc/hosts20:47
kdub1mroc use apt-file20:47
shadeslayermanish: ill answer you in PM20:47
hbekeldarrenlooby: if you *add20:47
SultansElephantmanish: just asked because maybe there would be a native language channel.. but what do you mean printer worry.. do you mean can ubuntu handle printers?20:48
mrockdub1: thank you.  usage info?  seems not to be in the man pages as apt-file.20:48
cptbloodif i create an .sh file to install something on a computer, and then copy that command to an other computer, will it run all the same without differencies?20:48
MeXTuxI'm using Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron and would like to know where is the menu config file. I use GNOME. Everytime I want to modify the menu I use alacarte but don't know where is the menu file20:48
darrenloobyhbekel, yea, I've done that - but when I add new ones, I want to be able to just do it on the laptop. And, later, I'll want to do it so whenever anyone else goes on my LAN - I'll be able to do the same without having the play on their machine.20:48
kdub1mroc, i think you do apt-file update to fill the listings, and apt-file search <file> to use20:49
mrockdub1: nevermind...didn't have apt-file installed.  makes sense i wouldn't have info on it then.20:49
jimcooncatcptblood: that's not a given, depends on what's in the .sh file. Many times it will work though20:49
BilokShemoohh I wish I would have met you I'd say nice shot!20:49
cptbloodit will download and configure && make && sudo make install a package20:50
=== sale_ is now known as sale
cptbloodyou think it'll be do-able jimcooncat?20:50
=== danorsk is now known as danorsk[afk]
deanywhere is "publisher" in open office?20:51
mrbanybody knows anything about dd_resuce ?20:51
hbekeldarrenlooby: try dnsmasqd then20:51
DumDUmhey i cant install my graphic card drivers on 9.0420:51
jimcooncatcptblood: it's iffy. especially if it has dependencies.20:51
=== sedeki_ is now known as sedeki
eseven73deany, I think scribus is the desktop publisher for linux, is that what you wanted?20:53
hateballdeany: Scribus would be an equivalent, OOo does not really have one20:53
Armageddonguys, is there any way to download ubuntu updates for the amd64 under a windows and then use them to update ubuntu ?20:53
jimcooncatcptblood: if you're installing on a very similar system, then more likely it will work. You have to trust the source, though -- and since it's auto-downloading, trust where it's hosted20:53
darrenloobyhbekel, what would happen if I turned my laptop off? Would my PC then just look on the internet?20:53
DumDUmhey i cant install my graphic card drivers on 9.04 pls help me20:53
cptbloodit'd be downloading the XBMC svn20:53
darrenloobyhbekel, will I need to mess with my router?20:53
shadeslayerDumDUm: which card?20:53
Lenin_Cat how do I upgrade to ext4 wail being on the installation I wish to upgrade20:54
DumDUmshadeslayer:  well i go to hardware drivers and i cant see my graphic card20:54
deanythanks, i`ll give it a go.20:54
douz82hi everyone20:55
shadeslayerDumDUm: lspci shows??20:55
IdhanI have a problem with libGLcore.so.1, which package containt that library to reinstall it?20:55
DumDUmyes shadeslayer20:55
usserIdhan: its usually provided by your graphics drivers20:55
hbekeldarrenlooby: you could use the laptops ip as the first nameserver in your other lan client's resolv.conf's, and add your router as the second (fallback) nameserver.20:55
Idhanusser: that's bad, I have reinstall all my graphics drivers :p20:56
shadeslayerDumDUm: what does lspci in a terminal show20:56
scuniziWhy does mtop depend on mysql?20:56
hbekeldarrenlooby: dnsmasqd is a simple caching dns server, but it also reads /etc/hosts20:56
DumDUmshadeslayer: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1)20:56
shadeslayer!nvidia | DumDUm20:56
ubottuDumDUm: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:56
shadeslayertry that20:57
tobihey folks ... someone of you using an iPod with amarok, or any other programm ?!20:57
shadeslayeroh maybe the 5200 is not supported by the 180 drivers20:57
hbekeldarrenlooby: so you could have dnsmasqd simply use your router, but also use your special ips from your laptop's /etc/hosts20:57
shadeslayeracidicbase: hey got a quick question for you20:58
darrenloobyhbbs, I'll try and see if I can get it working then20:58
Dr_WillisI think the nvidia 5200 uses the other drivers... not the 180 ones..  its an older card20:58
shadeslayeracidicbase: not you20:58
darrenloobyhbekel, I'll try and see if I can get it working then20:58
shadeslayerDr_Willis: yeah thats what i was thinking20:58
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  i know my Nvidia 5500 does NOT use the same driver as my 8800gtsXXX20:58
darrenloobyhbekel, do I install it on my PC or on my Laptop?20:58
shadeslayerDr_Willis: hmm...20:59
=== Ehsun_Amanolahi is now known as ese
hbekeldarrenlooby: whichever you want to use as the local dns server20:59
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  i learned that the Hard way one day...:)20:59
darrenloobyhbekel, cool thanks20:59
shadeslayerDr_Willis: im just checking out links which lists which cards are supported21:00
konflictHey all, let's say I have a script I run, a simple .sh script that brings up my ipv6 tunnel (its just some ifconfig commands) but I want it to automatically run this script after bootup.  What ist he best way to go about this?21:00
deanyscribus looks like a gtk1 app, ugly. anything newer?21:00
Armageddonguys is there anyway to download the latest ubuntu updates from the website under another operating system without knowing what update packages i need ? i need them all i just installed the ubuntu amd 64 beta release...21:00
deanythat or its qt.21:00
kdub1my base system is installed on ext3. is it possible to upgrade that to ext4 w/o wiping the disk?21:00
Dr_Williskonflict:  run it from /etc/rc.local is one way21:00
shadeslayerDr_Willis: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/169.12/README/appendix-a.html21:00
luigihelp me to use canon ip 1500 on kubuntu21:01
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  yep. :) nvidia docs..  thats the way to go21:01
Lenin_Cat how do I upgrade to ext4 wail being on the installation I wish to upgrade21:01
=== andrea is now known as Guest70148
shadeslayerDr_Willis: GeForce FX Go5200 32M/64M wonder what he had21:01
tobinoone using an ipod?21:02
psychicis there anyway to make a desktop shortcut to firefox?21:02
pepperjacktobi: i have one what is the question21:02
hateballkdub1: Yes, thats possible. But you'll need a cd to boot from21:02
shadeslayertobi: use banshee for best support imo21:02
konflictDr_Willis: I will check that out, thanks!21:02
luigicosa ti serve sapere guest7014821:02
Armageddontobi: it should work directly when you plug, ubuntu has the program for it21:02
hateballpsychic: rightclick the entry in the menu, choose add to desktop21:02
psychichateball thank you21:03
pepperjacktobi: you have a few options.  1) install rockbox firmware. i did this and prefer it to the more closed apple firmware. 2) ipod is well supported you can run banshee, gtkpod (only one ive used) etc21:03
Dr_Willispsychic:  or drag/drop from menu to desktop21:03
stefgkonflict: look at /etc/rc.local21:03
tobiArmageddon, which programm should it be?! My pod not even pops up on my desk. It's just findable in the MEDIA device!21:03
maxoI was just wondering whether there was a keyboard shortcut in evolution to mark a message as important?21:03
psychichateball that didnt work21:04
tobinice pepperjack! thx a lot ... rockbox is more iTunes likely?!21:04
psychicDr_Willis neither does drag and drop work21:04
yowshigod dammit crashed again with an inpput output error21:04
pepperjacktobi: rockbox is a whole new interface. you can basically using rockbox just drag and drop mp3 files to the ipod no need for itunes. but be careful. maybe make sure you have a windows machine with itunes installed to recover from if necessary21:05
tritiumyowshi: watch the language21:06
guntbertyowshi: who/what crashed?21:06
pisiqis there any application to clean trash logs cookies history and those things for ubuntu ?21:06
pepperjacktobi: the ipod as it is though will work. just need to run banshee or gtkpod whatever you prefer21:06
tobipepperjack: that's the point! I'm still using my MS system for syncing my pod ...21:06
kane77pepperjack, is rockbox better than ipodlinux? I tried that once, but was not able to play anything21:06
yowshiguntbert: this time is was the gst-launch-0.10 v4l2src ! xvimagesink command. since i cant bloody find any software that wont crash on me i figured i would use this command and gtk record my desktop to record the window and make a video that way21:07
pepperjackkane77: more robust.  it works well and is pretty slick. the installer these days takes care of the whole thing no real low level work needed.21:07
tobiis banshee or gtkpod necessary to get the ipod mounted as a device?21:07
Armageddonguys is there anyway to download the latest ubuntu updates from the website under another operating system without knowing what update packages i need ? i need them all i just installed the ubuntu amd 64 beta release...21:07
mgmuscarihas anybody heard any acknowledgement from the development community of the problem with ATi cards and Jaunty/Compiz?21:07
kane77pepperjack, now you got me interested :)21:07
pepperjacktobi: no only to write new files, play lists etc. the ipod should just mount21:07
yowshiguntbert: every programme i try to use either crashes or cant get input from the camera21:08
xanguaamd 64 beta Armageddon ¿¿21:08
TonyTheTigerhi, how can i make sure my ubuntu can handle gfx intensive apps? I have amd xpress 200m gfx chipset in my laptop and I dont know if the drivers are installed for it.21:08
Armageddontobi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod21:08
admin_masu3701how to have my downloaded files to go automatically to /download? how can i set that up?21:08
tobihmmm.... if I install rockbox, I don't need gtkpod nor banshee?!21:08
admin_masu3701in ubuntu21:08
Armageddonxangua: im not blessed and born in a country where the conncetion is 600K mine is 10K and i dont have internet most of the time like now21:09
guntbertyowshi: ah, I didn't know you were talking about video - sorry no experience here for this21:09
pepperjackTonyTheTiger: lsmod will list the drivers currently loaded.  you can always install tremulous (online fps) as a test :).  or just run glxgears21:09
xanguaArmageddon: then why you don's ask canonical to send you one ¿¿21:09
BigMoopiesdoes Ubuntu come with e1000e or e1000 driver for NICs?21:09
admin_masu3701how to have my downloaded files to go automatically to /download? how can i set that up?21:10
pepperjackBigMoopies: yes21:10
BigMoopiespepperjack: it doesn't seem like I can use my NIC, it just makes the router light 'twinkle'21:10
BigMoopiespepperjack: in Ubuntu after Hardy21:10
Armageddonxangua: i tried with the 8.04, i never got the cd, yes the mail is that shity, i managed to download the jaunty days before its release21:10
mgmuscariadmin_masu3701: that's a firefox setting and it's ubiquitious across all OS's21:10
BigMoopiespepperjack: IE: Jaunty and Intrepid21:10
guntbertbut yowshi you might get better responses if you describe your problem clearly (like you did in your answer to me) and without swear words :-)21:10
TonyTheTigerpepperjack, I have set ubuntu to the 3rd option for desktop effects and its running fine, should i assume everything is hunky dory?21:11
BigMoopiespepperjack: http://hardware4linux.info/component/34798/21:11
xanguaArmageddon: go to the mail office of you comunity, somethimes they will not delivere it jus because is a package from out the country21:11
pepperjackBigMoopies: does lsmod show it?  maybe rmmod the current module if a diff one is being used and modprobe the one you think it should be.  as a test i often pop in a livecd and run lsmod to find the right module if the nic works21:11
TonyTheTigerand glxgears works fine too21:11
yowshiguntbert: sorry about that. i am just frustrated i have been trying off and on for a week now and the best i can currently do is get snapshots from it21:11
BigMoopiespepperjack: i wouldn't know, I didn't install it since it doesn't work.21:12
xanguaArmageddon: here when i live (méxico9 i 've heard that when you go for them they wanted to pay for it21:12
pepperjackTonyTheTiger: sounds like youre in good shape21:12
xanguaagg my english is awful today21:12
TonyTheTigerpepperjack, cheers.21:12
Armageddonxangua: good luck with that :) dude i consider my country a 10th position out of 3 btw21:12
yowshiguntbert: the most frustrating thing is every time a programme freeze i must reboot before trying any other solutions21:12
Alteriosadmin_masu: is the download folder in the root file system or in your home folder?21:12
BigMoopiespepperjack: how should I go back trying to fix this?21:13
yowshidoes anyone know how to get a device out of the cluthces of a zombied process without rebooting?21:13
jimcooncatI tried to make a live USB from a live CD, but it's not booting. Could it be because it's a sandisk cruzer?21:13
Armageddonits ok xangua, your english is still better then a lot i know21:14
guntbertyowshi: I can understand your frustration, sorry that I'm not able to help - good luck anyway / by "freeze" you mean no keys are working? if you have a 2nd computer you might be able to ssh into the frozen one and kill the offending process21:14
BigMoopiespepperjack: could I figure out what Hardy has in "lsmod" ? and see if it is different in Juanty and Intrepid ?21:15
_Kendall78Where is a good tutorial on setting up wpa_supplicant. In particular the wpa_supplicant.conf.21:15
Lenin_Cathow do I upgrade to ext421:15
yowshiguntbert: by when a programme freezes i mean when a programme crashes21:15
yowshiguntbert: what happens is when a programme accessing the webcam crashes it locks up the webcam and nothign else can use it21:15
yowshidoes anyone know how to get a device out of the cluthces of a zombied process without rebooting?21:15
pepperjackBigMoopies: that is an option yeah. are you sure it is a driver issue and not dns or a routing problem?21:15
pepperjackBigMoopies: i found a really good howto on compiling it though it if youre interested: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=551720&page=421:16
adnchello, anytime i type and accidently touch  my touchpanel i do mistakes during typing, there was a nice howto to solve this, could someone please point me to it?21:17
guntbertyowshi: you could look if that "crashed" program is still active (see man ps) and then kill it (see man kill)21:17
mattis there a fix for a realtek alc888 soundcard?21:17
yowshiguntbert: that ius part of the mproblem it is still active. programmes accessing the webcam never actually die at best thet go zombie21:18
tom__just install ubuntu on laptop21:18
yowshiguntbert: but even as zombies they still holt the webcam21:18
tom__firefox is slow and i havent changed any settings21:18
tom__any ideas?21:18
Dr_Willisadnc:  i saw some infoon that topic on the 'ubntu acer aspire one wiki page' i think21:18
tom__rest of the system is fine, just firefox21:18
tom__machine is dual core21:18
koraheya, im using jaunty now and have a question about language support: i want to type hiragana (japanese symbols) into text fields, like with windows IME. is there a package that enables me to type those symbols?21:18
adncDr_Willis: unfortunately i can not find it anymore. there is a tool managing this21:19
Dr_Willisadnc:  theres was an old tool..but X updates/changes made it obsolete for a lot of things21:19
Dr_Willis!find synaptics21:19
ubottuFound: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics, gsynaptics, libsynaptics-dev, libsynaptics021:19
Dr_Willisadnc:  gsynaptics MIGHT still work21:19
=== matt is now known as spitball
guntbertyowshi: please read http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/killing-zombie-process.html, but I'm surprised to hear that a zombie still holds the device21:21
yowshiguntbert: i have already read that21:22
adncDr_Willis: gsynaptics is installed and on my system menu, but there is no option for this behaviour21:22
InjEctOri've big problem happends with me now21:22
yowshieven wierder when i unplug the webcam and plug it back in it doesnt show in dmesg21:22
MHz128What is the difference between running  apps from "Startup Applications" and rc.local ?21:23
aminhhey guys when you install postgresql and postgresql-client, doesn't the installation create a 'postgres' linux user?21:23
aminhit should21:23
Dr_Willisadnc:  X has changed a lot of things related to the touchpad. theres new tools to tweak those settings. I had some command for the AcerAspireone that would disable the touchpad if you typed.21:23
adncDr_Willis: exact thats the behaviour i would like, but how to enable it for a samsung q4521:24
Lenin_Cathow do I upgrade to ext421:24
tobipepperjack: my ipod seems to be mounted (I can find it under Media) but amarok, banshee or hipo can not find the pod, an idea?21:24
ikoniaLenin_Cat: you can't, you need to do a clean install21:24
InjEctOrduring upgrading ubuntu the connection had stop , now when trying to reupgrade i encountered this message21:25
Lenin_Catikonia, ive read from various sources that you can21:25
InjEctOrThe package 'openssl' is in an inconsistent state and needs to be reinstalled, but no archive can be found for it. Do you want to remove this package now to continue?21:25
ikoniaLenin_Cat: you can't21:25
InjEctOrany help21:25
guntbertyowshi: ok - you know then that you can remove a zombie completely by killing its parent - but about the webcam - really no experience here - please ask the channel again - good luck21:25
Lenin_Catikaros, orly google upgrade ext4 jaunty21:26
funkyHatLenin_Cat: http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-upgrade-from-ext3-to-ext4-without-formatting-the-hard-disk/2009/04/21 apparently21:26
yowshidoes anyone know how to get a device out of the cluthces of a zombied process without rebooting?21:26
jimcooncatI tried to make a live USB from a live CD, but it's not booting. Could it be because it's a sandisk cruzer?21:26
stefgkora: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97514421:26
ikoniaLenin_Cat: if you know how to do it, why are you asking how to do it21:26
Lenin_Catikonia, but all the tortuals I find need a unmounted21:28
Lenin_Catikonia, Im looking for mounted21:28
ikoniaLenin_Cat: yes, because you need to not have an install it use21:28
olivier_Hi there ! Is anyone know how to make my tv sound work in 9.04 ? I use a 7134 tv chip and run a p5q3 motherboard21:28
ikoniaLenin_Cat: ext3 is not an online file system21:28
funkyHatLenin_Cat: you won't find it. use a live CD21:28
InjEctOri'm waiting for help21:29
ikoniaInjEctOr: not seen you ask a question21:29
guntbert!attitude | InjEctOr21:29
ubottuInjEctOr: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:29
glitsj16yowshi: i take it you've tried "kill -9" on the zombie ?21:29
adncDr_Willis: could you point me to the wiki page you used21:30
olivier_I can see there's sound input in the viewmeter related to the tv activity but still no sound output21:30
jimi_hendrixmzz, you there21:30
admin_masu3701am having sound problems due to flash player for 2 now...would re-installing the system be a good choice?21:30
ikoniaLenin_Cat: read this21:30
ikoniaLenin_Cat: http://buranen.info/?p=34521:30
ikoniaLenin_Cat: read that line that says "if you want to use ext4 at it's full capability you cannot simpley upgrade"21:30
ikoniaLenin_Cat: as I said - you don't upgrade21:31
erUSUL!es | gustavo21:31
ubottugustavo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:31
gustavoalguien en espaòol21:31
pacohey i need a little bit of help21:31
glitsj16olivier_: have you tried moving the stream to another output device in that pavucontrol window yet ?21:31
Lenin_Catikonia, if you defrag your partition you can21:31
ikoniaLenin_Cat: no21:31
guntbert!ask | paco21:31
ubottupaco: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:31
Lenin_Catikonia, read the last commend21:32
ikoniaLenin_Cat: I have,21:32
Lenin_Cat. The online defrag tool will be able to migrate each one of those files to a extent format21:32
InjEctOrduring upgrading ubuntu the connection had stop , now when trying to reupgrade i encountered this message21:32
InjEctOrThe package 'openssl' is in an inconsistent state and needs to be reinstalled, but no archive can be found for it. Do you want to remove this package now to continue?21:32
ikoniaLenin_Cat: it won't work21:32
Lenin_Catikonia, why not?21:33
glitsj16admin_masu3701: before doing a full reinstall, try removing all flash related packages you have and reinstall those, seems worth a shot21:33
ikoniaLenin_Cat: you'll have to look at the tools for that21:33
yowshidoes anyone know how to get a device out of the cluthces of a zombied process without rebooting?21:33
* sharperguy is pretty disappointed with 9.04...21:33
ikoniashadesla1er: then don't use it21:33
InjEctOrglitsj16: I'm newbie, can u give me more details21:33
ikoniashadesla1er: sorry21:33
shadesla1erikonia: no problem :)21:34
ikoniashadesla1er: don't use it then, there are plenty of options, or explain your problems and we may be able to work through them21:34
shadesla1erikonia: again??21:34
olivier_glitsj16: haven't saw that yet, what do you recommend ? I have an output device that is my TV card, and Now that I've unclicked the 'shield' button, I can see the viewmeter moving accordlingly to the tv, but still no sound21:34
admin_masu3701glistsj16: how to remve all flash files?21:34
ikoniashadesla1er: ughh, sorry21:34
sharperguyikonia, sha<tab> never works for me btw...21:34
pacoi installed ubuntu 9.04 beta (like a month ago) and i updated the system, but i think something still wrong with my system so i wanted to reinstall ubuntu 9.04  again. If there is like a command to do it (I dont need to make a backup)21:34
shadesla1ersharperguy: dont use it :P21:34
stroyanyowshi: A real zombie process is just one that has not been harvested yet by its parent.  It shouldn't be holding any devices open.21:35
hitttpaco: no21:35
johnis this a help channel?21:35
sharperguyikonia, anyway it's just the general changes across the board seem to irritate me more than anything. I'm going to upgrade anyway it's just irritating21:35
hitttjohn: yes21:35
kevman86hi everyone21:35
=== john is now known as Guest50971
pacoso i have to download the iso file21:35
th0rpaco: when you reinstall just tell the installation to format the partition21:35
Guest50971ok im new to ubuntu21:35
Guest50971and i cant get any sound to work21:35
hitttis there a netinstall?21:35
stroyanyowshi: If you kill the parent process of a zombie then the zombie should be adopted by the init process, pid 1, and harvested right away.21:35
erUSUL!install | hittt21:36
ubottuhittt: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate21:36
jrib!minimal | hittt21:36
ubottuhittt: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:36
Guest50971anyone know how to fix?21:36
stefgpaco: the actual installer (ubiquity) is not in the installed system. So just get a release CD and do a normal install (possibly using a USB thumb drive which is much quicker)21:36
glitsj16admin_masu3701: if you have synaptic open, do a search for "flash", "gnash", "swfdec" and se what you have there ... it should only take flashplugin-nonfree to have a working plugin21:36
_CommandeR_Hi, anyone here with an Creative Card ?21:36
yowshistroyan: this isnt happening though and the process holds onto the /dev/video0 device21:37
pacohmmmm ok21:37
engemecHello everybody21:37
=== root is now known as Guest22184
Guest22184ciao sono riuscito a ripristinare il pannello in alto ma quando provo a sloggare mi da questo rrore21:37
erUSUL!it | Guest2218421:37
ubottuGuest22184: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:37
Slart_CommandeR_: please type !anyone here in the channel21:37
olivier_glitsj16: no idea ?21:37
engemecI installed Ubuntu 9.04 remix on a eeepc Asus 70121:37
pacoyes i know with a usb stick is easier, but my bios doesnt recognize usb :s21:37
_CommandeR_Hi, anyone here with an Creative Card ? [Problem is] that when i use my microphone both input and output of the microphone are linked so I always hear myself speak :(21:37
stefg!sbm | paco21:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sbm21:38
glitsj16olivier_: looking at your former messages, hang on please21:38
stefg!boot | paco21:38
ubottupaco: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:38
olivier_lol sorry21:38
FluxDIs there a way to get the external ip through ssh?21:38
pacoand my cdrom is broken hahaha so i will have to do a netboot install21:38
Slart_CommandeR_: that's a slider in the volume control..21:38
InjEctOrmy question: how can I reinstall open ssl21:38
InjEctOri see this topic http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1143212&page=221:38
InjEctOrso i tried to do the same with openssl by typing this command21:38
InjEctOrsudo apt-get --reinstall openssl21:38
InjEctOrresult :21:38
InjEctOrE: Invalid operation openssll21:38
FloodBot1InjEctOr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:38
stroyanyowshi: If a process is unkillable with open files/devices, then I would blame the device file first.  The process is likely to be stuck waiting for the device to complete a close().21:38
stefgpaco: try the smart boot manager21:38
sharperguy_CommandeR_, just mute the microphone bit in playback21:38
engemecBut, after update the system... the erro on acpi don't work, i can remove acpi controler and put the older version!21:38
_CommandeR_Slart, sharperguy. But when i speak in eg Teamspeak i want them to hear me and also not hearing myself ..21:39
barranquerooinstale ubuntu y ahora windows necesito recuperar el grub21:39
adncis it necessary to enable SHMconfig in xorg.conf. there is so less in this config file that i think the whole is managed somehow different21:39
Slart_CommandeR_: in the playback tab you have a slider called microphone or front mic or similar.. mute that21:39
hateball!es | barranqueroo21:39
yowshistroyan: well the device is a cheap webcam i dont think it has that kind of thin in it21:39
ubottubarranqueroo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:39
barranqueroouse el super grub pero no me aparece ningun menu sino una linea de comandos21:39
erUSUL!grub | barranqueroo21:39
ubottubarranqueroo: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:39
sharperguy_CommandeR_, keep the volume up but mute it21:39
abi2346hello? I posted a topic on ubuntu forum, but it got buried with no responses.21:39
abi2346i wonder if anyone can help me?21:40
glitsj16olivier_: are you taking about the pulseaudio viewmeter ? if so, that indicates pulseaudio is getting something, try opening "pavucontrol" and moving the output stream to another device to see if you can get output somewhere21:40
shadeslayer_CommandeR_: xfi ??21:40
Slart_CommandeR_: there is a slider in the "recording" tab.. that controls the sound that is recorded and sent to others via teamspeak.. the microphone slider on the "playback" tab controls how much of the microphone sound that is played back to you21:40
MeXTuXWhat does mean "%U" at the end of a launcher's command attribute ????21:40
InjEctOrhow can i reinstall openssl21:40
pacoso i guess i will make a netboot install21:40
_CommandeR_Slart, sharperguy. [Creative X-FI Elite Pro]21:40
BigMoopiespepperjack: http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r22333666-Networking-Linux-support-Networking-error21:41
surfingjesterabi2346 what is your graphics card?21:41
Slart_CommandeR_: oh.. a x-fi.. well.. you're on your own then21:41
Lenin_CatWARNING!!!  Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause SEVERE filesystem damage. <-- should I ignore this warning?21:41
crdlbMeXTuX: A list of URLs. Each URL is passed as a separate argument to the executable program. Local files may either be passed as file: URLs or as file path.21:41
BigMoopiespepperjack: That is what I was told to try by them21:41
yowshistroyan: infact even when unplugged the cameramonitor says it is on so something is really fragging up somewhere21:41
stroyanyowshi: If the webcam is USB device you may be able to unplug and plug it in the release the processes.21:41
_CommandeR_Slart, sharperguy. When i mute playback microphone the microphone also mutes..21:41
SlartLenin_Cat: does it sound like a warning that should be ignored? =)21:41
BigMoopiespepperjack: I tried turning on DHCP at the router, and using it like a real router.21:41
shadeslayer_CommandeR_: i found a forum for someone recently if you can find that,it worked for him21:41
BigMoopiespepperjack: with it just twinkling like it was a switch too21:41
arvernesusing ftp I would like to pick up the full iso image of jaunty. Is there a place where I can grab it ? I downloaded an iso image, but it is not a full distro as this image is just 750megas21:41
crdlbMeXTuX: from: http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html#exec-variables21:42
hitttLenin_cat: unmount unmount unmount21:42
_CommandeR_shadeslayer, hm21:42
pacothe reason i want to reinstall ubuntu is because i think there are some problems with my graphic card software, but i cant find a way to fix it21:42
Lenin_Cathittt, I cant its my / :P21:42
stroyanyowshi: If there is a kernel module loaded for handling the webcam then you may be able to use "sudo modprobe -r modname" to release the resources.21:42
erUSULarvernes: ubuntu isos are 700MB so you can burn it on any CD-R21:42
hitttLenin_Cat, then boot from live cd :P21:42
jawallHow do you create a recovery DVDROM of your Ubuntu Install?21:42
Slart_CommandeR_: I don't know how good the support for x-fi is in jaunty.. it was almost nonexistant in previous versions of ubuntu.. or any linux flavour really21:42
jawallincluding all the configs..21:42
shadeslayer_CommandeR_: im pretty sure about this,just google,i found it easily back then21:42
hateball!clone | jawall21:42
ubottujawall: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate21:42
SlartLenin_Cat: then boot from a live cd and run it from there21:42
quilbycan someone help me with the gnu join command at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/826812/combining-2-csv-files-by-common-column21:42
Lenin_Cathittt, but if I upgrade to ext4 I need to upgrade grub21:43
surfingjesterabi2346: what is your graphics card?21:43
SlartLenin_Cat: but never run fsck on a live, mounted partition21:43
pacoati radeon 920021:43
jerbeari've installed jaunty from the alternate disc. i can't get the login screen to come up (just black screen) after the loading screen comes up. anyone have any ideas?21:43
hateballjawall: Clonezilla is an easy way to create recovery cd's21:43
yowshistroyan: how do i find the mod name?21:43
stroyanyowshi: Learning more about any associated module could also be helpful for understanding or avoiding the hangs.  There may be known problems with a module.  Or you may be able to get better behavior by adding module parameters.21:43
InjEctOrhow to reinstall openssl21:43
hitttjerbear, does shell work?21:44
surfingjesterabi2346: losing my patience man...21:44
yowshistroyan: yeah but how do i find out if there is a module and what it's name is?21:44
SlartInjEctOr: sudo apt-get install --reinstall openssh-server, I think21:44
engemecacpi erro on Ubuntu 9.04 after update. Anybody have an ideia?21:44
stroyanyowshi: Running lsmod before and after plugging in the device may show the difference.  Or looking at the /var/log/syslog lines when the device is first plugged ing.21:44
jerbearhittt: i can't do anything, including switch to a virtual terminal21:44
olivier_glitsj16: I think I was in the pulseaudio viewmeter, but now I see the viewmeter of pavucontrol, which activated once I've unclicked the 'shield' button in front of each saa7134 device (PCM,Analog, and monitor of Analog). What do you mean 'moving the output stream to another device' ? I don't see how to do that in pavucontrol.21:44
stroyanyowshi: And, of course, you can google for the device and what other folks have said about configuring it with the same release.21:45
amikofi insert an audio disc and i cant find his path through the terminal. where is it usually located?21:45
surfingjesterabi2346: nevermind, may your question go forever unanswered.21:45
MHz128what is the VM software called for ubuntu?21:45
lvlefistoI was doing a top to see what was going on, and I noticed chipcard4 with chipcard user, Is my computer compromised?21:45
hitttjerbear, can you see the boot post during boot? press Crtl+alt+f8 i think21:45
SliMMI have an ubuntu server 8.04 with lamp21:45
abi2346SliMM, wait ur turn21:46
hateball!virtual | MHz12821:46
ubottuMHz128: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications21:46
SliMMI have a problem with apache not taking into consideration my .htaccess file21:46
InjEctOr@slart, thanks for reply ... the problem still21:46
abi2346i am been waiting for like an hour now21:46
pacoit is really good idea to change to ext4?21:46
InjEctOrresult: sudo apt-get install --reinstall openssh-server21:46
amikofi insert an audio disc and i cant find his path through the terminal. where is it usually located?21:46
sebsebsebpaco: depends21:46
glitsj16olivier_: there's a small dropdown indicator next to the un/mute symbol of each playback item, it offers a 'move stream' option21:46
jerbearhittt: like i said, i can't switch to any virtual terminals21:46
InjEctOrresult * : abonajm@4boNajm-h0m3:/$ sudo apt-get install --reinstall openssl-server21:46
InjEctOrReading package lists... Done21:46
InjEctOrBuilding dependency tree21:46
InjEctOrReading state information... Done21:46
InjEctOrE: The package openssl needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it21:46
FloodBot1InjEctOr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:46
SliMMabi2346: well, it's a matter of luck21:46
hitttjerbear, can you somehow see the log files?21:47
jerbearhittt: i can't do anything21:47
patxwhta plugin to do i need to watch /wmv vids in firefox?21:47
olivier_glitsj16: noticed that already, but there no other entry in this menu than "Default'21:47
hitttvia live cd21:47
hitttor smthg21:47
olivier_glitsj16:and any other drop downs by the way21:48
patxwhat plugin to do i need to watch .wmv vids in firefox?21:48
glitsj16olivier_: that's possible indeed, was hoping you had some of those virtual devices in there for pulseaudio, sorry21:48
progre55Hi everybody! please help out. while playing CS, after I quit the game, my computer hangs.. I can move the mouse pointer, but no keys, nothing else works. what might be the problem?21:48
hitttjerbear, remove "quiet" from boot options, and see it21:48
olivier_glitsj16: nothing I can do so ?21:49
Matr|Xhello plz help me21:49
NetEchodoes Ubuntu server edition install a gui by default?21:49
surfingjesternetecho: no21:49
Matr|Xim trying to configerrdesktop21:49
glitsj16olivier_: i take it you've already tried stopping all audio apps and restarting pulseaudio ?21:49
Matr|Xbut give me error21:49
hittt!ask | Matr|x21:49
ubottuMatr|x: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:49
InjEctOrif i install openssl manually so i'll solve the prob ?21:49
Matr|Xneo@xob:~/Desktop/rdesktop-1.4.1$ ./configure21:49
Matr|Xchecking for gcc... gcc21:49
Matr|Xchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables21:49
Matr|XSee `config.log' for more details.21:49
FloodBot1Matr|X: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:49
Matr|Xwhat is the problem21:49
pacohey does anybody knows where can i find the archives for a netboot install ubuntu jaunty21:49
skullhacksI updated my Ubuntu!21:50
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patxwhat plugin to do i need to watch .wmv vids in firefox?21:50
Matr|Xi need help21:50
unopMatr|X,  sudo aptitude install build-essential21:50
olivier_I don't have any audio apps running except tvtime, which is supposed to control the saa7134 audio output21:51
Slartolivier_: you might have the pulseaudio daemon running in the background.. not sure if that can mess things up21:51
glitsj16patx: i believe the mozilla-mplayer package has wmv support for firefox21:51
surfingjesterpaco: working on it21:51
DragonLinuxanyone have any luck getting the new ubuntu to work under vmware? i know i had to do a bunch of tinkering with vmware tools to get it to run in 8.121:51
Gandhi( Ubuntu 9.04)  I've been trying to connect to a WEP wireless network using an 802.11b/g usb adaptor, and failing. From what I gather, it seems it may be unsupported. I was wondering if there are any ways to force it to work. Alternatively, I have a laptop running xubuntu which does work with the wireless adaptor. Could I, perhaps, connect the laptop to the wireless network and this computer and connect to the internet that21:52
InjEctOrcan i solve this prob "E: The package openssl needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it." by install openssl package manually ? .. and thanks21:52
olivier_glitsj16: you suggest I should stop pulseaudio ? would I have sound though ?21:52
KB1JWQGandhi: The former requires more information than you've given.21:52
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen21:52
SlartInjEctOr: what version of ubuntu are you running?21:52
InjEctOrso can i solve* .........21:52
KB1JWQThe latter is pretty simple. Just make sure you turn on ip forwarding in the kernel21:52
GandhiKB1JWQ: What extra info do you need?21:52
proqhrm... that xen page is a few years old21:52
glitsj16olivier_: like Slart says, there could be a running pulseaudio daemon that's bogged down , try "killall pulseaudio; pulseaudio -D" to restart it21:52
marcelo_tem  eu21:52
InjEctOrand the prob happends during upgrade to ubuntu 9.0421:52
Slart!english | marcelo_21:52
ubottumarcelo_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:52
godeckiHello, I have got some weird looking QT-windows after upgrading to jaunty.21:53
KB1JWQGandhi: AMong other things, the model number, the driver it's using-- and I don't have the facilities to test that, so you'd be dependant upon someone else.21:53
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:53
InjEctOr@Slart can i talk with ya private21:53
glitsj16olivier_: i wouldn't go down the route of removing pulseaudio just yet, see what a restart does first21:53
SlartInjEctOr: hmm. are your repositories setup alright? I doubt the openssh server has been removed21:53
SlartInjEctOr: sure21:53
RoosterJuicewhat is the command for deleting a directory and all containing files?21:54
InjEctOrthanks man21:54
hittt_rm -rf21:54
GandhiKB1JWQ: Hmm. I'm in windows right now so I couldn't tell you anything about the drivers, except that it's a fresh instal of Ubuntu 9.04/21:54
SlartRoosterJuice: rm -r  might add a -f to cut down on the "are you sure you want to delete this"21:54
olivier_Slart, Glitsj16: pulseaudio restarted, to no avail21:54
godeckiAny text in an QT-window looks smeared21:54
NorthByNorthWestHi! I have a really annoying printing problem.. if I have a document that contains both portrait and landscape pages, all landscapes are printed on portrait and cut at the right side... no matter if its OpenOffice or Adobe Reader... its visible in the Adobe Reader print dialog: http://sv.tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2qmks50&s=521:55
glitsj16olivier_: too bad, i don't know anything on tvtime to be able to offer any real help there i'm afraid21:55
surfingjesterpaco: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/ is that what you're looking for?21:55
godeckiAny hints so far?21:55
yowshiwho was it i was just talking to?21:55
Slartyowshi: might have been stroyan21:56
GandhiKB1JWQ: As for the wireless USB adaptor, it's a LM Technologies IEE 802.11b/g wireless USB adaptor model LM-00121:56
pacosurfingjester: yes, thanks a lot21:56
yowshiah stroyan apparently it isnt one module but a few modules21:57
surfingjesterpaco: no problems21:57
olivier_I'm sure tvime isn't the problem, it's how to redirect correctly the sound input from the tvcard - which I can see on various viewmeters actually flowing - to the sound system (or the tv card analog sound output btw)21:57
skullhacksI updated my Ubuntu!21:57
sillonyo también21:57
KB1JWQskullhacks: Congrats, have a cookie.21:57
skullhacksIt take 3 hours21:57
KB1JWQ!english | sillon21:57
ubottusillon: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:57
Slart!es | sillon21:57
ubottusillon: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:57
KB1JWQskullhacks: Depends upon what you've got running, an what hardware it's on.21:58
skullhacksI have great hardware21:58
mzzjimius: maybe!21:59
mzzjimius: sorry, wrong nick!21:59
mzzjimi_hendrix: maybe!21:59
KB1JWQskullhacks: Okay, I've done it in under 30 minutes.  So either something's significantly different, or your hardware's not as great as you think it is.21:59
jimi_hendrixmzz, lol21:59
tom__in ubuntu, at the top where the menu is system21:59
skullhacksOverclocking, 2GB of RAM, 500GB of memory in harddrive.21:59
jimi_hendrixmzz, well no luck, i am stuck in low gfx mode21:59
amikofcan u give me a command to extract wav files from audio cd?21:59
tom__how can i remove some of the options such as help and support,about gnome etc21:59
jimi_hendrixi am going to try to upgrade to jaunty again...i had better support without fglrx installed there21:59
tom__how can i remove some of the options such as help and support,about gnome etc22:00
stroyanyowshi: I suggest you google for the most device-specific module name you see.  Look for similar problems and parameter setting fixes.  Also look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/Webcam-HOWTO/#DRIVER-INTRO22:00
skullhacksI have a AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+22:00
mzzjimi_hendrix: remind me what the actual problem was please. Iirc your Xorg.0.log looked sane (not like "low graphics mode") but some operations were unusually slow?22:00
skullhacksi think its right22:00
olivier_Slart, glitsj16:I'm sure tvime isn't the problem, it's how to redirect correctly the sound input from the tvcard - which I can see on various viewmeters actually flowing - to the sound system (or the tv card analog sound output btw)22:00
jerbearhittt_: yeh, i'm able to get into a shell now22:00
mzzjimi_hendrix: yes, with not extremely recent radeons you want the open driver in jaunty but possibly the closed one in pre-jaunty ubuntu22:00
hittt_jerbear: good22:00
Slartolivier_: I've never really messed with tvtime.. don't know how to fix it22:00
tom__in ubuntu, at the top where the menu is system22:00
tom__how can i remove some of the options such as help and support,about gnome etc22:01
Slarttom__: right click on the gnome menu thingy.. select "Edit menu"..22:01
jimi_hendrixmzz, radeon hd mobiltiy 347022:01
yowshistroyan:  v4l1_compat would probably be my culprit that and videodev which uses it22:01
skullhacksRandom phrase: I have to buy new speakers. (really)22:02
patxhow do i play .mpg movies with firefox?22:02
skullhacksget the ubuntu add-on for firefox22:02
olivier_Slart: but you might know about ubuntu sound system ? I do think it's the core of the problem here22:02
glitsj16olivier_: well, that redirection was what i proposed to check earlier, only thing i could find is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72361822:02
skullhackspatx: I dont have problems to play any kind of movie with Firefox. Try adding the Ubuntu Add-on22:03
yowshistroyan: also i dont know which to put for my own find /lib/mpodules since it doesnt tell you how they knew they were looking for ibmcam22:03
Slartolivier_: you mean pulseaudio? well... try installing "pavucontrol" then run it from a terminal.. let me know when you've done that22:03
pepperjackpatx: i prefer the mplayer plugin but alot of people use totem of course22:03
tlyngHello, I've gotten some problems after I upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04. First of all the Intel GMA drivers where terrible atm, so I installed a backport of an earlier version. Seems to work ok. Now I'm trying to get picture on my external monitor. GDM is shown on both monitors when it launches, but when I log in to my desktop the external monitor is turned of, no matter what I set in the display properties. Anyone got any suggestions?22:04
xanguapepperjack: yeah mplayer/gecko plugin for mozilla is better22:05
KB1JWQtlyng: What does the X log show?22:05
tim__sup fuckers22:05
glitsj16skullhacks: i don't think the ubuntu firefox modifications offer any plugin to play media22:05
stroyanyowshi: With current distributions the module is found by udev.  You can see how it reacted by looking in /var/log/udev.22:05
[S]KilledYes :)22:06
=== CamargoBP|away is now known as CamargoBP
[S]Killedhi people :)22:06
[S]KilledOk, my mouse freezed without any reason22:06
[S]Killedand i got no sound22:06
yowshistroyan: that assumes i will know how to read what i see in udev22:06
[S]Killedusing Ubuntu 9.04 in a HP dv7 !22:06
glitsj16patx: "sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer", that offers support for almost all regular media types in firefox22:06
[S]Killedand i can't install my Sagem Fast 800 on my Ubuntu 9.04 :/22:07
nb72So as the owner of an ATI Xpress series video card, am I correct that I basically can't upgrade to 9.04?  Looks like ATI has left me in the lurch and the open source driver isn't quite there yet.  That sound about right?22:07
olivier_Slart: DOne with glitsj16 already, I can see in pavucontrol the viewmeter moving from the tv sound (it increases or decreases according to the scenes on the tv window) but there is no sound22:07
tlyngKB1JWQ: I can't see any errors in Xorg.log, when GDM start up I do see a mirrored image on my external monitor. It's when I log into the account it's turned off.22:07
xanguaglitsj16  patx is better  gecko-mediaplayer , at least it look better in Gnome22:07
KB1JWQtlyng: Could try pastebinning that log.22:08
KB1JWQSOMETHING's switching off output to it.22:08
pepperjacknb72: i really like the opensource driver for 2d stuff.  much prefer it for 2d than the nvidia driver in fact but for 3d .. possibly22:08
crdlbnb72: only if you find the open source driver insufficient22:08
Slartolivier_: next to the moving thingy there is a button with a downarrow.. press it, select "move stream".. see how many choices you've got there.. try a few.. see if you get any sound22:08
glitsj16xangua: sorry, thought patx was looking for media support in firefox instead of the desktop22:08
tlyngKB1JWQ: ok22:08
=== kevin_ is now known as uvacav
olivier_Slart: done that already. the only choice I have is 'Default'. What does that mean ??22:09
[S]KilledI've finally install my Ubuntu 9.04 on my hp dv7, after that i've try to install Sagem fast 800 but no succes, after reboot my Mouse refuse to move, and i got no sound too, can anybody help !22:09
yowshistroyan: how do i find my specific device in this udev mess of machine names numbers and crap22:09
amikofif i go sound-jucier and extract files its ok . i want to do it through the terminal. but i cant find the path to m dvd device22:09
nb72crdlb: ya, I can't watch video with the open source drivers.  its' too choppy even in vlc (old laptop).22:09
nb72By the way, whoever put the warning into the upgrade is fricken awesome.22:10
stroyanyowshi: Look for the matching module name.  Or watch a 'tail -f' of a logfile when you plug the device in.22:10
Slartolivier_: if you have more than one soundcard you get different options there.. I have three soundcards, one goes to the stereo, one to the headphones and one to the computer speakers.. I can select where I want a certain program's audio to be played.. very convenient when it works22:10
amikofif i go sound-jucier and extract files its ok . i want to do it through the terminal. but i cant find the path to m dvd device22:10
Slartolivier_: but since you've only got one soundcard there's not a lot you can change there22:10
box02please someone could explean me what is non-native debian packge.22:11
crdlbnb72: well, it's significantly better in jaunty than in intrepid22:11
sebsebsebbox02: sure  I guess22:11
Dreamgliderwhat's a good midi synth for ubuntu/debian ?22:11
sebsebsebbox02: some Debs are made for Debian and others are made for Ubuntu22:11
[S]KilledI've finally install my Ubuntu 9.04 on my hp dv7, after that i've try to install Sagem fast 800 but no succes, after reboot my Mouse refuse to move, and i got no sound too, can anybody help !22:11
tlyngKB1JWQ: http://paste.org/700322:11
crdlbnb72: but it would be advisable to test it with a livecd before considering an upgrade22:11
box02@sebsebseb .. so what is depend on?22:12
nb72crdlb:  Thanks for the info.22:12
DasEi[S]Killed: open aterminal ..22:12
sebsebsebbox02: they tend to say22:12
sebsebsebbox02: this is an Ubuntu DEB this is a Debian DEB22:12
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!22:12
[S]KilledDasEi how can i do this without mouse ?22:12
=== nicolas_ is now known as Guest31543
olivier_Slart: I do have only one sound card, but there is also the tv card, which has its own analog and digital output (this last one is through the pci).So far, I can see only one entry in the drop down thingy you mentioned, and it's 'Default'22:12
DasEi[S]Killed: alt+F2, gnome-terminal22:13
yowshistroyan: and what do i do if none of the modules listed in lsmod that appeared when i plugged in my camera are in there?22:13
[S]Killedyes and after that ?22:13
NetEchowhy does the server .iso say -amd64?22:13
box02@sebsebseb so if I package a debian package for Debain and Ubuntu, I can make native debian package?22:13
Slartolivier_: yup.. that means that there's only one soundcard as far as pulseaudio is concerned.. not sure if your creative card is recognized though.. that might be the problem22:13
DasEisudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf  /etc/X11/xorg_broken22:13
sebsebsebbox02: no22:13
sebsebsebbox02: not quite22:13
box02@seb3 aha22:14
DasEisudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf  /etc/X11/xorg_broken, [S]Killed22:14
[S]KilledDasEi ok i'll test it22:14
[S]KilledDasEi that's all ?22:14
box02@seb3 so I should rather make non-debian package, right?22:14
crdlbNetEcho: why shouldn't it? there should be an i386 version too22:14
NetEchoI went to Server Edition and selected a mirror22:14
DasEi[S]Killed: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg22:14
pepperjackNetEcho: because its the 64 bit version of ubuntu.  often by default on the download page it selects 64 bit. youll need to select the i38622:14
NetEchothats kinda annoying22:15
glitsj16olivier_: have you tried asking on pulseaudio irc yet ? http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/Community has the address22:15
pepperjackNetEcho: yes22:15
stroyanyowshi: I would just go back to googling for the device and module names to look for similar problems.  The udev thing is not central to fixing your problems.22:15
[S]KilledDasEi Ok ... and ?22:15
FloodBot1inuyasha3331: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:15
DasEi[S]Killed: restart x now, try again22:15
NetEchowell atleast I can download at 1.8MB/s22:15
crdlbNetEcho: are you sure your hardware isn't 64 bit?22:15
DasEi[S]Killed: log in/out22:15
box02@sebsebseb .. so I should rather make non-debian package, right?22:15
yowshistroyan: it seems to be central to finding what i need to knwo so i can fix my problems that makes it semi central22:15
[S]KilledOk DasEi, and for my Sagem have u and idea ?22:15
NetEchocrdlb very sure,22:16
DasEi[S]Killed: modem ?22:16
olivier_Slart: I'm looking for the right channel, I began here but I will look for pulseaudio dedicated channels22:16
yowshistroyan: i dont even know what to google for at this point22:16
[S]KilledDasEi YEs sagem fast 80022:16
NetEchocrdlb its my laptop, running a Centrino Core Duo22:16
sebsebsebbox02: you can make tar.gz  and that works on like everything22:16
sebsebsebbox02: I think22:16
sebsebseb!ppa > box0222:16
ubottubox02, please see my private message22:16
pisiqhow can i crypt a text with gcc ? what's the command ?22:16
Slartolivier_: haven't seen many of those around.. don't think I've seen any at all, unfortunately..22:16
DasEi[S]Killed:we can try it, first check if you got periphals back22:17
stroyanyowshi: You said that there seemed to be several modules related to plugging in the device google for them and the device's name.22:17
[S]KilledDasEi roger that Sir !22:17
tsimpsonpisi: gcc is a C compiler, for help with C join ##c22:17
mzzpisiq: do you mean gpg?22:17
box02@sebsebseb thank you.22:17
[S]KilledDasEi i will be back in a few minutes22:17
yowshistroyan: by device i assume you mean the name of my camera found in lsusb?22:17
AlgyzHi, can anybody remind me a name of a program to view internet connections graphically as a web?22:17
box02@ubottu yes I will22:17
pisiqmzz yes22:17
Slartolivier_: does your creative card work for other applications?22:17
pisiqwhat was the command ?22:17
mzzpisiq: iirc gpg --encrypt path/to/file22:17
mzz(which interactively asks you about keys to use)22:18
stroyanyowshi: Yes.  The lsusb name is the most reliable one.22:18
pisiqmzz it displays the ecrypted password ?22:18
pisiqi mean text22:18
timostkanyone here have experience installing ubuntu (preferably jaunty) on an eebox?22:18
mzzpisiq: I was assuming you meant encrypt. Do you mean decrypt?22:18
mudassarhello, i m getting problem playing youtube video in ubuntu 9.04. The movie either runs faster and music stays behind or there is no picture and only music22:18
mzzpisiq: to decrypt just "gpg /path/to/file"22:18
sebsebsebbox02: altough PPA22:18
sebsebsebbox02: hold on22:19
DasEitimostk: I haven't, but there is an extra version for it22:19
pepperjackmudassar: go to about:plugins in firefox make sure you are using the adobe plugin and not the free one22:19
wolteris anybody getting a lot of crashing from pidgin in jaunty?22:19
box02@sebsebseb yes22:19
GleepGlopmy boot is taking a long time. can someone explain this output from udev via dmesg? http://pastebin.com/m63becc2322:19
=== inuyasha3331 is now known as in
DasEiwolter: nope22:19
=== in is now known as inuyahsa
sebsebsebbox02: ok  I am going to pm you another channel, where a guy knows better about this then me22:19
timostkDasEi, thank you22:19
avutonCheese won't work until I sudo it, any ideas how to fix it? (user is already part of video/audio groups)22:19
timostkwill look into it22:19
box02@sebsebseb thank you so much :)22:20
olivier_slart: saa7134 is a creative chip ? If so, it is not used by other apps than tvtime.22:20
roule01010Hey guys. Can i set up xterm so that background is white, foreground is black, AND putting my cursor over eg. green text does not change it to green?22:20
DasEi!eee > timostk22:20
ubottutimostk, please see my private message22:20
Slartolivier_: nope... that's the tvtime card (if google is correct)22:20
yowshistroyan: ah ha hmmmm https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=471726 this seems to be for redhat but i think it is the cause of my problem22:21
CyberScript32alguem pode me ajudar ?22:21
wolteri get a lot of crashes while using bonjour22:21
=== CyberScript32 is now known as scraipt_brasil
scraipt_brasilgot brazilian ?22:21
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:21
yowshistroyan: though i dont understand the solution being presented in comment 422:21
scraipt_brasilhelp-me ?22:21
Flare183wow rush22:21
Slartscraipt_brasil: type /join #ubuntu-br22:21
scraipt_brasil[Slart]: thanks22:22
SlartFlare183: well.. if you want the helper-cookie you have to be fast =)22:22
* Flare183 tells LjL and Slart, "Good job"22:22
Flare183Slart: Yeah, I know22:22
Flare183Today is my day to help peo[ple22:22
a_c_m1evenin all22:23
GleepGlopi'm seeing a ton of these at boot: [  102.778150] usb 6-1: device descriptor read/64, error -1122:23
pisiqmzz: is not working, i mean to crypt a word, lets say hello it was a command like : gcc -c hello; and then it was displaying me the ecrypted word that worked like a password too. so if i set my password Hello and i copy/paste the ecrypted word that looks like this f$&7* works22:23
Flare183GleepGlop: That means that something in your USB port isn't working correctly22:23
roule01010Can i set up xterm so that background is white, foreground is black, AND putting my cursor over eg. green text does not change it to green?22:23
olivier_Slart : I have no creative car? According to lspci the TV card is : Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7134/SAA7135HL Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01)22:23
Flare183GleepGlop: or isn't plugined in all the way22:23
DasEiGleepGlop: using an external usb drive ?22:24
Darklegionlogin Darklegion deathnote?.36022:24
GleepGlopFlare183: I'm not getting erros from Arch Linux on same hardware22:24
Flare183GleepGlop: Try putting the device in sideways22:24
Slartolivier_: ahh.. sorry.. got you mixed up with another person.. my bad.. so sorry22:24
stroyanyowshi: It says you have a wonderful new shiny kernel without that hacked functionality the old one implemented. ;-)  So you should force a shared library to be loaded by your video apps to shim in the function in user-space.22:24
* Flare183 has to do that with his MicroSD card reader22:24
GleepGlopFlare183: lol wat?22:24
jerbearwhat do i need to do to enable the proprietary nvidia driver from the command line? i want to emulate what happens when i enable it from gnome22:25
Darklegionlogin Darklegion deathnote?.36022:25
Flare183GleepGlop: try to not put the device in all the way22:25
Flare183and make sure you watch the dmesg stuff while you do so22:25
GleepGlopFlare183:  oh, put the USB device in the jack halfway?22:25
DasEiGleepGlop: using an external usb drive ?22:25
yowshistroyan: so basically preload with the cheese?22:25
Dr_Willisroule01010:  xterm has dozens of settings for the colors and stuff.  xterm -bg black -fg green   for example.22:25
Slartolivier_: ok.. so you've got a soundcard in the tvcard..  can you run this "sudo cat /proc/asound/cards" and see if you see that card there?22:25
Flare183GleepGlop: 3/4 of the way22:25
Dr_Willisroule01010:  or xterm -rv (for reverse video/colors)22:26
GleepGlopFlare183:  ok.  I'm using Apple Pro Keyboard and Logitech USB mouse only22:26
Flare183GleepGlop: so?22:26
jerbearwhat do i need to do to enable the proprietary nvidia driver from the command line? i want to emulate what happens when i enable it from gnome22:26
yowshistroyan: grrr cheese crashed when i went to close it22:26
ikoniajerbear: it works different, it basiclly installs the nvidia-glx package22:27
Lenin_Catis there a way to run a remote desktop WITHOUT a server because my ISP dosnt allow running servers22:27
GleepGlopFlare183:  sorry wrong person22:27
Dr_Willisjerbear:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-XXXXXXX where XXX is the right version i think.22:27
Flare183GleepGlop: Its ok22:27
stroyanyowshi: The example shows how to set the LD_PRELOAD environment variable so the ldd library loader will pull in that 'shim' v4l1compat library.22:27
olivier_Slart :http://pastebin.com/m36cf496d22:27
hbekelyowshi: that comment shows how to preload the v4lcompat library22:27
Dr_Willisfind nvidia22:27
SlartLenin_Cat: your ISP won't mind if you run a remote desktop service22:27
mzzpisiq: err, I think you're definitely not looking for gcc and probably not looking for gpg either, but I'm not sure what commandline util you *are* looking for22:27
Dr_Willis!find nvidia22:27
ubottuFound: nvidia-173-modaliases, nvidia-180-modaliases, nvidia-71-modaliases, nvidia-96-modaliases, nvidia-common (and 17 others)22:27
mzzpisiq: in what context do you want to use this?22:27
yldzhow can I connect to KDE partition manager as a root22:27
mzzpisiq: also, please don't /msg me for no good reason22:27
SlartLenin_Cat: they are more concerned with you running a high bandwidth web server or such.. because then they want you to have a business connection22:27
DasEiyldz: gparted22:28
yowshistroyan: well that is my solution right?:22:28
Lenin_CatSlart, virison makes it clear in its TOS22:28
heltavare there any plans on making ubuntu look better?22:28
ikoniaheltav: there are themes on gnome-look.org22:28
Flare183yldz: Run this: kdesudo qtparted22:28
Dr_WillisI thinkit looks ok now :)22:28
heltavfirefox looks like crap with that fat bar22:28
yowshistroyan:  hbekel as soon as i figure iout how to kill the now unkillable cheeser programme22:28
Dr_Willis!info gnome-art22:28
ubottugnome-art (source: gnome-art): install GNOME themes from art.gnome.org. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-12 (jaunty), package size 26 kB, installed size 204 kB22:28
pisiqmzz i am running a psybnc and it has a txt file where my password is. i wanna crypt that password so if someone opens the txt cant see my text password22:28
Dr_Willisfat bar? never noticed.. there are firefox themes22:29
mzzpisiq: does the psybnc documentation tell you what tool to use here?22:29
Flare183DasEi: You can't do that in KDE, unless you have gparted installed. QTParted is the GTK version22:29
Flare183!askthebot | Dr_Willis (Sorry just doing my job)22:29
ubottuDr_Willis (Sorry just doing my job): Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".22:29
yowshistroyan:  hbekel there really needs to be a kill command that is stronger then -922:29
pisiqmzz nope22:29
SlartLenin_Cat: you mean Verizon? even if they are the scum of the earth and should be the first against the wall when the revolution comes they still won't care if you run a remote desktop server.. it's standard in all home connection user agreements22:29
yowshistroyan:  hbekel because -9 NEVER works for mme22:29
yldzit doesn't work  kdesudo qtparted22:29
Lenin_CatFinally, it may be against Verizon's terms of service for you to run a server on your residential network connection.22:29
ikoniaLenin_Cat: please take it up with Verizon, not here22:30
stroyanyowshi: Now we are back where I entered this discussion. ;-)   You may dislodge the program by using 'sudo modprobe -r gspca_pac207'22:30
mzzpisiq: read the documentation. You need a salt.h file used when compiling your instance of psybnc for this to work.22:30
rpwiz1i 'm new around so bear with me for awyle22:31
mzzpisiq: what you're trying to do is a bit psybnc-specific, I doubt just asking for help with "crypt" is going to get you very far22:31
yldzcommand not found22:31
yldz kdesudo qtparted22:31
ubottuError: You are not identified22:31
FloodBot1Darklegion: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:31
Rob235whats a really good music player for ubuntu22:31
pisiqok, thanks mzz. ill try to find out in psybnc22:32
stroyanyowshi: Or modprobe with whichever modules you actually have loaded on your system for the camera.  (And removing a stuck module could lead you into even more trouble.  It obviously is not the most stable of modules already.)22:32
betita_elficasuper grub22:32
yowshiwell that was fragging fragged. shystem monitor crashed when i tried to use it to kill cheese22:32
betita_elficaany help?22:32
Slartolivier_: ok.. it seems you have two soundcards according to alsa.. I wonder why only one shows up in pulseaudio... strange22:32
xanguaRob235: i use the default: rhythmbox22:32
ikoniayowshi: please stop messing around22:32
ikoniayowshi: if you want support ask clear sensible questions about ubuntu22:32
Slartolivier_: the intel one is probably a soundcard built-in on your motherboard. Does that sound correct?22:32
yowshistroyan: sorry i missed anything you said before. system kind of crashed a bit ikonia i havent been getting much help for this until like today so i have had to trial and error this with no success22:33
=== ROSHA is now known as RoozbehOnline
olliHello! I've got some minor problems with dmraid. After upgrading from intrepid, no device files are created in /dev/mapper during boottime. what's wrong?22:33
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as Roozbeh|Away
ikoniayowshi: that doesn't mean talk nonsense in the channel, you'll get better help if you ask clear questions22:33
olivier_Slart: exactly. And it works, except the tv audio part22:33
ikonia!away > Roozbeh|Away22:33
ubottuRoozbeh|Away, please see my private message22:33
mudassarhow can I check whether I am using Adobe Flash plugin in firefox browser in ubuntu 9.04 ? I am getting problems in seeing youtube videos22:33
BBlinkkI'm trying to setup remote desktop, in jaunty, but I keep getting this message: "Your desktop is only reachable over the local network. Others can access your computer using the address localhost."22:33
stroyanyowshi: I was just saying that your system might crash. ;-)22:33
Slartmudassar: "about:plugins" in firefox22:34
yowshiikonia: that assumes i know what to ask beyond please help me get this working22:34
=== Xcube is now known as xcube
ikoniayowshi: what's the problem?22:34
jerbearwhat do i need to do to enable the proprietary nvidia driver from the command line? i want to emulate what happens when i enable it from gnome22:34
stroyanyowshi: Using modprobe -r to remove a module may get a hung process unstuck.  But it may also bring the system crashing down when the module messes up more stuff on the way out.22:34
tyler-stupid question: is it possible to upgrade to 64bit from 32bit without reinstalling?22:34
ikoniajerbear: it isnstalls the nvidia-glx pacakge22:34
ikoniatyler-: no22:35
yowshiikonia: i have a recently bought webcam and every programme which i can use to record locally crashes. and when it crashes it becomes either unkillable like cheese right now or zombiued. in either case it maintains it's hold on /dev/video022:35
=== equinoX is now known as alekhine
pisiqthere is a command22:35
jerbearikonia: don't i have to change the xorg.conf somehow?22:35
pisiqecho hello | gpg -ace22:35
ikoniajerbear: no22:35
=== alekhine is now known as Gamba
pisiqbut it requests a id after, and i dont know what id to do22:35
ikoniayowshi: what webcam is it ?22:35
yowshiikonia: a flex cam 10022:36
=== CamargoBP is now known as CamargoBP|away
mzzpisiq: are you sure that uses the algorithm psybnc expects you to use?22:36
ikoniayowshi: is that supported at all ?22:36
ikonia!away > CamargoBP|away22:36
ubottuCamargoBP|away, please see my private message22:36
pisiqi think so22:36
Slartolivier_: I honestly think your best bet is to write a post on the ubuntu-forums.. perhaps someone else has the same card and knows how to make it work..22:36
pisiqbut i worth to give it a try22:36
yowshiikonia: well when i do a gstreamer-propeties after a rebootr the test input shows the cameras view so yeah kind of22:36
vaderAnybody know how to set hardware acceleration for frame buffer vesafb using fbset? To list 1233 files in console takes 27s, while in X it's a zippy 0.77s.22:36
ubottuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information22:36
amoblinExcuse me!22:36
mzzpisiq: using that is perfectly reasonable if you want to encrypt something so that *you* can later decrypt it, but doesn't necessarily make any sense if you want *psybnc* to decrypt it22:36
ikoniayowshi: how are you trying to kill the process ?22:37
mzzpisiq: where in psybnc's documentation does it say this is the encryption it uses?22:37
amoblinIs there anyone know w3mimgdisplay?22:37
pisiqgpg it sais22:37
yowshiikonia: either a kill -9 # or killall -9 cheese22:37
olivier_Slart: I will, hope someone could help... :s22:37
pisiqand it support ascii also22:37
olivier_Thank you anyway ;)22:37
ikoniayowshi: and it just doesn't go /22:38
mudassarabout: plugins is showing me File name:  libflashplayer.so Shockwave Flash 10.0 r22, is it the right plugin for firefox in ubuntu for flash to run youtube videos  ? if not then how can I change it to adobe flash player ?22:38
yowshiikonia: nope22:38
ikoniayowshi: that's most odd, I'd log a bug in launchpad.net for that then, it certainly sounds valid22:38
amoblinwho use w3m?22:38
lwfahi all, my computer's randomly shut it self down once last night, and once this evening, unfortunately I've not witnessed it happening, is there anything I can do to diagnose it?22:38
Ed54can i use ntfs as a home partition?22:38
pisiqmzz with gpg command it sais22:38
eseven73what's the command for rsync to exclude a directory? I cant make heads or tails out of man rsync22:38
pisiqYou did not specify a user ID. (you may use "-r")22:38
pisiqCurrent recipients:22:38
pisiqEnter the user ID.  End with an empty line: man gpg22:38
pisiqNo such user ID.22:38
ikoniaEd54: I don't advise it22:38
DasEi lwfa: check logs22:39
FloodBot1pisiq: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:39
Ed54i want to be able to access files from windows22:39
yowshiikonia: i have had it in the past where i can turn it into a zombie. but even then it keeps control of the webcam22:39
pisiqwhat id shall i put ?22:39
Ed54that's what i thought22:39
crakhedI got a quick q. anyone here able to form a good union between ubuntu (evolution suite) and the iphone (jailed)? in terms of syncing contacts, tasks, calandar, emails etc... ?????22:39
ikoniayowshi: log a bug, it sounds worth while22:39
lwfaDasEi: thanks, which logs should I check?22:39
DasEi lwfa: gedit /var/log/syslog22:39
hbekelyowshi: have you tried using v4lcompat? sounds like the solution to your problem22:39
eseven73what's the command for rsync to exclude a directory? I cant make heads or tails out of man rsync22:39
jerbeararrghhh! what is wrong with this thing. I can't get the damn login screen to come up! does anyone have any idea what this could be?22:39
mudassar about: plugins is showing me File name:  libflashplayer.so Shockwave Flash 10.0 r22, is it the right plugin for firefox in ubuntu for flash to run youtube videos  ? if not then how can I change it to adobe flash player ?22:39
mzzpisiq: again, I suspect this will not give you a form of encryption psybnc can decrypt22:40
yowshihbekel: yes i tried using a preload thing to load it this time around and cheese crashed spectaularily22:40
kartofelekeseven73 --exclude22:40
Ed54there are apps that let you access linux partitions from windows, right?22:40
amoblinHow we can show image in terminal?22:40
eseven73kartofelek, so --exclude /tmp/  thats it?22:40
mzzpisiq: feel free to generate a key for yourself so you can encrypt things (the gpg manual covers this) but I would be quite surprised if this did what you wanted22:40
hbekelyowshi: nvm then22:40
stroyanyowshi: Did you ever get to try the LD_PRELOAD after a fresh reboot?  It may have been in a bad state from an earlier program.22:40
mzzpisiq: however I do not know psybnc, I'm just going off skimming its documentation. Consider asking someone who knows psybnc...22:40
SlartEd54: yes.. last time I checked they were a bit rough around the edges but ext3/2 support is supposed to be doable22:40
kartofelekeseven73 as far as I remember, yes22:40
yowshistroyan: this was after a fresh reboot22:40
BBlinkkanyone know if there are issues with remote desktop not starting vino?22:41
Slartamoblin: using some kind of framebuffer driver22:41
yowshistroyan: this time around i didnt touch the camera progs until i had a plausable solution22:41
Ed54Slart: but not ext4? i wanted to use that22:41
eseven73kartofelek, ok thank you22:41
jerbeararrghhh! what is wrong with this thing. I can't get the damn login screen to come up! does anyone have any idea what this could be?22:41
NetEchois there a website I can visit to search the ubuntu package database?22:41
SlartEd54: I'm not sure about ext4.. you'll have to use the mighty google22:41
glitsj16mudassar: yes that's the one you need for youtube ... do you have any other plugins that might conflict with eachother in your list ?22:41
amoblinSlart:what about w3m?22:41
SlartNetEcho: packages.ubuntu.com22:41
boringpacketsthis is probably an obvious question but I cant seem to find the answer. How do I enable four desktops instead of two?22:41
Ed54Slart: alright then22:41
ikoniaboringpackets: are you using compiz (the cube)22:42
kartofelekeseven73 no problem22:42
ikoniaboringpackets: ok - so you need to set it in the cube settings in ccsm22:42
Slartamoblin: w3m.. the web browser? what about it?22:42
boringpacketsah ok thanks22:42
Buttons840Anyone familiar with a good PHP IDE?22:42
=== Dissident is now known as dissent
amoblinSlart:yes, a web browser in terminal...22:42
vaderamoblin: install zgv22:42
kartofelekButtons840 vim?22:43
amoblinvader:I want to show inline..like w3m..22:43
amoblinvader:not a new window...22:43
Buttons840vim?  is this in repositories?22:43
Slartamoblin: it will not help you.. you need a driver of some kind.. a framebuffer driver if you ask me.. there might be other ways but that's the one I've heard of22:43
yowshiikonia: this is why i dont usually get around to filing bug reports. qwuestions i hAve no clue nabout. IE this one what package do i chose?22:43
boringpacketsi cant find it, are you sure it's not a gnome function?22:43
Slartamoblin: when you have the driver working you can start using applications that show images22:44
ikoniayowshi: click the "I don't know" option22:44
Buttons840I looked at eclipse, but I'm trying to focus on php here, not on how to put a IDE together.22:44
amoblinSlart:I have opened framebuffer....22:44
amoblinSlart:and I can play video with mplayer in console.22:44
lwfathe last command in syslog before it shut down was a cron job running /usr/sbin/update-motd although this was run several times before that at 10 min intervals without a problem22:44
vossWhy the heck would flash be dog slow on a 2.8 ghz pentium 4 running 9.04 with 1.5gb of memory.22:44
mudassarthe plugins of flash listed in about: plugins are as follows, will they conflict in playing youtube video in ubuntu (firefox) ? how to disable the conflicting one ?22:45
mudassarapplication/x-shockwave-flash    |     Shockwave Flash22:45
mudassarapplication/futuresplash              |     FutureSplash Player22:45
yowshiikonia: i dont see an i dont know option22:45
honkyusaI installed the RC of 9.04 five days before it was released.   Do I have to do an entire distro upgrade or can my RC be updated to the official release through apt-get updates ?22:45
LjL!final | honkyusa22:45
ubottuhonkyusa: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.22:45
gordonjcpButtons840: I just use gedit for all my webby stuff22:45
stroyanButtons840: vim isn't _really_ and IDE.  But it is a valid alternative.  Have a look at http://realm3.com/articles/getting_started_with_vim_and_php22:45
boringpacketsvoss, probably because of compiz, try metacity --replace22:45
ikoniayowshi: it is there22:45
gordonjcpButtons840: you might find bluefish, anjuta or kate helpful22:45
glitsj16Buttons840: never used it myself, but anjuta gets nice reviews (also in the repo's) .. i used gedit but have recently migrated to geany22:45
Slartamoblin: ok, then find an application for showing images using the framebuffer.. zgv was suggested.. synaptic might have more22:45
thomatworkWhenever I load Twitter.com in the FF that comes w/ 9.04 - my 3 Ghz dual core 6GB RAM desktop comes to a crawl - any ideas about what might be causing this? Running 64bit22:45
gordonjcpButtons840: for that matter, you could also use kdevelop22:45
ikoniathomatwork: I'm doing that same thing now with no load22:45
boringpacketsthomatwork, well for one, there's no need to use twitter22:45
Buttons840geany, i saw that and heard good things about it?22:46
boringpacketsi think not using twitter would solve that22:46
thomatworkboringpackets: ;)22:46
jerbearanyone? black screen on boot?22:46
ikoniaboringpackets: don't be smart, he's asking for help22:46
gordonjcpButtons840: for me, gedit is perfectly sufficient - it's got syntax hilight, tabs and line numbers22:46
glitsj16Buttons840: yes, very lightweight but works just fine22:46
vossboringpackets, Its a dell optiplex gx260, im thinking if I put in a fx 5200 video card that will get it up to normal speed.22:46
gordonjcpthomatwork: I know this isn't helpful, but it works perfectly well for me in 32-bit22:46
thomatworkikonia, I expect a certain amount of smart assery22:46
Buttons840I suppose I could try several22:47
Buttons840out of repos22:47
glitsj16gordonjcp: i like gedit, but do you happen to know it does code folding ?22:47
boringpacketsvoss, i can tell you from first hand experience that the fx5200 won't impress you in any way22:47
gordonjcpthomatwork: have you got any unusual firefox add-ons?22:47
=== Rabbitbu1ny is now known as Rabbitbunny
gordonjcpglitsj16: not that I know of, but I expect you can configure it, or find a plugin22:47
honkyusaI take it ubottu is a script and not a human...22:47
vossboringpackets, its not supposed to be impressive just enough video card power to take the load off the cpu.22:47
thomatworkI'm try a MEM check before I reinstall and test in 32bit22:47
hatter243honkyusa, uBOTtu22:47
boringpacketsvoss, well in that case, its a great idea22:47
vossfor flash games and stuff like that22:47
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:47
glitsj16gordonjcp: have looked around, but nothing yet, thanks22:48
thomatworkgorgonjcp: just the default22:48
Buttons840So, when you install something from the repos, and later uninstall them, is it REALLY gone?  (I'm used to Windows where instalilng and then uninstalling leaves you with poor performance after a while.)22:48
boringpacketsi still can't find out where to go to enable four virtual desktops22:48
vossboringpackets besides, It only cost me $24 for a low profile agp card so im not expecting much :)22:48
honkyusait has a nice dictionary22:48
SlartButtons840: the binaries are gone.. configuration and data files remain22:48
hatter243Buttons840, it removes all but the config files unless you "purge" it22:48
SlartButtons840: in synaptic "Purge" is the same as "completely remove"22:48
boringpacketsvoss, lucky you, i paid substantially more for it, and it caused an emotional breakdown (as well as an FPS breakdown)22:49
Buttons840purge = "completely remove" from symnaptic?22:49
Buttons840yes, thanks.22:49
sjzzalxHey, Ubuntu has a version of kdiff3 that makes git mergetool die22:49
hatter243Buttons840, yes, that's correct22:49
sjzzalxSomeone should update it.22:49
boringpacketsevery time i come in here for help i end up chatting and not getting anything done so i better go22:49
Slart!bug | sjzzalx22:49
vossboringpackets, Its a school machine I can play with. On my work machine Im putting a low profile 9400 gt that one is costing about $5022:49
ubottusjzzalx: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots22:49
thomatworkhmm - I'm also hearing hard drive activity when ever I move my mouse from the Windows PC to the Linux PC (using Synergy running as a daemon on login)22:49
sjzzalxI don't like going the slow way, you dudes22:49
boringpacketsvoss i have a 9400M in my laptop, and it runs compiz like a dream, though it does get sluggish if i try to lay emerald on top of it22:50
stroyanboringpackets: If you have an applet that shows 2 desktops, then right click on it and choose preferences from the menu.22:50
hatter243sjzzalx, nothing gets fixed if no one tells us what's wrong22:50
janisozauris there any network-specific channel?22:50
vossDell has very low power power supplies, so I have to be cautious what I put in. My optiplex 760 needs a video card, because the Intel 4 video doesnt work with ubuntu 9.05 for some reason.22:50
thomatworkAnyone know of Synergy causing performance issues?22:50
ikoniajanisozaur: ##networking22:50
mystic414Hi all, I'm running a clean install of 9.04, and any time I right-click a bookmark in my bookmarks menu in Firefox, the browser crashes.  Same happens if I go to "organize bookmarks" and click anything in the bookmarks menu.  Any ideas?22:51
hittt_try reinstalling firefox22:51
thomatworkmystic414: you don't really need bookmarks - just don't use them ... jk22:51
Desi_MunaOpenoffice doesn't spell check22:51
vossSo Im putting a 9400 video card, on a dell system with a 255 watt power supply, supposedly it has a peak power usage of 39 watts so im crossing my fingers :)22:52
hatter243mystic414, you don't happen to have a .mozilla folder in your homedir from another installation do you?22:52
pepperjackmystic414: first idea is to run from terminal to see if you get anything useful. workaround idea is to download firefox from mozilla.com perhaps22:52
stroyanthomatwork: I ran into quite a synergy problem a while back.  It was related to synergy multithreading and loosing X events for a while.  But that should be patched in any recent updates.22:52
yowshiwell my bug report is in and i am rebooting22:53
thomatworkIs synergy part of the default 9.04 "live" install?22:53
mystic414hittt_: I did apt-get --purge remove firefox-3.0, then reinstalled and didn't help22:53
mystic414hatter243: I do have a .mozilla folder in my home dir22:53
hittt_then download a .deb file from firefox.com22:53
vossboringpackets, have you tried a 7200gs with 9.04?22:53
mystic414pepperjack: Running it from terminal give me a Segmentation fault message when it dies22:54
shsrhow do i change policykit for a remote computer?22:54
shsrie, without guii22:54
stroyanthomatwork: That synergy defect is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synergy/+bug/194029    I haven't used synergy recently, so don't know how it acts on jaunty.22:54
RoastedAny heavy Songbird users? Is there any way to configure Songbird to look at my music *as is* like Amarok1 used to do and Exaile does? I don't wnat my music sorted through ID tags - I just want Songbird to VIEW my music and present it to me the EXACT same way its arranged in my music folder in my home directory.22:55
boringpacketsvoss no i havent, just the 9400M22:55
sjzzalxhatter243: Slart: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/37245422:55
pepperjackmystic414: :)  i would download the tar.gz from mozilla extract it in your home dir and run that see if you see same crash22:55
hatter243sjzzalx, thanks!22:55
vaderAnybody know how to set hardware acceleration for frame buffer vesafb using fbset? To list 1233 files in console takes 27s, while in X it's a zippy 0.77s.22:56
pepperjackmystic414: the idea to mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla-bak is a good one. dont panic that your bookmarks are gone when you relaunch.  its a good test22:56
hittt_I think there was a way, to make cp work like mv22:56
Slartsjzzalx: looks good.. hope they fix it22:56
rednammochey guys ! Can someone help me ? I need to determine the ip-adress of an host in a lan.22:57
hatter243hittt_, cp -R?22:57
hittt_I think22:57
hatter243Depends on what you mean "work like"22:57
pepperjackrednammoc: the external ip or internal?22:57
hatter243hittt_, what's the problem you're having?22:57
rednammocpepperjack: internal22:57
pepperjackrednammoc: ping?  :)22:58
hittt_it isnt a problem, rather a mind confusion, it is late and i start forgetting unix!22:58
hatter243rednammoc, host [hostname] ?22:58
rednammocpepperjack: the external will be the same like i'm using ;)22:58
hatter243rednammoc, Are you trying to figure out the ip of your own computer or an external one?22:58
rednammocpepperjack: ping says: cant resolv host-name22:58
rednammochatter243: of an external one22:59
rednammocif i use smbtree i can see the host. but i want to know the ip-adress22:59
hatter243Connect to the host once and then from the terminal type "arp -a"23:00
pepperjackrednammoc:  for i in `seq 1 99`; do ping 192.168.0.$i; done   :)  heh23:00
eseven73I think zenmap would work in that situation rednammoc, it's a GUI for nmap23:00
hawkrednammoc: Isn't there an nmblookup command or something like that?23:00
mystic414pepperjack: Renaming the .mozilla folder didn't help.  I downloaded a fresh copy from mozilla.org, extracted it, ran the extracted copy, still crashes (Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_set_sensitive: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed)23:00
rednammoci know. but is there an better way ^^23:00
hittt_pepperjack: 192.168.1.x workz too!23:00
rednammochawk: dont know23:00
rednammochawk: i will try23:00
iron_495Hi my ubuntu 9.04 has crashed the error is Graphic environment unable to start!23:01
rednammochawk: your my hero of the day23:01
iron_495Can someone help me with this?23:01
hittt_iron_495: Are you using Gnome23:01
hawkrednammoc: np23:02
rednammocthx everyone23:02
hittt_can you see the logs?23:02
pepperjackmystic414: bit out of my area then sorry.  id /join #mozilla and see what they suggest23:02
mew-chanjust wondering i installed eggdrop via sudo aptitude install eggdrop23:02
KB1JWQrednammoc: nmap -sP
KB1JWQThe end.23:02
mew-chanwhat folder can i find eggdrop in?23:02
mystic414pepperjack: thanks for the help23:02
hittt_mew-chan: locate it?23:03
DasEimew-chan: sudo updatedb && locate eggdrop23:03
iron_495hittt_: is there a wayt to restore 9.04 ?23:03
mew-chanthanks dasei23:03
DumDUmi can open anything i cant open terminal synaptic add/remove pls help23:03
vossboringpackets, do you think fx 5200 will at least fix it so flash games are not sluggish23:03
hittt_iron_495, can you use the command line?23:04
boringpacketsvoss, my fx5200 was able to play flash games, but some i had to set to low quality23:04
raphaI'm just upgrading Ubuntu from 8.10 to 9.04 on a friend's PC and it wants to install LILO?!? Why would it replace GRUB with LILO?!?!23:04
k1rb_Ewhat program do i use to burn img files to usb drives?23:04
boringpacketswhat was the release date for 9.04?23:04
DumDUmrapha: ubuntu may not work with lilo23:04
rednammocKB1JWQ: didnt give me the hostname. but found all pc's on the network including mac-adress23:04
boringpacketslol rapha, thats funny right there23:04
hittt_iron_495, can you reinstall ubuntu-desktop?23:05
iron_495I have 8.10 is that that one acceptable?23:05
raphaDumDUm: i know and i dont want lilo but update-manager installed it - why, and can I safely remove it again?23:05
glitsj16rapha: that's a known issue, mentioned in the release notes ... if you don't need it, you can safely remove it23:06
hittt_iron_495, you are not verbose at all!23:06
iron_495no not that I know for sure?23:06
enazany one know a guide on how to convert to raid 1? i currenly only have 1 hard drive but i will bad adding 1 more and i want to use a raid 123:06
KB1JWQrednammoc: Then they're not registering in DNS.23:07
enazi know a little bit about how to set up a new raid1 with mdadm but i dont want to loose all my data23:07
KB1JWQCould nmap -A those hosts that're there, that might tell you if they're sharing over netbios23:07
raphaglitsj16: okay thanks now i feel good again :)23:07
DumDUmcant run terminal pls help23:07
glitsj16rapha: np :)23:07
=== lebrun is now known as xou
k1rb_Ewhat program do i use to burn img files to usb drives?23:08
iron_495I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but it only frooze and i have to ctrl+alt+Delete to get out of it ?23:08
hittt_iron_495, if i wasnt that tired, i could type the command to reconfigure that package straightaway, but now I dont remember neither the package name, or the command :P23:08
enazk1rb_E, if its a ubuntu install cd u can use the usb startup dick creater under system/administration23:09
sageupdatedb command not found23:09
iron_495is it the >Xauthority?23:09
DasEisage: sudo updateb ?23:09
hittt_iron_495, was it with root priviliges?23:09
DasEisage: sudo updatedb ?        *23:09
k1rb_Eenaz: found it.. thanks!23:09
iron_495hittt_: yes23:09
enazk1rb_E,  np23:09
sageyes command was not found23:10
Klonehow do i browse to drives through the terminal in linux?23:10
cpiercemake sure you have slocate installed too23:10
k1rb_Eenaz: its asking for an iso.. i have an img23:10
rednammocKB1JWQ: which target ?23:10
iron_495hittt_:actually I can't find the .Xauthority file23:10
DasEiKlone: use mount to find the dirs, cd there23:10
sagei typed sudo updatedb && locate eggdrop23:10
pepperjackKlone: use the mount command to see their mount points then cd  means change directory to the mount mount like cd /media/sda3   then ls to list contents23:10
sagei got sudo: updatedb command not found23:10
Kloneok thanks guys23:11
cpiercefind -name eggdrop /23:11
KB1JWQrednammoc: Whichever you care about.23:11
pepperjack!cli > Klone23:11
ubottuKlone, please see my private message23:11
cpiercewill do it if updatedb isn't updated23:11
hittt_iron_495, you are on a terminal right?23:11
teckyQuestion for anyone with a HP knowledgebase, what would you prefer a HP LJ P2035n / HP LJ P2055dn ??23:11
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:11
pepperjacktecky: id check linuxprinting.org23:12
teckyljl: its related as its going to be used on a Ubuntu 9.04 desktop23:12
iron_495yes but on another machine but if you give me something I'll have to run to the other machine!23:12
boringpacketsim not sure who was responsible for making it so the scroller on laptops and mouses functioned on out-of-focus windows as well as infocus ones23:12
boringpacketsbut that was GENIUS23:12
rednammocKB1JWQ: Failed to resolve given hostname/IP:23:12
cpierceboringpackets: thats a mac thing :)23:12
hittt_iron_495, I mean the problematic PC, can you get a shell to it?23:12
KB1JWQrednammoc: Take a step back a second.  What the heck are you trying to achieve?23:12
NetEchowhat programs are needed to run ./configure for compiling programs?23:12
LjL!be > NetEcho    (NetEcho, see the private message from ubottu)23:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about be23:13
KB1JWQNetEcho: Depends ENTIRELY on what you're building.23:13
LjL!build-essential > NetEcho    (NetEcho, see the private message from ubottu)23:13
pepperjackNetEcho: sudo apt-get install build-essential  is starting point23:13
k1rb_Ewhat program do i use to burn img files to usb drives?23:13
cpierceNetEcho: gcc and automake ... apt-get install build-essential23:13
iron_495I think so you nano a .bachrc?23:13
pepperjackk1rb_E: dd?23:13
k1rb_Epepperjack what is dd?23:13
iron_495.bashrc sorry23:13
NetEchoalso is there an update manager for Ubuntu server?23:13
zebulon_anybody know whats going on with http://ubuntuforums.org/ ?23:13
hittt_iron_495, what does startx return?23:14
zebulon_getting a "database error" message and an empty mailto: contact link23:14
cpiercek1rb_E: dd if=/myimage.img of=/dev/sdb123:14
iron_495I do have the terminal access it returns an error23:14
rednammocKB1JWQ: i wanted to translate an host into an ip-adress within the lan.23:14
sageany idea on how to find eggdrop if it was installed via sudo aptitude install eggdrop ??  (or how do i find tcl) so i can install eggdrop myself ( it fails to find tcl for some reason23:14
NetEcho:o theres no ncurses package?23:14
k1rb_Ecpierce ok ill try that23:14
iron_495startx that is23:14
glitsj16zebulon_: the forums seem to have a database issue, nothing you can do but wait untill it comes up again23:15
hittt_NetEcho: Impossible23:15
eseven73what's the name of that graphical app that shows file/directory size?23:15
rednammocKB1JWQ: hawk gave me an good answer, using nmblookup23:15
pepperjackk1rb_E: its command line im not sure offhand about gui apps. like dd if=file.img of=/dev/sdc or whatever but do NOT do that if you are not sure of the drive (sdc)23:15
NetEchoapt-get tells me there is no candidate23:15
admin_masu3701no sound do to flash..try uninstallin and reinstalling flash player but nothing work23:15
admin_masu3701would i re-install ubuntu?23:15
DasEieseven73:man ls23:15
hittt_admin_masu3701, is it clean install?23:15
hittt_or upgrade?23:15
DasEieseven73:sorry, you menat grafical23:15
eseven73DasEi, I need a graphical one, I just forget the name23:15
cpierceNetEcho: what version of linux?23:16
iron_495hittt_: thanks I really appreciatethe help!23:16
NetEchoUbuntu Server 9.0423:16
admin_masu3701i have upgraded from 8.1023:16
DasEieseven73:kdiskfree is one23:16
eseven73that sounds like KDE app23:16
eseven73don't want kde libs if I can help it :)23:16
hittt_iron_495: Did you take any clues?23:16
pepperjackeseven73: kdirstat is pretty cool23:16
k1rb_Epepperjack how do i figure out the drive?23:16
DasEi!diskfree | eseven7323:16
ubottueseven73: Graphical representations of where your disk-space is being used are: baobab (GNOME), filelight / kinfocenter (Kubuntu). On the terminal: df -h -T23:16
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mpontillosage: if you just want to know where it got installed, try "dpkg -L eggdrop"23:16
eseven73baobab that the one (i think) thanks!23:17
zebulon_dang, canonical which runs the sites is in GMT.  Guesit won't be back up til tomorrow23:17
slowraidis raid 5 rebuild / reshape slow on ubuntu 9.04 a known issue?23:17
cpierceapt-get install build-essential works for me23:17
pepperjackk1rb_E: plug in the drive and do a dmesg | tail   you should then see it23:17
iron_495well cron shows an error apache could'nt start it must have something to do with .Xauthority?23:17
k1rb_Epepperjack ok23:17
pepperjackk1rb_E: or mount command since ubuntu will automount it23:17
iron_495but I can't seem to get past permissions23:18
k1rb_Epepperjack: [167872.472709]  sdb: sdb123:18
k1rb_E[167872.518364] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk23:18
k1rb_E[167872.518488] sd 4:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 023:18
pepperjackk1rb_E: thats it23:18
MikeTheCHey folks...23:18
k1rb_Epepperjack /dev/sdb ?23:18
k1rb_Epepperjack /dev/sdb1 ?23:19
RoastedAny heavy Songbird users? Is there any way to configure Songbird to look at my music *as is* like Amarok1 used to do and Exaile does? I don't wnat my music sorted through ID tags - I just want Songbird to VIEW my music and present it to me the EXACT same way its arranged in my music folder in my home directory.23:19
MikeTheCAnyone here know how to get Gnome to automatically cycle through my wallpaper?23:19
olmariHere's one for you, suddenly I can't seem to burn any discimages with jaunty23:19
olmariwith any program that is23:19
MikeTheCI've tried to install Wallpaper Tray, but even after it's "installed" I can't find any trace of it.23:19
pepperjackk1rb_E: yes sdb23:19
iron_495hittt_: how about this Idea if you are tired you can e-mail the cure by ironfoot495@yahoo.com?23:19
olmarik3b knows to tell that my drive doesn't support DAO23:19
elementzgot a strange problem: created a new ext3 partition via gparted on an external usb drive. when mounting that partition, and trying to create a file eg via 'touch foo' i get a 'Permission denied' - wtf?23:19
olmaribut it does23:20
iron_495hittt_: is that acceptable?23:20
dereinewhat it the default installation dir of gem in ubuntu?23:20
jaggerjackHi, does anyone know where I can go to get some troubleshooting help?23:20
pepperjackjaggerjack: . here23:20
eseven73lol forums are down as usual23:20
DasEielementz: chown the folder it's mounte to to correctr user23:20
boringpacketscpierce what do you mean that's a mac thing?23:20
hittt_cuz, b b, guys I need to get a non-UNIX sleep23:20
hatter243Is there a harddrive diagnostic tool in Ubuntu? I'm trying to figure out if this harddrive I've got lying about is in tip top shape...23:20
boringpacketscpierce i was afk23:20
ActionParsniphatter243: fsck23:20
olmarialso gurning images wasn't problem with 8.1023:20
hatter243ah yes23:20
elementzDasEi: ?23:21
halox3xdravencan anyone help me with the libpango prob?23:21
shsrupdate-initramfs is seeing some old cruft and wont configure23:21
jerbearwhat happened to tracker and deskbar in jaunty?23:21
elementzDasEi: there is no folder. its just the hd23:21
ActionParsniphatter243: or get the ultimate boot cd, it has tools from the major hdd manufacturers to test the drive usig their own tool23:21
pepperjackhalox3xdraven: gsmartcontrol maybe best bet as far as i know23:21
olivier_Slart: I've managed to get tv sound using 'pacat -r -d alsa_input.pci_1131_7134_sound_card_0_alsa_capture_0 --rate=66000|pacat. So it seems I should make a bug report23:21
DasEielementz: let's say it mounted on /media/usb, your username is elementz, then do : sudo chown -R23:22
hatter243ActionParsnip, Good idea, thanks!23:22
elementzDasEi: k.23:22
DasEielementz: sudo chown -R elementz /media/usb23:22
elementzDasEi: how can i check the permissions on the mount?23:22
MikeTheCAlso, is there a way to get Gnome to actually recognize and play sounds for the events designated in it's Sound control panel?23:22
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DasEielementz: ls tells you, man ls23:22
ActionParsnipelementz: ls -l /media/usb23:23
elementzk thx23:23
DasEielementz: also you could add it to fstab, options user,rw23:23
gbailey1Can anyone give me a quick walkthrough of visudo? I seem to be having difficulty editing my sudoers file23:23
samuelgI'm running jaunty on a dell laptop and I'm having a lot of xorg issues. After an update, my screen is now all rainbow colors. I can't make out anything. Ctrl + Alt + Backspace no longer works, so that's out. And on top of that ctrl + alt +1/2/3/4/5 doesn't work either so i'm not even sure how to access a command line23:24
admin_masu3701its very weird...i can hear sound when playing some video, but sound at all23:24
admin_masu3701how can that happen23:24
elementzDasEi: hm, ok the permissions on the mounted drive do not differ. so its the *way* i mount it? normally i just do  a mount /dev/foo /media/foo23:24
KB1JWQgbailey1: Google it.  IT's not that difficult; all visudo does is ensure you don't mess it u0p23:24
pop3hello ppl i have a problem with my ubuntu and SD card on my laptop could someone help me ??23:24
KB1JWQ!ask | pop323:24
ubottupop3: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:24
gbailey1KB1JWQ: I have googled it, and I feel like a complete idiot for not being able to figure it out23:24
KB1JWQgbailey1: Pastebin?23:25
roule01010is vim-full the same thing as vim-gnome?23:25
ActionParsnipsamuelg: run the fix xorg in the recovery mode menu23:25
admin_masu3701can someone help please...i dont get this23:25
KB1JWQroule01010: Nope.23:25
DasEielementz: mostly when you create or mount a drive, you do as super-user, so permissions will stick there (try to write by sudo should also work)23:25
KB1JWQI think vim-gnome has a GUI frontend23:25
roule01010vim-full too23:25
halox3xdravenim having problems with libpango can anyone help?23:25
admin_masu3701no sound on the system..but hear sound when i play this clip on line23:25
roule01010vim-full has vim-gnome in his deps23:25
elementzDasEi: k23:25
KB1JWQroule01010: Hmm.  I'm not sure what the difference is then. :)23:26
ActionParsnip!sound | admin_masu370123:26
pepperjacksamuelg: id alt-ctrl-f2 then login then X -configure to generate an xorg.conf file then sudo mv xorg.conf-new /etc/X11/xorg.conf  then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart then go back to alt-ctrl-f2 if that doesnt fix it and change the Driver in xorg.conf to vesa and retest23:26
ubottuadmin_masu3701: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:26
eseven73vim-gnome is the meta package isnt it?23:26
KB1JWQfull may grab all the varios vim packages as a meta23:26
gbailey1KB1JWQ: Again, I feel like an idiot. I figured it out :-/23:26
samuelgActionParsnip: just booted from recovery mode, and my screen is black23:26
eseven73or full rather23:26
ActionParsnip!info vim-gnome23:26
ubottuvim-gnome (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GNOME2 GUI. In component main, is extra. Version 2:7.2.079-1ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 987 kB, installed size 2024 kB23:26
KB1JWQgbailey1: Well that was easy...23:26
pepperjacksamuelg: btw google serverflags dontzap for example of enabling alt-ctrl-backspace again23:26
jaggerjackAnyone know why my speakers may have started making a crackling sound in the last two days?  I just did an update could that have been it?23:26
KB1JWQ!info vim-full23:26
ubottuvim-full (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor (transitional package). In component universe, is extra. Version 2:7.2.079-1ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 82 kB, installed size 124 kB23:26
linduxedin need of help with the following matter http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/145888-no-sound-jaunty-had-intrepid.html#post693309 (theres an ubuntu-forums thread too but the forums are down...)23:26
ActionParsnipsamuelg: try booting to root recovery console and run: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg23:27
roule01010Okay, another q: can you use the courier font with gvim?23:27
admin_masu3701ubottu: i have try all that23:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:27
samuelgpepperjack: I don't think you understand... ctrl alt f1/f2/f3 doesn't even work23:27
shsrupdate-nitramfs is trying to create a initrd for a kernel that doesnt exist23:27
admin_masu3701ubuttu: you gave me those links last night but nothin seem to work23:28
hittt_it is a bot!23:28
glitsj16MikeTheC: i think you need libcanberra0 to be able to play system event sounds23:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubutto23:28
pepperjacksamuelg: then recovery shell and personally id chmod -x /etc/init.d/gdm to make it not executable until it is fixed. you can then reboot and be at command line just use +x to make executable again23:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubotto23:28
BlueAidanwhat's the recommended method of mirroring an ubuntu release?23:28
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:28
samuelgpepperjack: but how am i supposed to access a recovery shell/23:29
pepperjacksamuelg: tap esc key during boot by default grub hides it but esc will give option23:29
MikeTheCglitsj16: Just checked, and it is installed. I wasn't able to get assigned sounds to play in 8.04 or 8.10, either. It's just kind of silly to have the feature but not be able to get it to work.23:30
MikeTheCglitsj16: Also, I earlier asked about automatic changing/cycling of wallpaper. Any thoughts? Compiz' Wallpaper module does nothing, and Wallpaper Tray doesn't seem to be able to install correctly on 9.04.23:30
=== RainCT_ is now known as RainCT
admin_masu3701should i just reinstall ubuntu or is there any other solution to try23:31
glitsj16MikeTheC: true, for me they started to work and i don't use them ... things are always weirdly distributed (you might need additional libcanberra related packages, i have 3 but am on xubuntu so i couldn't be sure)23:32
WhoNeedszzzIf anyone here is good with RLPlot, can you please send me a pm?23:32
jaggerjack_So i pressed alt-ctrl-f1 and it sent me to command prompt, how do I get out of that and back into GUI for future reference?23:32
WhoNeedszzzjaggerjack_: ctrl+alt+F723:32
jaggerjack_ah thanks23:32
glitsj16MikeTheC: i remember the cycling wallpaper question yes, compiz wallpaper works fine, but it doesn't do cycling23:32
pepperjackalt-f7 also you can sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart to restart x23:32
jaggerjack_nice thanks23:33
WhoNeedszzzpepperjack: not just alt+F723:33
MikeTheCglitsj16: aw nuts. I used to use Wallpaper Tray in 8.04 and 8.10.23:33
glitsj16MikeTheC: any errors using wallpaper tray ? or why do you think it didn't install properly ?23:33
pepperjackWhoNeedszzz: yep. only need ctrl-alt in X23:33
sebsebsebolrrai: hi23:34
WhoNeedszzzpepperjack: well then either works23:34
MikeTheCglitsj16: It installs with no errors but it cannot be found. Even when I do a "which wallpaper-tray" or "which wp-tray" nothing is returned.23:34
olrraiI upgrade to ubuntu 9.04, my kde3 app has no sound, any ideo hot to config kde3 apps?23:34
WhoNeedszzzIf anyone here is good with RLPlot, can you please send me a pm?23:34
jaggerjack_so back to my original question.  as of yesterday or the day before, I have had no sound all I get is crackling out of my speakers.  Anyone been experiencing this?23:34
olrraiI upgrade to ubuntu 9.04, my kde3 app has no sound, any ideo hot to config kde3 apps? (kde4 apps has sound and works fine)23:35
glitsj16MikeTheC: you need to manually update the database if you want to find/locate something after an install, try "sudo updatedb", let it do its voodoo and run a "locate wp-tray" afterwards23:35
Raynesubuntuforums.org is down.23:37
MikeTheCglitsj16: Well, yeah, it finds the directories and stuff, but no actual app itself.23:37
xnixanwhat is the best application for network traffic monitoring?23:38
glitsj16MikeTheC: odd indeed ... just looking at the homepage of wallpaper-tray and it mentions availability of older versions that still use the notification area instead of the gnome panel, perhaps a job for manual compilation23:38
yao_ziyuanwhat is the channel discussing linux games?23:38
settimio80could anyone help me? i want to know where is the location of ubuntu text menu categories? ex. Applications, Audio and Video, ... i want to know the name of these items in other languages than english23:39
epaphusHOw can i view system specs on ubuntu?23:39
epaphuslike proc23:39
eseven73the factoid !diskfree needs to be changed, baobab is not in Jaunty according to !info baobab23:39
gymophettHmm. This is neat :)23:39
settimio80please help me23:40
halox3xdravenhow do i copy libpango to my lib folder?23:40
anom01yhey guys I installed a driver from Nvidia's web site to try to get my 8800 GT nvidia card to work, but after I ran nvidia-xconfig I get a black screen after I reboot23:40
palomerI'm getting an annoying crackle all the time23:40
palomerubuntu 9.0423:41
palomerhow do I fix this?23:41
jaggerjack_same palomer23:41
BlackCoffeehi there,can anyone tell me how i can rotate my wallpaper image(like clockwise and such)23:41
admin_masu3701how is it possible to NOT HaVE SOUND on the system but be able to hear sound when playin a video online?23:41
jaggerjack_just happened like yesterday, sound was working fine for me but last night I unmuted and sound was all crackles23:41
glitsj16eseven73: neither is there a baobab in intrepid it seems, and packages.ubuntu.com only show a baobab for dapper ...23:41
gymophettI wonder whats wrong with the forum?23:41
epaphusAnybody know how i can view the type of processor that my machine has in ubuntu?? anybody23:42
gymophettmaybe you dont have flash installed.23:42
admin_masu3701jaggerjack_: everyone is having sound problems23:42
eseven73glitsj16, ya baobab is not in Ubuntu 8.04 either23:42
Juliiiieadmin_masu3701: ha ha ha23:42
cpierceboringpackets: the scrolling even when not active23:42
jaggerjack_I didnt know that23:42
glitsj16the disappearing baobab .. mystery lurks23:42
Juliiiieyeah, ubuntu is fucked up with sound23:42
Juliiiieit's a pity23:43
admin_masu3701it is23:43
Juliiiiebut well, it's bound to be fixed somedays23:43
gymophettmy sound worked out of the box. :)23:43
ReckI have my system set up with a seperate partition for / and /home, is this called anything special?23:43
eseven73glitsj16, kdirstat is really nice alternative23:43
gymophettEverything did actually.23:43
admin_masu3701me too gymophett23:43
glitsj16eseven73: thx, will have a look23:43
admin_masu3701now no sound23:43
admin_masu3701for 3 days23:43
gymophettcool. :)23:43
admin_masu3701i think i will reinstall ubuntu23:43
Juliiiiefor me it depends on which software i launch first23:44
admin_masu3701no one seem to know how to fix the isssue23:44
gymophetta woman got a face trandplant?! :O23:44
Reckadmin_masu3701, do you have an XPS m1330?23:44
ELoCNN right?23:44
Juliiiiei heard there are ways to beg alsa to work fine23:44
FirefisheI'm using ubuntu 8.10, also running kde 4.2.2 and xfce4 (xubuntu) concurrently.  I am getting this error when I log in to the xfce desktop: http://rafb.net/p/Rwd4oj39.html  |  This happens only with my normal user--the one made at install time.  I have a new user, made yesterday, that logs into xfce just fine.23:44
glitsj16Reck: besides wise and easy when upgrading nothing special i think no23:44
pasteeaterepaphus: cat /proc/cpuinfo23:44
ELothats one hell of a transplant23:44
gymophettCBS actually.23:45
ELoi wish her luck23:45
Juliiiiestill, you'd have to "ping the kernel" in some ways, eh23:45
halox3xdravenwhat is the code for copying libpango 1.0-0 to the lib folder?23:45
Reckthanks glitsj16 there really should be a name for the set up. its a good way of doing it.  but it involves some work doing a fresh install and getting up and running really quick23:45
gymophettit seems like they could fix more of it.23:45
Reckadmin_masu3701, let me find the reference i used to fix my sound problem on my 1330923:45
gymophettmore it loks a lot better.23:45
MarkJoneshalox3xdraven: Is the folder permissions preventing you from doing that?23:45
MikeTheCglitsj16: Ok, got it working. That's weird. Oh well, they changed how it works. C 'est la vie, I guess... Thanks again!23:45
Juliiiieit tells mei got no more battery23:46
Juliiiiestill, i just unplugged it23:46
Juliiiielet's see if i unconnect23:46
MarkJoneshalox3xdraven: sudo nautilus, then do it.23:46
glitsj16Reck: so many partition schemes around that would be a handful23:46
eseven73gksudo nautilus23:46
DasEieseven73: thanks, I'm after it23:46
eseven73!gksudo | MarkJones23:46
ubottuMarkJones: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)23:46
vaderAnybody know if a brand new 120Gb Ipod will work with Amorak/Songbird/gtkpod etc out of the box?23:46
admin_masu3701Reck: the irony is that sound was working fine 2 days ago23:46
glitsj16MikeTheC: :) happy cycling23:46
boringpacketscpierce Ohhh ! well its freaking awesome.23:46
Juliiiieadmin_masu3701: have you tried alsamixer ?23:46
ELoMy iPod Touch doesn't work23:46
ELonot with songbird which i'm using now.23:46
Reckadmin_masu3701, Did you install any new apps or reinstall anything related to sound?  or upgrade to 9.04?23:46
gymophettIdk if it will work OOTB, but it should be able to with a few hacks. Touch and iPhones dont.23:47
halox3xdraventhanks alot23:47
ELoI know on WinXP its been caught erasing data off of ipods, song bird that is.23:47
Juliiiieadmin_masu3701: is there some "mute" button your cat could have hit ? =)23:47
eseven73DasEi, I really didn't want anymore kde libs, but luckily that app doesnt install anymore kde libs than I already had :D23:47
vaderELo: you need to jailbreak it. I have a Touch also.23:47
admin_masu3701i did upgradte to 9.04..but sound was working fine after23:47
gymophettAnyone found how to get a Zune to work with Ubuntu 9.04 yet?23:47
Reckadmin_masu3701, http://www.walkingrandomly.com/?p=110023:47
olmariDoes anyone have an idea how to really check CD-writers abilities? I mean all of the sudden I can't burn any images with 9.04 while I could do it with 8.10 just fine no matter what the program used... k3b insist that mine drive doesn't support "RAW" but I know it does..23:47
MikeTheCglitsj16: Now if only I could figure out what's up with sound events in Gnome. *sigh*23:47
ELoeh, i'm not that heavy into my ipod.23:47
DasEieseven73: which app do you use now ?23:47
shsrolmari, all of them support raw23:48
ELoThought about it, but I dont care about customizing so much.23:48
eseven73errr kdirstat23:48
admin_masu3701its funny how can i hear sound when i play some video clip online23:48
halox3xdravenstill says dependency is unsatisfiable23:48
Juliiiieadmin_masu3701: it sometimes work when under the process viewer i kill everything containing "artsd" or "knotify"23:48
admin_masu3701but no sound otherwise23:48
shsrbig feature thats buggy is packet writing, havnt gotten that to work myself23:48
glitsj16MikeTheC: have you tried installing some extra libcanberra related packages yet ?23:48
MarkJonesolmari: Nero for linux is pretty good.Thats what i use.Its only like $2523:48
gymophettUbuntu 9.04 picks up my Zune now! :D23:48
halox3xdraven i haven't23:48
nrichwhat's the xen-aware kernel called in ubuntu 9.04 ?23:48
Juliiiieadmin_masu3701: oh, you mean you got sound on firefox and nowhere else ?23:49
gymophettNero for Linux? Hmm. I didn't know about that. :D23:49
gymophettI'll stick with Brasero and k3b.23:49
ELoi gotta look into that23:49
Dr_Willislast i checked - i dident see anything thgat Nero for Linux did.. that k3b dident..23:49
jaggerjack_My sound issue is far different then yours admin_masu3701,  all my sound is crackly no matter what I am playing it through23:49
vaderI need to buy q 120 for my car, but don't have any Windows machines... Will I be able to xfers songs in Ubuntu without using Itunes or jailbreaking?23:49
Dr_Willisit dident have all the features the windos-over-kill version did. :)23:49
Juliiiiejaggerjack_: gotta get into industrial =)23:49
mrwesK3b is it, too bad Brasero hasn't come up to par23:49
gymophettNERO FOR LINUX: http://www.nero.com/eng/linux3.html23:50
olmariMarkJones: well it isn't burningprogram related as said... NO program works now..23:50
jaggerjack_industrial? you'll have to rephrase that23:50
jaggerjack_you mean the hardware?23:50
admin_masu3701i dont have sound no where in the system...but i just try to play a clip and i hear sound...23:50
Juliiiiedistorted music for which you won't notice that kind of crackles23:50
nrichanyone know what the kernel for ubuntu 9.04 which is xen aware is called23:50
ynhey, this is more of a hardware question than Ubuntu-specific, but still related - what's the lightest, in terms of weight, laptop that is hardware compatible with Ubuntu?23:50
admin_masu3701no sound otherwise23:50
MarkJonesIve never realy had any dependability with k3b or brasero.23:50
ynpreferably something with a full-sized keyboard, no 9" netbooks23:51
Sergeant_Ponyis it possible to run Ubuntu 9.04 on a dual core 2 ghz with 3 gig memory without a swapfile?23:51
Juliiiieadmin_masu3701: oh, then I guess the only thing you got to do is kill firefox first23:51
Dr_WillisSergeant_Pony:  should be ..23:51
ReckSergeant_Pony, yes, the swap file is recomended, not recquired23:51
ReckI don't use one23:51
gymophettI thinks so Sergeant Pony.23:51
Dr_WillisSergeant_Pony:   it sucks when you run out of ram. :)23:51
admin_masu3701Juliiii: how do i do that...i would kill anything right now...hehee23:51
gymophettPut Swap on there anyway, JUST in case. :D23:52
Juliiiiesudo top23:52
MikeTheCglitsj16: The only uninstalled options are libcanberra0-dbg, libcanberra-dev, libcanberra-doc, libcanberra-gtk0-dbg, libcanberra-gtk-dev and libcanberra-gtk-module-dbg.23:52
Sergeant_PonyDr_Willis, I've had this setup for 2 weeks now and it never uses more that 15% of the memory and has never touched the swapfile23:52
Juliiiiegottago !23:52
Roastedwhy is jaunty requiring me to put in a password to reboot??23:52
mrwesSergeant_Pony, yah Jaunty is very efficient23:52
admin_masu3701juliiiii: sudo top just show you the processes23:52
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glitsj16MikeTheC: that looks like you have all you should need from libcanberra, those are either debug or dev packages indeed23:52
Sergeant_Ponymrwes, cool, I like it so far except for my sound issues..23:53
mrwesforums down?23:53
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VCoolioadmin_masu3701: you can see the pid of the firefox-process, so run: kill (pid)23:53
Dr_WillisSergeant_Pony:   sucks when ya accidently start 100 videos.. Like i did the other day. :)  i used up swap real fast then.. heh23:53
MikeTheCglitsj16: Yup, pretty much. Mind you I did a search for just "canberra" to try and catch anything that could be relevant or related.23:53
gymophettForums down. :(23:53
Roastedwhen you guys go to shut down or reboot, do you get prompted for a password?23:53
halox3xdraveni need the libpango 1.0-0.so file23:54
Sergeant_PonyRoasted only if I do it from a console23:54
Roastedwhen I do it from the gui it requires a PW23:54
Roastedhow effing strange23:54
glitsj16MikeTheC: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libcanberra/+bug/273507 might have a fix23:54
spytuxroasted have you enable autologin?23:54
admin_masu3701i think i will just reinstall ubuntu...less problems...23:54
Roastedspytux - No. It requires me to put in a password to log in.23:55
Roastedwhich is how I want it23:55
koshari1Roasted you havnt changed any permissians have you?23:55
EManXLThe only thing that gets to me is how my system hangs when Ubuntu is loading the Night Rider line prior to the GUI coming up.23:55
Roastedkoshari1 - I did change some permissions, but the permissions I changed were to my backup drive...23:55
pop3i have an acer 5920g with card reader and ubuntu 8.04, im trying to use my 4giga SD card but i cant!the crazy part is that 2 days ago the card works just simple, i just plug it in my laptop all was fine! could someone help me ??23:55
Roastedkoshari1 - what permissions would be tied in with the logout thing Im dealing with?23:55
EManXLWorse case I have to manually turn off the PC and back on again and hope it goes through after the third manual reboot.23:55
halox3xdravencan anyone help me find the .so variant of libpango?23:56
koshari1Roasted i dont know specifically however i cant see what else would change the logout behaviour, i take it it wasnt always the case you were prompted?23:56
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bc??? http://ubuntuforums.org/23:57
jaggerjack_can anyone tell me when I let firefox sit for a period of time it stops loading pages?23:57
Roastedkoshari1 - No, originally it just gave me the 1 minute warning asking me if I was sure23:57
RoastedI had a post on forums but theyre down now so I dont know if anybody responded.23:57
mrwesRoasted: are you rebooting from the command line? or the GUI?23:57
IradiehWhat is the difference between Ubuntu, Ubuntu serv and Ubuntu alternative?23:58
Roastedmrwes - GUI23:58
Roastedmrwes - tell me about it23:58
spytuxroasted this will happen if you use switch user option...23:58
admin_masu3701i have 2 partition, dual boot linux and windows, want to reinstall ubuntu, what do i need to do, should i edit the ubuntu partion first or just install the cd23:58
Roastedspytux - I'm trying to restart...23:58
mrwesRoasted: upload a screenshot to imageshack23:58
koshari1Roasted well it would appear an action taken just prior to the change would be the root cause, it you are like me however and have uptimes of up to 10 days it may be difficult to isolate the cause23:58
DasEi Iradieh:alternative comes with a more configurable text installer, better for extic hardware..23:58
IradiehDasEi: hmm what do you recomend for a mac mini?23:59
eseven73what's the name of the sudo crontab -e file? I want to back it up :D23:59
glitsj16jaggerjack_: some websites/services do auto-reloading, but besides that your firefox shouldn't move if you don't use it23:59
IradiehAnyway what about server/ubuntu desktop (I come from a Debian background, I got a server, but I use NX to connect to it and therefore run Xfce)23:59
lukinforehi ! what device should I use to raw access cd/dvd?23:59

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