
JontheEchidnaI documented the patch I put in to bzr :D00:07
nixternalneed to document it in the changelog so we don't have to go through the debian/changelog and the bzr changelog as well00:13
JontheEchidnaI put it in debian/changelog too00:15
JontheEchidnaand then I always copy the debian changelog entries relevant to the bzr commit for the commit message00:15
nixternalJontheEchidna: ya, I don't think you were the guilty one in the kdemultimedia one :)00:32
nixternalhrmm, MoM isn't playing nice00:49
nixternalremoving .pot files in the diffs00:49
Riddellnixternal: what has a .pot file?00:56
nixternalRiddell: kwave00:57
nixternalnon-kde-core package00:57
Riddellwell it'll get removed by our clean rule01:07
Riddellbut generated again by our build rules01:07
Riddellnot something to worry about really01:08
JontheEchidnaunless the source doesn't include a Messages.sh, perhaps?01:09
Riddellwell yes01:09
Riddellbut that's a bug in itself01:09
* JontheEchidna nods01:10
=== foursixnine is now known as santiago-ve
Riddellqt and kde4libs uploaded to karmic01:54
Riddellhope they compile01:54
JontheEchidna...sometime within the next month :P02:11
pedahzurHello!  I was recently let go from my job, so have a bit of free time.  I know there are a number of KDE/Kubuntu projects written in Python.  I've spent the 2.5 years doing Python programming, and might be able to help out.  Where might I find a list of KDE/Kubuntu written in Python in which I might be able to lend a hand, look at bugs, etc?02:55
JontheEchidnaI could probably recall several... let's see03:07
JontheEchidnajockey, software-properties-kde, system-config-printer-kde...03:07
nixternalheh, I love when a progress indicator tells me "102% complete"03:09
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pedahzurJontheEchidna: Thanks...great start.04:13
nixternalgrr, usb-creator doesn't seperate gtk enough from the backend for us to create an easy frontend...so I shall fix it04:22
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Quintasan_eagles0513875: ping08:21
Quintasan_I have the package ready08:21
eagles0513875si senor08:22
Quintasan_wai a second please, I need to wait for kopete notifations to disappear :P08:22
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
eagles0513875Quintasan: im gonna head out for now wont be gone too long08:23
Quintasaneagles0513875: it failed to build actually :/08:26
Quintasandue to missing files08:26
QuintasanI think  thats the last problem08:26
eagles0513875just keep me informed08:26
eagles0513875no hurry no pressure bro08:26
Quintasanthe xpm icon patch was not working and I though it was fixed :<08:26
eagles0513875im fighting with samba atm :( dunno whats worse08:27
QuintasanI will need to bug someone for methods of patch checking :P08:28
eagles0513875have fun off to get some questions answered for my maths course for my exam08:31
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
eagles0513875Quintasan: do i need to smack ya bout for a whiel till you stop getting on and off lol08:52
Quintasandunno what's with mah connection08:52
QuintasanFFFFFUUUUU- It takes much too long to compile09:00
Quintasaneagles0513875: yay09:23
Quintasaneagles0513875: it's alive09:23
Quintasaneagles0513875: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/69524/kvirc.tar.bz209:42
eagles0513875Quintasan: is it just a deb09:50
Quintasanyeah and what you wanted?09:50
eagles0513875we need to talk to someone bout getting it put in kubuntu-experimental or pushed out as an update09:51
Quintasanhmm, good point09:51
tsimpsonfile a bug09:51
Quintasanbut before pushing it out as an update we need to do tests09:51
Quintasanusers will kill us if this will introduce regressions ;)09:52
eagles0513875Quintasan: lol09:52
eagles0513875well 4.0 is already in jaunty thing is with what you did you are introducing new features that dont exist yet in the version built in march09:52
Quintasaneagles0513875: test it if you can09:53
QuintasanI'm trying to get a grasp of it09:53
eagles0513875Quintasan: got any questions hit me up09:53
* Quintasan wonders if he really needs to file a bug09:54
QuintasanWon't it be better if I poke Riddel or someone else?09:54
tsimpsonif you want it in -backports you should, for -updates you need to09:55
tsimpsonneeds a SRU for -updates09:55
Quintasanah, I want it in kubuntu-experimental for now09:55
eagles0513875Quintasan: cant install it :(09:56
Quintasanyou need to install kvirc-data package as well09:56
eagles0513875what do i need to install first09:56
tsimpsonwe need the source (.orig.tar.gz, .diff.gz and .dsc) to put it in the PPA anyway09:57
Quintasantsimpson: I know, I gave him the deb's09:57
eagles0513875Quintasan: trying to install with kpackagekit and it keeps giving me some unknown error09:57
Quintasaneagles0513875:  kvirc_4.0.0~svn3193-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb and kvirc-data_4.0.0~svn3193-0ubuntu3_all.deb09:57
Quintasansudo dpkg -i ^09:57
tsimpsoneagles0513875: or use gdebi-kde09:58
Quintasanthat reminds me I should check how's Shaman09:58
eagles0513875its complaining bout dependencies09:58
eagles0513875bout the svn needed the data package09:59
eagles0513875now the kvirc-data is complaining bout kvirc depndency09:59
Quintasaneagles0513875: the bz2 file I sent you contains kvirc, kvirc-data, kvirc-deb09:59
Quintasansudo dpkg -i  kvirc_4.0.0~svn3193-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb and kvirc-data_4.0.0~svn3193-0ubuntu3_all.deb09:59
eagles0513875i copied that command and yet its still having dependency issues10:04
eagles0513875ill pastebin10:04
eagles0513875what i do wrong10:04
Quintasanyou are in wrong dir Xd10:04
eagles0513875thats where i have the .debs saved10:04
Quintasanalso no F at the end of file10:04
eagles0513875it got it to work10:04
eagles0513875brb let me restart10:04
eagles0513875its updated :) ty10:05
eagles0513875if you get that stuff thats missing we can get it pushed to jaunty updates :)10:06
Quintasanwhat's missing?10:06
eagles0513875tsimpson: said something bout dsc and what not10:08
tsimpsonwho said anything about jaunty updates?10:08
eagles0513875tsimpson: kvirc 4.0 build is from back in march 3 months old10:08
eagles0513875it would be nice to see it get out as an update to kvirc that is in already in jaunty10:09
tsimpsonit can't just be placed in -updates10:09
eagles0513875i know10:09
eagles0513875Quintasan: was asking what was missing in it10:09
tsimpsonwait for the boss man to appear and see if it's good for -experimental for testing10:10
eagles0513875blarg sry bout that trying to install a theme10:15
eagles0513875well one thing for sure since the one in the repos they fix the themes :)10:15
eagles0513875Quintasan: themes are pretty sweet :)10:19
Riddellug my qt4/phonon hackery entirely failed to work10:56
eagles0513875i have the solution to static ip issues with the new network manager :)10:59
eagles0513875its not a problem with the widget itself its integration on kubuntu end with the network manager and the init.d script11:02
eagles0513875i setup the static ip used the network restart script and it still used dhcp rebooted and it switched and is using static ip now11:02
eagles0513875ill just file a bug for it11:02
ikoniaeagles0513875: where did you setup the static ip ?11:03
eagles0513875in the gui under my wifi i chose my connection then hit edit then the tab where it says ip address11:04
eagles0513875chose manual and put it in in there11:04
ikoniawhat is in the interfaces file ?11:04
ikoniaactually this would be better in #kubuntu11:04
eagles0513875i have no problems its something integration wise that needs to be looked at11:05
ikoniahow do you know ?11:05
eagles0513875after rebooting i was using the static ip11:06
eagles0513875using /etc/init.d/network restart kept using the dhcp ip that it had11:06
ikoniahow does that proves it's an intergration issue ?11:06
ikonialets move to #kubuntu and have a look11:06
Riddella|wen: I havn't recreated my duplicate access points issue with n-m since I showed it to you, maybe I imagined it11:08
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Riddellclean:: rm -rf po/*.pot12:00
Riddellfrom /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/makefiles/1/cdbs/kde.mk12:00
RiddellI don't see why removing the .pot file should fail something to compile though, nothing happens with those files12:00
RiddellI expect removing the GETTEXT_CREATE_TRANSLATIONS line in po/CMakeLists.txt will fix it12:13
RiddellI don't quite understand why that needs a .pot file12:13
Riddellguess it just feels the need to merge it12:14
Riddellhmm, but for universe we do want the .mo files installed12:15
Riddellnixternal: ok pkg-kde-tools 0.4.6ubuntu5  * Add a KUBUNTU_NO_DELETE_POT variable for packages which moan if you delete their .pot file12:28
Riddellexport KUBUNTU_NO_DELETE_POT=112:28
Riddellin the debian/rules file will sort it12:28
ghostcubewow amarok-common still not build12:53
Riddellho hum, now the archive is a mess until qt and phonon and everything compiles12:58
JontheEchidnaRiddell: could you take a look at bug 372689 please?14:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 372689 in pinentry-qt4 "Sync pinentry-qt4 0.7.3+svn885721-1 (main) from Debian experimental (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37268914:04
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JontheEchidnacool, thx14:15
JontheEchidnafigure that if we're shipping svn versions of software, they might as well be at least somewhat recent ;-)14:15
RiddellJontheEchidna: done14:32
JontheEchidnawow, the archive is skewed in regards to Qt14:33
* JontheEchidna reads backlog14:33
JontheEchidnaah, phonon14:34
Riddellyeah, the version number hackery I tried didn't work14:36
Riddellso now I'm just renaming to libqt4-phonon14:36
Riddellwhich means everything will need to be recompiled against it14:36
Riddellso got to wait for the builds to finish and the builds for everything (libs, base) to finish before things will be installable again14:36
Riddelland it's still building!  takes its time does qt14:37
JontheEchidnaok, so then I should probably wait for akonadi sponsorship until after it builds14:47
* JontheEchidna wonders if kde4libs is done in the ppa14:48
ghostcubeHole:1 http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty/main kdelibs5-dev 4:4.2.3-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa1 [1099kB]14:51
Riddellooh kde4libs is indeed done14:54
RiddellJontheEchidna: going to retry the other bits in the PPA?14:54
JontheEchidnathen I'll upload the next layer14:54
* Riddell wibbles a bit that qt failed on lpia14:58
Riddelloh poo15:02
rickspencer3hi flacoste!15:02
Riddellthe qt compile was all wrong15:02
Riddellnow I feel silly15:02
Riddellhi flacoste :)15:02
neversfeldeI think that the libgpod0.7 build patch might cause the problems wit amarok 2.1 beta and ipods in kubuntu. Has someone tried to build it without?15:02
flacostehi Riddell!15:02
rickspencer3hi all15:03
rickspencer3flacoste is a launchpad dev lead, and a huge Kubuntu fan15:03
rickspencer3flacoste: how long have you been using Kubuntu/KDE?15:03
flacostemy first Ubuntu install was Kubuntu Breezy15:04
flacosteand upgraded to Dapper just after joining Canonical15:04
flacostewas on Debian/Gnome before that15:05
rickspencer3how is Jaunty working for you flacoste?15:05
flacostebut a friend convinced me to try Kubuntu15:05
flacosteand given that evolution was just crashing on me, kmail was a breath of fresh air15:05
flacostejaunty is working fine once i disabled desktop effects15:06
rickspencer3how many times have I hears that?15:06
flacoste(i have an intel video card)15:06
eagles0513875ping a|wen_15:06
* rickspencer3 nods15:06
eagles0513875flacoste: have you given an older driver from intrepid or gutsy a shot i was told that they are in a ppa somewhere15:06
a|wen_eagles0513875: pong15:07
flacosteeagles0513875: it's on my todo list15:07
eagles0513875a|wen_: i discovered a really strange issue with the network-manager widget15:07
flacostei have a bunch of follow-up tests to do on this issue15:07
eagles0513875it wont connect to wired network when i plug in the ethernet cable also static ips work but require a reboot of the entire machine, not just using etc/init.d/network restart wont work it still uses dhcp after rebooting on my home network i was on a static ip15:08
flacosteanybody packaged the amarok 2.1 beta release in a PPA by any chance?15:08
eagles0513875flacoste: its in the kubuntu-experimental already15:08
neversfeldeflacoste: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-experimental/+archive/ppa15:09
flacosteis it worth a shot?15:09
Riddellneversfelde: which build patch is that?15:09
eagles0513875flacoste: i like it there are some very very minor issues but bareable15:09
flacostei switched back to 1.4.6 because i wasn't able to sync with my ipod touch and the support for collection on external drive was very buggy?15:09
neversfeldeRiddell: kubuntu_04_libgpod_0.7.diff15:09
eagles0513875not sure bout ipod stuff since i dont have an ipod15:09
Riddellneversfelde: I would have thought that wouldn't be needed any more (but then it would likely not apply)15:10
eagles0513875a|wen_: would you prefer i file a bug against the widget15:10
Riddellneversfelde: well disable it in debian/rules and throw it in a PPA if you want to test it15:10
flacosteeagles0513875: how/should we report bugs on the experimental package?15:11
Riddellflacoste: neversfelde says ipods still have problems with that beta build15:11
eagles0513875flacoste: good question im still new to the dev community15:11
a|wen_eagles0513875: i think you should easily be able to find a static ip bug on LP15:11
neversfeldeRiddell: I will try a build without and last time I tested there was an error message about it, can't remeber what was in it atm15:11
eagles0513875a|wen_: will look :) now15:11
neversfeldeflacoste: yes, amarok 2.1 beta is without libgpod support at the moment in kubuntu15:12
Riddellflacoste: you can look at the package changelog and poke the uploader directly15:12
eagles0513875neversfelde: let me know if you do a new build of 2.1 would love to help out testing it for you15:12
neversfeldeeagles0513875: do you have an ipod?15:12
eagles0513875neversfelde: no im just saying amarok in general if you do a new updated build15:12
flacosteneversfelde: ok, i'll keep an eye on the changelog15:12
flacosteneversfelde: or poke me if you want me to test it (with ipod support)15:13
neversfeldeok, I will try a testbuild witout that patch first, if it is not the reason I can ask sebr to help out15:13
neversfeldeflacoste: will do, thanks15:13
flacostesince the upgrade to Jaunty (and I skipped intrepid) i encountered two small issues15:14
flacosteone is that after a while, GPG stops working in kmail15:14
ghostcubeipod is b0rked in 2.1 amarok like its in repo now15:14
flacosteit says it's not able to find the agent anymore15:14
flacosterestarting kmail fixes this15:14
neversfeldeno such problems here15:15
flacostedo you have automatic signing setup?15:16
flacosteby default all my email are signed15:16
flacostemultiple identities?15:16
neversfeldeoh yes :)15:16
neversfeldeflacoste: but I did a fresh install15:16
flacosteit's weird though that it works for a while and then stops15:17
neversfeldeprobbly you should delete some config files and give it a try15:17
neversfeldeI know that it is a big task^^15:17
flacosteyeah, the restart work-around will be fine for now15:18
flacostethe other issue is related to keyboard layout15:18
flacostein KDE4 i cannot select my keyboard layout15:19
flacosteusing the config tool15:19
flacosteit's not in the list for some reason15:19
flacostei've added a setxkbmap script to Autostart to work around that15:19
flacostesetxkbmap -model logicd -layout ca -variant fr15:19
flacostethe system settings app only list 'French Dvorak, French (legacy)' in the variants15:21
flacosteand they result in a different keymap15:21
flacosteand i lose the keyboard when i come back from suspend (that may be an X issue though)15:21
flacostei mean, that I have to rerun setxkbmap to get at the correct layout again15:22
Riddellflacoste: what's the variant you want?15:23
RiddellCanadian French which is presumably different from Canadian French (legacy)?15:24
flacosteand it's weird because here there are two french layouts in use15:24
RiddellI don't know where it gets its  list of layouts from15:25
flacosteand i forget the official name of the other one15:25
flacostewhich is the one i'm using15:25
flacosteshould I report a bug on system-settings?15:27
Riddellas far as I can see it just gets the list  of variants from X15:31
Riddellso it should be an X issue15:31
Riddellbut then you can set it to the correct one so X does know about it15:31
ghostcubehmm maybe iam a bit stupid guys but is thunderbird using the systemwide default font height15:31
Riddellflacoste: I'd recommend reporting is as a bug on system settings kxkb module in bugs.kde.org15:32
ghostcubeif so that sux15:32
flacosteRiddell: ok, i'll do that15:35
neversfeldearen't there kubuntu jaunty cds on shipit?15:39
Riddell"I want to request CDs of Kubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope)15:40
Riddellseems good15:40
neversfeldeRiddell: ah, I went over ubuntu.com15:41
neversfeldeRiddell: is it possible to request amd64 cds?15:45
neversfeldeI am answering some questions at the moment, and users seem to be a little bit confused about that15:46
Riddellneversfelde: no i386 only15:47
Riddelland 1 per order only too15:47
neversfeldeRiddell: ok, thank you15:47
Riddellubuntu server may still have amd6415:47
RiddellE: plasma-widget-customizable-weather: md5sum-mismatch usr/share/kde4/services/plasma-applet-cwp.desktop15:48
Riddellthat doesn't look good, someone remind me to test it when it's in the archive15:48
Tonio_Riddell: we should consider backintime for karmic15:49
Tonio_Riddell: see http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Back+In+Time?content=10423315:49
Tonio_Riddell: I have packages on my ppa for this15:49
Tonio_Riddell: the lack of a good backup/restore system is a problem I think15:50
neversfeldeRiddell: I accidently made a package of that by myself, so I have it on my radar. I will remind you :)15:50
RiddellTonio_: sounds a bit like our old Keep app15:50
eagles0513875Tonio_: would you like me to test15:51
Tonio_Riddell: it's really much better15:52
neversfeldeTonio_: isn't luckybackup proposed to get into KDE?15:52
Tonio_neversfelde: luckybackup is krap, imho15:52
neversfeldeI read something about it in KDE Forum, I think15:52
Tonio_Riddell: it doesn't run as a service, but has a pretty nice profile management15:53
Tonio_Riddell: therefore, it is well maintained, which is something keep never had...15:53
Tonio_Riddell: also, it is backend/frontend oriented (and has a gnome frontend too...), pretty neat :)15:53
Tonio_neversfelde: the problem with lucky backup is the very monolithic structure15:54
Tonio_neversfelde: a simple rsync frontend, with one binary15:54
neversfeldeTonio_: I did only a quick look at it15:54
Tonio_neversfelde: rsync is never good for desktop backup15:54
neversfeldeTonio_: yes15:54
Tonio_neversfelde: as for exemple it won't manage ioslaves, samba shares and so on15:54
neversfeldebut it would probably be confusing if luckybackup is part of KDE and we're shipping another tool15:55
neversfeldeI guess it is only proposed, so no need to think about that :)15:55
Tonio_neversfelde: we never shipped kcontrol right ? :)15:56
Tonio_or at least not for long15:56
Tonio_neversfelde: we never shipped with kbackup15:56
Tonio_neversfelde: also never shipped with the default video player (which was a joke)15:56
neversfeldeThere was a default video player?15:56
Tonio_juk I think15:57
Tonio_kaffeine has never been part of kde15:57
Tonio_neversfelde: we'll se what luckybackup becomes, but right now imho, backintime is a lot better15:58
neversfeldewell, the ui looks nice and simple, thats good. An advanced user often has a better way to do backups15:58
Tonio_luckybackup doesn't even respect kde UI guideline15:58
neversfeldebackintime's ui, not luckybackup15:58
Tonio_neversfelde: yup, it had a couple of issues I warned upstream about15:58
neversfeldeluckybackup asks you 3 or 4 questions, if you really wants to backup15:58
Tonio_neversfelde: most are fixed with the last version I have to test :)15:59
neversfeldethats a little bit MS like :)15:59
Tonio_neversfelde: it's rsync, that's the main problem for me15:59
Tonio_how to backup on my samba share without smb:// support ? :)15:59
Tonio_Riddell: well one of the things we probably should address during the UDS? I guess :)16:00
neversfeldeTonio_: do you have packages ready for testing?16:00
* Riddell uses rsync to backup smb shares without problem16:00
neversfeldebackupmanager here, nothing better :)16:01
Riddellhard to know how most people do backups though, if they use CDs or DVDs or hard disks or what16:02
eagles0513875anyone have any time to review these 20 pdf books that are free for possible inclusion in karmic16:16
eagles0513875from the looks of things alot of them seem to be development books16:17
ikoniadevelopment books included in 9.10 ?16:17
eagles0513875ikonia: there is already dive into python some of these are like bash programming books for beginners to linux16:18
ikoniawhere are they normally included in ubuntu16:18
ikoniaI've never noticed any pdf books included16:18
eagles0513875ikonia: they are in main repo16:18
ikoniawhat package ?16:19
eagles0513875at least dive into python is in that repo16:19
neversfeldeeagles0513875: is that a kubuntu related topic?16:20
eagles0513875well they are mostly dev books neversfelde16:21
eagles0513875take a look there is an ubuntu in a nutshell book which can apply to kubuntu a book on bash scripting16:22
eagles0513875http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20090405061458383/20oftheBestFreeLinuxBooks-Part1.html thats the link of 20 pdf books16:22
ikoniapackaging pdf books....honestly16:22
eagles0513875what do you suggest then ikonia a pdf only repo where all these pdf books can be downloaded from16:23
ikoniaI don't see the point of packaging a book to be honest16:23
ikoniahence my surprise at what you've said about it being in main16:23
eagles0513875ikonia: i remember suggesting it get included  in a release a while ago and it seems to have been but again i dont get the reason for packaging either16:24
Riddelldive into python is only in main because a certain benevolant dictator wants it16:24
eagles0513875lol ahhhh16:24
eagles0513875woudl it be possible to setup a pdf repo for pdf books or is it kinda pointless doing it that way16:25
ikoniaRiddell: at least an honest response16:25
Riddellhaving them included in get hot new stuff for okular would be best I think16:26
RiddellI don't know if or how that works though16:26
eagles0513875should i contact who ever is in charge of okular dev16:26
Riddellcould do16:27
eagles0513875ok will do16:27
eagles0513875well thats just great okular no longer has the get hot new stuff and they are out of disk space O_o which i have no idea how thats possible16:38
eagles0513875what other choices do we have for those books16:38
neversfeldewell, that ipod patch does not apply correctly, but amarok does not build with libgpod-nogtk-dev either16:40
RiddellJontheEchidna: wee issue in 4.2.3 http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/release-team/2009-May/003020.html16:43
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rickspencer3Riddell: for UDS, I'm thinking about putting the Kubuntu sessions at about the same time, spread across the days, in the "working room"17:19
RiddellScottK: seems like your re-ack is  needed for a few of these backport requests17:19
seelerickspencer3: is there going to be a voip bridge?17:19
Riddellrickspencer3: working room?17:19
rickspencer3we have two rooms this time17:20
rickspencer3and I think room b is smaller, so will be better set up for "working" rather than presentation style17:20
rickspencer3based on last UDS, it seemed like that set up would suit the Kubuntu team better17:20
rickspencer3seele: yes, there is audio and there will be a way to patch folks in17:21
Riddellyes, the presentation setup last time was a bit mis-fitting17:21
rickspencer3perhaps that argues for afternoon17:21
rickspencer3so that US can call in?17:21
seelerickspencer3: eek, yes. i dont want to wake up at 3am17:21
seele(unless it is documentation, do that in the morning ;)17:22
rickspencer3ok, I'll shoot for after lunch = Kubuntu each day17:22
rickspencer3make sense?17:22
seelesounds good to me, but the people actually there probably should confirm17:22
Riddellgood with me17:23
seelemeeting in 1.5 or 2.5 hours?17:23
* seele debates relocating17:24
RiddellMamarok: going to go for membership?17:31
RiddellJontheEchidna: 4.2.3 looks like it's finally getting around to compiling17:34
JontheEchidnayeah, I'm preparing the second dep layer as we speak17:35
JontheEchidnabtw, you're server didn't work out too well for me since dput couldn't validate my gpg sig and such17:35
macoyou guys are the people most likely to be able to answer this that i know, so sorry for the OT: for a school assignment, i need to create a new widget for a toolkit that's a subclass of an existing one. i want to do it in Qt. which package should i apt-get source if i want to modify qt itself?17:36
JontheEchidnaQt itself is located in the qt4-x11 source package17:37
macothanks JontheEchidna17:38
ScottKRiddell: (re backports) - Yes.  I haven't had a chance to investigate them yet.17:38
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Riddellmaco: get that?17:52
neversfeldeamarok shows my ipod17:56
neversfeldeuh and with a cover and nice new feedback features :=17:59
neversfeldeok, there are several patches that do not apply, kubuntu_04_libgpod_0.7.diff, kubuntu_06_qtscript45.diff, kubuntu_03_restricted_install.diff18:00
Riddellthe first two  I expect can go18:01
Riddellrestricted install should be fixed up18:01
neversfeldeit does not build with libgpod-nogtk-dev, but with libgpod-dev18:01
neversfeldelast one is for restricted-codec-install?18:02
Riddellbut it's not a complex patch, just a dbus call as I mind18:04
neversfeldeI'll have a look18:05
ScottKhttp://www.notmart.org/index.php/Software/Systray_finally_in_action  <-- Looks very nice.18:05
ghostcubeyeah the repo seems to get hurried up18:06
MamarokRiddell: of course18:08
RiddellMamarok: do you have a wiki page?18:09
MamarokRiddell: the one on the ubuntu wiki, yes18:09
Mamarokbut not exactly up to date I fear...18:10
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RiddellMamarok: you're got 50 minutes  :)18:10
* Mamarok updates her wiki page18:10
neversfeldeMeeting today?18:12
macoRiddell: huh? i got JontheEchidna's message....was there something else?18:15
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: yus, in 45 mins18:16
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: ty18:16
Riddell17:38 < Riddell> maco: don't modify qt itself, just write an app which has a widget that subclasses one from qt18:18
Riddell17:39 -!- Nightrose2 [n=quassel@] has joined #kubuntu-devel18:18
Riddell17:39 < Riddell> the whole point of object orientation and subclassing is you don't need to modify the originial to adapt it18:18
smarterexactly :]18:19
macooh yea...18:19
* smarter guesses his messages went to the black hole of netsplit18:19
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macohave to make a slider that has 2 handles so it can set min & max on one widget18:21
smartermaco: tricky18:22
smarterinvolves using QPainter probably18:22
smarterbut if I remember correctly Qxt(collections of convenient classes for Qt) has one18:22
Riddellit's rgreening!18:24
smarterrgreening: \o18:24
rgreeninghey, been incognito.. $work... Im back tho...18:24
rgreeningtime to get down to work :)18:24
Riddellrgreening: could you wander over to the buildds and turn the crank so they speed up a bit please18:25
rgreeningI didn't miss the meeting did I? :)18:26
rgreeningRiddell: you mean kick them in ~lp:kubunutu-experimental?18:26
Riddellno, we'll just wait18:27
RiddellJontheEchidna: looks like dirk is gearing up for the 4.2.3 announcement18:34
RiddellI see we're all compiling away so we can live with being an hour or two behind18:34
neversfeldedid a mistake. I removed kubuntu_04_libgpod_0.7.diff, kubuntu_06_qtscript45.dif. Not working patch is 03_mysqle_link_to_amarok_executable.diff18:34
neversfeldenot kubuntu_03_restricted_install.diff18:35
shtylmanRiddell: meeting in 30 min?18:35
neversfeldewell 03 is similar :)18:35
Riddellshtylman: yep18:36
Riddellneversfelde: ug, that's more complex18:36
shtylmancool...in ubuntu-meeting?18:36
neversfeldeRiddell: I guessed that :(. I think it does not work with ppa1 version of Amarok 2.1 either18:37
neversfeldeer ppa218:38
Riddellshtylman: if it's free18:40
shtylmank...if not? then here?18:41
apacheloggerok, so a female friend of mine got birthday in a couple of days ... what present shall I get her?18:46
apacheloggerseriously lost here18:46
apacheloggerNightrose: any help?18:47
Riddellkubuntu CD?18:47
Nightroseapachelogger: what kinda girl?18:47
Nightrosegeeky? normal? goth?18:47
Nightroseanything else?18:47
apacheloggerI'd say18:47
Nightrosebook or cd then18:48
apacheloggerseriously, my friends ain't much help with describing her :P18:49
apacheloggerNightrose: she is not much into reading18:49
apacheloggernot anymore at least :D18:49
Nightroseok sorry - gotta take care of kde 4.2.3 release notes now to get it done before the meeting18:50
tsimpsonif all else fails, gift certificate is always an idea18:50
Mamarokapachelogger: yeah, gift certificate for a books/CD store18:50
shtylmanapachelogger: go with Riddell's idea...nothing says friendship like a Kubuntu CD :)18:51
apacheloggerthen again only shipit cds look good18:52
Riddellchocolate, all girls love chocolate18:54
Tonio_Riddell: I know of at least a girl that doesn't...18:54
Tonio_Riddell: I must admit she's gay, on the other hand, but still a girl :)18:54
shtylmanTonio_: .... minor detail there...eh...18:55
Tonio_shtylman: oh sure !! :)18:55
Tonio_shtylman: I would never something bad about her, just that's also a fact, that's it :)18:55
MamarokRiddell: flowers18:56
ScottKWould someone please make I nice version of "It's not going to get fixed, quit whining" in Bug 206459?18:56
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/206459/+text)18:56
Tonio_Mamarok: yeah, I think flowers is probably more relevant :)18:56
* Tonio_ never heard about a girl that doesn't like to be offered flowers18:56
Tonio_perfume aswell18:57
ScottKIf the meeting here or in #ubuntu-meeting?18:57
apacheloggerdepends if someone fridged it18:57
MamarokTonio_: perfume is only working if you know what she likes18:58
Tonio_Mamarok: de facto...18:58
Riddell** Kubuntu meeting in two minutes in #ubuntu-meeting18:58
ScottKThat answers that question.18:59
neversfeldesomeone told me to report that amarok libgpod-dev/libgpod-nogtk-de problem upstream, I'll do and push that iPod Amarok 2.1 beta package working with iPod in my PPA. I think my skills for improving 03_mysqle_link_to_amarok_executable.diff Pacth are not good enough.19:00
macoapachelogger: no no, there's artwork available for ubuntu and kubuntu and xubuntu jaunty19:00
RiddellTonio_, seele, Nightrose, nixternal, yuriy: council ping #ubuntu-meeting19:00
Tonio_yup yup19:00
macoapachelogger: you can print 'em out on stickers and such and make a pretty kubuntu cd for her19:01
apacheloggermaco: that is actually a good idea19:12
macoapachelogger: do you know Spec in #ubuntu-offtopic? he would do that and then go "i got you a WHOLE operating system!"19:13
macoapachelogger: is Mamarok really your mum?19:14
blizzzwhat is Dx?19:14
JontheEchidnablizzz: desktop experience19:15
macosee also #ayatana19:15
apacheloggermaco: nah19:15
apacheloggerbut since I was like an amarok dood she kinda is :P19:16
macoah ok19:16
macothere's a log somewhere of when i became an ubuntu member, kjcole said "congrats, mom" because after once being mistaken by a waitress for his girlfriend (O_O) and once for his daughter (makes more sense) we decided that to really screw everyone up, next time someone assumes one of those, he says "no, she's my step-mom"19:17
maco(i'm about 30 years younger than him)19:17
Mamarokmaco: I am the mum of *all* Amarokers19:17
macoMamarok: about Karmic being a K word....just no abbreviating Kubuntu Karmic Koala19:20
JontheEchidnaCubuntu Carmic Coala19:20
blizzzthe kkk took my baby away *bumble*19:21
macohaha yeah have a punk rock wallpaper19:21
blizzz-bumble +hum19:21
blizzzmaco: : yeah!19:21
ScottKRiddell: Did you see the Debian Security Notice on kdegraphics?19:22
ScottKMore xpdf embedded copy trouble.19:23
* ScottK finds it.19:23
ScottKRiddell: http://archive.cert.uni-stuttgart.de/debian-security-announce/2009/05/msg00008.html19:25
Mamarokmaco: didn't even occur to me, was looking for a fourth k to make it KDE419:27
ScottKLure: I don't think we really want to copy so much of the Dx spec into ours.  A lot of that is stuff that isn't relvant to Kubuntu.19:31
LureScottK: I just want to be transparent that there are plans that may affect Kubuntu substantially19:31
LureScottK: but feel free to strip the summary (I just copy&pasted)19:31
ScottKLure: Will do.19:32
ScottKI think it's up to Kubuntu to decide what from what they are doing is suitable.19:32
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LureScottK: I hope so ;-)19:35
* ScottK too.19:35
Tonio_ScottK, Lure: imho, it's all a matter of priorities, that we should discuss during the UDS19:35
Tonio_maybe keeping two separate pages ain't bad19:36
ScottKI'll rework our page.19:36
ScottKsmarter: The wiki says you've got edit lock on the specs page.  Please let me know when you are done.19:37
smarterjust done19:38
ScottKOK.  Thanks.19:38
* ghostcube gives a round cookies19:46
tsimpsonjust the one cookies? ;)19:47
ghostcubehmm havent got enough to build space cakes19:48
ghostcubejust chokie19:48
ghostcubeboah seems to get an update day19:48
ghostcubehmm guys i now tested quassel a few days and i must say its ok but it needs love :) some nice things are implemented but some are not so well, but i think this is as always19:50
neversfeldeLure: no really, I am working with koffice for years now19:50
neversfeldebut, I must confess that I mostly and only need a word processor19:50
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RiddellScottK: I knew there was a reason we dumped that embedded xpdf copy19:52
tsimpsonghostcube: you should have seen it before jaunty. trust me, it got love ;)19:52
ScottKRiddell: How far back did we dump it?19:52
neversfeldeghostcube: #quassel :)19:53
ghostcubei know just mentioned :)19:53
RiddellScottK: all the way baby19:53
maconeversfelde: i just need a .doc and .odf viewer. if i'm doing word processing or making slides, i've got LaTeX19:54
neversfeldemaco: I am doing 20 docs a day, I cannot use latex for these19:55
macoLyX, if you don't want to have to type all the commands? (though i find typing the commands is often faster than navigating the insert->symbol thing)19:55
Riddellapachelogger: strike?19:56
neversfeldeI have to earn some money and a good layout costs a lot :)19:56
blizzzneversfelde: why can't you use latex?19:57
* maco thought the point of LaTeX was to make *perfect* layouts19:57
neversfeldeblizzz: I need more tinme for a latex document19:57
apacheloggerRiddell: |eagles051387| made me strike because I hade to study a backtrace of amarok with broken dbg package :P19:58
neversfeldeoh, blues19:58
ScottKEveryone esle see http://www.notmart.org/index.php/Software/Systray_finally_in_action ?19:58
JontheEchidnaScottK: yeah, looks neat19:58
blizzzneversfelde: you need to make it once. and you'll never worry about the layout anymore19:58
neversfeldeblizzz: nope, I have to do a special layout everytime19:59
macoblizzz: or take a pre-existing layout and modify once. thats how my resume and calling cards both came about19:59
neversfeldejudges are very sensitive :)20:00
blizzzneversfelde: i guess you need rather small changes?20:00
Riddellapachelogger: oh that dbg package doesn't work, maybe neversfelde can get rid of it he seems to be into amarok packaging today20:00
macoyou a lawyer?20:00
neversfeldeblizzz: no, I need major changes everytime, cause I have to copy the style of the paper I am answering20:00
neversfeldemaco: junior one20:01
Quintasanlooks like I missed a meeting -_-'20:01
macothere's a law student who swears by LaTeX for most stuff, except that BibTeX needs to be rewritten for proper legal citations (and nobody's working on that)20:01
blizzzmaco: my first experience with latex included making a layout for $FOO-thesises/papers on my study place. that was really cool.20:01
maco(Brunellus in #ubuntuforums)20:01
macoi thought there were only a small handful of legal style guides20:02
macoor rather, one main one and then Chicago20:02
maco(in the US, i mean)20:02
apacheloggerRiddell: I think I fixed it20:02
apacheloggerin experimental20:02
apacheloggerif it is built yet20:03
neversfeldeRiddell: I would definetly need a helping henad for that20:03
neversfeldeah ok20:03
apacheloggerRiddell: technically it just needs to call dh_stip specificly for -dbg20:03
apacheloggerlanguage engine seems broken again20:03
* apachelogger downgrades20:03
Riddelllanguage engine?20:10
neversfeldeI am interested in Kubuntus CCs competences, is it allowed to approve loco teams?20:11
neversfeldenot that I would think about a concrete case :)20:12
Riddellneversfelde: we'd generally encouage people to be part of the ubuntu loco team20:13
apacheloggerRiddell: my language engine :P20:14
neversfeldeRiddell: I read about Kubuntu Locos are possible?20:14
Riddellneversfelde: anything is possible20:16
RiddellMamarok: I approved your membership, <lp-id>@kubuntu.org e-mail address should start working in a couple of days or so, if you have a blog you can add it to planet ubuntu now20:17
devfil_Riddell: there is the kdewebdev merge (from 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1 to 4:4.2.2-1), do you think it's safe to update kdewebkit to kde4?20:19
QuintasanMamarok: grats on membership :)20:19
Riddelldevfil_: that would mean losing quanta20:21
Riddellwait hang on20:21
apacheloggerRiddell: you really don't want to consider that at all20:21
Riddellapachelogger: what?20:21
apacheloggerlosing quanta20:22
apacheloggereven though one might not imagine, but that thing actually got quite some users20:22
neversfeldeRiddell: :D ok. kubuntu-de.org's goal was and is to become an offical loco team, ofcourse we are willing to cooperate with the other german locos together as much as possible. But where do we have to show our work to get approved? It is not an urgent matter, but we need that goal to stay motivated. I think it will be a very difficult thing, and a NO, would be a a disaster.20:22
apacheloggerRiddell: they were all over the bug tracker when issues due to missing kdebase appeared20:22
Riddellneversfelde: as far as I'm concerened kubuntu-de has always been an official loco20:22
* ScottK uses Quanta20:23
devfil_Riddell: there is no a qt4 version of quanta?20:23
Riddelldevfil_: no it's waiting on kdevelop for kde 420:23
Riddelldevfil_: but I see debian has kdewebdev as kde 4 now20:24
neversfeldeRiddell: is it? I would be wondering. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList We are not in there and we always have problems to get cds as an official loco would.20:24
Riddellso maybe we should too and rename the kde 3 one to kdewebdev-kde320:25
neversfeldefor example20:25
Riddellneversfelde: mm, that's an issue for the community council20:26
apacheloggerRiddell: well, we need to back them up20:26
Riddellneversfelde: the kubuntu council could talk to the community council about improving that I guess20:26
devfil_Riddell: I know that debian has kdewebdev (kde4), so we can update kdewebdev (kde3) as kdewebdev-kde3 and merge kdewebdev from debian, right?20:26
Riddelldevfil_: that seems sensible20:27
neversfeldeRiddell: ok, I think we should put it on the agenda of one of our next meetings. I'll talk to our local cc20:27
Riddellneversfelde: local cc?20:27
neversfeldeRiddell: yes, we have a german kubuntu cc, which manages the german speaking kubuntu community. Also we have kubuntu-de.org members, seems to be a junior step to grow to a kubuntu member20:29
neversfeldeits an entrance to work at kubuntu and ofcourse kubuntu-de.org20:29
neversfeldewe try to replicate the international structures20:30
ScottKRiddell: UDS travel all set.20:31
* apachelogger notes that he still thinks that this might be dangeorus at times because the international structure is meant for a project with a lot more people20:31
neversfeldeapachelogger: it works not so bad. We pull down language barriers, we give german speaking support and ofcourse we are trying to work international, too20:34
claydohthe kubuntu-de folks seem much more tied into the kubuntu community as a whole than, say, kubuntuforums20:35
claydohthey deserve a lot of credit, at least20:35
ScottKclaydoh: You missed the meeting and a chance to recruit Mamarok into the Kult.20:36
MamarokRiddell: thx20:36
Mamarokoh, and thx to you to, Quintasan :)20:36
neversfeldeour forum has 50 posts a day and our wiki is highly focussed on KDE. Well, we should really work on getting german wiki guides in kubuntu docs, but that ist on the todo20:36
* claydoh was stuck, couldn't get home after 3 :(20:36
claydohflat tire on my bike :(20:36
neversfeldeand ofcourse we are interested in getting better localisation, we started at kubuntu docs, I guess that worked20:37
Mamarokseele: thx for your vote too of course :)20:37
* Mamarok bows to thank for all the support20:37
claydohMamarok: sorry I missed my chance to add to the positivr vote20:38
* ScottK does wonder a bit if he's lost his title as the oldest Kubuntu member (I think I am/was).20:38
claydohhow old?20:38
claydohok, you got me by 3\20:38
eagles0513875a|wen_: seems like the snapshot is falling apart :(20:51
neversfeldeapachelogger: strikebreaker!20:59
yuriydamn, did I just miss the meeting again?21:01
yuriyI even had the reminder email up on my screen21:01
neversfeldeyuriy: 2 h late :)21:02
MamarokScottK: you definitely are second now :)21:06
Mamarokbut not in KDE, annew beats me by some more years :)21:07
apacheloggerneversfelde: why should you suffer for the faults of others :P21:09
Mamarokclaydoh: thanks anyway :)21:09
* apachelogger is wondering where neversfelde learned packaging21:17
neversfeldeapachelogger: here21:18
neversfeldeand why?21:18
apacheloggerway too decent for a minion21:19
neversfeldeuh, LGPL in bilbo. I asked upstream about that21:20
neversfeldeapachelogger: ist the lintian override ok?21:20
neversfeldeapachelogger: lgpl is metioned as an alternative in COPYING, do I have to put it in /debian/copyright?21:24
apacheloggerneversfelde: is there a complete copy of the LGPL in copying?21:25
apacheloggerand yes, it needs to be mentioned in copyright21:25
apacheloggerbest with all the files licensed with it21:25
neversfeldeapachelogger: no it is only http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/165677/21:26
neversfeldeso all files are lgpl if you want to?21:26
apacheloggerneversfelde: there just needs to be a complete copy of the license and you need to mention the affected files in copyright21:27
apacheloggerupstream can add the complete copy to SVN and you just add it to the tarball (though in that case you need to document it in the changelog)21:27
apacheloggerbest would be if upstream just pushes a new release with it21:27
neversfeldeapachelogger: I will ask mtux21:27
neversfeldeapachelogger: I did a libbilbokblog and libbilbokbloh-dev, learned much, but than #ubuntu-motu told me to not publish ist :)21:31
apacheloggeronly bilbo uses it internally21:34
apacheloggerso the libs are pretty useless ;-)21:34
neversfeldeI contacted upstream21:39
neversfeldethere was a very bad recession of Kubuntu 9.04 in prolinux, made me sad. But generally I think the feedback is good, there were severeal threads in our forum. Thay wnat to thank the devs and I think I shoul pass it here :)22:33
neversfeldegnah batteries empty sorry22:34
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neversfeldeI think changing the build dep to libgpod-dev and removing the ipod build patch should be no proplem for the experimetal package of amarok?22:37
neversfeldeit woul support iPods22:38
neversfeldeother problems should be fixed in karmic?22:38
=== barteqx is now known as siekacz
ScottKI think for experimental as long as the Amarok devs have been contacted and they are working on it is fine.22:46
apacheloggerneversfelde: no libgpod22:50
apacheloggertalk to upstream22:51
apacheloggerit introduces new packages whill make kpackagekit fail for the time being22:51
apacheloggers/whill/which will22:51
neversfeldeapachelogger: even not for an experimentl package?22:51
apacheloggerit is not an experimental change22:51
neversfeldewell, it is in an experimental ppa ;)22:52
apacheloggerit is a bloody workaround for an issue that probably can be solved with a patch adding one include22:52
neversfeldeand it is beta22:52
* ghostcube notices he must test it so dont be tooo workaroundish :D22:52
apachelogger~facts about workarounds22:53
neversfelde~lastfm :)22:53
apacheloggerclearly the bot must be gone22:53
apacheloggerpoor bot22:53
neversfeldethis is an rbot?22:54
apacheloggerjussi01: you know... for a server you have a lot of reboots :P22:54
ghostcubekubuntu boden turnen22:54
* neversfelde can provide a quassel server for kubuntu members22:55
* ghostcube thinks there are enough password sniffers arround22:55
apacheloggerneversfelde: it would serve the members better if you could provide a server where we can do fancy stuff on22:55
apacheloggerlike packaging QA for KDE releases and stuff22:55
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neversfeldeapachelogger: a simple vps?22:56
apacheloggerultimately we'd have a chroot or something22:56
apacheloggerso we can mess with things our selfs22:56
neversfeldeI will think about it22:57
apacheloggerwe got loads of PPA buildds22:57
* apachelogger started staging kde-nightly for jaunty22:57
neversfeldeoh yes22:57
ghostcubekde-nightly will contain what ?22:57
Riddellyay, qt built!22:58
apacheloggerRiddell: poke neversfelde into getting us a server for release magic ;-)22:58
ghostcubeppa is still in heavy compiling eh ? iam getting updates one by one22:58
Riddellrelease magic?22:58
apacheloggerpretty empty actually22:58
apacheloggerRiddell: run QA on the packages, eliminate batsend in favor of branches on $private server etc.22:59
neversfeldeapachelogger: I am writing final exam in about a month will last till october, but after thet I will look at that problem22:59
* apachelogger would be most interested in the QA part obviously ...22:59
apacheloggerwe could do like automated file clash detection22:59
claydohapachelogger: I never did get a response from the QA dudes :(23:00
apacheloggerclaydoh: I don't do much wondering23:00
apacheloggerclaydoh: davmor mentioned that they will refactor the whole qa.ubuntu.com thingy though23:00
apacheloggerso we might stand a better chance after UDS23:00
apacheloggerfor now the wiki will have to do :)23:00
NCommanderWhat magic is needed apachelogger ?23:01
apacheloggerneversfelde: likes \sh said we would get a server in like december last year23:01
apacheloggerand like we almost got access to fancy ubuntuwire :D23:01
claydohI have the 'bad' luck of having few to no hardware probs and finds very few bugs23:01
apacheloggerNCommander: the magic is not the need, the server is23:01
neversfeldeapachelogger: \sh gets a baby, or not?23:01
NCommanderapachelogger, mind doing me a favor, I have a main upload stuck int he queue23:02
ghostcubeDie folgenden Pakete haben nicht erfüllte Abhängigkeiten:23:02
ghostcube  linux-restricted-modules-generic: Hängt ab: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-12-generic ist aber nicht installierbar23:02
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claydohghostcube: disable 'pre-release' updates'23:03
apacheloggerneversfelde: that is still not released?23:03
* apachelogger really doesn't get whats the hold up with developing \\sh_baby :P23:04
ghostcubeits an apt-get dist-upgrade error showing with amarok23:04
apacheloggerNCommander: what would that favor be?23:04
apacheloggeryou know23:04
apacheloggertechnically I am still on strike23:04
ghostcubeamarok is laging common and modules the 2.6.x part23:04
NCommanderapachelogger, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openexr/+bug/37211223:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 372112 in openexr "Please sponsor merge upload 1.6.1-4ubuntu1" [Wishlist,Triaged]23:04
neversfeldeapachelogger: no release I think :)23:04
apacheloggersince UTCish it's not thursday, and I am on strike till thursday23:04
apacheloggerthat is technically of course23:04
apacheloggerneversfelde: last blog post said that release is imminent23:06
apacheloggerthat was 2 days ago23:06
neversfeldeapachelogger: would you send me a paper for what is exactly needed, servertechnisch?23:06
NCommanderapachelogger, what's on Thursday?!23:07
apacheloggermy strike ends23:07
neversfeldenot urgent cause I cannot react before summer23:07
apacheloggerneversfelde: doesn't need to be anything fancy, it doesn't really matter if processing stuff takes hours23:07
apacheloggera fast connection would be good though23:07
apacheloggerand as said, ultimately we'd have full mangement23:07
neversfeldeapachelogger: daisy build here, but it is a little bit buggy although very popular23:08
neversfeldeapachelogger: so a build server?23:08
ghostcuberoot server23:08
neversfeldeisn't launchpad enough23:08
ghostcube50 mbit :) 2 tb hdd hotswap 16 gig ram23:09
ghostcubego and get one neversfelde23:09
neversfeldeghostcube: I have one I think23:09
ghostcubeand maybe xeoan aud pumped23:10
apacheloggerneversfelde: use cases: a) grab $tarballs from KDE b) let $packagers download $tarballs c) create $branch from $launchpad_packagin_branch d) let $packagers push to $branch e) possibly create $src_package from $branch and $tarball and upload to $ppa f) download $deb from $ppa and run ruby love scripts on $debs to assure quality g) possibly spit out fancy html of ruby love script results23:10
apacheloggerthe fancier the server is, the happier $packagers get :P23:11
ghostcubeapachelogger: go and poke the build server for amarok-common23:11
ghostcubeopenoffice on build too -_-23:12
neversfeldeapachelogger: I am not a server pro, so I cannot comment atm23:12
apacheloggerNCommander: I feel uncomfortable sponsoring that as I have no clue what openexr does, nor what an NPTL patch in the kernel would do, sorry23:13
apacheloggerghostcube: didn't I repoke that already?23:13
ghostcubeamarok isnt coming it refuses cause amarok-common is nut th3re23:14
neversfeldeI do own alfred, he's one of the small hetzner root servers and I think he can do it23:14
apachelogger  kdemultimedia-dev: Depends: kdebase-workspace-dev (>= 4:4.2.3) but it is not going to be installed23:14
apacheloggersay thanks to however uploaded 4.2.3 to experimental and thus breaking the build23:15
NCommanderapachelogger, openexr is a build-dep of KDE. NPTL is a bit in the HPPA kernel used for threading, and the lack of it is what has greatly broken a vast number of packages being built on HPPA23:15
ghostcubeyeah i have many 4.2.3 updates here23:15
ghostcubeand strange things are going on -_-23:15
apacheloggerNCommander: +    - Added hppa to NO_MAKE_CHECK_ARCHES23:16
apacheloggerpoorly documented23:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping23:16
neversfeldewhy is the first Bloc Party album the only one that does not suck :)23:16
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: pong23:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what is with 4.2.3 in experimental23:17
apacheloggerespecially with it being broken?23:17
apacheloggerneversfelde: cause you should be listening to daft punk anyway23:17
neversfeldeapachelogger: lets talk about that server thing after I wrote  that exam and probably in german23:17
ghostcube-_- kanzleramt for the world _-_23:18
apacheloggerneversfelde: by then I will either have found a server or committed suicide for failing on finding a server23:18
neversfeldeapachelogger: thats house isnt it23:18
JontheEchidnaninja's LP page is br0ke23:18
ghostcubeoh sounds not good23:18
neversfeldeapachelogger: 7 weeks?23:18
JontheEchidnaso I couldn't see what was already there23:18
JontheEchidnaso I just used experimental23:19
apacheloggerthat is a rather crude approach23:19
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: next time create a staging ppa in experimental or something23:19
ghostcubeok will kde be back up if i reboot :D23:19
neversfeldeapachelogger: please dont commit it :)23:19
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: currently amarok is failing to install on amd64 and lpia because -common is missing and -common can't be built because it can't resolve the deps23:20
neversfeldeapachelogger: we can talk about it the next days, but I am very busy, so I can't guarantee a productive solutione23:21
JontheEchidnaif I could get someone to upload kdebase-workspace to -experimental that'd be lovely23:21
JontheEchidnaif I try to upload something that big it fails23:21
neversfeldesomeone could talk to LJPA about not forcing me to wirte exam, so :D23:22
apacheloggerNCommander: just wondering, why don't we just update the kernel patch ... if we introduce such short-term solutions for all the packages that appear to be failing due to this, we also need to remove them again23:22
apacheloggerwhich is a PITA TBH23:22
ghostcubeapachelogger: http://pastie.org/47056623:22
apacheloggerneversfelde: read what JontheEchidna wrote .. that would be usecase e) in my list ;-)23:23
neversfeldeapachelogger: hehe, my english is not so good, guessed that? Ask JontheEchidna he had to answer my questions :)23:24
apacheloggerneversfelde: re productive: I really just need a raw setup with root, I can take over from there23:24
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: so, where is tha mail?23:24
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: you need the source package?23:24
apacheloggerdiff and dsc23:24
neversfeldeapachelogger: so you need a small and simple chroot env?23:25
JontheEchidnahum, where'd it go?23:25
neversfeldeshould be not a big prob23:25
JontheEchidnavorian didn't send me that one it seems...23:25
apacheloggerneversfelde: we can always recreate later on, but for starters something simple will do just fine23:25
JontheEchidnavorian: plingity23:26
apacheloggerwe need to evaluate the possibilities anyway23:26
neversfeldeapachelogger: yes23:26
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: and that is why I am constantly bitching about how we should have a server to collaborate with23:26
JontheEchidnaa server would be nice23:27
JontheEchidnanhandler: could you send kdebase-workspace over to apachelogger?23:27
apacheloggerthe risk of $coordinator getting cought up in some $real_life stuff is way too high + that person can't be around 24/7 anyway + it is kind of a bottleneck23:27
JontheEchidnaas we are finding out this release the hard way :(23:28
apacheloggerI have told you months ago23:28
* apachelogger claims himself a prophet now :P23:28
JontheEchidnaOn an unrelated note, I think the Qt packaging is too big to not be kept in a bzr branch23:29
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: the packaging or the package?23:29
apacheloggerhow so?23:29
JontheEchidnafor example I want to update the icons in debian/desktop23:29
nhandlerJontheEchidna: Sure thing23:29
JontheEchidnabut that wouldn't be something worthy of a complete upload23:29
neversfeldeapachelogger: let us have a talk of this server thing in the next days. I guess I have to ask commander to give me help, but probably alfred can help23:30
nhandlerJontheEchidna: I just am not positive if it will build (unless the PPA has caught up)23:30
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ah23:30
JontheEchidnabut then I'd have to throw around a debdiff since it's not in bzr23:30
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I missed the "not"23:30
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: totally agree23:30
JontheEchidnagood :)23:30
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: feel free to create one23:30
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: nhandler the ppa seems to have caught up nicely23:30
JontheEchidnanhandler: ^23:30
apacheloggerwe have like a billion buildds now23:30
* ghostcube nods23:31
apacheloggerneversfelde: ok, thanks23:31
nhandlerJontheEchidna: Ok, give me a little bit to test that it builds. Then I'll send it23:31
apacheloggerneversfelde: creating a chroot on debian/ubuntu with debian/ubuntu is actually quite easy :)23:31
neversfeldeah ccr :)23:31
JontheEchidnanhandler: thanks23:32
nhandlerJontheEchidna: Should I CC vorian? Or only send it to apachelogger23:32
* JontheEchidna goes about creating a bzr branch for Qt23:32
JontheEchidnanhandler: oh, so it has been completely unreviewed so far?23:32
nhandlerJontheEchidna: Right23:33
neversfeldeapachelogger: yes, but I said, that I am not a pro and I am laywer here, so it is not so easy to save my data.I cannot present it to everyone I like :)23:33
nhandlervorian said to wait to send it until the PPA updated23:33
ghostcubea lawyer ß23:33
ghostcubewas bissn du fürn rechtsverdreher23:34
JontheEchidnayeah, I can understand waiting23:34
neversfeldeghostcube: nen halber :)23:34
apacheloggerneversfelde: I'd like to note that offering a free quassel core to members is way more dangerous then23:34
JontheEchidnanhandler: vorian got caught up in real life stuff and can't make it back for release stuff, so I don't think cc'ing him would do much good23:34
ghostcubeerklär mir wann ich ne herausgabe auf 985 stütze wann auf 812 (1) 1. alt23:34
apacheloggerone security leak in the core and ...23:34
nhandlerJontheEchidna: Ok, I'll try to have it in apachelogger's inbox this afternoon23:35
apacheloggerwhat is that in UTC?23:35
apacheloggeri.e. sensible time :P23:35
ghostcube5 a clock23:35
neversfeldeapachelogger: I do not offer a free core and I have to look at Rückversicherung23:35
JontheEchidna~time nhandler23:35
kubotunhandler is an unknown time.23:35
kubotuJontheEchidna: America - New York - Wed May 06 18:30 EDT23:36
apacheloggerneversfelde: ok23:36
kubotughostcube: use time set <Continent/City> to set your timezone.23:36
nhandlerapachelogger: I'm in UTC-523:36
JontheEchidna~time America/Chicago23:36
kubotuAmerica - Chicago - Wed May 06 17:30 CDT23:36
apacheloggernhandler: set yer timezone :P23:36
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: nhandler's time is ^^^23:36
* apachelogger is wondering when afternoon ends and evening starts23:37
ghostcube17 to 18 a clock23:37
JontheEchidnaI'd say it's already evening here...23:37
ghostcubewonders when all will have 24 hours on there damn clocks23:38
apacheloggerghostcube: well, you know how the yankees are, they are still using imperial system as well23:38
JontheEchidnalol, kubuntu-members has an aRts bzr branch23:38
apacheloggerwho knows maybe evening starts at 23 round there23:39
ghostcubeyeah inch23:39
ghostcubewho the fuck is inch23:39
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: death to it!23:39
JontheEchidnalast modified: 98 weeks ago \o/23:39
apachelogger~order taepodong-2 for JontheEchidna23:39
* kubotu bombs JontheEchidna into heaven.23:39
apacheloggerthat was unexpected23:40
JontheEchidna~order taepodong-2 for aRts23:40
* kubotu bombs aRts into heaven.23:40
apacheloggermore like hell23:40
apacheloggerthat order clearly needs a randomization23:40
nhandler~time nhandler23:40
kubotuAmerica - Chicago - Wed May 06 17:34 CDT23:40
ghostcubebombs into new jersey23:40
apacheloggerkubotu: google taepodong-223:40
kubotuResults for taepodong-2: 1. Taepodong-2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taepodong-2 | 2. Taep'o-dong 2 (TD-2) - North Korea: http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/dprk/td-2.htm | 3. Federation of American Scientists :: North Korea's Taepodong and ...: http://www.fas.org/programs/ssp/nukes/nuclearweapons/Taepodong.html23:40
JontheEchidnado we want this branch anymore: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/amarok/debian23:41
JontheEchidnaor any of those ending in /debian rather than /ubuntu?23:41
* neversfelde likes to approve for MOTU after this release cycle or in early 2010, do I have to attend something special?23:41
apacheloggerprobably not23:41
apacheloggerI think most of those ending with /debian should be vcs-imports from debian23:41
neversfeldeI think I need a mentor :)23:42
apacheloggerone never knows23:42
nhandlerneversfelde: Talk to hauts23:42
apacheloggerneversfelde: s/approve/apply23:42
JontheEchidnathey all seem to be 97 or 98 weeks old23:42
neversfeldeapachelogger: yes, sorry my english23:42
apacheloggerwell, it's not gonna get any better if I don't tell you :P23:42
apacheloggerthen again my language engine is breaking all the time anyway...23:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: overview page urly plz23:43
neversfeldenhandler: whats hauts?23:43
nhandlerneversfelde: I meant huats: https://launchpad.net/~christophe.sauthier23:43
nhandlerneversfelde: He is in charge of the mentoring reception23:44
ghostcubewieso is man anwalt und macht hier mit :| ich mein ich bin hoffentlich bald steuerberater lol aber ich muss erst durch mein rechts examen in 5 wochen23:44
ghostcubeich kotz gleich23:44
neversfeldeghostcube: good luck :)23:44
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: apparently most of that stuff is from the first import trial23:44
ghostcubei need it23:44
neversfeldeund ich hoffe du machst dann hier mit^^23:44
ghostcubeich kann nix jedenfalls nich coden23:45
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: when bzr was still slower than a snail and buggier than a bug23:45
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: kdeadmin can go23:45
JontheEchidnaalso, how do I create a branch so that it doesn't show up in +junk?23:45
neversfeldenhandler: thanks for info23:45
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you need to push it to a project23:45
nhandlerJontheEchidna: Just specify a package in the bzr push command23:45
ghostcubei never build any really big packages or so23:45
nhandlerYou're welcome neversfelde23:45
apacheloggernhandler: s/package/project23:46
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: for katapult you should ask mez, though from the looks of it, that can go too23:46
nhandlerapachelogger: :)23:46
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: all of kde core /debian can go23:46
apacheloggerRiddell: what to do with the kubuntu-icons-mono thingy I started ... danny never answered my question whether I can add the Kubuntu-specific ones to the upstream version23:48
apacheloggerso I suppose we should just use it as the overlay it was meant to be, on top of kde's mono set23:48
apacheloggerseems better anyway, otherwise other distros (if there were any that got another apachelogger, who cares about everything no one else cares about :P) would want to add their stuff as well and bloat the set even further23:49
Riddellapachelogger: did I know about that?23:49
Riddellwell, I've been boozing, but I'd have though it easier to keep the icons all in one place23:50
apacheloggerRiddell: well, those in kubuntu-icons-mono are hardly useful outside kubuntu land23:50
apacheloggerIIRC it's for stuff like launchpad23:50
apacheloggeralso it gives us greater dynamic in adding new stuff23:51
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: the webkit branch should be moved to it's own branch as it currently doesn't follow policy23:52
* apachelogger notes that thanks to the superior design of neon he was able to make only certain packages cause an upload hold-up23:56
apacheloggerwith 2 slocs, of which one is actually just creating the array defining that stack and the other only being half a line anyway :D23:57
apacheloggerNightrose: btw, did you test drive the refactored release script yet?23:58

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