
Kanohi,did you patch busybox in order to boot from ext4?01:59
MattJAnyone an idea of what might be going wrong?02:17
anderskMaybe your pbuilder chroot is missing universe?02:20
MattJAny idea how to add/check that? :)02:21
MattJI've had pbuilder working before, and I think I did exactly the same as last time02:22
andersk`pbuilder --login` might be the easiest way.02:23
MattJlibidn11-dev is in main02:23
andersktxt2man is not.02:23
MattJIs there something I can do to make it persist? Changes seem to be lost as soon as I log out02:32
MattJI guess I should go find some pbuilder manual :)02:32
MattJI was following the packaging guide on the wiki02:32
Hobbseeuse --save-after-login02:34
ubottupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto02:34
MattJandersk: Looks like you were right, thanks :)02:42
pedahzurHi!  Is there a similar kubuntu-devel list, or is it all done on this channel?02:50
Hobbseepedahzur: sure, #kubuntu-devel02:51
Hobbseeand there's a kubuntu devel mailing list, in the same place as the ubuntu devel list02:52
pedahzurHobbsee: Thanks...for some reason it didn't come up when I listed channels.  I should have just tried to join it. Sorry for the noise.02:52
Hobbseepedahzur: no problem.  good luck!02:52
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the_dark_warrioWhat is the Image Magick package for ubuntu?03:35
TonyTheTigerhello is this channel for development of ubuntu?03:35
PiciTonyTheTiger: yes.03:36
Hobbseethe_dark_warrio: apt-cache show imagemagick03:36
TonyTheTigerI am interested in writing a driver for a device i have, I dont mind taking time to learn how to do it.03:36
the_dark_warrioHobbsee: Sorry, I'm looking for the dev packages.. I tried installing libmagick-dev, libmagick++-dev, libmagic-dev, etc. But everytime I install a new lib, I get another error trying to compile the code03:38
TonyTheTigeris there a channel for driver development for ubuntu?03:43
Hobbseethe_dark_warrio: i don't know, you'd have to give a pastebin of the errors03:43
the_dark_warrioHobbsee: I'm getting help on Inkscape channel, I will see if they know what is the bug03:44
Hobbseethe_dark_warrio: OK, cool.  They'd probably know better anyway03:45
the_dark_warrioHobbsee: thanks, I think I got it working now03:51
Hobbseethe_dark_warrio: hurrah!03:52
the_dark_warrioHobbsee: ;) cia!03:52
calccan i get someone to process libbase-openoffice.org it is a new package that has built03:59
calcHobbsee: do you have access for that? :)03:59
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calcooo 3.1.0~rc2-1ubuntu1 in process of uploading now :)05:57
jdongwill there be a PPA build?05:58
calcyea for h/i/j05:59
calcnow i just have to upload around 600MB over my crap dsl05:59
nixternaldput-torrent :p06:01
* calc wished he had access to somewhere will really good upload speed for times like this06:02
* nixternal has 6mb up06:02
calci have 512k :\06:02
nixternalthough you can't tell when doing dput06:03
nixternalya, 512 wouldn't cut it for me after getting used to 6mb06:03
StevenKcalc: Get a VPS and rsync your uploads to it?06:04
StevenK% sudo rm -f /dev/sdb06:08
* StevenK twitches a little06:08
calcStevenK: well i do upload to a server before dput but it still takes forever, i guess if i did all my building on a remote server it would be faster but then i would have to download any time i needed to test the packages06:08
* calc just needs to move somewhere with fios06:09
StevenKcalc: If your downstream connection is much faster, that sounds worthwhile06:09
calcwell downstream is only 3M so not too much better06:10
StevenKcalc: Find a better wet string?06:10
calci'm about 800ft too far away to get 18/106:13
calci had faster internet than this 9 years ago :\06:14
calcback then i had 8/1 dsl06:14
Amaranthi've got 5/0.506:14
StevenKMine is roughly 6/256k06:15
AmaranthI used to have 3/256k so I'm moving up06:16
Keybukcjwatson: heh, forgot to upload ;)06:27
pittiGood morning06:27
pittiNCommander: hi06:27
NCommanderhey pitti, what's up?06:27
pittiNCommander: you pung me over night06:28
TonyTheTigerHello guys how hard is it to write a driver for a device? (assuming I have programming background, but no experience in this topic)06:28
NCommanderpitti, I think I was curious if I needed something spnsored but I don't remember06:28
calcpitti: can you approve libbase-openoffice.org (its stuck at new)06:31
TonyTheTigerWhere can I view the source code to a driver?06:37
maxbi386 buildd has caught up :-)06:48
lifelessmaxb: :)06:48
lifelessmaxb: are you still contributing to cygwin?06:48
pittiTonyTheTiger: most device drivers are in the linux kernel nowadays (you can browse it in gitweb, or apt-get source linux); but there are all kinds of other drivers around (such as libgphoto for PtP cameras) which live in userspace; you have to be more concrete06:49
maxblifeless: No, I fully extricated myself from Windows a while back06:50
lifelessI appear to have finally done that today06:51
TonyTheTigerpitti, I want to get my controller supported in ubuntu so I thought Ill go ahead and add support for it myself. Sick and tired of people tell me "do it yourself".06:51
calcok in about 5 hours all 4 copies of OOo should magically appear, the three in the ppa and in karmic06:53
* calc is headed to bed now06:53
YokoZar"All right here's a weird "bug" for you, if you want to call it that. The notifications cause my clock radio, which is about 5 feet away from my tower, to emit an audible vibration and buzzing noise. "07:18
savvasis it usb connected or wireless :p07:28
dholbachgood morning07:32
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smbAnybody knows by heart what method/config normally should start metacity and gnome-panel? After playing around with the desktop-switcher this does not happen automatically...08:37
pittismb: gnome-session usually starts those through some .desktop files; seb128 would know more details08:40
pittismb: ah, nevermind08:40
pittismb: it's a gconf setting in gnome-session, /desktop/gnome/session/required_components_list08:40
pitti         <default>[windowmanager,panel,filemanager]</default>08:41
seb128the base composents are in gconf keys08:41
seb128autostart is for everything else08:41
smbHm, I thought I saw those being there...08:41
smbseb128, Looking into the gconf-editor I find those keys. But it does not seem to happen. Any log files I might look into?08:48
seb128what did you change to break it ?08:48
seb128does it work for an another use on your box ?08:48
smbrepeatedly using the desktop-switcher to go from the unr desktop to the standard and back08:49
smbseb128, let me add one and try08:49
seb128you can use the guest session to try08:49
seb128njpatel: ^ what is that desktop switcher doing?08:50
seb128it seems smb managed to unset required gconf keys by using it08:50
njpatelseb128: apart from screwing up some peoples desktops in it's current version in jaunty, it switches from netbook mode to classic mode (normal ubuntu look)08:50
njpatelseb128: I've already fixed the bug, and StevenK was going to help with an SRU08:51
smbnjpatel, So it is a known "feature" then? :)08:51
njpatel(i've fixed it in a way that it repairs existing breakage too)08:51
njpatelsmb: unfortunately. Couldn't get it in before release08:51
njpateli hope we can get an sru soon08:51
* njpatel hasn't done sru before, so any help would be appreciated08:52
pwnguingot the bug number handy?08:52
seb128njpatel: can you explain what to do change to manually fix it?08:52
StevenKnjpatel: Step one: Fix it in Karmic08:52
smbJust was about to ask08:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 349519 in desktop-switcher "Switch Desktop Mode corrupted settings" [Undecided,Fix committed]08:53
njpatelseb128: pwnguin ^08:54
njpatelStevenK: I've already made a release of desktop-switcher with the bug fixed, could we get that into karmic?08:54
StevenKnjpatel: It's on LP?08:54
njpatelStevenK: yep,it should be08:55
StevenKnjpatel: Certainly, I'll do it tomorrow.08:55
pwnguinis stevenK still allergic to lp?08:55
njpatelStevenK: thanks!08:55
StevenKI was allergic?08:55
pwnguinperhaps my memory is foggy08:55
pwnguinit is 3am here08:56
smbnjpatel, Thanks for the link. Looking at the runes now08:56
njpatelawesome, thanks08:56
pwnguinthis raises a question for me08:57
pwnguinif a bug is known upstream and affects ubuntu08:57
pwnguinhmm. i should find, read and then quote what i saw earlier08:57
pwnguinrather than attempt to do anything from memory right now08:58
StevenKnjpatel: Doing it now, since ... I don't know :-P08:58
pwnguinthanks for the report, but there's no need to open the bug on Ubuntu if there's already one on the upstream bug tracker, it only creates extra work for developers and triagers, thanks.09:00
pwnguinhow does that mesh with the SRU process?09:01
StevenKIt should be tracked in Ubuntu Karmic and Ubuntu Jaunty for the SRU process09:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 351493 in evolution "Evolution mapi plugin uses a lot of memory" [Unknown,Confirmed]09:02
pwnguini guess i dont understand what the triager is asking for on this bug09:02
pwnguindont report bugs in LP if they're already upstream in bugzilla?09:02
StevenKnjpatel: I'm going to twiddle that bug to add a desktop-switcher task for Karmic and Jaunty.09:03
StevenKnjpatel: The Karmic task will get closed after I upload09:03
njpatelokay, thanks. and I'll hassle seb128 later on today :)09:03
maxbWell, there's no real point reporting to LP if it's already upstream, *unless* it's for the specific purpose of nominating for SRU09:04
seb128pwnguin: there is no need to report upstream bugs in launchpad if they are already known upstream yes09:06
StevenKnjpatel: Uploading09:06
smbnjpatel, cool, manually fixed it here. thanks09:09
cjwatsonpitti: would you mind if I disabled pkgsanitychecks for udebs? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/26375427/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.rootskel-gtk_1.15ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz is an interesting build failure - the udeb just installs a /usr/local/etc symlink to work around some problem elsewhere10:04
pitticjwatson: no problem at all10:05
cjwatsonpitti: while this should probably be dealt with so it doesn't need to do that, none of the checks in pkgsanitychecks really seem all that important for udebs; it's not as though it's important to provide the sysadmin with an area where his local changes will be preserved :-)10:05
cjwatson(I've uploaded rootskel-gtk with NO_PKG_MANGLE=1 for now, but ...)10:05
pittiI think udebs just weren't taken into consideration when this was written10:06
cjwatsonthis is the first time I've noticed it failing10:06
cjwatsonis there a bzr branch for pkgbinarymangler?10:06
pittino, this isn't in bzr10:06
pittiKeybuk: \o/ system-tools-backends finally dropped its init script10:17
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pitticjwatson: intrepid-proposed doesn't have a matching d-i for the -14 kernel; how important is it to be in sync?10:50
pitticjwatson: the kernel team asked me to move the -proposed kernel to -updates, but I stalled it because I wasn't sure about the impact of this10:51
cjwatsonpitti: there's one in the queue ...10:57
cjwatsonthe problem with them getting out of sync is that the installer images previously published in intrepid-updates will break10:58
cjwatsonit won't break people using the images in dists/intrepid/, but I know there are some people using the images in intrepid-updates, due to bug 293586 if nothing else10:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 293586 in busybox "lack of CONFIG_GETOPT_LONG in busybox-udeb completely breaks Kickstart" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29358610:59
cjwatsonso I like to keep them in sync10:59
cjwatsonpeople would still have to download fresh installer images; there isn't much to be done about that10:59
pitticjwatson: ok, I'll accept the upload for that (thanks), and let it build, before I move it then11:04
pitticjwatson: also, I was told that after copy-package'ing d-i for hardy, there's some extra magic necessary to copy the netboot images; is that documented somewhere?11:05
pittiI'm sure I did that once like a year ago, but I'm afraid I forgot it11:05
ebroderpitti: for bug #362691, I guess I need to get approval from ubuntu-sru again?11:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 362691 in xen-3.3 "XEN depends on Python 2.5" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36269111:24
pittiebroder: haven't looked at the patch yet11:25
ebroderAh, ok. No worries, then11:25
pittiebroder: but usually, it's more a question of finding a sponsor to upload it11:25
cjwatsonpitti: documented on ArchiveAdministration now11:25
pitti(someone from server team, preferably)11:25
pitticjwatson: thank you11:25
pittiebroder: commented now11:29
ebroderpitti: The version numbering still needs to be consistent, right? So this would still be 3.3.0-1ubuntu9.2, not 3.3.0-1ubuntu9.1?11:31
pittiebroder: right, 9.1 got burned now11:32
Keybukpitti: sweet11:45
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lamontKeybuk: debian bug 52722913:12
ubottuDebian bug 527229 in util-linux "The system time is NOT set correctly!" [Grave,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/52722913:12
sorenWhy is it that /etc/localtime is a copy of a timezone file rather than a symlink to it? Is it to make sure things don't fall apart before /usr is mounted or is there more to it than that?13:23
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cjwatsonsoren: your hypothesis is correct13:23
ion_Let’s get rid of /usr already. :-P13:25
directhexion_, http://gobolinux.org/?page=at_a_glance13:27
cjwatsonnote how it has no users ;-)13:28
cjwatson(to a first approximation)13:28
ion_directhex: Capital letters in filenames are just bad as long as we have a case-sensitive filesystem. Or have they changed that as well?13:28
directhexbut points for doing something different!13:31
directhexnot sure how LSB-compliant they are ;)13:31
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Keybuklamont: oh?13:47
Keybuklamont: well, firstly I sent you a patch to use /dev/rtc0 rather than /dev/rtc <g>13:47
Keybuklamont: ask them what hwclock --debug --rtc=/dev/rtc0 says?13:48
sorencjwatson: Lovely, thanks.13:48
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Keybukseb128: how do I debug telepathy/jabber not working?14:28
Keybukit just says "Network error"14:28
Keybukbut it doesn't even look like it's starting telepathy-gabble14:28
cjwatsonmvo: funky apt-ftparchive failure in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/26391921/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-armel.debian-installer_20081029ubuntu35_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:30
cjwatsonapt-ftparchive: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: undefined symbol: __sync_fetch_and_add_414:30
mvocjwatson: sweet14:31
mvocjwatson: I have a look14:31
seb128Keybuk: http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/Debugging14:32
cjwatsonslangasek: d-i is in place on i386 now; awaiting build on amd6414:32
ograoooh, there is an image build attempt from last night !14:33
* ogra didnt notice yet14:33
cjwatsonit won't be very useful14:33
ograthe desktop one ?14:33
cjwatsonerr, and where do you see this attempt? :)14:33
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seb128Keybuk: or ask Zdra or cassidy on the #ubuntu-desktop channel ;-)14:34
cjwatsonoh, a livefs build attempt14:34
cjwatsonhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/daily-live/20090506 is pretty useless since it was still trying to build for jaunty14:34
ograyeah, i just see that14:34
ograold kernel and all14:34
cjwatsonI changed cdimage to default to karmic this morning14:35
ograok, waiting for the explosion of the image with teh next build then :)14:35
cjwatsonmvo: FWIW, apt-xapian-index is currently uninstallable due to insufficient versions of python-apt and python-debian14:35
james_wthere is a sponsor request open for the python-debian merge14:36
mvocjwatson: thanks14:39
mvocjwatson: I take care of this too (the python-apt merge is almost ready)14:39
cjwatsonhyperair: I'm syncing nautilus-share, since it seems possible now and the older version causes livefs build problems (http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/karmic/ubuntu/latest/livecd-20090506-i386.out)14:40
calchmm really uploading now, i forgot that i needed to adjust the at time due to uploading from a server not in my own timezone :-\14:45
hyperaircjwatson: sure.15:10
xaaabHi. I've been using 8.04 for a long time without problems. but since my upgrade to 9.04, my xorg has a memory leak. when I leave it running for several hours it consumes almost 5 gb of ram and it consumes a lot of CPU time, although I'm not at my PC. is this a known issue? any fixes?15:11
pittixaaab: it certainly doesn't happen for everyone in that magnitude15:12
cjwatsonyou might want to use xrestop to find out whether it's actually the X server's fault directly or whether it's due to some application leaking pixmaps into X15:13
sorenxrestop, eh?15:14
* soren apt-gets15:14
* xaaab just did15:14
xaaabcjwatson, so... when I start xrestop, I just have to watch what the "total" column says and identify the culprit?15:15
cjwatsonit's a place to start to avoid embarrassingly claiming that it's the X server's fault when it's actually a particular application, anyway. I'm no expert so have no more help to offer :)15:17
calcok all of OOo is uploaded now and waiting to build15:26
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mok0Why does "Build-Depends: a | b" fail, even though b is available?15:55
mok0Ah sbuild does that by default.15:59
slangasekcjwatson: yippee :)16:00
directhexmok0, s/by default/because it hates humans/16:07
directhexmok0, as far as sbuild is concerned, anything after a | in a build-dep may as well be a comment16:08
mok0directhex: it appears you can change its behaviour... but I can't get that to work either16:08
TheMusodtchen: we have 1.0.20 of alsa. I will check tomorrow to see if there are any kernelspace/userspace differences that need to be sorted before we can bump to
mok0directhex: sbuild -d karmic --check-depends-algorithm=alternatives16:09
directhexmok0, convince all the debian buildd admins to make that happen and we'll talk16:10
mok0directhex: sounds like you know something I don't16:10
cjwatsonwe hacked it in Ubuntu to fall back to non-primary alternatives16:12
cjwatsonbut that was precisely because we weren't Debian16:12
cjwatsonI mean, the fact that it's done in Ubuntu is not a demonstration that it should be done in Debian - we were doing it because in places we wanted to specifically avoid the primary alternative in Ubuntu16:13
mok0cjwatson: it seems that doesn16:13
mok0t work...16:13
cjwatsonin Debian, I fail to see why you wouldn't just put the alternative you want first!16:13
mok0cjwatson: right16:13
cjwatsonmok0: used to, talk to infinity if you have a clear demonstration of the problem16:13
mok0cjwatson: "infinity" is a nick, right? :-)16:14
ografor a person, yes16:14
* apw goes a bit mad ... anyone know what is driving OSD for volume?16:15
mok0infinity: are you here?16:15
apw(audio volume)16:15
ograapw, hal ?16:15
ogra(just a guess)16:15
apwi can't see it doing it ...16:15
apwit seems to generate a hal event for the volume-up key16:16
ogradbus-monitor should show where its coming from16:16
ograapw, gnome-settings-daemon it seems16:17
ograat least for my system here16:17
apwhrm ... obviously16:17
apwthanks ogra16:17
slangasekcjwatson: the libgnomecanvas2-dbg binary on amd64 is timestamped May 6 01:05, which seems to postdate your new-binary-debian-universe fix; strange16:17
cjwatsonany archive admin remember accepting libgnomecanvas/amd64?16:18
seb128I didn't16:20
* pitti didn't16:29
directhexwasn't me16:33
jdstrandpitti: hi! can you look at the debdiff I attached in bug #224365? I'd like to upload, but wanted to make sure I didn't step on your toes. :)16:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 224365 in cupsys "Apparmor prevents printing with cups-pdf" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22436516:43
pittijdstrand: well, someone already uploaded an ubuntu specific package, so that's fine16:45
pittijdstrand: I'll commit the changes to bzr and sync them back from debian soon16:46
pittijdstrand: so please go ahead16:46
jdstrandpitti: thanks! :)16:48
jdstrandpitti: looking at this, would you prefer I upload based off of jaunty's ubuntu3?16:50
jdstrandpitti: karmic still has the sync'd version from jaunty16:50
pittijdstrand: you can, but it really doesn't matter much; I'll thrash the ubuntu specific version soon anyway :)16:50
pittijdstrand: so in fact, if you don't consider it super-urgent, just add the debdiff to the bug and assign it to me16:51
pittiand I'll get it done tomorrow16:51
jdstrandpitti: no, it isn't super urgent. I'll assign it to you to reduce archive churn16:52
pittijdstrand: argh, I'm not going to apply that -- dac_override?16:52
pittijdstrand: that's precisely what I don't want to give to hacks like cups-pdf16:53
jdstrandpitti: yeah, it is required when $HOME is 70016:53
pitti*shrug* then don't set it to 700 :)16:53
pitti701 is fine as well, you also need it for public_html and such16:53
jdstrandpitti: sure, but the problem is that the error message is totally cryptic for the end user16:53
pittijdstrand: I really wouldn't like to see cups-pdf getting more privs that it absolutely needs16:53
pittijdstrand: that should probably be improved then, yes16:54
jdstrandpitti: basically, the user sees nothing in the ui16:54
jdstrandpitti: and then in kern.log, has:16:54
jdstrandkernel: [33228.304167] type=1503 audit(1241581234.818:31): operation="capable" name="dac_override" pid=4905 profile="/usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf"16:55
jdstrandto me, that doesn't scream 'you need to chmod 701 your directory' :)16:55
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jdstrandpitti: also, this isn't as simple as "don't chmod 700 your directory" because encrypted home directories via ecryptsfs do precisely that, and I think in karmic, kirkland is hoping to make this generally available16:58
jdstrandof course, he could 701 it...16:59
pittijdstrand: can we just kill cups-pdf then? :-)16:59
kirklandjdstrand: sorry, do i need to catchup with this conversation?17:00
jdstrandpitti: well, interestinly enough, I tried to do that with an important user of mine (my wife) who has an application that doesn't use the gnome print UI, and had no way to print to pdf without cups-pdf. I tired to kill it locally...17:00
jdstrandkirkland: no17:00
kirklandjdstrand: ;-)17:01
jdstrandpitti: regardless, I've assigned the bug to you per your request. Feel free to 'Invalid'ate if you think that is the best course (I certainly see your point of view)17:02
pittijdstrand: well, I'll ponder it17:03
pittijdstrand: if the apparmor rules restrict access to /home thoroughly, it's probalby not too bad17:03
pittibut it would be able to write stuff into /etc or other places which teh profile doesn't cover17:03
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lamontslangasek: default-mta provides and exim4/postfix... le sigh, and yeah, I guess their argument wins17:05
slangasekwhich argument?17:05
slangasekI think default-mta as a stand-alone package would be a little better for derivs17:06
jdstrandpitti: I'm looking at the profile, and I don't see that you gave rw to anything in /etc, so I don't think that is a problem17:06
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slangasekmvo: hmm; using the update-manager in jaunty-updates, I just had a weird experience where update-manager wanted me to have 50MB free on /usr when the actual update only required 123KB additional space17:21
mvoslangasek: 123kb addtional diskspace + 49mb downloaded debs? or were allt the debs downloaded already?17:22
mvoslangasek: is it reproducable?17:22
slangasekmvo: the .debs added up to < 5MB in size17:23
slangasekdunno; I can try downgrading those packages later to see17:23
mvoslangasek: right, sorry, I just checked the source and it has this as a safety buffer (min 50mb free) - I admit its a bit much17:24
mvoslangasek: its a leftover from the days when the free space checker would only check for release upgrades, then 50mb extra was ok, but for normal updates with just 4 pkgs its not17:25
* mvo adds it to his todo list17:25
slangasekwant a bug report? :)17:25
mvoslangasek: feel free :)17:25
mvoslangasek: otherwise I will file it to my postit notes :)17:25
slangasekok :)17:26
keesasac: how do I get n-m TO manage my wired interface?  it seems to ignore it now17:30
asackees: guess you havent configured that in /etc/network/interfaces?17:36
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keesasac: in /etc/network/interfaces it says: auto eth6  and   iface eth6 inet dhcp17:47
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asackees: so eth6 is the device you want to see managed by NM?17:48
keesasac: right17:48
asackees: do you need it to be configured in there? otherwise just remove the eth6 entry from interfaces17:49
keesasac: ah, no, don't need it in there.  removing it will fix n-m to use it again?17:49
asackees: yeah. NM runs in ifupdown-unmanaged mode by default. so everything configured in there will be ignored. two ways to fix this: a) remove that configureation (preferred), b) enable managed mode in /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf17:50
keesah-ha, yes, I see the "managed=false" setting now.  the semantics for what n-m keeps changing.  :)  thanks, I'll give "a)" a shot.17:51
asackees: that didnt change since it was introduced ;)17:51
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jdstrandpitti: ok, I played with dac_override a little bit to make sure my understanding is correct18:39
jdstrandpitti: if dac_override is not set, then DAC is checked first. if DAC doesn't permit it, then no access. if DAC does allow it, then the profile is checked and access is determined there18:40
jdstrandpitti: if dac_override is set, then DAC simply is not consulted and only the profile is checked18:40
pittijdstrand: right; root has DAC_OVERRIDE usually, which is what allows him to ignore file permissions18:41
pittiso if we give that priv, the policy can't rely on DAC any more, and needs to be super-tight18:41
jdstrandpitti: apparmor requires explicitly allowing access to files, so unless the profile is too loose to begin with, there shouldn't be a problem18:41
jdstrandpitti: correct18:41
jdstrandpitti: however, looking at the cups-pdf policy, it looks super-tight anyway18:42
jdstrandpitti: so, I'll defer to your judgement, but adding dac_override seems ok to me based on the current profile18:43
pittijdstrand: I'll look at it again18:43
pittijdstrand: sorry, have to run to sports now18:43
jdstrandpitti: np. have fun! :)18:43
pittijdstrand: thanks for the investigations!18:43
jdstrandpitti: sure! this actually served as dual-purpose cause I'm going to be working on a test-apparmor.py script this week and dac_override will be part of the tests :)18:45
slangasekmvo: do you have plans to merge python-apt soon?  (breaks apt-xapian-index)19:47
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mvoslangasek: yes, its almost ready20:15
calcis there a lpia live cd somewhere?20:16
slangasekmvo: cool, thanks20:33
chrisccoulsonif i propose to merge a bzr branch in to another one (say, my branch in to an ubuntu-core-dev branch), should i assign a reviewer to it? does anyone get notified of the merge proposal if i don't specify a reviewer?20:37
ScottKEvery core-dev gets notified.20:42
chrisccoulsonScottK - thanks:)20:42
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james_wchrisccoulson: the default reviewer of an ubuntu-core-dev branch is ubuntu-core-dev which leads to a mail to ubuntu-devel@ now, so plenty of people see it20:51
james_whowever, we need to do better at having a list of outstanding requests, which is something I am working with the LP team on20:51
chrisccoulsonjames_w - thanks. perhaps i would have been better off assigning a reviewer rather than spamming the whole list;)20:52
james_wchrisccoulson: it makes sense if there is a particular person. It would be a bit like subscribing that person directly to a sponsorship bug instead of u-m-s, except that u-m-s doesn't cause a mail to ubuntu-devel@20:53
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ScottKjames_w: I'm glad to hear you are working on this.  Thanks.20:54
james_wI'd like to have a better system that what we currently have20:55
james_wit's just not that easy because we are slightly odd :-)20:55
ScottKI think distro 'development' is different in many respects than upstream development and LP seems more focused on the latter use case than the former.20:57
james_wespecially for merge proposals so far, as it wasn't available for distributions before20:57
james_wthey are keen to fix that, there just aren't obvious answers20:57
mweicherthello, I'm trying to preseed a hardy installation. I want to slipstream all of the hardy updates on the cd so that after I finish the installation, I'm not left with 200+ packages to upgrade.20:59
mweichertto do this, do I just replace /dists and /pool on the live cd with those that are in archive.ubuntu.com ?20:59
james_wmweichert: nope, the live install doesn't install from debs20:59
james_wyou would need to build a new live environment with the updates21:00
mweichertjames_w, okay, in the squashfs image?21:00
mweichertjames_w, what's /dists and /pool for then?21:00
james_wextra packages that are available, but not actually installed21:01
mweicherthmm, ok21:01
mweichertjames_w, so the installer just copies the squashfs to /target, is that right?21:01
james_wnot "just", no, but to a first approximation, yes21:02
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mweichertjames_w, sorry - that was over-simplifying.. I guess what I'm trying to determine is that if I edit the squashfs by installing the debs I want, those debs will get installed on /target.21:04
mweichertjames_w, is that a safe assumption you think?21:04
james_wI've no idea whether it will work, sorry21:04
MattJHmm, does anyone know if it is possible to build for etch using the Ubuntu pbuilder?21:08
MattJThe wiki suggests it should be, but I'm having problems21:08
james_wit should be21:08
mweichertjames_w, okay, thanks for your help. I really appreciate it. I've been having a hard time trying to find this information.21:09
mweichertjames_w, to be sure though, you're certain that /pool just contains extras?21:09
james_wmweichert: I guess there aren't enough debs in there to make a full system?21:10
ScottKMattJ: Yes.  I do it all the time.21:10
MattJFrom: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto it says use: sudo DIST=etch pbuilder create, but the first line pbuilder prints is "Distribution is jaunty."21:10
james_wif there were then you would only be able to use the half the space on the CD for the live environment.21:10
MattJScottK: I'm using 8.04, could that be an issue?21:11
james_wmweichert: #ubuntu-installer is the dedicated channel for this stuff21:11
ScottKMattJ: I did it with that too, so I don't think so.21:11
MattJScottK: I see: Failed getting release file http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/etch/Release21:12
MattJI tried --othermirror, but it seems to have no effect21:12
ScottKMattJ: http://pastebin.com/f78072aa4 is the pbuilder wrapper script I use.  If you name that pbuilder-sid it should just work.21:12
MattJHmm, I'll try it... thanks :)21:13
MattJScottK: Excellent, it appears to be working :)21:15
ScottKMattJ: Glad to hear it.21:16
calckees: can you process bug 372756 for me? pitti told me it didn't need a MIR21:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 372756 in boost1.37 "please move to main from universe" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37275621:21
ScottKDid we decide 1.37 is the target boost for Karmic?21:24
calcScottK: well we really need to be targeting 1.38 for Karmic but its FTBFS atm21:24
ScottKSince Debian is planning on 1.38 for Squeeze, I wonder if it might be better.21:24
calcand 1.35 also seems to cause other things to FTBFS if they attempt to use it due to gcc 4.4 (afaict)21:24
keescalc: one sec...21:25
calckees: thanks21:25
keescalc: approved21:26
calcthanks :)21:26
calchttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ <- is that actually karmic or are we doing new dailys of jaunty?21:33
calcprobably the description needs updating then :)21:34
calcand filenames, etc21:35
james_woh, maybe the ones there aren't karmic then21:36
james_wthere was a karmic CD build last night though21:36
slangasekdaily-live/current isn't karmic in any meaningful sense21:37
slangasekwe don't have successful livefs builds yet21:37
* calc wonders why ubuntu-mir doesn't also have archive access to do the promotions, heh21:40
calcslangasek: so since 327756 is approved now... could you maybe promote it for me, please? 8-)21:41
slangasekcalc: wrong bug #?21:41
calcer 37275621:42
slangasekcalc: anyway, the process is MIR approval -> reference the package from main -> ends up on component-mismatches -> ubuntu-archive cleans it up21:42
calcthe references from main is a package depending on it, or something else?21:43
slangasekdepends, build-depends, or seeded21:43
calcok, so yea OOo 3.1.0~rc2-1ubuntu1 already does that via build-depends21:44
calci somehow forgot to add that to bug report21:44
calcadded to the bug report21:45
james_wcalc: it's already on component-mismatches, it should get cleaned up next time an archive admin processes the list21:50
bigonhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/26409322/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.telepathy-farsight_0.0.6-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz << I know I've already asked but why this packages build cleanly inside a pbuilder?22:02
bigonobscédé par la repression22:04
james_wbigon: different versions of cdbs installed?22:05
bigonoups wrong channel for the 2last sencence :p22:05
bigonjames_w: I don't think so22:05
NCommanderjames_w, its also pkgbinmanagler doing something it shouldn't22:06
ajmitchNCommander: it's nor very verbose about it22:06
NCommanderbigon, which PPA is that package in?22:07
NCommanderOh, thats a distro upload, isn't it :-P22:07
james_wNCommander: what is pkgbinarymangler doing that it shouldn't?22:07
bigonNCommander: yeah22:08
NCommanderjames_w, I dunno, I'm going to try and reproduce with a buildd chroot and a normal pbuilder chroot22:08
james_wbigon: do you have pkgbinarymangler installed in your pbuilder?22:08
NCommanderjames_w, there are other pieces of voodoo in the chroots :-/22:09
bigonjames_w: I don't think so22:10
james_wNCommander: yeah, but this seems to be a simple case of a file being installed in the wrong place and pkgsanitychecks complaining22:10
james_wbigon: well, that's the reason then22:10
NCommanderjames_w, I've *never* seen a build fail because of that before22:10
james_wwell, we fixed most of them22:11
NCommanderjames_w, we should provide a set of instructions on how to reproduce buildd chroots22:11
NCommander(there is a lot of voodoo with the lpia especially)22:11
james_wit needs autoreconfing22:12
james_wthat should fix it22:12
* NCommander continues to work on merges22:14
james_wnope, that's not right22:14
NCommanderjames_w, ?22:15
calccan someone process a couple NEW packages for me (there is a long chain of build depends) - libloader-openoffice.org and libformula-openoffice.org22:16
DktrKranzbigon, that's because python2.6 expects to find modules in dist-package, not site-packages and pkgbinarymangler rejects it22:19
bigonDktrKranz: yeah but on my pbuilder without pkgbinarymangler I get an explicit message saying that the files inside the site-packages have been moved to dist-packages22:24
DktrKranzbigon, weird. did you use python.mk macros?22:27
DktrKranz$(call py_libdir, <python version>) and thelike22:28
DktrKranzit doesn't seem to use distutils, right?22:30
bigonno autotools22:32
* DktrKranz tries to build it in a karmic pbuilder22:33
bigonalready done22:34
bigonsame result it works inside it22:34
slangasekcalc: will you be coordinating getting the other reverse-deps of boost1.35 transitioned, too, so we don't have to continue carrying that one?22:39
james_wheh, it's some quoting weirdness22:42
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james_wbigon: it does $PYTHON -c "from distutils import sysconfig; print sysconfig.get_python_lib(0,0,prefix='$PYTHON_PREFIX')"22:43
james_wwhich is supposed to return ${prefix}/lib/python2.6/dist-packages22:44
james_wbut returns site-packages instead22:44
james_wwell, not quoting weirdness, but that confused my investigation22:44
james_wwill it want ${prefix} in the path, or is that supposed to be expanded in this path?22:45
bigonI can confirm that inside my pbuilder it FTBFS with pkgbinarymangler installed22:46
james_w        elif is_default_prefix and 'PYTHONUSERBASE' not in os.environ and 'real_prefix' not in sys.__dict__:22:46
james_w            return os.path.join(libpython, "dist-packages")22:46
james_w        else:22:46
james_w            return os.path.join(libpython, "site-packages")22:46
james_win distutils22:46
BUGabundohi everyone22:46
BUGabundoso todays backport-modules reverted all the good of rt2500 pci??22:46
BUGabundoon jaunty22:46
james_wso if you pass it /usr as the path, not '${prefix}' you get dist-packages, otherwise you get site-packages22:46
james_wwhich seems to be what python wants22:47
BUGabundoapw: ping22:47
rrp81today's updates screwd up backport-modules, I can't update them or revert them22:47
rrp81I need them for my rt2500 pci22:47
BUGabundorrp81: you can downgrade it.22:47
BUGabundojust get the previous version from LP cache22:48
rrp81no, i can't, it won't let me22:48
james_wso telepathy-farsight trying to preserve '${prefix}' leads to the wrong path being used, and as distutils isn't used cdbs' disutils.mk can't clean it up22:48
james_wbigon: does that make sense?22:48
BUGabundo$ sudo dkpg -I linux.......deb22:48
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bigonjames_w: I've not followed everything :o22:52
james_wbigon: you have two easy options, either make it expand ${prefix} before passing it in there22:52
james_wor add a mv in debian/rules (or something with .install) to fix it up22:53
james_wI'm not clear on what the effects of the first will be given the fact that it is done that way currently22:53
bigonjames_w: yeah but without binpkgmangler the file are automagically moved22:54
james_wby what?22:54
james_wpkgbinarymangler is throwing it out at dpkg-deb time, so it's too late to move by then isn't it?22:55
james_wI'm not sure that it interferes before22:55
bigonlet me check again22:55
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calcslangasek: i'm not really in platform (more or less) for the next 6 months22:58
slangasekI guess I missed that memo22:58
calcslangasek: moved to oem with doko and persia22:58
slangasek... but still dealing with OOo? :)22:59
calci have 20% time for OOo but i doubt that would be enough to do OOo and boost traisntion, not even enough to do bug triage really :\22:59
calcgah typing too fast to see my words leads to typos, heh22:59
BUGabundosorry to hear calc! I did a great job up until now22:59
calcslangasek: but ideally we will be doing a transition from 1.35/1.37 to 1.3823:00
calc1.38 currently FTBFS though :\23:00
calcslangasek: aiui 1.37 is supposed to be removed from Debian sometime soon23:03
slangasekhmm, ok23:03
slangasekI'll have a look at the 1.38 ftbfs, then23:03
NCommandercalc, thats a nasty FTBFS :-/23:03
calcdirecthex: yea23:16
directhexhave fun. extra fun thanks to apps build-depending on specific versions of boost rather than the un-abi'd -dev packages23:16
BUGabundook, what's boost?23:18
calcdirecthex: iirc the un-abi'd version is 1.3423:20
calcyea 1.34.123:20
calcBUGabundo: http://www.boost.org/23:20
directhexcalc, i'll bite: "why is the default (un-ABI'd version) neolithic?"23:23
dtchenTheMuso: from a prelim glance, current git HEAD of linux-2.6 is nearly 1.0.20 without some quirks, but the core and mid-layer are identical23:24
calcdirecthex: no idea23:25
calcdirecthex: probably for historical reasons23:25
dtchenTheMuso: i'm chasing a -plugins sig11 atm23:25
directhexcalc, historical raisins be damned, this is ubuntu, not debian!23:25
calcdirecthex: it may be versioned for newer ones due to api changes (my guess anyway)23:25
calcdirecthex: if is the case it explains why they didn't bother to fix it for 1.34 since the proper fix would be to have no libboost-dev at all23:26
slangaseknono, the proper fix would be to have no libboost.* at all ;)23:26
directhexslangasek, <partisan> oh dear, then no gnote. what a dreadful shame!23:27
mathiazslangasek: hm - IIUC there is a library transition (or something like that) currently hapening in debian wrt to the upload krb5 1.7 to unstable23:27
directhexcalc, that seems horribly broken to me - version the deps, fix the software23:27
mathiazslangasek: what does this mean for Ubuntu?23:27
mathiazslangasek: ie - I'd like to get krb5 1.7 synced in karmic.23:28
slangasekmathiaz: should just require rebuilds, I think23:28
mathiazslangasek: IIUC the main point is that krb4 is dropped23:29
mathiazslangasek: so - what should I do to get things moving? Ask a sync request and upload all necessary packages?23:30
slangasekmathiaz: sounds right :)23:30
mathiazslangasek: should I test that all necessary packages build before asking for the sync to happen?23:31
mathiazslangasek: or ask for the sync and start uploading once the new krb5 is published?23:31
slangasekmathiaz: the latter is fine23:31
mathiazslangasek: great - thanks. I'll go get the list of packages to rebuild :)23:32
directhexwhat's the policy on upstream versions for gnome? gnome 2.28 seems to be coming out terribly close to release23:32
ajmitchdirecthex: usually gnome releases at the same time as the beta release for ubuntu23:33
ajmitchafaik there's a standing exception for getting new upstream releases of gnome in23:34
directhexajmitch, short version: will tomboy 1.0.0 (part of gnome 2.28) definitely be allowed in, and if so, is it worth making a 0ubuntu1 of the latest development release?23:34
ajmitchdirecthex: ask an RM :)23:35
directhexslangasek, i think he means you!23:35
slangasekdirecthex: if tomboy is releasing on time with GNOME 2.28, then yes, please track its dev releases23:36
mathiazslangasek: hm - I'm not sure I completely understand how the libkrb53 is done in debian.23:42
mathiazslangasek: relevant changelog entries are 1.6.dfsg.4~beta1-7, 1.6.dfsg.4~beta1-8, 1.7dfsg~beta1-2 and 1.7dfsg~beta1-323:42
mathiazslangasek: the last entry mentioned an change that will be reverted before end of may 2009.23:43
apacheloggerjames_w: do you know if there is any script to create released branches of a given set of development branches (i.e. branch /ubuntu to /jaunty)?23:55
james_w"bzr branch"? :-)23:55
slangasekmathiaz: hmm, I'm quite confused by that last entry23:56
slangasekmay have been a no-op, really23:57

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