
DasEi1where are the info triggers changed ?00:36
DasEi1if  has the minute, info baobab  tells(wrongly) package doesn't exist in jaunty01:12
nhandlerDasEi1: baobab is only in dapper, not jaunty01:16
nhandler$ rmadison baobab     baobab |    2.3.1-1 | dapper/universe | source, amd64, i386, powerpc01:16
DasEi1nhandler: it's conatined in gnome-utils, apt/synaptic tells me01:16
m4vbaobab is in gnome-utils01:16
tsimpson!find baobab01:17
ubot4`tsimpson: Please use http://packages.ubuntu.com/ to search for files01:17
ubottuFile baobab found in app-install-data, gnome-utils, slune, xubuntu-artwork01:17
ubot2tsimpson: Please use http://packages.ubuntu.com/ to search for files01:17
DasEi1so anyone should change the info-trigger ?01:19
tsimpsonDasEi1: the bot is correct, the package does not exist in jaunty01:19
tsimpsonthe file is inside another package, so !find searches for it01:20
DasEi1ah, ok01:20
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
=== evilGary is now known as Gary
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== Pici is now known as Guest9545
=== Guest9545 is now known as Pici
erUSULLjL: are you here?18:03
LjLerUSUL: yes18:03
erUSULLjL: i have to go and a nasty user using mibbit via mibbit has been cousing trouble in #ubuntu-es i spect it to come back; can you take a look in #ubuntu-es ??18:04
erUSULLjL: i have +d him but is a german privoxy of some sort18:04
LjLerUSUL: nickname / other pointers?18:04
erUSULLjL: he used pelicano to insult another op18:04
erUSUL8:59 -!- P3L|C4N0 [i=3e8d3a0d@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/session]18:05
erUSULwho is 19:00 -!- #ubuntu-es P3L|C4N0  H   0  i=3e8d3a0d@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/session [gpftor3.privacyfoundation.de]18:05
erUSULhe entered as 18:55 -!- mib_ijvdm0 [i=3e8d3a0d@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/session] has joined #ubuntu-es18:05
erUSULthanks in advance have to go. ciao18:06
LjLerUSUL, +d *!*@hostname isn't really a valid +d18:06
* erUSUL noob op18:06
LjLerr, there are a couple of +d in -es that make absolutely no sense18:06
LjLwell, none of them make any sense18:07
PicierUSUL: +d looks at the realname field...18:12
PicierUSUL: We usually apply bans for mibbit hosts on their ident, that way everything is in one place.18:14
Neyxhelp in #ubuntu-es please...18:21
NeyxNeyx wicope LjL Daviey McPeter DJones niko jpds elky Pricey Pici jussi01 Flannel Seeker` erUSUL albertico jester- Philip5 alefteris johanbr nhandler bazhang JanC kklimonda purity^ ubottu MTecknology tsimpson m4v dantalizing ziroday ubot2 Nafallo SWAT ikonia juliux Gary tomaw popey Tm_T boredandblogging ubuntulog Myrtti tritium nealmcb Zic uBOTu-fr ubot4` pleia218:23
Neyxhelp please18:23
PiciNeyx: Do NOT do that18:23
Neyxit was necesary18:23
McPeterNeyx, explain ?18:23
Neyxcabronazo is flooding18:23
LjLNeyx: use !ops nex time18:24
Neyxokay ;)18:24
Neyxoh, sorry18:24
Neyxthanks :)18:24
McPeterLjL, you kill me :)18:24
McPetertoo speed for me :p18:24
Neyxthanks ^_^18:25
McPeterLjL, if you want next time i can apply a temporary ban18:25
McPeterby uBOTu-fr18:25
LjLwasn't intended to be timed.18:26
LjLi just didn't notice it was the wrong ban as it was on mibbit.18:26
NeyxI leave this channel18:36
Neyxthx and bye <;)18:36
nikoLjL: if you need op access on ubotu-fr to have alias for temporary ban, quiet or forward, just pv me :)18:39
MTecknologyum... I'm an op now? :P18:54
MTecknologyPici: the ops call Neyx made by hilighting everyone in the channel19:21
PiciMTecknology: It wasn't an ops call. He just hilighted everyone regardless.19:23
MTecknologyit was for the same function, I thought it was funny. I saw a lot of nicks and assumed thatt's what it was. I saw me in there so then I just thought it was spam19:24
erUSULLjL: i'm back... and i see there were indeed problems with the mibbit user... :@20:06
LjLerUSUL: when banning a mibbit user, ban their ident - that corresponds to their IP address20:24
LjLerUSUL: and when using +d, that only bans the real name20:25
LjLno host mask, just the realname20:25
erUSULok; how i get ident info ?20:25
LjLerUSUL: /whois20:28
PicierUSUL: Its the second part of the hostmask: for mibbit folks it would be:  mib_98329!n=dca3ede3@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-9283490823904823     dca3ede3 is their ident, so ban *!n=dca3ede3@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/*20:29
erUSULPici: ok thnaks20:29
erUSULanyway this user (i have dealed with him other times...) reconnect again using various ip and the privacyfoundation.de services to evade bans etc... is very annoying and persistent troll20:32
erUSULwhen he decides to spend an afternoon cousing trouble20:33
naliothPici: you're much too powerful for us mere mortals20:47
naliothPici: erUSUL; you get multiple protectsion by just banning *!?=dca3ede3@*20:48
naliothPici: erUSUL: this will stop them from entering from ANY cgi-irc gateway20:48
naliothany gateway that puts the hexed IP as their ident, anyway (which is quite a few)20:49
PiciIndeed, that will work as well.20:49
* erUSUL updating his mibbit tomboy note ...20:51
LjLthere's also a special code to auto-detect trolls and sometimes ban them automaticall20:54
LjL /mode #channel +d *rubin20:54
Pici+d *lucchini21:12
ubot2Factoid 'd *lucchini' not found21:12
ubot4`Factoid 'd *lucchini' not found21:12
* erUSUL ;)21:13
LjLPici: fail! :(21:13

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