
nhandlerjames_w: Are you going to send out the minutes?00:00
james_wI shall00:00
james_wthanks everyone00:00
* Vantrax waves to all00:00
MootBotMeeting finished at 18:00.00:00
james_wall yours BT!00:00
nhandlerbodhi_zazen: Do you want to chair or should I?00:00
Rocket2DMnthanks guys00:00
bodhi_zazenI shall nhandler00:00
* bodhi_zazen feels the need to assert authority :)00:01
HellowMeeting time?00:01
MootBotMeeting started at 18:01. The chair is bodhi_zazen.00:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]00:01
bodhi_zazenWelcome everyone00:01
jamesrflaHi bodhi_zazen00:01
BodsdaMorning people00:01
bgs100Hi bodhi_zazen00:01
bodhi_zazen[TOPIC] Agenda : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings00:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Agenda : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings00:01
Hellowafternoon peoples00:01
bodhi_zazenWe have a full schedule so please read ahead00:02
bodhi_zazenready Rocket2DMn ?00:02
bodhi_zazen[TOPIC] Mailing list00:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Mailing list00:02
Rocket2DMnJust as a followup to a decision made earlier, everybody needs to be on the mailing list, or you will lose voice00:03
Rocket2DMnAFAIK, saj and overdrank are the only two not on the list now00:03
Rocket2DMnsaj apparently said he would get on later this week, so we just need to talk to OD00:03
nhandlerHas anyone seen overdrank recently?00:03
PartyBoi2not for awhile00:04
Rocket2DMnno, havent seen him around, just on the forums occassionally00:04
thewrathno, only when he said he would sign up alter on in the week00:04
bodhi_zazenHow about if we send out an email to the 2 MIA with a 30 day deadline ?00:04
Rocket2DMnhowabout just before the next meeting bodhi_zazen00:04
Rocket2DMnthat's 2 weeks, right?00:04
bodhi_zazen2 weeks is too short , IMO00:04
nhandlerbodhi_zazen: I think overdrank is the only one we need to send an email00:04
sdennieEither way works for me00:04
bodhi_zazensome people have things come up00:04
Rocket2DMnok, 30 days then00:05
Rocket2DMnyou want to email overdrank bodhi_zazen ?00:05
sdennieIt's a trivial thing to do00:05
bodhi_zazenWell, email helps document nhandler00:05
bodhi_zazenI shall00:05
Rocket2DMnThanks, that is all for this topic i believe00:05
bodhi_zazenanyone want to vote ?00:05
nhandlerI don't think a vote is necessary. I think we [AGREE]00:06
ds305I vote not to vote.00:06
bodhi_zazen[ACTION] email with 30 day notice00:06
MootBotACTION received:  email with 30 day notice00:06
bodhi_zazen[TOPIC] Ubuntu newsletter00:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Ubuntu newsletter00:06
nhandlerI'm up00:07
bodhi_zazenTeam reporting looks great nhandler00:07
nhandlerI talked to the UWN editors, they said that they would be wiling to include a blurb about the UFBT after our meetings00:07
cprofittI agree with the process nhandler00:07
bodhi_zazenI think we need someone to lead that project up , probably should be me ?00:07
cprofittand the UWN editors are very nice00:07
cprofittto work with00:07
nhandlerI have been getting involved with the UWN lately bodhi_zazen, so I can act as a liason00:08
bodhi_zazenwhat do we need to do nhandler ?00:08
nhandlerbodhi_zazen: The Team Reporting link explains how to handle it00:08
nhandlerIf you want, I can demonstrate after this meeting00:08
bodhi_zazenlink here for logs please nhandler :)00:08
bgs100What is the Ubuntu Newsletter?00:08
cprofittI also have a pretty good relationship with Tyche and JohnC00:08
nhandlerand https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter00:09
bodhi_zazenOK, let up proceed with it then00:09
nhandler[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter00:09
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter00:09
nhandler[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity/TeamReporting00:10
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity/TeamReporting00:10
bodhi_zazen[ACTION] Proceed with Team Reporting00:10
MootBotACTION received:  Proceed with Team Reporting00:10
jgoguenwhat's the link to our team report?00:10
nhandler[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/TeamReport00:10
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/TeamReport00:10
bodhi_zazen[IDEA] I think we need to include the Education FG on that as the Moodle site has the highest visibility right now00:10
MootBotIDEA received:  I think we need to include the Education FG on that as the Moodle site has the highest visibility right now00:10
bodhi_zazenany other comments ?00:11
Rocket2DMnthanks for making that nhandler , we'll add it to our linkbar at the top00:11
nhandlerI agree bodhi_zazen, all FGs should be included in the team report. They are part of the team after all00:11
nhandlerThanks Rocket2DMn00:11
Rocket2DMn[ACTION] Add https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/TeamReport to the BT wiki navbar00:11
sdennienhandler: Well, maybe not ALL groups...00:11
* nhandler notes only the chair can use [ACTION]00:11
Rocket2DMnoh, thanks00:11
bodhi_zazenSome teams are inactive, I think only major FG00:11
Rocket2DMnI think FGs should just post a subsection when appropriate00:12
thewrathwhat teams would be included?00:12
nhandlerbodhi_zazen: If the team has some important news, it should go there00:12
nhandlerThat was what I was thinking RoAkSoAx00:12
nhandler* Rocket2DMn00:12
bodhi_zazenI think Education, wiki, and "forums"00:12
bgs100I have to go...00:12
bgs100Wait, nevermind00:12
bodhi_zazenwe can hammer out details over the next few weeks00:13
sdenniebodhi_zazen: Yes, those seem to be the most visible and interesting groups00:13
bodhi_zazenshall we move on ?00:13
bodhi_zazen[TOPIC] VOTING IN MEETINGS00:13
MootBotNew Topic:  VOTING IN MEETINGS00:13
bodhi_zazenhe he he00:13
st33medbodhi_zazen, lrn2pushcapslock00:13
nhandlerWe used to use VoteBot to restrict voting to BT members. Now that we are in #ubuntu-meeting, that is no longer possible00:13
bodhi_zazennhandler raises a good point00:13
Rocket2DMnI think we should still keep it to members voting, people can't private vote so it's easy to disregard votes from non-members.00:14
PartyBoi2It should be kept to members only, imo00:14
jamesrfla+1 I kind of brought it up...00:14
bodhi_zazen+1 Rocket2DMn00:14
st33medPrivate Message Voting.00:14
cprofittwe can ask to have VoteBot allowed.... in here.00:14
ds305Stongly feel only members can vote. Accounting is something that can be done with penci/paper if necessary until automation returns.00:14
* zu22 concurs members-only00:14
Snovacprofitt: Yes, but it works based on voice, I think.00:14
bodhi_zazengo Hellow and Vantrax00:14
* Bodsda agrees, members only00:14
nhandlerI could hard code some settings into VoteBot to make it look in #ubuntuforums-beginners to determine members00:14
st33medWe can set up VoteBot to accept votes via PM00:15
VantraxVoting should still be possible just by messaging votebot, even if its not in here00:15
nhandlerIt already does st33med00:15
Rocket2DMnst33med, votebot already does accept private votes00:15
HellowI was going to suggest voting by PM XD00:15
bodhi_zazenwe can vote in #ubuntuforums-beginners00:15
cprofitt+1 bodhi_zazen00:15
bodhi_zazenwhich would solve the "problem"00:15
cprofittwas just typing that out00:15
nhandlerIt sounds like the team still wants member voting00:15
Rocket2DMnthat is true bodhi_zazen , and we can just say the results here00:15
Joeb454bodhi_zazen: I don't think it solves the problem00:15
PartyBoi2+1 bodhi_zazen00:15
Joeb454it creates a fix, definitely00:15
Joeb454but not solve00:15
bodhi_zazenwhy not Joeb454 ?00:15
nhandlerI might be able to code something that would allow us to hold the vote in here, but use #ubuntuforum-beginners to determine members00:15
Rocket2DMnI don't have a problem using MootBot though, it seems more responsive to me00:15
bodhi_zazenand who asked you ?00:15
Joeb454it just seems a hassle00:16
HellowPerhaps we can have a dedicated vote bot with a database of members, and it allows only those people in the database to vote?00:16
Joeb454bodhi_zazen: :|00:16
nhandlerRocket2DMn: Mootbot is open to all users00:16
jamesrflalol Rocket2DMn00:16
Rocket2DMnnhandler, yeah, but we can see the votes00:16
sdennienhandler: I'm sure you could00:16
jamesrflawe all know votebot has lag. Rocket2DMn brings up a good point00:16
cprofitthow do other teams handle votes in this channel?00:16
Bodsdanhandler: could you not have a list coded into votebot of voiced members in #ubntuforums-beginners then check each vote in here against that list?00:16
nhandlerRocket2DMn: But that means we need to manually count the votes and verify non-members did not vote00:16
SnovaI think that's mostly because it echos all your votes back.00:16
bodhi_zazenhow about if we use #ubuntuforums-beginners for voting until we have a better solution00:16
st33medI could potentially modify my bot to accept votes00:16
sdennieSnova: It is00:17
Rocket2DMnnhandler, if it came to that, i would support using VoteBot, but I don't see it being a problem00:17
bodhi_zazenalternate would be mootbot until there is a problem00:17
st33medIt's much faster and no lag00:17
nhandlerI should be able to get VoteBot working by the next meeting00:17
cprofittperhaps we should ask some of the other teams that use this channel00:17
bodhi_zazenst33med: NO MORE BOTS :)00:17
st33medbodhi_zazen, no, I mean 'replace'00:17
nhandlercprofitt: Other teams simply use MootBot since the meetings are open00:17
Snovast33med: Votebot itself is not laggy, it just has the annoying "feature" of echoing all your votes back.00:17
Joeb454cprofitt: I think they get non-members to then vote -1 to get the count back to what it should be00:17
* Hellow echoes his prior suggestion00:17
bodhi_zazenShall we vote ?00:17
bodhi_zazen+1 = use mootbot00:18
bodhi_zazen-1 = use votebot in #uf-b00:18
st33medWhat happened to yea or nay?00:18
Joeb454bodhi_zazen: HOW DO WE VOTE ;)00:18
bodhi_zazen[VOTE] Mootbot ?00:18
MootBotPlease vote on:  Mootbot ?.00:18
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot00:18
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting00:18
MootBot+1 received from Rocket2DMn. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 100:18
MootBot-1 received from st33med. 1 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 000:18
MootBot-1 received from jamesrfla. 1 for, 2 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -100:18
Bodsdawhere are we voting?00:18
MootBot-1 received from PartyBoi2. 1 for, 3 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -200:18
MootBot-1 received from Vantrax. 1 for, 4 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -300:18
Bodsdaoh here00:18
MootBot+1 received from Joeb454. 2 for, 4 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -200:18
MootBot-1 received from jgoguen. 2 for, 5 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -300:18
MootBot-1 received from zu22. 2 for, 6 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -400:18
MootBot-1 received from Bodsda. 2 for, 7 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -500:18
MootBot-1 received from Hellow. 2 for, 8 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -600:18
MootBot-1 received from nhandler. 2 for, 9 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -700:18
MootBotAbstention received from cprofitt. 2 for, 9 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now -700:18
MootBot-1 received from duanedes1gn. 2 for, 10 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now -800:18
MootBot-1 received from ds305. 2 for, 11 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now -900:18
Rocket2DMnbodhi_zazen, you have to use a +00:18
Joeb454bodhi_zazen: you need a +00:19
MootBotAbstention received from bodhi_zazen. 2 for, 11 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now -900:19
MootBotAbstention received from sdennie. 2 for, 11 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now -900:19
MootBotbodhi_zazen, Either there isn't a meeting in progress, or there is already an active vote.00:19
MootBotAbstention received from bgs100. 2 for, 11 against. 4 have abstained. Count is now -900:19
SnovaMootBot is echoing things as well... but it's not lagging nearly as bad...00:19
nhandlerbodhi_zazen: [ENDVOTE]00:19
MootBotFinal result is 2 for, 11 against. 4 abstained. Total: -900:19
nhandlerSnova: VoteBot needs threading00:19
Rocket2DMnlol, I got rocked00:19
bodhi_zazenOK Votebot for now then >:)00:19
zu22votebot ftw!00:20
st33medbodhi_zazen, I am saying that I want to replace VoteBot with my codebase00:20
* bodhi_zazen likes mootbot, can we do that again ?00:20
jamesrflago lagy votebot00:20
nhandlerAt one point, ibuclaw was playing around with adding threading support00:20
Joeb454bodhi_zazen: the total still would've been -800:20
sdennieI think Votebot just needs it's throttling turned off.00:20
ds305bodhi_zazen: Mootbot couldn't even rig it's own election!00:20
bodhi_zazen[TOPIC] IRC Policies00:20
MootBotNew Topic:  IRC Policies00:20
st33medIt's multithreaded and can handle a lot of messages at once00:20
thewrath I guess it is my turn00:21
bodhi_zazenthewrath: you here :)00:21
thewrathyes sir00:21
bodhi_zazengo :)00:21
thewrathOver the past week I have seen and heard issues in the bt channel. Last night was the end of the line. I believe many of us where in the room. I read about it. I wanted to remind everyone that we are an official ubuntu channel00:21
bodhi_zazenI too see bad behavior on the channel00:21
bodhi_zazenwe have discussed this b400:22
thewrathI also propose some kind of reprocution if a member is foudn to do this00:22
Rocket2DMn[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/IRC00:22
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/IRC00:22
thewrathbodhi_zazen: i bring it up after last nights incidents00:22
bodhi_zazencomplaints to mailing list with SHORT logs please00:22
bodhi_zazento be handled by council00:22
ibuclawat some point, I may merge/edit and push my branch, but the current codebase nhandler has is huge.00:22
Bodsdais the mailing list really the best place to discuss a bt members bad behaviour, should it not be private?00:22
bodhi_zazenI would like to remind everyone to behave00:23
bodhi_zazenNot if it occurs in the main channel Bodsda00:23
nhandlerBodsda: Depending on the nature, either send it to the BT Council mailing list or post it in ##beginners-council00:23
bodhi_zazenthe council will discuss it in private00:23
Bodsdanhandler: and if it is a problem with a council member?00:23
VantraxBodsda: then to Bodhi directly00:23
bodhi_zazenWell if a council member acts out I will kick ass :)00:23
Bodsdafair play -- cheers for the clarification00:24
sdennieBodsda: Burn them!00:24
jamesrfla+1 bodhi_zazen00:24
* nhandler hopes it does not come to that00:24
Bodsda+1 nhandler00:24
Joeb454bodhi_zazen: I would say that in general, the council wouldn't discuss behaviour via the mailing list, rather via the IRC channel00:24
Joeb454sorry, I have epic lag00:24
bodhi_zazen+1 Joeb45400:24
st33medWhat happened to beginner's council?00:24
bodhi_zazencomplaints via mailing list, discussion in private00:24
Rocket2DMnbodhi_zazen, should I update the BT/IRC page to include info about contacting the council?00:24
bodhi_zazenwe banned you st33med00:24
Joeb454Rocket2DMn: I think so00:25
Rocket2DMnthat is to say, i would update with info about what to do with complains or problems00:25
nhandlerRocket2DMn: Maybe a separate Council wiki page would be best00:25
Joeb454also, thewrath in regards to IRC behaviour, I have updated VoteBot's !ops factoid to display the correct list of ops (it's quite large)00:25
bodhi_zazen[ACTION]Complaints to bt mailing list, discussion in private00:25
MootBotACTION received: Complaints to bt mailing list, discussion in private00:25
bodhi_zazengo zul00:25
thewrath+1 Joeb45400:25
nhandlerbodhi_zazen: BT Council mailing list, not BT list00:25
zu22the ip of someone who was in #uf-bt scanned my machine for open ports, should i have reported this to anyone? it wasn't a BT member00:25
cprofittI would also like to recommend using +m to calm things down if it is non-voiced folks acting up00:26
bodhi_zazenzu22: lol00:26
bgs100cprofitt, but that even silences those who (don't have voice and) were not acting up00:26
sdenniecprofitt: I like that idea00:26
bodhi_zazenzu22: Well, we really do not have jurisdiction on that kind of thing00:26
jamesrflazu22: that happened to me and it was a Ubuntu forum beginners team member00:27
bodhi_zazenIf you feel harassed, mailing list or e mail me00:27
cprofittbgs100, you are correct... but people evading bans find it not fun when they have no voice00:27
zu22bodhi_zazen: oh ok, just wonder what steps i should take00:27
zu22jamesrfla: ah i see00:27
Joeb454bgs100: we could temporarily voice the members that need to be if it comes to that00:27
bodhi_zazen+1 johnc451000:27
bodhi_zazenservers johnc4510 for hanging here00:27
bodhi_zazen+1 Joeb45400:27
bgs1001+ Joeb45400:27
Vantraxepic tab fail in this channel00:27
zu22 /msg hellow +100:28
bodhi_zazenthewrath: just  speak so long as it is on topic00:28
thewrathokay bodhi_zazen00:28
bodhi_zazenany further comments on irc behavior ?00:28
bodhi_zazenI am *trying* to keep the channel a sfriendly and relaxed as possible00:29
sdennieI have a comment00:29
bodhi_zazendo what you want so long as we do not receive complaints :)00:29
duanedes1gnbodhi_zazen: +100:29
thewrath+1 bodhi_zazen00:29
Rocket2DMnwithin the CoC of course00:29
duanedes1gnRocket2DMn:  absoloutely00:30
sdennieI think we should be open but not crazy in our censorship.00:30
Vantraxand all BT members should have signed the CoC00:30
BodsdaREMINDER: Bad/Vulgar language is not 'really' appropriate00:30
bodhi_zazenOff topic comments -> table until agenda items are covered00:30
jamesrflabodhi_zazen: maybe we should create like a ubuntu forums beginners team club channel were the team can hang out and not have to worry about this problem00:30
cprofittI would think ghetto language also does not fit00:30
paultagjamesrfla, -100:30
Bodsdajamesrfla: create yet another room?00:30
Hellowoh god00:30
bodhi_zazen-1 we have too many channels already00:30
paultagjamesrfla, bad behavior is not tolerated anywhere00:30
jamesrflajust a idea00:30
paultagSorry I am late00:31
bodhi_zazenadditional comments :)00:31
bodhi_zazenand +1 sdennie00:31
johnc4510bodhi_zazen: did you need me?00:31
cprofitthaving mock fights and other foolishness is not good either00:31
johnc4510saw you mentioned me00:31
johnc4510with a +100:31
nhandlerNope johnc4510, tab failure00:31
sdenniecprofitt: Agreed00:31
cprofittit was tab failure johnc451000:31
bodhi_zazenno johnc4510 , tab failure, sorry00:31
HellowBasically, be mature and respectful and we will have no problems00:31
johnc4510thought i was being volunteered hee hee00:31
cprofitthello by the way johnc451000:31
johnc4510cprofitt: hey00:32
bodhi_zazenpaultag: just go ahead so long as it is on topic00:32
cprofittone other thought -- if a Jedi Knight goes OP00:32
paultagI think we need to moderate a little more tightly in the chan. We are having a lot of issues lately. I know Rocket2DMn will hate me for this, but I think we need to give IRC FG a bit more leway with moderation.00:32
cprofitteveryone should reflect on their behavior and calm down00:32
cprofittnone of us like taking out the kick/ban stick00:32
bodhi_zazenyes paultag00:32
paultagIt is out of hand00:32
bodhi_zazenreport issues on mailing list please00:33
bodhi_zazenand I agree, especially at "off hours"00:33
jamesrflaI haven't seen any of this behavoir but if I do see it should I just bring it up with the cousil?00:33
paultagon that note I need to go :P00:33
bodhi_zazenmailing list james00:33
Hellowbye paultag00:33
bodhi_zazenOK, focus groups ?00:33
bodhi_zazenthen elections00:34
bodhi_zazen[TOPIC] Education FG00:34
MootBotNew Topic:  Education FG00:34
bodhi_zazencprofitt: :)00:34
cprofittthis was on the agenda?00:34
bodhi_zazenanything on educatino ?00:34
Hellow..it was?00:34
* cprofitt looks for notes00:34
Vantraxwho put it there?00:34
* jamesrfla didn't see it in agenda 00:34
* Hellow looks00:35
Vantraxnot there:P00:35
Bodsdacprofitt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings#FG%20Leader%20Nominations00:35
PartyBoi2it's not there lol00:35
bodhi_zazenif you have an on topic comment, feel free, otherwise hold to end of meetign00:35
zu22My idea for Education FG is to print BT bumber stickers and t-shirts and sell them. And the profits go into a fund we use to advertize Ubuntu.00:35
st33med... That's not educational00:35
Bodsdazu22: read the post above yours00:35
zu22Bodsda: ok00:35
Bodsdanice idea though00:35
cprofittUm... the education team is involved in a project...00:35
bodhi_zazenOK, as I am sure everyone knows, I (we) are in process of throwing up a moodle site00:36
cprofittthe project is called the Ubuntu Community Learning Project00:36
bodhi_zazenwe have broad and ever growing support :)00:36
bgs100What's that?00:36
cprofittit involves using Moodle to tie together existing content00:36
cprofittto make courses00:36
cprofittWe gave a session during open week00:36
cprofittand are preparing to present the idea to the CC00:37
cprofitt[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning00:37
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning00:37
MootBotLINK received: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-learning00:37
nhandler[LINK] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-learning00:37
MootBotLINK received:  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-learning00:37
nhandler[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning00:37
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning00:37
cprofittI think that is about all... Vantrax anything to add?00:38
sdennieThat's a lot of links00:38
bodhi_zazenWe will likely present to the CC on June 2nd - so I will of course be demanding your presence and suport :)00:38
Vantraxnot really, ill make a point of looking at the items on the bottom of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning00:38
cprofittI would like to thank bodhi_zazen Vantrax and pleia2 for their efforts...00:38
Vantraxwere looking for everyone to contribute on what they want covered.00:38
ibuclawVantrax, awesome ;)00:39
bodhi_zazenI purchased a server and colocation, am open to contributions / assistance with sys admin, etc00:39
cprofittgo ahead thewrath00:39
bodhi_zazenI will likely offer VPS to BT members as I posted on our MAILING LIST00:39
cprofittyeah bodhi_zazen is putting REAL money in to this endeavor00:39
cprofitthe deserves major mojo and thanks00:39
st33medNot e-money?00:39
bodhi_zazenno, no, no, please no :)00:39
st33medCanadian money?00:40
jgoguenst33med: hey! :P00:40
thewrathi will contribute the tutorials i have made into courses for that just an fyi i guess00:40
bodhi_zazen[TOPIC] Wiki team ?00:40
MootBotNew Topic:  Wiki team ?00:40
Rocket2DMnyeah hey00:40
bodhi_zazenRocket2DMn: you are up00:40
Rocket2DMnthe Wiki FG will be holding a meeting immediately following this team meeting.00:40
Rocket2DMnI was planning on having it in the team channel, but if that is too busy, we could go to #ubuntu-doc00:41
Rocket2DMnAll Wiki FG members should be in that channel anyway00:41
bodhi_zazenSweet :)00:41
Rocket2DMnanybody else interested in contributing to documentation should talk to me00:41
Rocket2DMnthat is all00:41
bodhi_zazenWiki of course feeds into community learning00:41
bodhi_zazenand work on forums as well00:42
bodhi_zazenI even contributed to the wiki , so please assist if you have an interest in documentation00:42
Rocket2DMnill be calling on you to help with wiki later bodhi_zazen  :) there are pages that could use your expertise00:42
bodhi_zazenAny other FG want to report in ?00:42
bodhi_zazenOK Rocket2DMn :)00:43
nhandlerLP is fine00:43
st33medWhere are these stickers coming in?00:43
bodhi_zazenif there are no other FG to report in -- Elections ?00:43
* cprofitt nods to elections00:43
Joeb454sounds good00:43
bodhi_zazenTo be honest , we have exactly what we need on the wiki page , no ?00:44
st33medI elect Joeb454 to be Vice Buddhist00:44
* Joeb454 will not be standing again for IRC, I didn't even notice my name up there00:44
Rocket2DMnwe have 15 minutes left guys00:44
bodhi_zazenshall we just vote to accept all members en mass ?00:44
bodhi_zazenor do you want to vote on each ?00:44
Vantraxwho do we have?00:44
bodhi_zazenscroll down a bit00:44
cprofittI think we need to vote on each and have the nominees agree that they are willing to serve00:45
nhandlerWe have a US Teams meeting in here after us, so we need to be done on time00:45
Rocket2DMnwe only have 2, lets just do them individually00:45
duanedes1gnAsh_R is not here?00:45
cprofittas noted Joeb454 just said he would not be00:45
* sdennie is glad to not be the leader of a FG. (Or is he?!)00:45
Bodsdaduanedes1gn: no, he is working00:45
bodhi_zazenRocket2DMn: we have 900:45
Rocket2DMnoh youre talking about FGs bodhi_zazen ?00:45
bodhi_zazen[TOPIC] Vote on FG Leads00:45
MootBotNew Topic:  Vote on FG Leads00:45
Rocket2DMnoh ok, are there even any competitors?00:45
bodhi_zazensorry , me bad00:45
Vantraxim assuming everyone is planning on staying?00:46
bodhi_zazenno, these have left their competition behind00:46
cprofittVantrax, Joeb454 expressed not wanting too00:46
* nhandler would be glad to have someone replace him00:46
nhandler(or volunteer to co-lead)00:46
Joeb454I would postpone it until the next meeting, so we can have time to discuss it porperly00:46
Vantraxanyone up for replacing either of them, or co lead00:46
jamesrflareplace who?00:46
bodhi_zazen[VOTE] Accept all 9 nominations for FG leads00:46
MootBotPlease vote on:  Accept all 9 nominations for FG leads.00:46
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot00:46
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting00:46
st33medJoeb454, we already postponed it once :)00:46
MootBot+1 received from bodhi_zazen. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 100:46
MootBotAbstention received from nhandler. 1 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 100:47
MootBot+1 received from Rocket2DMn. 2 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 200:47
MootBotAbstention received from PartyBoi2. 2 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 200:47
jamesrfla+1 I guess00:47
MootBot+1 received from swoody_. 3 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 300:47
MootBot+1 received from jamesrfla. 4 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 400:47
MootBotAbstention received from Vantrax. 4 for, 0 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 400:47
bodhi_zazenJoeb454: we have been discussing it for some time :)00:47
MootBotAbstention received from bgs100. 4 for, 0 against. 4 have abstained. Count is now 400:47
MootBotAbstention received from Bodsda. 4 for, 0 against. 5 have abstained. Count is now 400:47
MootBotAbstention received from sdennie. 4 for, 0 against. 6 have abstained. Count is now 400:47
MootBotAbstention received from st33med. 4 for, 0 against. 7 have abstained. Count is now 400:47
Joeb454nhandler: replace who?00:47
MootBotAbstention received from duanedes1gn. 4 for, 0 against. 8 have abstained. Count is now 400:47
MootBotAbstention received from Hellow. 4 for, 0 against. 9 have abstained. Count is now 400:47
MootBot+1 received from ds305. 5 for, 0 against. 9 have abstained. Count is now 500:47
MootBotAbstention received from cprofitt. 5 for, 0 against. 10 have abstained. Count is now 500:47
MootBot-1 received from Joeb454. 5 for, 1 against. 10 have abstained. Count is now 400:47
MootBotAbstention received from zu22. 5 for, 1 against. 11 have abstained. Count is now 400:47
nhandlerJoeb454: I think he was talking about you and me00:47
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 1 against. 11 abstained. Total: 400:47
sdennieI think the FG leads should be a separate meeting00:47
bodhi_zazen11 Abstained , lol00:48
Vantraxi agree sdennie00:48
cprofittI think we need to have a sep. meeting with time to discuss00:48
swoody_sdennie +100:48
PartyBoi2+1 sdennie00:48
Joeb454nhandler: I wouldn't mind somebody replacing me00:48
cprofittI think the 11 abstained count indicated that00:48
bodhi_zazenOK, FG leads next meeting then00:48
nhandlerNew members?00:48
Rocket2DMnok, lets do our two padawans00:48
cprofittwe should ask everyone nominated to remove their names if they are not interested00:48
Bodsdathewrath is the only one00:48
bodhi_zazenWait - BUT I really do not want to put FG leads off beyond that00:48
bodhi_zazenwe have been discussing FG leads for some time now00:49
nhandlerbodhi_zazen: We only decided to hold an election at the last BT Council meeting00:49
bodhi_zazen[TOPIC]New Members00:49
MootBotNew Topic: New Members00:49
cprofittbodhi_zazen, we could take the FG vote to our channel immediately after this00:49
cprofittso we have time00:49
Hellow10 mins00:49
Vantraxcprofitt: +100:49
sdenniebodhi_zazen: I almost think it's a big enough subject that it should have it's own meeting.00:49
bodhi_zazenyou are up :)00:49
Rocket2DMnthewrath, can you tell us your wiki page?00:50
bodhi_zazensdennie: I am OK with that so long as :00:50
bodhi_zazen1. People show up00:50
nhandler+1 sdennie00:50
thewrathok hold on00:50
bodhi_zazen2. We make progess00:50
bodhi_zazencomments from nhandler ?00:50
nhandlerI would just like to say that thewrath has really done a great job of interacting with the team in the month or so that he has been around00:51
nhandlerI think he would make a great addition00:51
bodhi_zazenufw has a gui interface thewrath = gufw00:51
thewrathyes that is on my next plate to do tutorial for00:51
bodhi_zazen[VOTE] thewrath for membership00:51
MootBotPlease vote on:  thewrath for membership.00:51
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot00:51
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting00:51
MootBot+1 received from cprofitt. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 100:51
MootBot+1 received from sdennie. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 200:51
MootBot+1 received from nhandler. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 300:51
MootBot+1 received from bodhi_zazen. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 400:51
MootBot+1 received from swoody_. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 500:51
MootBot+1 received from Bodsda. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 600:51
MootBot+1 received from bgs100. 7 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 700:51
MootBot+1 received from ds305. 8 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 800:51
MootBot+1 received from Rocket2DMn. 9 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 900:51
MootBot+1 received from jamesrfla. 10 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1000:52
MootBot+1 received from Hellow. 11 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1100:52
MootBot+1 received from jgoguen. 12 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1200:52
MootBot+1 received from zu22. 13 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1300:52
MootBot+1 received from PartyBoi2. 14 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1400:52
MootBot+1 received from duanedes1gn. 15 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1500:52
MootBot+1 received from Vantrax. 16 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1600:52
MootBotFinal result is 16 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 1600:52
Vantraxlol zu22 dont vote twice:P00:52
bodhi_zazenWelcome thewrath00:52
zu22lol sorry my session is lagging bad00:52
BodsdaCongrats thewrath00:52
jamesrflaWelcome thewrath00:52
bodhi_zazenOK, last member00:52
bgs100That was unanimous00:52
bodhi_zazenAsh R00:52
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: he is not here00:52
bodhi_zazenneither of them could make it00:53
Hellowbodhi_zazen: What is his IRC nick?00:53
Vantraxwe can vote with them absent00:53
nhandlerthewrath: Be sure to send me your LP nick00:53
bodhi_zazenboth spoke to me b4 the meeting00:53
thewrathokay nhandler00:53
bodhi_zazenAnyone wish to speak on AshR ?00:53
bodhi_zazenThank you duanedes1gn00:53
bodhi_zazenIMO AshR has been awesome :)00:54
HellowI barely know AshR00:54
cprofitt+1 bodhi_zazen00:54
swoody_bodhi_zazen +100:54
BodsdaI like the guy/girl -- +100:54
ibuclawhe's British, so he gets my vote :P00:54
bodhi_zazen[VOTE] AshR for membership00:54
MootBotPlease vote on:  AshR for membership.00:54
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot00:54
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting00:54
VantraxI havent really see ashr, seems nice tho00:54
MootBot+1 received from bodhi_zazen. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 100:54
MootBotAbstention received from nhandler. 1 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 100:54
MootBot+1 received from PartyBoi2. 2 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 200:54
MootBot+1 received from cprofitt. 3 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 300:54
MootBot+1 received from Snova. 4 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 400:54
MootBot+1 received from ibuclaw. 5 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 500:54
MootBotAbstention received from Hellow. 5 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 500:54
MootBot+1 received from Bodsda. 6 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 600:54
MootBot+1 received from swoody_. 7 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 700:54
MootBot+1 received from Rocket2DMn. 8 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 800:54
MootBot+1 received from jamesrfla. 9 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 900:54
MootBot+1 received from tim_sharitt. 10 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 1000:55
MootBot+1 received from ds305. 11 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 1100:55
MootBotAbstention received from Vantrax. 11 for, 0 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 1100:55
Joeb454WOW - 45s lag - I missed the entire vote00:55
MootBot+1 received from jgoguen. 12 for, 0 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 1200:55
MootBotAbstention received from duanedes1gn. 12 for, 0 against. 4 have abstained. Count is now 1200:55
MootBotFinal result is 12 for, 0 against. 4 abstained. Total: 1200:55
bodhi_zazenWe have 5 minutes00:55
bgs100zu22, Fail00:55
bodhi_zazenOther issues ?00:55
zu22bgs100: heh00:55
* Bodsda thinks we should have a team song00:55
bodhi_zazenNext meeting, 2 weeks00:55
swoody_Bodsda +100:56
cprofittshall we move the FG lead vote to our channel or table til next meeting?00:56
Vantraxbodhi_zazen: FG Lead in channel after?00:56
nhandlerSounds good bodhi_zazen. I'll update the calendars00:56
bgs100Bodsda, ROFL00:56
bodhi_zazenAgenda next meeting - FG leads ?00:56
bodhi_zazenI do not think we should have an ad-hoc meeting on FG leads now00:56
nhandler+1 bodhi_zazen00:56
Vantraxeveryone is here00:56
cprofittok... then table it until next time... that is fine with me...00:56
bodhi_zazenThe wiki FG is meeting00:56
Bodsdaright, im off to bed guys -- almost 1am here -- im +1 for listed fg leads and +0 for any changes00:57
Vantraxgood point00:57
bodhi_zazenand as people feel there was not enough discussion we need to set a time00:57
zu22gtg cya00:57
bodhi_zazenPeople are leaving after this meeting00:57
bodhi_zazensee ^^00:57
bodhi_zazenso, it is not "fair" to proceed IMO00:57
Bodsdaguess i can stay for a sec00:57
Rocket2DMnwe're basically out of time00:58
jamesrflabodhi_zazen: might as well just end the meeting00:58
bodhi_zazenOther issues ?00:58
* Bodsda still thinks we need a song00:58
bgs100Is the meeting officially over?00:58
bodhi_zazenI have 3 min left on my clock Rocket2DMn00:58
swoody_bgs100-> now it is :)00:58
nhandler#endmeeting bodhi_zazen00:58
* bgs100 takes that as a yes00:58
Rocket2DMni have 1 min left on mine00:58
Hellowi have two00:58
Bodsda2 mins on mine00:58
bgs100I have 2 also00:58
swoody_two here00:58
=== swoody_ is now known as swoody
bodhi_zazentis over now :)00:58
HellowLets use two minutes saying how much time we have left XD00:59
Bodsdano point in wasting the time00:59
Rocket2DMnno you need to #ENDMEETING i think bodhi_zazen00:59
nhandlerRocket2DMn: I just said that ;)00:59
Hellowoh, 1 now00:59
Rocket2DMni know nhandler , im just a copycat00:59
bgs1001 now too00:59
Bodsdafinished :)01:00
Bodsdanight guys01:00
Rocket2DMnbodhi_zazen, i dont think the meeting ended, the bot didnt say so01:00
nhandlerbodhi_zazen: End the meeting01:00
Hellowbodhi_zazen: pring01:00
Hellowbodhi_zazen: L00K01:01
cprofittyeah its #ENDMEETING01:01
Vantraxbodhi has to run it tho01:01
HellowIt didnt end it, I didnt see the bot respond01:01
jamesrfla+1 Hellow01:02
MootBotMeeting finished at 19:02.01:02
Hellowthat works01:02
thewrath /leave01:02
Vantraxhe he he01:02
bodhi_zazentotally :)01:02
=== Hellow_ is now known as Hellow
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
=== zaafouri` is now known as zaafouri
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
=== RainCT_ is now known as RainCT
=== zaafouri is now known as zaafouri`
=== zaafouri` is now known as zaafouri
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== zaafouri is now known as zaafouri`
=== zaafouri` is now known as zaafouri
* zaafouri is away (brb =))15:10
=== zaafouri is now known as LinuXophiLe
=== LinuXophiLe is now known as zaafouri
* zaafouri is away (brb =))15:12
=== zaafouri is now known as LinuXophiLe
evandhi ya15:59
MootBotMeeting started at 09:59. The chair is robbiew.15:59
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:59
* james_w waves16:00
robbiewhey TheMuso, I haven't forgot about the meeting time issue16:00
TheMusorobbiew: ok16:00
* slangasek waves16:00
* Keybuk dances16:00
robbiewliw is sick16:00
Keybukswine flu?16:01
slangasekand he's also under the weather16:01
robbiewmvo: doko: here?16:01
Keybukmvo is on a call to the room I'm sitting in16:01
robbiewthe infamous pre-UDS DX sprint16:02
Keybukโ™ฅ DX16:02
robbiewKeybuk: gotcha ;), thnx16:02
robbiewwe should get started....going to be short as I'm drowning in PDRs16:03
TheMusoshorter is better for me. :)16:03
Keybukoh, yeah, that16:03
mvorobbiew: yes16:03
mvorobbiew: but as Keybuk said, in a call16:03
robbiewmvo: no worries16:03
mvoI will just multitask :P16:03
Keybuk8F. Promptness in filling in performance reviews   (o) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )16:04
cjwatsonstop, you're giving me nightmares16:04
robbiew[TOPIC] Karmic Alpha 116:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Karmic Alpha 116:04
robbiewdidn't we JUST do a release?16:05
mvoit never stops!16:05
cjwatsonI literally just cleared away the alpha-1 blockers I own about two hours ago16:05
cjwatsonor, at least, the blockers I know about ...16:05
dokohmm, maybe we should care about build failures before the release?16:05
dokoarmel currently is not releasable, needs a manual gcc-4.4 build at least16:06
cjwatsonany other big important ones? I'm more concerned about things that cause uninstallability, personally16:06
* Keybuk has a udev update to go in on friday16:07
cjwatsoncurrently slightly mystified by http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing-ports/karmic_probs.html being full of rubbish that I can't reproduce under chdist :-/16:07
* TheMuso ran into libltdl package uninstallability stuff, but hasn't dug into it deeply.16:07
TheMusoI just retried my builds, and will wait to see what happens.16:07
cjwatsonTheMuso: there was a problem due to some packages, including libltdl, being in universe by accident16:07
cjwatsonI fixed that yesterday16:07
TheMusocjwatson: ah16:07
dokoopenjdk will need a manual build as well (armel only)16:07
cjwatsonthough it does keep on coming up16:07
slangasekbwah, why is karmic_probs full *again*?16:07
TheMusocjwatson: ok so my retries should succeed then./16:07
cjwatson(ah, and now I see my chdist problem)16:08
cjwatsonslangasek: my guess is http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/architecture-mismatches.txt16:08
cjwatsonfixing now ...16:08
cjwatsonsomebody's asleep at the wheel while driving NEW, but I have yet to figure out exactly who and why16:09
cjwatsonI fixed what I thought was one of the major causes16:09
slangasekI'm wondering if there's an LP behavior change here16:09
cjwatsonthis isn't entirely a new problem, although the prevalence is a bit startling16:10
robbiewslangasek: did Riddell agree to cover for you next week?16:11
slangasekrobbiew: haven't caught him yet, actually; pitti is assuring me that it's not a problem for him to cover - but I will talk to Riddell anyway to make sure at least Kubuntu is covered16:12
robbiewslangasek: okay16:15
cjwatsonI suspect that we could do with a mass give-back before alpha-116:15
cjwatsonat least, once the current buildd logjam clears16:15
cjwatsonwe had some fairly long intervals where e.g. core GNOME libraries were uninstallable on several architectures16:16
robbiewokay...moving along16:17
robbiew[TOPIC] UDS Karmic16:17
MootBotNew Topic:  UDS Karmic16:17
robbiewI've scheduled everything that I know about16:18
slangasekpointer to the current schedule?16:18
Keybukhttp://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-karmic/foundations-a/ ?16:18
MootBotLINK received:  http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-karmic/foundations-a/ ?16:18
robbiewif you've created a blueprint and need it scheduled in our track or another teams, i suggest you email me or the track manager16:18
robbiewand some in http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-karmic/foundations-b/16:18
* cjwatson remembers that he probably needs to register for the sprint16:20
cjwatson(and, I'm betting, so do a number of other people)16:20
* TheMuso does so16:21
cjwatsonis there anything else major that team members need to do before UDS?16:21
cjwatsonI assume that in general we need to do prep work16:22
slangasekoh cool, the schedule just broke :)16:22
robbiewKeybuk can fix it :)16:22
robbiewcjwatson: not really, I suppose I need to make sure I have someone to lead the discussions for each session16:23
robbiewI will do that early next week16:23
TheMusoyep, somewhat spectacularly.16:24
robbiew[TOPIC] LSB16:25
MootBotNew Topic:  LSB16:25
MootBotLINK received:  http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lsb/+bug/37006616:25
robbiewI need some help with this "bug"16:25
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/370066/+text)16:25
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/370066/+text)16:25
slangasekrobbiew: erm; targeted to 8.04.3?  Is hardy actually compatible with LSB 4?16:26
robbiewyep...according to the LSB folks.  I have been working with them to get this done16:26
robbiewI will forward the email from Ted16:27
robbiewapparently both 8.04 and 9.04 are compliant*16:27
robbiew* = some excusable failures apparently16:27
cjwatsonit's not a huge patch, and relatively unlikely to be invasive; but for karmic we should try to get Debian to go along16:28
robbiewthey are willing to mark us as compliant, if we make the changes to our package16:28
robbiewcjwatson: do you think they will be open to it?16:28
robbiewthey = Debian16:29
slangasekthere's no reason why they shouldn't16:29
cjwatsondon't see why they wouldn't be, indeed16:29
robbiewI suppose that would make things easier on us16:29
cjwatsonslangasek: wanna take this up with Chris Lawrence?16:30
slangasek(assigning bug to me)16:31
cjwatsonthanks a lot16:31
robbiewslangasek: thanks16:31
robbiew[TOPIC] PDRs16:31
MootBotNew Topic:  PDRs16:31
robbiewThe deadline is this Friday (if I recall correctly)16:32
cjwatsonyeah, I suck currently but should make it16:32
* robbiew sucks REAL bad...stupid UDS scheduling! :P16:32
james_wI heard a hint that the deadline was just for the multiple choice part, is that correct?16:32
james_wi.e. we don't have to write objectives for Friday16:33
TheMusojames_w: thats how I understand it yes.16:33
cjwatsonI'm not authoritative for this time round, but in the past, objectives have been something that you write after discussion with your manager, i.e. after the verbal review16:33
james_wok, thanks16:34
robbiewbut you need to do more than the multiple choice part...I believe the written part concerning your objectives from this cycle is also needed16:34
TheMusoyes that sounds about right.16:35
* TheMuso remembers doing that.16:35
cjwatsongah, sorry16:36
robbiew[TOPIC] AOB/Good News?16:36
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB/Good News?16:36
cjwatsonthe GTK d-i frontend actually appears to work with current GTK16:37
james_weglibc. Presumably this would fall under our team. Does there need to be a discussion about it?16:37
cjwatsonso that's looking a lot more hopeful for karmic now16:37
cjwatsonjames_w: I believe it's still a bit up in the air in Debian ...16:37
james_wI can imagine16:38
evandI've got disk image support in usb-creator basically finished, but I'm still working on other bits before I merge my personal branch into trunk.16:38
TheMusocjwatson: I dare say I and other studio users/testers would be happy to give it a run for studio when things are ready.16:38
robbiewjust a reminder that doko starts his tour of duty in OEM next week...but still is welcome to attend this meeting :)16:38
cjwatsonmostly I'm worried about lurking ABI breakage16:39
cjwatsonif anyone can do this properly, codesourcery can, but I haven't found an accurate and up-to-date summary of changes from glibc to eglibc yet16:39
dokowell, let's prepare eglibc-2.10 in a PPA ...16:40
cjwatsonI'll be a lot happier if this does get through NEW and Debian adopts it16:40
dokoit's being prepared for experimental16:41
cjwatsonit's in NEW right now for unstable16:42
Keybukslangasek, robbiew: summit is fixed again16:42
Keybukrickspencer was trying to have a sneaky meeting alongside the monday morning plenary16:42
robbiewoh...Muharem has joined the team...I believe was sprinting with mvo last week16:43
* robbiew forgot to invite him to the meeting16:43
mvohe is sprinting this week16:43
dokocjwatson: that's still 2.916:43
robbiewah...okay, cool16:43
mvohe is currently in this room with me :)16:43
cjwatsondoko: oh, right16:44
mvoits going very well so far, he is a great addition to the team16:44
cjwatsondoko: switching to 2.9 first would be better anyway so that we can easily distinguish problems caused by eglibc from problems caused by 2.1016:44
dholbachhiya al-maisan :-)16:45
al-maisanhello dholbach :)16:45
* slangasek waves :)16:45
james_whey al-maisan, welcom16:45
al-maisanthank you all :-)16:45
robbiewal-maisan: I'll setup a call with you soon...just been really busy this week with PDRs and UDS prep16:46
robbiewokay...anything else"16:46
al-maisanrobbiew: no problem :)16:46
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:48.16:48
robbiewthanks all!16:48
* TheMuso heads to bed16:48
slangasekthanks :)16:49
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== ember_ is now known as ember
henohello everyone17:59
arahola hola18:00
* ogasawara waves18:01
cr3yo homies18:02
henook, let's start!18:02
MootBotMeeting started at 12:02. The chair is heno.18:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:02
heno[TOPIC] UbuntuBugDay highlights -- pedro18:03
MootBotNew Topic:  UbuntuBugDay highlights -- pedro18:03
pedro_The pas week we did a catch up new bugs for SRU and Karmic hug day it was pretty good but too much bugs to do there: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2009043018:03
pedro_the list is quite big as you can see18:03
pedro_but anyways ~43 bugs were hugged, and jgoguen continue doing a good work on that front as every week18:04
henough, lots indeed18:04
pedro_so thanks a lot to him and to bdmurray for the great work that day18:04
pedro_Tomorrow we're celebrating a hug day based on... Compiz!18:04
arapedro_: cool :)18:05
henogreat :)18:05
pedro_page is up and people already started to work on it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2009050718:05
pedro_yeah jgoguen is a amazing we all know that ;-)18:05
bdmurraypedro_: One thing useful to do is reassign bugs to the plugin package if they are plugin related correct?18:05
pedro_so everybody is welcome to join us tomorrow to start squashing some bugs there18:05
bdmurrayI mean specific to a particular plugin18:06
pedro_bdmurray: would be good as part of the triage process, yes indeed18:06
pedro_i asked to mvo if he had any other particular task he want us to be focus during the hug day and he said not for now18:06
heno[TOPIC] New bug control members! -- bdmurray18:06
MootBotNew Topic:  New bug control members! -- bdmurray18:06
bdmurrayThis week primes2h became a member of Bug Control.  He is specifically working on cleaning up old gutsy kernel tasks at the moment.18:07
henogreat to see some specialisation!18:08
bdmurraythat's it this week18:08
henook, thanks18:08
heno[TOPIC] Should we be looking at doing some hardcore stress testing to get fixes into karmic no that jaunty is out? -- davmor218:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Should we be looking at doing some hardcore stress testing to get fixes into karmic no that jaunty is out? -- davmor218:09
davmor2there are some things available in jaunty that are likely to be default in karmic18:09
davmor2would it be worth stress testing these thing, like ext4 on the more stable jaunty than karmic18:10
davmor2if so what will be the best way to stress test things like ext4 and maybe banshee18:10
arais banshee going to be the default player in karmic?18:10
henoTime might be better spent digging into ext4 bugs from jaunty18:10
cr3davmor2: might there be existing suites which could be leveraged for this?18:10
ogasawarathere are already a few ext4 bugs that have been on the radar (some fixed)18:11
henopresumably lots of people are already using these new features18:11
fader_I imagine we've got a number of early adopters who will be using e.g. ext4 pretty heavily18:11
davmor2ara: likely as rhythmbox is nolonger being developed18:11
pedro_ara: there's going to be a discussion about the new default player for karmic at UDS, there's no decision yet18:11
* cr3 is a user of ext418:11
* fader_ is as well.18:12
pedro_davmor2: which is not true ;-)18:12
henolooks like there is not much support for that test project, davmor218:13
fader_If there are test suites defined for some of these things I think we can likely get people to run them18:13
fader_(I would happily run some tests if you can point me at some)18:13
pedro_btw https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-default-media-player-choice <-18:13
arapedro_: can you point me to the blueprint (if any). It looks like an interesting discussion if it happens in a free slot for me :)18:14
henolooking into likely karmic changes so we can start tracking them makes sense though18:14
sbeattiedavmor2: I think, for things like ext4 and X's UXA, finding issues with karmic's kernel/X stack might be more useful.18:14
andresmujicathe test suspend stress would go into this right?18:14
davmor2sbeattie: this I know but it tends to be quite unstable initially which is why I thought it might be worth testing on jaunty18:15
pedro_ara: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-default-media-player-choice18:15
davmor2pre alpha118:15
arapedro_: thanks :)18:15
pedro_ara: you're welcome18:15
sbeattiedavmor2: I agree with you on unstable/broken in various ways, I briefly tested 2.6.30 because I have an i965 and had other issues (wifi's overrated anyway)18:16
henodavmor2: I think SRU testing for hardy/intrepid/jauntu would be time better spent18:16
sbeattiebut the divergence is big enough that you may just end up hitting bugs that upstream has already fixed in what's in karmic.18:17
davmor2heno: fair enough it was more of a talking point at any rate :)18:17
henook, moving on then :)18:17
sbeattieit's worth thinking about stress tests in our testing regimen.18:18
heno[TOPIC] http://qa.ubuntu.com landing page. Any updates?18:18
MootBotNew Topic:  http://qa.ubuntu.com landing page. Any updates?18:18
henosbeattie: agreed18:18
davmor2sbeattie: I'm already stressed :)18:18
schwukPending an RT request which henrik and I are chasing.18:18
arathe other day mdz asked me why the landing page stated "ubuntu brainstorm". As if it was something new :)18:19
mdzara: I never noticed it before :-)18:19
mdzor if I did, I forgot18:19
henoso, watch for a change any day now ...18:20
heno[TOPIC] Do we need bugsquad's team regular meetings? -- andresmujica18:20
MootBotNew Topic:  Do we need bugsquad's team regular meetings? -- andresmujica18:20
andresmujicai believe that we need to hold regular meetings for bugsquad members18:20
andresmujicalooking for a more streamlined process in bug triaging18:21
pedro_that'd be good at least once a month18:21
andresmujicai believe that too18:21
henoshould we bake them into bug days?18:21
andresmujicaonce a month would be ideal18:21
andresmujicahmm, i won't like that18:21
andresmujicabecause at bug days18:21
henothat would encourage more activity around them18:21
andresmujicait's already the packaging triaging sessions18:22
andresmujicaand the bug day the work is distributed the whole day18:22
pedro_right, so what about a Tuesdays?18:22
andresmujicamonthly or wweekly?18:22
bdmurrayLet's start of with monthly and if there is lots to discuss move to weekly18:23
andresmujicai do agree!18:23
henosounds good18:23
henostarting next Tuesday? what time?18:23
andresmujicaso, what should i do?18:23
pedro_yeap, so Tuesday 12th as the first meeting?18:23
andresmujicamake a wiki page with an initial set of topics?18:23
bdmurrayI suggest we have the first on the 12th as some of will have conflicts on the 19th and 26th (UDS)18:23
araandresmujica: blog, fridge18:23
andresmujica12th is perfect!  same time?  16:00 UTC?18:24
bdmurrayIs there anything else scheduled here then?18:25
* pedro_ looks at the fridge18:25
andresmujicaroom is free at that time18:25
andresmujicajust after the server team meeting18:25
bdmurrayandresmujica: at 16 or 17 UTC its 17 now18:25
pedro_nothing as far as i can see, the desktop meeting is at 16:30 but that happens at #ubuntu-desktop and not here18:26
ogasawarathe kernel team has their IRC meetings at 1700 UTC on tuesdays18:26
andresmujicaohh.. 17 UTC now   12:00 GMT -5 for me18:26
bdmurray1600 is fine with me18:26
andresmujicafor me too.18:27
henopedro_, ogasawara ^ ?18:27
davmor2push come to shove you could always move it to #ubuntu-bugs if it does clash18:27
ogasawaraworks for me18:27
pedro_oops sorry. works fine for me18:27
pedro_davmor2: yeap18:28
henook, next18:28
heno[TOPIC] Specs/Blueprints/Ideas for UDS Karmic - Any more for any more? -- schwuk18:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Specs/Blueprints/Ideas for UDS Karmic - Any more for any more? -- schwuk18:28
pedro_andresmujica: if need help setting up something, just drop me a message18:28
schwukWe've created blueprints for all the proposed topics for KArmic (see link)18:29
andresmujicapedro: sure i'll do, thks18:29
schwukDoes anyone have anymore? for consideration?18:29
schwuksbeattie: I've got yours too.18:29
henothanks schwuk!18:29
sbeattieschwuk: cool, thanks.18:29
andresmujicaso we need to subscribe to those specs for UDS attendees, right?18:29
araschwuk: cool18:29
pedro_are they already on summit.ubuntu.com?18:30
henowe have two rooms this time so we can schedule smaller discussions in room B18:30
henopedro_: yes but the order is  not final18:30
pedro_ah i answer myself: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-karmic/qa-a/18:30
pedro_heno: ok18:30
aradidn't we agree that blueprints is not the best match for every qa discussion?18:30
henoplease, everyone: subscribe yourself to topics you are interested in18:31
pedro_heno: how someone can schedule a discussion on room B? should we do that at UDS or we can use the same wiki page?18:31
henopedro_: people with access to the summit admin page can do it18:31
henowhich I think is ubuntu-drivers18:32
henoe can also schedule more in room B at UDS18:32
pedro_ah ok18:32
henoara: right. some should just be discussion topics18:33
henoshall we make a non-spec discussion section on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/UDSKarmic ?18:33
schwukI'm guessing no more topics then heno, so we can fill the gaps with discussions now18:33
sbeattieidea for session|discussion: regular benchmarking/stress testing to look for regressions?18:34
schwukheno: I'm guessing you can schedule sessions without blueprints, right?18:34
henoschwuk: right, with summit site admin access18:35
=== LinuXophiLe is now known as zaafouri
araschwuk: yes, in pink (roundtables, discussions, etc)18:35
schwuksbeattie: it's a wiki :) go add it18:35
henobdmurray: you have that access too right?18:35
bdmurrayheno: yes18:36
intellectronicai'd like to have an opportunity to discuss qa tracking in launchpad with you guys, but there isn't any concrete proposal i can file as a blueprint. shall i file one anyway, or would you like to schedule a non-blueprint session for it?18:36
davmor2am I missing something how do you add you name18:36
henoso nag bdmurray, myself or any Ubuntu driver to add sessions :)18:36
schwukintellectronica: there's also a request for a hwdb session i.e launchpadlib18:37
andresmujicahey, the X bug sessions that bryce has proposed aren't included within the QA specs?18:37
intellectronicamaybe we should just schedule a malone/qa team summit session, where we can discuss all of that?18:37
henointellectronica: please file a placeholder, I'm sure we'll have action items (a spec) after the discussion18:37
intellectronicaheno: ok, will do18:38
henoandresmujica: are they on desktop, or unscheduled?18:39
schwukintellectronica: added one to the wikipage I linked earlier for you18:40
schwukheno: added a discussions section to that page18:40
intellectronicaschwuk: fanks18:40
henoseems to be unscheduled18:41
andresmujicathis is another one desktop-karmic-intel-canonical-bug-process18:41
henobdmurray: can you check if he wants that on the qa track?18:42
andresmujicaand this one desktop-karmic-xorg-intel-upstreaming-working-session18:42
bdmurrayheno: sure.  I'd also like to arrange a discussion w/ him regarding X bug auto handling18:43
henobdmurray: cool, good breakout room discussion18:43
henoandresmujica: thanks for raising that18:43
henoAny other business?18:43
bdmurrayA bit ago I sent an e-mail out about private bugs and a report of them18:44
bdmurrayI noticed last night that there are some that ubuntu-universe-crashes isn't subscribed to and I've removed those from the report18:44
bdmurraySince we can't see them and therefore can't do anything...18:44
bdmurrayI'll check with pitti regarding getting the crashes team subscribed to them18:45
henodo we need a UDS discussion about crash report triage btw?18:45
bdmurrayThanks everyone for helping out with those as the list is dwindling18:45
sbeattiebdmurray: did you think more about adding weighting to that list?18:46
bdmurrayheno: I think there are a couple of things to discuss18:47
bdmurraysbeattie: I did think about it18:47
henobdmurray: will you file a non-spec A-room topic?18:47
bdmurraysbeattie: maybe we can discuss the details after the meeting18:47
sbeattiebdmurray: sure thing18:47
henoright, any other other business?18:48
henook, thanks all!18:48
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:48.18:48
andresmujicathanks! nice meeting :)18:49
eeejaydid i miss the meeting?18:55
eeejaythere was a terrible netsplit, the worst since 199618:55
PeperJohnnynothing yet18:55
eeejayoh, good18:56
araeeejay: what meeting do you mean?18:59
Riddell** Kubuntu meeting in two minutes in #ubuntu-meeting18:59
eeejayara: the QA meeting19:00
araeeejay: it was an hour ago :(19:01
eeejayara: !19:01
Lurehello to all kubuntu friends!19:01
* Tonio_ is happy to be able to be there at time, for once... :)19:01
Nightrosemeep :)19:01
Riddellevening friends19:01
Riddellhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings has an agenda19:01
Riddellwe should start with memership as is our normal way19:02
RiddellMamarok: want to go first?19:02
Riddellgive us a few sentences on who you are and what you do in kubuntu19:02
Mamarokwell, hi all19:02
Riddelloh and where's your wiki page19:03
MamarokMy wiki page can be fund here:19:03
MamarokI am a long time KDE user, using Kubuntu since it's existence19:03
Mamarokas my nick shows I am also a Amarok person19:03
Mamarokand it reads Mama-rok :)19:03
Mamarokwhen my time allows it I give some support in #kubuntu and #kubuntu-de19:04
Mamarokditto for triaging bugs19:04
Riddelland run the kubuntu-users mailing list19:05
Mamarokand of course handing out Kubuntu CDs at the SwissTeam events and various booths in Switzerland and Europe19:05
Mamarokwelll,the mailing list moderation is something I try t least, not easy I admit...19:05
Mamaroktry to* even19:05
RiddellMamarok: what's the feeling like from our users on the jaunty release?19:06
neversfeldeMamarok is a relentless supporter in #kubuntu-de, too19:06
Mamarokneversfelde: thx :)19:06
Mamarokwell, I hear both sounds, like it and don't like t, it's the usuall KDE 3 vs 4 shouting19:06
Mamarokbut KDE 4 winds over as it seems :)19:07
apacheloggersince she is in a way or another my mom I suppose we should make her member :P19:07
Mamarokapachelogger: :)19:07
apacheloggerMamarok: what are your thoughts about kubuntu l10n? :P19:07
Mamarokoh, did I forget to dsay that I'm a KDE 4 lover19:07
Mamarokouch, I used Rosetta in it's beginning and stopped to some time ago19:08
ScottKBonus points for making the attempt.19:08
Mamarokit's just too buggy for serious translation, messing up things, etc.19:08
Tonio_I unfortunatelly approve this...19:09
Mamaroklet's very much hope they got the message now since apacheloggers mail19:09
* apachelogger notes: need to report bugs and be pita about them19:09
apacheloggerMamarok: what are you doing over at amarok?19:09
Mamarokapachelogger: French and German translation of AKO19:10
Mamarokbug triaging19:10
RiddellMamarok: of the many free software projects you're involved in, which has the coolest community?19:10
apacheloggerdont answer that!19:10
MamarokRiddell: you are jokin, aren't you? KDE of course!!!19:10
Riddelland the best looking people19:10
macosomeone digging for compliments?19:10
apacheloggerMamarok: how is the weather in .ch?19:10
RiddellKDE is awfae cool19:10
MamarokRiddell: remember I always take a picture of you?19:10
Mamarokapachelogger: better than it was yesterday in Berlin19:11
Riddellwe seem to have run out of serious questions19:11
RiddellMamarok gets a +1 from me for top user support19:11
=== fader_ is now known as fader
Tonio_+1 for me, obviously,  based on excellent community work ! plus we need more women in the process... keep up the good work !19:11
Nightrose+1 for dealing with the user list19:12
=== jfolsom is now known as wirelessmonkey
RiddellMamarok: you're in!19:12
* apachelogger notes that Nightrose is biased 19:12
Mamarokwow, thanks a lot, folks!19:12
neversfeldethat was easy :)19:12
* Mamarok bows19:12
JontheEchidnawelcome :)19:12
* apachelogger hans Mamarok a cookie19:12
blizzzcongrats Mamarok :)19:12
* ScottK wonders who is Hans?19:12
* Mamarok *hugs* apachelogger 19:12
neversfeldeMamarok: congratulations19:12
Riddellon with the agenda19:12
ScottKCongratulations Mamarok19:13
Mamarokand hugs to all the others of course :)19:13
apacheloggerScottK: you really dont wanna know19:13
Riddellthat has the specs I've registered for UDS19:13
RiddellI also saw a spec for DX discussions19:13
Riddellshtylman, ScottK, rgreening: all ready for UDS?19:13
Riddellwho else?19:14
shtylmanRiddell: yep19:14
Riddelljpds: you going to come to the Kubuntu sessions?19:14
Tonio_Riddell: me I guess :)19:14
ScottKI still need to make my travel arrangements.19:14
rgreeningNot really :)19:14
Tonio_Riddell: and all ready on my side19:14
rgreeningbut I'll get there :)19:14
RiddellTonio_, maco: great19:14
RiddellScottK: book quick!19:14
shtylmanI do still need to register for sessions though19:14
rgreeningTravel is done, just need to post up details and look for cab buddies19:15
Riddellfirst rule of UDS is, up by 9 o'clock sharp19:15
Riddellelse people get grumpy19:16
shtylmanooo.... I dunno about that one ;)19:16
Riddellsecond is work hard and play hard19:16
apacheloggerclearly I will never attend UDS19:16
wirelessmonkeyIf you see technoviking...tell him to take his own cab ;)19:16
Tonio_and drink even harder !19:16
Tonio_but latelly, only !19:16
Mamarokshtylman: just don't walk in a session that already has started19:16
shtylmanMamarok: noted :)19:17
Riddellthere should be a way for non-attendees to dial in and contribute19:17
Riddelland I believe rickspencer3 has put our sessions spread out along the week one a day19:17
Mamarokapachelogger: we could keep you awake for the "9 sharp" session, then let you sleep?19:17
Riddellrickspencer3: are they in any order?19:17
apacheloggerMamarok: that would be cool I suppose19:17
rickspencer3yeah, two a day in the afternoon19:17
Riddellrickspencer3: probably the top two on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicSpecs should be in the first two days as they're the most important and may need some thinking about19:18
Lureany candidate to drive discussion with rosetta about l10n (follow up on apachelogger's mail)?19:18
RiddellLure: there's a roundtable scheduled19:18
nixternaloy oy19:18
LureRiddell: great, I hope several of you will attend and hopefully this will improve in karmic19:18
* apachelogger notes to keep the 9 o'clock sharp rule in mind while asking that question19:19
seelethere is a single blueprint for packaging and development? will you be able to talk about all that in two sessions?19:19
MamarokKarmic has to be *the* Kubuntu release, with all the Ks all over...19:19
Riddellif you think there's other things that should be discussed then do add them to that wiki page19:19
Riddellseele: that's why it should be at the start of the week incase we need more sessions to finish it off19:19
shtylmanMamarok: I agree...think lots of polish should go into it..19:19
MamarokRiddell: translations.....19:19
seeledouble sessions maybe, heh19:20
=== fader is now known as fader|lunch
Tonio_Riddell: kpackagekit... decent graphical package manager is or eternal problem I think...19:20
shtylmanseele: I think icons deserve a special touch :)19:21
seeleshtylman: icons?19:21
LureRiddell: dx-karmic-kde-integration should be linked from Kubuntu spec page - should I add it?19:21
RiddellLure: please19:21
smarter[20:19:27] -*- smarter notes that https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/dx-karmic-kde-integration should probably says that dx means desktop experience19:21
smarterdon't know if that message was sent or not19:21
ScottKI have to say I was deeply troubled by a lot of their discussion at their meeting yesterday.19:21
Riddellsmarter: poke rickspencer3, he registered it19:22
shtylmanseele: just general usability icons, kde people will probly get to some of them, but some of the icons (like network manager) don't always make sense19:22
LureScottK: I hope you will be there on UDS meeting then ;-)19:22
Riddellnetwork manager artwork is known to be sub par by upstream19:22
Riddellmoving on19:23
RiddellJontheEchidna: you had an agenda item19:23
RiddellWhat's new with pkg-kde-tools? (I spy with my little eye a merge...) -- echidnaman19:23
JontheEchidnayeah, what's up in pkg-kde-tools land?19:23
JontheEchidnaI noticed you merged the other day, so what's the plan for moving forward?19:23
Riddellit's merged, go use it :)19:24
Riddellno need to use the kde4.mk from cdbs any more19:24
Riddelluse the debian-qt-kde.mk one (or kde.mk if you want)19:24
* apachelogger recommends the former19:24
rgreeningso is cdbs still required as a build dep? or does that get removed too?19:24
apacheloggerrgreening: aye19:25
JontheEchidnastill required19:25
Riddellcmake isn't though19:25
Riddellcurrently qt is compiling away with new libqt4-phonon package19:25
Riddellthis means everything using phonon will need to be recompiled against it19:25
Tonio_Riddell: what are the benefits of it compared to cdbs kde4.mk ?19:26
Riddelland I don't know if that's the same scheme Debian will use so it could change again19:26
RiddellTonio_: it's the same as Debian19:26
RiddellTonio_: kde4.mk only existed because Debian didn't have a globally installed .mk file, now they do19:26
Tonio_Riddell: I meant from a technical perspective :) syncing with debian is always good19:26
Tonio_Riddell: okay19:26
Riddellso waiting on qt, then I'll upload phonon (which now only builds the backends), then kde4libs and base and the rest19:27
Riddellcurrently not much is installable in karmic but hopefully that'll get sorted out by tomorrow19:27
ScottKI think the biggest new thing is their symbols file magic, which I totally don't understand.19:27
RiddellScottK: yes they are a bit mysterious19:27
Riddellcurrently we don't use them though19:28
Riddellthey require dpkg from experimental which was merged last I looked19:28
Riddellnext week.. alpha 119:28
JontheEchidnaso is it possible to inlude them now for merge/sync purposes?19:28
JontheEchidna(symbol files)19:28
ScottKThere are packages that we could sync if that would get done (I think)19:28
ScottKJontheEchidna: Not yet.19:28
JontheEchidnastrigi could be synced if we had symbol files19:28
RiddellJontheEchidna: you can include them, they just don't do anything19:28
JontheEchidnaI had heard that they caused FTBFS19:29
Riddellso something breaks currently if you compile it?19:29
JontheEchidnaor maybe I misunderstood19:29
ScottKThat was my experience in Jaunty.19:29
ScottKNeeded to actually remove them so dpkg-gensymbols wouldn't try and fail to update it.19:30
Riddelldpkg-gensymbols shouldn't get run19:30
RiddellI'll look at that later, no need to clog up meeting with it19:30
Riddell4.2.3 should be done by the end of day, thanks to everyone who helped with that19:31
JontheEchidnacool, that's about all the questions I had19:31
JontheEchidnayup, 4.2.3 is coming along19:32
JontheEchidnabeta1 soon...19:32
Riddellyes beta 1 next week19:32
JontheEchidnado we want to get the merges finished before that?19:32
Riddellthat might clash with our alpha 119:32
shtylmanRiddell: will it be backported?19:32
Riddellyes we do, we're mostly blocked on buildds for the merges19:32
LureRiddell: beta1 goes directly into karmic?19:32
Riddellshtylman: I hope so but we'll be pushing it to get it backported right on time19:32
Riddellwe'll see19:33
RiddellLure: yes19:33
LureRiddell: great19:33
* Lure will switch then to karmic ;-)19:33
Riddellso lots to do19:33
Riddellif anyone wants to help the packaging ninjas do speak up!19:33
* Lure just admires all the effort put by all ninjas - it is HUGE amount of work and releases!19:34
Riddellshall we go with what I propose there?19:34
JontheEchidnaI'm fine with that PPA layout19:34
neversfeldeyes, soujnds good19:34
=== Nightrose2 is now known as Nightrose
LureRiddell: fine with PPA - I will also retire digikam-experimental in favour of kubuntu experimental ppa19:34
RiddellLure: good plan19:35
RiddellNetwork manager plasmoid update?19:36
Riddellwho's tested the new network manager19:36
shtylmanRiddell: where can we get it/test it from?19:36
seeleis it in experimental or someone's ppa?19:36
Riddellshtylman: kubuntu-experimental PPA19:37
* smarter just updated KubuntuKarmicSpecs19:37
neversfeldethe ppa build by a|wen_?19:37
Riddellapachelogger: you had a page for test results?19:37
LureRiddell: does not work for hidden+WPA-Enterprise+PEAP+MSCHAPv219:37
LureRiddell: but just did quick test19:37
smarterLure: that's some pretty hardcode testcase :p19:37
Tonio_Riddell: on my ppa, seems to work pretty decent19:37
Tonio_Riddell: but I never had any problem with in for my special usecase19:38
Luresmarter: that is what my company uses, and no way to test what is wrong in that picture19:38
apacheloggerthough I recommend to talk to a|wen before doing tests19:38
Lureunless I try to configure something like this at home ;-)19:38
neversfeldea|wens build orked fine for me19:38
Tonio_Riddell: people having problems' feedback would be more interesting19:38
Riddellit seems to work perfectly for me19:38
a|wen_i'm looking at updating it soon ... some of the problems reported has already been fixed19:39
apacheloggera|wen_: btw, we need a testcase for wrong password19:39
apacheloggerthe timeout seemed a bit long IMHO19:39
Riddellat least it does the right thing of opening kwallet before it needs the login password19:39
neversfeldeoh, feedback on jauntys original version was not so good in our forum, people had to switch to network-manager-gnome several times19:39
a|wen_but they did some restructuring; so wanted to see that the svn settled again19:39
Tonio_still no way to set options for the vpn connections...19:39
neversfeldeyeah, that kwallet problem was mentioned there several times19:39
Riddellok so not time to go for a SRU yet19:40
Riddellit'll be hard to convince them to allow it as a SRU since it's not minimal patches but I think we should try19:40
ScottKRiddell: Maybe upload to Karmic and then backport.19:40
a|wen_we had some wpa1+peap failing for once19:40
RiddellScottK: mm, yes19:40
apacheloggerRiddell: well, it is an incredible improvement to what we have in jaunty19:40
a|wen_i'll check the svnlogs and do a an update soon19:40
LureRiddell: we should try - we get lots of negative press and risk of getting worse than current state is low19:41
neversfeldeScottK: +119:41
apacheloggerso if we do proper regression testing it should be no problem19:41
ScottKSRU promised regression free.  Backports just promises 'better'.19:41
apacheloggerSRU failed to keep that promise loads of times ;-)19:41
Riddelllet's get it into backports toot sweet then19:41
ScottKapachelogger: Agreed, but that doesn't make it OK.19:41
JontheEchidnaI saw that k3b got uploaded to karmic, do we want to backport that soon too?19:41
apacheloggercases where users have to install nm-applet do19:41
LureI would go backports as fallback scenario if SRU is rejected19:41
apacheloggerthe potential for regression is minimal, as there wasn't working a whole lot19:42
RiddellJontheEchidna: test it and check it works with DVDs first19:42
ScottKWe also still have KNetworkManager too, so I don't think nm-applet is really required.19:42
* JontheEchidna doesn't have a dvd burner19:42
neversfeldeis it possible to get plasma-widget-networkmanager in backports as a rolling release?19:42
LureScottK: it is, for my combination - knetworkmanager also does not work :-(19:42
ScottKLure: So not a regression from Intrepid then ;-)19:43
LureScottK: confirmed ;-)19:43
ScottKNot saying Knm was great ...19:43
LureScottK: but true, it works for hidden networks, which are more common19:43
apacheloggerScottK: knetworkmanager does also not work in a whole lot of cases19:43
neversfeldeScottK: I recommended knetworkmanager lot of times, there was no great success19:44
apachelogger+ it is not on the CD19:44
ScottKapachelogger: Is on the DVD though19:44
apacheloggerthe idea of getting it into updates is to deploy it _all_ users19:44
apacheloggerthat includes those that have no clue about anything19:44
ScottKIt seems to me the biggest challenge for Karmic packaging is the OOo KDE4 stuff.19:44
neversfeldeplasma-widget-networkmanager is a major issue what people dislike in jaunty19:44
JontheEchidnanetwork-manager and intel drivers have been the biggest gripes I've seen about jaunty19:45
Riddellwe'll get it into backports as soon as we can then19:45
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: +1 here19:45
Lureneversfelde: I think intel driver regressions are even worse (but they are at least not kubuntu specific)19:45
Riddellwhen a|wen_ gets an update we'll do more format testing on it and go for an SRU19:45
RiddellLure: yeah that's nasty too, but not really our area19:45
ScottKRiddell: Have you seen any progress on OOo for KDE4?19:45
neversfeldeLure: yes, ofcourse19:45
LureRiddell: I think ubuntu cycle should be 1-2 months after Fedora19:46
RiddellScottK: no, I'll probably look at it quickly before UDS to see if there's any possibility of us working on it19:46
Riddellthere may well not be but worth looking19:46
smarterKNetworkManager stopped working after an Intrepid->Jaunty upgrade for my father19:46
LureRiddell: they have all the bleading edge stuff linked with fedora releases19:46
smarterhad to switch to the plasmoid19:46
ScottKRiddell: It might be a good area for collaboration with Debian as they'll be interested too.19:46
seelewhen will we make a decision about koffice? do we need to do it at UDS? it's still in beta19:46
LureRiddell: or ubuntu should skip some latest and greatest if we want to be monthe before fedora19:46
ScottKseele: What decision about KOffice?19:47
Riddellseele: as a replacement koffice won't be ready for some time19:47
smarterit's definitely not going to replace OOo in the near future19:47
Riddell2.0 is looking like a great base but it's not an OO killer for the moment19:47
shtylmangiven the choice I would stick with OO for some time19:47
smarternot even sure it'll ever be able to replace it for the professional userbase19:47
shtylmanas OO is picking up users on other platforms as well19:47
seeleScottK: Riddell: simply to include it.19:48
LureRiddell: Oracle looks more like OOo killer to me ;-)19:48
* zaafouri is away (brb =))19:48
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seelei thought it was on the karmicspec list19:48
Riddellseele: koffice 2 will move to main for karmic I'm sure19:48
* neversfelde is unsing koffice in a professional environment, but normal user would not do that19:48
smarterTonio_: ^ I think you discussed with the Koffice2 guys at some point and they said it'll never really be corporate-friendly?19:48
Lureneversfelde: koffice 2?19:48
blizzzneversfelde: can you create diagrams?19:49
neversfeldeI am only writing19:49
neversfeldebut professional writing :)19:49
ScottKProbably enough about KOffice for the meeting ....19:49
neversfeldeLure: yes19:49
blizzzkile is for writing :รพ19:49
shtylmanblizzz: +119:49
Lureneversfelde: you are a brave person then ;-)19:50
Tonio_smarter: well the guys I discussed with, yes19:50
Tonio_smarter: they expect it to be a "works", not an "ms office" like19:50
Riddellany other business?19:51
seeledid you already do membership for Mamarok?19:51
Lurewho is planning to go to gran canaria for Akademy?19:51
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JontheEchidnaseele: at the start :)19:51
ScottKseele: Yes.19:51
seeleah, heh19:51
* Lure is considering and good Kubuntu attendance would help with decision ;-)19:52
Riddellseele: we did but we didn't hear your vote19:52
Tonio_smarter: but on the other hand, our target are home users.... you want to use kubuntu at work -> use OOo and that's it19:52
seelei wasnt here19:52
RiddellLure: I am19:52
seele+1 obviously19:52
Tonio_smarter: I see no problem with that19:52
seeleLure: i am presenting19:52
smarterTonio_: except it's probably not obvious for most people19:52
LureRiddell, seele: great! anybody else?19:53
ScottKTonio_: Until the kids can copy the papers they write to a memory stick and take them to school and work with MS Office there, it's not a suitable default for home use either.19:53
LureScottK: with Office2007 SP2 + fixes for ODF we might actually see that day sometime ;-)19:54
* Riddell will believe it when he sees it19:54
ScottKLure: Someday, maybe.19:54
shtylman<- is skeptical...19:54
apacheloggerkoffice needs more work force19:55
macodoes koffice2 not do doc?19:55
apacheloggerin about ever aspect19:55
apacheloggermaco: barely19:55
apacheloggeractually it does ODF barely as well19:55
Tonio_ScottK: true that, of course19:55
ScottKLure: Even if it were fixed now, it'd be about 2013 before it predominated in schools.19:55
macoapachelogger: so what DOES it do?19:56
RiddellI think we're out of meeting items19:56
apacheloggerlook shiny19:56
smartermaco: spinned texts :p19:56
Luremaco: non standard odf19:56
Riddelloffice suite talk to #kubuntu-devel19:56
Riddellthanks for coming everyone19:56
* apachelogger continues strike19:56
Lureapachelogger: huger strike?19:56
Lurehunger even19:56
tsimpsonhuger strike, that'a a good idea. keep huging people until they give you money19:57
neversfeldeMeeting finished?20:09
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