
NCommanderlamont, so for that test box?02:34
lamontNCommander: gah04:59
lamontNCommander: I'll grab a serial cable and bring a 32-bit box to the office with me tomorrow.05:00
lamontthat'll hurt enough to make me do something05:00
NCommanderlamont, you could just victimize the porting box :-P05:00
lamontprolly not05:16
jbaileyNCommander, Am now.14:46
jbaileyNCommander, Generally I'm around during business hours Eastern time.14:46
=== jbailey_ is now known as jbailey
* NCommander pokes lamont 21:58
NCommanderjbailey, I dunno if its too late today to catch you, but I have a passport again, so if you can get me in touch with andrewks so I can retrieve the space heater :-)?21:59
lamontspaceheater win22:00
jbaileyNCommander, I pinged him on jabber.22:01
NCommanderlamont, well, if I can get it, then we have a second user for Ubuntu/ia64 ;-)22:01
NCommanderlamont, anyway, did you resurrect your HPPA box?22:02
lamontNCommander: um.. how would your ppa have hppa kernel bits in it?23:32
* lamont iz confused23:32

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