
ActionParsnipcbwcjw: i always use /etc/network/interfaces.00:02
ActionParsnipcbwcjw: ive never used a gui app that i can get a connection with, ever00:02
ActionParsnipwell, in ubuntu00:03
ActionParsnipi can't use them at all00:03
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kaddi_is there a javachat interface for this channel?00:19
geniikaddi_: Try http://java.freenode.net/00:19
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reisistrange that my r8169 nic's autoneg just started failing, using latest jj.. any ideas anyone? except to turn off the autoneg00:25
kaddi_thanks genii00:25
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Guest27140does any body know how to use a playstation three controller ? i heard you can just connect it but its not working any ideas or were to look?00:35
Level15Guest27140: not to discourage you from asking here, but that seems like a question you can find an answer to in google. did you try it?00:37
Guest27140yeah theres so much about ps3 ubuntu i cant find anything00:38
Guest27140ive been searching for the last hour its like no body has tried00:38
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geniiToo bad. He left before I found http://www.wiredrevolution.com/ubuntu/setup-ps3-controller-over-bluetooth-on-ubuntu00:47
kaddi_what is the "history" button in the update notifier in jaunty for? when i hit it, it only tells me "last refresh before 1.000 days"00:53
kaddi_i thought it might give some info when i installed which update?00:53
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MushroomKingdomWhat's the hotkey to get my visual effects stuff back after it takes too long to respond? shift something f12?01:01
MushroomKingdomNevermind I figured it out.01:02
puddlehow do i know if someone set up a rootkit or not?01:02
genii!info chkrootkit | puddle01:07
ubottupuddle: chkrootkit (source: chkrootkit): rootkit detector. In component main, is optional. Version 0.48-9 (jaunty), package size 291 kB, installed size 820 kB01:07
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Caldavien_hello, Im still kinda new to this so please bear with me, Im running kubuntu 9.04 and trying to run songbird, but every time I launch it I get an error about an undefined components.class01:39
Caldavien_does any one know what this means and how to get rid of it?01:40
Caldavien_I can post the full error if needed01:40
Caldavien_and actualy it doesnt seem to be playing my mp3s01:41
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seelehow do you fix blocked updates in kpackagekit?01:57
moja2My screen sometimes leaves black stripped color after I minimize a window. It seems there's problem in KDE 4.2 screen. I use Jaunty 64-bit02:12
JannoTTSomeone wish me "corrupt download" or something :D02:16
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!02:30
brian_I'm a new nerd...just learning this  os02:31
brian_any advice/02:32
geniiRead a lot :)02:32
brian_Oh boy I have been! it is kind of fun though02:32
brian_where are you?02:33
geek_brian_: learn the command line. Love the command line. When all else fails it shall save thine unworthy rear end ;)02:33
brian_I am in indiana02:33
geniiThat too.... :)02:33
geniibrian_: In here we are from all over the world.02:33
brian_great advice, my rear end is sorely unworthy02:33
geniiBut since primarily this is an english-speaking channel, mostly the english-speaking parts of the world02:34
seelehow do you fix blocked updates in kpackagekit?02:34
brian_what are the best rescources to learn command line easily?02:34
geniibrian_: man pages02:34
brian_is that a website?02:35
geniibrian_: and also the -help or --help switches of comands, which give brief usage instructions02:35
geniibrian_: No, man pages are the manual or so of a command. If you do like:  man ls                        it tells you about all the options you can use with that command, etc02:36
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martin__Hi, Im trying to create a partition on an ntsf drive using gparted, but it wont let me shrink the main one, I can do resize but once im in the resize thing i cant change anything02:46
wendy__d-_-bmartin__, did u hit apply?02:46
martin__wendy__d-_-b: it wont let me change the size so theres no pending operation to aply02:47
wendy__d-_-bare u on the live cd?02:47
martin__no im on the installed os02:48
wendy__d-_-bneed to be on livecd02:48
wendy__d-_-bfrom there run gparted and do all u want02:48
martin__i didnt know that thx02:48
ankurcan any one tell how to get ip of host connected to my system via server...02:49
martin__other question how many OSes can grub mangage?02:49
geek_martin__: someone got.. about 17002:53
ankurhow to get ip of host connected to my system via server..02:54
geek_ankur: i'd personally use nmap02:54
yu7oknu che zdorov02:54
ankurlike in y messenger remote pc is connected via server..i'm not getting his ip....thanks!02:55
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martin__geek_: thx, and will i have a hard time reconfiguring it after installing w7, im hoping to triple boot my comp02:56
ankurgeek: i also used ifconfig02:57
geek_martin__: donno. I think oldest windows -> newer windows -> linux is best02:57
geek_unless you want OS X in which case, let me know how it went ;)02:57
yu7okhi, enybody knows why my krdc buges02:58
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martin__geek_: I know but gaming on linux kinda sucks, and i want to see how windows 7 runs02:58
macoyu7ok: what does "buges" mean?02:59
doleybmaco: it's a hopperism02:59
geek_martin__: as i said, install windows first, oldest to newest, then linux, and in theory you'll be fine ;)02:59
macodoleyb: as in grace?02:59
doleybmaco: as in admiral02:59
macodoleyb: so aye, grace02:59
martin__ok i dont really want to reinstall linux but since its the best way thats what ill do03:00
macomartin__: well you can reinstall grub from a live cd03:00
yu7okmay be defalt configure is not well03:00
yu7okif the enybody knows russian IRQ channel03:02
martin__maco: thx03:02
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke03:02
sgroverAnyone know of a decent portable GPS unit that works well with (k)ubuntu?03:33
Shadowkllrwhats a normal cpu temp?03:34
susbwoyShadowkllr: < 78degrees cel03:35
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sgroverShadowkllr: depends on your CPU.  I've seen 40 C as normal, 22 C as normal, or even 80 C (old school)03:35
Shadowkllrwell, my amd processor on my kubuntu box just died i think...the power comes on, but the video turns off.....i replaced it with an athlon x2 and everything works, but the temp is reading abut 83c03:37
sgroverShadowkllr: that's high.  is the cpu fan running?  clear of dust? etc...03:37
sgrover(I'm running an X2-6000 and averaging around 40...)03:38
susbwoyShadowkllr: thermal paste?03:39
Shadowkllryeah i cleared it and everything03:45
Shadowkllrshortly before the first processor died, i think it was overheating03:46
Shadowkllrand when i took it out to clean it, and put it back in, the computer would turn on but there was no video03:46
Shadowkllrswapped it with the athlon and everything worked, albeit very hot03:46
justyuppull all your cards n reboot03:50
justyupput cards back in03:50
sgroverbtw, athlon's are a little older and do tend to run hotter than newer cpu's....03:52
justyupput extra fans in case03:53
ncturna84can anyone paste to me the default kernel line in the menu.lst file? i installed kubuntu, but the only option (strangely) is memtest. i can boot if i know what the /boot/kernel is03:54
sagarawhat is the path to menu.lst?03:55
ncturna84the path is /boot/grub/menu.lst03:55
sagaraanybody here use ktorrent? i'm having some firewall problems... tsk03:56
ncturna84sagara: you could try the upnp plugin it comes with..which apparently autoforwards ports03:56
sagarauuid            7963fe04-34d4-4760-8f85-5bfa0bfe6e5403:56
sagarakernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-generic root=UUID=7963fe04-34d4-4760-8f85-5bfa0bfe6e54 ro quiet splash03:56
sagarainitrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.28-11-generic03:56
sagarayou don't need the whole file?03:57
ncturna84no, just that line03:57
ncturna84i can enter it manually03:57
ncturna84thanks :)03:57
sachithhui all04:03
martin__Im trying to burn a cd using K3b but i get an error: Cdrecord has no permission to open device04:09
rmrfslashHow can I tell what version of fglrx I have?04:13
Fede_cba_28hello, i dont find the Live cd for last  Ubuntu release, anybody?04:20
martin__Im trying to burn a cd using K3b but i get an error: Cdrecord has no permission to open device04:20
ner0xHow do I start and stop services?04:31
digdeepner0x: Ctrl + Esc04:34
Yud_Zrocis 9.04 live04:34
Yud_Zroccause i cant download 8.104:34
Fede_cba_28thats what im asking, i want to donwnload the ver9 live versin cd04:35
Elonequestion: can i have a machine doing loggings on connections , but i don't want the HDD keep on spinning all the time, is there is away to cache the data on ram and flush it like once a day to the disk? like setting a very large buffer and disable write thru?04:35
Fede_cba_28is 32 or 64 bits?04:36
Fede_cba_28do you know?04:36
Yud_Zrocthey have both04:36
Yud_Zrochere u go04:36
Deekay_any1 here using Quassel ?04:36
Yud_Zrocis that a irc chat thingy04:37
Deekay_Quassel IRC04:37
Yud_Zroci dont use it...too annoying04:37
Yud_Zroci would recommend chatzilla (an addon for firefox) or Konversation04:37
Deekay_yeah i use Konversation04:38
supert0neskonversation - kde4 is great04:38
Deekay_just wanted to try quassel04:38
Yud_Zroci tryed it and it was annoyingf04:38
Deekay_quassel looks good but i can't seem to find the option to change the font04:38
Yud_Zroceven if the irc is in confrence mode (meaning u cant see people logging in and out....it still shows it and will clutter up ur screen04:38
Yud_Zrocgot annoying pretty fast04:39
Deekay_well, i found something related to the font change here but i have no idea how to do it04:39
Deekay_if you wanna help me04:39
Level15hey, on ubuntu 9.04 i try to compile somethind and get error: ‘strlen’ was not declared in this scope04:42
Level15what am i missing?04:42
Yud_Zrocthe identifier04:43
Yud_Zrocint strlen;04:44
Yud_Zrocor whatever data type04:44
Yud_Zrocur talking c++ right04:44
Level15Yud_Zroc: yes... but it is supposed to be a standard function, so I need not to declare it04:45
Yud_Zrochm paste bin the code to me04:45
Level15Yud_Zroc: it's not my code, its a program... I know for a fact it compiles on 8.04 and 8.1004:46
Yud_Zrochm can i see it anyways04:46
Yud_Zrocim in c++ class atm so i cant tell off the bat (im still considered new to c++ imo)04:46
Level15Yud_Zroc: let me find it04:47
Yud_Zrocit could be that u are using a different g++04:47
Level15Yud_Zroc: http://pastebin.com/m580cf35404:48
Yud_Zroci dont see anywhere that it is declaired04:50
Yud_Zrocnot even in the header04:50
Yud_Zrocu need to declair it04:50
Level15Yud_Zroc: strlen is a well documented function... it needs no declaration, just the relevant include which is string library.04:51
* Yud_Zroc if an idiot04:52
Yud_Zrocheader files u obviously have so im thinking it is way out of my legue04:53
Yud_Zrocwhen u included ur header files04:54
Yud_Zroc do u have it with a .h04:54
Yud_Zroccause that was removed04:55
Yud_Zrocfrom standard ization04:55
Level15Yud_Zroc: no, it has no h04:55
Yud_Zroci dont know then sorry04:55
Level15i bet it's something weird with the new gcc/g++04:55
Yud_Zroci could ask my teach but i dont see her til monday04:55
Level15allrite, figured it out. NOw it's not part of string but of cstring...05:00
Level15had to add that include05:00
dwidmann_laptopHey, I'm on, with satellite internet in the middle of a thunderstorm, that's interesting05:05
dwidmann_laptop'kay, so to my unrelated to that point, I've got a bit of a problem. I've got a SSD in my other computer, and during periods of heavy IO, it locks up, unrecoverably. Is there anything I can do about that?05:06
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dwidmann_laptopKeyboard is unresponsive, but strangely enough the mouse cursor still moves around05:10
Daskreechdwidmann_laptop: Welcome to an X "crash"05:12
DaskreechAre the windows responding?05:13
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dwidmann_laptopDaskreech: Nope05:20
Daskreechdwidmann_laptop: 5 dollars to one X is suing up 99% of your CPU05:21
dwidmann_laptopDaskreech: hmm, interesting05:21
dwidmann_laptopI had to go for the power button to get out of it ... hope nothing corrupted05:22
Daskreechdwidmann_laptop: if you have another computer you can ssh in and stop X05:23
DaskreechIf you don't just press the power button once The kernel isn't hung and will pick it up and do a graceful shutdown05:24
Daskreechcourse say bye bye to work for that05:24
Daskreechf you ssh in you can probably dbus save your work05:24
dwidmann_laptophmm, didn't have anything open. I'm worried about corruption though because it was in the middle of writing05:25
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dwidmann_laptophttp://friedcpu.wordpress.com/2007/07/17/why-arent-you-using-ionice-yet/ --hmmm, this looks interesting05:26
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Joniecheaper,  你在用kde桌面?05:28
cheaperJonie, yes.05:29
Joniecheaper,  囧  你不会说汉语?05:29
cheaperJonie, 我们要入乡随俗05:30
Joniecheaper,  怎么入!?囧05:30
Joniecheaper,  你用firefox不?05:31
cheaperJonie, 当然用firefox了05:31
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:31
Daskreechdwidmann_laptop: Just press the button once if you can move the mouse around the kernel should step in and kill it05:31
Joniecheaper,  怎么设置界面和kde的一样05:31
DaskreechJonie: can you and cheaper JOIN #UBUNTU-CN ?05:32
Jonieubottu,   you're a bot?05:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about you're a bot?05:32
dwidmann_laptopDaskreech: I pressed it once then waited a minute before I resorted to holding it in05:32
JonieDaskreech,  sorry, bother you!05:32
Daskreechdwidmann_laptop: Ah I've had it take longer than that. I just go make a cup of tea for my nerves05:32
DaskreechJonie: No problem just distracting for everyone05:33
JonieDaskreech, :)05:33
dwidmann_laptopDaskreech: the other thing I tried first was ctrl-sysrq-reisub05:33
DaskreechThat didn't work?05:34
DaskreechMaybe the kernel was hung05:34
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:34
DaskreechJonie: You and cheaper are both in #ubuntu-cn as far as I see :)05:34
JonieDaskreech,  you did join to ubuntu-cn channel!05:35
DaskreechJonie: Yes :) to make sure you both got there :)05:36
JonieDaskreech,  i'm install kde4 DE in ubuntu right now!05:36
JonieDaskreech,  you guys all speak english here?05:36
Daskreechdwidmann_laptop: I'll have to remember that05:37
DaskreechJonie: Yes this is the english channel05:37
JonieDaskreech,  but it do not need to have to use english, right! :P05:37
DaskreechActually you do :)05:37
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat05:37
JonieDaskreech,  but i will speak english as i can in here, try my best!05:38
DaskreechJonie: You are doing fine :)05:38
JonieDaskreech,  thanks indeed05:38
danAnyone else online?05:42
BreetaiHi all, I am looking at buying a system76 laptop, anyone have any experience with them?05:42
thomas_Hello everybody05:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about i05:47
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!05:47
thomas_New kernel( is listed under "Blocked Updates", any ideas why?05:49
DaskreechThat's a really strange kernel number05:51
DaskreechWhere did you get that from?05:51
thomas_Software updates05:53
dwidmannDaskreech: tjat05:53
DaskreechDo you have any third party repos?05:53
dwidmannack, I was off by a key05:53
Daskreechdwidmann: That doesn't make sense05:53
tsimpsonDaskreech: is the ABI version in jaunty05:54
thomas_Dont think so, let me check05:54
DaskreechReally? I've never seen it written like that05:54
dwidmannDaskreech: that looks like the full version number for the package is what I was going to say05:54
husaynthe forwarding rate of 2960-24TC-L  is 6.5mpps .. can someone explain me05:54
husaynfowarding rate is the number of packets fowarded per second !!! but what is this value 6.5mpps05:55
tsimpsonDaskreech: it's the version of the linux-generic meta-package05:55
thomas_I am just confused why it is placed in "Blocked Updates"05:55
tsimpsonthomas_: because it's installation would break other packages05:55
Daskreechhusayn: Millions of packets per second05:56
husaynahh thanks....05:56
thomas_I guess that is a good thing than05:56
thomas_I have had multiple bugs since upgrading to 9.04 and was thinking maybe the new kernel would fix some05:57
* tsimpson thinks that -proposed should not be enabled by default05:57
tsimpsonthomas_: I doubt a kernel update would fix many user visible bugs05:57
dwidmanntsimpson: is it now? sounds like a recipe for trouble05:58
Daskreechtsimpson: including kernel crashes? :-)05:58
tsimpsondwidmann: apparently so05:58
tsimpsonDaskreech: that's why I said "many" not "any" ;)05:58
DaskreechHaving said that I've had more kernel crashes in Jackalope than all my previous releases put together05:59
tsimpsonI haven't has any since edgy05:59
thomas_Yeah, never seen this many bugs05:59
* dwidmann tries something06:00
thomas_Should have waited, the features were not even worth the upgrade06:00
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SJrHow do I change my keyboard repeat rate, it seems to be set to zero right now.06:04
SJri.e. it never repeats06:04
Daskreechthomas_: On the bright side you can get KDE 4.3 :)06:05
thomas_Daskreech: Is 4.3 out yet?06:06
Daskreechthomas_: No or you'd have it06:06
DaskreechWhen it does come out you can install it on the latest Kubuntu06:06
thomas_Daskreech: No beta or RC?06:06
DaskreechYou can get those too06:07
thomas_I wonder how stable it is06:07
DaskreechFreeze was monday so a little bit more before Beta06:07
thomas_eh, I am gonna wait06:07
DaskreechI know 5 people who run on the daily code. One who uses it on his work machine06:07
thomas_Maybe I will install VM and install it06:08
DaskreechAnecdotal evidence :)06:08
DaskreechIt's not a 4.1 -> 4.2 jump06:08
thomas_July 28 is release06:09
christopheri have a problem with my graphics card. can anyone assist?06:32
pushraxhi all. doing recent upgrade patches I have 4 kernal items that are blocked from upgrading, any ideas why we can't upgrade?06:39
RurouniJonesIs there a guide out there on the steps that need to be taken to get software into the ubuntu repositories? Both technical and administrative?06:40
pushraxRurouniJones: are you aware of launchpad.net06:41
RurouniJonesSoftware hosting site isn't it?06:41
RurouniJonesLike sourceforge06:42
pushraxRurouniJones: well they are the beehive of development for ubunutu and other projects06:42
pushraxRurouniJones: I'm no expert but I think you should look there for info06:42
RurouniJonesCheers, already looking06:42
pushraxRurouniJones: or the ubuntu forums06:43
RurouniJonesMy google-fu has failed me so far, usually when I google an ubuntu topic the forums are the first result06:43
MakuseruIf I install Kubuntu 9.04 from one of the iso's avaliable on the website, would I be able to install KDE3.5 and substitute that out from KDE4? (I downloaded the Kubuntu 3.5 remix cd, but couldn't get it to install)06:43
RurouniJonesBut tinsce this isn't really an end user question I am not getting as far as I would lik e;)06:43
RurouniJonesMakuseru: Yes, with caveats06:44
RurouniJonesDownload the 9.04 and install normally06:44
RurouniJonesOr this: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty06:44
doleyb!ppa | RurouniJones06:44
ubottuRurouniJones: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.06:44
MakuseruRurouniJones: I downloaded that and put it on a CD and couldnt get it to install properly.06:45
pushraxhi all. doing recent upgrade patches I have 4 kernal items that are blocked from upgrading, any ideas why we can't upgrade?06:46
RurouniJonesdoleyb: Cheers, so before anything getting software into the official repositories getting the software to work on a PPA is pretty essential to the process ;)06:46
jussi01pushrax: quite possibly because all the packages are not built yet?06:47
pushraxjussi01 ok thanks06:48
pushraxjussi01 I was hoping it wasn't jsut me as I have fgl divers installed.06:49
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.06:50
sonyhey guys i had a question i was wondering if i could install blueman on kubuntu06:53
pushraxsony: did you try?06:56
sonywwll no but the kdebluetooth program isn't working on my laptop i am using kubuntu 8.10 any solution for that06:57
pushraxsony: doing a google it seems peopel are installign in jaunty but... check the bugs they have07:00
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pushraxme a novice...07:01
eagles0513875sony: what exactly is the issue07:01
eagles0513875ill try help ya as best as i can07:01
sonythanx for the info man one other question do you have any ideas how i can get kdebluetooth4 workin on my lappy i mean i launch it and nothing happens07:02
eagles0513875sony: is the obex package installed07:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about obex07:05
eagles0513875!info obex07:05
ubottuPackage obex does not exist in jaunty07:05
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup07:05
eagles0513875sony: try that link out and see if that helps you out at all07:05
eagles0513875morning faileas07:05
iivvmy intel 945gm stutters with desktop effects on07:06
iivvso i just turned them all of07:06
iivvworth it?07:06
sonycheking it out mate thanx for the advice07:06
eagles0513875iivv: dunno to be honest all i know is that there are some intel driver regressions out and about07:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel07:08
eagles0513875!info intel07:08
ubottuPackage intel does not exist in jaunty07:08
eagles0513875iivv: if you look in the release notes there is mention of the regressions07:08
iivvi have googled and done some research, and i've tried some of the regressions and konsole commands out there07:09
iivvbut i just ended up breaking dependencies and doing some other things i haven't learned about yet (new to linux)07:09
iivvthank you for the help though, much appreciated!07:09
eagles0513875iivv: also there is a ppa with some of the older intel drivers from intrepid and gutsy i would try find that and see if one of the older drivers work07:09
eagles0513875!hi | afazel07:10
ubottuafazel: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!07:10
afazelThanks :)07:10
afazelI'm just here to watch, I don't have much of a question and I don't use Kubuntu :P07:10
eagles0513875what do you use afazel07:11
eagles0513875iivv: hey you still there07:11
afazelI use Ubuntu, and I installed kubuntu-desktop from apt, but I never log in to the session because the resolution is so borked :P07:11
eagles0513875iivv: i have a link with 20 free pdf books the first one might interest you since your a novice07:12
eagles0513875also for you as well afazel the first book my interest you both07:12
iivvoh my, that sounds like a good read07:12
eagles0513875the othersw are more advanced development books but probably wouldnt hurt to have either07:12
eagles0513875there is a beginners guide to bash scripting somewhere in there 207:12
iivvsounds interesting. i'll get around to it after my c++ debugging homework!07:13
eagles0513875!hi | kashif07:14
ubottukashif: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!07:14
DaskreechMakuseru: yes07:14
eagles0513875afazel: what video card do you have07:15
eagles0513875morning Daskreech07:15
DaskreechMakuseru: what was the problem that you were having?07:16
afazelI have an nVidia 7950GT07:16
eagles0513875afazel: its strange how your getting resolution problems in kde have you tried to fix the resolution07:17
afazelI have. The resolution says it's correct, but nothing fits in its containers07:18
afazelI'm at 1920x1080 if it makes any difference in kde07:18
eagles0513875whats the resolution of your monitor on gnome07:19
iivveagles0513874: quick question. i'm unloading some pre-installed packages, and it seems that 'kubuntu-desktop - 1.122' will be removed as a dependency. this sounds like a very  bad thing07:19
iivveagles0513875: *fixed07:20
Elonequestion: can i have a machine doing loggings on connections , but i don't want the HDD keep on spinning all the time, is there is away to cache the data on ram and flush it like once a day to the disk? like setting a very large buffer and disable write thru?07:20
eagles0513875iivv: what you trying to install07:21
eagles0513875Elone: thats rather risky especially if there is a power outage there would be no time to write to disk and all the logs would be lost07:22
iivvtrying to uninstall octave, kontact, kdebluetooth4, kfrb, krdc, ksnapshot07:23
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto07:23
ubottuKPackageKit is the !Kubuntu package manager that uses PackageKit07:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pterm07:23
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/07:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eclipse07:28
ubottuQt is the Qt (pronounced "cute") toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt 3 applications or libqt4-dev for Qt 4 applications. Qt 4.4 is available from hardy-backports07:28
DaskreechElone: Yes07:29
noaXesswhat you people will use to resize a win2003server hd?.. qparted with a live-cd?07:30
sonyguys what are the data recovery tools available for kubuntu07:32
Daskreechsony: What level of recovery ?07:32
Elonesooo how do i set that in linux ?07:32
DaskreechElone: eagles0513875 is still right07:32
DaskreechHi Jonie07:32
sonyWell i am trying to recover some documents from an ntfs partition07:33
eagles0513875Elone: have you worked with raid before using a raid controller07:33
Daskreech!info testdisk07:33
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.10-1 (jaunty), package size 1451 kB, installed size 4532 kB07:33
JonieDaskreech:  hi, nice to c u again07:33
Elonehmmm what if it isn't a raid07:33
sonythanx man07:33
DaskreechElone: Linux basically does that everytime it boots07:33
pushraxsony: if you use synaptic package manager in jaunty you get more results on a search for 'recover' 'rescue' etc.07:34
eagles0513875Elone: i know its nto but im trying to give you an example07:34
eagles0513875Elone: raid controller has a batter so that in case of power outage it can quickly write the stuff to disk07:34
Daskreechapt-cache search :)07:34
eagles0513875Elone: what you proposing on doing doesnt have a fail safe to write stuff to disk if there is a power outage all the logs gathered would be lost07:35
wineuserAnyone know why Kubuntu 8.04 won't display 640x480 resolution for me?07:35
wineuserI'm getting a black screen with cannot display video mode07:35
pushraxwineuser: have you defined your  monitor and vid card first?07:35
DaskreechCause that resolution is for peasants! which you are obviously not since you are running Kubuntu!07:36
wineuserJust the automatic thing it does, my xorg config file looks really barren07:36
pushraxwineuser:  use systemsettings07:37
Eloneeagles0513875, yes ~ but how to set that ~ i don't need a fail safe one ;p ~ it is for my linux router box but i don't want the HDD keep running all the time07:37
eagles0513875Elone: then why not have it use pxe boot of your main linux box that way you dont need a hard drive at all07:38
eagles0513875!info pxe | Elone07:38
ubottuElone: pxe (source: pxe): free PXE daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.2-7 (jaunty), package size 25 kB, installed size 140 kB07:38
wineusershows plug n play on them, and I can chose 640x480 from kcontrol jsut fine, it's just when I run something at it that it doesnm't work07:38
eagles0513875Elone: do a network boot off your main machine then have it xfer the logs over the network some how07:39
wineuserxrandr doesn't do it07:39
eagles0513875Elone: if you are interested in doing something like that i would ask in linux-cluster they might be able to help you with that better then i can07:39
Eloneeagles0513875, coz it is a OLD machine don't support PXE07:39
eagles0513875options options :(07:40
eagles0513875Daskreech: any ideas for elone07:40
eagles0513875Elone: can it use bootp which is like pxe07:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bootp07:41
eagles0513875!info bootp07:41
ubottubootp (source: bootp): server for the bootp protocol with DHCP support. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.4.3-17 (jaunty), package size 77 kB, installed size 240 kB07:41
djdarkmanhello is there any normal way to get a version of umbrello that doesn't suck?07:43
eagles0513875djdarkman: can compil it from source any versions that they have out07:44
wineuserso, anyone on why xrandr setting my resolution to 640x480 gives me a black screen. I can set the whole thing to run at 640x480, but there's only a few things I need to run that small.07:44
eagles0513875wineuser: what video card do you have07:44
wineusernvidia 620007:44
eagles0513875on jaunty or intrepid or gutsy07:45
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:45
djdarkmanso basicly it's impossible if I don't want to spend half of my day building it?07:45
digdeep!info nvidia07:45
ubottuPackage nvidia does not exist in jaunty07:45
wineuseryeah, nvidia driver is working fine07:45
eagles0513875djdarkman: also if you want to make it as easy as possible and not have to wry bout doing things by hand you can use apt-build07:46
eagles0513875!apt-build | djdarkman07:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-build07:46
eagles0513875!info apt-build | djdarkman07:46
ubottudjdarkman: apt-build (source: apt-build): frontend to apt to build, optimize and install packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.37 (jaunty), package size 35 kB, installed size 208 kB07:46
eagles0513875djdarkman: it does everything in one command07:46
* djdarkman wonders what were the Kubuntu QA thinking when putting the KDE4 umbrello in in the first place...07:47
wineuserKDE4, why I'm using 8.0407:47
djdarkmanso can I say: I want the good old KDE3 version and apt will do the work?07:47
eagles0513875wineuser: your problem sounds more like an xorg issue not sure if you want to pop in there and ask07:47
eagles0513875djdarkman: apt-build will do the optimization compile and install the program and all dependencies07:48
wineuseryeah, probably, but it's only kubuntu that has that problem. Runs great with slackware, gentoo, debian and fedora07:48
djdarkmaneagles0513875: but how do I tell it which version I want it to build? and to put it in /opt so that apt won't mess with it?07:49
eagles0513875djdarkman: normally builds whats in repos :(07:49
eagles0513875wineuser: sudo dpkg-reconfigure then the package of the xorg server forgot what one it is07:49
Daskreech!kde | djdarkman07:51
ubottudjdarkman: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde407:51
Daskreech!kde3 | djdarkman07:51
ubottudjdarkman: Kubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page07:51
djdarkmanthanks but reinstalling is not an option and I tried that repository and it sucked even more than using gnome as a desktop07:52
Daskreechdjdarkman: Umbrello KDE3 might be there07:52
djdarkmanyes Da\07:53
djdarkmanDaskreech: but it will do no good07:53
DaskreechI thought you wanted KDE3 umbrello ?07:54
djdarkmanpaerson repositories don't play well with the ubuntu repoesitories07:54
DaskreechThey do now07:54
DaskreechHe's been working at getting them sorted out07:54
djdarkmanwhere do the KDE packagees install?07:54
DaskreechHow do You unpack a Dmg ?07:54
alidWhen I'm trying to dock thunderbird using kdocker, it keeps docking it to the top left corner of my desktop rather. Can anybody help please?07:57
pushraxdjdarkman: usually in /usr07:58
pushraxdjdarkman: read the details of the file in the package manager and it will dell you waht files are to be installed and where07:59
djdarkmanthat's what I'm trying to do07:59
djdarkmanno umbrello there08:00
sonyhey pavan welcome08:06
Daskreechdjdarkman: Probably have to build it then. Or you can submit it for that repo08:09
alidWhich command fixes broken dependencies in adept?08:15
macosudo apt-get install -f08:15
macoshould fix broken updates usually08:15
alidI was trying to install java plugin for firefox using KPackageKit when it crashed and reported that there are broken dependencies which should be fixed by adept.08:16
alidDaskreech: Yes, the command maco told me fixed the problem. Thanks maco!08:18
DaskreechThat probably means that a error message needs to be rewritten08:19
macook kpk should totally *not* recommend adept08:19
macoDaskreech: aye08:19
CrummyGummyhi, any ideas how to get kwin to start on login? It broke  in a bad upgrade.08:33
CrummyGummyI've tried reinstalling kwin but it doesn't change anything.08:33
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Hystorikerhello. i have some problems after todays upgrade of openoffice to version 3.1 on hardy via ppa. the program is now fully in english and i am missing the writer2latex export function. can anybody help?08:43
Hystorikeri would not mind to downgrade to 3.0.1 either, but is that possible?08:44
tartessosbuenos dias08:55
noaXessone of my machine, a test machine, have after upgrade to kubuntu 9.04 problem with konsole.. if i start it, i get the konsole window, but no cmd line.. cna't use it..08:57
noaXessany idea?08:57
eagles0513875!es | tartessos08:59
ubottutartessos: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.08:59
eagles0513875noaXess:  i normally avoid upgrades from one release to another all together08:59
eagles0513875noaXess: have you tried purging konsole and reinstall from a tty prompt09:00
noaXesseagles0513875: not yet09:01
eagles0513875noaXess: try that and see if that does anything for ya09:01
eagles0513875noaXess: also while you are at it09:01
noaXesseagles0513875: how to purge it cleanly09:01
eagles0513875sudo apt-get purge09:01
eagles0513875sudo apt-get purge konsole09:01
eagles0513875noaXess: also recommend purging adept and knetworkmanager and installing kpackagekit and plasma-widget-network-manager09:02
eagles0513875those are new in jaunty that replace adept and knetwork manager09:02
noaXesseagles0513875: so then: the following packages will be removed: konsole kubuntu-desktop updatenotifier-kde xorg..09:02
noaXessbad idea09:02
DaskreechCrummyGummy: It won't run at all?09:03
eagles0513875noaXess: if you purge kubuntu desktop youll be left with command line and then you can reinstall the packages mentioned above09:04
Daskreecheagles0513875: No you won't09:04
CrummyGummyDaskreech: No, I can run kwin --replace and it works.09:04
eagles0513875Daskreech: what will you be left with base kde install09:05
DaskreechCrummyGummy: if you run it and then log out instantly you should get it back on re-login09:05
CrummyGummyNo, I have to run it again.09:05
Daskreecheagles0513875: If you remove kubuntu-desktop it removes the virtual package09:06
DaskreechCrummyGummy: even if you logout instantly. How are you running kwin --replace ?09:06
eagles0513875noaXess: try apt-get autoremove konsole and see if its the same out come09:06
CrummyGummykwin --replace& in konsole. Everything works, there are just no decorations.09:07
DaskreechCrummyGummy: do it in krunner09:07
noaXesseagles0513875: same09:08
CrummyGummyHow do I do that? I don't have that box in front of me.09:08
eagles0513875noaXess: i dunno :(09:08
DaskreechCrummyGummy: alt+F209:09
noaXessjust one other: if i get this from ssh: Offending key in /home/thomi/.ssh/known_hosts:27.. will that mean the key on line 27 in known_hosts?09:09
noaXessor line 26?09:09
Daskreechline 2709:09
noaXessDaskreech: how can i see which key os for which host?09:10
noaXessis for...09:10
CrummyGummyDaskreech: K, thanks. I'll try that later tonight.09:10
DaskreechI forget if you look through the Hash there is a thing at the end that gives a hint09:10
noaXessDaskreech: no hint :(09:11
DaskreechI remember doing a copy of the file and taking out lines one by one until I figured out how to do it09:11
DaskreechIt was annoying09:11
Daskreecheven more so if they changed the way the hash is done09:12
noaXessafter deleting the line.. need i do anything to refresh or just reconnect over ssh to the host?09:12
eagles0513875tonker^^: check pm09:13
noaXessDaskreech: ok09:13
noaXessso.. then i get this: PTY allocation request failed on channel 009:13
noaXesson the host if i restart openssh-server i get something like:.... /dev/pts not mounted?09:14
Daskreechis there a /dev/pts ?09:15
noaXessDaskreech: jep... but no content09:15
noaXessits a director09:16
Daskreechnot even one file ?09:16
reisinoaXess: have you just upgraded from 8.10 -> 9.04?09:17
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noaXessreisi: jep09:18
noaXesssome broken files?09:18
reisinoaXess: we've noticed the same problem on one of my collegues computer after the upgrade.. other symptoms include not being able to start any consoles under X09:18
reisinoaXess: if you search launchpad, you'll find this bug, as related to konsole i believe09:19
noaXessreisi: jep me too.. find out the problem and a fix09:19
noaXessreisi: is there a solution/fix09:19
reisinoaXess: you can temporarily fix it by mounting the devpts manually09:19
noaXessreisi: yhould /dev/pts be a file or a dir?09:20
noaXessdir.. ok09:20
reisinoaXess: it's a directory, into which you should mount "devpts"09:20
noaXessjust sudo mount devpts /dev/pts?09:20
reisinoaXess: please locate the bug and comment your experiences09:20
noaXessreisi: on mount: special device devpts does not exist...09:21
reisinoaXess: check out /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh, line 4109:21
reisinoaXess: that's the one that is failing.. or then it's udev somehow09:21
noaXessreisi: ok. the line ist there.. but no devpts spec. device..09:22
tonker^^Since I'm new to Linux, can anyone tell me how to get a  floppy drive working? (I know that floppies are over the hill, but I'd like to know)09:22
reisinoaXess: there's no "device" to mount devpts from, that's why the syntax for mount command is rather obscure09:23
reisinoaXess: that's also the reason why i can't say what's the correct line to mount it.. i just know that my collegue managed to mount it somehow09:24
reisinoaXess: what you are mounting is a special filesystem called "devpts" (AFAIK), mount -t devpts /dev/pts -o <options>09:24
reisinoaXess: just make sure you set the options as they were in that /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh09:25
reisinoaXess: otherwise it will not work or it might be a security problem09:25
reisitonker^^: afair floppy devices are /dev/fdN where N is 0, 1, 2 and so on09:25
tonker^^Thanks reisi, tried that but doesn't work. Tells me that floppy is not in etc etc09:27
ubottuTo mount floppy disks, see here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone09:28
tonker^^Thanks :)09:28
noaXessreisi: how to reinstall a package?09:29
reisinoaXess: sudo aptitude reinstall <package>09:30
noaXessreisi: ok thanks09:30
noaXessreisi: reinstalling udev..09:30
reisinoaXess: please remember find the bug and comment your experiences there :)09:31
noaXessreisi: will do that. :)09:31
noaXessreisi: found the bug.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/insserv/+bug/32192709:40
ActionParsnip!bug 32192709:46
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu09:51
ActionParsnipif you're using wine, use the one on the wine repo09:59
Masterhow do i install ubuntu studio? -- i have burned the .iso file but dono what i do next...09:59
hateballSo hmmm, how do I get KDict to like... work? It says it has access to a swe-eng dictionary, but I cant enter any swedish words09:59
ActionParsnipMaster: boot to it and install as normal09:59
ActionParsnipsusbwoy: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb09:59
ActionParsnipMaster: if you want you can install the ubuntu-studio stuff alongside your current install09:59
ActionParsnipMaster: apt-cache search ubuntu studio10:00
ActionParsnipMaster: install what you need10:00
bluecodewhen will there be kde 4.2.3 packages for ubuntu?10:06
Mamarokbluecode: it's under way and will be announced on http://kubuntu.org10:09
bluecodethanks, Mamarok10:09
noaXesshey reisi: think found it.. in comment 82: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/insserv/+bug/321927/comments/8110:15
ForeverSmurfafter the latest batch of updates plasma keeps crashing and restarting.10:37
ForeverSmurfis anyone else experiencing something similiar?10:37
ikonianot seen anyone meantion anything today10:37
ForeverSmurfok. I will try and clean out my current plasma configuration10:38
ForeverSmurfany idea where I can find it?10:39
ikoniafind what ?10:39
ActionParsnipForeverSmurf: cd ~/.kde; find -name plasm*10:39
ActionParsnipForeverSmurf: rename those files10:40
eagles0513875ForeverSmurf: that was happening to me as well yesterday but now stopped10:40
eagles0513875ForeverSmurf: you might want to ask in the plasma channel10:40
eagles0513875now my issue after the batch of updates yesterday is wifi dropping on me and not being able to reconnect til i reboot and im like 2 feet away form the access point10:41
DaskreechForeverSmurf: ~/.kde/share/config/plasma*10:41
ActionParsnipDaskreech: i let the computer do the work ;)10:42
ForeverSmurfthanks guys10:42
DaskreechDon't trust that bugger. It's Skynet Jr10:43
ForeverSmurfI rename them all and see if it helps10:43
ActionParsnipDaskreech: as long as its not apple or skype i'm happy10:43
eagles0513875i dunno why my plasma crashes stopped10:43
eagles0513875they were happening to me yesterday after the updates10:43
ActionParsnipDaskreech: i just hate both10:44
DaskreechNight all10:45
eagles0513875night Daskreech10:45
Peace-eagles0513875: not here10:45
eagles0513875Peace-: ?10:45
Peace-[11:43:34] <eagles0513875> i dunno why my plasma crashes stopped10:45
Peace-here is perfect10:45
eagles0513875did you update yesterday10:45
Peace-ath5k sucks but i have the trick10:45
eagles0513875could be im running some svn plasma stuff that doesnt like some of the updates10:46
Peace-use kde4.2.210:46
susbwoyActionParsnip: thanks for the wine link, however I just installed from the ubuntu repos :)10:46
Peace-it's fine for the most of things10:47
eagles0513875Peace-: i am on 4.2.210:47
eagles0513875not sure if 4.2.3 is in a ppa yet10:47
Peace-i dunno10:47
eagles0513875not in repos yet10:48
eagles0513875Peace-: you on 32 bit or 64bit10:49
hidensofthi every body10:49
ActionParsnipsusbwoy: the wine repo is a later version and will have different results, i'd evaluate wich version to use based on the results in the appdb10:49
hidensofti am new member of kubuntu10:49
eagles0513875!hi | hidensoft10:49
ubottuhidensoft: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!10:49
eagles0513875welcome hidensoft10:49
Peace-eagles0513875:  32 64 is for who want spend time for problems10:49
hidensofteagles0513875: thanks10:50
eagles0513875hidensoft: this is the kubuntu is the kubuntu support channel10:50
eagles0513875Peace-: i have had rather good luck on 64bit :) been rather nice and good10:50
hidensofti am PHP Developer10:50
hidensoftand i want to install XAMP10:50
hidensofti don't know how i can10:51
eagles0513875if you have any kubuntu support questions dont hesitate to ask10:51
susbwoyActionParsnip: appreciated. thanks10:51
eagles0513875hidensoft: in linux its called lamp linux apache mysql php10:51
ActionParsnipsusbwoy: np man10:51
eagles0513875!lamp | hidensoft10:51
ubottuhidensoft: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:51
ikoniahidensoft: xamp is a self contained platform, you want the individual components10:51
Daskreech!find xamp10:51
ubottuFound: example-content, python-examples, python2.4-examples, python2.6-examples, tomcat6-examples (and 73 others)10:51
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:52
eagles0513875!info xamp10:52
ubottuPackage xamp does not exist in jaunty10:52
ikoniait doesn't exist10:52
ikoniait's a self contained platform10:52
hidensoftok , give me a minute10:53
susbwoyHey, just wondering how I can burn an .img file? K3b says "Seems not to be a usable image" and I've got 1 cd left, can't afford to ruin it :P11:01
hidensoftikonia: thanks you and every body11:03
hidensofteagles0513875: thanks man11:04
eagles0513875no problem hope lamp does the trick for ya :) dont hesitate to come back if you got any more questions and once again welcoem to kubuntu11:05
hidensoftoh my god , i left from windows fro ever :D11:05
eagles0513875WOOT nother succesful conversion11:05
ActionParsnipsusbwoy: use img2iso11:06
ActionParsnip!info img2iso11:06
ubottuPackage img2iso does not exist in jaunty11:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about img2iso11:06
hidensoftPHP Editor ?11:06
ActionParsnip!info ccd2iso11:06
ubottuccd2iso (source: ccd2iso): Converter from CloneCD disc image format to standard ISO. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-3 (jaunty), package size 7 kB, installed size 60 kB11:06
ActionParsnipccd2iso <myimage.img> <myimage.iso>11:06
eagles0513875!php | hidensoft11:06
ubottuhidensoft: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:06
eagles0513875blarg not what i was after11:06
eagles0513875hidensoft: im not a php dev so i dunno :(11:07
hidensofteagles0513875: no problem man11:07
susbwoyActionParsnip: thanks man11:07
eagles0513875hidensoft: actually i do try geany its all all around ide for about 30 different languages11:07
ActionParsnipsusbwoy: amazing what jeeves can find11:07
susbwoyActionParsnip: I'll have to ask that dude more often11:08
ActionParsnipsusbwoy: sometimes finds stuff google doesnt11:08
* eagles0513875 thinks ActionParsnip should change name to ActionJeeves11:08
Mamarokeagles0513875: stay on topic please11:09
* ActionParsnip hates the "google is THE only search engine" mentality11:09
eagles0513875sir yes sir11:09
Masterhmm why dosnt i hear a sound when im testing my system?11:11
reisinoaXess: the bug you encountered https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase/+bug/31894511:11
ActionParsnipMaster: is everyting cranked to 11?11:12
Masterdono im a noob to linux :(11:12
ActionParsnipMaster: launch kmix and check11:13
Mastergoed from xp to ubuntu11:13
ActionParsnipMaster: make sure nothing is muted and cranked11:13
hidensofthow i can recovery my files ?11:14
ActionParsniphidensoft: from what?11:14
hidensoftwhen i do install kubuntu11:15
eagles0513875he installed kubuntu over his windows partition and still had some data on there that he wants to rcover11:15
hidensofti have 4 Drive11:15
ActionParsniphidensoft: can you elaborate on "recover files"11:15
hidensoftbut after installaion complate11:15
hidensofti have one drive11:15
ActionParsniphidensoft: ahhhh, you should have said that11:15
ActionParsnip!fstab | hidensoft11:16
ubottuhidensoft: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:16
ActionParsniphidensoft: they will show up in the output of    sudo fdisk -l11:16
eagles0513875!es | tartessos11:16
ubottutartessos: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:16
MasterActionParsnip: how do i run kmix?11:16
ActionParsnipMaster: alt+2  type kmix  press enter11:17
ActionParsnipMaster: then check the bottom right if it doesnt jump into your face'11:17
MasterError stating file '/home/nicki/kmix': No such file or directory11:18
ubottukmix is KDE's soundcard mixer program. Though small, it is full-featured. The program should give controls for each of your soundcards. KMix supports several platforms and sound drivers. Go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kmix for complete information.11:18
ActionParsnipMaster: or it will be in the kmenu under multimedia perhaps11:18
tartessos_i'd like to talk with somebody11:19
tartessos_i'm from spain11:19
ActionParsnip!es | tartessos11:19
ubottutartessos: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:19
Masterwolume control -> switches -> take all checkboxes off :)11:27
=== stijn is now known as subutux
ActionParsnipMaster: yep, they were muted ;)11:31
ibogaque paso!11:33
ibogaalguien x ae!!11:34
tartessos_yo iboga11:35
tartessos_de donde ers?11:36
Masterok now when i have done the test time for next question :) how do i get sound in firefox?11:36
Masterand all other programs11:42
hidensoftall drives and files is formated11:43
hidensoftmy hdd is 160GB11:43
hidensofthome is 155GB11:44
ActionParsnipMaster: there are a tonne of different fixes for that11:44
ActionParsnipMaster: i'd search round see which works for you11:44
zer0ohi guys i tried to install a deb package that was giving me an error: "libasound2 dependancy missing" so i downloaded the libasound2 deb package, have it installed and tried back to install the previous deb package... still giving me the same error. could anyone help please? thanks11:46
Masterim using audigy 1(SB0090)11:47
Masterthank you ;)11:47
Master-in advance11:47
Bauldrickanyone give me some pointers on getting scanner function of all-in-one wifi printer working (epsonsx600fx)?12:02
eagles0513875Bauldrick: what do you mean exactly you want to use a printer that works via wifi12:04
eagles0513875!cups | Bauldrick12:05
ubottuBauldrick: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows12:05
eagles0513875not sure if that will help you out any Bauldrick12:05
Bauldrickeagles0513875: no, the printer function works - can't get the scanner recognised - yes I know CUPS !!!12:05
eagles0513875ahhhh ok i misunderstood12:05
eagles0513875!info epson12:06
ubottuPackage epson does not exist in jaunty12:06
Bauldrickavasys drivers seem to be key, but they have 64bit and compiling gives me error12:06
zer0oi have to install on my hardy heron the libasound2 and libmad0 latest versions but when i try to it says "SPARC wrong architecture" is there a way?12:09
eagles0513875Bauldrick: you can install ia32libs which will make stuff for 32bit systems work in 64bit environment12:10
the_dark_warrioI've installed Kubuntu, but there is a bug on the login screen: the background is streched and when that 'loading screen' appears (which has the KDE logo), it blinks between the correct wallpaper and the streched one. Any hints?12:10
eagles0513875the_dark_warrio: what video card do you have12:11
the_dark_warrioeagles0513875: nVidia12:11
=== SandGorgon__ is now known as SandGorgon
gorgonizerHello everyone, does anyone know how to get iPods working with Amarok 2 (either PPA or 2.0.2) in Jaunty?  KDE recognises the iPod, but cannot find how to get Amarok 2 to recognise it..12:12
the_dark_warriothere is another bug when turning off the machine. The window which starts a timer for shutting down is also bugged. The right border of it is shifted to the left12:12
eagles0513875gorgonizer: that is still in tested and there are some issues still to be worked out with 2.112:13
eagles0513875the_dark_warrio: that sounds like an xorg issue12:13
the_dark_warrioeagles0513875: I see. I will try to make some tests and come back here later, thanks!12:14
gorgonizereagles0513875: thanks for the information, will keep my eyes open for further updates :)12:14
eagles0513875the_dark_warrio: try this sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and see if it will fix anything like this12:14
the_dark_warrioeagles0513875: ok12:14
eagles0513875gorgonizer: no problem the devs actually trying to compile the ipod stuff yesterday and it didnt work12:15
gorgonizereagles0513875: why does that make me want to laugh? ;)12:15
eagles0513875gorgonizer: the building failed lol12:15
eagles0513875anyway thats ot12:15
hidensofti don't have permission for this12:18
hidensoft/dev/hda2 /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 012:18
eagles0513875hidensoft: unmount and remount the partition12:19
darrobhi, will qca and qt be updated soon in kubuntu 9.04 or is that something that is only updated from release to release?12:20
eagles0513875darrob: the qt version in repos wont get updated till next release12:23
hidensofteagles0513875: device is busy12:23
eagles0513875whta command did you issue12:23
hidensoftsudo umount /dev/sda712:24
hidensoftumount:  /: device is busy12:24
sonyhey guys12:25
hidensoftwhats problem ?12:25
Bauldrickhidensoft: it's being used by something!! you're not in the directory you mounted it too?12:26
hidensofti do exit any programm12:27
ActionParsniphidensoft: try: cd ~12:27
ActionParsniphidensoft: then try to umount12:27
hidensoftnot worked12:28
sonywell did you run any wine based program hiddensoft12:28
husaynhow to give full rights on a Samba share ?12:28
hidensoftwine based ?12:28
hidensoftno , i don't RUN any program12:29
sonyi mean windows programs using wine12:29
ActionParsniphusayn: add    writable = yes    to the entry in smb.conf12:29
husaynthanks.... it worked12:29
ActionParsnipsamba is my my favourite thing to setup12:30
sonydid ya try ejecting it befor unmounting it12:30
ActionParsniphusayn: you can add securityby adding:  invalid users = root bin daemon nobody12:31
husaynthanks.. its working fine now !!!!12:31
ActionParsniphusayn: you can speed it up with socket options = TCP_NODELAY12:31
husaynmeans the file copy process will increase ?12:32
ActionParsniphusayn: it'll just speed up in general12:32
ActionParsnipits in the conf filebut is commented out byy default12:32
husaynmeans.. the file copying process will be better .....that windows12:33
sonyhey guys how can i set up dial up using bluetooth using kubuntu12:35
eagles0513875hey guys where does the network manager write logs to12:37
MasterActionParsnip: did you find anything  could try ?12:38
virkhi everyone12:39
virkis there any date set for the upgrade of kde 4.2.3 ?12:39
ActionParsnipMaster: in flash?12:39
ActionParsnipdude i can think of 3 things it can be. Ive heard people fix it with a tonne of different stuff12:40
Masterbut do you know how?12:41
ActionParsnipMaster: there is no concrete "do this..." answer12:41
clue__auto upgrade to kubuntu 9.04.... so darn slow. only get 20kbps.... when its gonna finish...12:41
eagles0513875virk: its getting there it not sure when yet12:41
eagles0513875clue__: patience12:41
ActionParsnipMaster: I'll show you the variety ok12:41
ActionParsnipMaster: just try stuff is all i can say12:41
ActionParsnipMaster: some people get joy by installing alsa-oss12:42
clue__yup, learning my patience now. ^_^"12:42
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: any idea where network manager keeps its logs12:42
ActionParsnipMaster: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html12:43
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: no idea dude, try: sudo find / -name *.log12:43
clue__im now at the Getting new packages stage. is there going to be any effects if i close the upgrade, and continue other time?12:44
clue__62%, 2 hours left12:44
ActionParsnipMaster: do you see why i cacouldnt tell you a solution, the list of fixes is vast12:44
Masterreading :)12:45
hidensoftmy sound card is not work!12:47
fkmDoes anybody know (or is there a place to read it) when the Kubuntu team plans to include Amarok 2.1 in the Jaunty repo?12:50
Mamarokfkm: it's in the experimental repo already12:51
Mamarokmight well end up in the backports one day12:51
fkmMamarok, Thank you. So I should rather endeavor to get the experimental repo instead :-)12:53
juanantonioI need some help about VGA card and Nvidia drivers12:55
sonyhey juanantonio12:55
Mamarokfkm: or make a local install, so you don't break any system settings12:56
juanantonioHello, Sony12:56
Mamarokfkm: you should also consider Neon12:56
fkmOk, I'll do. Thank you for the input!12:56
hidensoftmy sound card is not detected12:57
juanantonioSony: my problem is: I have updated kernel yesterday, and when I restarted, my VGA card was not detected, so I reinstalled the driver 177.80 from Nvidia; it seemingly works, but I cannot set resolution in my monitor properly12:59
juanantonioAny idea about it?13:01
ActionParsnipjuanantonio: kdesudo nvidia-settings13:02
juanantonioI am there13:03
juanantonioThing is that I cannot go more than 640*48013:04
ActionParsnipjuanantonio: what is the ouput of: lspci | grep -i vga13:06
juanantonioLet me input it13:07
juanantonioFrom konsole, right?13:08
juanantonioOutput is: 00:10.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 7100/nForce 630i (rev a2)13:10
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:11
ActionParsnipjuanantonio: sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia*; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18013:11
eagles0513875tartessos: the #ubuntu-es channel is the one you want13:12
eagles0513875for spanish13:12
tartessostertulia el litri13:12
Mamaroktartessos: behave!13:13
juanantonioAction, I am running the commands you told me13:13
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PodeCoetis there anything like "unstoppable copier" for linux?13:13
PodeCoet*alternative to, rather13:13
DarkWinisbackjoin #ubuntu.de13:14
tartessostome caracoles en el bar los caracoles13:14
ActionParsnipPodeCoet: we will most likely have no idea what that is, can you please tell us13:14
tartessosen punta umbria los mejores pescados de la costa13:14
juanantonionvidia-glx-180 not found13:15
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MamarokPici: thx :)13:15
ActionParsnip!info nvidia-glx-18013:15
ubottunvidia-glx-180 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-180): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 180.44-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 8682 kB, installed size 26188 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)13:15
PodeCoetActionParsnip: It's an unstoppable copier :P Basically used for data recovery, ignores read/write errors and copies what it can from a damaged drive13:15
ActionParsnipPodeCoet: thats better... try dd_rescue13:15
ActionParsnipPodeCoet: that will make an iso which you can then use foremost on13:16
ActionParsnipPodeCoet: or you can just use foremost directly on the partition13:16
ActionParsnipPodeCoet: if the data is important you should have a backup13:16
juanantonioAction, that is what my PC says, nvidia-glx-180not found, what shall I do?13:16
ActionParsnipjuanantonio: you need to enable the restricted repos13:16
eagles0513875Mamarok: was just checking bout the ppa in there since probably devs are testing out 4.2.313:17
PodeCoetActionParsnip: This isn't for me, I already have a cron job setup to rsync one drive to another at 4am every day :P13:17
juanantonioAction, tell me how, I am so new13:17
ActionParsnipPodeCoet: then the users data is disposable as they have no backup regime13:17
juanantoniobut I have in my directory the 177.80, cannot i Install it13:17
ActionParsnipjuanantonio: there is no 177 in jaunty13:18
PodeCoetActionParsnip: No recovery = no food for me, plus there's porn on this drive.13:18
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: ya there is13:18
PodeCoetActionParsnip: Also, the owners a female :P13:18
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: i have it on my laptop in hardware drivers gui13:18
juanantonioNo, 177 is for 8.0413:18
juanantonioHardy I think it's called13:18
eagles0513875then i dunno how i have it showing up in my list13:19
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: run: lsb_release -c; apt-cache search nvidia | grep 17713:19
eagles0513875stand corrected13:20
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: ;)13:20
eagles0513875running hard were drivers gui to make sure im not going nuts13:20
eagles0513875i have 173 and 180 for nvidia lol13:20
ActionParsnipPodeCoet: no excuse, one of my managers is female with more certiification than you can throw a stick att13:20
eagles0513875177 no where to be found13:20
juanantoniocodename hardy13:20
ActionParsnipjuanantonio: aaah thats different13:20
ActionParsnipjuanantonio: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx13:21
ActionParsnipjuanantonio: sudo nvidia-xconfig13:21
juanantonioUntil yesterday, everything was very correct13:21
ActionParsnipjuanantonio: then reboot13:21
bartii have a problem, where can i find the keyboard layotus in KDE - Kubuntu?13:21
ActionParsnip!keyboard > barti13:21
ubottubarti, please see my private message13:21
colewhy the client is kubuntu?13:22
juanantonioGotta go, when I enter, will I be able to adjust properly everything13:22
bartithaks 4 the keyboard13:23
juanantonioI am back in 20 minutes, thanks13:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch13:25
eagles0513875!ch | cole13:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chi13:25
colewhen i use my virtuabox ,why does its memory increase13:26
Freyrcole:it's normal13:27
bartii cant find regional settings13:28
barti System Settings -> Regional & Language  --- there isnt it13:28
coleit confused me for a long time13:28
peachescole: cause the guess uses memory presumably13:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fnord13:34
DarkWinisbackhello, after updating kubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 my wireless (intel 4965 agn) , doesnt work, can anybody here help me ?13:36
susbwoyHi. I've recently installed Wine from the Ubuntu repos, however when i browse to applications/wine in the kmenu, 'Browse C:/' points to file:///home/me/Documents/.wine/dosdevices/c: when that doesnt exist. I want it to point to file:///home/me/.wine/dosdevices/c:.  How do I do that?13:43
AceKingHi everyone.. I'm new to Linux. I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop (Toshiba A205 - S5852. At first the WiFi worked, and now I need to wire it to connect. I am the ultimate Newbie, so forgive me for sounding dumb13:47
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AceKingI guess what I'm asking is how do I update or find drivers?13:48
AceKingIs anyone here?13:52
canenAceKing: no, only you :)13:53
AceKingDid you see my question?13:53
canenjust signed back in13:54
canenwhat was it?13:54
AceKingI'm new to Linux. I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop (Toshiba A205 - S5852. At first the WiFi worked, and now I need to wire it to connect. I am the ultimate Newbie, so forgive me for sounding dumb13:54
AceKingI guess what I'm asking is how do I update or find drivers?13:54
caneni can only tell you in general terms since i've never had to use wireless13:55
canenthe systems usually detects what hardware you have and load the 'drivers' accordingly13:55
AceKingIn my hardware drivers it shows "Alternate Atheros madwifi driver13:55
amarok--hey i am having a lilttel trouble here13:56
canendo a search for your labtop model + ubuntu and see if anyone has done any special set-up13:56
AceKingOk, thanks!13:56
amarok--well i added the blueman repo to my sources.list i refreshed my repo but it doesn't show13:56
amarok--anyone know why13:57
canenamarok--: paste your sources.list13:59
susbwoyHow can i change the links that icons have in the Kmenu?14:00
AceKingCanen, you still here?14:12
AceKingI found a link to my problem but I'm having trouble trying to get it work14:12
canensusbwoy: kmenuedit14:13
canenAceKing: cool14:13
AceKingI opened up a terminal and pasted in: wget http://snapshots.madwifi.org/special...+ar5007.tar.gz and then hit enter14:13
AceKingIt's saying Failed: name or host of service not known.14:14
canenAceKing: just visit the link with your browser14:15
canenAceKing: http://snapshots.madwifi.org/special/madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz that's the actual link14:15
canenthe forum shortens it for display14:16
canenalthough even that seems broken14:16
AceKingIt is14:17
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »14:18
canenAceKing: maybe here http://www.madwifi.net/ ?14:18
vbgunzthe latest stable kernel for jaunty is -> 2.6.28-12-generic ... I currently got 27 updates this morning... is this right? I am on stable jaunty and have not mistakenly somehow ended up on some alpha track have I?14:19
AceKingThanks Canen14:19
vbgunzall repos in sources.list say jaunty14:19
canenAceKing: http://snapshots.madwifi-project.org/special/madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz14:20
canenAceKing: seems the domain name was changed but file is still there14:21
canenAceKing: although according to the README you should look here http://madwifi-project.org/ticket/119214:22
AceKingOk, thanks14:23
moro[ita]hi guys!I've a "little" with uuid in my box...can you help me?14:23
moro[ita]problem :)14:23
AceKingAnother thing that's driving me nuts.. My taskbar is missing on the bottom of the screen, how do I re enable it?14:24
AceKingEverytime I minimize my apps, I can't get them back14:24
moro[ita]add a widget called14:25
moro[ita]"vassoio di sistema" in italian, i think something like syste tray?14:25
AceKingOk, thanks14:25
moro[ita]you're welcome14:26
BluesKajGood Day all14:28
moro[ita]$ sudo vol_id /dev/sda314:28
moro[ita]unknown or non-unique volume type (--probe-all lists possibly conflicting types)14:28
aleph0hello everyone14:29
moro[ita]does anybody knows how to fix it?14:29
moro[ita](hello :)14:29
aleph0I recently had a second monitor connected to my laptop. now my main plasma panel has disappeared, and I believe that it is simply position outside my visible desktop. Is there any way I can (1) verify this hypothesis (2) move the panel back into my visible space without connecting a second monitor.14:30
aleph0I tried reading into the plasma config files, but I got confused.14:30
aleph0I had twinview with two screens next to each other. I think the panel is on the other virtual screen even though it is no longer active.14:31
aleph0where do I control the positioning of panels?14:31
moro[ita]wich driver are you using?14:31
aleph0me? nvidia's binary driver.14:32
estanhey, if i add static configuration for a couple of my network interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces, NetworkManager should not try to configure those interfaces for me right?14:34
eagles0513875thats better rooms back to normal14:34
eagles0513875estan: dont understand what you mean14:35
estani have eth0 and eth1, which i want to configure with a static IP, but at the same time i'd like NetworkManager to manage my wlan0 wifi interface.14:35
estaneagles0513875: sorry, i guess my question is; how can i tell NetworkManager to ignore eth0 and eth1, and only manager wlan0 for me.14:35
eagles0513875estan: something plugged into them14:36
moro[ita]aleph0: have you tryied playing around nvidia-settings?14:36
estaneagles0513875: yes, i guess so. but i'd like NetworkManager to stay completely off those two interfaces, no matter what events occur. i'd like to configure them manually in /etc/network/interfaces.14:37
eagles0513875estan: im not sure14:37
aleph0yes. in nvidia settings I enable and disable twinview. when it was enabled the panel appeared on the external monitor I click-and-dragged it back to my laptop. then, when I was back at home I disabled twinview and now I can't see my panel anymore....14:37
moro[ita]aleph0: mmm..i've never had this problem, and i'm using an nvidia...imo you should try connecting both monitors14:40
Bauldrickestan: have you tried wicd14:40
moro[ita]aleph0: autodetect them14:41
estanBauldrick: i have on a laptop i had once, i'd really rather use the Network Management widget (running KDE trunk).14:41
aleph0I don't understand14:41
moro[ita]aleph0: mmm...can you connect both the monitors?14:42
estanBauldrick: i think it should be possible to tell NetworkManager to not touch some interfaces.14:42
aleph0I have only one display and no I do not have another monitor. the external monitor in question was a projector I used for a talk at college.14:42
aleph0otherwise I'd connect it to look for my panel ;)14:42
moro[ita]aleph0: ok, understood...if you are interested i can post you my Xorg.conf...14:43
moro[ita]aleph0: maybe, you should try using mine...14:44
geniiestan: The previous behaviour was that if networkmanager noticed entries for an interface, it would not use them, thinking they had been manually configured already.14:44
aleph0do you believe that it is xorg.conf that is the issue here and not plasmarc or plasmawhateverrc?14:44
moro[ita]aleph0: mmm...i think that it tryies to put your panel in a portion of your monitor that doesn't exist...14:45
moro[ita]aleph0: maybe in a virtual one, (the projector...)14:45
moro[ita]aleph0: but i'm not shure at all..14:45
a_oki installed the fglrx drivers now i my screen is all messed up how can i fix this?14:46
aleph0yes that's what I think, but where is the panel position stored in config files? do you know?14:46
estangenii: ah. do you know if this behavior has changed, or it should work if i just add them in /etc/network/interfaces? i'm just about to try..14:46
moro[ita]aleph0: no, i really don't know...if you want you cold try to stop your kdm, move ~/.kde into ~./kde_bakup14:47
moro[ita]aleph0: start kdm again and try to login...14:47
oriotiorisee you later14:47
geniiestan: I'm still using older kde. I would suggest to try manual entry in /etc/network/interfaces   and just see. If it doesn't behave as expected, you can always of course revert the file14:48
moro[ita]aleph0: your system will build again your personale settings for kde, so if the problem is in a config file you'll fix it...14:48
aleph0alright. thankts moro[ita].14:48
estangenii: alright. i think this doesn't really depend on KDE, but on the behavior of the NetworkManager daemon.14:48
estangenii: hm. after adding the interfaces to /etc/network/interfaces, the Network Management plasma widget says eth0: Unmanaged and eth1: Unmanaged, so that's promising.. but they didn't have any IP after a reboot, i wonder if i typed something wrong in /etc/network/interfaces; http://dose.se/interfaces.txt ?14:53
geniiestan: Taking a look14:54
estan(if i do ifup eth0 and ifup eth1 after reboot, it works..)14:54
estanmaybe i just need to reboot after having done ifup on them (e.g. ifup saves some kind of state?).14:54
geniiestan: I think yer missing the "auto eth0" and "auto eth1"14:55
estangenii: ah that's it, good catch. thanks!14:56
* estan tries another reboot.14:57
geniiestan: np14:57
estanyep. that did it. works fine now.15:00
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=== waltzingalong is now known as yw84ever
ToreadorVampireHey again - revisiting a question I asked a few days ago, I thought I had fixed the issue and now it has come back ...15:04
ToreadorVampireUsing Kubuntu Jaunty it seems that system-wide if I select some text using the mouse it gets copied into the clipboard (or, the equivalent of that, when I last asked someone mentioned that I have *two* clipboards or something, although I didn't entirely understand what they were talking about at the time)15:06
ToreadorVampireOh, wait, it's not system-wide ...15:08
ToreadorVampirewtf, if monodevelop has implemented that as a feature then I might have to go kill someone :(15:09
devilsadvocateToreadorVampire: does your system sort of hang up when you select text?15:10
eagles0513875lupoalberto: what language are you looking for bro15:10
eagles0513875!hi | wett15:10
ubottuwett: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!15:10
ToreadorVampiredevilsadvocate> No, I had a similar problem a while ago, but I assumed that it was related to klipper (I selected some text, paused with the mouse and then the text got copied to the clipboard for no good reason)15:11
ToreadorVampiredevilsadvocate> But - I solved that by just disabling klipper and telling it never to start up15:11
yw84everToreadorVampire: so you wanted things you selected not to be copied into klipper?15:12
ToreadorVampireyw84ever> Yes, but I solved it just by disabling klipper15:12
ToreadorVampireSince I never used it anyway15:12
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tomsdale_/home/tmeixner/software/themes+KDE/Vistar7 - Windows 7 Transformation Pack for Kubuntu Jaunty 9.0415:12
yw84evertomsdale_: i guess not everyone uses kubuntu to get away from ms windows ;)15:13
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ToreadorVampireBut - I just experienced similar behaviour in monodevelop and thought the problem had returned, but it hadn't - it was specific to MD, and now I'm wondering if they implemented some kind of crazy "select text and we copy it for you" feature15:13
ToreadorVampireWhich is just plain dumb15:14
ToreadorVampireIt's OK in xchat, because if I am selecting text then I probably do want it copied15:14
vistakillerhow i disable the Beeb sound from mobo?15:14
ToreadorVampireBut MD keeps overwriting my clipboard :(15:14
tomsdale_yw84ever I just saw this and had to try it. It doesnt get the aero transparency of the window decoration though.15:15
* ToreadorVampire uses compiz anyway15:15
tomsdale_ToreadorVampire: can you use compiz for windows dekoration? do you know whether it supports masked transparency and background blur?15:17
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ToreadorVampiretomsdale_> Yes and yes15:17
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tomsdale_and it works well with KDE?15:18
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ToreadorVampiretomsdale_> Yeah15:19
ToreadorVampiretbh I haven't changed the window decorations to a glass-look theme, but I am using the compiz-kde-decorator (or whatever it's called)15:19
vistakilleranyone knows about the beep? :P15:20
ToreadorVampirevistakiller> Erm, no, not really15:20
vistakillerhow i disable i have do clean install and i forgot how i do it the last time15:20
vistakillerevery time a beep when i pass backspace..15:21
ToreadorVampiretomsdale_> Using compiz/compiz-fusion in KDE 3.5/Kubuntu Hardy I changed to a glassy-look theme and that blurred the background behind the 'glass' decorations quite nicely15:21
tomsdale_ToreadorVampire: wouldnt compiz intruduce quite an overhead since most of the effects are already provided by Kwin.15:25
ToreadorVampiretomsdale_> compiz replaces kwin15:25
accoldoes anyone know how to rid of that internal speaker beeping sound?  it beeps like crazy when i shut down15:25
tomsdale_I'm on KDE4 Jaunty btw15:25
ToreadorVampireWhen you start compiz up, it removes kwin as the window manager15:25
ToreadorVampiretomsdale_> It replaces kwin regardless of whether it's kwin 3.5 or kwin 4.x15:25
baz_44yeah, it's just replace the previous window manager15:26
ToreadorVampireIn fact, you know if you don't have compiz configured right, because all of your window decorations will vanish15:26
tomsdale_ToreadorVampire, baz_44: ah - not sure whether I want that. maybe for testing under a differnt user but not for my main desktop. kwin is unstable enough on my system. (CPU hog sometimes)15:27
baz_44has anybody experienced problems with sound after upgrading to jaunty??15:27
vistakilleri have problems with sound15:28
vistakillerclean install15:28
baz_44i just can't be bothered doing it again ;)15:28
vistakilleri have to install pulseaudio and set it15:28
vistakilleris the only solution15:29
ToreadorVampirebaz_44> Only in so much that it was too loud and nearly blew my laptop's speakers, but I turned the PCM volume-component down and everything is peachy now15:29
baz_44my problem is15:29
vistakillerbefore i cant hear anything with amarok and the half programmes15:29
baz_44can have amaroke fine,15:29
baz_44but if i tried to open the browser asking for youtube, get no sound from youtube15:29
vistakilleryou must install pulseaudio15:29
vistakilleri have the same problems like you have15:30
baz_44so i had to stop amaroke and restart the browser again to get the sound back15:30
vistakilleryes i know15:30
baz_44ah ok, i will give it a try, cheers15:30
baz_44is the package called pulseaudio???15:30
tomsdale_linux-restricted-modules-generic- is held back but the new kernel was installed by an update. This results in no network connection if I boot into the latest kernel.15:32
tomsdale_Anyone knows why or how I can get that package?15:33
BluesKajtomsdale_, for some reason some packages are being held back until other updates/upgrades are available..I had the same issue yesterday15:34
tzangerGood morning... what is the kde 4 equivalent of kooka? I'd like to do some scanning with SANE15:34
tomsdale_BluesKaj: Its sort of a nuissance since the new kernel is already installed and grub reconfigured to use it - but it misses the drivers now to make my system usable ...15:35
SydneyGuyHi all and how r u?15:35
BluesKajtomsdale_ , just keep upgrading using the older kernel15:35
BluesKajtomsdale_ I had to run my box on the older kernel most of yesterday15:36
tomsdale_BluesKaj: yeah - I'll keep doing that for a couple of days to see whether I can get out of dependancy hell :-)15:36
tomsdale_BluesKaj: are you now on the latest?15:37
Filthpigso I reinstalled Kubuntu 9.04 last night and now things seem to work a bit more "right".. So far, at least! However, on this laptop which uses en ATI X2100 gfx-card and the open source radeon-driver I get some weird "noise" in the picture on my right hand side, from the plasma icon and all the way down. Any idea what this is, and if it's possible to fix it?15:37
tzangerurf, intel GMA xorg driver is unstable in 9.04 :-(15:39
bedahrI am having major problems with the sound on a Kubuntu Jaunty VM... Is Portaudio (e.g. Audacity) currently broken?15:39
wirelessmonkeybedahr - mine is working fine, can't help much more than that though.15:43
bedahrwirelessmonkey: so you can play your recordings?15:43
piksiis anyone else experiencing graphical corruption in qt programs, especially buttons and text fields? something like this: http://dos.pi-xi.net/corruption.png ? gtk apps don't seem to be affected and i've ran memtest86+ for a couple of full cycles just to be sure it's not corruption15:44
BluesKajbedahr , running kubuntu on VMWare ?15:44
bedahrsomething is really strange here. If I record a sample (with arecord) of about 10 seconds and play it back with mplayer it is only about 1 second long -.-15:44
bedahrBluesKaj: yes15:44
piksii've filed a bug against intel xorg driver but as it's only affecting qt programs i thought it would be relevant to file a bug against a qt/plasma/some kde package as well15:45
bedahrBluesKaj: because I am a software developer (using Gentoo as my main OS) and have got a bugreport stating that my program doesn't work on Kubuntu Jaunty15:45
Unksipiksi: only in konsole, and even there its not often15:45
bedahrand I have to test it on Kubuntu, Ubuntu (different sound problems), OpenSUSE, etc. I need to do it virtualized...15:46
piksii haven't found a bug in launchpad that would match exactly what i'm seeing15:46
piksi s/bug/bug report/15:46
piksiUnksi: what display driver are you using?15:46
Unksiintel xorg driver15:47
BluesKajbedahr, maybe you should ask in #VMware15:47
Unksiwith intel 945gme15:47
bedahrBluesKaj: I don't think it is related to VMWare (albeit it might be a complicating factor) because I experienced something similar on my bosses notebook (Kubuntu 9.04 live cd)15:47
wirelessmonkeysorry bedahr, yes I can hear recordings15:47
bedahrwirelessmonkey: ok thanks15:48
bedahrthe user who initially reported the problems with the sound in my application was using 8.10 and dist-upgraded to 9.0415:48
bedahrthat is when his problems started...15:49
BluesKajbedahr, make sure you have pulseaudio installed15:49
bedahrBluesKaj: why?15:49
bedahrI am not really a big fan of pulseaudio and AFAIK it is not running by default on Kubuntu?15:49
nameiner_piksi: I have the same problems, do you have a link to the bug you filed so I can confirm15:49
bedahr(I don't really know just there is nothing returned when I grep ps aux for "pulse")15:50
BluesKajit's doesn't install as the default on alot of setups, depending on their existing audio architecture15:50
piksinameiner_: intel xorg driver with intel gma x4500 or similar setup?15:50
nameiner_piksi: exactly15:50
bedahrwirelessmonkey: do you  have pulseaudio installed?15:50
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions15:50
bedahrBluesKaj: I know about pulseaudio15:50
bedahrI also know about the massive problems it caused in my previous experiences with it15:51
piksinameiner_: ok just a moment, launchpad seems to be annoyingly slow at the moment15:51
bedahralso, I don't really want people to force using pulseaudio if it is not nescessairy15:51
bedahrwirelessmonkey: do you use pulseaudio?15:51
wirelessmonkeybedahr - I thought I did, but apparently not. And I was all proud that I had a working pulseaudio setup :(15:51
BluesKajbedahr, not a fan of pulseaudio either but I have no choice in the matter.15:51
bedahrwirelessmonkey: ok so it should work without pulseaudio15:52
piksinameiner_: it's been moved here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/362919  so just add a comment after mine :-)15:52
bedahrI'll try it anyways to be sure15:52
wirelessmonkeyPulseaudio Perfect Setup guide: http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup15:52
nameiner_piksi: will do that15:53
peterzpiksi: corruption isn't he biggest problem with intel gfx, the driver crashes frequently on s2r15:53
Hedge|Hogdoes anyone know if kde 4.2.3 will be come to the intrepid repositories?15:55
piksipeterz: oh that too. about 50% of the time i have to coldboot after resume. luckily though the driver doesn't anymore crash when an app requests an opengl context like it did on 8.10....15:55
Yud_Zrocfor program conversion should i be in the off topic channel15:56
Hedge|Hogor actually the ppa.launcpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main repository15:56
Yud_Zrocany light waight text editor ( i wanna stay away from emacs and and the other one)15:58
nameiner_piksi: I'll try to reproduce the error and post a comment together with a screenshot15:59
bedahrwell with pulseaudio audacity doesn't even pretend to work...15:59
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Gnom_KillaI am running Ubuntu why did it send me kubuntu?16:01
Yud_ZrocGnom_Killa what irc cliant r u using16:02
bedahrYud_Zroc: according to his quit message it is KDEs Konversation16:02
piksinameiner_: great, let's just hope it won't take 9.10 to fix the bugs16:02
Yud_Zrocthat would be why lol16:02
bedahrwhich would explain #kubuntu...16:02
Yud_Zrocbedahr: by chance do you know any programs that are a like to windows (im trying to fully convert just need a few aps16:03
bedahrYud_Zroc: what apps do you need?16:05
Yud_Zrocwell i have a samsung juke that used windows media player to get its music from16:06
bedahrHave you tried Amarok?16:06
Yud_Zroci needed to sync it from it to get music on my phone16:06
Yud_ZrocAmarok, i havent tried yet but it looks amazing16:06
dwidmannIt looks amazing because it is.16:06
Yud_Zrocand what version of JRE should i install16:07
Yud_Zrocit gived too many listings in the apt installer program16:07
dwidmannYud_Zroc: current is version 616:07
bedahrYud_Zroc: errr... I am a gentoo user so I can't really answer in detail but you will probably have a choice between blackdown and the sun jre right?16:08
Yud_Zroci know that but it gives like 6 listings for version 616:08
bedahr(on gentoo you do)16:08
MariSpeak me16:08
bedahrok wait I'll have a look16:08
BluesKajbedahr , iI have the pulseaudio client libs installed , not pulseaudio itself ...now I'm confused because there doesn't seem to be any soundserver running under the alsa driver , except the linux-sound-base16:09
bedahrYud_Zroc: my first result is "default-jre"16:09
khaledhi all16:09
bedahrYud_Zroc: tried that? (the name is very convincing ^^)16:09
bedahrBluesKaj: ... I _don't_ like sound on linux...16:10
Yud_Zrocwhat is this concky i keep hearing about16:10
BluesKajbedahr, well whatever the server is my sound setup seems to be fine with the defaults :)16:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about conky16:11
bedahrYud_Zroc: a small "applet" on your screen printing info like what music you are currently playing, what time it is etc. nothing interesting imho16:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about konqy16:11
wirelessmonkeyconky == http://conky.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html16:12
dhuvhello all,I was wondering if there are any solutions for the Xorg CPU problem, it is making Jaunty feel very very sluggish16:12
dwidmanndhuv: try turning off desktop effects and see if its still sluggish16:12
bedahrBluesKaj: Yeah but sound is pretty much hit-and-miss. There are a hundred components involved that no-one really wants to touch in my experience. And if something goes wrong you will have a _really_ hard time finding out what it is...16:12
Yud_Zrocdhuv: are u usinbg an nvidia card16:13
bedahrYud_Zroc: If you are on KDE 4 you have a wealth of awesome looking plasmoids - don't waste your time on conky.16:13
dwidmannYud_Zroc: strangely enough, I've got an nvidia card and the most current driver and it's smooth as silk, quit the change from a year ago16:13
tomsdalebut be careful with CPU load - when using monitoring plasmoids - my experience16:14
bedahrdwidmann: yes I noticed that too. Wait for KDE 4.3 (trunk is running here) - it is even faster16:14
Yud_Zrocso should i stay away from compiz16:14
bedahrand the new air theme is gorgeous16:14
amarok--hey guys one question does blueman work on kubuntu 8.1016:15
tomsdalebedahr: do you know whether 4.3 will come as a regular update in jaunty or as a backport16:15
bedahrYud_Zroc: I would try the KWin effects first. For me it is enough eye-candy and it integrates better with the rest of KDE16:15
bedahrtomsdale: sorry - I am not even an Ubuntu user...16:15
puddleokay guys issues i REAlly am a linux noob. Somone set a root kit up on my machine. I turn it off turn it back on again and it starts with a blue screen. Checking for memory and stuff, Pleaz someone help.16:16
bedahrpuddle: did you start memtest?16:16
puddlememtest just came up bedahr16:17
bedahrpuddle: Does it say memtest86? Are there 2 progress bars on the upper right?16:17
puddleafter loading grub16:17
puddlememtest86 v1.7016:17
bedahrdid you manually select to boot memtest from grub or were there other boot options?16:17
puddleAnd its been doing it for 6 hours16:17
bedahrWell this is nothing to worry about16:17
puddlebedahr i am rooted man.16:18
bedahrit should reboot if you press escape16:18
puddleit does16:18
bedahrwhy would you think that?16:18
puddleand it starts with a scary blue screen16:18
puddleI have tryed everything. It loads straight to memtest.16:18
bedahrthis is just a memory check16:18
amarok--what has windows done to us all16:18
bedahrok wait a second16:18
bedahramarok--: lol16:18
amarok--a blue screen scares us16:18
bedahrpuddle: follow these instructions but wait for me to finish to write them down, ok?16:19
puddleso i am rooted with a root kit and all of a sudden it starts of with a memtest for 6 hours?16:19
puddlebedahr okay thanks16:19
bedahrdon't do anything until I say "Go" ^^16:19
wirelessmonkeywhy would you think you've been rooted?16:19
bedahr1. Don't panic - memtest is you rfriend :)16:19
bedahr2. reboot by pressing escape16:19
wirelessmonkeySounds more like a grub error, IME16:19
bedahr3. after your bios there is a short period of a few seconds where grub says "Press ESC to display menu..." or similar16:19
bedahr4. press escape to pull up the grub menu16:20
puddleI am rooted WITH A ROOT Kit i know i am16:20
bedahr5. List the options presented there. There will be likely an entry "Check Memory" or "Memtest" at the first position but what else is there?16:20
wirelessmonkeypuddle - it may be so, but nothing you've said indicates that. Nonetheless, bedahr is trying to push you through it, so I won't argue.16:20
bedahrpuddle: Go!16:20
bedahrpuddle: Fixed?16:22
puddlebedahr wait. My friend says put my kde disk in16:22
puddleAnd try it without loading then reinstall it.....16:22
puddle<k0pp> put your kubuntu cd in, load it, pick "try kubuntu without installing ... "16:23
bedahrpuddle: most likely you don't need to reinstall anything16:23
dhuvdwidmann: desktop effects are turned off16:23
dhuvYud_Zroc: I am using the opensource radeon driver16:23
bedahrpuddle: this will just start the live system off the install cd16:23
puddlebedahr look mate. I know i said im a linux noob16:23
puddlelook im being snooped on16:23
puddlei have a bot implanted in my pc16:23
Yud_Zrocdhuv: im only familiar with nvidia sorry16:23
puddleThis is whats scaring me the most16:23
Yud_Zrochave you tried using envy16:23
bedahrpuddle: Any proof or are you just being paranoid?...16:24
puddlebedahr yes16:24
puddlei dont a search16:24
dhuvkonsole just crashed when I resized it16:24
amarok--hey man you can reinstall kubuntu16:24
puddleI have a r00t kit.......16:24
puddleAnyways i will write down what you said bedahr and try it :)16:24
wirelessmonkeypuddle: you keep saying that. Does it mean what you think it means? If you're really that worried, you should reinstall.16:25
Yud_Zrocwould any of you recommend kate for a text editor for school16:26
yknott Yud_Zroc:sure16:26
aapzakkate rocks!16:26
yknottYud_Zroc:  and LaTeX for beautiful presentations and documents16:27
aapzakyknott: o yes16:27
wirelessmonkeyemacs-nox ftw!16:27
tomsdalehey, I wouldn'T mind looking over a couple of bugs and I just joined the BugSquad. Where do I go from there ?16:27
aapzakI use kile for beamer/latex docs for presentations16:27
aapzakkate for regular script editing16:28
Yud_Zrocwell i need a good editor for c++16:28
wirelessmonkeytomsdale - browse them on launchpad...16:28
aapzakonly one thing bothers me .. evince displays the graphics in the pdf much better than okular16:28
bedahrYud_Zroc: editor or IDE?16:28
aapzakgood question16:28
i3ooi3oo_Does anyone use electricsheep here ?16:29
tomsdalewirelessmonkey: ah, so you just pick something you like.16:29
Yud_Zrocbedahr: i used g++ as a compiler, im just looking for a good editor when i used windows i liked blood dev-C++16:29
aapzakYud_Zroc: I've seen some nice reviews about qt creator16:29
bedahrtomsdale: I would have an application for you that needs testing - there have been reported problems with the sound recording / playback on Jaunty :)16:29
aapzakthats an ide16:29
wirelessmonkeytomsdale: yes, if you can submit a patch for a bug, you should.16:30
bedahrYud_Zroc: that is an IDE. You could try qt creator it is quite nice16:30
Yud_Zrocaapzak: well all i want is lightwaight (the reason for switching to linux)16:30
bedahrKDevelop4 is not ready for production yet16:30
tomsdalewirelessmonkey: that'ts more than I signed up for! But I wouldnt mind testing confirming up to debugging if nescessary.16:30
Yud_Zrocthe lighter the better16:30
bedahrYud_Zroc: Have a look at QtCreator16:30
bedahrI am using vim but that might be a little to spartan I don't know16:31
tomsdalebedahr: sounds interesting. I have a Dell e6400 laptop, if testing on that hardware helps you16:31
bedahrany form of testing helps. Really interested? I would love to get some user feedback16:31
bedahrIt's about the speech recognition (command & control) application simon16:31
tomsdalebedahr: yes.16:32
aapzakYud_Zroc: I cannot say anything on qt creator weight, I'd say ... give it a try!16:32
bedahrtomsdale: cool. There is a precompiled deb package for the rc1 but it does not contain debug information16:32
wirelessmonkeyYud_Zroc: I think eclipse might work for you too.16:32
carpiiim trying to remote desktop from 8.04 to a new 9.10 install, and although i can connect, the display is recognisable but all corrupt. Is this a known problem?16:32
bedahrtomsdale: but you could use it to test if you experience the same sound problems. Does audacity work for you?16:33
tomsdalebedahr: yes - no problem16:33
bedahr(audacity and simon use the same library - portaudio - for recording and playback)16:33
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bedahrok you can get the newest precompiled version here: http://sf.net/projects/speech2text16:33
tomsdalebedahr: never tried recording though - although skype works.16:33
aapzakcan someone tell me if we had a fix in xorg or intel recently?16:33
amarok--guys anyone know how i can put videos on my ipod classic?16:33
bedahrwell skype has it's own soundstack afaik16:33
bedahrtomsdale: do you have a mic?16:34
Yud_Zrocintel works right out of box 80% of the time16:34
i3ooi3ooaapzak: why did you xorg die?16:34
wirelessmonkeyaapzak - If it's the Intel video dysfunction, I don't think so.16:34
tomsdalebedahr: well, the build in mic on my laptop and I think I can reuse a hedphone on the line in.16:34
aapzaki3ooi3oo: au contrere (how do you spell that?), it works fine!16:34
bedahrtomsdale: ok as long as your build in mic works with alsa (it does if skype works) it will be fine16:35
tomsdalebedahr: ah - will have to compile. I'm on 64bit.16:35
i3ooi3ooOh mine started getting a signal 11 on start up after restarting from a recent update16:35
bedahrtomsdale: yeah sorry...16:35
amarok--guys anyone know how i can put videos on my ipod classic?16:35
bedahrbut if you have to compile anyways would you mind getting the svn version?16:35
i3ooi3oostack dvds ontop if it16:36
tomsdalebedahr: np16:36
bedahrwait a second my sister just came in and wants to be entertained :)16:36
bedahrdo you know how to check it out from sourceforge?16:36
aapzaki3ooi3oo: it seems X is not leaking as much rss as before16:36
alex__hello, people16:37
amarok--helo alex16:37
aapzakhello person16:37
Yud_Zrochm maybe i should fix my audio16:37
alex__all of uyou using unix?16:37
bedahrYud_Zroc: welcome to the club :)16:37
aapzakalex__: I'm using linux :)16:38
alex__some days ago i installed ubuntu))16:39
amarok--guys what are your thoughts on super ubuntu ala super os16:39
aapzakamarok--: I like arch better :)16:39
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amarok--hi edolphy16:40
edolphycan anyone help me?16:40
edolphyI have problems with sound after upgrade kubuntu16:41
Mamarokedolphy: you have to be a tad more precise...16:42
edolphysorry, I chatting with amarok--16:43
Yud_Zrocaudio problem fixed16:44
Yud_Zrocsounds better than windows by 10 times16:45
crsHi guys.16:46
ilyast91hi , =)16:47
wirelessmonkeycrs - hello16:47
crsI dont really know how to enable nvidia drivers for this card: 05:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV44 [Quadro NVS 285] (rev a1)16:47
Yud_Zroccrs: get envy16:47
Yud_Zrocit makes ur life alot easier16:47
crshardware manager says that I have nvidia enabled but nvidia-setting says I am not16:47
Yud_Zrocill get u the link16:47
Yud_Zrocits a python script that does it for u and i have never had anyproblems with it16:48
crshardware manager says that I have nvidia enabled but nvidia-setting says I am don't.16:48
crsit works with kubuntu as well, doesnt it?16:49
Yud_Zrocworks with all versions of ubuntu16:49
Yud_Zrocand more16:49
crsYud_Zroc: Thanks for that16:51
Yud_Zroci used it with al my linux boxes16:52
crswhy ctrl-alt-backspace doesnt work here? ;p16:52
crsok, restart then16:53
carpiiim trying to remote desktop from 8.04 to a new 9.10 install, and although i can connect, the display is recognisable but all corrupt. Is this a known problem?16:53
draik_I was gifted a computer and I'm using it as my personal Ubuntu server. If I just want it to be local for me to access/share files, how would I go about doing that? I also want to be able to access them outside of my home network.16:53
carpiidraik, share the files using nfs is your best bet16:54
Yud_Zrocwhat is the /opt directory used for16:54
carpiibet accessing it outside your lan is a different story16:54
draik_carpii: OK. I'm still stuck on trying to give it a hostname16:54
carpiii name all mine after american ghost towns :p16:54
crsYud_Zroc: it works, thanks16:55
carpiiYud, i think some distros put user installed software in /opt.  Its probably just on ubuntu for compatability reasons16:55
draik_carpii: The word 'tryst' came up in my head and that's what I'm going with now. What should I put for Domain Name?16:58
SydneyGuyHow Can I make a domain name for my machine16:59
carpiijust leave it as localdomain, or pick something arbitary but same as desktop16:59
puddlebedahr its fixed i am installing it16:59
puddlefrom disk16:59
SydneyGuyif I call my machine say earth.com .. ???17:00
SydneyGuyAny problem17:00
carpiino, but dont expect it to be accessible from internet17:01
aapzakand dont expect to be able to browse to the real earth.com from that machine17:02
SydneyGuySay if I have 3 machines in a local network.. and I have a DHCP server ... and I made names for them .. can they access each other through their domain names17:02
carpiitheir hostnames,17:02
SydneyGuyI ment hostnames17:02
SydneyGuyand their domain name is part of the host name17:02
aapzakI believe hostname is just one name, no dots17:03
SydneyGuyOk .. How can I change the hostname and domain name permanently17:03
draik_carpii: So I should just use 'localdomain' for the domain name entry?17:03
draik_SydneyGuy: Your statement is contradictory.17:04
SydneyGuyAm I alone?17:06
aapzakI'm here!17:06
i3ooi3oowe are all alone17:06
jason_froebeI ran away ;-)17:06
* genii hides17:06
i3ooi3ooanyone use electricsheep ?17:07
aapzaki3ooi3oo: what can they do?17:07
amarok--bye everybody17:07
i3ooi3ooit's a fractal screen saver17:07
i3ooi3ooI can't get it to work on kubuntu17:07
aapzakah, I don't believe in cycle using screensavers17:07
aapzakjust blank it17:08
i3ooi3oofor my work PC17:08
aapzakeven then17:08
i3ooi3ooIf i was paying the power bill I would.17:08
i3ooi3oobut as i am using a monitor that is broken and does not power up properly I can not let it sleep17:09
i3ooi3ooor it might take 20 minutes to warm up and work again17:09
aapzaki3ooi3oo: that is a good reason17:09
i3ooi3ooso back to my question anyone use electric sheep?17:09
* i3ooi3oo just setup synergy between winxp and kubuntu17:10
bedahrYud_Zroc: what was your sound problem?17:11
Yud_Zrocis there a program that helps power useage17:11
bedahrtomsdale: still here?17:11
Yud_Zrocbedahr: i fixed that like a half hour ago17:11
aapzakdid I miss much?17:12
bedahrYud_Zroc: I know but I wasn't here and thought your solution might be something I could try out for my own audio problem17:12
i3ooi3ooonly lunch17:12
bedahrYud_Zroc: about the power-thing: tried powertop?17:12
Yud_Zrocnope will do in a sec though let me get u the link for my probklenm17:13
bedahrIt's a tool developed by intel if I recall correctly that lists imporvements that would make your setup more energy efficient17:13
Yud_Zroci use amd17:13
bedahrYud_Zroc: thanks17:13
bedahrYud_Zroc: I think it still works17:13
bedahrIt also lists tips like "USB powersaving disabled. Enable it by... blabla"17:14
bedahrYud_Zroc: thanks17:14
Yud_Zrocfixed my sound and flash sound17:14
bedahr... "Kubuntu users: Don't follow this guide..."17:14
bedahrI don't want to use pulseaudio if I can avoid it17:14
Yud_Zrocpulse audio isnt that bad17:15
Yud_Zroci am liking better than alsa17:15
Yud_Zrocsounds better17:15
bedahrthat is just impossible17:15
tomsdalebedahr: did you see my pm17:15
Yud_Zrocno u know what is imposible microsoft makeing something that works17:16
bedahrthats like saying the truck goes faster when putting a large stone on the back seat17:16
bedahrtomsdale: no I didn't, sorry17:16
tomsdalebedahr: I guess quassel - for some reasons I miss pms as well17:16
bedahrI am on irssi but never got around to learn how to use it17:17
BluesKajYud_Zroc pulseaudio and alsa don't do the same job, alsa is the driver and pulseaudio is the soundserver17:18
=== antonio__ is now known as CCnicko79
ubuntu_how do I mount a smb share?17:18
mackk431hello i am trying to use the program xvidcap to get some parts of my screen copied. everything runs well except the sound capturing. is anybody expierienced here who could provide tipps to get the sound with xvidcap?17:18
bedahrand as pulseaudio uses alas to do the heavy lifting it can't sound "better"17:19
popeymackk431: I'd use recordmydesktop instead17:20
mackk431recordmydektop says17:22
mackk431Couldn't open PCM device hw:0,017:22
mackk431Error while opening/configuring soundcard hw:0,017:22
mackk431Try running with the --no-sound or specify a correct device.17:22
bedahrmackk431: I have had problems with the sound in both xvidcap and recordmydesktop so I end up just recording the sound with audacity17:23
draik_On the server setup, I'm only making it so that I can share my files easily at home. All I need to choose for software is OpenSSH Server, right?17:23
BluesKajbedahr, yeah , I wish KDE devs would make up their minds which system they intend to use ...gnome uses pulseaudio as the default and as i understand it kde still uses the linux-sound-base17:23
mackk431trying audacity thanks17:24
p_quarlesdraik_: openssh-server will allow you to share files via sftp/scp; if that's what you're looking for, that's all you need17:25
mackk431i think some device in ubuntu doesnt free multiple access to it17:25
geniidraik_: With openssh-server you can just do fish://   protocol from home to it, yes17:25
mackk431to the sound device i mean17:25
bedahrBluesKaj: What do you mean by "linux-sound-base"?17:26
bedahrKDE4 uses phonon which is imho quite nice but still has no support for recording and AFAIK it is not planned to be extended soon17:26
draik_p_quarles: genii: Great. That's what I'm wanting.17:26
Yud_Zrochow do i force the removal of a directory that has stuff in it17:26
BluesKajbedahr , i looked for sound server in adept , that's all i could find that resembles one17:27
p_quarlesYud_Zroc: drag it to the trash? :)17:27
geniiYud_Zroc: Use the -r and -f options of the rm command17:27
bedahrBluesKaj: Phonon is not a sound server but an API17:28
bedahrit is a much thinner layer between ALSA and the application than pulseaudio17:28
bedahraaron seigo once did a very nice overview of current sound technologies on linux maybe I'll find it...17:29
amarok--guys i had a question17:30
BluesKajbedahr , looks like a real sound server required for those who want to record thru audacity etc , hence the pulseaudio option17:30
bedahrBluesKaj: no not really. A sound server is not _required_ for anything really.17:31
BluesKajbedahr, I mean live recording thru mics etc17:31
bedahrIn fact I don't use any17:31
eagles0513875amarok--: !ask17:31
bedahrOk here is my try at explaining what phonon / pulseaudio etc. does :)17:31
eagles0513875!ask | amarok--17:31
ubottuamarok--: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:31
amarok--i installed kubuntu in xforcevesa mode while installing it coz i had some problems with the display i got them fixed now could any one tell me how i can get back my original resolution and not be stuck in xforcevesa mode17:32
bedahrALSA is the library and the interface to the hardware. Using alsa commands you can record and play sound.17:32
bedahrIf your hardware does not support hardware mixing (playing to streams at once at hardware level) you were out of luck with earlier alsa versions17:32
eagles0513875amarok--: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:33
mackk431how do i use alsa commands to record sounds? what is the command?17:33
eagles0513875does vpn need to be done over a wired connection or can it be done over wifi17:33
bedahrso you could just use one sound-using application at a time. Because of this sound server emerged and did mixing in software (they collected multiple streams, muxed them into one and send that to ALSA to output)17:33
BluesKajbedahr , yes alsa is part of the linux-sound-base17:33
mackk431ive tried this before rec -d /dev/dsp test.wav17:33
mackk431he said17:34
amarok--hey man thanks for that very quick reply17:34
mackk431rec formats: can't open input file `/dev/dsp': Device or resource busy17:34
bedahrnow ALSA supports software mixing on its own (DMix / DSNoop) and sound server in the traditional sense became obsolete. However, they now do other stuff like per-application volume control, network transparency, etc.17:34
bedahrI don't need any of that.17:34
eagles0513875amarok--: no problem that should allow you to reconfigure your xserver and fix your resolution17:34
BluesKajothers might tho , bedahr17:34
mackk431the system cant access the device if it is used17:35
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mackk431so how can i record from it its always used if i want to record17:36
bedahrBluesKaj: that might be the case but the advantages are imho too specific to justify shipping with such a problematic software by default17:37
=== jaakko is now known as ATestdummy
bedahrmackk431: Close the other application that is using it or set up the dsnoop plugin (the second one is quite hard)17:38
mackk431i think the other application is the player i want to capture it from :)17:39
mackk431if i  close it i cant record17:39
bedahroh ok :)17:39
jseaboldHi all, using Kubuntu Jaunty and KDE 4.2.2. I was wondering where I could change the system wide charset in KDE.  I don't see it in System Settings anywhere, and am getting weird characters when I try to build some software from source.17:40
jseaboldIt's default according to Konsole is ISO-8859-1 and I think I'd rather be using UTF-8. Any ideas or suggestions?17:40
BluesKajbedahr, that was my complaint a while back after I realized pulseaudio was gnome only ...not that I want pulseaudio17:40
draik_I'm on my desktop and I followed the instructions for playing encrypted DVDs. It's an image and I can't seem to play it. All instructions have been followed for medibuntu and kaffeine17:40
mackk431the visual content though is captured except the sound17:40
mackk431i think i will get a micro and put it on the box to get the sound :)17:41
pinion_I'm running a couple of PC's off a KVM and Kubuntu 9.04 throws my resolution down to 800x600 as soon as I plug it back in to the KVM and reboot.  How can I force my standard 1280x1024?17:42
draik_pinion_: Mine did the same thing right now. Log out and restart your X server17:43
pinion_I have17:49
pinion_It didn't help anything17:49
hagabakais no one else getting a conflict when upgrading that results in removing linux-generic?17:53
draik_How can I change my TTYs to have green text instead of the standard white?17:53
draik_hagabaka: I am on desktop, laptop and netbook17:53
hagabakaoh you're getting the conflict on 3 computers?17:55
draik_hagabaka: Sorry, working on a server right now. Yes, all 3.18:07
hagabakaoh, other people are having it too, see the last few posts on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=723038718:07
amarok--hey guys i installed kubuntu in xforcevesa mode and  now it's giving me a display resolution of 800x600  how can i get out of this thing18:07
amarok--hey guys i installed kubuntu in xforcevesa mode and  now it's giving me a display resolution of 800x600  how can i get out of this thing18:09
bedahramarok--: (keep in mind that I am not an ubuntu user so this might not be the official way to do it) did you check your xorg.conf?18:14
bedahrI don't know what "xforcevesa" is but I assume it forces X to use the vesa driver instead of a better suited one (radeon / nv if you want to stay open source)18:15
amarok--yes an during the installation i was in that mode and it installed my pc in that vesa mode any idea how i can get out of this man18:16
bedahryour xorg.conf (/etc/X11/xorg.conf) should have a section "Device" which contains a line "Driver ...". Change that to the correct driver and add your resolutions to the "Screen" section18:16
bedahrthen restart your xorg.conf18:16
bedahrrestart xorg I mean18:16
amarok--ohk lemme try it18:17
wizardslovakwhat is the best picture editor?18:20
bedahrwizardslovak: for what purpose?18:25
Yondaime-k3wizardslovak... gimp is a very best picture editor ^^18:28
hidensofthi every body18:32
aapzakwhy o why is X taking 50% cpu load?18:32
hidensofti do install xampp18:32
hidensoftbut i can't access into htdocs18:32
hidensofti am new18:33
hidensoftplease help18:33
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.18:33
hidensoftubottu: problem is not xampp18:34
hidensofti can't access to some folder18:34
Picihidensoft: ubottu is a bot18:35
PiciI triggered the response.18:35
Picihidensoft: use sudo if you cannot access the folder.18:36
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)18:36
hidensofti using that18:36
hidensoftsudo su18:36
Picihidensoft: And what error are you getting?18:36
hidensoftaccess denied18:37
Picihidensoft: What path are you trying to access?18:37
geniihtdocs sounds like another dist's default18:37
hidensoftMedia :/opt/lampp/htdocs18:37
hidensoftthis path of xampp18:38
hidensoft Pici: i have another problem18:39
hidensoft Pici: when i tryed to login with root18:39
hidensofti can't18:39
hidensoftand password root18:39
Picihidensoft: The root account is locked. See the page above that ubottu linked you.18:39
=== ron is now known as Guest11781
fossilhow do i add a general list of servers like with mirc18:46
fossilhow do i add a general list of servers like with mirc18:47
hidensoftPici: in community says administrator can be do everything such as root18:48
geniifossil: It depends on what irc client.18:48
fossillol sry18:48
fossilforgot that18:48
hidensoftLogging in to X as root may cause very serious trouble18:49
fossilim not in x18:49
geniifossil: You have to manually add a list in Settings...Configure Quassel... Networks18:50
geniifossil: hidensoft forgot to address his comment to the person he was speaking with, don't worry, his message was not for you.18:50
fossilyea i knew that18:51
fossilf.... is there a port of mirc that runs on linux or will ineed wine18:51
fossiloh NVM18:52
carpiimirc runs in wine18:52
macofossil: what, none of the 30+ irc clients for linux work?18:52
fossilno no18:52
geniimaco:  :)18:52
fossili like mirc but i can grab my networks from my vista partition18:53
fossilso its all good :)18:53
jseaboldI was wondering how to change the system wide charset in Jaunty with KDE 4.2.2?18:53
fossilhavent a clue dude im an amature to linux dont know too too much sry18:54
fossilim good on linux tho18:54
macowindows, AFAICT, has mirc and xchat and pidgin. and we have....konversation, quassel, xchat, xchat-gnome, pidgin, irssi, weechat, ircii, bitchx, smuxi, sic...18:55
fossilOHYES is there a way to import mircs networks from windows18:56
fossili can get in the folder18:57
eagles0513875maco: windows also has kvirc which is also on linux18:57
macoeagles0513875: ah ok, hadnt heard of that one18:58
Hedge|Hogfossil: check out kvirc, actually quite close to mirc in experience19:06
carpiiim trying to remote desktop from 8.04 to a new 9.10 install, and although i can connect, the display is recognisable but all corrupt. Is this a known problem?19:08
jussi019.10? o.O19:08
Hedge|Hogi havent got kde4 to look good over vnc19:08
Hedge|Hoga lot of screen garbage both with and without kwin compositing19:08
carpiilook good, or look even remotely usable?19:08
Hedge|Hoglook good19:09
carpiilike this ?19:09
Hedge|Hogbut closing to unusable =D19:09
Hedge|Hogcarpii: link doesnt work?19:09
geniijussi01: Karmic repos are apparently open now.19:09
Hedge|Hogno, worked in firefox19:10
Hedge|Hogyes, something like that19:10
tsimpsongenii: it's really still jaunty19:10
carpiiok thanks, thats a real shame19:10
yamishidoes anyone knows a MMORPG for linux? ( not regnum )19:10
tsimpsonif anyone is using Karmic, they are insane or dumb, or both19:11
Hedge|Hogcarpii: i think ive seen that marked as a known problem somewhere, although i wouldnt promis it =D19:11
carpiiok, thanks for the help19:11
carpiiback to 8.04 for the time being i think :(19:11
Hedge|Hognp, would like to fix it myself =D19:11
Hedge|Hogkarmic is 9.10?19:12
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:12
nazwhich is a better VM to run kubuntu from vista64, suns virtual box, or VMware Workstation19:14
zerlordhow is it possible, that my linux system, which has the kernel version hardy do not found new releases when i use "sudo do-release-upgrade"?19:15
nazi can get my kubuntu to load up in either19:15
Hedge|Hognaz: in my experience vbox has acutally been more resourcefriendly both in linux and vista as host oses19:16
nazHedge|Hog: i have 2 hard disks one is Sata 320 hooked into port one which has windows vista 64 on it, the other is a IDE 160 using a IDE 2 SATA connector plugged into sata port 219:18
Hedge|Hognaz: noted19:19
carpiizerlord, you mean sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?19:20
Hedge|Hoginsults aside, you dont need separate discs or partitions to run a modern vm19:20
Hedge|Hogif that was what you meant19:20
eagles0513875i got all the updates to kde 4.2.3 but for some reason its still showign that i on 4.2.219:21
eagles0513875any idea why19:21
zerlordcaprii: this doesent work either19:22
nazHedge|Hog: on the 2nd hard drive i have Kubuntu 9.04 jaunty 64 bit19:23
naznow when i try to power it on using vista as the host i get a grub error 1719:23
zerlordfor what is sudo do-release-upgrade?19:23
Hedge|Hognaz: you can actually run atleast a vbox vm on a disc natively in write through mode, however this is not recommended and is quite a pain to set up19:24
Hedge|Hognaz: ok, as i said, its not recommended and it seems to have harmed a mbr or so19:24
Hedge|Hoggoogle fix grub ubuntu19:24
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:25
nazi still have grub19:25
Hedge|Hognice bot19:25
eagles0513875that 2nd link my help ya Hedge|Hog19:25
nazit works fine19:25
eagles0513875what is the issue naz19:25
Hedge|Hognaz: you got grub errors? in a vm or natively?19:26
nazbut when i power on my vm i get Grub error 1719:26
nazin a bm19:26
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:26
eagles0513875naz: check this out not sure if it would help at all http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44294519:26
Hedge|Hognaz: allright, install kubuntu on a virtual disc instead19:26
nazi got that error in Sun VBOX and VMware Workstation19:26
Hedge|Hog*virtual hdd19:27
eagles0513875the vm still has a bios so you might wanna try that forum post it might help19:27
nazso get rid of my linux partitions19:28
nazand install linux through vmware19:28
eagles0513875if you get rid of your linux partitions and you have windows on the duel boot you will loose access to windows19:28
Hedge|Hognaz: no need to get rid of it, but install kubuntu or whatever you want to run from the vm instead yes, that will probably be most painless, and you get just a little performance degradation19:29
nazsun vbox dont have a bios19:29
p_quarleseagles0513875: only until you run fixmbr19:29
zerlordhow can i upgrade hardy to jaunty jackalope?19:31
nazhow do i get passed this Grub Error19:31
nazhow do i get passed this Grub Error19:31
=== nielsslot_ is now known as nielsslot
geniizerlord: You have to do 8.04->8.10->9.04 path19:34
nazYou are using a SCSI physical disk.  SCSI physical disks do not dual-boot well (that is. an already installed operating system is unlikely to boot correctly inside a virtual machine). However, SCSI physical disks should work fine if used exclusively within the virtual machine.19:35
tsimpsongenii: there is a 8.04 -> 9.04 path19:35
zerlordgenii: ah okey! but how can i update to 8.10?19:35
tsimpsonzerlord: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.0419:35
geniizerlord: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:35
nazthen i get to19:36
nazGrub Loading Stage1.519:36
geniitsimpson: Interesting. You can skip now first intermediate version to go to second intermediate version from an LTS ?19:36
nazGrub loading please wait........19:36
nazFatal Error 1719:36
tsimpsongenii: it's kubuntu specific and 8.04 specific19:37
geniitsimpson: Aaaaaah, OK19:37
lordofthepigsWhat's a good partition editor for KDE4?19:40
ubunturos!hello | lordofthepigs,19:40
ubottulordofthepigs,: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!19:40
lordofthepigsit seems that qtparted is not in jaunty's repo any more19:40
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap19:40
ubottuPartitionManager is a !KDE !GUI partitioning program. Use !KPackageKit, !Adept or !Synaptic to install or type « sudo apt-get install partitionmanager » in a !terminal19:40
genii!info qtparted jaunty19:40
ubottuPackage qtparted does not exist in jaunty19:40
tsimpsonqtparted was dropped, for various reasons19:41
tsimpsonmostly because it sucked19:41
lordofthepigswhat package should I install to be able to create NTFS partitions?19:42
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages19:43
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:43
eijnardoes anyone have any idea why i'm only able to open attachments in thunderbird once?19:43
lordofthepigsmeh... PartitionManager doesn't allow creating NTFS partitions it seems19:43
iivvcan anyone teach me how to install the omnibook kernel module?19:43
lordofthepigsInstalling ntfsprogs did it.19:46
lordofthepigsThanks for the pointers guys!19:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about omke19:47
david__any program that will open rar files19:49
david__any program that will open rar files19:52
afeijohello ppl19:54
afeijoanyone have an itouch?19:54
wvmac_an ipod touch?19:58
jim1000I'm having trouble getting evolution to work with kubuntu 9,.04 . When I open a message with attachments only get" save as" no "open with"??20:07
iivvasobi: you have fios?20:07
jim1000sorry what is fios?20:08
iivvverizon's fiber optic internet20:08
jim1000no not me. sorry guess you were talking to someone else20:09
iivvoh yeah, i was addressing asobi. sorry20:09
jim1000lol wish I had fiber :)20:10
jim1000Anyone using evolution with latest kubuntu. Also I am using 64 bit so maybe only a problem with the 64 bit package/20:12
Yud_Zrocany good cd ripping software out i dond like K3B20:12
Yud_Zrocany good cd ripping software out i dont like K3B20:19
goshawkbrasero (gtk)20:20
Yud_Zrocdoes it work well with kubuntu20:20
Yud_Zrocis 40megs for 1 song a lil big or is it just me20:23
jason_froebeYud_Zroc - flac?20:28
Yud_Zrocill give it a try20:32
Yud_Zrocwehat format for music works best with kubuntu20:34
Yud_Zrocwhat format of music works best with linux/kubuntu20:38
geniiThere's no set anwer to that question.20:39
Yud_Zrocis ogg good20:39
geniiMost open-source people would prefer you use ogg or flac, however20:39
geniii3ooi3oo: No sense in converting something like an mp3 which is lossy into flac, though20:40
mandingoceodoes any know what repo i need as so i can apt-get kernel ?20:40
afeijohow to mount a shared folder that is in a machine in my intranet?20:40
i3ooi3ooBut i fyou are adding might as well make them flac since space is no longer an issue20:41
i3ooi3ooafeijo:  why type is it ?20:41
Yud_Zrocwell when i only have 200gig on my laptop i need to keep it light20:41
i3ooi3oosmb share ?20:41
afeijothe shared is windows20:41
Yud_Zrocwhat is a good ogg ripper ( i want to rip songs from my cd's to ogg for amarok20:42
DocTomoeYud_Zroc: try the audiocd:/ KIO-slave20:43
i3ooi3ooafeijo:  is smbfs installed ?20:43
olujiczI have missing some icons in quassel, do I have to install some pkg to fix it?20:43
herpiekubuntu intrepid. how do i "safely" remove a usb drive ?20:43
afeijoi3ooi3oo: on my linux machine?20:44
mandingoceodoes any know what repo i need as so i can apt-get kernel ?20:44
DocTomoethis is likely asked several times by now, but I can't seem to find a FAQ: How do I get sound back in flash on 9.10?20:44
olujiczherpie: unmount20:44
afeijoi3ooi3oo: I dont think so, can I install it thru apt-get?20:44
herpieolujicz: ugh i dont feel like typing on the command line becuase you dont have to in windows.20:45
yoni9972the improtant change is that you give read permission on all your news files to all.20:45
yoni9972This is also some minor another changes.20:45
herpieolujicz: and it's umount btw20:45
yoni9972sorry I want to ask something else20:45
yoni9972Hi, i have problem with cannon lbp 2009 at ubunto 9/04 I have the trroubleshout.txt file. Can someone help me plaese. I can send him/her the file and explain this.20:45
geniimandingoceo: Google tells me to point you at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.29/20:45
mandingoceocool thanks20:46
i3ooi3ooafeijo:  hold one sec ok20:46
afeijosure, thanks :)20:46
geniimandingoceo: If it borks your box, don't come here for support!20:46
mandingoceono problem20:47
i3ooi3oomount -t cifs //COMPUTER_NAME/Share_name /remote -o username=username20:48
afeijotesting ...20:48
DocTomoeseriously, no pointer for that darn "no sound in flash"-problem?20:49
=== william is now known as Guest32355
i3ooi3ooafeijo:  yes you need to install smbfs20:50
=== tim__ is now known as [TiM]
[TiM]Kubuntu is very nice, thank you.20:51
afeijoi3ooi3oo: worked! thanks20:51
[TiM]It's been ages since i've played with it, installed it now on my laptop, very good.20:51
Yud_Zrocso um ok so now i kinda know what i want20:51
yoni9972Hi, i have problem with cannon lbp 2009 at ubunto 9/04 I have the trroubleshout.txt file. Can someone help me plaese. I can send him/her the file and explain this20:51
=== stippi is now known as Le_Coq
i3ooi3ooafeijo:  thanks I need to set that up on this pc again so thanks for the questions20:52
Yud_ZrocAny ripper that puts my ripped filed in ogg with selected bit rate, into a cirtain folder20:52
DocTomoeYud_Zroc: open konqueror, enter audiocd:/ into the URI bar20:52
yoni9972yoni9972: try20:53
Yud_Zrocok from there what do i do20:54
i3ooi3oohi to 120:54
Yud_ZrocDocTomoe: from there what do i do to rip it properly20:54
DocTomoeYud_Zroc: Just get to the appropriate folder (OGG should work), then drag 'ndrop the files to where you want them20:55
DocTomoeYud_Zroc: it doesn't get much easier.20:55
Yud_Zrochm ok20:55
DocTomoeOK, any idea on how to make youtube videoshave sound once again?20:58
devilsadvocateDocTomoe: if you disabled pulseaudio or moved it to a lower priority in solid, then move it back up21:00
DocTomoedevilsadvocate: I tought there was no pulseaudio in kubuntu?21:00
yoni9972and this is my problem:21:00
yoni9972i have problem with cannon lbp 2009 at ubunto 9/04 I have the trroubleshout.txt file. Can someone help me plaese. I can send him/her the file and explain this.21:00
devilsadvocateDocTomoe: i have it. it might have been because i installed ubuntu to start with. doing that fixed my problem.. i had earlier moved pulseaudio down due to some shittyness21:01
condevão-se foder cabrões da merda21:08
lazyHi i am having trouble installiing flash to ubuntu 9.04 64-bit.21:09
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lazyHi i am having trouble installiing flash to ubuntu 9.04 64-bit can anyone help me with this?21:11
mackk431whats the problem lazy21:26
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mackk431i use xvidcap and dont get the sound to work need help21:30
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brian__anyone tried python under unr (the netbook version)21:31
mackk431if i use hypercam in windows the mpeg is not working and if i use xvidcap the sound isnt working21:32
mackk431but i get the sound with hypercam and the mpeg with xvidcap :)21:32
mackk431so i can resemble the movie but it would be cool if the sound would work with xvidcap21:32
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LaeborgMy computer freezes around one times a day, so I have to turn off the psu, for restarting. RAM is tested O.K.21:41
LaeborgWhat can it be? I know its a hardware problem21:41
Laeborggfx, cpu?21:41
david___Need help with ARK it will not open rar files http://pastebin.com/m798174c921:42
olujiczLaeborg: My computer freezes when my gpu start to die21:43
Laeborggpu ?21:43
olujiczbut it was more than one time a day21:43
olujiczLaeborg: Nvidia 730021:43
Laeborggpu is that on my gfx ?21:43
LaeborgSo it could be my gfx21:43
BluesKaj!ru | alex___21:43
ubottualex___: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:43
Laeborgthe pc almost always freeze if I start a video or so21:44
olujiczLaeborg: first i have problem on DVI and then I switched on VGA21:45
LaeborgOkay that worked for you ?21:45
olujiczbut after some time VGA died also21:46
ranierisalve a tutti21:46
=== ranieri is now known as ranfo
david___Need help with ARK it will not open rar files http://pastebin.com/m798174c921:48
kyle_kubuntu or xubuntu?21:51
kyle_i was using it and reformated to kubuntu and its interface better21:54
david__how can i get ark to open rar files http://pastebin.com/m798174c922:03
carpiiinstall unrar22:04
ranfonon parlo inglese22:04
eagles0513875hey guys i just did a clean install on my desktop and its not finding my internet connection22:06
eagles0513875this is no a clean install of jaunty22:06
david__carpii already installed unrar??22:06
snarksteranyone know where you get steam from?22:10
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david__a pot of boiling water22:11
snarksterdavid__: very funny man.. lol22:14
david__just kidding22:14
snarksterive read alot about it, just wanted to know is it a wine program or is there a linux version?22:14
evlkmSalut, je suis nouveau et novice22:15
carpiiplease, try to at least make a bit of an effort22:15
david__snarkster http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Steam22:18
david__how can i get ark to open rar files http://pastebin.com/m798174c922:18
mackk431i am still trying to get xvidcap sound to work without success and would appreciate help22:18
snarksterthank you very much guys22:20
popeymackk431: have you considered recordmydesktop?22:20
mackk431yes popey sound isnt working there also22:20
=== oliveira is now known as sfoliveira
shock_day13hey fellows ive installed 7zip but i was unable to use cos it does not show up in any menu does anyone know how to use 7zip in jaunty?22:33
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=== ubuntu_ is now known as afeijo
afeijocan I burn a cd while using kubuntu live cd?? :p22:51
xjjkafeijo: if your CD burner is another device, sure22:54
afeijoxjjk: its not22:54
xjjkafeijo: then no22:54
xjjkafeijo: you can create a Live USB key, boot from that, freeing up your recorder22:54
afeijoxjjk: cool!! any link with the steps?22:54
xjjkafeijo: it's included with the Ubuntu Live CD in the menus somewhere22:55
afeijohttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Live_USB_creator ?22:55
xjjkyes, that22:55
afeijoI'm downloading kubuntu 9.04, can I use it to the usb ?22:55
franciscohello, im new in linux, i dont undertand how install program, this its my firts day usin linux (ubntu)22:55
franciscosorry for my bad english22:56
xjjkafeijo: yes, AFAIK any *ubuntu LiveCD can be turned into a Live USB key with that tool22:56
xjjkafeijo: it's worked well for me22:56
afeijosweet, I'll try22:56
xjjkafeijo: though, I have had problems with the alternate installer22:56
afeijowell I have 20 min. to learn how to do it, until my .iso downloads ;)22:57
xjjkit's incredibly easy22:57
xjjkbut start now, the tool is not fast22:57
xjjkand if you can get by with a CD image, use a CD image22:58
xjjkit takes a *very* long time with DVD images22:58
afeijoyes, CD22:58
afeijobut if I have USB kubuntu, I can use it to install on my HD right?22:58
afeijothats my goal22:58
afeijomy current kubuntu 8.04 isnt working, I lost keyboard and mouse on the login :(22:59
nethanshi guys23:01
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kubuntu-fr23:01
afeijoxjjk: how do I run that setup.py file?23:01
xjjkafeijo: what setup.py file23:01
vbgunzanybody know if there is a command that will spill everything that is needed to be known about a host computer from a live-cd? e.g., I need to get how many disk, the total size of data per disk, etc of the computer... is there a diagnostic dump type command from the live-cd?23:01
afeijoof the usb-creator23:01
nethanshi guys.. I wanted to know if there is any ubuntu aplication to create multiple sessions toward a server.. I want to do that toward a firewall,, I want to recreate a problem where my firewalls goes down when it reach a session limit so do you know something like this ?23:02
xjjkafeijo: err, which LiveCD are you using? the Ubuntu one?23:02
afeijokubuntu 8.0423:02
xjjkafeijo: ahhh, that tool isn't included with the kubuntu LiveCD23:02
xjjkafeijo: in a konsole, type sudo aptitude install usb-creator23:02
afeijoI downloaded usb-crator.tar.gz23:02
xjjkafeijo: you shouldn't need to install anything23:03
xjjkafeijo: er, and after that, sudo aptitude install python-gnome223:03
xjjk(the latter is the workaround to a bug report that I filed)23:03
afeijoxjjk: my apt-get dont know usb-creator23:03
xjjkafeijo: er, did you say you're using 8.04?23:03
xjjkafeijo: ubuntu 8.04 doesn't include usb-creator in the main repositories23:04
nethanshi guys.. I wanted to know if there is any ubuntu aplication to create multiple sessions toward a server.. I want to do that toward a firewall,, I want to recreate a problem where my firewalls goes down when it reach a session limit so do you know something like this ?23:04
xjjkafeijo: install python-gnome2, and let me get a link for you23:04
xjjkafeijo: download and install this: http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/u/usb-creator/usb-creator_0.1.10~hardy1_all.deb23:05
xjjkdownload, and then run dpkg --install usb-creator*deb23:05
xjjkafeijo: then, run aptitude again23:05
xjjkand make sure all its dependencies get installed23:05
xjjkafeijo: also, you can add hardy-backports via software sources23:06
nethanshardy-backports _?..23:06
lechathi, where the french kubuntu channel, if he exist :) ?23:06
lechatis *23:06
vbgunzanyone know how to get a human readable list of diagnostic information about a computer running a live-cd?23:06
afeijoxjjk: error: Dependency is not satisfiable: python-central.  But apt-get told that that module is up to date23:07
xjjknethans: selected software from later versions of ubuntu is backported to that distribution23:07
xjjkafeijo: meh, it's probably easier to just use software sources23:07
xjjkafeijo: sorry about telling you download this and that, apparently doing it that way is not so easy23:07
afeijoxjjk: no problem :)23:08
aloneawhat is with the blocked updates? just a precaution? no option to do them anyway?23:08
david__how can i get ark to open rar files http://pastebin.com/m798174c923:08
david__keeps giving theese errors23:08
OxDeadC0deif you wanted to setup a central server and some terminals, but the terminals run windows xp, server running linux, is it at all possible or is this a crazy whacked out idea that I'd need windows server and netbios for (For a corporate environment, go to work, open your laptop, login to your work account instead of your local laptop account, so the IT guy can maintain all the accounts on a single server instead of on each employee computer)23:09
OxDeadC0dedid that cut off?23:09
david__y even use windows at all?23:10
OxDeadC0debecause the employees computers will not be the companies23:10
OxDeadC0dethat's not my choice23:11
Guest58937Hi all23:11
djprofessorkhey how do i use this23:14
djprofessorkim a little confused on how to search for channels23:14
djprofessorkcan anyone please help?23:14
afeijoI cant find how to install usb-creator on my kubuntu 8.0423:15
david__OxDeadCOde looks like it is possible!23:15
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dwidmannI've got a question about the locate/updatedb command. Is there any way to get it to index all mounted filesystems, rather than just /, or just/media/something ... etc23:17
OxDeadC0dedavid__: with samba and netbios?23:17
afeijoxjjk: there is no alternative to usb-creator?23:18
xjjkafeijo: did you use software sources to neable hardy-backports23:18
xjjkand hardy-proposed23:18
xjjkafeijo: there are several, but for Ubuntu, usb-creator is the best23:19
xjjkafeijo: unetbootin is another similar tool23:19
afeijosources? no23:19
xjjkafeijo: yeh... enable those repositories23:19
xjjkthen update your package lists23:19
xjjkusb-creator should be there23:19
xjjkand it should fetch all the dependencies for you23:19
afeijoapt-get update?23:20
xjjkafeijo: yeh23:20
xjjkafeijo: preferably, you should use aptitude or synaptic23:20
afeijoxjjk: sudo aptitude install usb-creator?23:22
xjjkafeijo: yes23:22
afeijodidnt work, I dont see why not23:22
xjjkafeijo: what happened23:23
afeijofound a line, "no candidate version for usb-creator"23:23
xjjkafeijo: are you sure you enabled hardy-backports23:23
afeijoI dont know how :$23:23
xjjkafeijo: hold on...23:23
xjjkafeijo: er, rather23:23
david__OxDeadCOde yeah im thinking samba maybe putty23:24
xjjklook up how to edit your software sources in ubuntu/kubuntu23:24
xjjker, kubuntu rather23:24
afeijosources.list ?23:24
xjjkafeijo: yes, that's the manual way to do it23:24
afeijoI'm there23:24
xjjkafeijo: you'll see lines called "hardy" and "hardy-security"23:24
afeijoonly 5 sources23:24
xjjkcopy one of the ones that is prefixed with deb http://blah...23:25
xjjkchange the word that says hardy to hardy-backports23:25
xjjkafeijo: there's a GUI tool for this23:25
david__OxDeadCOde if putty allows windows to acces linux server through tcp/ip then it should be possible23:25
OxDeadC0dedavid__ I was hoping to do without external software though, I've seen windows machines that allowed logins to remote workgroups before, that's what I'm looking for23:26
afeijostill no luck23:27
OxDeadC0deI'm not actually setting it up, a buddy of mine is for a presentation in school, or at least is looking up info about it since windows server is freaking 999 for the cheapest one (Not counting their lame webserver version)23:27
david__OxDeadCOde keep looking youll find something sry couldnt be more helpfull23:27
xjjkafeijo: it's still saying that usb-creator has no candidates?23:28
afeijofound a guide, wait23:29
OxDeadC0dewell thanks for the help anyway david__ =)23:29
david__OxDeadCOde looks to me like samba on your linux server should privide you with all you need http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/connect-linux-server-windows-server-2003-2008/23:30
david__OxDeadCOde or maybe im way off base take a look at this link!23:31
afeijono, the guide consider that you have usb-creator installed :(23:31
david__OxDeadCOde http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/connect-linux-server-windows-server-2003-2008/23:31
OxDeadC0deawesome, primary domain controller, that's what I'm looking for! thanks for the verification david__23:31
david__OxDeadCOde np23:32
xjjkafeijo: lookup how to add different repositories23:34
xjjkafeijo: I don't remember how to do this off the top of my head, it's the kind of thing you only do once23:34
afeijoxjjk: I guess it is by adding lines to the sources.list23:34
xjjkafeijo: yeh, that's the manual way to do it23:35
xjjkafeijo: post your sources.list to a pastebin, I can look at it23:35
xjjkafeijo: where's there "main restricted".. change it to "main restricted universe"23:36
xjjkafeijo: for reference: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy-backports/usb-creator23:37
xjjkafeijo: do that throughout the file23:38
david__I need help with ark it keeps sending this error when I try to open rar files http://pastebin.com/m798174c923:38
ActionParsnipxjjk: kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list23:39
xjjkActionParsnip: direct towards afeijo23:39
ActionParsnipafeijo: (see above) add the repo address to that file, save, exit kate, then run: sudo apt-get update23:39
ActionParsnipafeijo: if you get an error about gpg keys i can advise if you pate the error23:40
afeijomy aptitude just dont update python-central, it is stuck with 0.6.5ubuntu1 version :( not 0.6.723:42
azizi want to have a 3GB swap partition, but it seems like only 1.5GB are used.23:43
afeijohow can I force it to install python-central ?23:44
ActionParsnipaziz: if you have a 3gb swap and there is 1.5gb used, thats fine23:44
ActionParsnipafeijo: add a repo for it23:44
xjjkafeijo: sudo aptitude install python-central23:44
afeijoActionParsnip: I just did23:45
ActionParsnip!info python-central23:45
ubottupython-central (source: python-central): register and build utility for Python packages. In component main, is standard. Version 0.6.11ubuntu7 (jaunty), package size 44 kB, installed size 320 kB23:45
xjjkafeijo: I shouldn't have told you to install with dpkg --install, sorry23:45
afeijoxjjk: I did try it several times23:45
xjjkafeijo: what does it say?23:45
afeijothat its up to date23:45
afeijodpkg? you didnt23:45
xjjkafeijo: then it's installed...23:45
ActionParsnipxjjk: then run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade23:45
afeijonot its not, I have 0.6.5 not 0.6.723:45
xjjkerr, blah23:45
afeijoActionParsnip: I cant run upgrade, I'm in a live cd23:45
xjjkafeijo: paste your sources.list again23:46
xjjkafeijo: I'll fix for you23:46
ActionParsnipafeijo: you can upgrade the apps in the live cd23:46
afeijoActionParsnip: why would I upgrade over 200 stuff ? :)23:46
ActionParsnipafeijo: it will upgrade the files in the live cd environment23:46
afeijoI know, but it would take long time no?23:46
ActionParsnipafeijo: and be lost on reboot23:47
ActionParsnipdepends on your conection23:47
xjjkafeijo: why do you have a line there for sid23:47
afeijo8 mb23:47
xjjkafeijo: I'd remove that...23:47
afeijoxjjk: trying to update python-central with that23:47
ActionParsnipafeijo: if you have a 3gbps connection, no it wont23:47
azizActionParsnip: sorry, I was unclear. I mean only 1.5GB are recognized, but the swap partition is actually 3GB large.23:47
xjjkafeijo: do *not* use that23:47
xjjkdebian is a completely different distribution23:47
david__I need help with ark it keeps sending this error when I try to open rar files http://pastebin.com/m798174c923:47
xjjkafeijo: just wondering.. did you look up software sources23:47
xjjkthis should be a task of clicking off two checkboxes23:48
afeijopython-central (>= 0.6.7) but you have 0.6.5ubuntu123:48
afeijoxjjk: in what app to do that?23:48
ActionParsnipdavid__: have you installed rar stuff?23:48
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free23:48
xjjkafeijo: it's called software sources in the menu23:48
xjjkI don't remember how to access it23:48
ActionParsnipdavid__: you can extract rar with:   rar x <rar file>23:49
afeijomine is in portuguese, let me searc23:49
afeijoadept manager?23:49
ActionParsnipdavid__: you could try uninstalling (and purging) ark, then reinstalling it23:50
xjjkafeijo: I think so23:50
david__ActionParsnip how would i do that?23:50
afeijoI think I found that screen, what to set there?23:50
ActionParsnipdavid__: its not something i use personally but at least you can use your file, and troubleshoot ark when you get time23:51
aziznever mind guys, I resized the partition a few times, it finally works.23:51
xjjkafeijo: do you see settings for software sources23:51
ActionParsnipdavid__: sudo apt-get --purge remove ark; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install ark23:51
afeijoI have 4/5 checkboxes enabled23:52
xjjkafeijo: go there, and look for enabling something called hardy-backports and hardy-proposed23:52
xjjkafeijo: I think it's under the "Updates" tab23:52
xjjkafeijo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu23:52
xjjkthe Kubuntu tool is identical to the Ubuntu one AFAIK23:52
afeijoyes I have main, restricted, universe and multiverse23:53
ActionParsnipjust add the repo to the text file23:53
ActionParsnipso much easier23:53
xjjkActionParsnip: honestly, it's not23:53
xjjkhow does he know the syntax23:53
ActionParsnipxjjk: its exactly the same as what he's going to paste into the repo adder23:54
xjjkActionParsnip: he's not adding a repository, he's adding a distribution23:54
xjjkafeijo: http://pastebin.com/d19f252e823:54
xjjkuse that as your new sources.list23:54
xjjksudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude install usb-creator23:54
ActionParsnipadding a distribution?23:55
xjjkafeijo: blah, forgot a line...23:56
xjjkafeijo: use this: http://pastebin.com/d2e91cefe23:56
xjjkafeijo: the problem here is that usb-creator was released *after* hardy was released23:56
ActionParsnipoh i get it now23:56
xjjkbecause of that, you have to go through these hoops to get it23:57
xjjkbut really, the hoops are only clicking 2 or 3 checkboxes23:57
xjjkor updating this file (that is, if you know how to edit it)23:57
afeijoomg, I think it will work now23:57
afeijothanks A LOT xjjk23:58
xjjkafeijo: sorry this was so convolted23:58
xjjkapparently kubuntu's documentation isn't very complete23:58
afeijoit was fun and I learned a few more things :)23:58
xjjkand there are a LOT of howto's that make you do too many steps23:58
xjjkand make things more difficult than they are23:58

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